W H r- - 8 THE OMA1TA TATLY ) 15EE : SASTUTCDAV , JAXUATIT 20 , 180S. CONQUERS THE MISSOURI'S Appearance of Kotinlzi Park Does a Great V/ork in Conversion , ST , J3SEPH MEN SEE AND ADMIT ALL Inxprc-llcni cif Hi Munition Orcnind anil Cnrrli-N ( , ' < nn Ictlcin n Int o ( S Men. A delegation of twcnty-nve ot the rcsrntntlvo business and professional men of St Jcneph , Mo. , arrived In the city ycstcr- ilay for the pun.oso of Investigating for themselves the exact status of the ex position and the preparations which are being made for the great show. They arrived at ti .10 a. in. , nndwere met at the depot by 11. W. Richardson and Dudley fimlth of the reception committee , who escorted them lo the .Mlllard hotel. At 10 o'clock the remainder of the reception com mltlce. Including President Wattles , Warrc Swltzlcr II. W. Hates , W. S. Popploton , G JI Hitchcock , 'F. H. Davis and G. W I nlngcr , assembled at the hotel , nnd men fhrcctly to the exposition grounds. All tli points of Interest about the grounds wcr visited , about an hour being consumed 1 this way. Llko all the other visitors from a distance , the members of the vlsltln delegation , without exception , cxpresse great surprise at the largo scale on wlilc' the whole enterprise Is being carried out They piled the local committee with ciucs tions regarding the status of affairs In th several departments , and manifested grcM Interest In all that pertained to the matter Alter the buildings and grounds had bcul fully liibpeci ed the special lunch was servci at the' Omaha club Two of the St. Joseph party , F. W. Max ; neil asid R M. Davis , are members ot the ( Missouri Exposition Commission , and were with the commission when It visited Omaha earlier In the- month They acquired con sldorablo enthusiasm regarding the expos ! tion on that occasion and were loud In their praise of the enterprise and the progress whiih had been made , together with the Importance of the many Interests of St Joseph being well represented by exhibits They say that their statements were regarded with suspicion by the people of St Josepl -who had not been In Omaha to see for Ihcm- Bi-lvea and out of this suspicion grew the tha Commercial club of St Joseph nnd Mr , Davis is president of the II. T Davis Milling company , a concern well Known In this sec- lion by bomo of Its products SENTIMENT AT ST JOSEPH. Speaking of the feeling In St. Joseph , Mr , M.ixwcll nald , "Our jieoplo mo considerably Interested in the exposition , but they do nol appreciate * the grand scale on which the. people of Omaha are preparing for that affnlr When I returned from my trip here with the Mlbsourl commission , I was flllci vith enthusiasm for the exposition and the importance of our people being well repre sented and commenced talking exposition to evjjiybody They boon commenced to say , 'Oh those Omilm people simply hypnotl/c you , ' and they refused to bellevo that the advertising matter nnd pictures your Public ity dtpartmcnt is bending out are actun rcpusentatlons of what the buildings are to be nnd they regard the bird's-eye view as a freak of the Imagination. I told them tint the only thing on the picture that I did not Ef-o In com so of preparation was the ( lying inaclilno , and I thought piolnbly you hai ! that concealed somewhere- about the grounds It was finally decided that the be-st thing to do would bo to hi Ing some of our most prominent bublnes.3 men up here to see for thcm < > ilvca , and they nro here ' Wo have a local cmsitlon commission , ' continued Mr M-ixnell , 'and our mnmifac- tutlng Interests will ho well represented Our tonimlos'oi ' numbers sK membeis , three of wh mi nro In our party The members arc L C Hums urrsldc-nt , Frank Frcytag , II M D-uls. E T. Abbott , Louis Ha * , sr , am : myself " Mr Davis Is making tjrcoarntlons to make .1 1'ii e exhibit of the products of the R. T Pnvi ! Milling compinv , negot'atioiis ' with the D piitmcnt or Exhibits having been In progress for some time THIS IS THE PARTY , Thr- following people constitute the party T W Evins banker ; D It Fuller , whole- ! eal" dry poodi .1 C Wyatt retail dry goods , T R Wall wholesale diy goodrf , E. J. Eckel , anhltect ; John Combe- , printing and lltho- grapnlug , Robeit Winning , wholesale mllll- nerv , W Hamilton Smith , wholesale paper , Jimes L Divisoi , wholesale millinery , W A P Mdo-iilcl ) binltct anil capitalist , E A King manufacturer ; T. C Bjiro , wholesale dry goods , Eugene Wcrthcinler , who esale luiuors C. A. Toney. manufacturer ; J II Li.nl s and August Saltzmau , county Judges , Otto Silt/matin , real estate ; ex-Mayor Hait- wlg capitalist ; J. G. Schrelclor , tanker , Frank Frcytag , maragcr Gazette ; C A I'felffor R one contractor and builder ; R. M Davis , miller ; W. II Allison , chief clerk county court , II. M Ilatchcller , commercial agent A , T. & 3. F. Ity ; F. W. Maxwcjl , Et-c-ipf.jiy Commercial club ; A. J Fleming. The visitors will leave for homo at 10 o'chxk on the regular tialn of the Kansas City St Joseph & Council HIulTo railway. After luncheon a shoit tlmo was spent In a mutual Intelchango of compliments be tween the visitors nnd the- exposition olll- cliils On behalf of the formci , Charles Pfelffer nnd Judge August Snltzman e\- picssrd their surprise nt the mngnltudo of the tealo