Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    " " W B KIiBiBTB P P B B B K BHHSff W B KMBBI t
But It Is Not Attempting to Force Extrmo
Sinnll UrnliTMrc Sncccrilcil l r I'co-
| ili > ullli pr Menim nnil
of llorc Moilcrnlc
KH\V YORK , Feb. C Henry Clews , hcnd
ot the banking house of Henry Clews &
Co , writes ot the situation In Wall street-
In Wall Btrcet affairs still remain under
the control of "bull" Influences. The move
ment In steady and the tone confident ,
but there IM no over-sanguine enthusiasm
nor nii > attempt to force extreme j'rlcci '
by artificial manipulations. The multitude
of small operators who cut a prom nent UK-
tire In the nummer and early fall nionths
nnd by their Indiscriminate buying nilpecl
to force up prices to the hlph figures of
Biptembcr we-ro prttty well cleaned put bj
the AiilJMqupnt rertotlon , and their place Is
now filled by people of nrgcr ineans and
moro moderate Ideas , and hence there | 3 a
1-enernlly healthier anil Rnfer condition of
BpecuHtlvo Interest. One fcntute of the
week's Interest has been Rome moderate
Belling on foreign speculative account ,
mainly to realize profit * on the recent
Some - yielding In
nilvnnpp. con-jequent
tirlces , however , brought out local bu > lng ,
which caused n quick recovery n prices
Olio notable phase In the speculative busl.
ness IH the diversion of operations from
the Industrials to railroad stoeks This Is
the natural result of the great "nir ) ° 1v :
ment In ralltoad properties within the last
naif year. This class of Investment ! ) arc
Indeed In the beginnings of a general and
permanent Improvement In their Hiatus ,
which Is calculated to give- them not onlj
a hU-licr but also more stable value The
railroads arc reaping the benefit of l jo
Brent expansion ot trade that Is "aturallv.
Micceedlng the four > ears of prostrnllon
of business Thosu years lm\o brought
them economics In management and have
Introduced n lower rnlige of prices In all
their p"ndlturcs , except for wages The
cheek upon competition , by the compara
tive cessation of consti notion of new- road ,
lias tended to put a restraint upnn the cut
ting of rates , and the nm ilgnmntlon of a
number of competing lines Into larfco sys
tems has had the same effect , whilst It
has miUtlally helped to economize the
oxponsi-s of m inngemetit. The several nota
ble pxaniples , within the last twelve months ,
of rnlliouls exclatiplng their outstanding
bonds for now cnnstilldatcil Issues beailng
3'4 to I per cent Inteiest hive feet up a
pi credent vvhleh Is likely to be very gen-
irallv followed by all companies In fair
credit , and It Is to bo noted that the gen
eral fill In the rate of Interest 1ms made
these opuatlons the more easy nndit the
mine lime gives nn Increased J"11" : ' to
iIMdpml-pn ! > lng stocta. All this nab been
forest in by shiewd observers , but It only
now Is benmlng apparent to tic common
eve. and Its effect Is to create a higher ap-
pieelallon of Ibis elass of Kicmllles How
much higher these tendeneles may be ex
pected to carry prices , I do not pietend
to say , but It is verj safe to predict that ,
irom this time forward , railroad stocks
will hn\e n higher standing among In-
\estois and that their future market value
will stand hlghei than the standard of
inst vcirs. This view Is one of the causes
etuHrllmtltiR to the present upward tcnd-
inrj of prlees and its effect Is far fiom
having jet been exhausted. . . , , . , .
H Is n healthy symptom that Intrinsic
eonslderallons like tie above me now the
main faelors affecting the ' "aiket Cuban
nlfalu are not mentioned. The Chinese hit-
nation , thougl aery sensitive one with
certain count ile holding oui see m Hies , pu-
etiples no nttenllon ' 1 he position of the
money qui stloti In congress is Ignored , and
the Teller resolution has been vluwcdmoio
ns a niattui of polities tnnn of finance ,
all of w-nldi shows the deep Interest now
taken in affairs cannected with the rnll-
r °
Am6ng the rnlliond stocks that nre now
attracting special attention and stiengthen-
Itiir the tone of the market are Chicago &
Hock Island , St Paul , New York Central ,
Union Pacific nnd Great Northern preferred ,
enci of which Is developing strong "bull"
features In lloek Island Interest is ro-
vlved by the expectation that Its January
net earnings will show ns larne a relative
Increase as Its gross. New York Central
Is stronger on the assumption that its nb-
Horpllon of the LakeShore road has now
be-eomo n virtual certainty and that the
LOntemplated deal with the Michigan Cen
tral IB sure of accnmpltsiment. It Is un-
dei stood that the Vanderbllt Interest has
recently taken up about Ci.COO hhares. In
Union Paclllc there has been free selling
of the I/referred shares by those who have
received them In the conversion ot the
money receipts under the syndicate ar
rangements , but nil the hecuiltles of this
company show unusual activity. The pre-
fcried stock of the Great Northern has
advanced freely under active buying , based
on the gene-rally favorable prospacts of the
road and the expectation that it will pay
( i per cent the maximum dividend that can
bo paid upon that Issue of stock. Balti
more A : Ohio has shown a decldeel revival
of activity and a marked rising tendency ,
duo to nn understanding that certain bank-
CTS arc examining- the property with a
view to proposing a plan ot reorganiza
Kiiurnion * Dciii'NliH vro Shown 1 > > the.
WpUI > Stiil.-iiK-nt.
NI3W YO1UC , Feb. C. The Financier says :
Tno statement of the New York clearing
house banks for the week ending Tobruary
C Is notable as reflecting ! the ability of the
banks to absorb and put to more or less
profitable use the Immense accumulation
of funds nt this center. The aggregate de-
j > oslls of the sixty-live Institutions are now
nearly J174,000,000.
What this ineans will be better appre
ciated when It IH stated that It Is an lu
cre-use of Jlf > r > , ( xx.000 ovei the same week
last year and JJIl.OOO.eXK ) In excess of the
de-posit Item for the similar period In 1S90.
The- loans of the banks nowBtunel about
J < , i3MK > , ooo , which Is $13GOCOCOO In excess of
the first week In February , ! S9j , and $183-
000,000 higher than reported In li > % . Yet
the banks now bavo In their vaults less
than $33,000,0 ( > 0 Idle COST , ns against $ , " ) ! , -
rofl.OCO one year ago and $10,000,000 two years
Clearly the hanking situation as regards
dpinanel might be a great deal worse. Even
conceding that special operations count In
Homo part foi the enormous totals , there-
Is a considerable margin for commercial
needs shown In the current statements
from week to week. The Increase In cur-
re'ncy In the last week Is $17,991,107 , which
Is pretty e-ve-nly distributed among eight
or ten leading bunks , one Institution only
snowing a moro than ordinary Increase.
