Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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"WcalsncES in Wheat Relieved by Leltcr at
Other l.lurN AI-P SlroiiK , Provision * ,
Corn nml OnlH HiK-Ii C'lo < tltiE
lit a ( iiinil Ad
vil lice.
CinrAGO , Fell. 3. Wr-akncss In wheat
( aml sin-riRth In the coarse Rralns and pro-
vlslonn were the illstliiBUlshltiK character-
Isllra of trailing on Vianso today. Weak
rnlilf'ft atirl heavy northwest receipts were
f nltircs in the wheat weakness , xvhlcli was
u-lifvod oprrtslonnlly by rallies lirottRlit
nimut by l.flter support. May closed nt
\5iV ilr-pllnc. Provlalons were strons on
Hinali ho receipts and advanced 2'ifI1 '
r'orn closed Vifi-Hc higher and oats
\Vcakness was apparent In wheat from
l'ic start. May opened from U'if'Ko ' lower
nt HVf(9 ( : > Uc , and In the course of the next
lintir had KOI down to Ol c. Liverpool
started the docllne , The market opened
wpnk at ! > ld decline for futures , and at
1 ! W p. in. showeil a further penny loss.
Thorp wan other Ivnrlsh news In alum-
< ] int'c. Korthxvest rorelpts showed a mid1
< lcn Inereiifie , Mlnntapolls and Diiluth rc-
pnrtlni ; 40.1 cnrs , offalnst 2SI ears last week
and 231 a ypiir ago. Chicago recplpts were
M ears. A lluenoa Ayri-s cable said the
crop In HIP Santa ! > tllslrlct of Areentlno
w is Immense and of One ( | uallly. I'rlmary
r -cppts | were almost double tlnsc of last
vr-ar , the- total lipliw 437.0i bu. . awlnst
isj.not ) bu a year OKO. About 11 o'clock
there wns tin Improvement In the market
TIP decline wns stopped by bttyliiR amlnst
prlvllcKes. which were boimht heavily on
the late \Vcdnesilay curb , thoiiKli there wan
ni Btirh rebound as was looked for. Jlay
advanced to Ol c , where It held for a
hnrt time , then ommencpd to SUB atalu.
About noon the market annln Uovelopcil
Rhnrt Folllnir had become too
liopiiliir and the market Inul Heroine Bome-
Avlmt oversold In consequence , llrolters for
t u- Keller rrowd appi-ared In the pit nnd
th lr litiyliiK started nn ntlvnnrd thnt car-
il-'d the prli-e In a few minutes to ! ) . ) > ( , c.
The rorn mnrket becnme very Htronp nbJUt
Hint time nnd lent Its Inlluenee , na did the
.Atlantic purl eleuranees , wbleli nmountcil
1o Hio llbernl totnl of fi22on. . ) bu. Durltiff
tills rally the only real netlvlty of the
session wns exhibited , the oversold eondl-
tlon of the mnrket nt tlm. time making u
rush of Hhorts un enfiy matter. After tne
Writer buylpff waa over , however , the innr-
Urt fell away again. The advance Indueed
fie putting forth of in ire anil heavier initin-
tltlra on short aecount , and tlila caused the
llnal onllapae In prlce.s. This time May de-
ollni'd to ' . 'I'/ie. ' The market waa Klven sup-
] uirt itirn.n JUHt before the close , buying
siivnln liclniT apparently led by the Lelter
Interests , and the price bad recovered to
flXii1 before the session endi'd.
Corn In the main was llrm and fairly
active. For a time during the inornlnK
ir.'lces were Inclined to droop with wheat ,
1-iit the maiket crew decidedly strong as
the session progressed. It waa helped
greatly by the advance In provisions. Com.
mission houses were peed buyers and shorts
covered freely. Country olTerliiKS were very
llsht. May ranged frntn 2Ti2n'/iC ! ) ( ' to 23V c ,
nnd closed ' /ifi c blBher at 2n
Oats were active and llrm. There was
Kcod Koneral btiylnj ; , Home of It from ship
pers against sales of cash , but the bullc of
11 Investment buying. Offerlnps were scarce
nt llrst , but on the advance they became
more liberal , and some reaction followed.
The close was llrm. May ratified from
2Hie to 23Tic , and closed Ue bljfher nt 21 %
A Kood deal of Interest wns shown In
provisions. Small receipts of how started
Krneriil buylnff , wbilo outside orders were
consplcuiDiis , and a sharp advance In pork
ensued , other products holdltiR steady.
Tliero was some reallzlns later , but the
market In a Kcneral way was well sup
ported. At the close .May pork was 12140
lilshor nt $10:21 : ; May lard , 2' c hltfher at
$1 ' ! G and May ribs , DC higher at $3.03.
'Ustlmated receipts for Krlday ; Wheat ,
0 > cars ; corn ; * 00 cars ; oats , 113 cars ; bogs ,
JMWO head.
Ix-admg fuiures ranged ns follows :
Articles..I Opuu. I li. | Low. | CloHQ. | Ycs'dy.
Fob. . . . PS 114 98
May. . . 1)5 ) . * H JIS ! { HIM I Ml
July. . . 8 l\i \
Feb. . . . 27 Hi 27 SOW
May. . . Jsvi
July. . .
' 204 | | ?
July ! . ! J3
July. . . in 10 II ) ' . 10 10 ' . 10 07M
May. . . H ) : ii ) 11) ) I 10 10 17
Lnrd- 10i
May. . . 1 v' ' $ * nn i nn t OHM
July. . . > 05 o OM r. ou
May. . . r OS 074 n oo
July. . . . - . 15 B 10
No. 2.
Cimli ijuolatlons were ns follows :
FIK > tM Steady : winter palenls , J4.70Ifl.90H ;
strnlshts , J4.30ifl. ( ; fprlng specials , J3.3' ) ; fjirlng
patents , JI.U04.tO ; slralghls , J4.20Q4.40 ; bakers ,
WHKAT No. 2 spring , 9Hf92l/io ; No , 3 spring.
S2'JWi' ; No. 2 red , 9Sc. I
t'oilN No. 2 , Si'.tc ' ; No. 2 yellow , 27'/ic. '
( ( ATM No. 2 , 2Pic ; No. 3 while , t. o. I ) . ,
KYK 'No. 2 , V % < : .
HMtl'KY No. 2. t. Cb. . , 2Sf37c.
FIA.VSii'i-No. : 1. . . .2i-i | ; new , J1.29.
TIMOTHY SKUn-Prlnie. J2.82'i.
PIIOVISIONS Mcs * i irk , per bbl. , JIO.IOJ ?
10.15 ; hint per 100 I'm. , Jl.87'4 ; short rll .
B'di'H ' ( loiw ) . JI.905.S > . ; dry salted chnulderH
tlioviHl ) . Jt.73ff5.0 ; short clear Hides ( .LHIMH ! ) ,
l3.2 > Wri.30.
W11IHKY nlsllllers' finished goods , per Crtl. ,
* VtnAHH-Ciit loaf. J3.S9 ; granulated. J5.39.
On Hie Produce cxchntiBO today the ImKe
ket wan llrm ; r-reameib'S , ISiilOc ; dalilen , 110' '
I7c. Chec'se , quiet nttfSUe. ( . Hugs , Hun ;
flVBli , We. Dri' . eil poultry , market firm ; lur-
lieys , llfj'12c ; clilckents CHfltMi. ' ; < hickn , Oirt
IK * ' .
KKW Yoitic < JI'.MKAI ,
iN Tor tin- lnj- oil ( iiMicriil
NF\V YOIHC , Feb. 3. FIJDim-neeclptu , 13.-
OG * > bbls. : exports , 41.23(1 ( Mil * . ; quiet and consld-
rraldyx weaker In undertone ; city mill patents.
Jl.CJffo.M ; city mill clears , jr > . .49i(5.5.Mliinesota ( ;
patents , I3.10tf3,3j ; Minnesota biikcrb' , JI.ISg'I.GO ;
ivlnler straights. 11.530 l.fij ; winter extras , n 50ZJ1
I.SO ; 'winter low Krudes. J2.Wft3.i . Ityo Hour ,
dull nt ( .2 COIf 5 13. Iluckwhoat Hour , inilet at
| | tfftl.30.
) | IICIC\VI I KAT Steady nt S7o.
rOllNMI'\I. : Uulet ; yellow western , C7c.
HYM-Hleady ' : No. 2 western. Me ; car lots ,
MU52'io ,
IIAItl < MY-Flrm : fe dlnu. SSlic
IIAHIIY MAI/T Hteady ; western. C2HC7c. , ?
WJIICAT llecelpts. 71 , KJ bu. ; esports , 4S.C68
lU.i Miot , weak ; No. 2 red , il.GNi. ! Options
were weak all day except for n midday rpurt
nn Illieial clenrHncex anil cloned 'liOTiiC net lower ,
Tlm derllnw was Inlluencod by heavy northwest
ern lecelpta , hoHrlfih ArKvnllne crop news ami
weak CHhlei ) , Kxport trade wns fair at the out-
ports ; ale , 1CO.OO ) 'bu. ; February cloned at
JI.OMi ; May. 7-185JW 3-lCo , clojeil ( fifce.
COKN-Uecelpts 11,700 bu , : exports , 1S2.10I bu.j
ppot. tlnn ; No. 2 , sCHc. Options , market de-
velopi'd connMerable ulreiiRth today on mall
cur lot eillinates , cnveilm ; and export demniid ,
clo > lnK (40 net hltiher ; May , Si P-1CU33 15-1 Co ,
closed SJTie.
OAT.S-ltecelpti , C2SOi ) iiu e port , IH.JJI bu ;
i > | iot , ttronit : No. 3 , 2' . > U2t'Vic. ' Options were I
quiet. Inn tinner on fair export Inquiry mid '
utreiiKth of rash properly , cloulm ? ( Jo net '
lilnher : May cloned at i f.
riiiFlim : : , bran , TWSOc ; middling * , 7JO
77Hc : rye feed. ic.