on which the prcrara'lous are being mido for the exposition and prom ised to do all In their powei to Impress upon the people of their city the absolute nr-ces- tlty of all Intercuts , being icprcsented by exhibits. Rrmaiks wore nude by President Wattles , It W Richardson , Warren Swltzler and W S Popplcton , especial stress being laid upon the point that the exposition la not a local affair , but an exposition which will bo par ticipated In by nearly every state In the union. The parly returned Jioino at 10 o'clock last night on the regular tialn of the Kan- has City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs rail way. \Valrr Conllillltc'tMitUnir. . A few members of the special exposition committee appointed to Investigate Into the question of water supply for the exposition grounds met at headquarter * ! iat-t evening to report As there was not a quorum present , the meeting was postponed until Monday night On hiiggnstlon of r P. Klrkondall , Secretary WakeOeld was directed to request Mr J E Uaum of thu Commercial club lo bo present at the * meeting together with a commitieo of thre-o others ( roni thu same or- ivnlritlon. alio J E lloyd of the Board of Trade , with p commltlcp of three ; W G Shriver of the Rf.il F-state exchange , tilth n committee of tlueo ; Gcoigu F Munro of the Oiiah.1 Duelling Men's acsochtlon with the Ramo number and President W II Hell of the Central Labor union with a similar Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , Gold Alcdal , Midwinter Fain CREAM BAHNft A Faro Orspo Cream ot Tnrtar Povltt : , 'iO YEARS THE STANDARD , number. The natcr company wns nlfo re quested to send a representation. A communication from the water compan ; la In the hands of the committee , which I not looked upon fnornbly and It Is the ob Ject of the meeting to get a general oplnlo at to the marncr In which the exposltlo shall dcrhc Ita water < ioCIINOII iir.t.rs OUT -K H.'iOd ( ( hr fiiti < l for 111 Stfifr'N ix | > i > llloii ) | | > | II > . Governor Stephens of Missouri la mipport Ing his faith with viorks A dispatch to Th Iloo received last night BB > S "Prcslden Clark II. S-impeon of the Missouri Omah Kxpositlcii commission end It. A. Blossom o the executive committee , both of St. Loulo vvcro In Jefferson City today In conferenc with Governor Stephens and Secretary Car roll , regarding the work of the committee They were greatly pleased with the jiresen outlook for a splendid Missouri cxhiolt a Omaha. Governor Stephens made a llbcra donation to the fund , $500. "Governor Stephens today appointed th following named gentlemen as addltlona members of the Missouri commsslon of th On aha exposition Hon. It. C. Morgan , La mar , Judge Andrew Ulllson , Klrkovlilc , 13c 1 > White , Harrison IllcA. ; . I , Walker Louls'ann ; James Whcelces , St. Louis ; lion i : . M. Uarber , Trenton , J. I ) . Allen , llutlci C ItValtcrs , Hlch Hill ; Ur. J. J. Stevens Clinton. " The St. Louis commission Is losing n time , but la making as rapid preparation for the exposition as can be The Kepubll contains the following account of the meet Ing held Tlinrsda ) night- A well attended meetingof fie St. Ix > Ul Trunmnlsslsslppl Utiiosltlon cormnlislon vvu lie-Id liiHt lilgnt < tt the .Mercantile club to further iierfrc-t nrriingeinentu for u bellttlrif , icjirctientntloii of the Induitrles of St. LAW nt the Tniismlsslsslppl Exposition , to b held In Oinnhii during the ) liresent > e.i irom Junu to November Clarlt If Simpson , president of tlio Mw EOiltl commlKsliiti , prcsldtd nt the nuetliitf A number of iiiitvvtri to querlts font to . number of the leading Imsinc"1 ! associations uiul mercantile coiic-c-iiis of tie city wire uad by Sc-c-rc-tary Sturrltt. Of thu answers lead twenty-two conuoniH e\piii < 8eil their Intuitions of being repres > onte < l cit the ex position. Among' thcie wore the Cc-liti i Ti Icphone and Klec tile oompinj , H. T. Hnb bill Soap Lonip.iu > , \IlssomI Mollne 1'lovv coinpanj , Uliukmcr .1 lost J'lpe compuij St. lciuls C'jcle lompiny , Crown Unsc > ci Oil compinv , A. 1) . Uoilei , Amor can HUcul compaii > , Kim H.irliei Supply company liiulc Stive and Itniiho compiuv. St. Louis rurnltiirc c-oininn > , Hoard of 'li.ido , Spiti- Ish. club , S M Kordvcs , 1J C. Stulliw Jt A Gardner , Charles \\Yiineher , Schul/ HeltliiK comiMin , J. II Conraden Chair compiny and several others. The queitlcm of lie nmount of spice re quired to cflu lively present the dlspl-os occupied considerable cllsc-ussloii. The \nll- ! CO to 3,000 squarefeel. . An ImimtaiH foit- tne developed during the discussion \v.is that a number of Chicago ! > hoe compinlcs - vve-io trjlnfr to monopolize all the desirable. sp ice ut the exposition. Clialimin Sampson announced that n loca s'loe compiny had been In correspondence , with the Omnliii managers In this icgard nnd rccehed a uply of an unsatisfactory nature This led to a proposition that > i . committee bo appointed to visit Ormh.i foi the puiposu of nri.inKing foi f-pace am rates. iJuilnpr the discussion It was statP ( that there- seemed to be a disposition on tie put of the man igeirrnt ut Oma'ia to ciaig tales th it wtro considered bomevvh.il ev oibltant. A motion -wns mndo to the effect that such a committee be appointed by C 1' . Wilbildge. but It was side-tucked fet