Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Programs for Special Events Are Already
Being PrjparccL
ArrnnKCtnrnfM for nrer | tlorm , Tn-
rnili-H nnil ( InMke Under Con-
lilernllnti Il | ilii > - for the
In > ' Hxcrclie * .
The arranging of programs for celobrattora
In connection with the exposition , special
days , entertainment of distinguished guestp ,
and nil the other details which arc a ncccs-
ary adjunct to the proper carrying on of
euch a great public enterprise , but which do
not properly belong to any of the various
departments of the exposition , are matters
which have b < nn delegated to the president
of the expoMtlon to carry out , with the ap
proval and advice of the executive com
mittee. 1'rcsldent Wattles haa , therefore ,
been glvltig this matter considerable atten
tion of late and has perfected an outline of
n plan for the early days of the exposition
which will be laid before thu executive coin-
mltteo at an early day.
The president bellrvM that the opening
exercises shojld bo made noteworthy In ever >
rrcpcct and should b on a scalu commen
surate with tl'u magnitude of the exposition ,
Ills plan comprehends making the event one
of tl.o most Imposing celebrations ever seen
In the west , mirpaiis'iig ' In the extent ami
diameter of the i.i'lltary ' and civic display
anything ever before attempted In thli suc
tion. Ho would fiik the governor of Ne
braska and the major of dm In to Issue
special proclamations declaring June 1 , thi
opining day of the exposition , a genera !
holiday In order that every man , woman m :
child who ran pwslbly do so may come tc
On aha and participate In the celebration
Invitations will ba Issued to the governor ol
each Htnto In the union to come to Omahc
on that day , accompanied by his cntlie star
ind escort. Members of both houitfl of con
r'tss v , III Also bo ! iT. Itcd and nrrongemtoti
will bo made for a ( special train from Wash
ington to Omaha. The corespondents of td <
great papers of the country stationed at tin
natloial capital will be Invited to acco'upan ;
tun copgrcvalonal party.
In addition to the distinguished vlsltcri
every military and civic society In this sec
tion of the country will be Invited to tnk <
part In the great parade which will paw
through the Krccts of Omaha during tin
morning. There will be military organlza
tlois galore and bamte will bo sprlnklci
along the line In profusion. Civic societies
of nil kinds will be In line , and , to cap tin
climax , the conccpslci alre-s of the Mldwa ;
will bo there with their attractions , In
eluding the- dusky denlzeiu of the Afro
American village- , the dark-aklnncd bcautle
from the Turkish Imem , the Chinese artist
nnd actors ; people from the GormenII
lage , Irish village , StrectH of Cairo , Cob
mopolls , animals In profusion , Includini
camels , elephants lions , tigers , etc.
Thi > I'tio ' of inarch will end at tllo cxposl
tlon grounds ar l the opening exorcises wll
take place In the Auditorium. These wll
Include speeches by various celebrities
mufilo by the Exposition chorus , the Thoma
orchestra and well luiown eololsta and th
reading of an appropriate ode composed fo
the occasion by some western poat.
Arrangements will be made to have Pros !
dent McK'nloy start the machinery of th >
cxposlton by electricity , aul the exercise
will bo concluded In some fitting manner.
or omniums' \YOUK
Entries In ( InInilU lilinil Coiinictltloi
Are lleKlmili.H to Arrlte.
Entries to the Individual comp9tltlon Ir
Btlttited by thr > Woman's Hoard of 'Manager :
for the purpose of securing a large ntimbc
of meritorious specimens of children's hand !
work fen the educational display , have core
nipneeil to arrive. The competition close
April 15 , at which time the judges sclccte
for the purpose will pass upon the merits t
the various entries and award the prize
provided for that purpose.
This competition covers every branch c
school work and It Is provided In the rule
that all work winning a prize shall lie give
n place In the educational display to be mad
by the hoard. There nro three branchc
which seem to bo much more popular wit
the majority of competitors than anv t
the othcrH , These are drawing , composltlo
and the transmlsslsslppl history puzzle , Th
pu/zle has proved a strong attraction an
applications have been received by Secrctar
1'ord frcm every state In the union , askln
for copies of It.
Specimens of drawing have been receive
which show a high order of merit an
articles of various kinds are being lecclve
The time within which entries may t
made lj the nature study series has bee
extended 'o May 15 , In order to glvo con
petitrvs opportunity to ga'lier apeclmer
dul'M ! ) spring. All other brunchc
) - UorflcnllnrlNtK.
' , 'as County Horticultural eoclet
hold 01111,5 at the Commercial club > ei
terday afternoon to discuss ways and mear
of having n county exhibit at the exposltioi
Tlioftoclrty had n conference with the count
( ommlsaloners a low days ago with a vie
of ii 'curing a portion of the proceeds of tli
comity exposition bonds for such an exhlbl
but no satisfactory conclusion was reachei
The- report of the result of this conferenc
formed the bails of the discussion at yestci
day's mcetlni ; .
It was finally decided that the only wa
In which a county exhibit can bo made
through such nn appropriation , Inasmuch i
the members of the society feel that the
cannot afford to subscribe any money for tl
purpose , IV communication will bo sent I
the county commissioners soliciting the ai
propriatlrjn of a sum for the exhibit ar
recommending , In case the appropriation
passed and the exhibit Is made , that It 1
Jiut In charge of W. L Crosby.