HAY Dull , flipping , 35tlc ( ; good to choice ,
C0)i75i ) ; .
llOPrt Steady : ntnte. common to choice. U93
cri'P. 4)fCo ) ; 1W cnip , 7SJ9o ; 1W7 crop. t7Rl o ;
I'linlllo > t , 1S1 crop , 4SCc ; 1S86 crop , SKlOo ;
U97 crop. 1-fflfc.
IIIOKrt Steady : nalrctton , lie ; Te a > , dry ,
12" ; rallforiilii. 17 18c.
liKATlIF.It-Bleady ; hemlock iol , lluenoa
WOOIHleady ; lleece. :7ff31c ; pilllivl. 15 17e ,
IMIOVISIONS Heef. linn : family , IU.W I1.50 ;
rxtru mem. is.occt.w ) e--f linnw , J31.0D :
packet , t.OinO W Cut meats , llrm ; pickled
bellleH. tr > .37'ni ( .2 : : pickled fh uldcr , 14.75 ;
plokled IIBIIIK , JT.Jidl.t'd. l ird. llnnrr ; western
vteameJ. J5.15 , rellnult'llrin. I'ork , tn uc : mr > . ; hort clear , in.00012.00 ; family.
J10.6W11.W. Tallow , dull ; city , 3Kc ; country.
. lVtniluni. . dull ; ' United , CGo , lln > ln ,
rteudy. utrulned. common ti > fiwl. II 4mn 45
Turpontlne. mendnt 2 r ! < Uc. Cottonheed oil , '
weak In the abtenre of export demand ; con ldvr- '
nblu oil prvuilni ; nn the market | quolutlonii : '
prime crude. lSl > SI9o ; prlm numiner ) ellow ,
SlVicj * off umtner yellow , 2Hsc ; butter oil. 2SW
ItU'lI-Steady ; fair to extra. 4 > > ( ; 6Kc ; Japan ,
Steadv : NewOrleani. . open kettle ,
g.xil . to rlicilre SMTV
MhTAl S Tl'r ' markft for mrtali showed un-
ImiHirlant cluinKef Accordlns tu Hie New York
Melul vxotiar.KO nlv Inin warrant ! olotej dull
t } < > . < ! bid and ( CCO , anked ; mUt copper , ttrady
with buyer * nt 11M ; tin. firmer nt J13.W bid I
nnd S13. ! * > Hiked , Spelter , quiet at .M hid and '
14.00 ticket ] , and lead itendy nt ll.l'Vi bid and
J3.C2H naked , Tlie firm that nxes the settllni ;
price for miners and tmcltcrs quotes lead at
IJt/TTRn / nec lpt , 1,753 pkK . ; ftfndy ; western -
ern creamery , im@0c ; Klglns , 20c ; factory , It
( til ? .
rilKnsB necelpts. 1.631 pkrs. ( ; cai > y : Jarpe.
white , September. S4c tmoll , white , September.
ffflOWc ; Inrce , colored , Seplpmber , R'ic ; rmnll ,
colored. -ptpmli r. SfOUc ; laroe , Octoti'-r , fc ;
tmnll , Octotwr , 8'SflS'ic ' ; HBht klms , CfJtVic ; part
sklirn , 4BSlio ; full fklm" , 2ff9\
1X5OS5 ncerlpt * , 7,234 pkRS. ; steady ; slate and
Pennsylvania , 18c : we tein. ISc.
Ciiiiilllloii of Trade nml ( lilntntlunn
on Slnplp nnil Tnncy 1'roiltico.
KdOS-Oood ttock. 13tfl3'ic. '
UtJTTKll rotnmnn in fnlr. SRlte : -parafir
cronmery. We ; Bothered creamery , ISOlCo.
ViAt/-Cholce fat , SO to 120 Ibs , , quoted nt Bn ;
IIURO nnd conrse , 4i3c.
UIIirSSKD roULTllY-ailckens , CCCc ; tur-
keyn. MHOc ; gee c , 7c ; ducks. Cc.
OAMII Small rnbMts , per doz. , JJc ; large ,
JI.25 ; squlrrols , SOJWc.
PIOKONS Ijlvo , 75c ; dead plseoni not wanted.
ItAY-M'pInjid. JS.W ) ; midland. J3.50 ; lowland.
| . * > ; rye straw , II ; color makes the price on liny ;
light In IPS soil the Ix-st ; only top cradi-a brine
top prices ,
fKI.KHY-Oood stock , large. 40o ; small. ! * > e
30o.ONIONSPer bu. . JI.
IIKANS Hand-picked navy , per bu , , J1.253
l.fli ) .
8\VlSt3T POTATOES Kanns , 10-peck Mils. .
$2..V ) ; fancy Muscatlne. ll-pcrk bbt . . 11.23.
( 'AIIIIAOK novd stock , per Ib. . IHc.
1'OTATOKS Hnmo grown , G Qjlc ; western
stock , 70c.
AVPLKR Winter stock , M.nOfM.G } ; California
Ilellelleur. boxes , Jl.GO ; Colorado Jonathans ,
lioxcs , 11.73 ; Oregon , boxes , $1.23.
rilANIinuniKH-Joiscys. per bbl. . I7.OOP7.23'
Wisconsin Ildl nnd Hugle , J7.D087.73 ; Wisconsin
lloll nnd Cherry , .
ait.\l > l < : s Mnlfltn * ,
OIlANaCS Mexican , per box , 12.7:03.00 ; Cali
fornia navels , .Mn3.2S.
l.lvMONS 4'allfornla , fancy , } .1.Z5 ; choice , tl.
I1ANANAS Choice , liir o s'ock , per liunch ,
l3.COij2.23 ; medium sized bunches. 11.7502.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , lanto size , 12ffnc ;
small , He ; ItrnzUs , per Ib , , ! > O10c ; Knsllsh walnut -
nut , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , lOWllc ; stand
ards , 81J9c ; nilierts , per Ib. , 10c : pecans , polished ,
medium , C , 7o ; extra laige , SffOc ; larKc hickory
niitH , Jl. Ul.10 jicr bu. ; small , II.25511.3" , per
bu. ; coconnuts , per 10J , $1 ; peanuts , raw. G85i,4c ;
roastetl , f.t/Cmrc.
FIOS Imported fancy. 3 crown. 14-lb. boxes.
izo : B crown , 44-111. boxes , HfTlSc ; 2-lb. boxes , 22
W23o per l x ; California , 10-lti. box. Jl.
HONIJY Choice white , I2c ; Colorado amber. 10
KHAITT Per bbl. , } 4 ; Inlf bbl. , 12.23 2.35.
MAPM'3 SYltri'-Flve-Kal. cans , each. J2.73 ;
Kill , cans , pure , per doz. , } 12 ; half Kl. l. cans.
tij.25 : quart emit. J3.50.
DATKS Hallowec. CO to 70-lb. boxes , 60 ; Salr ,
GHc ; Fnnl. 3-lb. boxe. , 9o.
t'lPRIt Per hnir bbl. M ; Mils. $3.23 ,
nUKSSKD DHHF-duo. . : ua'\\e \ steers. CHc ;
K0l l forcqunr.iM-a steers , 5Ho ; Rood hindquarters
steers , S'.sc : western steers , Cc ; fancy helfcra ,
C\4c ; Rood heifers , Gc ; good forcqunrterB heifers ,
5c ; peed hindquarters heifers. So ; good cows ,
_ , . - - - .
, - , - - - - - -
off. 7Vic ; coiv rounds , shank nnd rump off , Sc ;
trlmmlUKH , 4V5c ; beef shanks. 3c ; brains , per
doz. , 33c ; sweetbreads , p < v Ib. , 12',4c ; sweetbreads
icalvcs ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 35c ; ox
tails , oar.i , 3c ; livers , per Ib. . 21-jc : hearts , per Ib. ,
2V4C ! lonKiies" , peril ) . , I2i4c ; calf livers , each. 33c :
calves , whole carcass nr sides , ! kcalf ; head and
feet , pcalded , per i-et , 73c ; tenderloins , fresh. 18c ;
lendcrlolns. frozen. ICe ; boneless strips , fresh ,
lOc ; boneless strips , frozen , Oo ; strip loins ,
fresh. Sc ; strip loins , frozen , C'Jp ; rolls , bone
less. ! > c ; rolls , fpenccr outs. 9c ; sirloin butts ,
boneless , itc ; shoulder clods , boneless , r c ;
rump butts , boneless , GVc ; No. 1 chucks , Be ;
No. 2 chucks , 4\c ; No. 3 chucks , 4'Ac ' ; boneless
chucks. 4i c ; , . r/latc = . 3'c ; steer plates , 4c ;
I'ank ' steak. Cc ; Inlns , No. i , 13c : loins , No. 2 ,
lOc ; loins , No. 3 , 7aci ! short loins , market style , 2e
nbovc loins ; short loins hotel style , 4c above
loins ; cow loin ends. Sc ; steer loin Gntls 9
Ml'TTON-.F iicy lambs , 8Vjc per Ih. ; Iambi ,
7'ic ; sheep. 0140 ; mnrket racks , lomr. SVSe ; hotel
racks , short. He ; loins , S'.io ; saddles , "Jo ; less ,
9c : lamb lei , lOc ; breasts nnd stews , 3Uc :
Uincues , each , 3c ; forequarters , Be.
POIllv-Drcssed-plBs. 5Vtc per Ib. : dressed liocs.
DC ; tenderloins , 14o ; loins , short , Cljc ; lonu Cc'
spare ribs. 4Hc ; ham rausage butts , GVJe ; Iloston
buttH , Co ; shoulders , rough , 44c : Shoulders
skinned. Co ; trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , 6c ; beads , cleaned , 4c ; snouts nnd cars ,
, ,
Jieyn , per doz. , ICc ; brains , per doz. . 13c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 25c ; livers , each , 3c ; hoc rinds ,
! c ; blade bones. Be.
1IIDUS No. 1 sreen bides. 7o ; No 2 green
hides. Co ; No. 1 salted hides , 9o ; No. 2 green
salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
lOo. ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 IDs. , Sc.
