Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    W M
1 r
Uniqno Example Sot by Sjoioty fliils of
Grand Rapids , Mich.
DctnllM of 11 SncccMfful
t < > ItnlniMIIIII * } for Cliitrltiiltlu
\ \ rKl'r < iJt * < * tM for
( Inrnttirv. .
TIio society young women of Qrand Uap-
liX Mich.i can RO down on record tor two
lniliUo | and brilliant achievements first ,
they are the only < womcn In the United
Stales , If not In the world , to have o gun-
l/od anl corrlfrd to a succi'Siful 1'sue a
] ioc : < slonal bensh Hhovv HiiglMi women
have from time to time issued ol fiesto
nffalrs but thtj have never attempted an-
thln nt all on the scale of ! he exhlhltlonn
Riven by the "Huttcrlly Ileiich Show asso-
c'-itlou" ' of ( JrMiil Uaplds Sesondlj , tin
jcuni ! ladles icprcRcnt ifcc only kennel as o-
cllllon of any sort that pretends to realize
prolts off Its exhibitions , while dog lover
of other afsoclatons usually expect to
make up n dtlclt at the end of a show
"Tho 'lluUcrlllcs" In their third annual
exhibition , which closed the other daj
clcaicd In the neighborhood of $1000 Th <
re.u n for thH ellffoTiino In net roMllt'
douhtle s arises from itho fact lhit this latter
tor orgnnhallon Is ran whollj In ths Inter
lists ot chirlty the purpose rf the Hirtr
files being Indeed much more serious Ihoi
their name would Implj , for bet * Ides glv
to the Vallej ( . 'It } sueh an cxlilbltl m of d ig
of special prl7cs gi premiums should be at
once made qij.taii ( | sent with entrance blank
to every . . ( Jog man In the country. Next , all the eportlng papers and get
thein Interested In the coming event The
Judges must then be decided upon and con
ferred with This Is a most Important tc\-
tiiro as each club la responsible for Its de
cisions to the Amorlcnn Kennel club
"All this , as > on see , Implies an Immense
amount of detail work , and really necesal-
tales an offlro In the business portion of the
city for a. month or six weeks before the
show Our mall Is , of course , enormous and
men arc consiantly coming In to enter their
"The butterflies have been fortunate lit
hiving the use of an office frua ot charge *
both years Hut this wonl 1 doubtless be
the cyse In any cltj wlinre soclet * . slils hail
the matter In charge' It la very dcalrab'e.
If possible , to have som nnj IT-.O
moms Imertslexl In dogi bp-k of lu in-
tcrprlse In this , lee , we have been up
clally favored 1'crhap ? > ou do not Know
that \lr Dulley Waters , one of the wealthi
est n.en In the city , owns thp finest St. Hor-
na'ds In the United S atei
"Of COUTFO our men friends have helped
ua by putting up rnonej for speclil prU'3
About JfiOO was thus contributed thU jear
You know men will put their hands In their
pockets to help on a good dog show when
thev wouldn't do It to support a free beJ. "
souficns or INCOME.
"The scheme , however out of which most
money wan gained for running the show
was our advertising Lists were made out
by the chairman , 61 our advertising commit-
tuo or all the lUtUnf ) firms In town , Includ
ing , banks ralltoKh. etc Thtse fir mi.
weio divided Up amons our twenty-five mem-
heia each of. whom soll'ltej a certain
imount of advertising In our beautlfulh
gotten up catalogue all the rules and regu
lations of the American Kennel
du'j rniiot W printed Tills re-
quins many pages and ve rciscrvcu
rvc-ry Klteinato piie for advertisements
$10 a full page $0 a half pa etc Tt < ,
A Slide of Fifty-Two Miles Down a
California Flumo.
A Drop from \\lulrr on CMoimtnlii
I't-uU ( u Siiniinrr In ( hiSan
> louiiiliiiillij V'llirli-
Think of riding In small cmtt In a grev.
