Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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Although RoyiV * UBO s tinnceuplcd foi
the latter 'talf of the week Just pa t , un
common atiusement and entertainment ww
provided there earlier In the same period
Perhaps there were cmo who saw Willie
Collier In "Tho Man From Mexico" and < 1IO
not enjoy the performance. II Is even con
ceivable that certain inlmls are so constituted
as to nnd little or nothing funny In It. Te
the great majority of playgoers , however
Iho Adventures and predicaments of Ilonjamlr
Fltzhugh , as set forth by the nimble Collier
ro extremely diverting. .Doubtless there
arc many points at which the young
comilInn lays himself open to criticism ; his
ttylo of action and speech itlll savors more
and more faintly , however of the rouKhei
farce comedy school In which ho was trainee' '
co long ; but unless signs fall which are
patent to every observing eye , and unless
some unforsccn accident mars hU career , the
next decade Is reasonably sure to find Willie
Colll r pretty near to the top of the list of
the refined fun-makers of the time.
The Crelghton has enjoyed even more than
the Usual generous patronage slnco last
Sunday , partly because the regular bllle
presented were new nnd attractive , and
partly by reason of the more than ordinary
excellence of the specialties offered as
adjuncts In the dramatic performance.
The Woodward company Is steadily In
creasing In compactness and strength , ami
shows decided Improvement In artistic
ability from week to cpk. The old favorite
members of this nnd last srason , gain con-
.timinlly In their already largo popularity ,
.and the additions made to the organization
"from tlma to time , have generally proved to
liavp brcn Judiciously selected nnd to adiJ
npprcclably to the ensemble. This week n
now Ingenue , Qticcnle Montrose , will Join the
company from ' .Milwaukee. Manager Wood
ward hns a number of surprises In store for
his patrons , nrrJ' ' some Important and very
gratifying announcements may bo looked
for soon. The company Is to bo materially
strengthened , nnd negotiations arc now In
progress which are certain to make It pos
sible to glvo an entirely adequate rendering
to several plays which have never before
been presented at popular prices. Tlio Wood
ward organization , with tlic excellent style
of entertainment with which HR nnmo has
come to be associated. Is n fixture In Omaha ,
nnd will remain at least during the current
Mr. Paul Wlli'lach , for a number of years
dramatic editor of the Washington Times ,
nnd himself the author of several successful
plays. Is spending a few days In Omaha In
the Interest of .Mr. IllcharJ Mansfield.
Ttio Impending return to Omaha of Richard
Mansfield recalls to local theater-goers the
last vlt'lt of that eccentric character and remarkable
markablenctor. . This city had never up to
that time had so near and eo prolonged nn
experience of eo great an at list of the otage
mid the news that he would spend ten dayu
hero with all his forces was In the nature
of a Giirpilso. It may bo doubted If Mr
Jt.insflrld or any or.c else ( If there Is any one
clue ) of his standing will soon try the ex
periment again of playing a week's engage
ment In Omaha unless It bo during the ex
position tlilfl ( summer , when ccodltlo-ns out
of the ordinary n o likely to prevail. Ilia
cngagumct o ! a year ago kist fall was a great
ortibllc , but only a moderate pecuniary suc
cess. It was too Ions , for one -thing , nnd
Jlr. Mansfield's supporting company , though
numerous , was not especially strong in
ability. Ho offered no new plays at that
time , contwitlae h'mself ' and his audiences
with ( sumptuous prcsccital'ons of the better
known parts of his repertory.
At this time , however , ho comes with a
new drama , which , as presented by him In
eastern cltlE3 , has attracted as much atten
tion as any of the stage offerings of the
present year and lias brought to him ono of
the greatest successes of his career. He
brlngu , as heretofore , a kingly retinue
private eirs , npeclal trains , agents , book
keepers , secretaries , actors , mechanics , scene
painters , valets , maids and carloads of
eccnery , furniture nnd bagpago. No detail
Is slighted In Mr. 'Mansfield's ' productions ;
the real thing In every case , and the best
and corrcctest of Us kind , Is none too good.
The supper In 'U. Parisian Romance , " for In
stance , costs $20 every time It Is given ; there
Is genuine champagne , of a drinkable jirand ;
and Deau nrummcll's boutonulcra amount
to fO n night.
< ! oorgc Ilernard Shaw , the author of Mans
field's new play , "The Devil's Disciple , " If
half the storlca told of him arc true , Is one
of the wlcrdcst of public characters. Born
nn Irishman , and still owning allegiance to
the queen , he has written this bright and
satirical play of revolutionary times quite
from the American standpoint. Ho Is full
of quaint and eccentric wit , nnd his oddi
ties of personal habit , though often displayed
In what seems a spectacular manner , do not
appear unnatural when observed in him.
Kor Instance , ho abjures tall hats and eeldam
weara collars or cuffs , unless tha whim
Btilkcs him ; nnd he docs not hesitate to at
tend a London first night , If ho feels so In
clined wearing a flannel shirt. Ho holds
Btrango theories regarding the ecopo and
possibilities of the drama , many of which ho
has exemplified In the two plays , "Arms
and the iMan" and "Tho Devil's Disciple , "
which Mr. IMatisdeld has helped him to
make famous. Ho docs not use tobacco ,
conDlderlng It , with little Robert Reed , a
Jllthy weed ; In < llet he Is a strict vegetar
ian ; and ho holilu Ibsen the greatest of
all dramatists , eave only 'Bernard ' Shaw ,
Jllsa Kllzabcth Alarbury , the well known
theatrical agent who handles Shaw's plays ,
had occasion not long ago to send him a
comparatively small amount of royalty re
ceived for coo of his works , and she did
so In a rather apologetic letter. The an
swer , eo Indicative of Shaw's character , was
as follows ;
"Rapacious Elizabeth Marbury : What do
you want mo to make n fortune for ? Don't
you know that the draft you sent mo will
cnablo mo to live and preach socialism for
six months ? The next time you have such
n largo amount to remit , please send It tome
mo by Installments , or you will put mete
to the Inconvenience of having a bank ac
count. What do you mean by giving me
ndvlco about writing a play with a view-
to boxolllco receipts ? I shall continue writIng -
Ing Just as I do now for the next ten years.
