Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Selling by Armour and Other Iterator
Interests Oanos a Decline in Wheat
Ont llctnnrknlilr Strontr llnrlnv the
Knrlr I'nrt of ( lie Sdmlon All
Kind * of I'mvlnloiis
Clone I.on or.
CHICAGO , March 4.-8 lllng by Armour
And presumably by elevator Interests was
the feature In wheat trading today nnd was
mainly responsible for a iluollno of lJc ! In
May nnd M/lc In July , Corn was weak In
Kympathy and declined ic. Oats were sus
tained by the export demand nnd closed
quiet. Provisions closed lower , caused by
At the opening nnd for a short tlmo
afterwards there wan n. lively spoculatlve
demand for July wheat nnd the market
displayed considerable firmness. As usual
J.oltur wns nt the bottom of the strength ,
the ordering of MO.OfX ) bushels more of his
wheat for shipment to the seaboard this
making nearly 3Ou0.ttiO bushels since this
movement began being responsible for a
Rood deal of buying. Another factor was
the signing of the decree reducing the
Span Is i Import duties on grain. Opening
trades In July were made at ! UliifHc ? ! , a
Hhadc above yesterday's closing price , nnd
enough support materialized to send the
price up to Slo In a short time. That
proved to he the high point of the day.
Outside of the Items of news mentioned
everything favored the selling side of the
market and this fart soon had Its effect.
Liverpool was the specially discouraging
feature. That market showed UiJd de
cline. Argentine shipments were the heav
iest thus fir this season , being reported
nt IGIO,0 bushels. ChlcaRO received 6C
cars , 10 of which were of contract quality
Northwest receipts amounted to 313 cars
against 217 lust week and 23S n year ago
Kxport clearances for the day were not
largo onouirh to be a bull feature. The
figures were 393.000 bushels and primary
receipts were over 4.VJOO ) ( bushels. This
array of bear news gradually brottgh
sellers Into the mnrltct and lltiuldatlon
light nt first , gradually grew heavier , prices
slowly declining. In the meantime anothe
factor had entered the market In the shajK
of selling of May by the elevator Interests
In which Armour was especially prominent
Ills houses made no secret of their selling
and the freedom of their olTerliiKS brough
others to the selling side. Opening price
of May were < c higher at Sl.OfiU. An
Irregular decline to $1.0.VS followed. Then
came a nllght reaction , but prices soon go
back to SI.OJV4 'iRaln. July by that time
had declined to IK ic. Fur some tlmo th
market hesitated at those figures , but tin.
liquidation of May finally took nil the re
malnlng courage out of the bulls and the
market vwns left to shift for Itself. During
the IaVrhour offerings became quite heavy ,
both In May nnd July , and prices slid off
rapidly , Mny gettlne as low as Jl.WVi and
July declining to OOc shortly before the
close. Covering by shorts with good profits
then caused u little better feeling and
alight Improvements followed , Mny rallying
to $ l.H ( i and July to OOi/iB90 % . Those were
the closing prices.
Corn wan easier on a moderately active
market. Some strength was shown at the
start , the market In this respect following
wheat , but when wheat declined selling of
corn became quite general and prices de
clined steadily. Favorable weather and
prospects of a prodigious Argentine corn
crop were factors. May ranged from
SOftffilMJic to UOMjSOJfc nnd closed % o lower
at 30'/ic.
Oats were remarkably strong during the
morning. Heavy export sales and liberal
commission house buying caused -c ad
vance , which was maintained for some
tlmo. Weakness In other markets nnd a
moderate amount of realizing resulted In
a. Ions of this advance Inter , the market
closing rather easy. May ranged from 27".ic
to 2G34C closing a shade lower at 2Gifi2iTiic. ;
Pressure to sell provisions was marked
from the start and grew heavier ns the
session advanced. Most of this was cred
ited to a prominent packer , but offerings
were quite general and the market , which
opened lower In spite of llrm hog prices ,
declined steadily. Toward the close a little
support was given the market and prices
rallied sllg'itly. The feeling , however , was
distinctly weak. At the close May pork
was 20c lower nt $10.4l& . May lard lOc lower
nt $ . " .20 and Mny ribs lOo lower nt JG.liVfc.
Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , GO
cars : corn. C2"i ; oats , 2Go ; hoes , 18,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as followa :
Articles. . fOpon. | High. | Low. I CloaeT ! Ycit'y.
Marcli. 1 0.1H 1 0.1H
May. . . om < 1 04 < 1 00
July. . . DIM 01)
May. . . SOU
July. . . S1H
Bout . . 33 U'Jhi
May. . . ' . ' 1)1837 ) 27W
July. . . 24'IMM J1W3H . 'IX
May. . . 10 115 in i5 ! 10 45 1047K 10 117 W
July. . . 10 7i ! 10 71 ! 10 SOC 10 B2 > t. 1U TJ < *
May. . . 27 ft"27n C SIO 5 20 S 30
July. . . o as G 37H 5 " 7H 027 5 J7D
May. . . 5 an ( i S5 fi IS B 17K 6 S7U
July. . . r > no 0 85 6 ' . ' 0 S ' 'L'M fi 35
No. t. .
CiiHh ciuotatlons were iui follows :
PLOl'H Steady : winter vntenti , $4.8083.00 ;
irtnlKlitH , ll.30WI.8i ) ; fprlng Bpeclala , > 5.4frf .M :
p.ttcnlx. tl.70Qi.lO ; BtnilRhtH , 11.4091.60 ;
WHKAT No. 2 FprhiK , 915 ? ! > 3c ; No. S sprlne ,
04ra7c : No. 2 red. II.03U01.C4U.
COIIN No. 2. 29'.ic.
OATS-No. 2 , 26'Jc , f. o. b. ; No. } white , 31c ;
No. 3 white. 28 j29'ic. '
IlYK-No. 2 , 5'V : .
TIMOTHY HKKIJ Prime. 52.03.
1'FIOVISIONS Mem pork , per bbl. , $10.ISST
lO.oi ) . Lard , per 100 Ibs. . Ki.lS03.17Vi. Short rlbf.
* ldes ( loose ) , tJ.Wl .V4' ' ) , Dry Baited shoulders
( boxedt , > .liOtF5.30. Short clear Hides ( boxed ) ,
"WHISKY niatlllerii' flnl he.l goods , per Bal , .
HIIOAHS Unchanged ; cut loaf , J6.01 ; granu
lated. $3.51.
On the. Produce exrliatiRe toilay tl > butter
market wns quiet ; creameries , 13i0c : dalrlcj ,
lUTClSc. Cheese , steady , SftSHo. liKgs , weak ;
QuolntlniiH for I In- Unjon fjencral
* C < inuiiuilllloN.
NRW YORK , March 4. FLOUU-Ilecelpts. J6.-
871 bbls. ; exixirts , 21,79S bliU. ; slow anil weaker
on sprli.a patents ; Mlnnriotu patentii , ji.30fi-3.CO.
Itye Hour , quiet ; fancy , j.S3 3.tJ. Uuckwheat
flour , steady , J1.30.
HUfKWHEAT-FIrm , 4c.
CVUNMKAI-Qulet ; yellow western , 700.
KYI- : Quiet ; No. 2estern. . C9c.
n.VULKY Quiet : fecillnR. 40c.
IIAHLIIV MALT-Steady : western. f.3WS 7c.
WHKAT Receipts , IM.WO bu. : exports , 23.01 :
bu. ; pot , weak ; No , 2 red. lUTHi , f. o. b. nlloal
to arrive ; options opened Urni at Kc advance
ami after a further rite on cable news turneil
\ery weak. Dears haminervd the market all < la >
and In the absence of clique or outside support
broke pi Ices decidedly , the close IX-IHK % u uel
lower ; No. ! red , Matvh. Jl.06 81.07 % , closed
11.0.i ; May , Jl.OO ll-16 l.02U , closed Jl.OOTi.
CORN HeceHits. 52 , 30 bu. ; cxiwrta , llii,20 ;
bu. ; rpot. ueak ; No. 2 , 37' tc ; cptlons openeO
trady with wheat , but soon reacted and uii'K'i '
active liquidation declined nil day. closing ? ic
telow last nl trill : May. 33Vi633Vic , WVJc.
OATB Receipts , . : ) bu. : exports. 193,113 bu. ;
* pot , llrmer ; No. 2 , 32c ; options , dull , but steady
on the Improvement In cash property , clo.lnt
unchuiiKCd : May closed SO'ic.
PKKD-Qulet : bran , 60U 2 > 4c ; middlings , SOc ;
rye feed. UHO c.
HAY Quiet ; shlppln ? , lOffJio ; food to choice ,
HOlf5 l' dy ; state , common to choice
IS95 crop. 4T < > ; 1S98 crop. 7iI9c : 1R97 cr r , 17
I9o ; I > aclflo coast , 1S 3 crop. 4G6c ; 1KIO crufi , Etj
I0o : 1SS7 crop , 17 l9c ; Ijondon , 9Sc | l.OO.
IIIDEB-rirm : a lve ton , 15c ; Texas , dry , Kc :
rallfornla. KiifllSUc.
IiT3ATHBIl I'lrm : hemlock sole , 10HR21V.
WOOU-Uulli Heecf. 17H3S34c ! ; Texaa. 13lia
OOAI Steady.
ItEKP Klrni ; cut meats firm ; pickled b l
am , > 3.75iI7.00 : plckleil shouldm. JUS ; plcklfn !
hams , 17 , 7J. Lard , weak ; western steamed
15 45 : reflneJ. quiet. Iork. quiet. Tallow , quiet
COTTONSKKO OII-Quletj prime crude , SOjj
KHc : prime yellow. 23o.
riTTROLEl'M Nomlnil. Rosin , steady
trained common to sooJ. ll.40ffl.43. Turpentine
Itir"II I'lrm ; fair to extra , 4KG'5Tio ; Jnpin
MOLASSK8 Klrmt New Orleans , open kettle ,
txwrt t' choice , 2 ffMc.