HHUKP PKI/TH-Urecn salted , each , 15S73o ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
sklna ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
curly skins ) , No. 1 , each. Gc ; dry Mint Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , actual
weight , 4K 3c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3jp
4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight , 41T5c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3f4c.
TAM/3W. ( HIKASI3. I3TC. Tnllow. No. 1.
3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , H4c ;
while grease , 2Hif2 ic ; yellow nnd brown grease ,
I1.-5 l2'i < - ,
FIJIIS Iteer ( black or brown ) , I3.00ff20.00 :
otter. Jl.MfjR.OO ; mink , 138Wc ; beaver , Jl.tO
SC.O ) ; skunk. 13c , 23o , GOc ; muskrat , 3c , 5c , 7o ;
raccoon , 15ii c ; red fox , 25cft1.25 ; grey fox ,
23f30c ; wolf ( timber ) , ! 3cGt2.50 ; wolf ( prairie
. oyote ) . lOflSOc ; wildcat , 10lf23o ; badger , CfflOo ;
silver fox , J50.C0375.00.
HOKSi : HIDES-Each ,
St. I.iul ( ; < ! ! < ml .tlnrllN. .
ST. JJOUIS , Feb. 3. FIjOI.'U Higher , In sym-
lathy with wheat ; patents , J4.70fft.90 ; straights ,
Jl.r , > l.30 : clear , | 4.2fi ; medium , J3.WHf3.75.
WHKAT I > iwer , closing Tdo bcow ! yesterday
for May , wllh July lo off ; Miy opened i'i lower ,
declined \c , recovered that and then declined
Tic , closing with sellers ' , io nliove the bottom.
Spot , steady. No. 2 red. cash , elevator , SSc
avked ; truck. ft'OS 'ic ; February. IWlJc ; May ,
2CVio asked ; July , SOJc ; No. 2 hard , cash , S9V.c.
UOItN Futures iluctnated with wheat early
and closed with Illy the active option Vc above
yesterday , 140 below the tip price nnd ' .iW.Jc
above the lowest price u. ked. Spot , ihlgher ; No.
2. cash. 2Co bid : February. 2(7o ( bid ; 20',4c asked ;
.May. 2 ' 4C ; July , 27c afked.
O.VTrf Futures nominal , dull nnd easy. Ppot ,
llrm No 2 , ndi , 2lc bid ; Inick , 2lff23c ; Feb
ruary , Sic ; May , 2l ? o ; July , 22 > Jc ; No. 2
white. 25OKc.
11YK Steady at 47c.
Slir.Flaxteed , lower nt tl.Sl. Prime tlm-
othy. tt.r.O.
rOUNMKAitl.40. .
UllAN Strong ; sacked , eaft track , Cftc.
HAY Firm for good grades ; prairie , J5.OOJf8.IO ;
timothy. } 0..r.WIO.(0.
IliriTKU Finn ; creamery , ISJflOVJc ; dairy , tl
( ffl..o.
KCins-FInn at He.
WHISKY tl 19.
MKTAUS-I nd , hlKher at f3.43l03.47lXj bid.
.Spelter , higher at ? 3 bid.
PIIOVISIO.VS Pork , higher : standard mers ,
lobbing. MO. 23. l iiiil , higher ; prime steam ,
14. 65 choice , 11.75. llacon , boxed lots , extra
short clear. J3.r,0.3.02V4 ? ; ribs , J5.e2U < fr3.73 ; shorts ,
f3.7.i" > .S7U. Drj' salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders.
t4.87VU3.0 ? ; extra tjiort clear. J5.Xa3.12Vi ( ; ribs ,
t5.l2'41/fl.23 ' / : shorts , J3.215T5.37V4 ,
HHCKIJTS Flour , 3,0-X ) bbU ; wheat , 7,000 till ;
corn. IW.Oi'l Iiu. : oats , 13.WO bu.
SHII'XIKNTW Flour , 4.O ) ( ) bbls. ; wheat , G.COO
bu. ; corn , KQM bu. ; oats. 21,000 bu.
Wi'nrp CiiniiiiliNloii Oonipany.
OMAHA OFFICB. Feb. 3.-The l > enrliih Fentl-
mcnt ixwned to have developed nero strength
thin morning , and with the help of rabies ,
whli'h were ; d lower , opened the market nt
93VifJ.'e ? for May wheat and MfSITio for July
end almost Immediately sold cff nnd continued
to decline until May readied nt low as WW (
9t'ic. after which It strengthened up slowly nnd
touched as high as 93'iP and later declined
again and closed at 9l&c for May and S4J4o for
The bear sentiment wan helped considerably by
the Increased spring movement nnd the general
benrlxh tendency of the news.'ladded to the dull-
nens which seemed to pervade the pit.
Tlm sentiment at the clomi WHS quite bearish ,
but nvinlpulatlon prevented a sharp decline , and
wn do not expect It , and yet U may pounlbly gi >
lower , until It gets oversold or there l a. MI'IIIKCI
In the news. In Ihf mcantlmo there should b
opportunities for scalps of le or more , nnd all
Midden change * of any material extent should
lie traded against ulth that end ( n view.
Corn was very strong todny , opening at 2S e
for May nnd 29Tie for .Inly and while at onn
tln > o It WHS ' . c lower than the opening the ten
dency of the market 'was higher , nt one tlmo
Iielng as high n MV f29So | ( for Mar. and closed
steady at Iflo for May and 30USf3)yjo ) for July.
\\1illu this Is not n very heavy ndvnni > , It
may b * tnken arVin Indication of the feeling lt
IhU cereal , especially In the face of n decline In
Oats were I'Jsn strong and opened at 2Sfcni
May and ? 2'5ic ' bid for July , and closed strong
at 2lir3l1io for Mny and 32 1Jr22 ! o for July ,
which , crmlderlnK lh < > condlllon of the wheat
market , was aUo a good advance for oats.
Iliilllmiirf tlnrki-t.
HAI.TIMOnR. Feb. I. FIXMTn-Qulet and un-
charred ; western ui < erflne. J2.Mfl3.20 : western I
extra , J3.45fi4.10 ; western family , 4.4HI4.70 ( ; '
spring pali-ntn. family , J3.105'a.30 ; spring wheat. I
MrabclitH. JI.9005.C3 ; receipts , 3.E23 bbli.i exportu ,
1.C31 bbls
WHKAT Quiet and emler ; rpot and month. 9S
CiDS c ; Mirch , &SWil > c ; Alay. $ ( > Ufr9A c ;
rleamer No t red , 9lffWe ; receipts , 4M37 IHI.J
rxnortf , 71.200 bu. ; nouthern wheat , bv > nmple , i
fifftM. * : southern wheat , on grade 9m W * 4e.
itJUN- Steady ; HHH and month 39MH13 > > c ;
M.rc1 ! , navUfi t mer inixe.t 32V fi3Ho : re.
relpts , 40.313 bu. : export * , 63,372 bu ; routhern
while corn. 324fMI.K ! < : : rout hern ycl'ow JffM ir
OATS-Flrni : No. J white. 29V , s c : Nn 1
mUe.1 2 < < - ; recelnU , 23.1bu. ( . : exporti 33.00) bu
HYKHauler ; No. 2 'nearby. 53 lr : NI j we t-
err ' .4ty ; rei-elpt 12.Ji2 bu ; eximrlii. 5.S7I bu
HAY-Hteady ; choice timothy. JUM atked'
CiltAIN IMIKinilTH UMlier iteadler : ( team tn
I.lverixxil. | K > r bu Jd March ; Cork for orders ,
per 'limner ] > j , | . February.
KOaB-Quliit ; fn-th , JSo.
' '
HL'TTI.'U-Qulet ; fancy crciDiery , Jle ; fancy
Imitation , l$317c ; fancy ladle , lie ; good ladle.
lJUHr. stnre packed , I2 llc.
CHKESI- : Steady ; fon.-y . New York , large.
fiHHIOc , fnnrjr New York , medium , logiovjc.
fancy New York , smnll , I
* rily Urn In nnil rrnvlnlniin.
KANSAS CITY. Feb , 3-WtmAT-Hard about
Ic lower and market fairly active : soft
neglected , nominally lower ; No. 1 hard , fcSc ; No.
2. IWiSte : No , 3 , SJBttHe ; No. l rod. > lc : No. 2 ,
M 93c : No 2 spring , tlfiSSc ; No. 3. SUlSSc.
COnN Market about steady nnd fairly active ;
No. 2 mixed , 2l 824v4j.
OATS Market steady ; No. 2 white , 23 ? .
HY14 Market slendy ; No. 2 , 43c.
HAY Matket stendy ; receipts atrout normal ;
cholco tlmolhy. JS.Mlj9.00 ; choice prairie , I7.WB1
llt'TTRn Market active : creamery , HS17c ;
dairy , 12ffHc.
KlOS-.Mnrkft firm : fresh. 13Ue.
IHX'KIITS Wheat , 64,000 , bu. ; corn , C7.WO bu. ;
oats , C.roo bu ,
SIHPMKNTS Wheat , IS.OOO bu. ; corn , CS.DM
bu. ; oats , C.WO bu.
Liverpool > Inrki. ( .
MVnni'OOU Fell. 3.-WHt5AT-Rpnt , nnn :
No. 2 red western , winter , 7s 10',4d ' ; No , 1 red
northern , spring. Ss i'id.
C'OHN SiKit. American mlrod , new , firm at
Cs 4id : American mixed , old , 3s 4Hd , Kiitum
moody ; February. ' 3s 2\d ; March , 3s IXd ,
KI/irH St. Ixinls fancy winter , nnn at 9s 9d ,
HOI'S At I ndon ( Paclllo coast ) , firm nt
4 15a G ,
PHOVISION'S tlcef. firm : extra India mesa ,
CCs 3d. Pork , nnn ; prime me s , flno western.
47s Cd. Hams , short cut , steady nt 33s. Shoul
ders , pquare , firm nt 25 61. llacon , firm nt' 2i. .
Clear bellies. 31s Cd. l.nrd. prime western , dull
nt 2.'s M. Tallow , prlmo city llrm at 19ft
rtlBBWK American , nnest white nnd colored ,
dull nt 42 .
