POPOLISTS IN BAD HABITS Constitutional Frovis'ons for Payment of Fees Disregarded. HONtY RETAINED IN DEFIANCE OF LAW /'rent-ill Sin IP Oflloprn Vlninnl nn fln- Krant On > inlrr nn ' \ \ > rc 'Ilu-lr 1'rcdfee-morn Whom 'I IIPJ Dunounccili MNCOLX. Fob. 1. ( Special. ) The conrtl. tutlon of the Btato provides that officers ot the executive department shall foe allowed no feet and that when any ecrvlco Is to be pec- foimed by them the money shall < bo "paid In advance Into the state treasury. " The prom- Incnco given thla section In the submission of the 1'ugotio Moore case and the expecta tion that the supreme court will In Its deci sion make a strict ruling on this part of the constitution lias aroused considerable dls- cumlon as to the meaning of the section re ferred to Some contend , with Moore's ] avv. ycrs , that U means that the pcroons rcqulr- Ing the service to bo performed shall ( Irs ; pay the money Into the treasury. Others ( hold that a strict Interpretation will bo that the official Is requireto ! pay the money Into the treasury before ho performs the corvlcc. This discussion naturally leads to the query as to how the ruling will affect the present state officers. H Is apparent that no matter which way the court holds In the Moore case the present Btatu auditor will bo left open to public criticism on account of Ms manner ot hand , ling the fees that come Into Ills office. Uy his last semi-annual report to the governor ( Auditor Cornell nhows that on May 31 he had In his hands $7,038 In fees wSilch should liavu been In the treasury. It also shows the following collodions Juno , $451 50 ; July , S550CO ; August , $512.150 , September , * 254 CO , On Juno I , although ho had almost $8000 on hand , the auditor turned $1,000 Into the trcomiry On Juno 29 , with $7,39250 on hand , ho paid In $0.100 On Augiut 31 , wlfi over $2,300 on hand , he saw lit to pay to thu treasurer $900 and on October 22 , with nbout $2,000 on hand , ho paid $1,000 At the tlmo of making the report , according to his own figures , ho lind In his hands $1,001 10 , which the constitution sayu should be paid Into the treasury In advance. MUTB IS INTEHVJnWED. In order to obtain some light on this and other questions from portons who have re cently made constitutional provisions and "unauthorized expenditures" a study , The IJeo representative brought these facts to the attention of Chairman Otto Mutz of the legislative Investigating' committee. Mi Mut7 said that If the auditor's state ment made any such showing it was clearlj n matter for Investigation In a further conversation the chairman nf fir ' " -n" " let the matter out that the report ot Ex pert Taylor , which Is still iinpuu uneu , cum , attention to this state of affairs , and criti cises the auditor for holding back themonej. Mr. Mutr wtis also asked the following The records In the office of the state audit-r show that Governor llolcomb has drawn dur Ing his three years In. office about $1JGO for house rent. In violation of Oils section of the constitution Do you consider H a part of your duty , as chairman of the Investigation committee , to Investigate and repoit on this violation ot the constitution ? Do jou con- hldcr the $1,200 drawn by the governor for " " "unauthorized expendl- "house rent , as an tuic , " or aa n "shortage ? " Mr Mutz said that in regard to the draw ing of house rent money by the governor there had always been considerable doubt ns to Its legality , but Inasmuch as the monqj had been appropriated for that purpose by the legislature , he did not bellovo It to be within the province ot his committee to In vestigate the nets ot the legislature. He ad mitted that the "house rent" feature was a "perqulrtlto" prohibited by the constitution , but had no opinion to give ns to whether It was an "unauthorized expenditure. " SUGUI r.vc'iouv FOR varniovr. Kuriiiori IMcilKO it lliiiiitN < ( > Si-cure ( lie I'ropoNi'rt riiml. FREMONT , Neb , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) A mooting of the sugar beet raisers ot this vi cinity was held nt the court house this nftci- noon for the purpose ot raising money for the proposed factory. There was a good at tendance of the farmers from this vicinity and much Interest was manifested. The price to bo oald for beets by the new factory , It