10 THE OMAITA DAILY MEt WKDXTLSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1898. SPMIALJOTO iiUiTllKPiiK-iitx fur Ilit'se < ' liiiiin ivlll lie tnU.-ii until 1i ! i" tnr li ? etctiliiK inn ! tintll H p. in. f r llic innrnliiK nnil Siinilii } IMM IM. Advi-rlUcri , l v -ilrnliiK | 11 limn- liort'd check , cnn lime HMH T ml- ilM-KMiMl ( n iitiiulicrcil Setter In cure of Tin- Ilee.nn ermi nililrcnnefi Tlll lie ilelUeri-d on iircncnlnllitn i f tlie , eheel < mil } . lliiten. I 1--i- n "iird llrit InNerlloti ) le n mini Iherenfler. NotliliiK tnUcn fur ICHPI Ilinii a.'e f r the llrnt Inner- lion. 'I he e mUcrllsviiieiiln inunt lie run eoiiNeeiill t el ) . tvnt : > M tiii : iiui. CAN v"\iwuus TO TAKTfeminnis , NIJW MNI : of wntk , no heavy Ktuxla to carry , salary or comnitnlKiloti. U. R Adams Co. , S:4 So. )6lh.j'- ' > U At < i : > 4MAN roil CIO A US. 1123 A MONTH AND exinti'is , old llrm , experience unnecedNiry , In- ducomrntu to cuntomers. C. C. HUhop & Co. 8t Ixiuls HI7 _ AanNTiTAND HIIANCH MANAOKItS , SALAHY mid rammlfcMan. Jlunlir InllorlnR & Shirt Co. , Cincinnati , O 11-MOS April r J100CAH11 AND MlinitAL COMMISSIONS 1"OH Kuod , experienced urBanUern , up to date plan , en-y tci vvoik. Heno C. Akin. Supreme Hegtiit. Inuwrtnl M > nllc legion , Omaha , Neli. 11 * 33 I" OOVIIIN.MINT : POSITIONS , DON-T PIIUPAHI : for tlie io tom'lc or other civil ncnlce examina tion without reclng our liluKtrated caUilogue of Inform itlon. Sent tree Columbian Corie- CollCRc , Wan.ilnsftoii , D. C. U M34I 1 ' MKN TO t.KAHN IIAUHHIl THADU : AVKIl- IIKO tlmp li > this vjrtcni In two month * ; rjin ntny. .longer If noceR-mry without extrn ex- ixn"cnn rnrn tmnrd ndHlunble experience by Saturday vvoik In hop ; tvvs > ear ' nppren- tlcrMiln frrvod In two months by constant pr.ictlco , expert ln tnictlons. lecturm , exnmlnn- tlona ( llplomax barked by iitnte charter ; crlnli- llBhed In "IJ , lncan > nrntpil 'P7 , r.italniiue mailed free Mnlrr Ssntrm Harbor Schools , Clilciigo and St Ixilila 11-MSOI C' WANTKD , UID1NO SADDLH MAKKIUS TO work nn peed utticli paddles , piy hlifhe t wanes iin.l . will Kulcady \ work t < geol me-hanlcn. Dmlstn , I'Uhtr , llrockmaim Co Mlnncilwlls , Minn. ll-Mf.27 8 WANTED C.OaD SMAUT CANVASSIJU TO tlevoti- fiv\ hours dally nnd F 'Mt Biilmcrip- tions among shoe trade for our Journal , can make n few dollirs easily. Address Hoot and Shon Ilccoiiler , Hrston. U M5 ? ) S WANTDD. SALESMAN TO HiLL OUU PIIOD- ilctx , no rhnrge foi ontlin. we nru mnnilfnc- turors The I'hocnU Oil Co. . 1237 Hnclld A\e , Clrvnlnnil Olilo. H M1M 10 \ \ i > TKnrr.M VLI : IIIM . 1W OIIILS roil ALL KINPS Ol1 OIHC , 1 TO $7 vvi-elc ( unadlan Offlcn. LY3 DouirUn.C C 4IS \VANIID : , A cojirirruNT OIHL KOH - 'nil housfwork. tnll In formioon at 1WJ S uth 26th at. C M3i COMIMJTirCT KIIX-HHN OIHL WANTI1D , NO otliuis need appl > , Jj.OO 618 So. 2Cth avc.C . C ? ! M MAKi : HAMPLU PATCHES AT linnip , JD eclt , no canva' inK ! send replv < > n- \ilopp foi s.inipli < nnd pnitlculnrs. 1'oslrr Mi cliliuI'M. . . W < t V3th Ht , New York.C C MM3 2- I.AI > IIS : TO DO NiiDLii\vonK AT Can make $1 tn $7 a v.eik Experience unneci"- s.iry Cull neni Mfg Co. , rooms Si and 3J , HarKer block. C-113J" . S P ( U tit. 'Mil r\fis ! ALLOYP.lt cltj , J5 t $73 ridelltj. 1st il.wr N. \ Lift- D-Mlul MOVING IIOI'.SnllOLD COODS AND I'lANOS Om VIIII.A. SturusoCo. , loll'i rnrnini Tl > l 1:1VI : D-443 HOI riih : UALLACi : , ilHOWN HI/Jl'IC. IC'I ! I and DoiiKlaH D 4i ) : LIST. M'CAGIHJ , 13T11 AND DODOI ! D 4J1 3 , TLATS. OAHVIN HHOS , IC13 PAll'N D tT3 . J. 11 SIlill\VOOD , 4 3 JJ. x. LIKU. D 431 SnS IN Al L PAHT3 OPTIII3 CLTY. T1I1J O. ] ' . Davis Compmy , 1505 rarnnm D Ti5 j - . - . - iioirsus. IIINI\VA it co. , ics N. ISTH HT D tx IIOIISIW , CXTTAGirt A. HTOItUS ALL PARTS of Llt > . Hrennan ii Love Co , 213 So. 10th. 11 137 iiousi : NHWLY J'AINTIJD AND PA- perid. 14 N. 2thAve. , J12. Pldellty Irust Co. J > M179 HOUSES , STOHIM. WHAD , 16TII & DOl'C.I.AS D-241 P24 HOUSIM. S1OHES. HIIMIS , I'AXTON HLIC D 433 AN DLIXIANT MOPPHN T-HOOM H1HCK dwelling- < > 3 South 2Sth. J30. Apply W. H. Mclkk- lot Nat'l Ilk bid. D 51303 KOH nn.VT. 8-HOOM IIOLJSK WITH STAHLH Ni > . 1534 Oeorsln Ave ; furnace , bath , ens , recently furnlBhed entln'ly now throuchDiit. will sell nil furnlturo. can > ets , etc. , nt n Oeorge II , IVfrram D MO POIt HIXN'T. NINHHOOM HOIISn : CON- venlent , inoilein , homelike : best residence dis trict , few minutes' walk from pofltotllce ; barn if duilH'd. Inquire & N Y , LUe bulldltn- D MS17 I.-OK nKvr ririixiSiiiHn yon HUNT. NHU'LY riJHNISIIL'D UOOMS ; reasonablu prices. Mil Dodse. i-M5SO I.-UHNISIIID UOOMS. 2370 ILAIK1I3 SOUTH 1'HONT HOOM. WITH AT- cove , modirn. 23SO llarney St. K-274 I'l TWO LA1WI ! HOOMS KOH aKNTLKMUN. 