Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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B. 1UMI.VV.VTKII , Udltor
I'UDt.lSHUU jVKIlV Jlem.MN' }
Hco ( Wllliout Sun < H . Ono \c\r. . . JS ( W
JMIIy rioe aiul Sunday. Orio iVar . 3 o
Kli Monilm . * " "
. . . Tlire * llonilin . S < > >
i HuncHy IJPO One Yonr . 2 '
1 HaiureJ.iy llro. Onp Y nr . 1 ? >
Vte\t'y \ 15te , Una Vnr . < "
Omalti The Dec IliilMIni ;
Knui'i nmiln SIIISLP Hilt ( "or. N anil 2llh CIS
Council muffs 10 I'fftrl rtirc t
C'nl IIKU ( JHkey > 2 ( Immbcp of Camini rco.
JJi-\v V'orlt. Tcmpli" Court
\\a lilnBton. Ml rmirte-pntli Street.
All comin nlcnlon ( rchllint to nr-vs nnil dlti > -
rlal inattfi ulimild bo aililri"il : To till bdl'ur
DL'HiNiMs uvriKtiH
All limtnwn letters anil romlttanrei ctiouM h
niMicfl't-u to The Iloo INjIillnhlnn Compinj
Omnhi Drifts , check * . oxpfpia nn' ' ' } r 'tot l < v
tnonoj nrdcis to lie nimle payable to tliu ciiliv or
th. eom ny.
, , „ „ „ , , „ „ „ , COMlANy.
Plate of NelirnnUa IJounlns County , es. :
. Ueorno 11 Twclnick , DC rrtnry of The lire Tub
ItohlriR Cnmpanj. Ix'lnst iluly rwnni fay * thnt the
nctunl numlicr of full nnd complete cnplfs of Tno
Hilly , Mm nine , llvenlm ? nml suixlny lieo printed
durlni } Pia inontli of biccmljcr , U87. vvis as foi-
lows :
i 21 m i : ' ? }
Z 21 375 IS ; .51 }
3 SUM ) ' ;
4 21 517 50 ! M
B 2I.-.12 51 5JJ
C | 1V > S2 Jf'Z ;
7 ZI.CM 23 J 2'i '
8 ? | 31 | 31 21 511
i fi.nri : ; ( m'rn's oniv ) 10 r. "
in 21.2m 2 ? 21 "J ?
it "i m 2 . . si "jut
12 : : : : : . : : : : : > -JS : : : . : . . . .
11 JJ2I7 21 ! tm <
II 21 ! ! 3.1 Jill"
15 21.577 51 ZI.MJ
JO 21,161
Totnl CTSW
returnm ! nnd unsold copies 12.352
NVt tntnl Fairs fill r,1
Net ililly nvornRi > 21131
ononnn n. T/WIUTK
Fw rrn to I eforp me nnd Milrrrll oJ In my
pri"'pn 'i. this 1st day of January 19'
( Seal > N i' ntr.
Notnrj rul > Ic
Tlu > Invvor the intitilclp'il lav levy tlin
loiiilor will lie the npphuw of the piMpl ) >
\Uio p.iy the
Sonutnr-oloi't McConum ran now sin ; : ,
"M.ii.vl.iml. Mj M.ii.vl.iml. " Jliti-.vlantl
Is no longer Gorman's.
A council Hui Ind the Krlt to stand
fitm n iilnst tlio fi.uioliUod roioi.itlniis ]
.should li.tvo llio nrlt to st.inil Hi in
bclinol Im.ird
In tlio piooM | ) > d Kiilk'iy of former
po < tnin .ti is in tin1 ii"W po > toineo tlu >
pl.uv of sct-'I ) > il honor must lie i c i'i vod
Jit .ill II.I/.H-OS lor A. IX . .lonihut. .
I'M'Mdent Dele sn.vs lie will not w.tlt
his lotnrn to Ilnvvnll until tlittuinox.i
tlnn treaty N rat III oil Piosldont Poll-
Is not yet icMily to t lUo tip n JK-II
H's'ilcnce ' at Washington.
A grand lonnd-iip ot the ships of
the nations in I'loiid.i sli.ilt might M-rvc
to Impress ( JeneiMl Ul.uiio with the fact
ol Ids own liislgnlilc.uifi * and the % \ea
IR-SS of the nation he lepiesenl.s.
The Idaho IcgNUtuip thie.itens to im-
peieh the I < l.ilin supiome court , wlilcli decl.iicd thai nc.uly eveiything done
liy the leglsl.ituie was done wrong. Who
would then dei'ld > which Is tight ?
The nri > yfiis-Xola incident doesn't
tlio itistalillily of the lepiibliean
goveinniont in Tiance. A low of that
Kind In Spnlti. for liistaneo , would ptoln
lily haM- ended In upsetting the inon-
Now India is tlueatened with the gold
fil.indiml , but the ptipniT.its will not he
able to make any capital out of th >
fact since it would be haul to concehe
how thi ! condition of staivlng peopl
could be worse.
Th' local weather forecaster . < avs that
\oiMbnlaiy of the w.Uhei biiiean
knows no such word as "bli//.ud. " if
ho u icvNcil edition of that vocabulary
A\ill have to be pi luted If It is ever to
bo luought up to date.
Not having indulged overmuch boast
ing and blulling hi the Maryland .spna-
toilal light , it Is not for the
M.uyland democi.ils to cover their le
treat witli gioundless charges of brlbiitj
and other tel'phonic scandils.
Thus fur the net result of the flee
silver debate in 'he senate has been to
glvo Senator Teller a chaniv to icpudi-
ate what he hail n vlmisly .said about
the duty of the govotnment to pay Its
obligations In full equivalent for what
It received.
A cur.soiy examination of our Ne
braska exchanges would seem to Indi
cate that the .lolm li. Webster literary
mill had icsiinied opei.itlons on full
time. Whether the ivopenlng of this
great mill will be taken as a nlgu of pie > peilty Is yet to tiatisplr" .
Mr. Hiyau'.s latest grist of words and
fienleui'ps Is copyiighted mid can be ob
tallied only by paying a loyally tli 'icon.
If ho Is to outer upon n policy of copj-
ilghting1 hU effusions he will not get as
much space in the future lu fiee hllvei
oigaus as In the past. They believe In
fiee "VIMytiling.
It Is to be hoped Dr. Peabody will
soon be able to attend the meetings of
tile police lioaid again. Thcio Is no
telling when lleidmaii and Ids gang will
ha\e another piece of political dlily
woik lu which the assistance of a con-
K-lentloiis iion-pnitls.iu IlKo the diictoi
will be uei'e.ssaiy.
