THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA TUESDAY HORNING- , MARCH S , 1898 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY F1TE CENTS. ENGLAND SEES WAR British Statesman Thinks Peace of World ia Threatened ! WIIL TAKE A MIRACLE TO PRESERVE IT Consols Slump on News from Africa and America. PANICKY FEELING ON STOCK EXCHANGE Believed thdt Spain Desires to Provoke Enptnra. ENGLAND HAS TROUBLES OF ITS OWN I'orolKii ComiillenlloiiN LVrlne Hint Mny HcHiilt In the IleHlKiintlon of Snllnluirj' KnKll"h Option * ' on AVnr NhliM. ( Copyright. IMS , by PreM imbllshlnR Company. ) LONDON , March 7. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Nothing short of u mlraclo can preserve the peace of the world now , It Is believed among British statesmen and politicians. Nat since the Na poleonic wars has danger threatened from to many quarters. Today's none from Wash ington , combined with the grave tidings from China and West Africa , rent consols lown one-half on the Stock exchange and tKJo panicky feeling there was reflected In the House of Commons lobby. The report that Spain had given tbe United States to iindetatand that It desired the recall o ! General Leo from Cuba was regarded In par llamentary circles cs po'sltlve evidence of n desire to provoke a rupture. In their prea ent temper Englishmen would regard wltl disfavor the transfer of ony British-bull war ships to any foreign country. The admiralty was savagely attacked today for permitting Spain to take away two tar pcdo ve/ysels recently completed for It , yet aswas cabled lest week , those boats were only the partial filling of an order from Spain given moro than a year ago , when four torpedo catchers were contracted for from the Falrfleld Shipbuilding company. It Is proof of the extreme exigency of Spain's requirements that those two completed tor pedo catchers arc accepted , notwithstanding that they failed In their recent speed trials nnd showed other defects which there has not been time to make good. They were contrnctcd for as thirty-knot boats , but they only attained twenty-five knots. The work on the remaining two boats Is being strenu ously pushed , but It cannot bo completed under six weeks at the earliest. But Englishmen , are too deeply preoccu pied with their own critical condition with France and Russia to devote very much attention to the latciit dnvelopmcnt of the American-Spanish situation. The ncjvs ca bled yesterday that th'e British government had secured options prior to all nations on every available war ship building In British yards was current today In the House o" Commons where. It was said that the Brit ish navy estimates to bo Issued this week will contain a surprise In the form of an announcement tbat , owing to the threaten ing aspect of affairs and the delay In the completion of the contracts on war ships caused by the engineers' strike , the govern ment has completed Its promised naval pro gram by securing the right to purchase the ships now being built on the Tyne and the Clyde. Public feeling Is so thoroughly wrought up that this or any other measure of national defense would be warmly ap proved. A report lu prevalent In the House of Com mons tonight that Prime Minister Salis bury's resignation cannot be delayed long. Faith In his wls-Jom and courage as foreign minister has been dissipated , and with war clouds arising on all sides It Is felt that his continuance at the head of affairs Is a great national danger to the empire. PRESS COMMENT. LONDON , 'March 7. All the morning pa pers comment on the menacing aspect of af fairs In the far cast. The Dally Chronicle , In a strong editorial , says : "As a rebuff to Lord Salisbury , nothing could be more clear and painful. Russia has simply began the partition of China. If anybody asks what China will do tbe answer Is simple. There Is no such thing as China. The real questions arc : What will England do , and what Japan ? "If over Great Britain needed a strong man it Is now , and the country will learn with dissatisfaction that again , at a moment of acute crisis , the premier's health compels Mm to go abroad. Thus , both the queen and the prime minister are to be absent when their presence Is peculiarly needed. " The ministerial Standard's editorial Is milder , but to the same effect as the Dally Chronicle's , and says : "Years may pass In the execution of the designs , but from the en moment the covenant Is signed the partition of China Is begun. The disguise Is too thin ' to be meant to deceive. It Is no wonder tha > t the eyes of the nation are fixed lu eager ex pectation upon Japan. The question remains whether England will resist Russia or pro ' ceed to restore the equilibrium by Independ I- ent measures of Its own. " A dispatch from Nagasaki. Japan , to the Dally 'Mall says the Oorean cabinet , W.t * the exception ot the foreign minister , Mir Chong Mouk. has resigned because Mlti granted the Deer Island concession to Russia without the consent of tht > cabinet. ODESSA , Starch 7 , The Russian govern ment has ordered thirty new torpedo boats < o augment the Russian Pacific squadron al VlaiHvoatock and Port Arthur. Russia alsc proposes to keep eight cruisers ot the volun teer fleet continually In far eastern water * Instead ot the Black sea , so as to avoid the Tiosslblllty of being hampered by Greai Urltaln closing the SUCK canal. JJPAMSII VIEW OF T1IIJ SITUATION fr'uith ExprrMcd In I'lllninte Snccem of Autonomy , ( CVpyrlslit. IK'S , ! ) ) Prcu Publlthlns Company. ] MADRID , .March 7. ( New York World Ca. Wegrain Special Telegram. ) I have had iiiost Interesting Interview wltb tbe Spantal statesman who te most competent to expret : the sentiment of thu liberal party and gov ernment on the state ot affairs In Cuba , anc Spain's relations wltb tbe United States. "The Hanava rlota In January did ui grievous hsrm. " be said. "They created at .unfavorable Impression lu tbe United States even In government circles , causing at American fleet to be aent to Cuban waten aud the Ill-fated cruder Maine to Havana Moreover , we got an Intimation tbat If ordei should be seriously disturbed , Marsha "Blanco recalled , aud tb liberal policy am tMM ra * top w4 , AJMTlf * WtuM fere sooner than let the old colonlaljpollcy be re-cstabllihed or Wcylcr return to Cuba. "De Lome made mischief. Then came the Dupuy de Lome Incident , which cast for awhile a slur on the sincerity of Spain In the commercial negotiations and In the colonial nial policy. 