Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Laat of tbe Testimony Offered the Jury
Yesterday Morning.
lAHnrner ConlcinU Hie MliMnur Mnn
llnil .No ItciiNoti to Pice frinii
Home ami 'I lirrifuriHe
ie Ill-nil.
LINCOLN" , Jan. 27 ( Special ) Testlmonj
Tvns corrected In Ilio Stevens Insurance case
In federal court this morning , the only wit
ness calleil being Hugli McArthtir. ( or the
defence. Ho testified that he had el con
versation with one Jacob lllght , who was
In Crcto In 1S93. IllBht hail told lilm of
meeting Stevens on a boat between Detroit
nnil Windsor a short tlinu after Stevens' dlu-
nppcaranco from Crete , and that Stcvtns
tcuested | lllght not to tell onjone of the
meeting. Tliu attorneys for the plaintiff
asked to have McArthnr's testimony stricken
otlt , but It was allowed to stand.
P. I. Toss evened the argument for the.
vlaliitirr. He said thai the most Important
fjttestlon Ilio Jury would have to dml with
was whether the condition of Gcorgo II
Stevens , financially , socially and
was such tut to wuruint the allegation ol
the defense that the man ran avuiy to escape
nrrc-st. Ho rolcircil to the statommt tnadu
by Attorney Dew cose at the opening of the
lose. In which ho raid ho would prove to
tliu jury that George IJ Stcvcn.1 nt the time
of his departure from Oreto was badly In-
\olvcd financially and that lie was threatened
with < in Ituiortant nillt by Uio Voting estate.
Ho said the defense had failed to substan
tiate any of the statements The testlmci >
cf Hank examiner Wells was dwelt upon al
consldorablo extent Mr. Wells testified thai
In lila opinion the bank was in ex cello in
condition , t ! < U ho had money on duiosil
there himself nnd tlmt several rc'iUiven ol
his were dtpoiltora 'Ilio hunk had paid 'JO '
cdiits on the dollar of Its deposits < ind tint
during the worst periods of t'.io < > rovull'iig '
liard times He said tlat the Insinuation tint
Stovona left bofiiUHc oP the threatened law-
null by Young was unreasonable. After
.Stevens' disappearance Young had taken no
Mips to recover any money from the Slovens
Mr. KOM stld that Ste\eii8 wa alwa > s ol
( ho most affectionate character , that he lo\rd
his chlldiin ami his homo Why. then ,
should ho have any deslro to lea\e Crete
nc\cr to ictiirn7 Die ] ) ieparallons made
by Sto\ons for the trip wete not such as
to Indicate an intoiitlin to niaKo auj but
u temporary \lslt. He did not take till the
clothing his wife had laid out for him , but
just tmnugli for a few daj < i Another thing
which contradicts the theory that the dis
appearance was premeditated IB the facl
that Stevens enl } took $ . * 0 with him rn
the trip , when ho could Imc easily taken
moro without creating suspicion. His bnnk
aiho had n largo amount of money on deposit -
posit In the Union National bank of Chi-
cagei , uiu Kto\ens iiiu not take advantage
of the opportunity to draw any of It He
BUggentcd tlmt Stevens had miffercd a re
currcnco of the bimstroke received several
years before as a cause for his disappear
ance. At the time of the sunutroKc ho had
become temporarily demented nnd supposing
that his little son wa drowning hat
Jumped Into the Illuo tlver.
Gcorgo II. Hastings fol'owed P. I revs
In the argument fet the plaintiff The ar
guments for the defense were made bv At
torneys Dowccso ami lltaliop The } sought
to show that the testlnuiij ot the witness
Height , who lad said that ho met Stevens
I'l Chicago , had not been damaged by the
other side when they brought witnesses to
prove that Height had &ald ho met Stovenn
on the boat at Detroit lloth stories aroe !
that ho had met and tnlUe-d with Stevens
The argument was Mulshed late In the aftcr-
noca and the case was given to the jury.
Some limp ngo the secretary of the State
blinking board received a letter from n man
In Washington who said that ho had a $5 note
Issued by a bank In Tckamah In 1S5G , nnil
desired to know what It was worth at the
ptcscnt time1. Sectetary Hall answered him
tint the note had no value at the present
time , except as a curloslt } having been one
of tlio oKl "wildcat" series. He made the
Washington man a small offer for the bill
Today the secrelar } received a letter from
n lady In Omaha , who said that she also
had a ? "i note Issued by the old Tckamah
bank , nnd that she understood the banking
boaid was redeeming them The secictary
Is now afraid that the publication of his
offer to the Wushlng'on man will bring him
n Hood of amilicntons fiom tha old settlers
xvho wcro so unfortunate as to have the
Teknmah mono } left on their hands. He
tnluv ] It as an Indication that the people who
1-avo money that has no redenmible vain'
nro verv anxious to trade It for money that
will buy things.
Adjutant ( icneral Harry , who was elected
seicritai } of the Cuban Uellcf co.nmhsloii
received letters today from Orafton and
mmenmy i-iacu no.irin ; ; mm or me torma-
tlnn ot subcommittees to aid In the relief
n J. Clements of Onl , who was named by
the supreme court us referee In the Droatcli-
Mooics cake , has written the clerk of the
court to say that he will conic to Lincoln
next Monday to receive his Instructions from
the court preparatory to commencing the
w ork.
The t'tato treasurer 7ian Issued a call for
general fund warrants Nos 30,452 to 30.811.
amounting to JU.OOO , to como In February a
Governor Holcomb has honored the requisi
tion of the' governor of Illinois for Piank
Hlce , who In under arrest at Wllbcr and Is
viai-ted at Galena , III . for burglary
The adjutant gencial has received the
resignations of Captain Gilbert Haase of the
company at Kcarnc } and PIrst Lieutenant
Pred W Ashton of company M , Grand
Island , nnd h.ib Issued culls for elections to
111 ! tliu places
The commissioned officers of the company
of the Nebraska National Guard at Tekamah
have rccelvi'd honorable dlschaigcs , having
closed up the affairs of the company The
privates received their discharges two or
thrc'o } cars ago , the company having been
muttered out of the service.
Mrs. Charles Ilronncr was taken sudJenly
nick this mcinlng , and although two phsl-
j clans were Immediately Hummonod , they
* -were unable to help the BUffc'rcr and slio
J died In a few hours. The cause of dcatn
J w-s pronounced to bo cholera morbus.