411 N. 17th. L-M34U IV NlClJLYTt'TtNISlini ) HOOMS ASMTII ALCOVl ! ; inigo closets , gas. liith. hot and cold water In rooiim. SIS North 19lh St. L J1CJ 1 * HOOMS. IS13 DOUOliAS. PLUASANTLY rUHNISHIH ) HOOM MOD- crn CJI So. 2Sth St. K-51G 4 NICKLY Ki'HNI.Slini ) HOOM WITH HAV window , lieat and gas. 14 South 2.lh St 12 M523 S * UOOMS roil LIGHT IIOUSKKKKI'INO. ion PauKlaa. K-MS30 3 \\n novitn. TI1U MIMUUAM , PIUSTCI8S PAMILY HOtel - tel ! 3th and Dodtiu .Sis. K 438 _ 'TWO NICIJ ItOOMH. 2G3S DOUGLAS ST.K K 70S KIXNDIIii : IIOTUL COHNIJH 1CTH AND \VibKter stiTcts , European plan , 10) rooms , titi'Hin lieal , free bnth i Kood rooms , Jl.W ptr week , best medlum-prlceil hotel In Omaha I , NVuUon , Proprietor. P MI33 BTKAM IUATID UOOMH WITH IIOAHD. 2009 Hnrney. P XUOT F15 * in PIA , 1721 PAVKNPOHTj THANSIUNTS AC- coninioditeU * ' M708 P17' _ HANDSOMllTAHI/JHS UN SUITH. SMALLUU rooms , good board , The Hose , 2020 Harney. K M973 Y KUHNISHUD HOOMK , MOUHHN. cellent table board , t.22 North Ulli vtreet. IN PHIVATi : FAMILY. WITH OH WITHOUT board 1919 DodRc. P 11305 K ! I.'UUNISHID..HOOMH , WITH IIOAHD ; HOT water heat. 2402 Can St. F 310 FS UOOM AND HOAHD , 130S DOUGfJVS. - JJLKdANTLY KUItNISIIKD PAIHXJIl. SINOLR or cnsultc ; also other roonu and board 23)7 ) I'nnmin. K 401 ! BLKOANT FHONT HOOMS. STI1AM s fll-nt-clam tiourd. 1008 Capitol Avc. K-M5I3 t ' \vniiii n'HNisnin : PHONT HOOM. FIHRT clam board , modern haute. ltcf > rence. C | | Kortll 19th. P-MWG > HOOMS WITH IIOAHD. sou DoUKla * . K-MM9 C * iioAiini.vii. HVANTKD. BIX OUNTI < KMKN HOAHDIHtS. zskB a nth at. H-MUI c > ( TOK II1SXT SiTOHIJS AM ) JXlIt HUNT Till ! 4-8TOHV IIHICIC IllIILDINn at tit l"urn m St. Thin buliJInii har a nrrproot oeniuit b pmrnli iraUr on nil llrorn : ua . etc. Ayply at the olflo pf Tha ll v. I-9'O fen HUNT , HUSK UOOM IN nuorxi ) i'u > TTt > f > nk , lite bulldlntr ; wnlrr. rlm lirnt llcht and j nltur nlc * . Apply to Uiidint , 1U building. 1011 itn > T sronr.s A\m OPPICP.S. ( Continued. ) HENT , IN TIH1 HUM I1UILDINO : Onu large corner room , 2d floor , with % ault nnd private odlce , water , etc. One Inrgn front room , 2d floor , divided Into tno ruomi by partition , water , etc. One Inrsc corner rooin , M llnor , with vault , nnter. etc. One front room , divided by partition. 31 floor. Ono corner room , with vault , Sd Hour. One larfto mom , 3d lloor , with tmrtlllon dividing It Into one large room and two umallor rrlvnte rooms , ater , etc. Two large ground floor rooms fronting 17th St , , with vault. Sex'ral smill moms nn 4th floor , with vaults. All there rwnn are heited with ptentn , electric llelitn. Kuppllod wltli flrst > cla janitor iienlce. Llevatom run day and all night , building strictly fireproof Apply to Superintendent , Hoom 101 Hoc building. I-1M POIl HKNT , (1OOD STOIti : HOOM , NO 319 So. 13th St P. W. Carmlelmcl , No. \Vltlmtll Il'dp. . I-M351 Fl ACP > TS WANTUn CANVASSHHS THIS WHKK. CALL at 1JI2 Douglai ) St. , room 2S , between 10 and 12 a. m. J-MMO 2 AOIJNTS. wn HAVB NUWL'ST MOST UAI'ID money-making K ] > rl lty known , sHlii to trade unly Union Specially Co , 12 U'dwnv. NVw York. .1 M5al 2 \Vl > Tni > TO HUNT. THUKIS OH KOUll HOUSKKHnP- Init n ms In nice locality by small fnmllv ; glntB price. AddresH P 12 , Hoe. K Mat ? I'AOIPIC' HTOHACJn AND WAItnilOtlSn CO. . W-aiO Jones ; general etoragc and forwarding. M-4CO OM. VAN & STOHAOi : . 151Ht PAHN M. TiL 1V,9 WASTTKn TO 1IUY. i WISH TO PintciiAKi : Tin : LKTTUHS K , W , O from S < vla Mint gum , ftato jour jirlcf , either singly 6r for all. 1 ! 41) . Ilee. N 43j KOIl HAI.n IIOItSIOS , WA150 > S , K'VC. KOH HALI : oit TUADI : . sm-Lisn THAIHAH - t\f < i , ruben and well bred 4-jear-old her c , vvorkn well under saddle. Address B Cl Ilee. . , P MS31 T4 FOR S.UI3MISCKMAMtUS. PINiVH1TH HAWDtlHT KOH PIXXDHS , 17TC , ronrio for ice , ut J3.T3 | wr cord Tel. 43S , ! )01 I Q 4h2 MA.SSA H , 1IVTIIS , KTC. MADAMK bMlTH , 118 NO. 13TH ST. . bTHAM nnd alcohol Kafit T MS H * MMK. I1HISSON OP PAHIH , CHIHOPODIhr medluitrd Uiths and maSKige 147 N. Utli rit T-431 IT I > AtjIlA HLL1SON. CHOrNSH I11X > PK. 113 N. ICth , upstair , rooin 13 , bath unit maiu.uc. MMIJ AM IN , MAPHAQH AND HATI1S. Ii23i ( Ilnvvanl Street. T Mill MHS. DIl LliON. KLI-XTHIC MASSARi : HA'lII parlors : lestful nnd curative. 