-it THE OMAHA DAILY Bjsish- MONDAY , 23 , ISJKS. among themselvM not to disclose any of their procpdlr > * n They absolutely refused , one ami tall , to nay anything beyond that. They loft nothing In the court room that minlit give n y Information , for before an nouncing thlt they had arrived at a verdict they burned up every scrap of paper with fthlch they had balloted or on which they had kept ( ally , tt In certain that during Iho greater t * > rtl6n of the deliberation * the ) Mood 10 to 2 , probably In favor of the de fense , The tasc nan placed In the licnds of the Jury at 4 f o'clock on the afternoon of last 1 Friday irer is'ncc that time , nlRht and day , tlio Jurors have bc < n kept In confinement In Judge 1'owell'rt court room except for the three tlmen a day vvhon they went to meala. During thcao two da ) mil nlghln they were akod HBveral times by Judso I'owcll whether they had any communication they wished lo niako to him , hut they anawored ncga- tholy hi each cane JODOB I'OWKMVS INSTRUCTIONS. The following ni-e the Instructions ot Judge Ponell In full 1 This In nn action brought hy thp state of Ncltrnika. which U the pHlntlff ngnlnst Josi'ph 8 Hartley IIH nt < tronsurer , in print Ipil , nnd the other defendants above named im purities on hU olllcliil bond , to recover the Hum of $ .w'i,7'iO CU , vvlth Interest then on nt 7 per rent per annum from Janu ary 7 , 1S)7 ! ) , monejH belonglnff to the state of Ncbrnika , which It Is nlltpcd IJurtley received as state treasurer , and for which lie ImH failed to account. The defendants , by their answer , deny that the defendant Hartley lm < > failed to account for all moneys received , and deny that l\\of \ \ nro liable on said bond In tiny amoiiiu. 2. The burden of proof Is upon the state to show by n preponderance of the cvldenco the amount of funds belonging to the state iccelved by Hartley between the 3d d ly of January 1X93 , nnd the 7th day of January , 1S')7 ) , both InclUKlve , and the amount. If tin ) , for which he has failed to ntrount 3 You are the solo Judges of the weight of ovldi-nee and cmlllilllty of witnesses , and > ou are Instructed that the prepond- f ranee of evidence Is not alone determined by the number of wltmwtH testifying to n pitllrulnr faut or state of facts. In de termining upon which side the preponder ance of evidence Is , you should lake Into consideration the opportunities of the wit nesses for sielng or knowing tic thing * con cerning which they have testlllod : their ton- duct and demeanor while testlfv Ing. their Interest or link of Interrst , If any ha- been nhovvn. In the result of the trlnl , the proba bility or Improbability of the truth of their statements , In view of till thu other evi dence , facts and circumstances proved dur ing the trial , and fiom all thess circum stances determine upon whlc > i side Is the weight or prepondcKinco of evidence. IJIIIKCT INSTUUCTION. 4 Tnless the ntalp Ins shown tint the dpfeiiilnnt Hartli-y , ha not fully accounted for and pild over to his successor In olllce nil inon js hulontlng to the atatp whlci rnmn Into his hands from the hdiy \ of Januni } IS'H to tin7th dij of January , IS'17 , both Inclusive > oui verdict should be for lludc fohdatits , but If the at ti > his shown bv i pri < pondciunce of the i-vldcnre that lnrtlt ! > hris not so nccjuntcd , then jour vcrrtlct should bo for the state und agnlnst t"io defoiidant1 * or such of tiem as you sh ill llnd llahli , for the amount shown by thu cvldinee lo Invo boon received b > him during such period and not accounted for with 7 pi r cent Interest thereon from Jantmrj 7 , 1M7 , to February 7 , 161K Ti You .110 Instructed tial under the plead ings , the law of this st He and the evidence the bond sued on 111 this action Is a xullil and subsisting Instrument und In cise 3 on find from tin evidence under the so In structions ! that the defendant Dirtlov rp- iclved , as state treasurer , between the "d daj of Janu iry , IMJj , and January 7 , 1W boti Inclusive , money and funds of thu state of Nebnska for which he has fulled to account then tl.e plaintiff Is entitled to .1 veullct foi Bur-li amount agilnst all the defendants , except M iry Pltrgerald , and Is entitled to a verdltt against her al ° o unless you shall further llnrl under tie evidence nnd tliPVt- Instructions that sne was Insino nt the time she signed said bond and that she Ins not since ritlflfJ the same 0 1 ou are Instructed tint the defendant Joseph S Hartley as state treasurer had no light or niithtirlt ) to transfer to the Omuli i National bank , or to any other pei- son , the titleto -the warrant for J1S0.101 73 ricelvid In evidence In this c&se , nor had he the right to p'i > life rime to said bank or to nny other person out of the money of the f tate'of Nebr.'islrf Ills solp duty In the pn mlses was to fike tho'nioney out of the Rcneial fund and tuin the."same Into the Hlnltl i | ' fund , credit one fund with tie amount nnd cbarpe the other fund with a like amount , nnd If jou find from the evl- dincj that ho failed to perform his duty In this regard nnd paid the amount thereof to n pnity not entitled to receive the same , then he nnd his bondsmen would be e liaise- nblo In this action for such an amount , If nny as you llnd fiom the evidence the state \vas diimsed thereby. 7 If > on find from the evidence that Hart ley at the close of bis fitst term as st ita tieisurrr ending- the close L ( the second lav of Jinuarv. 