Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    " ' "
revisions Have n Boom and Touch the
High Mark of the Season , ,
[ IVItMit In Aljio Slronw , IitiliH'tioeil 1 > r
I < Jic Ollii-r Mnrkftn mill liy Ktir-
tlier iltiyliiK nf tlio I.rllcr
CIIICAOO. Feb. 4. Wheat closed as It
opened toilny , strong and at % c advance
over yesterday's Html . There was n
IOJIR period of weakness paused by liberal
northwest. receipts and pronperts of n small
vlslblo decreaHe , but I.elter IniylnK and
Htronpth which developed In provisions nnd
the coaraer prnlns ouusert a ilrm market
advanced ' , Ae.
( luring the afternoon. Corn
O.UH cloned y4flc hltfhcr and provisions
touched the hlnh mark of the season , clos
ing Z'jkfi' c hlchcr.
Oper.liiK trades In Slay wheat were nt
from UP to He over yesterday's closing
llBiires. May rniifftd all the way from 9l'c
to Willie. In different parts of the pit , with
quite a Rood trade at those Ilpurcs. The
nmrkut wan helped cby the unexpected ad
vance of % d ut Liverpool , where a decline
von bokcil for. It was supposed this
KlrenBti wan duo to Win fnlllnp off In
Argentine shlpmpiits , exuorts from that
pnuntry lnnt week beliiK but fi72. W bu. , or
jiearlv 2 < X > , fX < ) bu. under those of the wenk
lirfore. Traders here looked for IK'Urea
clo e to the million mark , and the shortage
holders Notwithstanding
W-IH a phasing surprise to
withstanding this Liverpool stretiKth tfle
iniirk t for a time after the opening ap
peared to be In the control of the bears.
Northwest receipts continued heavy , lln-
tii-apollH luid im'iuth reporting -132 ears to
il. iv airiilnst 310 cars last week and 299 a
wci > k ago. Chicago receipts were 22 eais.
The K.niHim crop report was very favorable
tind there wan till early VjO drop at St.
l.ouls The effect of I'Ms was that In-
slile if thirty minutes the Llvorijoo ad
vance wan disregarded and prices declined.
MIIV dropping lo OI'/jC. recovering to ! Utc
for'a moment , fien turning again and not
Btopplng until 9Hiu had bueti quoted , which
occurred about 1 o'clock. During tain de-
i-llne there was quite free Helling for Bt.
Louis Interests , and local shorts also ma
terially Increased their outstanding lines.
A feat lire which 'had ' a tendency to Incrense
the weaklier was early ( Inures on the vis
ible supply Indicating a rather small de-
CToase next week. Hut before noon ttio mar.
lMt began to recover. Practically no In-
( Inentlnl support had been given during the
bet-amis rather over
d-cllne and the tmaikot
sold. At bottom pi-Ices brokers for the
l.cltpr Interests commenced bidding , anil
aided by a lot of late bullish news and
niiiiked'ntronpth In provisions and the
coarser grains , started an upward move
ment , wlili'h carried the May prleo to ! l.c.
C'loslng cables were Ilrm anil showed sub
stantial advances. Kxport clearances from
Atlantic ports were liberal , amounting in and ( lour to 511,000 bu. Itemizing
started afresh on the advance to fl.ic ami
n reaction to 9iy8e was the consequence , but
* near the close reports of a great demand
nt Minneapolis for low grades of wheat ,
owing to scarcity of better quality , and
reports of twenty-seven carloads taken for
export , caused renewed buying demand and
advanced May to 93tte. , the highest point
of the day'n range. It closed ( Inn at that
Corn was moderately active and firm.
Country offerings were freer , but cables
were blpber and receipts light and there
was good buying , on the belief that higher
prices should prevail. The marUet was also
helped by the strength of oats. Shorts cov
ered freely late In the day. May ranged
1 from SVMiMtto ( to 2'Jc , nnd closed % c higher
Marko't for oatg was strong , nnd May
ngialn sold at the top price of the crop-
2IVic. liuylng was free and general all day ,
elevator Interests and shippers being prom
inent There was also considerable Invest
ment buying. The selling was principally
In the way of prollt-taklnfl. The urgent
cash demand was n bullish factor May
ranged from 24&c to 24Vic , and closed U H4c
Islnher at 2IV c. t , , , . , ,
Provisions sold at the highest prices of
the season. The market was weak on the
decline In hog prices nnd on commission
house realizing. Outside of this offerings
were small and a llttlo buying easily ad
vanced prices. Shorts wcro free buyers ns
the market improved nnd the demand be
came quite general toward the close. May
pork closed 7' c higher at $10.2 < ! ; ( May
lard , 2V.-0 lower and May ribs Co higher
ISst'lm'ated receipts for Saturday ; "Wheat ,
40 cars ; corn.ISO cars ; oats , 190 cars ; hogs ,
22.000 head.
I < c/adinK futures ranged ns follows
ArllclcB. . ! Olion. | High. I Low. I Closn. | Ycu'dy
" Wlu-al
Fob. . . . 08 OR 08 OR 08
May. . . I ) IM-B IW <
July. . . 84M-WS K1H 83W U4H
Fob. . . . 27M 27M 27K 27
May. . . Jit 20
July. .
Mny. . . 244
July. . . 22T6-i3 ! V3
I 01 u-
Mny. . . in in 10 ni ) 10 07H 10 27i < 20
July. . . IU SO 10 37W 10 174 10 37M 27W
May. . . 4 no 1 D7W 4 87W 4 07W 1 05
t July. . . 0 01) fi 05 4 l)7h ) ) 0 03 0 02
May. . . . 500 fi 10 -I II7M n in fi 05
July. . . .1 IU fi 17W A OS 0 I7K C IS
No. 2.
( 'null < iuotallons wer ( . ns follows :
I.'IXM'll Sti-ady : winter patents , JI.70Jfl.IOii !
IriilKhta. JLSOiN.Gi ) ; rprlni ; vieclil | : , J3.J ) ; fprlnt
imli'MIM , JI.Wijl.tO ; strjlKhtu , JI.:01j4.IO ; bakers ,
J3.WI3 80.
WIIBAT N'o. 3 pprlnu , 91J'J3c { ; No. 3
E4i'J > ; No , 2 roil. wg
COIlN-'No. 2. 27M.C.
OATS -No. 2 while , 2IU0SIKC.
2. 47o.
llAlll-HV No. 1 , 29iJ'5Sp.
J.'I AXSKKI > No. 1. $1.2l'i''I.I3. ' !
- . . . .
1'lto VISIONS -1'ork , nwf , per Mil. , HO.JOff
10 25 I.irJ. l % r HO Ilis. , JI.S7"i. " llucon , i > hort
rllis M ( loose ) . H.90ii'3. > 1Dry tmltcd slioul-
( Icrs ( liosi'il ) , tl "ofiC.W ; short clear Bldea ( buxvil ) ,
13 Kflfi.35.
WHISKY Dlallllcrs' llnlslieJ Ko la , per gnl ,
* VlJAUS-Cut ( loaf. J3.SO ; grnnulutcj. t3.39.
OiiolntliiiiN for tin- Day on ( iiMiernl
Ni\V : YOHK. Pali.I. . Pl/H'R Itcrplpbi , II.
IU l > bU. ! exiH-rlK , 7.731 l > l > ln. ; quiet nml ronrlil
envlily wrnker In umlertune ; city mill patents ,
| 3.K4f3.W ! ; city mill clenrs. J5.IOij5.53 ! Mlnne ofi
puteuK , I3.10if3.33 ; lllniU'sulu bilkers' , $ I.5I.GO ;
winter mralKhtu , $4.ti5ir4.C3 ; winter extra * , f3 5031
3.90lnler low Knuh-a. $ . ' . if3.0) ) . Ityo Hour ,
dull nt f..MJj .lD. lluekwlieot Hour , quiet ut
tl l5 ! T1.30.
lll'l' at 37c.
CUN.MKAl.-yul.'l ; yclluw wenlern , C7e.
HYKKteuily ; No , 2 western , SCo ; car lota ,
Wji : o.
IIAItl.HY-VIrm : [ Ve.llni ! . 3Sf.
ll.\IU.iV : M A I/I1 Steady ; western , C2HQ07C.
WllIJAT IleroliU * . & 0.hu7 till. ; ci il. Ilrm ; No.
3 r l. tl.nHi ; upilor.a were ii | > anil down m-er
imrnr.v raiik'e nil day. After n Ilrm opening
tuliloH thu market dei-llnnl HhiUT'V urdor UK
Iiorthwext roi-fl | > t ami nliDil i"lll ) ! ' liy li-nin ,
who vma llnjlly .Tared In liv tie.ivy i'\t > r %
trJiiBactlona. rumored revenly load < nt nil jiurts.
1'lie rluHi * WHA Ilrm at ' { f\c net ndvnnee ; .S'u. .
red. M.iy. Oa7-H1iV96 > . o : oluM-tl , 90i c.
OOHN lleiv > lit | . 2W. l/u. ; f i > > rt . Ml.ritl Int. ;
fl > u ( . . tlrm : No. 2 Uii'io ' ; opilum tlrm nil day.
Hu | pi > rtfd hy betii'r < - ( l > lej , tro < > ! clearanoo-i atul
mrnll recelplit , cluslns 1 UU net hlffher ; .May.
3JMMio. chwd. 3lc.
OATS-ltwelptis 37,2i 1m. ; exitorla. 170.t , _
till . xpot. ktn.iiKNo. ; . S. 2)1.40 ) ; optioni dull hut
HtroiiKer on Improvement In onxli propi-rlv , clo > -
Ini ; > > .o net hlKher : Mny clo od , % 'c.
Piii-Klrnr. liran , " ( KjSOc ; mldJllnirs , 73
7"iO rye feed , We.
HAY -Dull ; uhlpplnif. SSfflSc ; good lo choice ,
HOl'ASteady ; slate , onnnnon to choice. U93
crop. lf o ; UW crop. 7Ji9c ; U97 crop , 17O9o ! ;
I'linlllo roaot. ISM crop , 486o ; 1WC crop. O10o :
Ikul crop , 17JJl c.