According to nil olllclal table Isttied by
the rostolllce department Oinalia Is
most deficient lu the number of nieii In
Its letter cairlcr lorce as compaied with
the can let loice.s of oth-r cities of the
h.nne or smaller population and tue.i.
Ill a just ciiiiall'/.itlou of the caiiler < 1 -
livery M'r\hv of the couutiy Oiuah.i
ought lo come Lu for n decided Inci0.130 ,
no matter what basis Is adopted.
The man who abhor.s piosperlty has
PCI veil notice on tlii > Transmlrtilhsliml
l xposltlou maiiagciueiit that hu will not
contiUnite a dollar to the gieat enler-
jitise that will drop thousands of dol-
lai.s Into hotel nlols so long as o\t > iy
body lu Ointiliii , and especially The Hiv ,
does not stop talking about him. The
man who abhors prosperity is evidently
bard up for a pieleU for his peiMstciit
habit of letting other pi'oplo build tlio
top Merles of his hostohkd.
Mt'f.KSn V/BtlX
The s aleincut.i by the republican
ini'iiibers of the hoiiso committee on
lianKIni , * mid curroticy of their vlowa on
the subject of etiru'iiry Ipglslntlon show
a diversity that tenders highly linpiob.t-
ble an ngrceincnt on any mcastiic for
rturoncj revision The clmlinuin of the
fonutilttcp , Mr. V ' .ilkcr of Mitisnohii-
settft , wjiuts a baiiklng system based on
assets , to which only one other member
of the. committee assented. Two of the
mt'iiibers declared opposition to retiring
the greenbacks and one member .said
retlti'inout should bu c.itetully dealt
with. Specific decimation for the gold
Ktandaid was opposed by two metubeis.
.Six favoivd icllrlug ( he gieonlmcks and
eliminating the. cinrency brslness fiom
the Hoasury.
This U thu committee whose duty It
Is to consider pioposcd cttrioncy legisla
tion. It has befoie It the plan of Sccix'-
tnry Gage and also the plan of the mon
etary commission. It has given hear
ings to members of that commission in
explanation of their plan of cinrency 10-
vision and to the secictary of the treas
ury In explanation of his plan. Yet
there Is as gicat dhvitflty of views In
the committee now as there was In the
last congr ss and the chances of ngiee-
lug on a euirrnoy bill have not bu
The Indianapolis monclaiy conven
tion , which lesolvcd to push the light
for cutrciiey icfornv along the line * laid
down by the monetaiy commission , will
llnd little cneouiajioniciit In the attltud"
of most of the members of the bulking
and currency committee. Obviously Its
l.ibor has been largely lost , so far as committee Is concern-d. and It Is
M-ry doubtful whether the iulluence II
c.m now exert will effect much of a
cliingo 1C any This b-lug so. n is per
tinent to ask whether II Is wise to ke - pup
up the cttnciicy agitation ?
Tor nil tlwit he Ms done nnd Is cloltiK foi
Nebiaski .nnd the \\rat the Nebrasln editor
deserves ( substantial iccoEjnlHcn Tlio third
thlm ? ostabllshel In e er > new western can
niunitj is a newsjrper. The first Hi n , ; h E n
orally n saloon on I the second Is n rhun-li
And whllo the silocri and the rlmrch QIP
Htrilsgllng to cquallzo ttu'a other the no.\l > -
icoor pie. ? ahenditli the wo.k of tclllnB tc
the world the truth'ul fact that in Its yartlcti-
ln domah. Is to be found oil the icqui'ltes
of happy liteVorldIIeruM. .
This Is a lelt-hand'd coinilIiiuMit | the
Nebiaska editois cannot but icseiit sis
imputation tlio conimuulti >
an upon > o
which they have labors ! to build up
The onlj excuse for emitting .smh a
slllj slur upon our state would be the
plea tint it was wiitteii between tliinUs.
The idea that in Xebi.iska evcty town
starts fiom a saloon , fiom which the
path leads to a newspaper , Is a .stupid
slander upon the stuuly pioneeis who
loiinded our NebiasK.t towns.
It Is eipi.illy scandalous to assptt that
In thi' giowth of Xebi.iska towns there
is a constant shugglo between tli
chinch and the saloon to equalize on"
another , iseoios ot low'iis in NebiasKa
have never had a saloon , while we doubt
if tlieio is one without a chinch. In
any OM'tit , the saloon in Xebiaska Is not
tin list to tlie ton-ground so piomiuently
as to Uneaten to displace the church ,
nor Is thete a disposition on the pait of
the people in towns whole saloons exist
< o make the saloon a chief lactor in their
giow tli.
X-brasKa editors/ire certainly intelli
gent enough lo repudiate the idea that
their newspapois i.inlc behind the .sa
loon as an agency of local entciniiso
and piogiess.
fjl' IlKCII'llOl ITY.
Theris favo'iable inomlse of effeotlug
icclpioclty agreements with
coiintiies that have Indicated a desiie to
enter into them , but the oidlnary ton
tine of negotiation Is slow , owing to the
gi eater diliicullles In the way than in
the case of pievlotis negotiations. It
Is stated that there are hardly any cases
in which the lepiesontntlves of foieigu
powers at Washington have bivn able
to tiausmit completed diafts of arrange
incuts to their home governments for
cnnsldeintlon and In .some of these
cases amendments have been .suggested
which ha\e imolved counter pioposi-
lions on the side of the United States.
None of the negotiations has yet icached
a complet > stage.
As yet there Inve been no ] iioposltloin
submitted relating to reciprocity with
Oeimany , although the subject has been
talked over iR'tweon the ( I'liuan am-
bissador and Special Commissioner
Kasson , while the negotiations with
Franco have made slow pi ogress. Doubt
Is expressed whether definite miange-
ments me completed with either of those
poweis , or with Austila-llung.tty or lel- !
glnm , befoie It Is known whether they
piopos > to abolish the Migar bounties.
