' -S TIIEOMAIIA DAILY BEE : SIWDAY , 3TEHIIUATIY 27 , 1808. NEW UNION PACIFIC DEPOT Expedition Business Forces the Overland to Take Some Action , TEMPORARY STRUCTURE IS PJLANNED City Cntinvll .Vxliril in Moot hi SoKlon 11) flrniit ( In1'rriult Hint the ItnllilliiK Mny ( Jo Up. A eire'lal Rewilon of the city council tvao cillttl yesterday afternoon to consider the application of the Union Pacific lleillroad company for a permit to bullJ a temporary passenger station nt Tenth and Leaven- worth BtrcotB , as announced by The Boo the other day. As the building li merely de signed ad a iraUcshlft until arrangements far the erection of a more substantial depot crtn bo perfected It will bo necessary to Iiavo a spocljil pet mil by resolution of the ineivoT and council. Chief Engineer J. D Ilcrry of tlio Union 1'arlfle was at the city hall this morning nud prese iteil the matter to Cllv nnglnoor Rosenator and , 01 the corn any la anxious * in begin work nt tnce , the call for the opoclal meeilni ; was Im- mndlitely Issued There vvero only flvo members present and these uxpre'wil themselves as opposed to the leaoliitlon unless some dcflnlto insurance was iccclvcd In regard to the It'iigth of tlmo that the company expcctel to use HIP trmpoiary bulldlr.e Consequently the matter was lefcrred to the committee on public propel ty and oulldlngs for In- > e tlgitlon. Thcio was a considerable stir In local rail way circles when the action of the Union Pacific was Irained It was taken by rall- roaduu ns an Indication that the new man agement of the Union I'aclllc will lm\e noth ing to do with the Burlington's now passen ger station and as a certain sign that the rivalry between the two great western rail roads IB to bu more keen that it has ever lieen In the pnsl. The terminal question not only Involves the Union Pacific- and the Burlington roads , but also the Milwaukee , the Rock Island and the Northwestern lines The three latter lints are dependent upon the Union Pacific for their entrance Into Omaha and for adequate terminal facilities It la the belief of the best pasted lallroad men In Omaha that tht'31' thieo roads will go Into the Union Pa cific's tcmpoiary depot This course will mean that the Burlington will occupy Its new passenger station at Tenth and Mason streets on or about April 15 , and that the other lines now entering the Union depot sheds will KO with the Union Pacific Into a temporary frame structure , just north of the Union Pacific tracks at about Tenth and Mart } stteets MUST ACT VnilY SOON. The time set by the Burlington for re ceding applications from othci ralkoads for npace In the Burlington depot will expire on Mond'iy at mlilnliht ; Ncne of the Hues ! ia\o notified the Burlington that they will cuter the new structure and It Is conceded to bo verj Improbable that any of them will. It can be stated autliorltatl\cly that Itio Burling ton will make no opposition to such action bj thecouncil. . There seems to bo but ono chance that some of the Chicago lines will make application to the Burlington to onto" Its new station This event may occur If the Union Pacific's temporary frame fitruc- tutc shall not prove to be adequate to handle the passenger business during the coming ex- pwltlon , While thu Northwestern will In all piobablllty never kavo the Union Pacific oti ll'io depot proposition , It Is not at all Improbable that the Rock Isla.id or 'ho Mil waukee might make such a movo. Work on the Union Pacific's temporary depot will be begun on Monday morning at 7 o'clock If the city council grants the neces- sirypermlssiai , The plarn nre nil complete : and \ia\c \ been duly Inspected by the city cxnglncer. Arrangements for building ma terial lm\o been niadn and every effort will bo put forth to finish the proposed building by the time set for the opetv'HR of the ex position gates The building will bo of frame and brick and Its dimensions will be filmllar to those of the Burlington's now sta tion There Is but little doubt but that the Umlon Pacific can complete such a structure an has been designed in tlmo for the exposi tion With the open weather that will In all probability bo enjojed during most of the epiing the work con bo pushed along rapidly How long the utructure will last after the clcfio of the exposition Is a question much discussed In local railway circles. It Is conceded that the character of the build ing will enable the municipal authorities to condemn It any time after It has served Us purpose. While the building will bo commodious , and even attractive. It will not be suitable for a passenger station of j the main line In a metropolitan city , and ] is not Intended to bo a permanent affair. Horace O. Hurt , president of the Union Pacific railroad , said to The Bee that ho- had no informatlrn whatever to gl\o out en the depot question , Til 13 MYYOIl A City Surprint" Tlii'lr Chief Wry The ofllce of Ma } or Moores vv as the theater of a very Interesting Incident jcste-rday after noon , when his appoltttecs and the other em- plojn of the city took occasion to present him with a Imndsonia lite size painting of himself clone In oil as a token of their es- tcpni and lo > nlty. The ma > or was detained In Mi olllco b > some adroit maneuverliig on the part of Secretary Adaim * . and the pres- cntntlon was n total surprise. lie was called out Into tbo genet n. oHlce , which ho found filled with Utj e.niplo > ri' ' , and his first Intimation of the purpose of their vi lt was | ! disclosed whe < i Street Superintendent Bev erly very approptlately pit'sented thu paint ing. 