After that wo can wallow In the gold poured
at our feet by the dramatically regenerated
public. "
It has been a long time slnco Omaha has
lind n seasrn of standard opera sung In
English by competent artists , ami for this
reason , If for no other , considerable Interest
has been manifested In the engagement of
the llostou l.yrlo company , which begins
at Hoyd's ' tomorrow night. The operas which
will bo preaentcd are til the kind which , al
though by no means now , do not seem
to loeo their charm for { ho present genera
tion of thoatcr-gocre , and are still quite
cnjoyablo , especially when they are well
sung and adequately presented. It Is proba-
blu that many lovers of muslo will renew
their acqualntanco with "Mnrltana , " "II
Trovatoro , " "Tho Jlohemlan Girl" and "The
Chimes of Normandy" ' ( his week.
ComIntc ivi-iitx.
In "Tho Devil's Dlsiple , " which Richard
Mansfield producea for the first time In
Omaha ono week from Ttireday evening nt
Doyd'a theater , Hornard fdaw , the author , la
said not ctily to have eclipsed the literary
brilliancy of "Ar 1113 and the Man , " but also
to have provided u dramatic story eait in
navel lines and sustained with etrong In-
tercet , Shaw U a cjtilral satlrlat , who lu-
ilsts upon being taken seriously , but whether
c < 3 a philosopher or dramatist U must bo
conceded that the Jaded appetite finds more
stimulating relish nowhere else than In his
dramatic writings. "Arms and the .Man"
was rather rich for the million ; ho Is raid
to have struck a moro sympathetic key In
"Tho Dcrlt'a Disciple , " and ueoco a moro ex
tensive publlo without compromising by ono
lot or tittle hU reputation us an u < i r/en-
tlonal original , 11 la offering Is the salad of
ny theatrical banquet.
Richard Matirtfleld li the ono actor the
world over who neemi to have the faculty of
interpreting Ilernard Shaw agreeably to tbo
public. Mansrluhl unites in himself aucli ro-
inarkablo gifts of magnetism and dramatic
expression on such a lilgU piano oflntellec-
tuullty that he U able to Interpret the phll-
and the temperament of tbo Eogllali
wit to the people's understanding. In Dick
Dudgeon It appears that we are to find the
great actor without nny of the Individualities
of Chevrlal , Ilrumincl , Gloster , Shylock or
Hyde. Hid pictures show his countenance
unllned and unchanged , Save for the fancy
clothes of a colonial you'.Ci , wo may Imagine
that Dudgeon la Mansfield , a delightful revela
tion to contemplate for thceo who have year
after year een him metamorphosed under
the mask of some of bis famous characteriza
Dudgeon Is n free thinking , free spoken
youth , a last century decadent , as It were ,
who Is stifled by the thick religious atmos
phere of hlfl Puritanical home. He , or Shaw ,
confuscn this perversion of Christianity for
the real teaching , and , sickened of the nar
rowness and cant about him , announces in
hU daring , bravado style that ho Is a disciple
of the devil , It scandalizes his relations , and
all the townspeople , except the broad-minded
parson , who estimates Dick for his full worth.
Occasion offers for Dick to give his life for
the clergyman , and he bravely offers to , nnd
tlio parson finds that It rests with tilm to
eave the heroic youth , not by prayer , but ac
tion , r nd ho accomplishes the end practically.
Some of the scenes In which Slmw Is said to
have exhibited his most trenchant rat Ire , as
well as his most delightfully stibttlo humor ,
are at Iho reading of ttie elder Dudgcon'o
will , Dick's tea with the parson's timid wife ,
the arrest of Dick for the minister and the
court martial before General Burgoyie.
The production , as a pictorial effort , Is
epoken of as ono of the most pretentious and
Ideal presentations Mr. Maneflcld has ever
made. Tliuro are flvo elabotatc etcgo settings
nnd crowds of supernumeraries contrlbito to
tlu ememblo. Mr , Manflfleld'a company con
tains many of the faces familiar to various
parU In the repertory and to them he
added some well known people for other
leading parts.
"The Devil's Disciple" will be repeated at
the Wednesday matinee and the engagement
will close Wednesday evening wltti a per
formance of "A Parisian Romance. "
The three nights' engagement of the Tlos-
ton Lyric company at Boyd's commences
next Monday evening , when "Marltnna , "
termed by musicians "the ballad opera of the
world. " will be presented. "Marltana" U full
of pleasing , catehy music , has plenty of ac
tion nnd Is one of the best liked In the e\-
tcnslvo repertory of over seventy operas
which the 'Boston ' Lyric company has.
Although "Marltcra" has enjoyed great
popularity for the last half century Omaha
theater-goers of the present generation have
not had many opporunltles to see It per
formed and , ns given by this company , It
will really be a novelty to many a play
goer who knows the muslo of the various
songs by heart , although never having heard
the opera , which Is so light and tuneful and
come-s so well within the range of the
powers of the various members of this com-
iany that encores upon encores are demanded
whenever and wherever presented. "II Tro-
vatore , " "Tho 'Bohemian ' Girl" "and "The
Chimes of Normandy" are also to bo sung
during this engagement on Tuesday evening ,
Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday even
ing , respectively.
'Iloyt's ' now play , "A Stranger In New
York , " has proven an enormous success am
Indications arc that It will pass the wonder
'ul popularity achieved by 'VA. Trip to China
: own. " In constructing "A Stranger In Now
York" Olr. Hoyt has plcke-I up the outline
plans of "Chinatown" and built his new
ilny jiccordlngly. The new piece deals with
.lie adventures of a lot of men and .vomen
who want to see the French ball and kcej
: ho fact from their relatives. I. Collier
[ ) o ne of Chicago Is hooked for one of the
'arty , but he loses his letter of Introduc
tion , which Is found by a stranger In New-
York , who makes use of It. This puts every
one In embarrassment when the real Dlr.
3owne finally shows up. In order that the
adles may not know that they have been
n the- company of a stranger 'Mr. ' Downo
s Introduced as Wolly West. Tlio Impostor
Iving off Downc's reputation as a wit and
t good fellow enjoys himself hugely. This
s the part alloted' ' to Joseph Coyne. The
contrasting part of I. Collier Downo Is
played by Stcvo > Maloy. To further compll-
: ate the play Mrs I. Collier Downo follows
ler husband to the ball , employing a female
letectlvo to spy upon him , the detective , of
course , devoting herself to the bogus Downo.
The new play will be the attraction at
Boyd's on Thursday and Friday evenings.
