Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : StMi > AY , MARCH 0 , 1898 ,
< * Enormous Volume or Eusinoa Doing in
b All Linen ,
Con < llliiin nt Sonth Otnnhn Ileelileilly
nc urnKlnnr to ( All IntervnUil -
\nr.eliiK VnlneM Printline Well
for the future.
The week has pasacd without nny mn-
< crla ] change in general conditions govern
ing the business situation. There hiive been
tie outside developments to affect the gen
eral courpo of trade nnd Inside conditions
have not undergone nny alteration of mo
Down In the jobbing district the volume
of IniBlnrss disposed of during the period of
nix clays has proven fairly Butlsfnctory and
only good reports are received from all de
partments of trade. Advices from the dif
ferent localities embraced within trlbutiry
territory are all encouraging In their tenor.
This Is as good evidence ns could be nskcil
for of the general prosperity prevailing In
all sections of the west. The war scares of
the last wretf , which exercised so much In
fluence over the speculative markets of the
country , had no appreciable effect upon gen
eral huslnosB Interests , \\lilch moved along
Without a ripple to Indicate thut anything
out of the usual was occurring , or likely to
An encouraging feature of the present sit
uation IH the fact that the jobbing and man
ufacturing Interests In all cectlonB of the
country iippcur to be veiy prosperous , and
from ( hat circumstance local jobber * are
strongly convlnctd that thert will be a
continuance' of trte present satlifactory de
mand for merchandise of all kinds.
The. local retail trade vvnu of a very sat
isfactory character the last week. On most
< ln > 8 the \viather was fairly favorable , HO
that n good inuny buyers were out on the
street and the volume of sales reported In
the various lines was large. It Is a notice
able feature of the retail trade that mer
chants In various lines arc reporting an
earlier call for spring goods than usual.
This Is particularly true of thu shoe trade.
The only explanation tor this Is that the
winter having set In earlier than usual
people have worn out their winter appirel
nnd In prcfeience to buying more winter
Koods this late In the season arc calling for
spring goods Instead.
The retail merchants In all deptrtments
of trade me congratulating themselves upon
the fact that li > > t month was about the best
February ever experienced In this city so
far as the volume of trade was concerned.
The pleasant weather which prevailed last
month was a great Inducement for buyers
to bo out and the tempting offers In the
way of special bargains stimulated free
. buying.
The prospect for the future of trade looks
very bright at the present time. There are
more strangers In Omaha than for a long
time past. The city Is lining up with people ,
as evidenced by the fact houses for
rent are about the scarcest article In the
Whole city.
Dank clearings point to an Immense vol-
\irne of business locally , as well as In the
Whole country. The total clearings for Feb-
tuary , though naturally enough short of
January's record breaking totals , were evi
dently S3 only because of February being
n. short month and because of holldavs cur
tailing the time for business , for the reason
that the average dally clearings were larger
than those of January , and the monthly
total was heavier , not only for any previous
Feb.Miry on record , but larger than many
months of normal years.
The volume of money In general circula
tion In the country appears to be reasonably
lirgo Inasmuch as collections are fairly
good. Had roads have no doubt affected
the country to some extent , as farmers have
lieen prevented from hauling produce to
market with as muci freedom as they
might otherwise have done.
Country produce has been selling freely
all the week nnd Rcnernlly nt fairly ; re
muncrntlvo prices. Poultrv - gally com-
jnnnclH good prices , though fie market is
not so high as at some seasons. Eggs , how
ever , have been breaking and nt the close
of the week were at tne lowest point of the
Heason to date. After such a long spell ol
mild weather , with the prospect of an early
pprlng , there does not nnpeir to be mucti
chancj foi a rally In the market.
At South Omaha business conditions hav <
JJecn especially favorable to the selling In
terests. Exporters have engaged large shipping -
ping space and want the cattle to pern
abroad. That , together with an Improvet
domestic demand for meat products , hai
given the market on cattle an upwarc
movement that Is decidedly to the advantage
tago of the producers. During the last sh
days It Is safe to say that cattle value :
have advanced on an average 20 cents po
100 pounds , live weight. Whether this ad
Vance Is to be maintained or whether It I
only of a temporary character It Is Impos
Bible to say , but even If the market shouli
upeedlly drop back again to Its former po
pltlon the very fact of an advance havlni
taken place shows that the market Is I :
a most healthy condition , nnd that an ;
little Improvement In the demand la Habl
to witness a stiffening of values.
Packers have evidently been anxious t
keep values down nil the season , as ther
was a feeling among them that the countr ;
"was not yet prepared to consume nny larg
quantity of high-priced meats , but nt th
name time sellers generally have adhere
to the optr.Ion that any general change tha
might come to the market would be on th
elde of n tilgher range of values.
Another encouraging feature of the ltua
tlon at South Omaha Is to be found In th
prospective changes to bo made In th
business of the G. H. Hammond companj
"Which " an. to mark the commence
mcnt of a morn vigorous nnd aggressive pal
Icy on the. part of that llrm. The companj
iwhlch Is nn Eng'tsh corporation , was Intel
incorporated under the laws of the stnt
of Illinois. The Hiltlsh government Impose
a tax on home corporations which the Hair
mend company found onerous , especially I
Its last fiscal year , for which a loss of $130
000 was shown by the Michigan com pan
operating the property. Too company wn
floated nt a time of somewhat excesslv
capitalization , ns demonstrated since In tti
English brewing properties , and the pla
is to reduce thu capital from about $ IDOO
000 , Its present amount , to ICOO,000.
E. S. Morrlll , formerly of South Omahi
linn taken an Interest In a vegetable evap <
rating plant at Oronilo , Wash. , and Is rui
nlng the same day and night to 1111 ordei
for goods to be shipped to Alaska. Eva ]
orated potatoes sell at 10 cents to 12 cen
per pound , onions at CO cents , cabbage
cents , squash 23 cents and turnips , cnrro
and parsnlpx nt1 cents per pound. Hy ret
eon of their cheapness potatces are na
urnlly the most popular and vast quantltl
ore being evaporated. A bushel of potato
makes eight to twelve pounds when evn ;
orated. In preparing evaporated potato
for food It Is necessary to sonk the grail
which are rough and of uneven sizes , r
eemullnp In color nnd general nppearam
resin as much as anything else , In water fi
twenty-four hours or more , after which tl
cooking process Is gone through with.
Is said that a dish of well prepared eva
orated potatoes Is a luxury and may I
enjoyed even In a country where fresh vc
etablea are to be had.
Condition of Trade mill Quotation * c
Simile uuil Pnnc ) ' Produce.
JSOOS Gixxl stock , 9'Sc.
nUTTEH-Cnmmon to fair , 81Ie ; parat
creamery , 20c ; ( fathered crenmery , . 1501Cc.
VKAI.i-Cl\oe ! fat , (0 to 120 Ibs , quoted
Iir9cj lire" and coarse , i7c.
DltnSSKD 1'OUL.TUY-ChicXfiu. 6B7c : tl
keys , SOlOc ; cec e. 7Ct-c ; ducks. 7 < ? Sc.
LJVK I'CiUI.TKY Chlckeni , 60 ; old rojtte :
to ; ilucki , Co.
OAMi- Small rnLMtt , per dot. . 75c ; Ian
11.15 ; rqulrrel ; , UHjCCc.
PIOEONS Lite , 7Sc ; dead plceons not wnnti
JIAV t'plnnd , 15 Mj mldlnnd. JSW : lowlin
14 W ) ; rye itrnw , MM ; color makri the price
hay ; light bales tell tlie te t ; only top grat
lop prlrei.
CELKHY Good tock. Urge , 40.-J imall. JIG *
oNio.Ms-rcr tii . n icoi : s.
III.'ANS Ilantl-i'lckc.l niuy , p.-r lm. , tl 1301
8WEKT I'OTATOUS-Kamaf , 10-peck bbl
(3. 10.
CAnHAOK Ooml tock. per Ib. IHc.
1'OTA TOM Home urcran. Wflllcj Colora
lock , 70c.
APPI.Krf Winter tocK , UCOOJJO ; Callfon
Belleneur. boxen , tl M Colorado Jonathai
boxer , II 75 ; Onsen , boxes , 11.23.
fcoxo , J1.75.
CilANltEHHlKS-rancy Jei > e > , p r bU . 110
O ANaKK-Cullfornu nm , JJ.758500 ; fur
eedllno , | 1(0- choice , I ! .
KKMONS- California , fancy , | J 00 ; choice , t :
fancy Messina. | I WJJ M ) ,
DANANA8 Choice , large stock , per bunch , 1
4fl.U ; medldum slied bunches , I1.758Z.OO.
NUTS-Almondt , psr Ib. , larct slit. U61
U ; BruJlj , pw Ib. , HfUc ; KuclUti w
nutr r Ib , fancy soft hell. lOSHc ; standard * .
I fill , lilUru , Ib , III ; , pecnns pillihed.
infillum , OiT7p , extra largo , ugao ; large hickory
nut * , J | Mm.10 per bu. , unill. Jl 2MJI W per bu ;
roeonnutr , per 1-0 , J4 on , peanuts , raw , 6s,4c ;
ruottnl , ifj5'4c.
ritlH Imported , fancy. J-crown , 14-lb. box s ,
ICc ; S-trown , 44-lb. boxes , lie ; Mb boxes , 21
< ? 23o per box. California. 10-lb. box , II.W.
