Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 , THE OMAHA DAILY 111313 : PR I DAY , JANUARY 28 , 1808.
Coeper , Flro Ins . C Pearl , id. 372.
George II. iloynioii of Daveripor. In In
the city
Charles A Hcmllog came down from I5oone
II II Illoomcr and wife lelt for Chicago
IBJU evening.
P W Latlmer of Allngton , III. , Is In the
city for a urlof visit.
Trunk II Thompson of I'ostorla , 0 , In a
Council Iluffs ! visitor.
Peter Swanson and Hulda T. Johnson were
mnriieJ by Justice Vein.
Wanted , competent slrl for general house
work , ,120 Oiklnnd nvcnuc.
Albert 11. Anderson of Hot SprltiRS , S. D. ,
< s visiting frlcndi In this city.
George C Chapln and wlfo of Hastings
arc In the city , vl-dtlng fr'cnds. '
U II Stcphcnson of South llcnd , Ind. , Is
transuding business 'n this city.
nvorcit vA'iddcl. who has Uni very sick
lth tjphold fever , It convalescing.
Tliero la economy In palronl/liiK Iho "luff
City I.iundry. Thej'rs easy on nood-i.
J S Kllpatilek and J. M. Ilirrla of DCS
Mnlnes vvero am ins t-2 clty'n visitors jw
Justice Vlcn will go to Kansas City this
morning for a brief visit with relatives. He
mill return Sumlaj.
Ocorgo W. Cox and Hortcnso Ilrulni ; . aged
21 and 22 , procured a marriage license jes-
tbrday. Uoth nrc from Onialn ,
I ) 1) JpfTera of Hod Oak was In the city
yesterdaj calling on his friend , Deputy
United Stoles Marshal A. W. Itlckman
The funeral of the little daughter of Mr
mid Mrs Stephen Kltznagle occurred jefiler-
diy afternoon at the residence , 1020 Avo-
rue 0
\Vo give attention to little things In laun
dry work Yon get nil that Is best In line
work nnd good service nt the Haste laundry ,
721 IJwov.
The funeral of Adelh C liojsen , Infmt
daughter of Mr. nnd .Mrs S. Ilojscn , will
orrtir this afternoon at 2 o'clock nt the residence
denceIGtio South Sixth street.
Tlui junior members of the Loyal Tempcr-
nnrorrny will meet at the homo of Mrs.
Uasaney 351 Scott street , at I 30 this after
noon The Bcnlor members wilt meat at 7 30
The at nounecinont han been made of the
etiKngeiiunt of Dr John Orcen of this cltj
to Miss Margaret IHmllton , an Instructor at
the Iowa School for the Dent The marriage
will occur at I'ella , la , Tebrtiarj 9.
The pirty who exchanged astrackan capes
vvlth Mrs J. T Spare at the Od 1 fellows'
hall on the evcnliiK of January J4 will con
fer n very great favor by retuinlns the
same and getting their own nt 1021 Fourth
The Daughters of America gave a pleasIng -
Ing entertainment In tliclr hall last evcn'ng
M Wo.lman gave a number of new selec
tion * , on his gramophone , which were thor-
oughlj enjoyed. The affair concluded with
a social dance.
A series of revivals Is being conducted by
the Tree Methodists In their church on the
corner of Twelfth street and vvonue A. Hev
9 P Hnblnscm of Sac City has clmigo of the
meetings On Sunday services will be held
at 11 and 1 30 o'clock.
The farmhouse on the Jeffrejs farm , east
! of the oily. was completely destroyed by fire
on Wednesday night The fire caught from
f n dofectlvo chimney and spread so rnpldlj j
' that It vras Impossible to save but little of
the contents of the house.
| County Superintendent Sawor has been
\ -visiting the schools of the county during the
week and distributing eoplea of the law and
other school documents. He reports the
coimtry schools to ho In a nourishing condi
tion nnd thu attendance larger than over
recorded In the history of the schools.
The liquors found In Pitinell's saloon In
the opein house block on a search warrant
sworn out by County Attorney Saunders
were the subject of a discussion In Jiihtleo
Vlen's court jc&tcrday. At the conclusion
or the hearing the Justice ordered that the
Intoxlcitits he dcstrojed. The duty was per
formed by Constable Albert ) .
C. I ) . Viava Co. . female remedy ; consulta
tion free. OIHco hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to G
Health book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2SO.
Six fifty Metcalf Ilrce.
J. II. Slcplca la In the city for a brief
Visit. Ho lives In Wilbur. la.
INII ( | ' Trnnhfci-H.
The following transfers are reported from
the title nnd loan olllce of J. W. S < iulre ,
1 101 1'enil street :
County Treasurer to C. S. Sefferts , lots
1. . 12. 11 , II nnd l.r > . block fc. Hcii-
ROII'S rirst ndd ; lot 3. block 21 , llry-
nnt & Clnrk's milid ; lot 1 , block It ,
Hum's add lot 2. . block 11. Keny
dd. , lot 22. hloek 7 ; lot 1.1. block 2C.
nnd lot ! i block iO , KlemliiK Uav Is'
add , Council llluffa. tax deed $ 21
Bamo to Sime. lots 11 , 12 , 13 , II , 15 , 1C
and 17 , block OS. Uillro.Kl add , Coun
cil MlulTH , ta\ deed . . 3
Bame to Same , lot 27 , hi irk 3 , Hvan'H
rirst nrldKC add. , Council muffs , tax
deed 2
B.xmo to Same , lot 1 , block 2" , Terry
ndd. , Council Bluffs , tax deed . . . 2
B.imo to Same , loin 13 , block iO , nnd lot
I.r , block 17 , lllddle'8 BUbd. , Council
Hluffs , ta\ deed 4
Bamo to Same , lot 7 , block 31 , nnd lots
3 and . " > , block f > , Mullen's stibd. ; lot
4. block1 12 ; lot 21 , block 13 , and lot 3 ,
block U , Omnlia add. , lot 4. block 2.
