Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1898, Image 9

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Gloml Lifted fnm tin Title to a Lot of Rcnl
Court llolils Hint .loM-ili ri-lKlilon
\\IIM Not I n KM ii i- \\hcii lit ;
Mnilf tin * TriiiiKfi-r to
I UN llrulher.
iTtltlgo Scott Ima tlrlveii oft tin- clouds that
for wmo tllno liting over the title toVnl -
itut Hill , Crclghlon Heights nnil n number
of the other northwestern ndilltloiiB to the
city , lie hns decided thu case of Mar > 11
Shelby ngalnst John A. CrelRhton and has
sjstahieil the contention of the defendant.
Years ago nnd veara prior lo his de-it h.
Joseph CrelKliton deeded to John A. CtelKh-
ton a large tract of land that now Includes
a number of the additions In the northwest
ern portion nf tlie city After the death of
Joseph CrelKliton , Mary II. Shelby , his
daughter , brought suit tojet the trantfcr
mlilu , alleging that at the time of malting
the transfer her father was of unsound mind
nnd furthermore , that fraud was practiced
upon him b > not disclosing the real \alue
of the property so deeded iivvay. She nlsn
alleges tint In making the transfer her
father recelveil only a fraction of what the
property was actually worth.
The was brought to trial at the Inn
term of court and after be ng pirtlally
hc.ird , a continuant n wni grant d uitll Oil'
term. A week ago the trlil was. resumed
and a number ofUtricssra examine ] In-
eluding phjslclar , who testllcd to Joseph
Crelghton'K inrntal condition at the tin e of
making the deed to the defendant
On the propositions before him Jut' ' ? *
Scott mistnltieil e\er > contention of the t c-
fense , holding that .Joseph Cretan I ir. vis
hano , that there was no tiaud practiced
upon him and that he had full knewled o
of the Intuit and of the tran--fc :
3'\ii ( : r\si :
J'rosi tlnwVllinss riuirdeil Mltli
'Irilnu til- Inltiii-iit-i- t-xllmoin .
The case of the State agilnst ! > > man A
P.IRO Is betomlng hlRhl ) sensational , anil
gives every Inillc-atlon of beinR as stroiiR a
- * elrawliiR caril an the Knstncr murder tilal
that was on In the clrmlna ! court for a
perloil of three weeks
In the tase of the State against I'aRO the
tlefent'anl Is charged amoiiR othei thliiRS
with havliiR broken up tlie famih of Nick
Yager anil caused the ins'lgitinn ' of a illvoree
mill that Is now pending This Is the stniv
tolil by the prosecuting wltnc'-H who ad
mits that Hi on numerous times his wife ,
lamina Y.iRer has been altogether too Inti
mate w Ith Ihe prisoner The ca--o hah hi en
riinnliiR aloiiR for a couple of ilajs , during
all of which time YiiRcr has been upon the
htnnd RlvhiR his direct tcstlmon ) In til's
he made a stroiiR case against Pao , but
when taken In Innd on crchs-examination ,
Home unexpected bensatlonal developments
eamn tn the sniface.
Attoiciejs Coinlah and Ilattln conductcil
the cinwi-oxamlnatlcin along the usual llncfl
for Homctime when , all eif a midden , Atttit-
ney Cornish rtepped In fieiit of the vvltiii > ea
and puU'rit ? a roll of money fiom his pocket ,
shook It In the face of the witness and joked
"Did } ou not en last Pridav give till. ! roll
of bills nnd n meal ticket to Oiih A Tvlci ,
tellliiR him tliat If lie would profile testi
mony agalr < 3t Mrs Yager LIII ! Page , he could
have the moncj ? "
Yager denied ever h.iv'ig ' been Tjler but
wheel the man was nu'eed to s'un 1 up for
Identification , be admitted that he had hem
him once eir twice Y.IRC > vaj nsked If it
was not true that he went to Creston for
the purpct > L > of coriuptiMn Kelde'a
witness for the defence He admitiel that
ho saw the woman but liavtng Uilkul
-with her about the ti.miial case a a'nht '
Page or the divorce &ui' .uai'i.'t . MrYager
The witnras admitled that he pii'l ' the ex
penses of Sadie \Vllllaiirt If s-he would tes
tify , but jnstllkel Ii } aTjIn ? that sh11 PW
mc t of the facts ha ! in ; woikel in the
Yager fnmllj at the time the crime wa
allege 1 te > have been commlttel Yagei de
nied' ' that he went to the hospital to trj to
secure the of ils * He v ho vas
emplojed at the plate 'hong-i ne ( aid that
lit- went there to ti > to secuie the dl -
cliarge of another woman
ii'inii's : ricirr fou ins riin.i ) .
li-\l Mill-tin MtiUi-H u SiintIn .Inline
Itnlti * N ( on r ( .
The Ooldle Martin guarillanslilp Is
monoi-oll/liiR the time of Count } Judge Ilax-
lor , and al the same time it in bringing to
town a goodl } number of the ruial residents , .