The expansion In deposits was $11,141,000 ,
nnd the tmnUs gained In cash $2,008,000.
Tno loan Increase and the cash addition
do not count for the deposit growth , the
discrepancy amauiiMng to $1.U.1,000 , but this
Is due perhaps to the confusing system of
averages employed In making the state
ment. Tno expansion In deposits can bo
traced through n larger number of banks
than usual , the National Park leading with
over $3,000,000 to Its credit. The net de
posits of Jhls ono Institution are now In
excess of $50,000,000. The banks are ) still
tnlnlng heavily In cash from the Interior ,
nlthouf.h domestic exchange nt Important
centers shown dccldcel weakness , aa com-
pire'd with two weeks ago , reflecting. It Is
to be presumed , the cessation of Interest
remittances to New York.
The pay ment of several millions of Union
rnclflo di posits Into the treasury has no
appreciable * effect on the market , but It Is
to bo noted that the excess reserve of the
banks Is down $ S.7Nr ! ; > , and with anything
like n continued showing , such n.s nmdo
In the current statement , rates will bo
steadier In tone. Anything moro than a
moderately firm basis seems out of the
question for a considerable ) period The
reserve liu raiments by American Interests
abroad are In the nature of n safety value
to. check sudden fluctuations upward.
Hiiurlit'Ntcr Trxtllo I'lilirlcN.
MAXCIUSTiu , 'Feb. ' C.-I.ast weel
showed n fair average business , finishing I
anything a llttlo stronger , Cloth was fair
but line's for Indian and China n\ero iiiucl
iroro hindered by producers re-fusing to sel
lipyoml April , been lisa they cannot sel
longe-r exchanges. The Japan demand was
good .and the minor market * did n fair mis
cellaneous business , prices being steady am
llrni throughout. Yarns were moving regu
Inrly In bundles to China , Japan nnd the
continent : but the homo demand ly uneven
though prices nro we'lli maintained The
Fionch pplnnr-ra report a quiet , steady , mexl
t-r.ite biiflnosa. Germany suya business Is
distinctly better than at the end of Ins
year. Price's are romcmhat higher ; the dc
in a nil and the engagc-menta booked are very
liberal and prcvwe > ctt ) good ,
IiOiiiloii 'Mom1)Mnrkof. .
I-iONOON , 'Feb. ' fl. Thu money market h.ia
dropped somewhat nnd at present the prices
era against a permanent hardening. The
Block e-xchango was generally firm. Homo
rtnirltlei we-ro dull , but foreigners we-ro
Drm on th strengthening of the Paris
bourse , though South Americans receded ,
Argentine provincial loans , hotvc\ir , were
bought fretly ftt from 3 to C points higher.
American railway * were active nnd after
fluctuations nt the finish showed generally
n. distinct advance. The Increases Incltido
LakeShore & Michigan Southern , which
ro e 6 points ; Northwest preferred , 3H Jvrlo
firsts , 2H. I-oulsvlllo & Nnihvlllc. 2 < 4 : Santa
Ko adjustment , l'/i ; Crlo mortgage , U4 !
Northern Pacific preferred , 1 % ami I'hlla-
lelphla & Heading firsts , 1 point. Canadians
were lower , owing to the largo bull account
existing nnd to rumors of rate cutting by
: wd companies. The decrea e < In Granel
Trunk shares ranged from M to 2 points and
Canadian Pacific shares dropped IH points.
South American railroads materially re
ceded except Central Uruguay , which rose
4 points ,
Feature * of llio Tpnillntc nnil Hie Clon-
liiir I'rlco * Sntiirdnj- .
CHICAGO , Teb. 5. After n dull and un-
ntcresting session wheat closed today at
ic decline. Trading was almost entirely
ocal , nnd fluctuations were narrow. Corn
clo ed unchanged. Oats were strong , but
advanced only Uc. Provisions reached n
new level of prices , but reacted nnd closed
unchanged to a shade lower ,
For a few minutes around the opening
wheat was Inclined to sympathize with the
action of the Liverpool market. That rnnr-
kct. nflcr opening n little higher , declined
nnel closed Uel to ? ' d lower In the face ot
ycstetdny's Improvement here On this no-
count first sales of May were at a slight
lecllne. May opening nt PI'tllDac , against
yesterday's closlm * price ot M'ic. Uesldes
the Liverpool decline , northwest receipts
contlnueel heavy. Minneapolis and Duluth
eported a total of 3S7 cars , against 320
ast week , and 279 n year ago. Chicago re
ceipts were forty-six cars. The weekly
exports wr-ro also not up to expectations ,
1,411,000 bu , against fi.026,000 the week be
fore. A lather bearish showing of the
visible supply was looked for Monday , and
New York re-ported moderate selling at the
opening for foreign account. Notwltaslnnd.
ny nil this , the market became strong
almost Immediately. Moderate buying by
ocnl long Interests principally supple
mented by a llttlo covering by St. lyouls
irokers of lines put out yrstorelay , cnrrled
the price of May steadily up to 95V { f
)5BiC ) ( , The advance was helped by the con-
llned Hlrcngth of oats nnd provisions , both
of which markets made new prices for the
session dm Ing the morning. There were
reports of grain famlno from parts of
southeastern Asia , and Callfotnia reported
i continuation of the drouth. A factor In
the ndvnnce was the report that the rp-
luctlon on the Italian grain duty would
irobably remain In effect until the ? last
of May. After the ndvnnce to 9VWK1HC
11 Ices enspd off slowly to OJ'jC on realizing ,
) tlt closing Paris cables caused another
jrlef pciiod ot strength , nnd n reaction to
iSMltjHc. Paris was from 40 to G"i centimes
: ilgher for Hour , nnd from 10 to 30 centimes
ilgher for wheat. During the last half
bom of the session prices gradually re
ceded. Theie vveie moderate though per
sistent ofterlngs , principally In the way
of local evening up transactions , nnd Mav
finally elroppeel to y3c. That price was bid
at the close.
The market for corn was firm hut dull ,
lint prices averaging n little over yester-
elnv's close. The market was a good deal
Influenced by the action of oats Wheat
se-alpers were moderate buvrrs. The slight
ddvuncc dl appeired under realizing late
In the session. May closing steady. May
ranged from 29'459'VsC / to 235J20HC , and
closeel unchanged at 2l'/4c
Oats were again quite active , nnd the
market madea new high mark for the
season. IJeports of large cable acceptances
were an Important factor in the advance.
There was heavy buying by the most In-
lluentlal traders , nnd shlppe-is and commis
sion houses took largo quantities. The advance -
vance brought out realizing , and
pirt of the advance was lost , the market
closing firm ; May ranged from 24r-dc to
\5i21iAc , and closed < fc higher nt 24r'Mc.