IIIPKH Steady ; nnlve ton , lo ; Texas , dry ,
J ! > . C-iillfornla. 17B1SC.
l.nVTllHit-Steady ; hemlock ol , llueno
Ayrex. ISlkUWo.
WOOISteady ; lleec * . :7U31o ; pultod , IGfflle.
I'UOVlSlONS-lteef. nrm ; family ,
r lnmttr. . K.itCf.M t > oef hams. I21.0U ;
in-krt in i > K in ui. I'm in il" ulendvr"11" > I
1,1I | * 5.17Ufl 25 ; 11 kl .1 ihauM ; pt k'
ham-i. SM1W7.W. Lord , Ilrm ; e > tern ( teamed.
? 3r. Miy : pliwixl , IJ.3) . nominal ; rellneil Iriu.
I1 Tk Mivnir ; mi M. II9.3SO1A.M ; Bhorl cli-nr.
linft'KVj.oj : family SM.VtfiU.Oi ) . Tallow , d'lll ;
city ' - ' > i' . rountry. 2 < i i * < f
lit TTHR-1Uir l | > t S 4 J pUfis. ; nrm : W ( ' -
oii or Miui'i-y. W. ar. IJltlnj , ! J < ? ; Ueton' , ' ' ,
< f'4 < '
OM > IVlrvknim , dull United , W * p -
nif ly strained , common to BOO. ) , tl.iooi v
Turpentine , iteaJy at Iilf34Uc , Cottonseed oil ,
ptlmo ( ntd < > . UH919ei prime summer ysllo-w ,
.IV ; off summer yellow , 2I'.V ' , butter oil , 55W
HtrtHUady ; fair lo extra , ISfT.'ic ; Jnpm
005 > < .
MOlAS3KfSt i1y ; New Orleans , open keltic ,
KD. > , | to rlmlrf , KftW.
MKTAl.1 While the market for pl Iron wnr-
rnnln rMnnln * very ilull the rest of the metol
lint * how iwirnif Improvement. The Now Yorll
SIxtnl rxchnnKC rr | > ort the cloning today n fot-
lows : I'lg It'll wnrmnts , very dull nt 18.484 ?
( ! . ; Inkc oopp r , nrm nt W.BVBll 0 : Hn.
flrmtT nl ! JI3.WrT13.01 ; fpfticr , Cnner nt JI.OVp
1. 1C. anil 1nd. otronKcr nt J.I.OOfn.T . The Ilrm
Hint HTM Iho wttllnR prlcn for miners nnd
ftin tterft oiinle lenil At 13.45.
niEKSK ii : > ri > lptn , KO jikRd. : stcnily ; larse.
white. Heplfmher , Site ; Hmnli , white , Peptemlier.
9ft9Vic ; IntKe. roiored , HeptPmber , S e ; mnll.
colored , September. 9 9Uc ; Inrge , colored , OMo-
tier. 8'Jp ; nnll colored. Oclotx > r , SVifJS'ie : llRht
klms , CflCHc ; port klm. , 4fr' > Hc ; full skims ,
-Ilepclpts. t.SK pkB-.t flrm ; state nnd
1'ennsylvanln , l ! > c ; wenltrn , IS'i" .
O.MVll.V ( lll.VI-itAI : > .AI.VItKP.TS.
Condition nf Trnilp nnit flnotnHonii
on Staple nml Knnoy Produce.
iaos-aooii : tock. IJBISHC.
IltiTTI'Il rammnn in fair , SJJlle : sepsrntir
creamery , Me ; RO there- crenmery , 13lCc.
VHAIf-ChoIco fnt. 80 lo 120 Ibs. , quoted at 8n ;
IntRo nnd conrse. 45fic.
UHKSSI-n ) rOL'I/THY Chickens. EflCc ; tur
keys , SWlflc ; Reese , 7c ; ducks , Cc.
OAMK Small rnbblts , per dor. , 75o ; large.
tl.2J ; nqulrrrls , COWCOc.
I'lOKONS Mve. 75cs dend plceoni not wauled.
HAY Upland , > .r,0 ; midland. J.1.M : lowlnml.
$3 ; rye straw , $1 ; color mnkc < the price on liny ;
light bales Bell the best , only lop erodes bring
top prices.
CKI.KUY-Oood Block , large , 40c ! small , 2iJT
ONIONS-t'er bu. . II.
1II2AN3 IInm ! > plckeil navy , per bu. , t.2.r
1.3) ) .
SWB12T I'OTATOKS-Knnpns , 19-pcclc bbls. .
KM ; faiic Muscntlne , 11-peck bbl . . 33.25.
OAltltAm. Oood stock , per Hi. , Hie.
POTATOES Homo Brown , 6.O33c ; western
stock , 70o.
API'l.KS Winter Btork , $ l.fOt3.5Callfornln ! ;
Itolli-fleur , Iwxes. I1.D4 ; Colorado Jonnllmnii ,
boxe * . II. 78 : Oreiron. boxes , ft.2i.
niANHKItllinS-.Iomoys , Per bbl. . I7.W7.23- (
WlBronnln llfll and Ilugle , J7. 5037. 73 ; Wisconsin
Hell nnd Cherry , C.
OnAl'KS Malicni. fi.MinC.rO.
OHANOKS Mexican , per box. 2.73ff3.00 ; Cnll-
foinln nnvelB , yl.WiiX. .
I.KMONP ( 'alltornln , fancy , } 3.2i ; choice. | 1.
IIANANAS f'holce , large slock per bunch ,
12.0002. 2J ; medium sized bunches. ji.75ff2.W.
NUTS AlmonilK , per Ib. , larce size , 12fTl3c ;
Bmall , lie ; llrazlls , per Ib. . 9 10e ; HnKllsh will-
nuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , lOWll's : stnnd-
nrds , Mi9c ; Illnerts , per lo. , lOc ; pecans , poll.tluM ,
medium , Cff7c ; extra laige , 89c ; larse hickory
nuts , tl.00ttl.10 per bu. ; email , J1.2.Bl.l'i per
bu. ; cocoanulH. per 1W. ( I ; peanuts , raw. CU'3'ic ;
ronsfpil , CiiCVilfc.
n ( IS Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb , boxes.
12c : n crown , 41-lb. boxes , 14jfl5o ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
© 23c per box ; California , 10-lb. box. II.
IIONI3Y Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10
ICIlAt'T Per bid. , $4 ; half bbl. , } 2.2riT2.Sr. .
MAl'I.P : SYHUP Plvr-wil. onus , onch , f2.73 ;
Knl. eansi. pure , per doz. , $12 ; half nal. cans ,
$0.2V nuait cans , 13. SO.
DATiS Itnllowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc ; Salr ,
C'.ic ; Fnril , 9-lb. boxes' . 9c.
CIDKH I'er hn" bt.l ? 1 : bblq. J3.S3.
rrtnsn MRATS
DlinHSKD nBKP Ooo < : : iatlr # fleers. C'ic ;
Ko-xl forequnr > ers steers , O'in ; cooJ hindquarters
sleer.i , 8Vic : nestern steers , Ce ; fancy heifers ,
fi'ic ; Rood heifers , Cc ; Rood farvquniti rs heifers ,
rc ; B od hindquarters heifers , Sc ; Rood cows ,
"i ie ; fair cnws. uiic ; cow forequnrters , 4jc ( ; cow
lilndqiiHrtcrM , 7iic.
IIUMF CUTS ItnnKlnc tendeilolns , 4 .c ; ribs ,
No. 1 , lie ; rlbi. No. 2 , Sc ; ribs , No. 3. Cc : steer
rounds. 7c ; cow rounds , eye ; cow lounds , fhnnlt
off. 7.4e ; cow rounds , shanlc nnd rump oft , Sc ;
trlmmlntfH. 4Hc ; beef shanks , 3c ; bialns , per
iloz. , 33c ; aweetbrends , p , ' Ib. . lHc : sweetbreads
icnlves ) , per Hi. . We ; kidneys , per doz. . 3V : ox
mils , each. 3c ; livers , per Ib. . 2 < ,4c : hearts , per Ib. .
2iic ; toiiKUes , per Ib. , 12VjC ; calf livers , each. 33c ;
cnlvea , whole carcass or aides. 9c ; calf head nnd
feet , scnlded , per set , 73c ; tenderloins , fresh , ISo ;
lenderlolnH , frozen. IGc ; boneless Btrlpsfreyh. .
lOc ; boneless strips , frozen , 9c ; strip loins ,
fresh , Sc ; strip loins , frozen , CHc ; rolls , bone.
lesi , 9c ; rolls , fpencer cuts. 9o ; sirloin butts ,
boneless , 9c ; shoulder clods , boneless , Cc ;
rump butts , boneless , CHc ; No. 1 chucks , Gc ;
No. 2 chucks , 4ic ; No. 3 chucks. 4'Jc ' ; boneless
chucks , 4Hc ; cm plate : 3' ' , ; = ; steer plates , 4c ;
llnnk steulc. Co ; loins , No. i. 13c : loins. No. 2 ,
lOc ; loins. No. 3. 7V4o ; short loins , market style , 2c
nbove loins ; short loins hotel ftylu. 4c above
loins ; cow loin ends. Sc ; steer loin ends. 9c.
MUTTON Fnncy lambs. SHc per Ib. : lambs ,
"Ho ; sheep. C'/jc ; market racks , lonir. 8c ! ; hotel
rucks , Bhort , lie ; loins , SVic ; saddles , M ; legs ,
Do ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and stews , 3'c ;
tonpue.1 , cnch , Sc ; forequarlers. Cc.
IOIIK Drosied pigs , DVfcc per Ib. ; dressed hoes
5c ; tenderloins , 14e ; loins , short. lV ! ; Ions , c ;
spare ribs , 4Vtc ; Imm sausage butts , Wte ; Llostmi
butts , Co ; shoulders , rousn. 4ic ; Bhoulders ,
nklnned , Co ; trlmmlnKs , 4o ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , Cc ; heads , cleaned , 4s ; snouts nnd ears ,
: ic ; backbones , 2c ; slip bones , 2140 : cheek meat.
IlVto ; neclt bones , 2c ; pics' tails , 3c ; plucks , each ,
3o ; chitterlings , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
25c ; stomachs each , 3c ; tongues , each , 7e ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOo ; brnlns , per doz. , 13c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 23c ; livers , each , Sc ; hog rinds ,
3c ; blade bones , Cc.
