Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Week Endi with a Liberal Bun and Lively
Frier * Aliow I.lftle Change , lint All
Cnlllr Offered Srll Hrn.lll )
Under 1'remiure.
BOUTH OMAHA , March 5.-Rccolpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Hor'g.
March 5 1.137 6,137 1.210 41
March 4 1,823 6,515 6,25 43
Mnrcli 3 1.IT.2 6&M 3.7G3 Z
March 2 l.'SI 6,319 4.833 6
March J 2,77a 7.WJ 4,230 3
February 28 1.834 4,511 4.0JI
February 2 8W 6,275 3 612
February 23 1,223 6.CM 4,010 43
February 24 l.ttt 4.S64 G.743 63
February . . . . . . . . 3.S31 8,402 5,027 42
February 22 3.7KJ 9.2SI 7,929
February 21. . . . . . . 1SM 2,375 3,228
February 19 309 3.931 1,459 . . . .
February 18 1.KJ3 0,543 6,402
February 17 2.2W 7.S25 7,554 . . . .
February 16 2.C52 5,890 C , *
HecclptH for the week with comparisons :
Cattle. Hps . Sheep.
Week ending Mnrcli 5. . 10.733 33.433 23.3M
Week ending Feb. 2B. . . 12.677 36.003 30,377
Week ending Feb. 19. . . 13.457 37,131 29,734
Week ending Feb. 12. . . . 12.169 29,430 19,912
Week ending Feb. 5 11,001 30,200 23.C94
The olllclal number of cars of Block
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hoea. Sheep. H'r's.
O. , M. ft St. P. Hy 1
O. & St. I , . Ity 1
"Missouri " Pacific Hy. . 1 1
Union Pacific xystem. . C 24
C. & N. w. Hy 1
F. , K. & M. V. Hy. . . . 1 24
B. C. & 1' . Hy 3 1
C , St. I' . . M. & O. Hy 1C. 4
II. & M. II. H. Hy. . . . 7 1C
C. , H. & Q. Hy 2 2
K. O. & St. J. Hy 2
C. , II. I. & P.-cast. . 0 2
C. , H. I. & I'-west. . 1
Total recelptB . . . . 52 78 C 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
us follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. . 21 oil
O. I ) , ll.'unmomli Co. . 1S7 1,291
Hwlft uml Company 113 1,481 1.1D7
Cud.ihy Packing Co. . . . . . 422 1,023
P. 1) . Armour. Chicago. . 220
H. Hc-eker anil Dcgan. . . . 21
V.insunt & Co 3
Hwlft , from country
North P. & P. Co 232
Chi. P. & P. Co. , N. City . . . . 673
Other buyers 113 . . . .
Total 1,102 5,735 1,518
CATTLE-Tho receipts of cattle consisted
of fifty-two loads , us against eighty-two
ypsterduy , a liberal riln for H Saturday and
u pain over a week ago of 210 head. Among
the cattle on sjle were a few that were
rltf.H desirable , which met with ready sale
to the exporters. The market as a whole
was without change , as Is very apt to be
the casu on a Saturday , and thu trade came
to an rarly clone.
11KKV STKKHS The demand wan quite
good , both puckers and snippers being In
the market , and sellers hud very little dlfll-
culty In disposing of their holdings at about
ytHleiday'H prices. As nigh as JI.S5 was
paid for some export cuttle , but thu bulk
of the cuttlo on palu went at prices rang
ing from 11.30 to $ | .G : .
BUTCHERS' STOCK Only about seven
loads of cows and heifers were on sale ana
they met with ready takers at steady
STOCK CATTLE Only a few stockers
and folders were to be had und they
brought strong prices.
TIIJWHEKTho receipts of cattle the
last week were not qultn so large us the
previous week , In fact they were the small
est In over n month. The quality of the
cattle naturally shows Improvement as the
Heatton advances , but still the general run
of the beeves coining to this point Is
somewhat on the commonlsh order. Good
cattle , In fuct , were scarce all the week.
AH rcgaids the market , the situation was
decidedly to the liking of sellers. The week
opened with values strong , but on Tuesday
U was a little slow and wuaK. On Wednes
day and Thursday a marked Improvement
took place In values , the gain being held
to the close of the week. It would be safe
to say that values on cornfed beeves at
the close of the week were 15Q20c higher
than the previous week. Cow stuff also
udvanced sharply during the week and
utockers and feeders were 20Q23c higher.
Only u few stock cattle cnmo | n during the
week , und , uj the demand was brisk , they
met with ready gale ,
IIOdH Today's receipt ! of hogs were smaller
than ) mt.Tdny by l.ltw brail , but larger limn
lu t week Saturday hy 200 lieail. The quality
of the hogs wan not quite in good on an uveraKe
an on most days of the wr k , there being quite
a sprinkling of common light mixed loads , as
well an rough heavy.
Umlcr the Influence of the general decline In
heR value * nt all selling points the market
opened Co lower anil held that way until the
clone. The murket wns reasonably active at
the decllno and the pens were cleared In good
The hogs noli ! all the way from W.7fr3.90 , ns
against .1.82'.iff3.o.1 yeslerdny. Thn most of the
hoirn sold at * .1.SO 3.S3 , with $3.80 the mo ? * ,
popular price. Yesterday the great bulk sold at
| 3.8.'S3. ! ) , with almost half of the sales at 13.85
or under.
Th6 AVcraRO of all the sales was GJJc lower
than ycxlrrilay.
TlioVei > l ( 'Ilio lice market of the Inst wrrl :
won Inwly a sellers1 market that Is. the rltin-
tlon on most days wai favorable to those having
nog'i to soil and the prices paid were generally
satisfactory. Values during the previous week ,
tartlnK nt the hlih point of the season , tei\doi <
tradlly downward. During the liul week the
decline ! held good , but on Wednesday tlicia was
it decided stiffening In values which wan con-
tlnuivl on Thursday , the latter being the hlfh
day of lh week , The drop In Millies at thi >
oloco of the week left the mnrket only 6c higher
thnn on Monday and about the mir > at 'he
closn of the previous week. The demand wns
good nil tlm week and the market reasonably
act ho at current prices.
KlIKKl * The week vlosti ] with a light run of
rlioep and u steady market , Thu few loads
hern met with ready sale and the pens were
esrly cleared. There was n small bunch of west
ern lamtm good enough to bring IT. . ? ; , and others
olil at 15.20 with yearlings at 14.70.
Cattle flenxlon n , Nntutnnl One nnil
HIIKK KnlrlyArtlvr. .
CIHGAnO , March ( . The cattle market today
wa little more than a nominal one , only about
SOO head being offered. Thvra were dlvpoved of
at prices substantially unchanged from yester
day's ruling Quotations.