'Mr. ' Doverly very earnestly declared the loyalty which the donors held for their executive and particularly denounced tha persecutions to which ho had been sub jected by political traltora and renegadra He referred to the record of Major Moorea as n noldler , and voiced the sentiments of lil oud comradw In assuring him of their licartj ratcein. The mavor was visibly affected by the pro- credlngs and founl some dllllculty In control , ling liU fe-ellngs when he wished to express Ills appreelatlou. Ho said that the token was especially grateful to him at this tlmo , when ho had been under a continued strain by rea son of the eiffoits of bin enemies not only to depilvo him of the olllco to which ho had been elected , but to throw a cloud on his jotd name1 In this connection he referred to the fact that some of his more ardent ( frlendH had suggested him as a candidate for governor this fall , and ho positively ilo- rlatud that he would not bo a candidate. .He . suld that the people had elected him mayor , and ho would remain In that olllco until his term had c'xplrcd , He expressed Men and women doctor their troubles eo often without benefit , that they get dis couraged and skeptical. In most such cases serious mistakes are made in doctoring and in tiot knowing what our trouble U or what makes us sick. The unmistakable evidences of kidney trouble are pain or dull ache lit the back , too frequent deslro to pass water , ucuuty supply , smarting Irritation. AH kid ney dlseaso advances the face looks sallower or palo , puffs or dark circles under the eyes , the feet ewcll and sometimes the heart aches badly. Should further evidence lie needed to find out the ) cause of sick ness , then not urliio aside for twenty-four hours ; if there la a sediment or settling it ls also convincing proof that our kidneys end bladder nee.l doctoring , A fact often overlooked Is tlmt women euffcr as much from kidney and bladder trouble aa men daDr. . Kilmer's Swamp Root 1 the discov ery of the eminent phjslclan and scientist nd is not recommended for everything , but will lie found just what U needed In case * hlmnelf ae cnpeclilly gratified on account ol the support th t bad been given him by bit old army comrades , and declared that It vol unteers were called for to go to Cuba , he would not be one to star at home. Mortnlltr The following births and deaths were re ported a the health office during the twenty- four hours ending at noon yesterday : Births William Astleford. 422 Mnrth-i ttrcet , boy ; Andrew Walgren , 1624 North Twenty-ninth , girl ! John O. Ander on. 2711 Hlon.lo . , girl , Richard Hooy , 3023 South night- eentli , boy. Deaths May Glb on. 21 , Twenty-third and Charles , Laurel Hill ; Mary Hays , 70. 2207 DodRo. rystltl . Prospect Hill : F. J. Smith. "C 23 Neith Thirty-eighth , paralysis , Lake Geneva , Wls. six'nnTim ITT nvs TIII ; nntmns. Oiiinlin frill roninclp it Hit Oilier bide * on Inillnn titii ) | > lli"i. Secretary Utt of the Commercial club has prepared n list of Indian supplies which can bo purchased In this city as cheap or cheaper than In Chicago or Now York. This Hat In- cliiika the following articles : Bacon , lard , mess pork , barley , corn , oats , rolled oats , cornrneal , feed , flour , hominy , hard bread , beef , fine and coarse salt , furni ture and woodcnw are , harness , saddles , other saddlery equipments , agricultural Imple ments , wagons , wagon fixtures , glass , Un seed oil. Iron and ochre pilnts , brasc and Iron kcttlce , stoves and stove attachments hardware , medical supplies , beans , coffei rice , sugar , tea , blankets , woolen and knl goods , hats and caps , notions , crockery lamps , clothing , boots and shoes , school sup plica , dried apple's , prunes , peaches , groceries syrups , boap , vlne'gar and a variety of othe minor articles. In speaking of the advantages of recclvln bids hero Secretary Utt says : "In consider Ing this question It should be borne In mint that oil Indian agencies where a larg amount of supplies are furnished are west o the Missouri river , and the largest con tmnicrs are In the northwest part of th United States and reached by roads tunnln direct from Omaha , and that In buying good based on Omaha , as compared with Chlcag or New York , the government will save tlm In transit and freight charges that wouU accrue between those cities and the Mis sourl river. The basis of making rates t points In territory west of Omaha Is tli Missouri river. That Is to say , the rate o merchandise- from New York 01 Chicago t railway points In Nebraska , Wyoming , Soul ! Dakota , Colorado and Utah is the rates fron those points to Omaha , plus the rates fron Omaha west This gives this city a market advantage In expediting shipments and ou the ratc'3 applied In making them , " i.irj's TIII : no\s OI < T n\snY Jiullie MnliHiijrli Uciils Ii > iil < ntly t\ltl "ionic.Fin 