Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 TI1ID OMAHA .JXATLV HlglSj "I HIDAY , ! FEBimA"RY. . < l , 1898.
Borne of Europe's Fcmons Diadems and
Their Intrinsic Value.
Ilojul HoiiilKt'iiriloriirtl M Mil
the PrilltM < if Illoiiil mill IMtm-
ilcrCrimim .Mnilc of ( iolil ,
Ollirt-x of Ciitiiiiin Mclnl.
( UnpytlRht , IKS. the P. S. McCIurc Co. )
" \Vliu would not 'risk his life ( or a
iCrown ? " ono of the French conspirators was
leporled to have exclaimed to Napoleon ,
whin tlmt mighty man shrank back front
the coup d'etat which would cither place
him upon the throne of Franco or submerge
him In overwhelming disaster. If the fiues-
tloo were , , asked toilay the ordinary man
wiiild rpply tlmt It depended much upon
the crown , for of > late years many of , the
lesser1 diadems of Europe have actually gone
n-begglng. Considered merely from the
standpulnt-of Intrinsic vnluc there arc many
nnd vnrlnus kinds of crowns cxtan > t In the
world at the present time. For Instance ,
the lirown of Hoiimanla Is composed of gun
metal , In fact out of a bit of old can
non cnptur < 1 nl Plevna , That of Portugal has
Kerns In It which ha\o caubcd It to bo val
ued at no IMS than $8,000,000.
The Iron crown of l.ombardy , which , bj
the by , Is the oldest diadem In Europe , Is
only sit inclus In dlnmi'tcr. Tlio iiuestlon
usually asked by those who'behold It for the
Ilrst 11 me Is , Where Is the Iron ? for to alt
appearance : ) tlio crown consists of n hroad
clrclo of gold ornamented by an enameling
of ilowLTH This , however , Is but thu out-
wnrd case ; within the coronet rests the Iron
Itself Thu tradition connected with this
circle i f Iron has It Hint It was fashioned out
o' the nails by which Christ was f > sle.iol
to tlio crjss. The crown now rests In the
cathedral 01 Monza , Italy , ami Is under the
canof HIP monks of the establishment.
These lioly men call attention to the fact
that whllf no attempt has ever been made
to clean tlio baser metal. .oMIl there Is no
sign or ri st upon" It , a fart which , to their
nilm'i conclusively proves Its sacred origin.
$ TrfESriAn or
England posnesscs but two crowus whlc !
are ever used. Ono of these Is the UrlUsl
Htato crown , the other the crown of England
Thu former Is reserved for Important occa
Blons , while the latter Is used at times do
mandlng less magnificence. The stnto crown
the ono used by Queen Victoria whet
ascending the throne , was inado espcclall ;
for that purpose , nnd weighs but thlrty-nlni
ounces. It Is valued at ? 1SOO,000. Th (
Jewels with which It Is studded were sup
piled inentlj from older diadems of the
realm , and Include nearly 3,000 stones. Tin
cap Is of crimson velvet , lined with whlti
Bilk , and lias an ennino border. To sonic ol
the gems blazing in this insignia of royal
1'owur ' grcwsomo and romantic legends arc
attached. For It-Glance , the famous rubj
given by Pedro the Cruel to the Hlacli
Prince la tald to have come Into the former's
hands by foul means. The story runs thai
Pedro Invited the red king of Grenada to hi :
palace and murdered lily guest for the sake
of tlio wondrous gem. Perhaps the sinister
Induonco which might attach Itself to this
Jewel Is counteracted by Its companion , the
Immense ) sapphire which Is famed to have
come from the ring of IMwnrd , the Confessor.
So great were the virtues It was supposed tu
Iiavo gained through Its contact with till
holy man that It was generally believed thai
the stone endowed Its possessor with powei
over various diseases. In connection wltli
the ( I'aileir.H ' of Knglnnd might bo mentioned
tlio ancient crown of Scotland , which still
may ho seen In Edinburgh castle. It was
inndu In the fourteenth century , and was
\isr.l at the coronation of Mary , queen ol
The HUFRian Imperial crown Is a wonder
ful ple > co of workmanship. The czar being
regarded b ) his people as to a great extent a
religious , as wo'.l as a temporal lord , It Is
Hot aurprlslng to llml the badge of sovereignty
eignty modeled after thu patrlarchlal mitre.
Flvo beautiful diamonds resting on a mag
nificent ruby form the crosa which composes
Its summit , blamonds and pearls of the
utmctit perfection and a sapphire which.