The Woodward company will present at
ho Crelghton this week aicKeo Rankln's
five-act play , "Tho Runaway Wife , " and In
espouse to a general demand for Its revival ,
'Tho Silver King , " thy plays being given
luring the first ami' ' last half of the week ,
espectlvcly. The list of vaudeville attrac-
Ions Includes Charles A. 'Gardner ' and his
own company , "Wesson and Walters , In a
omedy sketch ; Baby Lewis , the remarkable
hlld actress , and our own Gellcnbeck Banjo
lub. Next week "Llttlo Lord Fauntteroy , "
vlth Baby Lewis in the title role.
Merely I'lujors.
David Belnsco has a now pay ! for Mrs ,
Trixlo Frlganza Is recovering from a ecvcro
ittack of pneumonia.
Helen Mora , the "femalo baritone , " threat
ens to play Hamlet.
Sadlo Martlnot has been suffering from a
severe attack of pneumonia.
Nat Goodwin and Maxlno Rlllott were mar
ried In Cleveland last Sunday.
It Is likely that Anna Bclmoat will be as
sociated with May Irwln next HCOGOII.
Magglo Cllno Is the bright particular star
of Duncan Harrison's "Pacific Mall , "
L. II. Crawford , well known In Omaha'Is
managing an Italian opera company ,
Paul Potter la celd to bo deodorizing "Tho
Conquerors" for Its London presentation.
Ada Deavcfl , famous for her skill in
grotesque make-up. Is playing lu "All Baba. "
James O'Neill claims to have found the
number thirteen tbo mcst lucky of all num
Harrison Wolf , who has been playing leads
with Margaret Mather , has severed that con
nection. '
Anton Seldl la to make a three weeks'
tour with his orchestra , coming as far west
as St. Lpuli * .
Walter Jctics will appear as a star tomor
row night In Washington , presenting "In
Gay Now York. "
Last week's Issue of the Dramatic Mirror
was the l.OOOId number of that standard
theatrical Journal.
GUB Williams , the well known German
dialect comedian , Is very 111 with Inflam
matory rheumatism ,
'Drtico ' Edwards , press agent for Julia Mar
lowe , Is erlotisly ill with pnc-umonla at
his homo In Hartford.
Tremendous excitement has been stirred up
In aesthetic ( Boston by an atttompt to enforce
a high hat ordinance.
Owen Fawcctt Joined the ranks of sick
actors last week , being stricken down with
pneumonia In Cleveland.
Percy Haswcll has been engaged by De-
Wolf Hopper for "Tho Cbarlctan , " which he
will produce next season.
Modjcskn's success In Now York has been
so great that she is to play a return en
gagement there In 'March ' ,
The entire eeencry , costumes , armor and
wardrobe of the late Alexander Salvlnl nro
offered for sale by Mrs. Salvlnl.
DoWolf Hopper will sing all summer at
Manhattan beach In "El " " "
, Capltan , "Wang ,
"Boccaccio" ami "Tho Bohemian Girl , "
The Chapo-Llster Dramatic company will
occupy Dolmny's theater , in Council Bluffs ,
during the TrammilKsUslppl Exposition.
Maurice BernharJt Is dramatizing George
Sand'u "Gabriel. " The play Is to bo pro
duced by Sarah Bcrnlmrdt next season.
Fay Templeton Is to return to America in
vaudeville , having been engaged by Weber
and Fields for their Now York music hall ,
Duee's production of D'AnnunzIo's "Spring
Morning Drvain" In Rome has been a fall ,
uro. The Romans would not "stand for it. "
Sarah Bcrnhardt underwent a serious sur
gical operation laut week In Paris , from the
effects of which , she Is expected to recover In
a fowweeks. .
The coolntss of Walker Wbltealilo averted
what threatened to bo a torlous panic at
Rushvlllo , Ind. , the other night , when tbo
Uocr of tbo stage caught flro from tbo foot-
ll'KM * . Mr. Whttcsldo't powerful voice made
. Itself heard , assuring the audience that there
I was no danger , and the fire was speedily ex
Until the recent revival of "Julius Cncsar"
In London by Becrbohm Tree the tragedy ,
qucerly enough , had not been seen there
eld CO 1SC2 ,
Marie Toullnguct , the soprano who sang
hero with Scalchl a few weeks ago , has
quarreled with the great contralto and left
the company ,
"East Lynno" was revived In Brooklyn
last week , with a great cast , Including Rose
Eytlngc , Nance O'Nell , Wilton Lackaye ,
iMcKco lUnkln and others.
EHta Proctor Otis opens her starring tour
in "Oliver Tulst" next week. Charles Barren -
ron will bo the 'Bill ' Sykes and Charles
lunby the Artful Dodger.
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kcmlal
has determined , n-uch against her parents'
wishes , to go on the vaudeville stage , and
Is to make her debut in New York.
A Boston man has Just recovered damages
In the amount of $1,200 against that refined
writer of farce comedy , Charles II. Hoyt.
The dramatist. It seems , called the BostonIan -
Ian a Vila name and eplt on him.
Krancta Wllsco has written n book of
reminiscences of Uugcno Field , with whom
he was Intimately acquainted. He has also
complied a volume of a biographical nature
which he calls "Recollections of a Player. "
Harry Corson Clarke , with mi excellent
stock company , has Invaded the territory
heretofore monopolized by the Frnwley com
pany on the Pacific coaet and Is presenting
"What Happened to Jcties" with great suc
Sir Henry Irving suffered a heavy loss
by the burning of the Southwark storage
warehoused , London , the other day. All his
scenery and properties for "Hamlet , " "Mac
beth , " "Richard 111" and "Peter the Great"
were destroyed.
The last m.Ulnco Richard Mansfield played
In Chicago during his recent engagement
there netted $2,044.GO and broke the mntlnco
record at that house. The cntlro engagement
was among the most profitable ever played
by Mr. Mansfield.
AC the annual benefit of the Twelfth Night
club in New York the other night over $1,700
was realized for the building fund of the
club. Madame Modjcska delivered an addrews
and a great number of the actons now playIng -
Ing In New York appeared.
Contracts have been signed with Mile ,
nhcn , Louis James and Frederick Wardo to
star together next seaton. The repertory
will Include "Macbeth , " "Julius Caesar , "
"Hamlet , " "Othello , " "Much Ado About
Nothing , " "Tho School for Scandal" and anew
now play.