IIONiY Choice wille , 12cj Colorado amber , 10
KltAtJT-rer bbl. IJ M half bid. , J2.2S.
MAPI.K HYIU'I'-Klvo-gat can , each , J275 ;
gal. cans , pure , per doz. , 11200 , half-gal , cans.
5 25 ; quart cam , J3 W.
UATHS-llallowfe. 60 to 70-lb. boxes , S',4c ;
Salf. tc. Pard. 9-lb. boxes , Va.
CIDr.H-I'er half bbl J3M ; bbl. , JS 00.
riiesit MIATS ,
DIIKHSBI ) nnr.K Uood native fleers. t\r ;
good forequartcrs steers , 6Vic ; good hindquarters
steers , bl4c ; western steers , U4e ! fancy helfors ,
6Vc ; good heifers , Co ; good forequartprs heifers ,
6c , good hindquarters heifers , c , g3od rows ,
5 4c ; fair CIIWH , S'4c ' ; cow torequarlcrs , 4V4c ; cow
IIIJEF- ' CUTS Hanging tenderloins. 4V4c ; rllw ,
No 1 , lie , ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs. No. 3. < ! Hc , No.
2 , 64C ! rounds. No 1 , 7' c ; rounds. No. 2 C'4c ;
round. " , No. 3 , 6'4c. trimmings , 4'4c ; beef shanks.
3e : brains , per dot , 33c , swretbreads , per Ib. ,
K'ici sweetbreads ( cuhn ) . per Ib , 40c ; kldne > s ,
per dot , , lie ; ox tal's , each , 3c ; Mvtn" , Pol Ib , 2ftC ;
per Ib , 2' c ; tongues , per Ib. , llrilf ;
. - . - . _ each , Me ; calves , whole rattnts or sldc ,
9c ; calf head nnd feel , scalded , per set , Too.
tenderloins , fresh , ISc ; tcndetlolnr , ti07cn , 15e ;
boneless strips , fresh , lOc ; boneless strips , frnjen ,
9c ; strip Ijlns. fresh , te ; strlii loins , frozen , 6'4c ;
roth , bonelefs , c ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9c ; sir
loin bulls , bonelcrs , 9c , shoulder clods , boneless ,
C'ic ' ; rump butts , boneless , & % c ; Nn , 1 chucks , Co ;
Nr > . 2 chucks , 4vtc ; No. a chuck : . Is ; b"n 'cf
chucks , 4i c : cow plntis , 3'4c ; steer plater. 4c ;
Dank steak , 6 < ic ; loins , No. 1 , 13'4c : loin ; . No. 2.
lOHc ; liln . No 3 , SHc ; short loins , market
style , 2 * . above loins ; sliort loins , hotel style , 4c
above loins ; cow loin , uJs , Sc ; slier loin , ends ,
MlTTTON' lamb" . 9o per Ib ; lambs ,
80 ; sheip , 7c ! market racks , long , 9c ; hotel
nuki , short , lie : loins 9c : saddles , Sije ; l gr.
8'4e ' ; lamb Ugs SHt ; breasts and stews , 3'iC ;
tongues , each , 3c ; fnrequartcrs , 5'4c.
1'oniC Diessed pigs , 5V4c per Ib ; dr sfed
hog ? , S'Jc ! tcncicrlolns , lEc ; loins , short , 6c ;
long , 6c : spare ribs , tc ; ham siusage butts ,
M c : lloston butts , 6Mc ; Fhoulder , rough , Be :
phouMi-rx. Fklnnc-d. 'Aio ; trimmings. 4'tc ' ; leal
lard , not rendered , 8140 : heads , cleaned , 4c ;
snouts nnd ears. 3c ; nckl > ones , 2c ; cheek meat ,
4c ; neck Yxinos , 2c ; pli. * ' tails , Sc : plucks , ei"ch ,
Re ; chitterlings , fto : nocKs. 4c : beat If , per doz. ,
J3c ; stcimacha , each , 3c ; tongues , each. 7c ; kid-
noj * . per dor , lOc ; brains , pr > 1oz , iVs ; pigs
feet , per dnr. , 10c ; livers , each , Sc ; hog r.nds ,
tc ; blide bon s. Be.
HIDiS : No 1 green hides. 7W : No. 2 green
hides. cu0 ; No. 1 tailed hides , He ; No 2 xreen
salted hides , tc ; No. 1 vt-al calf , S to 12 Ibs , lOci
No S vial calf , 12 to U Ibs , Sc.
BHUni * I'ln/TS Orein sailed , each , 15C73o :
riven salted shearings ( short wooled carls
( kins ) , each , lie ; di > shearings ( short wonlH
e.irly skins ) , No. 1 each , 5c ; dry Hint Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual
welsht , 4H"o : dry Hint , Kansn * and Nebraska
murrain wool pells , per Ib , actual weight , Sff
4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib ,
actual weight , 4il."c ; dry flint Colorado murrain
word pel I a. per Ib , actual w lght , 3SMc.
TAI.l/HV , OIinASi : . ETC. Tnllnw , No. 1 , 33
3c ! ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , l'4c ; while
2li'ff2ttc ' ; jellow and brown grease , l44t
rtJIlS nenr ( black or brown ) , J3 00320 00.
otter , Jl BOSS 00 ; mink , ICfilOc : beiver. J1.0-J0 ( tW ;
skunk , 15c. 2" > c , Mlo ; muakrAt , 3c. 6e , 7c ; raccoon ,
15fXc ) ; red fox , 25cSJl 23 ; gray fax , 23T50c ; wolf
( timber ) , 2.'c t2M ; wolf ( prairie eojote ) , iriiMi : ,
wildcat , 10 { ? > c ; badger , 5fi40c ; silver fox , JiO CK
Wenre CoiiiinlNHlon Comimny.
cables were % pence lower our rmr-
ket opened at 14 cent advance for May
wheat , with July n shade stronger.
The notation of shipments to the extent
of about four times thobc of receipts , which
were about 5of,00 busiels , no doubt caused
this effect. However , It was but n moment
before the bears took the market In hand
and cold It down to $1.04 % for May , al
which time cash wheat had fallen to a
point 8'iovvlnn about 2'4 ' cents carrying
charge for May. This was only accom
plished by riding the market hard , and al
which time their strength was exnausted ,
and as predicted Inst night , they were In
the same position they have often been Ir
recently , that of being oversold , and were
compelled to become liberal buyers , espe
cially In the May option , nnd on news the
Influence of which unclnnged , which
advanced the market to a close of Sl.OW ;
for May wheat , and Julv nt 50 % cents , vvltr
cash wheat at $1.0i,4 | , which registers a verj
pretty advance for wheat for all It W.T
attacked so vigorously by the bears.
You will note for the past three clays
there has been a carrying charge shown U
May wheat , which has Increased each day
nnd Is now 1V4 cents. Although this 1 :
nllght and not profitable , It Is a ciange foi
this year.
Wo wish to call your attention to the
strength of the mnrkx-t on each of thesi
raids by the bears , wnlch Is evidenced bj
Its rapid and easy advancement , giving
positive proof of the result of each of thesi
raids by prompt and profitable buyltif
Corn nnd oats , with receipts once and r
half In excesa of shipments , were verj
steady and fluctuated mildly during thi
wheat light , and closed practically un
St. IiOitln fieiirrnl Markets ) .
ST. LOUIS. March S-FI/Un-Unchanged
patents , J4.7304.90 ; straights. J4.40O4.DO ; clean
J4.OOR4.23 ; meJIum , J3.eoQ3.7 * > .
\VHI3AT Higher , closing "sS'/Jc above yester
day ; July opened 1-lCo better , went off He , ad
vonced le , fell back He , closing with buyers a
that. Spot , steady ; No 2 red. each , elevator , fS'4c
tra'k , MKcfW.OO ; March. 08Kc ; May , J1.01 ; Julj
84Ho bid ; No. 3 hard , cash , 9o.
CORN ruturcs closed strong and higher ; spol
higher : No. 2. eash. 27Hc ; March , 27c ; Maj
27 < Xfl27ytc : July , 29c bid.
OATS Puturez dull but firm : spot , steady ; N <
2. cash , 27c ; travk , 27jo ; ; March , 27'/ic ; Ma ]
27lJc bid : July. 24V'C.
HYU- Steady at 49l5c.
KIAXSI3ITD Nominal at Jl.17'4
TIMOTHY Snni > I'rlme. J2.9003 CO.
I1IIAN Stronger nnd better ; sacked , east trad
C9c : FackeJ f. o b this side , Wjc.
1IAY Slow for al ) but eholce timothy ; pralrli
J5.W ) iTS.23 : t'mothy. J7.2310.00.
nUTTim-Unchanged ; creamery , ! Cffl21c ; dalrj
90 ICc.
COOSteady nt I0',4e.
\VHISKY-J1 20.
COTTONTinS Unchanged.
IIAOOINO Unchanged.
I.n\t > Hotter at J3.C5 bid. Spelter , nrm j
$4 ( X ) .
PIIOVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard me *
Jobbing , J10.371" . Lard , lower ; prime steam , Jl. ! >
choice , J5.0214. llncon ( boxed lots ) , extra thoi
clear. $ Ti.C2HiiT5.73 ; ribs , JT > S7H I6.00 ; shorts , J5.i
iT'1.1214. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , J4.
8T4.71 ; extra short clear. J5.23H5.371/4 ; ribs , J3.37
J5,50 : shorts , J3.50fi5.C2i4.
Itnonil'TS riour , 4OfO Mils , ; wheat , 6,000 bu
corn. I4G.W ) Ini.i oats , 29.00i ) bu.
SIIIPMnNTS riour , C.OOO bbls. : wheat , 9,0
bu. ; corn , 81,000 bu. ; oats , 24,000 bu
e I/lvorpool Market.
I.IVERPOOU March 6 1:30 : p m Exchang
nYlinAT Spot , dull ; No. 1 northern spring ,
Id.COIIN Fpot , quiet ; American mixed , new ,
3'id ; futures , steady ; March , 3s 4d ; May ,
3d ; July. 3s 3i4d.
> . rijOUIl St. Ix > uls fancy winter , steady , 10s.
, . HOI'S At London ( PaclHo coast ) , Hrm , 4 1
. . . { fJCfi S .
HKBr rirm ; extra India mess , CSs 9d ; prln
mess , 5's t.1.
I'HOVISIONR I'ork , flrm ; prime mess , fli
western , fds 3d ; prime mess , medium wester
4Ss 9d Hams , short cut , steadj32s. . liaco
31s ; short ribs , dull , 31s C.1 ; long cleir m'ddlc '
light , Fteady , 29s 6,1 ; long cleir middles , heav
steady , 2" > st short clear backs , steadj' , 2"s ) ; cle
bellies , 339 Id. Shoulders , square , dull , 2vs , I ir
prime western , dull , 20s ; prime cltj" , tlrm , 20s.
Clinnsn American , finest white and colore
OILS Cottonseed , Llven > eel refined , 15s t
n , common , steady. Turpentine spirits , fin
33s M.
ICanMiisi City Rrnln nnd Provl l n ,
tl\e , HO hlRher ; soft noglectpd ; No. 1.
No 3. f4 VNC ; No. 1 red gifilV ; ; No 2 , OJc ; N
3 , Rlii-llo ; No. 2 sprlnK , S7c ; No. 3 , S3e.
CX > HN Market Ufi' o lower nnd closed wea
Nn. 2 mlkfd. 2J .fi2fic.
O\TS Market tlrm and fclow ; No. 2 white , 16 ,
S7 o.
HVn-Mnrket firm : No 2 , 4CT17e.
II VY Mqrket netl\4 > ' best Krndra firm ; scare
chnlco timothy , | StWi900 ; choice prairie , 17 C
IH'TTnn Market Hrm ; creamery ,
dnlrv 14fJ16c.
ioosSHC. .
at HKC'KIITS Wheat , CO.COO bu , ; corn , SS.l'fl bi
onlf. ir.xvi bu ,
SMIPMUSTS Wheat , 3 , tXK ) bu. ; corn , 47 ,
bu. ; natr , 11 , COO liu.
rs. rinolnnntl Market.
CINCINNATI. March R I'LOril Quiet.
WIIBVT Quiet : Nn 3 re < l 9 < .
fV > | l\Seady | : No 2 mlxr-d 31'JC. '
d. OVT-4-rji'y ; No. 8 mixed , Kc.
d.d HYlI-rirm : No. i. Me.
d l.HIOul < > t nt K.0 > > .
on Ut'I.K MI.'ATS Knsy at 13,10 ; bacon , stea
lea at W.ifl.
WHIt-'KY rirm at 11.20.
lU'TTKIl rinn.
DC. Sl'OAII Sirndy.
ians : Ktt'v nt 100.
30. widy.
Toleilo Murket.
March B.-WlICAT-FIrm ; No.
cash. S'Sc : M jl9V.c. .
COHN-Actlve nnd Hrm ; No. 2 mixed. 31o.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mlxeJ , cash a
da Mav. 27' '
> . RYVJ Dull nd lower ; No. 2. cash , . . . . .
CIVUHSKKl > Active ; prime , cash. JJ 07Vi
00. Detroit Mnrkrtn.
PimiOIT. March 5 WHBVT No. 1
97ci N.I J red. ra li und May , tS'4c.
cjr CO'lN-No. 7 mlxf.l. S2o.
15 O TS No S while , SOHc.
; UYK-No , t. 52Vc.
.00 I'rorln Market.
PEOniA. Marrt t.-COHN-Ea y : No J. tH
OATS-ra v ; No. 1 white , nominal ; No ,
Jc , whit. . 27rtt7 c.
\VUI3KY-Illfli ( TOOl VlriU , U.11V& .
Maj Wheat Sc ; 3 a Cent AdvanQo and the
July Option a Fraction.
Mquldntluii of Corn the Prominent
C'liuriiPtcrUtlc of tlint Ct-renl
Out * Hnlc Dull l'rovlnlon *
Weak All ln > .
CHICAGO.March 5.-Covcrlng of May
mheat by northwest shorts was the feature
In wheat trading todaj' . It was the princi
pal factor In nn. advance- 1 cent In that
option and the strength displayed was com
municated to July , which c'o'ed nt UffHo
advance. A. geol deal of nervousness was
shown at times , Armour's ordering of DOO
cars for shipment of wheat from Minneapo
lis ito Chicago having u decidedly depress
ing effect early In the session. Corn nnd
ont.i were dull and closed with hardly any
change In their previous values. Provl'lona
mire weak and closed 2',4'SlOc ' lower.
The opening In wheat isvas atcidy , July
starting unchanged at SOMiQWSc nnd bring
ing SO'/ic ' a moment after. Muy showed un
opening ofic advance'at $1.05. The Ohio
state crop report , which made the condition
of winter wheat 33 per cent bel&vv the tivur-
nge , was a smrprl c to the trade , as previous
reports were to the effect that conditions
were promising , nnd this caused momentary
strength. Thu prices commenced to drcp.
It was reported that Armour had ordered
MU c.irw to loid with wheat nt Minneapolis
for shipment to JJuluth. This ivsns taken
bjm.iny traders ns Indicating n repetition
of the great run of lAheat to Chicago which
took pliico last December and re-suited not
only in the uvlthdr.TwIng of support , but
nl o In heavllj- Increased offerings. Prices
slid off very much In consequence. July get
ting down to foyiJISSTsC. The. fluctuation *
In May were very Irregulir and a good deal
of netvoitfness was shown. From thu openIng -
Ing the market dropped aulcVdy to Jl.OIVs
This was followed by a quick recovery tc
tl.OtiU , and nlmost ns rapid a decline to $1 03
Then the. market both for May and Julj
began to recover. On the decline Ir
Miiy buying on n largo scale was gtartcc
and during the llrst hour's trading probablj
.i million bushels changed hands. This was
Mipposed to be mostly for northwest shorts
Commission houses were all'large buyers'
getting some of the Mnv from the LeUci
people. This sudden Increase In the demini
for May brought local shorts In July intc
the market and with the additional help o
some bullish no.vs prices slowly advanced
Clearances were fair at 4JO.OOO bu. Ther
were rumors current that the Keller hold
Ingt In the northwest had been sold to mil
Icrs. They were not confirmed , but never
theless had effect. Northwest receipts -wer
2" 2 cars , against IPO last week and 327 u jea
ago. Chicago receipts 'were 41 cars , clove !
of which were contract grade. Near th
close the market becimo strong , lluylm
rans quite liberal and May , which had ad
vancc < l to $1.0.Vft , advanced quickly to $1 Oi
lint had reacted1 Iby closing time to $1 035j
July got up to the. boat prices of the duy-
90 4fitOc , nnd cloied llrm at BO c.
Liquidation of corn was the feature 1
that mirket , a ( prominent elevator concer
disposing of a heavy line. There iwas als
quite general selling e.irly In sympath
with the wheat weakness and prices dc
cllne-d. The Improvement In wheat late I
the session resulted In better sVirT > ort beln
given nnd the decline -was recovered , tli
close being steady. Heavy estimated recelpl
iMond.iv had a depressing effect. ( May range
from SO ic to 29in30c and closed a shad
lower nt .TOVMfSOVic. .
The market for oats was very dull , trac
Ing being merely of a scalping nature. Th
tendency of the market was downward t
first with ivsheat and corn , but when tho-
markets recovered later In the day oats fo
loaed. May ranged from 27c to 2fiJB'82Ga ! '
and closed unchanged nt 26'tc.
Provisions were 'weak all day , tnoug
trading was too dull to permit of ver
heavy lo = sos. Easier hog prices started prc
visions lower. There -was continued sellln
by the > vicking Interests pi eminent In yci
tcrdny's liquidation and prices tended stoac
Ily downwnid. Theie was a good cash d (
mand for Saturday. At the close 'May per
was 7B10o ( lower at WO 37'4f(10.40 , 31 ny lar
5c lower at $3.1G ana 'May ribs 2 < ic , laer f
Estinrited receipts Monday : Wheat , I
cars ; corn , 800 cars : oats , 310 cars ; hog
33.000 head.
landing futures ranged as follows ;
.trtlclCBTTbpon. I 11UJ > . I Low. I Close. ! Yest'j
March. 1 01 1 04H 1 03 1 04U 1 03
May. . . 1 03 i OOK 104H 1 OVPOH 1 04' '
July. . . 00 > 1 < 3M 80HMH POH oows-
May. . . 30K 29M-30 30
July. . . ant , aw dlH H1H
Sept. . . 324
May. . . 27 20M
July. . . 24N 24
May. . . 10 40 10 42H 10 35 10,40 10 47 !