417 S. llth , uimtaln T M113 1"6 VIAVI KOH UTKHINIJ THOl'llLKS , Si-S ( ( HEE Illdg , ph > lcLm coniiultatlun 01 health lei flea 11ATHS , MASSAOi : . MM13 , IfJST , 311'i S 13TII t' ifA CI/JTHIW CLIANID , PHIASHI : ) AND ni- : pilied , diiv or night , ilrcsa suits for hlr Pantorlum , N. 13 Cor. lltli nnd P.irnam. Tel SG3. U 4 > now TO uuroMi : L\WIMIL PHISICIAN' ' pharmacist' * , V. D 's , dentists or lawyers T ocK box VJii , Clilciigii U 74S PIS' PH1VATH HOME l'X > H LADIIX-5 HEPOHL during confincmi nt : luti'os adupttd or rared for. MI-H. Jl. J. Ludlovv , 2J02 ClniU Kt . Omnhi U 951 K 11 * ANY PIH ON IN DOUOLSS , WASHINGTON or Saniy counties v\ho has nny ( Him mraln"t me will pleasu call at Wclr'B place , neni Siutn Om.tha , where- cnn be found until March 1 , 1S9S. John. . Nnth. U SS' , IVbiS' WIPE WNTED , NO OLD WIDOW , Di vorcee , adventuresSciiool principal lock b'\ 433. U-M307 1'3 PIUVATE HOME POH LADIES ItEPOKF : AND during confinement , babies adoptcil and cnred for. 1130 N 17tb U 333 I 4 * KLONDIKi : PREIGHT : A PAUTY OF CALI- fotnln rnlticrn gnlng to AliUn , and , finding dllTiculty in getting reasonable freight chafes , iiavo decided tp build a powerful river UMmcr to carry their outfit * up the Yukon river. They can carry * ereral hundred outfits for a given nmount fiom Kan lYandsco , In their care , to Si Michael * , nnd from there nn in Mielr steamer to Din son. Tor particulars ad- drjss A. Martin , Hear Valle > , Marino1 * . ! county , California. IT 1I3.O 4 GENTLEMAN NEAH .SIXTY SOME MONEY and pension , would correspond with g"od- natured lany of FiiltnUe age who has pnm" menns or farm : object very early matrimony ; liartlculara In first letter. Address P 13 Hee U-M520 S JIOXKY TO LOA > _ IIUAI , KbTATB. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES THE O T. Davis CO . 1503 Fninam St. W S83 ANTHONY LOAN & THUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money it low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 3S6 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CUY property. W. 1'arnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Kar'm W-337 MONEY TO I.OAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Drcnnan-Lovu Co. , Z19 B. 16th. W 3SJ JIOO 000.00 SPECIAL FUND TO I/DAN ON first ciass Improved Omaha ptoperty. or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W TOO MONEY LOANTiD ON IMPROVED HEAL ES. tate In Omaha,1 Council Illuffs & South Omaha Puscy & Thomas , 501 Tint Nat'l Uank. Omaha W 353 WANTED-C1IOICK FARM AND CITY LOANS. H. C. Peters & Co. U. S. Nufl Bank Uldg. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Ilrennan- Love Co. , 219 South 16th street W MISS F6 Nf 'MONI ; fo.v . ha , property. W. D. Melkle. 1st Nol'l Hank Jld . W M416 6 PER CENT'CITY'AND FARM LOANS Qnnln Hros.ilClS rarnam St. W M1 > f7 FIIO1I J10000 UP WE\D. ICTH & nOUOLXsT" W 2)3 ) P24 5V I'EH CENT MONEY. HEMIS. PAXTON Hlk. W 801 xnv TO IO.\XUHATTILS. J10 TO J10.CCO TO 1X3AN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS HORSES WAOONB AND CARRIAGES. WAHEHOtlSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , at lowe t rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Hlufts , No removal of gondc ; ttrlctly conlKlentl.il , you can p y the loan off at any time or In any ntuoun'H. ntuoun'H.OMAHA MOinaAOE LOAN CO. . ZOO South 16th St. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR- I'OHATEO IXAN ) COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 33 S CILV-ACKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS QO TO J , j Olbion. 614 First Nafl Wank. V 3Va von TIINT. niubit STOREROOM atxtz. ALL convenience ! , Host location In city : iplemlld Luslncia town , John II. Lindule , Writ 1'olnt , Neb. Y-Mtl WANTED-A dOOD PARTNER FOR SOUTHern - orn fruit , funn , Al > o cuftomers for 100 cholca lots : also several tmull tracts of land near Omaha. AddreM , J. H , Rice , Council IllulTs , la , Y - ? Feb-20 VO\l \ SALE , OLD ISTTAHLISHED NKWS. Htntlonery oiid cJgar bimlndb.1 , goad location. Attilrru H 58 , Hit. Y-497 F2 SAI/X1N IN CJTY OF -POPULATION. , J - Inn the liu > lne ° price. J2.000 ; part time. J. .1. ( llUton. 511 U'lrH Nut. Dank. Y-514 10 OLD ESTA1ILISHED CIGAR AND STATION- cry builnras , J. J Qlbion , 511 l t Nut. Ilk ' Y-tlS 10 ASSISTANT WANTED TO MAN'ACIH OMAHA iilllco of high-grade liuslncusj must tnK or place iGOO rompany'8 utocli : Income fully (300) ) > early. I N , Company , II llrondway. Nevr York. r Y M5t ! Z 8TKAM llEHUY-00-HOU.NO. COMPLETE , ixmt (2SM ; price. tUO : money In It fur expo sition. Wrltu Tulllfe Bros. . Salt Lake City , Utah. Y-Mill ! WANTED. PARTNER JN WESTERN CATTLE bu lncis with | 3.ttX > tto IS.OOa : beat layout In Colorado. Addrc-it K IS , Ilee. V MQD S KOIt 8AL17. FINB DKUO STORD , GOOD town , fpli-iulld ffinotry , guod trade , coed re& . nns for ( tiling- . Address ! ' 14 , lltv. lltv.Y Y MUI rACJCBD , B , WAUCIN , } Ul CUMINO. TEL. ISJ1. ISJ1.404 -404 POH POH SALE OH EXCHANGE , I/JT M 1IY 150 feet , with eight-room cottage with all modern Improvements nlno pond barn , located In choic est reMdenco part of Omarm , two block * from Harxcntn pirk , one block from street ear * nnd school , paved street nnd brick vvalkn , IJW In- cumbrance , four jears at 6 per cent , will cll equity cheap for cnnh. or will exchange for a deslrablo stock of ! > hoe * . Addre s I ) CO , Ilpe , Omaha Z-M362 n > 4SO ACHI1S IMl ROVED. KNOK C" > t'NTY NEI1 , land to fell or trade for residence or business property In Omaha. Geo. W. Snow , Springfield - field , B. D. Z M3 2 IV KOH SAIiHi.Ui KSTATIJ. KOUNTZn PLACE HAROA1NS , J2.500. 