'Such events naturally created tension In our relations with the United States , embarrassed the action of the new pledged colonial government , played Into the hands of the Cuban juntas abroad , and above all paralyzed the negotiations which previ ously were progressing favorably with many Insurgent leaders. It took time and trouble to repair nuch mishaps and to avert a rup ture of relations and friction after the letter of Do Lome. But wo have weathered the storm and do not fear fresh complications from the Maine catastrophe , In view of the fair disposition of the American government and of a majority of the press and the pub lic In the states. U cannot be denied that home rule Is advancing In Cuba , the prepara tions for the elections permitting us to hope that the Insular chambers will be elected In March and meet In April at the same ttmo as our Cortes. We feel certain that the Cu ban Parliament will contain a majority of autonomists with a respectable minority , composed of members of the old Spanish party headed by the marquis of Apcztegula. "Nobody In Spain believed that the gov ernment would allow Weyler to return to Cuba to take part In the elections. Nor Is It probable that ho will bo elected or any of his candidates. Even In Spain Weyler now possesses no considerable Influence with the politicians or military men outside of the equally discredited Romero Rohledo. "It Is no longer of much Importance for the West Indies to Bend their best men to the Spanish Senate and House ot Deputies. l ! Is far more Important to keep them In the local assemblies. Besides , the only Im portant question for the colonies outalde of the treaties of commerce likely to be dls cussed In the Imperial Parliament will be , by and by , the settlement of the Cuban debt , which eon bo negotiated between the Impe rial and colonial cabinets when the time comes. "Wo are all perfectly aware of the short comings of the new colonial cabinet , but It pulls so far In harncos pretty well. Oal- vcz , the premier , Is a valuable leader , though aged. Montoro Is very Intelligent , tliougl ; lacking decblon and activity since his health has been Impaired by serious Illness. Zayaa ar.d Rodriguez arc both respectable poll tlclans , but Govlu and Dolz are active , go ahead , resolute men , whom wo count upon most for the success of home rule and ot the negotiations to convince the Insurgents and their leaders that It Is useless to prolong the hopeless struggle. "I don't assert that Gallxto Garcia or Sraxlmo Gomez are disposal to give In soon but the latter was Inclined to leave the Island moro than once during ths presen rising. I believe the bulk of the Insurgents will give In when they see no prospect ye of exhausting our resources. It Is a grea error to suppose that our finances ae ex haunted. We can raise moro money In the Peninsula and we can reduce the cxpendl lures largely In Cuba by rigorous economy fay bringing homo a great number of officers and all the men In bad health as teen an the rainy season begins. Unnecessarily costly and numerous military forces have been kcp In Cuba. We share- the opinion ot Marsha Blanco that peace can be maintained In th four western provinces with a comparatively small army , assisted by the colonial volun tccrs , and that In the eastern provinces only 30,000 men will bei required to deal the las blows to the Irreconcilable leaders and bandc that will not accept autonomy and the honor able terms of submission offered them by men like Govln and Dolz. "If the feelings of the majority of Inhabl tants ot Cuba had not been consldcrabl modified In a sense favorable to Spain under the present home rule policy our troops could not hold the western provinces aa easily as they do , ncr successfully attack and defeat the rebels In their two eastern strongholds Puerto Principe and Santiago provinces. Therefore we believe wo are justified In hopIng - Ing to do In a position to show such Improve ment In our prcspects In Cuba at the end of April that President ( McKlnley will also be justified In persevering In his friendly attitude , as meanwhile the negotiation wJll have made progress. " ARTHUR E. HOUGHTON. SI'Al.V DKMIOS JIHACI2 OF IIU.MOHS. TnkcM Prompt tAolloui to Stop Panic on the Ilonrne. ( CopyrlBht. 1S9S. by Tress Publishing Company. ) MADRID. March 7. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) People In Ma drid are at a loss to understand the panic In Spanish securities on foreign bourses which caused some fall In funds and the sharp rise of foreign exchanges on the Madrid bourse. The government Immediately took , steps to contradict officially both the report that Spain had asked for tbe recall of Consul Lee and the report that Pope Leo XIII had made any declaration favorable to Cuban Inde pendence and the rebels. The latter rumor Is positively denied by the papal nuncio at Madrid and on the contrary It in well known that the pope since tbo beginning of the Cuban Insurrection has repeatedly sent his blessings to tbo Spanish troops starting for Cuba and has equally often stated that ho prayed for the success ot Spanish arms In Cuba. Echoing the Impressions In financial and political circles most of the Madrid papers tonight attribute the scare to Inaccu rate statements floated by telegraph agen cies and sensational papers concerning both Incidents. The ministerial oigans , La Corre- spondencla and El Corco , tonight state that the government has received reassuring nens from the Spanish legation at Washing ton concerning the disposition of the presi dent and that relict for distressed Cubans will be cent by merchant steamers. The papers are still bitter In criticisms about the discovery of contraband goods under cover of relief. El Heralds believes this Incident will be damaging for Lee. ARTHUR E. HOUOHTON. Urm-rlcan Colony Will Contribute. LONDON , March 7. At a meeting of the American society here today steps were taken to contribute to a fund for the pur pose of providing1 a memorial to tbo dead of tbo Maine. .Newton Crane. J , L. Taylor and Hiram Maxim made feeling speeches , and letters were read from tbe Anglo-Saxon club and the Honorable Corps of Gentlcmen-at- Arm , requesting permission to contribute to the fund as an expression of sympathy. It was decided , however , to limit contributions to Americans. Sliuiilf Ulocklnv 8i ln. LONDON , March 7. The St. James Gazette this afternoon aays : "The United States l < i not buying any r eblpa as lone aa It does not feel the oed for any outsldo reinforce- ments. It Is understood ttiat tbe efforts oi tbe United States representatives In England are not directed toward tbe purchase of war hips building , but to prevent Spain from HAUGHTY DONS BACK DOWN Madrid Government Decides to Lat Consul Leo Alone INCIDENT IS NOW PRACTICALLY CLOSED Lee Otinoxlon * llecnnae lie Showed Sympathy fur the CnhuiiH lie Lome' * KltiKcr Thrunt Into the Me. WASHINGTON , March 7. Spain has with drawn Its request for the recall ot Consul General Lee , and It lu now believed that the Incident Is practically closed. The with drawal came today In tno shape of an official communication from Minister Wood- fortl. It Is now atated that the request V.UH never put In the shape of a demand , but < hat It was merely a suggestion on the part f Spain and when the ministry found It ould not bo pleasantly received by this : ountry It promptly receded. It Is learned that the Spanish objection to Consul General Lee la based largely upon hla lympathy for the Cubans , and some of his iterances , which have found their way Into rlnt. It Is understood that the Spaniards Is ) take exceptions to the friendly relations , nd companionship existing between General Lee and correspondents of papers which have een decidedly unfriendly to Spain. It Is be leved that Scnor do Lome carried to Spain lapers and Information calculated to make he Spanish government request the recall f Consul General Lee. There was a good deal of consultation this morning between the president and Secretary iong and Assistant Secretary Day , which vaa devoted to the consideration of our rela- lens with Spain. Assistant Secretary Day .Iso had a half hour's conference with Senor lu Eosc , the Spanish charge hero , and man- .ged to find time to talk for a few minutes ivlth Colonel J. J. McCook , whoso Interest n Cuban affairs la well known. It was tatcd that the administration has no state ment to make further than that given out iy Judge Day yesterday. It la still maintained that there has been no demand on the part of the Spanish gov- r.imont for the recall of Consul General . .eo , but this denial does not take the form if a complete assertion that something like an Intimation has not been given that the Spanish government would be pleased were General Leo relieved. Still there Is an ifllclal statement and an unofficial Intlma- lon and therein was a loophole for escape , lad the Spanish government made an official demand for General Lee's recall , It would have had no recourse In the event of refusal by our government to accede to the demand 'but ' must have withdrawn the consul gen eral's exequatur , thus leaving him without official status In Havana. NO SNUB FOR SPAIN. The matter not hilvlng taken that offlcla form , however , there Is no tangible excuse 'or Spain to look upon Itself as humiliated n this matter. It Is quite certain that the administration does not take the view , as a hasty glance at the situation would seem o Indicate , that there may not be peaceful termination of this last Incident , and sucl : officers ot the cabinet as have felt free to discuss the situation at all have not hest tated to declare that no rupture In the rela tions between the United States and Spain s likely to result. As to the matter of sending supplies to Matanzas and Sagua , which has formed the basis of objection by the Spanish govern ment , although not In official form , It Is said at the State department and at the Navy department , as well , that the program laid down In the statement given out by the president Is to bo observed. The suppllea are to go from Key West to these Cuban ports In "a naval vessel , " but Just which vessel or what kind of a ship has not been definitely determined. Indications , now , however , point to the use of the Fern for this pur pose. It Is unquestionably a naval ship , but scarcely a war ship In the proper sense of the term , Its principal use being In dispatch car rying and to