Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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Bargains to
The Largest Store in
the West. Best assort
ments and always the
lowest prices.
To crowd our aisles and keep our force of clerks employed in February supposedly \
Agents Butterick for the Patterns celebrated the dullest month in the year we place on sale several big stocks closed out tons by I'ATP MAY 26.189B.
and Publications. manufacturers for spot cash at 50c on the dollar and less , owing to the lateness of On Sale Monday
Standards of Fashion. the season lit addition to these we are clearing up all wintergoods in every department and have made great reductions The Alpha Fluted DiciS
S A cut of About 20 percent in price Such sterling values in new and seasonable goods have never been offered before to Omaha's thrifty traders. $ * Shield best in ( he world , s
. New spring stocks are already making their appearance and we must have room. No. ! 2 at lc. ! ) No. Hat 25i. \
cent on pattern prices. L No 4 at HOa S
Plain and Fancy Novelties
in Early Spring
We have just placed on sa'e our new Spring Dress Goods
and we are enabled to show the largest variety of new , neb
by , up to-date designs and colors ever attempted before by
any house in this city.
4C-lnch French Covert Clol'.is In the very select from no two alike all of the new
latest Hhadrs and \\e. vcs. The finest made spring weaves colors and dealgns worth 75c
goods , worth $2.50 per jard. our and $1.00 per yard our
Price Only $1,48 i'rics Only 49c
40-Inch Novelties in silk and wool In all
- At 39c per yard we have on endless variety
the weaves and colois very serviceable
to select from ot fancy weaves
uml stylish the regular $1.00 qualllty our riety
colors all wool and up-to-dato styles very
Price 59c Yd
Only serviceable worth 75c per yard.
In our 49o line of now rnrlng I > ress Gxids Our Price 39c
wo have COO different tlcslgiui and colors to
Headquarters for Black Dress Goocis.
We have ] - * placed on sile the largest variety of plain
and fancy weu. . > in Black Goods ever attempted before -
fore by any house in this citv.
JC-lnch blark Mohair Novelties the very 50-kich black Brocades strictly all wool-
latest In design and illulsh rich lustio and very Ber\lceabo ! and stylish rich lustre
serviceable one of the highest grades mnili. worth $1.25 per yaid our jirlcc
In black Dress Goods actual \\crtli $5.00 per Only 79c Yd
yard our price
Only $2.93 Yd 4C-lnch black .ill wool sorEC very firm and
eei viceableorth SSc per yard aur i > ricc
40-lciph fancy weaves pure Molintr In the Only 50c Yd
latest drulgns and cffeots very stylish and
the latestnoveltles for skirls worth $3.0S 3S-inch black figured Urllllantlnc the 39c
tier jard our vrlce quality now
Only $ i.98 Yd nowOn'y 25c Yd
Cheap Wool Dress Goods Dept.
Double fold Cashmere's In all colors- -also a > nd stylish just like the high priced goods-
blnck worth 19c worth 3'Jc per jard our price
19c9c Per Yd Only 19c
34-Inch figured Mohairs In all the new 30-Inch all wool mixtures 40-Inch fancy
hndes Including black uorth 25c Brocades In all shades the regular 40c and
Only 15c 50c qualities now
Only 25c Yd
3C-lnch fancy Novelties very serviceable
All cnen mall orders filled for advertised goods and money refunded If goods are not
satisfactory. Samples of Dress Goods bent of any fctjle or color desired.
Linens at Low Prices
CO-lnch Scotch Dainask 39c 5 pieces Satin Damask , grass bleached
table lined , at 17'/ic
. /
C2-lnch German silver bleached Damask. I9c
Dinner size Napkins , made in Austria ,
Cl-lnch full bleached Irish pMiii.isU 55c at , dozed 9Sc
72-Inch Satin Damask Table Llntii at. . . . C9i' All Linen Crash at , per yard 5c
Rood quality Cotton Crash , yard 2'/ic
Turkey lied Damask , guaranteed fast ID-Inch Handkerchief Linen , 50c , OOc . . 7Gc
colois , at ISc S-4 Turkey Red Table Covers at 49c
Come to the Linen Dspt. for Your Curtain Swiss.
