TIT13 CWAIIA DAILY INflE : KPtNDAV , ViaiHWAIlY 27 , 1808. DOOM OF BY H. RIDER HAfiOARD it. ! ! > < ! , liy II HUT HI. ' IMtKPKDINfl CHAI'Tiil9. Ptlnrr Aalnl , rrnmlHuii of the mlKity Solj- inon , Jotmr'j's to the nix-lent city ofAm - bop In sntiUiiMslclii Africa with a caravan timler the vnnitniiii < l of Melctn , n Phopnl- HIII who Hprvi-K lllrntn. king of Tyro. A/l I niul Motom ilrop behind their com- ji.inim.H niul nip it overtakes tlicin just us th" Pity of their plkrlmnpp la within sIpM. 1'nroiiNolniiHly t icy halt near one of IhoBrovos 111 il liy the heathen In worship of the K > il Jl-inltls , tinil overhi'ir l2llH n , daughter of HnVon. Eovernor of Hlmbae , at her prayers. A KiK "lir lilnck mitn slonli Into tln > wood niul attempts to rarry off the nnlilcli. but Is Ull ! " 1 l.y Aziol In nn exciting mill. Ullssa thru K < iv B IK Ktilflc nnd conducts Azlcl nnd Mct in to tnunlps cf tin1 city , when- they nip HIP ! l > y tKnulmr , a I.eMto priest , who iiphrnlils nnd t minis the prince for travel ing In conipiniy with 11 heathen woman. Is "bur hud romp out to pieet the Brand- ho'i of Hnlomon. but , on llmlliif ? him with Mil n nnO hearliu ; the story of the mlven- t r . In HIP Krovi * of llnaltls. repudiates Azli'I anil iloelnics there can be no iieucu betwi en them. OHAPTIR in 1THOHAL. , THi : KING. Two houis had gone by and the Prlnco A7li'l , together with hln ictlnuu , the ofllcers of tlie caravan , nnd many other guests , wore rated at a urcat fc-ifit made In their honor by PaVon , the governor of the city. The feast was held In the large pillared'hnll of Sakon's house , which was built beneath the noitlirrn wall of the temple , and not nioro than u fi w paces from Its narrow entrance , throngli which , In case of alarm , the In- hahltattU of the place could fly for wifely. All down the hall were placed tables , where 6at m > ro than 200 feaslers , but the principal Ruct s were seated by tlicmsclvcu at the head of the hall upon a raised daU. Among them V.PTO Sakon himself , a middle-aged in nn stout In bulli\ \ and thoughtful In face ; hli daughter Kllsn , sonic other noble lailles , end a M.-orc or nioro of the notables of the city nnd Its ourroumllng territories. One of tlutio strangers immediately attracted tlio nttentlon of Azlcl , who was In the place of honor at the right of Sakon , between him and the lady Hllstn. This man was of largo stature and about 10 jears of age. The magnificence of Ills apparel mid the great gold chain sot with rough diamonds which hung about his neck showed him to bo a pcrmn of Importacicc. Ills tawny complexion KUggratcd that ho was of mixed race , a con clusion which lite features did not belle , for his brow , nose , and uheek bones were Semitic In outline , while the full , promi nent eyes , and thick , sensuous lips could with equal certainty be attributed to the negroid type. In fact , ho was the son of a native African queen , or chieftalncss , and a noble Phoenician , and his rank was that of nb- boltito king and hereditary chief of a vast nnd imdorflncd territory which lay around tint trading titles of the whlto men , whoioot Zlmboo was the chief. This king , who was named Hholnl. Azlel noticed , seemed angry and 111 at case , whether because ho was not satisfied with the place which had been al lotted to him at table or for other reasons lie could not at the time determine. When the meats had been removed and the fiobl"fs filled with wine , men began to talk , till presently 'akon called for silence , and , 3 icing , addressed Azlcl. "Prince , " ho said , "In the name of this Krcat free city for free It Is , though wo acknowledge the king of Tyro as our suzerain I give you wolcomu within Its gates. Here , for In the heart of Libya , wo have heard of Solomon , the glorious and wise , your grand father nnd of the mighty 1'haraoh of Egypt , iwhoso blood runs also within your veins. I'rlncc , wo are honored In your coming , and ifor the asking 'whatever this land of gold can boast Is yours. Long may you live. Slay 'tho ' favor of the gods you worship attend you , end In the pursuit of wisdom , of wealth , of war , and of love , may the good grain of all ibo garnered In your bosom , and the wind of prosperity winnow out the chaff or them be neath your feet. I'rlncc , I have greeted you on It 'behooves ' mo to greet the son of Solomon nnd Pharaoh. Now I add a word. Now I Krect you na a father greets the man who lias saved his only and beloved daughter from death or shameful 'bondage. ' Know you , friends , what this stranger did since to night's moonrlso ? My daughter was alotio yonder without the walls , and a savage set on her , purposing to bear her away captive. Ay0 , and this ho would have done .had not the prince hero given him bat'tle , and , after a fierce light , slain him. " 'Wo great deed , " broke In the King Ithobal , "to kill A single savage. " "No great deed , you say , king , " answered Sakon , "Ho , guards , bring In the body of the man and set It before us. " There was a pause till