1 7M TO flIVX ) . J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nat Uank Illdg. RE 478 I1AROAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade , F. K. Darling Uurker lllk. RI'-179 I10USKS , IX5TS , PAHMS. UVKIMi. IXANS. nl o flro Insurance Hemls , 1'nxton blk RE-4SO NEW COTTAOE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. COI Ilee Illdg. HE 481 LOGAN VAILLEY PARMM AND MEHCHAN- dice. Huntsbcrger & Clements , LyoM , Neb RE-4S2 J22300 IXH ) 3-STORY HRICIC IUHLDING , 41 fret frontnsro , near 14th nnd Douglai fits n.'M for Improved property on Cumlng street , near 23th street. J. N , Frenier. Opp. P. O HE 4 < a 14 PI5R CENT GROSS INVESTMENT. 5-STORY brick business building , price JJ.DOO. Address n 1 , Ilee. HE-4M FARM LANDS Ct' . HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. RE-Oll ri7 rtJRNlSHED HOl'SE. 10 HOOMS RENTED t'N. til November 13 , 1891 : well located for roomers. II R. Dall , N. E. Uth and Dodge. HE-337 P2 A GREAT HAHGAIN ; 4t ) ACRES OF L\ND near two railroad station * In Cess county , at J2300 per acre. Address II. n. Wlndfmm , Plattsmouth , Neb. RE M43 * F4 8-HOOM HOUSE WITH M-POOT FRONT ON Gwirgla Ave. near Hanscom 1'ark. nil modem Improvement * H.SW. $1,600 ca i , Inlnnc.- per cent. If you want n homo address F 11 , Heo office RE 4 F5 * LOST. IX > ST. SEALSKIN HANDHAO HETWEEN poitofllce nnd Hennett's , Return to this ninco and received reward Lost M322 2 * LO3T , LADIIXS' GOLD EYEOLASSSE.S AND chain , between lloston store and Congregational church. Reward for return to Ilee ollltv Lost-MVU 2 niuass cirTTixa SCHOOLS. REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM dress cutting school. 1311 Cumlng st stM870 M870 Feb 15 riVAXCIL. . LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES ItOl'OHTOH on h Hlchnnl Herzfpld , 171 LnSalte Pt . riil- cngo foi pss * u\i > osrriox FHOXTAGIM KOH unvr. OROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION Ilemls , I'axton Hlk. -J73 STn.VORHAIMinitS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Tjpe- writer Co Telenhcoe US4 103 PAAVMIIIOICIHIS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41 ! > N. 36 ST. 407 KIX.VXCIAL. MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icles or bought. L P. Van .Norman. Minne apolis. 3tinn M771 Mcnl4 orncns CITY EMPLOYMENT HUREAU. 1417 FARNAM st Rooms 2 3. Tel 1404 NO SHOnTlIVM ) AM ) TVPEUHin\O. BOYLES' SCHOOL IS THE ONLY ONE TN Omiha where court repoitcrs nru tc.li-heri 40J-407 1JCC Uldg A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE JOe AT OMAHA DUS COLLEGE , ICTH S. DOUGLAS 2)7 ) OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE. flOYD'S thenier M75 > Teb 13 ItltICI > SEWEH.SIDEWALK A BUILDING ANY Ql'AN. tlty.tcl. 492. Lculsvll e Drick Co , 330 11J. Trade MS TYl'nAVHITI-'HS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. S4 00 PEH MONTH The Smith-Premier Typ"wrlter Co , 1G25 ! ? 'nr- nam St. : telephone , 12SL COT IOVIHV > IINT XOTICIS 1'HOPOSAI.S FOR LEASING THI3 5UK- plus gracing lands on the IClowa unil Comiuiche and Wichita reseryatlons. United States Indian service , Kloiru an < l Com.inche nnd Wichita naency , Anadarko , Olclahomu , January 19 , 1S3S. ( Tolepraphlc address , Ann- darko , Oklahoma , via C'hlckasha , I. T , ) Sealed proposals for grazing horses or cattle ( but not sheep or hoga ) on the sut- pltia lands of the Klowa and Comanche and U'lchlta reservations , Oklahoma , Indorsed "Proposals for leasing tribal lands for grazing purposes , " nnd addressed to the acting ng-ent of tlio Klovva and Comanche aBency , Anndarko , Oklahoma , will bo re ceived nt this otllce until 2 o'clock p , m. on the 19th day of Fouru.uy , IS'JS , The pastures on the Klovva and Comanche reservation nil ! be leased for the period of three years from April 1 , 1S9S , and the pastm PS on the Wichita reservation will be leased for one year from April 1 , IbHi. No bid for n different period on cither reser vation will be received or consideied. Per the information of bidders I will fatato that the description of the pastures , the loca tion and estimated number of ncres In each , and nil other necessary Informa'Ion will be furnished on application to this otllce. A few of the pastures on each reservation arc unsurveyed Thesg will be survejed i\s o.uly aa practicable , and the lessee will bo required to pay upon the actual number of ncres found to be cmbmccd In each , as shown by the survey. Certain of the pas tures on both leservations arc also unfenced - fenced , The lessees of unfenced pastures will bo required , wl'nout unnecessary clo- Uiy. to fence the eamo with a substantial , cattle-proof , wlro fence , all for ces nnd other Improvements shall revert to the In dians nnd become their nboslnto property at the expiration of the lenses. No pasture on the Klovva and Comanche reservation that Is already under fence will be leased for less