THE OMAHA DAILY BME : MONDAY , MARCH 7 , 1808. personal opinion the explosion wai duo to oxtcrnal CJUHC. No official report of this character wn over nent to Washington so far as Is known. Hut the mere circulation of the report nt Madrid attributing inch viown to General Leo hu been the oourco of much feeling In Spanish official circles. The press dispatches from Madrid alro disclose that General Lee Is held account able at the Spirited capital for the project of the purchase of Cuba by the United States from Spain , as well ai for a gen- cral Kciitlmcnt of sympathy toward , the In- eurgcnts. The suggestion of the Imparclal , a leadIng - * Ing government organ , that the next sea- slon of the Cortes will consider the case of General Lee , Rhowa the strong Influences wlilcli Induced the Sagasta cabinet to ask tots recall. In thin connection the fact li noted that Hcnor Dupuy de Lome Is duo In Spain at this time. IIU enforced retirement on a. demand by the United Slates Is felt to have awakened a counter sentiment at .MadrlJ , which finds expression against Consul Gen eral Lee. There In little doubt , a ho , that such advice as Senor Dupuy de Lome would Klvo to the public In Madrid would not tend toward the retention of General Loo. OUJKCT TO LKH'S SYMPATHY. There Is llttlo doubt , however , that the main cause of Spain's action Is the sym pathies General Lee has shown for the Cuban sufferers. It Ifl known that his active and open sympathy with the people who have suffered so greatly during the present Insur rection , American citizens as well as native Cubans , baa not been accepted by the Spanish oIHclals In Cuba as an exhibition of disinter ested olllclallsm , such as Is expected of con sular officers. There were complaints during General Wcyler'a administration of his con duct , but never In full official form. .As a matter of fact , Spain reijulrol no formal excuse for the dismissal of a conaulnr officer according to International law. These officers are not endowed usually with diplo matic , privileges , and they exist entirely by the sufferance pt the nations to which they are sent. In their case It Is not necessary or usual to request their linme governments to recall them. They live officially only through an exequatur granted by the govern ment to which they are accredited , and this may > bo withdrawn at any moment. Though Consul General Lee may be dismissed from his post by the Spanish government , this would not violate any section of International law. law.Hut Hut ho la In r ie respect unique. In that 1m Is endowed with semi-diplomatic poweri by the wish of our government and by the consent of the SpanLih government. The request of the Spanish government for his recall may therefore bo rcqardej as tantamount to the demand for the recall of an objectionable minister such , for Instance , as was Senor Dupuy de Lome. ICicro must bp some substantial or satisfactory reason for mien a Je.iund In auch cases and , a ; those presented against General I.PO p'robably were confined to the acta ho has so far performed v. Ith the full naiintlon cod approval of Presi dent McKlnlcy , the demand waa not enter tained , cfl Is cliarly shown In the formal statement given cut by Assistant Secrctar } Day. Under such circumstances the Incident would cltaa unless Spain took the decisive fitcpn of Insisting on General LceV ) recall end , this falling , giving him hl < l exequatur. Thh radical course Is not expected , dowcver , end nil tic Indications reaching officials here nru that Spain will not pi'ccced further with thu Incident. THIS IS NOT SO GHAVn. The action regarding the cruiser Mont gomery ami gunboat Nashville Li looked upoa by officials here as much lesa grave than that affecting General Leo. Secretary Lttig Raid tonight that he did not regard the question as to what ship should carry the relief supplies as aerlous in my way eras as likely to present any parplexlng Isauts , The deslro of the Navy department , said Mr. Long , was to get the supplies to Cuba or the most available vessel. There were three of these novr'tot Key \Vcst , the MOD- sorcery , Nashville and Fern , alike available for the service tnd ono of theorMr. . Lens Bald would be designated , for thetrip. . Tic : Fern Is a dispatch boat rather than .in nrmcd naval vessel and Itn availability for this uikslon had not been previously sug- geoted. Ite cbolae/ would probably rJmovo all grcuml 'lev ' objection , r.s it baa ncaa of the characteristics of a war vessel. Mr. Long said , however , that the ally dc- cl ! on thus far reached was Hint one of the naval vessels Montgomery , Nashville or Kern should make thetrip. . As into to the first time public mention has been made of the KernIn connection with carrying the Bupplloi It might be decided that It will make the trip , lint the orders con tinue to stand oa they were originally made , designating the Montgomery and Nrahvlllo , but these could bo changed readily If tiie Fern was felt to be best suited for the work. The naval officials have felt from the Unit Mxit the Montgomery and Nashville were Illy adapted for carrying Eupplles. They art essentially fighting machines and every Inch of available cooni Is taken with their own supplies of cordage , canvas , coal , etc. Tir ! was so apparent itiat the picas contemplated putting the relief supplies on deck , covering thorn with tarpaulin and trusting to the weUher and a quick trip" to keep the provls- lonci r.uil clothing from damage. The Fern , tiot telng so essentially a fight ing machine , but more of the- type of a yacht * for the speedy conveyance of naval dis patches , Iu3 considerable more room for utowlng supplies , both below nnd on deck. SEND MOHK SUPPLIES. The Cuban collet ccinmlttco counted on sending seventy-five tons to Key West , but thla IMS now been Increased to 100 tons. Ii left New York on ono of the Mallory lhif > of boats , and Is duo nt Key West next Wednesday. TVio transfer will take n day < in.l the plnii Is tn have the government ships Bt.irt next Thiii&day for Cuba. The decision of the administration