an other to t'lc ' effect that a meeting of the exhibitors be called for next "Jhuibdij .ifti-rnoon at 2 o'clock , to be hold at the Mercantile club , when the committee could bo more suitably selertrd. The MUsouil exhibits at Omaha , or at least the St. Ious ! portion , will probtbly be grouped. Tils biip estlon was made by J.V. . V > Cle.ue , who thought the dls- plny could be made more conspicuous thPieliv Tlu > commission lacry desirous that all prospectlse exhibitors gho them definite answers lib boon as possible , as the time limit for space Is set for Tebruary 10 , ilthougi this is not absolutely Imperative. It vv.is stated , however , that the desirable spnce w is being rapidly taken and th il the boonei fin il arrangements were mad'1 the- better It would be for all concerned PiesldiMlt Sampson will leave for .leffei- .son Clt > this morning- confc-r with Cov- ! oi nor Stephens and Sicrpfir > Carroll of Me commission In reird to the Mlsbourl e > - hlbit. I'rom the information thev have at present in their possession , sa > s Ml. Samp son , the- Missouri display will bo a ct edit able one. A lepiescntatlvo of the Trades and Tiboi asscmhl } abked the commlsslan's co-opeiu- tlon foi tin Inteinatlon.il exposition In lOOT to cplebr.ittho lOOti anniversary of the ] lire-base of Louisiana from the Frenc'i pov. < rnment , nnd wns Informed that the matter would be consldeied later. jnrrnnsoN CITY , MO , Jan. 2S in ccni > to an Inquliy by Secretary Carroll of the Missouri Transmisslss'tnl n.HJ ltlon comniis- blon , the Omaha ttunagemrnt advices him that the Missouri buildings at the exposition maj be constructed entirely. Interior and ex- tcrlrr , from Missouri pine , and It inclosed the following Information , which should arouse Missouri lumbermen to action "The subcommittee of the Georgia Imposition com mission appointed to confer with the lumbc.- men of the state Is actively at work cia- vasfilng the lumber Interests and ascertain ing how much lumber each firm will con tribute toward the- erection of the GcoigU l > lne palace The commission will meet In Macon wo. when It Is cuje-ctcd tint replies will liave been lecelved from all points , and Llmt dcflnlto action can bo taken at that At n meeting of the executive committee jcstorday afternoon Manager KlrKendill aid before the committee the following bids 'or ' the docking , railing and other flnlsli around tlio lagoon : Smith & nastman , $11- GIO ; Chicago Construction company , $10800 , It C. Strchlow , $10C.OO. The contract was ordered awarded to Strchlow. Governor Atkinson of Georgia notifled the cominlttea that ho had appointed Hon. \ugustus DuPont of Uul'ont , Ga. , to be vice president of the exposition for that state , 'iho appointment was conflrmcU. NOI-H nC ( In- Colorcl W K. Caffce , commandlnfc the "Second regiment of the National Guzril of Mlssjurl , Is making preparations to bring ils entire regiment to the exposition and spend the usual tlmo of the annual encamp- uml In this city Lorado Tafft of Chicago , first vice prcsl- lent of the Ceutral Art association , has accepted the appointment as chairman of ho Art congress , tendered him by the con gress lommltteo of the Woman's Board of Managers , and will taXo up at once the work of formulating a plan for the congress , Secretary Carroll of the Missouri I'xposl- Ion commission , icpnrts that the various committees of the commission are making eplcndU piogrcss , but some of these com- nlttecs will not be prepared to make rc- lorts at the meeting arranged to bo held vlth the Kansas City Commercial club IVbruary 1. nnd that meeting has been post- loiu-d , subject tn the oill of Chairman Samp son. A meeting will be held with the Causes City Commercial club at a later late. _ Iho Dig Store's ad Is cu the Cth page. Ucad It. _ Pi of Ta > lor's Illustrated Lecture , "Tho teal Husaln , " at First I'rrsb orlan church , Monda ) , S p m i\dmlselon 25 and 15 cents i'lillmiiii " ' .nirtit Mt-eiiprii. eave Omaha dally for Ogdcn , San Francisco , 'ortland and other western points \la thn UNION 1'AOIPIC. Tor tickets and full Information call at Clt ) Ticket OlDco. 1302 Tarnam St. ln > Is IliiKc-x a Whlln at Lincoln the other day ShcillY MeUonald lenrncjcl that Charles Uavl , alias Orleans , had been la > lng plans for the com mission or crlmn In the penitentiary , to which place he was Bent lust July to serve out a uc\ endear term , having been con- Icted of robbery. Bomu days ago the ; > rlnon nuthoiltlei ) becama suspicious of > avlti and 01 tiered him Kcarclied. In 0110 of | | 3 Ktocltitiju the ticarch biought to llwn n dagger with n blade fully uU InchOH in enetli mndo by Iavl while emplojcd In 'lo pilson blaclismlth shop. Take the time to read Hajden Bros , ' ad u Slli page. Kiint 'I'liiir. 