MKTALS Tlie tendency In nearly all depart
rnents continue * upwanl , 'with the foellnK de
cldflly llrm , At Hie cloie to.1ay I he New Yorl
nieUI exchanKO railed plir Imn warrants Head y )
at H SO bl'1 ' and W.90 asked : lnk copper , Mroni :
with' til. fTm bid and 112.00 stked : tin , firmer
with S1424 hid and SUM sskedi nailer , nrmer
xlth M.SO bid and I4.N wked ; lead , Una. will
Jl.M bid and JS.ST'i a-Kfd. Tlie firm that ni-n I
! he ncttllnR price , fur Mln * . nd nuellcr * ouotei I
a.l at P.OT.
Condition of Trnilc nml < lnntntlonii an
Slniilp and Knncx l'ro lncc <
rxOS Oood stock. OUe.
HOTTER Common td fair , Mfllc ; separator
creamery , :0c ; gathered creamery , lifflGc.
VKAICliolce fat , M to 13) ) Its. , quoted at
Sff3c ; la rue nnd coarse , CR7c.
DRKS3KI ) 1'OULTUY Chickens , { ? ? tur
keys , SSlOcj Rccie , 71f8c ; ducki , TtfSC.
LIVK I-OULTItY Chickens , Ccj old roasters ,
3c ; duckf , ( c.
OAMK Small rabblti , per doz. , 7c ; large ,
tl.U : squirrels , WVVX : .
IMOKONS Live. 7 c ; dsd plceons not wanted.
HAY-fplaml. $3.M ; midland. J5.M : lowland.
H.K ) ; rye straw. II.AO ; color makes the prlc : on
hay ; light bales sell the best ; only top grades
trlng top prices.
CKLKKY Oood stock , large. 400J small , Uff30c.
ONIONS-I'cr bit. . J1.10O1.23.
1IKANS Hand-picked navj- , per bu. , S1.S81.20.
8W1JKT l > OTATOm-Kantos , IC-peck bbls. ,
S3. CO.
OAIIIIAr3K-Oood stock , per lb. . lUc.
1'OTATOIW Home grown , SOgSJc ; Colorado , 70c.
Al'l'LKS-Wlnter stock , J3.0003.60 ; California
lelleneur , boxes , JI. ; Colorado Jonathans ,
m e , JI.75 ; Oregon , boxes , J1.23 ,
JXef , J1.7S.
CRANIIKRRIKS Fancy Jer-ey , per bbl. , ttO.OO.
URAI'nS-MaliiBiis. Si.oOHC.W.
ORANUK9 California navels , J2.7Q3.00 ; fancy
eedllnKS. J.M > choice , JJ.S5.
LiMNS : California , fancy , JJ.OO ; choice , 1271 ;
ancy Meislna , | 3.uCiI3.0.
UANANAS niolce , large -toclc , per bunch , JS.OO
W.0 ; medldum sited bunches , ll
NUTS Almond * , per lb. , large size , i13c ;
: inall , lie ; Urnzlls , \ > vr lb.Blijc ; : KiiRllsh wol-
luts , per lb. , fancy soft ilidl. ICiflllc ; stundards ,
891 * : Illberts , per lb. , it ) ; ; jwcans. polished ,
iiedlutn , 6H7c ; extra lalx" , S < t9c : liirRu hickory
iUt , tl.ooyi.ll ) per bu. ; smill , Jl.SJlfl.35 t r bu.J
ucoanulf , per l"tf , J4.W ; peanutr , raw ,
roasted , CQCHc.
FIC1H Imported , fancy. 3-crown , 14-tb. boxes ,
0c ; C-crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
JJ23o per bux ; California , ' 10-lli. box. Sl.W.
IIONKY Choice w'lltc , 12c ; Colorado umber , 10
KRAUT Per bbl. , } 3.M ; half bbl. , $2.1 > .
MAPLK SYRUI' Five-sal , can. , cacti. $2.75 ;
RSI. can , pure , per doz. , J12 w ; half-gal , cans ,
0.2j ; fiuart cans. } 3.t .
LATKS Hiillowec , CO to 70-lb. boxes , DVic ;
Salr. Co : Fnrdlb. . boxes , 'Jc.
CIDUR-1'er half bbl. . 3.CO ; bbl. , J3.00.
DRK.SSRD DKKF Good native fleers , tvtc
; oed forequnitcrx stetra , 5' c : good hlndqunrten
iteers , S',4o ; western steers , ( "He ; fancy helfors ,
Vlcj Kood hclfeis , Cc ; s-ood forequarterB heifer- ,
5c ; ( tnnd hindquarters heifers , So ; Rooil cow * ,
" ? ic : fair cows. &Vzc ; cow lorequartcrs , 41 0 ; cow
ilnikiuarter * . 7ic. !
RMKF CUTS H.inglnK tenderloins. 4'Sc : rib- ,
S'o. 1. lie ; ribs. No. 2 , Sc ; ribs , No. 3. ! ic ; No
! , % c ; rounds. No. 1 , 7Uc ; rounds , No. 2 Cs'c
rounds , No. 3 , C'.ic ; trimmings , 4Vjc ; beef shanks ,
3c ; brain * , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. ,
" 2Vic ; sweetbrendn ( calvi'S ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys ,
, ier doz. , 3Ic ; ox tails , each , 3c ; liver * , per lb. , 2ViC !
icarlK , pr lb. , 2',5c ' : tongues , per lb. , lie ; rnl
Iver" , each , 35c : calves , whole corrn-a or sides ,
'c ' ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , 7Sr >
tenderloin * , fresh , 18c : tenderloins , frozen , 13c ;
Ixmeless strip- , fresh , lOc ; boneless strips , frozen ,
9c ; strip loins , fresh , 8c ; strip loin * , frozen , 6',4c ' ;
roll * , boneless , 8c ; rolls , spencer cuts , 9c ; sir-
'oln butts. Iwnelesfl , 9c ; shoulder clods , bontlefls
! Hc ; rump butts. Iwnelesic ; No. 1 chuckH , 3c
S'o. 2 chucks , 4'ic ; No. a ol-.uc ! : : . Is ; bore ! ! !
'huckrt , 4"jC ! cow plates , 3VJc : steer plates , 4c
lank steak , CHc ; loln , No. 1 , 13Vic ; loinNo. . 2
OJio ; lnlnH , No. 3 , 8V4c ; short loins , marke
ityle , 2o nliove loins ; short loins , hotel style , 4i
above loins ; cow loin , ciijs , Sc ; steer loin , ends ,
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per lb. ; lambs ,
! c ; sliefp , 7c ; market racks , lotifr , 9c ; hole
acks. oliort , lie : lolnn 9c : Baddies. 8Hc ;
"Vic ; lamb lees. Slio ; breasts and stews ,
'neuM , each , 3c ; foreiiuarters , 5'Jc.
PORK Dressed pis * . 5'-zC ' per lb. :
hogs , B'ic ; tenderloin * , lie ; loins , short , Cc
"t" . Ce ; spare ribs. 6c : ham MIUS.IRC butts ,
c : Roston butts , D'.ic ' ; Ehuuldcrs , roiiRh , Cc ;
Rhoulder.i , skinned. SUc : trimmings. 44c ; len
lard , not rendered , G',4c ; heads , cleaned , 4e
snouts and ears , "c ; neckbones , 2c ; cheek meat
tc ; neck bones , 2c : plu-V tallto ; plucks , each
r o ; chltterllnRS. 5c ; nocks , Ic : hearts , per doz.
! 3c : stomaohs. each , 2c ; tonsues , each. 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , pr doz. , ISc ; pis *
feet , per doz. , SOc ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rlndB
! e ; blade bones , Be ,
TrlinKS No. 1 Kreen hides. 7Vjc ; No. 2 croc
ilile.i , CHc ; No. 1 sailed hides. DC ; No. 2 k'roe.
salted hides , do ; . No. 1 \-.U calf , S to 12 Ibs. , ! 0c
No. 3 veal cnlf. 12 to 1.1 Ibs. . 80 ,
SHKKP PHLT ! ) Oretfn salted , each ,
Brc-en salted shearlnus ( short wooled earl ;
skins ) , each , 13c : dry shearings ( short woolei
early * ktnn ) . No. 1 each , Oc ; dry Hint Kania
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctua.
weight. 4j"3e : dry Hint , Kansa. and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 {
,4c , ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual wpliiht. 4i3c : dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , p r lb. , actual wight , 3i 4c.
TALLOW , ORKASI-7. KTC. Tallow. No. 1. Sfl
3Uc ; tallow. No. i' , 3c ; rough tallow , I'.Sc ; white
grease , 2Vilf2 > 4c ; yellow and brown grease , IHli
2Jc.FURS !
FURS Denr ( black or brown ) , Jj.00310.00 ;
otter. Sl.COirs.OO : mink. l.0COo : beaver. JLOJCTOi ;
skunk , 15o , 25c , 50c ; mu krat. 3c. Cc , 7c ; raccoon.
l.'iSWc : red fox , 2'cfjJl. : . " ; gray fox , 2"Q'Oc : wolf
( timber ) , 2.Vir$2.M : wolf ( prairie coyote ) . KipMc :
wildcat , 10J25c ; badger. 5iJ40c ; stiver fox , JSO.OO
'Free ' Scllliipr lir Henr * CJIUHCH n. Drop
In ITlco.
Nfl\V YORK. March 4. WHEAT Prices Tell 1
cent a bushel this morning1 under free selling by
bears. News was scarce and unimportant except
that Liverpool cables rather favored the bulls
In view of heavy Argentine shipments last week.