the transportation of freight from one navy yard to another. Because of Its ability to handle 'freight this way It Is undoubtedly better adapted thaa either the cruiser Montgomery or the gunboat Nashville for the transportation of bupplles. These war ships arc so cut up with small compart ments below and so filled with machinery that their freight carrying capacity U lim ited to a little space on the upper decks. Secretary Long calculates that the supplies which left New York Saturday by steamer for Key West will reach the latter port Wednesday , giving ample time In the Interim to make a selection as between the vessels. Ho said further that It would probably be left to Admiral Slcard , the commander-In ch let ot the squadron , as to which vessel could best be spared. MAY MEAN MUCH. No attempt U made to deny that the at titude ofthe Spanish government towards the entry of the war ships Into Cuba ports may be full ot significance and lead In the end to trouble. It is realized that If It U conceded that vessels of the United States navy may be , In times of peace , excluded Irom IMatanzas or Sagua , by the same rule they likewise may be kept out of the Havana harbor and the administration would there by not only be prevented from redeeming Its promise to send another war ship to replace the Maine , but would bo obliged to leave American citizens resident In Havana en tirely without protection In case of need. This possibility Is not contmplated with equanimity by the administration , hcnco It may bo fully expected that the officials will stick to their teachnlcal purpose to "use a naval vessel for -the transportation of sup plies. " It Is learned that Spain's suggestion was made originally upon a misapprehension which was due to a newspaper report. This report was to the effect that General Lee hid expressed the opinion to a newspaper correspondent that the Spanish authorities were responsible for the disaster to the Maine. Accepting this report as to Lee's expressions as accurate , the Spanish prime minister brought the matter to Minister Woodford's attention , making at the same time the suggestion that General Leo's re call would bo gratifying to Spain. U did not require a. great while for Spain to discover that General Lee had been , ac cording to the United States authorities , In correctly represented. Before this discovery was made , however , the reply of President McKlnley refuging to heed the suggestion , ml expressing a determination to keep Lee at his post , wan received. Spain then retired from Its position , bailng Us retirement upon the ground that the original suggestion had been founded upon a misapprehension of facts. ' PROM A SPANISH VIEW. MADRID. March 8.-El Liberal wya today : "ficaor Gallon , tbe foreign minister , hM 4 , " V Informed the journatUts to t Spain having protested to Washington on thc subject ot sending two men-of-war to Wntaniai and Sagua to carry relief to the Cubans , the American government decided" that the ves sels should not be men-of-war. Senor Gut- Ion has sent a report ot the matter to the queen regent. " Ul Nacclonal's Washrpgton correspondent confirms the foregoing statement. La Corrcspondencla do Espanla regards the fact that America , has renounced send ing men-of-war as "Indicating good official relations between Spain and America. " COUHT AVILI. FI.lsil"WOIlIC SOOX. Ollay Wlntl Up lt SlHlnn In Three Iliijw More. ( Copyright. 1S8S , by I'FCM Inibllshlni ? Csmpnny. ) HAVANA. March 7. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Milne ourt of Inquiry will llnlsh Its work within hrce days , I am reliably Informed. The members are satisfied , I am certain , of the lauso of the disaster. All Indications stilt olnt to a unanimous report , but the court aalntalns great reserve. Captain Chadwlck Id not den the diver's helmet. It now ap- cars , and descend Into the Maine's wrecked nterlor. Ho accepts the divers' report as .rue. . Consul Barker's resignation asks for Its mmedlato acceptance. Probably his request vlll be granted. Mr. Barker's Inflexibility s well known. Senator Proctor and Miss Barton are with Mr. Barker now. They will ry to persuade him to stry. The city Is still full of rumors of the > vholesalc expulsion of American newspaper men. Probably there Is more smoke than re , aa these men have never blamed the pantsh government for the Maine disaster. The latest Navy department news reports hat an American schooner has been seized n the south coast on suspicion of- being a lllbuster. The big wreckage tug night Arm left to day for some unknown destination. Itfl cap aln expects to return soon. SYLVESTER SCOVEL. MOXTGOMEUY GOICS" TO HAVANA. Taken the IMncc of ith < * Dlitpntch Ilout Fern. WASHINGTON , March 7. The Navy de partment announced at 2 o'clock this after noon that the cruiser Montgomery would re- Icvo the dispatch boat Fern at Havana ctnC : hat the Fern would carry provisions and relief supplies to Matanzas. This Is under stood to be a satisfactory arjangetncut to the Spanish government and will relieve the In cldsnt of Its Irritating feature. KEY WEST , Fla. . March 7. Naval officers had scarcely learned of Admiral Slcard's order directing the departure of the cruisers Naahvlllo and Montgomery for Matanzas anc Sagua la Grande with supplies for the recon- centrados ere an order , ! is received resclnd- ng It. A "telegram received from Washlng- : on was followed by a Jui.Tled conference between Ailoilral Slcard anil Commander West , and shortly after 3 o'clock Admlra I card countermanded Jhn order Issued at nosn and directed that thfl Ioatgoinery pro cccd as soon as possible if riRvana , and the