Lillian Russell disappointed an audience in
Boston the other night by falling to appear
in "Tho Wedding Day. " alleging sudden Ill
ness. It Is said , however , that she looked
the picture of hcaltCi as she watched a per
formance of "Tho Geisha" from a box the
jninc afternoon.
Richard Mansfield went browsing around
among the old book shops of Boston on his
last visit to that Incubator of all culture.
In search of some copies of Mollere. He did
not find the work ho wanted In French , but
lie was offered a translation. Ho very nat
urally asked , "Is this a free translation ? "
nnd the young person In attendance replied ,
perhaps also naturally , "No , two dollars with
the usual discount. "
The production of a light English opera
entitled "Marltana" at Boyd's theater to
morrow evening makes interesting a few
facts concerning the opera Itself and Its com
poser. The history of English music reveals
the fact that Englishmen have had very lit
tle to do with Its composition. Indeed , very
few Englishmen have attained to any prom
inence as musical composers , excepting In
the domain of church music. Balfe was an
Irishman , Mackenzie was a Scltchman , Dr.
Parry Is Welsh , Stanford and Sullivan arc
Irishmen and William Vincent Wallace , the
composer of "Marltana , " was born at Waterford -
ford , Ireland , In the year 1815. 'Ills ' father
was a band master and taught him music
while ho was but n boy. Before he was 15
ho was sent to Dublin and studied the clar
inet , violin , piano and organ , and was soon
appointed organist at the Cathedral of
Thurlcs. Shortly after this ho added to his
duties those of theater director and concert
conductor. As might have been expected , at
the age of 18 be had a fit of sickness , prob
ably due to overwork , and upon his recovery
went to Australia for his health. The tour
Included Van Dlemen's Land and Now Zea
land , the T3ast and West Indies , Mexico and
the United States. In 'Mexico ' ho conducted
Italian opera. Ho remained In New York for
some time and was actively engaged In giv
ing concerts. In 184C ho returned to Europe
and very shortly afterward produced "Marl
tana. " Ho wrote several other works , among
them "Lurllne , " produced at Covcnt Garden ,
London , I860. Wallace was not In any way
a great composer. Ho had but llttlo original
ity or Invention. His music Is fitly character
ized as tuneful. Judged from a dramatic
point of view It Is consistent with the spirit
of the tlmo In which he wrote and the taste
of the public that supported the theater.
"Maritana" Is n romantic opera In three
acts. It Is founded upon the play entitled
"Don Caesar do Bazan" and was first pro
duced at Drury Lane , London , November 15 ,
1845. The first act opens In a public square
of 'Madrid. ' A band of gypsies are singing
to the people and among them Is Marltana ,
a young girl , who , Hko all operatic heroines ,
is possessed of moro than ordinary
beauty. In tbo crowd Is young King
Charles and of course bo Is much
taken with her charms. Don Jose , his minis
ter. Is endeavoring to carry out some am
bitious plans of his own and resolves to en
courage the king In his Interest In Marltana.
Ho speaks to her of her beauty and arouses
In her heart hopes of a brilliant future.
The most Important chancier In the opera
Is Don Caesar , do Bazan , a typical cavalier.
At this critical moment ho reels out of a
tavem wbero ho has lost all his money
gambling. Heretofore bn has known the
minister and relates to him the story of fila
career ; In the midst of the narrative Lazrlllo.
a despondent youth who has just attempted
to destroy himself , enters and accosts Don
Caesar , who befriends him , and In ronso
quenco becomes Involved In a duel , Ho Is
arrcoted , sent to prison and sentenced to
death. The second act opens In the prison
and discovers Don Caesar asleep , Lazrlllo
watching by him. Don Jose enters and pro
fcsscs friendship for him , and when Don
Caesar asks that ho may have a t > oldler'is
death rather than bo hung the minister con-
nccits , upn the condition that be will marry.
Preparation * nro made for the wedding and
Marltana enters disguised by a veil. As the
nuptial rites nro performed the soldiers pre
pare to execute the groom. Don Cacear Is
led out to bo shot , but Lazrlllo has extracted
the balls from the guns ; the soldiers fire and
Don Caesar feigns death. Soon after ho
leaves tha scene and hurries to a ball being
given by the Marquis Montcflorl at their
palace. Marltana Is present at the ball and
Is Introduced by the marquis as hU own long
lost niece. Don Caesar enters and demands
tils bride. The inarehlo-ness la substP.iited
for Marltana and Don Caesar would have
Fancied that ho had been duped into marry
ing an ancient relic of a woman but that ho
licara In the distance Marltana's voice.
The last act opens Id the king's palace ,
whcro Marltana It surrounded with every
luxury , but unawarb that It Is the king with
whom she consorts. Dan Jose Introduced the
king to her as her husband , but Don Cacear
appears and demands of tdo king who bo Is.
The king answers , "Don Caesar. " Don
Cacfar replies , "Then I am the king of
Spain. " About this time a messenger ar
rives from the queen requesting the king's
presence. After his departure Don Caesar
ind Marltana recognUo each other. In the
course of the act Don Caesar manages to kill
Iho crafty minister and to achieve a place
n the. good Kracer of the king. The opera
ends with Don Caesar receiving his wlfo and
an appointment as governor of Valencia.
Tlio work upon the construction of the
comlo opera , "Ak-Sar-ncn , " is progressing
in a satisfactory manner and last week two
rehearsals of tbo Mendelsohn Choral so
ciety were held at the residence of Mr.