to send upplles to Cuba was arrived at early In the week. General Lee had represented that ho had been unable to distribute- the good'j ' that had been received In answer to the proclamation of the president to tinAirer - lean people. Ho reported that many tons of these supplies were stored In tl.iv.ina , end could not bo forwarded to the eautuu end of the Island , The United Stales con suls at Matanzas and Sagua La Grande had rorac In.person to Havana to seek relief , utter explaining to the State department the eruditions existing In their respective do- pirtinonts. . . ' 'flip department immediately Instituted Inquiries aufl 'found that the Spanish per mission only applied to Havana , and secured permission for the. tree reception of these supplies at all parts. The next obstacle met was the dllllculty of transshipping the goods from Havana eastward , there being u eoml- wcekly service by steamer , and that sub ject to many vexatious local restrictions. When the United States cruiser Montgomery returned from Its cruise , which Included the Cuban ports of Matanzas and Santiago , the officers brought harrowing details of the dis tress existing there. TKLLS WHAT HE SAW. Captain Cronlnshtrld. the chief of the Navigation bureau of the Navy department , an officer of the eoundeat discretion and judgment , waa on the ship , an accidental pswcnser. He told President MoKlnloy di rectly what ho had learned. The result was the Immediate decision of the Navy depart ment to accede to the request of the relief commltteo In New York to forward Its sup plies to the eastern ports of Cuba. Ono of the American lines of steamers running to New York had offered to take ; the bounteous contributions of the American pcoplu to Key West , and the president him self gave the order for their carriage to east ern Cuba by any of the available ! ships of the North Atlantic wiuadron. The an nouncement of the purpose of tbo government - ' ment to send supplied to Cuba on these ves sels was made last Wednesday. Within twenty-four hours them were signs . of reaU'tanco on the part of the Spanish government. This at first took the shape of * formal Inquiry by Senor du Rax as to the correctness of the icport , the Inquiry being couched In an Incredulous tone , and later. whci\ the affirmation came , there was lodged not a formal request , but rather an Insin uation that the movement of the naval ships would not bo acceptable , that It would bo construed Into an act of active sympathy on Hood's Cura all liver Ills , btl'.ou * * our' tom- eh. iBdlgMtlon , conitlpf Co. . Th T * . "Kb- tlin part of tli ( > government ot the United Stales with the Insurgents. Hut the president had natliflod hltruolt that the course ho bad chosen tfuit of BondIng - Ing the supplies In a naval vessel was the only one that promised Biidlclent and prompt relief. There was no tlmo for polite diplo matic exchange of notcn when , according to General I s's advice , people were pcrhtiln ? from hunger by hundreds every day In Cuba , ami the Spanish charge was so Informed. Senor du Dene , when sctfl at the Hpanlsh legation today , could add little to the fund of Information on the two subjects which were attracting 03 much ofllclilind public attention. Ho received no word from hla government concerning General Lee , and lie stated positively that no suggestions con cerning General Lee's retirement had been submitted to him by tfie State department. As to the sending of relief supplies by the Montgomery and Xcohvllle , Mr du Bosc aald tint ho felt that merchant voiscls were much better equipped for sued service. anJ their lite v-'oa not open to that mliconstruc- tlon possible In nendlng supplies by vessel& of the navy. The news concerning General Lee avsuaed tfio deepest Interest , and no llttlo excite ment throughout WanhlnRtsn , end for the tlmo being the usual quiet of Sunday ovcnlng was put aside. In hotel corridors , ot the clulxi nnd In nil public places It was the absorbing topic , and not since theMalno dis aster WM ntich widespread popular Interest evinced In the Spanish situation. i.i.vfun ; ISLAND XAVV YARD IHISY. AVorUnirn Spend Sunday llppnlrln \tiiniTiMH KimlnrK of AVnr. PHILADELPHIA , -March C. Today was a repetition of last Sunday In the general activity nt League Island navy yard. Work men were busily engoged upon the cruiser Minneapolis , the monitor Mlantonomah and the ram Katnhdln. In addition work was going on In the mold loft , nnd several forgea were In operation In the blacksmith shop. The utmost reticence prevailed among the officers , sallora and workmen at the yard and it was Impossible to obtain any official In formation as to the details of the work going on. Ituis evident , however , that all work was being pushed as rapidly as possible. The work on the Minneapolis and Mlan tonomah was nil below decks nnd was said to consist of repairs and Inspection of the machinery. On the Katahdln the utand-irds for the rapid firing guna were being erected and some small repairs were going on below. The work In the mold lott consisted of at tention to small boats and spars. The Immense crowds which ( locked to the naval station last Sunday were largely In creased today , but no ono wns allowed to get cloao to the war ships. Sentrleo were > peeled at the entrance to tlio wharves and only workmen and those on business were al lowed Inside the lines. The old single turreted monitors In the back channel , relies of the lite war , were an attraction to thousands and their decks worn crowded all day. It was reported tb\t five of these- will be taken out of their bertha as soon nn possible and tested with modern guno aboard. Those now In the turrets are of the old smooth-bore kind. The Informa tion -ID to the trial of thcao boats came from ono of their caretakers , nnd waq not ofllcl-al. Tlio boatr which It Is said will bo u eJ urc the Montauk , Jason , Manhattan and Canonl- cus. The purpose of the trial with modern guns Is to determine whether they will maintain their center of gravity s'Jffllently well enough to be available for use In