The .Spanish government has slgnlllod a
desire to negotiate a leclptooily ngioc
iiii'iit In tcgard to Cuba , but probablv
no steps will be taken under piosoiit con
ditions , while if ( lie n > w policy for that
Island should be successful In terminat
ing the disinfection , the Cubiii govern
ment would take the initiative In re-
gaid lo the tmlff. sublect to certain i > -
Mi lotions reserved to tlu > home goem
It is said that the 1'nlted States Is
lluillng Itself Hoilonsly handlcaiijied , In
resjioct to roclpiocllv negotiations with
Smith A mot lean countries , 1 > . \ the ojipo-
sltlon of nuio | > > mi binklng , ste.imshl ] )
anil commeiclal lnl re.sts in lliosL' conn-
tiles. This was to be expected , ) tcciu . >
opposition Irom the same source was
cncounteied when the iciipioelly jiollcy
was formeily Inauguiat.Ml and In tli >
meantime European luteiests In South
Amcilca have bien gi owing. English ,
( icrman and I''iench capital has gone
llioie In veiy huge amoitutn during the
last few yem.s mid its lnlluenc > Is being
constantly.excited in hostility to Ameil-
c.iu dado wllh ! ho o coiintiies , The o
( ommeiclal Inlluenccs , It Is Bald , aie felt
c\cn in diplomatic ciicle.s. it Is a fact ,
also , that In sonic of th. ' couutiles of
Smith Ameilc.i a stiong feeling agalmt
tint rnlted States was created lo the
pu'M'iit taiiff law , but ( hero Is leasju
to think that this hostility will mute ,
though Kmiipi'an couutiles can bu do-
peinK'd upon to do all that N possible
to keep It alive and active mid the.\
are In a position to exert an eiiouuotis
While thu rofipiOL-lty provisions of the
existing tariff law do not offer as fn-
notable tuuiis as the act ot 1MX ) , still
the desire of some countries to obtain
for their products the largest possible
admission to th ? best maikot in the
world can hardly fall to result In u-cl-
pio"lty agreements under one or the
o'.her of the ptovlsions of the law.
o.iM//.rs .tssuitKi ) rurvitr. .
More than two years ago one of tin
abl'st railway managers In the we l ,
Mr. S. H. II. Clink , then picsldent of
the I'lilon I'aclllc. decl.ued that the e.s
tabllslnnciit of an Independent laltioad
Hue between Omaha and the ( Julf of
Mexico would do moie to bieak 111em -
baigo by which Omaha's tinde hiul foi
yea is boon eilpplod than any other
agency or project.
This piodlctlon Is being fulllllen. TUP
completion of the load from Omaha to
Poit Aitliur. with its connection to the
Atlantic .scabo.itd by way of Qulncy.
luin cut the ( tordlau knot lu which
Omaha jobbers and inaiiufaetmois had
been tied tip. The ofleets of ( he com
petltlve outlet an already being felt ii
a degiee that gives promise of MIOI
making Omaha the most Impottant ills
Hibutiug center west of Chicago mn
not Hi of St. Louis. The bridge dllleron
tial , which opoiatod as a tollgat
against Omaha's eiitraiiLe Into Iowa , i
piautically abolished , opening up'th
ncaiest and rlcliest section ot eountrj
naturally tilbntary to Omaha's com
The competition of the Oulf road fo
gialn ttallle cannot fall to result In in
cieased elevator capacity at this polu
and a concciitiation of the grain Inisl
ness that will make Omaha an 5m
poitaut grain tuaikot tit no distant day
The geneial leveling ot rates on staples
of the southwest , by which Omaha is
pl.ued on eiiual looting with Kansai
City , will not only enlmge the vol
lime of buslncst , ol our wholesalers , bu
. new concerns that seek tin or
able locations.
With the raiboad pioblom solved In Its
favor Omaha is tU-sllued to make i.ipli
stildes 11 om now on as a lobbing and
in.imil'.ictiiilug ' * Those who fe.u i
setback for Oinnhn - " 'r tlio expositioi
cliisots do not understand the changci
conditions of I'-'tS ' and the substautla
growth that Is sine to tollow the lead
justmeiit of our tailway facilities on a
tooting that will enable Ouuha to cop
with Its most lormid.ible ilvals.
A wint. itrriuixci ; : ; .
The Ohio National ( iuaid association
In asking ( ongioss to grant tlio Cuban'
the same belllgeiont lights that wu
accorded to the confedoiacy , did not
coiisldoi that thete is a wide diltetenci
In th > cliciimstancos. At the very be
ginning of the southoin lobolllon a .slate
ol. war was conceded by the govoiiimonl
to exist and this being admitted the
giant lug of belligerent lights to the con-
fed nacj by loieign nations , of whom
Spiln was one of the llrst , was entirely
in accoid with Intel national law. It
was simply the recognition by othei
powets of what the United States gov
ernment had acknowledged. In the eas-
oi' Cuba , on the other hand , Spain
not cono'ded that a state of war "xist- ,
theie and the conduct of Uie contest on
the pa it of the iiisiit gents has not been
such as to wMiranl this govoiument in
assuming , for the puipose of granting
belligerent lights , that there is a state
of war. The soil ol campaigning and
lighting cuil"d on by the insurgents , as
was pointed out by rtesldont Giant
during the piocoding insuiiection , dooH
not nocossaiilv constitute war. It is
obviously absuid to suggest a parallel
1)'tween the southoin coufedoiacy and
Cuba , the on- * having an oigani/od gov-
oiiimont and a well oqulpp'd aimy.
while the insurgents have m.ietloally no
govoiument and mo for tlio most part
moiely gneriilla binds.
The Lincoln Journal pietcnds to have
discoveied vital Inaccuracl"s In the
table of state fair flnam-'s recently
pi luted by The lieo , but only shows its
stupidity by attempting to conoct what
was con pet in the first place. Special
except Ion is taken to The Hoe's exhibit
of total iccvipls for the dllfeient yeais
the fair was held nt Lincoln and Omaha
which shows greatly "to the ciodlt ol
Omaha. For example , the Jouinal s.ij.s
that the figure of total rec-'lpts for the
fair held in Lincoln In IS.1 ! ) : , which was
given as friths , should have been fr.'T-
! ) ( tu , and intimates that tli3 on or is due
to the f.iot that the llgurcs were not
taken from theolliilal report. The tiuth
Is that the olllclal repott of the tieas
tli or of the Slate Ho.iul of Agrleultuio
gives ( lie total bilano for the year 1S1U
as S57.0IKISO , of which .sl.-'IU.S ! ) was
can led over as a sin plus fiom the preceding -
coding year. Siibtiactlng this sin plus ,
which was counted in the iccelpU of
1M)1 ) , leaves sllS S.Il ) as the actual 10-
coipts for 1SV ! > . The aimllc.UIon by the
loin mil of a little much-m'odod hoiw
sense would show The 1'ee'rt figures to
be coriect all Ihiough. Suiiliisi ) > s and
money bonowed fiom the banks Inserted -
sorted In olllelnl ie ) oiIs as legitimate
receipts of the .war can fool only thee
who want to be fooled.