1S91 held certificates of de- jr lt nnd cheeks evidencing the deposit for safekeeping1 of st ite Cunds In'binKs other than depository bulks ; and If you further llnd fiom the evidemo. that at the close of Ills llrst term he tinned such certificates nnd chocks over to himself as hlh own atic- ceu'or and that he has as uch successor nccepteil the samp as a. payment to hlm- helf ( to the amount of such ccitlllcates and clKcksl of so much 'monoj ' and afterwxrd Ircated them as such then and In that ease Hirllpy as the Incoming treasurer , nnd his 1) ndsmeii , the other defendants hetcln , are- chargeable on the bond sued on for the nmount of ueh pijnient In like manner as though ) the stamo had been made In coin or leg n tenner currency. UnCiAUDINO MRS T'IT7.GnnAT.n. 8 The defendant JInry Fitzgerald claims itlnit nt the tlmo she signed the bond In controversy the was Insino nnd theiefore 1 not liable thereon On this point vou nro Insttnctcil that to avail herself of this de fense thn burden Is i pen iher to shr , \ : i - llrmntlvely that at the tlmo'of signing the nald bond and also of signing the waiver or ron ent attached thereto he vvn Insane fli'd unless iho has ro cst ihllshed ruch fael isbn slands In the snine. position In respect tr. liability on the bond an do the other defend- tints an 1 > ou should so llnd 'i You are fuither Instructed that If you Hi d tiom the ev Idencp'tliut Maiv ntzsorali : wa i In ano at the time she signed slid bond but ( hit she was not Itmne when she slgnei ! the wal\ei or consent attained thereto itlu'ii she Is liable herein an though she h id boon g.ino when she. signed the bond for the letmon Hint If sine ' \hen she signed the w ilvei or consent that would constitute n latlflcatlan of hi r former slgnituro 10 the band 10 Kor the purpcuo of this Inquiry. "ln- panlty" rniy bo dellnwl ns a condition of mind In 'vhleh the pel son Is wholly without leiKon or understanding v\lth re pect to the panlculir act the consequences of which are sought to be avoided ; and If the defcnd- nn Mir > ritzgerald lin shown jou by a preponderance of the evidence that she uau at the tlmo she signed the bond surd on and ( ilco nt the tlmo gho s'gned the consent or vvuUcr attached ithereto. wholl ) without icasan or undi rstandlng with lespect to the iKvthio and consrqueneos of .such net or nets , she was Insnno and cannot be held lln- blo In this action 11 If jou Hud the defendant Mary Fltz- Rpr.ild v\as Imano nt the tlmo she signed said bond , mil also nt the tlmo she signed the waiver cr consent attached thereto , and U > ou further find under the. evidence and IhefD Instructions ignlnst the othei defend- niitu , your verdict will be for the plaintiff ami atruliiHt all the defend int-i , oxcupt .Mnry Fitzgerald ; but unlesi you Und that she ban atllrmatlvoly established iur de- fi nsn of Insanity , as dellned In these In structions , aha must bo Included Alth the other defendants In whatever verdict you ohall render. If llnd for defendants you - your ver dict will bo a general ono for thn defend mitt ) . I. Upon re 11 ring for deliberation you will delect ono of jour number ns foreman and lie must sign the verdict agreed upon. > If yon eliould agn-o upon a verdict when court U not In session you may i.'iiclOHo u In a sealed envelope and deliver It to jour foreman , who IP charged with Hi Haft-keep ing , unit all return with It Into court at Its jiext sitting. IJ ) ' the court. CLINTON K POWnM , . Judge. h in n 11 Fire. A one-story frnmu building at the Junction of Sherman avenue and'tho MUsouil rlvei liiirned down fdiortly after midnight. The liulldlngns used us n eileen nnd nourished < is a lesort before the ferry atHint point vvart abandoned. Itivvad bi-joml the icuch of Tire protection nnd burneii to the. ground with Its contents. Thlu Is the second tire \03a \ nt thu s.uue locution , us the building \\i\a partially do trojcd about a jour ago. The name of the owner has not been learned. Itostore full , regular action of the bonds , do nut Irri Pills tate or Inflame , but Icavo II Ilio ( lellcato illsnlltB ur- eanlini In p rf < ct condition. Trr U em. i ) cent * Co , , WORK IS WELL ADVANCED Present Session of Oongrein Braaka the Record for Progress. CROWD APPROPRIATION BILLS ALONG Indication * : \OTV Point (11 ( nti Kurly Adjoiirninriit trltli Jliivvnllnn Anncxnlloii Left Sut- l > e illicit , WASHINOTON , Fob. 27. The house load ers have been straining all their energies to expedite the appropriation bills , with a view to an early adjournment , and they are suc ceeding beyond their moat eangulno expecta tions Not In a quarter of a century have the appropriation bills been so far advanced In the long Pesalon as they are at this time , Only three of the , , regular bills remain In committee. The others have gone through one or twajgUgcs , and one , the military academy blll.jlH In the hauJs ot the presi dent. The other nluo are as follows : The petittloa bill has passed both houses and the differences hive been agreed on In con ference ; the 'legislative , executive and Ju dicial , army , fortifications and the agrlcul- cultural bills have passed both nousco and the dlflercnces are ibelng adjusted In con ferences , The senate amendments to the consular and diplomatic bill have been agreed to by the house committee ou foreign affairs and only awaits confirma tion of thin action ly the house before going to the prcaldcnt. The Indian 9)111 passed the tvnnto and the amendments placed there are being considered by the house committee. The District of Columbia bill , having passed the house , Is still In the scnato committee , and the sundry civil bill will probably pass tlw house tomorrow. Of the thrco bills still unrcportcd to the houeo hath the naval and postolllce await contingent developments * before they can bu completed. The naval bill Is practically complete save for the provisions for dry docKo and new ships. On ( both these prop ositions the development of the next few dajs are expected to control the action of the committee. If the bonrd of Inquiry Into the Ma I no disaster should render a findIng - Ing which portends strained relations with Spain the most liberal provisions will bo made both for dry docks and ships. Jf the dlsajter was not due to accidental causes aboard ship It Is almost certain that two new battleshlpj will too provided for , one recommended iby the secretary of the navy and ono to renlaco the Maine , and that nt least ono now dry dock icconiuicnded will bo provided for. If the Maine disaster Is found to have been accidental It Is probable no provision for the new ships will be made. WAITS ON THE LOUD HIM , . The completion of the postofllco bill de pends on the action of the house on the Loud bill on second class mall mattei , which Is to tc acted on this week. The general deficiency Is alwajs the last of the bills to bo reported , as It ahvajs in