Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA DAILY J\TEi SUNDAY , MAHdl 0 , 1898.
CoNfumrx PnvitriMl liy Vntr mid Fnnli-
lomililpl'riilli'Ht4. .
NEW YORK. March 3. The brlskrot sort
of trading has been carried on Ji-at now In
ratrlch feathers , ciul unless there Is a 'all-
tire of slgna all along the line , this will be
a eeafion distinguished for the length and
number , the rich quality a d nno color of the
plumes worn. Children and grown-ups nllko
will share three truly beautiful head orna
ments , that arc not HO expetwlvo as they
imlght he. Our own ostrich farms lii the
wrot send excellent feathers to the milli
ners , who o-e u < lng them to replace the stiff
wlngd and the blrd .
Wide hats of the softest straw arc fairly
draped with the lovely plumage , accom
panied usually by a few roaca by way of
mart color. The brims arc looped or crushed
back cti ono aide and a soft arc of feathers ,
epringlng from a Jeweled ornament , placed
well In front , sweeps against the hair well
to the rear In frlngy mamas , to drop almoat
to the shoulder behind.
The most bewitching garden party and
carriage hats , of chip and leghorn , In white
and black , are exhibited , their brims left to
fall ! ii wide flutes about the face , big wired
bows of lace erected In front and three white
or black plumes , of amazing height , ( lowing
back on either ode ! the low crown , to let
their curling ends fall out like streamers
In the rear. Ilcaldtfl the ostrich plumes a
great mcny quills end coiue feathers are
doing active service. One ami all these
are wide and stiff , curved and cut to resem
ble miniature scimitars , dyed In rich dark
colors and closely powdered with large and
email dull gold , green , red or blue spangles.
A couple of these , springing from a high
tight l. iot of nllk set on the top sltlo of a
etraw crown , have a very smavt effect In
Tti ! te nothing new. but It must needs be
recorded that a deal of tulle Is appearing ,
cast aa a tort of cloudy veil , over the crowns
of hats close piled with flowers. Last year
this was ono experiment that found favor.
It Is worth making n note that all trim
mings of ribbons or piece silk arc twisted ,
never folded , about brims mid crowns. All
trimming , and there Is positively no excep
tion to this rule , springs up at the owe ,
Just as high as ever wo please to make It.
Jeweled oinaments are used with caution ,
though there la a striking display of heavily
Jeweled crown btnils , and In place of lace
hats. In black , white and all colors , chiffon
flats nr to be features of the esaaon. The
chiffon Is very elaborately puffed and shirred
en to wire frames , anil quite as often as not
the tack , as well as the side brim of a hat ,
is turned up sharply and a broad comb of
umall blossoms set there.
Last spring the weavers of hats obliged us
to almost doubt the pvldence of our aensos.
Into such fantastic , Incongruous shapes did
they distort the straw crowns. This year tuo
crown has returned to Its normal state , but
the brims of all straw thlngn have gene on a
mad race after originality of form. Sane of
them have largo plo-shapcd pieces cut out at
intervals , and the gaps filled with tucked
or gaidcrcd chiffon ; others curve In or bow
out In deep scallops. Co ono side of many
hat i three sections of brim afe net and spread
apart to contain a filling of stemless flowers ,
between the straw tips. Still moro astound-
ln are the windmill brims , made of wedge-
shaped pieces of straw so set about the
crown. oa to assume the aspect of stiff leaves
toaed'In every direction.
Now that wo get nearer and nearer to gen
uine springtide , nothing U mcro clearly up-
varent than that the blouse front Is about to
ehrlnk into a perfectly straight line from busl
to walot. Every woman with a full flguro Is
rejoicing accordingly , and adopting the flat
flt In front , while the slender ones cling tea
a fullness that must be without aoy pouched
or dropped aspect.