'nlli' ( HTcmli-rN. Judge Slabntigh had a sc"wian with Juvenll offenders , seveial bojs ranging from 11 to 1 years of age being before him. The Judg was lenient with the little fellows and gave each ono a chance to be good without being placed In the custody of the ofllcers of Pic reform school. Harry Ilabon said that ho had come from Deliver to attend tne- exposition and also t sell papers to help support the family a home. He bail been in company with t om bad bo5s who had been caught In the ac of stealing pocketbooks from ono of the de partmeivt stores. The boy told a straight foiwaid story and It so Impressed the Judg that he gave the joungdier another chance cautioning him , however , about keeping ou of bad company. Charley Snear , arrested because ho hap pencil to bo around when some stealing wa eairlcil on , was allowed to go to his mothe at Valley , upon a promise that he would stay at home and keep away from Omaha. Snm ATn7n uns nrnnsnd nt brpnlrlnir Into and stealing from a fruit stand. There were sonic extenuating circumstances and the boy was allowed to depart. Ho said that ai uncle gave him liquor and that he dranl of It , becoming drunk. While In this con tlltlon , ho said that he committed the crime Walter Cramer , a boy who was so smal that ho had to stand upon a chair In orde to bring his head up on a level with the Judge's bench , pleaded that ho was caugh in bad company and consequently was arrested , iHo was released with a promise that In the future ho would bo good. Knie ! Penn had been a witness to some stealing , but as he convinced the court tha ho was not a party to the theft , ho was allowed to go. COVl'll'VCTOU MUST GUT AT AVOUK Delay on Upper I'loor nr I'fili-rn II n 11 ill 1117 lleeomcN IrlkHoinp. Contractor McCloud of Minneapolis , wiio ( has , tnc contract for finishing the three uppe 'stories of the now pcwtolllco building , has been given a hunch by Superintendent Latense that he had hotter begin work on his ecu I tract. The superintendent was served notice j on him to show cause why ho has not al ready commenced. In speaking about the matter Superintendent ont Latcnscr stated that ttin conU actor should Iiavo begun on Ills contract severa days ago and that ho would 'countenance no further delay. Contractors of govornnien buildings early obtain the Impression thai they need not hurry with government work Si porlntcndent Latenscr has had difficulty w'th ' other contiactors ovnr the same matter and h determined that McCloud shall not rest under his delusion long. It Is the In tention to ru'fi the bnlldlrg to completion as speedily an passible. AMTinii Pit ron\ roil OMVII\ . t i\torniliiiitiir : I'liint Itriuovcd from i\etor. Next Tuesday Omaha will have a new business enterprise In the shape of the fac tory of Gcorgo H Lea companj , manufac turers of Insect exterminators of different kinds. The plant bus been removed to thU city from TJxoter , Neb , on account of the better distributing facilities offered here. The buslnesil of the firm Is said to have bo- ccmo so extensive that It became necessary to remove to a larger city and Omaha was selected because It offered the best ad vantages. I The factory will be located In the Good man building at 1110 Karnam street , where some twenty hands will be employed Three or four families will bo brought hero , but most of the help will bo secured In Omahi Thu firm also needs a warehouse , but this has not yet br > en selected. For Selllni ; Ilqiior to IiiillniiN. James Il'noh , Isaac- Preston and Wild Hill were aril-sled at Homer and WlnnebaKo aim taken before Commissioner Sloan at fender on the charge of Helling liquor to Indians 1'roston niul Black gave * a JMO bond for their appearance , but Wild Bill failed to secuio bull and wns brought to Omaha > eterday and lodged In jull When Wild Bill ai rived In town ho w is just recovcilnv from a spree and ho very boisterousv ! declined himself a terror and maintained that he wan innocent of the chargu brought against him Kidney and Bladder Troubles Quickly Cured You May Have a Sample Bottle of tha Great Discovery of . Dr , Kilmer's Swamp-Root Sent Free by Mail. of kidney and bladder disorders or troubles duo to weak klJnuys , such as catarrh of tbo bladder , gravel rheumatism and llrleht'a Disease , which Is the worst form of kleliioy trouble , It corrects Inability to hold uilno a-id binartlng in ( Hifislug It , nnd promptly overcomes that uupleasant uecos- slty of being compelled to get up many times during ttio night. The mild and extraordinary effect of till * great remedy is soon re alized , H stands tbo highest for lu wonderful cures. Sold by druggists , price fifty cents and ono dollar. So universally eucceMfLl Is Snam-Hoot | In quickly curing even the most distressing cases , that to prove Its wonderful merit , you may have a sample bottle aud a book of valuable Information both scat absolutely free by mall , upon ro- celpt of three tvvo-cctit etamps to cover cost of postage ) on the bottle. Mention The Omaha Sunday lice and send your eidJrews to Dr , Kilmer & Co , Illnghamtoa , N , V. This generous offer appearing in tuls iipor Is a guarantee ot ecuulnencu. KELLEY STIGER , i DRESS GOODS GREAT SPRING SALE OF This weuk we devote our attention to Dross Goods. There New LaceSf Veilings will be bargains in attractive new goods and,1 the greatest variety of all the latest novelties. AND EMBROIDERIES. /fin [ Dlnponal Mixtures 11 Inches wide Now spring shades Hub bought to sell nt COc. New Fine Trench Valenciennes Laces and Insertions- Rflp Novelty Mixtures now styles very durables Uuu Too Is the usual price. 