Plalnvlew ndd to Council Hluffs , vv'i
of lot C. block -IS , nnd lots 7 and 15 ,
block Gl , Kiddle's subd , , Council
HlufTH , tax deed . . . 13
W 11 M. I'usey and wife to TiomiH
Olllcer , tind 't of e 20 feet of lots 1
nnd 2 , block S , Ilayllss's Plrst add ,
Council Hliiffs. < i. c. d 10
II P CunniiiKhnm and wlfo to Cioidou
Ilnye-H , i'i. seVi 11 , nnd sw',4 ' l--7l-3S ,
vv. d S.OCO
Clara Mann to John A , H.itcH , n strip
2 rods wide by W rods long off n
I Bldo sljj se'V neVi 15-73-40 , < l. a. d. . , . 33
Nine transfers , total amount JS.OM
They are b'acks , blues , browns , grays ,
plaids , checks < md slilpcs these ? O.CO suits
at Metcalf llrcs
Iluy jour baled hay of Lougeo & Lougcc ,
Masonic temple.
CH > Council Mcrtlnp ; .
The clt > council held a brief meeting last
night as committee of the whole to InvFstl-
Kftln tlio charges that had been lodged
against Street Commissioner Hardln , ncciw-
liiK him of using his position as city street
supervisor to advance Ills Interests and these
of his son aa contractors bidding for cltj
work. The charges were not InvestlgUed to
any extent for the reason that Oliver K
Hardlu withdrew the low bid on sidewalk
construction , upon the grounds that he did
not care for itho work nt the price- mil for
the additional reason that them would ho
dllllculty In disposing of the certificated aftci
the work was done
'I ho coumcll discussed Alderman Casper's
amendment to tlio telephone ordinance by
iwhjch It Is proposed to cut down the rental
of telephones to Iced than one-half of the
present prlco. An amendment to the amend
ment was mailo subatltutlmg $1 CO and f.1 50
lor the flgurtY ! originally used In Casper'u
amendment acid the matter was permitted
to drop at that until It Is formally brought
up In the council at some future meeting.
Eoard of Education Discovora a Fremising
Lead on Building.
Ilreelliin mill lliilnleiuinrc of ( lie
School nt Hie I\I : > I'IINC of the
Count ) for ( hi * llencllt of
All I'liplN.
A new turn has been given to discussion
of the project to erect a new high sc'Jool
building that will doubtless attract a great
deal of favorable attention and bring about
a solution that will meet the approval of n
largo majority of the taxpayers. The mat
ter was brought to the ntttnitluu of a num
ber of the members of the IJoard of Kduca-
tlon } estcrdny by Its former secretary , At
torney J. J. Stcwtirt. Ho called their at
tention to the provisions of chapter Nil of the
now code , which provides for the establish
ment of what Is designated as a County High
school. It was the first time the board had
been advised that the new code had nuiik
It possible to establish a high school for the
use of high school pupils all over the county
The law provides that If a petition bearing
Ilio names of one-third of Hie electors of
the county Is ( irescnled to the Beard ol
County Supervl'-ols asking for the establish
ment of the school nnd designating the lo
cation where It shall bo built , the board Is
obliged to submit a proposition to the voters
at < i general or nioc lal election uuthorl/ing
the levy of a tax on nil of the taxable prop-
ty to the amount of not exceeding K mllln
for nny ono jcar. to provide for the cost of
the building and the maintenance , of Ule
school The petltlcneis who locate- the sit
muet ( ircnont lo the count ) board with thcli
iietlllon the offer of a plat of sultalile giouml
upui which the building shall bo built and
guarantee that this land shall bo derated
to the county for putcnso The Mipei-
visors HTO rtion to sub nit the prop sltloi to
the voters , and if a majority of them vote
In favor of It the sm. > erv ! ors must create a
board of high school trustees consisting of
six members , not any two of whom shall
bo residents of the- same township These
trustees , and the county superintendent of
schools , who pliall be Its president , will have
full charge of the election of the bulldlni ;
and the management ot t'.io school Aftei
the first crpolntment the ollloes shall be
elective , nnd each ek'cted trustee shall serve
six > ear. ' . After diganlratloti the trustees
shall cast lots to determine which two shill
have the two short terms of two and four
> e-arn that will bo necessaiy to enable the
election to fill vacancies to occur every -two
) cais T.ieso tiustccs are to draw $2 a
day for every day actually emplojcd In the
disciarge of their duties They will consti
tute n Board ot L'ducution to far as the
high school Is cancel ncd under the simo rules
and with the same now on as the rc ulai
city Board of Education , hlilng all teachers
and iiwkl ig out the courses of stud ) In the
various grades of the high school. advantngcs of such a high school are
very gieat It guaiantees the erection or n '
fine building and a suitable fund to provide
for the school , and It affords means for
every boy and girl In the cou-nty who desires
to secure the benefit of n high school course
without cost. At the present time there Is
only one high school in thp county , and that
is Iccated here. A few pupils from the' coun
try and smaller towns In the county tave
availed themselves of the advantages It af-
foids , and have attempted to take the course
of study that Is provided. Many of them
have been willing to | ) ay the tuition requlied ,
but the crowded condition of the school has
led the Board of education to discourage
the country boys and girls from coming A
5-mlll levy on the present valuation would
bring into the high school treasury about
$65,000. Suc'.i a tax would onlv bo necssarv * '
for one jeai , which -would provide sum
nearly sufficient to build the necessary build
ings , and subsequent ) oars less than half
that amount would bo sufficient to pay the
operating expenses and the salaries ot
All of the members of the beard who have
had the matter called to their nttentlon arc
enthusiastically In favor of It , and the same
favorable opinion Is expressed by the citi
zens who have had it explained to them.
H Is not at all Improbable that steps will
bo taken to secure the necessary notltlon
and submit It to the county beard in time
for the election next fall.
Plvo dollars Metcalf Bros.
Pew special bargains In storage goods nt
Durfeo Purnlture Co. Will also dispose of
their flew bedroom suits , parlor suits anil
upholster * cl goods at 20 per cent discount to
make room for a laigc consignment of furni
ture especially for the Transmisslsslppl
exposition trade.
Those $1000 cheviot suits nro still being
sold at $ G DO at Metcalf Bros.
Stale- Hoard of lleiiltli Iliilletlll.