Piovlslons vveie again quite active , oprn-
Ing slightly higher , the mm ket quickly be
came strong on a continuation of the gen
eral buying noticeable yesterday. Packers
vveie credited with consleleiable buying.
Prices leached the highest points of the
season , but heavy realizing nt the top
c lused n reaction , the market closing
steady , but with all the ndvnncej lost May
pork closed unchanged at $1027 ; May lard ,
juc lower at $11.U ! , , and May ribs 2Uc
lower at $303ff.07'i. (
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
70 cars , corn , CIO cars ; oats , 230 cars ; hogs ,
futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. | Open. | Hljli. | Low. | Clone. | Ycs'Jyl
Ftb. . . . 08 08 08 08 P8
Win. . 1I4K 115
July. . 83J6-84 83)6-81
'Coin- '
Fob. . . . 27M 27Hi
May. . .
July. .
Mnj. . . SIM 21XSH 24Vi ,
July. . . 2d 23 23
Miy. . . 10 25 10 35 10 i'5 10 27 10 21 < 4
July . . 10 33 10 35 10 M 10 .15 10 J7M
Mny. . . 4 US fi 00 4 ns 1 02K
July ' . . 0 03 0 07K 8 OJh 5 UJ 0 05
Miy . . 5074 fi 12M C 05 5 07Vu B 10
July. 9 15 C 20 6 IS C 1G 517H
Cash fiuotatlons were ns follows :
1'l.OUK fatendj ; w Intel intents , J4.S001 10
stnilgittt JI'SO © 4 CO , ppiliiKpedals , } 3 Kd'i K ,
Eprlnt ; patents. $1 CO&4.90 , btralgnts , $ ! .SOiU4. & ) ,
bakers' . J4 C0if4 BO.
T-No 2 Bprinp , 01003c ; No. 3 spring ,
No 2 red. libc.
N No. i , 27c o : N'o. 2 vellow. 27 .c
OATb-No. 2 , 24MUt3e , No. 3 white , f. o. b. ,
25 5126 0.
ll\ll No. 2 , 4714C.
IIAIILUY No. 2 , f. o. b. . 297295ie.
I-I ANHUiU-No 1. 1 2i'J. ' nrw. J1.S9.
TIMOTHY SnUD-frlme J2,80f2..2i , .
ritOVISIONH-Pork mess , per bbl , $10 20S
10 25. LarU per 1WI Ibs. , Jl Kff4 10. hhort
rltt , aides ( loose ) . } 3 25. Drj b.elteii nhoulilers
( boxed ) , H.iSflS.OO , short clear eldes ( boxed ) ,
} 5 251/5 31 , .
WHISKY Distillers' Hnlshed goods , per gnl ,
UdAnS-Cut loaf. J5.S9 ; granulated , 15.39.
No. : .
Articles. Kecolpta Slilpnionts.
Flour , bbl 0000 10,000
Wheat , bu 2J.UOU 4 000
Corn , bu 344,000 111,000
O.itH.bu 1H7.000 114,000
liyp.bu 3.0UU
lluiley.bu 4'J.UOO 4000
On the Pioducc exchange toda ) the butter mar
ket was linn , creameries , 13S > 19c , dairies llftl'c
Cheese , quiet , SQSHc. Eggs , Head ) . freah. 15'/.c ,
drcsted poultr ) , llrm , turKe ) , Il&l2c , chickens
CV4ij7lic ( , duel's Cj7Hc.
liuiitutluiiM for flu.liny on General
NH\V YOllIC. IV-b. 6. PIXlUll nccelpts. 14 ' .
COIlNMiUr-nulli > elluvv western. C7c.
| |
Liverpool enblee , but afterward recovers ! and
closed unchanged to ' ,4c net hlghe-r , Pun Icners
boiiKht considerable wheat and locnl coverlnc
wiui stimulated b ) Itiisnlan famine news and
bulllBh Australian and c.illfornliin crop remits
No 2 red , Tobruar ) , ll.OJ j Muy , Sj'.iffi-o'ip ' ,
CORN Receipts , none ; exports. CO 0:0 bu
Spot markets llrm ; No 2 , 3G ic Options nulet'
tint llrmer on some
exjiort Inquiry ami
> m-
' llh wheat , closing Uc net higher , Ma > ,
OATS RecelplH , j,400 bu ; exports , 5 OW bu
Bpot , strong. No 2 , 2a ? c. Options moderately
lu'tlvo and llrm on higher tpot cloning Ho net
oilmnco. May. 2aUfi20i4o , cloeed , 15Ji c.
774 ' l31li > elrScl" 'in' 70077'ic ' > mlju "ir. 76W1
llv'y Quiet , whipping , 33fll5o ; ( rood to choice ,
HOPS Steady ; state , common to cholrp , 1S95
crop. 4TGo ; 1S06 ci-op , 7 'Jo , 1897 crop. 17 il5c
Pacllla eoa t 1S95 cixip , 4ffCa , 1838 crop 6W10C
" * "vv'
' .
1S'J7 crop , 178T19C.
HIDBS-Hte-iul ) , Galvcslon , 20ff23 Ibs. , 15o.
LIATHKH ; Stead ) , hemlock Bole , lluenns
Ayren , 19H < T20o ,
WOOIy-Qule't ; fleece , 27031o ; Texas , 1314 ©
PROVISIONS Heef. nrm ; family , 111 OOiJll 50
extra imss. IS OOB8 50. beef hams. 123. packet
59 52JJ.fl2 ? l1 , ' " * " . "leady , pickled tellies'
15 CJ'MiB 25 ; pickled shoulders , II 75 , pickled
ImmH , | 7 &m 60 I ord flrm. wrstcrn strained
1315 ; refined stead ) Pork llrm , mess 110 23 < T !
10,50 , short clear , 1100081200. fnmll ) , 110 WJt [
tl.OO Tallow , dull ; city. 39.1C f3 , c ; countiy ,
blUM-PHroleum , dull ; Unlte.1 , We. Hotln ,
nulet ; strained , common to crod , It 40 < fil 45
Turpentine , llrm , 34R34 > ic. roltonsi-nl nil qul t
but fairly steady without chnngu : primp crude.
l W19o ; prime erode f. n , b mills. 15ifl5i4o' !
prlmo summer jellow , 2l'4o bid , off summer
) ullow , 2H4c nominal llutter oil , 25T27o. prlmo
winter ) ellow , 27Vt02S < 4c
HICK ririn ; fair to extra , 4H T3ioj ! Jnp-in , 6
MOLAPSES rirm- New Oi'eonii , open kettle ,
Kivxl to choice. ISfixao
MVTTAI S-Plic Irim flulli southern , 19 "SS1
II M : northern IIO.W4H2 00. Copner. stronr.
broker * ' . I10.S7U. Ind , flrmj brokerk' , 13.43.