Skirts are lltemlly still torn between con
flicting dressmakers and preferences. It la
beyond dispute tfiat wash gowns must be
made with ono largo Spanish flounce , and
this In turn bo flounced with narrow trills or
trlped with ribbon or fretted with embroid
ery to any woman's taste ; but the tailors
cry "Vivo la boll skirt. " Literally A bell-
shaped petticoat and onto these cloth petti
coats they pray permission to stitch bands of
tirlght atlo or silk , or act flno tucks , or
wrinkle the goods with cording or , latest of
faahlctis , cut out of cloth large arabesques
and etltch these on to cloth. The aspect thus
gained la of cloth richly and fancifully em-
bosaed In its own color , or ono may have this
me thing done In two gently contrasting
colors *
While the tailor * tabor for the election of
the ball skirt to supreme fashionable emi
nence , the modistes are working like beavers
lor the prlnccsi shape , and between these
rival factions there Is c amount of variety
In dressmaking we have not known In a num
ber of years. All the \\dlle trains are crawlIng -
Ing out In the rear ami haircloth Is creeping
up our back * . The haircloth does depend
though on the prejudices of the modiste
patronized , for a. goodly proportion art * advo
cating the veiy new French method of mak
ing the skirts unusually long all around , sep
arating lining and gooda and facing the
/former / up only a depth of four Inches with
any stiffening ? Dy this mo ns all the skirt's
fullness falla In limply nt the feet and the
rctuilt Is an aesthetic appearance at the cost
of comfort. The rival faction believes that a
train must alopo out grandly , In organ-llko
folds from the waist down. So there we all
re paying cur money end taking our cholco
and In cccisequence the women this season
do not look like so many pcua from the same
Whllo on the subject of gowns. It U as
well to announce tint wool and silk crepons
are coming back to use , that pecan suiting
is ono of the good light-weight twilled wools
tor summer wear , and that In the way of
cotton things , distinctly for outing wear ,
there U a wide range of subjects. Linen
poplin In blue and whlto checks Is one of the
materials far and away 'better ' than the
highly lauded galatea , and then fop glowing
color French duck Is to be cordially recom
mended. This la a duck of quite lightweight
-weight , and It comes this season In poppy
red , prioress blue and rather overwhelming
purples. U trlma up , however , very smartly
with a flat braid , quite like a heavy tape ,
nd for the seaside It will bo widely adopted.
Nearly all the new taffetas for dress pur
poses have their flower patterns outlined
with a pretty brocaded edging , but on the
-whole few taffetas will be used thla spring
ave for foundation purposes.
Thla is because there Is a perfect horde
of tempting transparent dress materials to
elect from , In tender shades of green.and
browri.'gray and mauve. They are all mix
ture * of silk and wool , and the exceptions
; prove MieCrule Iff favor of "bayaderestripes. " .
Many tissue-like materials , woven wholly of
Ilk , and striped with lace like bands , all
one In weave , are finely tucked In the inanu-
factur ; * Just as the latest lawns are most
artistically decorated with miniature studies
of fruit clusters and bear in the whlto spices
of the gooda a pattern embroidered In whlto
broad In the tambour stitch.
All the whllo women are strutting about
happily , and much resembling pouter pig-
eoni , with their .big- lace , muslin or satin
Ja'bots under their chins , and every mother's
daughter of them wears either a chain or
p rkllng belt or iboth. The chain now popu
larly supports beside the minute gold or sil
ver mean purse a crjatal ball watch , a screw
ipencll and a tiny click of perfumed white
I crease , with which to pass ever the lips.
The whole stick Is no larger than a screw
I null pencil , and like a pencil It screws up
I and down In a silver or gold cylinder.
Another fashionable neck splendor la niarto
I of five flno black ollk corJa running through
| * many aa eighteen cut steel slides. The
[ ( lldM flt on the cords at Intervals of an Inch ,
I and this bright trinket encircles the neck
[ and hangs a little below the wain Hue. The
I belt'referred to are the truly nrw things for
I thirlwalit and gingham wear , just so aooa
as uo shuffle off this sombre cell of winter
garments. Black , white , green , In fact any
color and quality of leather , from the most
supple suede to the toughest pigskin or
patent leather , Is quite available for the mod
ern rage for "bejewellng " everything. The
metal belts with their cabochon gems are
ever to the fore , tout Inbettor taste , with
cotton gowns , will be tbo leather straps
studded with steel , gun metal , or silver tiall
heads , largo nnd small ,
There Is a deal of importance involved at
this moment In the decoration , not to say
cut , of one's sleeves. A half dozen typical
examples of what Is very up-to-date are
sketched In the wheel , and deserve a word
of description. No. 1 Is a pattern sanctioned
by the highest authorities , and represents a
allng top In Its shoulder drapery. From
wrist up this neat arm Lag Is closely corded ,
and that U a nice , now Idea , too , white the
cuff of light satin. Is bell-shaped. For cloth
suits nearly all the cuffs are shaped so , a
tasteful selection , and the Interior of the bell
1.1 usually lined with whatever bright color
the owner of the sleeve uses elsewhere on
her suit. No. 2' Is a transparent sleeve of
silk muslin , treated with a spiral ruflle ,
edged with dark baby velvet ribbon , and ono
of the novelties frequently adopted with such
evening sleeves Is the sewing of a row of
tiny bright Jeweled 'buttons right around the
wrist. Occasionally the same scheme Is re
peated In an arc of larger buttons across the
top of the shoulder , or quite as quaint an
Idea Is that of tying about the wearer's
wrists , close to the hand , a narrow ribbon ,
and knotting It In eo full a 'bow ' that the
pretty bracelet gives the appearance of a
bright flower set among the falling laces.
