Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Ecalpcts JTonopol'zs Nearly All of the Trad
ing in Grain ,
I'rfivUlon * llnvc n ( Inoil Trndr , rrltli
AilvntiCf , lint Corn
'N mill On ! * ) Hi"
( . 'HICAOO. Fob. 2. Scnlplntj operations
fjlislltuled moat of Hio trading In nil the
Brain markets today. Wheat was strong
early on a rally at Liverpool , but turned
weak Inter under the le.idpr.ihlp of the New
York market and closed EC lower. Corn
showed 1-lGo decline. Oats closed un
changed. Provisions were very strong nnd
advanced 10fl27'/4c ' , with a Rood trade.
Traders In wheat were somewhat puzzled
nt the start by the action of Uvcrpool. Tliat
market , In spite of yesterday's ndvnnce
here , opened slightly lawer , nnd a weak feelIng -
Ing on the curb was noticeable In cense
quence. Later cables corhlnir In before the
opening here- showed the decline recovered
and some ndvanco besides. Humors were
lso current of n sale of n big block of
Loiter wheat , and seaboard mqssages told
of. pwotl cable acceptances of wheat offered
to the otiiur side. The feeling was rather
divided nt the opening- . May started tit
from ! > 5 e to We , the lower of Iho llgures
being ' /io ( under yesterday's closing price ,
and with quite a few offerings nt Hint llgure ,
though of miiali lota , but there were vastly
more buycni than sellers , and n few minutes
after the opening WAo was offered for May.
That price drou U offerings In abundance ,
and the price fell llrm to iltic ; then , after an
other short rally to or > V ; that price rub'd
firmly. Not only was there re.tllzlng at the
'top. hut shorts soiling as well. The publi
cation of Thomun'a crop report giving 0 .2
as the present -ivf-rase condition of the crop ,
Indicating a crop of 15 btmhulH to the acre ,
or a total of 4i > . < 'i.O ( > bu. , tnough quite gen
t-rally rldlcul-d at llrst , 'hud ' considerable
effort nn the morning wore on. Outsldu of
this news was not particularly Important or
of much Inllncnce either way. Northwest
receipts were rather llsr'it. Minneapolis and
Dulutli ri-portliif ? 2C4 cars , ugihiMt 257 last
woi > k and 224 a year ago. CYilcago receipts
amounted to 41 cars , of which 2 were of cun-
S - , true * grade , 1'rlinary market receipts were
* 378.001) bu. , against SOfi.OCO bu. a year ago.
The market crew quite weak duringt'ne '
afternoon , 1'rlccs had In the meantime
rubied on the receipt of Htrong closing con-
tlni ntal cables , May geltlnc , up to P > ! c ugnln ;
but advlcoa from New York Hiiowvd a break
In the February price on tno small de
liveries on l-'ebiuary contracts , nnd tcports
or fri"-i ofOrlng * of Pennsylvania , Maryland
and Ohio wheat to arrive t1n > ro. This started
selling ag.iln In this market and gradually
cat-lied the May price down to M'/ie. 'Hie
closing at WMiHWic.
Corn W.IH slow und barely steady. The
nmrkit was Urm nt llrst , with wheat and on
. - _ „ _ . , Hnmll ivculpts , nnd wns sustained for nwhllo
" I w1 . a little buying by siorts and nintlnst
" \Vt , _ * * "putH. " Thi' late weakness of wheat caused
fiontH s llliu by professionals and prices
dropped off , the market ruling easy nt the
cl11' . May ranged front 2.SVi(2flc to i-S T ?
lM4e , and closed a shadu lower at 2S % ®
Thi > market for oats was very dull , the
ll'tlo trading- done being almost entirely of
a. Kcnlplng tin lure. Knrly llrmnesa was In-
ducid by wheat , and when that market de-
cllneil oats followed. Prices kept within a
ji'tiTow ' range. May rnngod from 2IMiC to
2ivsc : , nnd closed unchanged at 21c.
Provisions was the s'rongest market on
the floor and a fairly uctlvu trade was
d me , HcportH of storks on hand during
January showed a much smaller Increase
than expected , and tills caused quite gen-
cnil coverliiiv by shorts. I'nek < TS were good
Imyer.i nnd prices advanced from the start ,
the market ruling Ilrm to tie end. May
pork closed 27MiC higher at $10.07' , May lard
37'jo ' higher at $ l.i)2j ) ! ; and May ribs 13c
lilghc-r at S-'i.OO.
K.ollnmtcd receipts for Thursday : Wheat ,
41 cars ; coin , o20 cars ; oats , liO cars ; ihogs ,
31,000 head.
l u.duiK full.res rat.uoil ns follows :
Artlcl 'H..l Oii.r.i. | Ill-'li. I Low. | Cloao. | Yca'dy.
Kcb . . . ! H ns U8 i oo
Way. . . ! ) . " > < < IIV4 Hii'j ' ! ' . . . U3JJCJ II
July . . SO 8.-.M
Fob. . . . 27
May . . . L'H'i
July. . . - " . ) ! 6
Miiy. . . Gl - iwa 4
July. . . J-'Jl - }
1 ovk
July . . in I'Jh , 10 m < 4 0 ROe
Jl.iy. . . 10 17M 1) H7H 10 17 > a o oo
Jl.-iy . . 1 RO t SI ) J RO
July. . . I IH ) a tier i u-H r uu 1 87
May. . . I 85 r oi'H r enc 4 " ?
_ July. . 4 9m n ID 41)3 ) c 10
* No. 2.
Puali nuotntlona were HB follows :
FIjOUH Steiuly ; winter patents ,
ntrulKhta. J4.3n 4.M ; nirliiB speclnlH.
patunts. $ t. j4.0 ; btrultihtij , } 4.20 j4.10 ; bukeru.
} J M4l3. 0.
WHHAT No. a spi-lns. 9 trJZ"4c " : No. 3 eprtiiff ,
HlfflitVNo. ; . 2 roil , 'JJic.
( . OIN-N. ! > . 2. 27Uc : No. 2 yellow , 27i'c. ,
OA'IV NI > . 2 , 2tf , f. o. h. ; No. 2 white , 2THu ;
No. 3 white. aQMc.
HVI3 No. 2 47f.
RliliUS No , 1 ll.iXHOiHl. Jl.l'jffl.30. Prime
tliuiithy Hottl. 12 S2'4 ' ,
1'HOV'ISION1 Mi-an pork , l > er bill. , $9.93fflO.Oi ) .
Laiil , p r 1 0 Ilw. , $4.E2'i. ' Shoit rllo ) shies
( lo-wo ) 54 S.1 ! ( .10 ; ilry s.iltril slunildors ibnxeil ) ,
il 7.X/T3-10 ; short olcar shli-s ( hoxinl ) , $ .1.00 15.15.
W11I8IC.V niatlllers' Ilnlsheil Kooils. per cnl. ,
Jl 1- ! )
1SL'tSAHS Cut loaf. $3.S3 ; KrnnulatcU , 15.39.
On the I'nuliice fixehiinse toilay thu butler
nuirkiU WIIK Htt'iuiy ; crcaTnorloa , lllfnO' c ; ilalrles ,
lHfl7c. ll'i'i-co oultft , S SVjf. Kv < rllrm ; frfnh ,
151-c liri'iia-.l . poultry , llrm ; tuiktyK , lluU2o ;
chlrkenH , fi' ' 'U71ie ' ; ilucks , CIf7'c- ! .
( ( llotlillniiH for (111.Dny on General
( 'OIIIIIIOlllt ll'N ,
NH\V YOUK. l-Vb. 2. KUltnt Ilecclpts , 1S.1C1
tiblK. , e.Xorts | , 7-7ii libln. ; quiet nml cunshler.llily
weaker In nuclei-tone ; city Mnlll lutcntH , $ : < .7."ir
C.OO : city mill clrurn , J3IOf3.fl Minnesota pat-
rcuts , } j.lO4j.Jj ; Mlmu'twui baker * ' , t4.23f4,50 ;
winter FtriilKhtH , tl,531i4.0.1 ; winter extras , KMJt
a.VO , 'winter ' l w croJi's , J2.HO ji. ; ' . Uye Hour ,
dull ut t'.C. > ii' .i ; . IhieKwIuut ll'-iur ' , quiet ut
ill I'liWIlBAT-Hteaily nt 3G'ie. '
fOllN.MK.VL Quiet ; yvllnwpHtprn. . C7i-
HYI-J Hteaily ; "No. 2 western , 6CHc ; car lots ,
H.UtLHV Klrm ; fecillng , SSVle
IIAHLIiV MALT tillnilr. wenti-rn , 62i..iffp. ;
WHIJAT lteclt | , 9.2JO liu. ; rpot weak ; No.
2 roil. I.C3 % , OptloiiH ruled llrm all Iho fore
noon nn foreliu ; huylug anil heller i\\blon than
exp-'Cleil. Lnti'r , hnwover. there wa a bud
lin-nlt. Ifil by February , whleh was Inlliii'nciM
by ileltverlra on ei nlruclB < iml n mlurtlnn 'n ' ;
caHh pri-mlunu , clc lni ; l e net lower , u alntii
HOT4" iledlne In nthi-r i"IIKiim export traile
wmi fair ; No 3 ieil , 1'Vhrii.iry. Jl Ol'iJtl ' 03V4.
oioseJ at il.OlU ; May. tiC4C/'J7 ! / 7-ir. ; ? , closeii ut
COUN-HccHlpli. 15.IWO bu. ; oxporls , 61,475 bu. :
Hpot easy ; No. S , 3."iTia Oinlonn quiet ami
weaker , folluwUie the Urop In utiiiit , unuill
clearancoH niul illBappolntliiK : exjiuil ileniuiul ;
cliwoil Uo lower ; Keliriuiry elostj at 34Ho ; Ma > ,
33l'jr334c. flt-iieil nt yi ie
OAT.S-lleccliitu- ) bu. ; exports , 115 bu. ;
spot clvaily No. 2 , S > f. Option * Inactive and
cany nt unehaiiReil prleeti ; .May , 2SUe.
nKI : > Klim ; hran , "Oi/SOc ; iiilJiHlngs , 73tf
77 0. ryt > feeil , fc5c.
ILvY- Dull ; shipping , 3Jif < 3o ; ( 'ooj to choice ,
IlOI'-4-Sle.nly ; ktatc , pnnimon tn'diolci' . U93
crop. 4St''c ; IM' ' crop , 7ii9e ; 1S97 crop. 17019o ;
I'uolllo i-oant. 1SX > cnni , Hide ; U'JO rrup , SSilOo ;
U'J7 crop , lfj > ] 9r ,
HIlH SSteaily ; OalveBton , 15c ; Texas , dry ,
It" , California , ItfflSo \
LKATHl-JIt-Hteaily ; Iirmloalc § OP. ! Buenos !
