THE OMAHA DAILY Ul SUNDAY , MARCH 0 , 1808. Omaha. March 0 , 1SOS. „ YOU HAVE HEARD Of our house of our reputation of our goods well . they - if * are the same , yesterday today and tomorrow. Spring Dress Goods Never were the medium priced goods so independently handsome and stylish and women will be greeted with such a show of Textile newness Monday as can bo found In no other store. POI'MNS 29 co'ors. They are the ele gance of plain dress ; they all come In hanisotne spring weight , 3S-ln. , 83c. AUMUKKS 19 colors , one of the newest and most beautiful of the plain dress material ] , 3S In. , 75c. AT 230 A YAHD 49 at } Us , small checks and mixtures. AT 190 A YAIID 15 stles. handsome mUtiwes , very new. AT 12V4C A YAKD 29 stlca. two-toned novelties. Black We helievo our Dress Goods present stock to be the handsom est and richest ever shown in Omaha. The prices start 2"c , then up and up to the top elegance at $3 GO a yard. Linings Skirt stiffening , cot ton canvas Dlnclc , brown and gray , 21-ln. , lOc per yard. Linen canvas ; all colors , 21-ln. , at IDc , 20c , 25c per jard. Wlrctte Is fast becomliiK a favorite as a sklit stiffening ; black and gray , 27- ln. , at IBc per sard. Imitation haircloth Is light weight and durable , 18-in , at 20c } aid. Trench haircloth , best quality , black and gray , IC-ln. , at 33c. ; 18-ln. at 40e. AmcilLan haircloth , IG-lu. at 30c ; IS-ln. at 40c per janl. fMcCall'S We are the Bazar Patterns agents. The price la all right , 10s and 13e , none higher. Try them and } ou will be glad jou did , as they arc the best fitting , most stylish and most economical pat terns made. CmbroidcrieS Customers now ask for the em broideries with the gathering thread. An article of so much merit will not long remain unnoticed. In nntnsook only ; narrow and medium widths. Sin gle edges , tc ) , lOc , 12V4c , 15c , 17c , 20c. 22o atnl 25c n yard. Double edged for the fronts of blouse , especially little boys' walats , 40c a yard. t ( Don't be the last one to try them. Corsets. The success of the season the new short Corset perfect fitting Parisian models , H. & S. made of batiste , Lace trimmed top and bottom at $1.00 each. . AV. C. G. Short Corst , black sateen , at jl.OO each. Art Needlework- New sofa pillow covers New materials for cross-stitch embroid ery. Beldtng Bros , embroidery Bilk at 40c pel doz. morning off Itatteras. However , the fact that no sign of It or Its tow baa been teen tiy any life having crew between Capo Henry wul Capo Hattcras Is taken as a sign tndt the tug outrode lhc gale. The Impression at ttio .Men lit Wrecking cctnpany'e olllce here Is that It his of com so liail a rough trip , but will show up nt either Havana or Key West ittfo enough. U 1ms not had tlmo under conditions to make these ports. XIUMOVIM , U Fair A \viTM : STATION. Marine for POKX- lilo WASHINGTON. March 5 The proposed transfer of Dry Tortugan , which If now regarded as the mos't Important quarantine station of our southern coast , < r > the War de partment would necessitate the Immediate selection ot another location for a station off the count ot Florida. The quarantine season against ports Infected with yellow fever and other Infectious diseases begins. " April 1 , BO that If the War department decides to re- enino control over Dry Tortugas and Fort Jefferson , which Is located there , no tlmo Bhould bo lost by the Marine' hospital ctll- clals In fitting out another station. Already co mo correspondence * has been had with officials of the service on the Florida couat and several of the Florida Keys have been uggcaicd as suitable places to which the station may bo removed. Among those uro the Fleming Key , which Surgeon Murry , considered superior to Dry Tortugaa aa a the Fleming Key , which Surgeon Murray Key , where the atato of Florida maintains a station , and llahla Honda , which U cast ot Key West. Owing to the fact that Dry TortUKus U directly In the track ot | I veseols bound to the United States , the West Indies anil Central America and the perfect character of the quarantine station U will bo given up with great regret by the ( Marino hospital service * . It the War depart ment Insists upon taking possession. The annual reports show that In 1S95 fifty- one vessels were disinfected at the station and In 1890 ilxty-ono vessels. The figures for the last year , when the number vvai much greater , are not yet available. Yellow ( aver patient * are not mated at Tortugas station , but at Ulrcl Key , six miles away. Those who were Injured tn the Maine ex plosion , who were In the hospital at Havana , where yellow fever Mwds exists , were de tained at thtt , station before being taken to Key West. The same advantaces possessed by Dry Tortugas as a point for a quarantine tatlon are claimed for It and also as a strate gic point tor a base for a fleet operating gainst Cuba. U was used during the civil war as a bate ot operations against the con federate states , A report mndo by Surgeon Murray two yeara ago contains some valuable Information regarding the locatlcii. the harbor and the condition of old Fort Jefferson. The group t key * or lalota , ol which Qordeo Key , upon ( which the station la located , Is the center ovtr ot an area of eleven square miles. i Kur coMltU ol Un ICTM. Da U ar Wash fabrics Court Royal Pique. Light and dark ground , with figures , strlpca , etc. , fast colors at lOc per yard. Tela Vela Duck Suiting , dark colors at 12 c per yard. Imported Galatea doth the best for wear tdo beat In colors new pat terns at 35c per yard. Satin Stripe , fast colored Zephjr Ging hams a flno even weave , In plaids and stripes , with satin over stripes , con sidered very handsome the price 13c per lard. Imported Cotton French Dam- Dress Goods tiness Irish Neatness Scotch Sturdiuess rare prettlness In all. Each contributes Its own peculiar beauty to thh world's show