than 10 cents per acra per unnum , and no unfenced pasture on said reserva tion will be leased for less than S cents per acre for the llrst year nnd 10 cents per acre for encn ui ihu second and third years. The bidder must clearly designate the pas- tuio on whlc.1 the bid Is madn , giving the estimated numb r of acres therein , the price per acre per annum \vhlch he will pay , and the maximum numbJr of horses or rattle he proposes to hold upon tliu lands nt any one time ; and In case more than ono pasture Is bid upon , separate bids must be made upon each. Only by u Htrlct ad herence to this Instruction will It be prac ticable to compare the bids on any given pasture. The rent muat bo paid In two equal semi-annual payments in advance , namely , on April 1st and October IB ! of each year. Kach lessee will bo required to furnish security In an amount equal to the deferred payments for the faithful per formance of the conditions of the least * through some acceptable security or guar anty company. Personal bonds will not be accepted. Kvorythlnt" being satisfactory It It proposed to award the Krazlng privileges of each particular pasture to the btddor proposing to pay the highest prlco there for : but the rlgtot Is hereby reserved to re ject any and all bids if deemed for the best Interest of the Indians and the leases executed hereunder will be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. FJach proposal must l > n accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the bidder's place of residence , made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least 5 percentum of the cntlro amount of the proposal , which chock or draft shall bo forfeited to the United States for the use nnd benefit of the Kloua , Comanchu , Apache and Wichita Indians , In case any bidder receiving an award shall fall to enter Into the prescribed lease for the lands bid upon , and to secure a suitable bond for the faithful performance of his part of tba contract ; otherwise tp be re turned to the bidder. Proposals not con formingto the requirements of this ad vertisement will not be considered. FRANK U. BALDWIN. Copt. U. 8. A. . Acting In , dlun Agx > nt , Klowa and Comanche Agency , Anadarko , Oklahoma. J2ldl2tM flOVUfOMHNT MVTICICS. ( Contlnuc.U ; TnUASUIlY DEPARTMENT , i pervMnR nrohltpct , WnshlnRton , D. C. , Jan. , tiary 22 , 1S9S-Sealed prrT > osali will be ic- ce-lved nt thit office until 2 o'clock p. rn. on the 18th day of February , * 9 ? . 6mi opMie.1 Immetlliitoly thereafter , for all the labor and matcrHl" require. 1 for the ores- tlon nnd completion ( except hcatlnR ni > - mrntUfD. of the IT. S , postonlce bulldlnR nt South Omaha , Nebraska. In nccord.onco with the drnlnsnnd specifications , coploJ of which nny be had nt this olllco or the ofllco of the Superintendent nt South Omahn , Nebraska. The right U reserved to reject nny or all bids nnd towaive any defect or Informality In nny bid should It be deemed to the Interest of the Govern ment lo do so. Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes , * enle < i ; ami marked "PllO- POSAti for the Krectlon nnd Completion of the U S. Postofllcis at South Omahn , No- brnskn , " nml addressed to the Supervising Architect. n J 26d * it I'ODSI ' MIKTI > 0. STOCKHdr.'P > JtlS > MEETING. Notice Is hereto jfflven that the regular annual meeting- iCbe stockholders of the South Plntto Lnrtil company will bo held at the olllce of mid company In Lincoln , Nebraska , at ll"tf'cWck a. m. , on the first Wednesday In MlreH. ] 1893 , being the second clay of the montjU [ . Uy order of fie.TJrfrml of Directors. n.c5.JpHILUI'S ! , Secretary. Uncoln , Neb. , URIU 31 , 1S03. J31 < ] 30tm \OTICK. ( Should be rendwUA'lIA by nil Interested as chanRes majf "bcctir at nny time. ) Foreign mnlls for thb week ending February B , 1S9S , will close ( PnOMPTLY in nil cnses ) nt the general post olllce as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour rarllor than closing- time ahown below. Trniin-Atliiiitlc Mulls. \VEDNnSDAY-At 7 a. in , ( supplementary 9 a , m. ) for EUHOPE. per a. s. New York * , via. Southampton ; at 9 a. m. ( supplement ary 10:30 : n. in. ) for EUHOPE , per s. s. Germanic * , via Queenstovvn ; at 10 n. m. for niCLGlDM direct , per s. s. Frlesland , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per Frlesland" ) . THURSDAY At S n. m. for NCTHEH- I.ANDS direct , per s. s. Edam , via Ams terdam ( letters must bo directed "per Kilam" ) . SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for FUANCE , SWITX.IUILAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and HRIT- 1SII INDIA , per s , B. La Uretngiie * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per Li Hretnirne" ) ; tit 8 . in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. H. Ob-dam - , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Obdam" ) : nt S u. m. for GENOA , per s. y. Kaiser Wllhelm II ( let- tcis must be directed "per Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; nt 10 a. tn. ( supplementary 11.30 a m. ) for EUHOPE. per s. s. Auranhi * . via Queenstown ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Heklu ( lettcts must be dliected "per Hekla" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC.-Ocrman steamers sailing on Tues < laj tnltc Printed Matter etc for Germany , nml Spcclallj AiUri-Sfcd Printed Matter etc , for other parts of Eimpe Amcr- Ic.m nnd White Star steamers on Weitneailaja airman 'le-iiners on Thur Jais. nml CunarJ Frcncli nnil CJornmn steamer * un Satunln > a tahe Printed Mallei , etc. for nil countries for which they arc udvertltcil to cariy mull. After 110 closing of the Supplementary Trans- Atlartlc Malls naniPil nbiive , nildltlonul suppie- mentnr > mnlls arc openen on the piers of the American English , French and German steam ers , nnd remain open until \vltliln Ten Mlnutea of the hour of fal Ing or stenmer. Malls fur Soiltli anil Cciitrnl Ainurluii , U.-.s < Inill.-H , iio. WHDNCSDAY At 2M : p. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per bteimcr from Phl'adel- phla , .it 11 n. m. foi NnWPOUNDLANU per s. s Portia : .it 11 n m ( supplemen tary 11 . " 0 n. m. ) for VnNraUCLA and CL'ltACAO. also SAVAXILLA and CAR- TI1AGI2NA. via Curacao , iwr a. s. Cara cas ; at 1 p. m. for CU1JA , per s. s. SOR- uranca. via Havana : at 1 p. m. for L.V PLATA COl'NTKinS direct , per s. s Highland Pilnce. SATURDAY At 2"53 a m for XIW- rOUNDLAND. p r s. s. S'beilan ' , fiom Philadelphia , at 10 n m ( supplement ny 10 30 i m ) for FO TUNi : ISLAND , JA- J1AICA -CAUTIIAGL'NA , per i- s Altai ( letters for Costa Hlca must bt dl- rectpd "por Altai" ) : at 10 a. . sti ( supple mentary liCSOi a - m. ) for PORT AlT PUINC10 PETIT GUAVC . .nd PAVAN- ILLA. rtr s. s Alps ; nt 10M : a m. foi CAJIPnCHIJ. CHIAPAS. TAHASCO and YUCATAN , p r s s Vlffllanc'a ( letter- for other paris of Mexico and for Cuba must bo dlrei'te'l "per Vlfjl'aneH" ) ; at in ; . a. m. ( of 1I.VITI per s. s. Pr'ns F Ilendrik Cettcrs for Venezuela , Ctiracio , Trln'dad. Hrltlsh anil Dutch Gul uu mu-L bo directed "pePrlns ( F. Hendrik" ) , nt 11 x m for IHA ILind LA PLATA COUN TRIES , per s ; j. liuffon , via Pcrnamlniuo , IJahla nnd H'o Jnnelro ( letters for North nrjiyil must bo < llr < U''pd "per Buffcn" ) ; n 1 p. m for HAKUADO3 direct anj NORTH HRAXIL , via I'arni and Mar IDS , per > . s Orlg-en ; at p. m for NASSAU , N. P per s s > . Miami , fr"-m M.anil , Fla ; at S .10 p. m. for Kr1\VFOtTNDLANl > , p r steimer fiom 'North Sydney ; ( it S:30 : p m for ST. RICratn-MIQUELON , pc- steamcr fiom Hallfix. Mails fcr XevvfnunJiinil l ) > "II to Hnlltax and thence bj ftenrrfi. ilcfe at fils olllc' da Ij nt S 30 p m Mnlls fo Mlque1 j , , hy rail to Uos- ton and HIP ice hy ElPamer , clO'e at this onice .Tnllir f fi TA ,1 m TLlnltc tnf T'lllin olnoa nt , . a. m ami 2:30 : P. m. * * Heglhtrrea mall clos et C CO p m. previous day TrniiN-Piiflllc MnllH. Mails for Australia ( except those for West Attstra la ) , which are fonv.iretl via Europe , New Zealand , Hun ail , Fiji and Sairoar Islands , per s , , Alatn < iln ( from Sin Fran cisco ) , clobo here tlilly up to January * 20th nt 7 CO a. m . 11 a. m. and CJO : p. m ( or on arrival nt New York of s. s. Aurinla nith niltls1 ! malls f r Australia ) Mais for Australia ( ei cr-pt West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hnnvill and FIJI IsLinds , per s. s. Wiuriwvo ( from Vancouver ) , close here tlilly pflor January < " 0h an I up to January 31st nt GSO : p , in. Mills foi China , Jnpnn and Hnvnll per s s Cisj of Rio Janeiro ( from Sin Francisco ) , co-i ! hero dally up to February fith at fi " 0 p in. Malls for China an 1 Japan , per s , s Columbia ( from Tno mn ) . cose hole < lalb up to February * * 13th .it B 30 p , in. M.ilU for Havvnll , per s s Australia ) ( from Fin Francisco ) , close hero dally up to Feb- ru.ity ICth at fi-30 p. m Mails for China and Jap in ( specltuly udilrcjscil only ) , per H. s. Emprcss of Chlnn. ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to February " 2-Uh ut C:30 : p. m. Mulls for the Soc'etv Islands , per ship Galilee ( from Sin Frauolsco ) rloe hero dally up to February 22(1 ( at C.30 p. m. Trims-Pacific malls are furvvnrded to port of fall ing dal > miij the1 F'lii-'lule of closing U nr- rangei' on the presumption of iheir uninter rupted overland transit "Registered jnnll cloren nt C p m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postolllce , Now York , N Y. , Januaiy i % 1838. KAILItnAD.'j. 11URL1NOTON & MIKhOUHI River Rallrond "Tho llurllng- Burliogton ton Route" Ocnerul OOlces , N. W Corner Tcnt.i and rarnnm Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1S02 Route Kurnam Btri'ft. Telenliono 2W. Depot , Tenth mid Ma un Streets , Telephone IZ8. Leave. Arrive 8.U am 9.3 } am 4:13 : pm 4.05 pni 7:03 : pm " 7:41 pm . . pm "ll:3anm Dully except Sunday. KANS'AH CITY. ST. JOriKI'H A ; Council Iilurtu Rallroad- "Thn llurlliiKton RDU | " - Tlcket Oincc. 