The clique , It was claimed , sold n little May
wheat and this served to Bomewhnt accelerate
tha downward movement , The range In May was
from l.Gi'i to J1.01U and July from 9214 : to
91c , noon prices being the lowest. Afternoon
developments were uneventful , speculation con
tinuing on a small scale with prices weak. The
close was practically bottom for the day and
> ic below lust nil lit. May at Jl.COTi anl July 31\c.
A cargo of 115.CW ) bu. No. 2 red wheat waa re
ported sold for Portugal.
St. I.oiiU Ci'iieral Mnrkrta.
ST. LOt'lS. March 4.-FLOUR-Unchnngcd ;
patents. J4.7364.9straights ; , J4.40S4.50 ; clears ,
f4.CW4.K : medium , J3.0tt3.7r .
WHKAT Lower , closing W4c below yes
terday : July opened ! ( , o higher , was bid up , SQ/
Vic more and then declined llSlHc , closlniji ' , ; (
% o above the bottom ; * pM , lower ; No. 2 red ,
c-ash , elevator , 91 > Hc ; track. 98U99c ; March. SSVic ;
May , J1/IH4 asked ; July , l\wn\ic \ \ ; No. 2 hard ,
cash , HlQa''c.
CORN Futuren closed weak , with buyers of
May He below yesterday and tellers of July at
Wo decline ; spot , easy ; "j-t. 2 , cnh , 27Hc ; March ,
27V4C ! May , 27027kc : July , :6T c asked.
OATS Firm and higher : No. 2 cash , 27c ; track.
27ic ; March. 27c : May , 27-jc ! ; July , 24iic ; No. 2
white. SSHfdOc.
KYK Steady , 49'Jc.
FL.\XSE1'D : Nomlnil , Jl.KVi.
TIMOTHY tiKim Pilme. tWff3.W.
11RAN Kasler ; eatt track , sacked , C25c ! .
HAY Dull and unchanged ; timothy , J'.JCB : prairie. jn.50Q8.tlO.
nilTTKU Finn ; creamery , lC9lc ; dairy ,
c Firm. 10'ic.
LKAD Firm. J3.C24 n.lsM.
8PBLTKU Firm , J4.d ) .
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; fUndard mess ,
Jobbing , J10.CO. Lard , weak ; prime steam.
} 4.ivi. ! chDlce. $ .1.0714. llacon , lioxcd lots , extra
thort clear. t5.75tt5.S7',5 : ribs , JS.O-3C.12 ; shorts ,
, .
bu. : corn. 132.000 bu. ; oats , Sl.OO ) bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000
bu.J corn , 79tOO bu , ; oats , 1S.OCO bu ,
HuMluioru Market.
HALTIMORE. March 4. FLOl'Il Dull nn1
unchanged ; receipts. 7,075 bbls. : exports , 1,6'B
bbU. ; western superfine. l2.SOif3.i ) ; woti-.ern ex
tra , JI.'jTitjI.lO ; western family. Jl.lO'jfl.TO ; winter
wheat patent. JI.85Sr3.10 ; spring whrot pMcnt.
5.3. ii.-l'l ( ' : Hprlnt ; wheat stnilght. J5.OvX2i3.10.
WIIIIATVeak : spot nnd month. Jl.OO'l
l.OH : May , Jl.OlVi naked ; steamer No. 2 re > l ,
MiiW.ic ; receipts. 21 , ISO bu. ; expirts , 7,974 bu. ;
southern whvnt. by sample , liicirJl.i'lU ' ; eouthern
whent. on grade , 97cfil.l. )
COItN WcaU : spot nnd nionth , 33i < . 3lc ;
steamer mixed , SlVil-aS' ' c ; reeelpm. 201 , 41'i
c p T13. 05.UO bu. ; southern white corn.
3l ? c : southern yellow , SS'j l'.se.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 3 ( ' fi33c ; No. 2
mixed , 32a32',1c ; receipts , 13,031 bu. ; exports
RYK Dull nn-1 easier : No. 2 nearby. '
Ka ; No. 2 weitern. GGU'SOOtc ' ; receipts , i.tfil
bu. ; exK > rts , S.571 bu.
HAY Firm on best grades ; choice timothy ,
GRAIN FRKIOHTS Steamers , active ; engajte-
ments , large ; nte , m to UVL'VK. | | . per bu. . Htd.
May ; Cork for orders , per quarter , 3s Cd , Match ;
S4 4Hd. April.
Ht'TTKll Firm nnd unchanged : fancy cream
ery , 21022c ; fancy. Imitation , ITflISc ; fancy ladl ,
lie ; good ladle , liffl4V4ci store packed , 10f2p
EOOS-Qulet : fresh. I2c.
CHKBSK-Steady : fancy New lorjt. hrse. 91
Olio ; fancy New York , medlu-n. 10Ul > Vic ; fancy
New York , 10U810HC.
Wi'nre ComiulHulon C'ompniiy.
OMAILV OFFICK , MarV-h 4. The market this
morning for wheat started strong and steady on
unchanged cables , though with a weak tendency ,
. with very mall trade and short offerings.
Fluctuation ! , were of a ranje of 2c for M y
wheat , Jl.WH being the high price , with
for the bottom , with July following- Ihe pro
ceislon at Ic decline , while caih wheat decllne-1
liic , plating It at an even tc discount under May
an-t a decline In the cash situation of IVjc as
compared with the option.
Ne a novernlng the fluctuations and the mar
ket tu this close was principally the political ru
mor * of our strained condition with Spain , which
lntlu nc was ajslited materially by the heavy
Mlllnr by Armour , whth encouraeed the liears
to again try telllntr th market short , v. hloh tac.
ties. If followtsl again tr.mnrrow , will undoubt-
cdly bring about an oversold conJIIIon. as has
been evidenced In the recrnt past , and to mich
I n extent a to a aln fore * the market up by
, their own buying. Hy watchlnr It clew prollla.
ble opportunllle * will be pre-ented.
Coru htld vtry cteady unj flnn up until near
the 1 clo " , when It lost lie tn Mar and U ? In
July , with receipts at 199 can.
An Mated In our' recent letter , ITbcllre Ihe
nuift profitable mi > nth for thf purchase of this
cereal , and which will Rive the advantage of the
condition * of the season. Is that of September.
Oats continue to emprraelte their Independence
by remaining unchanged.
Ktinxnn t'ltr ( Irnln. nttil I'rovlnloon.
KANSAS CITY , March 4. WHKAT Aliout Ic
lower , rather slow ; No , 1 hard , Me ; No. 2 ,
8.1flV.I'ic ' ; No. 3. ( .Vifl-H'tc ' : No. 1 red. 93c | No.
2. 9J'iC ; No. 3 , S3U lc ; No. 2 spring , 85Q87C :
No. 3. Me.
CORN Active , but UBMc lower ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS-Falrly active , nrm ; No. i white , 17 > 4c.
IIYIKlrni ; No. t , 4SO47C.
HAY Choice prnlrle , firm : J7.0007.23 ; timothy ,
> l w , weak ; choice. IS.Mft9.00.
IIUTrnit Firm , but unchanged ; creamery , 15
C18',4c ' : dairy , llfflCc.
Or n In Hrrclitn nt I'rlnvliml Mnrkrtn.
ST. 1XJU1S , Mnrdi 4. Receipts : Whent , 24
cars.MINNKAPOL1S , March 4. Receipts : Wheat ,
M cars.
CHiaAOO , Mnrch 4. Receipts today. Whwit ,
M cars ; corn , CM cars ; oats. 2S3 cars. UMI-
mated car Intx tomorrow ! Wheat , ( V ) cars ; corn ,
C2i cnrs ; oats. 2io care.
KANSAS CITY , llarch 4. Receipts : Wheat ,
II cars ,
DULUTH , March 4. Receipts : Wheat , 17
car" .
Clnrlnnntl Mnrkot.
CINCINNATI , March 4. r'LOUn Steady.
WHKAT Hauler ; No. J red , 8c.
CO I IN Quiet ; No , 2 mixed , Sic.
OATri Dull ; No. 2 mixed , JSc.
UYi : rirrn : No. ! , Clc.
LAUD Kasler nt J3.W : bulk nienti , easy at
15.10 : I in nin , Mcnily nt KM.
WHISKY Firm nt M.20.
KOOS .Steady at lOHc.
IMilliiilcliililn I'rodnro.
PHILADKLl'HIA , March 4. HUTTKK Steady ;
fotcy western creamery , 21c ; fancy Pcnnsyl
vnnla nnd western prints , 22e.
KOO8 Dull nnd ' , ic lower ; 'fl-esK"nearby nnd
wcwtcrn. Kc.
CHiiSi-I > ult nnd cosier ; New Yotk
tory , full cream , fancy , ! sc ; full cream fair to
liolceSOSUc. ' .
' ! ' < > ! r < l "Mitrkrt.
TOLEDO , O. , March 4. WHBAT Aulvo nnd
wer : No. 2 ca. h , 9.c ! > ; May , MH'e.
OOUN Active nnd steady : No. 2 mixed. 31V c.
OATS Dull nnd steady : No. 2 mixed. 27'i ? .
HYIl-iDtill and higher : No. 2 cash , E2c
C'IXVI-il : SI-JI1D Active and steady ; prime
ash , K.OTJi.
I'tMirla .MnrkvtK.
PioiUA. March 4. COIlN-Qulet ; No. 2 , 20c.
OATS quiet ; No. 2 white , 2Sc.
HYTJ Quiet , nominal ; No. 2 , Me.
WHISKY High proof spirits. S1.19V4.