20c , 25c , 30c , 35c , 40c , COc , 65o , 75c and $1 for 12 yard pieces. DKft ( W ° l''aco ' ' onsnlo at the aforesaid prleo a variety of the latest dress ) 0 Jli ] goods worth $1.00 to 81.2.1 in small fancy plaids checks cheviot } HhR nr Grcme and Ecru Pretty Sleeve Laces ( otamlne outinjT serge an J new novelties. ) In the now not top nppliquo oflueU at IGc , 20c , 25c , flOclOo and 50c a yard. I Another special feature of this sale Armuro silk checks novelty ) Point I [ 111 ) plaids taniIiio barege otatnlne canva , silk stripes , tailor cloths > j I f\\\ \ \ \ Dainty Gaze Laces " uu ( and diagonal cloths In such varieties too numerous to enumerate ) l'uu ( Exact copies of the best patterns Sn hand made point ) at surprisingly low ! OK Armuro plain colors boat French cloth prices. J usual price 81.50 , New Black Chantilly Thread , Point de Gene and Point Applique Laces Poplin This popular cloth in now shades- Beautiful silky qualities at 20c , 2T > c , 30c , 60o and 7fio a yard. lUU regular $2.00. 45 Inch New Black Silk Crackle Mesh and Plain and Dotted Round Mesh 2nfl Highest grades of Covert Diagonals Satin Mori no and iUU Tailor Cloths. Tosca Nets Very fashionable for waists and costumes , excellent values , at $1.10 , $1.25 , $1.50 , 52.00 and $2.75 a yard. Attractive New Black Dress Goods 45 Inch Rich Black Silk all Over Thread Costume Laces 40C regularly All wool Batiste sold at 50c. Albatross Cashmere Graceful prices. designs , with edges , flounces and wide bands to match , at very reasonable 45c Imported sold generally India at Twill OOc. 10 inches wide- Novelty All Overs for Fronts In shirred lines of mous-do-soto with alternate lines of rich embroidery 60c Satin Japquards neat and stylish designs very clleetive. imported. Best Quality French Mousseline de Soie French goods- 750 High grade novelty weaves usual price SI.00. In every conceivable shade , at a price that others ask for a very inferior quality. Cluv diagonal 18-inch wide tor tailor gowns I.QQ 81.25 quality. 44 Inch All Silk Liberty Brilliant- Prunollo cloth 48-Inch wide very attractive and serviceable ( or gauze ) in every shado. 1,35 $1.50 grade. 500 Yards Odds and Ends in Laces 1150 Poplin , Granite , Crystal Htamino , Cropon , Silk Stripes , Etc. Comprising : hand inado torchons , machine torohot.s , antique vals , etc. , orig inally lOe. 1-Je and Joe a yard , all reduced to 60 a yard. MOW ArriUak Ilornunl Barege. Bayadere Kayu'-o. Barre Cropon , Cropon Eta- Latest Novelties in llOW HI IIIUIO mi,10) , Eolioniol Poplin , Crepe Soufllo , etc. , Grenadine Funtasic , Veilings Plaid Grenadine in tbo late shadings. Piotty now clleots at loc , 20c , 23e , 33c and 50c a yard. . New Tailor Cloths and New Waist and Dress Silks Ladies' ' Fancy Ribbon Fringed Ties . An entirely now line boo thorn. wide ! )0c. ) Now Waist Silk in variety stripes- Check silks , 21 inches , great fancy weaves and polka spots , ote , $1.00. Unusually pretty Foulard bilks Silk , Mull and Wash Blond Ties this scstbon Do not fail to see our new Washable Silks. at 2jc , 'loc , JOc , . )0c and 7oo each. Wo have just opened the greatest varioU of Now Grenadines , 1,000 Yards New Open Guipure Cambric Embroideries high grade , 4l-inuh fancy designs und stripys. sowing silk Gren , adines $1.00. Exclusive pattern dresses $10. Ready made silk Waists just . ' 11 , 5 , 7 and 8 inches wide entirely now olTccts , very desirabloj at the fol received. Latest up-to-date styles in Silk Waists. lowing marvelously low prices 9o , lUe , 12jc , IGc and 2oo a yard. Public Confidence in Him Expressed by Popular Voto. ATTORNEYS SHDW UP THE COLD FACTS True Inwurilm-HS of the llroiiteli At tack oil the Major l r 'seii eil for tinllefc'rcc' tlou uiiil The arguments In the Droatch-Moores caoc Iiavo boon concluded. Attorney Boucher , for Mr. Moores , occupied the early part of the forenoon aud was followed by John C. Wharton , who finished during the afternoon The arguments vvero evidently a greater at traction thaii the testimony , as J.ho county court room was well filled with , spectators. Mr. Boucher's argument largely consisted of a presentation of authorities In support of the contentions pievlously suggested. Ha quoted voluminously from recent decisions bearing on the conduct of public olllclals and especially those In which the eiueatlcu of intent vvaa considered. Ho produced over whelming authorities In support of the propo sition tfiat coirupt motives were essential to constitute an embezzlement and must be shown to warrant the conviction of the ac cused. Ho then briefly reviewed the conduct of Mr , Moores from the times when he occu pied the office of deck of the district court to show that ho had at all times acted In perfect good faith ana was ready to pa\ over any amount that might be adjudged a. ° duo to the county or school hoard as soon eia the