The fourth In the wheel Is for a house
gown. The shape Is modified bishop , a
spangled pattern Is worked on the dark satin ,
and a. clceo cuff of lice buttons snugly Just
above the hand. Close to this easy dress
for the arm Is one of the smartest methods
for finishing the shoulder of a ball gown.
Double rowe of pearls cross the shoulder
upon a vandyked band of embroidered satin ,
whllo lower on the arm the tulle ruflles prink
out bright In spangled spots and divided by
a spangled bar ; all meant to lend a markedly
"butterfly " effect.
In nddltlc/n to the sleeves , the five now
gowns pictured deserve especial mention ,
passing as they do through the range of
favorite spring materials , in which women
are at the Inotant generously Investing. The
fltst figure represents a way to treat a ging
ham of the fashionable new plaid and check
mixture. Three narrow frills stand at the
top and bottom of the deep Spanish flounce ,
and the waist's front opens In a V to dis
play a vest of whlto embroidery. Narrow
frills edge the vest. Shirrlngs supply all
necessary decoration tt > the sleeved , while a
glrdlo and 'bow.of iblack satin ribbon give a
completingtouch. .
A heliotrope vlgoguo Is the material of
Hin second suit , the skirt made In a tailor's
bell shape , the body of a long skirted coat ,
with the blouse front only hinted at. Cream
cloth , embroidered ! ia black and heliotrope ,
faces the rovers , the small vest forms the
hish collar and the cuffs. Cut steel and
cabochon amethyst buttons further decorate
the coat , that la belted by a band of the
light cloth , from which four sash ends fall
upon ono hip. the esshea made of the cream
cloth , embroidered In heliotrope. A dark
green rough straw hat worn with this suit
Is trimmed only with an arrangement of
gull wings lii front and a comb of violets
! n the rear.
Figured satin striped challle , in reseda
green and black , Is the charming combina
tion for the thirdcostume. . A waistcoat of
folded black taffffeta chlnols swathes the
body under the boleros , edged with narrow
black ribbon , but leaves a space open at
the top to All In with a vest of plaited white
chiffon. The hat with this Is a satin straw ,
woven In green aud white , and piled high
with cnowy dogwood flowers.
Of the two rear gowns the first Is especially
remarkable In representing the use of one
material in two sharply contrasting colors.
The upper halt of the skirt la turquoise blue
French satin cloth , the lower half of the
same goods In a ehade of Mediterranean blue.
Upon the lower halt are applied elaborately
cut flowers of light blue cloth , and this
same nuoeuver Is repeated on the sleeves.
Turquoise blue cloth forms the straight and
folded sides of the body that opens over a
tiny vest of white silk overlaid with guipure
lace , and the folded side Is held fast by five
elaborate1 gunmetal orjiaments , decorated
wltb mock turquolsea and sapphires. The
last gown In the series Is a sturdy brown
cashmere , treated with flat applications of
dull green silk stitched on , the shoulders
having puffed epulottes of silk.
From the grown-ups to the children Is
to turn from elaboration to sweet simplicity ,
for the me- little girt In the sketch wears
a tidy little gown of dark red challle , picked
out In black polka dots , and topped with a
tucked yoke of white nalnoook , edged with
embroidered frills. The boy bealdo her Is
In finely checked blue linen , and his little
belted lUicn blouse has an embroidered col
lar , over which rolls a second set of white
linen revere. The owner of the nursery
Pegasus .Is In tbe appropriate riding suit for
a child In spring. A dual brown whipcord
coat , with silver buttons , striped red and
whlto duck breeches , brown whipcord leg-
gingo and plgaklo shoes. M. DAVIS.