The case comch from the vicinity of .Me-
Jvrdle and has attracted consideiablo at-
* tentinn out there
'Hie mother , Mrs hevl Martin , died some
months ago since which time the little one ,
a girl ( > yeira of age. lias been Ih ing
xv Ith the father Not long ago , vS'llllim II
KtepheiiK , a distant relative , tiled an appli
cation In probate comt , alleging that the
father , I.e v I .Martin , was not a Miltablo pei-
eem lo have the tare and ciistdly of a girl
of taieh tender age This , application the
f.'thor resisted and both sides biought In
the nelghborb to Hiibst.intl.ite and denj thu
nlle gallons \Vlttiebses foi Stephens went
upon the stand and trbtlllcd that the
lather had treate-d the child In a most in-
liuman MI a nn or and that If she was tint
taken awaj from him. her life would be
ruined At this polnl the court adjouine'd
nnd the sensational part of the trial i
began The father grasped one of the
wltiUf-iicH about the cieck and moaned n d
rrled In a manner that biought tears lo the
< > } tH of roiiie of the bpeitalors. Ilotween 'ils
uobs he declaied that It was m. . attempt to
Meal hh child fiom him I.elllng go of
his friend , he ran to the little gill and
idcklng her up in Ills arn.s ktud ; her and
tried over her n a most hstcrk-al manner
Afler IhlH he dropped the little tile tnel
threw hlnihclf al full length upon one of
tint beiv.'luij and bur ) Ing hlh face In hU
liamls , gave full vent to his sorrow While
Martin vvj > . gel IR thiough Ihe last perform
ance the Iltllo girl VHH taken out of the
court room crd tlie mom'cig ' tet < .slon eif court
sin- tint'inliili > e'n in pit ii.i.
ndwaril Callaghan and .Michael O'Oay
lave each sutil Ihe Cinlahy Packing com-
jinny , demanding In the aggregate the sum
of $10,000 on account of personal Injuries
iillegcil to have been sustained b ) reabon of
the negligence of the defendants In not
tiiivlng certain portions of Its packing Imiue
In a safe condition. The plaintiff * allege
that on January 20 last while wnrklng In
Ihe building , a portion of the Hew gave way
nnd Hit- } were burleJ beneath a mass of
debris , sustaining breken limbs and bruised
\nutlier Driivvluu < > ( .liirni-x.
One hiimlrril and fifty jurors have been
drawn for the third three weeks of HID
rchrtiary term of the district court It Is
more llkel ) Unit additional Jurors will
Jinvo to tie drawn for the present three
weeks of thi ) term , as when the1 jmlgts
return from Ihe nitsl'e ' enmities where the )
are now holding court there will not be
enough jurors for the conduct of the busi
* * licltnu I'limll ) Illwn iipnirN.
In all prolMblllt ) name time will e'hipse
lie fore Arthur and iila : Khelton ngiiln t ike
up their residence In Uumhu The former
\\lio wns iintler a tlili ty-day j ill bentfiue
for oiintrlliutliiK to the support of a house
of III repute cm-aptil from the illtin KIIII
mid has dlsippcaied Ills wife who w.ts ,
Ulldi-i a similar sentenet' In tin e tint )
for bflng an Inmau was ordervtl b ) 1'ollei
Judge ( lOitlon to lum tin clt ) wlt'ln ' nn
hour whlc-h she did. gulng to ( "ounrll
llluffs where her buslitnd went after | .l\ing
tliti chain KIIIIK tne slip Hlielloit Is thu
barber who placed his bride of ktnui wtcka
In a ) iou 01 ill repute ,
ii ; liupri > \ emeu * Outif tlie
Muln I't-ntiiri-M or ( lie I'murnni.
The county commissioners lm\e deter
mined to extend the pavement on the Center
street and the West Iodge street roads and
have Instructed the county clerk lo Invlto
bids for doing the work. The adxertlscment
states that bids will be recohed on mac-
adim , asphalt , Colorado sandstone , Sioux
rails granite and vitrified brick , to bo laid
on a filvteen-foot roadway and under sub
stantially the same specifications as were
tdopted by the board at the time when the
original pa\ctncnt was laid on the roads In
While It Is a fact that the commissioners
have Invited bids on eeveral kinds of ma
terial. all things being equal. It Is conceded
that brick Is quite likely to be used. The
commlnsloncis regard asphalt as being a
trifle too expensive , and unless some ex
tremely low bids are offered , the men who
lay this class of pavement will not bo In It.
Macadam has been tried In this county , It
being at the present time en West Dodge
and Center streets While It Is true that It
maktn a Binooth roadbed , the commissioners
contend , or at least some of them say tint
It lacks the wearing qualities , and more
over , they sa ) that In wet weather It rolls
up and Is carried away on the wheels of
the wagons passing over. It IH also con
tended that In dry weather the nncadam
grinds up Into dust and when there Is the
least wind It Is very objectionable. Sioux
PalM granite ami Colorado uandstone both
have their advocates on the board , but they
say tint this material Is costly , and not
enl ) this , the stene forms a roadbed that Is
objectionable , owing to the roughness of the
wealing surface.
Hegardlng brltk for the extension of the
two roada , the conimi'sltiiers tate that It
In about the cheaptht material that can be
secured The ) saj that on countr ) ro-ul.s ,
If well laid , It will wear during n lifetime
nnd still keep In place Although tie figures
are at hand some of the comm'ctlnnerb ' are
of the opinion that It can be laid for lec.s
mono ) than macadam.
N'ot having received an ) bids rial con'e-
quentl ) not knowing what pricfs will be
charged , the commlKMoncrs are not certain
how far the ) will be able to extend the
pavement with the proceeds of the funds
available but the ) think that the ) ough ,
to carry the permanent Improvements an far
as the Mlllard road that rn north and
outh Ihiough the coumty. Should the ) be
able to fo thlh. It will give two paved roitlB
to a point woven miles vvivt fiom the clt )
limits To reach the Mlllard road \voult ) re-
qulie an extension of two miles on the Cen
ter btteet road and one nnd one-hult miles
on the Dodge btreet thoroughfare
ivioitsi ) > TIII : i.ot i ) IMISTVI , mii , .
i\e < Mill\ < e mum I tier of ( tic ( niiitner-
ctlll Clllli Tn I. ex Vcliiin.