July. . . 10 40 1047J , 10 40 10 40 1U 62 :
Mny. . . 6 in 5 1ft C 124 5 15 B 20
July. . . C 20 6 25 6 20 5 22K 627
May. . S12W 6 IB 6 12W C 15 5 17
July. . 8 17H 6 'JO 6 17M 6 20 0 22
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows : .
I'LOUIl Steady ; winter patents , J4 8005 C
straights , J4 C004.CO : spring specials. J5 S a5 4
spring patents. J4.7J85 10 : baker'1. J3 60 3 ! .
VS'HHAT-No. 2 spring , 91g93''ic ' : No. 3 EJirli
wheat , Jl 00 ; No 2 red. Jl 04liffll Oo.
COIIN No. 2 , 2DHB2H4C.
OATS-No. 2 , 26V4026 > 4o ; No. 3 white , 28 > , i
DAlClTKY-F. o. b. No S , 323400.
TIMOTHY SBnD-I'rlme. J2.9j.
PIlOVlSIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. . J10 3'
10 40. Ijnrd , per 100 Ibs , J5 07Vi3 10. Short rlt
sides ( loose ) . K OOfflS 4Dry salted shoulde
( boxed ) , J4 7300.00. Short clear sides ( bsxci
} 5 35Q5 55.
WHISKY Distillers' nntohod goods , per ga
' 0 st'OAUS Unchanged ; cut loaf , JO 01 ; ran
.i . lated. J3 51.
On the produce exchange today the butter mi
ket was tlrm ; creameries , 13j20c ; dairies , 1
17c. Cheese , quiet , kfl1 > V4c. Kggs , fresh , lOVic
Ouotntlnim for tlie Iluy on Griicr
N1JW YOHK. March 5 KIX3UII Ilecelpts , Z
333 bblH. ; exports , ll,2r ! > 7 bbls. ; dull and noml
alls' easy ; city mill patents , J5.8. > { | G.lcity ; ni
clears , } . " > . ( J(5.73 ( ; Minnesota patents , Jj.SCKj'i.i
Minnesota lakers , 54.(0tri.d > ; winter ntraJgh
J4. e4.73 ; winter extras , J3,704.10 ; winter li
grades , t2.90ff3.GQ. Itje Hour , tteadj : fancy , J2
Q2.2J Ituckwheat Hour , steady at J1.30.
HUCK\\1IP < at 4ic.
CX > aNMBALr-null : vellow western , 70c.
11YK Quiet : No. 2 western , MiioS'Ac.
I1AHUUY l > ull : feeding , 40c.
IIAIIL.KY MAUT Quiet ; western , E2H6 7e.
WIIKAT Hecelpts , 75R.0 bu : exports , 44
bu. ; sut | , easy : No. 2 red , Jl.07 % , f. o. b. i\IU
to arrive. Options opened steady nt Ha advnr
on cables and after a sudden break due par :
to favorable crup news ; rallied sltciitlr on ccn
Ing nnd closed partHd ) net lower ; No. 2 n
March , closed all Jl.OJU ; May. J1.00A , 1.U1
clos l J1.00H.
COIIN Hecelpts , 17.300 bu. ; exports , 63,799 b' '
spot , easy ; No , 2 , 37140. Options opened pte-
with wheat , but declined under further Hiul
tlon , cloning ' , lo not lower ; May , 3liC35' '
tint nl ZV ; Julv clowr ) 36'ic ,
OATS HecelptB. C3 COO bu ; exports , 43.0C8 b
spot , quiet ; No 2 , 31a c. Options were dull a
barely meady , oloelng Via lower ; May clot
PCED-Qulet ; bran , SO S2Ho ; middling ! , 8
rye feed.62i4863c. .
HAY Quiet ; shipping , 30T35cj goo < l to cliol
w 55 70o.
HOPS Firm : state , common to choice. 1
cixp. 4i6c ? ; IK * crop. 7 r9c ; 1W7 crop , 17R1
riiclllo CKist. 1S'J3 crop , 40Cc ; 1 6 crop , 8fitf !
1 37 crop , 17O19C.
HiniX Firm : Galveston , 15c ; Texas , dry. 1
California. 17HfllSUe.
! . < : ATI ! IR Firm ; hemlock role , U JIJOo.
WOOIi-Dull ; fleece , 174V ) 'ic ; Texas. U <
15c.I'ROX'imONS Reef , steady ; family , 111. !
11,75 ; vxtrti liie - . JR OW8.W ; beef hams , Vfi. (
U rt ) ; packet. J10 OKfll.OX Cut meats , qul
pickled bellies. S5.7Wr7.00 ; pickled shouldf
SI. 75 ; plckl < nl hams. 57,73. Lurd , easv ; wcsli
stenmed. S3. 40 ; re lined , quiet. I'ork , dull : mr
110.73 ; short clear , SIO.7Mil2.SO ; family , tll.f
12 00. Tnllow. steady.
I'lTTROLEl'M Nominal. Hoiln , ttea
strained rr.mmor. to good , II 4001.45. Turpentl
llrm nt 37c .
RIi'15-Klrm ; fair to extra , 4 , IJ Vic ; Jap ;
nd MOLASSES F-lrm : New Orleans , open ketl
gond to rholco. 2STMc.
MnTALS-PIg Iron , steady ; southern. tJ.1
11.00 : northern , lin.50fllt.00.ppr. . flrm ; br
era. 111.00 , Lead , tlrm ; brokers , J3.CO. Tin pint
Ol\3 fViltonseed oil , barely steady : prt
crude. 204i3) c ; prime crude , f. o. b. mills , 1
Kttc ; prime summer yellow. Me : oft Hummer 1
low. 22U.i7 3c ; butter oil , SCfiMc ; prime v ln
yellow , < j-2S'ic.
nalllmore Market ,
BALTIMORE , March B.-FLOUR-Unchang
recttpts , 11,410 bbls. : export * . 11. IM bbls. ; wi
ern superfine. II.ScXtt.M ; western extra , S3. :
4.10 ; wMttrn family , J4.40ff4.10j wlnttr wb
. Jl UC3 10 , spring wheat pil tit , J"i.t > < J
t 40 , spring wheat itrdght , JVWfiS.lO.
WIIBAT Dull nnd emy. ipot and month , JI.PO
Ol.CO'J , Maj' . 11.00 % a kidj f learner No J rej ,
P..HOKiV : receipts , 1W bu , ; exports , 52,000 bu ;
kouthrrn wheat , by simple , | kfljl,01 , southern
ntwat. on track , M > irrJl. ' > nfi.
COHN-Steady ; spot nnil . .month. 33U4o ,
steamer mixed , 33(733Uci receipts , 81,761 l > u , e * .
per IF , llj.R ; > J bu. ; southfrn tvhlle corn , 3.1'Hi
) { "J" southern yellow. 3.V.ttJ < Uc.
OATS-SUady ; No. I while , western. 3l'4C3Se ;
No. J mixed , western , Sff32\4c ; receipts , 8,970
bit ; exports , none is
ItYK-Dull and lower ; No. If western , EGc bltl ;
rt-celpts , 3,716 bu. ; exports , luINlljii.
HAY Firm for the better 0iracs\ choice tim
othy , J12.t > B1300 ( VlM ,
GRAIN KUBIOHT3 Very aueU | rates steady
nnd unchanged ; steamers aftlA ? { engagements
large ; sleam to Liverpool. p rr < ) > ! 3'4d May ;
Cork for orders , per quarter. ( si6d March ; 33
4'id April. * ; I
Hl'TTKIl rirm nnd unchanged ; fancy cream
ery , 21f23 > ; fancy Imitation , 17 lSc ; fancy Indie ,
15c ; good lidle , ISBHHo : store packed , 10 J22c ,
nr.ClS-Qulet ; fresh. He.
( "HttKUU Steady ; fancy New York , large. 9 4
Ollc ; fancy New York , medium * lOfllO'ic ; fancy
New York , IQ'-iSlO'ic.
Grain llrc-plliln nt lrlnclinl Market * .
MINNUAI'OMS , March b. Hecelpts : Wheat ,
2M cant.
CHICAGO. March K. Heceliil * todiy ! Wheat ,
4 4cam ; corn , 510 ears : oats , 214 Ian. INtlninttd
OKIlota Mondaj : Wheat , B ; corn , 800 ; oalr ,
510. f
ST. LOUIS , March 5 Receipts ! Whett , i > }
' "
"KANSAS CITY , Mnrth 5. Ile.elrts : Wheat , 1C'
mJLUTlf , March 5. Hccelpls ; Wheat , S4
I'lilllldvllihlll Produce.
I > HtLADiiriIIA. March 6 HUTTEH
Steady : fancy western oieamorj , 21c.
HGGS Unchanged ; fresh nearbj' and western ,
12t ?