Dockets for the 'Pcbruuiy ' term of district
court have been completed. There are 077
cnsea , apportioned as follows1 Judge' Cor
nish , eiilty | , 3. i4 cases , Judge Hall , law , 1.12
eases , Judge HoliiHH , criminal and law , Id
Mrs. Oeorgo 12 Maclean gave a largo re-
t'optlon } i'atord.iy afternoon In honor of Mrs.
J H. MacLcan , who Is visiting In Lincoln.
Hagonow's string quartet discoursed sweet
jnuslo while the guests chatted
The Shrlners of Sc'sostrls Temple held a
iiuniluT of members from over the state
tu'ro hero and rartlclpated In the event ,
ClINIOf IllNllllllV III I.I'lKll ,
LniOIf. Neb , Jan 27. ( Special ) Mrs.
Johnson , wlfo of Amll Johiuon , who res hies
nt Clarkson , a small village seven miles
cast of here , came to Lohlgh last evening and
Hvvoro out a warrant for the arrest of her
luiabniul , whom she ald hud attempted to
1U11 her. Investigation disclosed that the
woman Is intano and Imaglneo someone Ute
to kill her.
UnrlleiiHiirlxlH > le-l ,
. .Neb , Jan 27 ( Special ) The
third annual mcc'tlng of the Northwest Ne
braska Horticultural soclet ) convened hero
today The program Is as follows Paper
by J , P Uunlap of Uwlsut on "Plro might
Don't Stop
Knd4f lr ( ! r f k U Btrrrt
T.V IlilO-UHO , ikr o.l/
fur * bll ( ! ( Ubicio. * I Uiti. t b.iil
wtliU or ( f BI.
- _ Woansi
klltlii lUUUUL i > U JUltt , 10.1 U CTMM. ttl
"I In Apple- Trees , " 'Truits for Northern Ne
braska by J W Stevenson of North Ilend ,
necreury anl treasurers annual reports
A C Tjre'l ' of Madison naj a paper on
"How I Would I'lant an Orchard on the
farm , ' George A. Marshall of 'Arlington ,
"What Krult Trees and Hushes to Plant for
Family fso , " J I ! Had kin son of Omaha
"What to I'lant on the I.iwn , " W I )
Throckmortnn of Albion "Cherries , " K. P.
Stcvci's of Crete , "Prult Growing In Ne-
bra ka , " C W Wright of Stanton. "Tree
Growing on Sandy Soil" The daj's pro
gram concluded this evening with on ad-
drtpfl by llev I , \ \ Luddon of Lincoln on
the subject "I'oultr > . "
ii vvi : ruTii OPv.NM2\mov.
OxiinriN Inner ! I'rm Inllilllll Clmisc 111
Srittiir lli'et Cnnlini'li
OHANI ) 1SLV.ND , Neb , Jan 27. ( Special )
A new clause hat ? Jult b n added to the
contract between the farmers and the Oxnard -
nard licet Sugar company which shows that
the Oxnard companj fears the mini\ulon o :
Hawaii will have nn effect on the sugar in-
dnstrj. The clause l.i as follows "It Is
further provided that In case Hawaii or any
of the Hawaiian Manila should lie annexed
to the United States during the life of this
contract , then and In that case .1 reliictlon
of 50 cents per ton will bo named from nil
of the above named prices" ( for beets )
Per the last two das representatives of
the Pldcllt } lloml company of Haltlmorc ,
the representative of the Armour company
nnd Mr Milur , tin- defaulting cnshlcj who
voluntarily returned to make good ns much
ns UDI In his power his violation of tiut
have been In consultation nsi to- what course
to pursue as to the recover } of the money
nnd the prosecution for the criminal offense
It Is claimed that n largo portion of tile
money of which Matter Is short was lost IF
n local gambling house and a ptilt la tlireat-
entxl against the same for n recovery of the
An effort Is being made by the people ol
Grand Island to ralso a fund ot several thou
sand dollars for the purclme of scientific
apparatus for the Grand Island college.
\VoililIIIMT VuillrpNni'j
rumtONT , Neb. , Jan. 27 ( Special )
The fifty-fifth wedding annlveisnrj of Mr
and MIB. Harlow Goff occurred > osterday
and the venerable couple wore given a sur
prise by tholr chlldion and gr.indi hllilrrn
jesterday c'tornoon at their ic.sldence on
North Hroad slreit Mr and Mrs GolT were
married In Augusta , N Y. In 1S3I and have
resided In Fremont slnco IK ( > 7 'Ihnv have
four children living , II K Goff and Mrs
If. C. Hi own of rremont , nnd II W and
H. J ( Ion of Maple township , all of whom
were present jcstcrdav Hoth M"r. and Mrs
Goff are over SO yeans of age.
Pli'ilMi's 111 l.linrn l'c < n > le.
iiKIIOUN , Neb , Jan 27 ( Special )
The announcement appearing In The Ike
yesterday that after February C , next this
town would be recognized by the tcorganlred
1'nlon I'.u Iflc Knllroad compnii } ns of moro
Importance than a whistling post and passing
track was receive ! \ Ith satisfaction by the
business men nnd citizens In general. Under
thu new order the passenger train fcervloo
will bo highly satisfactory and make It
prsslblo for an Klkhornltu to go some place
and return homo the same da } should he
so dcslru
Sorrel * MH | ( . | | i s 1'iimpt-r
CKNTUAL CITY , Neb , Jin 27 ( Special )
The Highlanders hold a banquet last nlglit
and 127 covers were laid. Castle
has taken in thirty new members during the
last month The Modern Woodmen of
America are having a healthy growth
Twcntj candidates weio Initiated last night
U'aldcmar ledge , Knights of I'jthlas , lias
eight candidates for Its ne\t mooting The
Odd Pollows , Workmen , Maccabees and the
Knights and Ladles of Security are gather
ing In new members at a lively rate.
Mill for Vlleti.-il Mimiler.