WOOLHlvuilr ; llece. 27f3tc ; pullnl. 15ffl7c.
l'UOVHION.S-lle-f. | nrm ; family , IU.OWH.50i
rxtni niefi1 , JS ifS.W bei'f hanu , lil.O'J ' ;
liac-kft. } (0)lio,60. ) Tut imMU , nlrailler ; picldrd
l > i-llli-M. (3 ! 3j < l.O ) : pleKleil nhouhler * , f,73 ;
pli'Uled haul * . 4726. Ijnl , llrm weHtern btfiim.
JJ12' , . May. .V1" > . niMnlnnl ; it'tlneil , llrm. I'lirK ,
llrm. iiieK. J3.7StfilOOi , ) ; ehurt clear > I U.OO ;
family V 9WtllflTallow , dull ; city , 3o ;
country , SUJfXWio , I
Oljrf-H"iittcn | * d , eu y ; prime rrude , 193
nrkeil. pilmu relKnv , : * i ; jukeil. IVtrcNOiim ,
dull , rnlli-.l. SCo Ilosln. dull but itvady :
rtialnril , common to KIKH ! , JHitfl.(5. ! Turptu-
IliH' , ntvaily at JU(3Vic\ (
HIl'i- : Steady ; fair to extra , 4,06Ho ; Japan.
_ JSU MflLASSKS-atm-ly ; New Orleans , open kettle.
ftoo.1 to choice. SotiJOc ,
MirTALS There U no Improvement In tha mar
ket for nu.-t.ili ; If uuytiiln the turn may be In
HIP olliLT dlrrctlcn. except. | HUilhly , for Icod.
vhh-h U Just nour at li'in-t holillnt ; Its own.
The Nr\v York Me'tal uxclmnge rejurtu the ole -
Inga as folloni : I'lir Inm , wnriants dull at
VMil nnd fB.iB nnticil ; copr | , ' utesdy at
t)0 ) > i ! > ! . ! an < L 111 nukeil ; tin , ea Ur at * 1J 73 bin
in4 J13.M atk J ; tmlter. quiet nt Jl.iiO bd [ ami
II i ! ; c.1 ; lead , ili-adler t JJ.ST's ' bM ana U.ttit
unki l , Tile nrm Ihnt nunu-i tha lu-ttllnv price
far miner * anJ rm ltrra calls l ad 13 41 , copper
$ : ) VW , mi. . ) 4-aittnic c i > | icr | l0.37li.
Jll'TTlifiItMClpU , 4.C31 pk'v * . , market
western ereimery , JlViflSOc ; lWn , DXi ; factorr.
Iiei4 < v
CHliiSE-n'repti , JW pkff . [ market steady ;
Iftrs-j white. Scptcmijer. 8io ; mnnll white , Sep-
temlicr , 9W e : 1 nte tolorol , Pfptcmbfr , SH- ;
mall colored. September , MJ9HC ; tune , October ,
8Ci'4o ; Rtnnll , Octo . r. KHHiHc ; Ilifht cklm , W
OHc ; part skims , 405He ; full Bklmo , 2 o.
K JUS llfrelptd , 6\1 \ pkn . ; market nrmcr ;
state and ivnnnylvanla. axweatern. . J9o.
o.nAiiA ( liiXKiiTu. j"r.\niciTs.
Conilltloii of Trndn mill
on Stnpli ; itnit l-'nncr I'roiluoi1.
EOOS- oed stock , 13S1H4C.
DCTTini Commnn m r.ilr. 9311c : parnt-ir
creamery. 20c , fcitticred creamery. ISGlGc ,
VKAI Cholcc fat , SO to 1SJ Ibs. , quoted at ? < ;
larRc nnd otjari" . 4"fBc.
DUKSSF7O I'Ofl/rllY Clilckeni , SflCc ; tur
keys , Wicc ; Reesp. 7c ; duck , Gc.
QAMK Small rnblilts , per doz. . 75c ; large ,
11.2.1 : < i < iuln-ei. | 5fl OJo.
1'IOKON'S I/lx-o. 75c ; dead plifconi not w.intcd.
IIAY-t'pland. ' J6.59 ; midland. > .W : lowlatul ,
ti ; rye utraxv , tl ; color make thn price on h.iy ;
llKht biles sell the best ; only top BMdcs tiring
top prices ,
stock , large. c ; small , 250
( JN1O.VS Per bu. . tl.
HRANS-lInml-plckcd navy , per Uu. , Jl.ZSJZ
'HWnKT POTATOES-Knnn , 10-peck hbls. .
P.M ; fancy Muscatlne , 11-peclt bbls. . tl.25.
UAtlllAni-Onu < l stock , per lb. , H40.
TOTATOES Homo grown. SitfKcwestern
took , 70c.
APPLES Winter stock , JJ 0033.5) ; California
nellcfleur , boxes , )1.CO ; Colnrndtt Jonathans ,
boxes , tl.75 ; Oleifnn. boxes , tl.ii ,
I'ltANllUllUIKS-Jerseyn. per bbt. , 7.CK > 97.23-
Wisconsin 11MI and Ilugle. t7.MB"-7S ; Wisconsin
Uell nn. 'Cherry. 18.
aUAPKS Mnlatns , ti.OOi7C.fO.
OllAN(3ES-Mexlcan , per box , { 2.7:33.00 ; Call-
fornlix nnvcls , } 3. ( * > { ? : ) .23.
I.KMONS rallfnrnla , fanry , M.23 ; choice. t3.
11ANANAS Cho'.co. larso Block , per bunch.
tZ.OOtf3.23 ; medium sized bunches , jl.7552.00.
NUTS Almomla , per lb. , larRo sl e , ' 12U13c ;
small , lie ; llrazlls. per lb , , HdOc ; ICiiRllsli wal
nuts , per lb. , fancy noft shell , lOni ! ? ; stand-
aids , 8i9c ; niherts. per lb. , inc ; pecans , polHIieit ,
medium , fr87c ; extra Iniec , 3ff9o ; Inrse hickory
nut , tl.OJ9fl.10 per bu. ; small , > 1.2Mfl.J1 P T
bu.cocoaniitn , per 1W , tl ; Iiuatmts , raw. utJoHc ;
nmst"d , C'uOHiTc.
1'IOS Imported fancy , 3 crown. Il-lb. boxes.
12c ; r , cnm-n , 41-lh. boxes , lUfUo ; 2-lb. boxea. 22
Jf23c per Iwx ; California. 10-lh. box , it.
IIONKV Choice whltp , Uc ; Colorado amber. 10
KIlAUT-Per 1.1)1. . t4 : h.ilf lib ! . , t2.M2.S5.
MAI'M : SY11UP Flve-nnl. cans , onch , t2,7J ;
Kal. cans , pure , per don. , J13 ; half eat , cans ,
{ t > ,25 : quart cans. t3.50.
DATKS llallowee. GI ) to 70-lb. boxes. 60 ; Salr ,
SHc : Fard. 9-Ib. boxes , So.
CIDKU-I'er hnlf W > l * 3 : Mils. t3.3.
DUKSSKD HEEK-Clooi : uatlv * steers , 6V4c ;
Rood forequarters steers , SHc ; peed hlndauartcra
steers , Slic ; western tcen < . Sc ; fancy lirlfcrs ,
( > Wc ; Rood heifers , lie ; good forequaiurs heifers ,
5c ; Booil hlmlqiiarters heifers , Sc ; good cows ,
u c ; fnlr cows. 6i c ; cow foruquarters , 4Vie ; cow
hindquarters , 7tc ,
11KKI- ' CUTS Hanglntr tenderloins , 41Sc ; ribs.
N ) . 1. lie ; rib * . No. 2. So : ribs , No. 3. fie ; steer
routnN. 7o ; cow rounds. Clic ; cow rounds , shank
off. 7Hc ; cow rounds , shank nnd rump off. So ;
trimming. 4'tc ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per
doz. , 35e ; sweetbreads , pclb. . , ISVie : sweetbreads
icalvos ) . per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3ie ; ox
tttlls. each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2Vc ; hearts , per lb. ,
2V4c ; tonRUtn , per lb. , 12V4c ; calf livers , each. 35c ;
calves , whole carcass or sides , 9c ; calf head nnd
feet , scalded , per set , 75c ; tenderloins , frcsli. ISo ;
teudcrlolni , frozen , ICe ; boneless strips , fresh ,
10e ; boneless strips , frozen , 9c ; strip loins ,
fresh. So ; stilp loins , frozen , ( H c ; rolls , bone
less , 9e ; rolls , cpencer outs , Sc ; birloln butts ,
boneless , 9c ; shoulder clods. boneloss. He ;
rump butts , boneless , CVic ; No. 1 chucks. Co ;
No. 2 cluicka , 4'c ; No. 3 chucks. Wte , boneless
chucks. 4 < c ; ceA platrs. 2'is ' ; steer phites , 4c ;
Cnnk steak , 6e ; Hltis. No. I , 13c : loini. No. 2.
lOe ; Inlns. No. 3. 7'ie ' ; short loins , market style , 2e
above loins ; short loins hotel style , 4o above
loin * . co.w loin ends. 8c ; steer loin ends. 9c.
MUTTON Paney lambs. SVjc per lb. ; Iambs.
7Mc : ; sheep , GVac ; market racks , lonjr , S' c ; hotel
rucks , short , tic ; loins. S'4c ' ; smldles. Oe ; less.
9o ; lamb IHUS. lOc ; breasts and Etews , 3 > 4c ;
tonKUes , each , 3c ; forequarters , Uc.
I'OUK DressiMl pigs , GHo per lb. ; dressed ho s ,
lie ; tenilerlolns , 14r ; loins , short. iJUe " ; IOIIK. 6c ;
spare ribs , 4'2c ' ; ham sausnge butts , "O',4e ; Boston
butts , EC ; shoulders , rough. 43ic : shoulders ,
skinned , Cc ; trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , tic ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snouts nnd ears.
: ic ; backbones , 2c ; slip bones , 2JAc ; cheek meat.
ll'/ic ; neck bones , 2c ; plsa' tails , 3e ; plucks , each ,
5o ; chltterllnBS , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dor , ,
2Sc ; stomachs each , 3o ; toncues , each , 7e ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOe ; brains , per doz. . 13c ; pins'
feet , per doz. , S5c ; livers , each , 3c ; hoc rlnda ,
3c ; blade bones , 6c.
HIDES No. 1 sreen hides. 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , 6e ; No. 1 suited hides , 9c ; No. 2 green
salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. .
lOc. ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ins. , Sc.
HIIEii' I'EI/fS Green sailed , each , 15ffi75c ;
green salted shenrllUKS ( fhort wooled early
skins ) , each. 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early ( .kins ) . No. 1. each , 5a ; dry Hint Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , par lb. actual
weight , 4i5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3 ®
4o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual weight , 4S3c ; dry flint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3Q4c.