cludes such deficiencies and other Items as must bo provided for nt the CMO ! of every session , After thla and the Immigration 1)111 are out of the way nothing remains to pro- ! eng the sibslon of congress save the an nexation of Hawaii or war. Thu leaders of both sides , looking ahead , eliminating both of these provision * as pos sibilities , agree that the appropriation bills should bo passed and congress . ready to adjourn early In May. If fauch a contingency ns war should arise it wouM 'bo ' necesjary for congrtts to act both in the formal dec laration of war and In furnishing wajs and moms foi Its prosecution. With regard to Ilavyallan annexation there te no doubt'"that If the present treaty Is abandoneU In the' senate no move for annex ation by legislative enactment will bo pro vided by the house. Doth opponents and these In favor of annexation believe that the senate should retain Jurisdiction. The action by the- senate on a resolution of an nexation would therefore precede any ac tion liy the house and It Is this which gives color to the impression in the house that action In the senate can bo dclajed until both houses have completed their other work and that then an effort will bo made to adjourn and leave the question sus pended. HRED OPPOSES ANNEXATION. Speaker Heed makes no concealment of hli personal opposition to annexation and prom Incut republicans , like Cannon , Walker nnd Johnson , are also outspoken Some of the others , Ilko Chairman DIngloy , have made no public declarations on the subject , but arc believed to 'be In sjmpathy with the op ponents of annexation. A largo majority of the republicans , how ever , are of course In favor of the adminis tration's policy , manot tlnm cnthutfastlc- ally so. Chairman Illtt of the foreign affairs committee is placed among the auppoitcrs of annexation , 'but ' it Is nrnbahlo thnf thrv real biunt of the battle , If the contest Is transferred to the house at this session , will ho 'borne ' by Mr. Grosvenor ( rep ,0) ) and Mr. Henderson ( rep. , la ) , both ot whom aio cnthuylastlc In IU support. All Indications point to a concerted plan on the part of the antl-annexationls'n at both cndj of the capital to hurry through the approprlailon bills and adjourn before action can be had on the Joint resolution of the senate. This , It Is pointed out , would bo thu easier way to defeat , or at least post- pomaction. . If once the resolution got Into the house the divisions of the repub lican ranks would bo uncovered nnd the leaders would be forced on opposite sides Some of the republicans who are opposed to the annexation do not care to bo forced Into a position of public antagonism to the administration If It can bo avoided. They would , of course , prefer to 1,00 the question postponed rather than have It brought to an ISSUA In the house. The democrats , with comparatively few exceptions , are hostile to annexation , MATTERS RHFOItR Till : HOUSE. The program of the house for the coming week Includes the completion of the aundiy civil bill , which haa been under considera tion since last Wednesday ; action on the bill for the relief of the victims and aut- vlvor.i of the Maine disaster ; the senate bill authorising the enlistment of two addi tional regiments of artillery , and the Loud bill , relating to second-class mall matter The latter bill has been made the special order for Tuesday , Wednesday and Thura- day A spirited contest la anticipated , but Mr , Loud , the author of the bill and chair man of the postofilco and postroads com mittee. Is confident that It will pass , The bill takes all complete books printed an In serial form out of the second-class rate (1 ( cent per pound ) and places them In the regular book rate class , which pays 8 cenln per pound. It also prohibits tlo | transmis sion of "sample copies" at pound ratoa. If the bill should pass and ho executed according to Its spirit Mr. Loud estimates that the annual saving to the government cffesiod by It during the next four years would an- proxlmato SI2.000.000 Many publishers and newspapers are very hoitllo to the measure , but thus far the opposition - position has not becti so uctho as U was during the lart congress Tomorrow , under the rules , Is DKitrlct of Columbia day , but Chairman Camion , In charge of the sundry civil bill , will probably Insist upon going ahead with his bill. He lefused jeatorday to yield to Mr. lloutclln , who was extremely anxious to uocuro the Im mediate passage of the bill for the relief of the Maine victims. TUU latter measure will doubtless bo called up ns noon as the appro priation bill Is out of the way. but the bill for two additional regiments of artlltety will probably not be taken up until the special order for the consideration of the Loud 6111 exhausts lUolf. SBNATE FORECAST. Deyond doubt the Corbctt case will bo de elded ou .Monday , and after It * decision the bill relating to the right of way of railroads In Alaska will probably1 be taken up. Ueyond this the program In the scnato for this week H quite Indeflnlto. The Alaska bill U of much wider ecopo than Ita title ludlwtca and It will not bs leased without considerable discussion. Some senators are of ttio opinion that It should bo amended In eoveril particular * , and they will eeek to secure these changco before tbo vote U taken. It U believed the bill will JX163 after a day or two of talk on U. It la probable that after the Ala tn bill la 10019 bllla ot lei Important * on ( ha calendar will bo cotiflhlered. One of these Is the bill for the pijmpnt of the cl-ilm of the book agcntii of the Southern Methodist church for property dcstrovcd ot Noshvlllo during ttio war. This appropriates $2SOOOu and ha * raised some opposition. It U believe * ! to be Senator Davis * Inten tion to have the Hawaiian treaty considered It opportunity prc enta , but there Is no dis position now to press the bill In opposition lo other measures , U 1 poEslblo the bill making appropria tions for the District of Columbia will bt taken up by the committee on appropriation * dutlng the week. There are only five appro priations to bo considered during the week , which Is a record In advance of