Tin plates , steady ,
HUTTER Rwwlpts 270Spkir , : firm : western
crenmerv 14"I-'OP : El lns , 20c ! facton' Il < fl4o ,
CHEESE Recelpl * . 600 pkgg. ; stead ) ; large ,
while , September SKc ; smalt , white September ,
9fl9'c : large , colored Reptrmber SSSVio ; email ,
colored Peptunrer. ffiiHioi large. October fCSUo :
small , Octnber , 6U(8Ho ; ( Ulit skims , CCi6Hc ; part
skims 40 Hc ; fu'l ' nklmr , ZflSo.
EOG1 ! Receipts. 4 012 pkg i firms tate and
Pcnniyhanta , ISo ; western , 18',4o.
Customary Saturday Run to Wind Up ft
Lively Eir Daysi
Gonil nn < 1 Snm > lle Mnht nn l
of mi TnilllTcrctit 1'tior UunlHy
JIou Sell llrlnkly at
Stcnil ) 1'rlccn.
SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. o.-Uccclptg for the
( la > s Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
l-eurimry 5 701 6.622 2,352
February 4 1,393 5,362 2,554 24
February 3 1.999 4,249 C.965 1
Tebruary 2 3162 6,112 4,330 83
February 1 2,371 7,309 3M7 84
January 31 1.352 2,458 4,650 , 2
January 29 748 4,627 1,703 68
January 28 1,742 6,610 2,431 20
Innuary 27 2,774 6,318 6,253
January 26 2.6S8 6,135 6,692
January 25 2,437 6,731 4,532 9
January 24 1,741 2,643 2,625
January 22 C97 7,523 44S . . . .
January 21 1,647 6S5l 2.263
January 20 1,633 9,781 4,690 . . . .
Receipts for the week with comparisons :
Week emllnf ? February 6..11,094 30.193 2.1,691
Week ending January 2'.12,021 ) 29,913 22,213
Week ending' January 22..10,606 40,399 20,633
Week ending January 15..11,013 40,725 21,492
The ofllcial number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. ny 2
Missouri Pacific Uy 2
Union Paclllc system . .2 22 8
C. & N. W. Uy I
F. , C. & M. V. II. U. . . 8 17
S. C. & P. Ry 1
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ily. . . .
II. & M. II. 11. U 17 20 3
C , 11. & Q. Ky 8
1C. C. & St. J 1
C. , U. I. & P. Hy. , east. . . . 7
C. , It. I. & P. Ky.vest. . . . 1
Total receipts 3t SS 11
The cilsposl'lon of the da > 's receipts was
as follous , . each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Hu > ers. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing ; Co 711
O. H. Hammond Co 21 1,116 27S
Swift anil Compiny . . . . 171 1.G03 993
Cudihy Packing Co 213 1,323 321
U Becker and Dep-nn . . G
Henton & Underwood. . . 63
Swift , country 771
lilciiRO P. A : 1' . Co. ,
Nebraska City 611
Other buyers 101 40
Totals 639 5.C01 2,103
CATT1..C Itccelpts of cattle wcie light ,
as usual at the close of the -\\eeU , and with
out feature of any Importance. Such cattle
as vvcro heie met with ready hale , and
everything was weighed up and the jaids
deserted at an early hour.
Less than 11 dozen loads of cornfcd steers
were offered , and none of them very sooil.
The buyers took what there were , paying
Just about ycsterdaj's prices. A few head
sold as hlg as $ I.W , but th re were no full
loads peed enough to bring above $4.50.
Butchers' stock was In go"d request for
the last day of the week , and the few
loids hero st Id to good advantage. The
market was at least stead } , with buyers In
some cases calling It strongci.
Tiere was onlj one string of stock cattle
tlo or feeders In the jards , and It sold on
the basis of a llrnipr market.
The cattle inuiket the past week was
rather more favorable to the selling Inter
ests. The week started out with beef cattle
selling at a llttlo stionger price" , and the
market continued \ery firm until Wednes
day , when It received a little bacUbet. It
lecoMjetl , however , and the lost ground
was soon refrained , fco that at the close of
the weeU values were a little hlghei than
was the case at the close of the previous
w eek.
The market on cows and heifers followed
the Ic'ad of beef steeis and showed about
the same gains In strength.
The trade In stock cattle started out quite
briskly at the beginning of the week , but
later on as the country seemed to hold
back , and as supplies were accumulating In
the hands of speculators , values broke fully
lOc. Toward the last of the week there
was a little better demand from the coun
try , and values llrmed up somewhat. The
country has been a wild buyer all the sea
son , light stock cattle especially selling bc-
jond all reason. Once In a while , when fat
cattle suffer a break , the country seems to
realze the folly of p lying so much moro
for feeders than fat cattle are selling for ,
and then the market expediences a slight
reaction. Still the country Is crazy for cat
tle , and thd. market sooa recovers Its
strength under free buying.
HOGS The story of the day's trading In hogs
Is FOOD told as tnc mirkctaa without Im
portant change from jesteiday. The offerings
wore liberal nnd the demand Rood and the IIOKS
changed liindH rapldl ) , nn eaily clearance being
effected. The prices paid ranged about the kaine
as ) esterday , the big tiring felling at { 3.70 ®
Hogs were In good demand all the past week
nnd iirrhals at this point met with quite reidy
mile lit preval'lng plrccs. The week opened with
hn advance , but values eared off on Tuesday nnd
Wednesday , the IOHS for the two ( lajn amounting
to nearly fc. On Thursday there was a blK
Jump In the market , which practically held good
until the closeof the week. The week doped
with the average of all the eiles 60 higher than
at the opening nnd almost 10s hUher than the
clo o of the previous week. The week ns a whole
developed the highest range of value * In several
SHEEP The wock closed with a peed , liberal
rur of sheep The demand \\oa good and prnc-
tlcillv everything sold early and nt stead)1
The demand for sheep vvna peed all the week ,
ard each da'H arrivals met with ready sals.
Floth packers and feeders were free buvcis nnd
though on some das the arrivals were large
they were none too large for the demand. At
the close of the week values were linn , OH
compare * ! with the week before
HORN Arc In Active De-rimml , nltli
I'rlcoM Good.
ClIIfvGO , Feb. f > There was the usual Satur
day lack of offerings In cattle nnd the marl.i-t
was largely a nornlml one. The few sales mart *
weic at jesterday's range of prices. The mar
ket tills week has been a fairly strong one nnd
prices have advanced ICKHSc on beef Bteero ,
there being aharp competition for'fat cattle ,
bules were largely at $4 J35 | 10 the oxtiema
lunge of prlees being | 4.0e > Q-S.40 for common to
strictly choice.