legal [ jue-stiona Involved were adjudicated Mr Wharton touched in beginning en the political phase of the persecution to which Mayor Mcorcs was subjected nt the hands of his political enemies. H said that this was the aaddost funeral that lie had over attended. The corpse had been dead many months , but It was still stalking through the land , clothed in the habiliments of the tomb , but raising a great hue and cry of lustlco and ilghteouriiiefs and truth that mist prevail. It has been customary In olden times to hire mourners lu order to give dignity to the obsequies. So In this case , after the republican party had en veloped W. J. Droatch with the grave clothes 10 had hired chief mourjicre , who were ex acted to pipe and wall to show their sorrow it his demise , Hedfleld had joined this land and posed as , one of the chief buglers Ho had declared himself the only honest nan In the icpubllcim party and as too geode o associate with it longer. Ho had chosen o go before the people and submit his case o their \erdlct , They decided by over 3,000 najorlty that ho had been weighed In the islanco and found wanting. They had told ilm that ho had hotter wrap himself In the a mo uhroml that covered Ilioatch and with ilm sleep silently thereafter. VBHUICT OF THI : PEOPLE. Thcflo lilred mourners had voiced their amentatlons on every stump during the ampalgn , They had inado the Issue that faille E , Moores was an embezzler and do- aulter and that ho was unfit to hold the olllco of mayor of Omaha. But the people of Omaha had in warned the Insincerity of the ireienslons of Hioatch , Hedfleld , Ruanu and he rest of his gaiiK. They had expressed udgment by Kielr ballots and It was nnu leforo tliId court to pronounce- the verdict 'Ills political clique had hounded Frank I- . looreti from the time when he was a can didate for a third time for the olllco of cleric of the district court. Before ho was nom- nated for mayor the people had had a > ear a which to Investigate the charges that ad been made agjUist blm end to arrive at Just conclusion , They had spoken end now \licit was the result ? It was to bo expected hat a man who had not received u single oto fur the olllco of mayor would take hU uo and decide that the people did not want ilm longer. But not so with Ilroatcli , Ho imposed to continue- rule over the people f Omaha , when in the great metropolitan ity of 143,000 Inhabitants tiot ono man , utnan or child dad voted for him , The ( tire to serve one's fellow men was to be dmlred , but the cnmo could not bo said of lie spurious patriotism which was animated ly the deslro for fllthy lucre and revenge This wai the situation that was before the : ourt. One man had been elected major by Uo suffragca of tbo people. The other bad declared that although he , bad not received a single vote he proposed to remain in office and show the people that < ho was still bosa. By what right did this political carpet bag ger , who had been repudiated by tbo conven- tlcn and the people , etill nroposo to rule ? Continuing , Mr. Wharton emphasized the fact that In acting on questions where the title to offlco was Involved the courts hai uniformly endeavored to construe the law favorably to the execution of the expressed will of the people. The same duty de- voUed on the court in this case. Ho thei declared that the only question of law ant fact Involved was whether Mr. Moores had Intentionally , maliciously and corruptly em bezzled $1,318 83 of the funds that came Into his possession as clerk of the district court Ho proceeded to review the facts at length to show that Mr. Broatch had absolutely failed to establish this contention , and his argument was still in progress when the noon recess was declared. Frank Ransom made the closing nrgumenl for Mr. Broatch yesterday afternoon. He devoted mojt of his time to an effort tc SHOW that the fact that Mayor Moares hat not paid ever all the amounts In contio\crsy before ho left the offlco of district com I clerk was sufficient evidence of an intention to defraud the county. THH HOOKS OF TIIK noiisn. Hnrl Montgomery .SiiHtnliiN BoinoJSiMfro IiijorlCH. Little 5-year-old Earl Montgomery , living at Twentieth and Ohio streets , Jiiet with a painful accident yesterday. The little fe ! low was playing on Corby , near Nineteenth and in running to the opposite oldo of the street went directly ki front of a horse ilrhen by Mrs. Cannon. She instantly tried to rein up the animal , but was not nblo to do so before the horse struck the boy and knocked him down , trampling upon him The child waa severely bruised about the body and sustained a scalp wound that re quired thirteen stitches to close. Llttlo Earl was carried homo by some neighbor ho > s and a surgeon called , Last night the child wns resting well and the chances for his recovery arc \ery promising. Tom Todliiinlcr to Irn > e. Considerable surprise was created by the announcement that T. II. Todhunter , as sistant superintendent of the Omaha Street Hallway company , had resigned and ex pected to leavu for Chicago In a short time. When asked concorninK his resignation , Mr. Todhunter confirmed the report and said that hlH resignation would take place .March 1 He expects to go out of street