Ing'of- springtime fabrlca. From Trance thcso Organdie Llsse , Organdie Ilajee , Oragandlo Caarreau. Color schemes In the flower printing as the French alone know how to paint them. From Ireland these Irish dainties , 2Bc. Gumilne Irish Dimities In patterns , fresh and new each season , but the same handsome goodness that our grand mother's knew. From Scotland these Anderson Swisses , 45c. Now staple styles from John Ander son ot Glasgow , handsome , reliable Swisses , Always In the front ranks. Tancy plaid and fancy checks. Trimmings We are showing some beau ties in the trimming line Jets , Dralds , Chiffons , Spangles , Silk Applique , fine 'French ' Venice Trim- mlngu and Headed Edges , Black Silk L.1CC3 and Insertlnga , Cream Silk Laces and Insertlngs , Cream Cotton Laces and Insertlngs , Keal Duchesso Laces , Heal Valenciennes Lace Edgings , great variety of Narrow Jets and Colored Uoaded Trimmings. Don't neglect to sco theSpnnglel and Headed Blouses they may be the ) very thing you need. AVe have also a large line of Dralded Blouses Braid Skirt Pieces Jet Points for skirts and waists Braid Points for skirts and waists. Ribbons Are a prominent i'eature in dress decoration this spring. In pleatlnga , rualtags and the new sheered effects , also for sashes. Our stock complete- with all the new shades , such as burnt orange , plvolno , Euphratc , Ru'slan blue and new green. Double face sntln rlbbrns , In colors and black , also satin grea grain , will be the most popular ribbon this eum- raer. Our stock of fancies for ties and sashes In narrow and wide widths , checks and stripes , are the latest patterns fiotn the looms. Hosiery and Special : Ladies' Underwear black Cotton Hose With double toe , sole and heel , extra good quality 35c pair , worth BOc. Children's Black Ribbed Lisle Hose , with double' knees and spliced heels , abso lutely stainless only 20c pair. We are showing two special numbers In Children's Shirts A fine nibbed Whlto Merino , very nicely finished 25c each. An extra goo ] quality In fine ribbed wool , silk finished only 50c each. the old fort , Tortugas harbor light having a range of thirteen miles , and the quar antine station. The anchorage to the north west of Qorden Key has a usable area oivj by one and one-halt milru , with seven to cloven fathoms of water and excellent holdIng - Ing ground. Into thlti anchorage are thice channels and Surgeon Murray sa > s that with a little euro any vessel In the woild now built or to be constructed can go to It with out a ( illot. CONSULTS OH YMHintS Ol" COIIMHUCn. SpiiiilNli lioiriinifiil Siiuml * Them an the Cuiiinirrulnl Tn-nt > . MADRID , March 5 The government has consulted the Chambers of Commerce throughout the country respecting the pro- poeed comnifcrctal treaty with the United States. The 1111 boa chamber replies that considering the present condition of mercan tile relations It < an see no necessity for a treaty. If the negotiations , however , are successful It la of the opinion that two trea ties will bo requisite , one between America and the Peninsula and ono between America and the Antilles. The former treaty , In the opinion of the llllboa chamber , ought to be based on reciprocity granting the United States a second column In the peninsular tariff , with mutual concessions If possible. It America concedes that Spanish merchandise would bo favored by the tariff Spain should allow America A second column with all the rebates granted by treaties to Holland , Switzerland , Norway and Sweden. The treaty between America and the Antilles ) , In the judgment ot the Ullboj. chamber , should bo limited to the concessions obtained from the Cuban tariff August 8 , 1SS7 , and should maintain protection at 32 per maximum and 22 cents minimum for American producti. It Is believed other chambers take the same view. _ IMUMIISr.9 SOMK SIMQV IIIUIYG. . rort-riiKl of the Hoard of In quiry lli'iiart. KEY WEST. Da. , March 6 Captain Marlx before sailing on the MiDgrove with the Maine board of Inquiry referred to the state ment that the court's Investigation had failed to prove that the Maine had been blown up from the outside. "That's all bosh , " he aald. "Why can't they elop theor- Izlng mi til we got ready to report ? Then I assure you we shall havn tome reading for tha American people that will be Interest- Ing. " "Will It mean war ? " was asked. "Tliat'a a question I cannot answer now ; wait. " .lrni for > nnl Mllltln. NEW VOHK , March C. A consignment of Galling guns was tent to Fensacola , Florida. At the ordnance department It was said ( hat the guns were ordered many month * ago and that their shipment has no special UnlBcanc * . A cootliiUBtnt ot cutliim and Tailor Made Suits That ladies are thoroughly practical in their ideas is nowhere more fully demon strated than in the fact that they have come to realize the .absolute ne cessity of hav ing a tailor- made suit ns part of their wardrobe. When wo speak of a tailor-made suit we mean the kind which Is really man tailored , where the style and nt of the suits show the Impress of an ar tist. Wo are the only house which In sist that all our cloths shall be thor oughly sponged and shrunken before they are made up. Undoubtedly from now on you will find other stores ad vertising In largo type that all their suits are also sponged. They will ho perfectly safe in .sajlng so , as you cannot tell by looking at the cloth whether It has been steamed or not. Th'a Is a case where the reputation ot a Ilnn counts. Tallor-tnado suits at $11.50 , $13 50 , $15.00 and 000 Ready-Made For immediate Pillows need. Wo are able to furnish ready-made pil lows nt most reasonable prices at $1.00 , $1.25 , $2 25 , $2.75 and $3 00 per pair ; they are well made and of good fabric. Ready-made sheets.