presently eight men staggcroj up the hall bearing with them the corpse of the savage , which they threw clown on the cdgo of the < lals , atlll covered nvlth the leopard skin mantle. "Ilohold , " said one of the bearers with drawing the cloak from the huge body and pointing to the sword which transfixed It , lu added , "and ee what strength heaven glvej to tlio arms ol princes. " Such of the guests as wcro near enough rose to look at the grl/zly sight , then 'turned ' to offer their congratulations to tin conqueror. Hut there was ono of them the King Ithobal Who offered none ; Indeed , ns his eyes full upon the face of the corpsu they glow alight with rage. "What alls you , king ? ATO you Jealous of uch a blow ? " asked Sakon , watching him curiously. "Speak no nioro of that thrust , I pray you , " tald Azlcl , "for It was duo to the weight of the man rushing on the sword , which afterward J could not 11 ml the power to dislodge from hla breastbone. " "Then I will do you that service , prince , " sneered Ithobul , and setting hh foot upon the breaat of the corpse , with a sudden effort of his great strength ho plucked out the sword and cast It down upon the table before him. "Now ono might think , " said Azlel , flushIng - Ing with anger , "that you , king , who do n courtesy , mean a challenge. DoubtUws , however - over , U lu I who do not understand the annnners of this country. " "Think what you will , prince , " anawcroij tlin chieftain , "but luirn that ho who lies dead there at your hand , you pay , was none other than the btin of my mother's sister. " "Is It ? " Azlel "then > replied , you are surely well rid of a cousin who inadet It , hlii ( business to ravish maidens from their Jiomou. " At t lie-so words Ithobal sprang from his neat , laying his hand upon his aword , but 'before ' he could apeak or draw It , the gov ernor , Sukon , addressed him In a voice of command. "I'caco , king , " ho paid , "nnd remember that the prltico hero Is my guest , as you are. If that dead man was your cousin , at Icnrt ho well deserved to die , not 'by the linml of onu tof royal blood , 'but ' by that of the executioner , for ho was the worst of thieves a thief of women , Now tell mo , king , how came your cousin hero , so far from home , since ho was not numbered lit your rctlnuoT" "I know not , Snkon. " answered Ithobal , "nnd If I know I would not suy. You tell mo that lie \\-aa a. thief of women , which In Phoenician eyes must be a crime Indeed , Po ihd It ; but thief or no thief , I t-.iy that them In a blood fued between me and the man who slew htm , ami were liu Solomon himself , Instead nf a prlncolet of his line , ho would wy bitterly for the deed. Tomorrow - morrow , KaUou , I will see you -bcforu I lenvo for my own laud , for I have words to upeak to you , Till then , farewell. " lAud rising. ho strode down the hall , followed by his guard. The departure of King Ilhofoal In anger was the Signal for the breaking up of the fcant. " 'Vhy Is that half-bred chief so angry with mo ? " nskcil Ariel In a low voice of Kll ? ni > they followed Sikon to another chamber. "Ilec.iUFo ho set his dead cousin to kid nap me , nnd you thwarted him , " she an swered , looking straight before her. Ariel made no reply , for nt that moment Sakon turned to speak to him , and his face was anxious. "I crave your pardon , prlnrc , " ho said , drawing him aside , "that you should have | met with such Insults nt my board. Had It been any other man 'by ' now ho would have rued Ills wonlo , ibut thia Ithotoal Is the terror of our city , for If he will he can bring a hundred thousand men upon us , shutting us wlrhln our walls to starve , and cutting uo off from the working mines whence we win gold. Therefore , in this way or In that , ho must bo humored , though now , " ho added , his brow darkening , "he demands n price that I < im loth to pay , " and he glanced toward his daughter , who stood watching them at a little distance , looking most beau tiful In her whlto robes and ornaments of gold. "May you not make war upon him nnd break his power ? " asked Azlel with n strange anxiety , for now he guessed that this price was ncuo other than Kllssa , the woman whom he had rescued , and whoso wisdom and beauty had stirred his ticart. "It might be done , prince , but the rl.sk would bo great , and we are hcfc to grow rich In trade , not to make war. " "I have a better and a cheaper plan , " said a calm volco at hla elbow , that of Motcnt , "and It Is this : Slip a bowstring over the bruto's head us he l\ca \ snurlng and pull It tight. An eagle In a cage Is easy to deal chninoful that such a ono should dara to think of you , still , since he Is a man , I cannot blamu him overmuch. IJut why should he press his suit In this fashion , Instead of openly , ns a king might do ? " "Ho may have pressed It openly and been refused , " she replied , In a low voice. "IJitt If ho could have carried mo to some far fortress , how should 1 refuao him there , that Is , If I still lived ? There , with no price to pay In gold or lands , ho would have been my master , and I ehould have been his sliivo till such time as ho wearied of me , and that Is the fate from which you have saved mo , prince , or rather , from death , for 1 nm not ono who could bear such shame at the hands oP a man I hate. " > "Lady , " ho said , bowing. "I think that for the first time In my life I am glad to night that I was born , " "And I , " eho answered , "who am but a Phoenician maiden , am glad that I ehould have lived to hear ono who Is as loyal In thcughc and soul as he Is In rank , speak ! tome mo thus. Oh , prince , " she added , clasping her hands , "If your words are not those of empty courtesy alone , hear mo. for you are great , and It may bo In your power to glvo mo aid. I'rlncc , I am In a sore strait , for that danger from which I prayed to bo de livered this night presses me hard. Prince , It la true that Ilhobal has been refused my hand , both by myself and by my father , and therefore , It was ! that he strove to steal mo away. Hut the evil Is not done with , for the nobles of the city and the priests of El came to my father nt sunrise and prayed him tliat ho would let Ithobcl take me , seeing that otherwise In his rage he wouldsjnake war npon the city , and when a man placed as la my father must choose between the safety of thousands and tlio honor and happiness of ono poor girl , what will hla answer be , think you ? " speak wisely on this matter ns on all ethers , " answered Azlcl , "but still 1 do not under stand. " "Then I will speak more clearly , prlnco. How comes It that I find you alone with this beautiful sorceress , this worshipper of the ihe-devil , Daaltls , with whom you should scorn even to speak , save such words as courtesy demands ? " "Is It then forbidden to me , " asked Azlcl angrily , "to talk with the daughter of my host , a girl whom 1 chanced to save from death , of the cus'oms of her country nnd the mysteries of worship ? " "Tlio mysteries of worship , " answered Is- sachar , scornfully , "Ay ! the mysteries of the worship of that fair body of hers , that Ivory chalice filled with foulness , whereof If a man drink his faith shall be rotted and his soul poisoned. The mysteries of what wor ship was It , prince , that caused you but now to lean toward this woman as though to embrace her , with words of love upon your tongue If not between your lips ? Ah I these sorceresses of Dnaltls know their trade well ; full they are of evil gifts and of the wisdom given to them by the fiend they serve. With touch and sigh and look they can Htlr the blood of youth , having much practice thereto , till It seethes within the veins and drowns the conscience In Its Hood. Nay , prlnco , hear the truth. Till moonrlse you had never seen this woman , and now you love her. Deny it. If you can deny It on your honor acid I will believe you , for you urn no liar. " Azlel thought a moment and answered : "Issachar , on this matter you have little right to question me , yet since you have ad jured mo by honor. I will bo open with you. I know not If I love this woman , who , as you say , Is n stranger to me , but It Is true that my behig turns toward her like a llower to the sun. Till to lay I had never-seen hei , yet when my eyes first fell upon her face " \VEHE HE SOLOMON HIMSELF INSTEAD OKA PHINCEL1NG OP HIS LINB , THERE 13 A DLOOD FEUD BETWEEN US. " with , but once on the wicig the matter Is different. " "Thero Is wisdom In your counsel , " said Sakon In n hraltat'mg voice. "Wisdom ! " broke In Azlel , "ayo , the wis dom of tlio assassin. Wuat , noble Sakoai , would you murder a sleeping guest ? " "No , prlnco , I wpuld not , " ho answered hastily. "Also , such a deed would bring the tribes upon us. " "Then , Sakon , you are more foolish than you used to be , " said Metem , laughing. "A man who will not dispatch a foe whenever ho can catch him , by fair means or foul , is not the man to govern a rich city , set In the heart of a barborous land , and no I shall tell Hiram , our king , if ever I llvo to see Tyro again. As for you , most high prince , forglvo the humblest of your servants If ho tells you that the tenderness of your heart and tiio nobility of your sentiments will , I think , bring you to an caily and an evil end , " and , glancing toward Ellssa , as though to put n point upon his words , ho smiled sarcastically and withdrew. At this moment n messenger , whoso long whlto hair , wild oye.s and red robe an nounced him to bo n priest of El , by which name ttio people of Klmboo worshipped Baal , entered the room and whispered somethkiR Into the ear of Sakon that seemed to disturb him much. "Pardon mo , Prince , and you , my guests , If I leave you , " paid the governor , "but I have evil tidings that rail me to the temple. The Lady Haaltla Is seized with the black fever , anil I must visit her , " And ho hurried from the chamber. This news caused consternation amcng the company , and In the confusion that followed Ita announcement Azlel