was stated , would bo $4 per ton and the contracts would be as favorable to the beet lolsers as those of any factor ) In the state Of this $4 per ton the farmers were requested to donate for the factory the sum of BO cents per ton on tlio whole or a part of the acre- ngo contracted for. About 600 acres woio contracted for in a short time , whlnh on the Uisls ot ten tons to the acre , means an ad dition of $1,000 to the bonus. The farmers were unanimously In favor of a factory , the only question which In any way tended to make them hesitate about subscribing , was the kind of a contract the proprietors of the new factory will sign. The prospects are good for tlio raising of the balance of the bonus needed to secure a factory hero In a Ahort tlmo and It Is expected ; the plant will bo completed In scasoci to work n > the ' 93 crop of beets. HAM : A Tivun TIME. from KIIIINIIH mill 1'erlMli lit I'nlvNtliic. SUUnnilT. Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) A party of Dunkards who went to the Holy Land two years ago Is In dlro dlstrrai , many of their number having died from disease and starvation. iMr. and Mrs. Joseph Jljcrs and Mr. and Mrs. John Yautlo of IShubcrt claimed to have received a revela tion from dot ] and directions to visit the Holy Land , and at the head of a party of Dunkards from Shubert and Smith county , Kansas , set sail In November , 1895. Noth ing was heard from them by friends until Ti-contlj' , when a letter rexiehoJ Yautlc'o brother at Shubcrt relating tales of buffering - ing , distress and death. The party went direct tn Jerusalem , then traveled homo dis tance from there to find further evidence of divlno rovelation. The Uunkards of Slni- 1icrt have started a relief expedition , headed by Gcorgo Yautlc and W. M. Hyde. The death list Includes llva persons from Smith county , Kansas , two from Shubert and three from Philadelphia. llii < rlri > ami UN llllllnril IIiillM , niUTIircn , Neb , Feb. 1 ( Special Telo- Kram. ) When the city council convened to night In special session to hear the testi mony In the complaint against Wertz , the temperance billiard hall pioprlotor , the city attorney asked to have the case dismissed on the ground that an the license had not been secured in the regular way ho really ilmd no license. Lcavo to withdraw the com plaint was then granted by the council and A motion adopted declaring the place to bo illegally operated and directing the license tfce refunded , Thu stand which the city at- qttorney takes is that all such licenses must prevented by GUTICUUA SOAP , the most effect vo bkln purifylnu and beautifying eoap in tlm world , ns well us purest and iircotcjt for toilet , bath , and nursery. „ ( uticum ft r U wt4 lhr u tiil Ibt VMlJ. POTTIB Dtia mo Onto Uuiif , ol 1-rtpi p li o , U , 8 A , 07 " ID U ritllKI ftM lUwaii , " DiiUeJ no , EVERY L come before Uio council anil that the city clerk cannot Issue the license as In the case of peddlers This action puts nn entirely new phase on the matter , and If It Is the correct position none of the billiard hall licenses Issued In the past has been legal. The Imlls have been operated Illegally and without licenses , nnd the two whose licenses were recently revoked Ime recourse against the city lor the amount paid for the alleged licences. HenitttM of n I'ntl. HArrriNGTO.V , Neb , IVb. 1. ( Spc-clil Telegram ) M 71. Smith , while unloading conio lumber in the second story of I-i tu rner's lumberyard , missed his footing and fell to the ground heaJ first. While falling he caught himself and struck on his feet and broke one of the bones of his heel , it will bo six weeks before ) ho can use his foot. Sheriff Ilrown arrested earnest Weeks nnd Luther Brown of Randolph and brought them before the county Judge today. They were arrested for breaking the large mir rors of I'oggcnseo's siloon In Randolph and doing about ? EOOworth , of damage. They waived tlvc-lr prellmlinry examination and were bound over to the district court. They arc still In the custody of the sheriff trying to cct a bond. Court 111 ' \ \ out Point. WEST POINT. Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) The spring term of the district court was opened yesterday afternoon by Judge n. E. Evans of Dakota City. The afternoon was coreumed In hearing motions and disposing of equity matters. This morning the Jury was Impanelled and the trial of Fritz El- singer , indicted for assault with Intent to commit grievous bodily harm , was com menced. Tomorrow the trial of Ilarny Lampa will be commenced , on the same charge as Elsangcr , they being alleged to lm\n committed the same offense at the same time. These cases grew out of a fracas at a dance house In the suburbs of the city last fall. XVurk 1'mlorneil. WAHOO , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) The ef fort of Representative Stark to get an ap propriation for go\crnment buildings for the ten principal towns of his district , is ap preciated by the ti"tlo of this city. Major Wlldo Issued a call for a meeting nnd a goodly number of the citizens responded The iravor was made chairman , and Jacob Ort rccretarj. A committee was appointee ? consisting or Major Wlldo. Eric Johnson S. ir. Jones , 11. A. Hoaton , T J. I'lchctt Jr , whose dutj It Is to collect statistics and Information mation , which will a ulst Mr Stark In malting Us argument for the appropriation Another meeting1 Is called for the 7i'i , at which time the committee will make a rtyort. PlKMItiK TowiiNlilii Tax Ijt'y. . COM'-MnUS. Neb , Tcb. 1. ( Special ) The Union IVclIlc and the Elkliorn Hallrcud companies ha\c paid to the treasurer of Platte county their taxes within 'Iho ' List wccK , the total being $15GS3.G2. They June refused , how aver , to pay the township levy of 15 mills claiming that this levy brings the total amount assessed against them to about S mills over and abo\o the amount which the law permits to bo levied against railroads In this state A test case is now pending In the supreme cour ° , wherein Oago county brings an action tn ircco\i > r n township levy. The Icvss jto this county is about $1GOO. COLUMBUS , Neb , Feb. 1. ( Special ) Members of Vaslitl lodge , No. 103 , Daughters of Hcbjkah , anl Wlldev lodge , No 14 , Inde pendent orJer of Odd Fellows of this city , gave a surprise nnd farewell p.irty to Mr. and Mis. W. R. Notcfitino it Old Fellows' hall last evening About eighty members of these two orders were present. A short address was made by Past Grand Ma , tur II. J. Hudson. A short literary program followed. Then came a banquet of which all paitook. Mr. and Mrs. Notcstlnc will rcmovo this week to Denver. Vrc IndiiNli iouq. NORFOLK , Neb. , Feb 1. ( Special. ) Petty thieving has heen quite numerous in and around Norfolk lately. Marshal Kane recently arrested two farmers , Koblln and Chandler , and these are now in the county Jail. It waJ thought there would bo an end to the matter for awhile , but last night during the absence of the family the residence - denco of B. W. Hraasch was entered nnd $40 In money taken. There Is no clue to the thief. CIirlNtlnii nn < lc > u\or Aimlverwnry. EXETDR , Neb , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) The Young People's Society of Christian En deavor of the Congregational chufcli cele brated the seventeenth anniversary of Christian Endeavor day at Its meeting at C 30 Sunday evening. A feature of thlrs meeting waa the reading of letters from a number of persons formerly members of the society , or who had assisted in Its organiza tion In 1S92. Would M n Card TECU.MSEH , Neb , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) Citizens have sought the law to have the card playing stopped in the several rooms where it is supposed the games are carried on for the purpose of gambling. As a consequence - sequence ono room has been raided and the keeper of It bound oxer to await trial In the district court , and con. > lalnt made agaloat another man supposed to be conducting a den. from a llrlilKo. ASHLAND , Ncl > . , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) E\el C. Olson , 31 jcars old , a bridge carpenter from Lincoln who has been working with the n. & M. bridge gang east of town , fell forty feet from the top of ono of the cov ered bents on bridge No. 43 , crossing the Platte river , yesterday afternoon. Ho was hurt about the chest , but not seriously. CultlriKIci - nt Franklin. FRANKLIN , Nob. , Feb. 1. ( Special Telegram - gram ) The ice dealers and meat markets are busy putting up Ice for the last few days. It Is the best Ice there has been har vested for some years. It runs from six teen to