Lappet Curtains , Swifts , 26 Inches wide. ' . 15e I Curtain Swiss , new designs , 40 In. wide 20o
Curtain Swiss , large and small dots . 12'.c { I 10 Inch A ( > ron Lawn , at . 12VJC
Hlack India Llnco , 40 Inches wide
LOW l > ItKUS ; Fit CM T1IIJ
Sheeting and Muslin Headquarters.
4-4 extra heavy L L. Muslin. . . , . Heady made sheets , torn and Ironed 2'/i
4-4 Ilurkley Oimbrlc at S l-3c yards wide , 2'/4 yards long , were COc ;
9-4 Lockwood bleached Sheeting , yard. . 15c on Monday 45o
4-4 cloth ,
- English long yard lOc
9-1 Iinivy unbleached Sheeting at llc 200 dozen towels , largo size , were 12'/ic ;
Heady to use ( illlow slips CV&c Mondey "Vic
Wash Goods Department
Commences Monday to show up the best and newest
ideas in every conceivable printed cotton fabric for 1.898.
The showing we arc making in the new French and
German Organdies for the season of 1898 , are spoken of
most highly by all who have seen them and considered the
most complete and satisfactorily priced.
Monday's Percale Sale is a value giver\ 33 * inches
wide , fast colors and all new for . 5 c yard.
There is not a concern in the country showing the line of
percales we have now in open stoclc.
Fine quality , now Spring styles in Zephyr Gingham ,
. 5c yard.
Genuine Scotch Zephyr Ginghams in the styles tint are
recognized by the best authorities to be ( the proper thing )
for waist etc. , are now being shown in this department.
TY is a special feature ai.d affords the opportunity
of a choice second to none this side of Chicago.
Cloak Department
The power ol mah IIIIH onubloil us to buy two nmnufacturors' btocks of Cloaks
nnil Wruppurs to yo on biiio Menu iy ut losd tliun 50o on the dollar.
$5.00 Uonvor Juokott ) ut $ I. { ) ( ) $111.00 Juokotu at $ l.'M
$7.60 JtioKotH lit $2 , ! ) ( ) $5,00 Misses' ' Jackets at $1.75
810.00 Jiiokctaut SU.DO $9,00 Misses'Jackals ut $2,98
Ludlos' Double Cloth Capos , trimmed with several rows braid , worth $7,50 , ,
$2.5)8 )
Ladles' Diagonal Cloth Capos , trimmed with genuine Thibet , lined and
wadded , worth 910.50 , ut
Ladles' Dress Skirts In handsome brocade
-Mohair , percallne lined perfect lit and $2.48
linng , Wj yurda wide , worth f5.00 at .
Ixidies' Skirts In Figured Serges and Drll-
lluntlnu ana Novelty Cloth. In bluck and $3,98
colons a styllsli , dressy skirt , at
Skirts Ladles' black at and Silk colors Skirts- , $5.SO
Ladles' Underskirts. In fast black sateen
lined with IliiiiH'letlo 98c
ot ,
Ladies' ' Silk Waists , in plaids , checks and stripes , inudo up in correct
stylus , at , . .85.50
Radios' ' Satin Waist ? , , iu black and all now shades , ut . , , , , , . . , . > . . . , $0,00
We are now prepared to show you many of
the New Silks for Spring 1898.