* CIH3KSE Sleadj ; New Yoik factory , full
creim , fnncjsyte ; full cream , fair to choke ,
74QS'ic. !
Smt Priitielaco Market.
December , J132H ; Mnj' , J1.39H
UAHLUY Quiet ; December , 84Vlc ; May , J1.04 ; ; .
ColTi-o Jlarkot.
NHVV YOHK , March 5. COrTKR Options
opened quiet at unchinged prices , ruled In
active and quite fenturelets ; trading confined
to local operations ; selling checked bj' smaller
receipts at Illo and Sintos and predicted smaller
shipments. Closed dull at unchanged price" .
Sales , 4000 bags Including Maj , Jj 53. Spot
coffee , Illo , dull ; No. 7 HiVolce , S c ; Jobbing ,
oi c. Mild , fteadj ; Cordova , S'UllCc. ' Total wnrc-
li u o deliveries from tie United .States , 16,501
bagg , Including 13,423 from New York ; New York
stock todnj' , 670,339 bag" ! United States stock ,
7S9.477 bags ; utloat for the United States , 124 000
iMgs ; total visible for the United Stnte , 1,113-
" "
"lIAMIIUIia , March 6 COrrni : Opened 'J
pfg. lower ; nt 2'30 p m , unchanged to U vfg.
lovici : sale" , 8,600 bass.
SANTOS , March 6. COIT13I : rirm ; geol
average Hantos , 8,400 rels ; receipts , 11,000 b.ig ;
stock , 718,000 bags.
HAYIin , March 5. COrPKK Openeil steady ,
'if lower ; ut 12 m. , quiet and unchanged ; sales ,
'Hlommi JANCIRO , March t CoVrnn Dull :
No 7 Hlo , dull , 8,000 rels ; un hanced , CHd ; re-
ce'lpt" . 6,000 bags ; clearcl for fie United States ,
16.01)0 bags ; cleared for Europe , 4OuO bags ; stock ,
2C3.0CO bags.
Oil Market.
OILi CITY , March 6 Credit balance" , S2c : eer
tlllcates opened nt 83c bid for cash * , highest , S4c
lowest , S3c ; cloeed at 3'5o. The sales were n
follows : Cafef , 15000 bbls at Sic ; n-sular , 8,0"
bbls. at 85c ; 3,000 bbU at E4 io ; total , 2C 000 bbl
shipments , 76,202 bbis ; runs , ! H,120 bbls.
LONDON , March B OII.Si-Llnfeed ; , ICs Ed
Tun > entlne spirits , 25s.
CIIARU7STON , S. C. , March 5.-OILS Tur
penllne , llrm ; sales , none. Hosln , linn and un
changed , sales , none.
SAVANNAH. Oa , March 5 OIL'S Spirits o
turpentine , llrm , 3Sc , sales , S.V ) bbls. Hojlr
flrm : sales , 640 bbls , A , H. O , D , Jl f.O , n. , Jl CC
I , il.cs ; K. , J1.75 ; M. , Jl.SO ; N. , J1.90 ; W. O
$2.03 ; W W , J2.30.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Marrh 5 OIlJS-Splt
Its of tun > eiitlne. steadj , SfHGJJc. Hosln , Urn
L. 1 and Jl 30. Crude turpabtlin./ nothing dolnt
prices unchanged Tar , llrriJlnO. ;
I/5NDON , March C TheTe was n good Ir
qulry f r wool during the wtek nnd n fair qinr
tlty was sold. Mnnv holder declined to pe
even at the better ruling pilce , a the fhortnes
of stock and b ° tter rtports from the manufac
turlng centers point to higher rates Foon , e *
pcclally for merinos The arrivals to date ft
tliii next series aggregate 2SOr vi bale , Includln
94 000 hales forwarded direct. The ll t vslll CD
when the gro s arrivals reach 300,00-J bales , or o
Marci 11 should the arrivals not reach 800 0 (
bales. The Imports for the week were ua to
lows : New South Wales , 13,300 , blips ; Me
bourne , 10,301 biles : South Australia. 2.31S biles
West Australia. 2,213 bales : New- Zealand , 2.51
bale : ; C'npe of Good ll pe ntwl Natal , 6.300 Imlei
( } crmnn > , 1,022 bales ; Marseilles , 1,137 balef
Nivorosslck , 1,337 bales , " and elsevvhere , 1,9 !
bale * .
ST. LOUIS , March 6 WOOL Unchanged.
\IMV York Pry Gooilx Market.
NEW YORK. March 5 At the close of th
week's operations the situation In cotton gooO
IB about where It was nt the opening , with th
variation that print 'lo < hn are slightly weakei
nidH for extras at Tall River arc made at 2t ! <
which meet with no results as vet. But mam
facturers , it Is thought , will sell a few spots r
this figure next week. sales have been llgl
In both extras and odds and the stock has it
created during the wiek. In staple cottons th
local market Is quiet In all grades. The wee
In woolens has also been a quiet one Men' '
ware fabrics ore only purchased In odds an
California Dried KrullN.
t'HUITP Steady ; evaporated apples , common , r *
8c ; prime wire tniy. S > iVSSe ; woo ddrled , prlnv
H i8Hc : choice , S iff' * : : fancy , 9V4 I10c. Prune
1V.4TSC Apricots , Haval , 5'JCi7c : Moor Tail
SijgiOc. Peaches , unpeeled , ( Q9c ; peeled , 12
\t-vr York Imiiorl * nnil Kxportu ,
NCW YORK , March B. Tlie Imports at tl
port of New York- for the wek are : Gold , J2I
498 ; f liver. J3S.304 ; dry Roods and general me
chandlse , J10,026,113. The exports of specie wen
Gold , JT90 ; silver , S64.0SI.
Sonic Strlklntc Declined Tnkc Pine
During the Sliort Si-union.
NDW YORK , March 6 Liquidation was ri
ncwecj with energy on the Stock exchange tcvl.i
and the Saturdiy short session was Ions cnoug
to effect some very striking declines Lamscl
Ing orders were executed for Washington a
count , as was the cose yesterday. There was r
news to account for this selling bejond a gei
eral feeling of apprehension over the Spanish el
uatlon. There were occasional rumors of ne
dovelcfiments set ajiont , but to a large extri
they represented the guesses of commercial tun
era aa to the motive for the Washington Kelllni
A rally In the late dealings was In part tlie r
milt of covering by the shorts , who hud so
eutly In the day , but the coincidence of tl
rally with the appearance of the bank stutemei
seemed nt variance with the statement , whlc
was In some respects n dlwgreeaule surprise. Ti
conlractlomi In loans , the falling off In depoci
ami the dicreaso In ciisJi were much largei thi
r. had been expected. The fatt that the linnncl world had been going through such atrj'r '
al period with so little harm resulting was accepti
as a bull card , In view of the underl > lng streniri
of conditions whlcCi Is ( bus demonstrated. Neve
theless , the general list shown marktNl net d
dines extending tn over it point In sonic east-
Union I'acltlu preferred , Northwestern und Ma
hattan were Uio special points of weakness. Tl
gnuigeni were relatively tlrm and the roale
also showed resistance to the decline. DenSlii ;
In Sugar were largo nnd Where seemed to be po <
support for thlH stock. An n. measure of the u
easiness felt by the financial community over tl
stntUH of the enuntn'H relations with Spain t
da > 'a statement of New York clearing hou
bnnkn makes a striking exhibit. There Is In
cvldtnc.u of a great diuwlnr In of credits ni
llxlng of reservra. The statement WUB a su
prlso. It has been known IBat-the demands
the country for money for"3l&lvo use have fn'li
elf considerably this Heel , ' , lmt the staternr
neverUheless vhown a dccmuto11 the cash r
servn of nearly JS.OOU.OOO. i tftt this rellec.t t !
withdrawals of dcposltaIntVw York banks
Interior Institutions ns a prt nytlonary
to strengthen their r < s rve Jti b send doubt , Tl
c-normous contraction In loon , f J13.C2iuoo re
resents the precautionary JWienVurc or the Nt
York banks and explains VHOHvioncy for pure
speculative purposes has benitne scarce , w !
liquidation on the Stuck ywWjnge Ins lie
i. ; forced nnd why prices werirWtfwly depressed.
nd In pws.ble that some part , of itfie loin contra
ed tlnn Is due to lluuldntkjn.orf-iili-rllntc exchin
collateral , which lias boct l'lriiwn ( from n
In Innmrtlng gold , Hut Igft/llie / general bell
that the gold Imports h Cljfcn made on t
: e , Kalu of new bills againstTlviwon purchasers
American securities , whlpu-ificre heavy In
OS vvtek , and against grain smMUtnts from net
Tti i net result to the clpnrUixtuouse banks Is
decrvnso In deposits nf J\ Gold In Iran
for New York or rreelved Iftvlay amounl * In t
uggit-Katc to 13,800.00 ] , vvMkrU Vvlll serve ss :
rffKot In part to the banks * lave of rush. T
situation In the stock market iktlcwely analavo
to that which followfl fluitbpnlnntloii of t
rise In prices last Peptemwr. ' ftie movement
money then to the lnteror | > to move the cii' '
caused stiffening of money rates and HquW
tlon of Mieculntlvo stock holdings. WHethei t
movement of goU will result In an u
rs , vance In stocka with the e-nslng of the mon
rn rate remains l dlspoivi
to seen. , That the
for the moment IB agulnil | > > culatlv outlay
socurltles U evident , though large capital a
parently ntnnds rvndy to l > uy stock * nt any on
ly ; slderabli decline In prlers The decline of I
latter part of the w < ek Ims not In all cai
wiped nut the early advance and net
are mtieil. Honda have not t > een as active
. stocks , but have moved In empathy with thi
le- within a narrower range. I'nlteil States oti ] '
and the 2s are H per cent lower and the in
4 l per cent lower bid.