- Desire to call your attention to our various makes of ready made sheets ; all are guaranteed torn and Ironed by hand ; full size , Sl\90 ; plain scam at 50c , COc and hemstitched at C5c each. Read j-made pillow cases , guarantee as above , -43x30 ; plain seam at 12' c and 15c ; hemstitched , 15c each. Sheetings , bleached and unbleached , In all widths and prices. Notions AVe desire to call at tention to the Mon arch ease up Leather Belt. A wonderful Improvement , > lelds anil conforms to the movements ot the wearer ; no more breaking belts or pull ing out eyelets. Black and colors , 25c , 40c and 50c each. The Monarch leather covered belt hold- era , made ot genuine morocco. In col- ois to match any belt , 5c each. The Monarch ornamental leather covered belt holders , hard enameled , ornament ; In fleur-do lla , star and clover leaf de signs , lOc each. Muslin Underwear The success of our muslin un derwear de partment is having gar ments as wo men want them. Most stores try to educate women tt llko garments < as manufacturers make them. Wo'vc climbed to the top for goodnesi In the garments as you showed ui the way. Corset Covers from 8c to $2 25 each. . Draw ens from 25c to $2.25 each. Gowns from 35c to $6 50 each. Petticoats from 75c to $10 O0'"each. THOMPSON , BELDEN & Co. other warlike supplies were sent with th Catling guns. Iliiohe Snllit fur Ilii-viiiui. KEY WEST , Fla , March 5 The coast eur vey boat Ilacho sailed fcr Havana today an will bring back any bodies which may b recovered from the wreck of the Malm There have been no movements among th United States war ships at Tortugaa islnndt Stlrn l ! | > IVelliiHT In Cunniln. OTTAWA , Ont. , March 5. The passage c the Alaska homestead bill , by the Unite States senate and the withdrawal of th bonding privileges from Canada In that ills trlct unless certain concessions are obtalne from the Canadian government In retur have stirred up much feeling hero and th result will likely be that the Canadla Yukon railway will bo built from Telegrap Creek right through to Fort Simpson o' the 'British Columbia coast so as to avol the difficulties being created at Fort Wrange No concessions , It Is eald In offlclc circles , will be made by Canada for a rlgl which has been given It by treaty , namol the free navigation of the Stlckeen rive ( or commercial purposes. 1'iittlnurVaiiiiiiuiktT Forward. PHILADELPHIA. March 5. A commltte of the Business lilen's league which severs weeks ago adopted a resolution requestln John Wanamaker to allow the use ot hi name aa tbo anti-Quay candidate for gov ernor , had a conference with Mr. Won : maker here today. Upon conclusion of th conference , 'Mr. Deeraer of the commltte stated that Mr. iWanamaker would glvo h ! definite reply to the league on Monday c Tuesday. Mr. Deemer said that .while > Mi Wanamaker did not commit himself , be , 'Mi Deemer , was of the opinion that he woul become a candidate. > Iny lie A Double- Murder , OTTAWA , 111 , March G. Developments I a double tragedy nre stirring up this ell today , A man supposed to be C. W. Woe of Chicago appears < o have committed BU ride after having shot and killed an Ottavv woman known ns Irene. Hrlder. The vvoma H > ent last week In Chicago and Wood fa 'owed her hero. The coroner Is Investlga i Ini ? rumors that a man from La b < ille , III who ans jealous of the attentions lo it woman by WooJ , committed the deed. North Hnkutn Hunker * Arrmted. I.ARIMOUi : , N. D. . March 5 Today J. 1 * Streeter , jr. , president , and H. C . Streete cashier of the defunct First National ban of this city , were arrested on a charge c havInK received deposits In an Insolvcr bank They were released on $1,200 bond each. CruUrr Will Iteniulu In Kurope. NEW YORK. March 5-Richard Crok has nnnounred that It Is his Intention to i to England and remain. It U reported creed ( rood authority that during bU absence Jot ; F. Cat roll vv HI ba acting leader of Tamrnai hall. NOT ASLEEP it Id/ Army and Navjjf , y ll Efl Prepared for Any Emergency , n ) .l DO NOT EXr EfcT ; " TO BE CALLED UPON Tt Xl At the Snimv 'l me If N M'ilcd Kvi-ry 1'rcrniitinirfviH llrlnic Tnkcu to ' 'III" ' Itrmlr for /rMl' % Cnll < WASHINGTON,1 C. The developments - ments at the State , War and Navy depart ments In connection with the Spanish situa tion have divided themselves Into two dis tinct brcneties , one relating to the Maine court of Inquiry and the other to the natural and necessary steps to place the naval and military arms of the service on an efficient basis. Concerning the court and Its work the Information reaching the authorities hereIs of a most fragmentary character , and the highest naval officials reiterate that nothing Is at hand to Indicate even the tendencies ot the members of the court from the evidence they have thus far received. Admiral Slcard'a telegram last night Rivet the only clew as to the plans of the court and this tn effect Is that It will be some tlmo before the testimony or divers and other witnesses can be taken and an Idea formed as to the date of submitting the re port. It Is felt at the Navy department that this will leave the question , so fac ue the court Is concerned , In a state of doubt for some dajs longer , probably a week ot ten days , for , aside from the conclusion ol the hearings , there Is the formulation of the Important "findings " , the framing ot tha court's opinion , and then the formalities ol Us transmission to Admiral Slcard , and thence to Washington. "While these last stages will bo very brief when the actual findings and opinions have been matured , jet they cannot be entirely eliminated , and there appears to bo no disposition to be precipitous In a matter Involving such grave Issues. Issues.NOT TO HE CAUGHT NAPPING. The other general branch of the subject , the activity In the various naval and mili tary bureaus , continues without reference tc the work ot the court ot Inquiry. This ao tlvlty up to the present time has not taken the form of any concerted