The Ttansinississippi Exposition Is
indor many obligations for favoifiom
the couutiy pi ess , partlcnlaily In Ne-
naska. The \isit of the Nebraska edl-
tois to tlie exposition gioiiniks should
convince them tint Ihe success ol the
> xp. > sltlon is asstiied. although their help
ind siipjioit will have much to do In do-
tei mining the dogioe of success. They
should also bo Impressed witli the lad
that whlli' the exposition is located at
Omaha. It Is by no means an Omaha
nt'rpiNo , but will shower its hcnolit- .
in all the states that paitlclpate. The
( crtaint.v that .Nebraska will , have an
inexcellod exhibit makes It certain that
Nebninka will be one of the chlel galu-
> is by the great show.
The Slate dopai Intent Is to piovlde for
muiedlati ) publication of the coiisiilm
eport.s as iccelved at Waslilngton "lor
he hen'tit of tiade oigaul/.atloiis , and
lie newspaper press. " Such special
nibllcatlon of the consular roimtts ought
o iirove of substantial value to Ameri
can inotcliaiits and tiadoi.s. It Is the
tolicy of the administration to make
ho bcjt possible iib-j of the consiilai'
and diplomatic agents of the United
States In foreign conntiles. and prompt
publication oftall Important icports IN
on. ' of the tallies that Is essential.
liirninplrto U'unliiiurnt of ( lie Iliilnc.
I lilrnRo llccnrd
Whnl's tliOiitq | cf smiling ft battleship to
Cuba unless Borne ot the helllscrcnt scna-
tora wn be scvntnlong with her to Intimi
date the Spaniards with their speeches ?
lnilllTiriMieo | nf < iiui < l Men.
ijiltlifiore Aincrl nil
It lo the ajiattry ot thp Intelligent , tha
honest cltl7oil which makes possible tlie
activity of the corrupt and Ignorant cJc-
uicnt And this auth ( > l.i sometimes cnrrlc'
sa far ns to amount to a practl al trslqnatl'n
of thn right of franchise Political corrup
tions aH\a > 3 counts on the tujipc-rt of the
ludlfferpnco of fedid men.
Mint"nlrcvlnr IliiliiM'In.
bprlnRftplil lMns 1 Uepubllrnn.
Dlrootor of the Mint 1'rpslcn , one of the
Inst remaining romnints of the Into C'lp\o-
laiiK regime , glvtu vay to a republican.
Mr I'rost n , llko Oc'mptrollcr llckels. who
also remained on the scene for come time
after the ilecituro [ ot the main Cleveland
body , v as a greit preacher for the polu
standaril Hut his successor Is an usually
zealous advocate of golil Mr. Hoberts is
editor of the HV > rt DMge ( la. ) Aliusenger and
vvroto a sound money pumphlet which al-
tiao ted considerable attention He seems
to hive owed his present appointment to
thnt publication , which ibtought him Into na
tional notice. ,
t\luiiiMloii nf HIP "im : > ni'H Coutilr } . * '
The "enemy's count ! } " las suJdccily In-
crc-joed very largely In area for Urvan Its
\vrstern hourdary Is not , as In the camp-tig i
of 1SS6 , the Al.enhany mountains. Altgolil'a
state Is now In the haitllo terrltorj anJ so
Is the state of ChalriLni JfiEd There Is a
plance that before 1000 pomes IJryan will bo
c-llllng Altgeld nid , Jonco "tools of Will
treet" mil "enptnlcs ot the hunun race "
\loteover these are men who cannot be hyp
notized by tricky phrases. They kno.v
Uiyan and vvl.l sever he deluded by him
igaln The republican party regrets the loei
of Ilryan. for It could beat him easier In 1DOO
than It did In 1898 , but It wl.l have to give
him up.
Corn ( JnliDv Vhroml.
I'hllnilolphli Ii \K \ , i
The fact tint 1075,502 bushels of cor
hive left this port alone for foreign coun
tii-'s since the first of the year potn'i to
tonaiduiablo demai d for that cpreai abreii
Corn Is the one great American stap'.o fo
which no adequate foreign market has ye
bien found , but ar It Is exactly such a chea
find wholesome food as Is needed by million
of poor people in other puts of the world
thcro can be no doubt thnt It will ultlnntel
fonn ono of our chief articles of osport. I
only needs a proper Ititioiluetion In forelgi
markets. Iho cargo sent to th" stauln
people of India was cageily welromcd am
Hieatly appreciated by them ,
Piping Times for I'OJIOITIIO * .
l.oulc\illo Couiler Inurinl ( ilcin )
There are lively times nhead , toys' " 1 !
who imagines that the conditions of ISO
will bo etattly rcpioduced in 1000 will surely
reckon without his host There , wlll h
tnarclies nnd counter-marches. Thcro wll
bo goings up the hill and comings do\vi
agnin Now you will see it and now yoi
won't. "Pity the moribund , old Cnurlci
Journal got hot bai.k , " says the nigger Ii
the woodpile ; and , to speak tiuth the. oh
girl docs survey the scene with sonic who
of the feeling of the newly enrolled mombc
of the Young Men's ChrlstHn association
who , first introduced to Paris , enthuslas
tlcally exclaimed'What ' a lovely place to
have a good time If I hadn't expeiionci'd a
change of heair' " 'However , all Is well tha
ends well , nnd the Couricr-Jouinal will o'et
bldo its time. ? Perhaps before the dance ,
ia over the star-eyed one will get a partner
and bo seen vvaltriilK down the middle , the
very belle of the ball , with all her tibbons
Intact , and back jialr to throw to the birds
Trr a laugh most who laugh last.
lrlat < > IViixInii Hills.
I\ltlilioic ! bun.
The oMiBresstrnal com-nltteo en pensions
of the senate aud house have agreed upu-
seven rule ; < designed to lessen the number of
private pension bills that can receive con
sideration. This H a hopeful s'gn. ' since
not long ago I ! , was an articleof faith with
most congressmen that everything called a
pension bill fhculd go through without crit
icism No private ( bill Is to be tcnaiderei
if the claimant has a pensionable status un-
ler existing lav.s , . Only Invalid .soldiers am
sailors , pensioned by special act , can ask an
liicrescse by further rpcclal legislation N'o
n roars of pensions ibill is to be considered.
Persons not enlisted as toldleis or sailors
mcy not ask for special legislation tin less
llswbled In action. Hills for pen
sions oxceodins the legal rate v. ill not bo
considered 'will ' bills ' -
, iur pcns'-ning chil
li on cf soldiers or sailors ibe oonsidf od.
The seventh rcBttlctlcn la to the effect that
lepeiidcncy must bo shown by affidavit , ex
cept when men.beis of congress Introdnclne
? bill can Plate In writing that they have
icrsonal know ledge of the dependency. The
noio word of a congressman will not do
: io must put his statement in writing and
the outsider murt tike oath.
) iilMinvi'il ! Position of Tin. lice Is I3n-
doiNPil IM l'nlllc Opinion.