any emergency. POKTSMOUTII , N. H. , March G. The United States steamer Essex has been or dered to tlio Portsmouth navy yard for re pairs. Orilera have been received at the navy yard to rush work on It and application has lj en made to have some old monitors hero to ( It out. Commodore Hcmy Is prepared for any emergency nnd 1,000 mechanics or more could bo set to work In forty-eight hours. A large shipment of steam cutter outfits hna been made from this station to Key AVcst. BOSTON" , March C. Orders have been re ceive ! at the Charlcstown navyi yard calling for the enlistment of mun for the povernl ratings In the enlisted force of the , navy. Thcoo ratings include machinists and othera of the artificer class , seamen , ordinary sea men , landsmen , firemen and coal passers. It was not stipulated In the prders just how- many men should bo received , but no definite tlmo for the discontinuance of the recruiting AVJS given. The orders read that enlistments shall continue until "further orders. " Com mander Ilowlson , commandant ot the yard , wa-j of the opinion that the enlistments called for 'by ' today's orders were simply to (111 ( the- vacancies In the t-ervice caused by the less of the mun on the Maine , and to help fill up the complements of the Minne apolis and Mlantonomah. The work on the Lancaster h rapidly pro- grecalng , and on Saturday afternoon the worU of rigging waa begun In earnest. Its mlzzen and malutnpd were hoisted Into position , and on 'Monday Its foratop will be put In place. It will probably be floated from the dry dock on Thursday. IT M.VV LKAD TO SlilllOUS RUSUI/l' . fieiioral SlcUlen TalK'M or Simlii'n Hc- iliioHt for I.VO'H Hoeiill. NEW YORK , March C. General Daniel K. Sickles , who wca minister of the United States to .Spain from 18C3 to 1874 , during which period occurred the strained relations between that country and the United States over the Vlrglnlus affair , said today that Spain's roqueut for the recall of Consul Gen eral Leo waa a serious move and likely to lead to serious results. General Sickles continued : "It Is Spain's right to ask for General Lee's recall. When I was minister to Spain I' was Instructed to demand the re call of the Spanish' consul general here , and my request was Inuncdlately granted by the SpanUh'govornmcnt. Spain would today be Justified tn demanding the recall of General Leo on the ground that ho Is persona non grata. " " ! H not such a situation nt this time , fol lowing close as it does on the De Lome In cident and the Malno disaster , sure to pre cipitate a war ? " General Sickles was asked. "Not at all. It Is mostly a diplomatic Incident. President McKlnley Is at liberty to refuse to recall General Leo and In that ease Spain would bo perfectly Justified In handing him his passports on the single ground that ho Is persona lion grata. " "Do you consider that this move on Spain's part puts this country nearer war than It over was over the Virglulus affair ? " "Not nt all. If anything we were nearer war then than now. I do not regard the affair aa a casus belli , and It Is no moro than their right to demand that If wo bond supplies to theao people they shall bo sent by merchant vessels. "Tho use of war ships nt such a tlrno might Justly be regarded as a hostile act on our part. Spain's right to demand that these supplies bo sent by peaceful merchant men cannot bo questioned. " TI1I3V MMICULATK OX WAR TOPICS. Pcoiilr tit lliivnnn Improve the Pre vailing dulct by Talking. HAVANA ( via Key West ) , March C. As the conviction becomes settled that the court of Inquiry will dccldo that there wail a mlno explosion under the Maine , discussion among American naval officers acd civilians here Is prevalent aa to tbo warlike measures which It Is believed the United States gov ernment will adopt If the question of pay- meet of Indemnity by Spain la overruled. A majority believes that American troops will bo landed at tome point outaldo ot Havana and the Insurgents communicated with ; that the Spanish soldiery will be de feated or captured and that In the meantime a tlcet ot United States vessels will blockade ] It not bombard Havana. No coe seems to doubt that the reduction ot thla city would be comparatively eaay. Four twelve-Inch guns two west and two cast of the city are the only once that are considered dangerous. These are not likely to be well served , white their emplacements arc not modern. That eome Spaniard * are of the opinion that an attack CD Havana will bo made Is be lieved to bo shown by the abnormal activity dUplayed on board the Vlzcaya. The Asso ciated Press correspondent has the belt naval authority for the statement that the Vlzcaya la la a cexutant state ot readlneta for emergencies and that picket boata arc on the alert day and night Inside the harbor and outside tha harbor at nlgbU U I * pointed out that the men-of-war VUeaya and Almlraote Oquepdo might be caught la a blockade acd tall an eaajr prey to United Statea fleet. The crutoer Alfonso XII < without bollwi tad would b at a account. DODGE THE INSURANCE LAWS Eastern Companies Iscapo Making Statement of Their Business. AVOID TAXATION TO QUITE AN AMOUNT .Send OiKnlilc Men Into the Slntc to Write liiMirnncr ami Divide Up itlie Coiiitiilxnlon with l < 'lrmn. LINCOLN , March C. ( Special. ) It U said that some of flic eastern Insurance companies have adopted a method whereby they carape making a full statement of their bu.ilnecs . la this etato and thus avoid taxation to a col jldcvablo amount , The plan Is to have an agcuit of the company residing outslda the elate come In and wrlto Insurance for large firms , 03 a special Inducement dividing the commission with the flrnvi , and In some cases deducting the entire amount of the commission , BO that the Icsured gets his policy at a reduced rate. Large amounts are written In thla manner and the business U not reported a * having been done In this btatc , no authorized agent here having done It. The plan gives extensive firms Insurance at a low rate , but cuts the resident agents out ot legitimate business and results