eighteen Inches thick. It is fur nishing work for the unemployed and will last during the week , Hi-mum IiONOM a Lumber Ynril , HERMAN , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) About two months ago the Edwards &Urad- ford Lumber company of Sioux City estab lished a yard at this place. Today It closed a deal for the stock and good will of the Herman Lumber company , known as the grange lumber yard. This leaves Herman with but ono lumber yard. Iti'Ni-iK-il from FAIRMONT , Neb , , Feb. 1 ( Special. ) James II. Dorrance , an old settler of this place , while watering his horsts Saturday night was taken with a nt and fell between the wheels and lay there until someone came along and helped him Into the wagon and took him home , SiiriM-Hsfiil Operation. DCNNINOTON , Neb. , Feb. 1 ( Special. ) What la now considered a succiwful oper ation for appendicitis was performed here ono week ago The patient was the IC-year- old son of Gustavo Paulsou. The patient Is now considered out of danger. KCIICMIMV ItflllN , KENESAW , Nob. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) So much grain Is being loaded hero that it is necessary to keep the local elevator run ning nights part of the tlmo. The weather for the last week has been cold and clear , J.ri'Hirton Inilla. DUNBAH , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) Rev. E. E. Fifo , returned missionary from India and pastor of the First United Presbyterian church of Lincoln , delivered a lecture on India last evening. Tt'PiiiiiNi'li'it Ice Crop. TECUMSEH , Neb. , Feb. 1. ( Special. ) The four largo Ice houses hero have been filled from the Nemaha river the last week with Ice of a fair quality and about ten Inches thick. H IiHllMcrlinliinte 'InJiinHloiiH. ' COVINQTON , Ky , , Feb. 1-Judgo Tarvln today refused to errant an Injunction to the gas company njralnst the city , and took oc casion to liny * thut such injunctions should not ho granted imllHcrlinlnately before the merits ot the en sea are heard. 10RLEY HAS ONE TO SPARE Tennessee Democrats Nominate Iheii Candidate for Senator. GOV , TAYL03 DROPS OUT OF THE RACE N ( mil iiro ino -riltiK 111 ( lie Senate } > y . \ | ) ( ) ( to I'llI the CiiimiMl ! > Sfiinlor llnrrln' IK-atli. NASHVILLE , Feb. 1. The democratic legislative caucus , on the first ballot lO' night , nominated Thotr.cs It. Turley ot MPUI- phisto (111 ( out the unexptred term of Ishani 0. harrls , and who waa appointed by Gov ernor Taj lor senator after Senator Harris' ' death , The revuilt was n surprise to all spectators , for It was not expected the dead lock would be broken tonight. The ballot stood Turley , 46 ; Mc.MlllIn , 43 ; Taylor , 1 , Efforts had. been made during the day tc Induce Turlcy to withdraw In Taylor's bs- half It Is said ho positively refused. Then negotiations to deliver the Taylor vote tc Ttrley were begun and resulted In the drop ping of Taylor and the delivery of a sufll- clcnit number of votes to Turley to nomi nate. Senator Turlcy was notified and brought to the capltol and addrcsssd a large ciidlcncc. The Joint convention ot the two houses ol the legislature will elect Mr. Turlcy senator tomorrow at noon. His term will expire March 4 , 1001. Senator Turlcy Is 63 years ot age onu ol the most prominent lawyers In Memphis , an ex-confederate fioldlcr and a 16 to 1 free sil ver democrat. \CKM\V .Tail il'OOIl WITNK1SKS. SriiMitlonnl llrllirry IIM CHtl : ii tlon llrlnUs Out I.KillInforiiinddii. . COLUMUUS , O. , Feb. 1. Two hacUir.cn were examined by the senate committee In vestigating the alleged bribery charges this morning. The purpose of the testimony waa to attempt to show that II. II Roy:1 * , who Is alleged to have tried to bribe Representa tive Otis , came to Columbus on the after noon of January 10 Inauguration day , and met Major Rathboue one of Senator HannVs lieutenants. The testimony failed utterly ot Its purpose. The hoekmen told nbout having driven two men around the city , but could not describe cither of them , nor did they hear any con versation tbat would give any clew to the Identity ot the two men Clmrlrs Steitz , employed by the Columbus Transfer company , testiHed that on inau guration day he took a m < in from the Nell house to the Union station abo'it noon , tl"it after waiting there a short time he was In structed to