TYnrlni ; Dunn TolniKKnii
The toboggan slide , which has occupied
conspicuous place at the cast end of the 1 :
goon In the main court of thecxpositlc
grounds , Is giving way before the cnorget
attacks of a couple of Industrious sons
Ham and will soon pass Into history. Tl
structure has been bought by one of the coi
cesslonalres , who will use the lumber In tl
construction of a part of his appliances. Tl
building near the west end of the main cou
which has been need as a warming room 1
skaters during the skating season has bei
sold to the concessionaire who will opera
the Concessionaires' club , a restaurant whe
' M " w
These Trains
Carry |
Dining Cars ,
SeivliiR mcnls on llio European
plan you pay ouly for -Ahat you
ouler. .
OK)5 ) n. m. Train for Knnsns Clty-
4an ; p. in. Ttnln for Detivor
5.05 p. in. Train for Chicago
11:55 : p. in. Train for Denver
The Bervleo U prompt and the
charges reasonable. ,
Ticket Office , { IBOVr&Hiu'T"
cmploycB and o tli cm having butlncfs on the
grounds at all times may nccurc their mcali
at a moderate cost. This structure wltl Tie
moveil to A convenient location near the
north part of the grounds and -will undergo
such alterations as Its new use * Aill require ) .
tlnknta lloliln Un Spare.
The latMt ncwe received by the Depart
ment of Bxhlblto from South Dakota removes
any doubt that may have existed regarding
an exhibit from that state , Governor Leo
telegraphed the department as follows :
"State be represented without fall ; be euro
to hold space for us. " J. I' . Hymcr of Deadwood -
wood , commlf.sloner for the Black Hills re
gion , -nrltM that the mining Interefsts of
that portion of the etato will bo represented
by an exhibit. He states that eomc arrange
ment Is being made by which the iicce-sary
money will be secured through the county
commlxslcr.erc , but ho dora not go Into detail
beyond sa > lng that an Indemnity bond has
been secured end will bo gl\cn to the com-
tin lie I of tlio MM I lie.
One of the features of the display which
will bo made In the government building by
the Navy department will te a model of the
battleship Maine and It Is more than likely
that th ! miniature vessel will be the center
of attraction. The model Is now exposed to
nubile \low In the corridor Just outside of
the office of the secretary of the Naiy In
WnshlngUti. It Is said to be one of the
finest models of a battleship In the possession
of the government. The model coat J6.000.
( ieor ln Ankn for Pimm.
Chairman Northcii of the Georgia Exposi
tion commission has a kcd the Department
of I'xhiblts to secuni plans for a Georgia
to coat not to exceed $0,000.
The unprecclciitcd sale of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup provokes competition ; but fie poop's
cling to Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup. OK TIII ; .H\VISH : r.\iu.
( liiTiitlc I'nroci ( ill IMII to I'literinln
the I'nlille.
The attraction arranged for the Temple
Israel bazaar In Metropolitan hall last night
wa nn operatic faice , "A Dress Rehearsal
of Cinderella , " given by eighteen joung
women , The proluctlon was a success , the
characters were we.ll made up and the parts
were executed with ability. The scene was
laid nt a boarding school for girls and It was
proposed to close the school jear with the
charade of Cinderella. The character of the
retired actress who Is called In to prepare
the students for their parts was well taken
by Mrs. Arthur D Brandels. Her dancing
with Mlsa Uerthn Now man and Miss Kath-
eryn I'olack , the attractive Trench maid ,
was thoroughly cnjo > cd. A dance was alsc
given In professional stvlo by Miss Hattlc
Drelfus , a pupil at the academy. The part
of Cinderella was taXcn by Mlsa Jessye Lob-
man with considerable grace and her singing
was especially good. Mlsa Dollle I'olack as
sumed the character of the prince with dig
nity and in nn elegant costume. The cos-
tumca altogether wire nil noticeably good
There wcro a laigo number of visitors
present and the fair will probably reach the
height of Us popularity tonight , when the
farce , "Professor Baxter's Great Invention , '
will bo given by an excellent cast. This aft-
ci noon is bet apart as children's daj am'
special Inducements will be offered for
I'lensiiiil Unliving : I'nrt ) .
A promenade concert and dince was giver
In Mjrtlei hall annex lust night by C.irlleU
circle , No. 11 , Ladles of the Grand Armj
of the Republic. The progiam was of .
musical and Ilter.irj cnaiacter and win
very cnjojable. Recitations were rendetei
by Katherlnp McKc.ige , Alma Knodell , MI&
Bock nnd Tlllle Morton ; sons -were sun ;
by the Huston sisters and the Landon sis
ters , a eluut was given by Katherlno Me
Kongo and Hester Little , a piano duet vva :
pln > vil by I'thel Henderson and Mabl
Huston , mandolin nnd guitar selections weii
given by the Thlem brothers and zither arrt
guitar selections by the Maler sisfers. Th <
affair concluded with the dance. The at
tendance was g-ood.
Cli-rKN lit the it. lI. . .
Organizer Maurice P. Hlnchey of th
American Federation of Labor last nigh
organized a local union of the Retal
CIrrks' National Protective association
AbDUt twenty charter members vvero tn
rolled. The olllcers elected are : President
S. S. Schlank.lco ; president , II. Olson
recording secretary. Murk Heller ; flnancla
secretary , A. A. Axtell ; treasurer , A. Me
Dcrmott ; guard. G. Olson. The union wll
meet again next Wednesday night In Labo
temple. The Institution Is Indorsed by th
Omaha Business Men's association In i
lesolutlon pabsed by that body last month
The clerks of the members of the assoola
tlon are encouraged to Join the union.
Snloon lloliliery.