'I'liroviuni Curn. TU the UNION PAOIFIO to Denver , Salt Lsko City. San Francisco and Puget Sound points For T tea and full Information call * t City Ticktt OClcc , 1303 raroitu 6t > IfllYA LEGISLATURE TODAY Oomo to Inspect the Progress Mntlo by Exposition Buildings. TWO GOVERNORS WLL BE HERE , TOO Slice- 1 ill Train O\rr Uie llopk Inland from DC-M Mciliui.VIII Itrliur tlic ( ireiili-Ml Di-U-Katlun < tf VU- Hort llcccl cil , lown TV 111 hold the center ot the nlage at Kountze park today Ordinary routine business will go on Just the oame among the army of mechanic , * who arc now en- Engcd In erecting the buildings for the ex position , but their tiieratlons will be car ried on under Hie cjcs of nearly every mem ber of the Iowa legislature , most ot the state officials , representatives of the DCS Molnos cud other prominent Iowa newspapers , nnd an lincstlmated number of cltl/ens of tlio great state between the two rivers. Governor Slmv of lown and Governor IIol- comb ot XetH-aslvei will also meet and talk exposition during -the da ) . The Iowa party comes from lies Molncs on a Hock Island special train , which will leave the Iowa cipltal abaut S o'clock this morning , and will reach Omaha at 11 , com ing through cu special time. No stop will be made at Council Uluffs , but the train will come right through from lies Molnes to Omalia. From the depot the Usltors will bo Inkeui by the repetition committee , whls'i consists of the entire cxi > jsitlon directory , and escorted direct to the grounds At the grounds the buildings under way will be taken In and all the additional work projected will bo explained Iti full to the Hawke > es. After the place has been thor oughly Inspected , the cxcmslcnlsts will bp returned to the Mlllard hotel , where lunch will be seived , anid exposition matters will be discussed. In connection with the \Islt It Is of feomc Interest lo know that the Iowa Imposition commission bis asked for an additional np- prcnriatloa of $17,100 to make complete the cxhlolt fnr the state In accordince wl'h the plans prepared by the commission and turned in with Us report to the governor some weeks eince The exhibit contemplated Is nvery comprehensive one , showing In detail all of Iowa's vailed rc&ources and enterprises. The ratural Interest of Iowa in the expoblllon Is being enhanced by the discussion the matter Is receiving throughout t'.ie fctate , In- In certain quarters This -visit of the legis lators Is In nowise an olllelal one , but Is on Invitation , that the members may have an orijortuttlty of Informing themselves thoroughly on the matter before they come to vote cci what Iowa will do at the grcit exposition. The careful mother nlwajs keeps Salvation oil handy , for ruts and biulses. OIBco Nebr. Mcr Mut. Ins Co , Room 1C , Commercial Nat HI : nidg It's cci the Cth page The Ills Store's ad- Look It up. Prof. Ta > lot's Illustrated Lecture , "Tho Real Russia , " at Plrst Prct > b > tcran ! church , Monday , S p m. iVdmisslon 23 and 15 cents 1'iisilUcIj l.iiNt Saliirilnj. -MONDAY LAST PAY OF OUR GIIEVT DIS COUNT CLL'ARANCC S\Lfi. Don't fall to take advantage of these list two dajs of the lowest prices for first class dry gooes ever undo In Oii'ihi KELLEY. STIGCR & CO , Cor. rarnam and Fifteenth. IL ) u In 11 l'i elite. h tl-e ONLY DINING CAR ROUTE to UTAH-CALIFORNIA from MISSOURI IlIVHR. City Ticket Ofllce. I"i03 rarnam St. SluirU-r 'I'liiic < i > Ni-\\ \cirlv Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern riallvvav. Commencing Sunday , January SO , : ialn No 10 , the New York and Boston Special , leaving Chicago at 10 30 a. m , will reach New York at 1 30 p. m. , making a twenty -six-hour cchodulc. i\ J. Smith , G. I' . A. . Cleveland : C. K. Wllber , A. G P. A , Chicago , n. 1' . Humphrey , T. P. A , Kansas City , Mo I niIM > % VI. ! Vlt VOIt UMIS. John Nafe of Demo.Is at the Mlllard W. K. Hi own of New York Is at the Mll- ard. ard.Edion Edion Gregg of Kansas City Is at the Mlllard C II. Bartlett of Kansas City Is at the Vlllarl. \V. J. Allen , n tea Importer of Chicago , Is" n OmaLa JoLnV Tcmplin ot St. Paul. Neb , Is a visitor In Omala. II C. Ilowntrco , an insurance man of Lin coln , Is in the city. C. II Adco , .1 Linker of Pawnee , Neb , h spending a few da > s iei tlio city. William II Smith , brother ot Dudley Smith of this clt } . \lsltlng In the city. II. Weber , a fell known merchant of Genoa , \cb > , Is registered at ouo of the hotels , John C. Wharton and wlfo returned yes- crday after a tour through California. Counclliran liurmcslor 1s out again today after a eevcro attack of grip and neuralgia , r. II. iMlller , an old resident of Cicte , la tailing friends In the city for a tow days. . llov. James Leonard nnd wlfo of North 'latto are in the city on a visit with friends John H. Crjer , proprietor of the Cremona arm at Ciemona , Nob. , Is In Omaha on tuslncss. i\-Senator W. D Ilaller of ninlr Is vlslt- ng friends In Omaha , and Is also hero on mslness. William II. PoolP , an old resident of the u'ato living at Wabash , Neb. , U In the city on business. Charles White , clerk of the Lincoln hotel of Lincoln , Is In the city on a short visit vlth friends. XIro John Fitzgerald of Lincoln , nccoin- lanled by her attorney , James Maoahan , are n the city on business. A. R. Andrews , now of Hot Springs , S. I ) , iut formerly of Iowa , Is In the city for a cw days. Ho will Join the Iowa legislative delegation on Its trk > about town today. At tlio Mlllard T. H. Wllcox , J. C N'lcholson , Lewis Herman W. P , Lelcv- nckcr , A Levlson , W , 13 Ilrovvn , New 'ark ; Charles II James , Ilobton ; Ed Frank , Turlington A party of New York capitalists , consisting of W M. Lincoln , 0. D Fielding and Max Schultz , accompanied by S. r. 0ncn ! of the 'Soo" lino. Chicago , were In the city this norntag while cnrouto west. Samuel