Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1898, Image 1

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live Dollars Knocked Off Fares Between
Chicago and Denver ,
Throe-Dollar Oat Between Gate City and
Denver and Spokane.
Burlington and Union Pacific Meet Hock
Island and Canta Fo ,
Tno It ( Mid H Whoie PUN I Service Taken
JUffeet Tomorrow * > a > They Will
Sleet Ml riniiron tif Their
, | Coiniietltar * .
It ban been many months since such a
lively morning was f = cen In Omaha pas
senger circles. Ilatcs between Omaha and
Denver , betwcccn Omahi and Spoktno and
liotwccn Chicago and Denver went tumbling
down lllto tenpins knorkcj good and hard.
In the language ot a bDVvler , "Thcj're
down In both alleys , " nnd no ono knows
When they'll bo set up again.
The reductions have all been brought
nbout by the announcement ot two lines that
they would establish fast train oervlcc be
tween Chicago anu Denver \la Omaha on
Sunday , Februarj C. To keep pace with the
Increased popularity of the Northwestern-
Union Pacific and of the IJurllmgton railroads
on account of their fast train service that
will bo Installed on Sunday the Hock Island
and the Santa Ke lines decided to cut the
rates between the terminal points of the
now fast trains. Thla decision VVJH reached
Thursday afternoon In Chlcaco. despite the
of General Passenger Agent Ulack
of the Santa 1'c on Tuesday , that no rates
would be cut The Northwcstcin-Unlcci Pa-
ciflc and the liurllngton lines have concluded
to do a little rate cutting theirsehes , and
accordingly announced reduced rates good
between the points named on any tialnt ,
whether slow or fast Whether the Hock
Island and the Santa Fo will now attempt
to maintain a differential rate for their
slower trains by a further cut Is a problem
tlat Is now confronting the passenger agcatu
The nevv rnte ibetwccn Omaha and other
cities on the Missouri river to Douvei , to
apply In both directions on .ml utter Sun
day , Fiibruaiy C , is $14 , an open reduction
of ? 3. The rnte between Denvsr and Chicago
cage , to apply In both directions on nnd
after the same date , la ? 21CO , an open cut of
$5 The late between Do'ivar nnd St. Louis ? ,
effective both waj3 on the 4.11110 date , Is $22.
Those ieductions were announced by all
Hncj between the points named hero this
morning. The nuti'nglon ' announced a eut
o ! $5 In the rales from Oimhi and other
MlFiouil river points to Spokaii" , making
the Ural-class ratti $15 , and the second-class
rate $13 , the redm1" ! tales 10 apply via nil-
lingo and Portland. The clfce : of this cut
V ) to place Omaha snl other Missouri liver
points on the came basis with regard to
travel to Spokane as arc St. Paul und Min
These reductions and the excellent pros
pect for further cuts In passenger rates eait
nnd west of hero caused many hurried meet
ings of the passenger men
General Passenger Agent Durley
> f the Oregon Short Line , Traveling
Passenger Agent Ho wells of the Milwaukee
and City Passenger and Ticket Agent West
of the Northwestern met at the Union Pa
cific headquarters end talked over the slt-
uatlai with the olllciala of the passenger
department there.
General Passenger and Ticket Agent A. D
Cults of the Minneapolis & St Loula and
General Agent Hutherford of the Hock Isl-
3. . nmi'B passenger department called at the
n. fr M. headquirtcra and talked over the
disturbed rate situation with General Pas-
oonger Agent Krone's. ' In the meanwhile the
vvlrca from both headquarters lo Chicago
were kept warm with queries for the latret
advices and suggestions based on the ac
tions ot competing lines. Notice of the re
duction In ratea was forwarded by telegraph
tothe lnlcrctato Commerce commission at
.Washington by the various lines.
The announcement that the Hock Island
anil the Santa Ko lines would meet the In-
' ' "augwalloa of fast ( rain seniro by the North-
ncslcrn-Unlon nnclflo and by the Durllngton
lines by an opro reduction in rates created
110 surprise in Omaha railway circles. The
Inauguration of fast train service between
Chicago and Denver has been a reposition
that foas moro or less iierturbed western pis-
seiigei circle * for some time. Tlie liurllngton
pcopln wcro the first to consider the inove
about five months ago. Hut they had about
given tlu n" ter up , believing that the
travel would not Justify the additional ex
pense , when Iho Northwestern-Union Pacific
combination Jumped in with a fast train to
make Us Initial trip on Tobniary 0. In or
der to protect Its own travel and moro
especially to guard against the posblbllltj
of the loon of Its mall contract , the llurllug-
tou followed suit with the announcement
that It too would put on fast trains between
Chicago and Denver on I'obruary C.
The Hock Island people maintain that they
can make just as fast tlmt > between Chicago
and Denver HS the other lines , but say they
do not believe the amount of ttavcl justifies
putting o" " "eh fast trains. Speaking ot the
mutter to The lice Hock Island official
fcald ; "I know some people say thai vvw can
not make Hie lime , but that U not cortect.
Our fast mall Iraln from Chicago lo DCS
Molncs makes Iho run In eight hours , and on
nny number of occaslonH wo 1'avo covered
the stretch from DCS Molncs to Council Illuffh
In two hours and thirty mlnutos , If our
fast mall train came through at that
rate , II would mwn a run from Chicago to
Council DIuffs In eleven hours or lens The
best tlmo now made by an > of thu other
lines Is thirteen hours and fifteen mlnutrc.