drive to East Hroid sttont , oppo site No. 263. After waiting at the latter place a carriage drove up In front of No. 2R3 and his pi scngor told him to go over to the carriage and tell a man on the Inside to get Into h's ( Steltz's ) carriage. The man In carriage No 2 had two \allses , which he deposited In Steltz's canlago and then Steitz drove the two men around for an hour nr two Steitz said he was Instruc-ted lu case anyone followed them to diivo fast. Once lie thought he saw a carr'age ' following and he whipped up the horses ntiJ was t ooti out of sight. One of the passengers tjbsequen ly loft the carriage on Third street , opposite the capltol and the other left it tieir the de pot. George II. Drown , another hackmaii. told of driving1 a stranger to 263 East Broad street and of the passenger being trans ferred to another hack. Neltbi'r of the rack- men could dcwcrlbo the alleged mysterious passengers and neither of them knew Boyce or Rathbone. Drown contradicted Steitz "by stc-tlng that the man left his cab .and h-d started Into the house before he was called by Steitz. OIIIGOX iini'i'iiMCVvs .MIC SOUMJ. HmlorHP tlio St. I.oiilH rialform , PrcHl- tlont Mplvlii1c > and Secretary CaK ' . PORTLAND , Ore , Feb. 1. The republican league of Oregon , In state convention to day , endorsed the financial plank of the national republican party , approved Presi dent McKlnley's administration and the course of Secretary of the Treasury Gaga on the financial question. The resolution , which was almost unanimously adopted , Is as follows : "Whereas , The paramount Issue which is now hefore the American people , dividing political parties and enprosslng line atten tion of all patriotic cltlyens Is the great financial question ; therefore , bo It Reholvecl , That this Icapuo of republican clubs cordially approves and reafllrms Its belief In the llnancl.il plank of the last re publican national convention ; and , be It fur ther Resolved , That \v e accept nnd approve of the bpeech of President McKlnley nt New York January 27 , 1SSS. na a correct exposi tion of IMat plank and the monetary policy of the republican party. Ilesalved , That we are In hearty accord witli the administration and Its wise nnd olllclent secretary of the treasury , Lyman J. Gnge , In their efforts to resist silver monometallism and to give additional sta bility and stiength to our present financial system. llnlioln Is Full of Hope. BLA'CKFOOT ' , Idaho , Feb. l.-Senator Du- bols , chairman of the executive committee of the national silver republican pTrty , left for the least tonight nt the request of the silver loaders , to confer with them for the purpo o of uniting- nil silver forces. Chair- imn Dubola snys the vote In the senate In favor of the Teller resolution has convinced thn pllvcr advocate * * that with , 't close unlor ) of thelsllvei" forces victory In 1SDS nnd 1300 iJ certain. Under the contemplated arr.uige- me-nt the pcnullsts , silver republicans nnd democratic parties will each maintain a dis tinct organization , I'nulon tin j or IH Ulcotoil. DULUTH , Minn. , Feb. 1. Henry Truol- sen was reelcctcd mayor of this city today over Elmer F. Mitchell ( rco ) by a majority of about 1,200. Ho waa nominated by the populists nnd endorsed by tlio democrats. la the campaign , party lines were largely lost sight of. Of the nine new- members of the common council , four are republican , on gold democrat , one Independent silver an three silver fusion. SII < M-.STHI\II : > , " irtiusn. sunnirr \TITIV oTIU.VI , . ClinrKi-il iTlth Munlrr/LTnlittly irlth Pa. , V-Fb 1. Not since the trial ot the Molllc Mngultcft has a case at tracted so much Interest In the coal region aa that ot Sheriff Martin nd ls elghty-tno dcnutlca which began In the htucrno county court today Hundreds ofjye ons were un able to gain admission to < < .he cburt room Sheriff Martin and hit elbhtvtwo < deputies are < harg d with shooting end killing twenty-two striking mlner nnd noundlos over fifty moro nt Lattlmer , this county , on September 10 , 1897. \lgHty-two dtpu- marched In a body and alter seating sclvcA began to read ll'f naming pliers , apparently unconcemed. TJ > q bar was crowded -vlth law-jcrg , while * , around the tables were grouped some -06 the best at- tornejs Ln this section ot the state Judge Woodnard