COLUMHUS , Neb , Jati. 27 ( Special )
P. Drodfeuhrer , a jeweler of this city , has
brought suit In the district court of 1'latte
count against William wcll-to-
} Schrelbei. a - -
dn farmer living abojt nine miles from
town , In which ho a ° ks damages In the sum
of $1,500 foi slander. The plaintiff claims
to have suffered In his business In that sum
from alleged false nnd defamatory remarks
uttered anil published by the defendant.
runner * ' liiNltit ( ( < > Clnti-N
TKCUMSCH. Neb , Jan 27. ( Special )
Last evening's sesslcn closed the fifteenth
uinual meeting of the Johnson county farm
ers' Institute J. W Dlnsreore of the State
university was the speaker last evening and
delivered a powerful address on the subject
of "Child Studv " The attendance at the
meeting > estcrday was better than at those
of the diys before , the weather being more
IllNrllits ( theMJIKHIIK. .
n VNCUOrT , Neb , Jan. 27 ( Special )
Grand Custodian J. 12 Tulle } s of the Masonic
order last evening closed a three das' course
of Instruction at this place. Quito a number
ofisltlng brothers were present and great
Interest was manifested by the attending
members \t the eloso of the meeting las > t
ovcnlng u banquet was held In honor of the
Shot In Hitrin. .
YORK , Neb . Jan. 27. ( Special ) Daniel
Mulrhoad got In front of the loaded end of
a rlllc jesterday while he and his brother
wen * hunting ami surgerns are now hcarch-
Ing for the till In hi. . ? right arm.
A r-irt } of York county } oung men Is preparing -
paring to make a trip to the Klondike next
lllnuiloil lliivrx > nlil.
KRI2MONT , Neb , Jan 27 ( Special )
Mrs. A. M. ndvv arils hold her annual auction
sale cf blooded Poland China hogs at her
farm east of town today There were ijullo
a number of outof-town 1m j era In attend
ance. So im > of the best bred stock In the
Kt.ito wus put up and brought fair prlcco.
Mot tlne-hliifM fin.
rilKMONT. Neb , Jan. 27. ( Special. )
Maor Piled has ordered the nlckel-ln-tho-
slol machines removed and the incrchantii
have oboed his orders Mot of them did
KO willingly and appeared anxious to get
rlil of thorn. There were twenty-eight ma
chines In the various stores here.
( In n Tour TliroiiKli tinIVint. .
GI2NI2VA , Neb , Jan 27. ( Special ) Rov.
Herman L Duhrlng of Philadelphia , who is
on a tour through the United States In the
Interest of the Lenten offerings , arrived In
Geneva on the 24th to visit relatives. Ho
conducted Bervlee 3 In Trinity church Tues-
du > evening.
Worlv on IrrlifiiMoii Cnniil.
OnuiNG , Neb. , Jan. 27. ( Special. ) Now
work Is being opened up all the while alone
thr line of the Gerlng Irrigation district
canal , although 'tho ' wet work Is practloilly
at a standstill on account of frost. Theru
arc from sovent-flvo to ICO teams at work
now ,
Slum ill ( ii-rliiKT.
GI2UING , Neb. . Jan 27. ( Special ) A
lieavy snow storm has been raging tor a day
or to , and there Is from olght to ten Inches
of snow on the ground. No lobncs of stock
la reported , but feed will bo consumed
rapidly for awhllo.
Pur Klrc'llou of TriiNdu'H ,
TiCUMSI2H , Neb , Jan. 27. ( Special )
The annual meotlng of ho congregation of
St. Andrew's church for the election of
rudtecs will bo held at the opor.a l.ourc ,
his city , at 3 o'clock p. in. ou Tuesday ,
Pe-bruary S.
\iiii ii
XKHHASKA CITY , Jan. 27 ( Special )
Information waa filed against Salman MeCart
of Palmyra today by his father , II 0 Me
Cart charging him with Insanity. Ho will
bo examined by the Hoard of Insanity.
Pntiill } liijuri-il ! > > lluriilnrn
CINC'INNATI , 87. Christian Ivleln , a
ironilneiit pioneer citizen nnd prettlde-nt of
ho Clnclnnntl Hour nnd Pued company ,
waa shot twice nnd fatally wounded by
burglarb nt hl mill hero tonight. Klein
cannot tmrvlvo thu nlglit. The burglars o-
curi'cl nothliiK but escaped. No ono W H
with Klein In the olllcu vvlivu tne bhootlnf
Tlirilling Incidents in the Lives of Metro
politan Fircmeni
\Votnlorful i\lillilllnns : of IlDMeT >
anil X | > | r.Siiorllli < rNo 'IlioitKht
of Ilitnui-r CiMintlim Mu
ll ills U lille Aile-ep ,
Mr. Jacob A. Klls , author of "How the
Other Half Lives ' and other studies of temc-
rnrnt house lite , contributes to the Pebmary
Cptituiy nn aitlele on "Heroc-s Who Plght
Plrc ' Tlie japcT has n number ot strik
ing Illustiatlons b } Jay HambldKC , Mr.
Hits sas of the New York fireman
Ills life Is too full of real peril for him ,
to expose It recklessly that Is to nay. need-
lessl } . From the time when he leaves Ills
quarters In answer to an alarm until he rc-
turnK , ho takes n risk that may at any mo
ment set him face to face with dexith In It *
most cruel form. He needs nothing to much
as a clear head , and nothing U prlred so
highly , nothing puts him so surely In the
line of promotion1 , for as he advance * In
lank and responslblltt } the lives of others ,
as well as his own , come to depend on li'a '
judgment. The net of conspicuous daring
vvhlrh the world applauds Is oftenest to the
flienan n matter of simple duty had
to bo done In that wa } becaue there was
no other. Nor Is It alwajs. or even usu-
nll } , the hardest dut } , n he sscs H. H
came easy to him because ho Is an athlete
trained to do such things and because once
for all It Is easier to rl k one's life In the
open , In the sight of one's fellows , than to
face death alone caught like a rat In a trap
That Is the real peril which ho knows toe !
well , but of that the public hears enl }
when ho has fought his last fight and lost.
How- literally our ove-r-day sectirit } of
which we think , If wo think of It at all , us n
matter of course Is built upon the supreme
sacrifice of these devotPl nie.i , wo leallza at
lone Intervals -when a disaster oreurs such
ns the one In which Chief Uresnnn and
Poreman Hooney lost their lives three } eai ,
nco Tliov were crushed to death under
the great water tank In a Twenty-fourth
ttreot factory that was on lire Its sup
poits had been burned away. An cxamli a-
tlcn that was then made of the water tanks
In the cltv discovered 8000 that were either
wholly unsupported , e-\cept by the ro-t
beams , 01 propped on timbers and therefore
a direct menace , not only to the llrcmotl
whc'n thei were called there but dallv to
thosa living under them. It Is not pleas
ant to add that the department's just de-
tmnd for a law that should compel land
lords either to build tanks ou the w ill or
oni iron supports has not been heeded yet
but ( tut Is. unhappily , an old wtory
Seventeen scars ago the collapse of a
llt'nn li * * htlllitlnrr ilnrltitr Hrp PnnvlnPPlI1
the community that stone pillars > veie un
safe as supports The fire was In the buc- :
me-nt and the llrcmeru had turned the hese
on When the water struck the hot granIte -
Ito columns they cracked and fell , and fid
btilldlnc fell with them There were upon
the roof at the time ft doen men of the crcv.
