THE OMAHA : : i DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. . OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , MARCH 7 , 1898. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MORE PERSECUTION Spanish Authorities in Havana Employ Drastic Measures. WAR ON NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS Paily Tirade Against Them Takes Moro Active Form. BLANCO YIELDS TO POPULAR CLAMOR Chief of Police Oalls tha Correspondents "Liars" and "Pigs. " PRESS FULL OF INSULTS TO AMERICANS Ignorant Populace Urium Invldlon * Coinpiirlnnnft Iletvreen SpnnUU CrulNi-rx and the Wreck ot I II the IlaltleNhln Maine. { Copyright , U01 , by rrpM rubllslilnpr Company. ) MAVA.NA , March C. CNcw York Cable gram Special Telegram. ) The dally tlrado against the American correspondents here has taken a more active form. Honoro Laino has been arrested and placed Incommuni cado , charged with .being a representative of a Now York newspaper and -with having said tbat the Malno was blown up by a mine or a torpedo. Chief of Police Pagllerl was frank to rudeness In his remarks on the subject. Ho seemed to feel that the mere statement of a universally apparent fact Incriminates the 'Spanish ' government , though no Havana correspondent has oven hinted at euch a thing. Colonel Pagllerl had been dining late anrt when ho got to calling mo and other corre spondents "liars , " "pigs" and such names I was force , ! to Inform him that I could not allow his Insults In Havana or anywhere else. He Immediately turned to half a dozen of his subordlnatea , crying very excitedly : "I , did not Insult him , you are all witnesses that I did not ins lit him. " And eo the In cident wan cloed. In fact. Colonel Pagllerl eald much besides iho quoted aburc. Ho rather forgot that ho had said ho hud seen General Blanco frequently and had threat ened to resign If the "Yankee canaille , " or newspaper men , were not expelled , but that : General Ollanco had him hold off from day to day. Lilno's Imprisonment Indicates that Gen eral iBlanco Is yielding to the popular c-'amor which Colonel Pagllerl voiced. There Is no charge of compllcltr with the rebels nor of forwarding Insurgent correspondence noth ing'but stating facts objected to. The harder the fact tlie keener seems to bo the fi'.lng. No correspondent clalnw that the potent fact t : that the 'Maine was blown up Is a calumny against Spain , but Colonel Pagllerl docs , and General. Blanco sei'tna to agree with him by acceding to the police chief's request. CAULS FOR LBB'S AID. The Spanish-Italian minister Informed tie that Lalno was to be expelled and that I and others were to follow lilm shortly. Lalne , a cultured musician , linguist and In ventor , wore away fourteen anxious month ! ' in a Cabanas dungeon , and the very thought of relncarceratlon there appalled him. He told mo once that he would rather shoot him self than endure the torture again. I saw ' morning. Although him at 2 o'clock yesterday though he was Incommunicado , he hasn't yet been put behind the bara. While fubslly ccuntlngout gold -buiSpanish I Interjected a few words of fair English. He heard them and spoke ftret , but not of himself. "Are you arrested , too ? " ho asked quickly. "Why here ? " I popped. "Don't you know ? " he answered. "See General 'Lee ' Orel thing In the mornlig. " That was all. I saw General Lee at once. Ho knew nothing of the affair , but seemed pleased that Lalne. a French citizen , had claimed his energetic protection rather than that of his own consul. I hunted up Chief of Police Pagllerl , who gavcS mo to under stand that Lalne was to bo sent to the United States. If I understand correctly , Lalnc'n Incarceration In the awful Cabanas wan exquisitely cruel and In as bad taste as delivering Correspondent Gay's expulsion order In the midst ot Bradley Johnston's dinner to Consul General Lee. Colonel Pagllerl's comrades wcro ashamed of hlf coarse attacks on the correspondents , and several of them left. He continued outlin ing a new government policy. The Maine shoe seems to fit. If what the Incensed chief of police said of Genera Blanco Is true , then even James Gordon Bennett's men will have to go. I told Colo- ncl Pagllerl , Juot as I had previously told General Solano , General Pando , Secretary General Congosto and others , that when they produced In print over my signature any statement of any fact non-existent 01 twistec I should take this hint and the next north bound steamer , and , furthermore , that I would not leave until they did , for Cuba Is not officially In a state of war. and no unarmed visitor may bo expelled without cause. COARSE WORDS. Colonel Pagllcri's words were strong as well as coarse. "Spain has got tired of you American correspondents you canaille , you plE3. " Right here I had to stop htm. Then he explained how cordial the Amerlcan-Spanlsl relations are and haw the countries wouli love each other If H were not for the news papers. Pagllerl reflects no credit upoi Gcnrral Blanco's earnest administration. Ho Is a good exponent of the Ignorant , prej udlccd , crafty man In official position. I General lllanco was quoted correctly , am other recent statements ot high palace offl dais Indicate that ho was , the garrote ts to bo applied to the truth In Cuba with more torsion than even Weylcr knew bow to ap ply , and the correspondents are to be unde an espionage as rigorous as Is the censor tillIp of their cable dispatches. In fact , 1 Is hardly safe now for a Cuban to talk with on American correspondent. Thus It Is tba the "great reforms , " "liberal policy" am "Cuban home rule" are progressing. It I not General Blanco's fault. But ho canoe stand the pressure of those people who lion cstly believe that the Maine's officers wer oil ashore February 15 , that Its dlsclplln was lax , that It was badly built , that It ex ploded In consequence ot the carelessness o its officers and men , and that any other ex planatlon or even theory Is an Insult t "Gentlemanly Spain" from the Americans n race , as their Illustrated papers tell them and their Journals state , which Is "com pcscd principally of fat pigs only to b Stuck with Spanish bayonets. " LAUGH AT UNCLE SAM. This Is no fable. A glauco Into any loca paper ehows It clearly. Now tut the rocket have ceaied to whizz , the bauds to play , Ih ( lirtrs to roar and the cannon to salute th Almirauto Oquendo and welcome it to anchor age near Its Mg twin , theVIzcaja , the sim Ignorant people look at them , then