10 THE OMAHA DAILY. IJltEr SATURDAY , MAttCIt 5 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES . , * - - - - ' * ? S - _ - _ - - - _ - - _ " - * rT2 J V- AilvvrlNrmciitH for lln-ic column * Will be taken until IV ! in. lortlio evoBtoic and until S ! ' < " Ior 1Ile tnnrnlnK " > < 1 Stintlnjcilltlonn. . AdverllMurn , l y re.iie llnir a mini- bcrea check , cnn hnve auimrrii < > - dree < l to a. ntimlierrrt lellcr In cure of The Her. AnHtrem .o ncldre eU of T II1 tor delivered on prc cnlntlon the check 41 nl- . Ilatci , 1 1-Se a word r t Inwcrtloni Ju n tvor.l therenftcr. Notliln * token for lc * > Ihnn 2re for the tlr t ln cr tlon. Tlime dvertl cuic t ina t ran conm-oullvcly. VVA.Vl'EU SITUATIONS. iY TWO FIRST CLASH GIRL3-AS FIRST end Rpcoml Blrl-olo o by. Host "ferencts. ' t' H 41 , lice. A-MJ1 WANTED , WOltK IY ) NEWSPAPER WOMAN and compOHllor. II 47 , c r Ilee. A-MC03 3' WANTED MALE HELP. CANVASSERS TO TAKE OllDERS ; NEW LLNE of work ; no heavy goods to carry ! Balaiy or commission. C. K. Adam. Co. , C2I So. t. BALr-flMAN POR CIOAUS. 112 ; A MONTH AND - expenses. otJ llrm : experience unncccfsnry ; In iluci-inonts tu customers. C. C. Itlsnoj ) oco. . , Et. Lou I a. Aontn5ND unANCH MANAGERS ; S und commission. Hunter Tailoring & smrt Co . Cincinnati , O. j : MiOS-Aprll 1C- WESTEHN GRAMOPHONE co. . > wants Nebraska repre ; it4ll\c , RlulTi , la. , . , to make ' weeKiy. reliable , energetic men No peddling. Write quick. 1I-M268 M22 ovERNMMNT POSITIONS : DON'T PHI. ! Ann for tin- railway mail or ottier civil ' ' "I ' ' * nmlnatlon without fodng our Illustrated Cata- . Information Nont free , loluiniiinn I.ciuof ; Conespondcnco college , Wnshlr-Kton. D < WANTED , SALOMES' . IST SALARY , isntf Farnam St. , room 3. " _ _ FIIIST CLASS SALESMAN WANTED. Lubrlr.il ng Oils , Grew * un.l Upoctaltles. Uirj . t line on Hie market. , Salary ' " - mission. iciult ble nollnlns Co. , Cleveland. O. II JluH i TO OP- WANTED. OOOD INDUSTRIOUS MEN irate the Optlgraph Movlnff llctu.e mach ne , the Klondllto Illustrated entertainment outfit * nnd the Orapliophono Tulklnt ? mach nes , show them to the public , ind look after the ndvcr- tl.lni ? : no sollcltlnB i.nd no ptovlous eNP ' n . employment , good work , Bte.nly nec ( ary : eacy nddrcsa Sears , Roebucic pay : for full Iartlculars A Co. ( Inc. ) . Chicago , 1U _ iiZ ± ± ? j ! _ \vT\NTEDrSALr.kMnN TO SELL CIGARS TO \ \ 1 ho dealers : J73 OD per mo. nnd expends paid Consolidated Cigar Co. . MlnntalollJMIi"S | > . ; _ ( ; 7. ilANACir.R TO TAKE CHAIUJi : OF EXHIBIT at the TninSilwlwlppI Uxp iltl..n : must have the l.ual- capital and tnkn an Interest In Bonn . shlng of- now PP S ; eastnrn corpninllmi pjtal.1 In Iho est. Address II 41 , 'f . P , wlvNTKD.C.r.NTS TO K I > L fiend-it limit Cul..i Bonk : all al ut Ui M , Spain and war ; grt-it excitement : < = ver > ono bjys It. one nwnt sold 87 In onlay ; nn ' tniidci $11 In one Imur ; COO piges : maKntnwnt llltiFtMtlnnt. photoninphH. etc ; 1 < V I'f' ' ' ,7' cininnte. . the most liberal terms ; frelBht pild : 21 .lays' . credit ! outfit fr ; wnd 6 Z-w"- i.tnmpii to pay po tn p. Tlicr Bible HOUSP. 32) . . ) 8' B-M..IV . - Dearlmn 5lrct. . ChlcnKO. _ wIvNTiJi > rTiiiiin : onon MEN IN OMAHA and n fr-w In other parts of the state tn i tatp orders fur our mad" tc > ord-r m-n s milts at SI SO to 115 ; Rood pav nnd ptondy work to the right mi'ti : no experience nec < 's ary. Addr"ss Aiwilonli Woolen Mllln Co. , 0 , OOOrTpAFARY DURING EXPOSITION , AND rmnl nnd rimml > lon now. for competent lintpl man at PnriLtoga. 2Hh and Amf.i a\enue. Anply * - * . . , . . Ji- g p. m. _ _ _ IvTTIlNTIjn AND UNI'ATKN'TED 1NVKN- llon , hoiitrht nnd sold. C. A. Una" tt"11 ' lilil . , St. I > 5Ul , It " " WANTED. (500D "cHiNEIIAL HLArKMMITH : must be wood on plow work. .Addrp-s 'vil * ! Htanip and reference Wm. Schucler. W-PtPrn. IJ-MM7 6 \VASTEI1 VKM.M.E HKI-P. . FOH ALL KINDS OF WO11K : J3 TO J7 neek. Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglas 1 WANTED. COMPETENT GIHRL. WITH REF- ercnces , for second work. 1120 Park avc.C . C 548 LADIES TO DO LIGHT WOKIC AT HOME. Apply 118 No. IStlli St. C M380 5 WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL POR OEV- erln hoilHowork. Mra. Warren Svvltzler. 2001 St. Mary's ave. C-MIM WANTED ENERGETIC WOMAN TO TRAVEL on stlarj' to get agents for superior line at gwda. Corset & Shirt Works , Ann Arhor , Mich. c FOH RENT HOUSES. CHOICE HOUSES & COTTAGES ALL OVER city , J3 to 75. Fidelity , let Hour N. Y. Life. jioU8I'sT"WAIAACB ! , 13ROWN HLOCK. 16TH nnd Douglas. II < a _ LARGE LIST. M'CAOUE , 15TII AND DODOE. D 454 HOUSES , FLATS. OARVIN BROS. , 1613 FAR'M D 455 HOUSHS. J , H. SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y. LIFE. D 43C iToUPErt IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1505 Farnam. D 457 HOUSES. I1ENEWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. D 453 ilOUSES , STORES. I1EMIS , PAXTON RlCK D-459 FOR RENT. NINE-ROOM HOUSE ; CON- venlent. modern , homelike : best lesldenep dis trict ; few minute * ' wnllc from poitolllce ; birn If deslreJ. Inquire COO N , Y. Life tiulldlnir. D-460 _ " " NKW rOTTAOE , MONTHLY "PAYMENTS "To" IJeo HldR. D M331 IN EAST OMAHA SEVERAL HUNDRED acre * of land , pultable for Harden and fnrm purpose * . Ale feveral rdeapant coltai ? ' " . with city water and convenient to car line. Inquire at residence of 1 * S. Hnlncs , 21st St. and Loui t Ave. , Kast Omnha. D 7S7 AN lltWIANT MODERN NINE-ROOM TRICK d elllne , 503 Routh ! Sth. JSO. An elepant modern f-room hrlok dwelllnjr.1011 Patk Avc. . S. Apply W. D. Melkle. 1st Nat Hank bldg. D-M9 0 _ BKTACHED MODERN 12-ROOM , ALPO 9-ROOM honne ; keys at ! 34 < Cap. Ave. Tel. B73. Tl H. rtoulson. D M42J FOR RENT. RPLENDID HOUSE AND RARN with larpo grounds ; conveniently lf > cM M , JoJm W , Robblns , Agent , 1602 Farnam St. D M383 8 MOVINf. HOUSEHOLD Or > OD < < AND J'lANfyT Om. Van ft StoraBe Co. . 151U4 Farnam. Tel. 1559 D MS21 : r > T-ROOM st , Address , wltili reference. H 43. Be * . D MCin f . ( OR RENT , 10-ROOM HOUSE RARN , ON 19lh , near flracc , $3S. J. W. Vlnton , rnnm 4 Patterson Illk. D JJ6C3 t' ron ROOMS , RENT NEWLY FtJUNISIIED ROOMS sonable prkes. 