There was fairly active demand for hoes , but
buyers Incited upon lower prices nnd sales were
fully Co lower than yestrrdny , lions sold ut
from J3.76 to $1 for IlKht weights and at from
14 to I4.07M for the tietter class of heavy , the
bulk of the olttrliiKH croculnir the BcaleH nt from
43.03 to H.02'j. It was practically a te mnrkat ,
with piss KOI UKvhlrlly at from 13.50 to 3.S5. At
the vloxo prime chipping hogs weighing 2M to
SCO pounds folil fnr II.
There wn a ( julct market In nheep nnd lambs.
Liimtm sold at from H.S3 to tl.CO for Inferior up
to from J.'i.Sj to 15.63 for fnlr tn prims ilorlo ,
ferderii FflllnK at from f > to l' , . i. tiheep sold
at from 11 to J3.M for tlm pix > rent to from 14,40
to II.CO for E < XM to cholco nocks , with yearllnsa
selling at from 14.(0 to 13.
St. LouU Live Stock.
ST. I.OUIS. March B. CATTI.U-llccelpts. 400
head. Including 100 ln'iul Tcxnrn ; shlimients ,
1,100 head ; inaiket steady ; fair to fancy native
hlpphii ; and export steers , I4.30u6.ri0 ; hulk of
( ale , H.soys.30 ; rtrerrvil terf and tmtcticr
stfiTK , | 4.25ii6.10 ; bulk of Klile. . ; rteers
under l.OVO ll > . , > 3.CO < W ; bulk of salex. > 3.W
4.10 ; li > .erK and fevdrrit , J3.SWf4.75 ; tiulk of
sales , J3.7SU4.M ; COWH und lielfem. Jl.7iUI.40 ;
hulk of nw , ! .7MfJ.40 ; Ti' > u nnd Indian steer * .
I3.40U4.M ; bulk ot vales , | J.7:04.:5 ; cons and
helfrrn , . .
IIOOS Iti-cclpts. 9,300 head ; shipments. 3,100
head ; market 6flOo lower ; yorkers. | 3 fDtfS.W ;
packers , J3.75if3. ; ) ; butchrrs' , | 3.1My4.C3.
BIIUKP Itecelpts , 601 head ; shlpiuvnts , 400
head ; market Heady ; native muttons , | 4.0v < 0'4.CO ;
laiubs ,
IiiillimniiuIlN litre Stock.
JNDIANAl'OMB. March 6.-CATTI.n-Ilc.
celpts , light ; shipments , nonet market quotably
unrhanired ; gotM to prime steers , I4.WC6.S5 ; fair
to medium steers. JI.WU4.W ; common to good
Stockerx , J3. X5.73.
1UU8 Hecelpls , J.CCO heal ; shipments , 1/TO
tiea.l : mniket very dull , Co lower ; good to choice
medium nnd hei\y , I4C00407H ; mixed and
heavy , | 3.)5C(4.00 ! ) ; good to choice lights , 13. WW
4.eV4I rommon lights , J3.'JOtf3.W ,
81IHK11 Hecelpts , light ; shipments , none ; no
quotable change ; K < * "l to choice lambs , | 5.iO
( 61 ; common ID medium lambs , J3.7Mfi.W ; good
tn cholcu sheep , J3.8iU4.Z5 ; common tht-rp , | : .Ut/
Kew Yurk I.lvo Stnpk.
NJTVV YOIIK , March , 6. UKCVU-S-necelpts.
Ill head ; sales , none. Imports , 1,102 bee\es and
S.SflO qunttes of beef.
OAIjVIW Ilecelpts. 11 head ; no sales.
tmiit' AND I < AHIU-II celit | * . l.WS head ;
qulel and steady ; shert > , I4.C04K.U ; lambs , | 3.t5
U < 30.
IlOUa-llotclnts , t31 head ; ittady at II.J00
' Kn-Bn City Live took.
KAN8AB CITY. March & CATTU' neeelpls.
WO head ; market unchanged , only retail trade ;
Tens steers. 13 T.OW4 U ) ; Texas cows , tl.3Mf4.GS ;
Mtlv * t r § , | l.(04.ti | ntlvt cow * aad Uelf-
nt , I2.M04 40 , ilockrrs anil ttttttt , JJ.ro5.4C ;
Lull" , KMfiih.
HOOa Il'cflpt' , tf0t * head , market weak tote
to lo * r ( Irtifk of sales , 11 7MIJ.M ; hearlet ,
ll.Kflt OS ; parkers , Jl.C/4 00 ; mixed. tl..VV
1 ii'i ; llcMn , ia.C48I.tOi Ynrkcrs , J1.7itn.W ; pU ,
HI1BKI' Itn-elpls , ! M hmj ; market
muttons , M.IMJI.40 ; lambt , J4.Wfll.40.
t.oiiliivllle l.lrv Stnck.
I/3U1BVIM K , March S.-CATTl
100 head ; market dull , unrbansed.
HrXlA-ltrcelpts , 1.000 head ; dull and If lower ;
1(0 Ibt. and Up , M.OO ; mrdlum , J1.50U4.W ; light
Ihll-J.rr. . Il.teftS (4 ( ; plus. | 2.MR.U ,
HHKRI' AND I.AMIId-Market tteidy and un-
changrdi iroocl to extra rhlprlng sheep , J3.WR
1 7i ; fair to good iheep , J3.COgj.2J ; common to
rn'illum , JI/ftfZ.1,0 ; rxttn shipping lamb * , JI.7S
ft 1(0 ; fair to food lamM , I4.CO4.7S ; best
butchrrs' , J4.00ai.M ; fair to good butchers' ,
Cincinnati - Stack.
CINCINNATI. March S.-HOCJS-Htttidy at W.W
CATTrK-fiti > ndy nl IJ..Vf4.tO. )
at 13. ( 04.75 ; lambs , nlrcng at
Stcx-k In Slulit.
Record of receipts of lUe stock at the four
principal markets for March 4i
Cattle. HOB . Sheep.
Omaha . 1.137 6,437 1,270
Chlcarn . MO :2 , < X/0 2.6CO
KanssH City . . . KK ) 6,000 WO
( it. boul . 200 2,600 COO
Total . . TMT aslir 4,770
Fcnttiren of the TrmllnK nnil Clonlnff
I'rlorN on Sntnrdnr-
CHICAGO , March 5. Covering of May
rv heat by northwest shorts was the feature
In wheat trading today. It was the princi
pal factor In an advance * of 1 cent In that
option and the strength displayed was com
municated to July , which closed nt UftHc
advance. A good deal of nervousness was
shown at tlm . Armour's ordering of 900
cars for shipment of wheat from Minneapo
lis 'to Chicago having a decidedly depres"-
Ing effect early In the session. Corn und
oats were dull and closed -with hardly any
change In their previous values. Provisions
iwrre weak and closed 2V4f < 10c lower.
The opening In wheat iwas steady , July
starting unchanged at W fW ( > X > c and bring
ing MHic a moment after. May showed an
opening of ! ic advance at $1.05. The Ohio
state crop nport. which made the condition
of winter wheat ,13 per cent below the aver
age , was n surprl'e to the trans , ns previous
reports were to the effect that conditions
were promising , nnd this caused momentary
Htrongth. The prices commenced to drop.