IIIDHS No. 1 green hides. 7o ; No. 2 green
hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. 2 green
salted hides , EC ; No. I veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
lOc. ; No. 2 veal cnlf. 12 tn 13 Ibs. , Sc.
RHKK1 * PKI.T8 Oreen sailed , each. 15J7Ec ;
grocn salted BhearllnBS ( short wooled early
skins ) , eacli , 15o ; dry shearlings ( short wioled
early fklns ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint Kansas
nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. actual
welKht , 4ti > 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebrahkn
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 30
4c ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pells , per
lbv actual weight , 4S5c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool polls , per It ) . , nctual weight. 3O4c.
TAI.I/nV. OIIKASK. KTC. Tallow. No. 1.
3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 2ic ; rough tallow , l c ;
while grease , 2h2ic ; yellow and brown grenso ,
FIJUH Hepr ( black or brown ) , 13.00320.00 :
otter , tl.WKS.OO ; mink. 130COc ; beaver , II. uO
CC.OO ; skunk. 15c , 23c , 60c ; muskrat. 3c , ! c , 7c ;
raccoon , IDWc : red fox , 23cTftl.23 ; grey fox ,
230000 ; wolf ( timber ) , 2ic8J2.DO ; wolf ( pralrlo
coyote ) , lORJOc ; wildcat , 10ii23c ; badger , ( ii'40c ;
silver fox. $ M .CO 73-CO.
IIOIISH HIDK3 Kach , 11.50 2.25.
St. I.onlx r ; in < - nil .llin-U.'lM.
ST. I-OUIS. Feb. 4.-FI/tni-TIIgbor. In sym-
liatliy with wheul ; patents , I4.7i1a'4.90 : straights ,
S4.33ffl.riO ; clear. H.23 ; medium. J3.30W3.75.
WHKAT Irregular and unsettled , clnMug 1-lCc
tower for May and ' , ic higher Mr July than nt
yesterday's close. Mny opened KifPic higher , de
clined Tie , recovered % Q ic nnd closed with Hell
ers U ° below the top. Spot , lower ; No. 2 red
cash , eli'vntor. ' ! V4c ; track , MfJ'Mjc : February ,
86V4o : May , 9GS 'JCVjC ; July , 81c ; No. 2 hard cash ,
CO11N Futures , strong ; seners scarce , with
enough demand to ndvnnco the price UiTU' * for
Mav and 'io for July , closing- the top. Spot ,
dull and lower ; No. 2 each. 2G'ic ' ; February , 20'.c ' ;
May. M * fiWta ; July , 2Sc.
OATS PuturM , strong an fractions higher ;
spot , sleady ; No. 2 cnsh , 2lc ; track , 2i4c | ; Feb-
runiy , 2lr'j May , 2lio ; July , 2Jc bid ; No 2
whlto. 2lio.
llYi : Firm. 4To.
SI-iJIS Flnxst'od , quiet , 11.21 , Timothy BCCd ,
prlmo , 12. CO.
UHAN Htrong ; hacked , east trnck , C6'.4ff07c ' ;
track , this side , 57i' .
HAY Kiuv for low Blades , others strong :
prairie j3.oofH.J3 : timothy , J7.235nn.23.
ni'TTKH Firm ; creamery , ISSjlUlic ; dairy ,
l-arS-Ixwer. : 13Hc.
M'UlKKY-Slendy. 11.19.
MICTAIjS I-oart , strong and higher , J3.60. Fpel-
ter , hluher. 13. SO bid.
IMHH'ISi : NS-P rk , b UT ; stnndorl HUBS , Job.
blng , 110. SO. 'Uinl. ' hlKher ; prlmo steam , 11.70 ;
choice , > 4.77Vi. Huron , boxed lots , oxlrn short
clear , lo.UMr3.6JH ; ribs , J3.t2'iST3.73 ; ' ; shorts ,
corn. M.W1 bn. ; outs. 14 000 bu ,
HinPMKXTS-Flour. .1.000 bids. ; wheat , 5.000
bu. ; corn , 4DOIO bu. ; oats , 10.00) bu.
- \ Viiri > CiiiiiiuU.slou Company.
OMAHA OKKIOK. I'Vb. 4. Tln > maiket hud no
dccldi-.l . turn. Wheat fluctuated narrowly , tin-re
belntf but lo Fproml between the lilifh nnd low
point. The fnrelun ltuntlon was Komowhat
HtronRer nnd the earlier rabies < > nt an ad-
vnncu of Sd , later oru's nhowlnir inoru Mrcn.qtli
nt Id advance , but It w emed to affeet nun mar
ket but little , the ironernl feeling belntt that It
was hlKh ononijh nnd Dial manipulation by th
Iller rrow.1 win nil that cavml a > break yenter-
dny. Tlio cllnuo was not no much In evident
today nnd It appeared an though prices were
suntulnlnt , ' tlpmelveii without their nHslstunce
HerelptHeru 22 can ; eMImated for tomorrow ,
40 ear * .
The market at pretent Is well old. but wo
think over old , nnd while there nre nhv.iyn two
lilM to It. we fnll til pee when- the bears hnve
nny tlioniiujhly reliable Information to mniul
upon. It li true tlwro | p > lienr news nnd plenty
of It , but lt quality IH a hi ne of another c dor
Jaiumn' wheat closed nt ISe , Mav at Wl.e nnd
Jnlji at 84Ho bill nn ndviinre for May of Sc.
Corn was utendy today , thn forelini Imiulry
t > eliiB KOO < | . nnd Liverpool prlei-s n limit KI |
hlKhrr. Our market wan nfferied but little , how
ever , and Ililrlimleil but 3H'closlni ; nt IOV > c
bid for M'y ami Sft'lo to 30Uo bid for July.
Hocelptx today , 24S cars ; mtlmated tomorrow ,
4&0 cars
OaK were Mrone , opening- last nldit'i clos-
ln prlce.i nnd advanclnu I4e for May and re-
nuilnlni ; ntatlonary for July , i-lo lnc May nt Illao
one ! July at Sic.
HerelKtii to.1.iy , 1C1 : rnrn ; entlmated for tomor
row , ICO carx.
lliillliniirr llnrld'tii.
HALTIMOHK , I-Vb. 4. KLOIIH-rull. un-
changeif wejleni miperflno , J2 VOirJ.J' ) : Mestem
cxlrn. 3. Vrtl 10 : western family , II.IWI.70 ;
prln intent * fnmlly r".10fl5.SO : Fnrlnir whrat ,
Klrn'n1iU ' J ( [ * H7.VW ; rivelpts , 8.4J3 bbls. ; ex
ports. 1 W , l > Hr.
Mani'i SSW fM'o : Mny. 8 Vii Wfie ; ulentncr , X .
5 re.1 SlfWI" . " . receipts , 03S bu : oxp.irtn. 1 -
< N1 bu : wxiiv-rn. by naiiiple , 4UWo ; Boutbeni.
on irrnil94 f"Sic
- jilv npot anl month. Si
ieHlfHmcr mlxel. 31 !
. . . _ bll ' ojipirta rn ni * "
wbi * * * T < ' 4 riuoheni yill.iw ' 2 < nS1v/ % .
inl e'l , S < iiw'nu. ' . 17735 bu. ; exn r' n' ! '
OHAIN FHniailTS-Halher steadier. t un
to Mvcrpnol. per liu. . Jijd , Mnrch ; Oork for
ere > r . per quarter. 3 < 3-1 , Februnry ,
lnRfl ( } ulcl . fresh. IStf
Hl'TTKll tiuicl , fnn.-y crenmery. Jlc ; fancy
lmi aii..n KW17 , , fancy ladle , lit. . g * J ladle ,
IJ'rfHr. MiropnckcJ. . Willi- .
t'HKIMK Steftilr. foncy New Yolk , large.
91fir ; fnncy New York , medium. lOffllHic ;
fancy New York , smnll ,
> 'i w ) rli-an JlnrUcl.
1'i-rlc , standard mess , IU' 2 . I.ird , reilneil tierce ,
M.7H l.on ; pure lard , | S.12'4. lloxed meats ,
dry nhnuliIcM II.S7HR1.00 ; sides. J5.37HW
5. . IJacon. clear ribs , sides , IC.1240C.23. Hams.
choice sugar cured , IS.OOffi9,60.
COPFKK-Qulet ; Hlo ! ordinary to fnlr , 7U09c.
HU'i : stTOdjr ; ordinary to good 3JM'4c. '
FI/MTU-Uull ; extra , fancy , I4.CCC4.70 ; patents ,
COHNMKAIr-Stendy. ll.C5ei.70.
1IIIAN Mull , 70o.
HAY ( julct ; prime , I12.00SU.M ; choice. IILD1 ®
14. W.
COHN Quiet , but steady ; No. 2 sacked wliltc ,
376S7'4c ; mixed. SOfHCHc ; yellow. ! C'4fl37c.
UAT.4- Firmer ; No. 2 sacked , 30G30V4C ,
Liverpool Mnrkrtx.
MVnni'OOI * Feb. 4. WHIUT-Fpot. nrm ;
No. 2 rwl western , winter , "glOSd ; No. 1 reil
northern , spring , Sfl Slfl.
OOliN KMit. | American mlxeil , new , firm r.t
5s l4 d ; Amorlcnn mixed , old. 3s4Vid. Futures
iitenily ; Fcbnuiry , 3 3 > id ; Mnrch , 39 2'4d.
FUJt'H St. I uls fancy winter , nnii nt 9 9d.
HOI'rt At lx > ndon ( Pacific ct < vsl ) , Ilrm nt
1 13sif i
PROVISIONS l wf , nnn ; cxtrn India miMs.
COn 3il. Pork , firm ; prime mesa , flno western.
17s W Hams , short cut , steady nl 33 * . Shoul
ders , squnro , linn nl 2 s. llncon , linn nl 2' ' . bellU-o , 32s. I/nrd , prlmo western , dull nl
2.Vi < H | . Tnllnrw , prlmo city , Ilrm. nt 19s.
CHEBSR Amcrlran , llnest while nnd colored ,
dull nt 414.