The Iowa Bulletin Issued by the State-
Board of Health , received here yesterday ,
contains a tabulated statement of the num
ber of deaths and the that caused
them In fourteen of the principal cities or
the stnto during fhe year. DCS Molnes , wltn
mi estimated population of 82,600 , had C4s
de-aths in tlio year , nn annual death rate
of 7.S5 per cent In tne 1,000 , Davenport
honls the list with the ratio of 1C 22 per
cent , having had a total of COS deaths since j
January 1 , 1897 , in on estimated population
of 3B.OOO. Council Bluffs , w Ith n population |
estimated at the same figures , had .HO |
deaths , a percentage of 9 27 , Dubuque , i
with a population of15,000 , had 46G deaths ,
or 10 35 per cent to each 1,000. Slouv City
appears to bo the healthiest place In the |
state , for , according to the table , the death
rate was only 1 U , which Is evidently a m s
print that bus been cairled through the en
tire array of figures , In the table the esti
mated population is 37 300 , and the total
number of deaths is reported to bo 313 ,
which would give a death rate considerably
higher. Oskaloosa's cstlnntcd population is
Sf > 00 and the total number ot deaths was
only ninety-one Keokuk follows close to
the hrad of healthy Iowa cities and Is shown
la have only 245 deaths in a population ot
19,300 The icport shows that consumption ,
pneumonia , bronchitis and hoirt disease
claimed the greatest number of victims , con
sumption heading the list in all of thu cities i
with ono exception OsKaloosa whore twelve
people died of Brlght's disease and only
eight from consumption. Plfty-thrce people
grow tlrtd of life during tlio year and com
mitted suicide Only one person met death
at the hands of n murderer during the year
in thu four teen cities , and that homicide Is
credited to Council Bluffs. The victim was
Mrs Axe , nnd her slayers are still at large- .
Six fifty Metcalf Brca
Prof I3dgar Prazler of Tabor college will
glvo his famous monologue , "The Prisoner
of Zcndl , " at the Congregational church
January 31.
IleiiimlelliiKT n Iliillillnu' .
The Kleeman building is now undergoing
a general remodeling and will eventually
become an olilco and lodge building A sep
arate entrance Is being built for the upper
doors , which will do away with the neces
sity of first walking through the largo room
on the ground lloor. Thu Delxmg Industrial
school has engaged the entire third floor
and comfortable quartern are being fitted
up , which will bo ready for occupancy to
morrow. The Dcero-Wella company Is ic-
modeling the first lloor to suit Ho purposes ,
having relinquished Its Sapp block offices to
the Northwestern Hallway company.
from ( lie DUIrlel Court ,
Juilgo Thornoll made au order In the dis
trict court yesterday In relation to the as
signment of. W. S , Homer. The aeilgnee ,
W , W. Wallace , la directed to list among
the claims two notes given by W S Homer
to C C Homer , for J200 and $203 respec
tively In the district court yesterday
JudgeThornell was hearing the evidence
In Iho caco of J. X Casady , jr. , against the
Manhattan Plro Insurance company Tnj !
su : Is to secure satisfaction for a breach
of contract When the elder Crnady left the
city two years ago he was owing the com
pany a balance of about $150 , which had
arisen through business relations with the
company that covered n period of many
yeara The company's representative tame
to the son who was conducting a general
Insurance bus nesa nnd mide propositions by
which he was to pay the amount due. Tlio
consideration was that the company was to
continue him ns Its agent here. The money
WEO poll and the company Immediately ap
pointed another agent , who happened to bo
a rival Satisfactory assurances could not
bo secured that the company would make
good the promise of Its representative nnd
suit was brought
They are blacks , blues , browns , grays ,
plaids , checks and stripes those $6 50 suits
at Metcalf BICA
UK ; TijiMJiJ T\II UO\V 'io nni.o IT.
i\Iioolllon Committee Vleetw mill lls-
oitNNes VVnj mill Meiinx ,
The big tcpcc nnd how to build It was the
subject for a gooJ deal of earnest discussion
at the regular mooting ot the executive
committee of the Council muffs Transmis
slsslppl i\pa3ltlon : last night. The report
of the button committee did not show a
favorable condition of things so far ns the
financial | * irt the button was to play In
the work of raising fund ? for the wigwam ,
and there was a general discussion of meth
ods for lalslng money. Reports from the
country Indicated that a great many buttons
could bo sold throughout the county It the
button was less distinctively a Council
Bluffs affair , and It was decided to got out
another button that would bo several times
larger than the present neat nnd handsome
llttlo affair and that should contain a has
relief Image of the wlgwnm. It was esti
mated that thIK button could be gotten ou' '
within three weeks , nnd Secrctaiy Judson
and the button committee were Instructcl
to have it ready for the market In the short
est possible time Lucius Wells doubted the
rilnn of urging the whole-ale and other bus
iness houses to fence the buttons upon their
customers and commercial traveleis for the
reason that It might Interfere with the sale
of goods He favored the plan ot strengthen
ing the solicitation committee and securing
pledges of the amount required. Leonard
I3vcrctt believed Hint the Tuition Idea was
Mill the most feasible one. and declared
that as Kansns City had rnised $50,000 by
it Council Bluffs ought to ral&c at least
The conimitteo on wigwam location re-
po-ted that the expedition management had
notified it that the site selected for the wig
wam must be taken at once and n. definite
answer returned by 5 o'clock this evening
3thoi pnrtlcs were nftcr It with an offer of
$2,500 for It It was decided to Instruct the
conimitteo to clo e the deal nt once nnd
dodge the association to pay the amount re
quired. The committee icportcd that the
[ iiico was to bo $1000 if an exhibit was to
Jc nut in and nothing If the big and unique
structure was to be used as n "home" for
the Pottawuttamlcs and their friends. The
impoi lance of going ahead and getting the
wigwam built at the earliest possible mo
ment was discussed at length. Dr. Hnnchett
said It was an enteiprise that had been her
alded all over the country and had been ad
vertised almost ns much ns the exposition It
self. A failure to erect it or any material
nodlficntlon of thcJ plans would cause Coun
cil Bluffs to bo laughed to scorn The sen
timent of the entire conimitteo was that the
work .should go on and that thcro should
jo no slighting in any part of it.
An invitation was presented by George P
Wright from President Wattles Inviting the
entire conimitteo of fifty to accompany the
members of the Iowa legislature to Omaha
when they reach here on Saturday. The Im
portance of showing the hearty accord of
Lho people of Council Bluffs with the expo
sition was discussed fully , nnd it was de
cided to have the secretary Invite a number
of other leading citizens to join the party
and Impress upon every person the ncces
'slty for using his influence with the assem
blymen whom ho might know the impor
tance of having a liberal appropriation The
committee nnd the citizens will meet at the
corner of Pearl street and Broadway at the
hour to bo given In the morning papers
Five dollars Metcalf Bros.