There was an active demand for hogs nnd
prices were up to ) eslerda'H lust tjme , prime
heavy hops fetching 14. Prom Uiat figure sales
were mudo all the way [ limn to 13 70 the beilK
of thn hogs crossing Iho scales at $3.sBJ HVs.
Offerings of sheep and lambs were light and
prices were stead } Lambs sold rendll ) ( it Ji 7fi
( jT .00 for common to prime flocks , while cheep
sold nt t3 KQj4 75 , fed western * celling largely
at 13 S < Wi4 M Yearling sheep biought $1 UI
E 25 Them wan a good demand for feeding
ii'ieep and lamlm , but suitable lots were offered
Itecelptx : Tattle , 300 head , hogs , 21,000 head
sheep , 3,000 head
St. I.oiil * l.lo Sloc'lc.
ST. I/H'IS , Teb. 8.-CATTLE Receipts , fl Crtl
hrnd , shlpmentx , 2,000 head market stead ) , fair
to choice native shipping nnd export steels ,
SI 25iir . ' 5. bulk of fn\d \ , 14 4 < > S5 00 , dressed beef
and butcher stoers. $3 E5fl ' . ' 5 , bulk of sale *
II tO ? 4 75. steers under 1 000 Ib * . ! 3 70C4.16 bulk
of sales. 13 83I4 00 , htockers and feeders , $3 > Si
4 35 , bulk of siles W ' ' 'KM 23 eovvs nnd hutfers
IJ.OOB4 60 , bulk of COWH , 12 r' > 33 40 , Texas uiul
Indian steers , 13.2384 3bul't of sales , (3 KQ
4 10 , ( own nnd heifer * SJ fiOfll 0 ,
11OQS Receipts 3 2fV ) lund , shlpmonts , -10
head market fc hlglior llKht , $3 70JJ3 SO , mlxea ,
} 3 COT3 80 , heivy f3 65T3 85.
Minni' Ui > celpt , 1,4W head ! Phlpments , none :
market etiadv with no Ttxnns nn sales , native
muttons , It OOJN CO ; lambs 5 00ff6.73.
IlllllllIIIIIKlllH 1,10 SlOflf.
active and a fc'ood clearance was made , good to
prlmo bteers , 1WO | 1 > 9 ami upward , $4 bOCTS.SJ ;
good to choice , MM to 1.300-II ) steers t4.00 i
4 75 , common to coed ttockers , I2.7W3.50.
HOHK-llocelrtH. 3500 head , ( shipments , 1 SOO
head , market opened quiet , but cloted active nnd
btrong , RO xl to choice medium nnd heavy , ts "OW
3 M , mixed , J3.85j3 ) , common lights , 3 60 ©
9 M
MSHRRI' RecclptB light , shipments none ; J2 13
for common thorp to $3.CO for choice lambs ,
rincliiiiiitl 1.1vi.Stuck ,
CINCINNATI , Teb , 5.-IIOQS-Actl\e. | 3.23@
4.05CATTWJSteady. . 12 2104 73.
BIIKni'-Steady. 2.7r , 4.C5.
KAMIIK-.StcaJy. 14,0003.90.
St ie-U In Slicllt.
IVconl of recclptu of live Hock nt the four
principal markets for rvbruary 5 :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep
Omaha 791 5C21 232 !
Chicago , . ' . 300 21.000 3,00d
Kansas City .100 8000 1,000
St. I.0UIU 6000 3200 1,400
Totals . . , . . . . . , . 7 91 37,522 7JH
\I-TV Y < irU l.lvtMlnclf. .
NRW YOnif. Peli. t.tlKKVUSHflpt 14'
head : no trading. Cubles quote American t ir
at JOUWllc : refrigerator beef , SiiCB cj xi > < irm
611 beeveB 30 sheep and 2,150 quartern ° ' beef.
OAI.VKS Ili-celils. 3 heoil : nominally slfoilv
HOOS Receipts , S.8&4 hrad , weak at M.1M ?
' '
AND i AMns-nccipta , : , : i7 head.
; . Of OMRHFl.
1 nnger
L Hetcalf Co.
Agricultural Implements
Husglc3 tind CarrmRCB. Cor. Oth nnd Poclflo Sts
, Orendorff
Parlin & Martin Co
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
anil Boggle * - Cor. Ith nnd Jone * .
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Backing and ArtlataT
Material ! ) .
B meracasi Hand
1 V Sewed Shoe Go
M'frs | Jobbers of Fool Wear
The Joseph Bauipan Bubbor Co.
FeH. Sprape S Go.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. , OMAHA
Bools , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesrooms 1102-1101-1106 Harney Street.
Owner ot Chief Brand
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Offlco and Salesroom 4U9-21-M Howard EU
is Omaha lag Co
Importers and Manufacturers
614-16-18 South nth Street
r !
Mclassea , Sorghum , etc. Preserves and Jellies
Also tin cans and Japanned ware.
Growers nnd manufacturers of all forma of
Chicory Omaha-Premont-O'Nell.
quiet but steady , bhcep , J3.8504.80 , lambs , J5.25
4)0.23. )
Coiiilliloii of Trail i ! a nil Q.iio4atlniiri
oil hlnplr nnil rniiey I'roiluue.
EGOS-Oood stock , 14c ,
BlirTEK Common 10 fair. S llc ; separatir
creamer20c ; gathered creamery , ISBlCc.
VEAI Choice fat , 80 to 120 iba , , quoccd at Be ,
large and coarse. 4CU&C.
UKEhbEL ) POULTIIY Chickens , 5GCc ; tur-
kcyb , SfilUo , geeee , 7c , ducks , Cc.
GAME femull rabbits , per doz , , 75c ; large ,
| 1.23. squirrels. tOSTeWc.
PIGEONS Live , 75c , dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland. SG.50 ; midland , 15.M , lowl.ind ,
15 , rje straw , II , color maltc the price on hny ;
light biles sell the best , enl > top grades bring
top prices.
CELERY Good stoclc , large , 40c ; small , 25 ®
ONION'S Per bu . II.
IIEANS-Hand-plclxCd navy , per bu. . $1.230
SWEET POTATOES Kansas , 10-prck Mils , ,
J2.EO , fancy Muscatlnc , 11-peck bbln. , J3.I5.
CAHUAClE-aood Etock per Ib. , W.c.
POTATOES Homo Brown , 5" < Zr3ic ; western
stock , 70a.
APPLES Winter stock , J3 OOS'S.M ; California
nellelleur , boxes , Jl 50 , Colorado Jonathans ,
boxes II 75 Oregon boxes , II 2" ,
cnANHEItniES-Jeiseys , per bbl. , | 7.COif7.83
Wisconsin Hell nnd Hugle , I7.WS7.75 ; Wisconsin
Hell nnd Cherry , } 6. /
OP.APE9 Miilarni' Ji.CCfTO 00
OHANGES Mexican , Aer box , J2.75B3.00 ; Call ,
fornlu navels , JJ.ewg3.2fii
I.EMONF Tnllforila ) , fancy , $ ] 23 , choice. 13.