presided. The commonwealth asked for a nolle pros. e In the cases of Leonard IMbcock , William Drum , John Dougherty , J. J. Gallagher , William Mulva- hall , Fred A. Sterw , AVIlllam Costcllo , Wil liam Slow ell , Col v In I'ardec , John W. Crooks , jr. , H , C. Warrinor , Thomas A. Harris , Sam uel A. Arnold , Craig Anderson and Samuel Guilder ) ' . The court then allowed the mo tion nud the nolle prcaso was entered. The work of selecting a Jury was then begun. During the afternoon seven jurors were selected and at 0:50 : o'clock court adjourned until tomorrow. Ono of the most Interested spectators at the trial ts Hcv. Q. A. Aust lie was the paator of most of the men killed , and olll- elated at their funerals. The prosecution committee , which Ins Us headquarters at Hazclton , sa > s It has sutn- clent evidence to convict fifteen of the dc- fendantH. It Js alleged that every ono of the fifteen made throats the morning of the shooting. It Is alleged ono man said : "I wouM llko to get a chance to shoot down somn of the d d foreigners. " Another la reported to hive said "I will help to fill them full of holes ; the country would bo better ofl without them. " H Is also alleged that Sheriff Martin had an understanding with the deputies. It has been said nil along that the sheriff never gave the order to flro , The prosecution sa > s thla may be true , In ono sense ot the word , but the sheriff gave a signal which was Just SB effective a.s a word-of-mouth order. The cignal was for the sheriff to pull his re volver. The Instant ho did this the po io was to fire. The lawjers for the defense say no wit nesses will bo found to testify to such facts , but the attorneys for the prosecution say fhoro will. Sillc of nifMitur SliHimo ST. LOUIS , Feb. 1. D. P. Mueller , a Chicago grain dealer , has bought the salvage of 1,1G3C5S bushels stoied In the Union elevator , which burned one \\eek ago. Ho Is bald to have paid not less than } 100- 000 for the entire salvage , subject to elevator charges. Experts. Who Imvo examined the salvage , declare that not less than W > per cent of the praln can bo taken from the elevator ruins In f.ilrly good condition. IiiNt < if Tujlor CIIMPN. . Mo , Teb. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) The last chapter In the history of the once famous Taylor brothers wns closed here to day by the stnto dismissing the case * ng-alnst A. II rianklln. Franklin was wit ness foil tlio Tajlors during their trials for stealing cattle from Wnrron McCulloiiKli of this city , and was afterwards indicted on the charge of ptrjurj. Iniltut O\tm-rH ut Slot Machines. LOUISVILLE. Feb. 1. The Jefferson county Knvnd Jury todav returned indict ments against ISC saloon Kcepprs and others who Imvo ( had slot machines In their places of business. The Indictments charge a mis demeanor , that of suffering gaming on their premises. Several felony Indictment1) have been returned , however , to make a test of the law on the point. rouncvsT FOIL TOD.VVJS Av I'rotinlillltlcn of a I.litht Snow , -nltli Vnrlnlilc AVliulw. WASHINGTON , Feb. 1. Forecast for Wednesday : For Nebraska and Iowa Light snow ; vari able winds. For South Dakota Llg'ht snow ; northerly winds. ' For Missouri Increasing oloudlnesg and piobably light snow Wednesday afternoon ; southerly winds. For KnnsaB and Colorado Light snow or ruin ; variably ! winds. Local Ilccoril. OFFICD OF THC WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Feb. 1. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the last three years : 1S9S 1897. IfcflG. ISto. Maximum temperature . . . 23 43 40 14 Minimum temperature . . . 8 2C 2G 12 Average/ / temperature . . . . 16 34 20 1 Rainfall 00 .00 T T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1S97 : Normal for the day ID Dellclency for the day 3 Accumulated excess since March 1 5S9 Normal rainfall for the day 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 20.42 Inches Deficiency since March 1 10 GO Inches Excess for oor. period , 1S9G 5.17 Inches Dellclency for cor. period , 1895. . . . 