Wanted , at once , man to work in garden.
Must understand hot fiamo work. Address
J. H. McPherson , 1250 I > ast Pierce.
Five dollars Metcalf Bros.
KnilM His Kvlxlenee lit TnUliiK I'lirKe
I L. Stazell , an attorney from I3\lm , la ,
committed suicide in the Grand hotel laM
evening by taking a large daso of laudanum.
It was not discovered that he had taken
the poison until late In the evening , and
when found he was unconscious and beyond
medical help.
Staell came to the hotel about a week
ngo , and announced that ho was here on legal
business. Ho called on a number of la.vyers
here , among whom were Harl and McCabe ,
and for a couple of days seemed to be pretty
well employed. For the last two days he
lad remained at the hole ] during the gieater
part of the time , and was In his room al
most constantly. At 10 o'clock ycstoiday ho
called the bell boy and sent a telegram to
his wife announcing tlat ho would not be
homo until Prlday morning. Shortly after
noon ho repaired to his room and remained
there all the afternoon. At supper time a
hell boy was sent to the room and found
the door locked. The cleik was Informed
and made nn effort to arouse the man , whoso
heavy bicothlng could bo heard. The bell
boy wasi lifted over the transom and opened
the door. Sta/sell was IIng on the bed ,
( initially diessed and unconscious. A pliy-
slclan was Mimmoned nnd the discovery was
at once made Unit the man had taken an
overdose of laudanum. A two-ouoco battle
with a laudanum label upon It was found
besldo the bed. It was empty
Sta/cll had only a single i > loco of baggage ,
a small grly This was opened , and was
found to contain nothing but two pairs of
small rubber boots which ho had evidently
bought for his children An examination of
his pockets showed that he was without a
cent. Ho IiaJ paid nothing for his hotel
aecommodatlous. The physicians worked with
the unfortunate man until a few minutes be
fore 11 o'clock , when ho died
No cause has yet been assigned for the
suicide , and but little Is known of the cir
cumstances of the man beyond the fact that
ho stood well as a member of the I3xlra
Lar. Ho was about 3S years old ,
These $10.00 cheviot suits arc still being
sold at $0 60 at Mclcalt Bros.
Knreuell ( o ( lie ItnclioN ,
Arrangements nro being made for a fare-
foil reception to bo given to Hev. V. C
Hocho , pastor of the Plrst Baptist church ,
and Mrs. Hocho , at the church parlors this
evening The affair has been undertaken by
thu women of the church and there is little
reason for doubting that It will bo a pleasant
miccrsa Mr and Mrs. Hocho will Icavo the
city on Monday for their new homo In Dun
dee , III , near Chicago , where Mr , Hocho
will assume charge of a large and wealthy
Baptist church. Thu program includes mu
sical and literary selections and refresh
ments. It will provide the last opportunity
for the friends of the pastor and his family
to meet them In a friendly and Informal
way. On Sunday the pastor will preach his
farewell sermon and will leave the city
early on the following morning.
Boys' clothing at reduced prices at Met
calf Brew. '
Sold l.liiuur ( o VllnopN
Mike Kempls , Charles Lewis , Andy Hoi-
llii and Hans Frohtn were arrested yesterday
under the prohibitory law for selling In-
toxlcatlnu liquors , These arrests are Iho
outcome of another ucrlcu of caseu In police
court n few dnjs JJgoAas n res.lit of which
three boys , Arthur IlaWen , Wliifleld Kane
nnd Krank Klsseir were sent In Jail for
drunkenness The parents of the bojs made
up their minds that the saloon keepers who
eold the liquors shbuliV receive their fhnre
of punishment 'And' ' they accordingly
filed the InformatfiMiB. ' All of the saloon
men ctipcarcil before Justice Vlcn cod gave
bonds for eppoaranita ;
Mount loan ill tl r ( . 'lirlMliiii Home.
The donations rcgoiv'evl nt the Christian
Homo orphanage for tlio week were below
the needs for the first time In many weeks
This Is not discouraging to Manager Lemon ,
however , for he anticipates that the usual
heavy receipts that have eomo In on the an
niversary of the home , March 1C , will clear
up any deficiencies that miy occur In the
duller months succeeding the hollJajs , and
help a great deal toward wiping out the debt that has been hanging over the
Institution since the new buildings were
erected several > cars ago. The balance of
this debt la ld s than $2,000 , The grind
total of the donations to thu manager's fund
for the current week was $10 45. being $24 D3
below the needs of the week. Deficiency In
this fund , as reported last week , $18 , in-
crwslng dciflcloncy to date to $42.5 , " > .
Grand total of receipts In the general
fund amounts to $171 3 > , being $2S 65 below
the estimated needs for current expenses
of the week Amount needed In the Improve ,
mcnt nn 1 contingent fund , ns reported In
last week's inper , $85,912.67
SlK fifty Metcalf Urcs
IOWA sins run Tim ICI.OMIIKI : .
e ( iiinril lrrl\cs In Tiieomti mill
'I'llKM ! of PluiiN.
The representatives of a party of thirty-two
lowans who are bound for the Klondike are
In Tncoina , Wash. , looking over the stocks
of the local merchants and securing their
prices They are In no hurry about closing
a deal , says the Tacoma Ledger , for the
party will not leave the Sound before the , '
middle of next month , making progrom
toward the great fioen river by easy
stnget' They do not believe tlat anything i
Ks to be gained by reckless haste. j
J. M. Stnrbuck ot Cherokee and 13. C
Corn In of Sheldon , la , aio the two men
now In the city In the Interest of their cast- '
cm friends Another of the party will ar- j
rive tomorrow , and still another la now well
0,1 his way to Alaska He left on the .
steamer Hosalle to examine the two principal
trails and to secure aa much information |
legardlag the country no lie can When j
ills report Is received the party will dc-
termlno whether thev shall purchase a num
ber of horses for jacking thelt goods over
the mountain pafa
The Iowa party intends to take supplies
enough to last a year or two , and they In-
lend to purchase them In the caeapcst end
iicst market. Mr Corn In and Mr Starbuck
will rem.a'n ' here as the party 'a agents until
the otheis arrive about February IS.