IIANANAS rholce , Inrce atocU per bunch ,
I2.00S2.23 , medium sized bunches. 11,7632.00 ,
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , laree size , 12T15o ;
small. Ho , Uruzlls , , per Ib. , ! > ifldc , English \uil-
IIUIH , per Ib , . fancy seift shell , lOjjll" , stand
ards , 83'Jc , illberts , per ID , , lOc pecans , polished ,
medium , CfTTc. extra largo , SflOc , larKO hickory
nuts , II WSl 10 per Liu , , small. II 25 1 33 per
bu i cucoanuts , per JOO , ,11 , , peanuts , raw , OUJitc ,
roasted , CijOHIlc ,
I'lOS Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb , boitfu.
] 2c. & crown , 44-11) boxta , Kfjltc , 2-lb. boxes , 22
O23c per box , Callfprnla , 10-lb. box. II.
HONEY Choice yvlllte , 1/c , Colorado amber , 10
KIIAUT Per bbl , 14 : half bbl. , 12 25@2 81 !
MAPLE cans each , J 73 ,
Knl cans , pure , p > r > doz. , 112 , half eal , cans ,
(0 25 , ciuart cans , | 3 CO ,
DATES-HaJlowfe. CO to 70-Ib. boxes , Ccj Salr ,
6 < io. Kard 9-lb boxes. 9c.
CIDEn-Per half bill II Mils. } 5 25.
DRESSED DEE1 * Qoon natlv * steers , tlie ;
K0 d forequartera steers. 54o ! ; good hindquarters
KlterH , 5HC. western steers , 6c , fancy lielfera ,
C'.icj Kood heifers , Cc , kro d forequartcrs heifers ,
( c ; good hindquarters heifers , 60 , good cows ,
5 to : fair COWM 64C ! , cow furcquarters , 4'tc ; cow
hindquarters 7Hc
DEKI' CUTS Hanglnp tenderloins , < Hc ; rlb ,
No. 1 , He , ribs. No. 2 , Sc , ribs. No. 3 , Cc ; steer
rounds. 7c ; cow rounds. C'ic ; cow rounds , shank
off , 7'K ; cow rounds , thank and rump off , Jo ;
trlmmlnrs , 4'ic beef shanks , S < ; bruins , per
doz. . J5c ; sweetbreads , ptf Ib , 12'io ; sweetbreads
icalves ) per Ib 40ci kldne > s per doz , Jc : ox
tails , each , 3c , livers , per Ib , , Z4c. ! hearts , per Ib ,
: ' , ic ; loiifue , per Ib. , 12Hc : calf livers each. &oi
calves , whole carcass or tides , 9c ; calf head nnd
feet , real led. per set , 75c ; tenderloins , fresh , 18o ;
tenderloins , frozen ICc , boneless strips , freih.
lOc ; toiieltts strips , frozen. 9c ; strip loins ,
fresh , ( c , strip loin * , frozen , Mic , rolls , bone. [
H , Bliss ,
Itnporttr and tfottff
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Ch&n.
dellers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc ,
The Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
and Supplies.
DoHors , Engines , Feed Cookers , Wood Pul
leys , Shafting , Belting , Hutttr Pack
ages of all kinds.
807-009 Jones BU - - - - - -
H. E , Smith & Go.
Importer * and Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
Ichardson Drug Co.
902-006 Jackson S/ .
J. 0. niCHAHDSON , PresU
a P. WELLEU , V. Profit.
' ' . 1'harinaeenlleal '
31'f'r * Ulanil.tril I'rafara *
tioiu. bpoclal Formulae i'rvpatctl to
Uraer. Send for Catalogue.
Laboratory , 111 ! Howard Et , Omaha.
E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Dee" Specialties ,
Cigars , Wlncu and Drandlo ,
Corner 10th and Harney Street * .
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Mining ni > lls nnil Gas Lifil
O W JOHNSTON. Jigr. 151 Howard St.
ISM Farnam St ,
f raneh & Ga ,
Commission Merchants.
S. TV. Corner IJIh and Howard Sts.
Membare ot th National League ot CommlK
elon Merchants of tha United States.
& Howes ,
Fruit and Vegetables
SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apples. Oranges ,
Lemons , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt.
Furniture Draperies
111S-1117 Farnam Street.
less , 9c ; rolls , rpencer cute 9c ; Elrloln butts ,
boneless , 9o , nhrMMor CO > IB , boneles" , 6c ;
rump butts , bcnelrsi , C'.c ' , No. 1 chucks , Co ,
No. 2 chuelo , t\c. No J chuclet , < ' , c. boneless
chucs ) 4'4o ; ccw pla'c : 3".a , steer plates. 4c ,
Pank ftealt 60 ; lolnn , No i. 13c loinR , No. 2.
lOc , loins , No. J. 7'4c. short loin * , market style , Jo
ubu\e loins ; short Joins hotel Et > lc. 4c ubo\e
loins , cow loin < nda , Sc ; steer loin ends , Sc.
MUTTON Pnncy lambs 8'io ' per Ib : limbs
"lie , Blieep , C'ic ; innrket racks , lonfr , S o ; hotel
racks , short , lie. loins S'ic ; Piddles , yo , legs ,
9o , Inmb lens , ICe , breasts nntt stews , 3'ic ' ,
tongues , each , So , forequnrters , EC.
I'OIIK DreFfed pigs C > 4c per Ib : dressed hogs ,
Co , tenderloins , 14o , loins , < nort , 6Ho , loner , Cc ;
Fpare ribs , 4'ic ; 1mm sausage liutts 6ViC , Doston
butts , Cc , shoulders , ruugn. 4 Jc , shoulders ,
skinned. 5c : trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren >
ilcroil. La ; heads , cleaned , 4c , snouts and ears ,
8c , backbones , 2c ; eilp bones , 2140. cheek meat.