or elaborate plan of emergency preparations , but has been manifest mainly through comparative ! ) minor acts , which , taken altogether , halt shown that the licncM of departments were not Inactive In preparing their branches ol the scrvlco for any requirements which It was possible might bo made on them. A member of the cabinet stated today thai there should bo 10 misunderstanding or mis construction of thcso stcpj. For Instance , all of the manifold movements , particular ! } In the west , of war material , are declared n the most positive manner simply to bo lr execution of plans long ago developed foi 'orttflcatlons and the defense ot the coarst , Thus at Seattle the War department reccutlj purchased a tract of G40 acres on Magnolia Muff , a point regarded by the board as Indispensable - dispensable toitno proper defense of Pugel oucid. This blull Is being put lute condition for the reception ol he heavy guns anil the othei weapons The work , It Is said , should have been done long ago. However , while It IE tated that these steps are In accordance wltli last plans , there Is no concealment of the 'act that the administration Is impressed with a sense of duty In putting the two vvai branches In the highest state of efficiency tc neet any emergency. There is no dlsposl- Ion to anticipate an emergency or to sa > hat any situation will call Into use the rep resentation now on foot. On the contrary , the highest authorities of the naval and military branches say they do not cxpecl an emergency , but are performing the duty allotted to them of being ready for any re sult that may ; , com * no matter how unex pected It may hoi- Those high officials dc lot wish to minimize their preparations 01 to assert , they the } are merely routine , neither do they wish these wise and natural > recautlons to bo construed far beyond theli egltlmatc Intent and made the basis foi alarming reports of war measures. In referring to this subject , a member ol the cabinet said ho felt that patriotic In stincts should Inspire a just measuring ot the activity now evident at no more or no less than It really meant. ENLISTING MEN FOR NAVY. The Navy department ls somewhat embar rassed by the lack of reamen necessary tc 111 the complement of ships already or aboul to go Into commission and In view of thi shortage the officials in charge of the ro- crultlng stations at League Island , Norfolt and New York have been Instructed to en list such seamen as may bo available and no confide themselves to persons wuo havi heretofore been In the navy. According to an official of the constructloi bureau of the navy It will be some time be fore the Charleston , Yorktown and Phila delphia , now at the. Mare Island yard , an again ready for sea service unless extraord inary measures are taken to liurry the worl on them. The Yorktown and Philadelphia It Is suggested , mignt be prepared again foi sea service In a very short tlmo It they an not put out of commission , but If the latte step la resorted , It will require from el : to nine months to put them In shape. The War department Is having semi difficulty In obtaining sufficient ground a Point Wilson , Washington , on which It Ii proposed to orcct fortifications. This is be cause ot the fac-t that owners of much o the land are scattered over the country am trouble has been experienced In eccurlni their addresses. The matter Is now In tin hands of the Department of Justice vvhlcl Is doing everything possible to settle thi question. The nature and extent ot thi works to bo erected will depend on thi money available. "Wo are pressing work on fortifications , ' said an official of the War department today 'juat ' as wo have 'been ' since the permanen system ot coast defense was Inaugurated b ; congress about two } eara ago. We aim ti spend all the money congress appropriate yearly , so that that body will continue ti authorize expenditures far this necessary ad junct of national defense. Naturally th > public U now taking great Interest in al that la going on , and probably observes will closer scrutiny everything being done. This coupled with the fact that no one execp members of congress are allowed to ente the fortifications and they only with th consent of the secretary of war , apparent ! ; makes the matter all the more mysterious No , I would not be at liberty to tell of an ; steps that are being taken oa a result o the pending excitement , even it J knew o " a- such. - INSPECTION OP'MERCHANT SHIPS. A visit to the , Navy department , one o those made at not Infrequent Intervals I the course of duty by Lieutenant J. D. a Kcllcy , U. S. N. , ' caused the Immediate clr culatlon of a repbrt that the governmcn is embarking on the Urge undertaking I : the Inspection of all'vessels ' of our merchan marine that might bo available for nava service In case , of tilted. For more than el months Lieutenant1 Kelly has 'been ' charge with the duty of inspecting vessels ot th merchant marhie W ascertain If they com piled with the' fernfe of the so-called sub sidy act and oicjtius ; } fitted for naval serv Ice. The termsof th.e act , which was passe several years ago , Appear to be designed t secure the crcrftibtfof a class ot vessels un der the American ! < flag , built In Amerlut ship yards , tbati hull bo suitable for th rapid and sato carriage of the United State malls , and second , suitable for transforma tlon tn case ot need Into auxiliary cruiser for the navy. Ever since the passage c that act , the Navy department has bad ofll cers at work Inspecting merchant vesacli either In their preliminary stages .of cor structlon , or after completion , when thel owneis sought to take advantage c the act and claim subsidies fo their ships. Many vewels have been ao lr spected and the naval officers have repottu to the pcetrcester geuural this fltncsa c unfltneus for naval service. Aa alreati stated , Lleutencnt Kelly Is now In chars of that particular branch ot the navy an has been prosecuting It with a dlllgcnc < Without doubt the puhlls excitement of tn Icit few weeks induced a number ot vessi owners who have never before sought : take- advantage or the subsidy act to subm their shlpa to the Navy department now fc examination , and this haa resulted In jjni sual activity on the part of the InapoOtln officers. Tiie armored cruder Brooklyn arrived < Laguayra , Venezuela , yesterday and rcporte last lght by oablo to the Navy department It Is the Intention of the autfuirltlra to krc the ship at that pool for a few ilnjn. or a leant until It Is demonstrated tlut the In slcntllcatit revolutionary movement In U. eastern portion of the coiintrv Is shown note to endanger any A me r I con Intercuts. Thci the pan ! In for the lirooklvn to proceed t Colon and nwalt orders from the depart ment. The Now perl , with the Nleatagua cnna comtnlsslcii uboud , arrived at Colon yester Cay with Ida expectation ot temalnlnq untl the lOtli Inst. The training ship Texas ha failed from Fnrl Motirco to Tonipklnsvllle. Senor dil Ursc , Iho Spanish charge , callo at the State derailment thin morning on had a cbort talk with Judge Day concernln ; recent filibustering movements. The depart ment desired to get fuller Information thai had thus far been furnished , It U under stood that Spain's purchase ot war ship and other subjects which tavc attracte much Interrfct within the lost few dajs wcr In no way referred to , as Mr. tin lloic ha received no information on throe subject aad they arc not open to diplomatic negotla tlons. The departure of General Wilson , ( hie of engineers of the War department , for th south. It Is now admitted. Is for the pur pose of Inspecting fortifications and rlvc and larbcv Improvements. His trip ma ; extend to I > ry Tortugaa , In the Gulf o Mexico. riion VIULITV or A cisn IlcnUli 'lU'KiilnlloiiN ' of rinrhlii l.lkcl ; to Ciiiinc Sonic Trnultlt * . WASHINGTON , March 5 There Is prom o of a new and unwelccnio development o the Maine affair that In the end may leu up to an Issue between the government o flio United States and the state of Florid ; if the officials of the state endorse tdo stain taken by the local officials at Key West The latter have notified Admiral Slcard tha on the first of next month they propose t enforce the state quarantine law against al craft arriving from Cuba , as a measmo o ireventlon against the Introduction of ydlov [ over. The notice Indicates that the las will be applied to the n-ival vessels , aud n view of the serious Interruptions such Inter lercnco with the free movement of Ills ttilp would cause , Admiral Slcard has presentei .he facts to the Navy department and await Instructions. The department officials can not tolerate with equanimity the stopragi ot such ctaft as the Mangrove atul Fern 01 theli crrunda ot mercy , nor delays that ma ; result In tlio prosecution of the work of th wieckcra engaged on the Maine's hull an in the work 01 the court of Inquiry. Td ( resident ( ilmself probably will communl : ate with the governor of Tin Ida with ; view to securing an abatement of the law , c > i far a It in proposed to apply It to nava vessels , this being the speediest manner o lealing with the case , although it may bi itatcd that th national government move las lecognlzed the right of any local author ! ties to stop its vcsse's in case their move ment were deemed necessary. The wa ahips have voluntarily submitted to quaran tlno vfaen returning from any port BUS pccted of infection , but this U nsfierted to b' ' : nercly a concession and not the rccognltlci of any lawful right on the part ot the stat authoiltles. In view of the fact ( Kit th- offlceis on our war ships , with the nld o capable surgeon's ' on each ship , make it thel prldo to keep their craft In the most health tul condition , naval officers feel that the ; may be eafcly left to run their ships between tweon Havana and Key West without tcstrlc tlcti. As on evidence of the care exercise : to avoid carr > lng contagion , the official point to the fact that without suggestlu1 trom any of the health authorities of Florid Admiral Slcard caused the wounded eur v Ivors of the Maine disaster to be dotalne for several dajfl at Tortugas before allowln ; them to go to Key West. It la asserted positively at the State do imrtment that there has been no change ii : ho plans for sending the Montgomery an' ' : ho Nashville to eastern Cuban ports wit ! relief supplies for the rrconcentradoos. I lad been suggested that the offer of a mer chant , steamer from New York to take som of these gcods to Cuba would relieve th naval ves&els from the performance of thi onerous task , but the declaration from th State department Insures the execution o : he original program and the ships name will sail for Watanzas and Sagua la Grand as soon as the gcods arrive at Key Wes 'rom New York. Reports that have com : o the State department from these place show that terrible destitution exists , prob ably nowheic exceeded in the Island an the officers of the Montgomery saw for them selves on their recent stop at Matanzas th extent ot the misery. It Is said by some o the correspondents of these officers that the all returned penniless from their Cuba cruise , having been so moved by what the saw that they gave avvay all of their read cash. cash.U U was decided this afternoon to abando the projected order to the flagship Olympl to return to San' Francisco from Hong Kent Without this fine- ship the Asiatic squadro would be made up of gunboats and unpro tooted cruisers without any great degree c defensive and no offensive force agalne armored ships. The cruiser Baltimore noi at Honolulu has been selected to take th powder to be brought to that port by th Mohican further along to Hong Kong fa the vessels of the Asiatic