Black Satin Duchesse Exceptionally
all silk VALUES FOR . . . OIE ,
, f 11 pure silk , wear puar-
' TC7rr TVirA"VT > C QTT V ' anteed and both sides
Monday's price , MU1NUAY b > 1Ualilcc > Monday's
Two Tone Fancies in designs that arc now ami nobby , nil colors , in
extra quality , for Monday's ' , belling at
Pretty Plaids beautiful bright combination in an elegant tuiTotn 75c
I laid , for Monday's belling , at
Combination TnH'eta Brocades figured , changeable taffeta ? , heavy
quality , worth 81 , for Monday's selling at
24-in White Brocade now and pretty designs , a silk that is 75c
washable , special for Monday's selling nt
Checks and Stripes bright and pretty checks and stripes of best 98c
quality , they are new lor M < ndnyV selling at
Pltiids and Stripes Satin Bar Plaids in brilliant shadings and
' ' 'allota Stripes in new rovid blue and scarlet.Mondays tellinir ut
IHack lirnciidc Gros firuin 21-in wide , all siik , wear guaranteed 75c
ehoieo styles , for Monday's selling at i
Black Sntiii Hrocade very swell for skirts , a bilk worth 81.50
speiral for Monday's selling at
New Black Grenadines , double width , just received.
New Silks Arriving Daily ,
All mail orders for advertised silk promptly attended to.
i * r
The larg'est stock of white Bed Spreads in Omaha , you
will fine at The Big-Store. Three 'different makes full 10-4
size , hemmed , ready for use , at 550 each. Every one a
White Spreads at 390 , 490 , 650 , 7oc , 750 , 850 and 900
each. No such bargains ever offered by any house in Omaha.
Extra large size , white Crochet Spreads at qSc , $1.00 ,
$1.25 and $ i. 50 each.
Fine Marseilles Spreads at Si.35 , Si.75 , $0.25 and $2.50
each. Cash buyers for quantities will find it to their interest
to see Hayded Bros , as we buy direct from the manufac
turer , and in larger quantities than any other firm in this state
Tapestry Table Covers.
4-4 sizes. 450 , 6-4 sizes , 750 , 8-4 sizes , 51.39. New de
signs , new colorings , just opened See them.
Summer Skirt Patterns.
A new line just received in white and colors" , woven bor
ders and fancy crochet edges ; on sale in flannel department.
250 i
Closing out odd pairs of blankets at price's ! away below
their present va'ue. The same may be s.iid of'nil wool flan
nels , which must be sold.
The largest stock outing Fiannel in the west at 50 , Sc ,
and roc yard. \ *
Big stock of shirtings , tickings , denims and cotton flan
nels at liayden's well known prices. j
Carpets and Curtains
The extremely low prices wo are now
making are great Inducements to buy now
before the season opens up and great de
mand puts prices up.
IN INOHAINS n\tru heavy , Vi-wool. ,35o
Extra super , cotton chain , per yard 45c
Kxtra super , all wool chain , per yard , D5c
4-4 reversible llrussels , per yard 75c
4-4 HuKarlu Wiltons , per yard. , . , 9&c
Special prlceu on everything In drapery
and upholstery lines.
New Derby portieres , 45-Inch fringe top
and bottom , per pair. , . ' . $1.9S
Satin finish Derby portieres , long
knotted fringe , all shades , pur pair$2.95
28-Inch upholstery , veloum and
corduroy , new styles , per yard 50c
Curtain and upholstery tapestries from 40c
per yard up.
Wall Paper and
Room Mouldings
Hemnauts of flue wall paper at one-third
Heavy gilts worth 20c and 25c , at Cc , 8c.
ItcmnantB of Ingrains Sc and lOc.
Whlto blanks , 3V c and 4c.
9-Inch borders , lV c yard ,
18-Inch borders , So and 4c yard.
Ollta In the very latest styles and colors
at 7c , 8c , lOc.
18-Inch blended borders , Co and 7c yard.
Heavy enamel flnlrtiiKl gilts and em
bossed In dark greens , blues and terra cottas -
tas , 17&c , 20c , 2Co and up ,
IH-lnch oak plnet and cherry room mold
ings , 2c foot.