The Bvenlntr Post's London financial cablegri
rajs ; The stock markets here were quiet p
dull today , the only signs of life beingIn
Tie dustrlal rhares , the nativity In which Is Ml
I PI ulated by freih lusues of coicc-rns ruch as L
eler ton's Tea. company , wlt'i a capital of J.MW. (
; er There Is qultn a boom In luch company pron
lions , which are being overdone , however. An
leans were a trlllft atiove the New York lev
l > ut were Hat and disheartened. Orand .Tru
d ; wan also lower on cables about the rate w
t. Oold li In strong demand for New York at
Li SV < 1677 IM.'but gold arrived today from LJv
eat I pool , uhlck vu not actually bou ut , but
he id over until Monday A larze amount of Jnpi *
nfe > en has been bniRht by bullion dealer *
at 7fi ( d nn the belief that American gol.l Im
porters will tnkc It Morr gold l going from
lnrlit There Is n slight Increnie In the amount
of American bills ortetlnit The Chinese loan
negotiations will prntuibl ) end next week.
Followlnp are the doting quotations of tht
itocks on the New York tnarkft ted !
Totil sales of stocks today , 237.0M shires In-
cludlnc : llurlliiRton , 11,025 ; Ixjnlsvlllc Nash
ville , 3,54) ; Manhattan , 21.0CS ; Metroiralllan ,
3,016 ; Ne\\ York Central , 6,3'.0 ; Northern 1'aclllc ,
4,500 ; Northern Pacific prefeired , 11,407 ; Hock
Island , 10.4 < i4 : St. I'aul , 18,353 : t'nlon Pacific ,
3.SV1 ; Union 1'atinc , Denver . Oulf , 4,200 : 1'eo-
ple'H Gas , 0,000 ; Sugar , 34,010 ; Western Union ,
Silver bars , W'tc ; Mexican dollars , 43'iO46 <
drafts , sight , 2Jo ; telesraph , 22' ' c.
Weekly Hunk Stiisvment.
NHXV YORK. March 5. The weekly bank stat
ment shows the following changes : Surplus r
serve , decrease , $2.13" ,823 ; loans , decrease , JU
C2J.OOO ; specie. Increase , J939.400 ; legal tendei
decrease , < 8S73,700 ; deposits , decrease , J23.193.9C
circulation , Incieare , J47.200 The banks no
hold 120,823 000 In excess of requirements of tl
25 per cent rule.
American Srcnrltleii Alironil.
I/NDON. March B The market for Amerln
securlllCH VVOH dull and Inactive all day. Ne
York selling Inlluiinced the decline.
ForelKU Kliiiiiclnt.
LON'IXN , Match S Spanish 4s on the str >
xchunge today were quoted at 59 ; the ilosli
price jesterday was S9'i , Gold IB quoted
liuenon A > res at 171. liar gold Is quoted
77s 9 d.
PAUJ8 , March S On the bourtc today Ppi
Ish 4s were quoted at Wi. agalnet r'i' jesK
day. The feeling was calmer ami slightly n
proved. Rentes hardened on the assurance
M. C.-uchery , the minister of finance , of a co
tlnuatlon of the stock broking mtem for renti
Spanish 4s were heavy and Turkish tccurltl
were dull.
IIHRLIN. March E - Hu lnfm on the l > oui e I
day was ilull und easier , owing tn the Unxl
between Japan and Ru la , the Standard's ill
patch from Constantinople sa > lng Uie Turin
military commander In Orfte hau been ordrr
tn oppose the Rucilan admiral , ! -kyrl < loiT , If t
latter seeks f > land l rlnce Oeorire of fJreere
Crete , nd the I'arls atcr-k brokerage quertlo
International cecurltltft were weak und C'anadl
1'aclllcs were maintained.
Fliiniiclnt > ntf > .
OMAHA. March B. The bank clearings toil
on aggregated | D09.I" > T 28 and the balance * amount
In to | 70.621S The total amount of the rlearlr
i p. for the week , Monday to Saturday Inclusive , v ,
p.n - r > , S44,570 13. , an Increaw over these of the p :
nhe vloui correspond'ng w * k of 1S97 of 33 8 pT cei
tet. 1IOSTON . March t. Clearings , J16K5.3ro ; b
its ances , S2.2e9.2O ) .
nn nAI.TIMORK. March 5. Clearings , | 2t > 71,0
im balances. Sill (96
NRXV YORK , March E. Clearings , $ l i , ; 9 , :
balances , S7. S.tvf.
PlIILADBLPHIA. March S Clearings , JIC.6I
un 6021 balances. S1.U1.094.
nd CHIOAOO , March 6.-Clarlngr , J13.76S.C48. N
Inm York exchange , 15 ? premium ; poeted rates. It
m and S4.t5Vi.
MIMIMUH. March 5-rClearlngs. J578.375 ; b
nnc s , J114.S39 , New Yoik exchange , selling
tl M premium.
el. NKXV ORLKVNS. March B.-Hearlngs. $ ! .
el.nk 283. New York rxclmnce , bank , par ; comm
nr. clal. tl per fl.OOO dlicount.
77 HT , LOUIH. March C. Clearings , tI.iSl.764 ; b
ancrs , | iS .W2. Monty , tljS per cent ; New Yi
exchange , p&r tilct ad tie prtmlma
Week Ends with a Liberal Him anil Lively
Bus ness.
Trice * Show I.lttlc CliniiKd I > ut All
Cntlle Off.-n-.t Sell IteiKlll )
HIIRH Ione u Mvkvl
luidcr I'rcnvnre ,
SOUTH OMAHA , March ! . Itccclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle , Hops. Sheep. Hor's.
March 5 1.137 D.U7 l,2iO
March 4 1.M3 6,513 S.Ilo 43
March 3 1,652 5,539 3,7li3 2
M.uch 2 l. ' 4 D.3I9 4 , > 33 C
March 1 2,77'J 7 , > W ) 4,230 3
Fibruary IS 1.534 4.SU 4.0M
IVbruary 2i ( 910 D7J SOU
Kobrtlary 2" 1.22J S.OW 4,040 43
February 24 1,6W 4M4 6,743 63
February ? 3 3.831 8.402 5,027 42
IVbruary IJ : (7M ( 9,231 7,929 . . . .
1'cbruary 21 1.F.9S 2,375 3,226
Kcbtuary 19 3 PI 3934 1,459
Tcbmary 1 ! > l.VS 6.S13 5.402
February 17 22JU 7JO ? ,551 . . . .
February 16 2.052 S.M O C648 J
Uctclpts for the \vccl : with comparison !
CattleUORS. . Sheep.
Week endlns March 5. . 10,735 K5.432 2t,3yij cndltiK Feb. 20. . . . 12li77 3fl OC5 S0.577
Wuek cndliiK Feb. 19. . . . 13457 37,131 29,731
Wet-It encllnj ; Feb. 12. . . . 12,11,3 29,450 19.912
Week ending Feb. 5 11,091 S0.2VO 2.1.W4
The olllclal number uf earn of stock
brought In today by caci road was ;
C.Utlc. Hogs. Sheep. U'r's.
r. , M. & St. P. Hy 1
O & St. U Ily 1
Missouri IMclllc Hy. . 1 1
Fnlon IMclllc system. . 6 24 6 :
C. & N. W. Hy 1
F. , M. & M. V. Hy. . . . 1 24
S. C. & P. Hy B 1
C , St. P. , M. & O. Hy 16 4
U. & M. H. H. Hy. . . . < ! 16 :
C. , H. & Q. Hy 2 2
K. C. & St. J. Hy 2
C. , H. I. & IP. cast. . 6 2
C. , It. I. & P.-west. . 1
Total receipts . . . . D2 "S G ;
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follow H , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huiors Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omiha Packing Co 21 Ml
O. II. Hammondi Co 1S7 1,291
Swift und Company m 1.4M 1.19
Cuclihy Packing Co 122 1.62S
P. D. Armour , Chicago , . 220
H. HccUer and Degan. . , . 21
Vaniant & Co 3
Swift , from country . . . . 5
North I' . & P. Co 1552
Chi. P. & P. Co. , N. City . . . . 57.J
Other buyers 143
Total 1,162 5,756 1,34
CATTLE The iccclptR of cattle conslstec
of llfty-two lo.uls. aa against i'lghty-t\\i
yesterday , a liberal run for u Satuulay am
a gain over a week ago of 1X0 head. Amoni
the cattle on sale weie u few that wen
rig"it desltable , which met with ready sal <
to the exporters. The market us a whol
was without change , as Is very apt to b
the catc on n Situiday , und thu trade cam
to an early close.