squadron. Whethe or not the ship will be attached to tb squadron permanently has not yet been de termlned. The torpedo boat Wlnslow , which ha been under repairs at the Norfolk nav yard , sailed today for Key West to Join th flotilla. The- continued reports that Spain Is buy Ing now war ships led to counter report that the naval authorities here were consld cring similar purchases. In no official quat tor at the Navy department could this b confirmed , as stepa ot this character necea aarily would bo guarded with the greatfis sotrecy. There Is little doubt , however , tha the department is Informing Itself fully ate to the opportunities of purchases , nhoul the necessity for more ships arUe. Thu far there have been no negotiations for ship and no options asked un particular chips Quito a number of offers of ships have bee submitted to Secretary Long by shlobulldin concerns In this country and abroad. Thes have beeu docketed and filed , but beyoti an acknowledgment of the offers no step toward purchase have been taken. Undo ordinary circumstances the Navy departmen would require authority from congress t purchase war ships. There In no law whlc ! permits a larger exercise of authority Ii times of emergency than at other times. I la understood , however , that the naval au thorltles feel that such emergency measure as might be required would have th subsequent approval of congress. j precedent Is cited as to th purchase of a naval vessel In a tlmo of emei gency without the assent of congress. Whll Secretary Chandler was at the head of th Navy department Informal-Ion reached her that the Greely Arctic expedition was In perilous condition and that relief was Imperative porativo without a day's delay and It Is no' a matter ot history that If the relief part hud been twenty-four hours later In react ing Greely and his men the latter woul have succumbed from starvation. None c the naval ships at the tlmo were avallablt The Bear was offered for eale , however , an Secretary Chandler closed the contract for it purchase , stating at the tlmo that If congrei failed to ratify the purchase and make th appropriation necessary for the purchas price he would hold himself personally r < sponslblo to the contractors. The Bear wa successful In Its relief mission and congrcj promptly ratified Mr. Chandler's course b appropriating money for the ship. It I now In .the government service as a revonu cutter , on duty In Alaskan waters. It I said that this course of procedure would b followed In case of emergency at the preset time. ItciliK-lloii of Spniilxh ( J ml ii Dutlci WASHINGTON , March G. On account t the excessive prices of grain In the Spunla markets the Import duties on wheat hav been reduced by the Spanish goverivnent I order to Induce the Importation of theape foreign wheat. The cffitlat new a of the n ductlon came to the State- department lot evening In the following cablegram froi I'nltcd States MlnlJtcr Wo1ford at Madili Hy deorfe , publlxhed today nn tiiklng ofTctt In the nenlnmilu. the IJ.ikarl uml Canary Islands , Murch B , 1SUS , Iho tnrl duties onv > ieat and wheat ( lour ni transitorily reduced MS follows : On when fl peoetns per 100 kilograms. In place of ; peselns na heretofore ; on wheat flour , pesetas. In place of | 1" pesetas und . centimes an heretofore ; thfse duties to ri main In force so long as the price of whet LORING'S HONEST METHODS INOOBSE8 The Free Distribution of Lormg's Germ Killer for Inhalation , From the World-Her ald Office , Ended Yesterday. Thousands In and Near This City Are Testing : the Remedy. Thousands of Others arc Anxiously Awaiting thu Result--The lleeVI1 > Publish the People's Verdict. O\tTH ! _ I , rliiK A Co. rr | i-otfullj- Inform I IncltlniiN of Onuiliu Hint tlir.r nlioulil IIKVAAUi : of llic tin- HcruiHiloiiK ilruwwlxt who , fur tliv mikiof ficlf-iiKKmtiillreiiiriit , * > ill nt- tciniit to In-Ill ( l.nrliiK'n < it > riu Klllrr for Inhnliitloii , anil olTcr a si'liSTI- ' TL'TI ' ; trciitiiii-nt In itlnt'i * . .Vnk fur I.OUIMi'S ( ir.lOI KIl.l.lMt anil tiiUo 110 other , UN t-xTj It r.l'IJTADM : ilriiK- Kl t ( MirrlfN It In Kliirk. Don't cxiirct jour ilriiKUlxt to Klv > on Information about our txooilx. Our tiook furnliilicil with th < > Inluilrr nlll ! < j on full Information. It Is the ( icrin-Klllor MidlcliuHint < : tHI ! > . The distribution of Tree- sample treat ment ! " of boring's Germ Killer for Inlinln- tlon from the World-Herald olllco closed lust evening. Already It has been -voted one of the most noteworthy events that ever ou curreil In the rneillciil history of this city. No less than is.000 saiiiple treatments were given nway absolutely free to sur liic crowds of suffereis from tUarrh nntl ca- tnrrhal deafness , grip , coughs , gelds and conmimptlon who applied for tlioin thousands of suffoters are now testing the tre.ttmont and after they have done so Tno llee will publish their testimony tis generally anil fully a It CUM bo obtain.n. Scores who got samples the first ilay of the distribution have visited the World-lloruld otllco anil arc enthusiastic In their asser tions that the troitmunt has lienelltetl them. A Bee reporter mot a representative of I.orliiK & Co. at his hotel Inst night anil In the course of a conversation alwul thlt great free gift of niccessful treatment to the people , that gentleman sitd : "Mr. Iorlnjr fully understands how the people hive been humbugged In the past and hli honest method of Introducing hH won- tlerful Mlncovcry Is rc-gntdwl by him as no tnoro than Is dilu from him to the large class of suffering humanity whom ho seeks to benefit. Ho really believes that boring's Germ Killer for Inhalation U the ; only rem edy In the. world that can euro cvtnrrh and consumption , for ho knows that there Is no other remedy that can penotrito thp lung cells and to the recede1" of the bronchial tubes Its \ ( pleasant to take and one appli cation gives the sufferer Immediate relief. Its continued use nvlll cure any case of ca- tarili or any case of consumption not ml- In Castlllan markets shall exceed 27 pesetas per 100 Kilograms. I. > ViS'Iin.VTI.M ! OVTT1.U IIISUASi : . Secretary Wllkoit to Look Up the 'Matter ' In ) Ni'lmiNkii. WASHINGTON , March E ( Special Tele gram ) Marshal Thummol , accompanied by Assistant Secretary Melklejohn called today on Secretary Wilson with a view to learning the cause of the dlsciso now decimating herds of cattle through counties about Grand IslanJ. 