Cincinnati Market.
riNc-INNATI , Feb. 4. FIXJUU-tJulct ; fnncy ,
J4.30'.v ' ! > : family , } 3.wvff3.w.
WHKAT Firm ; No. 2 red , 90 > 4c.
COIlN-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed , 3uc.
OAT.-4 Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 50c.
UYK Ste/idy ; No 2 , 9c.
PROVISIONS Lard , quiet nt S4.73. Hulk
meals. Ilrm nt 14. V ) . llncon. Ilrm at 13.73 ,
WHISKY Steady at 11.19.
lU'TTKn Uiilct ; iigln : cre.imcry , 21o : Ohio , 13
( ? lSe : dairy , lev.
StrOAIl-Steady ; hnrd renncj , 11.0303. S3.
1'Xnstpndler ! nt l p.
CHUIWli-Steady ; good to prime Olilo flat ,
KIIIIHIIS City ( Jrnlii nini Provision * .
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 4. WlllCAT-IIard. nbout
sleady ; soft. 14/2c / lower ; No. t hnrd , Sic ; No. 2 ,
SViiSisIc : No. 3 , 2 4 lS , V c ; No. 1 red. Me ; No 2 ,
No 3 ! . ' > No. 2 spring S38S6e No.
fcHi93e ; , 67j'A ; . , ; .
3 , 81 Vic
COIIN Active , sleady ; No. 2 mixed , 24'4O23c.
OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 wtilte , 2J823V4C.
HYIJ-Slenily ; So. 2. 4V.
HAY fnchnnged , tendency lower ; timothy ,
S.S'Jft ' ! ' . ' * ' : prallle , 17.00117.23.
| HTTEH ; Firm ; cteamery , ISiTlSc ! dairy , 12
KOGS-FIrm ; fresh. 13'Jc.
( iralii HofcliitH at I'rliicliinl Alarkcti.
ST. IXiUIS Feb. 4. Itocclpla ; Wheat. 11 cars.
313 cars.
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. Hecelpts today : Wlmnl. 22
cars ; cmn , 111 care ; nats , 102 cars. IMImaMl
car lots tomorrow : When ! , 40 ; corn , 4"iU ; oats ,
1M.Ut'LUTH. . Feb. 4. Hooplpts : Wheat. S3 cars.
I'll llnilcl till la I'roiliici * .
PHlI > Anii.PHIA : , Fob I. nUTTKU Steady ;
far jy weslern cre-imory. 2Jc ; woste4ii pilntrt. 2lc.
H OP Steady ; fresh nearby. 19c ; fresh wes'-
crn , 19c.
I'HKiBslV-Stendy ; New York fnctcry. choice.
9VTi91sc ; New York factory , fulr to good , 9UW
Tolnlo .Murk i1. 1.
TOLEDO , Feb. 4 W1I13AT Higher and dull ;
No 2 wish , ! > l'ic bid ; Mny , We bid.
WIlN'-Aotlve nnd steady : No. 3 mixed , 29c.
OATS Dull and stonily ; No. 2 mixed , 21'ic.
HY1-J rnchnngwl : No. 2 cnfh. 49c nrkril.
C1X > VE1U51JI3U Active and steady ; prlmo cash ,
Cilllfornla lrld KriiltH.
PHUITSJ Sti'nily. Kvnpornteil apples , common.
: > 'n 7vic ; prime wire tray. S'4c ' : wood dried , prlmi- ,
Kiic ; choice. S'lc ; fancy , 9SflVc. rmnoK , 30iX : .
Apricots , IMyal. Miff'i c : .Moor Pans. 9tfllc.
Peaches , unpeeloil , 7i10c ; peeled. 1283-c. )
, Fob. 4. coilN-Markct quiet ; No. 2 ,
OATS Market nnn and higher ; No. 2 whlto.
24 ! c.
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits ,
Detroit MnrUrt.
nETHOIT. Fob. 4. WHEAT No. 1 white nnd
No. 2 red. 94e ; May , 94c.
COHN No. 2 mixed , 30c.
OATH No. 2 white , 2Sc.
KYE No. 2. 4S'4c. '
STOCKS A.\l ) 11OM13.
tvtli In a | ' 'IMV Lines HolfiH Out
tlio ( iciieral I.lil.
NliW YOniC , Feb. 4. The remarkable buoy
ancy of n few stocks lifted today's market out
of the slough of depression nnd closed the day
with net gains , although there were a few losses
In exceptional cises. Not changes were Bmall In
Iho general llt.1 . , but the pains In the lltl'.e group
of lenders were extraordinary. The Rrle stocks
showed the effect of some unusual demand nt opening of the maikt't and Ihe tlrst preferred
ended with n gain of over 2 points. Connected
In sumo way wltn this was the movement In Sus-
qtiehann.i & Western , which gained In force as
the day advnnced. The preferred showed n gain
of I points on the last transactions the common
Blo-k of 3i. ! There was nothlnw In the news of
ihr 1'iy tn pxnlnln these mwcmcnts. The Van-
derbllt stocks held thu center of tie > taKO on ac
count at Hie action of the New York Central di
rectors In authorizing an Icaue of llO > ) , fW0.01' col-
Intrral IVj per cent lionils to effect a consolida
tion with the Lake Shore , The formulated pi in
e.iii-ely agrees with the announcements which
have bi'en made. A quotation for the new bonds
when Issued was promptly established on the
exchange , W being bid nnd Si u ked. The price
of Lake Shore nnd of New York Central wavered
somewhat In the face of pront-taklng on the
nnnouncement , which bus been nmply dlscwntcd.
Hut Michigan Central bounded up buoyantly
over 4 iwlnts on the belief that It would ulti
mately Included In the consolidation In prog
ress. Canada Southern also benefited to the extent
of over n point. Not folk & Western preferred
lo up nlnul 2 points and was bought largely In
this market today for London account. This
slock wan affecto.I by the reported authority
granted to It to einstruct n uraiich through Vir
ginia to Wnelilnston nnd by the gem nil Improve
ment In Its financial condition. Great Northern
preferred advanced nn additional p ilnt this moin-
Ing , but reacted then 2 points tn Ifc ) and at the
close quoted 133 bid and 1.VJ asld-d. Manitoba ,
the subsidiary company , jumped 5 points to 133.
Tno late ttrcngth of the market brought a num
ber of gains In the general llsl up to about a
point nnd loduced or wiped out dfclines In u
number of stocks that had shi/wn curly heavltiOFS ,
notably Manhattan , Ilnltlmnre & O'.ita nnd Union
I'lflllu preferred. A feature of the day was the
continued advance. In foreign exchange. Imcoil
on the easy tone of the money market. There
was no very noticeable falling off In the activity
of the bond nnrket. No vtry important gains
were t-hown , but prices were lltm'.y held. Total
sale t3CIOCOO United States new Is were up
U I'M.
The Evening Post's London nnanclal cablegram
says : The stock market here was quiet today.
The feature was n sharp rise In Ornnd Trunk
and Canadian Pacific on cables lenorllng the
outbreak of n rate wnr. This , however. Is dis
believed here. It being understood that the illt-
puto merely refers to pmall sections of thn line ,
wlillo the ( Irani ! Trunk Is understood to be willIng -
Ing to submit any question of rates to arbitra
tion. Erles were bid for here on reports of a
It dividend on Krle preferred. The other mar
kets were featureless. The dearth of American
bills continues and cables report that fully 310.-
000,000 worth Is held In bank In New York
Following are the doting quotations of the
leading stocks on thn New York market today :
Total Mle of flocks today , 291,204 chare * , In
cluding : Haltlmoro & Ohio , 9.515 ; Canada Jxu-
clllo 7.42) ; Chefamake A Ohio. 5.SOJ ; Chicago. '
liurllngton & Qulncy , U.S73 ; Denver & Hlo
Orandu preferred , 3,413 ; Krla iiri'ferreil 10 Ml
Kiko S.iorc XIII : l ullile & Nathtlile. G22 >
Monlmltun. 1J.W2. Mlthlgan Central. 6.477 , IlMd-
IIIK preferred. 4.670 ; Missouri PnclHc C.J30 , N w
Y. rk Centnil. 14Ki , , N irtiiern Pa Illc HIM ,
Northern 1'avlflv preferred , ! 11 , Hu k iB.anJ ,
3,397 ; St , Paul , 13. t ; Unlnri Pncino. 50,333 : To-
liaec.o , J. 0 ; Oenernl niccltlc. 4,84) ; Pacific Mall ,
3.930 , Sugar.4,33Si Western Unlun , C.S'S.
XPIT Vork .MoniT JIarkct.
NH\V YOniC , Feb , 4. MON'nV ON CAl.tV-
K * y * t Jt4 l percent. I M loan , 1'4 per cenL
punrn .MBHCANTII.K PAPKH-aet.per cenf
TKHLINO KXCHANUB-Flrni , with nclunl
l.uxlnos ! ! In bankers' bills nt ( I ( sSmt4.U for .If-
manj nd nt } 4.$3fi4. < 3S for slxly days , posted
rntp . H.ssii and JI.S6 , comimrclal bills. | 4.S2tf
STATE 110NOS Dull. .
Cloilng quotations on bonJswere ns follows !
. C , Isn . . . . . .117
, C. us . 114
ti.s, ? . ; i-.t IN.C.-JI . tar
U.S. 4 < , CO-IP . 1II > < N. O. 41 . lO.f
U. S. 2s. rat . lee No. Paoina IsU.
U-l'4lNo. P.oltlB 3s coup . MS5 ( No. Paclllc 4 % . . .
District : l. fl . . . . 117 N. Y. ( l.VSt. r 4. .