It la claimed , has no rival , render this
diadem ono unsurpassed In magnificence ,
The crown possessed by the German em
peror Is of peculiar shape. The cap rests
upon eight shjclds , four ornamented with
diamond" crosses and the others with the
Slguro of the .Imperial eagle , while above
this four hoops sparkling with dlamondi
support a glebe surmounted by a cross.
Singularly beautiful , both In si ape and
ornamentation , Is the crown of the emperor
of Austria , From the coronet there arise
eight jewelled ornaments , each topped by a
euperb pearl. The hoop of the rap Is rmr-
inouuli'd by an enormous sapphire. The
lining Is of ruby colorei velvet. Thu em-
jic'ror le also the pcvisesior of the tucrcd
crown of Hungary. Th's Is , In fact , two
crowns , which h-ivo been welded togt'ther.
Thu Ilrst IB a golden dlad.em ornamented
with pearls and precious stones , the other a
llyrantlno circle * . At the back of the H > ran-
tlno coronet Is an enormous sapphire- sur
rounded by four oblong groan stones of
noino unknown kind. Lapidaries disagree
< is to what thrno remarkable getna may bo.
This crown has been the subject of many
extraordinary adventures , in 181S It fell
into the liamlB of Kocsuth and mysterloualy
disappeared Humor had It that Kossuth hal
rarrlcd It ofT , broken It up , and cold the
Jewels In Turkey. Others declared that It
liad beoa taken to London. A government
{ omnilesloii was appointed to inquire. Into the
injatery , but discovered nothing until 1853 ,
when a countryn-jin offered to dlacloke the
necrct of Its hiding place , and led the
searchers to a tree near Ortova , In the roots
of which Kossuth had caused It to be burled ,
One of the me > it beautiful crowns In Eu-
rppo Id that of the king of Denmark , This ,
mhllo comparatively Blmple lu design , Is of
moat artistic workmanship , The leaves by
which the circlet la surmounted are curved
and vvlued by ( ircclous stones , and each leaf
Is ornamented tn turn by a magnificent
The king of the llclglans la an uncrowned
monarch. There Is no coronation function
In the exact ecnso of the word. The chief
feature of the ceremony eorsUta lu the
Icing's swearing to prcecrvo the constitution
aiid laws of the country ,
Spain bad In early times no royal diadem ,
Dor docu it * crown today figure la the coro-
nation Aortlcta , the sovereign taking aa oath Hint which forms the chief fea
ture cl the Belgian Innlal .illon.
The vatIMn treasures contain a variety
of papal tiaras coma of enormous value ,
which , from the beautiful workmanship and
precious stones that adorn them , are ren
dered priceless. Among this collection Is
one preoentcd to Plus IX by Queen Isabella
of Spain. It Is valued at moro than $1,000-
000. and weighs over three pounds. Another
treasure Is the paral tiara presented by
N'ntiolroii to Plus VII. Ono of Ita gems Is
the largest emerald known.
The sultan POCSCFBCS no crown , coronation
being unknown In Turkey. In place of this
ceremony Is tubstltuted the Investure of the
monarch with the aword of Othman. The
saber U girt around the now sultan with
the worcla : "Take It with faith , for ye have
received It from God. "
Outside of Europe the crown becomes a
lurlly. The crown of the shah of Persia. If
such It may be called , Is of an altogether
exceptional ohapo end size. Indeed , It lamest
most freaucntly describe ! by thote who have
seen It as a bonnet. It Is composed of cloth
of gold , adorned -with n'trlngs of hanging
precious stones , with here and there tufts
of feathers ornamented by diamonds , rubles ,
cmcraldft end pearls.
A ciii.\isn HiiAVib c.'iiti , .
.She In HCHCMILM ! front flic Vile I.tfo
IntcmliMl fur 11 or.
A woman's cries saved her from a life of
nbomlnablo slavery In San Francisco.
Though Lun Foon cannot speak a word of
English , relates the Chronicle , her tears nnl
distress were so clearly the language of an
anguished soul that" they were understood
by the customs officials Who were about to
land her nt the Pacific Mail dock and de
liver her to the slave dealers who , with
oaths nnd false testimony , had represented
thcnibclves aa her parents and blood rela
tives. Though the ofllcers had the ofllclal
order of the customs department In their
possession to deliver her to her simulated
parents , they would not , In the face of her
outcries , carry them out until they learned
what the cause was. Dr. Gardner was sent
for. Ho talked to the child , for Lun Foon
Is llttlo more , In her own language. She
Is now In tlio safe custody of one of the mis
sions , nnd overwhelming evidence.of . the
fraudulent methods of the traffickers In
Chinese women has been secured.