! l'4c ; neck hones , 2o , pies' tails , 3c , plucks , each ,
Cc , chltterllnes , Cc , hocks , < c henrts , per doz ,
2Ic ; ftomaclia each , 3c , toncues , each , 7c ; kid-
iie > 8 , per doz , , lOc , brains , per doz , jSc ; ulirs1
feet , per eloz , , 26c , ll\ ers , each , 3c ; hoe rinds ,
3c , blade bones , 5c ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7e , No 2 green
hides , Cc , No. 1 suited hides , 9o , No , 2 green
salted hides , EC ; No. 1 M'al calf 8 to 12 Ibs , ,
lOc ; No ica \ calf , 12 la U Ibs , EC ,
BHUCI' I'UbTS Orcen salted , each , 157Ic ;
green tailed shearllnga ( ihort wnoled eurly
skins ) , each , ICc , dry shcarllnes tehort wooied
early FkUii ) , No 1 , cacli , Cc , dry flint Kniuua
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. actual
\\elclit , 4S6c. dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain \\ool pelts , per Ib , actual nelght , 3ijJ
4c , dry flint Colorado butche-r wool pelts , per
Ib. , iictualclcht , 4&Cc ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per 11) . actual weight , 8 | { > c *
TAI.IJOW , < ; KIAM : : , irrc Taiiow. NO j ,
3c , tallou , No. 2 , 2ic , rough tallow , I'.ic ' ,
white greaee , 2Viii-I c , jeilow and bronn nrwte ,
l'i ' 2'4c.
riJHS Ilei-r ( black or urown ) . J500SIOOO ;
otter. Jl.HiiiSCO , mink , 1C0COC , beaver , tl.OO
JlC 00 , skunk , lie , lOc , We ; mueKrat , 3c. Cc , "c ,
raccoon , ISiiSOc , red fox. 2iciitl25 > irrey fox ,
i'Jff..Oc , wolf ( timber ) , 20cflJ2 60 , v elf ( prairie
cuyote ) , lOi/SOc. / wildcat , 10W c ; badger , CUIOc ;
iihur fox , ( DOOOQ7S.OO
1IOHSU HlUEb-Kach , UtOg2 _ 5.
St. I.ouU ( > ciiernl JlnrUut * .
BT. I/3UIH , Teb f > l'I/3L'n-HlBlipr , in svm.
pathy with wheat , patents , M 705)4 ) 9) fltrnlir'lts ,
( I VSsH CO ; cleir , 14 i' > , medium , ( J t,0ij'3 71.
WHEAT lyjwcr closing ' c for July and 'vc
for ilay below jeslenlay , May opened 'tOKo
lower , advanced H4 | ? < and declined Tic , closln ; ;
nt Hie bottom Spot Inner , No. 2 red c.i > , l ] , elo-
\ator , We , track , 96j07c , IVbruary , 9Cc May ,
95't ii o , July ( > 04c No 2 hard cash , fflViJi&C * .
COHN rulurea aihnncrd urly , but bfforp the
finish tills tain and more too wan lost , the clo n
belnir Ho In-hm yesterday Kpot , higher. No 2
caali , 20'ic ' , Tobruary , iC'jC asked , May , M'/ifr
M , c , July 27'i.o.
OATH i'uturcs uihanctil and cloeed fnicllona
hlirhcr than > c9tcrday Spot , higher , No 2
elevator , 2ijp ( , track 2ic , I'lbniar ) . ZIljP. Hay.
rUc asked ; July , S3 > , to bid , No. 2 white , iVif
UVlSteady , 47c ,
8I3KDS Ilaueml , aulet , | 1 21. Prime timothy
seed > 2 C3
llltAN Quiet , firm , cast track , nalable. WVe.
HAY-Sirong , prairie , JS.W&S 25 , timothy , J3.00
310 K
IlUTTin Quiet , e-asy ; creamery , 15S13ic ! ;
dalrj' 8 < fflSc
IXIOH Hteady. 13'ie ! .
IIAnntNO SViflto
METAI SIad , lo er , W KQ3 47'i. Spelter ,
linn U )
I'JtOVlSlONS I'ork , higher ; standard mtm ,
MicCord-Brady Go.
13th and Lcuvcmvorth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
nK AND corru RtusuRS , etc.
eyer & Rsapke ,
I Teas , Bptces , Tobacco > n& Clgan.
I 1403-1407 Harncy Birc t ,
Haxfon and
V Gallagher Go
Tcltphon * 1SJ.
J H Haney & Go.
JU / r
Jobbers of Leather , Aaditfer/ ( Hardware , Kto ,
\Vo solicit your orders 1315 Howard Et.
Pedor & Wilhelmy Go
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
nicyclea and Spot tlnp Goods. 1210-21-23 Hur-
iiuy btreut.
! oas@ &
Proprietors of Ail IUCAN TIQAn AND
! 14-21C. bouth lith fat.
East India Bitters
Qoldtn Sheaf Pura n > a and Dourbon Wht ltejr.
Willow Grrlnns Dlntillery , Her & Co. . 111J
Harney Street.
Frick S Herfeertz ,
Liquor Merchants
1001 Furnam Street.
'iley ' Brothers ,
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 Stroot-
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
411-415 a lith Dtre.t.
Jobblnff , $10 37J4. Lard. loner ; prime stenm ,
J4 C7V4 choice , $4 73. Uicon , extra short clear
( Iwxed lots ) IS COJZ3 C2i : , ilbs Jj H'rftu 7o ,
shorts , S5,7S8fi 87H. Diy salt meats ( boxed Klioul-
dere ) , J4 CO&4 7S , extra slinrt clear , Sl.7jffj eK ) ,
ribs K.009 K. shorts IS U'4fjS J7'i. '
niX-nilTS Klimr , 4,000 bbls . wheat , 14000
bu , corn 117,003 bu , oals 28000 bu ,
SHIPMENTS i'lour , 4 ( XXI bbls , wheat , 13,000
bu. , corn , 07,00) bu , ; oats , 21,000 bu.
Iliildinnrt' MurUi'fii.
HALTIMOIII ; , reh. -rLOtnt-nuii , un
changed , weftern superllne. | J.SW3.20 | , western
extra , 13 41f4.10 | , western famllj , 14 401S4 VO ,
fprlng patents family , 15 lOfil 30 , spring wheat
stralKhtB. 14 9083.05 , receipts , 3993 bbls , exports ,
WHEAT 1'lrmer ipot and month ; tpot ,
steamer. No i red , 94' ' { T'JH4c , receipts , O.CCJ bu ,
exports , none , southern wheat by pump e , U4H
CORN rirmer ; fpot nnd month 33Ho bid ,
March , 33'4fi33cj Mcamer mixed , 32tjfc , r < "
celptu , 29,611 bu . exports 124 284 hu . southern
while corn , 32&2IHC , southern yellow coin , 32
OATS rirm ; No 2 white , Z0'4fl30e ' ; No. 2
mixed , 2 c , receipts , S.779 bu , expoitn. none.
RYE-rirmer. No. 2 nearby SJ Oiilc , No. 2
western , M ? g55c , receipts , 19.C48 bu. ; exports ,
17.143 bu
HAV-Steady. choice timothy , } 13 asked ,
C1IIAIN PHDIOIITB Huther plcndle-r , tleam
to Liverpool , per bu , 3'id March , Cotle for ur-
der * per quarter , 8s 3d 1'cbruury.