Ala..elaii A N. A W. l ) 125
. . . 1U7 .V. W. Comols II'JU
Aln..plnss'3 . Kin N.\Y. Dab. as 117
Ala.Currpnay. . . .lot ) Oro. Nav.lsts US
Alchison4t . n.lT Oro. Jfnv. 4s . . . . tifHi
Atchtaonmi. 4 . . . HH O. S. i. . Oi. t. r. l'Jfi > <
Can.-irtaSo. andi . . 1104 O. 9.1 * Bs. l. r HID
C. A N. P. I. r. 58. . H7 ! U. Into. Ht < . t. r. . . . . . _
( ! . & O. . * ! < ! llll I O. linn. St. t. r OB
C.H.&D. l > 4-i. . in IV Pacific bs of' ( ) , ) . . .104
O.&Il. (3. tsu . .Hai ) ll.n.Wnil IsH . . . . 84t {
I.All O. 4s st. u .t i. M. 03i. i on
KAMI Tonn. l H..lo7 St. U.kS. K.Oiii.O. 120
KrloGon. 4s " ' ' 72) ) { 91. P. Consols Ill )
\YT"U.Yt."t.'r. . . 71 "Isti P.or. P.'laiV. : : 141) )
Tcn.Elua. 01. . . . IIIOH St. P.O. A P. ns 1M
O.II. * S. A.Us KM Southern Uv. a i. . . . UU
O.H.A.S A. .Ms..104 S. K. AT. ( Is H7U
H..MT.Cant.3s llll Toun.uow sot .Is . . US
II. AT. C. eon ll § . .IDil Tox. I'ac. L U.lsHlOil
Iowa C. IsM Hl ) > i T x. Paa
K P.Con..t.r Ill IU.P. Ists 127IJ
K.P. ls-s.t. r 127 ID. P. I ) . All. Isls. . aW
Ln.NnwCan.H . . .IDJHIWnb. 1st 3s IdVi
U.VN. tlnl HSU Wab. 2ds riOU
MlHsoiirl ( Is 100 IWnitShoiM Is 10.1 * J
M.K.AT.2.II ( IV iVa. C.-nmrlcs 704
M. K. AT. 41. . . . Ul' IV.i. ddforrj.l :
Hnnton Silicic
ItOSTO.V. Keb 4. Call loan * . 2 < ? 3 per cent ;
time loans , SmJl per rent. C1o lnn prices for
stocky bonds and mining shores :
A.T..tS. P 12H do I .
American Sumr. , l'J7 ! < Brt. Kloi. Hi . lO.-i
Am.Snirar ofd . . . 1 Ill's ' Oou. Kloc. nfd. . . . 81)
Uav St.ito 0.11 1 Atchlson nfd . ! IU (
Hull Tolophono. . . 2i)7H ) AlchlHou 2s . 32
llostonV Albinv. 2211 N' . Knir. UH . llll
Hofllon.t Mamo. . . HIS Oi'iiornl Rli-o. 3s. . 101 > l <
C..11.A 0 101) ) \Vls. Ount ( la . l'J-5i <
Fltchoinv ul ; ) (
( itMieral Kluctrtc * . 04 Atl.-mlla
Illinois Stujl. . . . n < t llOMtou Miiiitaiu 171
Mexican . 'OiHj Hutto.V Ilostcn. . . . 27W
N.Y..VN.E 1H1 | C.1hlllloli Houll. . D1S
Oln Colo.iv 'JHJ ContennUll lii
0.8. L HlVKr.iniclIti 1HJJ Dlcuo MlU'osc.-ola ' is
union 1'iiolQu KIS.OiU.icy . Ill
WuMiKmi lull
\V. KlPR IWolverinu ' 'im ;
Sim Fl-Miu-luro . llnliiK lui ) < ntl < ) lis.
S\N FHANCIHCO. Feb. 4. The oHIolnl closing
quotations on nilnlni- stocks today wcro ns fol
lows :
Alia IS . ( USUO. ! > 40
AlphaCou , ICQtiliic'ty Con . t
Andes 12
llelehor ill OonlilanltilUon , . . . inn
IlcMt.t Holcnor. . . . 43 Ophlr . Cl
llullion S . U
Caledonia 18 Potosi . 27
ClitillPiicuCon HI S.IV.ITO . il :
Uhollar. 22 Scorpion . U
Confluencu. 7ii Slorr.i .S'ev.ui. . . . 103
Con.Cal.A Vi. : . . . IH Sliver Hill . 4
( 'rown Point 23 Union Con . 43
Exchequer ! 1 UlahCon . 11
( > oulu.v.Currin.J : Yellow Jicot ; . 30
HalcA Norcro3s. . 1UI ) Slanditit : . 130
Julia 1
Silver bars , .Wic ; Mexican dollars. 4GlsiH7c ;
drafts , sight , 20c. drafts , tolegmph , L'iijc.
> 'oiv York All ii I n ir Uiiiitatlnim.
NK\V YOIHC , Feb 4. The following arc the
closing mining quotations :
Cliollar 20 Ontario 23. )
Crown Point. 21 Oonir , 43
Con. Cnl. A V.i. . . . 23 I'lvmoiitn 8
Doadwoou Hi ) QulcU-tllver 10) )
Couul.t Cnrrv 123 Oulc'uilror an. . . 230
Hale&Morcroji. . 10,1 Sterr.iNoirarU. . . . 00
HumesiaKo 3700 Stauil.irl ICO
Iron Silver 40 Union Con : < 3
Mexican 20 Vullowr Jas'.cot . . . . no
Londoii StnciC Quotatlnnn.
I3NDONJ.eb. . 4. I p ; m.-.CIo3lns :
Coilholw. m'v ll'Jhi SM'aul coinmon. . . ORVs
Consols , acct 11234 N Y 121J <
Can. IMctlic Hili-4 Pennsylvania til
Krlo Ill ItunJIlir IIM
Brlo-'dH 41V MPX ( 'on. now 4s. . Ui ! )
111. Cuntr.ti lonv < Atahlson 1IK :
Mexican orilmar ? . . l't ; L. AN U1M
IIAU SILVrai3teady nt M 1-lCd i > er ounce
liONBY ' , ® Vi per cent.
Tno rate of ailecount In thu opsn market for
short bills. Z''t ; pur cent three months' bills. %
per cent. , ' ,
OMAHA. Feb. 4. Clearn'uces. $960,837.20 ; b l-
iincei , 1127,702.M. .
CIIKIAOO , Feb. 4. Clearing' , : ( ! Thn32 ! ; New
York exchange. 21c illscount ; | V > 8im rates , M.W.i
aril , fi.MJ. HtccJis ncilxe ; Kike Strwt strong ;
hpiivy trading In Natlon-il Illsc-tilt oertlflcates ;
Alloy L. rl ; Diamond Mn.teh. Hi , L'ike ritroct 1 , ,
U ; New York lllxcnlt , & " > ; North Chicago , 22ji i
Strnwlcard , 34 ; Went Chicago , 103.
NB\V YOHK , Feb. 4. Cleailngs , H7i.CM.45G ;
balances" . $13 KKJ.SS'J.
HOSTON. I'Vb. I. . '
Clearing , JlS.StC.F.'G ; bal-
anoes , W.4U.M1.
PHILAnKLPHlA. Fob. I. C'lenrlngs , 115,121-
2)3 ) ; balances , JI.S)1.033. )
HALTI.MOHK. Feb. 4.-Clearings , $3.7li3DK ;
balances. $3t ! : > C01.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 4. Clenrlngs , } I,9SI.51I ; lial-
nnce.s. SWCl.K'J ; nv > noy. ® 8 p r cent ; New York
exchange , 2Vdl r.ount bid , pnr nskml ,
MIIMPHIK , Feb. I. Clearings , KA1.3AS ; bal-
nrscon S17,1IJ ; New York exchange wiling nt } l
NEW OHLUANS. Feb. 4. Clonrlngs. J1.C81.-
5K3 ; New York oxinnnge , bank ! par ; commercial ,
fl per Jl.OO ) discount.
CINCINNATI. Fob. 4. Cloirlngs. S1.M3.65- ) :
money. 2V45JC per cent ; Now York exchange , par.
Kori-lRii l-'liillliclnl.
IjONDON. Feb 4. Gold Is quotol at Hucnos
Ayres today at I3i. (
1IEHLIN. Feb. 4.-On the bourse lolay busl-
ness was Irregular. Canadian Paclllc securities
were weak. Prlivs of Orand Trunk nnd Northern
Pnclfl ? * were mrjntalned Hank shares and In-
drstrlal securities weie strong.
PAHM. Feb. 4. Prices on the bourse today
opened linn. Liter they were Irregular and clojed
heavy. Italian iwuiilloK and Spanish 4s were
weaker. Hlo Tlntcs i.-acti l ; 3 ii r cent rentes ,
loir f > 2O ] ( for the account ; exchange on London ,
STif 22140 for cheiUs.
Aini-rli'ilii Si-curltli'M III London.
lyONDON , Feb. 4 The market for American
securities , after declining somewhat , beoamo
quiet with a hardening tondcmy. The closlns
tone was Ilrm and the demand generally light.
.Spornliitliiii In 'I'lilN I'nliu-c C
( u HIIIIK- Pin * .
N'BW YOHK , Feb. 4. Speculation In cotton
contlnueH to hang fire. The cotton market
opened with something like n bull flourMi , fol
lowing a better cla * > s of Kngllsh cables than had
boon looked for , and there was ujme energy
shown by Ihe shorts , who foon changed front ,
however , when they discovered 1'iat outside buyIng -
Ing order were not forthcjmlng. Liquidation
pet In nnd Iho ndvnnco of t to a points which
occurred In the llrst cull was lost before noon.
'Irudlng became very quiet nnil alinosi entirely
local. .Sales for the entile Fr.ilon reached only
K..M bales , Tlio market closed quiet at net un
changed pi Ices to 1 point advance. The net
change for Iho week Is only 1 point , t'put. dull ;
middling , & 13-16c ; net receipts , Ml" hales ; groin ,
2'i'il ball's ; forward , IMil bales ; tali's , nuno ;
etock , 170.039 hales. Weekly : rfet receipts. G.5I7
bales ; grouH , 39,397 biles ; exports to Great Ilrlt-
aln , 3b47 bales ; to France , 1.C02 bales ; to the
continent. 7,210 bales ; forwarded , 7221) bales ;
salon , 7,934 bna : tplnners , .11 bales. Tolul today :
Net recelptf. 22224 bales : expoits to Oreat Drit-
nln , 2,337 Irilcs ; to Franco , ; iDl' ; : * bales ; to the
continent , 23,19'j bales ; block n,210.118 biles. Cin-
rolldatc-d : Net receipts. . J15.u ) bales ; cx | > orts to
Oioat Ilrltaln. 10J.O'i ! baloii 10 France , 20CC2
bales ; lo the continent , 81,9)7 bales. Total hlnce
Hi-ptembor I : Net receipts , ,447 S1 ! ! bales ; ex
ports tj Great Ilrltaln. 2,255.787 bales ; to France ,
018..or bales ; to the continent l.HJ.WI baler.