IVi-lnch fancy colored moldings , 3c , 3V c ,
2-Inch fancy glltti , 4c and Cc ,
Jewelry Bept.
Oents' gold filled bunding case watch , war
ranted live years , with American made
movi'inonts , $5.75 ; regular value , $10.00.
Gouts' gold filled watcli. warranted to
wear IB yeais , with Quo Klgln or Waltham
movements , $ S.95j j-fgular value , $15,00 ,
Oents' Klgln oriWaTtlmm watches In sll-
verlne cases , stem wind and set , $1.95 ; war
ranted. ' |
Gents' 14 karat solid gold watch , U. S.
n&.ny , weight of < Tp e61 / < lwt. , with fine
filled Jeweled Klgln or Waltham move
ments , $38.50 ; regular value , $75.00 ,
Ladles' and gents"eold filled hunting case ,
watches , warrant * } ] tof wear 20 year ? , with
line Ulgln or Waltham movements , $11.48 ;
regular value , $20,00. ' .
Ladles' 14-karat tel d gold huntlns case
watches , U. S , asSay , with genuine diamond
Bet In ccne , line Klglil or Waltham works ,
$21.50 regular value. $35.00.
The latest novuHKs In enameled chate-
lalno watches , $10.0) up.
Sterling silver chatelaine watches , $2.50.
Stcillng silver novelties " In endless variety
at lowest prices. ff
China Dept ] .
dold Line China Bread Plates at. . , , . ' . 3c
Decorated Toilet Sotsiat $1.69
Double thick vegetable duties , 4x5
Indies , each ; 3c
Stalucil glass sauce dishes , ruby and
white , each , . . . . , . . . . Sc
Fancy clilna plates it , Sc
Fine china oafineal bowls at Cc
Wash bowls and pitchers , each 25V c
Milk crocks J 3c
Decorated Individual buttcra at Ic
Goblets , nice gless , heavy stems , at. , , , Sc
Japan pin traye at. , . , , , , . . Ic
Grand Valentine Sale
Valentines by the trot.
Valentines by tbu hundred.
Valentines by the thousand ,
Valentines , flvo for Ic
Valentines , each Ic
Valentines , eaeh 2c
Valentines , each 3c
Valentines , each > EC
Valentines , each fie
Valentines , each Tc
Valentines , each Sc
Valentines , earh lOc
Vnlcntlncs up to $2.00 eaeh.
These Roods were purchased at less than
50c on the dollar and arc marked to sell
at the same marslti. Envelopes fret1 with
each Inco valentine.
This sale begins nt 8:30 : Monday morning.
All mall orders promptly filled. City
customers can mall their valentines nt
Grand Book Sale
We will offer our entire stock of new
books nt cut prices.
> .r.0c gilt top books Stic
25c bound books ISc
250 paper books Be
e.ile Monday COc
AVe still engrave 100 elegant visiting cards
and furnish the plate for $1.00.
100 cards from old plate , ( ! 3c.
All work guaranteed perfect or money re
Why not buy a nano ! ? Why not buy the
best ? The oldt-st In America , tfio best In the
world Is the CHICKERING. It has hetii the
standard piano ot the world for 75 years. It
is better today Ran ever before. Then there
Is the STEIN\VAY. Many good muslelars
prefer that. Others like the FISCHER , which
for 5S years has held an exalted reputation
as one of the very best standard pianos of the
If You Want the Best ,
you will always flnd them at Haydcn Uros.
You can't buy either one of tiicm anywhere
else In Omaha.
This week , to make room for pianos now en
route from the manufacturers , wo make the
follow'uK offers :
1 second-hand unrlght $75.00
1 second-hand upright , mah. case. . . . 125.00
1 new upright , mah. case 128.00
1 now Emerson , fancy case 175.00
1 new Emerson , fancy case 1S5.00
1 now Emerson , fancy case 105.00
Vose & Sons' , fancy case 105.00
Ivcra & Pond grand and uprights at cor
respondingly low prices.