car woik permanently , and Intends to BO Into the employ of A , l \ Keith of Chicago , manu facturer of baking powder and uplces. Mr. Todhunter has for a long tlmo been rit-sldent of the Street Hallway Ilmploye's Benefit association Last night the mem bers of this association held a meeting In too Myrtle Hall annex for the purpose of saying good bye to Mf , 'Todhunter ' and pre sented him with a handmme chali. As yet the Street Halfway company has seemed no ono to fill Mr Todluintei'a place. llrlnll Crocrri , UlrrkH. The Omaha Retail prpcery clerks' asso ciation nt Its last meeUug decided to move from tha Mlllatd hptvl to quarters In Masonic temple Nineteen new meinbeiH were Initiated The pirdnlzatlon Is of the benevolent and fraternal order , with n sick and burial fund , and Is Hi lionise imiumilal Owlni , ' to u mistake aft to the objects of the association a commltteetfrom | thu Central Labor union , Mc srn Hlnchoy and Shaw , was in attendance SollqHlntr co-operation with the Amurlcan 1'ederutlon of Labor When It wns pointed ioiJt Ahat the grocery clerks' organization WU8 Jiot for tniilo or strike purposes , the ( Committee withdrew. Ulcctlon of permanent , eiljlcerw will occur upon receipt of the charter , which Is ex pected from the National Grocery Clerka' association ultli headquarters at Denver. Iiuiui'Ht on l.iiml'N lloily , Coroner Swnnson held an Inquest yesterday morning on the body of N'cla Lund , who met his death Trlday forenoon by falling from the third story of the new Burlington depot through to the ground floor. Jena Lund , the brother of the dead man , telegraphed to Coroner Hwanson from hid homo In Touumlu , Neb , that ho would arrive hero ami take charge of the remains , which ate still at the morgue. I.ICCIIUCH , The following marriage licenses * were Is sued yesterday by the county Judge : Name anil Address Age Sohuyler C. Warren , Douglas county , Neb Zi Kittle S.iffonl.i Douglas county , Neb . 'J HlbrldKo O Floyd Omaha. , . M Clara L McGee , Omaha. . , . , . . Chester II Murphy , Seneca , Kan . 22 CoiaStubbj , Seneca , Kan . 20 . Accused Mail Held to Bo Ersponaible for Policeman's ' Death. JURY FINDS H.M GUILTY OF MURDER Ilctnriin a Verdict of Murilpr In tin- bet'onil IH'Krcc for Killing- Dun TlotloniUH I.iiNt June. . If the verdict of the jury remains un disturbed , August Kas.tner will certainly spend ten years of his life w-lthln the walls of the penitentiary , with a possibility that he may remain there EO long as he lives , the length of sentence depending wholly upon what Judge Slabaugh does In the premises After a trial covering nineteen days the case of the State against August Kastncr , charged with the murder of Officer Dan Tlcdcman'at Nelson's saloon , Thirtieth and Spaiildlng- streets , on the early morning ot June 9 , 1897 , was submitted to the Jury at about C o'clock Friday night. The twelves men were at oiice taken out to supper and upon their return , after electing Thomas Bat- terton foreman and reading the Instructions of the court , they took a vote , with the re sult , It is said , that eleven of the men voted for murder lu the first dcgrcis and the re maining Juror voting for acquittal. After this vote was taken , the case and the evidence were reviewed and another vote was taken , with the same result as the first. This ccudltioa relative-to the stand'nB of the lury continued until 1 o clo K je.to day mo-li- Ing , when the lone Juror who stood out for acquittal Informed his associates that If they would vote for murder In the sec6nd degree , ho would do the same , After the proposition had been discussed for some time , another ballot was taken , resulting a unani mous vote for conviction of murder In the second degree. Immediately after signing the verdict , the Jurors retired upon the benches of the big court room where they were confined and slept until morning when they announced to the bailiffs that they had agreed. uncisiviNG THE vnnmcT. After the jurors In the Kastncr case had returned from their morning meal Judge Sla- Ijaugh and the attorneys for the prouecutlon were notified , and at 9 o'clock they all re ported at the court house. Notwithstanding the early hour a largo crowd was present when the prisoner was brought In , followed by his old father and bin alstere , who wore accompanied by some neighbors There was lonsldciablo speculation on the verdict , many believing that It waa one of acquittal This jcllef was wholly duo to the fact that the state had failed to bring homo to the de- 'cnilant positive pioof of the commission cf : he crime , and also for the reason that It was pretty generally bolloved that the do- 'ense had established an alllil. As soon as court convened the verdict ivas passed up to Deputy Clerk Green of the district court , and by him road. Hardly "iad ho finished the last word convevlng the Information that the jury had found August ifastnor guilty when Mra , Kastner became i > ntorlcal The daughter and the Immedi ate friends of the family hurst Into tears and mcaned and sobbed. The bailiff was ordered to restore order and August Kastner was led away to the county jail , followed > y his relatives and friends , who only turned jack when they reached the doors that