IXJOS Quiet , fresh , 18c.
lIUTTER-Qulet , fancy cn-amery , 2lc ; fancy
Imitation. 16fil7r , fancy ladle , ISt , uooil ladle ,
131/Uc. itnru packed , I''QHc.
C'HEESE-bteail ) , fancy New York , larue ,
0 > B10c. fancy New York , medium , 10810'4c ,
fancy New York , small , 10'SHluc.
LIVERPOOU Keh. G WHEAT Kpot , nrm.
No 2 red western , winter , 7s 10'4d , No. 1 red
northern , sprintr 6s
COHN Spot , llrm , American mixed new , 3s
4'id , American mixed old 3s 4'id ' , futures ,
steady : Tebruury , 3 * JHd , March. 3s 3Vd
HOI'S At 'I ondon , Paclllo coast , 1 ireff.CS
riXHn-8t Louis fancy winter , nrm , 9s 9d
PUOVISIONS-Heef , llrm. extra India mess ,
Ms 3d , prime men , fCs 3d Pork firm , pllme
mess , line western , 47s Cd , line medium western ,
4Js Hams short cut , steady , 3S . Ilucon llrm ,
30s , short rib" firm , 29s Cd , lone clear mlddlrs ,
light , firm , 29 > r l , long clear middles , heavy ,
firm , 29s ; short clear kicks , nrm 28 > clear bi-l-
llex , firm , 32s Cd Hhoulders , sifuure , llrm , I'Js Cd.
Lard prime western , llrm , K 9il
CHEESE American llnest while and colored ,
TALLOW-Prlme city , nrm , 19 ,
OH Cottonteed nil Liverpool refined , dull ,
15s. Turpentine tplrlts , firm , 21s Cd. Itosln , com
mon , steady , 4s 1'id '
Cirulii Ite-ri-liilN nt I'rliii-lpiil
HP. IXDUIH Tel ) . 6.-Hecelpts. Wheat , 17 cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , l\b. D. Uecolpts : Wheat , 333
cart *
tJlilCAOO , Teh. E. Itecelpta today : Wheat , 4
cars , corn 4tS curs , oats , 177 cars Estimated
Monday : Wheat , 70 cars , earn , CIO ears , oals ,
25U cars.
KANSAS CITY , Teh. B. Itecclpls : Wheat , 11D
cars DULUTH , Teb. B. Receipts ! Wheat , C2 cars.
AVuul tlnrkc-Ti.
HOSTON , Ttb. C. WOOIroIlowlne are the
quotations for the leading descrlptlonm
Michigan. Wisconsin , etc X Michigan , 2lc ;
No 1 Michigan combing , We ; No 1 Illinois
romblntf , 29o , No 2 Mlelilgan combing ZitlKe ;
Nu. 2 llllnolu uimblnK , 2ia o , de-lulnn
C hlcago Lumber Do.
DUMBER . . .
8148outh I'ithSt.
klamilfo. ) Bros ,
Manufacturers ot door ? , snth blind * office ,
tore nn.l talewn llxtuics Krtlmites furnlihcj
on mi } kind of ml'l ' wnrk
1f1'79 \ Mill ! < tli nnd Davenport St
N afional Oil
and Paint Co ,
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And Pnlnti of All Kinds , rutty , Eto.
1015 mil 1011 Jonci St
; . A. Moffct , let Vice Pres. U J. DraKc. Ocn Mn
. . . LA/-A * vJ . . .
Onro lne , Turpentine , Axto C5ren e , Ktc.
Omnhn llrnnch nnd Anencle * , John 11 lluth Msr.
Carpenter Paper = Go. -
Printing Paper ,
pping Paper , Stationery ,
Corner Uth and Howard street * .
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
1107 Ilnrncv Street.
101J-10K ) Douclnx Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers ot Stcnm. Onn an4
Water Supplies of All Kinds ,
iioS-mo Harnev St.
Steam Pumpa , Enfilncg nnd Boilers. Plpe
Wind Mills , Steam anil Plumblne
Material. U ltln : , Hose , JJtc.
H , Hardy & Co ,
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
flouM Furnlihlnca , Children' ! Carrlagci , EUu
I UU Furnam StretL
Type Foundry
Btiptrlor Copper Mixed Tyu li thi belt on
th mrrkct.
1114 Howard Street.
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Western Newspaper
Eead The Omaha Bee
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Draacli Odlce. 1038 N Si . Lincoln. Nob.
Telephone 1030. Oniahn , Neb
Direct wires to Chicago ami New York.
Correspondents ; John A. Warren & Co.
Wear ® Commission Go
Wembfirs Chicago Hoard of Traelei wlncn HCA
Crain , Provisions and N. Y. Stocks
Orders Cnsh nnd Future Dollvory Hollcltoel.
Oiiiulm Ulllue , Ilooiii 1 , > . 1. l.lfo Illiltfi
. . . . 'I'lK.ne1)111 ) , . . ,
FI.OYU J. OAlll'llKI , ! , . Jtluiuivrr.
J7c , unwashed medium KentucUy and Indiana
quarler-hluud combines , ! 3c ; Kenlucky iiuuiur-
blood combing WttlZa , MUxourl three eighths
guernBluinl comliliig. Cic.
Si' LOIMH. I'lli B WOOI riim. medium , IS
QZOViic , llRht nne13ifl7c , heavy flue , SJJHc : tuu
KnimnN CllJ nil n uiul Prov IxloiiH ,
KANSAS CITY. I'eb. -WIII5A I'-Acllve Ken.
erally Wo lilhher. No. 1 hard , 8140 , Ni > 2 IMU >
fkc , Ni > . 3 , Mliftke'ic. Nil , 1 red , We , No 2. 'Ma
M'io. ' $ o. 3 , mjfjc , No. t , | irlnir , SicNo 3 ,
| -CltN-Attlve' , steady , No 2 rnixe-d. 24lia:5c
OA'1 8 Active , iibout ! 5o hlKlier , No / while.
3 81 24 o. ' *
ItVL'-Htcndy , No. 2 43 ? 4Slio
HAY Weaker on htavler reeelptr ; choice time
thy. tSlUSi'JOU. tholce pralrlf , 1C , 7W7 00
IIDrTEIt-rlrm , creamery , l&Vlko ! dairy. 11
-rm nt ISVie.
HIXM5IITH Wheat , 76.400 lm : corn , 87C03tut
oals. 7.WXI bn
SHIPMEN1S Wheat , 88,400 Ini. , corn S,70Q "f
bu , oats , , CWO bu. , "frr -
I'll I lull il | > li I n I'roilncr.
PHILAnEl.l'HIA. IVb. C - UTTI7rirm. .
Viftlo hlKher. western creamery , faney , ZOJtc , J
EClcm Uuli , Wo lower , fresh nearby and weitt
ernO'llEEHEHleady : New York factory , choice
tUUDUCi N w York factory , Ulr to teed ,