2IS1 Dodce. E 461 wT'IUVAT E FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1010 Dcdge. E MJ33 MH THE INFORMATION HUHEAU , 1S19 FARNAM E M418 M" . _ TWO FRONT ROOMS FOR OENTLEMEN. 41 N. 17th St. E-MS52 5 _ MODERN SOUTH ROOMS. JJ.OO WEEK AND up. 81 < N. 19th. E Mys 7 * ROOMS Sl'ITAIlLE FOH YOUNG MEN. S24 H Mlh St. E-5S3 5 ROOMS. WO HARNEY ST. E-MSM 17 ST11VM-HM\TEP. VIAT ONE Davlilgo building. Eluhteenth and Harnsv. iMiiixismn : IIOOMS AMD HOARD. TUB MERRIAM. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HO tel , Mth and Dodge Hts. F 402 HANDSOME PARI/JRS. EN BUITR. SMALLE ? rooms , Kood board. The Itwte , 2029 Ilurney. | F-M973 ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS. STEAM HEATED lint clans board. 1903 Capitol ave. F S71-tnS FIRST-CUVBS ROOM AND HOARD. ITS : Dodge , F-w : MH FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. MI Uounlas. F-MS03 7 ONE OR TWO VERY PESIRAHLF rooms with board In urlv t family. Addre * * "vu'j' ' ' urcia - \ Kt'it.vmiun IIOOMS AXD HOARD. ( Continued. ) HANDSOME U11(113 PRONT ROOMS. WITH board , references. H N 18th. F--MHJ 5 T'OII HRVr t .VKUtXtSUKt ! ItOOMN. tTNFt'HNISHKD fHAMDERS POR HOUSEkeeping - keeping , man and wltr , water-In klt'hen ; Meet sink , -.ruMe pipe. 513 N , 17th , U-12 ! " TAROE UNFURNISHED PARLou7 torn la. FOII iinvr sToiiK.s A > n OKKICUS. 'OR RENT IN THE DEE UUILDINGi Ono large corner room , 2d floor , with vault and private office , water , etc. Ono large front room , M floor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One Urge corner room , tJ floor , with vault , water , etc. One front loom , dlxldcd by partition , 3d floor. ) ne corner room , with vault , 3d floor. One large mom , 3d Door , with partition dividing It Into one laiKf room and tuo smaller prl\at > : rooms ; \\nter , etc. Two large ground floor rooms fronting 17th St. , with vault. Several small rooms on 4th floor , with vaults. Ml these roomi tire heated with strain , electric lights , supplied with Hr. t-cUtF janitor service. Elevator * run day nnd nil nlnlit ; building strictly llreprcof. Apply to Superintendent. Roum 104 , Ilee building. l-15i > OTt RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR office , Ilee building ; water , ste.un beat , electric light and Janitor ten Ice. Apply to Superin tendent. Ilee building. 1-107 OR RKNT-THE 4-STORY PRICK I1UILDING at 910 Parnam St. Thin building has a fireproof cement bavment ; water on all floors ; gas , etc. Apply at the office of The lice. I 910 AV.t.M'KI ) . AOIJNTS MAKING $40 TO SSO A WEEK. Greatest agents' i > Iler c\en Invented. Roth canvassing nnd gttveral agents needed. Full particulars by mall. Monroe Mfg. Co , X 10 , L.i Crosse , WIs. J-MC04 6 WAXTKI1 TO HiXT. WANTED , ROOM AND HOARD IN PRIVATE family , < ntrally located , convenient to So. Omaha car line ; inferences wanted. Addres * H CO , Rec. K MG11 & STOII.U1R. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE c57 03-910 Jonca , general storage und forwarding , M-4G3 OM , VAN & STORAGE , 15HVJ FARN'M , TEL IVtt M-4'il ' FOR SALIC FUHMTUHti. SECOND-HAND STEEL HOTEL RANGES "OF all kind ? , cheap. 1207 rarnam. O M914 M12 FOR SALE HORSES , \VACOXS , KTC. HORSES , LANDAUS. HEARSES. FAMILY cairliE s , burgles , pole and tingle harness : work harness etc. , at Palace Ftable * * , 17th and Duvvnpart SU. 1' jOl 0 ELEGANT CARRIAGE , PHEATON AND FAM- lly hor.se ; will sell nt a biagiln. Call at Na tional Clothing Co. , corner llth nnd Pougl-n St. P-uSB FARM HOUSES Port SALE. APPLY PAPIFIf Express Co. , Omaha , Neb. P MOM 11 FOR SAI/K MISOELI.AXnoiIS. FINE WHITE SAWDUST FOR FLOORS , ETC1. ; coartc for Ice , at JiW per ton ! . Tel , 458. SOI Douglas. Q 403 * HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , all standard make" , on hand ; grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt service. A. 1 > Undelard. Q-MS7G PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS FOR SET- tlnc ; ( too ; roosters , Jl.OO. 932 North 20th.C19SS C1-9SS SEID SWEET POTATOES. $ i.r.o PER IIIIL ThcoJoie Williams , D7th and Military Ave. , Omaha , Neb. Q M.'bC Mjj7 * FOR SALE. THOROUOmtRED REGISTElTl D Holsteln cow ; tine milker : BKO | som" thoroitgh- bred white liramih and Rrown Leghorn chick- und. 42d and Hamilton , Walnut Hill. CJ-1P.52 3 FOR SALE , COWS , COWS , CARLOAD FRESH cows nnd springers. Call afternoon , yard. 2'ith nnd Hurt ti. Q-534 M4' NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. J100. ED n Tlbba. Craig , Neb. Q-M"0 6 NOAH PERRY , .lOHHKIt AND WHOLESALE dealer In newer pipe and stoneware.1477 Dodge street , Omaha Neb. Telephone SOO. Q-M5G7 A2 FOR SALT : . NEW RIIGOY AND CART , in- oiiIro at M : S. 10th street. South Omaha. Q M5t > 2 5 FOR RALE 1,000 POORS & WINDOWS : ALSO lumber , cheap. J. Rucl , 231 Cth street , Chicago. Q-MO-fl' CHICIvEN. HOG AND LAWN FKNfES ; ALL wire ; la best. Wire Works , 14th and Hairier. Q-3W FOR SALE-ONE OF TIII3 RF.ST DAIRIES IN the cltv. Oonulne bargain. Inquire J , I. Kemp Feed Co. . 27th and Leavenworth , Q-S99 FOR SALE , II DO7.EN PAIR HEAVY MINERS' shoes at manufacturer's tost. Omaha Shoe Factory , 41st and Hamilton St. Q MC02 6 CIJ URVOYAKTS. DR. A. WHEELER , PALMIST AND AST ° CO- oger , room , Crelghton blk. S-M199 M19 MASSAGE , H.VTIIS , ETC. MADAME SMITH , 118 N. 15TH ST. . STEAM nnl alcohol baths. T M40C MC REE 11UILDINO SANITARIUM ; SCIENTIFIC massage , Swedish movements , electric treat ment and medical baths ; graduated masseuse for ladles. Dr. C. W. Malmqulct , Mgr. , rooms 101-110 Ilee Uulldlng. T M8S5 JA1V LAURA ELLISON , CROUNSE ULOCK , 119 N ICth , room 13 , upstairs ; bath aim massage. T M447 M5 MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-MW M0 MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND 11ATHS. 1C21W Howard street. T M19SM6 * PERSOVAI VIAVI TOR UTERINE TROUPLES. 3IG-8 REE Uldsr ; physician consultation or health book free U-466 CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND REpaired - paired : day or night ; dress sulli for hire Pantorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th and Parnam. Te ) 903. U-467 IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW HAUL dresser , Miss Hlanrho Cathcart , nnd her per fect method , we will give free massage wit ! cverv fare steam for the next two weeks. A K , M. Schadell & Co. U-M6S3 Mch5 , . . . , .S. HAVE YOUR HAIR DRESSED HE- torn going downtown nt tha halrdresslng parlors of Mine. G. Payne. 