were ? arrcd against them. Whllo August Kastncr nhowed some Inter- cat In the proceedings , ho was ono of the coolest persons about the court house , ap- urently not realising what had happened If ho did realize , to an observer It looked na though ho did not cart ) , as ho did not aho\v thu least sign of ur.otloa or feeling. TEN YEARS TO MfC. On a conviction for murder In the second degree ; , the penalty ls imprisonment for not csj than ten yearn , or It may be for life , the length of the term being dUcrcitlonary with the ) Judge , The attorney for the Mate and those for the defense are equally sur- irlsed. The former did not anticipate any- hlng better than manslaughter , wlillo thoou for the defense wore juft aa positive of acquittal. When August Kastner will go to the pcnl- entlary U a question tint no one can answer at this time. The attorncya for the dcfensw will move for a now trial , and after argument , if this Is denied , they say that they will appeal to the supreme court , uniting a suspension ot sentence during the pendency ot the hearing. If the appeal is taken It Is likely that it will bo &orae months before the case can bo heard and finally passed , upon. The conviction of August Kastner Rives County Attorney Baldrlgo and Acslstant County Attorney Jeffiles considerable hope ot convicting Joseph and Louis Kastnur , who , with August , were Jointly Indicted for Uio minder of Officer Tledeman. They will place the other pitsoncra on trial at tli la term of court and \v 111 offer substantially the eamo ovldeuco against them. While they contend that August Kaatnor was the man who fired the shot that resulted In the death of the officer , they hold that the father , Jtxserd , and the brother , Louis , were present and aided and abetted in the commission of the crime , which legally makes them equally guilty. California Co IIn\c an l\jti > xlllon. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20 After con sulting with nn advisory committee of citizens In regard to the feasibility of hold ing an International exposition In J'KH In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the ad mission of California Into statehood. Mayor Phelan has conclutlcd to appoint a com mute to Inaugurate the preliminary work of another midwinter fnlr. Coming so soon after the Paris exposition , the mayor ami his advisors believe that many of the ex hibits shown at Pans will be brought here , rinnnclal aid from the st.ite and national legislature will be solicited The cltUeiia' committee will bo chosen in a few days , B.OUAI , IIUKVITIKS. Mrs. Koysor , assisted by Mrs J J , Dickey as Shakespearian reader , will conduct an evening of "Sheikcspearo In Song ana I'lc- ture , " Monday evening , March S , at the First Congregational church , Deloa A. Campbell has sued the Omaha Water company , alleging $5,000 damages. Ho bays that ho li the owner of lands and lots at riorenco and that he has been kept out of the possession of the tumo by the defendant. P. J. Sackott will give an address on "Tho Government of German Cities" at the meet ing of the political economy un I hoclal science department of the Woman's tlnh.j next Monday , nt 4 p , m. , at the Congrega tional fhurch Club members are asked to extend the Invitation to 'tho ' men , us the toplt IB of general Interest. Judge Kojeor has granted a writ of ha beas corpus in the case brought by George ifcliulor. Schulor has been jeli-ascd from the Douglas county Jail , the court holding that his Imprisonment was Illegal. Schiller was the man brought up from Sarpy county , whore ho was ai routed and fined , having been convicted In the county court of selling liquor without first securing a license. RIGHT TOJTHE POINT. WHAT A IMUOIIMSVl' M M'IMCTI'Kiit SA1S Ol ? CU.SV < MT\IIHI1 r.VHI.IJTS. uu ns iviu : u.sicn. Mr. W. 8 Kc-wlcr , president and maingsr of the Albion Malleable Iron Works , Albion , Mich. , writes as follows Mr C. E , Qaueij , Marshall. Mich , Dear Sir "KnclosccI find my check for two dollars for which send nip moro of your Catarrh tablets. They excel anything I have ever used and I cannot be without them. " Yours , W. S. Kemjler The above testimonial Is short , but right to the point and plainly demonstrates the ac tual value of these wonderful tablets Gauss' Catarrh Tablets Mil euro any taso of catarrh s they are Hdcntlflcally prepared - pared to act Immediately upon the mucous membranes and surfaces through the sys tem , They can bo obtained at ull drugh gists or by mall 60o full sl/ed pachogo Llttlo book , on catarrh mailed free. Address C. 12. Gauss , Marshall , Mich , NOTIOU ANNUAL NOTICI3 OF INOEHT12DNKB8 Notlco la hereby given that the amount of all the existing Indebtedness of the J'nxton tc. Vlerllnj ; Iron works lu JS.7S'.00 Given under our hands this 2l8t day of February , IMS. W. A. I'AXTON. PresMun'i A J VinitUNO. JXDUIH VIKULINO ItOUUUT VIEUUNG , Directors. No JTT5 , ' H < rort of th CYindlllon of MKllUIIA.VtVI MTKIVAO At OinthR , In th * Suit of Ntbrulfe , nt the ' " " - of t > u lnc j , J > bru ry 13 , 1WI/ uusouucr.3 iccuroj and un rcurcd u. s boml to necur * circulation 100.0WOJ U. s bond to lev-ure U. S deposit * ro.oooco ricmlums on U. S 14 000 M tcurltle < . etc . 