New sample planes , very fine Instruments ,
? 185.00 to $275.00.
Faints and Enamels.
The Star Tiath tub pnamel gives your old
tinb a newt porcelain finish for 40c ; ' , < pint
can does the work.
Hest ready mixed paints , $1 00 gallon.
lilack and vermllllon carriage paints , %
pinto. 25c ; pints , 40c ; quarts , 75c.
Green , yellow and maroon pints , 35c ;
quarts , C5c.
Give your lost year's 'bicycle a now and
ui'to-dato color , Royal blue , Dlcycle ruby ,
chrome yellow , green and cardinal red , ' 4
pint cans , 20c. All colors In household en
amels , J/4 plnta , 20c.
Drug Dept.
Ammonia , per bottle 4c
Cocoa custllo soap , per cake %
Klik's Dairy Queen soap , 3 cukes In
box , per box He
Cough drcns , \ > er box Ic
Malt extract , per bottle f > l&i-
Hot water bottle , l-it 2e ! )
Hot water bottle , 2-qt 29c
Stoves and House
Furnishing Dep't
50c 3 lasts and stand , Monday 27c
30c per do/en com. sense sash pulleys ,
Monday 19u
25o rim or mortlfco lock , with knob , Mon
day lic !
76c crown raisin seeder , Monday 49c
40c japanned cash box , Monday. 1'Jc
$1.05 Clark's expansive bit , Monday. . . . 79c
15o good tt'xe Imtchut , Monday 9c
r > ' ) c 10 tool combination set , Monday. . , . 29c
20c steel butcher knives , Monday Sc
House Furnishing
15o genuine dover Improved egg heater ,
Monday . . , , , , i Cc
lOo flno clear wood rolling plus , Mon
day 4c
Ili-Ht wood wash tub made , Monday. . .2.r c
$1.00 folding lionlng board , Monday. , .r,9c
50o 10-rjnart granlto dUsh pan , Monday..29c
40o Neverbreak fry pan , solid steel , Mon
day . , 21c
COc granite water pall , Monday. . . , . , , , ,29c
lOo 2-quart covered tin palls , Monday , . 4c
25o feather duatcr , Monday , . . . .l"c
lOo cotton dish mops , Monday 2c
Have you been In our Stove Department
lately ? If not , como In and sco what we
can do for you. Hero are a few samples :
( J-lnch stove pipe , 7c ; C-lnch elbows , 5c ; the
beet gabollno oven made , Monday , $1.19 ;
the best gasoline stove made , Monday , $2,29 ;
extra good No. 8 cook stove , warranted ,
Monday , $7.39 ; flno NO. 9 range , with C-8-
Inch boles , with reservoir , the greatest nap
we. ever had , for $13.95.
Three Large Wholesale
Clothing Stocks at Half Price
Sale Continues ,
There never was such a cloth-/7' '
ing chance since Omaha re-Mi
ceived its charter.
For your choice of ail Men's Winter
Suits , Overcoats and Storm Ulsters down
from $20.00 , $22.50 and $25.00.
Men's $0.00 nil wool black and blue Che-
viol Suits in round , t-qimro and double
breasted tuulf styles for
Men's ifS.oO and SW ! ) ( line
at , . $4.75
Men's Bcavor Overcoats and Frieze fit O ( Tk Cf
, & 0.00 valuer , for LJ5 < J. V D
Men's $2.50 all wool Pants , all sl/.cs , in Cfi.1 OCi
this sale for tpi. O
Men's $10.00 all wool Korsov Overcoats UlCt f\f\
in bine , black and Oxford at. " I-PO'I/V/
Boys' and Children's Clothing ;
Monday morning we place our entire hioek ofrestco ,
Reefer and UoubliHi eiibit-d Knee 1'ants Suits on . ' 1 tables
at lets than half their value.