Detroit .MnrkrtN.
nnrnOIT. Mareh 4. WHRAT No. 1 white ,
ilic : No. 3 red. 97Jo ; May , 975ic.
COUN No. 2 mixed , S2c.
OATS No. 2 white , 307ic.
HYU No. 2 , & 2V4C.
Liverpool .Market.
LIVKHPOOL , March 4. Closing : HAMS
1'ort cut. steady. 32s. Itacon. dull , 31s .
COUN Spot American mixed , new , steady , 3s
d ; July , quiet , 3s 2d.
Snii PrntidNtMi Whent Market.
SAN niANCIHCO. March 4. WHEAT Steady ;
December. J1.32V4 : May , ll.SHi.
11AKLEY Steady ; May , > 1.03.
STOCK'S AND iioxns.
hiNlnt-NM CoiHM-nlrntcrt In n Fctr of
tluLcnilliiK StookM.
NRW YOniC , March 4. Prices of stocks
osses of from 1 to 3 per cent today on n very
mall business. The nrirk.'t . wns Imnlrr.ate at
met and what business there was was concen
rate < l In a few leading stocks. All of these
bowed weakness , but the downward courtx * wis
lurBuoU In n very desultory manner until the
Inal hour , when the bears made a determined
drive. They broke the price of Heading llrrt
ireferrod 4 points nnd carried "the general list
u this lowest of the day , but covering in sp-vlal
itocks Induced some sluirp rallies , notably In
Tlnjullng first preferred , New York Cont. al and
Metropolitan Street HalU'.iy. HlKhT auolntlnns
from lx > ndon lifted tihe prices t the oponlns.
jtu tbe fall was practically uninterrupted nfter-
vards. KfTorts to rally tlic marke tvcre feeble
ind unsucce tful. Sugar wns under consider
able pre.tmire , but showed g ( xl resistance , unloa
"aclfio preferred was ilepresspd all day and
closed over 2 points lower. New York Central
'ell at one time over 2 points , but rallied 1V4 per
cent In the linal dealings. The locla trftctlon
itcoka were euft'erers after the opening , the
sharp decline In Metropolitan Street Hallwn.\
reaching 3 points. A large part of this selling
was known to be for Washlngn'.n account nnd
nqulry was very keen for news to account for
It. Significant news wns scarce nnd In Its ab
sence numerous rumors were net afloat , one U
the effect that purchases of wnr shlpe abmnr
md liocn made by t.ho United States govern
ment. The renewed depression of Spanish ° < *
curltles abroad nnd the rumored purchns- two
war ships by the Spanish government helped on
the feeling of uneasiness over- the Ctilxin' ques
tion. Notwithstanding the hardness of the Ixn-
don money rate ajid the tendency to relaxation
n the local requlrenle'nts' , foreign exchnntro went
lower ngnln today , demand sterling falling to
(4.SIV4. ( Nearly all Uh II WO.WKI-In-Rold-wlilcl
will start for New York tomorrow comes from
I'urls. nnd no small part , of It Is raid to. ropre-
cnt French securities liought In L/indon d'lr-
ng the recent dlFturbarwes 'In Paris. The weak
ness In exchange Is duel to ( continued prp uro
ot grain bills sold against the shipments of the
Chicago wheat pool. '
Thn bond market wa null. Total sales. 12-
jnOCM. * United States new 4a nnd the old 4s.
coupon , were V4 Per cent lower bid today.
The nvenlng 1'ost's London financial cable
gram snys : The stock markets here were Idle
today except for Grand Trunks nml Americans.
The tendency of first-class stocks Ii cither to
remain idle or depressed , partly In connection
with the forthcoming China and other loin
operations. The buying of Grand Trunk * nr.
lnrge and Influenced partly by a Montreal clique.
The general tendency hero Is to nispend deal
ing In Americans until there Is amore distinct
lead from New York. Gold Is In revived demand
for America nt 77s ICd , though apparently -.hpl-
ments do not pay. No gold Is onVrlng. A half
million will go from Paris on Saturday. Th
Parla bourse opened steady , but closed distinctly
( lat. It Is reported that the finance ministers
nr to introduce n , bill to further tax Iwurse
transactions ; also a measure which will Inter-
fern considerably with Coulllase. dealings. " 'Tho
ISerlln market was steady.
Following ore the closing quotations of the
leading stockon the New York market today ;
Total Bales of stocks today. 301,300 s'.iaros , In
cluding : llaltlmorc K. Ohio , 4,221 : Chicago , llur-
llimton & Qulncy , 17.973 ; lyiulsvllle K Nashville ,
4,100 ; , S2.H/0 / ; Metropolitan , 7.1S5 ;
Readlnx preferred. 5.135 ; Missouri Tui'llic. j.412 ;
New York Central , 13.931 ; Northern I'aclllc pre.
fened , 13,030 , ; ReaillnB. 3,017 ; nock Island , 11,770 ;
SU 1'aul , 23.SC3 ; Union Taeinc , 7C3 ; Tobacco ,
5,010 ; 1'eople'b Ran , 7,510 ; Sugar ,
neKton Slock QiiotntloiiH ,
11OSTON , March 4. Cull loans , SHfiSH i r
cent : time loan * . 305 | ? r vent. , Closing prices
for clocks , hoiulB and mining shares :
A.T. % * . V UHJflun. Kluj. nfd. . . .
American Hutr. . 12il i Atohlson nl'l
Am.Suirar DM. . . . 11lAtclUHoii 4s 80
Hay Stile ( la * m'Unuoral Kluo. Oa , . 11 > "
tlell Tolophone. . . 253 N. Kii7.Ua ll'J
UoBlonX AID l iv. * "J4V ( \ \ \a. \ Cent lb 4Ihi (
Hostou A M.llno. . . 103 wi . ceit US luimi
Allouuz illnliu OJ 1H
' ' ' ' ' ' "
Fi'tcliouiv. . . . . . ! ! . DDK Atl-mtlo 31
( ienenil Elo irn. . 3H : ) losioi ) A Mnntvi ; k 1H7
Mexican Oo.UMl. . olt Il-lttni lloiton. . . , 'Jilt
N. Y. .VN.B 81) ) Ualunieti ilojlk. . C'JIl
Ola CJtaw luii Coutennlat 14
O.8. L 'M rmnlclln 144
KUUUtT . . . 1' ) OHCOOU 4'J
Union I'aclIlJ ' "J Uulncy 110
Went Knn. Taumrnox 153
West rJiid Ufa. , . , . lU.'W'Bmtoil ' L c _ .
W. Ulofl ' . " 'l | WoUi-rliie * 'Jt |
W. Klcc. pfd C'J ll'.UTOU ' . ' 3- !
\Vl . Cent ml
Foreign IMiiinirliil.
11KRLIN , Mttrrfi 4. OUcount was harder today
and tenders were cautious , cwlni ; to the tightness
of the London money market. tccurl-
tlcu on the bourne , c t > cclally Canadian I'aclllc.
were nrm on satisfactory tratncs , Internatloiidl
stcurltlfs were nrm and bank shores hardened In
anticipation of the forthcoming loan tifucs.
LONDON. March 4. American caulo are
quoted at 7C < Hid and btr feM at 77 ! > } .d.
IONDON. March 4. Oil Ihe Stork
j today Spanish 4 were i Vi. The clu.ine
1 yesterday was 55Vj.
I'AIUiJ. March 4. Epanl h is on the bour
were quotpil RtlH 17-JId. The Mm * *
curltk-s were quoted nt n\rt jretterday * t the
close of the market. , >
TARIB. Mnt\ t.-TMreV ' per cent rentes. IMf
So for the nccountlj fViflnge on London , fif
aw for checks.
rr York Slonrr Mnrkrt.
Flrm at MfH l > er cent : U t Irmn. 2 per cent.
cent ,
STBRL1NO EXCltAKOt : Wenk. with actual
buslners In bankers' bills at I4.814 for demand
and at * ( .81'iB4.Ui totr < M dors ; posted rates ,
l4.S3n4.FoU ; commercial bills , H.SOH.
Rtl.Vim CKRTIKICATI13-4itti4'iC. !
Cloilng quotations ort bonds wer followit
U.S. now4n.rez l'U < - las.
U.S. no\v4 coil. . . .ism N.C. 4s
U. S.4s.reB Ill No. Pucltlo 1st- ! . . .
U.S. . , coup ll'J No. Pacltla 3s
U.S.'js.ratr. . . . . . . . . Oil No. I'.ICtllO 4H. . . . . U if
U.S. On.rer N. Y.C. A St. L.4H..105
U.S.Os.eoup _ N.W. . Us 1U5
District 3.03s 118 N. W CoilloM 141
Aln..class A ItMH N , W. Del ) . Ss 117H
Ala..olasa II 107 Ore. Nav.lsts. . . . . . . 114
Ala. , Mass c 100 Oro. Nav. 43 . . . . HR
Ala.Currency..100 O. .H. u. Os. t.r. I'M
Atchmon4s Ul O. S.L. 03. t. r 100
Atchlaonnal , 4s. . . . Sfi ? O. lull ) , lats , t. r. , , . 110
CanaoaSo.'JnJ-i. . . 10S O.lmp. OH. t. r '
C. & N. P. t. r. 03. . 8.1 P.-vclflebs of'1)5 ) . . . .
C..V O. 5s. Usadtn ; 4 * * : ! ' <
' ' ' ll.O.Woit 1-.1- 82K
D'.Jt'li. ( i. l ti' . . . . . St. I * & I. M. Cja. 5 Dl
> . &R.O.4s til St. L.AS. r'.Gjn.0.11H
' -nstToiin. Isls. . . . St. 1 > , Consols 141 . 7171 St. P.C..VP. 1SU..1-J1W
K W &l > . la. t. r. . 71 St. 1 * . C. .V I > . A t llll
'JCli.KltiC. As. . . . 1D1 Mi Soutliprn llv. Si. . . . Ul
0.11. , x3. A. Ot . 101 S. U.&T. Us 07
Q.1I.&S. A. 'Jl3.)0.- ) BetHs . , UD
t.4T.Cent.69 . 110 Tex. IMC. I. ( J. IstilUl
I.&T.C'.con 0-i. ' .103 Tex. IMC. Kg. 'Jd9. . :44Xi :
own 0. lsf . lOOW U.P. Uts 127t
[ { . 1' . Con. , t. r . HiJ U. 1 > . U..VO. Isll. . 5'J
K.lMstB. t. r . 1:11H : \V.-ib. iHlSs. . . . . . . . . 107 W
La.Now Con. Is. . . . 102H Wat ) . 2ds 78
" .N. Unl. 4S . \Voststiorj4i . . . .110i !