TA1.I/JW. GIIEASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1.
3e ; tallow , No. 2. 2 c ; rough tallow , l e ;
whltu grease. 2VaS24c ; yellow rind brown grease ,
I'lTUSIlep.r ( black or brown ) . t3.00f20.00 ;
ntur , tl.COiitS.00 ; mink. 15COc ; beaver , tl'CO
S6.00 ; skunk. 15c , 25e , 50c ; muskrat. 3c. 5c. 7c ;
raccoon , inw.Vlc ; red fox , 25c5ftl-25 ; srey fox.
23'jr,0 { ( ! ; wolf ( tli.iber ) , 25cR2.DO ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) . lOQoOc ; wildcat , 1002oc ; badger , S340c ;
silver fox , JM.COfl73.CO.
HOUSE HIDES Each , tl.Wf3.2.i.
St. I.oiiln Gi'iii-rnl .Mnrki-tM.
T. 'UDtTIS ' , Feb. 2. I-'LOUH Higher , In sym
pathy with wheat ; patents. t4.70f4.M : ; straights ,
J4.rai4.50 ; clear. S4.t > ; medium , J3.50tr3.7.-i.
WHEAT Ixiwer , closing e ncove yesterday
for Hay. with "ic off. Hay opened steady , Im
proved He nnd declined lic ! , closing with buyers
toe above the bottom. Spot , stwidy ; No. 2 red ,
cash , elevator 9Se ; track. U7Mc ; February , 97'/ic ;
May. Ui'-JsO bid ; July , Sl'ic ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
i .
N Futures easier , with llttlo change from
yesterdny. Hpot , steady ; No. 2 cash. Iti'.Si" ; Feb-
niaty. 25ic bid ; May. 26c ; .lu'y ST C bid.
OATd l > ull and llrm and n rrnctlon higher for
futures ; tpit. llrm ; No. 2 cash , elovutor. 2le ;
track , 2tif(241 | c ; February , 24c bid ; May , 24ic ;
July , 23e ; No. 2 white , 25 i j2Gc ,
ItYE Ixiwcr , 47e.
SEEDSFUxsti'd , quiet , tl.2. Timothy seed ,
COItNMEAI/-tl.4a ,
1111AN Firm , quiet ; east track , sacked , C3" .
HAY Higher for choice gradca ; prairie , t3.50
07.75 ; timothy. J8.0009.73.
IIUTTIIII Firm ; cteumcry , 13G19',4c ' ; dairy ,
EOdS-HlKher. 14c.
HACniNa Ihtfllc. '
METALS U-ud , flrm , t3.wn3.42'A. Spelter ,
llrm , $3.73.
I'HOVISIONS Pork , higher ; standard mess ,
jobbing , 10.JOffl2.50. ( Uird , higher ; prime ,
54.C2U ; choice , I4.72\i. \ llacon. boxed lots , extri
iihcirt . | eir. t3.r,03.621i ; ribs , $3.02'ig5.7r : shorts ,
} 5.75g5.S7'i. Dry salt incuts , b ixed shoulders , > . extra sliort clear. fJ.JOaJ.12Vj ( ; ilbs ,
t3.1 ? fTi.2.i ; shorts. t3.25firi.37H.
IlECEIITS Fh'tir. 3,0V ) bbls. : wheat , 12.003 bu. ;
corn 7G.OOO bu. ; oats , C3.COO bu.
SHIPMENTS FI mr. 3Q < W hbls. ; wheat , S.OOO
bu. ; corn , 8VW bu. ; outa , 27,100 bu.
\V knrik CninniltNlnii ComiKiiiy.
OMAHA OFFICE. Feb. 2. The opening of the
market thl * mnrnlnff aa slightly weaker and
with Liverpool cables % il lower H opened at 95c
to 'c fur May und Biltc to W'ic for July. Later
cnhlrs came higher and altlMURh the market wa
quite dull and the crowd bearish It advanced Io
IMJVic f r Mav anil Kfic ft > r July , from WhUMi point
the shurts slowly carried It down and later It I
dived at ! C'io to DJ-0 for May and K > , ia bid for
Thn Idea that wheat Is too high around 9.r > c be i
cause It Is an unusual thing for It to rest so
high wems to be Ihn only good causa for the
bearish sentiment that Is again nuiklnic Itself
felt In the pit. It Is true It I * a good price , hut
wi > bellnve that any clone observer and careful
sindnnl of the fc-ltuatli'n ' will Mnallv come ti > the
| tame conclusion n those people who are paying-
these prices.
Today'a market lias offered the same Bcalplnir
opportunities we spi > ke of In our lust Ifttur and
llurluatlons today have lieen wlthtn pnu-tloaf"iy
the name range ns yesterday , und we pee no rea
son , unlem It l > n dullif s anil th bear sentlm-m
WM fpe.ik of nlwve. why Ihura should be any de
cided change nt pre ent. Twenty-threa loads
were taken for export today.
lli. "lpt toiUy , 11 cars ; estimated tomorrow ,
47 cars ,
Corn was a shade weaker.- but xeemed to hav *
n llrm undertone and opened nt ? S'ie to 2Se fur
May and 2JT o fi r July , and clowd 'So lower ai
2SV.o to 28 ? c for May and 29io to i'Jt.o bid for
llrrelptH today , 2S6 cara ; cntlmated tomorrow ,
M ) cam.
O.itu were steady and opened and co j pr.ic-
tlcallv unchanged at 23Tio to 24c for May and
22"Wo bid for July ,
Iteeelpls today , 119 cnra ; estimated tomorrow ,
ISO corn.
LtVEIlPOOU Feb. J.-WHEAT-Spot. flrm :
No. S red western , winter , > 10'-d ; No. 1 red
northern i-prlms , 8a Slid.
cnitN s'pot. American mixed , new , firm at
JB l id ; American nil XT. 1 , oil ) , 3s 4Hd. Futures ,
sleudy ; February , 3s iftd ; March 3s id ,
l-'UJl'll at. Luuls fancy winter , linn at 9s 9.1.
HOI'S At London ( Paclllo CMS ! ) , tlrm at
4 i.i and 3. | i
1'IIOVISIONS lieef , nrm ; extra India mos > , '
CCu id. Pork , firm ; prlm mess , tine western , |
47n 6d. Hams short cut , steady at 33 , Should- I
rs , equal e. llrm , " M. Uacon , llrm nt 29s. \
Clear bellies , 31s. Uird , prime weHvrn , dull at
25 ! . Tallow , prime city tlrm nt lJ.
CHERSI * American , lineal whllo and colored ,
dull at 4 : .
Phllaili-lplilii PrinluiM- .
PfflLADKLPHrA. -HDTTEn-Steady ;
fancy wnlern creamery , JOc ; western prlnti , 2lc ,
niOS Firmer ; frci ) nearby , 19c ; fresh west
ern. l c.
CHEESE- Firmer ; New York factory , choice ,
' ' -4Wic ; New York factory , fair to good ,
V MV Viirlr AVlifiif Miirlti-t ,
NEW YOIIK , Feb. t.-Wheat w quiet and
weaker today. aft i * a rather t > ulllih Mart. Tb [ i
feature of chief Interest vus a bad break In Feb.
ruiry. which cloned Hio net lower , apttnit H9
Tie deelliw * on other positions. AttonJIna t ls
drop was a reduction of cam wteat premiums , \ i
No. S red to 7o m-er May , f . o. b. aflnivt nnd No.
1 notthern Daluth , 143 over to arrive. There
were few telling orjer * from the northwest nnd
other points which , together with deliveries of
M.OO ) bu. on contract , caused tne smish. News of
the dny otherwise wns bullish , cables brln ? par-
tlcularly strong , with foreign buying of cnrh
wheat to the extent of forty-four load * , mostly
No. 2 red. May closed at 9G je , after ranging
from 97140 to
lIAl.TtMOltti. Feb. 2 FIXIH-Qiilet nnd un-
cUsnged western euperflne , 1.SX320 * ; western
extra , * I.I,1 f4 10 ; western family , tl.40ff4.70 ;
spring patents , family , tn.lV8530 ( ; - prln ( ? wheat ,
stralnhts , t4.90flG.M ; receipts , 4.9M bbls. ; exports ,
2Z.r l bbls.
AVHEAT PulI ami a iy : spot nnd month , Mff
M'tc ; M.iy , 97'fl07' ' < le ; Mentner. No. 2 red , 9MJ
9S'4c ; receipts , 90.9M bu , ; expi5rt . none south
ern wheat , by samnle , WcJJfl.OO , nn grade , W ®
j.XtNQulet ) ! ; fpot nnd month ; SI
steamer mlxp. ! , S2VSj32Hc : receipts. C3.623 bu. i
ex | ortH , 119.8W bu ; southern white corn. 329
34'ic ' ; southern yellow , SlfUc.
OAW Firm No. S whlto. 2 > UflV ; No. S
mixed. 2Sc ; receipts , 30,034 bu. ; exports , none.
HYE Steady ; No. 2 noirhy. i lc ; No. 2 we-i-
rrn , 64Wc ; receipts , ' 8,017 bu. ; exports , W.OOO
HAY Steady ; choice timothy , t3 ! asked ,
OIl.Vl.V FIICI OUTS Dull and Inclined to be
ea y ; steam to Liverpool , per bu. ; 3Hd. Febru
ary ; Cork , for orders , per quarter , lilfJs 3a ,
February. |
1HTTBH Qulcf fancy crcamerj' . 21c ; fancy
Imitation , K 17c ; fancy ladle , lie ; eood ladle ,
13i14c ; store packed , 52iifl4c. '
EfJCIS-Qulet ; fresh. 17c
OHEEaiti ady ; fancy New York , large ,
SHW'Oe : fancy N w York , -medium ,
fancy New York , small , 10'i5T10V4c.
\IMV OrloniiM .t
Flrm. Pork , standard me s. 10'Jc. Lnrd , rellned
tierce , 3TiQ4c ; pure Inrd , SViP. lloxed ineatB , dry
Mil [ rtoulders , 4Wff."c : sides , BSH"3Ho. ICICLII ,
cl < > itr rib sides , G'.ifltiUo. Hams , cholca sugnr
cured , RB9(4c. (
OOFFEE-Qulet ; Illo , orxllnary to fair. "HfiOc.
HlCI'Stendy ; ordinary to goes ! . 3Hn4'.4c. '
FLOfll-UuIl ; cxtni fancy , tl.VHH. 70 ; patents ,
roilNMBAb Steady , tl.a-.Wl.70.
11IUN Dull. 70c.
HAY Quiet ; prime. 1213Hc ; choice , lUfrCISc.