A. Logan of Philadelphia Is In the Ity atid fuja the Transmlsslss'i. til : xpojltlou Is the best advertUcd western nstltutlon rvcr heard of In the cast I In vlll retuin In Juno to attend the opening of ho big show. Casper E Yost , president of the Nebraska 'olephono company , went to Divcnport , la. , esterday to confer with the ofllccrs of ho lowu Union Telephone company In rcfer- nco to toll rates between their points and lia Nebraska companies. II. T Ward , a mining export of Tecumsch , or many years Identified with western mln- ng operations , la In the city while on his tay to Seattle < ind the Klondike Mr. Ward Ui having a steamer built at Seattle and In- or.Js embarking with a party of friends for i prospecting tour up thu Yukon about larch 1. Nebrasl.ans at the hotels- Charier ! Dugan , Norfolk ; W H Wliccler , Stella , II P Jet- res , Greelcy Ccntor ; G. A Hyner , Mar- uette ; N Rhino and J. M Robinson , Mcr- Iman ; James Stephens , Carroll ; K. Wilbcr , GetKii ; W C. Ilrookn , Beatrice ; W. II. Deal- ig , Plattsmouth ; W S Park. North Plattc. tcyhiti Jenkins , Alma ; F. H Paroswortb -rank Maurltzlns. U E Glffen , Charles Vhlto , Lincoln , I'rcd Palmer Alliance , L A Scrlbcr Arcadia ; Jamrs Leonard and Ife , North Platte ; W L Temple. South lendj E. M. Westurvelt , Grand Island ; It llchurds. Geneva ; J , W. Trammel ) , Oxford ; . A. Miller , Crcto. . , ITS INTO nisrnicT conn HIP troUnxcitiM mill Slinri Slut led Ancn. . William J McKenna appeared befor Judge Scott yesterdayn and swore to an In formation , alleging tint Frank 13. Johnson rranagcr ; William II , Johnson , cashier , nnc Charlea A. Sharp , president of the Midland State bank , received deposits after It wa known that the bank was Insolvent. In his Information filed with the cour McKrcina alleges that , knowing the Ineol vent condition of the bank of which they were the officers , the defendants oa the da ; prior to the concern closing Its doors , re celvcsl and accepted from him the sum o $474 C5 and that no portion of the money lias ever been returned , though lie has fre- iiuently made demands for payment. Warrants were Issued for the arrcot o the three defendants and placed In the handa of the sheriff The warrants were made returnable forthwith. Liter the two Johnsons and Sharp were arraigned before Judge Scott They refused to pleiil nne stood mute , whereupon the court ordered a pica of not guilty entered The attorney for the defendants objected to the Jurisdic tion of the court , maintaining that the dis trict court was not a court of original Juris diction In criminal c-aece1 The objectlcn was overruled and the hearing set for nc-xt Wednesday morning , the defendants giving boncta tn the sum of $2,000 each for their appearance at that time The case In the police court has tceri dismissed It was leported ou the streets last t\en- Ing that there wns a deal on foot among n number ot live stock commission men at the exchange to remove their olllccs to the brick block to bo erected Just south of and adjoining the Dclmonico hotel. According to the reports twenty commission firms have signed an agreement to lease rooms for olllco purposes In this proposed block and othurs nro expected to Join In the move ment Those who arc agitating the mattot assert that the rents charged by * the stock yards compiny aic exorbitant and that tie ! compiny will not rcit nn olllco unless a five years' lease Is taken It Is for the purpose of securing accommodations nt lower rates than these now charged that the movement was started. A commission man who 1ms signed the agreement to move Into the proposed quar ters said labt night that the building would be elected ns soon as enough tennnts had been pledged , and that the rates for olnce out would bo very much lower than those now In force. The now building , will , It Is tnid , extend from Railroad avenue clear back to the alley and will be thiee stories high and erected exp'-p.ssly for olllco pat- poses. CIlISC Illl I lllllM-IINI-ll SllloOM. Yesterday Mayor En-sor sent n letter to Inspector Carroll Instructing him to at once close the Homo Ranch baleen on N street During the afternoon the Inspector visited the place and carried out the ordeis of the executive. In his letter the mayor liibtructed Can oil to obey the orders given regardless ot what members of the city council might dcolre. Thcic has been con siderable trouble icgnrdlng this baleen , but It Is thought now that the matter has been settled The Homo Ranch people started up last fall and filed an application foi a license The first bond was not satisfactory and It wra sent back for correction Then the application for a license was wlthliawn but the saloon kept running Just the same About tin co months ago the attention of the Board of Education was called to the fact that the saloon wns running without a license and the pioprletor then paid Into the city treasury the sum of $ JOO. As no llccnso could be Issued for such a sum the matter was brought up In the council two or three times nnd the chief of police was Instructed to clo o the place unless the full amount was paid Still nothing was done nnd the mayor becoming tired of fie delay took the matter out of the hands of the li cense committee and closed the resort. Olijc-rtlniK ( o ( ho CrosNliinr The city council