It was reported that Armour had ordered
'Ml cars to load with wheat at Minneapolis
for shipment to Duluth. This mas taken
by many traders ns Indicating a repetition
of the great run of wheat to Chicago which
took iJaco lajt December and resulted not
only in the in-Undrawing of mipport , but
al o In heavily Increased offerings. Prices
slid off very much In consequence. July get
ting down to SSMfSSTic. The fluctuations
In May were very Irregulir and a good deal
of nervotuncss was shown. From the openIng -
Ing the market dropped quickly to $1.0IV4.
This was followed by n quick recovery to
Sl.W/i , und almost ns rapid a decline to $1.05.
Thfti the market both for May and July
began to recover. On the first decline In
May buying on a large scale was started
and during the first hour's trading probably
a million bushels changed hands. This was
supposed to be mostly for northwest shorts.
Commission houses were all large buyer. ,
getting uorne of the May from the Letter
people. This sudden Increase In the demand
for May brought local shorts In July Into
the market and with the additional help of
Fome bullish ne < a prices slowly advanced.
Clearances were fair at 460,000 bu. Thrre
were rumors current that the Loiter hold-
lng-4 In the northwest had been sold to mil-
lorn. They were not confirmed , but never
theless had effect. Northwest receipts were
2. > 2 earn , against ISO last week and 227 a year
ago. Chicago receipts 'were 41 cars , eleven
of which were contract grade. Near the
close the mnrket hcc.imo strong. Huylng
was quite liberal and May , which had ad
vanced to $1.05 > 4 , advanced quickly to $1.00 ,
but had reacted "by closing time to ll-Oo i.
July got up to the best prices of the day
' 'WfiWAe. nnd clo. cd firm at 90-ic. ;
liquidation of corn was the feature In
that tnarkot , a ( prominent elevator concern
disposing of a heavy line. There mas also
quite general selling early In sympathy
with the wheat weakness and prices de
clined , The Improvement In wheat late In
the ? i-Hslon resulted In bettor support being
given and the decline was recovered , the
( ! los be-lng steady. Heavy estimated receipts
Monday had a depressing effect. May ranged
fiom 30c to ZlftftSOc and closed a shade
lower at SO'/iQUOVic.
The market 'for oats was very dull , tradIng -
Ing being merely of a scalping nature. The
tendency of the market was downward al
first with wheat and corn , but when thos
markets recovered later In the day oats fol-
loae-d. May ranged from 27c to 26G26)ic
nnd closed unchanged at 2Cc.
Provisions were weak nil day , though
trading -wan too dull to permit of verj
heavy lorses. Kasler hog prices started provisions -
visions lower. There was continued selllnf
by the packing Interests prominent In yes
terday's liquidation and prices tended stead
ily downward. There was a good cash de
mand for Saturday. At the close 'May pork
was 7ftlOc ( lower at $10.37'/i l0.40. May lanl
5c lower at $5.10 and May ribs 2'/4c. lower al
'Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat , K
cars ; corn , 800 cars ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs
35,000 head ,
landing futures ranged as follows :
Articled. . I Open. . . | Low. | Clo a. j Vcafy.
When !
March. 1 04 1 04H 1 03 1 04W 1 03H
Muy. . . 1 03 1 OCX 104U 1 03H 1 04H
July. . . 80UOU POH
May. . . so aw 30M SOM-SO 30M
July. . . 31H 31W .11H
Sept. . . 3VH !
May. . . 27 2GHRH 2CM v4i
July. . . 24H8H
Pork- v4iM
May. . . 10 40 10 42H 10 35 10 40 M
July. . . 10 5 10 47H 10 40 10 40
May. . . B 15 8 IS 6 1U 6 15 20
July. . . 6 20 625 6 I'D 8 U2W S7H
Eh'tKlb *
Miy. . . 51W B IS B 1'JH 6 IS 17K
July. . . fl 17M B 'JO 8 17.4 6 VI ) 2SH
No. 2.
Cunli quotations were as follows :
FLOUH Steady ; winter patents , J4.SOS5.00
straights , i4.20Q4.CO ; spring1 special ttft 5.40 ,
rurlnic patents , S4.7WS.10 ; bak rs' , $3.60U3. ! .
WIIGAT No. 2 prln , Hiia92c ; No. 3 sprint
wheat. 11.00 ; No. Z red. U.04W4JU.03.
COIIN No. 2 , 23V4fiW14c.
OATS-No. : , 2 ' .iifWtc ; No. 3 white , ZSUQ
llVC-No. 2. 49UC.
HAIU.UY V. o. b. . No. 3 , S24J40C.
KIAXSKEINo. . 1 , $1,2101.25.
T1MOTHV BUKO-l'rlme. J2.9o. . , . . .
mOVISlONS Mess pork , per bb , t0.35i8
10.40. I-urd. per 100 Ibf . $ VOi'iR3.10. ' Short rlli ,
Fldcn ( loore ) , tt.oo0o.tO. Dry salteil shoulilert
( boxeil ) , I4.75fi6.00. Short clear sljcs ( bixed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' HnlsheJ goods , per gal. ,
HtlOAllS Uncliangi > il ; cut loaf , J6.01 ; cranu-
latc.1 , I5.-.1.
On the 1'roduce exchange today the tmtter
ket was firm ; creameries , 13tSOc ; dulrler , 11Q
17c. Chee e , quiet , SBSVJc. KKB . fresh , lOVic.
London Money 3lnrkct.
LONDON , March ( ! . The money market la
practically unchanged. The tendency to
ease off has been checked by tljo New York
demand for gold , nnd the expected Greeh
and Indian loans will doubtless keep the
market firm. On the stock exchange there
was little business. Consols receded slightly ,
bank stock rolapsi-d .1 per cent , making It
10 points below the highest this year. Home
railways were neglected and dropped.
American railways were Irregular , the
changes , which were chiefly downward. In
cluding Union 1'aclfic shares that fell 8'/i
points ; Erie firsts. Hi points ; Louisville Ai
Nashville , lU points ; Union Pacific , pre
ferred. Hi points ; Atcblson , Topcka & Santa
Fe , preferred , 1 point ; Denver & Rio Grande ,
preferred , 1 point , and Norfolk & Western ,
preferred , 1 point. The chief Increases were
Northern Pacific , preferred shares , which
rose l'A points. Canadian Pacifies are 24
points higher nnd Grand Trunk railway
shares have also risen , the Increases rang
ing from ? i to 1 4 points. It Is believed that
the rate war will eoon terminate. South
American railways showed general and sub
stantial declines. Among International se
curities Spanish bonds are weak nnd ? i of
a paint lower. Anglo-American Telegraph
company shares are 1V4 points higher.
Mnipli - trr Textile Fahrlon.