60 It is hardly correct cr fair to E.I > It'o be
cause the nock Island cannot make thu time
thnt we have not announced fast train i > anlc ,
j Our people do not bellcvu that the hcav ) ex *
( icnso of iho fast trains Is just < it present
justified by tbo travel. There la no such ex
pensive luxury for a rallrcad a.a a number of
taut limited trains and unleia there la sulll-
clent travel for them In night I doubt It It's
. wlso to put them into amice. "
CHICAGO , Feb. 4. The osnfercnco held to-
flay at the oflico of the \Vtstern Pastcnger
- ' association between
representatives of the
Atchlson , Hurllnglon , Northvvcslcrn and
Rock Inland roads over the rale situation
between Chicago nnd Denver failed to ac
complish anything and the rate announced by
the Atchlson and the Hock Island will go
Into effect on Sunday as announced.
Chairman Caldwcll mndo every effort to
Induce the four lines to come to some agree
ment , but he could do practically nothing
The Northwestern said It could not take off
Its fast train for the reason that the fast
train which It will start on Sunday will
glvo It a daylight service between Chicago
and the ( Missouri river which it has not
until now been able to secure. The Ilur- .
llngton threw all the responsibility ot Iho
fight on the shoulders of the Northwestern ,
and said that It had not now , nor had It at
nny time , the deslro to provoke any trouble ,
but It was forced to put on a fast train by
the notion ot the Northwestern.
The Northwestern said It could not take
off Us fast train ; the liurllngton said Us
Iraln must remain as long as Iho North-
wcstcrn'o Iraln was running and that ended
Us side ot Iho case.
On the other hand , the Atchlson and the
Hock Island reiterated their determination
to cut the rate between Chicago and Den
ver by $5 , and Immediately after the nest
ing concluded the announcement was mcde
bj a placard In the vvtndowN of Ihc Atclil-
son llcket olllco lhat tickets to Dcnvor
could bo purclwed for $24.50. The Rock
Island took similar action and In a few min
utes both the Northwestern and the
Hurllngton had met the rate and the fight
was on In earnest.
The reduction of $3 between Chicago and
Denver will certainly pull down the rate
between Chicago and Omaha by $2 rnl
between Omaha and Denver by ? 1. Tbo
liurllngton und Union Pacific today in-
nouucod that they would make thc o reduc
tions at the same time as they made the
cut In the rate between Chicago and Den
ver. The Northwestern Iraln , which created
the trouble , will surely , General Passenger
Agent Knlstcra says , start on Sunday. This
Is positive.
cnviuu.M ) i\ui : Mioitn
Two fircn ItnllrnnilH VnMer Ml Into
OIKJ'ropfrtj. .
NRW YOFIK Pph. 4 The Lnkn Shorn
today became the property of the New
York Central & Hudson Hlver Hallroid com
pany. The final arrangements of tbo trans
fer of the L/iko Shore Bjstem to the control - >
trol of the Central were made this mornIng -
Ing , when the directors of the Central met
hero to consider the proposition made some
tlmo ago for a union of the two roads
Into one sjstctn , to be operated hereafter
as ono road stretching from New York to
Nearly nil of the directors were present
and those who could not bo on band sent ,
proxies favoring the puichaso by the Cen
tral of the Lake Shore. Chauncey M. De-
pew , presldenl of Iho Central , presided and
represented tbo Vanderbllt Interests In both
the Lake Shoio and the Central. Francis
Lyndo Stetson was there as a representa
tive of the Morgan Interest. There was a
full and free discussion of the plan pro-
1 oscd to unite under ono management the
two roads and the result was that the dl-
lectors voted without dissent to take over
the Isiko Shore.
In accordance with Iho plans Ihe Central
dlrcclors authorized an Issue of $100,000,000
of 100- > ear 3' , per cent collateral gold
bonds , nach $1,000 bond Is to bo given In
exchange for five shares of Lake Shro
The operation which the announcement
brings on Involves the $0,400,500 of LnUe
Shore stock outstanding. The \anderbilt
holdings constitute a considerable majority
of the outstanding stock , so that their as
sent to take bonds for their shares essen
tially curled the operation with It.
Two vacancies In the board of directors
of the Now York Central Railroad company
vvero filled today by the election ot George
S Uodouln to succeed nrastus Corning ot
Albany and Ashhel Green to succeed
George C. Buell oC Rochester , deceased.
itnni crit i\ TIM : MIOI
Liiliiu I'llirllieDlMiulKNris Ti-n I'cr Cent
of Hie Men Cmiiloj oil
Yesterday afternoon a 10 per cent reduc
tion of all shop forces emplojed between
Omaha and Ogden on the Union Pacific was
crinoiinced. The order was Issued from
headquarters late jceterday afternoon and
contomplalee a slralght 10 per cent reduc
tion all along the lino. The cut takes effect
at Omaha , Grand Island , North Platlc ,
Chejonne , Hauling , Uaramlo and nvanUon ,
It discharges 275 men In all , of whom about
100 came from the shops In this city and
Council Uluffs. The cut Is made on account
ot a falling off In bunlncsj In the ehop.s
since January 1 , and Is In line with Ihe
policy of rclronchmenl pursued by Iho pres-
enl management. Noun of the olllclals who
could bo < ? ecn last night were willing to say
how long the reduction would be In effect.
They pild that the- force had been reduced
because there was not work enough to Keep
alt the mon cmp'oycd If business Increased
the men would naturally Lave to bo re-cm-
plojed In proportion further than thla they
wcro unwilling to talk
This week the Omaha bhopa run forty
hours It Is likely the dismissal of men from
the force hero will icsult In more tlmo for
the men retained.
w \vi" \\MI : or
Omaha Commercial flnli MaKoN a
riTllnriit .StiKUi'Ntliins.