Lun Foan Is one of nn Invoice of twenty-
two women who recently arrived here. She
was icprescntcd to bo a native of San Fran
cisco returning to her parents. Parents were
on hand to claim her as their daughter.
They had witnesses to prove her natlvlt ;
and the whole course of her life up to th <
tlmo that she wont to China. Tnerc was m
Haw In the chain of circumstances tcstlflei
to In-support of her right to land. Her ex
amination by the olllclals of the Chinese
bureau corroborated In every detail th (
biography which had been created for her
Her answers as to her name , birthplace ,
paternity and residence all corresponded
with what had been sworn to concerning her
Whatever doubts the collector and the othei
olllclals may have had as to the truth ol
thcso statements , they had neither evidence
nor contradlctloas to prove them. On the
face of the evidence there could bo no rea
son for refusing her a landing , and accord
ingly n permit to land was Issued.
Hut between the tlmo she gave her testi
mony and the time she was to be landed
Lun Fcon learned the fate that was In
store lor her. The horror at It overwhelmed
her , and when she was about to be landed
she recoiled from her destiny. She begged
to bo taken back to China to her parents.
She said she would rather Jump Into the
rea than go to the life of shame to which
she had been sold , and threatened that If
she got a chance she would Jump Into the
sea , She sobbed and cried bitterly. She Is
only 10 nnd comely. In sp'te of terrifying
assurances which had been persistently
dinned Into her ears throughout the trip
across the ocean that If she did not stick
to the story that had been prepared for her
the "white devils" would put her In Jail ,
she dared this unknown terror rather than
submit to the life for wh'ch ' she had been
Imported when she fully realized what that
Ufa V/ES. Hut so thoroughly had her fears
been played on by those who hoped to profit
by her shame that even after her outbreak
of rebellion and her resolution not to go
to those who had bought her , she asked the
Chinese bureau officials repeatedly if she
ica'.ly were going to bo taken to Jail ,
After her outbreak of grief , which at-
tiuctcd the attention and called out the sym
pathy of the landing officers and led to tht >
Inquiry Into the cause of her troubles , E > MO
told the ttory of bow she l.ud been brought
hero. It was the old story of repre
sentations to her. She was to como here to
bu licdoinbly married to a rlQh merchant.
Her father was dead , Her elde.1 brother , her
natural guardian , lad fallen Into debt through
gambling , ami t'.ili offer from the slave
tnuU'-s , coupled with the ; payment of a iart
of the purchase prlco of a wife , had cither
'tilled his conscience or misled his Judgment ,
fa that ho consented to thu offeied bargain.
Her fears and misgivings concerning the
strangeness of a distant land had been over
come by the insurances of her brother and
the representations of the slavedcalcm. . She
would llml a huslund , who would aic > . ) ly M.'O-
vldo fqr tier and enable her to send back
: uonoy to the debt-burdened relatives at
The story of carents In this country to
whom she was coming , the false name she
took and the necessity fcr sllcu c and dis
cretion c i all points of this kind were rep
resented to her as a necessity gronlng out o !
thu jealousy of Iho foreigners of her people
Shu learned the story told her , thinking K
g her duty to her family to do so. Hut
since It beoimo known among IICT com-
pinions at t'Jc Chinese quartets at the Mall
lock that their canes hud all been gassed
on and that permission to 1-nnl would be
Klvcn In a day or two , tongues were laosune * ! .
The real chaiacter of the homo to which sh
with others weru being brought had been
discussed and rliD learned for the first tlmo
the deception which had been practiced on
tier ,
The Informatlcti she has already given Is of
the moro Important character. The disclo
sures she him made weru of so startling a
nature that the crder for landing was coun
termanded and a further Investigation us tea
a number of the other women who came over
with her will bo made. Among otllclals It Is
believed to bo the most Important event so
\ir as furnishing evidence cf fraud Is ecu-
corned that has taken tilncu for come time.
Iron Mhu-rH ( ! ! ii lluUc.
ISHPWMIN'O , .Mich. , Feb. 3.-Tho advance
In wiigtis February 1 nt the Carnegie mines
of Ironwood , averaging 10 per co-it , will bu
mndo general throughout the Gcogfbec Iron
nnge. iHitweeti 3.UO und 4,000 employes be
ing directly affected by the Increase.