100 Vo. Ccnturlci OH
il. K. A T. .Ml . 01 '
.ii. K.&T. 4H . m Union Pncin'oVifuV. 55H
H. Y.C. Ists . 1IU > Union I'aclllc 4u. . . UJH
! J.J. C. Os . 113
Nun Krniielxro Mlnlup ; ( luntntlniin ,
SAN' KltAN'CISCO. March 4. The olllclal closing
quotations on mining stocks today were as fol
, o\vs :
Alta 10 Jttll.t 1
lulinCon. . . . H JiiBllec- H
mlcs R Kentucky Con 2
Ilelchcr 21 .Mexican 30
Lte-u.V Itelclior. . . . U.I Occidental Con. . . . 100
lulllon 7 Ophlr. 48
lmlleiicoCoi ) 27 Overman H
CholUr 35 Potosi It !
Confluence. 03 Savnre Ul
n.Cal. Va. . . . 80 Sierra Narada. . . . f)4 )
n. New York. . . 'i Union Con 3'1
.Town Point 13 UlaliCon _ 8
Kxchcqucr 4 VellowJaskat 21
iuuln.tOumn. . . . 17 Standard 1S5
lalefe Norcross. . 115
Silver bars , & . " > Vic ; Mexican dollars ,
drafts , slslit , 20oj tPlrKrapli , 22V4c.
York 3lliiliiK ( lu ilritlon .
NK\V YORK , March 4. The followlns are the
closing .mining uuotatlona : _
Cliollar : < o Ontario -'iU
Crown Point Ill Ormir 40
C n. t'al , & V.17D I'lymoutn 8
Deadwoou 00 QulcXsllver 100
Boulili Curry 10 Oiileksilrer DM. . . 200
llulo 4tJ ornross. . 130 Slcrr.iNar.fta. . . . UO
Ilomcst.'iKu 3700 Staiiilard 100
Iron Silver 42 Dillon Con : IO
Mexican 30 Yellow Jacket . . . . Ufi
I.oniloii Sdielc ( liiotntlniii * .
IXJN'DON' , March 4. 4 p. m. Closing :
. m'.r..lll IS-lti N Y. Central . 117-H
Consols , acct ll''U Peinmylvatiia . D0-i !
Can. Pacttic 87 Uendlnir . 10
Krle 14K Mox. ( xii. now 4 * . . U7
Krlo-'nils 3Us ! AtchlHOii . 12M
111. Oentr.ii 10544
Mexican ontmarv. . 2''i < Gntnrt Trunk . UH
at-l'aul common. . . HUH
Har fllvcr , fitcntly , , Dvul | per ounce. Money ,
2 % per cent. The ratq of illFcount In tile open
market for short hills , 2ft | icr cent ; the rate of
discount In the open market far three months'
tills. 2 15-16 per cent. ' ,
Kliiiiiicliil iViitoH.
OMAHA , March 4. The bank clearings today
gKreiruted VJtOK7.1S anj'tllu balances amounted
to * 76,1SC. .
CH1CAOO , March -Olenrlngs. . J17.0S0.15S
New York exchange , lOc-nreniluni. 1'osteil rates ,
J4.S3V6 and J4.83H. ' i
ST. LOU1H , March 4. loarln s. $ I.SD3.781i bal
ances , $41SS02. Money.nSQ per cent ; New York
cxchanse , par bid , 23e ipremlum asked.
NBW OHLKANS , March -4.-ClearlnB9 , J1.533-
200. New York exchnnRe , bunk , pur ; commer
cial , ( I per $1,000 discount.
MISMI'IIIH. March 4. Clcnrlnis , :03B13 : bil-
anccs , $1M,4C6. New York exchange , $1.30 pre
mium. > . * < i
NK\V YOHK. March 4. Clearings , $143.837.380 ;
balances. $7ra7.GS : . lift
liOSTON , Mass. , March 4. Clearings , JJS.419-
078 ; balances , , OOI,60S.
1'HVL.AURIjPHIA' . March 4 Clearlnss , $13-
945SC5i balances , $1 , (70 , 735.
HAL.TIMOIIK. March 4 : Clearings , $2,532,800 ;
balances , $2S7,7K > .
Ainorlcnn Si-ciirltlfH 111 London.
LONDON , March 4. ) p. m. The market for
Airierlcan securities tluctuated somewhat after a
Bttuily opening , then declined and closctl dull
with the demand generally light. There were no
special features.
Cotton IMiirkft * .
NHW YOUK , Maivh 4. The net result of to
day's dealings In cotton futures and the scope
of fluctuations was most unsatisfactory to the
trade In general. After opening quiet at nn-
chanKed prices to a decline to 2 points , the latter
being In sympathy with less favorable KnKllsh
cables than looked for.i there was scarcely a
point's variation during the entire session. Spec
ulation wa chiefly of the scalping order and
small even at that. The pronounacd firmness of
primary markets nnd continued active export de
mand checked any pressure to sell , while on the
other hand port receipts continued on B liberal
xcale and Investment Interest was exceedingly
llKht. There wns some selling early In the ses
sion for the account of English and southern
houses , but this cotton was absorbed by th
stronger bulls ami less confident shorts. At the
close the market was steady at a net loss of
1B3 points ; total nales , 70,700 bales ; market dull
and easy ; middlings. < ! 6-10o ; net receipts , C1T
bales ; gross , 3,914 bales ; forwarded , 1,280 bales ;
sales , none ; stock , 1905 ! hales. Weekly : Tie-
celpts , 14.548 bales ; gross , 93.2C4 bales ; exports to
Great llrltnln , 13,556 bales ; to France , M bales ;
to the continent. 11,148 bales ; forwarded , 6.612
bales ; sales , 15.201 bales ; spinners , ' 101 bales.
Total today : Net receipts , 22.763 bales ; exports
to Great Itrltaln. 14,847' bales ; to France , 1,183
bales ; to the continent , 8,437 bales ; stock , 1,130-
6CO bales. Consolidated * Net receipts. US.7CO
bales ; export * to Great iJrltaln , 7S.939 bales ; to
France. 41,350 bales ; to the continent , 195,019
bales. Total slnci H ptem1 > er l'Xet : receipts ,
,7,430,220 , bale * ; ' exports to Great Britain , 2.403,712
bales : to France , 700,345 bales ; to' the continent ,
MC3.131 bales.
MKMPIHS. March 4.-KX > TTOX-Frm ! : mid-
dllnif. 5 I3-16o ; receipts , S.OU bales ; shipments ,
2.3IS bales ; stock. 108.M2 bales : sales. 2.400 bales.
ST. 1XJUIS , Mirch 4. COTTON Steady and
unchanged ; middling , 5 13-10c ; no sales reported ;
receipt ! ) , 2,504 bales ; shipments. 2,972 bales ; block ,
W.H35 tales.
steady : pales. 18,400 biles ; March. Jj.'Oflj.Tl :
April , t5.72firi.73 ; May , $3.76 5.77 : June. $3.0
r.Sl : July. r..S3 3.M ; August. $5.S4i5.s : ; Sep.
tember. J581 i3.M ; Octol > er , J3.81fi5.82 ; Novem
ber , $5.Slf382 ; December. $3.K'5.83 : January.
J3.84 bid. CJulet nnd steady ; tales. 2.400 bales ;
ordinary , 4ic ; good ordinary , 5Hc : low mid
dling. 6 7-lGc ; mlddlln r , t\c ; good mlddllngr.
6Vic : mlddltns fair , C 9-lCc ; receipts , 10,082 bales ;
stock. 507,014 bales.
LIVERPOOL. March 4. 4 P. m. COTTON
Bl > ot , good business done ; prices lower ; Ameri
can middling fair , 3 S7-32d ; good middling.
3 19-32d : American middling. S 7-lCd ; low mid
dling. 3 5-lCd ; peed ordinary , 3 5-3.M ; ordlnnry ,
2 3I-3M. The falen of the day were 14.000 bales ,
of which 600 bales were for rpeculallon nnd ex
port and included 12.701 bales American ; re
ceipts , 7,000 bales , Including .500 bales Ameri
can. Futures opened nnd closed quiet , with a
moderate demand ; American middling. I. m. c. ,
March , 3 2t-6ld , ecllers ; March and April , 3 54-G4d ,
sellers ; April and May. 3 21-64d , Fellers ; Ma >
and June. 3 24-64d. buyers ; . 'uno nd July.
3 24-eif3 I3-64d. lellcn- ; July and August , 3 24-
640).1) ) 2-Cld. Bellers ; August and September ,
3 24-64fi3 23-C4d. sellers ; September end October.