( XRN < Jtilet but steady ; No. 2 siekpil white ,
37 < TJ3He ; mixed , 3W/36 / jc ; yellow , 36HO37C.
OATS No. 2 sacked. >
Kansas City ( Srnln nml I'rovlnlniDi.
ntendy ; No. 1 haril , R9Hc ; No. 2. S74IfS9c ( ; No. 3 ,
Sr.4lll r Hc ; No. 2 red , 94c ; No. 3 , ICtfo ; No. 2
spring. SS'-Jc.
COIIN Weak ; No. 2 mixed. ! 4'JiS24TSe. '
OATS Steady , but ' ,4o lower ; No. 2 white ,
RYE Steady ; No. 2. 41c.
HAY UnclmnRed ; choice timothy , iS.G03 .00 ;
prairie. I7.00ffl7.23.
nUTTEIl Firm ; creamery , 14017c ; dairy , 14
{ rue.
IlEt EIITS Wheat. 31,800 bu. ; corn , 44.SM bu. :
out * . 12,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 19,800 bu. ; corn. 50,800
bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu.
Cincinnati Market.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 3. F1/3UH Quiet ; fancy ,
JI.SQftt.KO ; family. M.Cog-S
WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 led.
CORN Steady : No. 2 mixed. STo.
OATS Quiet , rirm ; No. 2 mixed. 2Sc.
HYE Steady ; No. 2. 43c.
PI1OVISIONS Ixtnl , llrm , tl.70. Dulk meatb.
llrm. tt.SO. H.-icon , linn , t5.73.
WHISKY Quiet , J1.19.
ItUTFEU Quiet ; Elgin creamery , 21c ; Ohio , 13
igi. c ; dairy , lite.
SUOAH Sternly ; hard reflneil , t4.03I33.E3.
HOGS Steadier at IGc.
CHBES1-J Steady ; good to prime Ohio Hat. 8H
fSrnlii Hcci-lptH nt I'rlm'liinl Market *
ST. ILOUIS , Feb. 2. Receipts : Wheat , 10
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 2. Receipts : Wheat , 225
cars.CHICAGO. . Feb. 2. Receipts today : Wheat , -II
cars ; corn. 2T.(1 . ( cars ; oats , 149. Estimated carlots
tomorrow : Wheat , 47 cara ; corn , 330 cars ; oats.
180 cars.
1HJHTTH , Feb. 2. Receipts : Wheat. 39 cars
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 2. Receipts : Wheat , 53
PEORIA. III. , Feb. 2. CORN Easy and lower ;
No. 2. 27B27UC.
OATS Quiet : No. 2 white. 24Uc.
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits ,
Mnrkot In tlm-vi-it it nil One of Con-
Htuiit ClinnncH.
NBW YOUK , Feb. 2. The stock mnrlcct was
under liquidating pressure today , but the
strength of some special stocks anil manipu
lated advances of others made the market ex
ceedingly uneven. There were numerous halts
In the liquidation Muring the day and partly
successful attempts to nchlevc rallies , so that
the day was one of constant changes , some
stocks mounting upward strongly while -the
market WHS tending downward. There was
every evidence of continued heavy celling to
taku profits In some of he most prominent fa
vorites In the recent speculation , notably Nortli-
em 1'aelllc , Union Paolflc anil the Vandcrbllts.
Quito a large element of the professional traiT-
eis fold the market with a good deal of conll-
denco and vigor. Nevertheless , offerings were
very well absorbed and most of the net loseos
of the day are confined to fraction * . The early
transactions whowed positive strength under a
combination of Influence * * , among these a. con
siderable buying- for London , and especially or
Ontculo & Western. There was quite a lance
volume of buying orders I. from commission ,
houses also during- the day. The new necun-
tlea of the Union Pacific 'company In the un
listed department of I the exchange advanced
with something of a rush over the opening
prices and Imparted strength to the whole mar
ket. inJtlmore & Ohio advanced "l'4j per cent
over yesterday's high point. With the execution
of accumulated buying orders the bearish tend
ency of trailers grew and obtained'the ' apcend-
aney. There were various reasons given to au-
count for the decline. Among them was the
cutting of rates' ' between Minneapolis and Chicago
cage and the apparent hopelessness of HRree-
tnent as to rates on the expected Klondike busi
ness. The grangers showed themselves ' espe
cially sensitive nnd were hurt also by a ffraw-
Ing apprehension over the outcome of the Ne
braska maximum i freight rule case , which lt
awaiting decision by the supreme court. Great
Northern preferred added e more points to Its
advance of yesterday and Its subsidiary com
pany. ( .Manitoba , Minnesota Iron nd u number
of other Inactive stocks showed marked a -
vanceu. Tbo Heading Flocks were stronger on
rumorii ot the nslo tn London of about $0OCOCOT
of the company's bonds. Norfolk & Western
preferred gained sharply on the dividend ilecli .
iiitlon. Notwlthf'indlng thee exceptional elf
mnnts of strength the general tendency of the
market was toward-weakness. Humors of losses
sustained by a local bunk through Injudicious
launx encouraged the reactionists. The rates for
exchange hardened a shade on Investment De
mand Induced l > y the low rates for money
which continued to vcrk to an easier basic ,
The day's exchanges at the local clearing house
wort to the enormous total of 1204,221,923 , re
flecting porno very heavy financial operations.
The details of these could not be ascertained
The. bi nd market rontlnu < ystrong on n large
volume of dealings. The Kunsas Pacific con-
Rol * were decidedly unsettled , llrst advancing
n fnictlnn , then reacting to 109 , unit later re
covering to 110 % , a. net loss of V per cent. Total
sales , Jo.OOO.uOO. L'nlteil States ( new 4 declined
'A Pr cent bid , but then * was an actual sale
of the "coupons at an advatuv of > 1 'j ' > er cent.
The Kvcnlng1'oht's London llminclaj cahir-
Kram * ays : "The slock markets here were
quiet and > Irregular today , politics being the
prlmo factor. You may distrust all the rumorea
details of the Chinese loan , but loolt for a
speedy arrangement of the matter. Americans
werv Irregular. Ontario & Western was natu
rally the feature. Central 1'aclden were bid here
at the close. Interest In Americans l pprean-
Ing and thn ficellng hero as to 'the ' future
eoursu of the market la very confident. Spanish
and Turkish bonds were good , the Turkish
bourse ' [ being buoyant In tone , with further
pager buying of Tlntoa and Delleers. The al-
lotment of India council bills excites comment ,
telegraphic transfers bolng Hold nut only under
16d , .but below excliaoigD of the day. A very
small supply of American bills Is arriving It
In believed that New York la holding them
baclc '
Kollovvlng are tha chwlng quotations of the
Ifiullng storku on the Nmv York market today :
Hii.-idlns 1st pfd. . , . fi-iw
iloiM : ilH ) St. I' , .t om 7ll
ll.-lHlinori.t Ohio. . 1I1H do | ifit .
Canada P.i tflo . . . . HX' ' St. l > . M. &M . 12H
Canada Somnurn. n JH So. Pacllle . -JO
ControlPaolllo .I So. Jtitlnrny . n
_ ' 4H do pfd . 3IM
Chlcniro.V Alton. . . * P-iislllo. . . . is
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Union Paclllj . SMS
c'.kiii. . . . . . . . . . r > 'o II. P. 1) . AU . flu
C.G. O. ft St. L . . . . : IHJ Wab.iHh . 7W
dopfd 811 du pfd .
Dal. % IIllCliDIl 11 I Whenl. .t L. H . ' . ' ) (
Del. L..t W ISil . Wheol.A L. K. pfd JH
Dun. , V Illo ( i K' ) | Ad.vim K.X . 101) )
do pM. . . . . SOU Ex . 110
Kriii Innwl Uli
KriuUtptit. . . , RDH \Vclln Fariro Kt..ll
Ft. W.ivn- ) 170 A. Cot.Oll -J2
Oreat Northern nM. 140 do pfd 7ii f
Hocktmr V.illov. . . . H > 4- Am , .Spirits mi
IlllnothOmitnl. . . . loa Am. Snlrltupfd ' . ' -
UikoKrlK.kW. . . . l Hi Am. Tobacco Hi !
dopfd 71 Uo pW 1M
Puopiu'a Gas H7H
Loiuuvllloi ; Nilill. 30k Conn. ( Jas . . . .
Manliittaii L . llHVJICoiu. UahleCu . 175
Mel. St. llr . M7JjCol. | F. 4 Iron . - > !'4'l do pfd . , , 7U
Minn. A.SI. L . --.iVi.Oen. . KlratnoH1H
do 1st DM . HiJii , I Illinois Stuol . 5)1
Mo.Paeltlo. . . . . . . . . . : ilJ4 ; Lead. anvi
no 107W
" ' '
Mo.K..V T..V. . . . . . . 13fi Onifo'li i'miii Co 2H ) (
do DM : ilit | I'aclllu Mitlj : iHi
Chi..Iud. Af4 l < i Pullman 17i f
'to pfd 3. , Silver CertltloaWi. . 3 i <
N.J. Ooiitral ttlV4 ) stand.Uopo&T. . . . 1V {
N. Y.03iitrtl. . . . . .llbH Sugar 117 !
N.Y.Cht. 9t. L. . HV , | clo pfd ji''K
dj 1st DM , 75 iT. C. Je iron iMK
do''dpfd : tH I U , S. Leather 7t <
Norfolk , k Weiur.l UH do pfj
No. Arner. Co . AW U.i. . itnbber-
No.P.ulIU : . 27 do pfd.
U7H WVutern Union. . . . fll
W Nnrlhwouluru , P.5 .VN.iv. . . . . . SB do pfd . . . . . .107
Ortu Short LI lid . -Jlh Illo ( ir.inilo Wtwt . - " _
PllUouri ; . , . 1U8 do ufd M Gfi
Ilujulm ? . v.j Chlcaao-Great W. . 13 {
Itocklat.-iiid t)2 ) i S , L , 4 S , W 4H
S.L.&S.S1 7K do pfd 10 , ;
UolutpM SIUJ'SI. ' L. .V3 P. 2i pfd UUI4
Sl.faul VAH'Hawaiian ' Com Co. 31H
do iitd . . . , . . , .114 < |
Total ultra of stacks today , 400.600 hare . Tn >
cludlnii : Atchlnon pref rr d. 7.ii ; Ilultlinorc &
Ohio. 14 OOv ; Ch ap ake & Ohio. 8.710 : Chicago ,
IturllnKloa & Qulncy. C.S12 ; Dcavtr St Itlo Urandg
I I preferred , 3.3.iO ; H/Milsvlllc & Nashville , o.- .