of truck companv No 1 , chopping holes foi1
smoke vents The majority clung to the
parapet and hung there till icsciied. Two
win * down Into the furmco from which
the flames shot up twent } feet when thereof
reef broke One , Plreman Thomas 1
Dougherty was a wearer of the Hennett
medal too Ills foreman answers on pa-
JdJo day. when his name Is called , that he
"died on the field of diitl " These , at nil
events , did not die in vain Stone columns
are not now u ed In supports for buildings
In Now York
Mr Rlls tells the following story of un
he-olc rescue at the Hotel Rojal lire In
New York six jeprs ago
Sergeant Vaughan went up t > n the ro'-r
The smoke was so dense there that ho coul 1
see little , but through It he heaid n cry fo-
hclp , and made out the shape of a man
standing upon a window-sill In the fifth
story , overlooking the court y.rd of tin-
lintel The jnrd was between them. Ula-
dlng his men follow they were five all tola
he ran down and around In the next street
to the loof of the house that formed an angle
with the hotel wing There stood the man
below him , only a jump awa } , but a jump
which no mortal might take and live Ills
face and hands were black w ith smoke.
Vaughan. looking down , thought him a.
negro. Ho was perfectly calm
"It Is no use , " he said , glancing up.
"Don't try You can't do it "
The sergeant looked wistfully about him
Not a stick or a piece of rope was In
sight. Hvcry shred was used below There-
was absolutely nothing "Dut I couldn't let
him , " he said to me , months r.fter when ho
1'ad como out of the hosnital a whole man
again , and was back at wotk "I just
couldn't , standing there so quiet and brave "
To the men he said hharpb
"I want you to do exactly us I tfll } ou ,
now Don't grab me , but let mo get the-
nrbl grao lie nan noiice-i uuu me man
wore a heavy overcoat and had already laid
1 Is plan
"Don't try , " urged the man "You cannot
sivo me. I will stay here until it gets toj
hot ; then I will jump "
"No , > ou won't , " from the sergeant , as
he la } at full length on the roof looking
over "It Is n pretty hard } ard down there.
I vi 111 get } ou. or go dead msdf "
The four * at on the sergeant's legs as lie
swung free down to the walbt ; so ho WUB
almost able to reach the man on the window ,
with outbtrotchod lianas.
"Now , jump quick' ' " ho commanded ; and
the man jumped iHe caught him by both
wrlbts as directed , and the sergeant got a
grip on the collar of his coat
"Hoist1" ho shouted to- the four on tie
roof ; and they tugged with tholr might.
The pergeant'a Lody did not move Ucndlng
over tlld tho. back creaked , It hung over the
edge , a weight of 20T pounds suspended
from and holding It down. The cold sweat
etaitod upon his men's foreheads an they and tried again , without gaining an
Inch Hload dripped from Sergeant Vaughn'i ?
nostrils and ears. Sl\ty feet below was
the paved courtard , over agalnrt him the
window , behind which ho saw theibaclc -
draft coming , gathering headway with lurid ,
swirling smoko. NOW It burst througii
burning the hair and coaln of the two Kor
an Instant ho thought all liopo was gone
Hut In n Hash It came back to him To
relieve that terrible dead weight that
wrenched and tore at his muscles , ho was
swinging the man to nnd fro like a pendu
lum , head touching head. Ho cruhl swing
him up1 A rmothered shout warned Ills
mon. They crept nearer the edge without
letting go their grip on him , and watched
with staring eyes the human pendulum
Rwlng wider and wlJer , farther and farther ,
until now , with a mighty effort It swung
within their reach 1hev caught the skirt
of the coat , held on. pulled In , and in a
moment lifted him over the edge.
They lay upon the roof nil six , Jiroalhlesi ,
Flghtlces. their faces turned 1o the winter
sky. The tumult of the street came up as a
faint echo ; the spray of a score of cnglneii
pmriilng below fell upon them , froze , and
covered them with Ice The very rear of the
fire seemed far off The sprgeant IN as the
first to recover. Ho carried down the man
ho had tavfxl and saw him sent off to the
hospital Then Ilrtt ho noticed that ho was
not n negro , the smut had been rubbed off
Ills face. Monday had dawned before ho
came to , and dava passed Ibeforo he know
his rescuer Sergeant Vaughan was laid
up himself then. He had returned to his
work and finished It , but what ho had gene
through was too much for human strength
U was spring before IIP returned io his quar
ters to find himself promoted , iK'Ued , and
made much of
In the chief's quarters of the Poartcontu
battalion ti Id Wakefleld I'dere sits today a
man. still } oung In years , who In his maimed
body but iinbrokroi spirit bears such testi
mony to the quality of New York's flro
flghtem as the brave Ilresran and his comrade -
rado did In their death Thomas J Ahcarn
led lite company as captain ( o a fire In thu
Coneolldated Gas works on the east clde
Ho found coo of the- buildings ablaze Par
toward the rear , at the end of a narrow
lane , around which the fire Bwlrlcd and
arched Itself , wtilto and wicked , lay the body
of a man dead , said the panic-stricken
crowd. Ilia suffering * bad been brief. A
fate threatened all ur.le ? ) the flro was
qul My i ut Ou1 There we i > underground
rexcr oirs < f nap itlvi the ftrejtn 1 was honej
! i mbcd with them -that nrttbr-cH'lodc at tiy
! moment with the ( Ire trtRm vertic < id The
peril wan Instant and great Captain Ahearn
looked at the body and * VV It stir Ttie
I watch chain iion the nW's vest rose and
fell ess If he were breathfrfi
' He Is not dMl , " bo salt ! " f'l am going to
get that man out ' And tie'crept down the
lene of fire uimlndf Jl oT the Wldden dangers ,
seeing cnly the man who was ( icrtohlng
The flames scorched him I tht'y blocked his
way , but he came through aJlv'c and brought
out his man so budl } IrVirtj however , that
he died In the hospl'ol Hint < ] . < i } The Hoard
of Klre Commissioner ! ) Ttjdve Ahcarn the
medal for brivery and'made him chief
Within a } c > ir he all but \ onbis life In n
gallant atte-nnt t > save Itie'llfe of a child
that was supposed to be pYnneil In a burning
Rlvlngton street tcnemc'i/t M Chief A'.icarn's
quarters were near by aml'ho \ < as first on the
protind. A desperate mart confronted him In