2303 Leavenworth St. : tel. ISM ; artistic , manicuringsuperlluoua hair and facial blemishes removed with elec tricity ; strictly private. U-M790 Mil * HORSES CLIPPED , SHORT NOTICE : ONLY nlectrlo clippers In city. Tel. CO. McCormac i Daunley. 14th & Howard. U 5M MRS. MAGGIE MOORE , THE OATKHESS. HAh moved , and those dejlrlnir her services plenst call or address 1712 S. 16th st. U MS43 5 * LRARN TO HYPNOTISE : YOU CAN SfAKF hours of fun , cure dltea e or bad habits , rauxe others to love and obey you ; quickest method success guaranteed ; lesson 10 cents. Prof , Herln , Pe otum , III. Uovvare of poor tnvltatlon Send for testimonials and press reports. I'-MftV. 5 MO\r.V TO I.O.IX REAL KSTATK. MONEY-TO UQAN .AT LOW RATEsl THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1 > W Farnam St. W 4Gt IJOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT\ property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Far'm - W-469 MONEY TO LOAN-ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan-Love Co. , 219 ti. IGth. W 470 s'pER CENT MONEY ON NER. FARMS & OMA ha property , W. H. Mtlkle , 1st Nal'l Hank llldg C PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln llros , 1613 Farnam St. W M473 W-473 WANTED. CHOICE FARM ANP CITY LOANS It. 0. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'I Hank Illdg. W 173 SM PER CENT MONEY. IIUUIS. PAXTON Hlk. J5CO LOAN WANTEP. 605 I1EE. W MONEY IvOANEP ON MPROVEP REAL EState - tate In Omaha , Council llbiffs A South Omaha , W. H. Thomas. hU First Nat'l Hank , Omahi. W-473 AT LOW RATES. ON FARMS & lilPROVEP city property. II. A. Wcsterold , 515 1st N'l Illc W-7S5 MS JlCOOOOftO SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON flrnt-cliuw Improved Omaha property , or for building purpose * . Fidelity Trust company. MOXKY 10.l.bAl . E.U , HHI'At'B. ( Continued. ) \NTlToNY I/JAN & TRUST CO. , Jl' N. Y. li" ! quick iti'nfy nt low rates for choice fnrm Hn.ls In Iowa , northern Mltsouil , eastern Nebraska , W 473 VANTKP APPLICATIONS FOR ? 3.0 > l.i ; 2 for J2.CO1 , nnd one for H.OUO. nnd smaller ono j fnrm security preferred. K. D. We.ul , K th nnd Douglnn. W 597-5 MO.VKY TO 1OAXCIIATTEI.S. 110 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOt'SEHOLD FPRNITTRE ANP PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONH AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , nt lowest rate * In Omaha , South Omaha and Council HHifffl. No removal of good * ! strictly confidential ; > oit can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE I/JAN CO. . 3u South 16th HI. THE OLDEST , LARflKST ANP ONLY INCOR PORATED IXAN COMPANY IN OMAHA.X478 X478 TO GET IN OR OUT OF IlfSINERM GO TO .1. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l ll.ink. Y 470 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH Omaha , wants man with large capital for pin ner ; business thoroughly established ; refer ences first-class. Dox 115 , Omaha. Y M322 POR SALE. MONOPOLY. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT In mdse. business for IC.COO. You can stop In large paying business In pastern Nebraska , Small expense , no opposition , guaranteed ; In vestigation solicited. Address H 30 , Omaha Hoc. Y M335 8 J. I. WATT , IIPILDER AND GENERAL .1OI1- blng. 2413 Emmet street. Y M337 A2 * MANl'PACTt'ltlNO OO. D11MRE3 MANAGER for branch olllce , control sale of specialty In universal demand , Jl.Wio fnth required. We will carry accounts of dealers sold throughout the tate. Guarantee salary , In fact form an equitable contract with good partv. O. C. St. Chilr , Union Trust Uulldlng , St. louK Mo. Y MCOG C FOR H.YCHAXfiE. GOOD , WELL IMPROVED FARM , NORTHeastern - eastern Nebraska , for hardware stock. 33x140 , with two cottage * , vvlll lent for & 2.50 ; cle.ir ; for Improved aero property. ino ncres Improved Kansas fnrm ; small encum brance , for Omaha city or suburban property ; Improved , or npro property , near oounlry town , George G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Ilrowu IJIock. 7. 533 5 FINE PARLOR GRANDE PIANO TOR LOT , house or land. Address H 31. Ilee. K Mo 4" * 'OR SALE REAL ESTATE. KI1ONTJ5E PLACE HAROA1NS , J2r > 00. $3.7M TO ? G00. J , J. Gibbon , 514 First Nat. Hank lW ! ? , RE- ISO HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. L\NDS. I/DANS , al o fire Insurance , Ilonils , 1'axton blk. RE-4S2 _ 7-R. MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONT , choice location. G2 N. 40th ; cheap : easy lenns , HE S09-M11 KOLI/1WINO DF.SIRAIILE PROPERTY : 11US1- ncss lot corner. CflxlSO ft. , In So Omaha , imvfl. Huslni'sH lot , 00x150 feet , Improved , South Omnhn , Btr et paved. Tinct (24 ( lots ) , 36tb St. Tract (20 ( lots ) 10th St. For particulars apply 1012 I'ainam SI. RE-9CI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW , MODERN fi-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot. $ V cash , balance to Biilt. Address O B , r.ff. RE J FOR SALE. 2T ACRES LAND NEAR FLORence - once ; all cultivated ; W > trult trees : easy terms. The O. F. Davis Co. RE M503 C EIGHT LOTS IN SAUNDERS & HIMEHAfOH'S addition at JCOO cash ; to blocks from pav Ml street nnd motor ; on grade , A. P. Tukey. City halt. RE MRS YOU WILL MISS IT IF YOU DON'T PUT some money Into Omaha rent estate at present ; there are many bargains ; here ure some for peopl of small means : Good lot In Dundee Place. J230. Good lot In Omaha Heights. ! 50. Five acres , northwest. In city limits. $500. One acre , northwest. In city limits , J100. Nice little home on North 20th st. ( paving all paid ) . Jl.SOO. COxlSS , cor. 17th nnd Martha , small house , $1,000 Five building lots , Stevens riace , block from Sherman avenue car ; sewer tat paid , 1300. Modern , 10-room house , Poppleton Park , large barn , all convenience ? , $2,400. George G. Wallace , 312 J. J. IJrown Rlock. . . „ . RE.