MANCHESTER. March 6.-Tho market la
strong nnd still hardening , though the vol
ume of business last week was somewhat
smaller because of the Impossibility of giv
ing delivery other than at a very distant
date. Calcutta paid Is Sd advance for
yarns. The frame trade tn caps was frac
tionally higher. Cloth was very firm and
fully under order. Some China makes have
been sold up to August. The position gen
erally Is unchanged. The German spinners
sold freely , mostly at the old prices. More
Is doing In France , but there Is no advance.
Wool Market.
1.ONIXW , March ( . There was a good In
quiry f r wool during the week anil a fair quan
tity wan fold. Many holder * declined to > ll
even lit the better ruling price * , a > the * hortneu
of tock anil belter report * from the manufuc-
turlnsr cenlem pnlnt tn hlgtier raten roon , el-
iutrlucfc Zb tirlvaU to < Ut ft"
he n it rrtlei rcr'KitirMf.l batff , Including
H.O" ) baled forwarded direct. The Mtl will cl e
when the groM arrival ! reach 200.U09 bate * , or on
March II thoulj th * arrival * not reach 3f .V
> flt f. Th * Impnrt * for th * week were a * rot *
owl ! New KoulhValM , 11,909 balmj Mel.
lourne , 10. KO bain ; Pouth Australia , i.Ill t le ;
Wt Aliftrnlla , 1,215 bain ; New Zealand. Z.S70
bai ! ; Cap * nt OooJ Hope and Natal , . * X ) bnle ;
Germany. I.CR bale > : Marrelllrf. 1,1)7 balrff
tfsvorotelck , 1,117 bilct , and eliewhrre , 1.V3J
" '
! LOUIS , March 8.WOOIUnehang d.
Slntrmcnt of Amoclnlrd flunk *
Shown Quite a Slump.
NEW YORK. March 6.-The Financier
says : The statement of the associated
janks of New York reflects In full the dis
turbing causes which hove been making for
nearly three weeks past. The heavy de
creases , however , cover a period longer than
the seven days which the totals are sup
posed to represent. As outlined In this
analysis of the week they did- not Include
he lovseo the banks sustained on shipments
.o the Interior. The last statement reveals
the extent of this drain. The decrease of
* 23,193yiO In depoMtn can be traced through
a list of twelve of the larger banks , ranging
from to J4.000.000 In each Instance.
The only Inference Is that this money has
gone to other Institutions and this Is further
borne out In the fact that New York ex
change at all Important centers has ad
vanced from a heavy dlicount to par , and
n some canes to a substantial premium.
The amount shipped has been more thnn
sufficient to meet legitimate trade demands.
At the present time the movements seem
to have ceased. Future developments of n
political character must decide whether It
Is to be resumed or whether the tide will
turn and the money again flow to New
York. In view of the revelations made pub
lic In the current statement the heavy gold
Imports do not appear at all strange. In
fact the wonder Is that the engagements
were not larger. As might have been ex
pected there has been a corresponding re
duction In loans and the decrease of J113-
662,000 Is accounted for by the liquidation In
speculative circles and the calls made In
order to strengthen reserve * . The heavy
sales of accumulated sterling exchange nt
this center are also to be considered In this
connection. Hut for all that the banks lost
last week nearly $8.000,000 cash , the reserve
reduction Is only J2.135.S25 and the excess Is
still over $20.orw.CiOO. The gold coming from
Kurope will more than make up the loss In
reserves for two weeks. The treasury did
not call the usual Union Pacific transfers
from deposit banks last week , and while
Kansas Pacific payments will require within
the next thirty or forty days nearly JG5-
000,000 In banks , It cannot be said that the
outlook favors anything more than moder
ate firmness In rates. The exchange situa
tion Is so sensitive that sudden advances are
bound to bring additional Imports and thus
restore the equilibrium. If the developments
of the next ten days are such that a peace
able conclusion of our foreign complica
tions Is assured , the money market will
probably weaken. As It Is rates have grad
ually declined from the high point reached
early last week.
Condition of Trnilc nnd Unntntloni on
Staple mill Fancy Produce.
stock , D&c.
BUTTtm Common to fair , 9Sllc ; separator
crcnmcry , 20o ; gathered creamery , UfflCc.
VnAICholco fat , M to 120 Ibe. , quoted at
SQ9c ; large and coar e , C07c.
DltESSKD 1'OUL.THY-Chlckens , 607c ; tur
keys , 6aiOc ; geese. 70Sc ; ducks , 788c.
1.1 VR I'OUIvritY Chlckcna , 6c ; old roosters ,
3o ; duck ; , Sc.
0AM i : Smnll rabhlta , per doz. , 7Ec ; large ,
U.23 ; iriulrrelK , WBCOc.
PtOiONB Mve , 75cj dead plceon * not wanted.
HAY Upland , j : .50 ; midland , 5. < X > ; lowland ,
J4.10 ; rye straw , J4.DO ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales cell the best ; only top grades
bring top nrlcea.vncnTAiiLns.
CKI.RHY Good stock , large. < 0e ; email , 230Mc.
ONION'S Per bu. . Jl. 1001.23.
UKANri Hand-picked navy , per bu. , 11,2501.39.
SU'nCT rOTATOKS-Kaneas , 10-peck bbls. ,
CAHIiAnn Oood stock , per Ib. . 1V4C.
POTATOES Home grown , M > { 25oc ; Colorado
stD'.k , 70c.
APPLES Winter stock , t3.0033.50 ; California
Ilellelleur , lioxc ? , l.Mi ; Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes , 11.75 ; Orejon , boxes , 11.25.
boxer , 41.7" . .
CriANHUItninS Fancy Jersey , per bbl. . 110.00.
QHArCS-MalnKafi , } i OOHC.OO.
OIlANan.S-Callfornla na\eis , J2.7333.00 ; fancy
seedling * . I2.R01 choice , $2.23.
LnMONS California , fancy , 3.00 ; choice , J275 ;
fancy Messina , (3.0003.50.
HANANAS-Chok-0. large stock , per bunch , J2.00
02.25 ; medldum sized bunches , I1.7:0.OD. : !
NUTS Almond ? , per Ib , , large size , U013ci
malt , lie ; Brazils , per Ib. , CQloci English wal
nuts , per Ib. , fancy soft ( hell , ItKJllc ; standards ,
> 8 c ; filberts , per Ib. . Sue ; pecan * , polished ,
medium , 6 < R7c ; extra large , 8 9c : Urge hickory
nuts. Jl.OOJjl.lo per bu. ; small , | 1.23 M.3i ! per bu. ;
cocoanuts. per WO , Jt.OO ; peanuts , raw , 5S3',4c ;
roasted , C&6Hc.
F1OS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , H-lb. boxes ,
lOc ; U-crown , 4Mb. boxes. 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
O23o per box ; California , 10-lb. box. 11.00.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10
KHAUT-Per bbl. , J3.M ; half bbl , . J2.25.
MAPLE SYnui'-Flve-gal. can. , each. 12.75 ;
gal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 00 ; half-gal , cans ,
Jij.25 ; quart cans. J3.Su.
DATES Hallowee. 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 5Jic ;
Salr. 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes. Do.