the hallway. "My chlldi fny child' ' " he
cried , nnd wrung his hands "Save him' '
Ho Is In llieie" Hoolntod to the Lack
room It was black with smoke In the
front room the fire was raging Crawling
on hanc'a acid feet the chief trade his wa }
Into t'.ie room the iron had pointed out He
gr pod under the bed and in it , but found
no child there Satisfied that It had escaped
he started to return The smoke had grown
S3 thick that breathing was no longer pos
sible , even at the floor The chief drew
his cat over his head and made a dah for
the hall door He reached It only to Ilnd t'.iat
the fiirlcig lock had s-appe-d shut The door
knob burned his band Tno fire burst through
from the front room and seared hi * face
With a last effort ho kicked the lower panel
out of the door and init his head through
And then ho knew no more
Ills men found him lying so when the }
came looking for him The coat wan burned
off his back , and of his hat only the wire
rim remained. He lay ten months In the
hospital , and came out deaf and wrecked
plivslcallj.t the age ot 15 the board 10-
tlred him to the quiet ot the country dis
trict with this formal resolution , that did
the board moro credit than It could do him
It Is the only one of Its kind upon the de
partment books :
"Ucaolvod , Thatln assigning Battalion Chief
Thomas J Ahearn to command the Pour-
tecnth battalion , In the newly annexed dis
trict , the board deems It proper to express
the sense of obligation felt by the board and
all good cltl7cns for the brilliant and merito
rious services of Chief Ahearn In the dis
charge of duty which will nlwaS servo as
an example and an Inspiration to our uni
formed force , and to express the hope tint
his future } cars of service at a less arduous
peat may be as comfortaUe and pleibatit
as his former jears have been , brilliant and
honorable. "
I once asked Plreman Martin M Colcman.
after ono of those exhibitions of coolness and
courage tlmt thrust him constant ! } upon the
potlco of the newspaper man , what ho
thought of when ho stood upon the ladder ,
with this thing before him to do that might
mean lifo or death the next moment. He
Icokcd at mo In some perplexity.
"Think' " ho said slowlj "Whj , I don't
think There ain't any time to If I'd
stopped to think , them live people would 'a'
been burnt No ; I don't think of danger
1C It is anything , 15 U that up there I am
boss. The rest a'o not In It. Onl } I wish , "
he added , rubbing his arm rtiefull ) at the
recollection , "that she hadn't fainted It s >
hard when the } faint. The're just so much
deud weight. Wo get no b.olp at all from
them heavy women"
And that was all I could get out of him
I never had much better luck with Chief
Benjamin A Glcqucl , who Is the oldest
wearer of the Dennett mudal , Just as Coleman -
man Is the } oungCht , or the ono wno received
It lasf. He was willing enough to talk about
the science of putting put flre > s , of Depart
ment Chief Banner , the , "inau of few vvirds , "
who , ho thinks , has mastered thn art bco'id
any man living , of thebackdraft and al
most an } thing else pontalniug to the busl-
nesh ; but when I Insisted upon h'o telling
mo the storv of the nwcue of the Schaefcr
family of ( he from a burning tenement
down In Chciiy strcet.i In which he earned
his rank and reward , ho laughed n good-
humored little laugh , aud : said It was "th ?
old man" meaning Stlmefer who should
have had the medal. "It was a grand thing
In him to let the little ones come out first "
I have sometimes wished tlmt firemen were
ret so modcnt. It would 1 > o much eoisler. If
not BO satisfactory , to record their gallant
deeds. Hut I am not sure that It Is , after
all , modesty so much ns a wholly different
point of view. It Is business with them the
work of their HVCH The ono feeling that Is
allowed to rise bccml this Is the fooling.of
exultation In the face of peril conquered b }
courage , which Colcman expressed On the
ladder ho was boss' ' It was the fancy of a
mabterful man , and none- but a masterful
man would have got upon the ladder at all
DouLtlcss there Is something In the spec
tacular side of It tint attracts. It would DC
strange If there were not. There Is ovei-
tl-lng In a fireman's existence to encoiirapr
It Day and night bo leads a kind of hair-
trigger life , that feeds naturally upon exclto-
rrrnt , even If only as \ nllef from the Irksome -
some Idling In quarters Try as they ma } t&
give him enough to to there the tlmo hanga
neavny upon nis namis , KOVCII up as no is.
and need bo , to adventurous deeds at shortest
notice He falls to grumbling and quar
relling , and the nccesslt } becomes impera
tive of holding him to the strictest discipline ,
under which he chafes Impatlentlv. "The }
nig like a lot of oKl women , " said Depart
ment Chief Homier to me once , "and the
best at a fire arc often the worst In the
house. " In the midst of It all the gonp
strikes a familiar signal ; with a trap the mc-
go down the shining pole to the main floor ,
all else Is forgotten ; an ] with crash and
clatter and l > ing , the heavy engine swings
Into the street , and races avvia > on a wild
gallop , leaving a trail of flro behind
Presently the crowd sees rubber-ooated ,
hclmctcd men with pipe and hose go througn
a window from which such dense smoke
pours forth that It seems Incredible that a
human being could brcitho It for a second
and live The lios.0 Is dragged squirming
over the sill , where shoitlv a red-evol face
with disheveled hair appears , to shout bom -
thing hoarsely to those below which the }
understand. Then , unlpsj some emergency
arise , the spectacular part Is ever Could the
citizen whoso heart beat as ho watched them
enter , sec them now. he would see grimy
bl'apes , very unlike the fine-looking men who
but just now had roused his admiration ,
crawling on hands and knees , with their
noses close to the floor If the smoke be very
dense , ever polnt'ng ' the "pipe" in the direc
tion where the enemy Is expected to appear.
The flro Is the enemy , but he can fight that ,
once ho reaches It , with something of a
chance. The smoke kills without giving him
a show to fight back Long p-actlco
tough'Mis him against It , until ho loirns the
trlik of "eating the smoke " Ho can breathe
where a canUo goes out for want of oxygen.