'Mr. ' T hummel stated that one stock man In Hull county had lost fifty lieaJ of cattle by the disease known locally as hoof rot. One of the strange features of the case ho cited was that the disease confined Itself to cattle brought Into the state from north western ranges for feeding purposes , native cattle being cntltcly fred from the affliction. Secretary Wilson was of the opinion that the disease was due to ergot In hay and the only relief that could be had was In feeding other foods. Later , Dr. Salmon of the 'Bureau ' of Animal Industry corroborated the opin ion of Secretary Wilson and said that ergot was more prolific some years than others and especially on the 'bqttoni ' lands and hay cut from these lands was absolutely value less for feeding purposes. Mr. Thummel asked that a special agent ot the depart ment be sent to Investigate the matter and this will probably bo done In the near future. The Indian bill will be reported to the house on Monday. That body will bo asked to non-concur In the senate amendments. It la In this bill Nebraska Is especially Inter ested , In carrying aa It does $45,000 for the Indian congress at Omaha. A vote will be taken on the free homes amendment , In which Boyd county settlers are vitally con cerned , being the only county In the Htato which Is affected as the amendment sta-ada at present. A poll of the Nebraska delega tion made today shows that If the vote Is taken upon the direct proposition to concur or non-concur the entire delegation will be In favor of the free home * amendment. Chairman Lacey of the public lands commit tee an ! also a member of the Indian affairs committee , said he proposed to offer an amendment to the motion 10 non-concur , which would bring the whole subject before the house. The amendment will be In the Interest of agricultural colleges which are fighting the amendment tooth and nail upon the proposition that It the land In question Is put upon the same footing aa all govern ment land It will seriously handicap their appropriations. The Indian congress bill , however , will be safe , no matte ? whetnei the free homes amendment prevails or not , senate conferees who will ho chosen having Indicated to Senator Ailco that they had already decided to stand together on the question , David T. Day of the Geological miivey leaves for Omaha tonight to look over the ground with a vlow of taking charge of tno mineral exhibit at the exposition. Mr. Day haa luU vast expedience In this direction and beiig a well known authority upon , min erals will give the exposition a splendid ex- Dr. ' P. P. Dennis of North Platte will bo appointed one of the members of the exam ining physicians at that place. P. M. Weatherld of Hebron , who has spent leaves for Nebraska some times In Washington , braska tonight greatly benefited by his visit The Wyoming delegation , which has been hero In the Interest of a cantonment at or near Sheridan , called upon Secretary Alger , General Miles and \salstant I Secretary Melklejohn today , previous to their leaving for their western homes. General Miles as sured Captain Palmer that he would be In Omaha during the exposition and would prob ably Indulge himself with a fishing trip along the Uurllnston's northern line. Members of the delegation are greatly satisfied with their trip , believing It Is only a question of tlmo before an order IB made to the troops to rendezvcus In northern Wyoming during the summer. Postmasters appointed : Iowa Harvey Cook , Hobart. Kcsauth county ; Frank E Drake , Radcllffe. Hardln county ; John Hlakcly , Hen- ner. Boone county ; and William Montgomery , Tremalne , Hamilton county. It Is understood that the resignation of Prof. W. H. Hallman , superintendent of In dian schools , will soon be asked for. There are several candidates for the position , which Is the most dceliable In the Indian service , paying $3,000 per y ar with traveling oxpenscs , The secretary of the Interior today ap proved for patent of Wyoming , charitable , educational , penal and reformatory Institutes emu thousand acres of land In the Sundance land district. MUM ! < 'nnc el Spoiled Vlone ) Order * . WASHINGTON , March 5. Auditor Castle of the Postofflcn department lies directed that all spoiled money orders sent to his olllco by postmasters be canceled Immedi ately by a perforating stamp bearing the word "void. " This Is done to prevent their possible use by devices resorted to by dis honest persons Into whose possessions they may come. Ilinriliiilrnl VlnltlieMM tn Hetlre. WASHINGTON , March B. Rear Admiral Matthews will relinquish his duties ai chief of 1he bureau of yard * and docks on the ICIh Inst He will retire In the autumi and probably will bo assigned to duty on thi examining or retiring board until that time Captain Slgibie tad Ctptaln Dickens , the l t vancetl to the Incurable stigo befoie Its us Is begun. It cures i-olil * . cough' , gilp , etc. . In from one hour to one night. 