CIDEll 1-er half bbl. . 13 OS ; bbl. , J5.00.
DRESSED BEEF Good native steers. Vie ;
good forcquartera steers , DVic ; good hlndquarteri
steers , Slic ; western steers. 6Vic ; fancy heifers ,
6V4c ; good heifers , 6c ; good forequarters helferx ,
5c ; good hindquarters heifers , MS ; good cows ,
Mic ; fair cows , t > ! 4c ; cow forequarters. 4 Vic ; con
hindquarters. 1'Ac.
HEEF CUTS-Hanglng tenderloins. 4Hc ; rlhn ,
No. 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , 8c ; ribs , No. 3 , 8 > ,4c ; No ,
Z , 6c ; rounds. No. 1 , T/ic ; round * . No. 2 6 io ;
rounds. No. 3 , CVic ; trimmings , 4 He ; beef shanks ,
3c ; brains , per doz. , 3 Jo ; sweetbreads , per Ib , ,
12',4c ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys ,
per doz. , 35c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; llverx , Per Ib. , 2 c ;
hearts , per Ib. , ZHc ; tongues , per Ib. , lie ; call
livers , each , 35c ; calves , whelp carca. s or sides ,
Sc ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , 7 > ;
tcndi > roln ) , fresh , 18c : tenderloins , frozen , 15c ;
boneless strips , fresh , lOc ; bonclesa strips , frozen ,
80 ; strip loins , fresh , Sc ; strip loins , frozen , ' , ic ;
rolls , boneless. 9c ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9c ; sir
loin butts , bonelesn , 9c ; shoulder clods , bont-lfps ,
CUc ; rump butts , boneless , tc ; No. 1 chucks , Co ;
No. 2 chucks , 4Hc ; No. o oJiuctc , Is ; bonelc
chuckH , 4Ho ; cow plates , 3Vic ; steer plater. 4c ;
Hank steak , Uc ; loins. No. 1 , 13Vic ; loins. No. 2 ,
10Hi , ; ; Inlns , No. 3. 8Hc ; short loins , market
style , 2o above loins ; short loins , hotel style , 4c
above loins ; cow loin , eojs , 8c ; steer loin , ends ,
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per Ib. ; lambs ,
Sc ; Bheep. 7c : market racks , long , 9c ; hotel
racks , short , He : loins , to ; saddles , 8Hi Icgr ,
8''jc ; lamb legs , 8'/4c ; breasts and stews , S' ' c
tongues , each , 3o ; forequarters , 5V4c.
I'OrtK Dressed pigs , 6Ho pe' Ib. : dreswfl
hogD , C'.ic ; tenderloins. Uc ; loins , enort , 6c ;
long , Ce ; spare ribs. 6c : ham sausage butts ,
l\c ; Uoston butts , 5' ' c ; shoulders , rough , 5c ;
shnuldtrfl , skinned , CUc ; trimmings , 4'4c ; leal
lard , not rendered , 5',4c ; heads , cleaned , 4c ;
nnnuts and ears , 3c ; neckbones , 2c ; che k ment ,
4c ; neck bones , 2c ; pIvV tails , Jc ; plucks , each ,
Co ; chltterllnir ) , rc ; nocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
J5c ; stomachs , each , Sc ; tongues , each , 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per Joz. , ISc ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds ,
Cc ; blade bones , 5c ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7V40 ; No. 2 green
hides. G'.ic ; No. 1 salted hides. 9c ; No. 2 green
salted hldex , Be ; No. 1val calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ;
No. 2 veal calf , 12 to ll > Ibs. . 80.
SllERP I'KLTS Green salted , each , 15H275o ;
green salted shearings ( short woolcd early
klns ) , each , 13c ; dry ( hearings ( short woolcil
early eklns ) . No. 1 each , 6c ; dry flint Karma
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
eight , 4T3c ; dry Hint. Kuncas and Nebratkn
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , SO
4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual weight , 4g5c ; dry flint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3ff4c.
TALLOW. OREAHE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , J
S'.io ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , IHc ; white
grease , 2VaC24c ; yellow and brown grease ,
FURS Bear ( black or brown ) , J5.00S20.00 ;
otter , Jl.UNfg 00 ; mink , UQCOo ; beavr. . .ooo 0 ;
skunk , 15c , ! ! o , Me ; muakrat , 3c , to , 7e ; raccoon ,
UffMc ; red fox. 23ce 1.25 ; gray fox. 230:0c ; wolf
( timber ) , 2.lca > 2.W ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , ICi SOc ;
wildcat , lOOUc ; badger , t'i)40c ; silver fox , SM.OO
Liverpool . Inrkct.
LIVERPOOL. March B. 1:30 p. m. Exchange-
WHEAT-Spot , dull ; No. 1 northern eprlng , s
Id.COUN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new 3a
3 > ; d ; future * , sltady ; March , 3s 4Hd ; May. 33
3d : July. 3s SHd.
FLOlin St. Ix > uls fancy \ lnter. steady , 10s
HOI'S At London U'aclflc coast ) , nrm , 4 I3a
@ 5 5s.
J1EEF Finn ; extra India mcfs , CSs Od ; prime
mess. CSs ! M.
1'llOVISIONS-I'ork , firm ; prime mes , fine
western , Us 34 ; prime mess , medium western ,
489 Od Hams , utiort cut. steady , 32s. llacon
31 ; short rlb . dull , 31s 6,1 ; long clear m'ddlcs
light , steady , 20 6.1 ; long clear middles , heavy ,
steady , ; short rlesr backs , steady , 29s ; clear
bellies , 33g Id. Shoulders , square , dull , 25s. Ij\nl ,
prlmu western , dull , 20s ; prime city , nrm , ! 0s.
CHEESE American , finest white and colored ,
OILS Cottonseed , Liverpool refined. Us 6.1.
Iloiln. common , steady. Turpentine spirits , firm ,
33s M.
St. I.ouU General Mnrkrt * .
ST. LOUIS. March 6. FLOUR-Unchanged ;
patents , JI.75C4.80 ; straights. I4.40O4.U ) ; clears.
14.0004.23 ; medium , J3.UC3.7S.
WHI1AT Higher , closing * iOHc above yester
day ; July opened 1-lCc better , went off ' ; c , ad-
\anccil lct fell back Kr , closing with buyers at
that. Fpot , steady ; No , 3 red. cash , elevator , M4c ;
trar.k , SKcCtl.OO ; March , SS cMay ; , J1.01 ; July ,
f So bid ; No. 2 hard , cash , 8:0.
CORN Futures closed itrong and higher ; spot ,
higher ; No. 2 , cash , 27tc ; March , 27 > ic ; May ,
27 .OJ714c : July. S o bid ,
OATS Futures dull but firm : spot , steady ; No ,
t. cash , tic ; triKk. 27Jc ! ; March , Z7Uc ; May ,
X ! < 4 < > bill ; July , : < _ c.