has a perplexing ques tion to decide In relation to the request o : the Louis Bradford Lumber company foi I ernilsslon to construct a railroad track acioai llcllevue avenue1. At the last meet ing of the body the formal icrjucst for tnc track along with a map nnd petition from pioperty owners In that \iclnlty was read llhoio who blgncd the petition were D Mer rill , Crosby & . Rich , Charles Wofoer , Hart & Jones and N. F Sage All of the blgneu are doing buslncs" In the immediate K-lnlty of the proposed switch and they urge the council to add to the indui tries ot the city by granting the iciuest. Considerable op- pobltlon to this track has sprung up within the last day or two , ' onie of the merchants appearing to think that farmers coming up from the south will take the Thli-tcenth street read and go right on to Omaha In ptefcrenco to crow Ini ; a railroad track nt grade , Mayor Enscr Is heartily In favor cf grant ing the request of the luntbor company Ho thinks the city will be benefited by the acquisition of such an enterprise and Is of thn opinion that the council ought to think twice ibeforo driving I'oiiblncss concerns away from the city. TJio track acrcvs the street will nit 'bo ' ufced a great deal , so it Is claimed , and all possible ( linger can be avcrtel by compelling train crews to flag the trains acicss , as li done at other cross- In GC. K ncicUril Dunn li.t mi S. J. Allen , nn old scldler , whoso homo Is nt Tvienty sixth and 52 streets , wns struck by Union Pacific engine No. Oil near Swift's packing house ycstcn'iy * afternoon and quite badly Injured The old man wus walking along the track and did not hear the loco- motlvo whlbtle nnd bell nnd woi ? knocked down before the train could be stopped. As quickly as possible the Injured man was lomovcd to Iho deprt by the pollc-o nnd a doctor called to make an examination No ibonoj were broken , the Injuries consisting principally of bi liters and a gtu h on ( lie head After recovering from the shock Allen was taken to the hospital , where Dr Curtis dressed his v.ounds. ( 'II ; C.'osslp. R H Davis of Kearney wen a business visitor hero yesterday. Bert Haw Icy returned yesterday from a pleasure trip to Perch al , Ii. Dvvlght Newman of Gothenburg h hero looking after his property Inlercata. E M. Bird , a well known Gothenburg busi ness man. spent yesterday at the exchange ) Mra. George Karll , Eighteenth and M streets. Is rapidly recovering from her re cent Illness. Hilly JIangan , the N street n.all canler Is en the sick list and Ed Pollard Is carryIng - Ing his route. Mra. N II , Mead , Twenty -second and N streets , has returned from Fiomcat , where she went In tlio Interests of the Eastern Star. George Murphy , a Fort Crook soldier , died yesterday end the remains were brought to this city for Interment. Deceased was u member of the A. 0. H. The following rlrths were reported at the clerk's olllco yesterday : Mr. and Mrs Mar tin Teig , Thlrty-tlurd and N streets , a daughtei ; Mr. and Mrs. Jick Ackerly. Twen ty-sixth and C streets , a daughter , Mr. end Mra. John Nightingale , Twenty-seventh and J streets , a son , Mr cad Mrs J Brusbcll , K13 North Twenty -seventh ttrcct , a son. Chlldicn end adult. ? tortured by burns , scalds , 1 1 , Juries , e-czcina or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWltt' Witch Hazel Salve. It to the great I'llo remedy , ' 1'lululc'I.i'Ht ' 1 Jun to Colorado , Wyoming. Uiah and Pacific Coast Is via UNION PACIFIC from Missouri Illver 4 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City than Any Other Line ; 1C Hours Quicker to San Francisco than Any Other Line. For Tickets and full Information call at City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnara St. tOENFEL ! > T-IIenry. January 2S , al fam ily rebldcnce , Z'M Sprnguo trt-et , uged15 yearn and i days. Funeral notice later. WELL PLEASED WITH DENVEf Delegates to the Stock Growers' Convention Eoturn Satutbd , COLORADO COU1TESY AND HOSPITALITY t'c-udircn of Ihc Cntlic-rhiK Hint \ \ II lle-Ml llr Itc-iiic-iiilic-rcil l'rm-llc-al Itc-Milfn MIIIIC\I. lint X r lull CHI.i tlttit ill I'rcNCitt. Some of the delegates to the Slock Grow ers' convention at Denver returned last evening and the remaining ones are ex peeled In this morning. Everyone seemed to bo well pleased with the trip and the results of the three days' stay In the me tropollo of Colorado. W. J. C. Ketiyon , manager of the Union Stock yards , seemed to give expression to the feelings of a majority ot the returned delegates when ho said : "As a matter of business , the results of the convention could hardly bo classed as of very great Importance. It wns an Initial meeting , a meeting for organization and for the ex change of Ideas regarding stock growing rather than n meeting for the transaction of Important business. Everyone had n good ilmo and the people of Denver were most lospltable. Oinnlm would Imvo liked to lave had the next convention , If It had been the wHh of the delegates that It should como here , but as Denver had promoted the enterprise , nnd on that score seemed to lave some Just claim on the flibt annual ncotlint , and us the majority of tlio dele gates thought that It would be the best ilaco for holding It , everyone was satis- led to see It go thine , Ihero Is seine