One of them iray go to Alaska to look
after that part of the program , but the
other will stay here The paity is formed
from men coming from a half dozen Iowa
cities , the most from the southeastern pan
of the state Marshalltown , Ottumwa , Shel-
dcci and Cherokee furnish the largest iiuui-
Mr Corwln has on original idea In regard
to the party's exploration In Alaska. He
said that the 'party ' had not de
cided upon any particular point as the r
lestlmtlon. but would drift about to find
: he richest section of the country. He cays
that they will probably pack a muall donkey
engine over the slimmlt taking it down
the river with them. They will build some
vlnrt of a scow , using the donkey engine
'or ' motive power to force their way up the
river Whca not needed for this purpose
the engine , they believe , can be used lor
other work They will first explore the
Stewart river country '
Mr. Corwln says .that . the number which
will Icavo Iowa for Alaska eannct be esti-
nated. The excitement over the Klondike
Hscov erics has spread all over the state
and everyone who is free and nblo to go
s talking seriously of mnking the venture.
'IV lie her mill I'niiil
CGDAR RAPIDS , Jan. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Last Tuesday Mr. I3mmons , an ad
vanced student in the Marlon High school ,
went to Superintendent Dofllcmeycr to com
plain about some of the grades he had re
ceived. Tliero was a quarrel , during which
It Is alleged , the superintendent called the
boy a liar. A rough and tumble fight fol
lowed , In which both were scvcrciy pun
ished. It is probable the school board will
Investigate the matter.
loua I'olllleiil Note * .
Irving B. Rlchnian , late United States con
sul to St Gall , Switzerland , his returned to
his homo In Muscatlne.
The name of L. C. Mcchem of Ccntervlllo
is being used in connection with the re
publican nomination for congress In the
Eighth dlhtrlct.
The name of D J. Palmer of Washington
county tins been suggested in connection with
the republican nomlration for railrcad com
missioner In Iowa th's ' year.
J. H. Burgess of Ottumwn has been
designates ! by Charles A. Walsh to act In
his stead on tbo democratic state committee
during the absence of the latter In Alaska.
Iowa newspapers have heard the gossip
that Congressman Dolliver Is to come promi
nently to the front In the discussion of the
currency question In congress and has been
preparing himself for eome pointed remarks
on the subject.
The names of three ex-governors have been
mentioned In connection with the proposed
board of central for etato institutions Car
penter , Larrabco and Boles. It Is probable
that neither one would accept a place on a
commission requiring so much hard work.
Port Dodge Is the brain center of the
Tenth district. Congressman Dolliver llvco
there and also M. D O'Connell , solicitor ot
the treasury ; George 13. Roberts , director of
the mint , nnd Senator Hcaley , chairman of
the Investigating committee of the Iowa
The campaign for the nomination for mayor
of Des Molrcu Is becoming exciting to 'hat
city , The candidates are John Sherman , a
nephew of the secretory of state , end John
MaeVlcar , the present mayor , and both are
running on reform platforms. The demo
crats have not considered the subject of a
candidate as yet.
Prank Helsell of Sioux Haplds has been
formally announced as a republican candi
date for congrcra in the Eleventh district ,
nys the DCS Moines Leader , the word hav
ing gone out that Congressmen Perkins does
not want another term. We may expect
every county In the dhtrict to have a candi
date before the snow melts. The Lemurs
Globe says that Plymouth county has one
candidate and potaibly two to bo entered.
louu I'reMH Comment
Missouri Valley Republican A Sioux City
woman recently married a tramp because she
was sorry for him ; now all the neighbors
are sorry for htm.
Sioux City Tribune- There are 1,100 men
In the Iowa penitentiaries and but sixteen
women. Is It true that the women are that
much better than the men ?
Keokuk Gate Cltyi Iowa republican papers
generally are warmly. ' praising George 13.
Roberts' address on banking delivered last
week at Rolfe. It Is conceded on all sides
that his presentation of tbo subject Is the
best yet made. .
Nevada Watchman : If the nfsessor fol
lows the new law ho will know altogether too
much about the prlvao | affairs of his friends
and neighbors Ho should bo required to
give hand to keep quiet on what ho Is forced
to find out.
Dubuque Times * If a hoard of control Is
established It should control and not be
merely an advisory board , without authority
Do not disturb the present system If there
hi to bo no changeto a better one.n > ad
visory board Is not needed. The people want
the legislature to save that $300,000 which
Is spent unnecessarily every two years , and
will not Htanil any advisory board nonsense
They want a management a change that
will fix responsibility somewhere and not
an irresponsible board to bo made a scape
goat of. What U needed is reform , not
merely bifurcated management that would
not bo better and might be wort > o than the
present eyetcm.
Semto Judiciary romraittoo Reports Favor
ably on Titus' Resolution.
In VeToriliiniM' \ \ Mhe \ I'mv UliuiN < if
tin * Mill I lie Nourriumeiiiciil ,
It AilopdMllll TnUu
iire-cl : In 1IMIU.
UHS MOINUS , Jan. 27 ( Special
giam ) The scnnte Judiciary conimitteo de
cided without dissent today to recommend
j the Titus resolution looking to a constltu-
i tlonnl amendment to have onlv biennial
| elections. A.I present half the stnto olllcers
. cro clectcl each > ear. It U proposed to
I clmngo this so that all shall come In the
same jeir and no election bo necessary in
the Intervening > car. As county olllcer.s are
I nlao elected , half In ono year and half In the
I ne\.t , the same arrangement will be applied
, to them , The new arrangement will go into
I effect In 1002 If the resolution carries this
and the next legislature nnd then is accepted
by popular vote. H la expected to pass the
plt'sciil assembly.
j The state printing and binding contro
versy was practically settled for the present
i pesslon iu a caucus of house members this
[ ovcnlne ; . Two billa were before the house ,
one to abolsh the olllecs of printer and
| binder and adopt the contract sjstcm , mm
I the other to put Into Immediate effect a
reduced scale or prlcis adopted a joar ago ,
but which was not made effective till Jnn-
uary 1 , 1S99. State' Printer Conawuy aim
Hinder Young , apnoarcd before the caucus
and mildly protested against the immediate
enforcement of the new rates saving the >
had considerable inv raiments In their plants
made in the expectation that the old tales
would remain In foree. havemlci , Cook and
UKiKe objected to the bill , saving the state
had pratUcally contracted to paj the- old
rates till IbUU. Chairman Smith of the print
ing committee Insisted the rates were le-
muncratlve. Klommo , Speaker Punk and
others uigod the now ratca , nnd on the vote-
onli Cook nnd UlaKc opposed the measure
The plans are being laid in committee s
to cut the support fundsof the state in > tl-
tutloos in line with theHcnly committee's
lucommetulatlun It Is given out that this
course will unquestionably be adopted The
Institutions which arc receiving $11 pe-i
month per Ininato will probablj bo reduce-
to ? 1J , and others In like proportion.