Arnold's Uromo Celery cures hcadachej
lOc , 2Co and & 0 . All drugclit-
Thrilling Career of a Filibuster Wb
Knows Not Fear.
Sntno til Hlri llt'ccntVnluren In I
liulf of ln- HtrimnlliiKCuliiiiiH
r of I In- Sunken
Stoninur Tllllc.
That truth Is stranger than fiction has an.
other Illustration In the remarkable carcei
of Captain John O'Brlch , known among his
old friends as "Dynamite Johnny. " Ho wat
the skipper of the filibustering steamer Til-
lie , which was lost a few days ago oft Uor-
ncgat. In nil his f9rty- years of adventure ,
relates the New York Herald , It was Ills
first serious setback.
Captain John O'Urlen gave a wedding
party at ills snug cottage In Kearny , N. J. ,
the other night. All his neighbors assem
bled , upon Invitation , to celebrate the mar
riage anniversary of a mutfli respected towns
man , The house was brilliantly lighted and
there were feasting and dancing. Outside ,
In fast falling snow , never for a moment
relaxing their vigilance , were half a dozen
Spanish detectives. The host was under a
surveillance which It seemed Impossible to
The Spanish watchdogs were still dplng
duty several days later. The man whom
they had been Instructed never to lose sight
c/ ; was battling for life off the Jersey shore.
Captain O'Hrlcn was on another filibustering
There are few who have not read of the
fate of the thlrty-slx-ycar-old piece of patch
work styled the steamer Tlllle , whose fili
bustering career ended nt the bottom of the
ocean off Harnegat recently. Probably no
ono , however Intimate , knows thoroughly
the career of "Dynamite. Johnny" O'Hrlen ,
whom report says perfected all details nnd
never faltered when others hesitated mid
talked of the perils It was Impossible to
avoid. No man born ever bad a moro ardent
love of adventure. Adventure Is his god.
No tale of sensational romance can excel
his life story. It will never reach the
world In completeness. O'Urlen does not
. - > . , - . . * . .
Ho has attained moro notoriety in the last
decade than any other American pilot. Ho
Is a professional maker of International
trouble. There has not been strife of any
magnitude since he grew a beard In which
ho has not had a hand. He appears , reap
pears and pops up In unexpected places. He
has been shot at with arms of every size ,
has been condemned to death , has had a
piico set upon his head'on "numerous'occa
sions , and today , at CO years , Is without
a shattered bone or nerve , and moro eager
than ever to undergo any risk which promIses -
Ises good financial remuneration. "Captain
Johnny's" friends say he fears neither manner
nor the devil.
I In appearance he is short and muscular ,
with brpnzed and somewhat wrinkled face
and sharp blue e > ye ; < . His lulr Is thick and
healthy , but the color of clnlk. It was
black a few years ago when he van lifted
from Staleii Island , where he had lentcd a
cottage. Ho ccturned In a few months
with skin a Irlflo paler and hair as white aa
snow. No ono knows the horror of suf
fering which caused the transformation.
Ho was horn In the ohf Eleventh ward
nnd attended the Fifth Street school , which
was then known cs the "Red Jail , " Dur
ing all his spare hours from school he waa
on the water , and early In life ho became
an experienced boatman. He studied to be
come a Hell Gate pilot , and secured an ap
pointment when very young. A few years
later ho was guiding1 vessels between thlo
city and Nova Scotia. Ho gained a reputa
tion for daring all along the northern coast.
No trip was too hazardous for him to en
gage In.
In the Haytlan rebellion , which ended In
victory for the late President Hlppolyte ,
O'llrlon's services were In constant demand.
J Ho successfully ran the blockade Into come
of the northern Haytlan port , ? fairly under
the guns of the ancient Haytlan gunboats.
1 Ho gained the sobriquet of "Dynamlto
Johnny" when ho navigated the old schooner
yacht Hambler , laden to her deck beams
with the explosive , from this port to La-
] guayra , oft the Venezuelan coast. Th's
| was I'ho only voyage he waa oven known to
! talk about.
Captain Johnny U , In fact , much deprcenca
j over the reputation he has acquired. He
I hoJemnly avers that ho has never engaged
; In questionable enterprises and1 says that he
i , i i , : Is continually being misrepre
! "There wasn't the slightest danger In that
I cargo , " asserted the captain to the Hernia
I reporter. "Tho dynamlto was dump , and
In that condition It can be handled au
aafuly as sawdust , which It much resembles.