Table No. i Suits worth $2,75 at $1.25
Table No. 3 Suits worth $3.75 at $195
Table No. 3 Suits worth up to $6 50 $2.95
Corduroy and all wool double scat and knees OEST
knee mints , 0c valnes , for j&JOO
81.00 and 81.25 Knee Punts.for 50c
Men's $3.f)0 Odd Pants RO at $ 1.75
Extra Values in
Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings.
Men's Colored Ilosom Shirts , reinforced
front and back , made up to sell at 73c , for
Men's Colored Shirts with collars and cuffs
separate , made out of the very linest I'ei-
cale , Madras and Cheviots , all late , new
styles , made to sell up to $1.50 , at 75c.
1,000 dozen Men's Kine N'eckwo.r , four-ln-
hamls and tecks , worth 7fic pnd $1.00 , at 2.c
SOO do/.en line * Suspenders , five different
styles of buckles anJ large assortment of
colors , worth 25c , at 12' , < .c.
Men's and boy's Sweaters In all ( the new
colors and styles , at 50c 7.r > c , $1.00 and $1.DO.
20 cases Men's Sox at Gc , lOc mid 12V4c.
1,000 dozen Men's Handkerchiefs , 5c , lOc
and 32 > , Ac.
.100 do/en Men's Underwear , In fleece lined
and all wool , at I'fto and fiOe.
Men's Working Shirts ut 2fic , 39c , 4fic.
Ladles' Corsets , In all sizes , worth 75e ,
at 9c.
1 000 dozen Ladles' Gloves , In nil drsirablo
shades and dlffeiont fastenings , worth $1.00 ,
$1.50 and $2.00 , at f.Oc.
20 capes Ij dies' fine Seamless Hose In
black and tuns , ut lOc , 12'/.c ( , 17c ami 25c.
Hoys' lllc > cle Hose , with double Unee and
heel and toe. worth 2.Tc , at inc.
Ladles' Night Gowns nt 39e , 50c , 59c.
Lad cs' Umbrella Skirts , C9e and 9Sc.
Ladles' Umbrella I'unts , 19c , 29c , 35c , 39c ,
In the Men's Hat Dept"K. ? !
The advantages of large assortments of men's Hats may bo found here.
Good soft felt Hats , .worth $1.00 , nt ' " " fo0
< 5oo'l soft or stiff Hats , worth $1.50 , at . 750
Good soft or stiff Hats , worth $2.00. at | j no
Our nssnrtment of hats at $125 and $1.50 Is gigantic ; all the latest patterns for
spring. Seeing Is believing , come and Inspect our finu slock of stylish h'.ts and bo
convinced. ' ,
Our mot to "Prom the factory to your head. " No middleman's profit. You get the
advantage of our powerful cash purchasing , |
To the Ladies
of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union
We make this proposition in order co assist the ladies of the
W. C. T. U. of Omaha That we wi'I ' sell Wool Soap , large
for 6 cents per bar. small for 4 cents per bar which means'a
saving of nearly five cents on each cake to you besides what
you get for the wrappers. For sale at the Pur Food depart
ment. HA YD EN BROS.
Pure Food Department Prices.
You all know If the quality 4s not the best that money can buy wu will checifully
refund your money
GIST oun 1'iurics ON SUGAR .MO.NMJAV.
Jllnnesoln. XXXX High 1'iitont Hour
you can u e half of the K.tck , mid.