Slunhnttnn. 12.710 ; Heading preferred. 27.130 ; MI
wiurl 1'Bcldo , 4 760 ; New York Central , 37.Wt ) ;
Northern Pacific , 3,520 ; Northern raclflu pr -
teired , 1S)2S ) ; Ontario & Western , 16,155 ; Head-
| In * , 6W ; Hock Island. 4,957 , ; St. Paul. W.JTO ;
Tobacco , 11,520 ; Chicago Great Western , 4.770 ;
People's ( Ins , 6 , M ; General Hlectrlc , 3.413 ; Sugar ,
12.870 ; Western Union , 4.600.
\ew YiirU SlumMitrUot. .
Easy , 1HP-14 per cent ; lo t loan. 1'i per cent.
STKHLINO K.CIt.NOStronc | - , with actual
business In bankers' bllN nt } 4.M't l.S3 fur de-
maiid nnd nt l4.Hjifrl.Wtii [ for sixty days ; posted
mtes. JI.53H nnd Hi .
HAH SILVnH-fif ie ,
OOVKHN.MINT noNi > s-irrfeiJiar.
1JAILUOA1) IM > Nli 4 Firm.
Clo lnc quolnllons on bonds jftn n follotrii
U.S.nawli.ri ! . . . .lBS IN. Y. C. Int ? 1UI > 4
U.3.nB riCOU..l'JS1ii N. J. C. 58 114
U. 3. . N. C. 1,1
U.S.-4 ft. coup .11-m N. C. ttli UI.1
. . . ; No. P.-ielAi ) Iflts. . .117 H
us5icoim.i'I"iih ! ! ! ! | No.I'.remcri1) . ! ! ! ! " OH
District.1.039 117'ff N. Y. r AHL L.41..107
Aln.elan < iA 107 N. A W. Uftv I'M
Aln-clasill 11)7 ) N. W. Hansnls 142K
Al.i.cliis O . .Kin N. W. Usb. Js Ill )
Ala.Currency. . . .100 Ore. Nnv.lRf ) . 113
Oro. . . . . tin
AlclilBoii.ini. 4s. . . . Ul O. & u.jii.t.r. . . . . 1'JOU
c.mniiiiSo.Bnai. . . Ill ) O , S , L..iii. t. r . ODH
O. 4 N. P. t.r. 5i. O. tin Q.t ate. t. r. . . . I12i (
C..V O. Si O. Imp ? Sfl.'t. ' r . 8IH <
C.H. , tD. 443. . 104H
D.A.U. a. IslH . .lllMi It.B.West tsti . S4.V1 .
D.AIl. O.41 . - , St. L. i I. M. Coi. 1 OW
E.iHtTonn. I8t1..1l)0fi"8t. ) ! L. J 3..FOsu.l ) . 1 18
KrlrOon.In . 71 ISt. P. CoiH'ila . ! : [ >
K1. W..VD. IB. t , r. . 7.VfjSU ) P.C.&P. lats..120
OCII.EIBO. Oi. . . . 100H at. . P. a&iMis ini ? < fts , A. ui in.i Southern lly.Ji. . . . uns :
O.K.AS. A.'d . . .l)3 ( ) S. It. ATT On 57
II..V.T.Cnnt.5s 110 Toan.newsutUs . . 811. .
II.iT.C.con 1)1. ) .10.JM TOJC. I'.io. L. 13. Hlilo it *
Iowa C. lit1) 10U Tex. Uf. Ud . . ; . !
K. P.Con..t.r llll ) | U. P. Ists 12S
K.P.lsts.t , r. 1'JU U. P. U. A
La.NowUan. t . . . , llJ )
LAN. Unl 49 874 Wnb. 2rt
Missouri Oi 100 Wont Shorn 4 . . . . 10HM
M. K. AT. Zilsj. lSi ) < VA. Cunltlrlai 7014
M. K. AT. 4s tl.U ) i V.I , doforrjil ; i
Sun KriiiiolxL'o IlnliiK ( liintutlntiM.
SAN KHAN'CISCO , Feb. 2.-Thc onlclal closing
auotatlons on mining stocks toJny were as fol-
Altn. , ! > [ tilla 1
Alnh.iCon t JviBtloc 41
Amies M Kentucky Con 4
Holcher 84 Mexican 23
Host A Belcher.Ill Oci'.lilontulcau. . . . 1R5
million s Ophtr 0t :
C.lleilonm 20 Orcrman K
Challenge Con ill I'OtODt 20
Uhollnr Ul Sav.ize l-l
Conlldonce 77 SilOfDIOIl 0
Con.Oal.A. Va. . . . OS Sierra Nov.-vU. . . . 103
Con. IniDsrlal. . . . 1 SItver Hill : i
Con. Now York. . . . a Union Can 45
tiroxvnl'olnt 2:1 : UtftliCon 11
( iouldAtCumo. . . . II'J Yellow Jacket 31
Hulu.v Norcroa-l. . 1UO StanUanl 130
Sliver burs , ESlfcc : Mexican dollars. i"SJ47V5o :
drafts , sight , L'Oc ; UrafUs , telegraph , -2'ic. '
\ tTiVork Jllnlntr UunlntloiiH ,
NB\V YOHIC , Feb. 2. The following are the
closlne minliiK quotations :
Cliollar uo Om.irio 'jri , '
Crown Point 21 Oumr. CO
Con. Cal. A V.i. . . . DO I'lyinoutii H
Doailwoou 00 Quicksilver 100
Gould .4 Curry an Oulc'8llvor DfJ. . . 230
ilalo.t Nonn-059. . 140 Sierra Noval.1. . . . R ( )
HoiiicHtmu : 1000 atandu\l 150
Iron Silver 10 Union Con a.5
Mexican 20 Vullow J.iQkat. . . . ao
I.oiuloii Stock Cliio
B.-4 P.m.closlns _ _ _ :
Consola. in'.v..ll2"0-10 St.Paul common. . . IISS
ConsolH. acct . 1121J N V 12Ui
Can. Paullie . OOld Pennsylvania 01
Ei-io . 136 KoaUlnir 11M
Krlo Ibt pfil . lO'-i ' Mex. On. now 43. . 70
111. ConiMl . 109j ? Atclilaon lW : )
Moateau ordinary. . ! ilH L. _ & _ N 01 ?
HAIl HILVBll Ensy , WlST7
SION'HY 3-2'4 iwr cent. The rnto of discount
In the open market for iihort hills. 2Q3 > 1 per
cent ; for three months' bills , 2j2 i per cent.
'FlimncliitotcM. ' .
OMAHA. Fcl > , 2. Clvarlnes , JSJ7.CK.C3 ; bal
ances , 487,713 52.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Clearlnss , $11C14,4 < ;
York exchange. lOc premium ; ) iaste < l rates , JI
nnd Sl.SC. Yrrkcti stoclts stronc nml In inw ]
mand ; others quiet. Alley ( Ij. CO'i ; ninmonil
Jlatch , 142 ; take Street U IS ; New York DIs'-u *
fi. : N.nth r-.ilcago. 225& ; Strawboard , S3 ; West
ChlcaKO. 10114.
NK ' YOltK. Feb. 2.-CIearlngs , 1:04 , 1,927 :
biilances , J10.7S3.1C9.
ST. I-OU1S. Feb. 2. Clearing ! ! . J4.S11.977 ; bal
ances , JM7,075 ; money , 5518 per cent ; New Yorlc
cxchnnKe. par bid , 25o premium asked.
SIISMPUIS , Feb. 2. - ClearingJS40.SC3 ; bal-
nnces. $225,810 ; N'ew York exchange. Belling' at Jt
NEW OUIiBANS , Feb. 2. ClearlngR. J1.CC7.C75 ;
Xow York exchange , bank par ; commercial , Jl
per Jl.OOd discount.
PHir ADHLiPlIlA , Feb. 2. Clearings , J15.C40 -
231 ; balances. $1,690.130.
. Mil. , Feb. 2. Clearings , $3,437-
180 ; balances , J3S7.3SO.
LONDON , Feb. 2-Oold In , , ijuoted at lluenos
Ayres today at 133.70. Indian vouncll bills were
allotted today at Is 3 13-16d.
PAHIS , Feb. 2. Three per cejit rentes , 103f
67H centimes for the account , 1'rlccs on the
bour. e today n-cre decidedly llrm , being favored
by the light rules of continuation rentes , Itnllin
securities did not participate In tiie Improvement.
Jieara bought Spanish 4 * actively on satisfactory
Cuban news. Turkish securities were firm , nio
Tlntos sjiurtcd and frightened the bears who
were covering on favorable statistics.
BKRUN , Feb. 2. On the bourne today busi
ness wan Irregular. Interriatlnmil.Becurttlea were
quiet and Italians were easier on. Paris advlcca
nnd the dullness of Turkish securities. Canadian
Pacifies recovered. Hank shares were In good
demand and coal shares were weaker on the de
cision of the coke syndicate to reduce the out
put. „
Aincrloiin SccurltluN In I.oiuloii.
IXJSTJON. Fob. 2. The markPt for American
securities , after a dull and weak opening , was
firmer but Inactive , closing llrm , with demand
generally light ,
YOUK. Feb. 2.-COFFEB-Optlons
opened steaily at G points advanro ; ( ruleil de-
cldPilly more actlvo and generally tlrmer on
better cables than expected j Investment buying
checked by contlnuwlAlargo receipts nt nio anil
Santos ; cables frnn the Chamber of Commerce
oC Santos , estimating Bantos crop nt 4,230,00u
bsgs , were regarded aa ton jmall and had no
Influence on the market , closed quiet with un- Total warehouse deliveries from the
United States. IOW ! ! bags. Including 10,149 bass
from New York ; NPW York stock today , KO.oSfi
hags ; I'nltcd St.ites stock. 7K.40S bags ; afloat
for the United States , X27.000 bogs ; total visible
supply for the United States , 1.112,40s bags ,
against CSO.CS4 bags last your and 513,713 bags
flANTOff , Fen. 2. COFFra : Oulet : good av-
cmgo nntr > , 8,4f < ) rels' receipts , lO.OO" " ) bags :
stock. 876.00) ) l > 3gs. .
HAMI1UHO , Feb. 2. COFFER Opened 'A fte
higher ; nt 2:30 : n. in. , USi pfff net higher !
r.a ! w , 4,000 hags. I
HIiO IR JA.VKIRO , Feb. 2.-rOKKKB-Stenclyj
Krt. 7 Hlo , SBO ( rcls ; exchange , 0 27-32d ; re
ceipts. 0,000 bags ; cleared for llm'Tnlled ' States ,
9CO ) Imgs ; clftired for Hurripe , 2.0M bags.
IIAVRi : . Feb. Z. . ' ni.'l.ij-Jloscd . ( Ut higher ;
sales , 15.COO bags.
Wool Miirlict.