It Is when thu stuff gets dry and lt/ / Ingre
dients become separated that you have tu
look out. Then the sllghcst Jar will i > end
It off ; hut wet , you can do anything with
It or mould It In your hands as you would
putty. 1 often have done so. I wouldn't
bu afraid to throw a wet iljnnmlto cartridge
up to the celling and let It fall right In
front of me. It would not go off , and nothIng -
Ing short of a lighted fuse or match would
explode It.
Iho cartridges I took down were about
I-.B largo as a silver dollar and about a foot
long , I eup.)38j you think wo all made our
fortunes cu'tbat cargo , but you , jro mis
taken. Thirty dcll.ira a ton vaa the prlco
charged and that means simply $1SOO for thn
entire lead. Tulii would have yald , thsunh ,
If wo had not run Into that storm In the
Caribbean cca I su nose that you have
heard that the Rambler O3 badly damaged
after leaving her cargo at Atnlnuall and
afterward condemned at Docas del Toro
Well , she , was , but the wasn't there long.
She was at Colon. "
"Will she bo refitted ? "
"Can't wy , " responded the captain as he
bit the end off a fresh cigar , " She may , but
I'll tell you how It was ,
"You see , after leaving that dynamite at
Colon wo ran to Jamaica for Ice and re
turned to Colon and left Hi ere for Hocus del
Toro to get a eargo of .fruit . for New York.
On the way wo got Into one of those pesky
gales and broke our rudder post. The
schooner was leaking like sixty , too , and the
crew got scared , I had on four passengers ,
besides a regular crow , Including a young
fellow who wanted to como back to New
York. Well , we struck Tiger cliunuul. on
the back tldo of the island , as you might
[ inssiger &
Hetcalf Co.
Agricultural Implements
CftrrliiRrs ; Cor.f.Ui . and Pacific Sts
in , Orendorff
& Martin Go
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
W ton § and Buggle * - Cor. th and Jone .
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors. Frames , BackJnc and Artists'
n merican Hand
J If M *
\ Sewea
M'f'rs 1 Jobbers of Fool Wear
The Joaoph Banifjau Kubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. . OMAHA
Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesrooms 110Z-110M108 Harney Street.
Owner ot Chlet Brand Mackintoshes
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Omco nnd. Salesroora.lllVzi-23 Howard St.
Importers and Manufacturera
614-16-18 South nlh Street
Mclasscg , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies.
Also tin cnr.s end Jcpanned war a.
Growers and manufacturers of all forms of
Chicory Omaba-Fremont-O'Nell.
say. I tad tied a kedge anchor to some
fenders , which I throw overboard In place ol
a rudder. The ktdgo struck the fenders
Juflt far enough and I worked the clumsy
nrrnngcment by reeving tackle on each
quarter , so I could inill It either way , accordIng -
Ing as I wanted to tack.
"Well , we struck Tiger channel all right
and I rounded her to right Inaldo Tiger bay.
I know It wouldn't d to stay there , -o I
worked her further up to the town of HOMU
del Toro. I dropped anchor In a basin ol
smooth water and there we wero. My ijas-
seiigers didn't feel quite sure until a coi'olc
of negroca , as black B your hat , shot frGst In
a canoe , and they told us we were where I
had thought we were. Wo got out the boat
the next morning and went through the pas-
cage to the town. It took us a good part of
the forenoon to get there , but the governor ,
who is so black be would make midnight
hide Its head , welcomed ua warmly and we
began to make ourselves as comfortable as
"Those blaik rascals crowded around and
they smelled as If they hadn't washed t'.iem-
solvcs In yearn , though tliTO was nothing but
water all around them. I tell you , If there
Is anything calculated to try a man's stomach
It Is a lot of thcso 'Sjuth Inlanders on a hot
"Put I fixed 'em. I had some dynamlto
cartridges from the Rambler's cargo and as
we all wanted name fi h I caught a lot wltVi
one ot them. We tried first to get the ( "arklec
to catch some for us , but they were too
lazy , though there wore plenty all along the
coast. You should eeo them , great golden
beauties , swimming about In the water ten
feet beow ! the surface , Well , one day I teak
a cartridge < ucl : after digging a halo In It
about as big and Ions as a lead c-encll I out
in a fiife and IM lened It tightly. I let the
fuse burn until It was wlth'n about three
Inches of the cartridge and then gayo It a
less out Into the water. A crowd of : urlous
darkles lurt gathered around to era mo fish ,
as I had abjured them I would catch a lot.