Cliiclniintl > lnrl > i.
CINCINNATI , Kli. 3. Ff.Ot'll-Qulct ; fancy ,
tl.SOfM.M : family , J3.COfl.VJO.
AVHHAT Knsler ; No. 2 rn.1 , W93I/4C.
noilN-FInu ; No. 2 mixed , 3 < > o.
OATS Finn ; No. 2 mixed r'if2Ce.
HYIJ-Qiilet but Hrin ; No. 2 , 43e.
J'UOVISIONS Ivird. llrm anil higher at tl.73.
Hulk meats , nrm nt J1.83. llacon , stronger nt
J3.SO.WIHSKYOiilet nt tl.1 ! > .
lUJTTKIt Culct ; Klgln creamery , ! lc ; Ohio , 13
fplSc ; dalr > ' . lOc.
HtlCIAIl Steady ; bard .rotlneil , J.4.03iT3S3.
iaaSStendler nt 15c.
C'HHKSlSlcndy : gtxid to prime Ohio nat.
( ! nil ii Hcoflptn nt I'rl ncliinl tnrk > ( N.
MINNnAI-OLIS , Feb. 3. Itccelpts : Wheat , 337
uCHICUClO. Feb ' 3. llecelpls : Wheat. 40 cars ;
corn , 119 cars ; on'ts , 154 cars. ICsllmated car lots
tomorrow : Wheat , 20 ; corn. 20) ) : oats , 215.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 3. llecelpts : WlMsat , 13
cars. , Feb. 3. llccelpts : Wheat , CO
I'll 1 1 ml il p III ii I'riiilni-i' ,
PHILAniCU'llIA , Feb. 3. HUTTKn-Stendy ;
faney western creamery , 20 : western prints. Sic.
KORS Steady ; fiesh nearby , 19c ; fresh wcst-
cilKKSn Steady ; New York factory , choice ,
New York factory , fair to good , 'JU5 ?
_ _
Tolt'ilo r > lirki-t.
TOMino , O. , Feb. 3 , WTTRAT I wcr nnd
weak. No. 2 cash nnd May , tl'.ic.
COHN Active nnd steady ; No s mixed , 30ic.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 23c.
HYK-291 asked.
OLJOVKHSB13D Kasy ; ptlme cash , J3.10.
1'ROniA , Fell. 3 , COHN Steady : 27c.
OATS Steady ; 'iNo. ' 2 white , nominal ; No. 3 ,
IlYi : Dull , nominal ; 23c.
WHISKY Market steady : high proof spirits.
tl.18. _ ' . .
Detroit. Mlirki-l.
DRTROIT. Feb. 3. WHHAT No. I whlta and
No. 2 red. 935ic ; May , 93Tic.
COHN No. 1 mixed , 29Uc.
OATS No ' 2 white , 2Cic.
HYK No. 2 , 49o. .
Miirkrt Wt-iiUciiH nml Avt-riiiso rrlcon
Timcli n I.IMVJT 1,1-vel.
NEW YOHK. Feb. 3. The stock market waa
stronger tudny at the opening , but weakened
nn realizing pales. Pressure by the bear trui !
era was marked njid the outsldo support nf-
fordcd by buying orders through commlaslson
houses was conslderaWy legs. Thcro was a
strong tone In n few Individual stocks r-nd ad
vances In othera were brought about by manipu
lation. lyomlon also bought BOIIIO securities
here. All causes combined , howovcr , did not
aVall to maintain prices tn the general list nnd
the average of the mnrket sagged to a lower
level. Ttiti conspicuous movement of the day
wa.i In Great Nortern preferred , which ndiU'd
Hi more points to Its recent upward course ,
making Its gains thus far for the week 20 points ,
The supply of this stock on the exchange Is
exwdlngly light nnd even the demand for n.
small quantity raises the price very quickly.
The melhod of operation on this road atut
llnanclnl returns to Its sub.Hldlary companies
mnka Ihe Block attractive at any tlmo on the
general possibility of readjustment of relations
nnd the advance Ihls week gives strong grounds
for supposing Ulint the general possibilities nrc
shaping In concrete form. There wnfl nothing
In the news of the day ti > warrant n state
ment as to what that concrete form may be.
Over 3. OX ) shnreH changed hands during the
day. lliltlmori > & Ohio also showed continued
strength , grounded on ruVnors of the" approach
ing completion of the reorganization plan , for
wlilnh there wns no authentic warrant. Nor
folk & Western preferred advanced over a
point nt one time on the strength of yester
day's 1 per cent dividend declaration , the buyIng -
Ing of the stock for Ix > ndon account IxMng par
ticularly gowl. Almost nil of the gain wns lost
In a Into reaction. The coalers were favor
ably affected as n group by the prevailing cold
wnat'her. but they failed to hold their gain.
Rubber preferred enjoyed nn advantage from the
current demand for overs'hoes created by the
storm. The Vnnderbllts were strong nt tlm s ,
Michigan Central being brought Into the talk
of consolidation. Sugar nl > ruled nlwo yoster-
dny'H closing prices. Other exception ! ) to the
prevailing weakness might be named , but
they were not conspicuous and none held all
of their advance. Union Pacllle preferred waa
very largely dealt In and rose shandy over last
night's chttc , but fell below Ixifori ) the close ,
Tha activity of Hie market showed n consider
able falling off from recently prevailing avcr-
Thii active Interest In the bond market was
much bettor sustained than In stocks and prices
were better held , the general level being higher
nnd somu sharp gains being scored. Total sales.
J3C10.0W. Government liondi were strong nil
around. United States 2n advanced 14 p r cent ,
the new 4s , ( the firi nnd the old 4s , registered.
" 4 per cent , and the old 4s , coupon , ' 4 per cent
The Kvenlng Post's Ixmdon financial cable
gram nays : "Tlio stock markets hero today
were Irregular to steady , reaction being mniked
In all Blocks recently affected by Klondike ! n-
iluences. Tliero won n sharp fall In Grand
Trunk , good tratllc returns being offset by
reports of a pending rupture wllh the Canadian
1'acldc ' Foreign stocks were- good nn Paris
buying'nml mines worn lietter for thi same
reason. The genernl tendency hero nt the mo
ment Is tn securu prnllts on Americans , but
there Is a tlnn undertone , "
Following nre tlm closing quotations of the ,
leading stocks on the New York m.iiket today : I
AtchUon 1-H St. I' . & Om . 7. . . 7 , ' i (
clonfd : i" do pfd 148
Ilnltlmorn.t Ohio. . IS SI.P.M..VM i : D.
So. Panlfln. " (1 (
Canada Soutnorn. . B4H So. Hallway 0
RontrallMcllla MS do pfd 31
Chi'H. .VOtnu LM1 , TnxiiB * Paclllo. . . , li !
Chicago .V Alton. . . Union Paclllo : i. >
O..II. , VQ . U. P. U. AC M <
C..t H. l CDHi Wabauli 7H
C.O. O. A St. I. . . . . Hlllf do pfd IB" " *
dopfd HI ) Whonl. & I. , n ! * {
Del. .v IlmlHon. . . . 11:1 : WhcuL.V I. , K. pfd 1
Ool. I.k VT l..i ! Adanm Kx 101)
Ucn..t KloU 1:1 : American Kx tin
dopfd fillK tJnlledSlr.tosKx..lU
Krlu ( now ) . . . . . . . . . 14U Wells Far.'O KX..114 ,
KrlnlHtpfd HSU A. Cot. Oil 'JIK
Ft. Wavnn 170 do pfd 7HH
uroat Nortlinru pM. Am. Spirits . M )
Hockluir Valliiv. . , . 7 Am. SniritupW . 'Jl . . . lOil Am. Touacuu .
UikoKrln.V . . . . lHi do pfd . lit
do pfd . 70M I'noplu'H Oils . H7H
1'Jl Conn , ( ins . 101 H
. Coin , UalilnCa . 175
Manhattan C , . 117U Cul. K. ilrflu . 2I
Mut. St. Hv . 117tii dopfd . 71)
Michigan . ! . . . .
; Mlun.&iJt. L ' . ! } ) ! IllllnolHStPUl S
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '
[ Mo.PaclOo. . . . . . . . . . XHlll'uad ! . . . . ! , : I5 >
1 Moblln.VOhlo IIOJj no tifil 10S
Mo.K , AT lilWlNat. Un. Oil IH
do pfa HI ) > i i On-iron linn. Co 2SK
Chi. lud. 4.1 , l > 4 ( Paclllo Mall ItlU
dopfd .1:1 : | Pullman I'-H 17iUi
N.J. Contnil IHHf Silver Curtltlcatns. . 5t )
K , llnH Stand.Uopu &T. . . . -1
N. Y. Chi. .V St. I , . . UWI Sugar IS7K
dolutpfd 75 I do pfd 11.1
do'Jdpfd .10 IT. C. A. iron ,
Norfolk A Western M ! < U. S. Leiithcr 7
No. Amor. Co .1 do pfd 05
No.P.iulllc 'J7 U.i. Uubbor : K1K
dopfd , ( I7 ilo pfd IHHJ
OnnirloJi W. . . . , , IH WoHturu Union. . , . I11H & Nav S'J N'orthwusluni T.5v
Oro. Short Line - ' ! < ilopfd 107
I'iltHburi : 1US Itlo ( irandu West . 2-J
Ucuulmg V1H do pfd ' 'imi
HooklHlaiid _ . ClilcagU'Orunt W. . Lilt
S.L.AS.F 7H S. I , , . A. S. W 7W
dolDtpfd KIUC81. L. .VS F.'d pfd HH
St. I''iul OAHIHawaiian Com Co. H3 > i
do ntil. . 115 lltuitillnglHt pfd. . . . 10
Total Hales of tockn today were WJO0 ; sharfa
Including : llaltlmore & Ohio. 27C 40 ; Che < apake
& Ohio , 4,931 Oreat Northern prefeirud , 3,11) ;
Ixiulsvllle & Naphville , 7,297 : Manlmttan 12,223 ;
Michigan Central , 4,700 ; Hawaiian , 3,763. Heading
preferred , 20,379 ; Mlmourl 1'jclllc. 7.870 ; New
Jer ey CVMral , 3,209 ; NuW York Central , 4fXI ;
North American. 0.500 ; Northern Pacltlc. 6.6W ;
Northern Pacific preferred 31.410 Heading , 9,310 ;
St Paul. 8.22S : I'nlon ' Pacific. I3.KW ; 1'eoiile'n
OuJ , 3.7SS ; Cotmolldated ( ins , 3tO ) ; Sugar , lli.lW.