In an Incomplete showing to the state. It Is said that this business Is mostly carried oa In Omaha , South Omaha end Lincoln and that agents from Chicago , New York or other eastern points drop In and write the In surance. At any rate , the matter Is giving rise to much grumbling among local Insurance in cm , some of whom believe that all companies , before being given permission to transact business In the state , should bo compelled to sign an agreement that tncy would not allow nonresident agents to come In and write policies and that the csrtlflcatcs of the companies so offending might be can celled. Othe'.1 interested parties hold , how ever , that such an agreement would bo un necessary , aa the Insurance laws provide a way of handling such cases and that the better way would bo to make complaint to the Insurance commissioner end furnish proof In cases of this kind , which would result In stopping the practice and compel the companies to make a full and complete statement of their bUBlneta within the state or would result In the cancellation of the permits of the offending companies. The matter Is one of some public Interest anl may bo expected to employ the attention of both Insurance men aai state officials In the near future. Under the insurance law every Irawonce company transacting business In this state Is taxed upon the execs. ? of premiums re ceived over the lessen and ordinary expenses Incurred within the state during the year previous. A strict annual statement of business done Is required and agciats not having a certificate ot authority are ex pressly forbidden to solicit or wrlto In surance , the following being amorvg the pro visions cf the law : Any president , secretary or other ollicer of any company organized under the. laws of Nebraska , or any officer or person doing business * or attempting to do business In this state for any Insurance company or ganized without this state , falling ito com ply lAlth any of the requirements of this act. or violating any of the provision : ! thereof , shall be deemed guilty ot a. mis demeanor , nnd upon conviction thereof shall bo fined In a sum not exceeding $1,000 and bo Imprisoned In the county jail for a period of not less ithan thirty days nor more than six months. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTD3. The grand Jury will meet tomorrow mornIng - Ing after a week's vacation , which tlmo Is understood .to have been spent by County Attorney Munger In looking up matters a ! law and In drawing up some IndlctnieUs. Before Its adjournment the jury way con sidering the matter of bringing In an In dictment against Eugcao Moore and Its action this week will bo watched with In terest. The annual oratorical contest of the Uni versity Union Literary society was held In Union hall Saturday night. This year there were but two contestants. O. W. 'Meier's oration on "Tho Principles Involved In the American Revolution" took first place and won the $15 prize offered by Messrs. Senior , Lohmer and Qulntance. W. J. Doyce'fi oration tion was on "Tho Fate of an Empire" and was n .characterization of China's lack of progress. Prof. O. E. Barber , head of the Latin de partment of the State university , gave a lecture on "Romo" last night to 'those ' who are studying Virgil. The lecture was illus trated by stereoptlcon views and was en joyed by a largo number outaldo of the class. In the course of a few wceka another lecture will bo given , taking "Pompeii" for the oubject. Chancellor and Jtrs. MacLean received the students of the School of Agriculture at their homo lapt night. Members of the fac ulty were also present. Short addresses were made by Dean Besscy , Prof. Lyon , Prof. " Daniels. Miss Sargent , * dean of" Ferry hall , Like Forest university. Illinois ; Mr. Lor- ton , who Is connoted with the trade schools In Now York , and A. E. Sheldon. A proposi tion that the agricultural students form a union for themselves and all ex-students met with the hearty approval of all present. Settlement of Tax CoutrovcrMy. KIMRALL , Neb. . March C. ( Special. ) L. \V. Blckol appeared before the Board of Commlsaloncro of Banner county In behalf cf the Bay State Live Stock company to en deavor to effect a settlement of.'tho ' com pany's back tax In that county. Several days were spent figuring over the books and p. satisfactory agreement wes finally reached by which the company will pay all delin quent taxes , which Includes tha years 1S93 , 1S04 , 1S93 , 1890 and 1S97. By the terras of the settlement It will get a discount of D1.3 pep cent from the 1S93 tax , 33 per cent from 1894 , 29 per cent from 1893 , 23 per cent from 1S96 and pay 1S97 tax In full , Includ ing Interest , but not advertising fees. The company's protert was based principally upon the overvaluation of Its lands In the past years and had good grounds for Its complaint , but the reductions It received equalizes the valuation at 75 cents per aero for raw land for the several different years. The railroad company will no doubt settle Its delinquent land tax In Banner county on these terms also , as the company was rep resented In the settlement and the proposi tion U now before the officers of the road for their endorsement. Snmitleri * County Fair. WAHOO , Neb. , March 0. ( Special. ) The board of directors of the Saunders County Agricultural society met In this city yester day and began active preparations for a big show this fall. The dates fixed upon are September 20 to 23 , Inclusive. The following beads of departments were chosen : General superintendent , H. M. Clark' , Ithaca ; hall , II. D. Van Drlel , Walrao ; cattle , D. P. Fur- ney , Ceresco ; horses , A. H. Lohmkuhl , Wcs- ton ; eheop , C. F. Johnson , Valparaiso ; swine , S. M. Hart , Ithaca ; poultry and pet stock , P. II. Longfellow , Wahoo ; farm prod ucts and vegetables , J , D. Cook , Wahoo ; horticulture , C. C. Furney , Cercaco ; pre served fruits and vegetables , Mrs. J. S. Cheney , Mead ; pantry stores. Mrs. George Putney , Ithaca ; bees and honey , J. W. Rockyfoiler , Weeton ; domestic articles , Mrs. Z. U. Smith , Colon ; fine arts. Miss Ella Hill , Wahoo ; school work , J , M. Galloway , Wahoo ; manufacture , C. P. Deebe. Every body Is enthusiastically In favor ot having a county fa'r and also ready to lay off their coats and help push tbo exposition. ColumbaHotod , COLUMBUS. < Xeb. . March 6. ( Special. ) The man who stole a horse from Samuel ImhofT just one week ago waa arrested In MadUon' ' county and brought here yesterday. Ho gave the name of Frank Robinson and was taken before Judge Roblson , wbero he waived examination and was bound over to the district court In the sum ot $1,000 , la default ot which ho went to Jill. The hone was returned to tbo owner. Superintendent Ntchol * cf the Union Pa cific waa here Friday iokpectla ? tha ice In the Platte and Loup rivers. Ho came pre pared to bliat out the Ice wlh dynaralto , but found U uooeceisarjr , the Ice li al ready commencing to go out. un < t with ai liltl * ctremoay M wu ever known. Thert will bo rcryllttlil If Indeed any , freshet thla spring. KlI A scries of revival raeotloga will bo held at the Congregational church , commencing March 7 and continuing two weeks. Ruv. L. H. Hougtutfn/.hsslsted / by Rev. H. J. Hlti- man , will conduct the meetings. Union momtfrlnl services were held at the Methodist church In this city today In honor ot the late < MlM Frances E. Wlllard. CciiiJal * Cltr Xoten. CENTRAL CITY , Note , March G. ( Spe cial. ) Dlstrlc court has been In session here the lest weefcj Jqdgo Alberts presiding. The docket Is smdUer than In years. There were but two crlmfrfaf cases , that of S. H. Ar- rants , chargeVJ with obtaining money under false pretenses , and Dick Hllllguss , charged with stealing stock. Arrants was acquitted and Hllllgais convicted. Central City will soon bo connected with Omaha by telephone. The Nebraska Telephone - phone company will soon put In the wlrea A great deal ot fat stock Is being shipped to South Omoha. There Is a great scarcity of farms ( his spring , many tenants being unable to se cure land. Court Adjourn * . NEBRASKA CITY , March C. ( Special. ) The regular February term of the district court was adjourned yesterday by Judge Ramsey. During the term several Impor tant cases were disposed of. The docket Is now comparatively cleared up. Upon the motion to admit Leo Dillon , who Is charged with the murder of William Relsch , to ball , the court ruled favorably , fixing the 'bond at { 10,000 , , which has not yet been given. Corn. Tlileven CiliiKht. HERMAN. Neb. , March G. ( Spoilal. ) Constable Hllslngcr caugnt three residents ot this place before daylight stealing corn from E. W. Burdlc's cribs. They were carryIng - Ing It away In sacks. Mr. Hurdle Informed them ho would not prosecute It they would give him the value of the corn stolen , which they did. Hlnpnte Over Water BANCROFT , Neb. , March C. ( Special. ) The Omaha company that has bid the con tract for putting In the Bancroft system of water works has completed the work , but up to date the village board has refused to accept , owing to the fact that the worko are not up to plans and specifications. N'eliraHkn .Vi-n.-t iNoteN. The Tecumseh Journal has started In on volume twenty. During the year 1S97 Judge'staple of Val ley county Issue , ! sixty marriage licenses ; during the month of February , fourteen , and has already Issued six this week. Verily prosperity ha struck 'the judge. The citizens of Crawford have signed a petition to Messrs. E. H. Talbot and J. E. Lessen , Boston capitalists intorc-stcd In the Grable enterprises , to establish a bank In Crawford. For the second time within a month some unknown party the other night threw a chunk of coal through the largo plate glass window of one of Stanton'a leading business houses. Two wild cats were killed In the timber cast of Elm Crpck , Bilrt county , by Ed John son and Arthur Ilennlg , They were magnifi cent specimens of the cat tribe , weighing twenty-five poundj each. They were a male and female. „ , , 11 Ji The Becmer water works are now In oper ation. The co f hdi been In the neighborhood of ? 3,000 , all paid 'With ' 'the exception of about $400 , and wlthoutJ a cent of expense to the town. This speaks well for the enterprise and Ilberallty09f IJs people. The now crusher for the rock quarries southeast of , Springfield has arrived. It has a capacity of. , ; per day. A couple of cars of iron , ( for .switches are also on the ground and .when ! things are In full Wait from soventyt-fivo to 100 men will be em ployed. JThe - Rock Island road Is making arrangements td 'fun In six trains a day to the quari'lcfl. Atosd of 'the crushed rock will bo- used on that road.i Inii ! < l'ijtt' ; mi Home Moat. KANSAS CITY , March 0. Horse meat waa served last night at the annual banquet of the Kansas City Veterinary college. Though the spread was elaborate , not a morsel of moat other than the flesh of the horse was eerved. From soup to roast It was all dorse. The students end faculty of the college who gath ered nround the board made merry and In sisted that It was appetizing. Iynch n XC-KI-O. LAKE CORMORANT , Miss. , March C. A negro by the name of Will Jones tva.s lynched tonight by an unknown mob for outraging a colored woman today. The mob mot the officers Avhlle transferring the nesro for safe keeping and taking him fiom them dragged him to a tele.mone. pole nearby , where hla body was left swinging In the moonlight. The negro was tried a rn-pek ago for a similar oftcns-e , but the. evidence was not sutllclcnt to convict him. dim-ceil TVltli Kmliexrleinciir. CHICAGO , March O.