Downing ( pop ) called up In the house his
resolution to commend the government for
sending the wni ship Maine to Havana. Tne
republicans hitched on an amendment to generally -
orally Indorse the present administration
This compelled the democrat * to oppose- tin
resolution , except Downing , who voted for It ,
before ho discovered the full bearing of the
amendment. U carried by practically a
party vote.
The longest debate of the session took
place in the house over1 the question of cut
ting off the stationery allowance to news
paper icpoitcis of $1 a week. The leform
ciu had ever ) thing their own waj and de
feated the lesolutlon to maKe the allowance
The house committee' on constitutional
amendments reported favorublj the woman
fcuffrage constitutional amendment without
even a minoritv repo.t. The suffragists
who aie hero In foico , with several national
olllcers directing the campaign , are hlghlj
elated over the fact that no dissenting re
port was made and declare thej will ca.-rj
both houses this time The bcnate , how
ever , will bo their weak point and It Is not
HKelj thoj will win there. Senator Hotch-
klss Introduced the resolution thcic this
Tlio serato passed a bill to allow rallronds
till 1UOO to e < | iilp cars with automatic coup
lers , also a bill to make November and December -
comber , instead of October nnd Xov ember ,
the season for killing quail. Lewis picsented
a bill to provide that county treasurers shall
ictaln in their hands state taxes until called
for by the state trcasuicr for Immediate use
The object is to allow the money to be
icatteicd throughout the state instead of
held In a fc > v DCS Moines banks.
The supreme court today decided the fa
mous Ulencoo and Whiting cases against the
Northwestern railroad The eases were
brought by ha > shippers at the towns named
on the Sioux Clt.v Ai Pacific railroad. The }
had shipped ha > to Council II In IT .s via Mis
souri Valley over the Sloax City & Pacific
and Northwestern roads They alleged In
suing for recovery of overcharges that they
had been compelled to pay the sum of two
local rates , ono O'i each road , Instead of the
Joint rate fixed for a like distance by thu
Iowa commissioners' schedule. Unit the same
roads made Joint rates between other points ,
coveilng a similar distance , much lower than
the rate chaigcd to plaintiffs , and therefore
they demanded recovery and damages The
lower court gave them verdicts ns claimed ,
holding that the road had charged extortlcci-
ate rates. AJH ! under the penal section of the
law they were given triple the amount of
overcharges , as exemplary damages The
case was appealed , nnd todny tlio supreme
court , in a long and elaboiate opinion , nf-
flnns ill. The road attacked the constitution
ality of the law and raised a long list of
objections , but the court sustained It
throughout and upheld the verdict It Is n
complete vindication of the legal right of the
btnto to prevent railroads from discriminat
ing in rates.
C'omiiifrcliil i'lnli til VlnrHlmlKcm n.
MAKSHAU-TOWN , la , Jan 27. ( Special )
Through the efforts of the Statcaman-Prees
the business men of this city l.avo organized
a commercial association which wlil be In
corporated under the laws of the state , end
wbfwe objects will bo to Induce Invertmreits
nnd Immigration and advance the business
Intercuts of the city. A board of directors
has been elected , eompose'd of the follow
ing N A. Carmean , carriage manufacturer ,
P. 0 Pierce- , major ; A A Moore , lumber
clralcr ; I' " . C. Letts , wholesale grocer , Hcnrj
Howe , banker ; A 12. Shoithill , ,
T. H'nford ' , attorney , L S Peckham , grocer ,
A. 0. Ollck. pork packer , and ex-Senator
GeT > rgo A , Turner , capitalist. This board
will cheese the officers of the association ,
A' . VI. C. V. Coiiti-nlloii.
MAIISHALLTOWN , la , Jan. 27. ( Spec'al )
The twenty-eighth annual state convention
of the Young Men's fhrlntlan association of
Iowa will bo held In this city , commenc
ing Kebnnry 17 lasting four dajs Amorm
the spcikcra will he Hov Prank Ilrintol of
Clil < aRO , who soon goes \vAnhlnfi'on ' to
accept the pastor-it * of the church of which
President McKlnleIs n member , Hev Or
13 I , Kiton of l e Moliiw. Hev Ur W M
Craig , ehincellor of Drake university DCS
Mointe , Governor L M Shaw , Prof , Albert
Longurldgp of CciMr PalUs , Ii ; C C Mich-
ener. International college seerclarj , K L
Hamilton , International rnllroad sccrcur } ;
A M Druncr of Hock Island III. nsaht.inl
stale secretary of Illinois Prank W Ober of
Chicago editor of Me and John \V H.nsei
of Chicago , general stcrclar } of the Western
Sectarial 'institute. ' At the same time the
fifth Young Men's Christian n'swlatlon stnto
athletic contest will be held here.
Ceil n r Itniilils Si-i'Ut I'oi MI n n en I Loca
tion ( if the \iiiiiiul VltTtlnn I'liicr
CUD Ml UAP1DS , In , Jan -Special (
At the regular meeting of Star of the West
lodge. Knights of Pjthlas , ot this clt } stops
wcio taken looking toward making Cedar
Haplds the pcrnnnent location of ttio
Pjthlan grand lolgc of Iowa A committee
consisting of all the past chancellors ot the
lc\lge\ Including J. P Hall I , A Brewer ,
1M II Show neorgo W. Knkle , \ 13 Mill-
ford , i : W Winter , II S Clrlswold. J P
Stoddard , John M Grimm. J A Watson and
othcru , was appointed to look after and push
tho. Interests of Cedar Itnplds In thematter. .