Davenport Democrat
The republican party Is by i.j means a unit
on the question of the annexation of Hawaii
Vaturally enough the congressmen -who CTO
n Washlogton , and who wont the favor of
lie administration , will endorse Its policy
But the people of tiio country without much
regard to party lilies see no necessity for
attat'.ilng an entanglement to tiio eonntiy
\nil here and thcro is to be found a.repub-
Iran napcr with indoc-coilcnco enough to
oppose the policy of the president In his
ambition to add another territory One of
he-so Is The Omaha Ilee , clearly the most
nflucntlal iMlly In the state of NebrosKa
TlMt yaper states llio fitubborn fact wlien it
ays"The HPO is oppsslng the annexation
of Hawaii bceauso ( t Is convinced that such
a course Is against the best kiteiosta of fie
) eoplo of the United States. Kb ojoosltlon
iprlngs from the belief that annexation ol
cjrltory not contiguous lo the United Plates
s a d < ( xirturo from the traditional policy of
our government aiid fraught with serious
anger to the ware ot the nation and the
Mbillty of Its frco Instllutlais "
This la straight , stiong and conclusive
CMonhiK Annexation will bo a reversal of
ho country's policy It will Invite trouble
t will haddlo moil the country a whale
vhlch cfwinol possibly bo brought neater the
loscst American port than about 2,000 nillcu.
iM'j.i IJNC'I : or c\i' ) srri < ns.
llrrnr HIP VIIKIIPNM mill ( irpiiliiPNH ol
Our r < iimlr > .
1'hll.uli'li'ijla Infjulrcr
The newspapers am ) llio people west of the
) hio river are nlfeady looklnc forward with
nttrest to the opening at Omaha N'eb. , 01
line 1 next of thfr TraiisinnslsEippI Hx-
osltlon H Is rather a heavy nnine 'to ' handle ,
nil Bomo pocplo'may argue that U Is lee
inch for ono enterprise of the kind , and yet
i om the eiithuislasth ; manner In which It
j detcrlbed by the projectors , and In view
i the | iromiu'B ttjilcji they iccelvocl , It will
iidoubtedly bo successful
The piomotcrs claim that In size It will
ar surpass the recent expositions at At-
anta and Nashrillo The aiea devoted to
xhtblts will bo two-thirds as largo an that
f the World s fair. wjiUo the main buildings
111 bo grouped mound a laKe half a mile
eng and 150 feet v lilo TJilrty-two stated
lave already announced that they will bo
( . presented. Invitations liavo bom extended
0 foielgn countries to participate , and favor-
bio replies bave been received from muny
1 them
Thn managers appear to have plenty of re-
out ces on hand , and they are already push
ng tlio preparation of the grounds und thu
( instruction of the buildings Such expos !
Ions , even If they fall lliuiiLlally , have u
IJu mid ennobling Influence for good They
; lvo 'tlioiisanila of people an opportunity by
av cling to Eucli enterprises for realizing
10 vnatncaa and the grcatoeea of ihelr own
Country , and they stimulate healthful and
hull ) rivalry between different sections
nd suggest ideaa that skill and intelligence
an prolVt by.
It In to bu hoped that the coming cxpcul-
011 will bo a uuccereiul enterprise.
\v\ri. SHIP IT \vv.vv. .
Chicago Tribune Now tint Iho biltle-
ship Mnlno Is In the H.ivain
everybody Is ustonlshcd to sco how casiiy
the feat wfls executed , And vvonJerlng w1 y
H wain t tlono before
Cincinnati Tribune Nov. , no always , the
Amcrlo.n people drslro pearo Utit , corns
what may , wo can ret nssilrcd t at clear
heads skillful hands and patriotic honri- )
are directing our destines at this time ana
It I" our duty to uphold thom It. nil things
Doston Globe Tlio fact that an American
war ship has it length been sent tollaxann ,
irady to give shekel and protection In caio
of i lot emergency , to the American colony
In that city , Is so far cause for congratula
tion The wish of a great many \niprlcan
iil7pns would have found fulfillment If the
"friendly call" v hereof naval authority
suavely speaks had been paid long , long nue
Chicago News The 1'nlted ' States Is pre
eminently n nation of poire. It desl-e to
dwell on terms of amity with all the world
ami n view ot our cnaritierisucs in inni
dlrootlon It Is tloubt'nl whether wo have
enough battleships to really express our
friendliness for other nations If you want
to convince your neighbor that you love him
sen ! a bow-logged , I in ternJawedcrop -
eared bulldog to amble around In bis from
Philadelphia Times Atiy reasonable num
ber of men-of-war might have been kept In
Cuban waters for the ( > ast two years without
particular comment and the only mistake ot
our government seems to have been In keenIng -
Ing t'lem away so long. Just now moro Im-
iMirt'inco will naturally bo ascribed to thi.i .
order necessarily belongs to It , though
co ono will deny the giavlty of tlie Cuban
situation and the extreme need of every
diplomatic iirocautlon to bring It to < t peace
ful solution.
Minneapolis Journal U Is said at Wash-
lng < ton that the Spanish minister Is In a
placid state of mind , That Is well Now If
Madrid is In a placid state of mind , that
will bo very well Hut out government ,
having siow taken action , long delayed , Inter
vention must eon follow nnd an end bo
put to the hellish stnto of affairs In Cuba
Spain , Indeed , ought to bo thankful that Rhc
cnn have a good excuse for evacuating the
Island. It doesn't make aeiy difference
whether Spain likes It or not , the horrible
business in Cubi must bc < stopped
Sinlngflold Republican : Our government
Ins been from the first patient and concili
atory to an extreme If the Spanl.itJa
a u really in such a erudition of extreme
anJ unreasonable nti vousness It mlqht as
well bo brought out first as last Nothing
can bo gained by appealing to see-lc an
avoidance of Its unreasoning consequences
There Is no question tint hud tlie usu it
courseof dispatching a v\ai ship been
pin sued at the outbreak ot the Insuricctlon
the popular feeling In the United States Hi
favor of Intervention would Tiavc been much
less m.rked and troublesome
Daltl'noro American The whole truth
about the situation In Havana has not been
told , but facts have leaked out which enable -
able 0:10 to form a fair1 Impiessioii Guards
about Consul Geneial Lee's quarters have
iccrntly been doubled , and strong precau
tions have been taken to guard other Amerl-
cars. Of course , if cii Impetuous mob wore
to swocp down , these precautions would
amount to nothing , and the first AineilcJii
assassinated by n miserable Spanish poltroon
v.ould flro the American heart from Maine
to Texas Such a catastrophe is not de-
sliablo , and there Is very little probability
of It with the finest war ship in the navy
piosent to overawe these people.