Tern was again as3lgnn * , 'o the duty of carrying auppllea to iMciJa'z ) ! > j The Montgomery la beli.g nt/rrledly / coaled and work on It will be carried on throughou : : he night. It Is hardly expected that It wll cave for ( Havana before ir.ornlng , and Its departure may bo further delayed. The official reason for the Montgomery's going to Havana la that It Is merely to re- leve the dispatch boat Fern , A naval officer one of the few at the time this dispatch Is seat tM-are of the latest change of plans- said that he thought U most significant tha a cruiser of the Montgomery's calljcr should be sent to take the place of j merc dispatch boat. boat.Tho The officials expressed the greatest sur prise \\Cien r.l own the dl&patch from Wash Ington regarding the sending of tbe Mont gccncry to Havana , as tlio" strictest orders have been Issued to keep this inovcnuu secret , frhe frequent , change-s In orders dur Ing the last twenty-four hours have throw ) all tbe naval ar/angemcnts and opinions on Iho situation Into more nr less disorder. A Mallory line ntcamer Is expected Wedncs day with provisions for Cuba. This afternoon the torpedo boat Porter ar rived from Mobile. The torpedo boat Cush Ing will probably dave to be laid up for re pairs end the Ericsson is in. none too goo condition. A schooner with coal for the fleet at th Tortugas passed during the afternoon. The correspondent of the Acsoclated Press went on board the cruiser Montgomery lat tonight. The ccallng had been stopped an the men were too weary after packing awa tons of ammunition to perform tbla add tlcnal labor. A high officer on board said : "No , wo d not mind going to Havana a bit. We shal be off In the morning- unless wo get a coun termandtag order. Tbese changes have kep us on the jump and we hardly know wher we are. With provisions and ammunltlo aboard , however , we are prepared to go any where. The coal lUbters were etlll abngaldo th Montgomery at mldnlght'.and It Is presumed that coaling will bo resumed at daybreak The coal used for the Montgomery wa originally Intended foe the New York. Tbe NaiXivllle will remain here. Ther are rumors that the Detroit and the Mar blehead will shortly join tbo fleet at th Tortugas. 1II7IIY MOnU VICTIMS.OF THIS MAINE. Six of the Unfortuiiit'teii Arc Interred mi American Boll. KBY WEST , Fla. , March 7. The ccast survey ctcamcr Eachc arrived hero from Havana , having on bccnl tlie remains of six more victims ot the disaster to the Maine. They were burled with theteamo ceremonies observed when the first body was burled on Thursday last. i At the cemetery about 400 persons \vlt- necsed the Interment. One of the bodies burled today Is thought to be that of Robert White , a mess attendant , and another Is sup posed to bo that of a eergeant ot marines , but It was not fully Identified. Two bodies were put In one coffin. One hearse and four ordinary wagons , covered with the stare aid stripes , were used to convey the remains to tbo cemetery , where Chaplain Royce of tbe cruiser New York read the burial service. . Commander McColla and A gun division from the United States cruller Marblehcad paid the Ust honora to the remalai. _ All was quiet at Havana when the Bache left there last night. STHIKE DEUAYS WORK OX WAR SHIP Moil Iteruc toVorfc Overtime With out Extra I'm' . SAN FRANCISCO , March. 7. Owing to the strike of the steel rnolders t the Pacific rolling mills In tbU city work upon tbo. battleship Wlsoaniln , , blch was recently ordered rushed , has been delayed very mate rially. Tl.o contract for the ateel molding ! ( Continued on Third Face. ) * , ' - -V-V.T - * " BACKING UP THE PRESIDENT Tational Legislators Will Support Mr. McKioloj's Hands. CAN HAVE WHAT HE WANTS OF CONGRESS lembcm of Minority Sny 1'roncnt in Xo Time to Draw I'nrty Mne Sin-niter Heed MU- nudcrntood. WASHINGTON , March 7. The sentiment at the capltol today , and especially on the IOUPO side , was unanimous In support ot ho action of the president In declining to recall General Lee. The Immense gravity of ho situation seemed profoundly to Impress ho members who stood about the lobbies bo- ore the house met. Without regard to party all united In commending the presi dent's firm stand and the unanimous desire expressed was In support ot any measures 10 may deem necessary to maintain the American contention. Representative Livingston of Georgia , a nlnorlty niemlcr of the appropriations com mittee , and Mr. Bodine , a minority member of the na\al affairs committee , both declared that they , would vote for anything the presi dent asked. "Congress ought to be wildly behind the president now , " said Mr. Liv ingston. "This IP no time for criticism or bickering of any kind. In the face of an Impending foreign war party lines should lo forgotten. Wo arc Americans first , par tisans afterward. " It can be stated on the highest authority that the attitude of Speaker Reed and some of the other republican leaders who have sought to keep down the "Jingo" spirit In the house has bsen misunderstood by the public. Their purpose in delaying action on the bill creating two additional regiments of artillery was to prevent , as far as possible , any undue alarm. While It Is not generally known , It Is nevertheless true that repub llcan leaders of the house have given the administration assurances that any emergency action which may bo deemed necessary to uphold the dignity of the country will bo promptly ratified. The whole aim of the republicans , under the leadership of the speaker , has been and la to avoid hasty ac tion , or the possibility , so far aa possible , of Incendiary utterances on the floor which