1'or croup , asthma , and other spasmodic troubles It H simply Invnlll vble. " Wo quote fiom the. medical Index : "Lor- Ing'H Uetm K'ller ' for Inhalation Is perhaps , the greatest medical tllxcovery of this vvon- tlerfill rentury. The act of breathing carries the puilf.vlng and heillng properties of tlui genn-KlliliiK ozone- from the Inlmlci tutu every air pssigo of the thro it mill heail and Into every lung foil , giving almost lu st lilt relief , and the geol effect of the treat ment Is perceived at once. Heuentwl tieit- tnents render the linpiovement completeanil permanent. The re i eli for till" Is olivlou- when It Is remembered that tllseisc In tlui lungs Is tleep-seateil and -the affected parts c\nnot bo renehLtl liy Inhilers which sivo off s > rav. watery viper or steam , 1 hn only surees .rul tieitnient U by dry medico-ozone. I'uro ozone Is produced by the process of Inhalation and Is mcdleiteil with hoiliifi * Germ Killer lull ilant. the. cuiatlvo pnpt-i- tles of which aio eairled to the remotest recesses of the tespltatory system , com pletely Impregnating with It cveiy air cell anil soothing and henllng pins' which could not he reached by any other treatment and Inhaler ever devised. " Mr. Lorlng Is anxious that evciy sufferer should test this remedy. In order that ni my may do so who were uniil le to be. present at the distribution , ho Instructs us to Htato tint Ifou will cut out the coupon below and mall It to I < orlnpr & Co , fB-CO VuilnMi avenue , Chicago , with address In fu'l. von will receive liv mall postpaid , a free treat ment , runu or ANY IXPINSR TO YOU. r > , Upon receipt of this coupon , with your mime anil nddre'S. within one vveeU from d ite of this paper , we. will nend you by mill , prepaid , a PliniJ S\M- I'ljll of horlng's Germ Killer for Inhalation , also hl Irok on ca Diseases of the Head , Thro it , Chest and Lungs. Address : Lot Ing1 & Co , HS GO WnMsh A\e , Chlcigo. 111. C-fW - A complete home treatment , consisting of IjOi Ing's Germ Kll'er ' for Inhalation and Ab bott I.orlnn's Anti-Germ Vaporizing Inhaler , . 1'rlco $110 may be bought of any druggist. i\tr.x : bottles of Inh ilunt , 00 cents each. ler being assistant chief of the bureau ot navigation , are among the olflcers talked of ifor the tucccsslon to Admiral Matthews' place In the bin can ot yards and docks. STIM. S'llt'lv TO TIII2 TlliVTV. Hawaiian MiiUrrw IrellUiMiNHril lle- lilnit Closed llooi N. WASHINGTON , Mirch 6 The senate ) committee oil foreign relations held an hour'j sitting today In an effort to decide upon what course to pursue with reference to the Hawaiian annexation treaty , when the meeting adjourned the members refused ab solute ! to glvo out any Information to the press , saying that all present had plcclgefl thon-fii.'hes to absolute seciccy. It waa learned from other senators , however , tliat the committee had under consideration the advisability of taking up the question ot annexation In the way of legislation rather than by the means of ratifying the treat" , but that they had decided not to abandon the treaty , at least Immediately , but to prosit Its consideration upon the senate at the first opportunity. They declined to say , even to ncnators , what might be their course later , confining themselves io ' ' 13 declaration that they would seek to have the senate go Into executive session again for the considera tion of the treaty as soon an the appro priation bills could bo gotten out ot the way. The present Intention of the committee Is to hold the treaty In executive session until a test vote can bo secured and It Is still un derstood that the Bacon amendment will ba used for this purpose. If the leault of this vote indicates that a vote on the treaty Itself would result In Its defeat , the friends of an nexation would then resort to the expedient of a Joint resolution and will then < wh the senate to take up the question In this shape In open sernlon , with a 'view of securing the consent of the house. Some difference of opinion developed In the committee as to the wisdom of resuming the executive ses- slono at all , but it Is urged that many sen ators would not consent to the mothoj ot procedure until there IH a vote on the treaty Itself and this Is said to have prevailed. SICUHKTAItV IIMSS OI'I'OSP.I ) TO IT. Takes Stronu' ( riinnil AKiiliiHt the Pree Home Amendment. WASHINGTON , "March " B. Chairman Sher man of the Indian affairs committee of the house has rcLC-Ivod from Secretary Bliss communication In Vvhkh the latter taUei strong ground against the adoption by the house of the "ifi'o homo" amendment to the Indian appropriation bill adopted by the sen ate. The secretary thinks that such legis lation would ho Inexpedient , as It would ho taxing the entire people for the benefit ot the few. > > V M for tin' Army. WASHINGTON , March 5. ( Special Tele- gram. ) Thn following transfers have been made In the Third artillery : First Llciitcnint John K. Cree , from battery K to battery II ; Tlrst Lieutenant iVrchlbald Campbell , from battery B to light battery C ; Klist Lieutenant Maurice G. Krayenbuhl , from light battciy C to buttery K ; Second Lieutenant Hogcia P. Gardner , from battery K to light battery C ; Second Lieutenant Lloyd England , from light battery C to battery K ; Second Lieuten ant Hoburt S. Abernethy , from battery G t ) battery L. lnll > TrciiHiir ) > < lateinl. . WASHINGTON , March r. . Today's statement - ment of the condition of the treasury shows ; Available caJh balance , $ J24,509,320 ; gold re serve , $108,424.112. Every thought , word and acticm takoB vitality1 fiom the blood ; every iiervc , muscle , ) bono , oi-tfati und tissue depends on the 1 blood for its quality und condition. i Therefore pura blood is abbolutoly necebsiiry to right living umlhcultliy bodies. JIood'sSarMiimilllaistliotfieut blood imtjller and the bcbt Spring Medicine. Therefore it in the giuat cuic tor scrofula , Halt rheum , humors , 6orcs , rheuiniitlsin , cutarih , etc. ; the . < r great nervine , strength builder , uppe- < tizer , stomach tonic and icgulator. Hood's Sarsaparillar S all tor $9. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co , Lowell , Man , America' * Oreateit Medlelnfc Hood's Pills ukMi t luu