The executive committee of the Commer
cial club has passed a resolution endorsing
the I.oud congressional bill , which docs
u-ay with the cheap postal rates on second
clahs matter. "
\ communication from Secretar ) E \
Mi se'ey of the Inteistate Commeice com-
niletlon was lead , in which the club \sah *
asked to consider , i bill introiiuccj in con-
K'IBS b ) Senator Cullom to amend certain
seuions of the act to regulate commerce In
accordance with the specified recommenda
tions of the commission , in Its last leport
to congress. Tor ten ) ears the commission
was supposed to have power to regulate
lallroatl latcs , but rccentl ) the supreme
court decided oil erw IEO The nnttcr was
placed in the hands of a committee con
sisting of .Members .Mellugh , Dumont and
The following new members wtro elected
II S Scannell. E. E. Antlievvb and r Har
cons TO PKISON rou IMS m < c > Tiuit. :
Clili-nf o Mini ( "on t t-Hst-H to ii Crime
Ills Hiotheriis lout It-lt-il Of.
CHIC\GO , .March 1 Prank H 11 will go
to prison to t-ave his brother His filmed
have Informed the state'w attoine ) that HIP
) oung man lik'cnc'ti to plead guilt ) to iob-
bcr ) and voluntarll ) accept punishment i-i
ordei to keep his brother , Itobert J Hill
fiom the ptiiitentiar ) The latter Ifa now
undei tifcitenre having been convicted of
robbing a saloon. At the trial several wlt-
neb.-iH' testlHetl po'ltlvelj that Hubert J 11,11
v a" ) one of the robbers while two witnesses
sail Piank Hill was the man 'Ihe btothin
look verv much alike and It would ! ) > ar
eas ) matter to confu-e theli ion tttv It is
in ranged that the witne-sei ? who Identified
Prank Hill during the trial shall go before
the giand Jur ) and procure his liillctment
If he pleads guilt ) , as It U .said he will
the act will release Itobert J Hill.
KIIIID IN v tit vititr.i. oia vvveis ; :
Inrileri-r lllrt-s n ll\ -i- > Itlu anil
Drives Out of To\\u.
AUSTIN , Minn. Mjrch 1 Milton Wil
liams , .son of .Mrs A A. Willlims. pro
prietress of the Williams hotel here , shot
nnd killed Daniel P Kljnn last evening The
crime was committed In frceit of the fnttl
mid hoenwj to be the result of an altercitlon
ove1- Fliii's \\agcs There were u great
mini ) people on the street at the time Wil
liams IH Htlll at large Ife hired a ilg to
be I'rlven to hle. about twelve milts sout'i
of here Chief of Police fiilt hem a pe ue
on eat h road In pursuit going an south lilin-
f-elf Halt follow \VllHcins Into Iowa and
his not letiirned
HIIIIIIIIIII Is nl-.fli'i ricil.
Josiph niumtiii was found not gulltv In
pollie etiiirt and illschurKtil on mi neeusi-
tlon of obstiuetliiK the hltlivvalk In front of
Ills tinshlp atI.M South Tlilrtunth stii-et
It appears that llniiin in built for u Inker
In the tltv an ovtn , w leh tin- hitter leftiM'd
to ntiipt aftei It had been put Into his
hakiiy Ik e tiled upon Itaumin tu lake
It bats , but Hie bitter t edited to do so.
win ii'iipon tinbiku dumpcil thn ovin on
the Hlilewalk III tieint of Mailman's shop and
lift It In spite of winnings fiom the
police lliliman lefu.snl U touei tie ovttl In
the meantime bilii.liiK ) a civil action a iilnst
the b ikei to leiovei the i est of the oven
C'ltv Prnseeiitoi .Mllltr Illi il nn Infoini itlon
[ igiiliiht llaiim in but the eourt held I' nny-
lied ) was pullt ) of obstriietlng tlie Hide-
walk In this eiise It w IH the mm vv no ile-
poslud { .Mi oviii where h l.i.s and not
llaunian , whose responsibility ivet tie
ptopert > Ih UHSUIIII d to have ended when
he nil-il the ortle : given to him by the
I 'or lnrt-i-ii > UN llnllee ,
Aftei pasflng a night bflilnil tlie bar * of
the city Jail Unify S H til. n well ilres eil
nnd u lined appearing ) oung mm pleaded
not guilty In police emit to a einrte of
luricii ) aH b.illef Tin comtil lining wit-
iit s Is M J t'nrp-nter , tiuMl'nj manager
Cor u pletuie enlariilng totiotrn of Chleigj
lie alleges that he engngeil II til to uiV- !
bUblniBS for hli eonii rn and started him out
i\lfi $ B but that the latter appropriated
the inone.v lo his own Ubc Tie | ioH < are
ooklng for nnotlur man v\hom e'aipfnttr
H si ekliiK to preset tito under a tlmllar
Hall's eai-e vva called by Judge Oordon
M-'uda ) afteinoon anil It vva irrinved the hearing shou d be ha 1 thU after
noon Hti was releise1 on his own i < cogni
Inilli-ti-il for I'oUi.lllliu UN Wife.
OHIfACC ) . Mart-h l I.nvern A Cjok. , i
arpenter , w In M > home was until recently
n : | . uood. has betn Imll'ltd on i tlurg *
if utttrnpt to eommlt murder Ii ) poison
Vok IH now said lo be In Kansa ? HI will
bro-ight baiK on a requisition He Is al-
t-Kttl to have put niscnli In some toem.
His rion nee Cook , bis wife , took the
onto and was palsomd It w.tb with Inn
greatest dllllt ult ) her lift vvisvavid The
01 oil w is eximlntil b > H ihi-inlHt who
.aid there was enough urttnli In It to kill
levtial IHIHOIIS Antidotes promptly given' '
. ivtil t u life of Mib fook
Illilellire ( iiit'H to I'rl-on.