at th Maine's scrap-iron pile and the United State man-of-war Fern , and laugh. Their paper print meanwhile new clamors fee the up presslon of truth from Cuba tbat ttiln which la the hardest to get and to deman the wholesale expuUlon ot American corre pondenta. I am able to state tbat Biulgn Powelao did not testily before the court of Inqulr that the Maine's keel was blown upwan That would liave been renmkablo state went and would have proven clearly en ou Ida explosion by testimony of a governmen wltnfia ot large slie. What the clever od eer did find woa that one ot ( be Matae port bottom plate * , with a tlffeulne plat , ttach d. M blows upward , apparently froa b perl aid * , * 4 tfcat U * trJV' > 4 * 11 Imply straightened until It protruded several feet above the water. American naval offi cers are Indignant at the use of Powclson'o name. Ttiey say that although one corre spondent says ho doesn't know the officer In question , yet there are half a dozen others who do , and the general public Idea would be that Poweleon bad disobeyed orders and talked. This , I am sure , he did not do. Careful search reveals tde fact that nil the Cuban and Spanish divers are accounted for. The alleged injsterloas deaths were from natural causes and one occurred six weeks before the Maine disaster. The older , on February 21 , was that ot a man who had been partly'bed-rlddcn for two years. WORK OF THE DIVERS. Work < n tde wreck Is being pushed vigor , ously. The naval divers put In almost full eight hours a day In the darbor'a b'.ack water and the Malno'a awful charnat hull. The Immense amount of wreckage Impeded them at first and the dark water was new to them. Tom Smith and Sturdy Olcson of the Iowa ; Ronqulst and Schlutcr of the New York , end Under Gucner Organ , also an expert diver , of the New York , are doing gallant work. Inflammatory circulars continue to bo scat tered. The Cuban "laboranters" are doing their best to Inflame the lower clasres. So far It seems that the volunteers see -through the scheme , but they are ripe for mischief. The demand of the radical autonomists for the disarmament of the 64,000 native , or Spanish volunteers , whljh alone would make autonomy poealble , has provoked violent re monstrance from the whole corps. In fact , the situation Is critical. With the govern ment weakening , autonomy dying , the Insur gents not surrendering , the Malno proofs ailing and -tho lower Spanish elements boll- ntf , Havana today Is not safe for Amerl- ans. As to the war against the Insurgents , the IBclal reports of the military operations iroughout all Cuba Friday show one man tiled , none wounded , two camps taken , the urrender of one unarmed and two armed ncn and the capture of "two saddles , doc- mcnts and effects. " Meanwhile 600,000 tarve , thousands of bravo peasant lada ar- ivo from Spain to become prey to fevers nd American commerce loses at the rate f $100,000,000 a year. CHARGES OF THE PRESS. The Havana papers , commenting on Amer- can charity , accuse unknown persons of raud and smuggling , reflecting on the good alth of Now York shippers. They add that ho distress here Is not so extreme nor the harlty sent of such extent as to relieve our iwn citizen ? . They assert that the legal ale of condensed milk by Importers Is 1m- osslble , an a box of It costs $14 In gold with hu duties , whllo It Is sold In many stores at 10 In silver , In single cans offered for sale iy persons unknown to the commercial icuscs. They assert that the medicines are ecelveU In quantities for annual icont-ump- lon , quinine being offered for sale by vclght , whereas doses are given In grains. t is asserted also that In the warehouses of San JOPC , where the Red Cross supplies are ccelvcd and stored , the authorities l.uve discovered a package imported on the steamship - ship Scguranca containing watches , Jewelry and other dutiable articles. The package Is said to bo held by the customs olllcl-ils. The papers call for vigorous action on the part of the director of the custom house to en- OPJO the laws for the punishment of the offenders. Nobody Is openly accused , but the papers sound a ne'e of alarm. It la a continuation of the howl made dally on seeing that rc- conccntradcs sell milk 'for cigarettes. It Is universal now , awing to the Increase of Spanish arrogance following the arrival ot Spanish war ships. SYLVESTER SCOVBL. SIMM NOW K.VrUllS ITS DHMAL. . 8n > It Hun .Mttdv Xc > Olllclnl Cammiiiil- rntlnnKulnxt ; CopyrlBht.16DS , liy Prcfs Publishing Company. ) MADRID , March 6. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) I am able testate state that the Spanish government has not demanded the recall of Consul Leo nor made any official communications against Lee. The rumor to recall Leo originated In the Madrid press that has shown an animus for some Ime against Leo. El Correspondence do 2spana last night attributed to an Impor- ant person In the present administration a statement to the effect that "If Leo had wired to his government the opinion on the Malno catastrophe that correspondents stated .ho 'Spanish ' government would bo obliged to nslst upon an Immediate rectification and the recall of that official. " Tonight no prominent paper even alludes to Lee. The Madrid government expects very favor able results from the electoral manifesto lust Issued In Havana by the autonomist executive committee. All the H2W con- ce-'slors In the shape of home rule fore- shadowcil by this manifesto will be approved 3y the homo government If they contribute toward hel > ! iug the pacification of the colony. The Imparclal today , publishes minute de tails concerning the smuggling alleged to ha\o been carried on by American traders resident In Cuba with the ccanlvance of some people connected with the committee on relief for the distressed Cubans. The Imparclal adds. "Consul Leo was very In dignant when the smuggling was discovered and offered to cooperatewith the Spanish authorities In punishing the offenJcrs , " ARTHUR E. HOUGHTON. HAS XO SHIPS TO SELL. There In n I'onNllilllty of ! < Nerdlnir All the Yards Can Turn Out. ( Copyright , 1SOS , by Press Fubll .inff | Company. ) LONDON , March . ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Manager Vulcan of the ship building works , Stt'.tm , Germany , being asked by telegraph there was any foundation for th.9 repjrt that Ills firm had sold three crulscre io the Gran ts h government , cabled today aa follows : "We have sold no cruisers to the Hpau'eh government. " The rumored attempts of Spain to purchase war ships In British yards have caused tager discussion ID political circles here. n\pn If Spain could provide the necessary funds , It believed that In the r.resmt t'ery threat ening state of the relations wltU Frame , the Britten government would prevent any such transaction from being carried. In feet It Is reported tonight that the Britlah admiralty have already taken steps to secure price option en the purchase of all av.ill.ibloai ships building In Brltlti'i yards. The gravity of the present Anglo-Ficnch situation fully warrants the JccepUnco ot this report. The French goverti'iK'nt hsn absolutely refused to accede to Ide demands of the British government concjrn'nj ' the occupation of territory In West Africa chi'.med to be within the Brltlid sphere. M , Ifano- taux , , emboldened to this courea fay iho dis sensions between Mr. Sallsnury tad Mr. Cdambcrlaln , has carried the day ! n the cabinet for an energetic pDUcy a aln t Salis bury. Troops have teen rent'to West Atrlea , but Salisbury Is endeavoring to checkmate him by delaying negotiations with France , which , cf caurnc , are conducted through tbo foreign ome. but public feeling Is thorouptily ntlrrecl on the matter , and nnless Salisbury con obtain some substantial concision from France , ho will be Inevitably pushed oa to wtr. Kutrnure lu u Fight. CALLOWAT , Ky. , March 6.-A blooly fight took place yesterday evening in the New Harlan district of Hnrlan county , In which one man Is reported to have been killed and two others mortally 'Aounded. The -participants wer < \ William dross and Sam Gross ngalnst Abe Carroll , John Car lo ! ! and Abe Sewell. Knives and pistols were freely used and It Is said that Sew ell was Instantly killed.'whllo William Gross anil one of theCjrrol'.a were fntally Injured P.irtlcularB are meacer , but as far ns can be learned the trouble arose over the kill ing of n calf belonging < to the Gross brothers by Carroll , Hundred * Leave for Alnikn. SEATTLE , Wash. . March C. Over 900 pco- p'e left here today for AlaelCii on the steamers Valencia and Queen. Tim Valen cia , bound for Copper river , carried 600 , and the Queen , bound far southeastern Alaska , carried 312. At Tucoma and other sound points th * Que n' list will be In- CONSUL AT SACUA RESIGNS Walter B. Barker BeoonnsTiud of Onban Affairs. THINKS CONSULS ARE OF LITTLE USE Sayn He In Dlmmtlnlled with What He CoiiMlder * the Inactivity of HI * Hume Gov ernment. . ( CopyrlKht , U9S , by rresi PubllfhlnR Company. ) 'HAVANA ( via Key West ) , March 6. New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Coniul Walter B. Barker , Btatloi cd at Sagua , Lagrange. has re- elgncd. He feels that the American gov ernment In Iti3 Inactivity regarding Cuban cffatrs , has Igi crcd all tut ? consular reports and that the consuls , to all Intents and pur poses , arc upclcfs as channels of Information. The first Spanish minister of the colonies , when a senator , quoted the American con sular reports In the Spanish Cortes to sSow that war In Cuba was Inevitable unless great rcfcw.s wcrj granted. Consul Barker's re ports especially were referred to and all ttio reports were characterized as "calm state ments of cold blooded men used to telling the truth to ttielr government. " Scaor Morct was right. War did come. But the American government paid less at tention to Its own agents' reports than even Spain did , or the war \\ould have ended long ago. Some hundreds of millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved and the Maine would not have been blown up unawarca It the American government had acted on the rc- l > orla of the American consuls In Cuba. If the detailed , exact Information of eye wltncescs , officially received from Cuba , were unreservedly given to the American people an angry ehout would rise from Malno to Texas. In face of horrors beyccid description ; In. face of the Ices to American Interests ; de- eplto the now known fact that the Cuban war Is hopelcai for both sides , and In the full consciousness that Its Intervention will be forced finally anyhow , the government of the United States simply has allowed Spain to drag , drag along and starve to death much more than a third of Its still loyal Cuban subjects , while meanwhile It has beta ut terly unable to criwh the revolutionists. Consul Walter B. Barker fought through out the civil war. He has a considerable fortune , which Is safely Invested. He Is neither timid nor rash. Loading Wall street men and senators signed for his retention In office and earnestly wished "to sco the war through. " 'But Barker has two things a heart and a conscience and no man with those two things and courage could bo brought Into dally contact with the cold blooded horror of Cuba's war ( or rather Cuba's premeditated starvation ) In one o Cuba's smaller 'towns without doing Jus1 what Mr. Barker has done Just refuse to lend ollllal countenance , even though but a very humble official , to further American toleration of Spain's cruelty In Cuba. Walter B. Barker Blinnly has reached the position In regard to the general attitude of the United States government toward the hopelcrs destruction In Cuba called "war" that Gcnciul Leo did In regard to the treat ment of American citizens when he cabled to Secretary Olney : "I cannot stand another Ruiz murder. " NO ILL-FEELING TOWARD LEE. The Spanish press In Havana generally tries to discredit the American Red Crews efforts , and to stop the arrival of American food In order to thus complete Cuban ex termination. The Spaniards themselves ad mit that to be the only hope for a stable Spanish Cuba. They allege that Consul Barker's resignation is on account of fric tion with General Leo over the Improper dis tribution of American charity. Although Sagua , on account of Its distance from Havana , Is one of the last places reached , I ant able to state that Mr. Barker Is a warm friend of General Lee , and , further , of the present administration. Ho writes personally : "I have received from the pres ent administration marked attention , for which I shall ever feel grateful. " Mr. Barker has no personal motives. His resignation Is a noble protest against a shameful governmental policy. Other resig nations are expected dally. In these times the position of a United States consul Is most trying , even If prompt support always came from Washington. Senior Quay's nominee for the Matanzas consulate , Mr. Saylor , came , looked the ground over , spoke of renting the handsome housa In town , told Consul Brlce all about the Cuban war , and then took a steamer back to Quay's private car , which ho eald awaited him In Tampa , not at all euro he wonted the place. And so Mr. Brlce hongs on against his personal wishes because there ore hundreds of hungry American citizens to feed and protect from Insult and Injury. Consul Hyatt of Santiago Is another able representative who feels keenly his govern ment's apathy. A-general resignation may bo expected of American officials ashamed ot the govern ment which was once honored In Cuba. The Malno horror , whether caused by an ultra- Spaniard's boiler torpedo , or the Spanish government's submarine mine , has had noth ing to do with their resolution. It took the loss ot 260 murdered American sailors to fix * American attention upon Cuba. May the brave action of Walter B. Barker * and the attitude of his fellow consuls drive public Insight further Into the Cuban ques tion until every man , woman and child un derstands that the Cuban war Is the htarva- tlon of a peaceful population and the de struction of everything material : and that they may fully appreciate- that further war In Cuba Is useless to Spain , ruinous to Cuba and finally means war for the United Statca In any event. Let them demand the publica tion In full of all consular reports. Spaniard -Morel said " : "Remember that these men are accustomed to tell the truth to their governments. " SYLVECTER SCOVEL. SPAXIAH1JS IIITTEII TOYV.UID LKE. Think He Shown I'nrtliillty Towurd the Jimurnt-nlM. MADRID. March 6. For several days the nowsrapcrs-have been violently attacking Consul General Fltztiugh Lee. The Impar clal , after remarking that "an American newspaper had Insinuated tbat Geaeral Lee Is a member of a syndicate desiring to pur- chaco Cuba , " says : "His 111 will toward Spain la so marked that even newspapers Inimical to Spain are remarking It. " . The Impocclal calls upon the government to demacid the replacing of Consul General , Lee. "who. Instead of tightening the bonJr > of friendship between Spain and the United Stales , dally renders the situation more threatening. " It adds that the next session of the Corteswill "consider Consul General Lee's conduct. " Tbe Havdtia correspondent of the Imparclal says : "Among ( ho packages ot food sent by the Americans to Cuba the customs offi cer j found watches , jewelry and otter contra band articles. All such parcels were con signed to Consul General Lee , who Is eald to have energetically protested against such contraband , dectorlrg that It was without hla knowledge. Other papers accuse General Lee of being "better disposed tonorJ th Cuban Insur gents than toward the colcclal government. " The Spanish press , bow ever , In nowise reproaches United States Minister Woodford . whco conduct Is Irreproachable , and whc sltrcs every opportunity to make prclQc sentiments. TVIImte to lireMuliie'n Demi. CITY OP MEXICO. March 6. The mem orial services tonight at the Methodic ! Epis copal church In houor of the Milne's dead wu atUadtd by Ute American all prominent ( Americans , ths authorities and a military band which rendered suitable se lections. Many Mexican. and Cuban sym pathizers were present. WILL INSIST OX lAHIHTIlATIOX. Spnln Will Xot Accept Decision of Court of Inquiry , ( Copyright , U5S , by I'ren Publlnhlnff Company. ) HAVANA ( via Key West ) , Match C. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) One of the highest officials lu the government told mo that ho la taking steps already to have the case of the destruction oftho Malno laid before a Joint English-German , French or Austrian naval commission In case the Americans claim that there was an out side explosion. "We will never pay damages to tha Untied States or submit to any other decision , " said he. "and It your country will not abide by the result why , then , prepare for war , for our nation Is tired of this con tinual nagging and Interference In our af fairs. The limit of Insults has been reached now , and Spain prefers a thousand times to have 'the question settled by force of arms If necessary than to continue to forbear un der the scrlcn of InfcuKs heaped upon us by your legislators and press. People In the United States believe 'thfft.because we can't defeat the Cubans we don't know how to fight. But glvo us people who will face us , ml not run away like the Insurgents and > ou will find that -the Spaniards have not forgotten their past glorious history. Wo will get a European court of Inquiry to show Americans what fools they are making of themselves on this question. " The sentiments expressed by this person age are shared by most of the patriotic Spaniards. Whatever the finding of the American board of Inquiry , Spaniards will claim the right to Investigate Insldo the wreck as well as outside. An official connected with the Spanish In vestigation , whose source of knowledge Is of the highest order , assures mo that the state ment credited to Ensign /Powolson / that the Maine's keel Is bent up from below , proving an outside explosion , Is decidedly erroneous and false. This official maintains that the Maine's keel Is Intact (111 ( ; that only the upper works were blown away. He admits that It Is Impossible to explore the bottom now , because the wreck has settled In the deep mud , and any movement by a diver causes sediment to Immediately cloud the water , preventing Inspection by actual night , and leaving , the diver depend ent on the sense of touch. An examination of a ship's hull under uch circumstances naturally Is very unsatisfactory. The Spanish dls are confining their work strictly to an outside examination of the forward part of the hull damaged by the explosion. They descended several times yesterday toward the bow , and no doubt are seeking to obtain evidence to off- , sct the proof of the upward bent keel , and to upset the torpedo Ih'cory. That they have discovered somctnlug already to strengthen their views Ig evident by their conversation. They severely criticise the work of the American divers , which they say Is confineij to bringing up odds and ends of no materlaTvaluo , while the wreck Is still full of dead bodies. The mud contains many fragments of corpses , which might have been brought up and given chHstlan burial In stead of being food for the fishes , they say. The divers of both sldeo assert that the other fellows are afraid to