The two hlghwajmen who have made th
cash" , drawers of saloon keepers their spc
clalty made their appearance Tuesday nigh
after an absence of several montns. Th
saloon chosen was that of Michael Nlttlei
2JOG South Sixteenth street. The men en
tered the place shortly before midnight an
stationed thu proprietor nnd bartcndc
against the wall while they made scare !
for plunder. They secured $10 from tn
drawer and a portion of the stock from th
shelves. A good description of the me
was not obtained as their faces were en
\elopeel In h indkerchlcfs.
.Mm rlnHe l.lrenin-H.
The following- marriage licenses were IE
sued yesterday by the county Judge :
Name nnd residence. Age
Tred Su > dnm , Detroit , Mich J
Cniina Balboch , Omaha 1
Trank C. Kuhn , Council Bluffs , la. , ;
Ida B Scott , Council Bluffs , la I
Fred Miller , Omaha '
Hurbar.i I'ablan , Morse Bluffs , Neb 1
Heliill Liquor Denier * .
Very little except routine business wn
transacted nt the regular meeting of th
Omaha Rcttnll Liquor Dealers' associatlo
yesterday. Committees ere aprjolntcd I
take up the matter of bringing the nnnu-
convention of the national body to th
city this year. They nro to report on tr
matter next meek , when tome action t
the association Is expected to bo taken.
There are three little thlmts wnlch flo mot
work than any other three little things cr <
ated they are the ant , the bee and DeWItt
Little Eaily Rteers , the last being the famoi
little pills for stomach and liver troubles.
i.ouAii iutiviTiis.
The Nebraska Cuban Relief committee wl
hold meeting In the parlors of the Con
merclnl club this afternoon at 1 30 o'clock.
Mr. Henry Luce of Vlneenncs , Ind. , wl
was operated on for appendicitis at St. J
ecph's hrapltal , If getting along very nlcel
A small flro shortly after 1 o'clock d
ellght damage to a room on the second flex
of the residence of II. S. Winston , Wort
Ington Place.
General Manager Smith of the street c
company sajs that the forty new street cai
which ate to bo put In service In this cl
this summer will ba delivered some tin
next month.
Rev. Irving P. Johnson of Martin's , Sou
Omaha , will preach In Trinity Thursdi
evening at 8 p. in. Lenten services are he
dally In the cathedral at 8:20 : a. m. and 4 :
p. m. Special services Tuesday and Thursdi
at 8 p. m.
J. K. MoorcB reported last night that I
overcoat had been stolen from a peg
Mooro's rwtaurnnt at Fifteenth and Capll
avenue. Ho had left the garment the
during a five minute luuch and returned
Mud It missing.
Before. Commssloner Anderson the ca
wherein Coroner Swansea charged Joe Pleti
ant , the cigar dealer , with passing a counti
felt half dollar , was heard. After llatenl
to the evidence , Commissioner Anderecu d
ml&sed the catu.
The regular meeting of Pansy camp , Hoj
Neighbors , was attended last night by v
Itors from South Omaha camp and Ivy a
Golden Rod camps of this city. The meet !
waa a clewed one and wds occupied largi
with floor work.m ,
Prank Powers * o ( 2 9 Pierce street , wa (
victim o ! a eerloui accident at tha new Bi
llnpton depot , whcro he la employed ,
brick fell from one ot the walls nd tr\ \
dim on the head , fracturing hla ikulT.
waa removed to St. Joseph's hoaoltal.
Edward Sulton and wife , Vlna-8VUon , wi
tried In police court yeslcjrcUy ( or tbe b
glary of the houte of Uri , Brovrn , on no
Sixteenth * tre-t. It was thown th t <
clock alleged to bavo been stolen wa tb
own property Mid tb / ww .grantta a d
Expansion of Business Shown by the Lost
General Statement ,
Himtcrn Itnnkcrn I.onn < n WoHtcrn
Jlprchnn. ! * at Low tlntcn , CutlltiK
Oft the Dptiinnit from Ho met
, Institution ! . ,
From time to time during the last few
month * attention has been called In thcso
columns to largo gains In bank clearings
over the records ot previous years. While
bank clearings furnish a very good Indica
tion of the course of business , they are so
easily manipulated that they do not cairy
the weight that their Importance merits.
Tor that reason the bank statements Just
published showing- the condition of the na
tional banks on February 18 are particularly
Interesting ns affording Indisputable evi
dence of the steady expansion of all business
As compared with a year ago there has
been a gain In the deposits amounting to
nbout 33'/i per cent , showing that there la
more money In the city and country and thut
people arc placing It In the banks , not hav
ing other use for It. At the same tlmo
loans and discounts ha\o not expanded In the
same proportion as dcposita , the gain In this
respect amounting to only about 25 per cent.
In this the situation Is not to the liking of
the bankers , who complain of a lack of de
mand for money. The number ot good loans
offered Is small and good commercial paper
scarce. A prominent banker remarked , "wo
arc glad to get G to 7 per cent for money
that used to go readily at 8 to 10 per cent. "
Some of the banks took up considerable
amounts of cattle paper , but while that fa
considered first-class security , It Is some
thing out of the ordinary and Is not the kind
of paper that a bank would prefer. Hanker *
generally regard good commercial papei
as preferable , but the latter Is scaico , owing
to the fact thai a large number of the lead
ing mci chants of the city car. obtain money
In the eas.t at 3 to 4 per cent , where theu
Is an abundance ot cheap money to be had ,
While the plethora of money Is a bac
thing for the banks , one banker going so fa-
as to say that It ivas Impossible for a bail *
under present conditions to make any
money , It Is unquestionably a great advan
tage to the mercantile and manufactures
Interests to have.chcap money. When monej
was less plentiful , eastern merchants am
manufacturers abso'bcd what was to ec hai
of the * cheaper caste : n money and wcsteir
merchants and manufacturers had to con-
fiont the difficulty of carrying on busines :
with capital commanding a high rate of In
tcrost In competition with those who wen
In a position to borrow at a much less rate
The high water mark for deposits In thi
Omiha national banks for this season of tin
year was reached In 1S93 , when the aggregate
gate In all 'janhs amounted to $17,137,050
Dining the panic ami haul times years the ;
dropped oft $4,000,000 and over , but hav
been climbing upward again for some tlm
back anil at the time of the recent state
ment had reached $15,107,748. The loans am
discounts carried by the banks amount ti
SO.tfl'i.o' . In March , 1M , the amount o
loins reported by the banks was $12,459,951
but by March , 1804 , the figures dropped be
low the ten million mark and there doc
not appear to bo much prospect of gettlni
them back again until the demand fo
money Increases , or until eastern money 1
less plentiful.