NKW OHL1IANH , Feb. 4-COTTON Falun's ,
dull ; sales , tici.i bales ; February. ! 5.27 bid ;
Mima. ti.33fii.3l ; April , t3.EIfi5..l7 ! ! May , | J.4i
5.43 ; June , J5.l7ft5.4S ; July , IJ.MffJ.SS ; Annum.
f > .S7ii.8 ; ; Heptcmber. ja.hC'iffl.lS ' ; October. } ' < .fl3'P
5.Co.'pot , Ilrm ; sales , 9,010 bale * ; ordinary , 44c ;
gnoit oidlnary. 4V1 ; low middling. 4 ll-16c ; mid-
dllng , 6(4c ; good middling. 11 v-liio ; middling ITSIr.
Cc ; rocelpm , 7.779 ImltM ; stock 51J,7oi ( bales.
LIVMHI'OOL , Fob. 1.-COTTON Hp it. higher ;
good middling , 3 11-3.M ; Ainirlcaii intd < lllng ,
3 7-32d ; low middling , 3 1-loJ ; good ordinary ,
2 29-32d ; ordlnaiy , Z'iJ. The ralcn of the day
wcro lO.CCi ) bales , of which l.W were for eiie'ju- . and export nnd Included S.TuI bales Ameri
can. Hecelpls. 17 < nt ) bale * , Including 10,000
bales American. Futures opened quiet , with a
poor demand ant ] clost'.l quiet but steady. Amer
ican middling. I. in , c. , February , 3 1C-04J. buy
ers ; February and March , 3 10-Old. buyers ; MJKV
and April , 3 10-Clfc3 11-Cld , buyers : April nnd
May , 3 ll-C4d , buyers ; May nnd June. 3 12-Cld
fellers ; June and July. 3 li-64il , te'lers , Juno and
July , 3 12-CITI3 13-C4d. buyers ; July und Augutt ,
u IJ-CIIJ3 14-Cld , eellrra ; August and Heptomber ,
3 H-Cld , fellers : ttepiernbcr and October. 3 ll-ni
3 15-Cld , tellers ; October and Noxember , 3 15-61 J ,
November nnd December. 3 1S-CI03 16-Old , st-llera.
IIO3TONI'rii. . 4.-WXI llo.wlnR ara thu
Quotations for the leading inscriptions :
Mk-hlpnn. Wisconsin , ete.-.X MlehlRan , lie ;
No. 1 Michigan comblnir , > c. No. l IlllnoU
rnmblni ; , He ; No. 2 MlrhlKan comblnir Stllfja'
No. 8 Illinois comblnit. 2SfJo. delaine JllchUan ,
27e ; unwashed medium Kentucky and Indiana
nuarter-bloi.d comblnvs , 2Ju ; Kentucky quarter-
blued combliiK , ! < 723c ; Mlmourl lhree-elihthi
blood : , 23Uic ; braid enniblnK. 31c ; lake ,
und ( leorsla , SJWJlc. Texas Wools Spring me- '
dlutn , twelve mtnth * , ICiilSc ; Hcourad price , 3tQ
Kn ; nirlni ; line , uvrlvo inonthi , ISQI'Jc ; < coureiT
SlflUe , Territory Wooln Montana Hnn medium
und line. lC/ISc / ; ( enured. 43fi4Je : stapla. ! : iJ ; .
I'tali. WjoinltiB. eii'Klne medluni anl line 1J
Jrl'i' : fcoured. lnftMc ; slaplo. f,2tf6Jc. Australian
Wooln Si-oureU limit combine , fc'jptrllr.e , 70yrs
K > ol cuinhlng. fSMMe average combine. 6jjCt , I
( ju-r > unland combine , 65c. >
ST Mil-IB. Keb. 4. WOuL-KInn : n.-llnin. 15
t/ivhc , liKhi ilnu UWlif , heavy line , St/Hc , tub
Run for the Iky Shows Considerable Varia
tion in Numbers.
Cuttle Itrct-lptK Unlit mid Knt lleeven
Very St-nrcp Prior *
Hotfi Open Act
ive , Clinlim I.oner.
SOUTH OMAHA , Fob. l.-UoeeJpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
I-ebruary 4 l.SM r.SGI 2 , ! > J4. 24
February 3 l.WH 4,21' . ) W'iVS ' 1
February 2 31S2 fi.112 4,3.10 33
February 1. . . . . . . . 2,375 7,3'J3 3,937 SI
Jniltmry 31 1,852 , 2,4S > 5 4.5M 2
January J3 743 4,527 l,7l 50
Jnnimry 2S 1,742 n.ClO 2,431 SO
Janimry , 27 2,771 ti,31S 6,253 . . . .
January 2rt 2.5SG 5,135 S.C9J
Jnnimry 25 2,437 5,731 4.532 9
Jnnimry 24 1,741 2,613 2.C25
January 22 0,97 7,529 449 . . . .
Jnntiary 21 1 , 47 B.S31 2.2G1
January 20 1,553 n.781 4C9i ) . . . .
Jnnimry 1 ! ) 2,4'fl ' 0,953 5,413 5
The number of cars of stock
brought In today by each rend was :
Cnttlo. Hogs , Sheep.
C. , SI. a St. I . lly 2
Missouri ( Pacific Hy 1
Union I'nrlllc System 12 20 4
O. oi X.V. . Hy 1
F. , H. & M. V. H. H fi 20
S. O. & 1' . lly 2 1
C. , St. P. , M. .t O. Hy fi 5
H. ei M. It. U. H 10 22 G
O. , 11. oi CJ. Hy I fi
C. , H. 1. & 'I' ' . Hy. , H S I
C. , H. 1. oi P. Hy.V 1
Total receipts 53 SO 10
The Olsposl'lon of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
luyers. ? Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co fi 1.10J
The O. 11. Hammond Co. 202 97.1
Swift and Company 23i ) 1,117 1,814
The ( . 'udiiny 1'ucklng Co. 520 1,232 CIS
P. D. Armour , Chicago .G3
1C. Hei-ker and Uegan . . . . " 0
Vansailt o > Co ! U
Lohmnn oi. Kothschllds . . IS
Iti-ntuu . 'i Underwood . . . . 3 . . . .
Huston & { Co IS
KreblM it Co 71
Mvlngston & Scftnlor . . . 100
H. Hamilton 53
Cuddly Hros < . . . 212 . . . .
Chicago P. Co. , Nob. City . . . 301
Other buyers 170 . . . . 13
Left over CO
Totals U20 6iilO 2.59S
CATTLI5 Hecelpts of cattle were still
lighter than yesterday , omy lltty-llvo loads
of all kinds uelng reported In the yards.
The market us -whole wa-i In fairly satis
factory condition , Is the demand mus
good as compared to the receipts and the
trade was fali-Iy iietlve at prices not
materially chanced from yesterday.
Fat cattle wero'In 'good domund , but the
supply was extrcmaly .small , only a dozen
lo.uls of steers' being on sale. The prices
paid were Just about Mtt-tuly with yesterday
and everything was > old early. There was
nothing very good among the. offerings , the
best cattle here being only good enough to
bring $1.15. A bunch of very heavy stags
brought J3.CO and 13.70.
Cows and heifers were a'so In good de
mand and sold freely nt fully steady prices.
In ? omo Instances the most desirable kinds
sold at tlrm prices. Thu offerings ' .voro
mostly all taken In good season.
Stackers and feeders so.d a little better to
day , the demand being moro pronounced and
thu movement more active. The country
seems to have gotten over Its fright ,
partially at least , and Is buying once more.
There were quite a good many stock cattle
on sale and tlio offerings generally met
with ( julto rcaily takers. Hopresentative
sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . G10J373 61..11IU375 ! 21..10.2 { 4 15
2. . . ISO 420 1S..13 < 3 430 8..1277 4 ! 6
1..14SO 430 1..13.V ) 405 1..C70 37. ;
IS. . . . 803 38.1 S..10S2 4 O ) 12..1108 370
4S..W3 300 3..1003 3 : 2. > . . . .12 7 410
15..1308 120 22..1279 4-10 1..10W 340
lOfil 3 ? 5
7(11 ( 2 35
.l.-MO 3 2.- ,
I2li 3 23
1173 3 50
S H ) 2 00
9W 2 00
.1003 2 73
030 2 50
. .1017 2 93
. .1110 30
9-0 ! 3 10
. .1177 323
. .1011 3 35
. .113J 3 50
. .1US3 350
1W3 2 75
1134 335
- ' ' ' " - -
! ! ! ! < VO 331 . . . . ; , 333 T..113. ! ! 341
1. . . . 790 2 00 1. . . . 940 2 3S 4.1010 233
1. . . . 91 * 26- 2..1075 - . 63 . ! -.SW 275
810 375
G73 3 40
32' ' ) 3 53
070 3 75
4C3 3 35
1..1550 32. ' . 1..1HO 283 1..1SCO 3d )
2..IC30 3K 2.,170i ) 33' ' ) 1..1S7) ) 3 3i
1..H3I ) 310 2..1490 2 40 1..11.10 20) )
1..1330 I ! 20 1..123) ) 32i ) a..IMS 323
I..1332 323 1..10IO 3 IT. 11..ISM 3 : ' ,
1..1(110 ( 3 3. ) 1..1MO 3 33 1 ID.1) 3 31
1 1S70 340 1..1070 340 1..1W ) 343
1..2 > M 3.13 1..1210 281 I.1130 2Xi
- - ' , .1739 3 CO
, .1270 3 2J
ISO 5 60
341 4 C :
3 70
rae 3 os
"X 4 XD
511 4 55
770 3 31
MI 3 54
435 4 If
731 4 2i
425 4 ft3
70) 3 7.1
131 4 03
32U 4 41
is ! ! ! ! 797 3 SO 22. . . . Bli 4 6) T. . . . SOO 4 10
2 . . . + .1 4 3D 2i . . 513 4 K3
HOClrf The hotr nisirkot opened pretty closa to this mnrnlnt ; nml WHH f.ilriy ncllvo r.u'.y.