illus ion as to wlnt will bo the effect upon tw of building up n feeder market at Denver bellovo that the Denver market will bo a good thing for Nebraska. Denver , by iii'iins of rallioad connections , will bo able o secure cattle that would hardly bo ac- : esslble lo Omaha. Many of thiMO cattle vlll bo placed on feed In Nebraska and will ventually nnd thcli way to tlio South Omaha market. South Omili.t extends con gratulations to Denver upon the success of he convention and will accord Its heaitv upport and will do everything possible that nay tend to make the next convention 'qually ' successful " Poveial of the delegates spoke with evl- Icnt gratmcatlon of the rourtesle-s extended > y the stnto olllcors of Colorado , as they vere Invited to Inspect the capltol building - ml were at the same time given an oimal reception , ' 1 lie ) * < Mc-r > < > T ( InIn > . Atlg J. Doge ] , the leading druggist Shicvcport , La , siys "D Kingf Ne ) lbcovcry Is the only thing tint cures m ough , and it Is the best seller I have ' " Campbell , merchant of Safford , Ail- ; v rites "Dr. King's New Dlsrovciy Is hat Is claimed for It , It never falls and I , uro cure for Consumption , Coughs and Coli's ' cannot say enough for Its meilts" D Clng's New Dlscoveiy foi Consun-ptlon Coughs and Colds ib not an experiment. as been tried for a quarter of a century nd today stands at thr head It novei ells- ppotnts Free trial buttles at KiiUn & Co , rug store. , Read Hiyden Uroo' ad on the JJtll r SO hen you II know when the bargairo arc The Mercer notci , under the matagcmcni f Hick Smith , which Is to be < : neued for uslncss February 1 , will be run in llibt clats style Special rates given icjrular boardcli Hoiit-m.--Kc-ri * 1LIIISIOIIH. . Tickets will lo so'd on the first and third 'uesday of February and Marchv 11 the Jnlon PaclPc to po'mts In Kansas and Ne- rasKi ; points In Colorado west of and In- liullng Lcad\Ille , Sillda and Alamo-a ; pMnto n Wyoming west of and Inc.udlng Laramle olnts In Utah ( except en Souther i Pai iflc o > : ipany ) points In Idaho cast of and inclini ng We'rer ' and Market Lake ; also Oatailo ) rc. Minimum selling rate $9 00 For full nfoimatlon or tickets call at city ticket of- ce , 1302 rarnnm sticet 'ln < - rurnllnic oil ii liillv\ii > Trnln. Chairs , tcte-a-tetes and loungers In the bservatlon Car on the New Pcnnsyl\anli > imited are remarkable pieces of furniture n design , finish and convenience They aie omcthlng entliely new and glvo fie obser- atlon room the appearance of a giatul par- or. For details about the tialn and onto apply to II It. DERING , A. G P. gent , 218 South Clark St , Chicago. i "Tho Nebraska Moi cant lie Mut Ins. Co corns to be receiving the very liberal pat- onago of the business people of Omaha Fiom whit we csn Ic.irn It seens to bo coiductel on a thorough cash business basis and worthy of favoraMo coiisldciatlon by thooo contemplat'ng Insuranrc- " rnn HU\I.TI MXIIKKT. INSTnUMHNTS placed on file Fildiy , Januniy SWARRANTY WARRANTY DEEDS JPIIH Jensen and wife to C' S l"itint-Is , lot .1 , bloclc 7. Dil Pont Place. . . $ 100 Simo to E D. Crc-lgh , w 2"i fet oC c > 10 feet lot 10 , block 1 , fimpb ll's add 1OT Nor.v Alstadt nnd 'hushjiid tn J II. Law. n tract In nw'i he' ' , M-li-U , 3 J II Liw to S O llofi , H ime . . . . 1 H II Stevens and wife lo It. Itn.ciH , n . ' ! 0 fpet lot 7. block b , S'lilvci PIT o 200 Lliiw jed Park Lniul compiny to O T llubbird. lots 10 to lr > , block ( > , Linwood - wood Pa ik 2OjO llli rony inous Elpelc- and wlfo to otto Win inline h , lots 12 and 15 , block I , nnd lot 10 , block C , First add , to Fowlei I'lu-o SOO Sarah Alnnc-ow to S. A. Moore , c"I feet lot ii ami w II feet lot 7 , block ISO , Omiihn 11,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. II It Reynolds and wife to W. W. We Iday , lot 4 , block 1. A. S. Patilok'n add. , nnd loin 1 and i Pel by Hclghtu 1 DEEDS. Sheriff to If. A. 1'leice , HW'i ' svvli 17-15-40 37.1 Andrew IIlien , executor and trustee , to rmnk Thompson , executor , et al , lot II , block 2 , Union 1 1 ice 1 Frank Thompson , executor , tt al. to Joseph Duffy , Bime C30 Sheriff to Cdward Dewey , lot ! ) ami w 3i feet lot 8 , AxTord'H add 6,000 Sameto A. E Sme.illle , lot D , block D , Crelghton Heights 1,200 Total amount of transfers $22,620 OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS PACIFIC JC. NEBRASKA. ; C ITY .JOSEPH ATCHISON LEAVENWORTH' ' ' ) KANSAS CITY The shortest line Ticket Office : : are fanny little folks. Xo ttro arc alike. Some boys are all yttmption , some are all yaessirork. some are all deriltry , and some are a combination of yttmpfioii , and ( jaile. There are boys that are half tray r , but the areraae boy is simply a jtoeket edi tion of his daddy , ttnbottntt. A yood healthy boy trithin a-alkiny distance of a skafinypond can make more fan for himself , and more fronbfc for other folks , in fifteen minifies after sapper than his yrotrn tip sister can all day Sunday at the layoon. He tron'f need any skates. All he trill need is a elieap sled and a pair of Xebraska shoes. Then he trill climb to the top of the steepest hill he can Jind , place his food supporter neatly on the sled , let his feet hany ottt behind , the farther the better , and then zip. That's tehere the fan comes in , Xebraska