3 24-641. sellers : September and Octo > er. 3 23l l
Ji3 21-64d , value ; November and December ,
3 2.1-Cld , value ; December , and January , 3 25-C4J ,
NH\V YORIC , M arch' 4. COKI-'Ei : Options
opened steady at unchnnted prices tr > 5 points
lower , ruled Inactive nnd featureless during the
creator part of the senlcn : liberal receipts at
Hlo were partially offset by free United Elates
warehouse dcllvtrles. eared off near the clone
under Ideal liquidation and bear selling ; closed
barely tendy at a net lo s of 5 to 10 points ;
sales. 14.T5I1 hag * . Including March , 15.43 ; May ,
$3.C3 3.CO ; spot Hlo , doll ; No. 7 Invoice , 6'c :
No. 7 jobbing. CVc : mild , steady : Cordova , 8\i \ < ! J
16c : rales. 300 bass Havanllla , 400 bags Mara-
calbo , 100 bags Central Amer'can. p. t.
KAVnK. March 4. COiTlMS ClOfed quiet at a
net loks of V' f ! falw. 11.003 baKS.
SANTOS. March 4. OOFKKK good average
Rnntou. S.600 rels ; receipts , , W > bass ; stock
TJiorl bam.
HAMIIL'HO. March -COFFDK-Opened un-
change.1 ; at SJ1 : p. m. M jrcli was Vt pf < r. lower
and other months unchiuiec.1' wiles , ? .o.\rt . \ IHIKS
IUO DB JANCirtO , March cqFI-w ; >
Qtil t ; No. 7 , nio. 8.11 ! * ) rols ; exchange. 6dj re
ceipts. S7.COO bagaj cleared for the United Hintes ) liags : cleared for Kurope. 7.0CO baw s < ivl ;
17.ft > ) liacs : total warehouse dell\erles from the
I'nllPd Smtep. 13,945 htiirs. Including 14.578 bara
from New York ; New York tirfay. CS)6 ! ) :
bass : United States stock. S a.W l.aRi ; nflo-it fnr
the I'nltM States , 316.000' ' bngi ; total vlilble for
Ilia t'nlu-d State * . l.fa.OSS bogs , aiMtsnt 7S7.W
last year and 4C6.742 t > asrsln 1E36.
( -MurkrtN. .
CIIAULES'PAN. H. C. . March 4. Turpentine
market Him at 33V4c. Hosln. nrm and unchanged.
SAVANNAH , Marh 4. Oily tjilrlts turpentln >
Ual ) ' ; ! < . 5G bbls , Hotln , llrm ; tales , 2 < t
WH.MINOTOS , N. CV. March 4. OIISpirit
turp ntlne nrm at ! 6mj37e. Itosln. firm at $1.KO
1 JO. Crude turpentine , llrm at ll.30ej.00. Tar ,
llrm ut tl.10.
OIL CITY , March 4. Oedlt haUnrei , * 2c :
Cfrtttlcates , u neil 2 : bid li-r ca > h oil ; flrrl
ciln. UUc ; hlirhast cash , Slo ; loweit ca h , 83 Wr.,1. f3 > . 1,11 ; total salc > . W.OOO libls ; ship-
tnentf. 71.3G3 hbU. : runs , SJ.tll bbl .
IIPHLIN , March 4 , OIL-retroleuni. S marks
4) pft .
Fair Eupply of a BotUr Quality Finch
Beady Palo.
n Little More Vnrtlculnr bat
Seller , lla Well Hon. Kailcr
and Jiint n. Trifle
SOUTH OMAHA , .March 4.-R-occlpts for
the days Indicated were :
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as' follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnha Packing Co SI 1,079 ' 29
G. H. Humniond Co 193 752 1S >
Swift nnd Company 539 1,3M > 1,243
Cudahy Pncklnj ? Co DOS 2.U99 SOU
Vunsant & Co 2G
I.obtnan & Rothschilds. . CO
W. I. Stephens 10 . . . .
Krebbs & Co 75
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 419
Hammond , from K. C. . . 2r > 2
North 1' . & P. Co 270
P. & P. Co. . Neb. City. . . . 307
Other buyers 142 . . . . C16
Left over 350 240
Total i,7$9 c,519 3,123
CATTLE Today's cattle run consisted of
eighty-two cnra , as against sixty-four cars
yesterday. The general quality averaged
up qulto well us compared with a good
many days nnd there More some prettj
lecent loads among the offerings. The
market as a whole wns In quite satisfactoo
condition ami changes In values were not
very marked , but such as there were ap
peared on the lower side.
IKKF ! STEKRS The demand for fat rattle
vas not quite so urgent as yesterday and tha
fact was suillclent to give the market an
easier tone. Still handy little cattle am
nil such as seemed desirable for the dresseu
liccf trade were good scllem nnd as a rule
fully steady. Heavy cattle , both exporters
i well ns those on the coarslsh order , were
liardly as high as yesterday o-vving to the
fact that competition among the buyers was
not quite so brisk. A few of the best cattle
ticro were good enough to bring $4.00 and
? 4.Cj , but there was nothing cither In price
or quality equal to the top cattle , here yes
BUTCHERS' STOCK-For several days
past buyers have been forced to pay pretty
stilt , prices for cows and heifers owingto
the light supply and their urgent necessi
ties. For that reason it was only natural
that they should try to take off something
when the offerings were more liberal. They
started out bidding all of lOc lower and
though sellers struggled hard to geit steady
lirlces , they had to accept the lower bids In
many cases. There were Instances where
desirable lots of cows nnd heifers brought
nearly- good prices as yesterday , but
the general market was lower.
STOCK GATTMO-Offerlnga were ex
tremely light , while the demand wns good.
The-offerings even of half fat cuttle that
would do for feeders were light. The few
cattle available sold. In the language of
the yards , higher than a house. The fact
that fat cattle have advanced Is causing
the packers to take the most of 'the ' half
fat cattle , which formerly went for feeders.
Representative sales :
IIOOS There were ninety-one fresh loads of
hogs In the yards , or twrl\e more than > enter-
day and olxhl more than u week UKO. Under
the prevalllntf conditions buyers were n llttlo
Inclined to net the bear , but they wanted the
| IOK , and the most they were able to do waste
to render the market a very little eaulcr. fialei.
men , as a matter Qf courts , were ull wanting
fully steady or stronp prices , and In pome cases
they were a little Blow to let BO of their hold
ings , but for all that the boss moved iteadlly
toward the -scales , and an early clearance was
efTh ' < 8 eold .all the way from * 3.S2'.4e3.95 ,
the same a a yesterday. The Kreat bulk cold
nt | 3.t5 3.SO. tbe same as yeeterday , but the
proportion of sales at $3.85 was ullKhtly larger
today. The average of all the sale * was l',4c
lower than yesterday , but 9c higher than on
Monday , nn.l 77 o higher than a week ago.
Itepretentatlvo sales :
No ' Av Ph. IT. No. Av. Sh. Fr.
. . . . . . . . ' IsilS 80 M SU 10) J3 S2'4
. I . . . 3 SJV4 ! 1 V JW 3 KU
M 331 520 182V , 67 2U 120 3 Sa
77 . ! 235 . . . 3 S5 C3 27fi . . . SW
C2 J . . . 3K 72 . . . .27J 80 1 8S
CT : : : : : .5)i ) : : : 3 m M K
W SOS 320 S S3 67 233 . . . 3 8. ,
C4 , ! . . . .27 ! . . . 383 i ) 236 4 ( ) 8 1C
W 33 iw 383 . . . . . . . . . . . S 5
6 ? Kl I- 383 70 2OT 80 385
3 * " .275 49 3 S3 M 241 8) J 65
6S " 150 . . . 3 U 6J 254 . . . S n
. Ml 80 3 S3 > ! . . 3
2-l ICO 3 SI 02 211 80 J (3 (
gi ( ( ) J g" 4H 4 1M JM
: : : S5 fi 3 . ; ; : . : : . .247 ; * - ,
e * .31 ! 1M SM 0 534 40 J K
? 5 ' y 0 8 U3 41 Jl . . . S 3
> . 212 .T. 383 M , . . . . . . . 316 81 383
12-5 . . .Z-.l V 385 M 243 . . . S US
1M . . . Kt * * > ' * > M sa * M
} j ( a na 3S5 C4 27S 80 115
: " . .M m 3 u M. . : : : : . : so >
i : ns KI Sinn n..Jii , , , SITU
M r/1 81) 37(4 ( CO 271 . . . 1 J7 < i
a K4 40 1 I7U 19 til . . . } 87H
M 7 10) 1X7 C4 117 M > ; ' , >
77..31 . . . 1 rm . . . , . . . . . . . 1H7H
M 144 . . . S < 4 fn 14 ! . . . HUH
C7 2X . . . 3t7 > i W M2 . , . S 87H
&s 303 o j S7Hno a . , . J 7w
10 191 . . . 3 J7' GO : > . , . 3 874
si. , . tee . . . IVTH : i-.m > . . . stiy ,
10 3 . . . R71 , C.I } 03 110 S 7H
65 . .234 . . . 1 lit , 70 , , , t 4 40 > S7H
7S 2M . , , 3 H7'k 77 Kt 43 > 87 ( ,
It 307 . . . 3 * t\ \ , 72 IIJ . „ S W
M K6 . . . i P > l 259 . . . 3 W
75 151 . . . 3W 7 . . . . . . . .2S ) SO S N
4) 263 . . . 3M . . . . , . . . ! . . . 390
64 : S7 . . . 3 W 71 ! 239 . . . 3 W
K 275 40 SW 4 W9" . . . 3W
W ZJ * . . . S ) M :30 , . , 3 ! K >
CO 23S . . . 390 71 224 . . . 3 W
57 167 . . . 3 90 37 S7 . . . 3 90
- 233 . . . 390 BD 231 . . . 390
Cl G5 . . . 3 ) CO 281 . . . 393
TS " * * * ' . ) 3 93
1 3X0 . . . 250 5 SIS 40 375
2 323 . . . 375 fi ! 4J . . . S 7S
1 3W 40 373 2 243 . . . 375
3 4..SCO . . . 375 S 331 . . . 3 77',4
S.- . 2S1 . . . 3 S3 9 240 . . . 3 85
G 170 . . . 3 87H 4 UO , 3 S7V4
0 150 . . . 3 S7'i 9 US . . . 3 87V4
5 202 . . . 3S7H 6 250 . . . 3 S7J4
G KG . . . 3 S7VJ 3 200 . . . 3 87ii
1 210 . . . 390
8IHJKI' Arrivals were larse , twenty-two fresh
loud * beltiR counted In the yards. There were
more sheep and fewer lambs today , imd the
iverairc quality was aulte desirable. The market
n reasonably ncthe and the mo t of the arrl-
ttln met with ready sale nt Jut about steady
jrlce * . Tl.ere were n few lamb * Rood enough
o bring $3.S3 , Representative sales :
. o. Av. 1'r.