llllIccrH Kleetfil , IMniitt for Xutloiin
Or nnl/.nlciii ( DlneiiHseil.
Last night the Veteran Firemen's assocla
tlon held the annual meeting which wa
postponed from January. The body electe
officers , talked a'bout ' holding a veteran fire
men's convention In this city during th
coming year for the purpose ot establlshln
a national body and , last , but not least , secured
cured a promise from President May tha
they would receive the long-talked-of fis
dinner at the state hatchery aoruc tlmo thi
spi ins.
Nearly all the old officers -were re-elccte
by a unanimous vote , the list being as fol
lows : President , W. L May ; first vice pree
Ident , Charles II. Plckens ; second vice pres
Ident , John Uaumcr ; secretary , K. II. Koes
tors ; treasurer , A. H. Sander ; trustr < "
Julius Trictschke , D. P. Dlrd and Charle
G men Ing.
Secretary Kocsters and Treasurer Sandc
rendered their annual reports , which ohowe
that the association Is In good shape. Ther
Is a balance on hand In the treasury. A lie' '
constitution and by-laws were a'so to hav
been offered for the consideration of th
meeting , but the committee who has It I
hand Is not ready to report and was gl\e
until the next meeting , which occurs o
April C.
Secretary Koesters also reported that li
had written to a number of veteran flr <
men's associations In the country regardln
the holding ot a convention hero tills nun
mer and forming a national association i
the time. Responses were received from
numlber ot cities endorsing the plan. Amen
them were St. Louis , New York , Denver an
Portland Ore. Some time was spent In dU
cussing the matter but Its final determine
tlon was laid over until the next mcetlni
In the course of the meeting1 mention v > i
made of the fact that some tlmo during tl :
last decade President Lew May had'promlsc
to glvo the members of the association a fts
dinner at the flsh hatchery at South Iem
but had failed to fulfill the promise , a
though ho had repeated It from time to tlm
This brought out a rejoinder fro-n Prcsldct
May that his Intentions were still gooi
Enthused by the handclopplng that follow c
the announcement and goaded mi by eorr
question as to the tlmo that the affair wi
to come off , ho said that the dinner would I
given some time In May or Juno and 1
Invited all the members , their families , re
atlves and friends of high and low degree I
ibo present. All of this was spread upon tl
records. At the April meeting Presldei
May la to positively llx the date for the dli
The following applications for membersh
wcro received and referred to the Invest
gating committee : W. A. Kclley , Kd Loedi
and Ed LaPagc. The two latter are no
mem'ocra of thel city flro department. .
. ri'lcrxon'H Complaint Attaint ) : olio
J U. Peterson Intends to ciuse the nrre
of C , Olfon prxprlc < tor of the Tr.insmlssl
slppl Inkcry nt COS North Sixteenth stre
for assault iwJth Intent to do great bodl
Injury. He says that ho has been In t !
employ of the baker for several days ai
has man u fact tired : fifty Iron pins ai
olennrO out the premises. In the latt
duty he accumulated a pllo of old ra
weighing twenty pounds and asked the pt
prletor If ho mlcht sell them and keep t
proceeds. The request was denied , but I' '
terson sold them notwithstanding- poc
cted the 10 cents given tn exchange. Pete
son went to tlio shop ami says he h
asKeil for doughnuts and that OHon w
In the net of tolng- them up when t
thought of the missing ravJ HO Incensed h
that ho sprang- upon Peterson and stru
him so heavily that ha was rendered u
o conscious
Dr. I.eniN l'rn > er Meeting.
The mid-woek prajer meeting nt the I'll
Presbyterian church -was led. by Dr.
Trumbull Leo of the Second Presbytcrl
church , Cincinnati. Dr. Lee Is delivering
series of lectures at the Oinihn Theologii
seminary and. < wlll lecture tomorrow ule
at Bcllevuo on "Our Educational Right :
il The two lectures he. has delivered alrea
i- nt the twmlnary were on "Tho Chrlftl
iid " < " ' Furnlture-tho I
id Pulpit" iml 1'ulplt -
idg deemed Thinker. " nju } his cpncludlng
g will i > a "Acts of McvjtTiv Apostlvd. '
iy eighteen years ago , -yvhe-n Dr. Leo w
a young -man Juat out of a theological se
ie Inary , li § supplied the pulpit of the Fl
r- Presbyterian church for one. Sunday and
haa consented lo preach ne-iln at tl
it church next Sunday. Ills theme will
"Tho Sabbath .of jthe
Curd of yiinnU * . j
re We all Join fn thaoklne 6u > ! nauy frier
rfor tTympithy q < l klji < taeea shown us durl
Ib the elckneaSlnfi dfeath ot our beloved doui
do ter an& slater. May ; particularly to M
lr I Andwvon and Mrs. fimltb. May God bl
* I Mid help them In their hour ot need.