joined Ellssa , who had pitued on to the balcony of the house , and was ecated there aldne , looking out over the moon'.lt city and the plalr.3 beyond. At his approach she rose In token of respect , then set herself down agian , motion'us to him to do likewise , "Glvo mo your wisdom , lady , " ho said , "I thought that Haaltla was the goddess whom I henrd you worshiping yonder In the grove. How , then , can Hho be Htrlckrci with a fever ? " "Sho la the Bodiless , " Ellssa answered , smiling , "but the Lady Ilaaltls Is n woman whom wo revere na the Incarnation of the goddess upcn earth , and , being a woman , In her hour ho must die. " "Then what bccomeu of the Incarnation of the goddess ? " "Another Is chosen by the college of the priests of El and the company of prk'.stMstu of llaaltls. If that UiJy Ilaaltls who Is dead chances to leave a daughter , generally , the lot falls upon her. If tx > t , upon auch uno of the noble mnldd-f as may be chcson. " "Doea the Lady lUaltla marry , then ? " "Yea , prince , within a > car of her public consecration t\\o \ \ must chaoto herself a hus band , cad ho may bo whom she will , pro. vlded only ho Is of white blood nnd docs sacrifice to El and Ilaaltls. Then , when eho has mined him , ho takes the tltlo of Shndld , and for eo long as his wlfn uhall live ho Is the high priest of the god El , end clothed with the majesty of the god , as his wife Is clothed with the majesty of Ilaaltls , but , should she die , another take , } hid place. " "It la a strange faith , " said Azlel , "which tcacheu that the God of heaven can find n homo In mortal 'breasts. Hut , lady , It U yours , so I shall say no more of It , Now , tell mo , If you will , what did you mean when you Bald that that barbarian king , Ithobal , eet the t\i\agc whom I rilew to kid nap you ? Do you know this , or do you only uuspect It ? " "I suspected It from the flrot , prlnco. Moreover , I read It In his face an ho looked upcn the corpse , andi whan ho perceived me among the toasters. " "And why should ho wish to carry you away thus brutally , lady , whan ho U ut peace with the great city1 "Perchance , iiriice , after what pasusd to. night , > ou can guess , " "tie ucdwcrcd , lower ing her eyc , "Yes , lady , I can auras , and , though It U "Now , " said Azlcl , "save that no wrong can rlpht a wrong , almost grlevo that I cried shame upon the counsel of Jletem. Fair lady , be sure of this , that I will give nil I have , even to my life , to protect you from a. fate which you dread , and at which I shudder , all I have except my soul. " "All , " she cried , "all except your soul , Would that I could find the man who would give me both life and soul , for then , wert ho but < i slave , I would love him as nevei men was loved since Baaltls mounted yonder heavenly throne. " "Wore I not a Hebrew I should be templed to eeok to take you at your word , lady , " he answered , smiling , "but , being one , I may not risk my eotil , even wcro auch a love na yours within my reach. " "Nay , prince , " the broke In , "I did but Jest ; forget my words , for they were wrung from a heart distraught. Oh , < Ild you know the terror of this man that oppresses mo you would forgive me all , a terror that this nl&tit lies upon me with a tenfold weight. " " \Vliy so , Mdy ? " "Doubtleis because It Is nearer , " she whispered. But her beautiful , pleading eyes cod quivering' lips seemed to belle her wonls awl say , "Because you are nearer , and a change has come upon me. " For the second time that day Azlel'a glance met hers , and for the second time a Htraiigc , now pang thot was more than Joy , dud yel divine , snatched at his heart strings , taking I'rom dim the power of speech and almodt ol thought. "What was It ? " he wondered vaguely. He had seen many lovely faces and many noble women Ind shown him favor , but why had none of them stirred his being after thK- sort ? Could It bo that this maiden wan slit whom ho was dealticd to love above all upon earth , nay , whom tie did already love ? "Lady , " ho said , taking a step toward her , "lady " And ho paused. She bowed her dark head till IICT gold- bedecked and scented hair fell upon his feel and answered : "I hear you , lord. " Then another volco broke upon the silence , a clear , strident volco , that said : "Prince , forgive me , If for the second time this day I sr-ek you , but the gueats have gene and your chamber U nude ready , and. not knowing tdo customs of tha women ol this country , I did not guess that I should find you alouo with ono of them at such an hour. " Azlel looked up , although thnro was little need for him to do so , fee well ho know that volco , to see the tall form of the Lcvite Isnachar atandlng before them with cold anger stumped upon hl > 3 face and shining In hU eyro. HlUsa saw also , and. with some murmured words of farewell , she turned and went , leaving them together , d'lAPTBtt IV. TUB DUKA.M OK ISSACHAR. For a moment there \\as alienee , which Azlel broke , saying : "It seems to me , Issachar. that you are somewhat overzealous for my welfare. " "I think otherwise , prince , " .replied the Levlto strcnly. "Did not your great-grand- sire , Solomon , rtlvo you Into my lucplnu , and shall I not 'ho ' faithful to my trust , and to a higher duty than any ho could luy upon mo ? " "Your meaning , Issachar ? " "It Is plain , m-lnco. but I will set It out. Solomon i > ald to inn yonder In the hall of his golden jialaeo : 'Monoid , to otherb. men of war , I have given charge of the 'body of tliU my grandson , to keep him safe. To you Issaclmr , I glvo charge over hU soul , to keep It safe a higher task and more dlflleult. Guard him , Issachar from the temptation of strange doctrines and the whisperings of fetrange gods , but guard him most of nil from tfco wiles of strange women who .baw t.'ii ) knee to Baal , for such art * the gate of gohenna upon earth , and thojc who filer by It stall find their places In Tophet' " "Truly , my grundslro should be able to yonder In that accursed grove. It seemed to mo that I had been born only that 1 might find her. It seemed to mo that for ages I had known her , that forever aho waa mine , and that I was hers. Oh , tell me , Issachar , what Is this ? Is It but passion bomi of youth and the sight of a fair woman ? That cannot be , for I have known others aa fair and have passed through pome such fires. Tell mo , Issachar , you who are old and wise , and have seen much , what Is it that overwhelms mo ? " "What Is It ? It Is witchery. It Is the wllo of Beelzebub waiting to snatch your soul , and II you hearken to It you shall pass through the Jlre through the flro to Moloch , If not In the flesh , then In the spirit , which Is to all eternity. Oh , not hi vain do I fear for you , my son , and not without reason uas I warned In a dream. Listen. Last night , ns I lay In my tout yonder , upon the plain , I dreamed that some danger over shadowed you , and In my sleep I prayed that your destiny might bo revealed to me. As I prayed thus I heard n volco saying , 'Is- "MAY THE PHIN'CK LIVE FOKEVDU. Faclur , since you seek to learn tlio future. Know that ho who Is dear to you shall bo tried In the ( Ire , Indeed. Yes , because of his great love and pity ho shall forswear 111' ' ) faith anil with death and sorrow he shall pay the price of fin. ' "Then 1 was troubled and bewught heaven that you , my aon , might ho saved from this unknown temptation , but the voice answered me : " 'Of their own will only can they who wcro ono from the beginning bo held apart. Through good und 111 let them uork each other's woe or weal The goal Is sure , but they must chorea the road. ' "Then ns I wondered what these sayings might mean the ilarlcnes ? opened and I saw you , Azlel. standing In a grove of trees , while toward you , with ouU'ttctched hands , drew a vclli'd woman , who 'boru upon her brow the golden how of Ilaaltls. And tire lagcd about you. Rod In the lire J 'beheld many things which I have forgotten , and moving through wao the prlnco of death , who slew and slow : and spared not ; and I awoke heavy at heart , I knowing that there had fallen on me who love you u bbailow of doom to come. " In thcso latter days any educated man would net aelilo Isaachar's ulhl vision aa the vaporlngs of a mind distraught. But Azlel lived In the time of Solomon , when men of his , nation guided tholr steps by the light of prjphecy , and believe ! that it was the pleau- tire of ( i.'d , by means of dreams and nonden and through thu moullM of his chosen necrj , to declare liln will upon earth. To this faith , InJi'cl , wo atlll 1'oIJ fuel , at least , so far aa that | tl J crj people are concerned , thnl we acknowledge Inslah , DavM and the ! rampmiy to Ime b i-i In pltr.l fr nn auote Of that company I sArhnr the Lcvltc w.r ono , for to him , from hln 'youth up. > ok-i had spoken In the \ \ .itcheat < the night , niu often ho had inured his winnings and de nunclntlnns Into the rnrs of kings an 1 pro plr.v telling them with no uncertain \olu ef the ooti'sequpnrpg of sin and Idolatry , am of punishment to come. Th ! Ariel , who hni been his ward nnd pupil , knew well , am therefore ho did not mock at the prleM ' dream or set It aside as naught , but bone his head und listened. "I am honored. Indeed. " he said with hu mlllty , "that the destiny of my pror soul an body should be a thing of weight to th chornblm on high. " . "Of your poor soul , Azlel , " broke In Issa char , "biow that soul of your , * of whirl > ou speak TO Unfitly Is of as sroot volu In the cyrs of Him who mndo It as that r any cherubim who atlll looks upon hli face. The angels who fell were the fir ? ntid Rro-itest of the nngels. niul though novo \\o bo clad lu mortal shape In punUhmen of our sins , again redeemed and Rlorlflr wo can become among the mightiest of thel hosts. Oh , my son , I bseech you , tun from this woman whllo there Is yet tlmt lest to you her lips should bo a flip o woo and your soul shall i y the price o them , sharing the hell ot the worshipers u