might make a diplomatic settlement of the controversy more difficult. But the admlnls tratlon understands that the majority In the houpo 1'J behind them , and that money and men will bo voted without stint when they are called for. MOXEY FOR .NATIONAL 1JEFEXSE Cnnnon OrterH a Hill AiiliroprlntliiK Fifty MlllloiiK. WASHINGTON , ( March 7. Chairman Can non of the appropriations committee today introduced a bill entitled "Appropriations for the national defense. " It Is as follows That there la hereby appropriated out of any money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the national defense and for each and every purpose connected there with to bo expended at the discretion of the president and to remain available until Juno 30 , 1890 , $50,000,000. ' Itwas referred to the committee on ap propriations. The Canncn bill , It was learned later , woo the outcome of a ccnferenco held at the White House this morning , nt which Mr. Cannon , Secretary Long , Mr. Dlngley , Sen ator Alllscn and General Grosvcnor wtvo present , The situation was considered so grave that It was deemed Imperative that an Immense- appropriation of this character ahculd bo made at dice to prepare for the national defense. This bill will be pec sented In the house at once. This can bo stated on the highest authority. Representative Cannon , after his Interview with the president this morning , went to the capltol rod called a special meeting of tbe ap proprlation committee. After this meeting Mr. Cannon Introduced the national defense bill la the house. The appropriations com mlttee will meet U aorrow. The Cannon bill , appropriating $50,000,000 to provide for the national defense , will prob ably be presented to the house tomorrow. Mr. Cannon says ho simply Introduced the bill In hs ! Individual capacity as a repre sentatlve. This Is , of course , true , but It can be stated positively that the bill was Intro duccd as the result of the conference wltl the president and the republican leaders o both houses , and that the bill has the prest dent's approval. The bill will bo conslderei at the postponed meeting ot the approprla tlons commttteo tomorrow , and probably re ported for Immediate action. Several demo cratlo members of the committee say they will vote for It If the president decmsi , I necessary , and so tor as known , there wll be no vote against It. There was a conference last evening at th resldenco of Senator Hoar of Massachusetts which wan attended by members of the cabt net , senators and representatives. Some o those known to be present were : Secretarle Long and Algcr , Judge Day , assistant gecre tary of state ; Senator Allison , Representa lives Dlngley and Cannon. It la also known that some democrats were present. lAssur ances were given the representatives of thi administration that any amount of fund " that were deemed necessary would bo pro vldcd by congress to put the government In a state of defense and that the administration would bo backed up In anything that wa thought ncccftary. The result of the conference ferenco last evening was a meeting of Secretary rotary Alger and Speaker Reed today , and a conference at the Whlto House today o house and senate leaders , followed by the In troductlon of the $50,000,000 defense bill b Mr. Cannon today. It Is expected that th bill will pass the house tomorrow. There is little doubt expressed among een ators that the Cannon bill appropriating ICO , 000,000 will bo promptly considered an speedily passed when It reaches the senate Many senators express the opinion that th most effective method of dealing with tb question would bo to take up and rxus th bill Immediately upon Its receipt In tbo sen ate without reference to committee. Soni of the members of the committee on appro prlatlons express themselves as satisfied t have the measure take this course , bu others are of opinion that none of tbe effec ot the measure will be lost to have the bll referred and reported In tbe regular way. Chairman Allison of tbe committee ) ex preszed the opinion that the bill should b referred , saying that the committee wouli probably bo able to report It within twenty four hours. A few senators said they did not conalJc the time had come for the actual approprla tlon ot money for preparation for war , bu they dldjiot Indicate any Intention to an ' tagonlze 'tho passage of tbe bill or to seek to delay It. Senator * who favor the bill lay It la peace ! d not a war measure , and come x THE EE BULLETIN. Vtathtr Fcrecnit for Kfbraika Fair ; Variable Wind * . Pan. 1. Kngllth Htntmmen HnlfT W r. llnughty Npitnlarda Unck Down , Conitrmn Hupporti the Frcultlrnt. Decision In Mnxlmnm Unto Cnio. 9. Havana Pcopln Ailiulro Their War Ship * . 3. Grand Jury Indicts Kuteno Moore , ( loveriiiiicitt lrcmrrs for Emergencies. 4. Killtorlnl anil Commtut. 0 , Meeting of the Hoard of Kditcu Kimh for the Klondike n Fnllur ji ? " 6. Council Itliiffn Lornt MMtrm. I own LrRlKlatlvit rroccnllnK * 7. Genrral New * of tlic Km ther Views' Itevl'ew of Wall Street. 9. Latntt News of the K | m ltloi > , Meeting of the Woman's Club. , 0. Cli nie In Htnrk ItaUliig In < li Aid for the Centrnl lloulovuril New Factories fur Omnliik. .1. Conitnerclul nml Financial N 1 . "WlKKlcsb.v'n Wooing. " Young Scout In Wur Time * . Tonii Tiiliirc nt Uiiinhni lonr. ! > : . Hour. DOR. n n. m Jill t 11. in tlO ( I n. m : il > i : 11. m l- 7 n. m : tl > : t | i. in ( II 8 n. m 41 -I i . m OS It n. ni 1.1 n i > . m O.I in n. m r.i o it. 111 < u 11 n. ill r.H 1 p. ill < ! 0 s m m > N P. ! 