11.31 Inches from btadoiiN nl 8 11. in. H " 3 ° ? g- : § STATIONS AND STATE OP a S WEATHER. B Omina cloudy . . North IMatte clouily Silt Like. City , clouJy Chescnne , cloudy Itaplil City , snowing Huron moulnj , ' C'hlcaco , cleiri AVllllcton clear St. Ixmls , clenr , St. Paul , snonlnff Ia\enport , clouily Helena , cleir Kansas City , clear Haric'enr Hlmnnrck , clear Galxeston , clear . , T Indicates trace of [ ireclpltTtlon. L , A. WEUII. rorecast Odlclal. SUFFERINGWOMEN. . How Many of Thorn Have Quietly Obtained Advioo That Made Thorn WelL My sister , if you find that in spite of following faithfully your family doc tor's advice , you ave not getting- well , why do you not try another course ? Many and many a woman has quietly written to Mrs. Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. , stating her symptoms plainly and clearly , and taken her advice , which was promptly received. < The follow ing letter js a j pretty strong Iconflrmationof jour claims : 'had been jsick for six months ; lone doctor told me I , would have to go to a hospital Before I would get well. I had female troubles in their worst form , suffered untold agonies every month ; my womb tipped back to my backbone , ha'd ' headache , hysteria , fainting bjiells , itching , leu- corrhceu , " My feet and hands were cold all the time , my limbs were so weak that I could hardly walk around the house ; was troubled with numb spells. I Imvo taken four bottles of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , ono bottle of her Blood Purifier , one pack age of her Sanative Wash , and am entirely cured. I have not had one of those numb spells bince. ' Can you wonder that I sing the praises of a medicine that has cured me of all these ills ? " Mns , LOUISA PLACB , 050 Bel- moat St. , Urocklon , Mass. i Ml DECISION 1ET IV IWM ) CAS1JO. AttornejB JJ ; Ilci < ; Court "V\lll Uphold Thrlr Vnfl.Vltr. LINCOLN , Tcb 1. ( Special Tele srnm ) The supreme court this morning refused to advance the case brought \iy \ the county trcisurcrs , holding that U was a matter more of private than of public Intcrcet ami An mUnncomciit In the docket would not bo justified. The judgment and sentence of the loner court in the Stlcklo case wns nfllrmeil by de fault. Stlcklo UBS sent to the penitentiary from Webster county for violation ot the stnto banking laws Decisions on the Douglas county bond cases are expected this sitting and nttor- ncja generally bclle\c they nlll uphold the validity of the bonds. The general belief Is that the court has not reached an agreement on the Kugeno Moore case and that the decision will not conio until next Bitting. Will Scrte III * Time. NEW YOUK , Tob. -The Journal and Advertiser states "on responsible authority" that U. J. IlntollrTp , the ne'or now under sentence for \\lfo beating under nn Indict ment for perjury nnd accused of bigamy , has decided to withdraw his appeal from the sentence against him for wife beatliiK nnd will servo six months In the ] x > nltcntlnry. Xo other prosecutions ngjilnst him will be begun. Kx-O III Hill ConiiuHN Siilrlilo. SANTA 11OSA , Cal. , Kcb. 1. Thomas U Thompson , c\-Unlted States minister to Brazil , committed suicide hero this morn- IUK by cutting Ills throat. Despondency IB supposed to hn\o been the cause. FREE TO MILLIONS , \ Valuable I.Itlle IlooU Sent Tree for ! the Mlilnpr. Medical books are not alwajs Interesting reading , especially to people enjoying good health , but as a matter ot fact scarcely one person In ten is perfectly healthy , .ind even with such , sooner or latei sickness must conic. It is also a well established truth that nine-tenths of all disease originate with a breaking down ot the digestion , a weak stomach ach weakens and impoverishes the uystem , mak'ag it easy for disease to gain a foot- ho'd. ' Nobody need fear consumption , kidney disease , liver trouble or a weak heart and nervous system as long as the dtgestloa I ? good nnd the stomach able to aealmllato plenty of wholesome food. Stomach weakness shows Itself In o score of ways and this little book describes the symptoms and causca and points the way tea a cure oo simple that anyone can understand and apply. Thousands have some form of stomach trouble and do not know It. They ascribe th headflches , the languor , nervousres-s , Insomnia , palpitation , constipation and Elm- liar symptoms to eoino other cause than the true one. Get your dlgcutlon on the right track and the heart trouble , lung trouble , liver disease or nervous debility will rapidly disappear. This llttlo book treats entirely