" * MM. 4. o. qiaqQN ' "
flntlrr , KKK .anil Fluli.
Extra fancy separator creamery butter ,
lB 4c. 17c and 19c.
Fresh country roll butter , lie , 12V4c , 14c.
Strictly fresh new laid eggs , only He.
Boneless codfish , eitra. wMte , only 4
Norway mackarcl , 6e , lOc and 12V4c.
Oallcn cans apples , worth 30c , only 19 ,
Any brand of laundry ao p , 10 bars for 25c.
Clam chowder , worth 26c per can , 12V4c.
Condensed mince mtatr 10 pkgs. only Co.
Two Racks refined table salt for Be.
Yeast foam. German * or any brand , 2c.
1 can tomatoes , worth loc ; 1 can corn ,
worth lOc ; 1 can p'aa , worth lOc , 1 can
etrlng bcanc , worth lOc , cnly 25c.
10-Ib. sacks new graham flour , 2oc.
10-lb. sacks granulated cornmcal , lOc.
JO Ibn. breakfast oatmeal , 25c.
10 Its. new white navy bfans , 25e.
No. 1 California sugar cured1 ham , 6c ;
choice pickled pork , 6c ; dry salt pork , Be ;
No 1 sugar cured breakfast bacon , 9c ; 3-lb
palls lard , 17c.
At the Trnnamlsslfwlppl Headquarters.
The proprietors of the local brick jardfl
are figuring on getting an early start thla
spring on account of the present scarcity of
building brick and the latgo demand. At
the present time brick are quoted nt $9 per
thousand and arc almcat na scarce as hen's
teeth. Hrlck can be purchased In Kansas
City ( or $6 per thousand , but the freight
from that point to this city Is $2 a thousand ,
so that \cry few brick have been ordered
from there. The llroadvv ell-Parks llrlck
oampany In the southern part ot the city Is
figuring on purchasing some Improved ma-
chlneiy In order to do aw a ) ' with the neces
sity for diylng the bricks ten diys or more
before burning them. In ease this Is done
brick making at these yards will commence
In a couple of weeks. Ordinarily It Is Im
possible to make good building brick until
the weather warms up so that there Is no
freezing at night. Cudahy s bought several
thousand brick a few days ago for fating
bollcra , but the bulk ot the Improvements at
that plant will be postponed until the price
drops. It U the same at the other plants.
Hammonds' are making some c\ten ions at
the south end of their plant , but no start will
bo made on the contemplated ofllce building
until after a new crop of brick Is made. At
the Swift plant several new smokehouses
will bo erected and the work ot excavating
for the foundations commenced yesterday.
About 250 000 brick w 111 be u ed here , but
It Is thought that the local supply will be
replenished befoie this work will proceed
\cry far.
O\rr ( lie CrnitNtnpr.
A number ot complaints ha\o been made
to the city officials about the grade creas
ing nt C street and the boulevard , r.tid as
the ' .cault of a conference the railroads usIiiR
this creasing agreed to have all train ?
( lagged rrom reports rcctlved It Is evident
that thin has mot been done arxl not long
ago the city clerk waa directed to notify the
lallroads to cither flag all trains at this
crcss'ng ' or locate a watchmen at the point ,
In response to this notification the city clerk
lia.i received letters from General Superin
tendent Hughes of the HlKhorn and Superin
tendent Gllmore of the Mis'ourt Paclllc. In
both lettcro the writeis thank the clerk foi
calling attention to the vlol.itlem of ordeu
Issued some time ago and Suporlntendenl
Gllmore encloses a copy of a recent bulletin
In which particular attention Is called tc
this cross ng. The city ofllclals are icquwtec
to nbtnln the number ot the engine of all
tra'ns which go over the crossleig wlthoul
flrH being flagged and It Is understood thai
seme arrangements will ba made to obtalr
thk ) information In order to put a stop tc
the -violation of the orders.
Imprr > - \ liuv HlKlilnmlI'nrlc. .
The city tog'necr Is now engaged lr
staking out Highland park according to th (
plans of Chailes G. Carpenter , the landscapi
gardener employed by the Iloird of Part-
Commissioners. The plans call for a row o !
trees all around the outer edge of the park
with a wide graveled walk just lijslJe. Ii :
the Interior the park Is cut up with wlndliif
walks and llower gardens. 'It has boei
deemed best to give up the Idea ot having r
mlnaturo lake at one end of the park at
tbowti by the plans , on account of the ad
dltlonal expense and the great cost of main-
ta'ii'nis ' even a small body of water. Tin
grounds will bo sloped down to the grade o
the stieets which surround the park am
about BOO trees will bo planted. At th <
present tlmo quite n number ot pine am
manlo trees are gtowing In the park am
these will not bo disturbed. It 1s the Intcn.
tlon of the park commissioners to get at this
work Immediately , In order to have it com-
nlcted before the exposition opens.
Clly Ofltoft. In Hint Mi a lie.
The generally dilapidate ! and dirty condl
tlon of the city offices attracts attention fron
everyone who has occasion to visit thesi
rooms nnd Is the cause of a grcit deal o
unfavorable comment In and out of ofllcla
clrclca. The paper on tha walls ot the ofllce :
occupied by the clerk , treasurer and cnglnee
la dropping off In places and In many other
It is water stained The ceilings and corner
are festooned with cobwebs , while the wooi
work la badly In need of pilnt. For thcsi
accomodatlona the city pays a good rent , bu
it Is claimed that It Is Impossible to get tin
landlord to make any repairs. The questioi
of voting bonds for a city hall , police statloi
and flro department headquarters may conv
before the people at the spring : election am
these who are compelled to visit the presen
city offices frequently , assert that thcr
would bo little If any opposition to the baud
at the present tlmo.