Ashtcroth. " "It may bo so , " eald Azlcl , "hut , lesnohar what sail the volco ? That this woman o your dream nnd Iero one from the begin nlng. Issachar , you believe that the La it ; Elista li she of vhom the volco spoke , < nu you bid mo turn from hr because she ull bring me to sin nnd punishment. In truth 1C I can I will obey you , since , rather thai forswear my faith , as the voice foretold , would die u hundred deaths. Nor do I hi- llcvo that for any bribe ot woman's love shall forswear It In net or thought. Yet I such things came about It ls fate tin drives mo en , not mylll and what mai can lice his fate ? But even though this lad ; bo she whom 1 am doomed to love , > ou sa ; that because she Is heathen I must reject her. Shame upon the thought , for If sin Is heathen It Is through Ignorance , and t may bo mlno to change her heart , llecius. . I stand In danger shall I suffer her \\lio wui and Is and shall be of mo to bo lost In tin hell of Baal , whereof you speak ? Nay , yom dream Is false. 1 will not renounce m ; faith , but rather will win her to share It and together wo shall triumph , and that : swear to you , Issachar. " "Truly the evil one has many wiles , " an swcrcd the Lcvlto , wringing his hands , "atv I did 111 to tell you of my dream , seeing thai It can bo twisted to servo thi > purpose ol your madness. Have your will. Azlel , ant reap the fruit ot It , but ot this I warn you- that while I can 11 ml a way to thwart It never , prince , shall you take that witch to your bosom to bo the rum of your lit. niu soul. " , "Then , Issachar. on this matter there Is war between us ? " "Ay , there Is war , " said the Lcvltc , nm left him. CHAPTER IV. Continued. The nun waa already tilgh In the heavens when Azlcl awoke from the deep and dream less Bleep which followed on the excitements and exhaustion of the previous day. After his servants had waited upon him and rebel him , bringing him milk acid fruit to eat. ho dismissed them and sat himself down by t'ne casement of his chamber to think .iwhlle. Below him lay the city of lint-fooled houses Inclosed with a doubh ? wall , without'tho ring of which were thousands of straw huto , shaped like beehives , wherein dwelt natives of the country , slaves or bcrvatits of the con quering Phoenician lace. To his Tlqht and not more than a hundred paces from the gov ernor's house in which ho was , icao the round and mighty battlements of the temple whore tfie followers ot El and Ilaaltls wor shipped and the gold refiners carried en their business. At Intervals on Its flat-topped walls stood towers of observation , alto natins ; with pointed monoliths of granite and sojpstone columns supporting vultures , rudrly carved , emblems of Baaltls. Between these towers armed soldiers walked continually , watching the city below and the plain beyond , for , though the mission of the Phoenicians he.o was one of peaceful aln , It wea evident that they conaldo ed It necessary to bo always pre pared fee var. On the hillside above the great temple towered another fortress of stone , a citadel deemed to bo Impregnable oven ft-.ould the temple fall into the hands of an enemy , while on the crest of the pre cipitous slope , stretching as far to the right and left as the cyo could reach , were many smaller detached fortresses. The scone beneath him was a busy ouo , for a market waa being held on an open square In the city. Here , sheltered from the sun by grass-thatched booths , the Phoenician merchants who had been his companions In hs ! Icug and perilous journey from the coast wcro already lu treaty with numerous cus tomers , hoping , not In vain , to recoup them selves amply for the toils and dangers which they had survived. Beneath the booths were spread their goods : Silks from Cos , bronze weapons from Cyprus , linens nnd muslins from Egypt , beads , Idols , carvcn bowls , knives , glassware , copper rods , pottery l all shapes and charms made of glazed faience or Egyptian etone , bales ot the famous pur ple cloth of Tyre , surgical Instruments , Jew elry and objects of toilet , scents , pots of rouge end other unguents for the use of ladles , In little alaba.ster and earthenware vases ; bags of refined salt anad 1,000 other articles of commerce produced or Ptored la the workshops of Phoenicia. These they bartered for raw gold by weight , tusks of Ivory , cstrlch feathers , and girls of approved beauty , slaves taken In war , or In some In stances maidens whom their unnatural par ents or relatives did not scruple to sell Into bondage. In another portion of the square pro visions and stock , alive and dead , wcro being offered for sale , for the most iiart by natives of the country. Hero wcro piles of veget ables and fruits grown In the gardens , racka of varloui forts ot grain , bundles ot green forage from ti > o Irrigated lands without the walls , calabashes full of curdled milk , nnd thlrlt native beer and trusses of reeds for thatching. Here , again , were oxen , mules anil anjcs , or great bucks such ns we now