Huntof 1'Vnm-f ' .Sliilciiicnt ,
PAHIH. Feb. 3. The weekly utotement of the
Dank of France shown the follow Ing chang , as
compared with the prevloun account : Notes In
circulation. Increase , 73,300'Xk ) francs ; treasury
accounts current. ile"rea e. 37.1W.Orj ) francs ; gold
In hand , drcreate. 2.CCO.OCO frunct : bllU dbu
counted , | ncrea > e ! 0.S..o.fO ) franci ; silver In hand ,
Increate , COO.OO ) francs.
i : < iiiu or
I/3NDON , Feb. 3. The weekly statement of
Iho IIink of Kngland htimvs the folluwlng1
chaiiKrs , a * comparxd with the previous HC-
imunt : Total reserve , Increaie. in.CO ; > ; clr- >
rul.ukm. Increase 350ro ) ; bullion. Increase
370,431 : other securities , decmue 1'410O > ;
ulhvr deposits , decrctuo flki , W ) ; puldlc do-
UUDIUII oc muiuuii t -
Illinois Stuul L1J llntto.V 1)091011. ) . . . ' . ' 7H
Mexican Central. . Calumet Heol.i. . Clll
N. Y..V N.E III ) Contennlal . ClllUM
Old Colony 11)0 ) Franklin .
O.9. lj Onccol : > .
KuDDer Qulncy
Union I'.iclllO 33 134
U'cstRiicl. . . H4H Wolvrorina 1WM
tlopM Huston Li Ill
\V. Eloc J4K
Snn Krnnnliro
SAX FttANClSCO , Feb. 3-The , olllclnl closlnff
quotntlons oa mining stocks today \\cro as fol
lows :
Alt.1 11 Iiittlct * 41
AluhaCon 4 Kentucky Con 4
Andes 1:1 : Mexican 21
llelchor II'J OcnldouulCoii. . . . inn
IloHUt iielohor.1:1 : Ophlr. 00
llulllon I ) Overman 0
Caledonia IH 1'ototi 27
Challcncu Con 3U Savaie 14
Chollar. ' . ' 4 , Scorpion U
Confidence 75 Slorra Xevadii. . . . ion
Con.Cal. A. V'n. . . . 01 Sliver Ulll : t . . . 1 Union Con 41
Crown 1'olnt 21 Utah Con 10
Oouki JiCurrie. . . . YolliwJieKot : 30
100 Stand-in ! 130
Silver bars , 53c ; Slcxlcan ilollara. 47tt47l ( , < .c ;
drarts , bight. 20c ; drafts , 'tcleKruiiIi , ii c.
> < Vcirlc 3Iliiliipr ( tlintutloiin.
NH\V YOItlv , I'cli. 3. The following nre tlio
closing mlnliiK Quotations
Cliolhir. . Onuino 230
Crown 1'olnu . ' . " - ' Oiliur. CO
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . Ill ) Plvmoutn u
IeilvTO04 : ( . DO Qulck3llT.r 10 : )
( JouWACurry . : IO Uuloteailvor oM. . . 2SO
. * Slqrra JtaTa1 ! ! . . . . 93
: )700 ) SinnaarJ 135
Iron Silver . 4J Union Con KB
Mexican . 20 YollowJackin . . . . 30
London Stootr CVuiitntloni.
" . Feb. 3. 4 p. 'm.- lp
Consols , m'.v I1BH _ . coiimon. . . ORM
Consols , ncct.,112 13-10 NY. : Cantnii 122V
Gnn. Pacific lOW ) Pi'niisylvnula OOH
Krlu 1BH IlD.iilluir Ill *
Brio Ma , . , 4I Mbx. ( Ion. uow 4 * . . G/ ! ,
111. lOUHj
Mexican ordinary. . 21
UAH SlLVnil Steady at SCd'por oz.
MONEY 2VW ! H per cent.
The rate of discount In tne open market for
Mhort and three months' bills Is 2 9-1G4.CJ 11-10
per cent.
I < "liiiiiirlnl .Vutt'M ,
OMAHA" , Feb. 3. Oeorlngs , JSD1,590.27 ; ' bal
ances , Jill.715.91.
CHICAGO. Feb. 3. Clearings , JIS.579,902. New
\ork exchange , lite discount. Posted rates ,
J4.S3V4 and $4.SO. Stocks tnoro active ; I uke
Street I > verj' Jlrm ; Alley U , 01 ; Diamond Match ,
14Qi ; U-iko Street t. . 15T4 : NTO- York Ill.sriilt.
03 ; North Chicago , 22S',5 ; Strawboard , 33J ; West
I'HII ADirLl'HIA. Feb. 3. Clearings , J12.7S4-
92S : balance. , J1.HWWO.
NEW YOHK F-b. 3. dearlngs , $181,529,870 ;
balances , W.77C.41S.
ST. IXmiS. Feb. 3. Clearings , J4,53Sfi62 ; bal
ances , { CIS 07) ) . Money , 0S per cent. Niov
York < xchnnge. par bid : 23c premium nsked.
NEW ORLBANS , Feb. 3. Clearings , J1.C9I-
013. New York exchange , bank , par ; commer
cial. Jl per 11.000 discount.
MEMPHIS. Feb. 3. Clearings , $412,021 ; bal-
nncen. $175,233. New York exchange , selling at
Jl premium.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 3. Clearings , J IKI.OrA
Money , 2 < - , < gfi per cent. New York exchange ,
par and lOc discount.
ForelKii Kliiuni'inl.
IX5NDON , Fob. 3. Gold Is quoted at lluem.s
Ayrra today nt 153.70. Amount of bullion with
drawn from tlm Dank of Kngland on balance
today. IOI.O
I'AUrS , 1-Vli. 3. On the bourse today busl-
nr.s.i was Irregular. Rentes and Italian Hocurl-
tlen were heavy. Turks were easier on realiza
tions In connection with the pprKlstcn" * of
Ilus la regarding fhe candidacy of I'rlnce Ooorsf
of Greece for governor of the Island of Crete.
I > anlKh 4s weri bardcnlng Tiirnp ncr cent
rentes , 103f r..Jc for the account. Kxchangc on
lyimlnn.f sir for clierka
IiiHI.V. : Feb. 3. The tone of the bourse to
day wna Irregular , but generally linn. Itnlln.i
Et'rurltlos were wier , owin'r to Ea1 * * on .irr unt
of Italian bankers. Turklfh f.'curltlcs were
linnler. Northern 1'ai-llics and Canadian 1'a-
clllcs IIuotuatc. 1. Itnnk Mhar > " 4 advanCL'd.
IlimU of ( ; rrimui.v Mil I riiicnt.
I1KIII.IN. Feb. 3. Tlie weekly ctatement of the
Imperial Honk of Germnny nhows the following
changes as compared with tin- previous account :
Cash In hand , decrease , 1.70Q.yo ( marks ; treasury
notes , decienjo. lo.Ooo marks ; other securities , In-
crense , 4,2O > .flft ) marks ; notes In circulation , de-
crejst5,420.0i marks.
li'iiii SfiMirllloH In I , on ilon.
LOHI3ON , Feb. 3. Tlio market for American
F.ecurltles. nflcr a weak opening , became Fteadler
and cloxed with a moderate demand. There were
no i > clul features ,
XnWYOHK. IVb. 3 TOFFKK-Optlons opened
steady nt fi points ndTOiiue ; ruled quiet nnd fea
tureless , with steady undertone on better Euro
pean cable. * than expected , xmall but steady de
crease In the American vUlbht and decided llrm-
ness of pot holder * ; trading checked by abwnco
of cables from Ilrnzlllan markets on cceount of
holiday ; cliwul Rteady. C tn 10 points net ad
vance ealec , 11..VX ) ImgB , Including March nt
* . " > .7fl. frijwt cirffee. Itlo , slendv ; No 7 , Invoice ,
M.37V4 ; No. 7 , Jobbing , J .S7',5 Mild , steady ;
Cordova , Jl.50ffiri.0i ) . Total wnnhouse deliveries
from the United States. 15.W bng > . Including
13 M bairn from New York : New Ynih ntock
to lay , C4r.fu7 bugs ; Urrlted Slates stock. 7K,5I1 )
bags ; nlliMt for the United Stales. ST.OOO bags ;
total vlslld * for the United SMtfp. 1 'M 541 bags ,
n mi I tagjXZ bags last year iind 502,761 bags In
SANTOS Feb. 3. COFFKK Holiday.
HAMIH'HO , Feb. 3. COFFIJB Opened ' .pfg
lower ; nt 2:20 : p m. , quiet , tut unchanged lo lpf < {
lower ; Mies. 12.0TO hairi.
day ; receipts. 11,000 bags.
HAVRE. Feb 3-COFFKU Closed ttf net
higher sales , 2'.fCO ' I UH.
'Xrw ' York llry ( IcxulN Jliirl.rt
NKW YOIIK. Feb 3 There was a general re
sumption of business In the dry goods district
today. Nearly all the n nl and cninmlrslnn
men were In communication with Ihn mills
which they reprwrent by mull nnd wire , and
were In a porltlon to talk prU-eg to such buyers
as were In the market. Thiro were not many of
thesu and their purchufe ? , ' both nt first hands
ami In jobbing Morex were light. Mall ordei re
ceipts today were quite heavy , however , nnd the
movement of goods wn of a comparatively
weightier character Thn mpvcment of cot
ton goods for the home tride wns fairly heavy ,
Export goods were bought rlnwly OH heretofore.