go Into the wreck and accomplish the really Important work. The Americans say that when the Spaniards first descended they EOOJI cahie up. The Spaniards claim that tlM Americans are afraid to explore the riiut > and recover the bodies. J. One high official here , fbe&o word U au thoritative , has declared nir oath"'that there Ir no mine In the harbor of Havana. Two other naval officers afterward made the sarrio statement , but they do n-ot deny that mines have been planted in the entrance to the harbor from' Caballerla wharf to Morro cas tle. The chcanol there is very narrow and especially adapted to harbor defense of thla klnJ. The outer harbor , or the channel from Caballerla wharf to outside of Morro cootie , hoa a rocky , coral bottom , whllo the Inner harbor Is covered with roft mud from six to thirty feet deep , resting on- hard clay In places aeid limestone < ln others. This ooze or sediment Is deepest In the center and stationary mines of say-weight , unless ar ranged to float , would sjnk gradually In It and Icse a largo proportion of their de structive power when exploded. Some think a torpedo might have caused the Initial explosion , but they reject any Inference tending to Inculpate the Spanish authorities. At all hazards Spain will do Its utmost to prove that the -Maine was de stroyed 'by Its own magazines. I have sought to ascertain what courne ol procedure the Spanish authorities will adopt. There Is no precedent to follow In Spanish hlstcry. The naval Investigating board , after careful examinations of the outside of the wreck , will file a report with the admiral pending the report of' the -American courl of Inquiry. All the Spanish officials expect that the American , report will lean toward the theory of an Initial outside explosion , If It does the Spanish will either Insist on a Joint In vestigation or call on the European powers to form a board of arbitration. The latter In all probability , will bo the outcome. Any high Spanish official will positively refuse to bo Interviewed touching any ex planation for or against the mine 01 torpedo theory , pronouncing such1an Insinuation a positive Insult. General 'Blanco ' feels deeply hurt by what he terms "the unfair attacks of the American newspapers , which refuse to suspend Judgment until the facts arc revealed by either side. " The Spanish Insist that none of the Iheorles presented are warranted by the evi dence. GEORGE BRONSON REA. TL'G UXD Ell WHITE It US 1IKAHD FHOM. Through Serlonn Gulf Without Any Gvcnt Injury. CHARLESTON , S. C.r Iarch 6. The tug Underwriter , towing the Merrltt Wrecking company's derrick Chief , came Into Charleston - ton harbor this morning after a vt'-y rough passage off Hatteras. The tug and Its tow wcro In the heavy otorra of Thursday nigh and while there was not much damage , the waves tossed them about like feathers an ; made the cre\\s very busy. The gale ragec for twenty-four hours and- the deck load o coal ca the Underwriter was washed over board. The derrick waa stripped of its cop per bottom. Mate J. Frank Hammond and Fireman Charles Bellatu'y were so much used up by the trip that | bey word cent to the marine hospital uppa arrival. It la claimed that these men are cot Injured , bu It Is known , however , IbM Captain Wiley will complete his crow .hero tomorrow am probably call for Havsoa at tiocn. KVKHYTHIXG IS QUIET AT DAU'SO.V. Another 'Itlch DUrovery In Keported on nn IAI UiClulm. . . SEATTLE. Wash. , March 6. The steamer Farallon arrived here at midnight from Skagway , Alafka. Among Its passengers were Thomas Graham of Ontario and Thomas Elliott of Monroe , Wash. , They left Dawson February 1. They ay that but a few more will attempt the trip out overland this win ter. Their trip out waA accompanied by se vere storms. Everything was qulot at Dawson - son when they left. A large nugget worth over $1.000 has been found on one of AJex McDonald's claims on Eldorado creek. At White Horse rapids Elliott and Gra ham met < a man with his foot frozen. Captain Roberts of tbo .Farallon reports that the steamers Signal and Navarro are but a few hours behind him. d..Movement * or Oeenn Ve rU , llarch O At New York-Arrlved-La Gaacogne from Havre : Obdam , from Rotterdam. At Queenstown Arrived-Cephalonla , from Boston for Uverpool. Salled-Etrurla. from Liverpool for Ne-w Yock. At I-ondon-Arrlved Mobile , from New A.i Liverpool Arrival Rhynland. Xroi Philadelphia. At Bin tvanclsco Salled-Ans ley to MURDERS HIS GIRL FRIEND Alfred 8. Healy Shoots Young Libbie Brausohanil COMPLETES THE ACT BY KILLING HIMSELF 1'coplc nt Cedar lliiililn , In. , Horrified by a Sunday M lit Crime ( or Which There U Xo x Explanation. CEDAR RAPIDS. March C. ( Special Telo- ram. ) At 9:30 : tonight Alfred S. Hvaly , a oung matt about 25 years ot age , shot Miss Llbblo Brausclmud , a young girl of 15 , kiti ng her almost Instantly , and then fired a ullet through his own head , from the effccu f which ho cannot recover. The murder and ulcldo Is a most mysterious one , and EO far 0 one has been able to advance any cause or the tragedy. Hcaly Is a stenographer employed In the rcncral offices ot the Burlington , laplds & Northern railway , and has always erne a most excellent reputation. Since last cptembcr ho has been bearding and room I UK t the Brauschand home at 712 Fourth avc- lUe. Brauschand Is a Frenchman , and lus Ivcd hero for the last six years , and gives irlvato lessons/dti French. His daughter , lbblo was a comely little girl not yet IB years old. She was of a loving disposition , but so ar as ts known she and Healy were not lov ers , although It was known they were on the mcwt friendly terms. This evening the two young people at- ende-d church In company with the mur dered girl's mother and another young voinan. Returning home they decided to ac- lompany the other woman to her home. This Is the last known of them until -the residents In the vicinity of Second avenue and Fourteenth street were startled - bythree revolver reports In quick succession , and the icreams of the girl. When they reached the ipot they found the girl lying on her back , a few feat from the sidewalk , dead. Healy vas lying on the aldcwalk about fifteen feet away , his head In a great pool of blood. His aim had been'good. . One bullet had struck the girl directly over the heart , and he second bullet had struck her In the biecat on the opposite side. Ho had shot hlm- eelf just above the right temple , the bullet > aESlng entirely through