NIJW YDHK Mimh l-iivvard J Hat-
llfft tlu .u lor was taken toil i > to Hlai k-
vt-ilH Island ptnlttntlai ) where he will
orvta Bviitelue of tix months imprUon-
nunt fur an assault upoti hb wife , Alice
JcLacy Ilutcliaa ,
Undo Fnra Makes a New Deal with His
Tailbful Employes ,
IrrnnuriMiiriitR Mnilc W bereli > the
Carrier * All Inxiirp i llh One
Coiieern anil tie ! u l.ovv
Itiileof Preinlinn.
The mall carriers of this city , and of the
entire country , In fact , are just now en
gaged In filing applications with the ce-
curlty company for bonds which are to be
furnished the government as n Kuaran'y of
the faithful performance ot their dutley
during the coming ) car. All these bonds
must be filed In the otflce of ' .he postnut-tcr
general at Washington by April 1.
In past jears each carrier has been al
lowed to furnish any kind of a bon.l ho de
sired , either a real estate , a personal or a
security company bond. About two mitr.'ia
ago orders were received from the Washing
ton department that In the future all carriers
would bo required to obtain bonds from
some security company. The bonds must be
renewed each year
To conform with this order and as the
moot economical way of doing so , the mail
carriers' assoclatlcci , which Includes In Its
membership all the > etirrlcM In ttie countr ) ,
entered into a conttact with one security
cimiKiny to nitmb-h all the bonds The car
riers secured the vcr > low rate of 50 cents
per $1,000 There ore some in COO cairlois
itt the fierv lee and each must furnish a bond
of $1.000.
The can lets themselves are not at all op-
pored to the new scheme , os the ) prefer
to pa ) iJO cents a ) ear for a bond than to
be under obligations to anvone for signing
n perto < nnl bond 'II o eleps rtment. too. fliu.h
the new plan much more simple and de
sirable than th old one. bjcauso In the pa ft
considerable time and labor have betti spent
In examining Into the st Hiding of the bonds
men Now all that Ih required Is to in
vestigate the standing of the company.
While the- carriers hitve no oblection to
the new plan home of them in thlh clt ) are
agitating a scheme which they coti&ldce to
be htlll better This is nothing more 01
leas than the formation of a stock oecurlt )
compaH ) among tliemfcehes According to
this plan an assessment of $1 Ih to be levied
upon evei ) member In the association , net
ting nome S15000 01 Ml ! 000 It Is pioposetl
to deposit thl.s amount In the keasurv of
the t'nlted ' States os a guaranty to make
good an ) poi-hlble etnbez/lemciitii It Is be
lieved that the government officials will not
object to the seheme Fiemi the carriers'
point of view It would be a gjod btiMncs *
proposition because the monev would be
kept vlrtuall ) It. tlinir trcaMii ) . wlierc-is now
the ) hive to pav out between $7000 and
$ S/00 a jear foi their branlu. The ) have no
doubt of their audit ) to caff ) out Mieh a
scheme because the ) are now caiolng on
an insuiance deiartmrtit which pas death
le > Mh of $1.500 and * ! 000
CM ii , snuvirn i\ \ tnVTION * . .
\llis folllii llns SIMIIINIMS for l"\-
lieelllllt \lilit-lliilN. | |
Two government jobh in this ell )
are waiting for two , as ) et un
known individuals One IH a posi
tion of deputy collector to be assigned as a
stenograrfier and tpewriter in the internal
revenue otilcs here. The other la a fireman's
Job in the new postofllce building Civil
sec vice cNamlnatlona foi thcfoc positions will
be held on April G
In the ca e of the position of deputy col-
lectoi , the examination will consist of Hi"
( list grade baMs , together with cxeicises In
stenographv and typewriting1 Applicants
must be .it least 21 veais of j e and they
must file their applications for the examina
tion with Miss Collln hecretai ) of the local
"ivll rervlce beard , before the clobe of biifil-
titss on March 2S Application blanks an 1
infc' matlcei will be furn'shed ' by Miss Cotlln
.Men aftei tlie firemen's Job will be re-
iii lied to take . .n examination In the thiid
grade bas'n. ' together with practical eiutvtici >
In addition applicants will be graded upoi
their expei ien-e and character as vvorknin
Attentlcn U called to the fact thut it la the
practice of the department to appoint onlv
pei > ons who are residen of the place vv litre
the vatanc ) e\l ti > AnplLatlccia foi thii
exam nation must also be filed
Toila ) i the last da ) upon which applca-
tlons for the general civil service exami
nations ii the Internal icvenue departnio. ' ,
the ciistou-b hoiifce the pcstodlce nnd other
departments can be filed with MLss Coll.ii ,
the hccietar ) Over 100 applications have al.
ready been handed in ci d these will bo for-
w aided at once to Washington b ) the ECCIC-
taty It ban been not'ceable ' that the num
ber of appllcatoiu for positions In the- South
Oin ilia postofllve have been compaiativcl )
f-'eeietary f'otlin has not ) et becci notllieti
of the date upon which the examination wlil
take place I'roni the tact , howovci , that
( he spe lal examinations for fireman ai.d
ileputy collector areto lake place on * pill
< ! , It Is believed that the oilier ivill ccu.r
on the pame date , unless the Washington
aiithoiltlcn deiide that the number o * i , i-
plltant.s aio too numerous o be imeni-
modatid the'i In iMch case other date" iruy
bo named
Theio Is some doubt , also Just where the
exnmlna ions will be held There Is no
loam at pretent In the new pos > tolllce anil ,
therefore- , the old pcstolllce will piobably be
used Mis' Collln 1ms recommended the big
woikioom whlih has Jiwt been vatated by
the 1'ottoflleu depirtment
l'i id-nil lltillillim Nott-H.