Ain.VV , Ark. . Tcb. I-Special ( Telegram )
Moved by Dr. W II. Hanchctt that It Is
the sense of the Omaha Commercial club
rnrouto that the- name of the Kansas City ,
Plttsburg & Gulf railroad bo changed to
read , "Omaha , Kansas City d Port Arthur
railway. " The motion was enthusiastically
General Passonm Agent iH C Orr , who
was present , promised to lay this mallei
before his company for rarly conslderallon.
The Iraln stopped iwentj-flvo minutes at
Mcna , a town which has grown from one
IIOUEC to 3,000 ' .n six months , right In the
midst of the ilcnso forest A giand summer
hotel U located on top of a rich mountain
nearby The summer temperature never
geu ! above SO
Southern PinIlkAfter II * Share.
SAN rilANCISCO , Tcb. 4 Iho Alaska
Commercial company and the Southern Pa
cific railroad have entered Into a combina
tion to obtain a shire of the Klondike
tiavil. According to the arrangement all
through tickets from eastern points will be
sold to Daw son City via San Francisco ,
through passenger ! , being given the prefer-
encu oci Yukon river boats from St , Michaels
tj Dav.sJn.
\ \ lifollitKr A. lu1.1Hrlo ItoorKiiiitxiitliiii
Ni\Y : YORK. Keb. i , Thu rcorganlratlcn
committee of the Wheeling & bike l.'rlo
Kallua ) company has been changed for the
of having a icpreeentatlvo of each
( Continued ou Seventh Page. )
Harvest Pailuro in Ensaian Provinces
Results in Hardships ,
In Some SoetlutiM It In rvv.irxe Than
< hc Pit in I no of 1NIII ,
TjlilniHKTKTnntus the
Cunilllluu. |
LONDON , Teb. 4. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Times says : A failure
In Iho harvest has caused terrible distress
among the peasantry of the Interior prov
inces , especially In central and southern
Russia. In some places they are worse oft
-than during the famine of 1891. The Rus
sian e-dltors have been forbidden lo refer
to the matler. Prlvale lellera from Tarn-
boff , In the province of that nimo , south-
cast ot Moscow , say the peasants are feed
ing their half starved catllo wllh the
thatches off their roofs. Typhus and other
diseases are making rapid headway among
the people. r\Jsricu' CIVTOMS.
\ \ltpoliitinriilt- OeniTnll * SatlNfue-
tnry in Knjilanil.
PEKIN , Teh. I The appointment of Rob
ert Hredon as deputy Inspector general o !
Chinese customs Is ofilchlly announced.
LONDON , Feb. G. The Shanghai corre
spondent ot the Times sajsIn compliance
with the request ot Sir Robert Hart , dlreclor
of Iho Chinese Imperial maritime customs ,
the Tsung 11 Yanicn has appointed Robert
Dredon as deputy liuc'ector general of cus
toms , with the proviso that tbo chief author-
llj mufat nol be dclegaled.
The Times , commenting editorially on the
anointment , EQJS : It is avery satisfac
tory announcement. For the present Ihcre
Is no danger of Iho customs admlulstralion
being dcstrojed by the political or the com
mercial rivalry of foreign nations.
Gerald Halfour , M. P. . for the central dl-
vtalrxn nt Tjinda nnil nhlnf ennrfttnrv tn thn
lord lleutenanl of Ireland , speaking at Leedb
this evening , emphatically denied that there
was any foundation wlatever for the rumors
that the government had jlelded fiom pres
sure from anv power. In the position It had
taken In the Chinese negotiations.
I'liiNMlit Mn > 1'omillilj ImnoBe Another
BERLIN , Fob. 1. Daron Hlmmerstcln
Loxtcn , Iho mlnlsler of agriculture , at to
day's session of the Prussian Diet declared
that American horses developed Influenza
after importation. Ho added : " 'If the im
portations Increase we shall certainly be
forced to adopt a suitable quarantine In
order to protect ourselves. "
WASHINGTON , Feb. 4 The officials of
the Agricultural department dlsciedlt the
probability of American horses carrying the
Influenza Into Germany , and eay If thej do
develop 11ifter Importation it is contracted
from animals In that country.
The growth In the shipment of American
bor&es to Europe In the last four jcaro has
been enormous These shipments In. 1S97 ag
gregated In value $4,7G5,2C3 , as agalt-st $713-
C07 In 1893. The number of those sent to
Germany In 1S97 was 82,250 , es compared
with 79,050 In 1S93
3 Till ! 11OUTI3 WITH C 11112.
MnUu IL dimpledMir \ < \ of ( he Mcn-
riiKiia Caiiiil.
MANAGUA , Nicaragua ( via Galvcston ) ,
Teh. 4. The United States canal commis
sion will complete Its examination of the
v catcrn division , including Lake Nicaragua
and westward to the Pacific , on Monday nexl ,
The commissioners are mapping out accurate
resnrvejj on the scale of one Inch to 100
feet , with sections showing the geological
formations. They have examined the ground
several hundred feet deep by borings.
The commissioners will travel on foot from
Ochoa to the Carrlbean sea at the rate of
about three miles per day , examining bolh
bides of tha route and wading twenty miles
through itho swampy river delta. All the
members of the American party are In good
mvoncn FOM.owb VN ii.oi nMnvr.
DaiiKhtrr of Don CnrliiN IK Separated
from Hfr Hii.slinnil.