that maJo at this dp to In long sessions of congress. Senators are beginning to talk of adjourn ment at an earlier date than usual. Three unconaldered hills arc the District of Columbia , the naval , and the civil nmidry bills Tlieso ore Important measures and each Is liable to arouse debate , but senator * generally agree that unices there In seine other reason for postponing adjournment It can bo reached by May or Juno. The friends of the Hawaiian treaty say that some ot th bills will bo held back until the question ot annexation Is settled "Wheezing" In children Is soon cured by the famous Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup. iv CHAMIIAU.M : is rowiii 'io IMHIT. nillcrrK of UKHcllef llon < ArcHrrov - rrlnnr from Tlirlr Ilnrilxliliii. HALIFAX. Feb. 27. The verduo French steamer , La Champagne , was towed Into Halifax this afternoon by the steamer Roman. At 15:15 : the La Champaguo let go the hawser by which It was being towed Into , Tort by the Roman and dropped Its anchor In midstream off the city , vvhllo the Roman steamed to Its dock. Hundreds of people flocked to the wharves to watch the two big stcamero move slowly up the hatbor. Third Officer Unsworth of the La Cham pagne reported that of the ten men who manned the relief boat and who were picked up six days later by the Rotterdam only four wore unable to leave their bunks on the Rotterdam at Hoboken this morning. Ofllcer Unsworth showed little of the effect of hla fearful exposure except that the skin was peeling off his face. Quartermaster Camard's hands were blue and swollen from frost bite- , but they were not bandaged. Ho walked with dlfllciiltj , as his feet were badly swollen. Ho made no complaint , however , and raid he was grate ful to bo alive after such an experience. The remainder of the boat's crew nro still being cared for on the Rotterdam , but with the exception of Seamen Creur and Tanquy thej- will bo able to leave their bunks this afternoon. As soon as they are able they will be transferred to La IJretagno and the others who aio still suffering will bo sent to the French hospital , 320 West Thirty- fourth street , this city , where arrangements have been made for their reception. < ; iuies snow mtuvr i * VTKIOTISM. Drop All DHTi-reiu-eN In ttiK Kin 1C ricer ATHENS , Feb. 27. There Is a great pa triotic outburst throughout the country over the escape of King George from assassina tion yesterday , with thanksgiving service ev crywhero and demonstrations of every kind. 1'ralse for the king's coolness and bravery in protecting his daughter , the Princess Maria , is on every lip. , The members of the royal family , the ministers and the entire diplomatic corps attended the To Deum at the cathedral today , after which an Immense crowd went to the palace and gave King George an ovation. Ills majesty haa received telegrams of con gratulation from all sovereigns in Europe. The press , even the papers opposed to the roj'al family , is iraanlmous in its expres sions of Indignation. There Is no trace of the miscreants , though several arreuts have been made with the object of obtaining Information. The Incapacity of the police Is making a bad Imprc&slon. < > lfim Xnotller Trcnty Port. PEKIN , Feb. 27. The government has agreed to open Yuen Chau , tu Lake Tons Ting Tu , as a treaty port , but declines to eu- tcrtalm a proposal tending to the abolition of the llkln dues Lord SiillHllliry III. LONDON , Fcb 27. Lord Salisbury Is con fined to his room at Hatflcld house with n slight indisposition. TIIC UOUOVV CV.N Hi : HAIS1U ) . itVorls r.-ill to rinil the Crovi of ( lie- SEATTLE , Wash. , Feb. 27. On the way down from Juneau the Topelca spoke the Corona and brings word from Captain Goodall that It can bo raised. Divers found no largo holes In Its hull. The leakages had been stopped and the water pumped out , ovcrj thing being In readiness when the To peka left to save It. > On Thursday the long overdue steamer Scotia was passed , ibound to Seattle fiom Skagway , and It reported all well. The steamer Rustler had returned to Ju neau from another unsuccessful search for the bodies of tliojo who perished In the Clara Nevada disaster Juneau has a coal famine and there Is only sufficient fresh meat In town to last from ono boat to another. The weather has been terrible for a week past , cyclonic galeu iblowlni ? continuously and the thermclneter has ranged from zero to 9 'below. ' onriii : m\cic IIIM.S. Iton.v Vlc < v I'.iitcrl.iIncil li > - n I'orinor Colorailit Vllner. R. M. Maloney , who was for several years ono of the leading operators In the Cripple Creek dlstilct , but Is now mining In the lilack Hills , is In Denver. "It It ! ono of the greatest mining regions In the country , " ho said to a Republican reporter , "and Is continually growing , so that it Is dldlcult to say what It will produce when all of the mineralized tcriltory Is In operation , or oven to form n approximate Idea , The great- MOSJ of the Homcstako mine alone can bo faintly Imagined fiom the fact that the ore U quarried from a face COO feet across , not a pound ot which is barren. It Is esti mated In the annual reports of this com pany that there Is enough of this ere left to keep up the present production for twenty jcars. This Is the extreme of con servatism. I do not think that the known ore supply In thlo mlno can bo exhausted In fifty jcars. And the ere supply In the neighboring territory Is still greater. "I am mining In Bald mountain , where the ere occurs In blanket form , lying above the vertical veins. There are four of these contacts , the ere toeing found In separate crutes or pipes , 'as they are called there , varying In width from live to 175 feet and In thickness from ten to twenty-five feet. The contacts are separated by quartzlto layem , with considerable porphyry mixed In , the ore being a refractory material carrying con siderable arsenical Iron , The upper con tacts carry considerable silver , < but the fourth contact ta gold , and all minors try to reach that , as the ore Is treated by chlorlnatlon , which does not eave tbo silver , "Tho mining Is done by sinking to this contact and then drifting As these con