ITi'ited Stites Marshal Thummel Is pre-
patlng to go to Washington on an official
I'eopln who frequent the new pcatolllce are
comminelng to wonder whethei the corri
dors are tr be kept ah dirt ) as thos in the
eld building were There ate live Juiltors
cmplncd to keep the llroi clean but it Ih
hald that the corridors bave not benn
sciubbcd s'liee ' the building
new was otcu-
pled They are covered with dlit
rebruary was one. of the lightest months
the ctifitonih port at this point has ever en
countered AlllclCH upun which dill ) cnitld
be collected were far between The bmelt-
li > < ? worl's als , fell down In the amount of
metal It reeelved Ordinarily It gel's from
forty to i-lxt ) carloads a month but last
month It recehed onlv about sixteen This
Is due to the storms which have prevailed In
I'rlt i < h Columbia
Work upon the Interior tlnlsli In the up
per three htorles of the new po tollto | build
ing will be commenced dome time next
we > ek At least the Angus Me Cloud lompan )
nf .Minneapolis , which IMS the eon'ract , has
so notified Superintendent I.atenser The I
contract IB fcr JS5.000 all of which is available - i
able Contractor McChud was backward in '
commencing his work , and Superintendent
called him to account a few
\f jtns TIII : INDI
Vleo Vlnxt llnvi * III nl. e .lull mill lliiu
' 1 lll-IIIMI-l V I'M.
INDIANATOUS , Ind Manh 1 A spc-
elil to the News frjm Dlllsboro. Ind , sas
Justice Craig at Orotb Plains this morning
itinelrrrel a verdict acquittlrg 'dcse ' Hughcj ,
who was charged In an allldavlt filed b )
novtrnor Mount with eomp'lclty ' In the
Versailles Alieningttorne > General
Kcteham Is enrouto for Indianapolis In an
l-ttrvlen he stateel that "It Is evident from i
all the evldente obtainable that the live j
men broke jail anl hung themselves "
ll.i- III Kt-lllllel. > .
, K ) . Manh 1A distinct but
eartheiuake sbutk was felt here at
II 30 , very uiruiitlble in ttic southern end '
Df the city ,
iu\miM > uTII S or AI.VSKV
Hope In riiulivv Uiitrntioi- the
1 u U o ii Illi pr.
WASHINGTON , March 1 Govcrnmcn
work In the way of tetiuclnK to record the
channels , anchorages , harbors , navigable
w-uter bodies and other Important features
of geography In Alaska wllj be carried on
thin summer and expedited ns rapidly as
possible. Superintended ! I'rltchctt of the
Coast and Geodetic surve has completed the
plans for too season In Alaska. When the
reason opens Men tenon t Helm with the coast
survey steamer Oedncy and a steam launch
will begin work In Cook's Inlet. As the Ice
leavc the vicinity of the mouth of the
Yukon river a search will be made for anchor
ages and harbors south of the delta and for
a channel Into the Ktmlhnk slough This
feature of the Held campaign Is ot the
greatest Importance to navigation , as t
present vessels entering the Yukon have to
follow a channel running In fren a point
many miles north of the delta. The govern
ment experts , however , expect to find an
easy and direct entrance to the Yukon. If
these anchcxages a d harbors arc found ns
anticipated Immediate publicity will be Riven
to the fact so that navigators mnv take ad
vantage of them dm Ing the coming season
Meantime a large launch will be taken In
sections to St Michaels Island at the mouth
of the Yukon , to be set up there In charge
of Mr. Pratt , and a survey will be made of
the region from Cape Ier to St Michaels
oxtfmllng Inland thiough the various sloughs
to the head of the delta The two parties
will make a comriteheiislve survey of the
shouli , lying off the river's mouth Hver )
effort will be made to collect material for
such a chart as the grow Ing Importance ol
the great rlvci demands The lower portion
of the Coppei river , now becoming prominent
through ex-tensive gold discoveries , will b < >
Investigated acid the practicability of Its
navigation defleiltelv determined Ottier
ixirtles will nnke detailed examinations of
the Chllkoot , Taljci and S'agway ' pahses
roiK-liixlon Itt-iii-lieil thill It IH \ot
Ne 't'NNur > .
WVSIIIN'GTON March 1 The War de
partment has decided to abandon Its ex
pedition f"i the relief of the miners In the
Klondike countiv , because the conclusion I as
been reached that no nccesslt ) exl th for it.
Secretary Alger has written a letter to Scna-
toi I law ley , chairman of the senate com
mittee on military affairs , explaining the
department's position , and asking that cou-
grc s take action b ) joint resolution au
thorizing the department to ellspc e of the
supplies putt-based for the
expedition. In
cluding the reindeer-whie h have JuU ar-
ilved from Norway , and to abandon the pro
Ject entirely i
In his letter Secietary i\lger Pis the
conditions on the Yukon have changed teas
as to render the expedition unnecessar ) , and
that General Miles and General Merrlam
both agree with him He Is alho advised to
this effect bv the Canadian minister of the
interloi Later advices than those received
last December , when the expedition was de
cided upon indicate he tas. tint the min
ers are in no danger ot suffering , and lie
thlnlb the gieat croiuls of preMpectois now
going in ovei Tal > a pass will carr ) .sulilcient
provisions to divide with 'the miiieis in
case they need ass btancc.