George A. Hoagland. About forty members
of the society were present each evening ,
and all the chorus music to occur In the
first act was rehaireed. The first part , based
upon the well known piano solo , entitled ,
'Tho Awakening of the Lion , " by Do Kon-
skl , la already inastvcd. The members of
the society arc enthuriutlc In their Intcres
In the work and predict for U A great AUC
cet-o. The following vrcll known people are
enrolled and will Ukprpart In the perform
ance cither n principals or In the chorus
Misses Jevulc Dlckfrmin , Helen lloagl t l
Clara Palmer , Or qoAllen , Annn Shlvcrlck
May Bartlctt , Andrccecn , Bowman , Cady
Clark , Crounsc , Fawwtt , Gilbert , Hobble
Pauline Lowe , Catherine Lowe , iMao Mount
Rnapke , Rlngwalt , 'Shavfjr , Taylor , Ruth
Wellcr , Alice Wcllcr , .Murdock , Mablo Latcy
Mary Latcy , Rene Hamilton , Van Kuran
Peck , Barber , Wy man , "Kelly , Grace Nichols
nnd Mesdames D. 11. . Wheeler , W. H. Wll-
bcr , Harry Burklcy , A. P. Ely , Raapko and
O. W. Jolintnon ; Meftsra. L. B. Copclnnd , D
H. Wheeler , Will ( McCunc , Will Rogers
Harry Burkley , O. W. Manchester , W. 0
Doano , W. 'B. ' Allen , Frank Adalr , Ed Pick
ering , It. II. CoryeJI. Fred Dall , L. Ducn
Charles George , W. Goclso , C. S. Havcrstock
Paul Hoagland , F. T. McConncII , George Pur
vis , O. D. Rice , Harry Shears , Joe Ilaldrlgc
W. S. Robinson , Luther Tale , Frank Ham
ilton , Robert Weir , W. II. Wllbcr , H. 1)
Payne , George Palmer , Warren Rogers , J.
Mellon , Ralph Sundcrland , Norman Dean
The singers realize fully 'that it is Impossi
ble for everyone to have a principal pan
and a number of the best known sololste
are members of the chorus , The good wll
and the generous interest In the welfare
of 83 Important a local musical undertak
ing arc especially creditable to them and dc-
tcrvo commendation. A great deal Is con
tinually being Bald by outsiders regarding
the Jealousy among the musicians. If the
outsiders were so fortunate as to have fomo
buslnesn of their own to attend to and to
bo so gracious ns to attend to It 'Iho sing
ers would demonstrate beyond a doubt their
ability to take care of themselves and to
get along with each other.
It hns been decided ! 'to rchonrso reguluarly
on ( Monday and Thursday evenings , begin
ning at 7:45 : o'clock , and arrangements have
been made by which the reheatnls will bo
holil hereafter at theMlllard ( hotel. To
morrow evening the finnlo to the first act
will bo rehearsed with the principals.
Among ttie great composers of the present
tlmo ono of the best known Is Maurice
Moszkowskl , born In Breslau , and Polo anJ
Russian by parentage. Ho began his musical
studies at the conservatory of Dresden and
went thence to Berlin. The greatest of his
compositions Is the opera entitled "Bcmbdll , "
founded upon the ever popular theme , the
downfall of the Moors In Spain , . Ho has
written sovetal works for orchestra , Includ
Ing n symphony ; also a concerto for the vie
lin. His suite entitled "Lcs Nations" con
sists of six pieces for orchestra , each ono
representing the musical type of a different
nation. Moezkowskl la young looking , blonde ,
has blue eyes and n flerco mustache. I
figure Is tall and slender and bis manner
graceful. Ho Is raid to be a very Interesting
piano teacher and numbers among his pupils
Katharine Linn , Fabian Weiss , Josef Hof-
man < n and Mies Sherman of California.
Moszkowskl lives In Parh , Is married to a
sister of Chamlnade , the composer , and Is
very popular with the Parisian public. His
opera "Boabdll" contains some of the most
Intensely dramatic music that has been com
posed slnco Wagner , and the orc'iestratljn Is
rctrarkably skillful. Scene may remember
having heard the prelude which was p'aycd
In this city by the orchestra at tile Nordlca
concert given a year ago the first day of this
month. Moszkowskl deplores the fact t' > at
ho Is obliged to teach In order to make a liv
ing mid ccnsldera that It Interferes greatly
with his composition. The history of music ,
how over , shows that nearly all composers ,
excepting perhaps Mendelssohn tmd Mycr-
becr , have been obllgc'd ' to cither teach or
do some other sort of musical work in order
to earn a living. Wagner used to arrange
opera melodies for the cornet .ind other com
positions that they might be pliycd fcr
dances. HOMER MOORE.
_ i .
Padorewskl expects to make a tour of
English provincial cities next month.
Miss Zelle do Lussan , an American singer ,
will make her d but at the Paris Opera
Comlquc in the near future.
Mr. J. E. Butler 'will ' glvo another organ
recital this afternoon at Trinity cathedral.
Ho will bo assisted by C. II. Tucker and C.
A. Jacobson.
Emma 'Eanies ' , the American prlma donna ,
will create the part of Leandor In Man >
clnelll's forthcoming opera , "Hero and Lean-
dor , " to bo given nt the Covent Garden , Lon
don this season.
A song has been received entitled , "Dream
land , " composed by Mr. J. E. Butler , that Is
tuneful and possesses considerable merit.
Certain features of the accompaniment are
especially Interesting.
This afternoon at 5 o'clock a vesper service
will be held at the First Congregational
church nt which Miss Jesslo Dickinson , Mlas
Helen Hoagland , Miss Laura Van Kuran ,
Mr. Moore and the choir will sing.
Rlccordl , the great Italian music publisher ,
will bring out next autumn some of Verdi's
sacred works , which ho has written during
the last years of his life. These Include set
tings of some of the Psalms and also a mass.
The Kountzo Memorial church chorus Is
prospering and numbers sixty members ,
under the direction of Leo G. Kratz. A con
cert will bo given at the church on the 24th
of next month , the music for which Is now
being prepared.
Sarosate , the violinist , was the soloist at
the seventh Philharmonic concert given In
Berlin under the direction of Arthur Nlklsch.
Ho played the Bruch violin concerto In D
minor , which the composer dedicated to him.
Sarasate is said to have grown entirely gray ,
but his fingers and bow-arm have lost none
of their wonted cunning and his tone , never
too large , Is still as pure and sweet and bo-
wltchlne An It ever was.
'Mario ' Brema , who WAR heard In thin city
two > cars J KO with the Damrosch Opera
company , recently made her first appearance
at the Opera Comlqtio In Gluck's Orphco , and
Is eald to have achieved a great success In
the title role.