tacts lie one above the other a veiy largo proportion of the work la done by tunneling and mining la very cheap. In one of the largo mines In this territory forty-flvo men are employed and ICO tons of ere are broken down every day. The ore oven In the lar o chutes will average $20 , and In ono property that -I owned ovary pound of the ere that 1 fak out ran 130 to the ton. This U a b'ouj value and disproves the Idea that so many people have that all of the ores of the Dlack Illllu are low grade. "Considering the average values , the large ere bodies and the cheapness with which the ore 0111 be mined , I think that It Is ODO of the bert mining countries that has ever been opened. Two chlorlnatlonorks und several vmcltera are running constantly and there is a probability that two umeltent will soon bo erected. There Is ere enough there for all of them. " Content I ii Oilmen. CLI3VRLAND , O. . Feb. 87. The conven tion of the Student Volunteers closed thla evening with a big rally at the Qray'8 armory. Nearly the entire day was given up to meetings , und Intense excitement In tbo missionary cause vvaa aroused by the score or mora of eloquent speakers who ad thu largo crowda that FRANCIS'4 ' ON RATE MATTERS H B. & Mi General Passenger Agent Talks of Chicago Mooting , ! i i < n _ EXTRA FARE',1. ' , ON THE FAST TRAINS Amount of I2 rrm Ilrtircrit Chlonno and Dftitrr'.Nnt Yet . \Krrcil On J.orv'1 I'rlren fcir Kloti- o Tlpkt-ti. TIio excess fare to be charged on the new fast truing or the Union Pnclflc-Northwest- , crn and of the Ilurllugton lallroad'wllt not nffcct travel In and out of Omaha. It will apply only to through tra\cl between Chicago cage and Denver , In both directions. An nouncement this effect was made to The Hee yesterday by John IVancls , cener.il passenger agent of the H. & M. , who had Just returned from a conference of general passenger agenta In Chicago. Speaking of the excess faro matter Mr. Francis snld : "It has been decided to charge cxceai fare upon the new fast trains be tween Chicago and Denver. Extra faro will not bo charged on these trains between any intermediate points. What the amount of the extra faro will bo cannot be said at this time. The presidents of the Interested lines have decided that excess faro shall bo charged. It will remain for a meeting of the general passenger agents of the lines to determine the amount ot the additional fare. The extra charge will apply on all now fast trains between Chicago and Den ver. If n road puts on a now train that shall offer facilities for through travel between these cities superior to the trains now on extra faro will bo charged. If the train Is two hours sloncr than the new trains ot competing lines , It Is prob.iblo that the extra faro for that train will not bo so greit as the excess fare on the trains that liavo been placed in service already , but It will bo sot at a proportionate flgurc. " 'sMr. Prancls , the papcra have contained estimates or tno excess faro varjlng all the way fiom ? 1 to $4. " "While no one can say what the amount win be. for the reason that it has not been determined on , > ou can depend on It that the c\ccss faro will not be $4. That Is ab solutely sure. The lines that ha\o put on the iirw trains would never consent to such an amount of excess faro as that. " HIAITES TO THE KLONDIKE. "How la the war In rates to points In the northwest ? " "Ou Sunday , March C , there will be put Into effect fiom Omaha and all other Mis souri river gatewrjs a rate of $2r > for flrst- class travel and $20 for second-class travel to Portland , Seattle and Tacoma. These rates wlll be put on by all lines through here , and will npplj via Billings. Mont. , and over the Noi thorn Pacific orla Ogden and over the Oregon Short Line to the thrco points named. The Southern Pacific has so far refused to bb a party to the reduced rates , and therefore they will not apply via San Francisco or through California at all. The rates will-lie put on to meet the com petition of northern lines , and will undoubt edly have the effect of dividing the business between them and the lines through here The rates will be chrefully guarded to avoid the danger of manipulation by the ticket scalpers Ou buying the tickets passengers will pay the regular tariff rates , and on ar riving at their destination will have re funded to them , the difference between what they paid and jHru reduced rates " "Do vou look for a great amount of Klon dike travel tOi.be attracted through Omaha by the reduction of the passenger latea fiom heie to the nprthwest ? " "I think that/ the Klondike business and the other travel to the northwest will bo divided nftei .March G. It will not all go thiouBli St. Paul , rior will all of It coma through Omaha. - , My ovvji opinion Is that there will not bo a great amount of travel through either or both points. I believe the most of the rush toward Klondike has al ready parted and there Is but compara tively little yet to move. There will be no enormous rush to get to the Klondike , al though there may bo a number of small parties > et start for the gold fields there. All reports agree that the total amount will not nearly como up to expectations. " M1W CHIC \fSO-M3W VOIUC ItOUTC. TrtmU T..IIIIlo lie Porincil by OoiiHol- ItlntliiK Vmio ExiiliiiK Jsiuirn. There Is some reason for believing that the near future may see a now trunk line between Chicago and New York. Recent de velopments In Pennajlvanla point toward a consolidation of several reads by a syndi cate of which Calvin S. Brlco la the head and front. With the combination of the lines interested It would only be necessary to build about 300 miles of new road , and store have been taken to Insure the rapid completion of about 200 miles of this neces- tary additional ( mileage. The proposed route Is as follows : : ( Miles Illinois Central. Chlcapo to Kanknkco. . 58 rindlay , Tort Wayne & Western ( to bo built ) Knnknkee itp Toil Wnyne HO Findlny , Fort Wayne & Western ( exist ing roul ) , Fort Waynn to'Flndliy 7S Link to bo built fiom rindlay to Carey 12 Northern Ohio , Carey to AUron 107 Northern Ohio , extension Akron to New Castle < 0 Allegheny . Western , New Cattle to I'un-tsa'avvney 9 ° Hiiffnlo , Rochester A : Pittsburg. 