LONDON , rob. 4 A special dltpatch from
Homo says a judicial scpaiatlon has been
granted lo Donna Elvira , daughter of Don
Carlos , the pretender to the Spanish tluone ,
from her husband , Count Flltppo Polchi. The
comt oidcred Count Folchi to ray the
countess 300 francs alimony per mcnth.
Donna Elvira IJourbon-Anjou , Iho second
daiifi'.Her of Don Carlos , In November , 1890 ,
eloped from Homo with Count Tolchl , an
artist , talil to bo a married man wilh a
family. Donna took with her her Joweliy ,
which valued at $00,000. Tolchl Is poor ,
ugly and a cripple.
ri 'c-t All Itciulj for a CriilHC tit
ChlncHcVn ( em.
YOKOHAMA , Tob. 4. The Japanese fleet
Is maneuvering pi lor to a cruise In Chinese
waters , The press Is silent on. the situation
In China ana It U believed the premier ,
Mainuls Ito , Is awaiting the selllemcnt of
the Gennan claims bcforo commuting Japan
to any policy. The Russian squad ! on Is
wlthoul smokeless coal and Iho supply hero
Is small.
Will > lnrr > a Millionaire.
LONDON , Feb. 4. Tlio belrolhol will soon
bo announced of Miss Mary Moore , leading
lady of Charles Wjndham's ihcatcr com-
pai.y , to Alfred 'Hell ' , Ihe Soulh African mil-
llonalra ,
MUs Mary Moore Is the third and joung-
oit daughter of the late Charles Moore ,
parliamentary agort , and the widow ot Ihe
late Jameu Al Barry , Iho dramallsl. She
has been the leading actress at the Criterion
Ihcaler for a number of years.
Mr. licit has long been a prominent figure
at the capo and has been closely associated
with Cecil Rhodes In the lattcr's political
and financial undertakings
PlMliermeii All I KO.IIIO
ST JOHNS , N r , Ton. 4 All the six
teen fishermen who went adrift on an Ice
( lee in Trinity bay Tuesday escaped. They
were on the lloo for thirty-six hours wlthoul
fire , food or adequate clothing Their boa'ts '
the ) dragged , ten miles over Ihe Ice , finally
icachlng land in a state of complete ex
haustion. All were frost bitten , and six are
seriously 111 from their terribleexperience. .
lie 'Ileiire-Meiitetl at I'arlH.
LONDON , Feb. 4. The London Gazelle
announces the appo'ntment of a royal com-
mlsolon , headed by their rojal highnesses
the prince of Walej and the duke of York ,
to secure adequate British representation at
Ibe Paris expedition In 1900. The commis
sion Includes tbo duke of Dotoceblrc , tha
duke of Plfc , the marquis Of Lome , the
earl of Derby , Earl Cactogan , Earl Spencer ,
Unron Rothschild , Sir William Vernon Har-
court and Sir Edward John Pointer , presi
dent ot the Rojal academy.
Ho la ( o Ho Sneil for Other SIUIIN
l.oimeil to Ills Wife.
LONDON , Feb. 4. The Dally Chronicle
BI > S this morning : The sensational Ja > -
Sl < es case , hi which Daniel Jay Eoughl to
recover from Lady Sykes , ulfo of Sir Talton
Sjkes , bart. , the sum ot $79,750 , loans to
Lady Sjkcs In 1896 on the security of notes
apparently signed by her hushand , which the
latter repudiated on tha ground that the
signatures were forged , Is likely to bo thrown
into the shade by two coming eulls , In
which Sir Tallon Sykes will bo asked to
pay sums advanced to Lady Sjkes by two
largo Insurance companies on the sccutlly of
his signature.
it Deiilli Sentence.
SIONTHEAL , Feb. 4. Thomas Nulty , who
has been on Irial for Iho last Iwo weeks at
Juliette , charged with tbo murder of his
three elsters and "brother last September ,
was this afternoon found guilty and sen
tenced to bo hanged on May 20 , nexl , al 9
o'clock In Iho morning.
Si-ioro PlKlitlnK In Africa.
BONNY , West Coast of "Africa , Feb. 1.
The Cross Hlver expedition , -\vhlch has been
cpesvUlug In the Interior against the Edlba
tribes , has had some severe fighting. Cap
tain Fcnlon has been killed , and Captain
MIddlelon wounded. The * enemy sustained
great lots. '
an 01 < I I'nvieo.
FLORENCE , Feb. 1. ATI almost perfect
fresco , painted by Domenlco Ghlrlandajo ,
tl o Illustrious Florentine pslntcr , has been
discovered In Iho chuich of San Salv adore
d'Ognlssantl In this city. Among the figures
Is a portrait of Amerigo Vespucci.
I'ut a Cheelv on StudentM.
VIENNA , 'Feb. ' 4. The Neue Frelo Prcsse
announced that the cabinet council has de
cided , after eight days' de'laj , to adopt strict
measures to prevent further Into. ferencu
by students with teachers at the universi
ties and schools.
1'roKrcNS of CerniauVtrhlpN. .
BERLIN , Fob 4. The German war ships
Deutschland aud Gefon under the command
of Prince Henry of Prussia left the Island
of Socotra ca Tuesday last bound for
Colombo , Cejlou , on theft1 waj1 to China.
SIlll'V Ii * on flic.
ST. MICHAELS , Azores , Feb 4. The
British steamer Ban Icy , Captain Stavely ,
from Charleston January 1 , \la Hampton
Reads for Manchester , has put ia hero with
the coal In Its bunker. ? oa lire
SiiKiir lloiml } Conference Off.
BRUSSELS , Feb. 4. The sugar bounty
conference which wis announced to begin
on February 15 is now Indefinitely post
poned , France having reacted Us objec
Parts Vrrlie * 1m ile Ico.