-532 5 12 ACRES RETWEEN FLORENCE AND FORT Omaha , $2,000 ; largo house nnd half lot. Omaha View. J7.V ) ; 6-room cottage and half lot , lth ! nnav L"nvenworth , $1V)0 ; 40 acres 0 miles N. W. P. O. . for J2.000. P. D. WraiU IGlh nnd Douglas. RE MV3 S FOR SALE , LARGE LOT , IMxlSS , WITH TWO cottages , near 12th nnd Center Sts , will go cheap If sold this week. F. D. Wend. If.lh and Douglas. RE VO 12 * GREAT SACRIFICE. BLOPK OF RESIDENCES lot 06x132 ; 4 blocks from High school. Ad dress H 34. Bee. RE-532 A1 SNAPS-4-.X6S FEET ON 18TH NEAR DODGE street , suitable for 2 brick houses , price $2.700 ; 66x132 feet with brick house , N. E. corner ! flth and Cumlnp streets , price $6,00. J. N. Frenzer , cpp. old P. O. RE MW4 FINE IRRIGATED LANDS WITH WATER right on 10 years' time at 6 per cent : a chance of n lifetime ; write for book describing land : In connection with this WP do a general real . 'state and loan bus. Wyoming Development Co. , 1G24 Capitol Ave. , Omaha , L. L. Johnson , agent. - RE M411 M27 SHORTHAND AXD TYPEWRITERS. AT OMAHA HUS.COLLEGE. 16TH & DOUGI.AS isn BOYLF.S' SCHOOL ONLY ONE IN OMAHA where court reporters nre teachers , 405-407 IW Rldtf. 481 I3ELLE FINLEY , 812 N. Y , LIFE. 701 M6 A. C. VAN SANT'fl SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and typewriting. 717 N. Y. Llfp. offers th fol lowing advantages ; Individual Instructions bv experienced teachers nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; litest textbooks ; touch sve- tpm of tjppvvrltlng If preferred ; premiums that keep up an Interest : participation In actual work , for whldi students receive cash pay ments , In some cases ) amounting to more than tuition ; money refunded for unexplred time. If studenl.s are not atl lled : free trial vvpek. Interested parties Invited to visit thp school nnd see Its facilities , methods , woik of Its students nnd class of students In attendance. 4S3- OMATIA SHORTHAND COLLEGE. TIOYP'S theater. M300 M24 * FIKAXCIAIi. SEVERAL SMALL FIRST CLASS MORT- Bagei drawing 7 nnd 9 per cent on Improved property. F. D. Wend , 1524 Douglas. M50t 3 LOST. ORANGE ANT > WHITE LUELIN SHEPARP dotf. J , M. Thurston , 2102 Fainam. Lnst-500 MUSIC. PETERSEN'S MUSIC SCHOOL : PIANO , VIO- lln. mandolin , guitar , either ; German method , MS Sheely block ; terms reasonable. 550 Apl * WAXTEI1 TO BORROW. WANTED , TO HARROW $ lrA ) , 3 TO 5 YKARS , on choice tnelde , well rented property , at 7 per cent , semi-annual ; no commUslon. Address F 17 , Ree , 487 FURXITURE PACIvEIl. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. , 4SS EXPOSITION FKOXTAfiES FOR 1IE > T. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION , llemts , Paxton Illk. 4S9 STEXOr.RAIMIEHS.- WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 12s4. 4'JO EMIM.OYMEXT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT RUREAU. 1417 FARNAM street. Rooms : and 3 , Tel. 1404. HZ TVPEWITEHS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4 00 PER MONTH. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , ! G2i Far- nam St. ; telephone , Us4. 191 I1RESSMAKIXG. DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 2J01 DAVENPORT 277 M22 HOTELS FOR RENT. BUILDING , SUITABLE FOR HOTEL ; SO room * and large stare room : central location. UernU , 1'axton Ulk. -SCO ' ' IIRICIC. , i 11 LOUISVILLE Umciv , CO. . II'D TRADE ; tel. WJ. . . - , " 140 MK I'AW.MIROKIMIS. . MAHOWITK I/JANS MONEY , 41S N ICTH FIXAXCIAI , . LII'K INSURANCE' POLICIES nOFTJHT FOR rash , Richard' ' Hcrifeld. 171 LaSallc Pt. . > "ht- catro. * Ml F2t MONEY I-OANtfP OS' LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icles or bought. K. 1' . Van Norman , Mlnne. apolK Minn. > M777 Mchll * FARMS FOR REXT. ONE 13-ACRE TRACT. WITH HOUSi : . A N P one 40-acro. Iwxh within 0 miles. F. D. ICth and Douglas. FICE XOT1CE. ( Should t'e read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur nt any time. ) ForulKn malls for the week emllitB March C. IWS , will ctcse ( PROMPTLY In all cii'es ) nt the general post olMce as fol lows : PAtlCKLS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier thun closing tlmo shown below , Trims-Atlnntlu .llnIN SATUTIDAY At 7 u. m. for FHANCE , S\VITZK11LANO. ITALY. SPAIN , PORT UGAL. Tl'IlKBY , KQYJT nnd HU1TISH INDIA , per s. H. La Hret-jgne * , vln Havre ( letters for oilier juris of Europe must be directed "per LT HretiiRiie" ) ; nt 8 n. m. for NKTHKULANPS illnjct , peta. . s. Rot terdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Rotterdam" ) ; at S n. m. for GENOA , per s. s. Saale ( letters must he directed "per Saalq" ) ; U 9 . in. ( supple mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) far Kt'HOPK , per s , s , Utnhrla , via Queonntovvn ; at 11 a , m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. ThltiRValla ( letters inupt be directed "per Thing- valla" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. flerm-in steamers sailing on Tuesdays take 1'rlt.ted Matter , etc. , for Get many , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc , for other parts of Eurrpe. Amer ican and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steHmcrs on ThursJays , nnd Cunnid , French ntV German steamers on Saturdajs take Printed Matter etc. , for all countries tor which they arc advertised to early mail. After the clcj'lng 01 tha Supplementary Trans- Atlant'c ' Malls named above , additional supple mentary malls are opened on the piers of the American , E.igllsh , French and German Eteam- ers , nnl remitn oucn until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing ' -T steamer. Mull.i for South uiiil Ct'iitrnl Aiitcrlun , Went Imllvii , Etc1 , FKIDAY-At * 7 p. m. for NASSAU. N. P. . per s. s. Miami , from Miami , Fla. SATURDAY At U:30 : n. m. for BRAZIL. per s. s. Wordsworth , \la I'ernambuco , Hahla and Rio Janeiro ( letters for Notth Hrazll and La Plata countries must be di rected "per Wordsworth" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary lO' O a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and CARTHAQENA , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "i or Altai" ) ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 100 : ! a. m. ) for PORT AU PRINCE and PETIT GOAVE , per s. s. Alps ; at 100 : ! a. in. for CAM- PEC1IE , CHIAPAS , TAHASCO and YU CATAN , per s. s. Yunuiil ( letters for other parts of'Mexlco und for Cuba must be directed "ppr Yumtirl" ) ; at 100 : n. m. for HAITI , per s t. Prlns Wlllcm V ( letters - tors for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , lirltlsh and Dutch Guiana must be di rected "per PrltiH Wlllem V" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for NORTH I5RAXIU per s. s. Paraense , via Para. Marnnham and Ccarn ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFQONDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; at 8:30 : p. in. for ST. PII3RRR-MIQUKLON , per steamer from Halifax. ' I SUNDAY At . * 7 p. m. for NASSAU , N. P. , per s. s. Mluml , from Miami , Fla. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax nnd thence by steamer/ close nt this otllc' daily nt 8:30 : p m. Malls for Miquclon , by rail to Ros- ton and the lee by steamer.'close nt this office dally at : " ' ) p. m. Malls forCuua close at this office dallyot 7:10 : o. m Vr forwarding by steameis inl'.lnsr ( Monacys ann Thursdays ) from Port Tampa , iFla. Malls for Mexico City , overland unle s specially addressed for de'patch by steamer , elore at this olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:10 p. to. "Registered moll closes at 6.CO p. m. previous day. TrniiH-Piiclflc Mnlln. Malls for Australia ( except Yv'esttAuBtralia ) , New Xealand , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per s. Aorangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after February ISth and up to March 3d nt 0:30 : p. m , Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s. s. Doric ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March CtS at 50 > p. m. Stalls for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March 6th at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Tacoma ( fromiTacoma ) , close here dally up to March * * Cth at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Aus tralia ) , which are forwarded via Europe , New Xeland , Hawaii , Fill and Samoan Islands , per a. s. Moana ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to March * * 18th at 7 a. m. , 11 a. m. and fi:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival nt New York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia1 ; . Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. s. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) close here dally up to March * 21st at 0:30 : p. m. Malls foe the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to March 25th at 6:30 : p. m. Trans-Paclfln malls arc forwarded to port of tail ing dally nnd the schedule of closing It ar ranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. "Registered mail closes atop ni prev lous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postoflice New York , N. Y. , February 23 , 1S9S. GOVISRXMEXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BULLS-U. S. INDIAN Service , Pine Rlilgo Agency. Pine Ridge. S. D. , February 11 , 189S. Sealed pro posals , Indorsed "Proposals for Bulls" and addressed to the Undersigned at Pine Ridge , Shannon county , S D. , will be re- ctlved at this agency unlll 1 o'clock p. m. of Saturday , March 12th , 189S , for furnishing and delivering at this agency not later than May 1 , 1S33. one hundred (100) ) bulls , full bloods , eligible to registry ; Polled Angus or Herefoid preferred ; not less thun two nor more than four years old ; free from b'e.m- Ifhes. straight and smooth ; to weigh not less than 1,000 pounds each and to average not less than 1,100 pounds. Bidders will state clearly In their blda the proposed prlco of each animal. All animals offered for delivery under any contract will bo sub ject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is re served to reject any and nil bids , or any part of any bid. If doomed for the best In terests of the government. Certlflod Checks Each bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of Ihe bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for at least flvo per cent of the amount of the. proposal , which checker or draft iwlll be fo'felted to the United States In ca e any bidder or bidders receiv ing an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good nnd sutllclent suretle.3 , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , Hld accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified check will not bo considered. For any ad ditional Information apply to Major W. II. Clapp , Acting , U. S. Indian Agent. XOTIOE TO COXTR.VCTORS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Nonth and South Park Colonnades on the Exposition grounds will be received until H o'clock ! Wednesday , March 9 , 1S9S. Plans nnd specifications can bo seen nt the department ; olllce , cornet13th und Spencer streets , or sets v.111 be furnished bidders at cost. The right Is reser\ed to reject any or all bids. F. P. KIRKENDALL , Mgr. Grds. and Hdlg. Dept. , Transmlssls- and International Exposition. RAILROADS. CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Rallroad-"The Great n , ° cJi , SIS } 2a " . . -ci.y _ _ _ _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul Ye tlbuled Express . , 4M ; pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln. Colo-ado Sp'gs. Puueblo , Denver and west I'M pm 4:25 : Dm Chicago. Des Molncs & Rock Island , . . . . Y.OOpm 8:15 : nm Atlantlo Exprets. for Des Molncs and east ern poinis. 7:20 : am 8:50 : rm Lincoln. Palrbury and Ilellevlllo 5 ; < 5 pro * * 10'40 am Dally Dally exceot Sunday. WARAail RAILROAD-TICKET of'I I in rarnam Street. Tele , phone " 2J. Depot. Tenth and Main hUTi-ta. Telcpono 123. \ . , " I eav . Arrlvo. Et. Lmli "Cannon Ball" Expresi 4M : pm llo : am RAILROADS. BURLLSOTOM * MISSOURI Itlver nnllroad "Th Hurling * ton HDUKI" General Offices , N. W. Curner Tenth ind Purnam Streets. Ticket Olllce. UOJ Kamain Street. Telephone J30 , Depot , Tenth and Mr on Strecli. Telephoni in. Leave. Arrlv * . Lincoln. Hatting * and McCook . . . . . 8:33 am : am Lincoln , Denver. Colorado rado , Utah , California , Jllack Illllt , Montana anl Puget Sound 4:33 : pm 4:03 : pm I Lincoln Local TCr ) pm 7:10 : pm | Lincoln Kant Mall * :5J : pm 11:40 : am ' Denver. Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . , . . 'HSSpm : Pally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , nunLiNcrroN & Qulncy RMIroad "The Burl ington noute" Ticket Oftlce , IMS Farnam Street , Telephone 2SO. D po * . , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telcphotiu 12 * . Leave. Arrive. 