South UniiilinV Don III Hate.
Walter Wyman , supervising surgeon gen
eral of the United Statea Marino hosplta
service 'ias written to City Clerk Carpcn
ter asking for some statistics regarding th
population and death rate ot this city. Ac
cording to the reply which was prepare
yesterday by the clerk the population Is cell
mated at 15 000. The total number of death
In 1S97 was 204 , six of this number being ac
rldmtal. The death rate per 1,000 of th
estimated population Is 13 C. Connlderabl
more Information dealing wltn the cautea c
deaths was asked for , but could not be give
en account of the condition of the records 1
the ofllce. Prior to Mr. Carpenter takln
hold of the clnk's ofllco ery little attentlo
was paid to the compilation of statistics c
Work nt the lAniionr 1'lnnf.
Work at the Armour plant Is progressln
rapidly and It Is thought now that the tel
houses will bo ready for business by Jun
1. J. Ogdcn Armour IB expected here toda
to Inspect the work. Plans are now beln
drawn for a viaduct wfolch will lead from tli
south end of the stock yards to the Armoi
beef house. This bridge will bo about " (
feet In length and will t > e built high cnoug
to allow trains to pass under It. The foui
datlons for the boilers lu the power hous
aio being laid , while ft large number i
bilckUjcrs are at work on the walls of th
building. ' '
Benefit for < llomr I'ejlon.
Tills evening at the homo of Mrs. A.
Caughey , Tventy-thlrfl end H streets , tl
King's Daughters will glvo on cntertalnme
for the purpose of raising funds to noi
joung Homer Pejton to an art echool. Tl
program which will bo rendered follow
SeleUlon , Mandolin club ; piano solo , Mi
Eadt ; piano solo. Miss Inn Wllcox ; reclti
tlon. Mlas Ethel Hone } ; vocal solo. Miss
B. Mullen ; piano solo , Miss Dello Worlan
selection , inalo quartette.
site- fort a \ M Church.
Yesterday afternoon W. S. King and L.
Gibson , acting as a committees appointed 1
Bishop Worthlngton , went to Omaha ai
clofied the deal for the purchase of two Ic
at the northeast corwer of Twenty-four
and J streets. As teen as matters can
arranged the Ep'scopal church , which m
etaneU at Twent-third nd H strectB , w
ba moved to the new location. ,
1 fiermnn Muni Meeting.
A maes meeting of Germans will be he
at Plvonka's hall. Tw enty-fourth end
etreeta , at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. >
drcaaes will be delivered by Judge Pro
I ChrUtmaon , JLouU.Meyer , Ueary Oeat e
others. The eprlng campaign will bo thor
oughly discussed , nnd nil German residents
of ( lie city ore Invited to attend.
Mimic Clly CJo I p.
The Uco office telephone Is No. 27. For
night calle telephone No. 24.
S. W. Durnham of Lincoln was a burlncss
visitor In the city yesterday.
The populists are making great prepara
tions for their caucus Saturday night.
James Godcll of Kansas City Is hero buylnn
cattle for Cudahy. while P. T. McGrattj Is
In the cast.
A meeting of the Fourth Ward HepuS.
llcan club will be held tonight at Hex hall ,
Thlrty-ttilrd nnd L streets.
Rev. Dr. Wheeler , who Is conducting spe
cial services at Central City , writes that ho
will return the latter part of this week.
The beet musical talent to bo obtained In
South Onaha has been secured tu entertain
the people at the social to be given at the
Ilaptlst church Friday evening.
August Miller of ttio Fourth ward has an
nounced that he would like to be a member
of the city council , and his name will come
before the republican city convention.
H wan stated yesterday that Captain Park-
hurst would not allow his ramo to go before
the democratic convention for mayor. Ho
prefers , It la understood , to run by petition ,
H. W. Heed , who sprinkled the otrccts In
the business portion of the city last ycnr to
the ( tttlsfactlon of all concerned , la circu
lating another subscription paper for sprink
ling service th'e summer.
Old I'ropll.
Old people who require meJIclne to regu
late the bovtls and kidneys will find the
true remedy In Electric lllttcrs. This medi
cine docs not stimulate ncJ contains no
whUky nor other Intoxicant , but nets as a
tonic nnd altciatl\e. It atts mildly on the
stomach and bowels , adding strength anl
giving tone to the organs , thereby aiding
nature In thn of the fiNctlons.
Electric Hitters Is n excellent appetizer and
aids digestion. Old pucplo find It just exactly -
actly what they need. Price uOc and $1.00
tier bottle at Kuhn f. Co.'s diug store.
' "I hey Sa > r.rul.l.- U
I103TON , February 28 To the editor of
Tlio lice : The statements contained in the
nevspapcr clipping dated Omaha , February
20 , 1SOS , under the above hoidlngand pur
porting to express the views of tht > under
signed as the result of their recent trip west ,
are misleading and at variance with the
( I. ) Wo did not go west ns "flnanchl ex
perts , " but simply as attornevs representing
castcin stockholders ot the various Grablc
companies to Investigate the legal ttatus
ot five of these companies
(2. ( ) Talbot did not go "to South Dakota
and Inspect the mines , the canal and Irri
gating system nt Edgemont , nnd several
mills , grindstone factories , tovvnsitc com
panies , and other Intercuts controlled by
ithelr clients ami managed and promoted by
Grablc. "
(3) ( ) Wo have not recommended that Gra-
bio ' bo left In charge of the western enter
prises , " and el Id not state that he hold !
pioxlcs sufTlclent to ke > cp him In control. We
did not nv5iin "depression In general" ns the
cause of the embarrassment of the companies
and expressed no opinion cs to their value 01
ultimate payment of bonds.