the head. For a long tlmo no one could bo found who could Identify cither party. Young Hcaly was taken -to the hospital as soon as the po- 'Ico could be summoned , but the girl was left lying on the sidewalk for an hour In the lope Fomeono would Identify her. In the meantime a letter found In Healy's pocket , after ho had been -taken to the hospital , led : o the Identity of both. Healy Is still alive , jut ho cannot live until morning. SI3.YATOH MIM.S XOT ( .1 CAXDIIIATH. Say the 1'rlmnrlfn Are living ; Aunliixt Hint , HOUSTON , Tex. , March 6. The Peat will n the morning print a letter from United Slates Senator Mills , In which ho formally withdraws from the race for re-election , which leaves the field to Governor C. A. Culberson. In his letter Mr. Mills gives as the principal reason fqr his withdrawal the recent netted of the state executive com mittee , which made a stringent test for all persons dculrling to participate In democratic primaries and conventions. He says : "I supposed that the primaries would bo open to all democrats to express their prefer ences for all ofllcera to bo nominated by our party. The actlca of the executive com mittee In disfranchising a largo element of the party woii dceie to dictate the nomina tion ! ot certain others. The effect of th'a action will bo that not only these prescribed will bo excluded , but such discontent amcag other democrats will bo produced that but few will attend them , and these few will bo adherents of the favorites Intended to be benefltted by the exclualca. The result will bo as It was with the Dudley primaries two years ago and it would be useless for me to appeal to the people when the Judgment to bo rendered lias already been determined. I , therefore , annouuco to you that I am no longer a candidate for re-election to the senate. " Ho then goes on to deny that ho has de serted bimetallism and goes Into hla record at length , concluding by saying : "Now that the great body of the commer cial world hoe taken IU stand against silver , 1 don't believe It In the power of the United States alcne. by Its Independent action , to restore the value of sliver to par with gold at 16 to 1. I believe that the United States can restore the demand which they with drew , but don't believe that they can restore the demand which was withdrawn by other countries when they closed their mlnta against silver. " He then attacks the principle of taxing free raw materials , which Is advocated by Goveiaor Culbcreon and by Congressman Bailey , the democratic leader In the house , both of whom ho mentions by name. He concludes : "The colnago of all the sliver In. the world would accomplish no good while exhaustive taxation Is eating away the life of the coun try , day and night. It Is taxation that la stopping the wheels of Industry , keeping men out of employment , forcing down , the prices of farm products , forcing up the prices of manufactures , building ' up a raoei- eycd aristocracy and tearing'dowm tbo pil lars of the republic. " COXVICT MI.IUJKHS HIS WIFE. Sinn * Her While She In VliiltliiK Him at ( he I'rUon. NEW YORK. March C. Adrian Braun , a convict In Sing Slog.murdered his wife , who was paying him a visit at the prison. Braun Is a German , 35 years old and a clgarmakcr. He was sentenced August 31 of list year to ser\e a two years' sentence tor assault In tdc eecond dcgno and was received at Sing Sing September 1. He was convicted ot having beaten his wife , but notwithstanding this Mrs. Braun forgave tier husband and ex- prerecd sorrow because of his Imprisonment. She had bceo living In Now York with three of her children , her other two children be ing placed In an asylum. Mrs. Braun de cided to visit the prison this afternoon and arrived at the prison at 2:20. : She went teState State Detective JacksonVj office and Inquired for der husband. He had been serving In the mess-room , a-ting as a potato peeler. When they met they kissed and were very friendly. They sat for half nu hour conversing only a few feet from Jackson's desk. Jackson , who was .present , Informed Braun that hU time was up , but Braun pleaded for a little longer tlmo , saying : "Can't we have a fen minutes more ? " Because of the trouble Mrs. Braun had taken to pay her husband a visit the plea was granted. Suddenly Braun raised his hand and the detective saw the glitter of a knife. Braun brought It down wltti fear ful force against the left side of Ills wife's neck. One cut severed the big blood vessels and almost Instantly the woman was dead. Detective Jackson sprang upon Braun but tbo convict had time to gash the woman'i head several times more. Two other con victs who were In the corridor came to the detective's assistance and the murderer was subdued. Warden Sage had him removed to the death house , but not , however , before another knife similar to tbo cno he bad stabbed bis wife with was found concealed In his pocket. Warden Sago questioned Braun as to why he killed hla wife , but the msn refused to cay anything. Later bo seemed to bo sorry for what be had done. Chanted with Catllo Stealing. KANSAS CITY , March 6. A special to the Times from Chelsea , I. T. , says : Ez-Chlel Justice Wycllffe of the Cherokee nation wai placed In jail at Vlnlta jreaterdajr , chargci d wild cattle ateallog. He could net flv b l tor $ lOW. ' ' AT OMAHA. Hoar. Heir. llonr. Tint. n . m : tit i p. m U n. m nn it p. f n. m. . . . . . : M , n p. H n. m. . . . . . : t. % 4 p. n a. ni 117 B ii. 10 n. m -Ia H p. It a. m -14 7 i > . 18 m .48 N p. p.p. . WOSIASf IS SlWPOOATBt ! In Vlnlted hy At &i Dentro > lnir Kir P1TTSBURG , Pa. , March GjgllVit | the most exciting fires the PlttsburjTicii5tmi-at ? has ever been called upon to fight occurred at GU Webster avenue today , when ono woman waa suffocated and five other people so badly burned that three may die. Throe families were penned In a ramshackle build ing and the stairs eaten away by flames while they slept. Jlure Is the result of fifteen minutes' captivity : iDcad : MlRS. DOMINIC BNRIELLO , aped 30 , wlfo of Dominic Knrlcllo , fruit huckster , was separated from her husband In the smoke and suffocated while trying to ralno a window ; died In the patrol wagon. Injured : Harry Levin , aged 15 , bnrncd about face , arms and shoulders ; Injuries possibly fatul. Lillian Lt.vlii , aged 0 , burnoJ about hands , feet and face ; condition serious. Max Verllnskl , aged 22 , burned about legs and head and fatally Injured Internally , Jessie Verllnskl , aged 22 , his wife , burned about the neck , feet and face ; Injuries seri ous. ous.Ethel Ethel Verllnskl , aged 8 months , bnrncd about hands , head and body ; will probably die. f Elizabeth Levin , aged 18 , ankle broken by jumping from second story window ; also hurt Internally. 