Print cl > ths nre still nuoted at 2 3-10c , with no
further sales at that price reported. Prints were
tlnn and nbout unchanged ,
Oil Murl.-i'tN
OH , CITY. Pa. . Feb. 3-Oedlt Inlances. o ;
certificate * * , rneH ! cash at . "ti QHC ? ; cloned 74" i
bid for rfirulur deliver)1 ; slilpments , 51.0S3 bbls , ; I
runf. 73.728 bbls
CHAHIKSTON , Feb. S-OII.S-Tnrpentlnc. I
firm at 32c ; salev , nothing , It3 ln , llrm anil un- :
chanced : sales , nothing.
SAVANNAH Feb OlfjS-Turpentlne. . nrm
nt 32 > ; c ; culcii. n bids ; receipts. 1.011 bids
Rodin , firm : sales 8 491 bbls : rcreli > U. 2.C77 bbl :
A , II , C. I ) , n. Jl.Sfl : F. J1.33 : O Jl O : H. Jl 00 ;
T J1.70 : K. Jl M ) ; M. II.SS ; N , | 1.S5 1.90 ; WO ,
J.ft ) : WW. J2.23fl2.30.
turjientlne. Bleady at J1.40 l.l" ) . Tar , teady at
93c. ItObln , quiet at 11.9)01.23.
Cnllfiiriilii Drh-.l
YOIIK. reb. 3.-cA'i ' iTOitNiA nninn
FHUITS Very steady : evaporated apples , comm -
m n , 5f7'Jc ; nrlm wire tray 8(4" ( wood dried.
prime , SVjcj choice , SJc , fancy , DfjS'tc : prune * .
3iHc ; apricots , Itovul , tUOT ie ; Moor I'irk , 99
lie ; peaches , unpceled , TOlOc ; pcclud , UQ20 ,
Light Run Encounters a Very Good General
Demand ,
ItecolpH of Ilcfvea IKmtly of Oir
\Vnrnipd Up Vnrlply Uctuniul
( ionil nml Prlucn Straily
for Hour. * .
SOUTH OMAHA , Fob. S.-nccclpta for
the ilnys Indicated were :
Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Horses.
February ,1 2.0X ) 4,3iM Bm4
Kebrunry 2 31S2 r.,112 4430 53
February 1 2,375 7,3 > 39 3'J37 SI
January 31 1.3J2 2.4SO 4,5M 2
January 29 74S 4,527 1.70S 5fi
January 2S 1,742 n.CIO 2,431 20
January 2" 2,774 C.3IS r.,253
January 2 ( ! 2,550 P.ISJ 5.C92
January 25 2,437 H.731 4.532
January 21 1,741 2.GI3 2,623
January 22 C07 7,523 440
January 21 1.C.47 fi.Sjt 2,263
January 20 1,553 ! l,7Sl 4,600
January 1 ! ) 2,4su cOS3 r.,410
January IS 2,730 7,919 3,233
The ollleial number of cars ot stock
brought Jn today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Missouri rnclflc lly 3
Union I'aclllc System IS 17 17
F. , H. & Jr. V. 11. K 1G U 3
S. C. & P. lly 3
C. , St. P. , M. & O , lly H
U , .t .M. H. U. 11 IS 30
C. . H. & Q. lly v 2 7
1C. C. & St. J G
C. . It. I. & P. lly. . H S 1
C. , K. I. & P. My. , W 1
Total receipts SO Cfi 23
The disposl'lon of the day'H receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing1 the
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha PackltiR Co 3.1 . . . . 5
The G. H , Hammond Co. 247 ] , OS3 III
Swift and Company 333 1.01S 2,072
The Cudahy Pucklnq Co. ! ! . . 003 S7G
1' . JJ. Armour , ChlcaKO a.i&s
II. Hooker and Dopin . . . 107
I.olmuui & llothsctilldsI ! )
ICroblis < t Co SO
Hill & HuntzltiK-er ! l
I.lvlnguton & Schaler 22
H. Hamilton 80
Swift , rrom the country 1MS
Cudahy P. Co. , from K. C , 330
Chicago P. Co. , Nob. City . . . 1,180
Other buyers 250 . . . . 306
Totals 1,066 4,203 C.41C
CATTLE llccelpts oC cattle wore small
as compnre-d with yesterday , there being ; a of 1.000 liuatl. All told only eighty-
four loads were reported In the yards. The
market as a whole was in very fair shape ,
with values ) not much changed from yester
Cornfod beeves mere in moderate supply
and a largo proportion of those on sale were
only 'warmed up stuff. In fact good cattle
\vero decidedly scarce. The. demand was
reasonably good and the desirable lots
among the offerings changed hands In geol
season and at fully steady prices. Common
kinds were not such good free Hollers , but
owing to the light offerings they were , all
cleared up In tlio end.
Cows and helforH were in very fair demand
at steady prices and an early clearance was
Stoekers and feeders were about steady at
the decline. Representative sales.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3T..12ir 13 "It 4..H12J370 1. . . .1150 $370
M. . . . 877 380 10. . . .1133 3 D3 ID. . . .1171 415
23..1.W , 413 22. . . .1073 4 SO 1S..1SH 4 2T ,
3..12W 423 I 18. . . .1304 4 M 31. . . .1202 410
SO. . . .1141 4 10 It. . . .1172 4 15 17..HCO 4 I. )
6. . . .103. ) 4 2S 1. . . . S70 400 13..1K415
G..1MC 3 7l > 4. . . . 917 .175 S.120S 423
1. . . . 731) 323 1 _ SOO 333 7..11H8 3 ST.
C. . . . 86.1 390 12. . . .1014 .1 ! W r.i)04 ) 400
M..10.-.9 100 1..12.V ) 40) 10. . . .1170 415
29..127S 420 2. . . .1303 425 7..112S 4 ST.
M..1202 430 1..1210 433 IS. . . .1333 440
13. . . .1301 450
1..U20 313 1..13IO 313 10 - 979 323
S..11SO 3 - > 17 _ 10113 350 42. . . .1122 3 B3
2..10T,3 3 C3 1. . . . 610 273 1. . . . 950 273
1. . . . 710 290 10. . . .1087 300 2..10ffl 323
12. . . .1139 335 27. . . . 99 335 5. . . .1180 335
7..1U21 340 3..1200 350 11. . . .1033 3 IS
1. . . . 830 20) ) 1..104D 223 1..C * ) 2 W )
12..1WS 270 n..lOOT 275 6..10SI 273
4. . . .100) ) 2 S3 .1 l.13M ' ) 3M 1..1270 SCO
22. . . .1085 370 5 _ 110) 2 JO 3 - SSI ! 305
1(1. ( . . .1131 3212. . . . .1140 325 22 - 1017 3 3i )
10. . . .1103 330 2. . . .1110 333 1. . . . 780 340
1..1OM .140 8 _ 1187 3 W 1 - 1010 275
1..109I ) 3 05 3. . . .1143 325 1. . . . fiM 100
3. . . . 9t2 ) SO 1. . . . M 250 a. . . . 900 283
3. . . .1103 2 S3 1 _ 1100 300 1 - 12.V ) 300
1. . . . ! > ) 3 10 1..1C90 3 15 1..12.V ) 3 15
1" . . . . 9.V. 31" 7. . . .1071 32' ' ) 1..1009 3 2i )
I. . . . 120) 3 20
i. . . . cno 2 c. , i i. . . . TCO am i. . . . MO 3 M
n ° . . . . CIS 355 5..10CO 375 0. . . . 843 373
" 3. . . .1019 3 K2V4 3. . . . 713 340 44. . . .1101 350
4. . . . 012 3 65 3..101) 350 1..T * ) 200
> ' . .721 2 S" 4. . . . Ml 3 V. 1. . . . 700 300
.i ! . . . 170 3 IS 7. . . . 822 3 fi3 1. . . . 420 200
1. . . . 4 0 325 1. . . . COS 335 8. . . . MO 340
2. . . . 721) 3 50 I. . . . MO 350 1. . . . 720 350
1. . . . 910 3 0 2. . . . 823 3 75 3. . . .1010 3 SO
2. . . . IS' ' ) 3 S3 18. . . . SC9 390 1. . . . 470 400
1..1230 4 O )
7. . . .1317 3 IS 3. . . .1173 315 1..15SO 333
1. . . . TO ) 333 1..11DO 3 M 1..I400 SCO
1. . . . "CO 275 I 1 _ llfO 310 2. . . . 1430 333
1..1230 350 1..1W10 3 2Ti 1..1720 323
1..13W 325 1..LVO 2 W 1..1000 300
1..1170 SOS 1..14W 3 23 1. . . . 940 3 SO
1..1420 340 I 1..1210 343 1..1740 3E5
1 . . . 230 T 00 1. . . . M 511 1. . . . 00 3 fO
2. . . . 120 350 2. . . . 140 023 1. . , . 210 C 50
2. . . . 540 3 85
1 . . . 910 350 3..12W 310 1..110 340
10. . . .1103 3 00 20. . . . .1143 00
1 . . . 5SO 30rt 2. . . . SKO 3 C3 11. . . .1059 390
2. . . . 703 42 ) 3 _ M3 440 1. . . . C30 340
2 ' . . CSO 4 00 n _ DW 4 10 12. . . . 397 4 05
> ' .5 0 350 1. . . . 850 390 33. . . . S40 410
23' . . 907 4 22'X. ' 19. . . . Ml 44' . . 1. . . . MO 350
2 ! ; . . 54-J 350" 1. . . . 77' ' ) 3 fc-i llr. . . 922 39 ! )
8. . . . 722 M 31. . . , CCS 4 a" , 2. . . . 515 410
1. . . . 7FO 420 13. . . . 030 450 7. . . . 4SS 4 IB
IIOOH There n-ns n hm lima In tlio hog market
tlilf mornlnjf , llio ni'dpts were very llijlit nnd
at 'Hf * fame time liter1 * was a trooil local nnd
BhlcplnB clemnnil Oiitalilo Imycrs ImJ liberal
orders which thi-y wore nnxioiia to fill wlillo
the rppreentutlvea of local pncliliiR houses
Boeincil to hnvc urKcnt nrjcrn. The result waa
da Bcrnmblo after the few ho a here , prices ad-
vancinB lOo nbovo yesterday. PJie most or the
hotra Hold In ) a very few minutes , but It slacked
up a little toward HIP close and for a lime was
rutber ( rlow anil easier ,
Heavy IIORS * oil ] at w.THSia.TS. witli 53.705 ?