Ily hold'ng ' his mouth close 'to the nosrzle , ho
gets what little the stream of water brlnga
with It and sets free ; and within a fe\v
Inches of the floor thefo IK nearly alvays a
current of air. In the la iomergency , there
Is the hose that ho eaq fpllow out. The
smokeciluajs Is his wo-st enemy It lays
ambushes for him whlcji lift can suspect , but
not ward off. Ho trlea Jo by opcn'ng ' vents
In the roof as boon as the pipe-men are In
place and ready ; hut lj ; wjto of all prcoiu-
tlons , ho Is often surprised by the dreaded
How firemen manage to hear In their sleep
the right signal , while they Bleep right
through any number tl.atj concerns the next
company not them , ls > ono of the mysteries
that will probabl } nhvajs remain unsolved
"I don't know , " said 'Department Chief
Ilonner , when I asked him once. "I guess it
Is the same way with everybody You hear
what you have to hear , i There Is a gong
right over my bed at home , and I hear
every stroke of It , but I don't hear the baby
My wife hears the baby If It as much as
stlra In Us cilb , but not the gong" Very
likely ho Is right. The fact that the fire
man can hear and count correctly the stroki-s
of the gong In Ills sleep has meant life to
many hundreds , and no end of property
saved ; for It U In the early momenta of a
11 ri ( that It can bo dealt with summarily I
recall ono Instance In which the failure to
Interpret i signal properly , or the accident
of taking a wrong road to the flro. cost a
life , and , singularly enough , that of the wlfo
of ono of the firemen who answered the
alarm. It was All no pitiful , no tragic , that
It haa left an rndellblo Impression on my
mind. It was the flro at which Patrick P.
Lucas earned , the medal for that year by
snfttchlnr five persons out ot the \cry Jaws
of death In n Domlnlck s'reet tei.ement
The alarm-slsnol rang In the hook-and-UJ-
der company's quarters In North Moore
street , bttl was either mlsunderstool or they
made a wrong start Instead of Uirnlni
ecst , to West Hroadwny the truck turnoi
west , and went galloping toward Gre-onwloh
street. It was only a few seconds , the < lme
that was lost , but It was enough Plreman
Murph } s heart went up In his throat when
from his scat on the truck as It Hew towari
the fire , bo saw ( hat It was his own home
that was burning t'p on the fifth floor he
found his wlfo penned In. She died In til
nrms ns ho carried her to the1 flro-iscnpe
The fire , for once , had won In the race for a
( Continued from PIrst IMgo )
to maintain Inviolably the obligations o
the I tilled StntcM nnd nil our mom }
whether eoln or pnper , nt the ptesent tand
aid. the Mnmlard of the most onllghteiic <
tuitions of the e-arth. "
ThH Is In reality a command from tn
people who gave1 the admlnlstrallto'i to th
part } now In power , and who nre sitll MIX
lotisly iwaltliiK for the execution of tin I
free and omnipotent will b } those of
who hold c-onimlsslons from that tiupiom
I ha\e < tonight spoken In i somewia
nerlous strain because I nellove .t Ii ill
both to the niembetshlp of Ibis n-Jioeli
tton nnd tho. conllllons umlT nlikh till
nswnblago has met. The < conf . 'ea am
Nsti-niatle efforts of such i body or tin i
ns thin are capiblo of IntlnlUv good to th
respective e-ommunltles In which Ibe mem
bers IIvo and to the nation at mrgo.
The country Is now emeigliiK Horn try
Inp conditions. It Is enl } Just beginning
ta recover from the depiexsloli In eertali
lines of business long continued and alto
pi-tier unparalleled Piogress , theiefore
will naturally be slow , but let UM not In
Impatient Itathvr let us exerei e u jus
tutUme and ono which In time will surel }
bring Us own high lew aid.
I have no fear foi the future of our lie
loved eottntrvhllo I discern In Its pre-s
cut condition the necessity that nlwasex
ists foi the fallnful devotion of It" citizens
tinUlstor.v of Us past Is assutanceto m <
Hint its course will be , as It alwa.vs has
been tluougli e\ei } struggle- and enu'rj.onev
still onvviuil nnd upward It has never suffered
ferod from any trial or been unequal to all }
ta k
Pounded upon right principles , we bavi
no lilng lj fdir from \Iilosttui1es vvbli
ma } lie aeross our pathwav. The n itlot
founded bv the fathers upon prlnclplm of
virtue , education nnd human lights
moulded liv tbe gloat discussions which es
tablished Its soverclgntv , tried In tiectu -
clble of civil war , Its Inti'Krllv conllimed
1) ) } therisults of leconstiuctlon , with a
union stromjei and bettei than evir be'ore
Ktnnds led ly not upon Hhlftliife sands , but
upon Immovable foundations.
Let iu ipsolve by oui IIWM and bv oui
administration of them to maintain tin
lights of the citizen , to eenu nt the union
b } still closer bonds , to exult the stand nil
of Ameilcan elvlll/atlon , cneouiaKi * t n
promotion of thrift lndii ti > and econoni }
and the liomelv v It tiles which hiveen
nnbleil our jieoplo , uphold the stability ot
our euiietic } and cndlt , and Illustrate the
Tiinllv nr mir nillntuil .mil iiiiinlelnil irov-
itnmcnt , and thougli tie lain descends
and the Hoods como , and Oo winds blow
the nation will sand , for It is founded upon
a lock
Senator Pre of Maine , who was liitroduiec
as one of the gicatest friends of the mu-
chant marine , made n bile-f addresb
Ho ru'erred to the great Increase In do
mestic commerce and gave statistics Ii
bpeaklng of the Nicaragua canal ho declared
that the United Suites hould build It He
did not approve of the pilvato ownership
of ( the canal I ) } any corporation , the gov
ernment was In the best position to buiiO
and operate the canal.
Senator Prjp said the value of the Ha
wailati Islands was $19,000,000 and tliu
Americans owned It. American shlw | car
ried the comme-co valued at ? J3 000,000 II
bald if thetionty were not latllled In less
than one year , the Islands would be uiidi.-
the protection ot Great Iliitaln This was
met with erica of "no" Much confusion foi
lowed. Ho asked the gue > ts to exercise
their influence with the senate to have the
treaty ratified. There were chceia. am
cilcs of "no" ns well.
Ho read an extract from a report of Ad
miral Dupont in which ho advised the oc
cupation of the Hawaiian Islands as a koj
to the Pacific. Ho Bald the Nlcaraguati canal
would not bo worth a cent with the Ha
waiian islands In the hands of an enemy
This was received with applause.