General Alger expresses the opinion that
the reindeer can be sold at a price sulilcient
to reimburse the government for theli cost
Ho ha ) & he has been offered ? 100 each for
100 of them This amount is above the cost
price. Ho also htates that the Interior de
partment is anxious to tqke clmigo of the
animals He also asks for authority to sell
the supplies purchased for the expedition.
The militar ) committee met today , but did
not act upon the reuuest.
- J t-
won.i > CHI sn ( OSTV ittcvIOM : ,
( ieiii-r Iti'iiiililliToo strong for Its
I , Idle \t-lKlilior.
WASHINGTON March 1 In the event of
a war between Nicaragua and Cratu ilie.i It
is f-nld that the alliance known ah the
Gieatcr Republic waulj give to Xicara , n
the armed Mr ngth of Salvador au ] Hun-
durai' The Nicaragua ! ! ami ) h eatimatcd
at about S.OOO men Salvador has > Lot mure
than 3,000 soldiers , but Honduras lub the
beat drilled . equipped force 'n Central
\mcrlca , numbering 50000 men
these tlie Ccsta Itlcati aimy of about 5 , Out )
ceeirs ir jimilliivi t Uut in the pre-tnt
calculatio is it i. . thought that Guatemala
would cast Its Influence with Ccata lUca
With Guatema'a ' fii nn allay the armlet.
\vou'd ' be evt I ) matched , i.lili Nitaiagua
Htndurah and Salvador annjel agaiint
Guatimala and Cost-i Itlca The bcM , foi
the view that Guatemala ma ) be driwi , .itr . >
the controvert ) i.s the fact that the tii.vv
pre-ldcr.t of Guatemala Senor 13 tradi Ca
brera war * a special envo ) to Cos > ta
when the latter countr ) was In a formci con
flict v , Ith other Central Ainer'ctn ' states At
that time Guatemala wai leoktnl upon as 'he
lead ) allv of Co.sta . Itlca , ami II Is tiiOuf'lu
that Cabrera would aga'n Incline to the
htme all'ance '
Hi-inorliil 'Inlilct tor lliilntIttlniH. .
WASHINGTON. March 1 The fienate to-
d.i ) pjGhed the Tacon icbolutlon for the erer-
tleoi in home sultablu place In the capital
of a bron/c memorial tablet commeniocitlve
of the olllceis and f-allors who Icfil their lives
In the Maine dl'iibtci Hefore the lesolutlon
with pathed Sti ator I'c-rklns of Callfoinla ,
trade an eloquent i-"iceeh I j lt s-jpoort an 1
In eulog ) of the A.ncrican navy.
Senator Hoar endeavored to have a Con
ference committee appointed In the
tuptcy bill , but Senator Slevvait talketl the
tlino oat until 2 o'clock , when the Alaskin
light of W'i > and homestead bill eame In the
regular older
\ | i"ilnlniiits | li > MK * I're-lili-nt.
WASHINGTON , March 1 The president
toda ) son ! these nominations to thenerate
V. nr Lleutencrit Coin el William J Yolk-
mar arslstunt adjutant general , to be colonel
and iK-sl-tunl adjutant general , Major Arthur
I. Wagner. cuHlstn t atljntaat gei rnl , to Ijo
lieutenant inlnel , Captali Andrews. Trtcn-
l-lifth Infcnli ) , to be major and . ucil.iUut
adjutant general
Interior To be reglsteis lend olllcco ,
William \ Merrill at Lamar , Col , ami Johl.
G Holea at Guthrle Old.
llii't-lplH i\eeeil : lIxiii-nilltiirt-M ,
WASHINGTON , March I 1 J-The monthly
trcahury statement to bcj IfMied todav will
how an oxce&i of reeelpti ! oVer expendltuica
for the month of February df $1.1)73,102. )
Dull ) Ti-i-noiir ; stiti-iiii-nt | ,
WASHINGTON March l.J-Today'tj state
ment of iht ( ondiilai of Itie treasur ) EIO\VH ! \
Availible each balance , J225fiGl 10 ! , ! ; gold
leseevo. $1C7 62. ! 1S2 ' i
I'llll t IHIII I'oiiKrrt-HH lo I'liiilxh llnUi-r'N
\NNIIHKlllk ,
CHICAGO , Mcrch 1 Two thoubaml Afro-
r\mtrKans , at a mass inectlng held here lent
night , entered Hole inn protfuls agilnst the
re-cent assassination of remaster Tra/lcr
I ) linker and hU Infant cnlld at bike City ,
3 C , and tnpinoilalltd president McKlnley
and consresi lo take prompt actkn to punUli
Ihe murderers The resolution adopted 10-
lite * tint effecllve Btepsiflhould be taken to
put a HOI to liiiflng ) uqd profr | ) protection
ifforded ever ) iHUen without regard to
: olor The gathering was In luany was re-
maikable In point > jf numbers IIH well as
in pcrnoinel It wc > > a mwt emphatic and
ilknlfuaiu proi .t Among the speakers wa
Mrs Ida Ii Wei.n-Ilatnttt of the antl-lynch-
n g league.
\i-e-iiHt-il of llnri.'lar ) .
Hd Button Is nntler arrest accused of
miKhtf ) It Is churned thut last Sunday
lUht , togetht r with a pal known to tne
lollco as "Uor Hi-y , he < broke Into the
ehldenti of .Mis Drown ] ( MC South Bevtn-
ieenth Htreet timing her absunce from
loini utitl btole a line olock Ml I HIOWH'H
two little bus are said lo liuvo wltncBscel
the burt-laiy and they luvu Identilled Hutton -
ton as one of the robbers. Hey baa not
located ,
( With oldlRat'oiH ' to la t Sundn ) a Philadelphia Times )
Not to be belleveil. Print , 1 t - > sell i nvr |
The President Declares That We Are Now
at War by the Act of Spain
Sjieelil Telegiam to theTimes. .