27 western lambs , fe"ders 61 13 5- )
1 western wether ISO 3 . < 0
91 western ewes 112 390
150 western wethers < > .12 ! 4 i >
Ss western wethers 122 12. ,
181 xvcutern wethers 120 4 2j
[ 51 western ycarllnKs ? 1 ) j ?
western lambs , feeders K7 4 S. ,
23 Mexican lambs $ S 6 2j
127 Mexican lambs W 5 Jj
Ill Cuttle , llnu , nml Sheen
'Itulrn ' Fairly Active.
CHICAGO , Mnrch 4.-Trade In cattle was fairly ,
active for so Into In the week , prices rullnfi un
hanged. Common lots were steady nnil Rood to
holco cattle were stron nt the Into nilvnnec.
Three carloads of strictly prim * beeves Fold for
' 033.83. Kroni that figure sales were made
low n to J3.83 for the poorest , the bulk of the
iltetlnBS fetching JI.33'j5.1S. | Feeders were na
ilBh as ever , selling chlelly ut J4.001f4.50 , with a
uw selected ns high ns 11.70. Canning cows wild
hlelly at J2.5003.0fl and fat co s anl helfeiB
% eru active at high prices. Hulls were steady ,
ml calves were plentlcr nnd lower. Choice fed
Texan steers sold nt J4.73.
Trade In hogs wn fairly active nt yesterday's
atp decline. Sales were at an extreme raiiRB of
! 3.S3Q4.15 for common to prime droves of hogs ,
lie Kreater part going for J4.tWI.10 , nml pies
selling chlelly nt J3.5 fl3. 0.
Trade In sheep nnd lambs was fairly active nt
Inn prlcea. Lambs cold nt JI.23J/3.55 , sheep nl
3.00I4.GO and yearlings at J4.5WJ.OO. Handy
Ight Bheep usually sold thu best and lin-pound
sheep sold for export at J4.33. Sheep sold largely
it J4.23ff4.50 and lambs vhlelly at J3.20ff3.53 , feed-
rs bringing I5.13it5.23.
St. Louis Live Stock ,
ST. LOUIS. March 4. CATTLK UrcMpts , 2.100
lead , Including 1,04) Texans ; HhliimcniM , 1,300
lead ; market' ( steady ; fair to fancy native shlp-
ilng and export Fleers. J4.30 73.60 ; bulk of sale * ,
: l , ! > ir3.30 : dressed beef unil butcher steers , J4.00
ji.OO ; hulk of sales , J4.304 4.HBteirs ) ; under 1,000
bs. , $3.DOy4.Co ; bulk of sales , J3.73Wi.-IOj stock-
era and feeders , J3.0 f 4.T5 ; hulk of sales , J3.70if
4.40 ; cows and heifers , fS.OOKl.W ; Texan and
Indian xteers. J3.4084.40. with some fine Block at
! 4.fill hulk of sales , 13.7301.33 ; cows and hclfew ,
HOtlrt Hecclpln , C.100 head ; shipments , 3.COO ; market steady ; yorkers , J3.kOfll.10i pack-
en < , $ .l.s.-fl.o-i ( liutchers' . Tl."tfil.03. )
SIIIJEP IlecelpU , SOO head ; ahliuncnts , none ;
mailtft steady ; native muttonx , M.Wi 4.CU ; lamb * ,
13.00 3J3.DO.
\ew Hrlennn l.lvo Stoek.
NKW OHMANS. Marcli 4. noa I'lioDi'crw '
Quiet and steady ; porlt. standard 'iness ' , } 10.7Si >
11.W. Lard , refilled tierce , J3.73ff4.00 ; pure lard ,
l3.23fl3.2Vi. Hexed meats , dry salt shoulders ,
JS.lS'.iflS.aj ; nlH , J. > .7ufTj.87'i. llacon , clear rib
sides. JG.37V&gG.60. Hams , choice RUcar cured ,
COl-'FBK Rio. ordinary to fair , 7'SSOo. '
niCE l-'lrm ; ordinary to itood , 3Hi4c.
Hour , extra fancy , JI.COiJl.70 ) ; patents , J3.UOS0.07.
COllN'JI BAIj Sl.GJQ 1.70.
HIIAN 72c.
HAY Prime. ll.fiO13. ) i cliolce , 14.00tei4.M.
COUN Mo. 2 sacked white , mixed and yellow ,
37B37V4L' .
OATd No. 2 sacked western. 32c.
New York Live Stock.
NRW YORK , March 4. 11ERVRS Tlccclpts ,
3,598 head ; on sale , 34 cars ; market n little quli
and steady ; yard about clearetl ; native steers ,
J4.40fl3.19 pen 100 pounds ; stags and oxen , J4.209
4.40 ; dry cows , J2.40i3.80. Kuroiwan cables nuote
American steers nt 10JrlOV4d , dressed welKht ; re-
frluerator beef at SifSiid per pound. No ex
ports today.
CAIW12S Ilecelpts , 90 head ; on sale. 67 head ;
actlvt > And nrm und all sold ; veals , Jj.OOffS.12V'
per 100 Ibs.
SHKKI * AND LAMDS Heceipts , 4,870 head ; on
sale , 19 cars , or 3,100 head ; slow and ellKhtly
easier all around ; about 700 head unsold ; nhojp ,
I3.50SJ4.Sper 100 Ibs. ; lambs. J3.50@5.GO.
HOOS Heceipts , 3,401 head ; slow und lower ;
4.20fli4.40 per 100 Iba.
InillniiniiollM Mve StocU.
1,1M head ; shipments , COO iliead ; market dull and
salw ; good to prime steers , J4.DOif5.23 ; fair tn
medium steers , J4.GOif4.ftO ; common to gnoJ
stockerM , J3.003.75.
HOO3 HecclptB , 0,000 head ; BhlpmentR. 2.000
head ; market moderately active ; good to choice
medium nnd heavy. J4,03fill.lO : mlxeil and
heavy , Jl.0034.03 ; gx > od to choice llghtii , J4. > 9
1.03.SHEBP IlecelplB , 10) ; shipments. 2.0iV >
heart ; market steady ? Rood to choice lamb * . J0.2.'i
W5.K ; common to medium lambs , 13.7W3.01 ;
KOCHtn choice aheep , J3.K@1.33 ; common fhecp ,
[ i.2CS'3.00.
Loulnvlllc I.lve Slock.
LOUISVILLE. March 4. CATTLE Receipts , '
150 head ; market slow , dull and unchanged.
HOQS Ilecelpts , 2.K04 head ; market about
steady ; ISO pounds and up , Jl.00ff4.05 ; mediums ,
{ 4.00 ; Unlit shippers , 53.70tf3.8J , and IB ! , JI.SOOi
J.I.C. .
SlinRP AND LA-MnS-Ileeelpts , M head ; mar
ket steady and unchanged ; itood to extra ship
ping sheep , J3.50 } ( 3.75 ; fair to Rood Klieep , JJ.Ortft !
3.25 ; common tn medium , J2.n 9i.r,0 ; extra ship
ping lambs. J4.75iff3.00 : fair to iood lambs , Jl.ISfJ
4.75 ; best butchers , J4OOQI,50 ; fair to good butch-
erf , 13.5004.00.
Knnt IliitTnlo Live Stock.
About steady to firm for all kinds.
Iioas Fairly active ; ynrkers , good to choice ,
Jl.20f4.23 ; rouffh * * , common to choice , t3. & ®
3.75 ; plKS , common to choice , J4.00fj 4.10.
LAMI1S flmlce to extra , J3.733.S3 ; culls to
common. J3.OOSf5.23.
SHERP Choice to selected wethers , J4.C00
4.75 ; culls to common , J3.lMfl.00.
Cincinnati Live Stock.
CINCINNATI , March 4. IIOOS Active at $3.33
UATTLT3 Strong at J2.50fpl.73.
SHKKI' Firm at J3.00i34.73 ; Iambi , strong at
Stock In
Record of receipts of live stock at the four
principal market * for March 4 :
Cattle. linns. Sheep.
Omaha 1.823 G.r.43 5.215
Chicago 4,000 2l5,0fli ) 7.000
Kansas City 4,000 9.000 3.0H )
St. Louis i. . 2,100 G.100 800
Totals 11.9U 47.GI5 23,245
Knnsinii < Jlt > - Live Stock.
KANSAS CITY. March 4 , CATTLE Receipts.
4 , < X)0 ) head : market steady to strong ; Texas
Kteers" , J3.50iI4.50 ; Texas cows , J2.33WI.C5 ; native
steers , J3.MKT4.33 ; native cows and heifers , J3.W
CT4.10 ; stockers and feeders , J3.35ij5.40 ; bulls ,
"lIO < ! SRecclnts. . 9.000 head : market sllBhtlv
lower ; bulk of sales. J3.7533.95 ; heavies ,
TEU5lfHNK 10.3.