-Joseph Bernlak. formerly manager of the United States Guitar and Zither company of li.iltlmorc , iHias arrested In this city today and will be taken to Baltimore to answer to the charge of embezzling snvt-ral thousind dol- lats from his firm. Mary \Vcsccrhun. : formerly Bernlak's stenographur , wad ar- r ° sted with him as an acessory. General 'IliiKecrini * IN Falling. LOS ANGELES , Cal. , March C. The con dition of General Rosecrans , who Is lying 111 at his ranch nar this city , la reported to bo slightly worse tonight , though the physicians attending him say there Is still hope of his recovery nnd that even If the present attack proves .fatal . he may linger -for some days yet. Ten Kyelc 'Will ' Kniler nt Henley. WORCESTER , Mass. . March C. The Wa- chuett Boat club today voted to enter Ed ward H. Ten Eyck for the second tlmo In the Henley royal regatta , where he will cc-mpeto for the diamond sculls , of which ho is the present holder. The club also voted to send James A. Ten Eyck , the young man's father , across us trainer. FIGHT A DUEL WITH SWORDS Italian Deputies Resort to tha Ooda to Avenge Their Honor , FELICO CARLO CAVALOTTI IS KILLED llcerlvpft n Second Tlirunt In tlio Xcck , Severing Illn JtiKiilitr Voln , nnd Dim IiiMliinllr. HOME , March ( ! . Signer Fellco Carlo Cnv- alottl , poet , dramatist , publicist and the well known radical member of the Chamber of Deputies for Corte-Olonu , was killed hero this afternoon In a duel with swords with Slgnor Macola , member of the Chamber of Deputies cad editor ot the * Gazzotta Dl Vciiczla. The encounter was the outcome of a press polemic la the columns of the Milan Secolo nnd the Gazzctta Dl Venezla. It took place at an unfrequented spot outnldo the porta Maggtorc. Slgnor Macola's seconds were the Dep uties Slgnor Guldo Fuslmto , professor at the University of Turin and member for Foltro , and Slgnor Carlo Donatl , advocate and member for Lonlgo. Slgnor Cavalottl's seconds ends were Slgnor Dlzzonl , the publicist , and Slpnor Tags ) , member of the Chamber of Deputies. Shortly before the meeting Slgnor Cavalottl seemed In excellent spirits and even Joked with lib seconds. When the word was given ho attacked his opponent vigorously. The first two engagements were without result , but In the third Signer Cavalottl re ceived a thrust In.tho throat that severed hla Jugular. At first It was thought ho was only slightly Injured , but the gravity of'the wound was soon perceived on his putting his hand to lita mouth. Ho withdrew It covered with blood and could not utter a word. The doctors and his seconls carried him to Zelllno nod laid him on a bed In the resi dence cf the Countess Cellaro , tracheotomy was performed and artificial breathing at tempted , but all efforts wore useless. Slguor Cavalottl expired ta ten minutes without Rpcakkig again. Slgnor Macola did not rc- celvo a scratch. The news on reaching the city caused a great sensation. Numerous deputies and friends hurried to the sccno and thcro Is uni versal regret over the tragic end of Civa- lottl. lottl.Tho The late Slgnor Fellco Carlo Cavalottl , who was a member of a family originally Venetian , was bom at Milan , November C , 1SI2. At the age of IS , having become already noted for his poetry breathing hatred for Austria , ho threw himself with ardor as a writer and soldier Into the struggle for Ital ian Independence , taking part In various ex peditions and publishing In the newspapers of the day articles and verses whoso revolu tionary audacity "attracted wide attention. Ho mudo his debut as a dramatic writer at Milan In 1871 , presenting a grand histor ical and patriotic drama entitled , "L'Pez- zantl , " ( The Beggars ) , which was hailed with loud acclaim as a new departure In romance. This was followed by a series of dramas and comedies , whoso action was located at Milan , Homo and Florence , and by several plays based on ancient or classic themes. Slgnor Cavalottl published also a volume of poems , for the most part political In theme , a collection of lyric pieces under the tltlo "Antlcagllo , " and a 'translation of "Fragments do Tyrtee. " Some years ago ho gathered his various publications together and published thorn as "Oeuvres Completes" In an elaborate edition. OPPOSES CIUSPI. Often elected to the Italian Parliament , his career In the chamber from tlmo to time was signalized by no less agitation than the publication of his pootlc efforts. More than once his Interpellations and his speeches evoked parliamentary tempests. Ho was a life-long opponent of Slgnor Crlspl , and was glad to be known as one of thr > Italian polltlclans"who resisted with all their ener gies the tide which , under the auspices of Crlspl , carried Italy toward Germany. In 1S95 , when the Danca llomana scandal was the sensation of Europe , Slgnor Cava lottl , then leader of the opposition In the Italian chambers , discovered what ho called a now and most promising lode. Going through the list of great and little men entitled to wear the grand cross of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazare , ho came upon the name of Dr. Cornelius Herz. Rightly con jecturing that It would not bo there except for a cash consideration ho prosecuted his Inquiries until he felt warranted In making the public declaration that Signer Crlspl. the premier of that day , was guilty of an Illicit trafficking In decorations. Not long after ho published a pamphlet against Crispi , repeating thla charge , and adding the charge of bribery In the Fifth district of Rome , where- the premier had defeated the Sicilian socialist GIuscppI do Fellco Giuffrlda. He oven gave notice In the chamber of a motion to annul the election. When the matter came up Crispi flatly declined to make any statement as to the quarrel and the chamber sustained his action. Slgnor Cavalottl then renewed the attack In his paper , the Secolo of Milan , and an nounced that he would prefer charges In the courts. This threat he carried out , and In his denunciation of Crlspl to the criminal authorities ho asked for the examination of the Marquis dl Rudlnl and Slgnor Ilortl , seretary of the department of decorations , aa witnesses In support of his charges as touching Cornelius .Herz . , the Panama canal lobbyist. The proceedings , with various modifications , were continued until the court of ccassatlon. recently transferred the whole matter to Parliament. Pandlug this decision , however , Slgnor Oayalottl proposed the Impeachment of Slgnor Crlspl , then fallen from power , for the disasters In the Abyssinian