UKHP SrniJHS-The demand was quit
good , both packers and snippers nclng li
the market , and sellers had very little dllll
culty In disposing of theli holdings at : ibou
> caterclay's prices. Au high as } 4.85 wa
paid for some export cattle , but the bull
of the cattle on sale went at prices rang
Ing from $1.30 to $1 l/i.
11UTCIIUHS' STOCK-Only about eevci
loads of cows and heifers were on hale am
they met with ready Uikeis ut stead ;
STOCK CATTLD-Only a few stacker
nnd feeders were to bo had and the ;
brought strong prices.
Till : WEEK The receipts of cattle th
last week were not quite BO huge as th
previous week , In fact they were tno small
cat In over a month. The quality of th
cattle naturally shows Improvement as th
season advances , but still the general ru
of the beeves coming to this point I
somewhat on the commonlsh order. Goo
cattle , In fact , vvefe scarce all the wcel
AH regards the market , the situation wo
decidedly to the- liking of sellers. The wee
opened with values stronu , but on Tuesda
II was a little slow and weak. On Wcdnci
day and Thursday a marked Inlprovemor
took place In values , the gain being lie !
to the close of the week. It would be sal
to say that values on cornfcd beeves e
the close of the week were ISG Oc hlght
than the previous week. Cow stuff uls
udvanced sharply during the -week an
tstockers and feeders were 20 < iJ2Jc nlghei
Only a few stock cattle came In during th
wcetr , und , as the demand was brisk , the
met with ready sale. Representative salei
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. IT.
8..1018 | 4 15 5. . . . 1J | 4 3D 21.,1112 ( I 10
16..J.-JJ 445 is..KM ; 4 M u..i- > . > 455
l'J..l.4J 4 CO 1J..1 'JI CJ 2).UC ) 4 M
13..1MX ) 4 65 SO.,1077 4 10 1..1194 4 2) )
21.1171 425 1C..1343 4 J.,4 40..Hn 4:1
18..K.'J 440 L'l3.- ' 4 CO 1 , . . . 750 3 OJ
7. . . .1150 J 75 3..11TO 4 S3 7..1171 4 2i
4..101" ) 4 30 20..117C 4 40 17..12&1 4 HO
12..11W 4 45 20..12JS 4 50 17..190 4 E5
15.1IJ 4 M & . . . . CC.S 3 7,1 31..1000 3 f.
19..116' 4 10 ( > . . . .107 $ 4 H 4J..1 S JT ,
C4..11I8 4 30 25..10J4 4 40 2J..1.1 ! 4 J )
19..1577ICO 18..J4S2 4 C,5 U..1U7 4 C !
1. . . . 810 225 1. . . . 040 SCO 2 . . . ! > 71 2 VI
1..11CO 2 SO 2..1190 315 2. . . . 8.3 2T >
J..10CJ 325 S..1135 333 2..1W. 331
1..10W 3 40 25..K3 3 4' ' ) 1. . . . ! I10 2 50
1. . . . f43 2 EO 1. . . , KOO 275 1..1020 290
1..1070 300 1..10SO 300 1..MO 311
1..1310 315 1. . . . M ) 325 2..1.U5 32'
11.1118 325 1..1020 325 l..ll'K ) 310
4..10J5 2 30 1. . . . 710 2 'f } 2..1100 J no
10. . . . 84S 315 6..1128 320 3. . . . 983 320
2..10r 340 8..11D3 355 2..110 3 S3
9. . . . MS 3 C5 G..101)0 ) 315 1. . . . 900 2 CO
1..1210 295 2. . . .1035 3 35
6. . . . 776 3 SO 6. . . . J.SO 3 61 1. . . . 4SO 2 76
1. . . . 610 320 1. . . . 510 3 M 2..1010 3 M
1 , . . . 410 100 16. . . . 9.14 350 2..100C 373
8 , . . . 697 371 1. . . . 020 360 1..1070 4 CC
6. . . . ( .80 3 70
1. . . . CIO 275 1..1170 300 1..1240 31 !
1..1ZV ) 315 1..1010 340 1..1170 3M
1..1070 350 1. . . . 7SO 375 1..19CO 32 ;
1..1400 325 1..1550 323 3..1030 33 :
1. . . . 970 3 40 1..1640 340 1..1300 28 :
1..13W , 300 1..1030 3X ) 1..I520 3 H
2..1210 329 1..1240 325 1..1170 33 :
2..1630 333 2..10V ) 331 2..1530 31 ;
1..1510 340 1..2270 365 1..1030 36 :
1..1COO 350 20..1337 390 2..1700 3 K
2. . . . 623 2 31
23..1033 3
67. . . . 343 475 I. . . . 190 SCO I. . . , 2CO 4 Cl
2. . . . 210 SO ) 3. . . . 3S2 4 SO 1. . . . 170 6&
1. , . . 120 C 21
L. . . 721 440 2. . . . 403 500 4. . . . SIS 4 ( K
1. . . . 7W 400 G. . . . 461 403 13..r43 41 :
1. . . . lf-0 371 20.1030 3 SO 2..S25 40
3 . . . 7M 4 35
HOGS Tcxlaj's receipts of hogs were frnal
than jesterd.iy by 1.1MI head , but larger Hi
lam week baturdJj' by IM head. quail
of the hogs wax not quite to good on an nvera
an or * most dujH of the v\eek , there being qu
a t-prlnkllntr of eommon light mixed loads ,
well an rough heavj' ,
Undi-r the Inlluence of the general decline
hog values at all telling points the marl
opened &c lonei and held that way until t
close. T.IP market was reasonably artlve
the decline and the pens were cleared In 1,0
The dogs sold all the way from J3 7313 90.
arnlnst J3 2',5&3 & * J esterdnj * . Tin * most o ? t
. hogs fold at J3KyJ(383 , with J3 So the mr
Kill popular price. Yesterday thu great bulk wild
J3 KJSZ * > . with almost half of the sales at J3
or under. *
Thu live-rage of all the salon was 6'4c low
than jesterday.
The Wei k The ho market of the list wi
wan largrlj- sellers' market that Is , the slti :
tton on most daya wa-s fuvuiable to th'tse Iiavl
hogn to i-ell and the prices paid were genera
fatlKfactory. Valuew during the previous Wei
nluitlnK at the high point uf the xenron , teml
steadily downward. During the * last wi--k t
decllno held KOCH ] , but on VVolnenlay thtie w
a decided stiffening In value * which wan cf
tlnued on Thurwlay the latter being the III
day of the week. * he. drop tn values at I
ill elc.Mi of the week left the market onlj * 3c hlgl
than on .Monday nnd about the rume as nt I
close of the previous week , 1 lie demand v
good all the week and the market reaxonal
active nt current prices , Hi-prtMntatlve naler
No. Av. Ph. Tr. Nn. Av. Sh. I1
PHKKI * The week clofed lth n llsht run of
riirep ami n * Mr.idy mnrkit The few loads
liorc nipt ulth rend > rule mid tlic priiR vtrrf
nrly elf red There n n ntnll bunch of western -
ern Inmln peed enough to lirlnir f > Z5 , nnd othcrt
rold at tV.Ul , with iearllngs at 14.70. Ileprcienta *
the sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
1 buck ! 10 $3 (0
II nrrtern Ininb * , 6S 4 CO
U1) \ vtrternithtrR , . , , , 1:3 4 : s
SSI uertrin jenrllncx M 4 70
417 ucMern Inmlis 71 e
49 ueMern > unil ] 77 6 * * >
Cnltlc hrxNlon n ntulnnl One nnil
II K" l-'nli'l j' l.\i'lv r.
rillCAOO , March 6. Tlip vatlle market today
\\ns little more thin u nominal one , only about
3W head being offered. ThCfo were dlFi > oi-d of
at rrlces sulxlantlnlly inichnnKed from sester-
da > 'n ruling quotations.
There was n fairly ncthc demand for IIOKSI. but
bus era lnt'i ' > teil upon lonei prkcn ard nnlcs wire
fully Co loucr thun jextcrdny , Iloga ( old at
from J3.7C. to tl for light elght ami at fiom
14 to JI.CT'4 for the better iliirs nf lio.ivjtho
bulk of the orforllign crup'liiK tbe tea lea at from
)3. ' < 3 In $1.02U It una | irnctlcully a 4c nmrkot ,
with | ilK * Rotng chlelly ill frum > 3.tV ) to j-5. At
the Uoto | irline nhlt'ihiR | hogs nelghlne * ' 0 to
2ii iiDiindM told for 14.
There was a iiulet in.irKrt In fheep and lamb * .
I.iiinbs told at from tl.25 to tl.W for Inferior up
to frum J " > . : , ' , to 15 So foi fair tn | > rlni * nocks.
feeiltrs felling nl from i" > lo > 'i.-'J. fheip eold
nt from (3 to $3.50 Fur the pooicst to fiom tl,40
to JI.CO for Ki > l to vhokc MucKs , with > catling *
ut ( loin } 4.M tu J5.