I/iter on , UK thu nvji-c urgent unit-re wens flllu'l ' ,
l/uyi-r InwcrnJ their liamlH nml the close wan
Wi-nk nnil ilull to Sc lower.
Iluaiv IIOKH solil ut f3.tl7WT3.73. Iho name lu *
jvittenlay , but tlif proportion ut tlm sales ut
J3.7'i4'n.s ' nuieli larger toil-iy.
Mi-ilium wflulit nml lleht lomln liroiiRht JJ.i'dfl
3.k".Mth qullo a ntitnlior of ( roo.1 llh'lil lo.ids
nt < 3.77i. !
The nvernifc of nil Ilio Bales was T4c lo\v , r
than yi'Htoritay. but Or lilnhiT than on ilonluy
nnl lOu Iilslier limn a week HBO. Itcpri-Kon'.ntlvr-
sail's :
Nn. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. J li. I'r.
05 ai no $31- .is ssi 450130714
ji si ) t.o 3 civ rr , 300 < o 370
SJ 2S8 40 370 7J 110 80 370
72 277 KO 3 70 5S 3 . . . 370
21 3 8 hi ) 370 4) 270 . . . 370
r,0 33S 200 370 31 373 120 370
50 33(1 ( R1 3 70 B ! ) 372 SO 370
Oil IIJ 40 370 M 21-i 120 370
54 3JB J20 370 C4 J.Vi 120 370
. ( U 2CO . . . 370 C7 281 120 370
18. ; 273 10 37i ) B4 502 80 370
yj 271 120 370 7 ? 213 1S > 370
3.1 271 . . . 370 Cl 2I 120 370
U 27.1 40 370 Cl 275 81 370
JO W . . . 370 69 310 120 370
51 311 120 37D . . 73 -S7 U ) 370
10 211 SO 3 T ) S3 141 210 370
01 3lt 2(0 ( 370 C3 277 fcO 370
M 2 120 370 01 311 200 370
70 2S4 . . . 370 71 2'J. ICO 370
57 324 2W 3 7' ' ) f.2 23i . . . 370
C3 311 10) ) 370 70 J34 l 370
03 2S7 SO 370 75 2VS . . . 370
55 34S 320 370 CO 503 0 370
li 2 ! * ) 40 370 C3 230 . . . 370
81 211 . . . 3 72V5 . 70 218 M 3 72Vj
CS S33 fO 3 7i'.4 ' C9 -fit '
.323 120 3 72W 77 243
6 254 40 37Ji ! 72 301
Ct 'iU 129 3 72fc TO 2 < ! 4 40 3721-5
73 231 . . . 373 33 | MI . . . 375
71 255 40 37.1 10 l1 . . . 375
11 275 . . . 373 B2 435 . . . 375
75 210 120 375 67 2M . . . 373
C2 591 120 375 C3 219 80 373
12i 277 . . . 373 11 213 . . . 375
Si 209 40 373 02 2C3 . . . 375
4J 248 . . . 37.1 Cii 202 . . . 375
73 191 . . . 373 SI 219 SO 3 77Vj
71 211 . . . 3771J 73 222 . . . 3 77 $
82 232 80 3 77W C9 2.0 . . . 380
C4 2f , < i . . . 3 S1 75 220 . . . 3W
C7 IIO 4' ' ) 3 M 78 239 4) 3W
1 ZO . . . 270 2 28.1 . . . 372V4
1 44) . . . 361 S 133 . . . 3 72' , {
2 310 M 3 CO 8 W . . . 375
1 320 . . . 3 l 2 JOT . . , 3 7J
4 221 , . . 370 5 JJ . . . 375
J Vfl . . . 370
HHI2IJI1 Thrre was n fair run of ht < p iunio
of them iHlnit right il lratle muff. The de-
mum ! . u us been tint cam all tlila weak , wan
iirtlvu ami the oflerliiKS all changed liandu rnrly
n > KVt\ linn prkon. ItcptenentatUu nale :
No. Av. I'r.
M culls M J22J
Id WfMrrn tvtn 101 4ft )
ti wen rn 112 40 }
770 MMtOAn Utnbs . . . . . . Ct K 10
ITS wntem Uinb * . . . . . . 6 ! S U
Kl w t rn Inmbs . . . M r , si
IU w t rn lambs . 74 i 4. %
4s nritern Imiibs . 9 ' ro
418 wc t rn mlxe.1 . 1M 4 10
" 30 western yearlln s . 93 4 3 < >
CIIICARO i.Tvli STOCK .11 uucirr.
OfTorlnixs of Ciidli * Arc Itoiullb
Mronir lrli >
n rn <
CIUCAOO , Feb -TOfre wa nn ncthe ile.
mand for cattle today nnd the offerings were
readily tnken nt strong prices. ChiMre ciltle
were very scarce. The ruige of prices for c-mi
mon to tlm best lots of tieef steers was from
$1.00 to $ J.M. sales t > elng largely nt Jl.J-flS.oO. A
good many fed westerns sold nt $ l.ftVI.M ) niul
Tctans sold nt } .1.61tt4. : suvkers nnil lecili rn
brought $ l.SOff4.Sii. Cnlxes w re cnrce nnd Hi.
besi grades rold ns hlRh as I7. < X ) .
Trade. In bogs Btnrlnl In ncthc nl yosiorl y'
best prices nnd Ihero were fevernl .sales of
prime henvy hogs nl J4. < 0. Uiter Ihe deinnn.1 fell
off and prices declined nbout So. The d.n's s.iba
were at an extreme Mnpe of J3 Mfll.'M. Hii-
bulk being nt J3. 'a f3.ia. ! . Plg sold Inrgely
nl W.SMf3.SO. . .
Trvlo In shorp nnd lambs wn brl l < at > 4 , o
ft'.SJ for > earllnfr sl'ecp. JI.7M- | ! f.r p or t"
prime lambs nnd IJ.IJHI.7S fur Inferior to rtrlolly
choice sheep , ewts fetching J4.w r4.3 ; . . l-'e.l
western sheep oomprlsod the bulk of the rerol.ts |
nnd fold chiefly nt M. 04.CO.
Hecelpls : Cuttle. a.BOi ) head ; hOES , CS.CW bond.
sheep , S.iJV ) heild.
KmiHitn Cll > - l.lvi * Stuck.
KANSAS CITY. Fob. 4.-CATTI.F-llecelpts
S.iiOi ) n.Hlves , JIM routhotn ; choice unlives Btrc.nR.
western grades and stocKcrs nnd feeders a. me
nnd steady ; cnws nnd heifers. Meidy to in.-
higher ; Texns nnd Indlnn cattle. Sc hlnher. J3 W
JfS.Oi ) ; western steers. J.I r.0il. " , ; we tern O.IWB.
t2.2SH3.40 ; native steers. fl.iSS/3.00 ; bulk. } l.4. " t
4.fl' ; native cows nnd heifers , t2.2'ifri.2S ; BtiK-k-
crs nnd feedois , fJ.KfH.M ; bulls , } 2.WS ) < * >
HOdS-Hocelpts. in.'iW head : market opened
steady to strong ; closed steady to Slower ; b-ilk
of sales , J3.6T > if3. ! ) ; heavies. fS.G5lN.Sa : pa. Kors ,
l3.C.-H3.92ii ; mixed , 3.f < > ff3.W : lUhtK. taiHU.ifi.
yorkeri' . } J.70tt3.7. . ; pies. J3.30ITJ.7n.
aitKKP Heeelpls. 3.IXH1 held ; nnrket ncllve
nnd strong ; western multons ; Mexican
owes nnd atockers , actUe ; lambs uctl\c , $ I.COO
6. SO.
Iinllanaiiollx Iiivo Stroli.
fen he-id ; shlptncnls , 400 bead ; m-irkrl nctlvo nnd
n g' ' " od cloarnnoe was made : good lo prlmo steers.
t.S-.n Ibs. nnd upward. J4.'rifir. . good to cholo
1..1.VI to l.SiW-lb. uli-ers 4.r,0a < .73 : cciiinii'ii ' t"
goivl ftix-kers , f2.7.1i3."i' ) .
ICOI'S Hocolpts , fi.W ) bond : shipments. S.SOi
bond ; market active nnd all sold stnma to
hlshor prices ; good to choice medium nnd heavy.
t3.iWfri.CH1 ; mixed and heavy packing , J3.S.Vir3 90.
comnvn lights , J3
SHFKP Hecelpts. Cfo bond ; shlpmi'nts , fair.
mnlkot active at steady prices ; good to olmli o
lamb" . JS.nft.l.OI : ci-mmon to medium Inmbn.
J3.7dff..2j commiin sheeop. J2.2r4f3.CO.
St , l.onlH Live Stocl ; .
KT I/11'IS Feb 4. ( 'ATTI.Il Hecplpt" . 2n < M
head : pblpmonls , l',7rt ( ) market strong fur
n.'tlves. with Texnns steady : fair native ship
ping and export steers. J4.4HU5.2S : beef fleers.
W.rnii-4.90 ; mocker * nnd feeders. I ! . . * > nfy4.35. cnws
nnd holfers. J2.nO'il.'iil ; Toxns nnd Moero ,
S3.OWI.40 : cows and helfors. : . .
HOOri Hocclpts , 7,100 head ; shipments , a.r.iv
head : market Bo orplcr ) lluhl , t3.70ii.t.75 mixed ,
S3.70fl3 v : , : heavy J3.S.-.W3.IH
S1HI21JP Heci-Itits , 703 head ; shipments.2V'
headmaiket slondv ; nnllve muttons , Jl.OiiIf
4.50 ; lambs , > j,00li < i.7.1.
\ < MV York LlviStinU. .
NI3\V YOHK. r b 4. 1IHPVKS Ue-elpts. ! -
Tf.3 head : nallvo ? loers. 4.r.j4.B ! : slags nn.l
oxen. J3. lfT4 < ; i ) bulls , W.nMia 7.1. dry cous. $ 'J 2- .
IS.Tr Cables quote Amerlonn steers at li ' 4W
lie. refrlgoiator beef. 8UC < " < ? : no e\K > rts.
CALVHS Hocelpts. 171 head ; veals. J.l.ooif 9.00 ; $1.20.