6:03 : pm 7:53 : am 9ii : nm 4:15 : pm 7:4 : * pin 7:5S : am " 11:00 : urn BMO.pni * :50 : pm 11:50 : pm KANSAS CJTV , ST. JOSEPH & Council Hluff Rallroad- Burlington "The - Ilurllngton Route" Ticket onice. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 15. teave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . 0:03 : am 5:4C : pm Kansas City Night Ex. . 10:00 : pm 0:30 : m Dally. -nr.MONT. UI.KHOUN AND Missouri Valley Hallway den- eial Olllces , United States Na tional Ilnr.k llulialliff. South. e t Corner Twelfth and Far- . , . „ nain Streets. Ticket Olllce , HOI I'nrn.tm Stleft. Telephone 561. Depot , Fif teenth and Webster Street * Telephone 1133. Leave , Arrive. lllack Hills. Deadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wjomlns. Caspar und Douglas 1 3:00 : pm Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva. Uxettr and Seward. . . ' 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Wvit Point and Fremont , . . . . , . . ' 7:30 : nm 4 < 10:23am : : Lincoln , Wahoo and rremnnt 7:30 nm " 10:2i nm Fremont Local 7:50 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday , Si'nday only. Dally except Satuiaay. " Djlly except Monday. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVERland - land Routb" General Ollices. N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 1302 Parnam Street. Telephone 318. Depot , Tenth and Masan Streets. o . . - Telephone 128. 7WS * Leave. Arrive. "The Overlimd Limited" fnr Denver , halt Lake , western points 8sO : um ' 4:43 : pm T ifl Colorado Special , for Denver nnd all Colorado points * 11C3 : pm 7:00 am Fast mall train for Salt Lake , Paclllc coast nnd all western Points 4:33 : pm 7:00 : nm Lincoln , Ileatrlce and Stri-.msbure Express . . 5:00 pm 12:20 pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk. Grand Is land and Kearney . . . . 4:33 : PM Grand Island Kxpre s. . " > :00 : pin " 12I20 pm - Dally. * Dally except Sunda . Council Rluffs Local Leaves. 4:41 : n. m. ; C:50 : n. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; S:40 : H. in. ; 10:30 : a. m. ; 2:15 : P. m. ; 4:35 : p. m , 5.33 p. in 8:20 : p m ; 10:03 : p. m. Arrives , 6:20 : n. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. : 8:33 : n. in ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. in. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; C:30 : p m ; 8:03 : p , m. ; lu:43 : p. m. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Railway-City Ticket OlIVc. 1401 Karnam Street. Telephone 501. Depot. Tenth and " " Streets. Telephone 128. , Leave. Arrive Chicago Spe- 7:00 : um 11:55 : pm MUsoarl Valley , sioux City , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis B:40 : am 10:15 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City * 7:40nm : J.Oi pm Dennlson , Carroll , Wall Lake , from Ilroadway , Council RIuTt 9:00 : nm S:45 : am Eastern Express , Des Molnes , Marshnlltown , Cedar tiaplds , Chicago * 10:30 : am 4 35 pm Atlantlo Fljer , Chicago nnd East * 4:45pm : 4S3pm : Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul Mlnnc- 'apolla Limited i 4:33 : pm S:50 : nm Omaha-Chicago Special. C.4 > pm < :50 : am * Dallv. Dally exceni Sunday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MINNE- upolls & Omaha Railway General Offices , Nebra ka D | . \Islon. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. city Tlcfect Onice. _ , HOI Farnam Street. Telephone Wl Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. - Telephone ephone 1138. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommoda. 9:50 : am 8:20 : pm Blair , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlng- ton and Bloomlleld. . . 1:00 : pm "llsSS am Sioux City. Mankuto , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . , . ' 5:3 : > pm 8:20 : am Emerson Passenger . . . . 5:10 : pm 8:45 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only This train stops at stations Florence to Sauth Blair. Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week day , South Blair only. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAIL. road General Oniccs. United Statea National Bank Build ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce = , . - , - . . 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 661. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 4".l aVe' Arr'Ve ' > Sioux City , Mankato. MlnnaP ° "sB:5i : : P * 8-0 am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General OinceH and Ticket Oillce , Merchants National Bank Uulldln ? , 1224 Farnum Street. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1458. 'rvfT- Leave. Arrive. Kansas am ! Nebraska . . . . Llmlcjd . 3:0j : pm 12:55 : pm Kansdi City and S' . Loulu Express . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : nm Nebraska Local . 4:30 : pm 9:45 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD P2SI Omaha , Kansas City & East ern Railroad "The Port Arthur ARTHUR Route" Ticket Otflce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone - phone 128. Lave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Dall Express 4:35 : pm ' 11:30 : am Qulncy Express 5:40 : am 9:50 : pm - Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Railway City Ticket OIHcc. 1J14 Farnam Street Telephone 284. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5 : 3 pm 8:0 : ! am Omaha and Chicago Ex * 11:0 : ( ; am \10 ; pm 1IEATI.VG JULES VERSE'S HERO. Tliiif-Talilc for Guliiu : Around the World In Tivi-iity-ElKht Day * . Prince Khllkoff , the Russian minister of communications , Is reported to have stated that when the Siberian railway Is opened throughout Its entlro length the tour of the world may be made In thirty-three days. The various divisions of the journey are covered as follows : Bremen to St. Peters burg , one nnd n half days ; St. Petersburg to Vladivostok , ten days ; Vladivostok to Snn Francisco , ten days ; San Francisco to New York , four nnd a half days ; Now York to Bremen , seven days ; total , thirty-three , Another authority goes one better than that , relates the New York Sun. He pro poses to reduce t.ie length of the woild'a Journey to twenty-eight days. The figures given uy the Riibslan minister ore evidently based on the actual running speed of the various lallway and steamship linen , an estimated average speed of about twenty- ll\v mile ? an hour from the Russian capita ! to Vladivostok. But