IOSTO.V. Ffjb. 2. WOOIFrtllowIng are the
quotations for the leading descriptions :
Michigan. Wisconsin , file X Michigan. lie-
No. 1 Michigan combing. 29c ; No. 1 Illinois
combine. 2Uc ; No. 2 Mlrhlgan combing JSfJ23c :
No. 2 Illinois combing , 2SSI29o. delaine Michigan ,
S7c ; unwashed medium Kentucky anil Indiana
nuatter-bliirM combings , 23o ; Kentucky quarter-
bloo'l combing. 2i 23c ; Ml ourl three-eighths
lilooj comb'ng , 23 24o ; braid combing , 3Ic ; lake
and aeorMa , :203c. Texas Wools Spring m -
dlum , twelve nionthiICiWEc ; Ecoured prlc , 3J ( >
33e ; spring line , twelve mnntjiB , 18fl ! ) ; ncoured ,
51JM2c. Territory Wools Montana ( ln medium
ami tine. 16flSe ; ecoured.43ir4.ic ? ; staple , SJasSo :
Utah.Vyntnlng , eic.-Flne nimllnm and fine. 15
Win ; scoured. 4 < ffMc ; staple , R2jf53c. Australian
Wools Scoured losls combine. Biipernne , 70f79o ;
good coiubliiK , Mficso average combing , CS < ! 3o :
Qnrcnuliinil combing. Me.
ST. I.OIMS , Fob. 2-WOOI/-Flrm : medium. 1.1
flaoHc ; llirht linn. 13JT17C ; heavy n e , 60 c ; tub
washed , iJ4i30c.
i > "iMi Viirlc Dry ( > OIIIH .tlnrkft
NK\V YOIIK , Feb. 2. Uncertain conditions as
to the weather and the consequent movement of
Iniycrs have hampered trading In the dry goods
market this week. The movement of spring toods
has been cnerally light In all divisions , hut
wherever fall or winter goods are obtainable
they have done well , Kxcept tn woolen gocxls
the demand has ruled light. In th m > the buyIng -
Ing has been stimulated by the stormy weather
of the last few days. Iteporls of heavy sales by
manufacturing clothiers and Jnbtcra have tended
to make those buyers who were In the market
more anxious to secure goods. In cotton goods
the demand ban shown great Uxlty. liruwn cot
tons are dull locally nn. ] th > - rtemand Is an un
known quantity In other markets , owingto
the lack of facilities for comnmnloilion. 1'rlnt
cloths are In less active drm-ind , .Manufacturers
nrn reported tlrm at : 3-lCc for extra slxty.faur
Kti.ires. Prints are very quiet ,
Oil MiiTlJi'li
OIU CITY , Pa. . Feb. J. Credit balances. 63o ;
ctrllttvatM clo pd CfiHo bid ; . hlpment < . 71,674
bbl . ; runs. 70.657 btl . <
C'llAIlLHSTON. S. C. . Fell. Z. OIUS Turpen
tine. Urm at 32c ; pales , none , llosln , llrm. un
changed ; sales , none , ' -
SAVANNAH , ( la. . Teb. 2.-lins-S.lrlls | . tur-
pcnllne. llrm , 29ic ; tnle m tibia. ; rccflntu , 3:7
bhls. Itonln , firm ; uncliarvTc1 ; tales , none ; re-
coliit. . 3.321 bids.
WILMINGTON , N. C . Feb. -OII.S-Hplrlts
turpentine , dull , 3IHSi3c. Itoiln. II.1501.:0.
Cruil - tunientlnc , steady , $1.44 and Jl.M. Tar.
steadr , Me , .
Cnllfornlii Drl.-il ' -lriilM (
NBW YOUK , Feb. 2.-tAI.KOnNIA ! ? DHIIU )
ntUITS-Applei , tlrm , other fruits nulvt and
steady : evaporated ars'.ei. common , 5ft7lc ; Prlma
wire tray. S e : wood dried , prime. SVic ; Choice.
8 o ; fancy. 80avjc. Prunes. JBSo. Apricot * .
lioyil. SHIflHo : Moor Park. 010o. 1'eaches , un.
peeled. 7flOa ; p Uil ,
Day's Supply a Liltlo Larger , but All
Readily Absorbed.
Trmlo Xnt Itaprelnlly Active , but
KvorythliiK Sell * In ( Jooil
< nnn HORN a Slnule
Lower , but Active.
SOUTH OMAHA , Fob. 2.-IlcceipU for
the ilnys Indicated were :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. Horses.
Total receipts 129 7S 13 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. HOES. Sheep.
Omahu Packing Co 73 S21 . . . .
Q. 11 , Hammond Co r.37 1,097
Swift and Company 57G 1,173 1.S97
Clldithy PflcklllB Co 813 1,021 537
P. D. Armour , Chiens'o 43D
K. Becker nml Desan. . . . , 32
J. U Carey 27
LfObmun & Hothschllds. . . 138
\V. I. .Stephens 11
Benton & Underwood 20.1
ICrebbs Co IS
L. V. Husz 40
H. Hamilton 33
Hammond , from 1C. C. . . . 44 200
Swift , from country 724
Cudahy , from 1C. C ' 113
C. 1 . & V. Co. , Neb. City . . . . 165
Other buyers 303 . . . . 323
I.uft over 550
Totals 3,024 5,053 1,470
CATTLE The receipts of cattle were
larger than yesterday by a tow loads and
about the sama as a week airo. While there
were quite a. jrooil many killing eattlo on
sale there was also a larpe sprinkling of
stock cattle , so that the offerliiBS were not
excessive of any ortc kind.
Among the fat Kittle there iwero some
pretty decent lots on sale and the market
os a whole was In reasonably good shape.
The dressed beeE men seemed In need of
supplies and they got down to business In
good season. Values did not show any
material chango. the prices paid being about
the same as were paid for similar cattle
yesterday. While the trade could hardly
bo called active , the cattle kept moving
stoadlly toward the scales and the great
bulk changed hands In good season. One
bunch of big heavy , but very fat , western
cattle sold up to $4.50.
Cows and heifers were In liberal supply
and sold at just about steady prices. The
demand was reasonably good and the trade-
mas fairly active , so that the moat of the
cattle wore sold and weighed up In good
The fresh receipts of stockerg and feeders
iwero larger than usual of late , the high
prices at which sucht cattle have been sell
ing having apparently acted as a stimulus
to shipments. At the same time speculators
were loaded with the same kind of cattle ,
while the demand seemed to comp to a
standstill nil of a sudden. It looked today
as Ifl the country had ) suddenly como to Its
senses and concluded to stop buying stock
cattle at fancy" prices while beef cattle are
selling at prices that In many cases are
causing Coders heavy losses. Even good
light stock cattle which the country has
been buying nt such crazy prices were
neglected. The result was a slow market ,
with values anywhere from lOc to loc lower
than last week. Representative sales :
vo Av ' Pr No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 ' . . .700'$3 $ 75 21..1162 $4 15 24..1K3 t4 SO
18 1370 4 CO 22..10M 411 l 'jij ' J
2..1045 400 f , . . . . ! .ll 40) 21".1222 415
8..1127 425 18..1232 449 1..10SO 3 7j
10 lOSt 300 36..1MI 393 10..1024 410
20 11SO 410 20. . . . 1247 415 20. . . . 12IM 4 3 >
18..1303 435 31..1250 440 S. . . . S5S 3 4j
12. . . . 933 370 23..1007 390 20. . . . 933 393
Zi. . . . 917 395 S..104H 400 75..947 4 < ' 0
8..1123 405 1..1130 410 10..1102 410
10..list 415 24..1104 415 10..101o 415
20..1113 413 44..12IS 415 2I..12.-.1 415
22 112 ! ) 4 13 21..1087 420 19..1170 4 20
JZ..1112 42.- O..H43 425 W..J5M f 23
17 1184 4 SO 17..1330 435 19..1j,0 4 kl
10 . .1447 443 18. . . .1400 4 CO IS..1418 453
IF..1231 4 20
1 , 600 2 23 3. . . . 830 SCO 1. . . . 800 275
' 775 273 4. . . . M2 275 C..1002 283
14 1062 3 10 13. . . . 973 3 15 11. . . . 72 3 15
1 IW 3 30 13. . . . 867 3 30 41. . . . 9H 3 33
I . 950 2 50 3..10M 2 S3 23..974 340
1 820 305 1..9M 223 3..1110 260
1 770 300 1..910 SCO 11..1050 300
2 1123 3/X ) 1..1CW 325 2..11SO 325
' '
23..lCOi 340 3..11JO 340 C..993 350
4 . .1437 300 10..1017 370 1..10W 250
2. . 945 205 1..1400 300 1. . . . SIX ) 315
1 ,11V > 320 2..1135 330 2..1060 330
If.1130 S3" 24..1100 333 23..1174 335
1 1160 3 M 1. . . . 770200 11. . . . 750225
1 910 200 2. . . . 875 250 1. . . . SCO 260
C. . . . 940 2 G3 1..1132 63 2. . . . 90S 2 75
1 . .1000 275 1. . . . 00 275 1..10CO 380
2. . . . 815 260 30. . . . 783 2 SO 2..72. , 280
1. . . . Stt 290 7..1103 300 1. . . . 550 30) )
2 . . . .0 300 1..1120 301) ) 1..1200 300 > 300 1..KOO 301 1..1070 310
1..10CO 3 10 3..1020 3 15 1..1050 3 15
(5..10I3 ( 315 1..1260 316 1..1210 320
3..1301 32i ) 1..H.V ) 320 17..10X ) 320
J..12SO 320 5. . . . 970 320 3..1253 320
3..10V ) 320 4. . , . 700 320 12..1131 323
10..IMS 323 41. . . . 913 325 4..1593 323
4 . .10S7 3 23 1. . . . RSO 323 IS..1012 325
5. . .1111 325 7..1041 3 ) 8..843 330
1..1220 33.7 22..10S3 3 18..991 335