MNCOLX , March-ijrl59S. , | Court mtt pur
suant to ttdJournmernviU E. Oruver , W. I *
MntlhewB.V. . . T. Kelson , J. U. Mercer nnd
John 8. Lopan rtcWMJmlttcd to practice.
Unlloy against Denttew dl ! > mlcd ; Hntftcld
npalnst Field , OabrrVh'aualnst McKlnley-
banning Ix > an and'Trust Co. , Whitney
against West nnd MrMnhon ; ngnlnst Moss-
man , dismissed unlcfls briefs are perved nnd
filed In twenty dny ! i. . < Jprrtlnental Insurance ,
Company against Wfinueh. Connecticut Fire
Insurance Companyta iln t Wau h nnd
Connecticut BVe Inmirance Comnnny against
Jeary , leave to < plalntffft | to nle amended
petitions In error-iMall ; against Chlrhart.
Ileye against Heye.-Oratton against Ogden
and Moore against iMoortv amrmcd ; Nelson
ngnlnn St/x'e. reverced ; Alexander ngaln t
Culbertpon , Irr. and Wt > . Co. , leave tr > with
draw record for . certification ; Leavltt
n alnst 'Mercfr. leave V > rtflle briefs ; Wei-
ton against Atkinson , leave plaintiff to
file supplemental briefs ; Phillips against
Dorrls , leave to plaintiff to flic brlefa In-
stantcr ; State ex rel Smyth ngalnct Jtooret" ,
leave to answer cro'Sj'nfor.ijiatlon ' In tch
days ; Cerveny ngalitst ThurstdM , time to
file briefs extended twenty dilys ; Albion
National liank ngalnft Montgomery , motion
to quash bill of exceptions overruled.
iMarch 2 1S93. Henm against State , leave
to docket , writ allowrvl ; Estate of Wltte
against Carson , motion to strike briefs overruled -
ruled ; Union Trutit Company against Allen ,
' motion for l ave to amend z-ortlflcate over
ruled , dismissed ; Oow against Thompson ,
motion to dismiss overruled , leave to appel-
| Innt to fllo briefs ; MpConnlff against Van-
Dusen , superivdpas vacated unless udVll-
, tlonal surety be given In twenty days ; At
kinson against Kctnta of May. motion to advance -
' vance overruled ; National 'Mutual nulldlng
and Loan Association against Keeney , Les-
sert against Sleberilng. dismissed unless
briefs are served and nied In twenty days ;
Hamer against MoKlnley-Ijinnlng Loan nnd
Trust Company , dismissed ; Troup neatnst
I Horbach , motion to retnx cost of printing
abstract overruled ; Phoenix IMuttial I Ate
Insurance Company against Hopkln1 ! , dls-
. missed unless appellant give security for
costs In twenty days , motion to strike , nlll-
davlts sustained ; Union Trust Company
against Coulter , dismissed unle. " ? appellant
flllea brlefa and felvc1 ! security for costs In
twenty days ; Iowa Loan and Trust Company -
< pany against Welli dismissed unless nppel- gives security for costs In twenty day ? . '
Harms against Llttlejohn. dismissed unles >
appellant gives pccurltv for costs In twenty
days , leave given to file additional record ,
motion to strike affidavits sustained ; Keene
Cs Savings Hank against Smith , motion to
fjuash bill of exceptions sustained : Cum-
Inps against Rraden , leave to file additional
record , motion to quash bill of exceptions
overruled ; Bender against Klngman. motion
to advance , afllrm nnd quash bill of excep
tions overruled ; Judklns against llurr , leave
to nle bill of exceptions ; Woodward against
Adam" , motion to qua h bill of exceptions
sustained ; Ulanchard against nl.mchard.
appellant allowed J.V ) suit money ; Webster
ng.ilnst Hastings , State against Bank of
Commerce nnd Cox against Board of Fire
nnd Police Commissioners , Omaha , ad
March 4. lR39.-Segclko against Douglas
County , Rawson against Snowden ; Sherman
against Bank , Hall County against ICd-
-wards , Volak against Fosa , dl'ml ied ; State
ex rel Society of Home , for Friendless
against Cornell leave to remove original
exhibits on substituting certllled copies.
Court adjourned 'till 'March IS. when the
fol'owlng cases will be called : Bankers'
Ute Association against Robblns , Wurde-
man ngaln t Schultz , Barr against Little.
Klme against Fenncr. Merrill against
Wright. against Pierce , Ban'.c against
Hlley. Bnnk against Oelsthardt. Lincoln
Street Railway against MoClellan. Street
Railway against Shugart , Street Railway
against Holtze , McKlbben nsalnst Harris.
Kearney County against Taylor , Hatch
against Sc.intland , Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company against Schwenk , Knglehart-Wln-
nlng Co. against Sprague , S'tevens against
Wllcox Coy against { Miller , German Na
tional ftank against .Bank , Pioneer Co.
against Mc-Clay , Pickle-Co. against McClay.
Oreenwood agalnsti Fenton. Schott against
Machamcr , McCormlcki Harvesting Machine
Company against Regler. Harvesting Ma
chine Company against "Miller. " Locke against
Shreck. Resler againsf Skandla Plc'.v Co. ,
Midland State Bank against Kllpatrlck.
Bailey against E.tatmnn. Suckstorf aga nst
Butterlleld , GretHH State. Bnnk against
Grabo \ Jacobsftn against Lynn , I-orber
against Moroarty , ' Mendelssohn nga nst
Christie , Albion National Bank against
Montgomery , Powell against ninney ( two
cases ) . Bennett agalnstlAipsley Rubber Com' '
, pany , Herd man against'State. Smith agn ns
Krnnnrd , State ex rel Ream against
LFolfohwlng nro the syllabi of opinions
' "state ex Douglas'County against Cor
nell. Mandamus. Writ.allowed. Norvnl. J.
) . Special provisions In a statute In regard
to a particular sublet , control general pro-
V Z. "under s'cctlon 13l ! article I. chapter xvlll ,
Compiled Statutes , 1S37 , a majority of all the
votes cast at the election Is sufficient for
the adoption of a proposition to issue county
funding bonds , where by their Issuance the
amount of the county Indebtedness Is not
Increased nnd the rate of Interest Is re
3. Where the title to a bill Is to amend n
designated section of at law no amendment
Is permissible which Is not germane to the
particular original section proposed to be
changed. State against Tlbbetts , 52 Neb. ,
228 , followed.
4. The amendment to section 134 , article
I , chapter xvltl , Compiled Statutes , made by
the legislature of 18S3 ( S. L. 18S3 , p. 191) ) Is
g-ermane to the original section and fairly
within the scope of the title of the amenda
tory act.
Hill against Campbell Commission Com
pany. Error from Douglas county. Affirmed.
Norval , J.
1. One who converts the property of an
other Is liable therefor. . . . . . .
2. Everyone who aids and assists In the
conversion of the chattels of a third per
son Is liable for their value.
3. A mortgagee of chattels , who Is out of
possession , and not entitled to possession
by his mortgage , cannot maintain an action
against a stranger for conversion.