New mill Profitablennsliiemi far
Suburliuu Women.
The suburban woman has hit upon a new
and pleasant method of adding to her store
of pocket money. Thla Is by means of the
mint farm an irtpft which nric'oated ' ! ii Nnvv
Orleans , nnd has spread rapidly to northern
and western cities.
"A woman of my acquaintance recently
started a mint farm near Flushing , L. I. , "
said Manager Iloldt of tbo Waldorf-Astoria
hotel , New York , "and elio has made of it a
really remarkable success. All the chief
hotels and restaurants of New York ; and
n rook ! j n are on her list of customers ; and ,
whllo the growing of her mint interferes
but very slightly with ordinary household
duties , Us sale proven highly profitable. Of
counso her principal trade is during the
flumrncr months. Then oho does a rushing
business. Last acascn moot of the big hotels
bought each from $2.00 to $3.25 worth of
mint every day from her farm. So much
money did eho clear that eho was enabled
to live In luxury all through the cold weather
besides laying by a comfortable sum for
rainy days.
"The mint farm Is carefully cultivated.
AH runners are removed and each eprlg
groua erect. For about $5 , or even lees ,
enough plants of the Bpearmrint ( botanical
name nuntlm vlrldle ) may be obtained from
any nurseryman to start a fair sized mint
bed. The soil should be somewhat sandy ,
and. In the northern atatM , It Is well to
cbooBc a spot protected from the wind and
with as much sunlight as passible. Mint
needs plenty of aui. Deycnd keeping It
free from runners and weeds tbo mint bed
calla for little attention.
"A light wagon which can make the rounds
of the hotels and restaurants early each
morning Is all that is necessary for the dl > i-
trtbutlcu of the aromatic plant. II la possi
ble , also , to grow the peppermint , or rnentha
plperltn , with profit. Two unmarried women
of Philadelphia arc making money Just at
nrpRfint liv Rotllni ? nntmi rmlnt tn thp whnlp.
sale druggists , who manufacture from it
carminatives , aromatlcs and etimulmts of
different sorts.
"A Now Orleans woman who po3.scsseJ a
farm near the fair grounds was , I am told ,
the pioneer mint-cultivator of her sex. The :
pursuit Is by no meana a crowded one and .
there are enough hotels and cafca In greater
New York alone to keep several mint farms
going. "
Elliliorutr nnil lleHiitlri ) ! , Miulu of the
Conspicuous among eUborato trousseaus
and pretty wardrobes recently brought over
from Paris Is a most beautiful assortment
of aprons. These articles do luxo are made
for tbo most part ot tbo richest materials ,
satin and silk for morning wear , and for
later In the day embroidered lawn or mous- :
sollne do solo. As tn the case with the dresa
this season , these tabllers de toilette are
extremely elaborate.
For matrons they are made with a Jeweled
band , with braces to correspond , and epiu-
lottes of laco. For debutantes the pattern '
resembles moro closely the housemaid's
apron , In eo far as there Is a distinct upper
portion covering a small part of the .
front of the bodice. Tie idea which finds
most favor Is to have them made of exactly >
the same coloring aa the drcsa with which ;
they are worn , or clso In a violently contrast
ing shade.
A very charming Parisian novelty recently i
worn by a matron was made In rich black :
eatln , lined with pearl gray satin , the exact
shade of the gray cashmere dress over which
It was worn. The apron , which reached to
the hem of the skirt , was very wide at the
bottom and gradually rounded until It
reached the hip. The trlmmlns of tucks
and cream Insertion on the costume was' re
produced on the apron , which was finished
by a flounce ot cream lace , fastened off on
cither sldo of the waist with large Jeweled
buttons. These buttons correspond with a
SwUa belt of Jeweled trimming.
Another of these elegant trilles worn by a
young woman was In turquoise blue mous-
flelluo do solo over a dress of cream
mere. ' This apron was square at the tloot.
and the trimming consisted solely of a deep
flmmnn nf nlaltnrf tnnliainltnn fin Rn\c \ * spt Intn
a ruche of soft cream laco. A bertha of
folds of the blue muslin was arranged in a
heart shape , so that the elaborate bodice of
the dress formed a kind of vest.