know as eland or kulloo , carried In on rough Illtcra of boughs to bo disposed of by parties ot oavago hur.tfiinon , who had shot them with arrows or trapped 'them In pitfalls. Every eastern tribe and nation seemed to bo rep resented In the motley crowd. There stalked gavagra naked except for their girdles and armed with huge opsaro , who gazed with be wilderment on the wonders of the mart ot the white man. There moved grave , long- bearded Arab merchants or Phoenicians 'n their po'ntcd caps , or bareheaded , white- robed ERpytlans or half-bred mcrcenarlin clad In mall. There was no end to their anxiety , while from them came a verry bnbel of different tongues 0.1 they cried their wares , bargalno ( land quarreled. Azlel gazed at this novel sight with Inter est , till , nil ho was beginning to weary ot It , the crowd parted to right and loft , leaving ; i rlear lane across the market place to the nar row gate of the temple. Along this lane advanced a proecsslon of the priests of El , clad In red robes , with tall caps upon their head.'beneath ' which their hair hung down to their shoulders. In their hands were glided rods , and around their necks hung Kolden chains , to which were attached cm- blcniii of the fiod they worshipped They walked two and two to the number of fifty , chanting a melancholy dirge , ono hand of each priest reeling upon his fellow's shoul der , ami as they passed , with the exception of certain Jews , all the rpectators uncov ered , while some of thn more pious of thorn oven fell upon tholr knees. After the priests came a second procession , that of the priestesses of Baaltls These women , of whom there were a great num ber , were clad In whlto ami wore upon their heads a gauze like veil that fell down to their knees nnd was held In place by a golden fillet surmounted by the symbol of a ere pnt moon , instead of the golden rods however , each of them held In her left hand a growing stalk of nmUo. from the sheathed cob of which hung the bright tasrel of Its bloom , whllo to her right wrlat a milk whl'o dove was fastened by a wire , both corn and dove being emblems of that fortuity which , under various gulEei' , was the real object of the worship of thcno peonle. The sight of those whlto veiled woman , about whajp cres- ernt-decked heads the dove # lluttercd wildly striving to bo free , wss very strange and beautiful as they advanced , also singing a low and melancholy chant. Azlel searched tl'elr faces with hl oyea whllo they passed slowly toward him. and presently hl heart bounded , for thorn among tliim , claaplng thu dove aha t'nro to her breast , as though to still Its frightened llutterlngg , was the Lady Kllfctn. He notlrcd that as Bho went ( beneath the palace walk she glaneod at thn window place of his chamber , but without seeing him. for ho vntncatcd In the "latlow Presently tlio lens Uno ot prlestr-bra , fol- ( Coutlnued on Page Nineteen. ) It Away S Shell I You arc right in using1 Wool Soap for woolens. All careful people must do that. But you are wrong in putting Wool Soap away until the next washing day. You lose nine-tenths of its value. It is impure ingredients that make other soaps shrink woolens. But these do more than shrink wool. Used on fine goods of any hind , they cat the fabric. Used ou the skin , they roughen it and redden it. Used on the face , they spoil the com plexion. Other makers of soap haven't ' our secret. All soaps except Wool Soap have some injurious ingredient enough to shrink wool ; enough to harm the skin. Whenever soap touches the skin , or fine fabrics , or wool there's where you need SWIMS. "Wool Soap Is an ! Tcellent article , and every woman will bo benefited by using tt.-HELBtt M , lUiiKEii , Trcas. Nat'l W C. T U. Wintcr'sWiiids on face nnd hands produce the Fame re sults nfl an nxo on the bark of n tree. Gull- do Is your barlt. Unrnred for , It la worse than the proverbial bltn Anil as It m-oulil bo uncomfortable to guard f.ico and hands by a substantial enclosure use Rose and Cucumber Jelly That la better than n sheltering fence. It's cheaper , not In the way , softens , soothes the chapped skin , removes redness nnd rough ness , eradicates wrinkles , destroys blackheads - heads , Is not etlclty. More , It flRhts tha wind nnd cold of winter. It Is the best ar- mnr against the broatr. of frost. I3y Its cool , refreshing touch It prevents sore , cracked pkln. It heals all parts exposed to the chllllns blasts of out doors. 