Then the speaker changed to the noeesslt }
of Increasing the merchant marine. Ho sale :
lu conclusion If ho was rj dictator ho would
hold the Nicaragua ! ! canal , take Hawaii
build a rallwa } from Terri del Puogo , and
hiibsldbo the merchant mailne of the coun
During all of Senator Foe's references to
Hawaii there were seveial "Nocts" } elled
out when ho referred to the acceptance of
the treaty. Ho closed amid grcit applause
Clai c , i Kinor ) Smith spoke at length on
the commercial destiny of the United States ,
which , ho predicted , would In the- coming
century peacefully dominate the inrkots of
the world He pi Id a particular tribute to
President McK'nle } as "tho exponent of the
\merlccn protective pollcby vlitue of
which this eountr } had built up its manufac
ture's nnd International commerce to a point
which triggered the Imagination to con
ceive , a"d had aroused at once the vondci ,
alarm end admiration of all nuiope"
This International work accomplished It
was our next step , the speaker said , to make
a bold bid for the foreign m.irketo of the
world. The meann are within our reach.
A merchant marine which fihall revive our
early prestige on'the sea , a navy to command -
mand respect for the voice of our authority ,
commercial lines which bhull run direct to
pivotal points , and the Isthmian canal , under
exclusive American control , which shall be
the fccts of continental trade , glvo us a
practically continuous coast line and open
to our trade the markets of the 70,000,000
people of South America and the 600,000,000
of China.
He'iiry 13. How land spoke next on the
tendency of legislation to meddle with pri
vate alTaliH.
After mlilnlgnt rrcsmeni .viciviniey nciu
an Informal reception , leaving the hotel at
1 a. m. for the Windsor.
At the business session of the Manufac
turers' association Theodore C. Search of
Philadelphia was re-elected president ,
Charles \ Schlrcn , ex mayor of Ilrooklyn ,
was ic-clecteil treasurer , and K. P Wilson
of Cincinnati was ro-clected secretary. The
following vlco presidents were also chosen
Alabama , T W , Pratt , Connecticut , Pliny
Jewell ; Delaware. C. W Purlcn ; Georgia ,
J. P , Harrison ; Illinois , Charles P , Qulncy ;
Indiana , D , M. Parr } ; Kansas , Thomcs
11an , Kentucky. W. C Moness ; Maine ,
Charles K. Mllllkcn ; Marland , 1) . L liart-
lott ; MnwachilBCtts , W 0 Covering ; Michi
gan ; O H Harbour ; Mltbourl , L P Kings-
ami , 'Mississippi ' , W. D Adams. Now- Jersey ,
Henjamln Althn , Now- York , C. A. Moore ;
North Carolina , H. O Tonipklns ; Ohio ,
John H Prndletonj Ponrnylvanla , John II.
Converse ; Hhodo Island , Samuel M Nichol
son ; South Carolina , i : A Smith ; Tennessee.
C. M Mitchell , Vermont , Henry Palrbanks ,
Itclilnf , IrrltaloJ icaly cruitcil Kcnlpi , ilry.tliln ,
1,111 ! f uHiitf Hair , clcanicd , purlned , and brautl-
( leil by warm ilmnpooi ul'li CUTJCUIU t-oii- ,
and occailonal Jrculnui of CeTiccBi , purtit of
unoillcnti , the grtnlcst ikiu cum.
Ireatmelit will produce a clean , licnllhy scalp
vrllli luiurlnnt. luitroui Imlr when nil tUu falli
Bold tit "orlj Foniu Unto J u Cllin.
C < " Kul I roi > i HOIIVD
CJ * How ( < * pfp4uc I uturUnl } Ulr ,
fill CD ! vll b UKlnt Ulltnllj trllciu ]
Un rlnC
1 West Virginia. A n hlttdker ; Wisconsin ,
l W S Slvyer. CAllfornla. J 11 Hamilton
' ' The ton vent Ion \ote l to hold Its next
meeting In Cincinnati
A motion to change the date of the an
nual meeting to the middle of February
was referred to the executive committee , as
was all unfinished business.
Kit mu.n-n * i > NUIITII TOWN.
Clnuil H. Carnrv In Itolilieit of P.lnli-
li'rti Hiillnrn ,
The northern part of the city was enliv
ened with another holdup Inst night , tn
which Claud 13. Carnnj of C310 North Tvvcn-
t-flflh street , was rabbeM of hU savings
amounting to $1S. The encounter took plice
nt Twent-fourth nnd Templeton streela nnd
the work wan done by two men who are In-
completel } described
Carney , who Is nbout SO } earn old and lives
with lila parents at the number mentioned
had spent the evening down town. He had
some- distance to walk from the end ot the
street car line' and was m'aklug good prog
ress along Twent } fourth Hlrect when ho MXW
two men landing on the corne-r of Temple-
ton , The } did not seem disposed to } lold
the -way and Carney left "the sidewalk to
pass clear of them. As ho came opposite
them Carne > } sas that one of the men drew
his hnnda from his overcoat jwckots and he'
eaw1 that ixach hand , held n nickel-plated 10-
volver. The mnti with the weapons fol
lowed clcso upon Carney and snld "W.alt
n minute , } oting fellow , hold up } our hands "
Carney followed directions while the fcecond
stronger mode n search of his clothta The
money was secured and other personal ef
fects returned to his pockcti ?
Carney was then turned about tn his path
nnd to ! , ] to return the wav he had come
nu 1 under no account to look around.
no } proceeded with his face to the fore until
ho reached the Ames avenue street car
'barns ' , where ho at once notified the jnillce
station Detectives were sent to the loca
tion and examined the situation with no
result The } were Inclined to believe that
no holdup whatever had occurred.
The scene of the robbery Is quite daik
nnd Carne-y citvs he was iinaillc1 to obtain a
good view of the men's faces. They were
enveloped In long ulsters , ho sa.vs , nnd ha *
caB | pulled over their cats anl foiolioadn
Carney has been etnploved until recently
In a down town restaurant and the nione1 }
was the icsldue of his wages
Vnolliei' Until ! ) WllliniK 'Mi-suit. '
NASHVIU.i : , Tinn , .Jin 27-The legis
lative Joint tomentlon met todav ami took
another lullot for Pulled Stntis senator
The rrpubllran member3 cast their votes
foi 1' , ) S infoid of Knoxvlll'1. The demn
ei.illc ote was s ( tttmd as vat the pu1-
vlous s ( salons Theie lulug no election the
( ( invention idjotitned until tomoiiow.
Olilo Itlvcr N rnllliiKT.