"There was a look of great content on their
fucca when they raw my fishing tackle , but
they waited , ejecting to Jeer mo If It failed.
The cartridge sank about twelve * feet and
then exolodcoT with great force , throwing the
water upward In a volume and killing fully
COO founds of fish. 11ie surface of the water
was covered with them.
"Then what a howl of terror went up from
those darkles ! They scattered as If by magic
and never afterward came within twenty feet
of me. They seemed to regard mo as an
enchanter of eorcerers.
"I went fishing almost every day after thut
and never fulled to catch a good niees. In
fact wo fed the whole town , The lazy darkles
liked it at flrdt , but finally they became
alarmed end told their governor that Urn
u'jlto devil' ( meaning mo ) waa killing all
their fish. The governor , who had been eat
ing my fish every day , told me to go further
Itniwrttr and Jobber
Crockery , China , Glassware ,
Oliver Plated \Vare , Looking Glasses , Chan *
dellers , Lamps. Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc.
1410 FAHIVA.M. ST.
5s Company
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies.
Dollcm , Engines. Kced Cookers , Wood Pul
leys , Shafting , Halting. UutUr Pack-
, uses of all hinds.
807-909 Jones St. -
E , Smith & Go.
Importers on J Jobber * of
Dry Goods , Furnishing' Goods
'icfeardsosi ' Ping Co.
902-006 Jackson St >
r. o. nicHAnnsoN , Prcst.
3. V. WELLEH , V. Prcet.
M'/ ' ) Standard J'harmj-oentlcal Prepara
tions , Special Forinitlae i'repuirtl to
Order. Acini/'or Cataloutta.
I boratorr , 1112 Howard St. , Omaha.
.E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Bee" Specialties.
Cigars , \Vlmu anJ LJrnndlo.
Corner 10th anil Hartley Street ! .
F.lectrica.1 Supplies.
Electric IlniiiK Hells ami Gas LiK
CJ.V. . JOHNSTON' , Mgr. 1510 llo\.ord St.
MM Farcara St ,
Commission Merchants.
S. W. Corner Kth and Howard Sts.
Members ot the National League uC Comml
alon Merchants of the United States.
Fruit and Vegetables
SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apple ? , Orange *
Lemons , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard St.
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Slicet.
off and llsli , but not In front of the place ,
\Vo had to stay In ttat llttlo pbco two
months , but we got the Humbler towed
back to ABplnwnll. "
It was hardly a month after the present
Cuban revolution .began . before Captain
O'Brien was heard from. No one expected
him to rcEtra.n himself. How nxny ex
peditions the strange , white-haired man nan
guliltJ to u snug haven on tlio Island's
coast Is a matter of conjecture. Those
foremost In the councils of the revolution
ists deny all UJnovvltJge of the mlv.rnturor.
Ho hns never been seen In their company
or known to rommunlcatp with thorn.
The most exciting episode in which ho has
figured during the Insurrection , S3 far B
known , was during the winter of 1S9C , when
he attempted to pilot the Three Friends to
the Cuban shore. iHo did not take com
mand of the boat until the coast of Florida
had hccime a blur , Th i the silent man
whom the mixed crew regarded ns an un
welcome Intruder doffed his stylish derby
hat. slipped on a dark Muo so man's cap
and assumed entire charge of the pilot
hotiso. HlH knowledge of southern waters
Is thorough , but ho was unable to quickly
avoid a Spanish cruiser which bore down
upon the llttlo filibuster. Then began a
chase which finally cii'dcd In Spanish
humiliation , but not befrro It to d seemed
certain that the Three Fr ends would bo
blown out of existence by shot and shell.
The untrained crow of the steamer were
panic-stricken. There wag hardly an Ameri
can among them. I'rajer nud exhortation
rcze to ho vn. O'llrien was 'the. only thor
oughly upalarmed man In the little band.
Hour after hcur ho held the vessel to the
course , calmly estimating the comparative
spied of pursued and pursuer , and nevr ut
tering a word that was not a wisely planned
command. The weather w > B boisterous
and'O'Hrlen was wet to the skin , but never
for a moment did his t'red muscles relax
tliclr grip on the great apolccd wheel.
I remember that the Three Friends' soli
tary gun pointed useleos from the prow , and
a maii-of-wans man member of the crew
pleaded long and pluously for "Just onci
shot" at the swift approaching cruiser.