1'unx- snlnvvnc ) to Clonrflelil , . < > nr < > ch Creek , Clearficld to WI11I imsport 101 Philadelphia & Heading , Wllllamsport to T.imaann. iw Central of Now Jersey , ' Tuinaqua to Jersey City 1 < * > Total , Chicago , to Jersey City 913 This combination would foim what wuuld bo almost an air line from Chicago 4o the Clcarflold coal legion In Pennsylvania , and the outlet from the latter point to Philadel phia and Now York would bo a direct one. It would form a line which would bo only thirty-two miles longer than the Pennsyl vania short line ( between Chicago and New York , while It'would ' bo seven miles shorter than via the Pennsylvania's Panhandle route and thlrty-tlvo miles shorter than the laho Shore & Michigan Southern and Now York Central. Itnllrniiil > n < c > H nml 1'rrnoiiulM. Acting City Passenger Agent IJeclicl of the Milwaukee spent Saturday and Sunday In Denver. The Rock Island Jias placed an order for 100 fifty-foot vehicle cars with the Michigan- Peninsular Car company. W. M. Lamptqh 'lias ' been appointed gen eral agent of Jtfho1'freight ' department of the Denver & Mo Graniio at Denver , Colo. The Union Pacific passenger department has just Issued a land so mo souvenir of Its now fast trains. JTuo Chicago Special" and "Tho Denver SppcjaJ " The souvenir Is on heavy paper of a jgarnct shade and the print ing Is In silver , anf , | gold. The Kansas ( Jlty.-Car Service asioclatlon of Kansaa City , Mp . and the Missouri and Kansas Car Serv'fee ' association of Topeka , Kan. , have been consolidated under the name of the Missouri Valley Car Service associa tion , with headquarters at Kansas City. The i i Walter Sntci'lot' ' of Now VotU lias cent us ton of Ills 01 Initial water eoloiw painted while Iio was In I'tuopo these arc without doubt the llnest water colors ever shown In Oniaba they aio for ealo and should you want on < i of UICKO oils- llials you should com , ; pi Jy In tlm week BOO our show window whleli will linvo them on display we arc i > u > i > aied to finmo these or any others at very reasonable rates and bliow today the largest and most up-to-dato line of mouldings wo over have the bpilug Is u good time to refrauiu jilctuu-s. - A. HOSPE , Mpic and Art. 1513 Douglas VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV § Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. § 9bft § Nature's Greatest Help. g Nature is the Greatest of all physicians , and Q ? yet even nature is often unable to icpair the dam0 age caused by disease , neglect and abuse , withv otlt calling upon man to lender such assistance ft is his limited abilities will permit. Nature supft plies every person with a surplus of vitality or ft nerve-lorcc , which may be drawn upon to assist ft in times of sickness and need , II , from overft work , severe strain , worry or the ravages of dift soasC ) this surplus energy is consumed , the vi- tahty of the system is lowered and nervous de- billtv follows. Thousands of unfoitunatc inva lids have found Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine to bd the greatest of all helps in aiding nature to repair their wasted energies. It is a blood vi- trtlifcof and a nerve strengthencr a speedy rem edy for nervous troubles of every description. It restores health. Capt. Thoa. E. Walker. Marino City , Mich , writes : "My daughter. Goldto Walker , while nt teudinir school , was nflliotod with severe ho.idnches , dizzy spoils und nervous exhaustion , which were brought on by over-study. These troubles grew worse until Dually ono half her body was nlTocted with n sort of paralysis. She could neither walk nor talkand , was in n terrible condition Physicians only scorned to innko her worse , and nothing brought relief until wo tried Dr. Mllos1 Restorative Nervine. Shoboguu to Improve from the first fuw doses , anil in loss than thioo months she was entirely cured of her trouble. Her health Is now completely restored. " Dr. Miles' Remedies are for sale by all druggists under a guarantee first bottle benefits or money rcftnHeJ. Book on heart and nerves free. Address Dr , MILES MEDICAL CO. , Elkhait , Iml. consolidated association has a membership ot twenty-nlno roaas and C. W. Sanford heretofore In charge of the Kansas City ns- eoclatlon , will bo manager. The North Carolina Railroad commission has adopted a resolution to the effect that on and after March 23 next passenger rates In that state shall boVi cents per mlle for first-class tickets and 2 cents per mlle for second-class tickets It Is said that the rail roads will endeavor to secure an injunction to prevent the proposed reduction. Children and odiilts tortured by burna. scalds , 'njurleo ' , eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Is the great Pile remedy. HOUSES AVII 'iniiii O\VMHS. Winter TnIk of the TriM-lc nml 1'lniis for the CiunimlKii. The recent session of the National Trotting association , which does not reach out into this section of the country , passed a number of new rules which have been agitated fee come time. Among other rules was ono pro viding for ICio rcgulqr licensing of all drlveis on tracks under the control or the associa tion. The license Is supplied upon applica tion , with a witness to the applicant's signature and two photographs for Identifica tion purposes. The benefit' ! are the doing away of possibility of ringing. Hopples aio to bo done away with after this jear. In connection Ith the closing of the Ash Grove trottlcg farm last week Is sevlved tha memory of the great race horse and sire , George Wllkes Especial Interest arises from the fact that as If to emphasize his retire ment from tbo trotting horse business the owner of Wilkes has donated the bones of the horse to the state university of Ken tucky. The career of Geoigo Wilkes was Indeed the most wonderful of any horse that ever lived running or trotting. lie was bought by W. L. and Z. n Simmons * hcn he was 3 jears old from Colonel Theran Feltcr. Ho was , foaled In IS o. The Messrs. Simmons raced him for twelve years. Ho met all comers and defeated them all. Ills first great lace was the memorable match with I'than Allen , then the king of ttra turf. It was trotted on Wednesday , September 10 , 1SC2 , cti the Tashlon course , Long Island. There was an enormous crowd of pcoplo present and the Interest in the race had been worked up to white heat. Trotting horse men from all over America were present. The odds were nt first on Ethan Allen , but Messrs SUnmous and their friends put bo much mc'iey on Wilkes that be was a big fa- veilto before tbo race v\as called. Ted Sloane met more than his match at the Oakland brack lu San Francisco a short time ago. Tno times In ono day a colored Jockey , Josao Conlcy , beat him out. What hurt most was that the colored lad did it once on a 30 to 1 shot that had not won a race since the Mexican war. On the other hand , both of Sloano's mounts wcro favorites A noticeable featuio of the latter's riding vvaa that ho Cias apparently taken some what to the English style , as ho rode with a much longer stlriup than bcforo ho crossed the water. The magnitude of the mutual system of betting In France Is shown by the returns made for taxation. Two per cent of the bet ting on mutvals under the Trench law goes to public charitable Institutions , und In 1S97 this 2 per cent rake-oft footed up to 3,93(3,177 ( , fiencs , equal to $797,235. The aggregate amount of tUo betting done on the mutual plan In Prance last jear approximated $10- 000,000. This does not Include book betting , on which tluro is no tax. The top price at the Now York sale held recently was f 0,000 for the pacing Htalllon Planet , 2 04)4 , and ho ls considered dirt cheap at that. iMany critics think that ho Is good for a record this year which will not bo fur short of the two-minute mark. llo first appeared In 1890 , when ho made a most successful campaign , retiring with a record of 2 O0' . Lost year ho sprung Into sensationalism by winning the fastest six- heat race ever paced at Columbus , O , In August , pacing the last three heats In 2 OSVt , 2 OV'/i , 2 OGi/i. It vvaa but his second race of the season , however , and It nearly settled him. as it did most of the lighting horses In It. Ho did not win again during the year , although he cut Ills record to 2.04 % a few weeks later , over a heavy track at Kcadvllle , Mass. At Tcrro Haute , , late In September , ho won two beats n 2OC : and 2-00 % , and at Lexington , In October , won two In 2.05 % and 2:07 : , but lost both races. Ho Is a Bomowhat delicate horse , but his speed la Intense ho has been timed a half In a race below a minute and his gamcncss Is beyond dispute. Mart Demorcst Is to train him , and , as has been eald , he may do something surprising next summer. rineiilM of llu > Terror. NEW YORK , Fob , 28. The monitor Ter ror passed In at quarantine at 12 CO this morning and anchored off Tompklnsvllle at 1.05 BOOKS CONCERNING CUBA Recent Events Stimulate llecearcli iu This Direction , LITERATURE ON THE ISLAND IN DIM\ND Jll > riiry AIVorils.il Ore-ill Deal of In formation VVlilcli IN IhiMTerl } iy l'iM > iilu In CiinciLt' An effort , and usually an adequate one , has alwavs been made at the Omaha Pub lic llbiary to meet the public demand for Information , no matter how sudden nnd strong the impulse In any direction might be. Recent evenly have brought , without warning to the Institution , a request for reading matter on Cuba , Spain , the army and navy , nnd kindred subjects hitherto un precedented. Current topic clubs and High school dcibatlnc societies have already crude their appearance at the llbraiy windows , asking for literature of any possible bear ing on the generally dLseusscd topic from the treatises of naval engineers ou tmbmarlno mines to euoh classics as "To Cuba and Back , " the story of a vacation voyage taken by Richard Henry Dana In 1859. Tbo library officials have taken pains to meet this emergency and the resources of the shelves have been placed at the public d's- poral in n systematic -way. The greatest demand Is naturally felt In the reading rooms , where the weekly mag azines are on Jllo , given over to graphically Illustrated accounts of the recent naval dis aster. These racks are given no rest and the well-thumbed leaves aio being turned In a constant succession by a Hue of waiting patrons. The attendant In charge keeps a dally tally of visitors and reports that her guests have been multlpljlng during the last fortnight by two or three-fold. A source of Information which the public 3 only beginning to appreciate is the clipping bureau under the charge of Miss rhcauora. Burstall. A mass of material on subjects of general Interest has been clipped from the sixteen newspapers and magazines which come to the library , sorted and placed In laige envelopes under general heads. Iho matter In the envelope labeled "Cuba" Is sulllclent for a long day's reading and In cludes every variety of editorial and de scriptive matter. The envelope was opened for business many months ago , when the topic first became of general Interest , and It has not been practicable to preserve all the literature on tt since. So the moro Im portant articles have been retained from the earlier publications together with every thing as ncaily contemporary as the last two months. This onvclopo Is the particular resource of debating societies which have taken up the discussion with considerable earnestness. WHAT THEY REA1D MOST. The hook in most general demand and th3 most recent work on Cuba Is the "Year From a Reporter's Notebook" by Richard Harding Davis , which has just been ro- cehed at the library. The chapter on Cuba Is mainly correspondence of a iN'cw York paper done as recently as last Juno. The chapter opens with nn account of the death of Rodriguez , the son of a Cuban farmer. The young man was captured by the guarda civile after wounding three with his machete and was tried for bearing arms against tCio government. Ho was sentenced to death and the correspondent praises tht > courage with which ho met his fate An explanation Is then given of the trocha , a piece of construction mot generally under stood In speaking of It Mr. Davis says "I had Imagined the trocha to bo a rampart of earth and fallen trtca , topped with barbed wire ; a Rubicon that