CINCINNATI , Jan. 27-The Ohio river
lias fallen o\er .1 foot iluilng the last tvven
tj-four hours , nml all dangci of a Hood Is
passed. The stage Is now below llflj-one
feet , and all boats todav lestimed their
tilps with no tumble In passing mulct
Ui-inoci ills lii ii Demi lock.
-M : , Jan 27. The ilemoeratle
senitoilal c uti us met again tonight and
again fulled to make i nomination for
Pulled States si nator. Twelve billets wen
taken. Tic last and 111th t Hiding Mc-
Mlllln , J'i , 1 ivloi , 21) ) . Tuili } , 2C
llllllllKflllltH ItllHllllIU III Cut IT.
NHWOUK. . Jin 27-In anllclpitlon of
the ne w immigration law going In o clfect
the msh of Iminlgi.itlon to this countiy ha.i
st irted The Tartar Pilnce toda }
with 7JO ppisTns In the sturirc. The ves-
"el comes from It illin ports
ronii'\si' : run -ionv\'s r. vrinit.
l'nrl ( > riiiiKl.i , \ \ KInnil Sniitli I"
Soil ( ll VV - Nll'l * \\lllllN.
WASIIINO'ION , Jan. 27. Forecast foi
Pi Ida }
Poi Nebraska and Iowa Partly cloud }
vventhet , wanner , south to houthvveiiturl }
Per South Dakota Partly cloudy weather ,
CJlder , northwc'Stei ly winds.
Per Missouri Threatening weather , piob-
ably light lain , blowl } ilslng temperatuiu ,
southerl } winds.
Per KniiKis Threatening1 we.ithei ,
\viiinicr : southvvesterlv winds.
Per W.vomlng1 I artly cloudy weather.
wanner , vailable winds.
l.ocril Ilc-coril
oppion or THI : wnATiinit nimrjAii ,
OMAHA , Jan 27. Omah t itcord of tem-
] > enturo and i.ilnfall compared with the
cotrebpomllng d ly of the last time } e ITH
IWS. ! Si)7 ) 1S9G ISO"
M'lxlmum temperature . . .M 0 . " ! 1 11
.Minimum tcmpciatuto . . 11 7 12 0
Averigo tcmperaturo . . . . 2J 0 M 1
Halnfill . . . 00 ,00 T 00
Hocord of tempei ituro and precipitation
lit Omaha , foi this day and Mnce Match 1 ,
1S97 :
Normal for the day . 20
Hxte'-H for the ela.v . -
. \icuiniilitid cc s since Maiih 1 M
Normil rainfall for the da } . . . 02 Ine h
Dclklency for the day . . . . OJlnch
Total i ilnfall since March 1 SMI Ineliis
Pelitlency slneiMaicli 1
coriesp'g period ISM . u 20 Inche
irlK limn SInlloiiH nt S I > . ! ,
Bevcnty-tltth meridian time.
Boston Store
Drug Department.
cl nj "kin io ci niul dimples , may all b *
} ours If ) ou will do what U needed to got
'TIs net 1 aid Onl } to follow some simp ! *
rules of br.a'th. nnd to help health with
Mine , Yale's
Beauty Specialties
We hive bought a Inige stoeV of thesfl
.and mo .lling them for a tlnis nt cut price *
to piovc wn it
Bangui tis
wp have lo offer In nil our department * .
Slnco we commenced fcclllm ; Mine. Ynlc's1
beauty specialties In n special department
wo have been eiowdcd with ladles who nro
beautiful and who wish to presetvo tlmt
beaut } l.idlos whose bc.iuty foi n tlmo In
under nn eclipse , nnd who wish to mxko the
eclipse pass away under Mine. Yale's lu-
9tlUCtl011 ! > .
How to bo bcnuttful. and icm.tln beautiful
to rlpo old ago , Is tiuthtully told In Mnu\
Yalo's HI eat book , "Woman's Wisdom. "
free to nil who u k for It.
Call and get It. lict advice as to what you
need fiom oui nulosldle , who will wait ou
von tuoiu Mtiafictoill } thnn male eletka.
Have money bv bti } Ing now .U our
Special Prices
Hrr Our
Pi Ice PrUo
Mine. Yale's Hnh Tonic , restoioi
hc'.alth and color to the hill
nnd stops It Hum falling out Jl W fOn
llilr ir , foi sli impoolni ; . 100 KM
Piulteui.i ( for rent ilo \\ea'i-
m > s ) 100 f ° o
l.i Pieckli ( for frooMn ) 100 ( . ' 'o '
SKIn Pnod email , foi WiInKli-s ) . ISO 1 H
Skin Peed ( huge ) 3.00 . ' .I
liust Food ( ( small for ilivcloplng
Ncrk , ] ! ii t nnd Alms ) 1 HO 1 n
Must 1' od ( IniKc ) 300 2.2.
Complexion Pact' Powder. Unco
slmilef Pink , White , III imetto. . . r,0 , Wo
Complexion SIMP ffi 15o
Coinplt xlon llle'iirh ( for Moth
Patches and I.lver Spot ? ) . . . .200 1 75
Complexion Cream ( for Softening1
nnd refining the skin ) 100 GOet
Hvclnsh CJrovvei ( pinmotliiK
uiovvth of the iclnowfl ; and
Ll lies ) 100 fin
Spodil Lotion ( Pimple duo ) 100 C'Jo
Spivclal Ointment ( Ilhu kheail
Illood Toiili- ( Pin Ifv Ing the Blood ) 1.00
Hand Wl.ltoncr ( innkes the hands
soft ( lillrite and white . 100 Clc
Illlxlr of Hoillty ( Sltin Tonic ) . 100 GJo
MiKleil neiet ( for oftenini ;
watci ) . 1 50 1
Gnat Scott , tc'inovcs Biipoilluuus
hull . 1 00
Jack llnsc I < ia\os ( liquid louse ) . . 1 < * ) GU
link Uo iIlndi ( Halve ) . . . 1 ( K ) file
r.uiin imol \ \ bite and Pink. . . . 1 SO 1 V >
Kvibr w Pom IN . llic
Mole nnil Wait Kxtl u-tor . 100 fV
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S/P | . 100 C9c
Yale's Complexion T ilduts , small
sUa . 50 33o
Yale's Pcrtlllycr Tiblets. for con-
stlpitlon large size . 1.00 COc
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ritniV : II h cnoli IIUK-IUINC of : i.
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liolHif VillcN rriillloiirii.
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Bring 10 cents lo The Bee office , either in
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Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cent
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