It Is suggested that If the traveler had the services of the fastest existingxhlps on the ocean and the trains were run nt the highest rate of speed con sistent with the gradients , curves and condi tion of the permanent way of railways In tlio various districts passed over live days might be saved. Thus the Kaiser Wllhelm would bo available for the Atlantic passage , with her available speed of 22.31 knots jx-r hour , nnd a twenty-knot speed Is assumed for the Pacific passige. To maintain the high average of the special trains It Is further assumed that speeds of from Hlxty to seventy miles an hour would be main tained on level stretches of country to make up for time loat In crossing mountains. The probable best times that could be tnado by engaging special trains , assuming the ocean passages to be performed nt the speeds mentioned , would bo ns follows ; London to Moscow , 33 hours ; Moscow to Vladivostok , 140.1 hours ; Vladivostok to Sin Francisco. 270 hours ; San Frnnclaeo to Nt-w York , 73.1 hours ; New York to Plymouth. 133.S hours ; Plymouth to London , 3.2 .hours. Total , OC5.2 hours. This Fives a total of 27 duya 17 hours for the whole journey. Wo are anxious tu ao a llttte oed In tbli world and can think of no pleananter or bet tor way to do It than by commending One Minute Cough Cure as a provcntatlve of pneu monia , consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected coldi. ' P-fiSfi BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. According to a New York patter , several artists and tncu and woirtcu ocalth are forming the woman's hotel company In that city , their object being to put up a first- i class hotel ( or Bclf-BiipportltiK women only. I The capital will bo $1,000,000. It Is Intended * that the first hotel shall bo for artists , writ- ' era , teachers , clerks and students. It Is to Imvo all the modern conveniences of a mi- ' perlor hotel and a capacity for 1,000 guests. ' Sunshlno and ventilation are fpoclnl fnatures of the plans , and It Is proposed to use thereof roof for studios , Uolatod niuslc room , a sun parlor and promenade. The plan of finance has been approved by four leading hotel pro- prletors of Now York , and by olio each of i Chicago and Philadelphia. In addition to a manager there will bo a "houso mother , " a sort of chaperon or counselor. I ' There Is a big saw mill In ( Jrandln , Mo. , many of the dnpartmcnts of which arc In I charge of women , Bays New Ideas. Thorn Is a woman In charge of the engine. One of the rooms where the big sa\\s arc oper ated Is managed by women. The lathe room Is also opciated by women and machines of all sorts are handled by them. In the rooms datigMcrs received each more than COO pro- * H < posals of marriage , and the eldest 450. Tlior \ declined all. and now assert that thcr will continue to live In ilnglo-tilcgacdncsa , A bll stul train of events has led up to th wedding , and they went off on * nauthera tour to spend the honeymoon. A week ago , nays the New York Commercial-Advertiser , they returned , and an old friend of tli bride dropped In to eeo her ono morutti ? , expecting to find her radiant with happtnc a. She was unpacking , and she looked pensive , not to eay bored. "Had a bcau-tl-ful time , I suppose , " sail the friend. "Oh , yes , " answered the bride. "Hut be tween you and me , Tcss , It Isn't very In teresting to travel arorridlth a-a-com- paratlve stranger , and wherever vie vent 1 kop't thinking of that an fill address the minister made , with that line from the paalnm that begins , 'Abundance of peaca on long as the moon enduruth , Do you btlppos * ho meant honeymoon ? " A woman's club In Denver la taking meas ures to abolish the uncovered pollco patrol \Migon and the chain gang. A committee hat SHIRT WAIST AND UTILITY SKIRT FROM HARPER'S BAZAR The firmly woven cloths In mixed cole r effects , having a surface as smooth and sat iny as broadcloth , are the latest material s for Jacket suits and shirt waist skirts , ao they are adapted to the clinging effect so much In demand. Even under these mate rials nothing stiff Is liked by the best dr essmakera. This skirt , which IB the latest five-gored model width three and three- quarter yards Is cut with the narrow front breadth , now so much In vogue. It hangs plainly at the front and sides , the fulness In the back being disposed In gathers side or box pleats , as preferred. The new skirts are tied back closely over the hip a nnd stand out well at the bottom. Apropos of this accepted skirt of the eea son , a certain form of petticoat adds much to Its effect. It Is In sheath shape , wit h a narrow ruffle In front. Deep full ruffles are on the back breadths , which are pull ed closely together with drawing strings. The pattern of this petticoat Is Included w 1th that of the utility skirt. The shirt-waist , although extremely slm pie , Is ono of the newest models , suitable for pique , percale and other cotton tailor go ods. It la made with a narrow yoke and medium fulness In front , and has small si eeves , with a straight cuff narrow enough to slip easily Into the tight coat sleeves at p resent In vogue. The proper cut of the cos tume can bo obtained from the cut papo r pattern furnished by Harper's Uazar , where It appears. Qtiantlty of material cloth , forty-two Inches wide , for skirt , five and a half yards ! lining of silk or satin , el ght yards ; silk for petticoats , ten yards ; cotton material for shirt waist , throe and a quarter yards. Theae are approximate quantities for medium sizes. adjoining a force of young women are con stantly employed In filing and getting the eaws ready for work. The care of the ma chinery Is In their hands and it is said they are quite as adept and as competent as any force yet employed In the mill. The differ ent departments of the mill show the pres ence of feminine hands and minds , for there are various articles of adornment which brighten even the waste places of a saw mill. The walls have been decorated at many points , and the desolate appearance common to mills has been overcome. The Brooklyn 'Eagle brings to notice the success of floriculture of Miss Loulso Cank- lln of Iloslyn , Long Island. ( Miss Conklln was studying to fit herself to her chosen oc cupation