Washington Star This government has
acted toward Spain -with , excessive patience
and toleration The condition of things in
Cuba has foi months buen such as to war
rant the taking of extreme measures by thh
countiy , as an act of humanity If now after
three years at fruitless warring , Snain has
only succeeded In giving ilso to such c\-
ti'.cslve fctid dangerous conditions aa to
threaten the lives of the Amei leans resident
In Cuba , it Is by no means to be considered
as an affront to the government at Madrid
when a. 6'ilp of war is sent to give those
llvc > s tlio ( Hotcctlcm of the American Ha , ;
If war results from the presence of the
Maine In Havana harbor on this errand the
responsibility for that wai will rest with
Kansas City Star1 The United States guv-
oniment , in sending a sp pmc | > n of her new
navy to Havana , hopes to create a favorib'o '
impiesslon on llio minds of the Spanish
people in Cuba and elsev here ns to the re
sources of the United States In the -way of
ships and guns , but does not desire especially
to provoke hostilities I'loperly regaided by
Spain , the mission of the Maine may become
one of peace The ending of the wir In
Cuba , the icssation of bloodshed , bu-nlng ,
| ) lun'rrmg , stirvatlou and suffering In the
Is ! ml is a consumnntlon devoutly wished
by the United States The appearnuce of thu
Maine is connected with the general puipoic
of bringing about that result. Whether It
shill conio sooner or later Is a matter for
Spain to decide
riitsoviM >
Thomas Doniar , a colored man of South
Carolina haa built more cotton mills than
any contractor In the south.
A strong movement Is on foot among piom-
Inent men in Washington to have a stntuo
of Ulio poet , Longfellow , set up at the na
tional capital.
Tlio desk in the senate now occupied by
Mr. Gear of Iowa is the same one fiom
which Senator Conkling spoltcj duilng the
oxcHIng days ot the Conkling-Garlield trou
It Is proposed to send out a free silver
lianu for the purpose of teaching the people
the beauties of that school of finance Gold
and greenbacks will be iccolved nt the box
olllce , however
As a result of a debate by the Young
Men's Christian association In New- London
t was deeidod that the horse was more
iseful than the cow Now let It be decided
which Is the more valuable , the bicycle 01
tlio pump ,
Ono of the supposed stiong points of thn
Sreater New York charter was Its provision
or loral self-government , but ono of the
irst bills to bo Introduced In tlio btato kgis
atmo is ono foi 11m establishment of a now
Jaik In that pity.
The Now York Mall nnd Impress says a
good many gold seekers are looMng mound
ho old Krnpire state Instead of going to
bo Klondike , that ovoi 4,090 gold mining
claims have bcrn filed In the olllco of the
cvrotary of state at Albany , an * that liorc
are -ama/lng reports of plants already at
vork that are transforming transmuting
ellow sand Into yc'llow nuggets.
"IMk about gratitude' " cxclalmol
'hauncpy M Dppow , with a low wlilstlo as
10 received a notice that the I'ppksklll boar. !
of assessors had doubled the assessment on
he opera house. In that town He lives In
eeksklll , and twipo oime to the ron'cuo or
bi opna house enterprise , once giving
20000 to complete the house and save the
econJ mortgage , and later taking up th-
r , t mortgage and becoming Its nolp
wrcr. iHo was suio to lese money , but w.
rilling to pay the taxes and insurance and
hortages to glvo his native town a good
itetlng place Now bo is uc.vardej' ' by .1
oublo asstssinent.
To this date seven chief Justices have sat
pen tno bench of the supreme court of tin
Jnltcd States Connecticut Now Vork
> larjljnil , Virginia and Illinois ea Ji
u'-jilahrd ono an I Ohio two There have
jemi nfty associate justices New York
urnlslied six , Pennsylvania , five , MJbsa-
husotlB , Ohio , Jlaryland oi'd Vl-glnla four
ach. Nev > Jersey , North Carolina , South
'arolina , Georgh. Tennessee , \libama ana
allfornla ( including McKenna ) , two each
nd Malno Now Hainpsh re , MusUslppl ,
oiilslana , Kentucky , Illinois , lena ,
Hrhlgun and Kansas ono each All thu
tales cxiirt of the Mississippi river have bem
eprc-sented upon the supreme bench with
exception of Vermont , Ithodo Island ,
Delaware I'll.ida aud Indiana
You really
don't know how fine
Pot Pie Crust can be
made unless you use
Royal Baking Powder
ICnina * City l-Hiupe-rcil tijT.otmKn -
Jn > Ckl Itullunj Dlni'i Iniiiiiitliin ,
pr Times
Kansas City papcw are raising ix great
howl against the action of theI'lUsburg ft
Oulfllroad and Its western connection
In granting the simo rates to Missouri river
points on freight frcm I'ort Arthur as art
given the city by the Kaw. They are louf
In Imprecations at llio road for not iccognlz.
ing the 200 inllctt' advantage In dl tancp
fiom the gulf port which Kansas City enJoys -
Joys over Omaha , nnd deep In their la
mentations over the alleged Ingratitude or
the I'lttwburg & Oulf niiiMgoment as re
gards past favors bestowed upon It by Kan
sas City shippers.
Some chickens ore evidently coming home
to rocot If over there wo.s a rallro-d-nndp
metropolis Kansas ritv Is that ono
Stntchod from commercial obscurity by HIP
Missouri 1'acltlc , the Santa To and the-
Kuisa-j I'aclno , the city has bpen Iniildcd
n | > on discriminations In frolcht sates nieli :
na no other wuitorn point hns over 011-
Joycd. A 200-mile Is as iioth-
ng compared to the advantages granted her
by tlioro roads and their connections In
western teiiltory , enabling her wholesalers
and miuiufncturon ? to enter nnd monopolize
trade natiiMlly belonging wholly to other
pointu Under such circumstances It would
appear a-j a. trifle Inconsistent fcr Kansas
City todonouncoatiyboly for traflle discrim
inationshcthor Jtirtlflablo or not lint
It Is always the ppttod and spoiled chllu
that complains loudest ami longest when it
can no longer enjoy u monopoly of fav -
niul attention , nnd therefore the walls ol the
Kaunas City journals may ibo accepted as a
natural sequence of events
The slgnincinco of the Incident , however ,
llcti In tlia fact of the broikltig up of tJie
old order of things nnd the establishment of
now conditions which piouilao at least a. '
approximation of juptlce to UiiiisnVosiurl In
terests With the opening of the IIPW gulf
w-atcr\vay , Kansas city , Chicago and St
Louis will no loiiRer 'bo able to monopolize
business which legitimately ftolongs to
oltlru an the west of the river Under the
now aeal the ? litter points will to able to
claim and Irlil their own , nnd railway lines
'ilitirested ' In llio IOHR Imiil will no longer
be able to prevent Denver from reaping the
boiefltij of her
iiitural location na a manu
facturing and wholesale center
i no w.iu riom Knisas Cltv Is but the flr-
of a series vvlilth will mark tlio commercial
ami industrial emancipation of the v cat
ns. :
Tlio SHIj rnlinnl ( < CIM ConlriiMtfil
\\Hli ( lie Pncli ,
ICnn-an c'ltv b'tar
In adilresslng the Trades League of I'hll-
atlolpbla at Its innual mcetliiK , the olhoi
night Socrptaiv Oagp crlt'clsed ' Mr Ilrynn
for declaring that there la no prosperity In
this country Mr OIKO mciely ippo.iled
what evoiy Intolllqont peraon Knows when
ho called attention to the advance In wnees
flinl the enlargement In the worl.lrg forces
In various Indtistrhl Institutions through
out HIP lountiy It is a nnttpr of iecoi-,1
that in all gieat
concerns o\
ctpt the cotton mills wages aie higher an 1
moi o men are employ od now than at this
time last year.