Mr. Talbot -visited Ciuwford and examiner
the property of the Crawford company. H <
was alto chosen a director of that compinj
In line with the purpose of the eac crn t'tock '
holders to bu loprcsenteil on the director }
ot each of the flvc companies.
Note by the editor1 : The article com
plained of did not appear In The Hoe , noi
haa The lce ! at any time Imputed to tin
gentlemen or anyone else the languagi
Don't sfnaf otners By your coughing , not
tlsk your llfo by neglecting a cold. One Mln
ute Cough Cure cur on coughs , colds , croup
grippe and alt throat and lung troubles.
assault upon a white woman In that state.
Train ( o Denver
Via the
Leaves Omaha at 11 55 p. m.
having buffet , smoking and library cars
Sleeper on vvtntbound train will bo open tt
traveling public at 9 p. m. , and personi
bound for Colorado points need not wal
until train leaves at midnight before re
tiring. For full Information call at cltj
ticket ofllce. No 1302 Fnrnara stieet.
Card of ThnnUs.
"Wo desire to tender our thanks for tin
many kind attentions and services tenderci
us In our bereavement over the death o
our husband and father. Harry Drew or , sr
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wednesday-
March 1 , IMS :
W. G. Moorehend nnd wife to John
Maltry , umllv V lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block
1 , Cleveland Place $ SO
A. S. Vincent to same , hiine bO
C. W. Moirison and wife to E. J. Sulli
van , eW feet ' .ot.H 13 and 11 , block 79 ,
South Om ilni 12,00'
Harold Brown nml wife to Dona Hel-
klns , lots 1 and 2 , block C , Hoi bach's
add 3.00
Lorenzo Crounse to W. S. lilatkvvcll ,
hv\Vi 0-16-11 C,00
J. R. Davidson to Rudolph Kepplor ,
lot 11. block 2 , Toster'.s add 2
E. A. Cobb nnd wife to Frank Rottay ,
lot 7 , Jackson's subdlv 33
A. R. Dutrene nnd wlfo to George
Worthlngton , bishop , lots S and 9 ,
block HI , South Om ilia 8,75
L D. Pclter nnd wife to G D. Phillips ,
lot C nnd o'A lot 4 , block 8 , HIllHldu
: idd n
Clementina Mlttaunand husbind to
Jacob Hurly , s',4 of eSO feet lot 1 ,
block. 8. Kountzo'B 4tb add 1,10
G. W. Loomls and wife to Omaha
Loan and Itulldlng absocintlon. lot C ,
block 11 , Mejeis , R. & T.'a add
Agnes McAusland to Rudolph Kepplcr ,
lot IS. block 13 , Shull's 2d add S
J. R. Inkster nnd wlfo to Tukey k
Allen , lot S , block S , Clifton Hill
r. RlL'iibalrt FlcKenwlrth to K. R.
Fischer , lot 0 , block 3 , . S.'s
A. John to C. Mlttauer , s < 4 of eSO feet
lot 1 , block 8 , Kountze's 4tli add S
Shorlft to AV. F. Allen , lot 7 , block 5 ,
Clifton Hill 3 !
Frank Thompson , executor , to George
Mlcek , sVj lot H. block 40 , South
Omaha 1'
Same to Wllll un SeneloU , n'i lot 11 ,
block 40 , South Omaha 1 !
G. K. Knight to G. G Hryson et nl ,
w41 feet lot 3. block 151 , Omaha ;
lots b nml 9 , 'block S. Ilrlggs' Place ;
e40 feet of vvM > feet lots 4 and 5 ,
block 1 , 1st add to South Ormha . . .
G. O. Hryson el nl , to O A. Knight ,
( MO feet of wX ! ) feet lots 1 nnd 5 ,
block 1 , 1st adil to South Omiliu. . .
Sheriff to II. P. Davocd , w'i of nvv'l
block K. Shlnn'H 3d arid 3.CK
Same to A M. Goodrich , lots 9 and
10. Union Square . 2Qi
[ Total amount of transfers $3-,5 :
HlfhMt Honors Werld'ft FIf ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Nrt Onf CrtMi * t TcrUr NwiMC
Bees March 1 , 1S91
Wo sell a good suit for your boy if he is not over
14 for $1.75. We do bettor than that. Wo lot him
take it home ( after it's paid for ) and put it on and
wear it , and if it doesn't give you the worth of your
money in service we will take it back and give you a
new suit. Wo have coniidenco in our goods. Wo
know how they are made. There isn't a boys' suit
in our house that wasn't thoroughly tested before wo
bought the cloth for it and wo know how it was wo
ven and what went into it , and how it was made.
Mothers frequently tell us that they got more ser
vice out of boys' suits bought at The Nebraska for a
couple of dollars than they can get from suits bought
else where at double the price. We know it. Wo
warrant our boys' suits. Wo take particular pains
to buy nothing but good honest fabrics and we light
shy of the shoddy imitations and good looking fakes
which are made for bargain counters and special
sales. Our ftl.fiO suits will wear. Our § 1.75 suits
will wear. Our $2.00 , $2.2fi and $2.50 suits will
wear , and any suit that you buy at The Nebraska
will wear. It's got to Avcar. This week wo invite
inspection of the now styles and fabrics. They are
the grandest lot of boys' and children's suits it has
ever been our good fortune to oil'or , and we've oiler-
ed some pretty offerings in our day. That's all today.
es , Spring
Wo sho\v latest
Novelties la
and Cuffs
and Ties
All at attractive prices for superior qualities.