111 nr it. 111 fin pressed the opinion that It would bo more ffectlve If It carried $100,000,000 luilead of 50,000,000. IOUSI3 I'.VSSCS AIlTILLKItY HIM. . Only Three"Member * Are Ileecmleil lAKiiliiHt' tin ? Mrnnure. WASHINGTON. March 7. The spirit of patriotism rampant In the houeo today , and by almost unanimous vote the Hawley bill providing for two additional regiments ot artillery was pan'ed under suspension of the rules. No effort was ruado to obstruct action , > ut Mr. Dalley , the democratic leader , pleaded for inoro time than the forty minutes allowed under the rule , and because It was rcfuoed , after the bill had be n passed , ho nauguratcd a filibuster against District of Columbia legislation that continued all day. Mr. Bailey desired to spealc In favor of the Dili , but could not get time. Mr. Hull ( rep. , la. ) In opening the debate , explained briefly the necessity for those men to man the coast defcnscu of the country. By Juno 1 , ho said , 241 big guns and 232 mortars would bo mounted. Thceo guns re quired eighteen men each to handle them , and In time of war sixty. There wcro 4,025 artillerymen all told In the service. The ia emplaced July 1 would require 7,000 regardless o ! ony exigency that might arUc , Even It no exigency arose these men , lie Insisted ; would be necessary to cave for the fortifications and guns upon which wo wore expending mllllona of iiollara. The charge that this bill was an attempt to Increase the standing army , to be uied possiblylo overawe - - awe the cities , ho eald , ho considered too frivolous to discuss. Sir. Cox ( dem. , Tenn. ) In opposing the bill laid ho would vote as cheerfully as any man In the house for this bill 1C It wcro needed for the national defense as a war measure , but ho argued that the president , as com- mander-ln-chler of the army , had authority to detail men from the other branches of the service , the cavaliy and Infantry , and that r.uch details could man and care for the c : rt defenses without Increasing perma nently the standing array. Mr. Belknap ( rep. . 111. ) , a eon of ox-Secre tary of War Delknap , and Mr. McClellan ( dem. , N. V. ) , a son of General McClellan , both warmly advocated the passage of the bill In brief speeches , and Mr. Hay ( dem. , Va. ) created the flret open enthusiasm by declaring himself in favor of taking every step necessary now to prepare for the emer gency which confronts the country. Mr. Jones ( dem. , Va. ) , the other democrat who opposed the bill , Insisted that the bill was not a war measure , as It had been rec ommended for several years. Mr. Shafroth ( all. , Colo. ) caused a round ot applause when ho expressed his regret that a slnglo voice should be raised against such a bill at such a time. There was uo denying the fact that our foreign relations with Spain were on the eve of a rupture. War ought to bo averted It possible , but we ought to prepare at once , he said , for every emergency. Mr. Williams ( dem. , Miss. ) said that while his volco was now as ever for peace it seemed absolutely certain that Spain was forcing us Into war to extricate the reigning family from the desperate straits Into which It was placed by its futile attempts to sub jugate Cuba. Ho had been for Cuban bel ligerency and Cuban Independence , and If war was to come as a result of our sym pathy for those who were struggling for their freedom ho would not refuse to give his vote to any measure designed to prepare UH to meet the enemy. The time for the debate expired at this time apd Mr. Bailey , who had not been able to get the floor , asked for unanimous con sent for three minutes. Mr. Hepburn ( rep. , la. ) objected. Mr. Lcwiu ( dem. , Wash. ) attempted to of fer an amendment prohibiting theUSB of these two regiments to suppress ( striken. The bill was then passed without division. The great chorus of ayes was offset by three voices on the minority side , Messrs. Cox ( deui. , Tcnn. ) , Jonca ( dom. , Va. ) , and Todd ( fusion. Mich. ) . District of Columbia business was then taken up and Mr. Bailey , as a method of re seating the refusal to accord the privilege of addressing the housa on the artillery bill , Inaugurated a filibuster. Roll call followed roll call for two hours. When the confusion of the floor became such that order was called for , the speaker requested all members to take their seats. Mr. Bailey retained his place on the floor. Again the speaker requested members to take tlielr seats. "I take my seat , " eald Mr. Bailey , as ho finally Bat down , "because the rules ot the house require It. " "The speaker exercises no authority except that conferred by the rules , " tald the speaker. "He holds no other authority , and ho expects none. " There were several cxchcngca after that , after one of which Mr. Bailey , to the accom- pcnltuent of republican jeers and democratic applause , declared that he could not be "badgered" by the speaker. Then , turning to the republican bide , iu response to their Jeers , ho added : "That demonstration either Indicates a lack of'decency or a lack ot eeuse , and I BUS- pect both. " At G40 ; p. m. the house adjourned. l > anlah DtiylBff Aintuunltloii , LONDON , March 7. Two separate cora- ml lone of Spanish ofllceri arrived In Lon don lait week t purchase ammunition. DECIDES RATE CASE United States Supreme Court Finally Taker Action , AFFIRMS DECISION OF LOWER COURT Long Expected Opinion Handed Down by Justice Harlan. STATE LAW MAY BE CONSTITUTIONAL Question of ficasounblo Hates Loft to Another Tribunal , FORMER INJUNCTION MAY BE DISCHARGED Thin Cull Hi * 11 one It Condition ot IIui * iiii-HM iVilmltH of a Jtintii - lillciillou or the State Linv. WASHINGTON. March 7. ( Special Tolo- ram. ) The supreme court of the United States this