The waistband was formed of cream-col
ored insertion over blue and studded with
turquoise , and at the sides a pointed cas
cade of lace , not sewn on to the apron , but
held In place by a largo turquoise cabochon ,
fell almost to the hem of the skirt ,
Any young girl who Is clever with her
needle and has only a small allowance to
work with should direct her attention to art
muslins , which arc very Inexpensive. The
exquisite colorings of these pretty and cheap
materials are In themselves an artistic aid
to any dress. Pale yellow , made with a deep
flounce edged with black insertion and set
Into a waistband of black satin , the cascade
of lace being replaced by a fold of the mus
lin , with a Jet or steel button In place of
the Jeweled cabochon , makes a very pretty
and effective addition to the toilet at a very
The pockets of these dainty little affairs
ire almodt always * placed on the leftLhand
ilde , are Invariably . transparent , and only
> f sufficient size to carry a small uandker-
: blof , the most correct thing being that
he 'border of the Jaandkerchlef should recrill
.he trimming of the apron. Where satin
DP silk Is used a pretty fashion Is to em
broider the monogram of the wearer In the
eft-hand corned. The design of these mono-
; rams la very bold , ol\rays pointed , and
eachlng up as high toward toward the center
> f tbe apron as la cora'stent with grace.
Pheso monograms are- Invariably embroid
ered In palo silks , which will not prove ag-
rcsslve , no mutter what , the toilet beneath.
Pouter * VniMl In n Nrw Way
Xo a Unnilnonip Sum.
In devising schemes to raise money for
harlty , or the new church organ , or club
Ibrary , or what not. It Is Just aa well to re-
nember that your husbands and aweethearta
vlll give up their coppers all the more cheer-
ully If you give them something In return.
Plio church supper , at which they go hungry
'or a quarter , or the ladlca' fair , at which
hey pay three prices f * something they
lon't want , are not nearly as attractive to
.hose who come or to those who get tCicm
rp aa are some other schemes which have
een tested and which deserve to be more
enerally known.
One exhibition , known as the "Living
Costers , " netted a society of young women
very handsome profit. They first made a
ollectlon of scnio of the moro common plc-
uras which cover so many of the adverthtaK
uses of the leading monthlies. Many of
fieso pictures are known everywhere. The
voman who strikes a very winsome attitude
vhlle she din plays her teeth ; the young
voman who greets the new morn with an
nqulry as to soap ; the atom gentleman who
idvertlses a breakfast food ; the dapper
Drench cook and his fiouss. and EO on In-
lefiiltcly. There are at least 100 advertising
ilctures or posters that nine out of ten per-
ons will recognize at sight.
Having made- HU of all the pictures that
ho young Wumen thoiipUt available for their
lurposc. they addrcosed a letter to the firms
vhose narcn the pictures advertised and
lutllned their scheme to them.
propose giving an exhibition , " eald the lottei
to the advertiser , "In a town of 0,000 In
habitants , which < we bcllovo will tic an ex
cellent advertisement of your
which you advertise so extensively tn con
nection with the poster which wo bavo clipped
from the Ladles' Home Journal , and enclose.
"Our plan 1s to take the handsomest girl
Inthis town and have her pose In exact
Imitation of your poster. She will be a
living picture of your advertisement. She
will bo seen by at least 1,000 of the best
citizens of our town , all of whom will at
once recognize your advertisement. This
will not only ibo a novel entertainment , but
It will be a very effective advertisement for
"Now , our proposition is this : If we
select your poster for one ot our living
pictures , will you contribute | 10 to our
fund , and will you send us 100 samples to
ho distributed among the spectators ? The
details of our scheme will suggest them
selves , and you can readily see that It will
give you valuable advertising. We are ad
dressing a similar letter to a number of
other firms whoso posters ore sufficiently
known and our selections will depend on the
responses to these letters. "
The plan worked much better than was
expected and the only mistake was the
contribution asked. Ono flrm said that
they regarded such an advertisement worth
as much as a page in the average maga
zine. Others offered to supply the women
with various draperies and accessories and
all , of them treated the suggestion
courteously. I
For a number of the posters a large frame
was erected as a sort of border to the liv
ing picture. The labor of getting up the
various tableaux and poses waa not very
The audience received the various pictures
with great enthusiasm. The novelty of
guessing each advertisement , nnd of won
dering what the next would bo gave the
exhibition an element of excitement. While
the next picture was being arranged small
boys distributed samples and printed mat
ter , and this , too , was received with much
favor. Everybody likes to get something
for nothing and every person got the equiva
lent of their ticket of admission in samples.