sJiocs are a-arranted to trear. That's tcherc the trouble comes in. Thebity's mother brinys him inhis fathernercr comes , because he's been there himself , ) says the shoes irere trarranfed. he's only had 'cm tire treeks , 'ftras the first bad pair she erer tjot at The Xcbraxka , and shec.c- jiecfs a new pair. Our boys' shoe * are made from the best materials that money can bay , ire sell them cheap , ( t.OO , J. ' O , l.W a pair ) tee irarraiit them to trcar trcll icith ordinary nsaye , bat ice don't trarrant them to it-ear as tcell as a pair offirsf clasi skates , in- ol v > J - , all c It , Collarettes The up-to-date 't - shapes 'otluy ' .it S-2.0S , 81.50 , &i , SO , iT.oO and $10. Ladies' Suits S t y 1 i s h Blouse Suits : ind fly Front Jacket Suits , at cut prices. Ladies' Cloaks Best bhovvn anywlioio at tlio jincos SI.OS , $ 2M , , S > , $7.fiO nnd 810. In our $10 lot you will llncl the best cloak-i wo luivo liad thib jour. You'll never luiovv how iiuii-h you - CJM save unless von look. - ; , iGLOAK&SUITCO. - 1510 Douglas Street. . AVf irp In rcc ( Ipt of frcriinnt shipments of Antltoxlne fiom the1 1 ilmi itorlfs of - PukeInvls .t Lo nn 1 IF K Mulfoid - lulfoicl'Dlptlicili Antlto\liK N put up In il-"oliitilv stcr'lo ' paclci es 111 tile fol . low Intr stieiiKths and bl/e-s " .St ind.ird" (100 ( Imniunlzlns : units per c r ) No 1 vial 'M units ( " c. c ) $1 tin No 2 \lil 1.000 units (10 ( o. c. ) $1 71 No . ! vial 3,000 units (20 c- . c ) ! 2"i " 1'otcnt" (250 ( Immunlr.lns units pei c - ) No 1 \I.il fOii units ( J e. P. ) No 2l.il 1000 units ( I c. c ) No 3ril - , < " ' ) units (8 ( o. e ) JIM "IXtra Potent" MO ImmunlzIiiK units pel cc. . ) No 1 % lal TOO units (1 ( c. c. ) 1 ro No. 'J vial l.OCO unltrt (2 c. o. ) 2 71 No " . \lil 2OuO units ( I o. c ) r > W Alvv.ijH KVO ! tlio pipfe-ience to the C'cin- r-cntratod Sc-iums called "Potent" and "i\tr.i Potent. " Sherman G ® nooan ST. MIDDLH OF ULOCK OM MIA NI : DUFFY'S PURE I IALT WHISKEY All Druggists. r J i In" " niemlsh 12 VVi.iHl Ftieet , N'cw Vo.lc. Fj 0 Of Catirili ml oilier Chronic DIs ( I D ea = cs Is given by li Slupnid nfttrl _ I I i tin- most appiovid methods Fiee | | | consult itlon and low fees. Tho-c I _ I wlio ( | nsro | are wc'lc-ome to cill nnd I I Inflict the1 1 irgi st and bc = t equipped I olllccs In the vve t. I I Outllt nml stnrt fiom V\Jrt Ol'vnil li-nu-e 1. VANTOtJVl.lt la tlic tisle-at p ! ice on cartli lo get to 2 VANVol V Illl Is the m ircst port to AlnsUi. 3 VANTOU\ eooJs ire ( lie chea'iist nml beit. ANCO1JVI311 Roods jn > no customs duty , In Inn C'.nmill in nude , and nut numufic-- turtd In the Slntcs AN'l Ot Viil fii-lfilit Is list on iMinnl , nml thircfoic It Ilrsl Hixi nib lilted , i'ruqtlcal men v\III note this | > elm ANIX11 Viil : luns Its own stc-Tiiipri , nnd all iioilhKolnfj "tenimrs ns wc-M Cill nt VANVUI VlJIt iis nml Inform itlun flic- from \ \ . iii 1:11 , n. c. OR , MeCREW IB HIE ONI.V SPECIALIST wno Tiuiu'.Ta AMJ Private Diseases UralnfHUDt Illaordtrnt K1EW ONLV JM Ycnrs Uxperionca 1(1 ( Yours in Oinnlia Bimlc I'rco Cdiisidtn. tljal'roo. UoxTOO , 01 1-lth and 1'arnam fits , AJAX TAIiLCTSi POSITIVELY CUIII ! n OIM ory , lmi > Umcy , Sloepli fBiiosn , oto. cnufieil Liy AliiiBu or c'hor 1 reocHot * u-i i India- crotlani1 , 'Jficy ijitlrMttttul stircljt restore Jyist VUnllly In om or young uiul litniunuforbtuJy , liuslmiscr mnrrlar" . I'tcvont Jiib-inily onil C MBUDII lion it taknu iu llinn. Iholmso f.ho\ri ) Immcdiato irairovo- montanil i > larta a c IJItH v ] are nil other fail In- fift u [ > o i Imvlur ; Iho ccnulno Aji'Z 'Jnhleti. Tlioy havocarodUioutttndannil wlltmrcyau. VVoptioapos- ltt B wrltlon Rnnrunlnq to uiloct n euro Cfl PTS I" oachctitHjor itifund the uionoy 1'rli-ot Micknuo , or ell i kfs ( full Iroitniunll for KM. lly mull. In rlalii wrnprr. iitmn roct-ii tof r rlro I Irculnr free AJAX RHMEDV CO. , ' ' For tale in Omuhc ox jained rornytli 2Q1 ICIh litn-et. KuLn & Co . 15th anil UoUKlne SI rents. < 'hlrlir lcr' inill : li Diamond llrnnd. Orfctnnl anil Onlr ( icnlilnc. OArt ulwaj. rrlUUii I.ADIIS ii.k , llru < elit nr CMrA ler < knjlttli I'll f/ . , } nan Irail I In Id-it > ii I l-ull mrlilllo\\V ttoniant imitation , Alllrucgiiti Iu Ptnml * tut [ iirllcuUrl , liflltaoDltli > n4 "Itfllif Tur 1 uillii-'M'ilfll/r Lr rrluru Aliill. lO.dOO ri.llronl.l" fatn.rst" . . Bold ti ) til Lwal Uluigtill. J'llll.I A. , J'A. Here Trousers Bargain No. i , are 1QO piilrx cif u ilnrK iiilvliui- , fur n t\cu K inn II'H Ni-rvli-i- . MM il < - UN K'ifiil two IllllllH MllCMllll III- , llllllllllHlllllllll Nriiiiin , pnlc-iit ItiillDiiH , fordlli-il vvln-ici trouser iiu'it Klralii Is lii-uiiKlit Into l > lii ) . bargains a pair knock tlie persimmons Bargain No. 2 i.'l)0 ) pnliN rni-li slrlpril liliu-lc and off It I' " } , lilmlcliii liit Nil Ipi-il of inlvril ll lil i-iilui Injv. TIUNilroiiMir < < minf the DID "jilxnci iniiiiK < - lliiUli" no inln ( liiindN , lint i-ul < -IIIIIIIIIIIIH uiul iiiu-v- I// pants IIIK niilMl , 'lliitivlllit UKilriir ficini nliudil } nml fuliilu HUHif bargain tlon. talkers a pair prices. bhon IIM a liclli-r ( roiiNi-r linrKnln Hum UP iiuolo licrinml no i-i-minl yon nllli a J'lilr fi-i-u of CICIH ! fenuui - tioilliliAn ) ollu-r Ntcili- ( n biic-U mi uii olfc-r In tliU in IHI n erf iiif Diui'l all npualc at once.