25 cents largo bottle and sold wherever winds blow. Your name to ui free mtnnle to yon. VVILMAMSOX & M'l'IIAIL .M'P'G. CO. Detroit , Michigan. For sale by Boston Store Dra * Bepi. O.UA11& , WlIliKT ( iOINd Tf XliW YUIMC Oil J'lIII.ADlU.lMIIA TllAVjr , VIA TUB LEHICH VALLEY RAILROAD. Soldi Trains , , hupc'rl > ICiiulpinitiit , Dining Curs u la Cnrlr. sernery tiui'iiimlril. liuulo of thn BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS , IIiinilsDlni'Ht Trnlii lu Ilifl World. For AdvertiHlnj ; Mutli r and Other Inroriiiittliiii vrltn to J. A. ft. Ilii' : , . W. I * . A , ' JIN Nollltl flurt < hi. , t'lilrnun , III , \ . \ . iiitAitu , iv. i * . A. , nmruiii , .v. v. CHAN , ti , I.ICH , Ceil. EnnDOii > rer A ent , I'iillllllelphla , I'll. ' i S ) DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LEBRUM'S Steel I Pennyroyal Treatment in the oriRinnl nnil only FHKNCII , enfocnd rolinbluicnro on the mar ket. 1'rico. $1.00 ; eont by muU. Ocunino eol-l only by Myi'rx Dillon Drill ; Co , S. 12. Corner Illtli anil I'nr mi in SN. , Oiiiahi ! , Noli , NEW COLLAR Wonilhury'it Facial Koun. Karlal Cream , racial Poudt'r , nmrnfiirturiM ! by I > rrmdtolo lbt JOHN II. WOOIJIHJJiy. M W cl ht. , N. Y. , will render the complexion t'lonr Soft nnil Jlenutl- ful A Kiinipli * of eiich Hulll'Unt ' foi tlirce Wft > k'a luc and HUmtrated Hook an care of cumiilcxlon for 20 cents. POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , BetonJary or Tertiary DI/OD I'OlhON ptrnunently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be treated at homo for iam * price und'r same iruaranty. If you prefer to come here we will contract to pay rail road fare ami liolel blllt , and no ohurci It we fall to cure , IP YOU HAVE taken mcrcurr , Iodide potniti and ( till Jinve echea and palm , Mucoui I'atchea In mouth. Soie Throat , I'lJnplen , Corpi-r Col. -jrerl gpou , Ulceri on nny part of the tindy. Ililr or Hyebroni falling out , It I * lhl Becondnry We Guarantee to Cure We eollclt the mnt obstinate cue * nd chullenKD the world for a cam we cannot cure This dlieane has nlwayi barlled the kill of tha moit eminent phyelclani. 1500.009 rapltnl behind our unconditional guaranty , Absolute proofs urnt ecaled on application , 100 pnee book tent frt , Addre a COOK UUMUUY CO. , 1-101 Mnuuulu Tcii > i > lu , Chlciiuo , III. Patronize Home Industries Hy PiiriOiiiMlnK ( ioinl * > In l - "I ! > - Kol- . - Km-Kirkt'i. 11)-\vliiif .V'lirnil.-n AWNINGS .i > .M > THNTS. OMAHA TKVT AM ) UlMMinil CO. ' Awning Co. ) ( Hucccfpors Omnlia 'lent niul MnnuruLturcrs tenis. nwnlivs. Joblurs liullcs anj . 1,111 1'nr- Bents' Mackintoshes. Tiints for lent. nain Kt. , Otimlia. IWKWKUIKS. OMAHA itui.\vix < : ASSOCIATION. Carlonil Flilpments made In our own .rffrU- irator cars , ll.uo HIWjJii. KIIIP uxpoitleniia Kxport anil Family Import Uell\er il to all pails o : the city. COHNICI : WOIIKS. . . . , u.vci.ii : COKXIOI : WOIIKS. Manufacturer cf Galvanized Iron Ooinlcps. rial , xntilzed lion fcM IlKlitH. Tin , Iron nni S ntt ItoolliiB ABcnt for Klnnenr's Steel telllne. ltii-10-12 Norili Eleventh street. CltACKUH FACTOUIiS AMICIMCAN HI.HCI'IT AM ) MKO. CO. Wholesale CmcUer Manufacturers. OMAHA , NKB. DYE WOHKH. T \VI.V CITV DVB IVOKICS. ir.ii niii st. DyclnB nnd denning of garments nnd Roods of c\cry description. Cleaning of line garments a Epeclulty. Pl.OUn J1IL1S. S. P. OilMAX. Flour , Meal , Feed , Bran , 1013-15-17 North 17th Street , Omnha , Kcl > . C. C. lllack , llnnaKCr. Telephone 532. ino.v WOHKS. DAVIS .ft COWfilM , rilOX WOHICS. Iron mill IlriiNH Kouiulrrx , MnnufncturerM nnd Jobbers of Machinery. Oen. ernl repalrlnc n specialty 1501 , 1D03 and 1005 slrccl. Oumlia. Neb. WOODMAX M.NSHKI ) OHVOIllfS. . Manufacturers old process rnw llni e < l oil , kettle - tlo boiled linseed oil , old pioctss ground linseed rukFp , eround and screened lln\pccd for ilruu- Elbts. UMAHA. Niil. LOUNOUS MATTIIKSSRS. i , . n. uui : : * . Manufacturer IViunses. Couchre. Mattrejye * Job- lier of Bnrlntr llcds and rcathcrs. 1207 Nicholas Street. OMAHA lIKDItlXr. CO. Manufacturers of high grade Mattrcsso , 1202-M VIcholiiB Btrent , Omaha. OVLTIAM. . AND SIIIHT FACTOIUIIS. ICAT/-.MVi'3XS COMl'A ' \ V. Mfgrj. ClothlnR. Pants , fililrls , Overalls. OMAHA. BIIIHT FACTOniEH. J. II. KVIXS. NKHHASK.V KIIIIIT COlII'AXf. Exclusive custom shirt tnllnrn , HID Kiunnrn. VINiOAH AND I'ICKI.KS. II\AIIM.\N % VJM'KJAU CO , Manufacturers of Vlnrfiiir , 1'lcklei , Cutnupn , Muntardc , Celery and Worcenteirhlro Haucp. WAGONS AND CAitltlAGKH. WILLIAM I'l < 'I'2ll < 'iit. For a Rnod auhitantlnl "htolc of any rlencrlp. flan , for repalntlni ; or luhhcr Urea on new or old \vl.eelB-lhe L : t fiuco U 27th and I."uv nwortti M reels. DHIMIMOXI ) CAIIIIIAliK CO , Thenp. medium priced nnd tony cnrrlncrs. Any thing S'"u want , rruonil dnnd or new. Head. qtiartu-M for laliber tlriti.Anrrunted. . IStli und 11 unity , OI > IIOMI > > Oourt Home. A. J. HIMI'HOV 1.1011 , I'lll lliHlm- Full lln < - of Currl K > s , , I'haclon . Pan * Curls. Wheels ruljLcr tired. The hc t Is lh C10AII MANUFACTUrtlJItS. IID.M : A : co. Jjirneit facto'y In the weti Lendlni ? Jmib r < f Omaha Kanvai cilv , Lincoln and .41. Joii'pU uancjit o1 r too.l * . lee : Fiinmin ftlrcet v Jt"H4UV IH IIUI * ? | I wlllulaillrt.- ! i iucl"iu | I'ltHH a iirctirliillnn with' fnl ll'jmfor itulckli | > rl\luciir"fi > r.fi > t Munl > i KUit ! . < , , ( - , Ken u DoMlliy. Small W ! > . V.rlrwrl.He- . . II Vk'rUji.Mt | mail or UrUKuUta. Kvcry ilrop I * nurlh It * wultiht. In fold when ) ou ceid It. AUilr i > i. 1'luiiUllu JIluu , Dcjn , Wl Mew Vortt.