The next day the papers spoke highly of
the exhibition and Itwas repeated to a
largo crowd. The women netted the very
handsome sum of $000 for their labor and
had all their fun besides.
As they used- only twelve of the common
est posters , It can bo seen that the field Is
Dlvrrxloii * nnrt All I re of aeiv York
Dfliiiliintcr HM > Your * Affo.
"Nestling under the wing of her mamma
is the debutante of fifteen , " Mrs. Durton
Hanrlson writes , descriptive of a scene In a
faahlonablo mead-house on the Bowery ( Now
York ) , more than a century ago , In the
March Ladles' Home Journal. "Sho Is mudo
happy by a new gown and hat of pale green
satin , with a petticoat of India muslin
trimmed with fine Mechlin lace. The stockings
sported by this favored damsel are of green
ellk , clocked with silver ; her little shoes are
of drab embroidered leather. That she is ,
for the first time , allowed to make ono of
the grown-up party In tbe arbor at the
mcad-houso fills her young being with satis
faction. For the moment she can afford to
dispense with the society of a male attend
ant. Dut when a courtly dressed young fel
low rides up , by and by , on horseback , and
dismounts , flicking the dust from his beau
tiful riding-boots and breches , as he con
signs his ateed to a groom and hastens along
the gravel walk to Join their group , a flash
of Innocent Joy comes Irvio her cheeks. Ho
Is her betrothed , and upon her next Birth
day she 1 to give him her hand In marriage ,
and go away to be the lady of a flno house
his father has built for the young couple
upon the patrimonial acres. All this has
been long arranged between the families.
The married pair will live with her mamma
at Whitehall during the winter , and In spring
resort to their 'seat' In Bowery Lane. "
TVinlulito Pomona ! * .
Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson fs soon to
visit London and will be accompanied by
Mr-s. Strong , who w a the great author's
amanuensis. I
Mlii3 Lillian FHz-Whlte , who will soon ap
pear on tha professional stage In New York ,
Is a cousin of ex-PrcMdent Harrison , and was
once a member of William Jennings Bryan's
Sunday school ckss.
Mrs. Harriet Felton , one of th& two real
"Daughters of the Revolution" In Michigan ,
was recently prerscntod with a gold spoon by
the Michigan ctapter. Her fathet * was Joel
IHihc-p , one of Washington's soldiers.
Mr , ? , Joshua Spaed of Louisville , Ky. , has
given { 25,000 of the $10,000 wished for to
ereU a new church edifice for Trinity
Methodist Episcopal churtb of that city. She
tried to keep the good , deed secret , but
Anita Chartrcs , the Intimate friend of Duse ,
says of the great actress : "She la the tud-
i1r > at tt n r * i n T hnva nvrt * Ir imu.'n Utirlnrr 4ltn
Boston Store Drug Dcpt.
siKN : It affords mo
great pleasure to
call the attention of
the public to the
Excelsior Hair
Tonic , which is the
first and only rein
AND HER \ Gty ( UOWn ° CllOlll-
LUXURIANT istiy which positive-
i TRESSES. I . ; , .
1 \ \ ly turns gray hair
\ \ back to its original
color without dye.
It has gone on rec
ord that Mine. M. Yale wonderful women chemist has
made this most valuable of all chemical discoveries. Mme.
Yale personally endorses its action and gives the public her
solemn guarantee that it has been tested in every conceivable
way , and has proved itself to be the ONLV Hair Specific. It
STOPS HAIR FALLING immediately and creates a luxurious growth.
Contains no ingredient. Physicians and chemista
invited to analyze it , It is not sticky 91' greasy ; on the con ,
trary it makes the hair soft , youthful , fluffy , and keeps it in
curl. For gentlemen and ladies with hair a little gray-
streaked gray , entirely gray , and with BALD HEADS , it is
specially recommended. Our price G9c ,
' Her. Our
Price. Price.