4. In an action by a mortgagee of - chattels
tels , for conversion of mortgaged property
he must. In his petition , plead the facts
which create his special ownership In the
property and show his right to the posses
sion of the same.
Hartford Life nnd Annuity Insurance
Company against Eastman. Error from
Douglas county. Affirmed. Sullivan , J.
1. Stipulations In a contract of life Insur
ance providing for a forfeiture In case of
default by the Insured In paying premiums
at a place and on a day specified are In
serted for the benefit of the company and
may be waived by It.
2. Such waiver may be Inferred from the
acts , declarations or conduct of the officers
or agents of the Insurance company charged
with the management of Its business and
acting within the scope of their authority.
3. A provision In a policy of life Insurance
requiring payment of assessments In cash
at Its office In n distant state Is waived by
habitually accepting good checks In lieu of
.4. When an Insurance company Invites Its
patrons to use the malls In transmitting
premiums nnd given express directions In
relation thereto , It will warrant an Inference
that the company Intended to accept as
payment funds sent to It by mall In time
to reach Its office In duo course on or be
fore the day such premium would fall duo.
Gilbert against Marrow. Error from Doug
las county. Judgment. Sullivan , .1.
1. When an order has been Irregularly ob
tained against n party It Is his duty to
bring the matter to the attention of the
court before proceeding to a trial of the
2. M. obtained a verldct In her favor
which was set aside without service upon
her of notice as required 1 > y the rules of the
court. Sao made no complaint during the
term nor until after'vthero had been another
trial and an , verdict and Judgment
rendered against her. ' Held that she had
waived her right to complain of the Irregu
larity. J , . "
3. A party who ( eeks the vacation of n
Judgment after thejterm nt which It was
rendered must nllegq and prove that he has
a valid cause of action or defense ; nnd to
entitle him to rellenttft court must adjudge
that such causr of : action or defense Is
prlrrm facie valid.
State ex rel Jonoaagainst , 'Williams. Er
ror from Lancaster county. Affirmed. Ir
vine , C. . . . . T
In an npplleitlon'ror ' n , writ of mandamus
the court -will not try the title or right
of possession to rdaj or personal property ,
nnd by alloalng } ) IM writ make It Hub-
serve the purpose otjiv writ of ejectment or
replevin. .W-i t
Staite ex rel Homo for Friendless against
Cornell. Mandamus. Judgment. Irvlnp. C.
1. For the disallowance of a claim against
the state by the auditor the law furnishes
an adequate remedy by appeal. Mandamus
will not Issue to compel the auditor to Is-
io a warrant for a claim which he has
disallowed , and thin whether the reasons
given by him for Us disallowance bo good
or bad.
2 In a single proceeding Fcvcral iwrlts of
mandamus , dlrecto 1 to different reppondents ,
requiring the performance ot different nets ,
cannot be granted.
Blodgctt ngalnst WcMurlry. Error from
Lancaster county. Affirmed. Norval. J.
1. The exclusion of testimony which does
not tend to establish either a cause of no
tion or defense Is not ground for reversal.
2. An assignment In a ipctltlon In error
of "errora of law occurring at the trial"
In Insufficient to present for review the rul-
Inga of the court below on the admission
or exclusion of 'testimony. '
3. Alleged errora not referred 1o or ar
gued In the brlefti are waived.
Clark & L. Investment Company against
v-i \ - >
Lininjer I
Matcalf Co.
Agricultural Implements
Burgles nn < 1 Currmscs. Cor.Cth nnil Pacific Sts
Parlin , Orendorff
& Martin Co
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wacom and Buctlts - Cor. Ith and Jon * _
Picture Moldings.
Mirror * Frames , Backing and ArtUt- *
B merican Hand
1 \ Sewed Shoe Co
M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Banigau Rubber Co.
f H. Sprague & Co. ,
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. . OMAHA
F.P. Kirkendall & Co
Boots , Shoes and Rubbers
. .
Salesroom * 1102.110I.11IX Harney StntU
7 T. Lindsey ,
Owner of Chief Brand Macklntoelie-
M orse-Goe Shoe Co
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Office and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St.
Remis Omaha Bag Co
Importers and Manufacturers
614-16-18 South nth Street
rarrell & Co. ,
Molasses , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies.
Also tin cans and Japanned waro.
The American
V - Chicory Go.
Growers and manufacturers of oil forma of
Chicory Omaha-Fremont-O'Nell.
H H , Bliss ,
Importtr and Jotkvr
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
liver Plated Ware , Looking Qlassea. Chan *
dellers , Lamps , chimneys. Cutlery , Eta.
The Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
and Supplies.
Boilers , Engines , Feed Cookers. Wood Put *
lcy . Shafting , B ltlnr , UutUr Pack
S07-909 Jones ages St. . of . . all . kinds. . .
Hamilton. Appeal from Lancaster county.
Affirmed. Sullivan , J.
1. A certificate of satisfaction Issued hy
the clerk of the district court and recorded
by the refrls > ter of deeds pursuant to sections
S3a and S3b , art. .1 , chap , xvlll , Compiled
Statutes IfcST , does not sunpend the execu
tion of a decree for the foreclosure and
ale of the land described In such certificate ,
when , In fact , there has been no release ,
payment or satisfaction.
2. It Is not a valid objection to the con
firmation of a judicial Halo that the order
of sale , under which the sheriff or other
officer acted , was not returned within sixty
days from the date of Its Issuance.
Union Pacific Hallway Company against
McNally. Krror from Douglas county. Re-
verbcd. Ryan , C.
In this case the sufficiency of the publi
cation of an ordinance of South Omaha
Is presented under the same conditions as
worn described In Union Pacific Hallway
company agalnnt Montgomery , 49 Neb. ,
429 , nnd the- ruling In that case Is accord-
Incly follottied.
Western Union Telegraph Company against
Cook. Error from Howard county. Af
firmed. Ryan , C.
1. The cross-examination of a witness
should ordinarily be confined to matters
concerning .which ho has testified In his di
rect examination.
2. Where a party In good faith had en
deavored to avoid Injury attributable to
the negligence of a. common carrier It can
not escape liability by showing that euch
endeavors might have been more Judicious.
3. Evidence examined and held to justify
a peremptory Instruction for plaintiff.
Miller against State Insurance Company.
Error from Sherman county. Reversed.
l.PTh'o s'tatutos of this state provide In
what time actions may bo brought ; and a
contract which provides that no notion
shall bo brought thereon or for a breach
thereof , unles4 within a time therein speci
fied , which la different from the time
which the statute fixes for bringing un
action on such contract or for a breach
thereof , is against public policy and will
not be enforced by the courts of this
Cleghorn against Obernalte. Appeal from
Cass county. Reversed nnd dismissed.
n . .u . . , and his family resided on a
rented farm. The husband worked nt his
trade of plasterer , was an 'habitual ' drunk
ard and squandered bis earnings , devoting j
E , Smith & Co.
( potters and Jobbers f
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
11 chard son Drug Co.