O'Urlen tfhook his head In response for
several hour.s , inij then Indulgently pulled
hard on the wheel , the vessel veered off
and a flhot was sent over the water to the
i car It did no execution , so far as known.
The Three Friends wan switched back on
her course , and the chase continued.
Bovcral warrants were Issued In FlnrHa
after this Incident of t'ho ' rebellion , and dis
may was depleted on the faces of every
member of several closely concealed tur
tle * . Captain Johnny laughed merrily.
"Warrants ? Huh ! " he exclaimed once
when In a communicative mood , "Why I
wan once tried lor piracy , oa the high. &eas
cCord-Bratiy Go.
13th nnd Lcuvcmvorth St.
Staple and Fancy Grocer'iest
It * AND COFFit RtUSURS , Etc.
eyer & Raapke ,
I Ten , Sptces , Tobacctf anA Cigar * ,
I H03-H07 Harrier B re t
Haxton and
V Gallagher Go
Telephone tSJ.
J HHaney&Co
II *
J/.I/WESV , NAinrrs .txn
tfotilerf of l.tathrr , AncM/rrj/ / Hardware , Kte *
\Vo ollclt your orders 1315 Howard St
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Hlcyclou and Spoi-tln ? Uncult * . 1210-21-23 Har
tley htreut.
ftloise & Go
2i4-in south nth st.
East Indict. Bitters
Goliltn Sheaf Pure K > o and Bourbon Whiskey.
Willow Springs Distillery , Her & Co. . 111J
Harney Haeet.
Liquor Mcrchants ,
1001 Furnam Street
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 Farnam Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
411-(15 8. Ulh Otreet
and found uullty. Hut I was never pun
ished. "
I'reoscd for particulars he promptly be
came absolutely mute.
It ivau not long after the Thice
Friends ctcpo that the Dauntless sailed
away with munitions of war for Cuba and'
landed sifely on a southern beach. The
cargo \V.IH large and valuable. Captain
O'Flrlcn denies that he hnd a hand In tlio
expedition orthat he stool at the muati
head .sweeping the horl/.ou with glasses for
prowllnsr Spanish cruisers while the crow
was. frantlonlly landing the supplies.
Governments havu 'tried In vain tn catcM
or kill the Btout-hearted mariner. Probably
no man lei more cordially hated or more
closely watched than he. How much
money his life of adventure has brought to
his Is a secret that has never been di
vulged. He has a competency , without a
doubt , but neither that nor tlio entreaties
of his family will deter 111 in from1 continuing
In his career of mjstery and peril.
The Tlllle was the flrnt filibustering oxpp-
dltlon which Captain O Ilrlcii hud cTiargo
of which has come to grief. Ho must
have realized fully that the antiquated ves
sel would never reach lu destination , "No
ocean 'tugs for mo , " ho once confided.
"Give me a stanch hongoing craft of fifteen
knots and I bid defiance to one and all. "
i'itr/.i : riio-KATi.M ; HATCH.
Tn-ci Mi-n Cli-nr IClKlil > - OixI'liitcH
Tr > lnK ( < > Kuril 1'lfl.v Diilliirx ,
Henry Schultz and Joe McCarthy , com
monly called "the Spldtr , " engaged last
night In a pie-eating match for the cham
pionship of New York and a $50 $ prize , re
ports the San. The match was In ten
rounds , each of five minutes' duration.
There was a rent of half a minute between
each round. No bevcragm of any kind
were allowed during the match. Dm. S.
SUintcm and C. Rock of Dellevuo hospital
were appointed reicreo and timekeeper
icspectlvcly. Iy ) mutual agreement Tauby
wus agreed upon as the man most fit to
hold the $ M > prize.
At 8 o'clock the saloon was crowded to
ltn utmost cajxiclty. In the mlildlo of the
room was a table filled high with 10-cent
pics , i Next to It was another table at
which tho' cjitestants were to "eat off"
the match. < no reforee'H. timekeeper's anJ
stakeholder's chairs were placed on top of
the bar.
.Shortly after the Spider , accompanied by
lilu second , appeared. After gravely nalut-
Ing the olllclal.i , he took his place at the
table. A minute later Scbultz turned up.
Dr. Stanton read the rules and then , botti
men being reudy , ho called "tlmo. "
Round I. Iloth men set to work at a
tremendous rate , the "Spider" belnu , how
ever , greatly handicapped by liU compara
tively small mouth. Schultz' work drew j
great applauie. Ho would grab a pic , blta
DUMBER . . .