At the grand lodge meeting nt Clinton last
} cvir a committee was appointed to report
on n proposal for n permanent location for
the grand lodge , nnd this committee will rep -
p rt nt the gland lodge meeting In Council
llltiffs in August next Ihe chairman of
this committee , Colonel Baker of Toledo ,
vvna hero Momlnv , nnd It was upon his rec
ommendation tint Star of the West took ae.
lion upon the matter on Monday night The
chairman of the local committee Is of thp
opinion that the contwt lies between four
cities , DCS Moincs , Murshalltown Cedar
UnpkM nnd AVntcrloo The center of popu
lation of the skito as regards Pvthlans l
cast of Marshnlltown , nnd for this reason
It IP ( believed Cedar Haplds can havn these
great meetings every jeui by simply ncklng
for them
Dvi'Kcil Over A\oen OiillH Mutter
GHISWOLD. la , Jan. 27 ( Special ) -J J
Hlnslev of Avoca was In town Mon la > nnd
Xuri dnv In the Interest of the "Mil end
PottawatMmln countv court house removal
Tlio attorncvs of Council Bluffs nro living
to hivn thu rnm t nt Avoca abandoned The
tier of townships on the east line nr i In
firlswold's tenitorv for tiade , and banKeis
merclnntM etc are Interested in nnjthin ?
nflcctlng the Interest of these people To
abandon the cnuit at Avoca would put thorn
to the old-tlmo Inconvenience of miking
trips to the Hluffs on all court busmr-vs nt
Krfit loss of time with no corrc'inndlng
benefit The time tnblo on the branch loids
nro PO arranged ns to make Avoea the oid >
town In eastern PoUawattnmlo count } nc
res-slblo as a county town. The cxtri m'lc- '
ace ; for court \\ltnosscH alone v.oull cost
more than It does to mnlnlaln the ccurt
it Avoca. Tlio east end people arc much
excited over the matter.
Sniiiiilli Su Imller.
CI3DAR KAPIDS , Jun 27. ( Special Tele
gram ) OTO ot the smoothest swindles over
woikod bete and which netted the swindler
about $750 In cold cash In two or thre.
weeks' tlmo has just been exposed During
Iho latter part of Dccembci n soung man
giving the name of Jacobs , claiming to bo
from Maishalltowu nnd working to , ecme
enough monej to finish his college oducv
tlon , came to the clt } and representing him
self to bo the agent of itho Cosmopolltin
Publlshlni ; company , limlti'd , took several
hundred subscilptlons to the Cosmopolitan
magazine. I ) > holding out the Inducement
that it was but 75 cents per jear If paid for
In ndvanco he secured the cash in ncarlj
every Instance It has Just been lenrnci
there is no such companj as represented am
that the mngazluo company has no agents
working here
\rrniiprln ! Jlntes fur
ATLANTIC , la. Jan. 27-Special ( Tele
gram ) The secretaries of the fair associa
tions , with headquarters at Carroll , Audu
bon , Atlantic , Avoca and Hat Ian , met in this
city this morning In person or lij pioxy aid
ai ranged dates for holding the fairs In 1SOS
O.v'rig to the absence of the Carroll tepro-
ientatlvc nil diteu weie not nmle The- Caps
county fair will be held the- week of the
nth of September , Avoc-i acid Hnilan the
two weeks following Some noted pacers an 1
trotters will be booked and the meetings
made very Interesting
Dili mini's Hum n Store.
WATKHLOO , In , Jan. 27 ( Special ) Thi
general slore of Kcnney Brothers nnd the
postolllco at Shad } Grove wcie binned last
ulglit The loss is total , Including a $3.000
stock and a largo amount of ninnr } . The
file was dlscoveied nt mlJnlK'.it , but owing
to a lack of fire ( iiotci'tion It could not be
contiollcd. I'livchtlgatlon this morning thaws
the fire was set bj buiglais to hide the > cvi-
dcnco ot their crime. Money nnd drafts
owned by Ketinoy Htothcrs and postodi. e
funds were taken.
i. o. r. . T. oin ! < .
HAWAHnRN , la , Jan. 27. ( Special )
Gladstone lodge , Indciiendcnt Order of Goo 1
Templars , last night elected n. G Pair-
brother worthy chief ; Miss Giaco Mullen ,
vice templai ; Prof 13 13 Hall , secretary ,
George W. Welch , llmnclal socretarj Tills
is the- homo lodge of Hon. George W Welch ,
the worthy grand chief of Iowa , and I& th"
banner lolgo of the htato and of t'.ic north
west , possessing a mcmbersh'i.i of o\ei 2J3
Vlellm iif MlK | > lnec l ConIlilenee.
ALBIA , la , Jan. 27 ( Eyccial ) A II
Snrbncr , a farmer of Pleasant township is
tlio victim of the dishonesty of ono whom
ho befriended He recently took In a strange !
who applied for work , fed him nnd gave
him steady ciiiplo ) nicnt. The other day ho
.sont him to Al.jiu tilth a diota of hogs to
ship. Instead of delivering the hogs as dl-
leded the fitiangcr hold ttocm for J30 nnd
loft for ( arts unkiionn.
.Sent ( o Hie I'en.
ATLANTIC. la , Jan 27. ( Special Tele
gram ) Prcd llecms , an accomplice with Jeff
Whlpplo in robbing Shoudy Brothers' hnrd-
vvaru store of firearms nnd cutlery last De
cember , was sentenced toda } by Judge Smith
to eighteen months at Port Madison Both
will bo taken thcro tonight. "Whlpplo gets
two ycais.
A eel lie n I.
ATM \NTIC , la. , Jan. 27. ( Special Tele
gram ) The third roasting accident nt thlu
place that may result fatally Imppeneil late
this nfteinoon Willie GalTeo was gunllng n
long bobsled down n Btcci. ) hill and ran lire
a farmer's wagon Ho was taken home UH
conscious and is still In a critical condition
Kidney and Bladder Troubles Quickly Cure
You May Have a Sample Bottle of the Great Discovery
Dr , Kilmer's Swamp-Root Sent Free by Mail ,
Men and women doctor their troubles BO
often without bcncllt , that they get dis
couraged and ultcptle-al. Ill inoBt micli cages
Burloua mlMalu's are made In doctoring and
In not knowing what our trouble Is or what
makes us nick. The unmlstalidblo evidences
of kidney trouble are pain or dull ache lit
the buck , too frequent deslro to pass water ,
scanty supply , smarting Irritation AH Idd-
ne y dlseabo advances the face looks sallower
or pale , puffs or dark circles under the
e > eu , the fce't dwell and sometimes the
heart aches badly. Should further ovldonco
be needed to find out the CUIIKO of sltk-
iicbH , then Bet urlno aside for twcut-four
hours : If there la a sediment or settling
It Is also convincing proof that our kldnoys
and bladder need doctoring > A fact often
overlooked la that women Miffer as much
from kidney and bladder trouble ) as men
Dr. Kllmer'fl Swamp Hoot Is the discov
ery of the eminent ploslclan and scientist
and to not recommended for overthing , but
will bo found just what is needed In cases
of kidney and bladder disorders or trouble' *
duo to weak Idilncjs , such as catarrh of
the bladder , gravel rheumatism and
Ilright'H Disease , IB thu nortt form
of kidney trouble It eorrects inabllltj to
hold uilno and smarting in iionslng It , und
promptly overcomes that unpleasant cic ea
sily of being compelled to get up many
times during tlio night
The mild and extraordinary cffci t
of this great remedy In BOMI re-
all/ed. It stands the highest for Its
wonderful cures Bold by druggists ,
fifty cents und ono dollar. So universally !