St. I.oulN Live Stuck f
ST. LOUIS. Mutih . ( ATTLll-llece-lpts. 459
head , IncludliiK I'M ' he-nil 'lixaiij ; shipments ,
1,100 head , market slcnd ) ; ( all to fnncj nallv *
shipping and export teu , JljOii5DO , bulk of
ralti * , J4 ' Oil5.30 ; ilKfml beef and butcher
stun * , J4 i.iio 10 ; bulk uf salt' * . Jl S1JC4 S3 , t tiers
under 1.003 Ibs. , J3 dirfl S1. bulk of f > .ilis. J3 SUif
410 ; Dtwkcis ni.d feeders , J3 SOJ4.73 | ; bulk of
tales , J3 7301 30 ; tows nnd helftre , J1.75H4 40 ;
' > vv ' . ' iVliJ I' 'le-vni. mid Indian steers ,
{ 11051450. bulk of snles , f17ttf423 ; rows nnd
HOG51 Hecelptp , 3 Ci O head , shipment * , 3,100
head , mtultct jyiOc ; luwor ; joikei : * , J3tJQ3W ;
. > . , a vim I ul
MliIUl' lleeelpt" , u .nail , shipments , 4tX )
held , market Me.uty ; iiallvu inultoiiit. J4 IViM WJ
lamb" , J3 COJT3.51.
InilliiiiiiliolN Live stock.
ceipts , light ; shipments , none ; miilcet quutiililr
unehniiKvd , good to inline Etiui' , J4 ' 1(101 ( 2,1 ; fair
to medium Kleup , J4 W04 SO , ciuumon to good
stockenJ1 ( Oil 3 75
HOGS Hicclpts , 2'CO bend ; shipments , 1/00
head , maiket very dull , Co Uwir ; guod to rholoe
me Hum nnd htivj , ? IPOii407'i ; mixed nnd
IHIVJJ3 'i-.fjl.00. good lololec llgits , J3 951 ?
402'6 ; common lights , JlPOft3'.i3 ,
Sllini ; * Hpce'pts , IlKht , hhlpments , none ; no
nuotnble ehaiiRc ; good to choice limbs , J5 258 >
553 , common tc medium limb" , J375fiaOO ; KIXII !
t > choice sheep , J3S5ifl2S ; common thtcp , J2 235J
KittiNiiN Clly Live tnek.
KANSAS CITY , Slnrch .1 CATTl.i : Receipts ,
toil head , maiket uiiehiuiEtd , only retail trade ;
Texas tteers , Jl r > 0fi4 50 ; Texim cows , J2 33lif4 C 3 ;
native steers , J3 M4 3" , native cows and heif
ers , } . ' 0"iril40 ; stnclvcis nnd teedeis , J3 TSffS 10 ;
bullP. 12 503 71.
HOGS Receipt" , fi.OOl held , market weak to
Co lower , bulk of sales. SI 7157393 ; henvlen.
J3P3ii403 ; picker" . J3 MTU CO ; mixed , J3 7C4
3 1714 ; llgits , J3 6003 SO , "icikirs , ? 3 73H3 SO ; pies ,
Jl 4'1 I1 70
S11IJ13P Hecelpts , SCO head ; market eteadjr ;
muttons , J340QI.40 , laiiili" . Jl 30q5-40.
I.otilsvllle Live "titck.
IUlSVILLn. . March K CATTLE Receipt
100 head ; market dull , unchanged.
HOGS Receipts. 1,000 hi id , dull nnd Bp lower ;
IdO His , nnd up. * 4 Ort : medium Jl ' ( OW4 00 ; light
shippers , Jl 615T3'K ) ; pips , } 2. .04)3 ) 61 ,
SIIIIKP AND LAM US Market steady nnd un
changed ; good to extra shipping siec-p , J3 CO ®
373 ; fair to good sheep , J3 (047323 ( ! commoa tj
medium , J2.nOW2 EO ; , exlrn f'llpplng limbs , 34 7
? 300 ; fair to good lamb * . J4.25CN 73 ; Vicrt
Initehers' . J4 OOC4 W ; fair lo good butchers' ,
J3 M 4 CO.
New Yiirk Ilie stuek.
NOW YORK , March. B. imnVIM-llocelpl * .
17i head ; rales , none. Ilxpcrts , 1,102 beeves ntJ
3 , ! > 00 quarteti of beef.
CALVIM Receipts , 11 ; n' > sales.
Slllini' AND LAMHS-neeelpls. lSf5 hendi
quiet and steady ; sheen , ll.COKI.EO ; lamb , 55.M
HOGS Receipts , 2,231 head ; steady at J4.2C49
Clnelniiatl I.lvc Stoelc.
riVCINNATI. March 5-HOGS Steady at J3 5S
rATTI.n-Stendy nt J1.Wfi4.fO.
Slll'ni' 1'lrm n' J3.0004.73 ; lambs , strong sit
J-I.OOfi5 S3.
Ileeord of receipts of live i-tcick at the four
principal markets for March 4 :
rattle. Iloirs Sheep.
Onnha 1.137 5.437 1.270
Oilcaito SCO 22/W ) IM >
Kin > PM City 2'tO 6000 WO
St. Louis 200 2.MO MO
Totals 33.017 4,77
Cotton .
NHW YOHK , Marc-,1 B. COTTON Qulcl ; mid-
clIlnKP. C 6-lCc ; net ro-elpt . 4(11 bales ; grosi ,
1.744 iMiles ; forwarded. 730 biles ; fale , IS bales.
all splnrers ; stock , 191,779 bales. Total today
and consolidated : Net receipts , 1J.SSS bales ; e .
pcrtn to Gnat Ilrltoln. 4,424 bales ; to Trance.
2.R23 biles ; to the continent 2fi,787 bales ; stock ,
l.U'1) ) ! ) bale" . Total flnce September 1 : Net
recfelptF. 7.413.818 bales ; expert * to Oreat Hrlt-
ln , B2.12.136 bales ; to IVance. 701.170 bales , to
Lie continent , 2,187,018 baleF. TradlnB was light
In the mornlne. with the market nmlly steady ,
with quotations , unchanKCd to 3 points net
blBher. Total sales , futures , 4iffX ) bales. Port
receipts , estimated for the day ut 18.000 bales ,
UKalntt 1C.C77 bales .Ji-t week and 12,729 bales last
jear ; receipts estimated for the week , 133 COO
bales , analnet 148,700 bales lart week and 7GW |
last jear ; at Memphis. 1.014 bales , airalnist 201
bales last > cir ; at Houston , 4,255 bales , against
'MEMPHIS. Marcli 5. COTTON firm ; mM-
illlnif. f. IS-ltc ; receipts. 2.471 biles ; shipment * ,
1,872 bales' stock. 1Wl.2fl Imles : falcs , " 0 b l .
ST. LOUIS , March -COTTON Steady an
unchanKCd ; mlddllntr , 5 IMCo ; Fairs. ICO bale * ;
ro elpt . 2,31 2bnle ; shipments , 2.J30 bales )
* NnW 'OULTJANS , March -rOTTON-ril. .
lures vvera steal ) : sales < in 1 biles : Mami ,
r. 73fT. 74- April , r.7rn-i 7fi : Mnv. W.WWJ.M ;
lune , - , S2fI1 (3 ( , Julv. fi Ff.fl'i M : AURUV * . t-i.Wlt
567 : SoptPmtior. II.Wn.RV O'tolier. fi.KJK.M ;
Novim'e- -.t5 < i < ; .s4 : D-cMiiber , sn.Wgr. f5 ; Jon.
nary $ J.R.-if(3.87. ( Options vsi'ie llrm ; wileH , 4 IV )
lales : onllnirv. 4 e : mwil ordinary , 5Wjc : low
niMillIni ; . r , 7in.mlddllri ; , - . : , yc : ( frtxl inlddllnT ,
cue : mlddllnc. fair , 09-lCa ; receipts , 4oo balwi ;
htotk , 4S2.2.V ) iKiles.
Nn\V YOIIK. March B HI'CJAK ' Hnw. slendvl
fair rennlnir , 3 11-lCo ; cenlr filial. 86 leFt. 4 S-l o ;
refined , steady ; mould A , BWe. ; standard A , 6V4c |
ccnfectlonfrs' A , 6'4cut : loaf , f .c ; erushed ,
5i4c : powdered , G7-lCc ; Rood Brnmilated. BV4CI
CUNIJv\ ' ° om'-r.ANS. March r.-SlinAIt-Qulet :
di ) n kettle , 2 > 4W1 IS-Kc : centrlfUKal Krnmilaled ,
411-K.ff4 e ; whites. 4XWIHC ; n-llovvs , 4i f4Hc |
K'-ondi. 2HG1 15-lte. Molasses , strong ; ccntrlfil
Kill , 4W14C. Other * inubanced.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Biaocb Office. 1038 N Si Mncolr. . Nob.
n- President. Vice I'reildent
nell he tr Chfislie-Stal Commission Cos
at iy Cuiiltnl , * 'O,4HMl.4ll . Fnllr I'Hlil.
Ill Ilnnrd of Triiilf Iliillilluir.
BOYfl & CO , ,
Telephone 1031) . Omalui , Neb
Dlrft wire" to Clilcugo and New York.
Correspondents : John . \X'arrcn * Co.
Weare Commission Co
Members Chicago Board of Trade ulnco UCi.
Grain , Provisioaj ani N. Y. StocKs.
Orders Cash and Future Delivery Solicited.
Omuuu Oder , llooiii 1 , .V. V. Life llldg ,
. . . . ' 1'lioue 001. . . .