on the cause and removal of Indigestion and Its ac- companjlng annoyances. It describes the symptoms of Acid Djs- pcpola. Nervous Dyspepsia , slow Dyspepsia amylaceous dysoepsla , Catarrh of Stomach ach and all affections of the digestive organs in plain language easily understood and the cause removed. It gives valuable suggestions to diet , and contains a table giving length ot time re quired to digest various articles of food , something every person with weak digestion should know. No price is asked , but simply send your name and address plainly written on postal card to the F. A. Stuirt Co. , Marshall , Mich. , requesting a little book on Stomach Dis cuses coid It will be sent promptly by re turn mail. Purely vegetable , mild , and reliable. Cause perfect Pieestlon , complete absorption , and htaltliy regularity. Tor the cure of all disorders of tlie stomac.l , Ltver , Dowels , Kldneya , Bladder , NeriouB Diseases , LOSS OK Al'I'ETITE , SIfIC ! \DACH12 , INDICiHSTIO.S , HILIOUSNESS , TOIU'IIl LIVUlt , DYSPEPSIA. OLce've the following symptoms refilling from Diseases of the Digestive Orga"s : Constipation , Inward plies , fullness of blood In the head , add. Ity of the stomach , nnutea , heartburn , disgust of food , fullness of weight In tue stomach , sour eructations , sinking or fluttering of Hie heart , choking or suffocating sensations when In a l > lng posture , dimness of vision , dote or webs before the Hlglit , fever and dull pain In the head , defi ciency of perspiration , yellowness of the cltin "nd eyee , pain In the side , chest or limbs and sudden flushes of heat , rmrnlng In the flesh A few doses of KADWAVS PILU3 will free the eystom of all the above named disorders Price , 25 cents per box. Sold by all drugelsts , or sent by mall Send to DH IIADWAY & CO. . Loci : Uoi 3C3 , New York , for book of advlc * DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggloto. EATING ORIHKIND. COOKINO. BAKING , . /Purify of Material and A FOR SALE AT OUR STORES * t / * " [ > UY CROCEAS EVERYWHERE , W1IHX GOINO TO Ni\V YOJtIC OH J'lIIJ.ADKI.lMIIA TJIAVEI , VIA Tin : LEHICH VALLEY RAILROAD. holltl TraliiH , > r > iiiprl ] > IJqulpim'iit , liif ; CnrH u In fiuto. ( stuncry iiiifiiualcil. lluiito of the BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS , JlaiuUomcht Train In tlio World. For Ailv.Tlluliii ; JMattor nnil Other Information vvrlto to J. A , S. IIKI'I ) , A. IV. I" . . * , - ' JIM Moil Hi f Inrh HI. , tliliuRO , III. .1. A. lli\llll : , IV. I' . A , , llnmilo , A , v. ClItN , a. J.KK , < lcii. l'a rnccr Agent. I'lilladi'liililii , l'ii. Cblohritrr' . Karllth Diamond IlraniJ. 'ENNYfSOYAl PILLS OrleliiBlnud Only Genuine. Arc , . ! . } ivllttli. LADita uk i Dtuillll for Ctc\itn FnalUH Dla > nondrand la lied ftad CfclJ Dit lllc\ \\xia \ \ ii lied with ilu rlblwu TnLc naothcr. Rtfutt dongtrovi Jubit/fu / thru and tmttationt MDratfCliu , or teat o IUIBI. for partleu tri , uitlmooliU "llrller ta * 4\cf \ , " < nlHUr , Lj rf larn JU1L . Okie . BoU t > / * ll Uxil Hiojiln riUl.AOA. , V.C For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Read The Omaha Bee HERE IS AN A chance to secure a valuable { addition to your library at very . small expense v IN PiervR.es Prepared in anticipation of the Centennial demonstrations to occur throughout Ireland during - ing this year. This work will be welcomed by all who con template a visit to the Emerald Isle during 1898 , and by tour ists who have visited the islander or who anticipate a journey to its beautiful and picturesque sections. To those who are familiar with the scenes em braced in this splendid series of photographs the views will possess particular interest. . MORE ISxSS 9MES. The descriptive sketches ac companying these views were prepared bv a "W ta us B H a OF CHiCACO. These illustrations are not con fined to any one locality in Ire land , but include every section of the Emerald Isle from Llf" to Bantrv and from to The Round Towers , Vine Cov ered Abbeys , Crumbling Mon asteries , Shrines , Churches and Cemeteries , the Battle Fields and Eviction Scenes are all faithfully portrayed in this great work. PART XVII ! § 1EADY FOR DISTRIBUTION Bring 10 cents to The Bee of fice , either in Omaha or Couri- cil Bluffs Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in coin. , ]