814 South 14th St.
Manufacturers ot iluarv. rnsli , Mlmls , olllcf ,
Moro and rnlooti Mxtiiii' . , l > tlinltt r furnished
on any kind of mill unrli
Ti'l. 1ST9. Mill SMh iiml TlnvphiHort Stu.
afional Oil
and Paint Co.
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And Palntc of All Klm9 ] , Putty , Bto.
1015 and 1011 Jon i St
Ctandard Bjl
; , A. Mortct , 1st Vloc Tree. I , , J. Drake , don Jlgr
. . . .OJLS. . . .
Gnsoilnc , Turpentine. Axle Grcnje , Hie
Omnlm llrnnch nnd AKPn les , John II. Hiith Mcr.
Printing' Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
Corner 12th and Koarard itrceti.
Co ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
1107 llarncv Street
tOM-IOId Uougltvi Street.
Manufacture anj Jobbers of Stcnm , Oas nnd
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
\5 < 3 a
TioS-iiio Harnev St.
Steam Purnps , Hnglncn nnd Boilers. Plp ,
Wind Mills , Strain nnd Plumbing
Material , 13ctln ! < r , Hose , Etc.
, jiardy & Co
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
floueo Furnlrlilngs , ChlUrcn'B Carriage * , Kle.
IS 19 Kurnum Street.
1 real Western
Superior Copper Mixed Type IB tht belt on
the mrrliet.
llli Howard Street ,
For an up-to-date
Western Newspaper
Read The Omaha Bee
It In half and shove the first half down
h'a 1' ' with the second half. At Iho
i n-1 of this round he waa two pic. ? ahead
of the "Spider "
Hound 2. The Spider by a scried ofi
small , quick bites , caught up with bis op.
ponent. Tremendous excitement rolgti < > d
, mid the Ilcklo crowd turned toward him.
Score : Schiiltss. seven pies ; the Spider ,
seven tliroo-tourtba pica.
Hound a. Schultz started off with a peach
pic , but came to grief whllo endeavoring to
Hwallow a peach stone. tr. ) Hock's scrvlcon
were called upon , and , after much thumping
on the hack , Schultz returned to work , very
red in the faco. At the end of tliln round the
Spider , who wns two plea jo the good , ap
peared very much exhausted. Score-
Schultz , 9 ; the SpHcr , 11 ,
Hound 4. The Spldcr'n work was vrry slow
and his second was forced to thump him In
the back each time he swallowed some pie.
Score : Schultz , Ifi pies ; the Spider. II
Hound n , After eating his first pjo the
Spider called to his second to loosen his
Wit. The second attempted to do so , but
unfortunately for the- Spider the belt got
stuck In the buckle and became Mshter.
The Spider grew black In tho'faeo and roare.l
for h dp. During the excitement Tauby fell
Into the sink and six pies vnnlnhed. Sctnill.-
claimed the pies , faying that ho had eaten
them. The Spider , however , OB soon as ho
could speak , disputed the point. Dr. Btan-
ton decided to allow Schultz the pics the
Spder : protesting. Score : Schultz , 22 pics ;
tint Spider , 1C plea.
Hound C , The Spider got together and
downed five pics. Schultz got away with
throe , making the score 25 pies to 21 In
favor of the German.
Hound 7. Schuitz again nwallowed n peach
Pit and this time came to grief , being forced
to rotlro for the tlmo being. Score : The
Spider. 2IT ; Schultz , 2fi.
Hounds S nnd 9. The'Spider alonn con-
tlnued. his opponent In vain trying to get
rid of the pit.
Hound 10. The Spider mulled OH ho matched
Schultz , who had got rid of the pit and at
tempted to beat him out. ScoreTho
Spider , 31 pies ; Sehultz , 29 pies.
Amid a great hubbub ( ho $ UO was turned
over to the winner , who gonorouily "blow"
the crowd. Schultz retired soon after , after
lodging a protest with the referee. lAt a late
hour last night both man were utlll alive
VIH r > - fur Dliiiiioiul Mutch Uuinpiiny.
CHICAGO , Feb. 3-Judgi. OroHscup of the
United Bliites circuit uourt today Issued an
order making perpetual thu Ifinporary InJunction -
Junction whkjh waa issued uomo tlma ngo
rcHtiulnlng the National Safety Mutch corn-
puny frotn manufacturing friction mutches.
J he petition for an Injunction was tiled by
ho 'Diamond ' Mutch company. Tno ai o
will probably be taken to thu United 8tutt
circuit court of appeal * .