CITY OF MEXICO , Feb 'VnThe Minneapo
lis Journal excursion party arrived today.
Mis Grorgo Pullman and party of Chicago ,
Including Mrs. John A. Logan , also arrived
todn > .
WreoUeil Milp ( Joes to 1'leeex.
ROTTERDAM , Feb 4 The German ship
Else , which was wrecked at Maasvlatkc ,
Holland , on January 22 , while bound from
Savannah for thla port , hao gone to pieces
Vl/eajn Ueuelu'M < lie Ciinnrli-N.
LAS PALMAS , Canary Islands , Feb I
The first-clam armored cruiser Vlzcaja of
the Spanish navy has arrived from Carta
gena and sails again today for New York.
Moiilniiniery Arrives at Mntnli/.HN.
HAVANA , Feb 4 The , tailed States
cruiser Montgomery arrived jesterday at
I'leiuHiiK to the . .Jury111 Ilelinlf of
CHICAGO , Feb 4 Attorney Liwronee
Harmon began tbo closing talk In behalf of
Adolph L Luetgeit today. Ho compared
the poflltlou of the prosecution toward Luot-
gert to thai of Ihe French republic In Iho
case of the Imprisoned Ofllder Drcjfus upon
Devil's Island. Ho asserted that as Zola
Lad dared to question the righteousness of
that condemnation , challenging the justice
and equity of the court-martial , so he and
others had dared to appear ! In defen'o of al
man whom they believed Innocent.
Air. Harmon scored the police for what
ho termed was their willful persecution of
a wronged man. Ho will speak tomorrow ,
all of Monday and all of Tuesday , If his
physical slrenglh permits. Then Slate's At
torney Deneen will close tor the stale.
, the Unrilerer of lioy I'Vnr , fie teen
on IIIM > .
MILAN , Mo , Feb. 4 ( Special Telegram )
"We , Ihe jury , find iho .defendant guilty
of manslaughter In the fourth degree and
assets his punishment at five months In tbo
county jail , and a fine of $100. "
Such was the vordlcl In the famous Ghss
minder case returned at 8 o'clock tonlsht
for the murder ot Roy Fcar Ihus ending Iho
hardcsl foughl criminal case Sullivan counly
has experienced In irony years.
The easa of Iho slale against Jay Halo ,
charged with criminal assault upon Mary
West , was celled at 4 o'clackilhls afternoon
and the state rested at C. ' The defcrae
offered a demurrer to the , evidence and It
vaa sustained by tbo court and the defend
ant discharged
Cnrrlr * O\er * > llnmlrcd
for Ihe fiolil PIVldH.
ITACO.MA , Wash. , Feb. 4. The steamship
Queen , the finest vessel In the Pacific waters ,
nnd which has been heretofore the slimmer
excursion ship to the- Ice tie-Ids of Alaska ,
sailed from Tucoma tonight forSKagway and
Talva. It carries northward C50 passcn-
geie , 1,300 tons of freight , 200 dogs , thirty
hones and a score of careoisew of dressed
cattle , bogs and sheep , the latter for the
markets of the coast cities , 'Juneau , Skag-
way and Talya. The pauengers are from
ov ry quarter of the globe.
The customs officers searched the ship hero
and found 100 hottles of whisky , all In small
lots , which was confiscated.
lee HrenKn and 'llirre- People Are
BURLINGTON , N. J. , Feb. 4. Three lives
vvero lost In the Delaware river opposite this
place today by the breaking o ! Ihe ice under
n sledding party. The dead :
Bertha Fields , a alitcr of Nellie , waa
rescued with treat difficulty.
Ono of Grablo's Companies Announces Its
Financial Weakness.
Attachment * Are IMMIU-I ! Upon Stuck
Jleht In that .State a Collat
eral for Mone > Ad.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 4. The Inquirer
will say tomorrow that the Interstate , Irriga
tion Canal and Land eomptuij , ono of the
enterprises of Francis C. Brable , has an
nounced lo its creditors that It has not n
dollar In Us treasury with \\lilch to pay
notes. It follows with a statement from
the treasurer of the company , George 11 ,
Lupcr , who ia also second vice president of
the Sccutlty Trust and Life Insurance com
pany ot this city.
'Mr. ' Luper said ho could not tell what
would bo done , thnt as treasurer ho was not
n director , that ho had been elected treas-
uret las.t July , ho had never been present
at a meeting of the company , that ho did
not know whether nn extension ot tlmo
would bo granted or not and that ho could
not tell whether thcro would bo Immediate
application for the appointment of a receiver
or not.
The capital stock of the corporation he
knovM was $1,000,000 , , hut only about $300,000
of stock had been Issued. This had been
Issued mainly to Grablo for 8,000 acres of
land , Including 2,200 town ) lots , the property
Ijlng In nnd around lidgemont , a town of
1,200 people , whoso name also appears In
the title of another of arable's ventures , the
Edgcmont nnd Union Hill Smelting com
pany. The Interstate company Is n New
Jersey corpoiatlon.
The Inquirer arllclo conllnues : "Tho al-
tachmcnt Issued by George A. Fletcher of
Mitchell , Fletcher & Co against Grable ,
with service on the Corn Exchange National
bank , J. Wesley Supplee and John H. Gra
ham as garnlshccs led to the Information
that EOino ot these parties hold large
amounts of the stock of the Interstate Irri
gation Canal and Land company and of the
Edsemont and Union Hill Smelting company
as collateral , which It was thought by the
altachlng creditors might bo more than
sufficient to pay the claims of these holders
The holders of the collateral , however , say
there will bo disappointment In this reaped.