Mmc. Ynle's Ifnlr Tonic restores the Imlr nmt stops It from falling out 1 00 J .63
Mine. Yale's Iliilr Cleanser , for shampooing 1.00 .03
Mmc , Yale's Frultcura ( for Female Weakness ) 1.00 .09
Mmc. Ynle's * Ui Freckla. for frerkles J1.00 .
Mme. Yale's Skin Food ( email , for wrinkles ) 1.50 1.13
Mme. Ynle's Skin Food ( large ) 3.00 223
Mmc. Yale's llust Food ( small , for developing Neck , Bunt am ) Arms ) l.M 1.19
Mmc. Yale's liilst Food ( large ) 3.l ) 2.23
Mine. Ynle's Complexion Pace Powder , three slmdos pink , white brunette 50 ,3j
Mmc. Yale's Complexion lionp - ' < ! "
Mme , Ynlo's Complexion Breach ( for Moth Patches and Llxcr Spots ) 2.00 l.To
Mmc. Yule's Complexion Cream ( for softening ami rellnlng the Slln ) ICO .63
Mmc. Yale's Kyelanh Orowor ( promoting growth of the Hycbrows unJ Luslies 1.00 .09
Mme. Yule's Special lotion ( Plrnple Cure ) 1.00 .03
Mmo. Yale's Special Ointment ( lllnck Heail Cure ) l.M .63
Mme. Ynlo's Blood Tonic ( purifying the Blood ) 1.00 .03
Mine. Yale's Hand Whltener ( makes hands soft , delicate and whlto 1.00 .69
Mmc. Yale's Kllxlr of Beauty ( Skin Tonic ) 1.00 , f3
Mme Yale's Magical Secret ( for Softening Water ) 1.50 1.19
Mme. Yflle's Or eat Scott C.OO 3.93
Mmo. Yale's areat Scott ( email ) 1.00 .M
Mme. Yale's Jack Hose Leaves ( Liquid Houge ) 1.00 .r.3
Mme. Yalu's Jack Rose lluds ( Lip Salve ) 1.00 .01
Mmc , Yale1 a Face Knamel , white and pink 1.50 .95
Mme. Yale's Hyehrow Penclla 2. > . .15
Mme. Yale's Fertilizer ( for Constipation ) 1.5) 1.19
Mme. Ynle's Mole aoj Wart Exterminator ( large ) 3.00 2.29
Mme. Yale's Mole and Wart i\termlnator ( small ) 1.00 . J
Mme. Yale's I.lly Skin Whltener , 1.00 .
Mmo. Yale's Skin ItvHner . " . ' . 1.00
Mme. Yale's Complexion Brush , , 1.00 .69
Mme. Yale's Antiseptic 1.00 .01
Mnw. Yale's Digestive Tablets ( for InillKestlon , etc. , large size ) 1.00 .01
Mm . Yale's Digestive Tahlets ( for Indigestion , etc. , email slzo ) i. .50 .3)
Mme. Yale's Complexion Tablets ( large size ) i.oo . 9
Mmc. Yale's Complexion Tablets ( small size ) . . . . .50 .S3
Mmc. Yale's Fertilizer Tablets ( large size ) 1.00 .
Mme. Yale's Fertilizer Tablet * ( large size ) GO .31
Wo will present every lady calling at our drug department with Mme. Yale's two nclontlflo
books , entitled "Woman's Wisdom" and "l'o < i k to Beauty. " They contain advice from Mine.
Yale on the subjects of Health and Beauty that cannot ho obtained from any other source.
Drug Dept. Omaha. Neb.
days when I was with her we > used to sit
at opposite ends of the table without ex
changing a word. "
Mrs. Draper , the wl'o of the American
ambassador at the Italian court , uses at her
formal dinners a gold table service which
waa used by her father , William M. Preston
of Kentucky , when , he was minister to Spain
many years ago.
Among the founders of the Daughters of
tbo Amerlcr.n Revolution Is Miss Eugenia
Washington , great-giunddaughter of Colonel
Samuel Washington , tbo brother of George
Washington. She la decended from the
Count do Felchlr , a soldier of the Revolution.
( Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart , whose negro
dialect stories have brought her fame and
fortuno. Is said to be one of the beat cooks
In America. When wearied by the pen she
seeks relief in the concoction of soup ? , ealads
and sauces. She Is also noted for her gen
erous hospitality.
Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens , the successor
to Mlsfl Frances Wlllard In the presidency of
the Women's Christian Temperance unlcti , Is
from .Maine end represented her state on the
Hoard of Lady Managers at tbo Chicago fair.
She was also tn charge of the state's exhibi
tion of corrections and charities.
Mli Margaret Long , the second daughter
of the secretary of the navy , has Just passed
a brllllaiU examination and matriculated In
Mm Rpnlor rlflfra nf the Rphn'nl nf
Johns Hopkins university In Baltimore. She
Intends 'to ' continue her atudles In this Insti
tution until she U prepared to practice medl-
clne In Boston.
FrlllM of Kwililon.
The man popular of the now bustles are
light , pliable and diminutive.
Changeable effects still appear among
silks , satins , velvets arid fancy drees gooda
In silk and wool mixture * , notwithstanding
their greatly extended Icaso of favor.
The fashionable woman now dressm herself -
self to look slender. If nature has so formed
her that thle is an Impoealblllty , every ar
ticle of her attire Is then fashioned to make
her at least as slender as possible.
The skirts nf all tailor gowns are p'aln
with exceptions now and then llko stitched
straps trimmed with taller buttons , or wlthi
deep hems turned up on the ouMIdo , and
covered with rows of braid or silk iitlttl'ilng.
The new toques and bonnets arc consider
ably larger In slzo than those recently worn ;
they are broader en the sides , or from sldo
_ to side , above the temple * , and are thero-
j fore becoming to women with ulciider faces ,
when the tclmralngs are not arranged too
straight and high.
The shepherdess hat Is ono of the nc\r
shapes for the coming euminer. It appear *
In line itilps In varluu.s pretty colorings , and
In fancy lace and zephyr braids aad M liana
to black. It has a low crown and medium
wide brim and what gives It Itn lume Is the
odd crook-shaped curve of the hat at tha
The newest umbrellas and parasols nro designed >
signed for golf players the umbrellas being
for men nnd tbo parasolrt for women. They
are made of plain , bright-colored sllkn of a
very heavy quality , and liavo long naluml-
wood handler. The ends are finished with
golf clubs. Golf era pay even more attention
to their co.stumo than cyclists ) , and that's
saying nil that can bo said.
Oray gowns are greatly In evidence thli
season , many wholly gray , but formed of a
combination of two handsome fabrics like
rppped silk and drap d'cto ; but more youth
ful looking costumes show a melange ot
nun's or opal gray with a rich , beautiful
nhtulo of geranium red or a changeable ma
terial In gray aTid rove color , with added
accessories of rut steel gimps or more elabor
ate designs for gray silk passementerie e
ParU nas Just sent a largo consignment
of stockings to tliCEc uliores which are gayer
than any footgear over exhibited before. Tha
dwc-llest design has broad zig-zag stripes run
ning from knee to too In the front and from
the bottom of the fleshy part of the calf to
the liei.'l behind. Joseph's coat of many colors
would ( be a modest looking garment by.tha
fildc of a pair of these stockings. Reds , blues ,
greens , yellows , plnkit and white and black
ure Jumbled together In kaleidoscopic man
The popular checked cheviots reappear la
very light , delicate Abodes of mignonette ,
green , blue , mauve , old rose or fawn , la
flfth-of-an-lnch squares , alternating with ,
white , and will be uaed for traveling , walkIng -
Ing and cycling drcssta. Dappled cheviot *
show aovcral shade * of ono color , with white ,
violet anil green , being first cholco among
thesB ; then blue , brown and an odd and pretty -
ty shade of amethyst , which lut autumn
was cla.isod among the popular dahlia tints.
Some wry graceful and exceedingly smart
basque bodice * are added tn the now spring
cojtuiiies. many with open fronts and whlto
satin plastrons and ruver.i trimmed with llnrn
of line gold braid , Homo ore made with
rounded fronts ; other * arn cut straight and
square , In the meantime ) tlm ubiquitous
Mini/to waist Is kept exceedingly attractive
by the quaint ami odd effects 'In trimming
that are coratantly multiplying upon It , and
the llttlo tailor ' - bodice
Jac'-ut liy Its numerous
faif vtsta and pretty bolt * , button * , aud