\V\S1IIM5TON. IVIiuiniy LV ,
An iiniistinlly n"-iie-lilili' | liniKIti titnnp. who \cct \ ivoil n enlil litt-alxfjist tit llu > ri'.if nl' tin- Wliittllmii i this morn-
tnir. listuht'll thesl.titlltiK Inleiiiii.itii n lit1 Inloinifd Itv tilt'v iltti'-s vvhose'iv 'il him with tln > iluinislU K nf
it t lilt-Ke-n iiiiel n pie-t'i' nl' niltiei' pit1 lie > lii'iird the1 niiild of Mis. McKlnltv.iy that tlii | iit'sldi > iit had IICIMI
ftiiiiim-il must til'tlio ninlil In pii'p.uiim si mcssii c ID e-nn H'ss dtul.itIIIK Unit \M % ; iie > Ity Hie' ne-t til'Spain
anil c.illiu leu-an aiipidpiliilinn ol > r > < io.o < XM > ( Hi. will ) : uillu it.v to UMIO a lu-ui for ( litit anionul , and also asUln ;
piompr anlhoiity to e-all . ' ( KI.OIK ) nu > n ID llullild
Tims till the- many MIIIKU-J vvhlt-li lia\t- so tldiUy t-i-ovvtled tinillsiiiiliid alniDsplii-tt' nf Hie' e-apilal liavt > ilimlly
PI-Jsi.-ill/i'd Into ae'lualtr \ , and we- aietitivv not onlj appie lii'inlln \\\r \ , bat vvai-ls upon us , and liv , Uiiacl ol Spain.
Tlio iiH'ssnjio of tin. ptesleli'tu will yo to ceiuyii'ss on Mumlay niuinlii } ; .
Laier Enforsnaiion Leaves Some Doubt as to iha Presidents Message
Special Telt BIam to the Tim s i
\ VAS1MNCTrihinar.v ( ) . 'Jil.
Oait'lnl tinnl > ss | of ( lie infoi mallnn nwhod from tin- WillieIloiiso this mm nlii from Hivvailu.s who sei \fd lht >
tiamp with liie-aMast , it tlu < icai ol the1 e-xt-e-ntivi' mansion thiows a shade1 ol' doubt as to Hittxtit'iiii' position u-poi led
ID havilii'i'ti .is > timt > il l.v ) tlu > pit sidt-nt Ji is pos-.ihh thai hi'ma.v not in his mt-s.s.i i' o ID Hitrxirnt til di-t liirini ;
\voaro alit-atl at vvai bi theatt eil Spain and that the' appioptiation he calls for may not Inso lai e' as i
Special Telnjir.ini to the T'tiu-j. '
AVASIII.VCTOV. iviniiiirv L' ( *
Oiavc donlils are e xpre.ssod by these who have soi'ii ni'mlieMs of thf cabliii't as lo vvhcllii'illu - ' pio-
paivel tinstaitliii } ; waimi'ss.t > : -j tint \vas t nnt'iitly u-potii-d eailii'tin lluday. . It is. iidmittud , huvvi'vor , the hltna-
tlon ih voiy ciitlcal and that war ma.v e.omeat anj memu-nt. - v , . ,
Its Guns to Be Turned on Spain Three Men on Their Way to Europe
to Capture the Rock
Speclil Telefilm to the Times. , . , „ , , . . , , , , ,
MV YOUIx , le'btnai.v 12(5 (
Amonj ; lhi > passi'titiois on the HIHMI'nrst Ulsmaiek. which lol'l licro this mninlnj ; for I.ivoipool , wt-io tlu-cc mon
vvhoso mis itin lo Kiuoii ] > maj ii-siilt In ihe > j.rravost < > nns ( > iiiin | t-s to tills t-oniiliy Al pioscnt I do not lool jn.sllliod
in elisclosln tlit'lr Idonlil.v , but ovoi.v inenniitin til patilolism Impels me1 lo exposeho ( de-spoialo s ( Iim \ to Hitoxo -
c'lilion olldtli Ihoy havi- so n'e'Kle's-l.v coinmlttt-d Ihonisfhos. In v le'vv of the KI SS ami nilsstalemonl <
made by i-oitain Ainc-i k'.in newsjiape' whoso s < > h > ambllion appears to bo ptoe'lpitaiion ol a w.n wilh Spain , I
oan se'-n'ei'l.v e'.xpoi't tlial pnblkeiotli'ne' will be'ivon m.v story. II is. liovvi-vor , absnlnt 'l.v line in ontlino. and e'\on '
tlit > dotails'aio vont-he-d lor on iho swoi n' toslimon.v of a hall iltr/.on ol Iho most piomlne'iit iiie-n In Wall stieet
Kioni Maialhon to < ! oli\sliiii , histt iy looms with eloods ol loe'Ulfss d.uliiK. but elm IIIK all tliosi > t'ontinl s Iho sehome1
of Iho Ihioo iii.\st > i Ions passi-11-'ois of iho I'uist Itlsmnn-K is withonl iiaiallol This is nothing loss than Iho i-aptiiie1
eif Cibtaltaianil the tinning of its te-riiblo unns upon Spain. The m'ii i'iijrajri d in this di'sp 'ialo voiilmo arenoillioi -
\isionaiios nor e-ranUs. One is ii sti > ntlsl of almost wotldwiilo lopiilation. another is ono ol Iho most sin ci > ssful
niampnlatois of steiclvs in this t'lly , wlii'o Iho Ihlnl N a ninltl-niillionalie- made his foi lnno In iht-piiKlotl honing
Inilnstiv ot'l wst. . Thi'liSIIKMIIO lot'Moss then li It bo K/ / the ae-mo ol slniplie 'e-Ily. and nnloss tlio Inllnonev ol the
Hillsld' ovt'iiiiiiiMit sfc-iiie's Ihoir ane'st in Kmopo , Clbrallar is HUe-ly lo pas , avva.v lioin tintloinlnion ol lai 'land.