902-906 Jackson St.
J. 0. RICHARDSON , Prest.
O. F. W'CLLER , V. Treat.
The Mercer
Chemical Go.
r * Standtnt t'harntotutleal Vropara-
tlonl. l > i' oial Formulae Prepared to
Order. Senrf/or t'xtafopiie.
laboratory. 1111 Howard 6t , Omaha.
E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Bee" Specialties.
Cljan , Wlnea and Urcndlei ,
Comer 10th nd Harney 8trc tf
W estern Electrical
Electrical Supplies ,
Electric Mlnln ? Holla nnd Gas Liplitlng
U. W. JOllNBTON' . Mgr. ISIO Hov.ard St.
U/olf Electrical
vy Supply Go
UM Fai-nsm St.
Branch & Co ,
Gjmmission Merchants.
8. W. Corner l"th and Howard Sts.
Members of the National League of Commls
( ton Merchants of tin United States.
McCord-Brady Co.
13th and Lcuvcnworth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries
re * AND corrcc ROISTERS , etc.
Meyer & Raapke ,
I'M ' Tea * . Spices , Tobacco anc\ Clears
' I 1103-1407 Harner Barett.
Paxton Gallagher Co
Telephone US.
J * H. Haney & Co.
Jobber * of Leather , Saddlery Hardware , F.le ,
Wo solicit your orders , 1315 Howard Et
Rector & Wilhelmv Co
Wholesale Hardware.
L ee-Clark Andreesen
Hardware Go
Wholesale Hardware.
Bicycle * and Sporting Goods. 1210 > 3l-29 Hat *
neystroet. .
none of them to the support of Ills family
The wife anO. childen conducted the farm !
she doing the labor of H farm hand. Dur
ing this time she purchased on executory
contract a piece of land nnd made the first
payment thereon out of the earnings of
her labor. She and her husband then
moved on the land purchased , the husband
continued to conduct himself and the wife
to labor and manage the new farm as be
fore , and from her earning thereon with
his consent , she made the deferred pay
ments on the land purchased when the
vendor by Inadvertence or mistake deeded
the land to the husband. Held , (1) ( ) that the
money earned by the wife was her prop
erty ; (2) ( that the land purchased belonged
to the wife ; (3) ( ) that the husband 'held ' the
legal title to said land In trust for her ;
(4) ( that said land wns not liable for a debt
of the husband contracted before the date
of the conveyance to him.
2. Where land Is paid for with , a wlfo'H
money , but deeded to the husband , he mill
hold the title In trust for her , and Phe Is
not eKtopped from claiming the land as
npalnst her husband's creditors unions her
conduct In the premise. ? Induced them to be
lieve that the husband was the actutl
owner of the land and extend credit to him
on the strength thereof.
'Pollock ' against School District 42. Error
from Antelope county. Reversed. Irvine , C.
An appeal will not lie from the order of a
county superintendent changing the bound
aries ot bchcol districts or creating wx
districts , The method of reviewing such
pioceedlngs Is by petition tn error.
.Mains against lioyd. Appeal from Madi
son county. Affirmed. Irvine. C.
No question of Ian1 l involved In this
case. Evidence held to sustain the finding
of tlm district court.
Chicago , Uurllngton & Qulnoy Ralhuiy
Company against Kellogg. Error from
Phelps county. Affirmed. Hagan , C. *
1. A Judge who presided at the trial of
an action and rendered judgment therein
Is not , from that fact , disqualified by sec
tion 37 , chapter xlx. Complied Statutes , to
hear another suit brought to vacate 4he
Judgment In the former one.
2. A Judge , to bo "Interested" within the
meaning of said section , and therefore dis
qualified , must bo pecuniarily Interested ,
or his Interest In the litigation must be
such that ho will gain or lose something
by the result.
3. The practice of causing unexamlncd
witnesses , except those called as exports ,
to be sequestered so that they may not
Walter Moist & Co
Proprietor * of AWiniC.VN riOAn AND
! 4-i tiout'h 14th Et.
tier's Eagle Gin
East India Bitters
Qoldln Snsaf Pure Hr nd Bourbon Whlrt T.
Willow Sprlnta Distillery , lUr C * . , 1UJ '
Hartley Strtet _
Liquor Merchants
1001 Kurnam StrcoU
' .ley Brothers ,
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 Farnam Streob
John Boekhoff ,
Wines , Liquors and
411-415 B. Uth OtrttL
C hlcago Lumber Oo.
DUMBER . , .
814 South 14th St.
amilton Bros ,
Manufacturers of doors , snsh , blinds , ofncej
storu nn.l caloon llxtuiep. Hstlmitcs furnished
on any kind of mill work.
Tel. r.79. Mill 2Sth and Davenport Sts.
ational Oil
and Paint Co.
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And Paints of All Klndi. Putty. KtO ,
1815 and MIT XOBM St.
Ctandard Oil Co.
; . A. Moffet , 1st Vice Fres. L. J. Drake , d n lift
Oaso'.lne. Turpentine , Axle Grease , Etc.
Omaha Branch and Agencies , John B. Ruth M&T.
Carpenter Paper Co.
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
Oontr Uth and Howard atrttu.
rane Ghurchill Co.
1014-1016 DouuUs Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers of Steam. Oas ant
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
jjnited States <
u Supply Co. . .
i/oS-nro Harney St.
Steam Pumps. Engirt and Boilers. Pl
Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing
Material. Belting , Hose , Etc.
G real Western
Type Foundry
Superior Copper lllxej Typ U tht Wit
th * mf.rket.
1114 Uowanl Btrett.
. j
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Ofllre. 1C3S N Si. . Lincoln. Neb.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wlren to Chicago and Now York.
Corretpondrnti : John A , Warren A Co.
hear the 'testimony of the witness being
examined , Is a. good one , us It tends to
elicit the truth and promote the ends ol
4. But whether such witnesses shall bo
sequestered In any case Is a matter restIng -
Ing In the discretion of the trial court , andl
In the of a showing that the court
abused Its discretion to the prejudice of
the complaining party. Its action In ths
premises will not 'bo disturbed.
5. Evidence examined and held to su tan !
the finding of the district court that no
Improper communication had been made to
the jury , whllo deliberating on their verdloD
In the first action , by the officer hiivlnu
them In charge.
Perm Mutual Life Insurance Company
against Connoughy. Error from Adaml
county. RevcrFfd. Rngan , C.
1. In a suit against an Insurance company
on a dishonored chock drawn Ijy Its genera !
agent against the bank with which he kepi
an account us such agent , the iwtltlon ebn-r
tnlnod fo counts. Held , that the first count
of the petition did not state a. cause of uo
2. The code requires n tp'.rader to stata
the facts which constitute his can HO of uc-
tlon or defcnso In ordinary nnd conclsaj
language ; and the prautlcn of adding
"common count" In a pleading Is one not
contemplated by 4lio rode.
3. Evlderico examined and held not to su >
tain the averments of the second "count1 *
Of the BCtHloo ,