1502 Street. Telephone ; 'i , Tenth und Mason Streets Telephone 12S , Leuve. Arrive. Kansas City DayCEx8,05 / am 5:4U : pm Kansas City Nlgh < > ' * ' 10:00 : am 6.40 am Dully. ' CHICAGO. HURLINQTON & Qulncy Rdllioad "The llurl- ilniiton Route" Tl-kct Olllce , Jl'J. ' ! Kunum Htri-ti. Telvpione ( La.- Depot , Ton Ih und Maton blrceu Telephone 128 , Arrlvo : iilcatro V'etllbuled Ex. . 5:05 : pm TM : um Chicago KxDre .T I . U:4S : um 4:15 : pm ' hlcarn & HI. lJ > u > tit "iW pni. 7 W am j'acino Junction Locaf , . " 11:40 : am 5:4 : > pm a * " ' 1:00 : pm IMUy'V efpt Sunday. -n * Cfl AGO , HIIAVAUKCn & BT , 'jl'iiul Rulluiiy-Clly Ticket v < OlflcV IS 4 1'anium Street 'TvUphoru ' 131 Depot. Trnfi "an'l ' Mc on Htrrelif. Tle vhbne Hi - , / * l nve. Arrtvei Chicago IJmlU'.t Kii , . . 8113 pm 8:0) : am Omaha and C'ilu < J L'I 'tl.Cv ara IU : lint Oul.y. pnuno lis. Leave. Arrive. St. Ijouls Cannon Dall * 11SO : am Qulncy Express . . . . . . . . .4) am 0:10 pm Dully. WA.UASH RAILROAD-TICKET OKFICE , HI ! For n urn Street. felcDhone. SM Depot. Tcntb and Mason Slrest-i. Telephone. Its , Leave. Arrive. Bi. Louis "Cnnnon nail" Ejpre s . . . . . 40 : pm * 11'S ) are CHICAOO. ST PAUL npolls tc Oinnlm Rnllvvnv Oenernl Olllcrs. N'cbrnclifi Dl % Islon , rifteenth nnilVlnter Streets City Ticket Onice , 1401 rarnnm Street , Telephone. 161 Depot , rifteenth and Wctster Streets. Tel ephone Ills I/vive. Arrive. Sioux City AccommoiH. 8:50 : nm Si0 pm Sioux City Accommoila 9:50 : nm " 8:20 : inn lllalr , llmer'on Sloui City , J'cncn , Hurting- ton and Illoomflild. . 1KX ) pm 11:53 : am Sioux City. MankHto , St. I'aul , Minneapolis . * 5'5" pm 9:10 : nm Kmcraon l a enK r , RilO pm 8'4 > nm " Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. TJilf train Btopii nt rtallons Florence to South lllnlr. Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week days , South lllair only. I'REMON'T. RMCHOltN ANi : Missouri Vnlley Railway lien pral Olllcei , United States Na- tlonal Hank IlulMlnjr , t ne t Corner Twelfth nnd Tar- - . . . „ - nam Streets Ticket Olllcc , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone Ml. Depot , Mf- tecnth and Webster Streets. Telephone 1458. LCMC < ArrU * Illaek Hill , , Dcadwood and Hot Springs . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pin Wyoming , Caspar and Douglas . " 3:00pm : C0 pm Uniting * , York , Dnvld city , superior , Geneva , ITxeter nnd Bevvard . . 3:00 : pm G:00 : pm Norfolk. Went 1'olnt and rremont . . . . 7:50 : am "l : ! Snm : Lincoln , Wnhoa and lYemont . Ti'iO am 10:2S : nm Kremont Local . 7:50 : am Dilly. Daily except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday , Dally except Monday. CHICAOO & NORTHWESTERN Hnll\\a > City Ticket Oftlce , 1401 1'arnam Street. Telcphonn Ml. Depot , Tenth and Ma oti Streets. Telephone 128. Leav o. Arrive. Missouri Valley. Sioux fit/ . St. I'nul and Mlnneupoll < < G:40 : am 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux 7:30 : nm 9 03 pm Dtnnlson , Carroll , WnVi Lake 7:30 : am 9.03 pm Kustcrn Express , Des MolneH , MurJhalltown , Cedar Rapids , Chicago l)3 ) : am 4:10 : pm AtlunlLi rijur , Chicago and Kast 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Knst Mall , Chicago to Omaha. 3:10 : pm JIIs ouri Valley , Sioux City St Paul Mlmio- amlld Limited . , . . pm 9:30 : am Omaha-Chicago Special. . C.30 pm 8:10 : am 1 Dull } Daily except Sunday. ssiorx cmpAciric RAIL- load Clcneril Olllces , United States National Hank Hulld- Ing. S.V Corner Twelfth and I"n , nm Streets. Ticket Olllce , Ml l. -pot. 15th 1JM 1 rnum Street. Telephone and Webster Sts. Telephone 4J Sioux 1 C- Arrlu ! ' City. Mnnkitr , Dan" " ' ' Mlnncal ) ° 11' * 5:53i m 9.10 am MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAT ) General Olllces and Ticket Olllcc , Merchants National Uank liulldln ? . 1224 rirnnm Street. Telephone 104 Depot , rifteenth Leav c. Arrlie. Kansas and Nebraska Limit vl * 3.03 pm 12.33 pm Klines Clt > and St. LouU I xprt- 9.30 pm C.OO am Nebraska Local " 4-W pin 9:43 nm 1 Dallv Dnlly except Sunday. UNION I'Aciric "Tiin ovnu- Ijnd Route" Orneril Odlees , N K Corner Ninth and rarnnm Strecm City Ticket Olllce , 1305 I'arnnin Street Telephone 316 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone IIS ArrUe. 'The Ovor.a-id Limited" forUenvir Brit Lake. r stern points SSO : nm 1:13 : pm Kabt mall train for Denver. Suit I ilt , IMtllle coan and nil western points 3 : pm 10.M nm Lincoln , licntrlce and 8trpmsl > urs express . . 5:00 : inn 12:20 pm Kearney Uxpiess 1:00 : pm - Dally Dal.y except Sundayl Council Illuffs I cal Leaves. 5.4. a m. ; C.30 a. r > . , 7.:0 a. m . S 2. > n. m . 10:43 : a. m.i 2'13 p in. , 4:3) p m ; C 33 p m Airlvt * , Co : a in. . 