Marie EnRcl , another American prlma
donna Is at present in London. She has Just
returned from an operatic tour In Spain ,
where she appeared In "Hamlet , " the
"Huguenots , " "Carmen , " and "Romeo and
Juliet. " She sang at about twenty per
formances and. was highly spoken ot by the
Josephine Jacoby , the contralto , Rang re-
cetitly with the Cincinnati Symphony orches
tra under the direction ot Van der Stuckcn
and scored another unqualified success , There
Is no other contralto In the United Sialc *
who Is coming so rapidly to the front nnd
being so universally recognized as a great
artist as Jacoby ,
Tlio emperor of Germany recently cele
brated his birthday anniversary with a re
production of the Lortzlng's opera , entitled ,
"Czar and Carpenter , " and the Royal Opera
hcuRo In Berlin was full with potentate' ! ,
princes , government functionaries and their
wives and daughters. Ono of the characters
in the opera Is the burgomaster of Saardam ,
whoso part In supposed to represent comedy.
A report of the performance says : "When
the good burgomaster pronounced the words ,
'his majesty deigns to smile , ' thrco of the
princes who sat In the proccnliim box looked
askance at their fdthcr , nudging each other ,
began to glgglo quite gleefully. "
The next recital of the HUM leal department
ot the Woman's club will bo given nt the
First Congregational church next WcdnesJay
afternoon at 3 o'clock by Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Calm , assisted by Master Carl Sml''i , tre
cellist. A program of rare excellence has
been prepared and au hour of tnuilral en
joyment Is assured by the three arils ! . " ivhn
nro to render it. The stand taken b' Mrs. i
Mctcnlf In turning the vant power eif IK *
Woman's club to" . ic upbuilding of music In
0 ma tin by cmp10)lng and thus encouraging
ros'.detit performers should secure n co-ipera-
lien that would fill the Congregational church
to overflowing. There arc few Ropfiinoa lu
the country who arc oquil to Mrs. C.\hn. lltr
beautiful volco posse se * n tenderness ? nd
at tbo fume tlmo it dramatic Intensity that
would plaeo her in the front of artists
It nho were to give her whole time to Its dc-
velopmcnt. Master Smith la a most pleasing
performer and Mr. Calm so thorouRti n tcu-
slclan that his playing ! s worthy of retpoct
and admiration ,
I'nriiiiioiiln I'rcvmtrd.
The greatest danger of n cold or nn attack
of In grippe Is of Its resulting In pneumnnU ,
How to prevent this will ccrtnlnly interest
almost ovcrjone , and especially those who
have weak lungs. No ono need fear that
thMr cold will result In pncumolna when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is used. It
counteracts nny tendency toward pneumonia
and will cure n cold In less tlmo than any
other treatment. During the epidemics of
1.x grippe a few years ago , many thousands of
bottles of It were used , nnd in not ono single
Instance did any case result In pneumonia
no far as wo could learn ,
.Suit Vrnnclnco llrcwrry Full * .
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 20.-Uimblo to
meet its accumulating obligations , the man
agement of the San Francisco Stock
brewery hns given Its creditors the niter-
native of a settlement on the basis of .1
cents on the dollar or forcing the corpora
tion to jjo through Insolvency. The con
cern 1ms prnctlcnlly fnllcd for $110,000 , as last
week It deeded over Its property to the Ger
man Snvlngn nnd Ixsan society , which held
ft mortgiiKo for $47,0X ( > . nnil It ns about to
foreclose. The unsecured liabilities HK-
Kregate K7,0i , distributed nmonir twenty-
two creditors. Unucr & Schweltzcs , hop
merchants , nro the heaviest sufferers , lliclr
claim being } 25,000. The creditors have ap
pointed a committee to look Into the affairs
of the concern.
tS > tSSJO < S > : SS >
The portrait above Is that of Mrs. Mary
Ray Chnmplln , Virginia avenue , Omaha , who
viltea thu ? of her experience with Dr. Edl-
on'a Obesity Remedies :
OMAHA , Neb. , Jan. 12 , 1898. Lorlng &
Co. , Chicago , New York and uostcn Gentls-
ncn : The debt of gratitude I owe to Dr.
JdHon's Obesity Pills nnd Reducing Tablets
can never repay. I grew too fat nnd was
menaced with death by fatty degeneration
of the heart. My physician prescribed Dr.
Edison's Obesity Pills and Reducing Tablets
and I took them with Loring's Germ Killer
Heart Tablets and Lor.'ng's Germ Killer Djs-
pepsla Tablets. In four weeks I wne re
lieved of twenty-six pounds of flesh nnd
made entirely well again , I have recom
mended these remedies to friends of mine
who have been benefited by them In every
way advertised by you. Truly yours ,
Dr. Edison's Obesity Pills end Reducing
Tablets nre perfectly harmless and strengthen - '
on acid Invigorate all who use thorn. Re
ducing Tablets , 42.00 a box ; Obesity Pills ,
$1.50 a bottle ; 3 bottles , $ -1.00 enough for
ono treatment. Dr. Edison's Reducing Tab
lets , sweet , palatable nnd handy to take ,
may be used Instead of his Obesity Com
pound , and the price Is the same. Obesity
Bands , $2.50 nnd up.
Wo send frco our new edition of "How to
Cure Obesity , " 50 portraits and numerous
other Illustrations. The Information It con > -
tnlus Is Invaluable. Fat Folks Send for It.
Obesity Is sometimes catued nnd la usu
ally accompanied by catarrh of tbo stomach
nnd bowels or other digestive derangements ,
end by rheumatism and heart dlaeate. Im-
medlnto relief Is nfforded by Loriag's Germ
Killer Dyspepsia Tablets , which quickly con
trol the digestive function ) , allay Inflamma
tion and flffilat the Obesity remedies in tholr
work , Price , 50 cento a box.
Loring's Germ Killer Rheumatism Tablets
are 50 cents a box.
Lor'ng's Germ Killer Heart Tablets arc
$2.00 a box.
Loring's Germ Killer Laxative Tablets are
50 cents a bottle.
If you are " 'run down" cod out of health
Lorlng's Germ Killer Dyspepsia Tablets will
glvo you vitality snd strength. Lorln 's
Fat-Ten-U nnd Oorpula Foods cure nervous
debility nnd1 make 20 to 30 pounds of now ,
solid fleeh a month. Fat-Ten-U Tablets , $1,00
a box ; Corpula. $1.00 a bottle. "How to Get
Plump nnd Rosy" sent free 50 portraits , 35
other Illustrations , "a real book of health. "
Thin Folks Send For It. Tell your thin ,
sick friends about this.
Bo sure to write our Chlcngo Medical
ili'iiartiuent If you want nilvice about
any disease. Letters addressed to Dr.
Amy M. Henry , who lias charge of our
Woman's department , will be opened
by Mrs. Henry or her chief assistant.