13..10I2 345 7. . . . 931 345 1..1150 SCO
1 . .1020 350 2..1150 350 1..1220 3 fO
1..1010 350 4..11:12 : 355 2. . . .1170 353
11. . . . 874 355 1..1430 355 B..1250 3 C5
1..1210 3 C5
1. . . . COO 335 3 , . . . C30 360 9. . . . 573 413
2..7SO 350 9. . . . K350 2. . . . 580 3 CO
1 . 4CO 3 Cf. . . . . SOI 3 23 5. . . . DIG 3 CO
5 . .573 3 C3 3. . . . COO 390 1. , . , COO 390
1 , .790 250 1. , . . WO 2 M ) 1..4M ) 2C
1. . . . C40 320 13. . . . SM 325 1..CM 3 Ztt
3. . . . 913 333 1. . . . 400 330 1..SSO 3 5a
3. . . . f,33 33. . 10. . . . 763 340 2. . . . 815 340
1 , . 800 3 40 a. . . . 90 340 1..550 345
7 , SfiO 350 C. . . , CSO 3 M 7..9SO 3 Cff
3. . . . SOO 3 CO 4. , . . fSf > 3 CO 8.C < ! 2 3M
12. . , . " 03 3 65H 1. . . . 73l ) 3113 38. . . . ( > 23 3 Rl
5. . . . 672 373 1..1020 375 1..10BO 373
: . , . . SS3 3 SDI 1. . . . 410 40) 1..1030 4 Co
1..12SO SCO 1..1C40 300 2..14CO 310
1..13SO 280 1. . . . 74' ' ) 300 1..1000 3 0 < )
1..1440 313 1..140C 330 1..1580 810
L..1S10 3 ! 5 1..1204 330 I..1660 3 33
1 . .14CO 275 1..13W ) 281 1. , . . 560 3 Cu
1..1560 300 1..1430 310 2.lMl > 320
S..1410 320 1..1C90 3 2S 1..I230 3 fli
1..1140 3 25 1. . . . SSfD 325 1..1440 3 S ,
1..1500 3 23 1..1760 335 3..1620 3 4W
L.,2m > ) 340 1..1GOO 340 l..180 > 3 4U
I..1690 3f 2fl 3 M 1..2U4 3 SI )
1. . . . S30 350 1..15)20 ) 3 Co : . . . .1S30 379
27..13.V. 390 1..107I ) 350 2..1223 3 8u
1..1CU ) 4 CO
1. , . . 320 323 3. . . , 220 4 CO 1. . . . 410 4 7i >
2. . . . 245 323 4. . . . 335 48" 1. . . . 300 473
L. . . 2M SCO 1..440 550 J. . . . KX > 0 Co
I. . . . 230 6 fO
I. . . . 750 350 3. . . , GTJ 400 6. . . . 7C1 4 10
1. . . . 870 4 10 1. . . . fCf > 4 50 2. . . . 570 4 15
1. . . . Ml 350 It , . . , 7S7 390 1..1050 400
2. . . , K" 410 1. . . . 470 350 7. . . . G30 423
9. . . . 471 430 3. , . . C23 433 1. . . . 400 440
1..SW 325 1. . . . CM 350 1..530 a t >
3. . . . SOS 305 7. . . . CM 370 10. . . . 742 3 7u
5 . . . . 821 373,1 17. . . . 843 375 27. . . . 974 3 71
1 SOO 3 SO 1..IOSO 400 13. . . . ) ( ! 4 < n
1. . . . 5&0 400 1. . . . 720 400 3. . . . 790 4 ft )
I. . . . 7GO 400 3. . . . 7H ! > 403 3.681 4 2u
1. . . . SW > 4 2u 17. . . . 6W > 423 2..E& ) 4 SI
11. . . . C97 4 23 7. . . . 643 4 S3 C8. . . . 738 4 2b
ft. . . . 72J 4 2fi 69. . . . 701 4 40 1 510 4 So
4 , . . . 4 ! 45(1 ( 3. . . . 413 4 CS 13. . . . 453 4 Cti
3. . . . 410 4 75
I tons The receipts of lioga were Unlit today
mid coinlilerably smaller than a week HKO. the
country evidently not belli ? natlslled with tliu
prlcea paid. At tht * fame time parkvra complain
that the way the product In gelling there l >
no money In hngg ut ptrtfju prices , so tiiat It
lookH an If neither tuyvr or roller wan entirely
sattsllH. The demand thin Mioriiliitf wag of fair
proi > ortlon and erjual to the absorption of the
rccelpta , but It wu not a Lrlck aa on come
dny . Everything , however , void lie/oro the
clone , which wan reanonaldy early.
The inrneral market wan a almde lower. They
took off a ihavlnrr ymterday und fulluwed It
up by taking off another thin one toduy. The
average of all the nle WHS about 2c lower than
yentenlay. < Hc lower than Mundiy and lOc lower
than u week axo. At tha tame tlm tli mar.
kvt li a Ktr iu ( 20c higher than u month ag'j , and
40 < 5u hlpher than a yjr KO.
Heavy host brought 3.00 3e2\J. principally.
wMto the mnrt of the heavy liudt noli ) at
K.tu y ie.ii3y.
Light anil mcJIum wrlKlit loaaa cold at U.COW
3.CIli , Ue matt of the good light telling at
t3.CSflS.CH , while the hulk cf the * ntnp Wflctit-1
yo ! < tcrjfty went nt W. , Hopirjfntntlvo
salc :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av , Sli , 1'r.
10 . 3S ( . . .J3MS ! 20 . 345 4' ' ) JS
10 . 370 . . . S 61) 45 . 3W SO 3M
M . 325 . . . 3ft ) 08 . 2M 1W 3 to
61 . 3CN . . . 360 14 . 2M . . . 3 0
14 . X9 40 3M 19 . SlV ) . . . I 05
M . S54 . . . 360 M . 3t 50 3 ft )
35 . 573 ICO S 0) 31 . 4M 1J 3 < Vi
M . 3M . . . 3 M Bl . 3M M J fj
33 . 3M HO 3 ft ) 71 . 21H 40 360
60 . 3 1 SO 3ft ) f.l . 2S6 Si 3 fo
40 . SKTI . . . 36) 43 . 27J ! i 3W
Ift . 333 11 3 TO 05 . 311 540 3 CO
61 . 3lrt SO SCO 64 . 270 S ) J ft )
3 . 3ft3 SO 360 M . ISO . . . 360
57 . IM . . . 36214 74..1 9 . . . S M14
M . 194 40 3 H 43 . KI 40 3 C2 < 5
5 < . 30T. ! i 3 3 SS > i Bl . 2J5 12i < 3 2'4
6. ) . 3.V ) SM 3(34 ( SS . ! : . . . .1 31J
25 . 337 1M S H 43 . 3JO . . . 3 B2H
74 . 238 $0 3 62V4 37 . SM S' ' ) 3 2'4
7 . K4 SO 3 H f.3 . ! 73 40 3 Oit
$ . - . . 273 120 S CJH 77 . ! 23 S.O 36514
05 . ! M . . . 3 BS < i 59 . JJO . . . 3(1214
Z9 . 28.1 $0 3 e'i 60 . J.W . . . 3 4
67 . 160 8' 3 62U 43 . ,2SJ . . . 3 2 > i
C2 . 237 . . . 362 74 . 171 . . . 3 K < 4
65 . SM 160 3 6 4 M . 144 . . . 3 M'4
72 . 311 ICO 3 6JU IS . m . . . 36214
60 . SSJ . . . 3624 * 63 . 2W . . 3 6 14
6 . 2S4 240 3 C5 > 4 r.2 . T . . . 3 CJH
85 . 507 . . . 3624 73 . C47 1M 3 62 < 4
2 . 847 . . . 3 Kl ( ! 1 . S.V1 . . . 363
47 . 2SS 40 3 60 70 . 235 40 .163
72 . 341 fO S 65 SS . 2M . . . 3 C3
69.220 80 3 f IS . 150 . . . 363
67 . SSi . . . S 65 71 . 211 . . . 3 Ki
SO . 341 ICO 365 6,1 . 253 . . . 3 M
M . ! S < i . . . 363 M . 2.VI SO 3 Co
76 . 250 . . . 365 63 . l . . . 3 US
65 . 239 . . . 3 67',4 ' .11 . 13 ! . . . 3 C7U
6S . 2.-.S . . . 3 C7H SI . 23 ! . . . 3 ( I7H
74 . 271 . . . 367H G4 . 211 . . . 3 I7'i '
\VAOON KOC1S TllltcnV Ot'TS.
2 . 305 . . . 360 fi . 2 . . . 3M
2 . 305 . . . .150 7 . 219 . . . 3 f 0
1 . 500 40 350 fi . 3.M . . . 3 CO
4 . 350 . . . 3 ( ID 0 . 23.1 . . . 3 fO
E . 39(1 ( SO S 55 4 . 2l . . . 3 CO
8 . 201 . . . 360 8 . IP' . . . 3 rli
1 . 2 . . . 3 fO 7 . 217 . . . 3 C2IJ
6 . 1S3 . . . 3 C2'4 ' 1 . 100 . ,365
SHKKP There wna n fnlr run ot sheep , liut
there were tiono too many for tno demand , lloth
packers nnd feder were Rood tuiycr * , nnd the
offerlnss were not lonir In chaiiBliiR li.imls. The
market was active nnd alton ? , nnd In xnino
cnpe.i as much as lOc higher lUprevcntntlva
Knlca :
No. ' ' Av. Pr.
10 culls . 4'M2f ' > 0
fcfl weatoni ewes . , . . , . , . . ! S J I , "
\\ostorn ewes . . . , . 115 3 t'l )
24i ) western ewes . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . 9 J S3
2S9 mixed westerns . S3 4 15
2W western yearllnus . 91 420
1 weitrrn wether . 1ft ) 4 23
433 Mockers . M 475
23 < western Inllibs . . . . . .75 500
29) Mexican lnml . fit ti 00
111 yearlliiKa . 7S 4,13
12 lamlis . Cf , 50) )
2 western ewes . . . 105 3 ft3
493 western lambs . 78 0 30
FCTOnoil Cnltlc < lm < Are OITorcil Art-
UtMulllv Till ; i' u.
iCIIlRAOO , l'V-1) . 2. Tlio few really Rood to
cholou UiMVcs of cattle Uhnt were offered t.'dny
were readily taken by eastern shippers nnd ox-
porlers at llrm prlocs. but there was a slow
movement In common io medium Rrailes ot
dressed beef steers at baiely steady prlre.H. Th-
rnnso of prlc between common and prime
steurs was very wide , the poorejst lots s-elllnR nt
J3.60ii4.00 , whllo fancy lols bruURht fj.So'd.'i TO.
The Rri'iU bulk of the cattle Fold at $ l.30jiu.iu ,
the uVeraKo qunllty belnR ml her poor to fair ,
with fur too many half-Tod sti-ers In the pen" .
OannlnR cows were about 13o lower than last
week , sales boliiR I7iade nt $2.2.Wf i.K. but fut
cowii and heifers sold very well. Hulls sold
larROly at { S.lOffS j and venl calves wenfulrly
active nt steady prlcea , few Rnlnt ? below J > .
There was n Rood local and pasti-m fhlpvlmr
ilomand for hoses and price's weio steady nt y -
terday's decline. HOBS sold nt M.C 5f3.70 for
coarse heavy jiackers up to J3.S' ' for choice
to prime heavy shlpplnif iltnvcn. the hulk uf the
offerlnns RoInR for $3.75 3 , S3 , and piss snld
larecly nt J3.&iiT3.70. ( The late mnikot was very
actlvu , but prices were no hlsher nnd HK'H '
hOK sold nt the usual discount.