morning handed ilouiv on opinion In the Nebraska maxi mum freight rate cases which have ex cited BO much Interest throughout the coun try. Early thla morning It was given out that the decision would be forthcoming at noon and In consequence the court room was crowded with representatives of the stock Interests , who had anticipated the de cision by discounting It on Wall street , pro- dieting It would bo favorable to the rail roads. Justice Harlan afllrmcd the decision of the circuit court and rendered the opln- Icii , announcing thit Chief Justice Fuller had not participated In either the considera tion or decision of the caacs and that Jus tice McKenna was not a member of the court when the cases were argued or sub mitted. The opinion was lengthy , embrac ing all the points presented by counsel , but the most vital and far-reaching was the decision that the circuit court had lookcil far ahead In Its judgment In giving the Board of Transportation the right to move for a dissolution of tho" present Injunction when conditions seemed right to justify such a course. In the language of Justlco Harlan the decision rends ; "Conditions of business , so far as railroad , corporations are concerned , have probably changed for the better nnd the rates pre scribed by the statue of 1S93 may now affonl all compensation to which railroad com panies In 'Nebraska are entitled as between them and the public. In anticipation , per haps , of such n change of circumstances , the. circuit court wisely provided In Its final Ui-creo that defendants , members of the id of Transportation , tnlrjht. when cir cumstances have changed so that rales fixed In October , 1893 , shall yield to said com panies reasonable compensation for scrvlcea aforesaid , apply to the court hy bill or otherwise , as they might be advised , for a further order In that behalf. Ot thla pro vision of the final decree the State Board ot Transportation , If BO advised , can avail Itself. In that cvcnl It the circuit court finds that the present condition of business Is such as to admit of the application of the statute to the railroad companies In ques tion without depriving them of Just com pensation , It will be Its duty to dlschargo the Injunction heretofore granted and to make whatever order Is necessary to rcmovo any obstruction placed by the decrees In these cases In tbo way of the enforcement' of the statute. " CONSTITUTIONALITY IS ADMITTED. Herein was seen the first Intimation that the law as passed was constitutional , al though through the body of his opinion Jus tlco Harlan discussed at great length the right of tbo state to make reasonable maxi mum rates , but In conjunction with artlclo xlv of the constitution. The court Ireatcd most exhaustively the questions of confisca tion and equities In the case , using many tables and schedules to outline the bnsSa upon which the decision of the affirmation of the court below had been reached , The opinion goes on to say that the Ide * that any legislature , state or federal , can conclusively determine for the people and for the courts that what It enacts In form of law , or what It authorizes Us agents > ode > do , Is consistent with fundamental law , IB In opposition to the theory of our Institu tion ! ) . Continuing Justice Harlan said : "It Is the duty of courts , both federal and state , to see to It that no right secured by the su preme lav ot the land Is Impaired or de stroyed by legislation. The perpetuity of our constitution nod the liberty which Is en joyed under thcso depend In no small de gree upon the power given the Judiciary to declare null and void all legislation that I * clearly repugnant to the supreme law of the land. " The effect of the decision Is that the supreme premo court leaven the whole question of rca. sonablcncss of rates to another tribunal , passing only upon the right of the circuit court to Intervene , notwithstanding that tbo law known as II. II. 33. , and which bears the name of Fied Nowberry of Hamilton county , gives the supreme court of the state the right to declare whether the lavIs within the provisions of the constitution. Upon ono proposition the court xvas emphatic , that there could bo no separation of local from , Intcrstato business , Justice Harlan contend ing that the whole earnings made up the receipts ot the .railroad company and that ono could not be made subservient to an other. PASSAGE OF THE ACT. In his opinion Justice Harlan first detailed the facts relating to tbo passage of the act by the Nebraska legislature In 1893 , and then sketched briefly Its provisions , saying that among others of Its provisions was one to fix reasonable maximum freight rates on the rallroadii of the state , and to classify freights. He then took up In order the points at Issue between the state and tbe railroad companies , dealing first with the question ot tbe propriety ot considering the case as one ot equity rather than of law. It was con tended In the argument that the rallrcads had an adequate remedy At law before the state and supreme court , and that therefore the United States circuit court sitting In equity was without Jurisdiction. On thla point bo said : We cunnot accept this vlewl of the equity jurisdiction of the circuit courto of the United Btutet. The adequacy or Inadequacy ot a remedy at law for the protection ot the rights of one entitled upon any uround , to Invoke the powera of n federal court lu not to bo conclusively determined by the statutes of the particular state Inwhich the null may be brought. One who la entitled to tiue. In the federal circuit court may In- ' vpko lt JurlMlldon la equity vheMrtr U %