Dr. Ellison's Obesity Itemedles are hold
by leading dnisBlsts of Omaha , and are
kept In stock by the wholesalers.
Written Guarantee to refund price If
Pills and Tablets are taken as diieetml
without' ' good results. Say you saw Ibis
in The Omaha Hee. .Send letters and
mall , express or C. O. D. orders to Lo-
rlntf & Co. , general agents for the U. S.
To insure prompt reply , mention depart
ment as below. Use only the nearest
address :
LQRING Si GO. Depf. 77 ,
Tint. r$8-M ) AVnliiiNh AVIClilcncjo , III. ,
No.12 IV. SJlSil St. , Xow York City.
Healthy Babies
MKMPIIIS , Texas , Nov. sth , 1897.
I think McElree's Wine of Cardui is the
best medicine in the world. I have never
had regular menstrual periods since I was
married , eight years ngo , until I commenced
to use this medicine. I now have a fine
twelve-pound girl baby , born Oct. roth. I
am taking Wine of Cardui , and am getting
along finely. MRS. D. D. RIDENOUR.
EPWOUTII , S. C. , Jan. 27111.
Four years ago , when my last baby was
born , I took cold , and have suffered greatly
ever since. Two different doctors treated
me for neuralgia of the womb. I sent to you
for your book on Home Treatment of Fe
male Diseases , and , after studying it care
fully , decided that I had inflammation of
the womb. BO I commenced the Wine of
Cardui and Block-Draught treatment. I used only one bottle , but it did me more
good than all the doctors aud medicine , and I am now in good health. May God
bless yoix aud your medicine. MRS. P. A. GOOD.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 8th , 1897.
I have received great benefit from taking Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught
while nursing my children. I did not have it after the first two come , and became
greatly reduced in flesh , but the last twice I have used it with good results to
myself and the little ones. Ithink it makes thebabies healthier for me to take it.
I seem to get through childbirth better by using it , too. MRS. C. R. WOODING.
By giving the mother the best of health and all needed strength Wine of
Cardui helps make her baby healthy. The little life depends almost entirely
on the mother's condition , before and after childbirth. Wine of Cardui should
always be used at'this time. It can be bought at any drugstore , and used in
the privacy of the home. It saves weak , run
down anxious hours of suffering.
For tdrlct lacveirequlrlni ipo * It puts them in condition to give their children
clildUectlonp. .Kl il.gltlngij'mp.
the attention
tomi , ZxuHfV rtm n , proper
CbtlUnoof a , Teno ,
- > . - - J Wlno of Cardui only Costs $ I.OO Per Bottle ,
. , , , . . . . *
- * ,4j f f * * * ' * r
nM for tlicne culiimnii
will lie taken until li ! in. for ( ho
criiiiiK attit until 8 i > . in. ( or tha
inoriiliiK ntul .Suiulnx rilltlntm.
Ailvi-rtUorn , remiPnlliiR n nmll-
bcrcil ohvolc , 01111 lin > o ninmem nil *
ilremiril to n mittilirrcil letter In cnro
of The ltdAniMvern o nililrrimcA
Mill lie ilcllvoml on itrevctitntlun of
the cheuU < > nl > .
llnteii , 1 l lo u > toril Itrnt Innertloni
lu 11 Ytoril tluTonttor. NothltiR taken
for Ivnn thnu JJ.'e for the llmt Inner *
lion , Thcuc nilvcrtlnriucnts niuit b *
n rollnblo llrm , o\cr 10 } nrn experience ; H'fil *
nml urllr KtiRllrh nml Urrmnn , brut of city
references AiMrcus U 61 , llee. A 270-SS *
clerk ; 5 Jenrs' experience ; No. 1 Ivmk refer
ence * . J. M. S.uiscr. IDS you til Ulli St.
A-M273 S7 *
pule liouto or manufacturer. AiMiem ( ) CJ ,
lite. A-MJfO i ;
board and lodging , Aililrcri 11 1 , lire.
A-MS07 2I
I'crlcnco In nro Infurimce ofllco work. 11 S ,
lice. A-SM SS
of work ; no heavy Kcxiile to curry ; talnry or
comnimUslon. C. F. Aclami Co. . CM So. 10th HI.
expenses ; nlil llrm ; experience mmcecsmry ; tn >
ducemcnts to customers. C. C. lllsltcni & C w
St. Loultf. 11-417
ninl comtnlKFlon. Hunter Tailoring & Hlilrt
Co. , Cincinnati. O. 11 MIM-Aprll 1C-
II 111(13 ( , la. , wnnu Nelirtifldi lopri" * ninth f ,
rellablp , enorM > tlc men , to make 125 weekly.
No peddling. Write quick. 11 M26S MS2
men nnd Rlrlslio Imveorkvd In Ji-nvhy
factorled mul undeistnnil cither hanl solilcrlnif.
Rtonp cettlnc , polMiIni ; . pri-M work or linml
eiiKrnMtiR , plinFp KM" ! r\pprlcnco , kind ofvmlc
f.tmlllnrUtli ajul List place of t'lnplnj niiMit.
W. V. Muln Co , Iowa City , la. 11-M305 27
will POOH require iippretitlcea to Ffno Hires
5fars In sliopH or thiee months In fehools ; our
dlploinan the only OIKS lecngnlzed by the t-tnte ;
2.1 W men taught List jour ; po ltlons or lurn-
tlotiB RiininnU'eil ; cataloKUo mailed free. Mottr
limber Schools , Chicago or St. 1/oiils.
11 M32J JI3
S I'lMl 1MJNIIU : 1'AID FOll YOl'It Nl.MOII-
bois' name * ; t > 1nnlc book holding * > 00 name * * ,
with full ln liuctlons , tent for 10 cents ; nln >
llrt of 100 other linns who buy mime * ; wa
alsci K\\f \ n cold allow \vi\t c'.i for dlPli llnitlnu
100 sampleu. ijtnr Co. , 1G42 Ohio SI. , Chicago.