"John II. Graham holds notee , of Grable ,
and of other people who took cajment for
Grablo's stocks with notes assigned to Mr
Graham , to the amount of nearly $87,000. He
holds stock of Grablo's companies to the
amount of $30,500 as collateral on his ac
count , and as much more on the account of
"George H. Fletcher's attachment Is for
$25,000. Ills partner , Samuel H. Mitchell ,
was In Grablo's ventures to the extent ot
$7,000 , and holds erough stock as collateral
to keep him nearly whole.
"David II. Jones , one of the directors of
the Edgemont and Unico Hill Smelting com-
nan } , treasurer of the Carriage Cjclo com
pany and heater nnd range dealer , was in
terested to the amount ot $20,000 Wolsten-
croft & Sons , gun wadding , of Frankford ,
who recently assigned to I'.ielr father , held
Giable's papsr to the amount of $35,000. and
this was t.ilcl to be what led to their failure
Crater & Sons of Easton , Pa , were In it to
the extent of $25,000.
"Mr. Liner named as some of the direc
tors ot the Interstate company , A. L Sbar-
lock of Edgcmont , M. L Parrotto ot Omaha
H. A. Gsldaid , editor of the Edgemont Ex
press , and a man named Starner of Jersej
City The president , he said , was a General
Mlddloton of New York. The work Ihal has
been dona on Iho canals must have cost a
great cart of the $300,000 Issued In ntock
lo ialse m-ney for the enterprise. Mr. Grablo
was paid to manage , the work on t'lu prop
"Among the notes that IMVP found their
way Into the hauds of Mr. Graham , gwilsheo
In ono of the attachments , are n lot of C
B. Harris , ono of Grabcl's managers , and
men named Vioomer , Devvart , Keubrlskle , an
officer In a New York bank , n Mr. Story of
Phl'adelphla , Messrs. Jenkins , Marbhall and
Short of Now York , and a lot of other yeo-
ple all around the country. On notes of this
kind , discounted for Grable by Mr. Graham
to the extent of $30,000 , Grable laid $11,000.
Mr. Graham la hunting for a balance of about
$75,000. "
( irjulile's I/uenl llmui er I'ro\VH to lie
M. L. Parrotle , representing the Francis
Grablo Inleresls In tills city , Avnosecnifor
the first tlmo In several days fy sterday
In his office , Omaha National bank build-
Ing. Asked If ho bad anything lo say in
connrcllon wllh Iho matter published In
The Bee Mr. Parrotto replied : "No , I have
no Information to glvo out , I have re
ceived all my news In connection with the
matter thus far from The Bee and e\pcct to
do so for some time to come. "
Asked If the Grablo property at T\vont > -
fourlh nnd Langdon courl , against which
ho Issued attachment inpeia Thursday , wan
In Mr , Grablo'a name or In that of his
wlfo , Mr. Parrotte replied' "I ant uol
acting as an information bureau for the
papers. They appear to have gathered a
largo amount ot news wlthoul my assist
ance already , and I suppose they can con
tinue BO to do For exact data on the sub
ject , they might look over the records , I
will say , however , thai I have Issued the
papers on Mr. Grable , itnt I Iiavn Leen
advised In the matter anl nni not
hastily. "
When questioned In regard to the closing
of the local offices of the Edgemont Stone
company Mr Parrotto said "I do not wish
to stale. It will be our own affair and Is not
for publication The eastern capitalists have
not seen fit to close the office as > ot and BO
far as I know it will continue doing business
at the same old stand "
The usually busy rooms wore a quiet cp-
i.iearanco jcsterday. Several clerks who
have heretofore occupied chairs were con-
rplcuoua by their absence and there was no
one present except Mr Parrotlo and an office
boy Inquiry developed Iho fuel thai no In
timation had been given by Mr Parrptle ot
giving up his offices In the building , although
he did suggest that he might dispense with
two ot tfco suite of five rooms which the com-
rony has been occupylng.
Two suits against Fra'ncls C , Grablo wcro
commenced In the courti in this counly to
day. Herman G. Candce sues Grablo to re
cover the sum of JHO , Ho allege * that ho
was en-ployed by GMble to look up tbo title
to certain lands and was never paid for per
forming these ecrvlce.1. Henry H. Barker
ues Qr&lile to recover $2,500. He alleges that
W < > fJ- f Ton-cntt for Nclirn h
Generally Fair ; Colder ; Northerly Winds.
1. Omntin Houl * Slnih tlio Itntrt ,
Starvation Anionc Ilimlun
Another Orilile Iltiblile llur t
( lnthto'8 Hunk lit Cr in ford CUne * .
UiinharU Will llo Count-mod.
Scimtor I.lmtsiiy Muke * HI * Defense ,
3. Nun 4 from Nnlirmkn'n Cnpltil.
Itiiiniuct of Chlriffo Ity Astoclntlnili
4 , IMItorlul nnd
B. Crntrnl llniilcx.iril fffl-jE AKt\\n. \
Another Ijccturo lixfi I'r.inklln.
0. Council llluffA
7. How Hotuoea nta OIUccrK ,
Ilimlnogs Week.
8. Ilronteli T In.
I.l\o Stork Cll" ° '
0. Two Mare ri | > nltlc > ti.
City nmp Their I'uy.
Hlg Culi I > ' 111" " Scheme.