In the lion and steel industry Mr O me
> = ald the worKliig force "
now is 2i" 00ft
Bioatcr and average vvajjes 10 to " 0 per cent
hlgliei tlian at the beginning of 1SD7. There
lias been a coircspondiiiR Improvpincnt In
the condition ot the glass-making Imlustrv
the tin pinto factories , tlio woolen mills , the
potteries nnd in evciy other industtv e\cep'
cotton manufacturing , and It is probable that
the depression there is only tcmpoiaiy an 1
that full forces will bo employed again as
soon as the present surplus stocKaie con
sumed Even in this line the trouble I
Hui'dieds of factories are at work , paying
good wages and making satlafai toiy profits
for their ownera
Mr Hiyan made a gieat mistake when he
attmitoil to belittle the Increasing pi asper
ity nt his country. Ho knows that average
wages aio higher than at any time since
1S9J , and that moie mon are engaged In
remunerative labor than have been amplovcd
In many years past Ho is aware , also , that
tlio financial condition of the farmers wosl
of the Mississippi liver is bolter than It has
been in i long time Ho Ins heaul of the
$40,000,000 of mortgages'that have been pnld
off Ho Knows of the plan to pipe ! will
tlie cincoled mortgages ot , i single NebrasK
county a room at the O.naha e\pcoltloi.
Mr. Iliyan made for himself such .1 icpii
tation for not saying things which would
eauso him to apologl/e and explain duilng
the presidential campaign that It is btrangf
ho has poimilled himself to deelaro and to
deliberately repeat the statement that Indus-
tihl und trade conditions have not Impioved
In this country. vUicn the evidences are so
numerous and so plain that the country has
made , and continue. , to make , steady
progiess toward an era of a genuine
piospc Hy.
THI : JUMM. 11x110111:11:11. : :
\ ilvniictnf ProspcrM * Mi-nsuroil lij
tinIrnii Tunic.
N"e "i ik 'lillmnp
The American Manufacturer of 1'lttsburg
reckons DIP production of pi. ; iron lo 1S' 7 at
flB39S25 tons , vvlilrli Is nearly 200.000 tons
more than was ever produced In any
pievlous ycai But it is. not the aggregate
which most descives attoitlon During the
first hslf of tip yoir the output was only
1 410,640 tons which was less tl.-n In the
( list lialf of ] ( > 90 , ovci hevcn years ago The
pioduct in the > second half lose to E 223,170
tons , but In the fiist month , July , it was
only 71199 tons , or less llian the monthly
avciage In tlio first half , and in August It
v as only about 7i.OOO ! Ions greater It was
rot until the last thico months Hat a loilly
unprecedented output was attained , 2.891,401
tniiB , or at the rate of 11,560,000 yearly. In
December however tlio output for the fiist
time cNceciifd 1,000,000 tons , according to
the estimate of the American Manufacturer
1,015,598 , and with the same rate malntiincu
th-ough a vvholp ycir the laigeat output In
any previous year would bo surpassed about
2,000,000 tons Thtu the present rate of
prediction Is more than a quarter larger tliati
was over in Intalned in any yc'ar
TMO meaning of tlie figures Is cot at Hist
apparent to all Kor continued ijioductlon
implies a continuing1 consumption of pig Iror
\arlous forms ot nnnuf'icturt' , and , In fact ,
the record of st > cks unsold fihow-s a de-
cnase in each of Ibo last thiee monlhs , ox-
cepllng a Blight lncro ° Ec In Decembar , ln
Han would naturally icsult from tlio longer
and moro gencTul stoj/wge for hnllilays and
iiujlrj in the manufj tuilng vvniks ilnn In
ftirnatcvvhlih cann t discontinue oven
for a day without much loss J'roin October
1 ( o Jinutry I the uimld Blocks UprrcAscJ I
CG.'Hl ' tc-it inMlcatliiR n consumption to Hut
extent 8'fcler than the production In t < io
< K uror ( , or aboil ! 2.S5T S24 tons Hut l ( in u
llipso virlou * forms of mamifnc'uro in vvbuli
pl ( ? Iron Is nsoJ cs material thnt by far ( In )
gicdtest number of hands Is employed and
Iho use of iron In their work Is BO nearly la
sttMdy r. > tx > poribn to iholr product that ( lit
number of hinds so ( tig.tgod may bo
mated with roasonnblo accuracy from tin
consumption of pig Iron
Thus In the census year ISOfl the
consumption vvas about S3ft,0ftil ( ! tons , thi
unsold stocks having decrr.mci5 n little dur
Ing thuyrni. in producing the pig lrn -.m
hail is employed du-lng the joir avrngid
oily .1NSI In number , not couiitlnr ( lion
o igancd In mining ore and limestone
whereas In nearly ,11 the branches of maim-
facturo directly depending on Iron and steel
a material the hands avenged 4SS 197 n
number , lu t Including ihose In aqrlculiurat
mpleinpnta and other branches of ma-tii-
f.lcturo in which Iho product la not closely
noportloned lo the quantity of lion used.
rho hands ut that time averaged about M 4
for every 1.000 tons of pig Iron consumed ,
nnd at that rate the consumption In the last
qiurtor would Indicate not far from CG2 ISO
h.inds employed In Mich branches of nnmi-
facturo , nbout 17-1,000 more titan In tin
census year and over f > 0 per cent moie than
a year ago i\pn : this U not the whole
stoiy , for there are many thousand men om <
plovod in mining ore nnd limestone in
mining coil and making coke , and the mint-
! ior of these must also Increase in rlon
p-oportlon > to the incroiso In Iron proluction
Iho transportillon of these materials , a ! to
of 12,000,000 tons of Iron ore from the l.i.ui
r glon. n gicit cllst.nco to furnaces , nnd of
coke and llmrstom- long distances Iso. in
volves great Increase- the equipment ot
lake and rail transporting companies ami
In the number of hands they employ U IM
not wIMiout reason thu the consumpt on of
pig Iron has been regarded as mo v nearly n
Ivrometcr of the Btato of manufacturing in-
duslrlcs than any ether single operation of
which accutato records are possible.