A. SAMR.M i.v TO sni.i. CIOAUS TO nlTAiH
era ; salary. fft)00 to Jjno.00 per tnnnth ami ex
penses ; expcrlcncp uniK-cessury ; permnnent po
sition. The O Mora Clear Co. , Sprlngllcl.l . , O.
civn < siiuvicn , aoviniNMKNT
60 questions nnd nniwvis free. Address UiiKhej
I'reii.irntlon , WashliiKton , D. C. 11 370 27 *
MIN nvinywinui : TO ADVKUTISI : AND
* -ell our soaps nnd t-poelaltles , distribute clrcu-
lan , tack blsns ; neaily work ; pulaiy , J10K ( )
weekly and cxpi'iiyep. or commission. Sclinefvr
.llros. , MllunnKro , AVIs. 11 371 27 *
for Nebraska , will ( uiy ealuiy ami coinmlstlnn ,
Hitler UncriivliiK Co. , C3-C7 WnshlnKton St ,
Chicago. 1J-372 2i
sellingrnlnlcrs nml builders' pupnly trade ; no
competition In Inducements , r. Hammer Pnlnt
Co , St 1.011 Is , Mo. 11-373 27
sell cn.imelcil stans on commlFflon ; Mute refer
ence ; will Klve exclusive territory. Artlttlo
Enameling Works. St. Ixml * , Mo.
n-37) : ;
resent a ClilcnK" packcr'H supply hou e Mutt
hnvc a l inledec of tlio bui'liir'i. . Cnll nt
Hotel Delone Kundny nnd Monday. 11 100 IT *
druKs , stationery ; > ou tnnkc J7i ! to } l )
month extra. Tasclier life. Co. , Mlslmwnka ,
Ind. IJ m 27
nml women to organize , direct nnd lend cqimd *
or cnnvnEerB for n great popular new Fub-
ccrlptlon book of lilxh elmrncter nnd CHtnb-
llfched rapid Fallibility. N'o cnpltnl needed ; only
energy nnd determined purpose. Profits law ,
arsured nnd permnnent. Good work lor min
isters. An extraordinary business opportunity.
Addres * , stntln ? experience. If any. N. U.
Thompson I'ubllshlni ; Co. , St. I . ( Hi IP , Mo
li-MUG 25 *
ami control to large trade cliolco Una of
specialties. Liberal contract ; Inrge profits.
Wrlln quick to Itoorn KO Security IlldK. . St.
Loula , Mo. U 417 27 *
bltf profits ; hnve nnmeii , circulars , books , etc.
lloynl Chemical Co. , C9 Dearborn St. , fhlcngo.
for the rnllwny m.ill or olfier civil service ex-
mnlnatlon without peeing- our Illustrated Catn-
loiruo of Infonnitlnn ; sent free. Columbian
Correspondence college , Wublilnctun , 1 > . C.
U M341 Ml
( ] ! < > linen line oils , grenso nnd i-peclnltles In
the market ; permanent position. The I'olar Oil
Co. , Cle\ eland , O. 11 M3IH 28"
five nnd wlllliii , ' , ngo sixteen to e'jrliteen , for
otllcn ami factory work. Address ( IB holmv ,
March 1st , In own han.hvrltliiK , Klvlnfj lefer-
cnces. X' ' Y / , care Omaha Commercial Club.
11-345 27'
tile 1T.R to t-ell our intent non-hignhle pnnts ;
"they don't Ixiir t ( lie knees ; " the hit of thn
century nml K--II nt sight ; bit- profits ; sometlilni ;
entirely new. Patent Non-Ilagnblo I'Jints Co. ,
6)-57 ) E. Unnltnn St. . Chicago. 1I-3JI 27 *
spondlni ? teerclnry ; good enlnry ; enclose self-
mlilrcfrcd cm elope to Becrctnry , llojc 1J 10 ,
liee office. 11-588 27
then to ilo office work nml correspondence ;
.tnlary 1600 to right party ; enclose Helf-nd-
( Irepfeil cn\tlonc to Manager , llox II 15 , lleo
office. ll-3iQ ! 27 *
lubricntlni ; oils , grease , romp'mnd nnd i-pclnl-
tlerf , exclusively , or ns n Hide line ; snl.irv ur
rommlHslon. Adilrcpn The Sl/xldanl Oil K Com
pound Co , Cleveland , O. 11-M3F ) I
TiioiioiTnmmiro LIGHT 11IIAHMA EGOS.
tl 00 per setting1. 2511 Drlstol ( Ken.
Q-403 27
M established bou e ; permiinent ; tl' ' ) 1'er mo.
nnd expenses. ] ' . W , CHIC lleo. H-
phinlclun. Qniml oppirtunlty for tlm right
man Central Nebnifka town , 700 Inhabitant" ;
rich farming community , state experience. Ad-
ilrths II ifl , care llee. 11 US 27
drapery nnd curtnln salesman. Apply nt HIW
ton Btoro. II M4M Ml
100 aiui.s rou ALL KINDS OP woitic ; u TO
17 week. Canadian Offlcv , 1S-2 Uouuliiii ,
C-4 (
school for nurrcs. Apply at W C. A. hotpltal ,
Ninth and SUIIi ntenue , Council llluffHC2J62S.
p r nick for competent tirl ; no othtn rieej
apply. 2020 Emmet HI. C-M221
281 h etrett. C-3K tt
home ; ( rood pay ; no canvassing ; reml nply t-n-
\flope for Ksmpln nnd jinrllrulurt. Foster
Much. Co. , Will 29th HI. , New YoiU.C37C
C-37C 27
Icxk or liulr , I lll predict > our fuluiiIn lave ,
family , butliu-m , money and health ; ilv ; ybil
I > en plcluiu of future husband , ulfo or unect-
lieart ulllnlly , ami give you book tilllnK how
to re.iJ | * uiU' ' minds , Influence them to | OM >
or obey jou ; all postpaid , 10 cents , silver ; or.
I nil ) ienil all ubovit ullli Now Marriage Guide ,
\oluniH u f Ktnmlo Secretx uml Drium 11 noli fop
ill cents. 1'rof. H , 11 , Aigo , llox 1207 , notion ,
Mam. C-375 27'
tvuilnt ; , | C to 112 wtikly ; no umuuklni ; uv
i-xpirk-nce rcijulred ; full lurtlculaia nnd worll
mailed on application , Columbian We. Co , ,
> 03 N. Ctli St. . I'hllauXIphla , 1'a.
Intend ilUlrll > ullcn of circular * In fucb town
uf U S. or Canada. Ki tJ pay , permanent tnw
i > lo > mtnt. Addrrti , with tumn , Mm. H ,
, Notiu Uurne , Jnil. O SSi Kr