10. mu of
11. Commercial ami rinnnchtl Novrti.
la. "An Involuntary VreMilont , "
Temperature at Omaha I
Hour , DeKr. Hour , netr.
n a. m i to
( I it m ii ii 10
7 a. in i 10m
8 n. in i ! m
O a. m i : t.-
1O a in i 2
J I a. in its 7 11. m
11 ! III. . . -II S p. in
tl 11. in
some months ago Grablo drew checks on a
Denver bank in which ho had no funds
Knowing Grablo and believing that ho was
boh cut , the ( ilalntlft alleges that ho pro
tected the checks and In BO doing paid out
his own money In the sum for which ho now
sues. Attachment proceedings have followed
both suits aud In both Instances arable's
prcoerty In Ihls clly has been levied upon.
Late jistcrday afternoon a deed from
Francis C. Grable and wlfo mid In favor of
George II. Scrlpps of the Scrlppa-Mcltne
company was filed In Iho office of Iho regis
ter ot deeds. The deed covers the Grablo
residence In Convent Place , T\vcnty-fourth \
and Halt Howaid street. It Is subject to a
mortgage of $10,000. The consideration In
the deed Is il\ed at $1 and other valuable
considerations. The document bears date
February 1 , 1S07 , and was executed In St.
Thursday Grable deeded to J. H. C.
Walker a number of lots In South Omaha.
The record shows that on July 30 , 1S12 ,
Grablo deeded the same property to one
Jacob Helshart. In Iho deed filed Thurs
day Grnblo transfers ono lot that docs not
exist , or at least the plat of the town falls
to show that there is such a lot as ono that
Is convejed.
II. Goddard , editor of the Express , pub-
published at Edgemont , S. D , came In from
Chicago last night and to The Dee ho gave
his version of the failure of Francis C.
Grable. Discussing the matter , Mr. God
dard said : "Tho falluio and the financial
downfall of Francis C. Grablo was brought
about by an organized effort upon the pait
of representatives of five of the largo smelt
ing companies of the country. The trouble
started some time ago , when Grnblo com
pleted arrangements for locating the Edge
mont and Union Hill smelter at Edgemont.
nicy tileil moral suasion at first nnd findIng -
Ing that that was a failure , they dctei-
mlncd to crush Grable , believing that by
so doing they would wreck the smelting
compiny and thus prevent the erection of
the smelter.
Some weeks ago a meeting was held In
New York. It was attended by representa
tives of largo mining compinlcs It was at
this meeting that the plans for Grable's
financial ruin were formulated It was
agreed to break his credit wllh the Chemi
cal National bank of New York , thus hopIng -
Ing to prevent the worlc ot building the
smelter at our town.
"Edgemont will not down , and what Is
more , It will bland by Grablc. Our smelter
Is an assured fact and within thirty dnjs
our mines will bo developed and will bo
producing ore that will go from $30 to $100
per ton. When that time conies Grablo will
bo on his feet again and will have tegalned
all of Iho financial prcsllgo Ihal ho has so
suddenly lost. Ho Is an honest man and
will pay every dollar ho owes. "
A traveling man who visited Edgemont a
short tlmo ago sa > s that that city was
showing Indications of neglect long beore
the Grablo boom was exploded by the recent
sensational developments. He says lhat the
employes of the Irrigation company have
not been paid In two months and the store
keepers who are carrying Ihem are becom
ing hard prewed. There are jiot more than
2,000 pcoplo In the lown and while the grind
stone works are running , there Is very llt
tlo doing In other projects. The seniors In
Ihe vicinity wore Induced to locate there
by the agreement thai Ihoy should have Ihe
use of Iho land free for two > ears. The
land was originally a waste of sago brush ,
but It has been made Irrigable. Some crops
have been raised , but not onopgh to keep
the farm era''go ' Ing. They are becoming dis
couraged and unless something Is done they
will not bo likely to remain there mud )
longer. The loss of the Dcadwood branch
of Iho Burlington railroad which II was ex
pected would bo built by way of Edgemonl
was a dlseslrous blow lo Iho hoptn "of the
Edgemont people and hastened their trou
.Ni > One Vilmllleil to UU llooni Hveenl
IIIN Attorne ) .
ST. LOUIS , Fe-b 4 Francis C. Grable , the
promote ! and financier , Is still In the city.
He stays In his rooms at the Planters' hotel ,
where his meals are served , and refuses to
fcee anybody except a few ft lends and an
attorney , with whom ho has held several
consultallons. Mr. Grabla absolutely re
fuses to say anything further about his busi
ness affairs and his future movements are
kept n secret.
Last night Judge Chester H , Knun , a
prominent attorney , was closeted with him
for several hours. Ho was introduced to
Mr. Grablo by a relative of Ihe laller's wlfo
living In this city bul what passed between
them Is not known. It is presumed thai
Ihe promoter was seeking legal ndvlco In
lila present illfficult'es ' The judge held an
other conference wllh Mr. Grable about noon
Wade Chance , the financier's private secre
tary , who has stood between hid employer
and tbo bordo of reporters thai have le-
sleged him elnco tils firr.ienco In town be
came known , left the city on a morning
train for Omaha , He refused to say what
bo was going there for and whether or not
Mr. Grablo would follow eowi after. TIiUi
ho did say , however ;
"Mr. Grable Is financially stranded at
prwrtit and ras not been able to meet cer
tain obligation * This baa been reported
( Continued oa Second Page. )
State Bank of Crawford , Nebraska , is
Forced to Close ,
Francis is tbo President and Quo of Hia
Biothers Cashier ,
Thought it Best Not to Try to Rim
Through the Day ,
CIII re n M of Crwnfonl IM > ITHMont
Sublime Conllilenee In ( lie rinau-
c-lnl Illttli KlterVliillty
'In I'ull '
CHAWFOIID , Neb , rob.I. . ( Special Tel
cgram ) The state lank of Crawford Old
not open Its iloors this morning. C. J" .