1'rlei'H for sheep and lambs rulnl hlRlier. with
an active demand. Sheep pold nt $ i3.50 for
the poorest trnides up to $ l.50Jft.C3 for rholcp * o
prime Mocks , fed westerns fetchlnK > 3.fiOTi4 .Ti.
Yeai-Hnifs sold at J4..VfiT ) .00 and lambs \\vri In
Rood demand nt $4.50f5.75 , few Roln bHow J3.
I > lKhtweInht sheep sold the hlubcst , he ivy lota
selllnR nt $ I.105M.40. The best riheei > were about
lOo hlRher.
Ilecelpts : Cnttlo , 15.000 head : hogu , JO.Otv ) neudj
sheep , 15,001) head.
St. l.nnin I.lvc Slix-lc.
ST. iTXJUIS , Feb. 2. CATTT R Hecelpf. 3.400
head , of which 1,300 are Texnrts ; shipments. 3.00 > )
head ; market stronR , but slow for natives ; slow
and n shade easier for Texuns ; fair to fancy
native shipping and export steers , f 1.40JJ3.SJ ; bulk
of rales , JI.65S3.10 ; droesed beef and but lier
steers , 4. 0004. 95 ; bulk of sales , JI.15fT4.CO ; steers
under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.COW4.35 ; stockers and feeders.
J2.50ff4.40 ; bulk of Fales , $3. ' > 0ir4.10 ; cows and
heifers , J2.COfPI.SO ; Texas nnd Indian steers ,
J3.3friM.35 ; bulk of sales , J3. 60 4. 15 ; cows nnd
heifers , J2.WS3.30.
HOGS Receipts , 10,000 head ; shipments. 2.400
head ; market a shade easier ; llRht. J3. 0003.70 ;
mixed. J3. 6083.73 ; heavy , $3.75ff3.52'i.
SHEEP Receipts , 1 iQ ) head ; shipments , none ;
market stnonR ; native muttons , J4.00j'4.GO { ; Iambs ,
KniiMiiN City Stoclc.
KANSAS CITV. Feb. 2.-OATTI ERcelils. .
8,000 head ; liest native stpers , T ifflDc Inwer ;
cows and heifers barely steady ; fancy stochers
and feeders , stoaOy ; southern steers. 55J10o lower ;
bulls and bei f cjilvea active , etendy ; western
steers , J3.30W4.SO ; western cows. J.50fS3.73 ! ; na
tive steers J3.1JIVi.OO ? : bulk , ; nntlvo
cows nnd heifers , J2.3-i J-t.lO ; stockers and fc-pil-
ers. J.l..7m5.nO : bulls. J2.frfV33.70.
HOGS Receipts , 17,200 head ; Keneral nmrke <
2H < 6T lower : common Krnde.i , SIilOc lower ; bulk
of sales J3.Ki5)3.'fl ; heaving S3.COiK.SO ; pock rs.
J3.B3 3.77'4 ; mixed , J3. BMW. To ; IlRhts. 13.4W
3.72'4 : yorkers. ? 3. 70 3.721 * ; plRs , J3.2 > Vf(3.4. > .
SIIEUP Receipts , 3.2O ) head ; market ntonily to
lOc lower ; muttons , Jl.40ff I.E. ' , ; lambs , Jt.r.0"ii".50.
linllaiiiipiillH Fivc Stnrlc.
INDIANAPOMS , Feb. 2. OATTMS Receipts.
400 head ; shipments , fair ; receipts cattle only
moderate and nil sold at strong prices ; eoo'l. ' I"
prime steers , { 4. 8005.10 ; fnlr io medium. J4.55 ®
4.75 ; common to Rood stockers , J2.753.50.
HOOS- Receipts , 7.000 head ; shipments. 2,500
head ; market moderately ncitve ; di cllncd 5'io ' ;
peed to choice medium nnd heavy , J3. 8003. S3 ;
mixed and _ heavy , t3.70@fl.SO ; common lights ,
J3. .0 3.70 ,
SHEEP I ambB , lOJflSo lower ; Rood to choice
lambs. J5.23fl o.63 ; common to medium lambs ,
J3.76tf5.25 ; common sheep. } 2.2o3.00.
Cliii'liiiinli I , I viStock. .
rjNXJINNATI , Feb. 2. HOOS Quiet , ? 3.10 ©
CATTM3 Strong , S2.25fM.75.
BHEBn Steady , J2.7W74.n3.
I.AMUB-Steaily , J4.0085.90.
Stnclc In SlRlit.
Ilpoord of receipts of IVP | stock at the folir
principal markets for February 2 :
Cattlo. HORS. Shi > p.
Omalhn. . nlf < ! 501" 4 ? .ao
ChlreiKo . is.oo. ) no.OTO )
kansas City . 8.0 17.2ft ) .1 2'0
St. I uls . 3.400 10,000 1.8(0
Totals . . . 9,582 62,212 21 S30
\IMV Vnrk Mvi' Stoplf.
NM\V YOUIC. Feb. 2.-HBKVI53- > lptB. 1 700
head , on sale , 47 cars : steers , quiet Flendy
rouR'i butchers' ati > : k active and tronner : ynnln
not fully cleared ; mature steers , JI.OOSp ) 30- bulls
J3.00fr3.rp ; dry cows. J3.75S3.S3. European cables
quote American steers at HWmid , dressed
weluhts ; refrlKerntor l ef at S'iif/Sd. ' Exports
toduy , 32 ! ) beeves , 1,800 quaiters of beef ,
CALiVES Rwelpta , C54 head ; on palp 5H head-
venls. stronuer ; other oalves llrmer ; nil bold :
veals , Jo.OOij-ii.flO ; ( 'raspers. J3.i < 3.7J
.SHEI3P AND I AMllS-IlPODliit * 3 C31 head ; on
salo.iVs \ cars , or 3,500 bend ; active , sllKhtly
firmer all around , ' nbout 3M hcid unsold : them ,
J3.5084.7o ; lambs , Jo , 505(6.30.
Sntinr MnrUolH
ORI.PANS , Feb. S.-StKIAIl-Open kf -
tle , steady at 3WSJ3c ; centrlfuiriil. Km Iv :
Rrnnulaled. H4fft 11lCiwhites ; 3' f4 G-lfr ; yol-
ows. 3 11-1MT4 1 ICc : pceonds , Mnlnraoi
kettle , sli-ndv nt Iift27e ! : centrlfiiBal , oa y 'i1 6J (
lie ; syrup , steady nt lSif724e.
NEW YOltKFeb. . -SI'OAH-Hnir , firm ;
fair reflntnsr , 39lCiceiitrlfuital ; , test. 4 1-lCc :
rnllnfd , llrm ; cnikh I , Win ; powdered , 55-16C ;
Krunulatnl , 5V4c ; mould A 5c : glnndaril A. 5o ;
confectioners' A , 6c ; cut loaf. ( > % < ; cnbes. 551Cr.
Telepliono 1039. Onmliii , N b
110 A It D OP T If A 1)1 ! .
Dlrc't wires to Chicago and Now Yort.
Correnpondcnti : John A. IVarrrn A Co
Mfctnbfirs ChlcaBo Board of Trade slnuo UC *
Grain , Provisions anl N. Y. steeRs
Orders Cnsh find Future Delivery tollclt. ? .1
Oinilliil Olllc-c , HIKIIII 1 , X , y , I , | f , . II I ilt- .
, . , . 'I'lioiu1X11 . , , .
i-'i.ovn J.
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
1 IO Board ot'Trado Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
nrancb Office. 103S N Si . LJncolu. Nob.
Prrt" V ' ' " "
Ctelie-Street Commission Co
OupituI , tfSO.OOO.OO. Kully 1'nM.
STOUIC.S , ciUiiK AM > I'
A New
Author of "Sho , "
"KingSolomon's Mines , "
Etc. , Etc. ,
Has Completed Another
] Story Entitled
The hero of the story la a gmud-
son of King Solomon on nn ax-
pcdltlou to the Golden Ophlr of
the Bible.
A Bomanco of Pro-Historic
Africa , Daringly
Ininginntivo nnd Full
of Thrilling Action.
This story will nppcurlu
Vs a Serial , In Ten Instalments ,
Dojrlnulng1 February 13.
( With Illustrations. )
In this etory Mr. Haggard niakcn
a BOW deinon , 'tratlon of Ills won
derful power In the fleld of pure
romanca. Ho once moro boldly
lifts the curtain that hides the fate
of nations dead and burled In the
ages of which no record remains ,
except In the silent ruins of their
ZluVboe , an Inland1 trading city
that flourished In the heart of
Africa 3,000 years ago , and peopled
by the Phoenicians , Is the eceno of
the story. To this city comes
PKoco Azlcl , a grandson of King
Solomon , accompanied by Isaachar ,
a prleot of Israel , coid Motem , a
Phoenician trader , who brings a
caravan of merchandise.
In Ellssa , daughter of Sakon , kins
of Zlmboo , the prlnco nieela his
fato. King Ithobal , lord of many
legions of savage warriors , la al
ready a suitor for her htod. Ho
euea IB true barbarian fashlca ,
seeks to carry her off by force , and
IB foiled In the attempt by Prince
Azlcl. The ntory unfolds Itself
around the feud between the Prlnco
of Israel an * the savage King Itho
bal. Ellssa IMS given her heart
to Azlcl , and loatlta the barbarian
monarch. Isaachar , the priest , la
determined that no prince of the
house of David shall wed a he-ithcn
maiden , whoso people worship Dial.
Aa a rcr.ult of his Intrigues , Ellssa
la elected the high priestess of
This fixes an Impassable rcllgloua
gulf between her and Azlel. Tholr
passionate love seeka to surmount
all barriers. Meantime , Itholnl
draws his huge army or savages
arouctl the fated city , and demand
ing EllEfli In mari'lage , prepares
to destroy It If ho Is rofused. How
Ellssa violated her oath as high
priestess and prepares to fly with
Azlel ; how they ara both discovered
and threatened' with death by the
prlesta ot Haul ; how , to save cuuii
other , cue , by her right aa tlio high
lirlestcaa of Haal , names him her
husband , while ho runounccH his
faith and offers incense to Daal ;
how Ithobal's horde of garages
storms the walls of the city , end
both Azlcl and. Eileen fall Into lib
power ; and how , at last , Azicl es
capes with his llfo by Ellcna'a
feigned submission to Ithobal , elio
In turn escapingIthobal by killing
herself , Is all told In .Mr. Haggard's
most faoslnatlng mar.nor.
The awful ceremonies to the tem
s ple of Unal , the weird rite * In the
sacred grovca of Zlmboe , and the
barbarous battle scutes of that far-
off lime , are described with all the
author's marvelous wealth of Imag.
Inatlvo resource.
It Ifl a story that will surely rank
as one of the great worko of fiction
of 1S98.
Ill the
Wntcli for It !
Read It !