'Jilta ' Levin , aged 3 years , thrown from second story window ; badly bruised. The building at 014 Webster avenue l a three-story brick tenement , old and shaky. On the first floor and the rear of the second floor lived Samuel Levin , with his wife and seven children. On the second floor , front , lived Dominic IKnrlello , with his wife. On the third floor lived Max Verllnskl , with his wife and 8-months-oId baby. The fire started In Levln'a dining room in the rear of the first floor. It burned through the door and up the stairway , and In a very short tlmo the cntlro building was In flames. Only llghtnlng-llko work of the rescuing firemen prevcnteJ a tenement house horror. JIK.V KXGAUK IXA STUE12T FIGHT. One IM Killed , One .Mortally Wounded nnil Another Injured. TEXARKANA. Ark. . March C. Ttio fiercest street battle ever witnessed In Texarkana occurred this afte-nnoou. Five men were en gaged In the dcsprrato fight , one of whom was killed outright , another mot-tally wounded , the third seriously Injured , while the other two arc In hiding and the extent of their wounds Is not known. The ess ualtlea : Vlnscn Gravlano , dead , shot throned the heart. S. Gravlano , mortally wounded , shot thrcugd the breast , shoulder , arms and leg. Pete Darrlgo , seriously wounded In the groin and leg. The tragedy occurred In that portion ot the city known es Swampoodlc unit all the par- tlclpi-nts were barbers. , , A. Glngotta and hte Bon-ln-lnw , Mlko Can < noa ! , were dhputlng In front of Antonio Columbus' caloon , and were about to comb to blows when the Gravlano boys came up acid attempted to stop the argument. Olog- etta and Canella tlion turned upon the Gravlanos , and both sides drawing ro"olvcrs the battle wcs socn In progress. Moro than thirty tbots wece flrcd. The man who was killed began shoaling as ho appnuili-Jd etta , who floored him with a blow from Ha pistol and fired the fatal { dot Into his bojy. Canncla flrcd moro than a dozen bullets at S. Gravlaao , half of which took effect. Glng etta snd Canne'a fled and are still at large. PF.XSIOX SWIXULUK UXUKlb AltltCST. XVIiriiMkn IH n Part of the Field In Whleh He Worked. TOPDKA , Kan. , March 6. George Cralle , a notorious and clever pension swindler , hat been brought hero for trial , after being ar rested at Holton by a government Inspector. Crallo Is wanted , It Is said , In Iowa , Mis souri , Nebraska and other states. Ho bae sailed under numerous aliases , chief among them being these of E. S. Wright , J. B. Allen and G. W. Brown. Crallo represented himself to bo a pen sion examiner. Ho would hunt up Ignorant pensioners and tell them that ho had been sent west to examine their cases , among others. Ho would allege that the person's pension was In bad shape and was likely to bo cut off , but that for a certain amount of money ho would make a report which would fix things all right In the pension of fice. Ho Is said to have operated extensively In the states above mentioned and has reaped a considerable sum. The government Inspectors have been on his trail for over six month ? . The pension commissioner at Washington has wired the authorities here that Crallo Is wanted at several places for swindling and asking them , If they did not have a clear case agalnyt him , to hold him until the authorities from some other district could arrive and get him. Cralle , sothe authorities cay , served two years In the penitentiary for playing the same game In Illinois. BXGLJISH OKFICEHS COLLECT DfTV. Enforce Their DeiiiiiuilH In AlimKa b > Mounted roller. JUNEAU. Alaska ( via Seattle , Wash. ) March C. Further confirmation of the Cana dlan mounted police occupying -tho White and Clillkoot pisses was brought here to day by James D. Esary , He says : "Captain Strickland of the mounted po llco Is at the summit of Wblto pass with : force -thirteen men , collecting duty , am a lieutenant , whoso name did not transpire with eighteen men , was at Chilkoot pas doing the same thing. "Tho Whlto pats camp of the mounted police Is within twelve miles of Skagway and the Chilkoot camp Is within eighteen miles of Talya. " The following letter shows that rights o ownership are exercised at Lludeman defl nltely by Collector of Customs Godson : BENNETT , n. C. , Feb. 2I.-WII1IS Thorpe Skagway : Sir I have the honor to reques you will present yourself at Bennett. H. C , within the next few days , with all Invoice. of goods and meat now In the province o British Columbia nt Lake Bennett , I foum a notice of sale of your goods on the tral between Lake Bennett and LIndeman , am Imva forbidden your man In charge to dls pone of a single pound until the duty was paid. Please Rive this your earliest atten tlon. I have the honor to be. sir. vour obe dlent servant. J. GODSON , Collector of Customs , Lake Bennett , ALASKA VUSSni. HAS 1IA1ID I.VCK. WenlherN a Gale anil Gam Aground T vlec In One Trip , SEATTLE , Wash. , March 6. From a letter received from Juneau , Alaska , It Is learned that the schooner Whltelaw , which ran ashore four miles from Juneau , hail an excit ing trip nearly all the way from San -Fran cisco. Off the Oregon coast It weathered ono ot the -worst gales of the season. Captain Lockyer abandoned the outside course and put Into Port Angeles. Taking on fresh water and meat , the -boat proceeded north ward. On Monday , February 28 , In Wrangel narrows , it ran on the rocks , scraping the planks off. Whea It strjck the sandbar onwhich It now lira near Juneau the Whltelaw was left In shallow water and careened at an aoglr of about thirty degrees. It U likely to o oft the beach March I , when tb waters reach ir * fp A t f Tiiriifn , EE IS ALL RIGHf 'onsul ' General at Havana Will Not 0 fiecalled. IS CONDUCT PLEASES THE PRESIDENT tears Himself with Fidelity , Courage an j Good Judgment. PAIN DESIRES TO HAVE HIM REMOVED ts EcqneJt i * Quickly and Politely Refused , WAR SHIPS W1L CARRY RELIEF SUPPLIES Indrld Government Willie * Thlfl Order ChniiKed , hut IN Informeil / that the IMiiiiN Are 1'erfeetetl. \ WAS1HNGTOX , March C. The Spanish elt atlcti developed two new phases tojay where t became known that the Spanish govern * > ment had formally requested the recall oB Consul