of teaching , but about six years ago her health became much broken do\\n , and In addition her sight became so Im paired ' % nt she was obliged to give up defl- nltcly all hope of teaching. Her physician advised outdoor exercise as a means of re cuperation , and she decided that she would try to turn to account her natural love for flowers and her skill In their care. She had some moist , rich land , and she began by building a small greenhouse , only eight by twelve feet , and adding In the fall a hot bed. She gauged the local market , and when the outdoor gardens were ready for the young plants she was prepared1 with lettuce , radishes , cabbage and tomato plants. She also made preparations In the way of flowers for village festivities of all sorts , and she was so successful that at the end of her four years she had to enlarge her greenhouse and her stock. She then bought half an acre more of ground and began to raise choice roses and chrysanthemums. Miss Conklln does most of her work herself and Is a strong and happy as well as a successful business woman. It Is Interesting to know that many of the gardeners of largo places buy their early vegetable plants of her , and that she has greatly encouraged the owners of gardens , so that Roslyn Is a "show place" In summer. There are many novelties In neckwear for the occasional mild days when turn are not worn. Pirtit and foremost , bays Harper's Dazar , ore the ostrich-feather boas , which were never so popular as now. The hand somest of them are made to fasten at the throat with six ends , looking as though they had been tied In a bow-knot. They are fas tened with a rhlnestono ornament , and are either of black , gray or the natural color. There are a great many worn that are Just the ono piece , but even a one-plcco boa can be made to look much smarter by fastening at the throat with a steel or rhlnestono clasp. To wear at the cpera with a low gown there are ostrich feather boas of all the different shades , and a most charming style of scarf Is In delicate colors In moussellne do solo , with around the edge maiabout feathers of the exact shade of the moussellno. These icarfs are not Imported yet In any quantities , and have only been seen worn by very smart people , but It will not bo long before the largo shops have them , A little less than two years ago a rich grain merchant of Odessa died , leaving a for tune -1COO,000 rubles to his three daughters tors , under peculiar conditions. They were only to Inherit the money on condition that they became servants , washerwomen or farmworkers for eighteen months. The time has just passed , and the young women have come Into their fortune. Two of thum were chambcrinaHs , and the third a girl of all work , In Odessa houses. They did not have much trouble In securing situations. In the courseof their servitude the Uo younger been appointed to confer with the municipal authorities In order that steps may bo taken to a reform In these two matters. The rea sons urged by the women are , that unaccused outsiders , who have been witnesses to some street disturbance , are often obliged to rldo to the station house In the patrol wagon , and are thereby subjected to a most unpleas ant experience. In the case of the chain gang , the 'point la nude that It is not wlso that children and young persons should see these painful sights. It may be added that a short tlmo ago , in an elevated cor In this city , the spectacle of eight lads chained to gether was seen. A little girl , who chanced to be a passenger on the ear , was so affected by the sight that aho d'ld ' not recover from It for several weeks. A delightful story , which Is respectfully recommended by the New York Times to Miss Wllklns' vivifying touch , comes from Connecticut , and Is the result of a forage In that promising place for antiques , In a vil lage homo was fuiind a lady w'ho displayed with pride her beautiful collection , Ono of Its cherished pieces was a very old two-han dled silver cup , which the exhibitor ex plained belonged to an ancestor. "I have of- forred $100 for It , but I can not buy It , " sh said , , "BO I rent It to hnve a look at It. It costs me $10 a year , hut Is a ni'ver-ccaslng satisfaction. " Such devotion to one's hobuy should really go Into a book. The Municipal Year Hook of Derlln shons that one women In that city , 41 jca-.s old , id the mother of twenty children. In 1810 there were five families with nineteen chil dren , sixteen with eighteen , seventeen with seventeen , thirty-two with sixteen , nlxty- thrco with fifteen , elRhty-threp with four teen and 12G with thirteen. Tno hundred pairs of Berlin parents counted a ( Tbzen children each , the mother In ono case being only 28 years old. A mother of eighteen offspring was 35 years old , while women ot 23 and 20 had borne eight and five children respectively. Temple Houston , son of General Houston , several years ago presented the sword sur rendered by General Santa 'Anna ' at San Jaclnto to the city of Cincinnati , liecauao that city had sent two pieces of artillery to the Texas patriots to aid them In their strug gle for liberty. The Daughters of the He- public of Texas , who are collcctlm ; a mu seum of relics of the war , hnve applied to the city for the sword , which they wish to place with their collection. Princess Mary of Hohcnlohe , who has re cently died , was a mobt remarkable woman. She was enormously wealthy , possessed an Imposing presence and was an ardent sports woman. Despite her G8 years , she killed two hears In the forest of World a few months ago. The princess was passionately fond of art and music , especially the com positions of Wagner. Prof , Mommscn , the Homnn historian , re plied as follows to the question recently ad dressed to the artists and authors of Kuropa : "What manner of woman will the twentieth century woman ho ? " "The woman of the nineteenth century has given mo so much food for thought that I have no room for her of thu twentieth. " Mrs. Tyndoll , the widow of I'rof. Tynrfall , has e-cnt to the British royal Institution a sum of 1,000 , which she state * that her husband dtulred her , at ouch time as uliould b convenliut to heruelf , to present aa in expression of his attachment to the Iu- stltutlou.