ftuccewift.l U HuiuiHi-lloot In ( julckly curUig
oven tli must distressing cases , ttut topiovti I
Its wonderful merit , > ou may liavu a sample ;
liottlo and a book of valnublu Information
both BCTU absolutely free by mall , iiKm | re
ceipt of thrco two-cuit ntamps to cover cost
of postage on Iho bottle. Mention The
Omaha Dally Dee and fiend jour address to
Dr Kilmer & Co , llltighainton , N. V ThU
generous offer ciBearing | In thin taper Is a
guarantee of I'cuulncncsii ,
Doctors Banished.
Under the Munyon System Every
Homo Has Its Own Physician.
"Somo women. " sayn Professor . „ . . . . -
yon , "can afford a now dre'8 every evenIng -
Ing , others can't , some people can afforOI
to Imvo a iloclor for every ache and pnln
others can't. "
Munyoti'a Improved Homoeopnthlo
He-mcdles , n Repurnto rpcclfle for cacti
dl e.iBe. nil plainly labeled with complete
nnd plain tllrectlonB. with Munjou'a
" aulcw to Hcillh , " enable people to bo
their own ph > slelnns. All driiRnlsts have
them , inosllj ill cents n bottle
Mr n. H. llobblnp , President of t'ho
Wlchltn , ConitiK rclal CollcRiWlchltn ,
Knn. , avs. " Somotlmo ngo I wns tnken
suddcny 111 with I-a Grippe , beliif ? In pain
ftotu henct to foot. My wife HUKee lejl
that I try the Munyon Kemedles. 1 took
ono bottle of your famoua little pcllcti ,
and the effect wm innrveltwt In tweti-
ty-four hours after I began lakliiK the
iiifdlelno my pains hud nil viuiMied. I
bucnmo well apalii , and urn now enjoying1
my mual hiahli I glndly flvo thin tcstl-
inonlnl , bollevliifr that your medicines
possess wonderful curative ( imilltlcK. "
.Mri. Xelllo A. Miller , 1014 Campbell
Sit cot , Denver , Col , nnv-n : " Munyon's
remedy for stomach trouble cured me. In
three days of a complicated dlsotder of
the stomach , ftom which I suffoied for
jenrs It tool : but one buttle , nnd I mott
honrtllv recommend It to nil these who
nro slmlliul ) atlllcted "
t In doubt , \\rlto Professor Mun > on , at
I'hlliidclphla , 1'a , and net medical advlco
Prlmnry , Eccoiulniy or Tertiary DIX5OD
roibON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You cnn Lc treated nt homo for sam
price under enmo guaranty If sou prefer
to came here we will contract tu iny railroad -
road fare mil hotel bllle , and no charge
tf we fail to cure.
taken mcrcurj. loJKlo potmh nnd itlll
have nclitn and pains. Mucous 1'atches In
mouth Sore Throat Pimples , Cupper Col.
sred HvtB , I Iccrb on an > part of the
body H lr or UjcbroTs falling out , It U
Ihl3 Secondarj
We Guarantee to Gure
\Ve solicit the nirst obstlnata cnnei nnd
clmllenRC the world for n en oo cannot
cure This cllsriue has aluayt tiadlcd the
( kill of the moit eminent ploslclnns.
J'00,000 capital behind our unconditional
Kunrnnty Absolute proofs tent denied
on application 100 page book cent free.
Address COOK Ur.VIIODV CO. . 1101
MuNonlo To in 111 o , Chlca o , III.
Is noldunder positive IVrittrti 4 iinriuilce.
1 - - - ' ' ' '
hyniithorizediifioiitij only , to cum i Woalc Memory
DizzmnssVnltofuliieB8 , Fits , IIiBtorin , Quicfc-
n"ss , Niu-ht Losses , Kvil Drenras , Ijnck of Couji.
donco.NorroUHiioss.UiBsItudo , nil DrniiiB , Youth
ful Errors , or Exooniivo UMI of Tub icon , Opium ,
< > r Liquor , vvhU h loads to Misery , Coniminptlnn ,
Insanity nud Donlh. At Btoro or by mail , $1 a
box ; eir for Jr > ; with % v rltten Kiinrniitpu to
cure or rofiiiiil money. Hiiniplo jmeli-
ago , containing iiva dns treatment , vvitli full
instructions , 25 eontn. Ono enm plo only oold to
cacliporson. _ At utoro or by mail.
ES"Rcd Label Special
Extra Strength.
Tor Iiupotoney , Loin o )
1'ownr , .Lost Manhood ,
Hlorihty or nnrrMinous
, Sl n box ; mx fur $5 , will. .
written Kiiaranter ,
, _ _ _ _ _ tocuroin-iOuajfl , Atetoru
< e&FOREorbyintdl.
.Mr union Druif Co. , .S. C. Come *
Kith imil Knriinni sin. . Oiiiiilin , Nub.
iii ivii : His.
127 W. . ! t. . N. Y.
l-iir Snl < * Olll > l > > .IOIIN II.MCII , 13
Miilli SI. , Uoiinrll llliHTM.
ItoliUutptlKtimt hecrctury
> \ \TIUN ti , si HITtn. : . \ v.
| " ! / * | ' ° * er ° "e " "a On"al
AU IjonilK ixuiited nt m > olllce
.US , N. CAbADY , JR. ,
- ! . ! Mnln SlrH
lirVi" . ° r " ' " ' Ua > r * " . I'earl
Initruclloni. AIMn lluiter , itudta
H8 . 'lru" ' < lway Herman inc
of Lrc den Coriiervatory.