General Lee from his post nt Havana , o which request the Ui > lted States had ) ' ourteously but firmly refused to comply ; also that the Spanish government has wig gc&lcd the Impropriety ot sendlog relief eup plle-3 to the Cuban rcccnccntradocs on tha rulspr Montgomery and gunboat Nashville , o which suggestion the United States baj given a like negative. The first Intimation of these steps cnmo n a brief and explicit cable dispatch from ) Madrid. Prior to Its receipt , however , tha authorities hero had been fully conversant vllli the facts , although no Information hod jcen aliened to get to the public on either ubject. The disclosures from Madrid left 10 further ground for reticence In Wash- ngton and aftev a conference at the Whlto IOURO between Prc-Etiont McKlnley , Secre- ary Day and Secretary Long the folloulnn authorized statement was handed to the \K3oclatod Press by Judge Day os comprls- n % everything that wo. ) to be said by tha idmlnlstnUloii on the subject. "Tho president will not cocslJcr the re call of General Lee. He has borne htmsclC hroughaut this or la's with fidelity , good' ' udgment and courage , to the president's cntlro satisfaction. " As to the supplies for the relief ot Cuban people all arrangements have been made to arry a consignment from Key West by one * of the naval vessels , whichever may be best adapted and best available for the purpose , o LMatanzas and Sagua. " Beyond the foregoing those who had par- Icipated In the conference at the Whlto louse would not discuss the subject , anJl t was announced positively that the au- .horlzcd statement comptlscd ever ) thing that would bo given to anyone. The advices from Madrid , together with .he authoritative , statement .here , left ua rooai for doubt as to what had occurred. , PROCEEDING $3 UNUSUAL. ' The request for General Leo's recall Is understood to have come within the last few , lays , and doubtless since the last cabinet meeting on Friday , as no reference waa made to It at that time. It came through , Minister Woodford , a somewhat unusual pro cedure , as the common mole of requesting he withdrawal of a minister or a consul Is through the representative ot the govern ment making the request , which , in this case. Is Scnor du iBosc , the Spanish charge 1'affalres. Scnor du Bosc had received no nstructlons on the subject and was In com- ilcto Ignorance of the demands made through ! Minister Woodford. The other suggestion of the Spanish gov ernment , tbat relief supplies should not bo sent In war vcieels , did not come through. Minister Woodford , as the Murdrld dispatches state , but wca presented by Senor du Boso to the State department last Friday. The responses In both coses went to Minister ! Woodford. There was no lees of time In assembling a cpcctal cabinet session , or even a confer ence between the president and his cabinet advisers Individually. In the protest agulni't the Montgomery and Nashville Judge Day , conferred with Secretary Long , who In turn called In Captain Cronlnshleld , chief of the Bureau of Navigation. There appears to bo no reason why a change should bo made lr * . the plan for sending tlicpo ships on the re lief mission and without attaching grave significance to the request of the Spanlrli government the answer was made that the plans for the trip were completed and that the stay of the ships would bo brief and most pacific In character. In responding to the request for General Leo's recall the president does not appear to have deemed the subject open co such discussion au would require the views of hla cabinet , and after a brief exchange of views between the Whlto Houne and the State de partment the negative answer waa dU patched to Minister Woodford , TAKES PROMPT ACTION. One phase of the Incident that tends to nhow the firm stand taken by the administra tion Is the expedition with which the action wan accomplished. Such a matter ordlnarll/ , Is laid before the cabinet , the views r : all ltd members personally given and a full op portunity offered for discussion. But In thla case the press bulletins furnished to some members ot the cabinet tbo first informatloa they had that General Leo'a service was open to question. Before the cabinet meetIng - Ing no hint or complaint of any kind relat ing to General Leo had been made. The pround on which General Lee's recall Is asked Is not officially disclosed. It Is knoun , however , that the Spanish govern ment han chaffed for some time over General Leo's presence In Havana , although this had ; never taken the form of a definite protest prior to the present time. It began to as sume a moro serious aspect shortly after the arrival of the Maine at Havana. At that tlmo General Leo escorted Captain Slgbeo ou his round of official calls. These were madct with duo formality , but the Spanish otflclala took offense when the calls wcro restricted ; to General lllanco , Admiral CManterola and the representatives of the military arm ot Spain's service and did not Include Premier Galvcz and his associates of the nutonomatla cabinet , who represent the new civil regime , which Spain Is seeking to enforce. The matter came to the attention of Scnon Dupuy de > Lome , then Spanish minister at Washington , and although there were no protests , the situation doubtless reached tbo State department , ai < suitable amends were made by Captain Slgsbee calling on Dr. Con- gosto , the civil secretary general , Premier Galvcz and his associate * . LEE GIVES A DINNER. There was like Irritation over a dinner given by Consul General Leo to the officers of tbo Maine. The list or guests on that occasion 1s said to have omitted como of the Spanish naval offlcere , and to have Included , quite conspicuously names of a number nt American newspaper correspondents who were regarded by the Spanish officials at Havana as antagotilitlc to them. This alra came to the attention of the ofllclals here , but was not made the baals for any action , but rather an unofficial Spanish crltlclpm ot Consul Leo's general mode of procedure. Within recent days It has been understood ] by officials hero tbat the feeling against Gen eral Lee has been smoothed over and tba requcrt tor hla recall wai for that reason In tbo nature ot a complete surprise. There re clrcutaatances. however , which clearly dltcloso the grounds for the recall , although It Is not known tbat Spain baa made anjn exact peclflcatlon ot complaint. Since tha Malno dluater a report fcM ctrcvtetrt that " "