3.7214 the i > opnlnr rnntre. Yesterday the o
waa J3.COfl3.M , with J3.W thelendlnjr price.
Lilaht and medium wlKht MIOKI" " Jld nt W.70
ffi3 ' M. but mostly nt t3,75i/3 FO Yesterday the
oai'ne kind of IIORS sold ft f3.C2Vig3.C7V4. H.-p-
renentatlvo sales :
ere were more alieep than uny
orher kind of slcwk In the vards , but the de
mand was fully equal to the sunply. The
market was active and ! ' " > most of the offerings
chanced hands enrlv Tlie offerings I'onnlst.v ]
largely of Fort Coll'im ' lambs with five or six
Inafx ft old ewes and a few wethers. Hep.
rcsentatlva sale * :
No. Av. > 'r.
30r stackers f > S Jl 73
10 native mlsed Lit ! 450
213 western lambs 7 < ! IS 40
8. . " , western lamb * 70 ( i 40
K Mexican ewes 164 3 40
5 > l I'tah ewes 90 353
412 Mexican ewes 78 3W
r. i Mex'cnn ' limb * 70 K 25
221 western yearlings M 4 IS
73 western wethers 93 4 S3
KIIIIHIIN C'lty Mvi Stock.
KANSAH riTY. Vli. 3.-fATTrK-llecelpt ! .
4 100 head native * nnd CM head southern : general
market etrone tn 10s hlKher ; beef steer * steady ;
handv butcher stixk. active and lron ; rlnchrrs
and fenlem. > trnnK to lOo hK'her ; cows and heif
ers. lnn hlsrher : medium Texas cnlt . slronir :
Indian nd Texas raltle. } 3,2 * > i/3 9" : wet tern cow * ,
S2.2Sfi3.CT : we > tern Mci > r . 13 WS4 0 : native
steer * , t ) C-Y6C.OO : bulk. M SSflt K ; native rows
pnd heifers nMflt.KMwncrs and feeders.
H.r.OW 00 : tnill 12 f,0 5.riO
HOGil-IttcelplK , 11,000 head ; market opened S
( flfXj higher and closed "HfflZHe higher nnd cany ;
bulk of Mies. JJ.tttD.U ; heavies. J3.&HU.N ) ;
packers , J3.Ktfl.90 ; ml d. J3.MU3.SS ; llRhts.
. r3.77H ; yorktrs , 3.75S3.7h : i > lg . J1.S5U
'siintlP Hecelpts , , ( hend ; m.irkft nctlve nnd
stronR ; western mutton , IJ.Siij4.35j ycarllngN
$4.40t)4.(0 ) ; lambs , J4.1HK.40.
Aoitvp Deiiiiiiiil for CntUp In Fnllowctl
li.v StriniKcr I'rli'cs.
CUIPAtW. I'cb. 3. Market for rattle took a
favorable turn today and vilocs were stronser
under tlio Innuem-n of nn active K nfral de
mand , desirable offcrlnps avcrnglnK nbout lOo
hinder. Sales were on a basis ( if from J3.50 to
SI. 23 for connncn lo pretty fair dressed beef
steers up to from 14.73 to t5.2i for peed to cholco
phlpplnR nnd export oAttle , fancy beeves belns
salable around J3.40 to f-'i.50 , Tliere wns the
usual scarcity of strictly choice matured cntllo
and Fairs were largely at from $1.23 lo J3. ex
porters experiencing great dllllculty In fllllne or-
dfrs for fat heavy steers Fe l western stews
were numeroua nnd sold largely nt from II to
U.K. whllo Texans sold sllRhlly hlulier. Sto-k-
ern nnd feolcrs mild belter nnd so did cows ,
heifers nnd bulls , while calves went chlcll ) at
from IG.50 tn (7 ,
The wnmll run of hopi made packers nnd
eastern shlptxTs more vaircr to purehnje , and
prices showed unusual strenRtlt , there bcliifi nn
ndxiince of fully lOo , .Moit of the boss wcic
sold early In the day , common tn strictly choice
drowii going nt from II. ( Ti to H.97H , larccly nt
from M. H t < > n.V" ! . , nnd n sale was made nf
some 30S-lb. prlmo ho r5 nU J4. PlRs sold chiefly
nt from 13.50 to J3.75. The late arrivals of hogs
sold nlxmt fie Inwer.
Trndo In sheep nnd lambs xvas ns ncllve as
the limited offerlnc * would admit , and wood
Hocks avornwd lOo higher. Sheep sold at from
to J3.RO for the poorest to I4.fi3 for strictly
rholco fed westerns lirlnulni ; from f.l.W to Jl TO.
Itarnct sold nt from J3. ! . * > to M.W. and yearling
sheep broURht from J1.75 to Ji.lfl. Ijinnht were
nrtlvo nt from Ifi to J3.t ) , n few common lots
selling at from J4.W to J4.i > .
llecelpts Cnllle , B.COO heart ; hops , IC.OM head ;
sheep , 12OiW head.
SI , t.oulx I.lviV
ST. I/M'IS , Feb. 3.CATTMlte elpt < . 1 ! 0
hnnd ; shipments , l.C O ilicad ; market stroiiK , with
Texans KiJHV ; 'hlRher ; fnlr tn fancy native shlp-
plnK and export Fleers , J4.4VR ( < i.2.bulk ; of snlw.
J4.V ( > fTC,10 : dressed Iwf and buti-her steers. J3.ST
? l. ! > 5 : bulk of sales. J4.l iH.:0 steers ( inder 1 1 > M
Ibs. , J.t.fiiMN.S,1 ; ; bulk of sales. J3.7WI.13 ; stockers -
ers and fee > ] eri . tMYtf-UO : bulk of H.iles. J3.2.'i
f4.S3 ; cows nnd hclfei-s. J2.C ! r4.50 : bulk of cows ,
I2.23IM.W ; Texis and Indian fleers. J3.Wi4.40 ;
bulk ! of snlcs. $4.004N.2.1 ; cows nnd helfors , 12. S3
HOGS Uecelpts. 7100 ' head ; shipments , 2.700
bend mnrket BWJOo hlKher ; lleht. W. WS3. 75 ;
lulled , J3.70fTO.Sa ; heavy. J3.s.jr3.W.
SHI2I3P Hi-celpts , FiX ) head ; shipments , W1
head : mnrket stroiiK ; native muttons , JI.KVtfl.M ) ;
lambM , t3.00g.-i.7ri. .
_ _ _
lnilliitiiiiiill. < < Iiivi * StncU.
INDIANA POI.iy , Feb. 3.ATTMI It-n-elpts
431 head ; xhlpmonts , fair : mnrket continues ac
tive nt all-ally In wtromr prices for all d-flrn'do
( Trades ; Rnml to ptlmi' steers. ; fnlr
to medlumR. $4.13f4.M ; commnn t" K""d i-tock
ers. . . . .n.
HOS Ilecelpts , 5.000 head ; shipments. 2.000
liond : market , active : RflliXhlclier than yi" t.'r-
dav : Kv d to eh lei nvdlum nnd ln-nvy. JS. Kff
3.93 : mixed mid heavy packhiK. J3.iJi.l.W ; nin-
mon llchts. J.1.7..tI3.S3.
SHKUP Heoolpts , HBht : Hhlpnientn. none : < o\v
slu-cp nnd lamlx arrived : all Hold : pied t < >
I'liolw lainlw J3.2.- > wr.rl ; eomninn to me-llum
lamlis , $3.73gvr > .2."i : oinitnim sheep. J2.S3173.0' ' ) .
ICniixiiM rit > - llv - Sdic-U.
KANSAS CITY , Fell. 3.-C. - ; TIT-necelpti. :
1W head : mnrket stronp to lilcher : Texas
steern. J3.r ) iT4.23 : Texn cows. % . ( Wff3.73 : native
leers , J3.7.ff'i.lO ; native rmvs nnd hrlfcrs , Jl 50
O4.23 ; stockcrs and feodcis , J.1.0fr3.00 ; bulls ,
12. I.W.I. 70.
lions Iterclpts 13.000 head : mnrket nctlve.
CWKVi hlKher ; bulk of Fnli > sl.f.MM.PO ; heavier.
J3.COSf3.80 ; packers. J3.C35f3.S7V4 ; mixed J3.Wff
3. S3 ; IlKhls. J3.C5ff3.7r > ib ; Yorkers. J3.73IT3.7H ;
pltfx , J3.23If3.Ol.
8HKKP Heeelptp , 3.0" ! ) head ; market Ftrnnp tn
lOc hlKher ; tnmbs , J4.75IT3.fX ) ; muttons. J3.00g (
SliK-U In
Ueonnl of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for I'ebninry 3 :
Cattle. HOKS Sheep.
Omaha 2.0K ) 4.300 rH4 !
Chicago ) 1201x1
Kansas City 4.1D ) H.610 4.WO
St. I uls 1.900 7,100 00
Totals .W.frW 41.900 23,314
x 'M.viiici-rrs. '
Gonerul M'niit of SietMiln | < lvp Iiitro.i <
In the TriulliiK : .