T\HT I'l '
1'lljli VTIONS.
Imlltnipoll * Join ml : "Ttio outgoing tour. "
Ml Humps Tormer evpluliipil. with hH
tHtml ohpprfulness nmli-r the tisuil i Ir-
ennjslaiipe' ' , "was lipudt'il by m > and tlio
t etui n Uiu was footed by ovciybody"
Oflrolt Journal 'Why , nun. l'\p li id
nholo uiilloii ( < e < fill to Iholr Knee In turor
lit mv chMcrlptlon of the il iof jiulKiiu-nt "
Tlio ollur pNhortor sinllod pttvlnulv
"Ah jo < " lie ri'iille 1. "Hut tin1 o'lior
nli U ; I iiioti.ivoil tlio ilfotiurtlon of Iho
uoihtllh iu li pou < r that n in in c uiuup
ilttr the soi\lcw nml u > < kwt ino whom lie
should SOP about tlio Klnctcsropo light" "
Tiuth : Mii. I'octlt us Don't you think
mv iii-u h it li n i > 3om ?
J'oetlciH No
Mis I'oatlruVh > not ?
1'ootlcus Oh , I'm iiipioly jiulRlnu by Its
pilco. )
ChlciKO Itccotd : "Ho\\ did yon llnd out
tint ioiir , buy pro.ichci Isn't icnlly n bo\ ' "
U c sot nuothoi hey tohlstlc nndri UK-
\\lndow .ind ho didn't tush out. "
Now York Jouinal : "The bolloi ex
ploded , " sild tlio in inlth the IMJ , ! , "bo--
nusi ? UK-IP ns neater In It. "
Tin. n Colonel IHuld of the li'itoKriH ? re-
KioupoKu. . "That shows , tuh , the su-
pei'oilt ' > of in in o\.ih inoio in iclilneiy ,
.ih , " lu > h lid.
Tit Hits Sne 11ouould you pnnc-tii xto 4V ,
the follow ( UK "HjiiU of KiiKlund notes of
\.iiloiis Milliest > u liloun iilong t < io .street
by 1 10lnd ' "
HP I think ] \\oiild make a das' ! ufter
the notes.
ChlcMFO Tilliuno "I run atnnd nil kinds
j' fools , ' sild Aunt -\nn 1'et'bles , "icopt
the loollio IlilnKs that OVPIJ noninu who
looks nt him Is In lo\o \\lili him , and the
other fool \\no pinches hot \\alht bet niso
she thinks men IIUo to SPO X-ah ipeil
Indianapolis Journal , "A man nouadiyV
Mjld the jouiiK , rjnlcal boarder , " \\lio Is
upright. Is a pe.ich "
' I should Hiiwest , " sild the Checiful
Idiot , "that ln > was j > lump "
\Vnshliijton Stat "Oi U'ry Is a slCt , " re
in ukeil the admliliiB constituent
" \Vell , " lepllcd I'auner Corntossel ,
"mostly It 1J lint no\\ and then a mm
Kits Hood enough .it 11 to cliaiyo you fur
IKtonln' . "
, Tu IB-P. "Mis SturUut affects the an
tique In her house di eolations. "
"Vis , who to'd ma the othei ( lay she. was
IIPTI t-broKen licence -jho conldn t Kel the
nil Kips of hoi ancestor' , foi hui puloi irtln-
dows. "
rhkiRO Tribune"If I buv nil the
llnei vou seem tovnt foi ollr summui
outlns Hits inj ilaughtci , " obspnel
Jlr lllllus , " \cu cin't go to the seisMo
ut all Von " \rlll hue to choose between
old point 1 ILO and Old I'obit Comfoit. "
Washington Stir : "One gieat trouble
wll' folk , " -slid tlncle nhcii , "N dit dei
li'bln lei mistake do urn ilk.speck on d ill
ron no pint A nan jutience cea.scH
HI bo \Irtue. . "
Inillini | > ells Journal "Do you , " Hild the
friend v\ho liultid Pinto I'ote Into u
u > ht lurtnt , "Do you ei imko a pnctlco
of eatliiR pie with joui knife ? "
" 'Coui-p , " wa- the reply , "Ye didn't
thin' . I didn't know no better than to grab
It in my lingers , did jou'1
I ) VM.1.U OK linIITV. .
Wallace IK'inbir Vincent In I < lfe
I never read the pipers without feeling no
Th it both tny p\es are twisted and my nose
Is sIlKhtly bent ;
I'm Kind my mouth Is out of line and thit
my tcvth ai < > fuA ,
And If I Inil a "wealth of hair , " I don't
know what I'd do ,
A "tiny foot" or "Illy hand" would 1111 mo
with dismiy ,
Ami if I hud a Blondoi nuiht I'd tileken In a
du > ;
For I li.ivo noticed fiom Uie Hut , as Htiangu
.LS It m.iy Hcem ,
The Blrl who Kets tin ? woi&t of It la "lovely
aa ii , "
The pipcis neer toll about a woman belns
Oi manslcd by u tiollpy air , married tea
a Hot ,
Or louul , at point of plHtol , hui last llfty
cenlH to lose ,
lint that her tycs are "limpid" and her
boots MID number twvs.
So I ean llvo In sweet content , \\ltlionl tlio
HllKhtest fear
Th it troubli ) or cuUmlty 'will ' ever hover
All ! when I sec my misfit fate , It'n seine
ulli't to know
That I'll outlive the bruutlcs by a hundred
jearw or aot
And a suit of our Underwear have
equal advantages of protection from the
cold. But v/e offer unequal advantages
now if you will profit by what we tell
you. We have two lines of Under
wear that we want to dispose-of the
$3,00 a suit kind one is a fine tan
colored merino the other an extra good mottled naturalwo ol
full fashioned , made in the best possible manner , gussetted draw
ers and pearl buttons Garments we can recommend and vouch
for Garments that will save you money to keep until next year
if you have this winter's supply.
The price is
$1.00 a Garment , $2.OO per Suit.
5. W. Cor. 16th uncl Douglas Sta.