none was allowed to pass , but which ti'io Insurgents apparently crossed at will with -tho case of Httlo girls leaping over a flying skipping rope. In reality It uct-ma to be a much more Important plcco ot cngtneeilng tlun Is generally IJUP- posed and ccto which , when completed , may provo an absolute barrier to the progress of great bodies of troops , unless they are sup plied with artillery. The trocha IB a cleared apace 1GO to 200 yards wide , which ntrotchcs for fifty miles through what Is apparently on Impassible jungle The trees -which have been cut down In clearing this passageway , have been plied up at cither Bide of the cleared space and laid In parallel rows , form ing a barrier of tree trunks and roots unJ branches as wldo as Broadway and higher tlan a iraiiVi head. It would take a mcti homo time to pick his way over thono bar riers and a horse could uo moro do It tlun It could cross a jam of floating logs In a river. Iletwecn ttio fallen tree * ) lies tha single track of the military railroad und cci Drox L. Khomnn Is ready anyway tlio cat Jumps ready to light nnytliliiK or anybody or ready to soil shoes nnd liu BolH shoos cheaper limn anybody , too that IH , the kind of nlioos 1m scllH liavo never boon sold for bo Httlo money ex cept at our tort think of u iium'ti nlioo fee $12 00 a flboo that has Hot ( i Konulno oak bottom and choice calf uppers a combination of style nnd wearubllllty wc'vo tlicso $2.00 fltiops tu oltlior laeo or coiifrrehs with wldo plain or tipped Iocs In nil widths can fit anybody'a feet Into a pair of these $2.00 nhoes no alioo ever made or sold for $2.00 will stand the hard wear this nlioo will. Drexel Shoe Co , FAUNAM STREET , ono side of that Is the line of forts and & few foot be > end them Is a maze of barbca wire. " SOME OTHER HOOKS. Other and moro remote books of .1 similar character have been brought out from their undtisted recesses In answer to the now de mand. Ono of the moat popular of these Is "Froudoclty , " a series of West Indian fables by James Anthony Troude. Another ' Mambl-Land " which the Is 'The - , portravs adventures of n Now York Heiald corre spondent , James J.1 O'Kelly , during the un certain period around 1S7I. Another Is the "Inland of Cuba , " a descrlptlvo and histori cal account of the "Greater Antllla , " by Andrew Summers Howan , lieutenant In thu regular army and member ot the Inter continental lallrcad survey. A volume of Cuban sketches written In 1SS1 by James Steclo Is also generally read. On Us tltlo page Is the quotation , applicable then and now , "In a free country there Is much clamor with little suffering ; In a despotic state there is little complaint , but much grievance. " Don't annoy otnors DJ jour coughing , and risk jour llfo b } neglecting a cold Ono Mln- ute Cough Cure cuics coughs , colds , croup , grlppo and all throat and lung troubles , assiult upon a white woman In that stato. UN CM : tM'S .YAVY. Strength nml Ioial < > in of Ships for Troiilili * . The strength of the different squadrons and the location of ships of Uncle Sam's navy now ready for service In Atlantic waters are ns follows : SQUADRON OP ATTACK. Gushing , torpedo boat , at rendezvous. Dotrolt , 10 guns , at Mobile Dputmt , torpedo boat , at Mobile. Ericsson , torpedo boat , at rende/votis. Kern , dispatch beat , at Havana , Indiana , 1C guns , at rendezvous , Iowa , IS guns , at rendezvous. Marblehcad , 10 guns , at New Orleans. MabPachusotts , 1C guns , nt rende/.vous. Montgomery , 10 suns , at rendervous , Ncahv Ilio , 8 guns , at Galvcston. New York ( IS Runs , at render/Otis. I'oiter , topcdo boat , nt Mobile. Texas , S guns , nt Galvcston. Vesuvius , dynamite gun vessel , at Urumv wick , Ga. SOUADRON OP OBSERVATION. ( Annapolis , G guns , at St. Thomas. Brooklyn , 20 guns , at St. Thomas. VlcKubnrg , C guns , at St Klttn. SOUTH ATLANTIC SQUADRON" . Castlne , 8 guns , at IMrbidoaj. Cincinnati , 11 guns , nt Harbadoes. Wilmington , S guns , at La Quijra , UUUOPIJANSQUADRON. . Bancroft , 4 KUIIS , at Ltebon. Helena , 8 guns , at Lisbon. 'Machlas , 10 nuns , at Mcdelra. San rranclseo , 122 guns , at L'ulinn. ' COAST ncrcNsn AND nusnitvc. Terror , 1 guns , at Norfolk. Amphltrlto , 0 guns , at Port Iloj-ol S. C. Mlantonotnah , icpalrlng at League hlanil. Puritan , 10 guns , at Norfolk. Columbia , 11 guns , nt Leiguo Islanl. yooto , repairing at Norfolk. Minneapolis , at Lcaguu Islu'ld , Wlnslow , torpedo boat , nt Noifolk. Usscx. C guns , nt Port Ilo > al , S. C. Newport , at Grojtonn , Nicaragua. Stiletto , torpedo boat , at Now York yard. SeiiNiillonnl m'lii Denleil. CINCINNATI , Tob. 27. A special to fho Conrncrclal-Tclbuno from Tampa , ria. , rajs : Captain Hanlon of the Plant stoamttilri Maecotto , which arrived hero tonight fiom ' Havana , was granted'nn audience jcsterday by Consul General Lee and took breakfast with him at the Hotel Inglotrrra. To him General Leo positively denied the leports that ho had advised Americans to leave Havana , Captain Hanlon states that tha bodjguard of General Leo consists of only thrco soldiers and that fewer soldiers were In evidence on Itio streets of Havana than usual and no excitement among the people there had been caused by the rumors ot war published In the papers of this country , 1ru < it ( In.Name of III * llrlilr. The Montlcello Express relates an umus- " Ing Incident that occurred In the olHco ot the district court at Anamoaa last week. A young man applied for a marriage li cense , and vvhon It cama to giving the name of the bride the prospective groom found himself entirely loi't. Ho timidly confessed that ho did not know hur name. It wai > nec essary to telephone to Montlcollo for In formation , Tlio license was Issued and the lover sat down on the court house atop * and studied the name of the woman who Is now his wlfo until ho could repeat It natly and trippingly. MitlCluli-y ( ioi-H lo Oliiiri-Ii , WASHINOTON. Feb. 27. President Me- Klnloy attended service this morning nt tu Metropolitan MolhodUt 'Kplseopal church. Rev. Hugh Johnston , the pastor , preached a sermon In which reference was made to the Maine dlHastor. The president's course In the matter wan commended , r