( II e-iiuis < tlio c'aplnto of "Thi' Koe-k" would load to intoinallonal e'oiuplli-atioiis , If not ailnal vvai Koloial anlhoil-
tii's hoio loali/e- this anil il Is llke'ly Ilia ! Iho Washington ove-inniont will Instinct ils ainb.iss.Kioi in I.'n land tolune
the- mon auc'stod on Iheauhal ol the ship at Southampton.
General Lee Locks His Door at 12 O'clock and Looks Out of the Window
Speeln , Tclegi-nn to the Tlmo , . „
HAVANA. Keb.nary . 2 < > .
Th' exclusive news t-alileil liy e'oripspondenl of Ihe le.'ir of Spanish outrage held by Aiiieili-tin leslilt'iiln here
sinee llic M'llne \plosion fan he c'onliriiieil h .vond a shadow eif ilonlil. Al 1oYIork hist ni lit I cilli'il on Consul Cen-
eial Lee and intule the linpurlant elNcov e-iy thai the- door was liolle-d Mr Lee- was dmiliiless Hispet-tliiK an oiithrcnk
ol' iieinlar fury and tlid not answer m.v lepetilcd ilii liiK of the1 1 > II lot lilleen nili'iiles. ' and thi'ii caiillously poked
his head out ol the window. His Imenace was Hide. | iieihalily fiom the impiession thai I was a Span.nil. ! I e-an on
the highest aiilhoiltv stale- Hint the windows on the llrsl lloor we-t loekeil , and theie N a htionu' Mi > pliloii IIPK- ( hat
the jutlor lutnltmi/ls iisc-d to b.uiiiatle ihe Kitthen door. Tills In itselt show.- , the awlnl honor of Ihe situation.
The United States Marshal to Levy on Morro Castle and Bring
Spain to Terms
. Tekram to the Time- ,
WASH.NCTOV . r , . | , , , , , y 20.
The administration has made up Us mind to vlpnons m lion aualnsl Spain. Il holn ; : ovldont a pilotl Dial the
Maimi was bo\vn | up by a sulMiiniliumlno. . Iho piosldoin will dom.ind fiom Ilio Spanish jo\oiiiinont an Indemnity of
? , " ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ( pavable-ono half In i a > h and Iho b.ilam-o In 'on .voai non-lntoiost boaiiiiK bonds of thi > ! ' of
( 'nili. whit'li , It N bollovoil , Klatuo can rapliin- limn the in--ui i'nl . Should Spain lofnso to pay Ihls Indom-
nilv ii rnllo'd States marslial will bo pioniitlv | soul lo Havana to levy on Moio oastli , wldoh , nllcr bolnt ; duly ad-
' for Ion days , by posting mil lit s of the sale In Iho conspicuous places on thu Island , ono ofliluli shall UiOi'ii - llltiiifo'h iloor , will be bold at public- auction lo Ilio hlKhost blilor lor wiuli.
His Telegram Intercepted by The Times and Given to McKinley War nt Lasl , Tele , , . , , , , to , , , e . , .
The following ellspaleh was iccilvid fiom Senor Snjrasta by iho .Sp.iiilsli mlnlslor Ialo last nielli : "Will tlotlaio
war tonioriow : wall lor fnilhor In ill m Ilium. KA "
This dispute h was cabled to the Ailanllciblo ( Tclo iaph comiian.v's ollico on K s-lnot. It was lielnc dollvorul
It ) the Spanish minister when it w-is s'oloii lioin him bvonr . \ dailnu coiiospundi'iit. Ils tontonlK weio made Known
to I'le'sidcnt Mi Klnlcy , who Immedlntoly called a special moelini ; of Iho cabin t. What action will lie taken IH not
Known , but the picsldunt Intlnialod lhat the cabinet wa * nminimoim for war , f
Incident in an Up-Town Church Shows How Strong is the Feeling For This
Country in the Republic
A sensational Incident occurred yesterday in n My up town chmeh after the Lenten service. The oi anlst played a
sailois' hoinpipo as a icccsslnnal am ) the < on ioration not only lelused to Iho chuie'h , but many of them even
jumped on the seals and wept for o.xcilemont Soveial wtnii-n fainted , and an exclloil nenllenian , evidently a
Ktonchman. cansi'il tiemendnus enthi lasin by shouting. "CtmspneospaKiinl ! " This meaiiH , In Iho opinion of the well
InfoitiK'fl , that thino is a hlioii } , ' ciiut-iit of pupulai foellnt ; in I'lame to aid thu United .Statt-n in any tionblo wlmli
may ailt-e , ,
The State is Greatly Incensed at the Alleged Treachery of the Spaniards
Spec , . , . Tt-ltgram to th. Tlmca
WfITi | ]
Your loiresiKJiidi'iit has completed Ii tour of this city for the puipoM > of anoeitalnlii > ? tlio numh > r of men a\all.i1iln
to taU- the Held If war is deflated. Thu Socl ty for the J'icscnatlon of Tltkn IH fliinly of the opinion that theie will
not bo war The town IH Incensed ut tbo ucUou of the Kpaulbh authovltlw la cuuiiuutlou with thu liivcstlb'atluu of the
dlverd of the hulk of the Maluu.