7-20 a m. . 8 u. m ; 9.23 a. in : 11:30 n. m. ; 0:10 : I > m ; 3.40 p m . 9.03 p. m . 10:45 : p. m. \V\IUSH UAILKOAD TICKET OrPICE. 1413 Tirnnm htreet Telephone 322. Depot , Tent.i and Mason Streets Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. St. IJIUN "C.innon Uall" 'I'SOpm MliCO nm CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND & I'aclllc Rnllroad "The Groit Rock Island Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Karimm Street Tf'ephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. I cave. Arrive. Chicago ami St. Paul Vestlbuled IIxpresH , 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Sp'gs , I'uucblo. Denver and weit . . . . . . ! " < pm 4:23 : pm Chicago. Des Molnes & Rocic Island 7 03 pm 8:15 nm Atlantlj IJxprcfH. for Dei Molnea und east ern points 7:50 : am Gl" : pm L'ni--lii ' , FJlrbury and Ilellevllle 5-4i rm * ' 1):40 : am * Dally * Dailv except Sundn > . Dliln'l Write for . vvNlIl.l H. An author with u half-dozen books to his credit rccPivcd nn or 'er for a poem from tlio editor of a il.illy np'.v.spa ipr , hdj's thp AtlanM Constitution. Ho did not appreci ate th ordor. Heat hlm.siJf do\vu and re plied to It in ft Hews : "I do not write for newspapers. Llteiary woik , .ipprirlnR In the dally picss , I ? not conslderfil literature. I am rorry , but I can't rorrply with your pollto re < iuE > it. " Ita.s not lent ? thereifter tha'l .i < llturjry enemy of the author "Hayed him all\e" In .1 column urtlc'o In that simo nev\fpaper \Vho4i Jili uttentloT .vus called to the mat ter ho xvroto'lo the editor : "I want two columns In your newspaper In which to reply lii the recent * criticism of my vvoik , " Ai.U now Itwia the editor1'/ / turn , and ho evened up matter.s in thls'\.iy : "You forKOt , my dear s.r , that 'you do not write for the newspapers. ' You must lemembor that 'literary w rk , appearing In tlio ilnJIj- pies ? , U not considered lltDratutv. I nm sorry , but I can't comply with your < polltp leriileat. ' " Childrcri and .idults tortured by burns , lajurleo , eczema or skin Ulsc > ises may secure Iratant relief by ualns IJoWltt's Witch Hazel Ea'\e. It Is the. great Pile remedy. .li > Mf | > Ii mill UN lliirti , Jowcph J Oarabfd muy no\ blow his horn until lie * Is b'.ack In the face , with the full a"iuraneo that the co-stlttitlcn of the United Stiitcii protect } ) him In thit noisy privlleprp. Joseph In un onslun in the Salva tion Army , kind ro had a cornet , with which hu urged thci souls of lagging Hlnner alons the way they should KO. The people of Oreenport , I ; . I. , wern Inclined to regard the young1 man n.s n nuisance , ami. llkn his ntuncaika of o < 1 , ho was seized and went In captivity to n cell. The obdurate minions of the law could not } * ee the matter as Joseph siw It , and consequently the loc-il courts ileclarwl the man and the horn to bo n nul- uance. An , nippeal was taken to the appellate court , nnd that 1m ly has just handed down a decision declaring that Joseph Irid art good a right to call soul.s to repentance by the iiimlo of Ills horn as the n > h mongers had to call lip protfpectlvo customers by thu name means , and that tlui ill crlmlnation was un Infraction of the fourteenth amend ment to the constitution. Arnold's Hromo Oelfry curra hnodachei , lOc. 2Sc and i"0n. All How KillNdii I'rnpiiNril. The Mm of the grcit electrician Bdlson marrying WI\H llrst auggested , ro ates the lloston Tran crl | > t. by an Intlmite friend , of whom Olson timidly Inqulrrd whom he should marry. The friend fomowlmt testily ut > ll < l. "Any- oiii/ ' Hut ICdlHon vvns not without m-ntl- merit when the time camo. OTO day ho fltotxl behind the chulr of o Ml Stlllwi-ll , a tfcle- sr.uih operator In hla tmiploy. ho na not u llttlct aurprlyeil when nhe suddenly turned round and mild. "Mr. Udlson , I can always tell when joii are behlivl mo or ivear mo. " IJdlson fronted the young luJy , and , looking at her ilxexlly , "I'vo l > ecn thinking1 conslderab'y about jou of Into , and If you are willing to marry mo I would Ilko to marry ycu. " The yountf Judy ald tie would talk thn mxUur ovur with her mother. The result mas lh lr marriage , and a very happy one It proved to b . Tbo glralto mnkcs a capital steed down bllU But uplilll lie Is a decided failure. AO I'LVCn FOU \ LOM ! ST W. 1'iom The Sketch. Jones ( C feet. 2 Inches ) Cliarmtng cottage this of your'o ; quite the real thing oak'beams , low ceilings , and every artistic discomfort. Goodby. Urown I'll nave to kiss your wife iu the llrst act to-night Do you ofe Ject ? Smith Certainly not ! By the way , are you Insured ? ( illOI ) FC'H ' V FIJI3 , .1XI WAV. iTrom Judy , Brown I have irindo n Jot of Improvctr.ouu In ray nouso , and now tU | Andlord wanta to rnlae my rent. V'hV do you adylto me to dad \ chan'/ ' Smith ( lawyer ) Move ; six And tii 'mientx' , dear buy I