We can sell jou Drees Skirts at from
$1 9S up to the best superior shapes with
the right liEiig.Ve fit them to jou without
extra charge. You can see a few utjles In
our east window. More Inside.
Slierninii'H I , \ tMiilcr Shampoo Croniu
Is nnde cxproffly for washing the linlr It will
remove tlu > ilnntliuff nnil tlioroudlily Ucanpe the
hull but It v\lll not leive the hair ilrj or brittle
nor remove the natural oil. hold In bottles
eontalnlnn enoiifrn for 20 Bhamnnoa for 23o.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
1513 DODGi : ST. OMAHA.
( The Middle of the Block Drurclsts )
Residents of towns and communities cut-
llelo of Omaha who need a
FOR. . .
Catarrh ,
Deafness ,
Diseases of the I.unRi , Stomach , Nerves and
Blood should write for Dr. Shopards' book ,
" 'I ho > vw Trcutiiienti lluiv It Cure . "
A Bpecially Is made of the Homo Treat
ment by mall.
Oil. 311i and 13 Jf. Y. Life Ilia r.
Ht " l"FT C L &
* - * * - * * J-f - ' I Managers. Tl. ItlJ.
Tonight and Tomorrow Night ,
' 3 IlulutlfllllT
\ \ | ? > t3" in
1110 MUHK'AL ' FAltCE
I.arC"it , lic t nn < l most * ucct nful muslcil
fmclcil rnternlmncnt In the count ! )
IMMl'ns ljovv r Moor , } l CO lliilcon > , 73r , C0e.
SunJnj Momli } Woild ARnlnat lU-r
fHE iirilir.llTfl\T ; I rimon A nuTg I
IHD tiUMliIUVM | jjjrq , > Tol. 1531. ,
0. D. Woodward , Amusement Dhector.
. .TDMCII I * , SMIO. .
MMri\iTiiseiinn. : : A. < ; nniiir , m > u
Ifiilii'Ht's OrrliCHtrn , WCHNOII , VVnl -
tt'lN. llllll > lilMllN.
Sunilnj I-.1TIU3 IjUUT ) r.U'NTI.TlUOV
PinlaltlP8 | McCaitlij it HeynoMs , 'llio lie 111-
II ] Is , The IM I'o > s
- Managers , lei. 1919
Presenting nn Tuesday Evening- , only tlru f
his latest success ,
At \Vcdnosdiiy Mutliicc.
On Wednesday Evening ,
Prices (1.CO. II , 70c , 60c , SOc. Scuts on sula
Prlday morning.
IIVTHS $ i.r < > AM > tjuroo IMII HAV ,
Electric cars direct to exposition grounds.
F1UNIC DAHKUIi , Cashier .
. SAM IJAUMAK. Chief Clerk.
12tli null llimaril SlN. , Oinnliii.
Now open. 150 rooms , C2with bith.
American , $2 up ; European , Jl up. P. J.
Coates , president ; Dick Smith , manager ;
William Andrews. H. E. Smith , clerks.
13tli and Douglas St.s. , Omaha.
J. H. M\HKii , A. SOX. Prom.
The Grnti'lot Toilet Combination known for th
pklii nnil complexion In Wooillmrj'fl Facial Hoop ,
rnclnl e'renin and 1'aclul I'cmilcr Hie Onlly UHO
of Ihofo nrtlclea will protect fnlr complexion
nnd cure u bail Fkin. A ramplc of each for 2H
cinls. JOHN \\OOD1IUHY , 127 Wett < 2d Bt.
Ntvr * i ork.
Drill iv jour nrlni ; lieiulN Ttc'll
IIIIIM 1111(11 ( hem.
SPRING on'H ilrcrce IH tliciroiiRlil } ' rrp-
il here. ColorH , Nhlldl'K , lilockH ,
HAT , our-ifN , liniiilH all lien.
A coile of ncn * iirleeN loo. Sonic
SIR ? < IiiulllleHiiire | fur fur Itinliinrc linn
iul > unroll Hume In enst. Doenu't < ! | H-
FASHION'S lurli tin * CMiNl In < | IK Htore , IhiiiiKli.
A fen iieuiilcN lit-ru anil tlirrc lire
DECREE enMllj' eluirKeil In inolll mill IOMH.
\Vero e liurileneil Mllli heiny i-x-
RIGIDLY pi'iinCH , like home utorex , Iliou jirolllH
T > oiilil lia > e l < > recflvo HIM ! eoiiHlil-
OBSERVED er.illiin.
A ilelnlleil ilfNrrlplliin of our > mt
Mloek Mnulil eier mule iie. > VMiiuer
miner Hum tlio tudil niiliiloii < ) [ tlio
r < 'MioiiNllillll > of the "Vliilne'H OKIIN-
A ri'i'ly In lioth. Im enllKiito.
lIKe n I me nice horHe , < > iiu be iilirk-
eteil 'til ( he hiiiae uleleh. Then fuctit
I .
n u.
AVe run Hliinv } oil n lietler lint for
lfM ill ii lie ) . A fuel. In > eHtlKiite.
And UN > renuirUeil , Ht > le mill
IN Mliiilii'M , UN < -ereeil h > iniiMler ilenluu-
trN.iiiilher file * . Iu\CNtlKUlv. Much
HEADGEAR. If } iiu ttlll.