NR\V YOUIC. Fell. 3. While the colton mar
ket showed considerable local llrniiiens the volume -
umo of business Indlcalul n Keneral want of
speculative Interest. The entire transactions of
the session were limited to the exceptionally
small tolnl of 51,500 bales. The afternoon mar
ket rallied Just Iwfora the close. The first call
developed a steady feeling nt an advance of
from a lo 3 | K > lnls , This wns nlriul the bet-l
level of the Ft'sslon and reHiilliil from Indica
tions of activity In t > pot cotlun at I.lveipixd ,
uIth ailvlces from the south pointing ? to n coi-
tlnued heavy exi rt nioveinent nnd lo Kenernl
nnd decided llrmness In Ihe s < iutht'ni spot mar
kottf , wlilch were said lo bu supported b. .
continued Interest on tl I part of Kuropcan
shippers. Cables from Manchester reported n
bL-tter Inhulry for yiirne , with holders to < i llrm
for nitlvlty. A sllKht feature of the forenoon
market wns celling on southern nccount. Li
quidation ensued and the market Bninred with
out showing decided wenknetw. The marlcet
closotl quiet and Hlcady nl a net advance of
from 3 to 3 points. Spot , quiet ; middling ,
fi IK-lfrc ; net recelpta. 332 lml < : t'n > ss. 5.3.VJ
II.-UOH ; exports to the contlnet , 7M bales ; for
warded , l,5S."i bales ; Kilos. < 00 bales , nil spin
ners ; stock. 170.3S1 bales. Totnl today : Nel re
ceipts , X.STiT bales ; expoits to Orent Drltaln ,
4-.7S2 bales : to France , fi.72bales ; to the con
tinent , 7,911 bales ; htoclt , 1,25171 Isiles. Con
solidated Net receipts , li2,9Si ! ! bales ; cxpor's
to Great Itrllnln , 10D.C1S bales ; to Franco. 13.M/I
lialcs ; to the continent , W.7IS bahvi , Tolnl since
S "pteml > er 1 : Net receipts. C 710 M bie | ; ex-
l > orts to Croat Ilrltnln , 2,283,390 bales ; to France ,
C12.S39 bales ; to the continent. l.Hn ) 331 linh-B
NHW 01IU7ANH Feb. 3. IXDTTON Futures
nulnt and Mendv ; pn44' , & 10I I > IH | ; Fobnmn' ,
J3.27 bid ; March , J5.33ff3.3l ; April. f3.M < 2 < i..17 ;
May , .4iJ3.43 : June , J5.47 f''i.4l ! : Julv. ST .r > 2fi >
5.53 ; AupiiHt J3.57f3.5S ; Si-ptomber , J3.5Sir3.lX > :
October , J3.C2ffS.OI. Spot , steody : sales , H.IW
bales ; ordinary , 4Hc ; good ordinary , 4 tc ; low
middling 4 15-llic : middling , .1140 : Rnoil inld-
lllng , 09-lfic ; mliMllnir. fnlr , Cc ; receipts , SJTS
> iles : stiKk , M3.434 bales.
creased demand : price pteadv : American mfd-
lllng , fnlr , 319-32d ; good middling. 3r-Kd : mid
dling. 33-ldd ; low mlddllnif. 3l332d ; gno.1 or
dinary , 2T d : ordinary , 2 29-32d. The Fnlen of
Uio day were 14 , < v Inles , of which 5" " Kilei
were for speculation nnd export pml Included
13,00i ) bales American. Fntuies tinned nuli > t
with a imor demand and clrwl rteady ; Ameri
can middling , It. M. r1. . February , 3 : i-iV < t.
myers ; Ffhrunry nnd Mnrnb 3 'J-&l"310-fild
niyern : March nnd April 3 Ift-Old. buyere ; April
ind May. 3 IO-HH73 11-Wd buyers ; May nnd
lime. 3 11-G4I3 i2-e4d , sellers : June end Julv.
3 12-Cld , buyers' July iind Autrnst. 3 13-Cld Fell-
rs. August nnd Knit ember. 3 13-P3 ! 14-Cld , bu'y-
ers ; Septemlier nnd October. 3 H-M ( ! layers.
" ) etol > r anil November. 314-r.tW3 IVHId. buvers :
November nnd December , 3 r.-C-lf/l 1Cld 1 , buy
ers ,
Wool Mnrl.'rlH.
liOSTON' , Feb. 3. WOOL-Fnllowlnr nre the
quotatloni for the leading drsrrlpttnni :
MIchlRan. Wli onsln , etc. X Mlrhlgan. 24i > ;
No. 1 Michigan rnmhlng , 29c : No. 1 Illinois
enmlilng. 23iNo. : . 2 Michigan eomblng 2Sfl29c ;
No. 2 Illinois combing. 2Fff29c. delaine Michigan ,
27c ; unwashed medium KenturUy nnd Indiana
quarler-bl'ii'd ' crmbliiKS. 23c ; Kentucky quarter-
lilnod combing.22f2'e ! ; Missouri three-eighths
lilood eomli'UB. 23i24e ; bruld entnlilnir , 3lc : lake
and Oeorcla , 22If23c. Texas AVools Spring me
dium. twelve months , IWIPe ; scoured price , 3tl
35" : sprlnu" fine , * twelve months. lSri9c ; nmureil ,
; iir. " > 2e. Territory Wcoln Montana line mnlium
nnd line lC ? 1Sr ; scoureil 41fj4V ; utaple. 52ff33c :
Utah , Wyoming , etc. Flno medium nnd line 15
fl > 17c ; scoured , 4nif50c ? ; staple. f,2Jf51c. Austiallnn
Wools Scoured hi ls combine , nuperdne , 70fT79c ;
irool combing , ftCTCSo nvernKe comblns. C2t/Wc ;
Tueenslnnd combing fl-'c.
HT. I/JIMH , Feb. 3. WOO t < - Firm : muJIum , li
O20V4 < " . llubt line. ISlflTc ; heavy line. Sffllc ; tub
washed. 22fi30e.
NIJW OHM1\NS. Feb. 3. 31 'O A 11 Open kettle -
tle , Ktcady nt 24Ji.l | * o ; cetilrlfucnl ieilv :
granulated , 4V.OI 11-lflj ; whltou , 3Ti4 3-lCc ; ycl-
ows. 311-ICifTll 1Cn ; eoonds , 2W T3V.c. Miilani-ii
kettle , steady at Hff27e : ci-ntrlfugal , easy T Mt
ISc : svrup steady nt ! Sff2lc
NKW YOHK. Feb. 3. BIJOAIl-Haw. firm ;
fair refining. 3 9-lCc ; eenlrlfugal , 9 A li-nt , 4 1-H :
retlned. firm : cruilwd , Mlc' powdered. 5 r-lf < - :
grnniilnled. 5'te : mould A Wt < standard A. 5c ;
cxinfectloners' A , Cc ; cut loaf , 6c ; cubes , 55-10" .
I'ulcpliouc 103 ? ) . Omaha , Neb
Direct wlre to Chlcuuo and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
Members Chicago Hoard nf Trade nlnco ] > 6k
Grain , Provisions an ] K. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash nnd Future ) Delivery Sollcltr. ]
Onilllill Ollll-f , HUOIII 1 , .V , V. Ufo
. . . , 'l'lionu 1)111. ) . . ,
FM1YI ) J. CA.MI'iif.I.r , . Jllniinu-iT ,
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
HO Board of Trade Elclg. , Omaha , Neb
Driacti Office , 103S N St. , L'.acola , Neb ,
A New
of "Sho , "
"Kinp Solomoii'a Mines , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
Story Entitled
The hero of tht story la n
sou of KliiK Solomon on an ex-
potlltlou to the liolilou Oiililr of
the Hlblc.
A Bomnnco of Pro-Historic
Afric.-i , Daringly
Imnginntivo nnd Full
of Thrilling Action.
This story will jipponr In
As a Serial , In Ton Instalments ,
I-'clirnnry K ! .
( With Illustrations. )
la tills etory Mr. Haggard inaltcs
a new demonstration of his won
derful power In tlio field ot pure
romance. Ho once moro boidly
lifts the curtain that hides the fate
of uatlcas dead and burled In the
ages of wlilch no record remains ,
except In the- silent rules of their
Zlmboe , an Inland1 trading city
that nourished In the heart of
Africa 3,000 yenrs ago , and peopled
by tlio Phoenicians , Is the scene of
the story. To this city comes
Prlcico Azlcl , a grandson of King
Solomon , accompanied by Isanchar ,
a prlcot ot Israel , sad Motcm , a
Phoenician trader , who brings a
caravan of merchandise.
In Kllssa , daughter of Sakon , Itlng
of Zlmboo , the prince meets his
fate. King Ithobal , lord of many
legions of sivago warriors , la al
ready a suitor for her hand. Ho
sues 1m true barbarian fashion ,
seeks to carry her off by force , and
la foiled In the attempt by Prince
Azlol. The story unfolds Itself
around the feud between the Prlnco
of Inraol and : the savage King Itho
bal , Elloaa has clvrm her heart
to Azlel , and loatha the barbarian
monarch , Isaachar , the priest , la
determined that no prince of the
IIOUBO of David shall wed n heathen
maiden , whose people worship Oial.
Aa a result of his Intrigues , Ellssa
Is elected the high priestess of
This fixes an irai > 3Bsablo religious
gulf between her and Azlcl. Tholr
passionate love seeka to surmount
all harriers. Jlcaatlmo , Ithobal
draws hla huge array of savages the fated city , and demand
ing Ellsoa In marriage , prepares
to destroy It If ho Is rofuacd , How
Ellesa vlolalrn her oith n high
priestess and prepares to fly with
Azlcl ; how they are both discovered
and threatened' ' with death by the
prlestfl of IJaal ; how , to aavo each ,
other , filie , by her right au I ho hlgli
prlcstcKs ot liaal , names him her
husband , whllo ho renounces his
faith and offers lacenno to Haul ;
how Ithobal's horde of savages
storrnu the walla of the city , cad
both Azlcl anil 1C I Ism fa'.l Into hla
power ; and how , at last , Az'lcl es
capes with his life by Kllena'd
feigned submission to Ithobnl , slio
In turn escaping Ithobal by killing
herself , ia all tola In Mr. HagKard'a
mofit fascinating ninr.ner ,
The awful ceremonies la the temPle -
Plo of Bool , the weird rites In the
sacred graven of Ximboo , and the
barbarous battle scoties of that far-
off time , are described with all the
author's nwrvolous wraith of Iraag.
Inatlvo resource.
It la a story that will surely rock
os one of tlio great worka of notion
of 1838 ,
111 the
Wntcli for It !
Read It !