H. E. PENNEY & CO , ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Office. 1238 N Si Lincoln. N b.
Telephone 1039 , Oiunlm , Nub
Dlrert wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
Wearc Commission Go
Members Chicago Board of Trade xlnco 1S6 < .
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicited.
Oiunlm onice , Ilaom 1 , N , Y. Life lllilir.
. . . .Tluuio Dili. . . ,
FLOYD J. CAJiriir.L7. .
f. C. CHRISTIE , E. : . BTREBT ,
Prcildent. Vice I'reildent.
Clifisiie-Stfeet Commission Cos
Capital , JSO.OOO.UU. FullI'd 111.
Ill Iliinrd of Triido HullUliiir.
4.05 : psckcrs. | J.7i.tSi nilicJ , JJ.7031M ; TorMk
ers , ti.tQVt.toi | ilg , W.tMfSC. ) .
SHKKT Receipts. J.'X * ) hend ! market
lamb * , l4.JOQJ.4Vi nnittons , 1X4 91.4) .
IJOSTON , March 4.-The Iloiton Commfrclil
tmllettn will say tomorrow : The market con *
ttnum nultt nml unchanired. The greater relt
live demand continues to tx ( or Ohio , Michigan
ntid Indiana medium washed wools nt Kutto.
The supply of thr c wools In not much de *
t > lrted , Kuropenn markets are very utronc and
nn ndvancv In expected nt the cnmlnic london
Auctions on Murcfi 15. At the IjOiMon sheep *
skins snles yisterdny an ndxnnre of 1'ic wa >
estntillohed In fine \YOOJI. | The tnles of the wren
arc 1,574.90 ll > s. domettlo nnd 49HX ( ) lt > . fir-
elgn , nRUlnit lSC4OOi ) lt . domestic nnd 7JI.709
Ibs , forelen lam week nnd 4 , 191 , Oft ) His. domestla
nnd J.STS.SOO Ilis. forclun for the snme week last
ye r. The sales to dnte show n devrense of I7 ,
VU.DOO Ilis. domestic ami ISsOOI.SOO ll > s , forelK
from the sales to the same Oate In 155 ! . The re *
celptn to date show a decrease of 1SW3 ( baln4
domestic and 44,091 tulle * forelRii ,
lllilc MnrU * t ltvl - v.
CiHICAOtl. Mnrch I. The tlnoo and I.entli p
Review tomorrow will say : The pucker hid *
market Is rather dull ItiU week but the piickera
see mi reason for louerlns their iiuotatlon * .
March hides are the | n > ere t of the your , It I *
true , but the stocks nre smiill and It Is hellcvctt
nil the tildes will be wanted. The wnr orara
had a temporary effort upon leather nnd hide * .
but It the trouble blows over the normal de
mand will be lemmed. nnd if war Is ileclnretl
a tremendous drmnml for tilt Kinds ot leather
will result. The parkers , theirfote , sec that
walling policy Is ln'M.
fotloir Hi-
NK\V YORK. Match -The following
arc t'.ic total net receipt * of cot
ton at nil ports since KepU'mber ll
( lulvcftton , l,7lil,13 ! bales ; Ne\v Urlcuns , 2.-
2S3'iiS ' Iviles ; Mobile. 3O.C2ii bales ; Savannah , 1.-
065,010 bales : CharlrMon. 41S.SCS trf > le-i Wllmlnir-
ton , J\,12S ) Imles ; Norfolk , H04I31 bales : llnlll-
more , W.'JS ? bales ; New York , 1W.OI7 nMcs ; lloa-
ton. IS-VXiO bales ; Newport News , S.73S bales ;
Philadelphia. C4,0 ! > Imles : llrunsw U'k. 19 .0
bales ; IMrt Arthur , ! > , ! > . ,0 bale1'ciifacola ; , 93.HI
bates ; Port Roynl , M.tM bates ; total , 1U0.2:0
XIMV York Dry ( loiiiU
NKYORIC. . March -The loenl ilry
trada was dull , There arc many buyer * n'll
uiH-rntliiK In the Jobbing inntket. but the fl in
trndlmj still cimtlnur.i llRht. 1'rli-es show fully
us much firmness In some lines ns eniljIn ' ' !
week. The quotations In nil Rrnilm nf s'ii' |
cotumi arc unchanged. 1'ilnt clctbs nre fill
quoted at 2 3-lCc. 1'rlnls nre Kenerally fully
Cnllfulii Drli-il Ki'iiltH.
I'lUUTS Kvapornled iipiilps , common , M'.V ;
rhm > wlin liny , svMikV ; wood dried , prim * .
WffSSc ; choice , SliO-'c ; fancy. fl'.Hnw : nyp'i ' i.
steady ; other fruits , quiet ; prune" , S'i
rlcota , Royal , 6'jSiT7i3 : Moor Park ,
peaclirn , unpecleil , "ifll'c ' : iveled , 12iflCc.
Loiiitoii SnlfH of
LONDON. March 4. An auction -ali > of ll . -
1W Cape ot Rood Hope nnd Nntal sheepsk'na
WIIH held here today. Competition wns spirited
nnd the entire lot was Hold , The quality wns
Indifferent. The pi lees 'u-nllzcd nvcriiK'M a l'af !
penny dearer , owlnu t" the small stocks. The
next sales will be lield on April 21 ,
NH\V OULKANS , March 4.-StIOAU- ) :
open kettle , iyKf3 , 3-10c : centrifugal tirnnulated ,
4 ll-16itlic : whites. 4iiS4',4kyellows ; , IViSNVii" !
hi'cnmls , 2 > 1j3 l."i-16c.
MOLAHSISS HtroiiB ; centrifugal , Sflllc.
LONDON , March 4 , SUOAR-CenlrlfUKal. 10
fMtfr Clodi Mnrkct.
MANCIIUSTKR , March 4. Cloths nnd yams
quiet nnd steady.
Prims ry , Secondary or Tertluy BLOOD
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can bt treated at bora * ( or uui
price und r same guaranty. If you pnfcr
to come here we will contract to p y rail *
road fare and hottl bill * , anil no chax
U w fall to cur * .
taken roerourr , lodld * potash and ( till
have ache * and pain * , Muoou * Patchn In
mouth. Bora Throat , Plmplri , Copper Col.
ortd Spot * , Ulcer * on any part of th *
body , Hair or Eyebrows falling out. It n
thl * Secondary
We Guarantee to Cure
W * solicit the must obitinat * cue * and
challenge the world for a case we cannot
cur * . This disease ha * always baffled the
kill of the mod eminent physlclani.
$300.000 capital behind our unconditional
guaranty. Absolute proof * rnt * elcd
on application. 100 page book cent frn.
Address COOK HEM ED Y CO. , 14O1
Muionlo Tciniilr , Clilcnoro , 111 ,
Inst Hute
In the treatment of all
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases.
Catarrh , all Dlicates of/the Noie , T.iroat , Cheil ,
Stomach , Liver , JJlood , ' .Skin und Kidney Dl
catei , Lost Manhood , Hydrocolo , Verlcoole ,
Gonorrhea , Olcolc , SyplilIU. Stricture. I'lUs , l l .
tula and Itectal Ulcers Diabetes llilght't DIM
ase cured. Cull on or iiddrrss with stamp ful
Frto Book and New Methods.
Treatment by Mall , ( 'oiintiltntlon free.
Omaba Medical and Suriiical Instituta
Jlocm I. 117H < Cth St. . Omaba , N U
Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment
ia the orin'mnl nnd only FRENCH ,
Bnfo anil rollablo euro on the mar.
kct. Price. $1.00 ; eon t. by mail.
Genaino Bo-l ) only by
Myer Dillon Drnif Co , ti , 1 ! . Conic *
141th anil Fn run in Six. , Onialiu , Xrli.
1 / . / , AVrt-ou * JiljHiagef 1'clllnu Men *
1 prr , Impotencjr RIoeplvuDOog , etc. . cnutuj . .
i .r
by Abuto or i other Kivntun nncl Indlv
cjetlonn . 'fheu aulcklu ami turtlii
ro Lost Vltalltr In old or
m n man for Btud > , "booia VcV nariiannt
1'rrTsnt linanlt/ and Congumptlon it
i J1 . * ' * ' . . ! ! ? . " ' < ! ws Injtnodlato fmtroTa.
id vffocta a CU11F ; nhora all other fall In.
ilit upon bavlnu t'jo conulno AliM
. . . . . . . . . Ttiiloti. . . . . TLcy _ _ _
have cured thounnnds and will cnra rou. Wu rl n roi
Itlro written Eunrsntm to ellMtururii CftflfO In
eachocieor refund tha en oney. I'rloo CU U I Oitvr
" ' '
Iful ll tr
" ' aic.iji > , 111.
For * ale In Omaha Ojr Jainn Poriyth , 202 H
Kuim * 'Oo. . Ulh and Uouvla > Street * .
W will Heud lou u trial libittiafiiit
of th Krenclillnuip4r CALTHO8
rrre. dtu C' . O. II. i uii-I n
leznl Kuurautew that Citr.'JDHr.lll
H'l'OI * DUchnrffc * mid Kmlifluns
CllltK Vprrniniurrlif-it. Vnrlcui-t-lc ,
t \ lj l .
It cocts you nothing to try It
Veil MnhlCo , 08ll > K l lmrr.i ( l.(1itlit ! . > IIJ ) .
. ' . Knrll.h Diamond llrand.
ktetilli \
'x.iti ' , fiU J ltbtiD ri Un. TttLti
iio other. Jtffutt ttanatfout * ulifiu <
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ID uiiir' * fur i > rtlctjl n , i"tlnioijUU tai
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Irrltmllca * or ulctrttliLl
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