SlinUP AND LAMHS-HoroJnls , 3,440 head ;
sheep. J1.noff3.7r. ; In nibs. J. , . VI J ( ; . : . - . .
HOOS Hecclpts , 2.70I head ; higher nt J ) .
Cliii-linintl Live Stock.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 4. HOC.S Active nt $3.20
Stemly nt J2 2.1WI 7.1.
SHRFiP-tftondy nt fa.7 : . j I.C3.
LAMHri Rlendy nt ) .
Sloi-U In Mirlit.
Hocord of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets fjr February 4 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnlin . 1.391 ii.MI S.S5I
Chlcniro . 8.-10 22.000 8 W
Kansas City . 3.000 13.700 3 , < W
St. Louis . . . 2,000 7.1W 'CO
Totals . 091 4S.IC1 14.851
OoIViM' Jlnrlcots
NnYOHK. . Feb -OOFFIJi : Options
opened steady , with prices unchanged ; ndvancod
3 points on belter cables , sm-iller receipts at Illo
nnd Santos , largo warehouse deliveries In this
country and tinner ruling of atlllililo of spot
holders ; cloeeiV steady w-llh prices 5o Ulglier to
r points not lower : sales. 19.2.V ) bags. Im-ludlnT
March nl J37.1 Spot corToe. Hlo. slondv ; No. 7.
Invoice , Wr' : No. 7 , JobbhiK. C'ic. Mild , steady ;
Cordova smnr/c total warehoufo deliveries
from the United States. 14fi ! ' ! > bigs. Including
13 4 M hairs from New York ; New York Flock I . -
ilnv ' C33 177 bags : Tnlted Slates stick i.i4 M2
bag's ; nllont for the United States , S37.000 bngs ;
totil visible for the United 'Htntcs ' , bflKs.
nirnln-t 712,310 bags last year1 and Gll.Iia bags In
lgSANTOS Fob. l.-COFFKE-Slosdv : ffood
average Santos. 8.400 rels ; receipts. 20.000 bags ;
stock. M4 fA' bags.
HAMlirilC. . Frb 4-rOFrKB-On ncd un-
linniti.l' nt 2 : 0 p. m. pto"ly and unchnnged tn
ii nfir hlirher : pnlos , 2.1 000 bar .
4RIO Pi : JANFIHO. Feb. l.-COFFRF.-Steady
No 7. nin. s.7.1 ! ) rols : "cchange. 027-.2.1 . ; re-
celiits P rffl bags ; cleared for the United Stiles.
15 OTO b ir ; cleared for Furone. ) bags.
HAVItn. lh. . 4. COFFlii : Clopod steady ;
sales , l.COO bags ]
_ _
'XiMV ' York IJry Oooil Mnrlci't
NK\V YOHIC , Feb. 4. Pry goods show con
tinued Irregularity. Woolen goods nre In sternly
demand In nil quarters , prices being well FIIS-
talned nn.l buyers moro nctlve than bi'furp Hie
recent cold weather. Cottons are In moderate
reatifst tliousli the market remains linn In all
grides Ituylnir orders have not. been numerous
In tbe' ! ! during the week , many hav
ing been kept away b > - Iho storm during the
enrlv part of the week and deferring their visits
until next week or later on that nccnunt. Most
nf these out of town buyers prefer to put In
the entire week or nothing. In staple cottonj the
Mtuatlon Is nbn-it ns heretofore. Print clolhs
nnl fill quotM nt 2 3-Kc , but no business re-
nortcd tmtiiy at this price. In prints the dornand
from road fslesmcn has assumed larger proportions
tions on nil seasonable lines.
Oil MnrUi'ls.
OIH CITY , Feb. 4. Crollt tnlnncvs , 01 ; cor-
tinentr . * .nli-s of cash oil. 15 ( . > ) bbls. nt CSc.
30 bbls. nt 01-Hc ; ci swl , M ic bid , n'aiilnr i e-
ilverv : nhlpmonls , 72.231 bbls. : runs. rs BS.I bbls.
W1LMINOTOX. Fob. l.-OII-S-Sii'rlts ttirnon-
llno. Ilrm.321732UC. . Ilosln. Ilrm 51 - ) .
Cnido turpentine. Htondy. | 1.40f1.90. Par ,
" '
'rilAlliliBSTON. Feb.OILS"Tnrp nt'nj. '
firm , H2c : snles , none. Hosln , Ilrm , uno'inngol ;
' "
CvAffN-AII , Ffli. -OILS Spirits of fur
por'lno ' Ilrm XvtffW ? . ' Billon. 37.1 bbts. : re-
celpts , 1W bbl9. H'Wln firm , unchangnl , Fnlw ,
none ; receipts , 23U bl ls.
NEW OHLKANS Fob. 4. SUOAH Open Icot-
tie sto.idv nt 2i * . ' ic ; conlrlfni-'fil wtei\- !
uranulnleil , 4--iffl 1110whiles. ; . S'O43-lCc ; > ! -
lows. 3 11-lGffl I K.c : socunds. 2 > .f3Ur. JIoa ! s-
1/oMIo. stoadv at It427o- centrifugal , easv it W
13csvrun "londy ' lRf4c
NEW YOHIC. Feb. 4. SUOAH-Hnw , nrm ;
fnlr refining. 3 ii-ICc : centrlfiiKul , ( W tost. 4 1-liii- ;
ri-nne.l Ilrm : crushed rvtepowdorod. . n 1-1 do ;
pnmulntod. r.Ue ; mould A r.-- standard A Se :
confi-ctlnners' A , ! ic ; cut leaf r.Sc . ; cubes. 5 5-1if. (
Illili' iMiil l.iMitlii'p MnrUi't.
CIIICAOO Feb. I. The Shoe nnd Leather He-
view of t-imcrrow will sny : There hiivn benn
gooil vale * of both native nnd brnnded lihlcs
plnno nur 'art report. We February native
Floor hides hold nt ll'/ie. leather Is etronger nml
thci tanners are ( Inner thin ever In vl w of Ihe
high cost nf t'.io hides. Country buff hides have
ndvnnood xharnly an1' ' Ihero nre rumors of Fales
at 10Vo and 91lc for Nos. 1 nnd 2.
MANrniCSTEII , Fob. -Clolhs nnd ynrns
Btendy , with a moderate ilemanT.
H. R. PEHNEY & CO. ,
HO Board of Trndo Bldg1. , Omahn , Neb
Onice. 103S N Si Lincob. Neb
c. c. ciiiHSTni. K. . ,
President. Vice President.
Commission Co
Capital , tjCill.OOD.OO. I'dlly I'nlil ,
Tclcplionc 1030. Oinnlia , Neb
Dlren wires to Chicago and New York.
Corretpondentsi John A. Wamn & Co.
Membora Chicago Board of Trade tlnco ISCi.
Grain , Provisions anj X. Y. StocHs
Orders Cash nnd future Delivery Solicited.
Omaha OHIi-c , lloniil 1 , \ . \ ' . Llfu Illilff ,
. . . . 'Plionit 1)111. ) . . .
ri.OYI ) J. CAJIPUMLL , Jliinnuor ,
A New
/ " , 4
/.tdbor of " 9ho , "
"Ktnp Solomon's Miiiog , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
Story Entitled
Tlio hero of Hit ? story la n jnuul- ;
son of KttiK Solomon on nn ex
pedition to tlio Golden Onlih * of
the Ulblo.
A Romance of Pro-Historic
Africa , Dnringly
Ininginntlvo and Full
of Thrilling Action.
This story will appear In
As a Sirlnl. In Ten Instnlmcnts ,
I'ehniitry 13.
( With Illustrations. )
In this story Mr. Haggard makes
a now demonstration of his won
derful power In the neld of pure
romance. Ho once moro boldly
lifts the curtain that hldca tlio fate
of nations dead nnd hurled la Iho
agca of which no record remains ,
except In the silent ruins oi their
ZlnVboe , an Inland' ' trading city
that flourished In the heart of
Africa 3,000 years ngo , and peopled
by the Phoenicians , Is the accno ot
the story. To thH city comes
PKaco Azlcl , o grandson of KlnR
Solomon , accompanied by Isaachar ,
n priest of Israel , znd Mctcm , a
Phoenician trader , who brings a
caravan of merchandise.
In Ellssa , daughter of Sakon , king
ot Zlmboo , the prince meets his
fato. King Ithohal , lord of many
legions of savogo warriors. Is al
ready a suitor fet her head. Ho
sues In true barbarian fashion ,
seeks to carry her off by force , and
lo foiled In the attempt by Prlnco
Azlel. The fitory tinfoldn lleelf
around the feud between the Prlnco
ot Israel and the savage King Itho
hal. Ellesa bis slvcn her heart
to Azlel , and loaths tbo barbarian
monarch. Isaachar , 'tho ' priest , la
determined that no prince of the
house of David shall wed a heathen
maiden , whoso people worship Baal.
As n result of his Intrigues , Kllssa
Is elected the high priestess of
This fixes an Impaesahlo religious
gulf between her and Azlcl , Their
passionate love seeks to BUrmoucit
all barrlere. Meantime , Ithobil
draws his huge array of savages
nroucil tlio fated city , nnd demand
ing UlUea. In marriage , prepares
to destroy It If ho la refused , How
Kllssa violates her oath as high
priestess and prepares to fly with
Azlcl ; how they ara both discovered
nnd threatened- with death by the
priests of Haal ; how , to save each
other , e.hc , by her right an the high
prlcBtrca of Haal , names him her
huaband , while ho runouncefl his
faith and offers Inccneo to Baal ;
how Itliobal'fl horde of savages
storms the walls of the city , and
both Azlel and Kllsoi fall Into lib
power ; and how , at last , Azlel eo-
capra with Ills life by Klltea'o
feigned Hiibmlcslon to Ithobal , olio
In turn escaping Ithohal by killing
herself. Is all told In Mr. Haggard's
moat faoelnatlng ranr.aer ,
The awful ceremonies In the tern-
plo ot Haal , the weird rltca In the
sacred grovco of Zlmboe , and the
barbaroua battle ECODCO of that far-
off time , are described with all the
author's marvelous wraith of Imag-
( native resource.
It la a story that will surely rack
as one of tlio great works of fiction
of J8SS.
In the
Watch for It !
Read It !