If you don't like it wo will glvo you
what you paid for It only $1,25
l'im > Vorl State liuckwhoat largo
sack 2fle
Nebraska Huckw hcitt "Atirrnuted pure 2. >
Yi-IIow or < * hi to Coriitnoal. per Hack. . . . Kc- )
White Navy ( IJi'aiiK 10 pound * for 2. >
I'uro Graham Flour 10 poiiid Hack. . . . 23i-
I'uokrige Slarch ( Fliil Iron llranil ) T'l-i1 '
Hic'.ikfiiHt Oitmoal- ; pounds ir
All klmlH of Yeast , per package 2c
3-'b , eann T.iblo reaches , largo yellow
fruit , easily worth lOc , only . ' ? ' . " ) 12e
PeatH anil Aprlcoln , the name price , f T
Golden I'umtikln , ilellcloiiH for j > lcH , . . . 7'4c '
lioBton 13uked lieana , in tomato sauce. . " ' .It
Knrly June I'CIIH , per cnn . no
Now Lima HO.IIIH , per c-an . ro
New Hlrlngli'ss Ucnns per can. . . . . . . . Co
fold I'ack noil. I tniimloi'H . 8 l-o !
Sweet I'an = y Hrancl Corn . Bo
Sliced 1'lncapplo. cyelfKH .ind coition 12'J ' <
New Oi-fKon I'runtw , pound . li'irj '
New Cii'lfornln I'nitii'w . fiu
Lal'KO S'iAet Ullack I'Vencli I'nuiLb. . . > fa
New Salt I/ikf I'fiirjipx , only . " ' , .0 '
Nr-A Yellow C'lliiK 1'o.ii'inH , only . lOu
New OroKon AprlcotH , pound . 7'vo
Now Moor I'ark AprluotH ( amber . . . lOu
Now Kvaporatcd 1'i'ars . Iflrj
New I3viiKiriiif | > il Apples . . . . . . . lOo
Tallin Syrup , per sallcm . 2o
New HalsliiH , per pound . , . 3' ' , < .
2 mickti line Halt for . Do
For Monday in Our Meat Department.
No. 1 Sugar Curi-d flam 7Jc Salt Pork at .Jo
No. 1 Hroukfast Hue. n 8ic Corned Hoof at ! Uo
Pickled I'lffh1 Foot and Tripe 4t- 'MbciuiHLurd. . , . , J-lo
I'ioklod Pork at C ( ! 5-lb euns Lard , 2to
Pork HaiiHaijo ut ( Ijo 10-11) caiiH Lard 47o
Interesting Prices in Our
Butter Department.
Fresh country roll Duller lOc , 12 ! c mid He.
Fl io t Dairy liutter , only ICc
Finest Creamery Huttcr , 15e mid . . . . . . 17c
Ik' t Seperator C'icami'ry-iiono better. l t >
Fresh KKKH , unaranteivl. only 13c
Full Cremn C'hceuc , pound 10 < -
NoufHchatcl Che-eve , roll 3',4o '
I lent ICdam C'heosu kjc
Club HOIIHCrxqulHllcl ( jars 2oo
Hap Huuo Cheese Co
Urick Cheese , ll'/ic , 12Vc and Ho
Fruit Department.
Navnl Oranges nweet , per dozen 124o !
Good OranKCIKT dozen &o
Fancy J.uuioiiH , per dozen 12e
uMcssInu Lemons , par dozen Ho
Datea very choice , pound
Apples , per pound , Jar eating- .
" Cranberrlen , / "
Fish Deportment.
Ilcnl CodilHh , whole chunks . , &Uo
Hrlck Codfish , very line . to
Anc-hovlcH only . "Ho
Iti-d Columbia iilvcr H.ilmon . 7Uo
Family \Vhlto Flwh. pound . 5o
Flno K. 1C. K. IlcrrlMK , pound . Go
We curry the larncHt Htock und the best
BHsortment of oil klmlx chccHc , Ilsh and
fruits nt bottom prlcox ut the Great Triius-
mlsHsslppI Hvadiiuurters ,
Tea and Colfee Dept.
Grade Jnva and Mochu . 2Jo
Family Java and Mocha . ISo
Ooo < l Golden Hlo Coffca . 12'/4o
Japan , KnKlluli llrcukfast , Ceylon nnil
CJun Powder Teas-regular Wo ( luallty ,
for Uo pound .Monday.
quality now teas . . . . . -n. . .