campaign. To the last ho relentlessly pursued Crlspl , and the latter , In the death of his brilliant and fcarlcflt Adversary , will probably see the end nf the long campaign against him , Slgnor Cavalottl luiuio his will Immedi ately before the duel , which wan the thirty- flccond ho had fought. The body will bo embalmed and lie In state at his residence. The sword entered his mouth and pierced his tonn'ic. ' Though political opponents Slgnor Caval ottl and Signer Mscoln wore * personal friends. For this reason their nncouds tried to avoid the duel , but the matter becoming ridiculous In thu public nycs , thu principal * decided that they must fight. Thu death of Cavalottl Is a great Icea to the radical party. Italian laws regard killing In a duel "qual ified murder , " but Slgnor Macola has gone to Venice , unmolested , under the protection of his parliamentary prerogative , RUSSIA. iMAICICH Dli.MA.MlM OX CillVl. Want Port Arthur nml Kino Chun OH XlllllC llllNl * . LONDON , March G. The Pckln correspondent - ont of the Tlnuit says : "Russia has demanded that China sur render to It all sovereign right over Port Arthur and Tallcu-Wan for the samp po- rlod and on the same conditions aa In the case of Germany at Klao Chau. Besides this , Russia detnnnd < t the right to construct a railway under the eamo conditions as the Transmanchurlan. . railway from Petula on that line ( near the river Suugarl ) to Kwaivj- Chung-Tau , Mukden , and Port Arthur. Flvo days are given for reply n d the agreement must be signed within a month. "In the event of noncompllance Russia threatens to move Its troopii Into Manchuria. China will perforce yield , lly this agree ment Russia will obtain the right to send soldlcns Into Leao-Tung , ostensibly for the protection of the railway englnecru. "Rufslan assuranccu that the ports will bo ope to the world are decepthe. In asmuch as whllo conforming to thcao assur ances Russia can convert cither port Into a second and stronger Vladlvcatock. " The Times , commenting editorially thla morning on this dispatch , sajs : "Rursla'a protest Is neither more nor Icsn than a thinly veiled demand upon China to abandon the whole ot Manchuria oad the province of Shlng-ICIng , which Includes the Leaa-Tung peninsula. If China yields these provluceo will practically pass away forever to bo Incorporated la the czar's empire. Whllo recoealzlng that Riuala's dcfllro fcv au Ice-freo terminus for Its Asiatic railway Is reasonable and legitimate , England can not assent to the practical absorption of two gloat and wealthy Chinese provinces. " DiM.\\ny A&SITIIAMH : OF PAYMKXT. Jitiutu'H tlint Cliliui MnUo Co oil \t IniU'iiiiilly. PEKIN , March G. On Friday last Yano Funilq , Japaj.cso minister to China , de manded an officially signed assurance ot the payment of the Indemnity duo next day. The Chinese government Instructed Yang Yu , the Chinese minister at St. Pctcruburg , to urge Russia to evacuate Port Arthur. UUbla deferred a decision , alleging that the presence of Russian war ships at Port Arthur was beneficial to China and favorable - able to peace 111 the Orient. Russia Is now opposing the Anglo-Ger man loan. < M. Pavloff , the Russian charge d' affaires , lodged a formal protest list Thursday and demanded a quid pro quo. The details of the Russian demand arc not yet made public , but Russia's attitude Is re garded aa inimical to peace In the far cast. On Friday M. Gernr , the French minister to China , made a similar complaint , with corresponding demands for compensation In the south. England and Germany are now regarded as hiving obtained their legitimate aspira tions , and Russia and Franco dcutro to se en ro theirs. The Chinese acknowledge that the British late loan negotiations were disinterested and calculated to advance China's welfare and to maintain its Independence. Shooltt a. II 11 1 prii rlii n Killtor. CONSTANTINOPLE , March G. Yesterday a Bulgarian-speaking man visited M. Make- donsky , first secretary of the Bulgarian Earchate and editor of the Bulgarian news paper , Novlnou , the organ of the Earchate , and after demanding the reason for the non- publication of a certain paragraph , drew a revolver and shot M. Makedpnsky. The wounded man lingered until today , when ho died. His. assailant escaped. The police have arrested fifty persons on suspicion. ? V < MV York HowltTK AVIii ( Attain. CINCINNATI , Mnrcli C. Today six games were b'owled between the New York team and a picked team of the Hamilton County Bon ling league. The alleys uwd mere those of F.ilrvlew Heights. we. < t of Clifton. Teims : of flvo men to a side engaged In the con tests. Iti was Intended by tha local bowlers that today's games should test the mottle of the visitors. AB It turnc-d out the games were not ubvo the average. New York , as usual , won two cut of each three of the match games played. The scores were com. paratively low and there were no remarkable plays. The matches will lie played tomorrow nt the Cabinet alley , Walnut Hill. E. Knttmnchcr nnd Martin Kern of Cin cinnati played three games I * 1th Brill nnd Silver of New York. The Clnelnnatla won two out of three games In this contest : The match scores : First Game New York , SG2 ; Cincinnati , sec. Second Game New York , 013 ; Cincinnati , 87C. Third Game Now York , S70 ; Cincinnati , S2S. Fourth Game New York. S20 ; Cincinnati , Fifth Game Now York , 819 ; Cincinnati. "SI. "SI.Sixth Game Now York , SH ; Cincinnati , SSI. for Arbitration. NRW BEDFORD , Mas. , March 0. The conference committee of th& weavers met today nnd authorized Secretary Cuunano to prepare a proposition upon the liner ques tion which will be submitted > to the State Board of Arbitration tomorrow , and If It meets Its approval will subsequently ! > sub mitted to the manufacturer ! ) . This action is in response to a request from the State Board of Arbitration , which In turn has been requested by the manufacturers to he- cure such a. proposition. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Headache and All Nervous Disorders. The most common ailments to which men , women and children are subject is headache. You have had it and you know how depressing was its effect upon y9ur spirits. Perhaps you have it now. There is a cure for headache. A cure which not only stops the pain f9r a time , but which gq ° s to the root of the evil , gets at the foundation and removes the disturbing cause , livery headache is caused from some form of nervous disturbance which affects the brain. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine cures headache by restoring the equilibrium of the nervous system. It is a wonderful nerve food and restorative tonic and a speedy remedy for nervous troubles of every character and descrip tion. It Restores Health , Itev. T. J. Ilobson , Cornpttsvlllo , Intl. , says : "Wo know the Dr. Miles' Medical Co. of Rlk- Imrt , Inch , to IH > a reliable linn and tbat their medicines are good. My wlfo suffered < wvorely for six or elslit years with headache , accompanied by uonvaisic pains nnd K.ithet tn ; In hunt ! and ears. Her suToritigs ( somutlines seemed almost unbcaral lo and It was Impossible ! for her to pet her natural sleepuud rest. Four different physicians trrated her , but without Instlns bcnettt. In 1SIM she began using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine , nnd before one-half bottle was gone she was greatly relieved. She continued taking It for several weeks , and I uui pleased to say with good results. " , Dr. Miles' Remedies are for sale by all druggists under a guarantee first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on heart and nerves free. Address Dr , MILES MEDICAL CO. , Elkhart , Ind. GIVE THE CHILDREN A DRINK cnllcit Ornln-O. It Is a ilcMclou * . ippetlilnc. nourlnhlnw focvl ilrlnk to tnk thf ; ilnpe ot cortoc RoM liy nil grocer * and IlkPd tiy nil who tm\ tifM It Ix-MUfe when jiropcrly prepared It tnMM like the llnrnt cnlTop Imt lit frrc from nil It * lujurlou * prupertle * ( Iraln-O al.ln ilUc tlon n.l strcnRthcnx the nerve * . It Is not n Mltmilunt but u tipalth l > uUJ r. nml children , oncll nt nilultn. run ilrlnk tt with Rirnt licnrnt. Coots nbout U H timcli nt coffee , 15 ami 2io POOK REMEDY * C-O. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tertiary 11LOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be trtnteil at horn * ( or aam * price undr ram * euaranty. It you prttar lo come here wo will contract to pay rail road fnre and hottl bill * , and no ohirn If wo rail to cur * . IF YOU HAVE taken mercury. todlJ potuh and Mill finvo achts and pain * . Mucou * ratchet In mouth , Sore Throat , t'luiplti. Cupper Col. srtrt Spot' , Ulctra on any part of the body. Hair of Eycbrovra falling out. It I * thl Secondary We Guarantee to Cure We aollclt the tncst obstlnat * oaiea and challenge the worlj for n cosa we cannot cure. Thla disease has nhvnj-.i bafileJ the aktll of the most eminent pliyelclang. JEOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absoluts proofs upnt sealed on application. 100 ppj-o book nont free. Address COOIC HK.MUUV CO. , 1-101 Mn onio Temple , Clilcnito , III. Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to euro niiecillly nml rmlU onlly ull NEUVOUS , C1IUOMO AX If ; < llMcn o 'Of Men 11 lid vromeui mm KIE SYPHIUS SEXUALLY. cured for life , Nlsht Emissions , I.oat Manhood , Hy irocolc , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph * Ills , Stricture , Plica , Fistula and Rectal Ulatrs , Diabetes. Drlghfs Disease cured. Consultation Free- by new method without pain or cutting1. Gallon or address with stamp. Treatment by mall. DBS. SffiRLES 8 SEHES. OMAHA MEDICAL AND Surgical Institute ARE OLD SPECIALISTS In the treatment of all Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases. nildoll WKMiNHSSEH ME II nnd DISORI1HRH OP RlCH Catarrh , all Diseases of the Ncie. T.lroat , Chert Btomach , Liver , Ulooil , Skin and Kidney Dla. eatei. Lost Manhood , Hydrocole. Verlcocele. Gonorrhea , Qleotc , Syphilis. Btilcture. PIUs , Fls- tula nnd Rectal Ulcers Diabetes liilghfs Dis ease cured. Call on or address with stamp fo Free Book and New Methods. Treatment liy Mull , Coimultailon free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Room 8. U7H North Uth St. . Ornate. Nab , LE BRON'S FOK EITIIKK SEX. Thla remedy bolus ! Jcr.tcd directly to tlio Heat of tlioso tllsrnncM of the OonItO' < IJrlunry Organs , rennircft no chance ) of met. Cure KiiarantceA In 1 to 3 ilnj-M. Miunll plain pack * nso , liy ninll , O1.OO < Hold only by Myrrx Dillon Ilrnir Co , S. K. Come * lOtli nml Kuriiuni Sin. , Umnliiiib. . Cures Facin ! Blcmlih 127 W. 42nd Btrcet. Now York. AMUSKMR.VTS. S I PAXTON & nunanss. | Managers. Tel. 131'J. TO.VIOIIT , HUB , TIIE UNPAItALLELKD 1 > ATHKTIC DOMESTIC DUAMA. M WORLD AGAINST HER Produced here by . \n.\UM WALLACE VII.I.V AN'D HER POWEUKUL , SUPPORTING COMPANY OP 1C ARTISTS. MANY HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES. PRICES-2oC. Me , 73c , $1.00. Thursday , March 10-KUWAHD IIAUUIOAN. THE CRE1GHTOX I'axtun & lliitrosj | AI rs. Ted. 1531. O. D. Woodward , Amusement DItcutor. TOMUIIT , HlOO. WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY I'rvbentlng MTTM5 I.OItll FAD.VTM-HIOV. Sunday THH ENHKIN' . Specialties McCarthy & Hcynolds. The De-Fll- llpla. The ! / Itoj'H. Managers. Tel. 1)1 * . "MARCH 8th and 9th wit. mG'iiAun MANSFIELD Presenting on Tuesday Evening , only time , his Intuit success , TH3 DEVIL'S DISCIPLE , At tha Wadnovlny Mitlnou. BEAU BRUMMEL , On Wodnosduy Kvunliu , A PARISIAN ROMANCE. I'rlitnv anrl Salunluy UOr.AN'l ) ItKlin. IIOTKLS. TI f NEW MERCER , 1-tli find Howard Ht . , OiuiiUu. Now open. ISO rooms , 02 with bath , American , S3 up : European , II up. P. J. Coates , president : Ulrk Smith , manager ; William Andrews. H. K. Smith. cl rk . THE MILLARD 13th nnd Douglas St.s. , Omaha. CKNTnALLY LOCATED. AMUHICAN AND KUIIOI > UAV FtA ! _ J. K. MAItKUL , A SOX , Pray * . HOTEL BARKER COR. 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. RATES fl.OO AND 93.0O PER DAT , Kltctrlo crj direct to exposition ground * . DAKECEK. C. hltr..T. . . RAM BAUMAtf. Cfctef