Grablc , the cashier , la In the eibt. A. E.
llobbon , asslstiuit cashier , will saj nothing
of the bank further thnii thnt owing to the
facts to hand concerning the f.illnro of
Francis C. arable. Its president , coupled
with the fnct Unit the currency which was
expected this mainlng did not arrive from
the cnst , ho thought It bolter not to nN
tempt to run tluough tlio day Hobson MJS
the bank will pay out deposltoia mid alt
liabilities In full , This bank has been con
ducted on i conserv alive , safe and paying
basis and It Is generally conceded by local
creditors that Its paper and assets arc gilt
edged. Its absets arc about $40,000 and lia
bilities , ou'eldo of stock , about $20,000.
There Is no excitement. Cashier Grablo
will bo hero Monday. Local depositors cx-
nrpfie imlmiiminiiin fill mi nn in n n .i
Ilubson , and It Is bello\cd that the Kink
will open as iibiial within a few dijs.
.r. s. tilt 1111.1 ; TII.IS AM. AIIOIJT IT.
SHJH HlH Jlrotlier AVIll Pnj i\crr
Cent lie On I'M.
HEATKICE , Neb , Feb. ( . ( Special Telo-
Biam ) J. S. Giable , a brother of Francla
Grablo nnd manager of the Union III1 !
Mining cotnpaii ) , was In the city today/
having Just rctuincd from Tort Collins.
Cole , wheio another brother resides and
whcro the Grablcs have Investments In an
Interview this afternoon ho gave out the
following statement :
" 1 heard for the first time , while en roulo
from Denver , of Francis Grablo's troubles ,
although having known for some tlmo that
ho was In need ot ready cabh to carry oij
his enterprises. Ho put $180,000 ot his own
money Into the property of the Union Hill
company , all of which was U6ed lit erect
ing a stamp mill , In developing the mines
and In the construction of a smelter ati
Edgemont. now undergoing completion It
was thlb Investment which caused him
tj-ouble , the company falling to carry out a
plan looking to his reimbursement. The
money which ho used In this work was
derived from the sale of his personal stock
of the company and was dona after his
retirement from the compiny as an olllccr ,
which was about three months ago. I In
tend going directly to Edgcmont and ex
pect I will bo forced to retlro as manager
ot the Union Hill Mining company , as I
hnvo no doubt all the Grablcs will have to
go now. "
In answer to questions regarding the two
binks at Ciawford. Neb , and at Edgomont
Mr. Grablo said ho had not heard from
them , but has no doubt they would bo
forced to close. Ho said ho believed every
property In which pooplu had Invested at
the solicitation of Frauds Grablo or ? ils
agents could bo made to pay a profit If
properly managed and that Francis Grablc <
would ultimately pay every dollar of hla
i n AVIM. rcvnvv iicnui > nr.
O | > rjit'M1 Vliore nlili MiirKeil SIH-IT H
fi r Sonu'IVn lenrH
KEAUNEY , Neb . Fob. 4 ( Special. ) Fran
cis GruUo Is well known to the older In
habitants of Kearney. Ho came hero about
1872 or 1873 , and for ten > ears wan associated
with Hon. Henry C. Andrews , president of
the City National bank. At that time ho
was a money leaner and a daring npoeulator
on a big scale. He did not speculate much
In real estate himself , but was associated
with others who made real cstato their
tcioclalty. At ono tlmo ho bought ip all the *
sheep in ttils { art of the country that ho
could get hold cf , owning moro than all the
other feeders put together , and completely
broke up many of the smaller and IIVSH reck
less buyoiB At another time , when broom-
corn was rained qulto extensively In this and
adjoining counties , ho got a corner on that
product and It Is generally believed that ho
made a small fortune by this investment.
Ho was extravagant in his habits , howovo * ,
and seemed to have but llttlo Idea of the
value of money. Ho was very aristocratic
let his manners and living at Hi at time , and
the beat was none too good , the price being
never taken Into consideration ,
In appearance ] IQ Has smooth , affable and
convincing , and had flio faculty of diluting
those Into hla service who would and did
carry out his plans , so that ho was never
known to fall In any scheme , no matter
how extensive or difficult , Out ho under
took. There are ntlll several persons living
ticro who arc now ci > cnl > In his employ , and
It Is suppoBcd by some that In Ills line work
In the tapt ho had tbo help of parties living
liere ,
Grablo left lioro because the field mas too
limited fcr hla plans and Ideas. That the
crash did ( lot come sooner Is wondered at by
some of his old acquaintances here ,
IITJD : : IN TIIIJ in.vcic imi..s.
Great Indignation O\IT ColliiiNe , of
Uialilc'H Ilnhlile * .
LEAD , S. I ) . , Fob 4 ( Special Telegram )
Tbo greatest Indignation extols In the
Illick Hills over the Francis C. Grablo caoe ,
Mar.y things are now made plain , and common -
mon talk that luve been only eurmlnej
icretofore. There Is no Question whatever
that the Union Hill mini a are as rich uu
any to the hills If all the money -turned In. '
to Grablo by the Union Hill company had
been uicd for the development of the rolno
It would to another Homcstake. Grable'a
fliico will not materially affect the name of
the Illack HllkJ All of Grablo'a schema ) wilt
terminate tucccislully If properly managed.
There are fifty rlrh mines In the vicinity of
HID Union Hill properties. The Edgtnom
umelter nil ) not be affected nor will othti
enterprise * la tbo dty btf injured ,