6,617 U f home , fuinUiiio , nnd ilnt > iri > . 211,000 M Other irm cslnlc nnJ mortKiuM ovuirJ . Dim from imiionnl hanks ( not lofcncRf.ms > , . . | M , 097 00 nun from into lianKs nml t. - t ( 15 uuo from ntproed re * iam M- s cw r iiiiil other push 7M7J for c-lcnrliiR limtn- of other mil ninl 6,530 00 rruitlonnl inpei nickel < niul ? rtit 1,670 43 lawful Monej llesorve In Hank , vie : Jperic * mwca T. , Knl ' < 1' " ' ( < r " "I' " ' 10,000 0023J.011 JJ neilemptliiit fund with U. H tro.nurcr (3 ( per cent at clrculatlnn ) 4f W 09 Total Surplus mini . uv.ooo . oo Uiullvl.lPil pie m. hr . | HII P.I uxe , 1M | , | t.tM 61 snllotnl mite , OU ( . fO.OOOOf to other national bnnlta ' ' t .152,137 19 Due to Mme ( > aiikn 'liii'it tiankeis Individual iliiioMts sub ject to cheek Demand rernne-atcs ot ile- t'O'lt . . . . (1,55 ( 53 Tlmo ( ertlllentei of de. ' " ' " ni on R- eVHIMoil chccki , Oiftiler * thicks outKlnnd- M.114 ' I'nlloil clrnoiilti' ! ! ! S'l Slates 4s. w oi.cn.sw it 81nl , < , Ni'l'rn-kn. On.ntv . of Hmmu" „ ' ' ' " i0' fn'Mcr " ' " nlmvc-nnnipil hunk , . , .1 , nVnl trV ' "f" " ' " tllp Ill' ' ° * < ' " " > " ' - .nem „ t true , .1 „ t.io . bct " ' . " . 'mvlc.K . , , , , , loin lo before me this i.bl Cll.\HI.is H WNIJKI I'oncct ) Notnrj IMtillo Attest : NK MIMU'HY. II 11OOI ) , 1' T IlAMIl/mV , Uli erto J J27I ) . Hoport Tf the Ootiitltlon nf riMii. . > \ rivi. ( ) . II\MC Up cniviiiifij : ( At Oiiiihi , I , , tin. .Slnto of Ncbrnkn. nt ttio Llo o nf llurinpw ivhniiry IS , lx < HIOl'UL'KS r iiini niul ' > WC.tl7 17 Ovenliufiii. ii'nie- . t-cciiieil unit - U S liomlV | 0'M 'ill- 1,990 18 iiilatlnn I'lomllims on II s Immla" " COW ' COS3 Stock" , SlHllllllo-l , 1(0 ( . S3 tmklnK hmhe. furniture IIM 1 f I \ 11 | 11 H 9.M7 70 Oilier 10 il psiiilo mid Miorl- ( TiKes o\Mieil Duo from nittnniil ImnKi 3J lint tpxcno nifPiitH ) . . . t C.S6J 2S Dun from state linnks nml Illlllx IH ' 2 335 13 Duo from ni > pui > < il leseivi'1 nj l'llls . tt po f. n , c'lio Ki nml otlui cisli 'it ' mi 7,703 cj " "tliaitv * foi tlinilnff " ' 21 Notes of other" it'lon il CM 00 ' rriirtloiuil piper riiircncy , nkktla niul cents 103 75 I > l ftll IllDllP ) IC < urM > ill InnKlz : Specie 13 12S Br l.KTl ( temlci nolei Z1.101 00119.12 S Ileili'iii | > tlon fund wllll If 8 lin < iiii r (3 | ior cent of tlr- Liilatlun ) 2.MOO * Totnl a Cipllal stnck paid 'in 3 < X,000 ) 09 Undivided iirolllB. less cx- pen o and lixea pi Id . . . , 2,016 91 Nation i | Innk noli M oiit- . . , 4o,000 07 Duo to Rtnte UinkH aiul binkt rs . Inilhlihiil HepiHltH sulijeit to tchetk , . 217,43972 Dem mil certlllcalH of ile- Jwilt . . 220235 Tlmo iprtlllcatcs of del - ' ; l ( . 11)7X501 ) e > rtlin-il chetlts . 117000 Cualiltrs chcilci oiilslanil- , ' " < ; . M DO217,111 M Hllla pi > able . CVi.OW ) m _ Toll < l JCCfl.fCl Cl Stain of NVIiin ka , Count } of r > oiiKla , s : F.V H Hector , enslikr of the nlime-nnninl Imnk dii MiUmnl } Bivpiir that the abo\n state ment la tiuu to the lust of my UnowliJt-o and belief w a itncron , Ca ) iirr .Snbsrrlheil anil snorn to before me this 2Cth di > of I'clirunr } , I IR ( Seal ) It D JlHOADirs , Notary Public. Correct Attest : .1 II HVAN" ? . 01:0. i : iiAiucnu , I.tU VV Hl'UAIUIN. Illreclorn No. 2CC3 lleport nf the r-onrlltlon erin in : Mnmisicv MTIOVVI , II\NK , At Oinnh.i , In tlio State nf Nchratkn. at lh Close of IJiiBlness Peliruaiy 18 , 189S. HI.SOUHCIS. Loans " nnd dlpcounts . . | C2S,33t 08 "verdrnflR Hecured anil uiifeturcd . , 2,271 Jj U H Imnda to secuio elrculallon . . . . | CO , 000 00 IT H ( Hindu to tecuro U. H ilpposlta 100,00000 ICO.OO ? 00 1'renilumii on U. fe , lioiidK . . . . tl.GOO 00 UockB , pcourltlc" . etc CO.OC9 48 Ilinklni ; IIUUFC , furnltnro and llxtima { 8,000 o Other ical estnto and . owned 78,207 9 Due from imtlonul banks Total Hi I n of Nclirackn , Counts of DoiiRlnx , nn : I , II W. Yate-K , | ire ldpnl of the ntiovo-nameil bank , dn t < oleiniil > Rnenr that the ahmn ( tola , inent l true tci the dent nf my Icnrml licnml ; ( ellef. 71v YATKS l'if ldenl Hubrcrllinl and fworn to bcforo me thin : ctb day nf 1'cbruuiy , H&S. A. D 'lOUtfAI IN. CPeal ) Notary I'ulJllo. Correct Attest ; I.I2WIB B lllinl ) , J H CYLMNH \VAJtlliN Htt'ITZMJU. Dlirclorn TIIIJ Hi : V I/I V MUIKKT , Flucecl : on rfcord HiturJay. WAHUANTV nnnns Gust I'aiilxen anil wlfo lo Otto Hin- wen , w'/i ' of lot 20 , block C , licnnliiK- ton . : 109 Peter Holat unil vvlfo to ( jiiKtnv I'uul- HOII. xiiinu 7i i : H lloulinul lo I. A. Itrailfonl , unil 'a ' of lot U , lilock l > 4 Kouth Omuhie SPine to Sumo lincl Vj of w 17 foot of lot C unil a 17 feet of lot 7 , liloclc I , Hnutli Oniahu Vlovv S.iino to Hamc , vvH of Int fi nnd cV4 of lot C lilodc 1 , Mnvvood I'ark Timothy Hiilllvan unil ulfp to liello 1-ovey , lot 3 , block 12 , Jetter'H DrHt mill 200 Stockton Ilcth to i : M. Itoccl , lot I , Cn Hcont I'.irk i ; M f-ioant ) anil IniHbanil to M N Hiitton , lota U anil 12 , block KG , Health Omaha 2tVO Sheriff to A I < Hfcil rt nl IIKIJI com ut " i-or block 7 , H i : HogorH' add Z.S75 Kiank 'J'lijniiiaon c > t al to AiiKUHti 1'rc-ltaK. lot 1 , block Gl Koutli Oinali i Sjic-clal .MiiBter to 12 II Abbott , lot C , blue it 7 , I'urrlck'a Hctond ueld Total amount of transfera J13.M9