trough , projecting l.i the air flfts or eve I
silent } * feet above th * earth , Irani n Inftj
mountain crcbt down tnrougn foicsts , acn-sa
anjons , i-hootlng-1 aruanJ precipices an I
crags , fljlug ovei cat Ic ranehporchar < .ra
anJ vlnojutds ami darting , In this CMK'O
craft , over people a llovvor gardens and their
lores , umld viry picturesque sccnorj
Ccnalder the fnsBln Ulon of traveling In foil.-
hours down a wall ry tologgan blldo from the
Btiow-thd and Icy p-aks of the tallest
Slei-ras down Jnto a valley as bilmy as a
Ma > morning and amid vegetation fls fresh
and luxuriant nj In mid-summer N'o-
where In tlic broad world ma } such .in ev-
perlfTvo bo duplicated ,
Klumcs by which cut lumber or logs maj
bo llou cd from the forests pitmeval and
tin sawmillon the spurs of tlic Sierra Ne-
VMda lange downi to the \allejs below tire
commo-i on the LO.TI fro.u San Diego to
Vnneouver relates a correspondent ot lh- >
Ucs on Tiansrrlpt The } arc built upon
huge tr s'lcs an 1 \aij In height from ten
i mo c > > depending upon 'he level of
-V * if * n tVT * t * rV
v\ * *
V'X ' y wJioS ? > i' ' < ' ; > 5t'v/// '
ivm/ 1 R'M'A'K / 'A'Cwilw ' Ui-
ns it could not uio < slbly have under o lu-r
co Millions , they entlrcl ) support t\so fri
to'j In ilifTeri.iit ho pit.ila and maintain aid
ftirn sh with fltippltci a dlstiict iiuiap
Their auccchs has of lilt 1'Li.ome BO noised
nbiLud that they aie ii iiii'lint rce.lpt o
letb rs from oth < i cities- letters which thcj
cannot even ittempt to ansvcr a-KIn ? fo
dc ailed txpliiiiatlo ih of tliuli methods tha
cLiri's irav "KO A'ld ilo llkevvist It I
therefore lopul that the bURKistlon hen.
given ira > be of bervkc to joung wo HUM
cvorjwhere who aie tiigugeJ In phll.inthropl
w ork.
The earl > hlutorj of the Huttcrllles couli
doubtlcHS be dupllLUted In cveij clt > In tht
coimtij. Thelt object v\as to mlnlstur to
the alLk puor , and they bifian bj tijlng to
biu > port a rfrco bed Thoj took tht'ii raiui ,
fiom th-ir Hist entertainment , a Dutterin
iTia , vvua a most siiLcesaful ami in
tisui at in flu iianlc tcj , was i.otvi lion
Its appiopriutonisa , as the mumbcib were .il
jouni ; and filr and gay
Iho llutteilij Tea was followed1 bj other
cntutalmnuits of a. similar ihiiractii , anJ
thr lice bid was si ported Hut like overv
orKanUatlon of Its kind , It vuis found tluit
not only were the > oung Indies del i 2'
the vvoik which they of tourso wUiieJ to
do but , their ictolptb tame almost en-
tlrelj fiom tholt o.ui families and Immo-
dlito fiknds Poi thla ruudon and alto be
cnuiK they vvlshud to Increase thulr funJi
It sei'incd ni'ccB arj to do something that
would appeal more IKUtlcularly to the SCMI-
oral public
Dm IniJ thi > discussion of wajs and means
A jomiK lad > who had been present at the
open uir t > hovv Klven bj the hidlciV Kenni
club of HiiKlaml , In 1S > ' )5 ) , siiKKisted a dos
fchuvv. The Idua was ImmedUteli takin u |
ami acted upon Thellrst exhibition in
IS'JG ' was a > er > primltlvu affilr , In which
( inch uiipinfi hsloiuil accuhhorics as a ll ht
orchi'stia and tea rcrved In an adjoining
rcom we ro Indulged In About 150 dog
wire entcipil , almost nil local No eiuuince
fie was chatged and the benching v\ai of
the most ordinal * } kind A professional dot !
man wnw howovei , placed in chnrgcan 1
nimu pi I/Ob of email \aluo offered
"THH sronY OP success
Prlenda ) ) roved mipvpectedl } icspoiislu
the affair leak and from this llrst ben h
show thr > oung I idles rcall/cd 100 net
prollts They InumdUlelj pledfied tliom-
eolvia to t'u < support of a second fruv bed
In niiotlxi hospital and then sc't ' iibout 01
panl/ing themsehts Into n regular kuini'l
tlub After framing a constitution thu )
brnt 11 letter to the seoiotnrj of the \meil-
cai IConnil club. Now York Cltj , evplalnliirt
tl'olr cljjrrt nnd nppl > i.ig for admlb-lon Into
Iho club unlei the name of thu lluttctlly
licnch Show association
This b > Iho wa > Is the- first step noico-
E3r > tu litl-n in an > iindiitaking of tbu sort
All the gin I luMinc'l clubs In both the United
States and Canada belong to the AHUM lean
Keuiil ilnh , fin Kiratir pains are tin H fan
InKun to sind dogs to shows , given under tin-
rules and icgulntloiis governing llils bed >
A doss v\Innings count whether It be at
Dost n r ( Iraud Itapids Pom pri/cs. put
him Into a higher class and as many motu
jiialu > h m u champion Hu cannot , thin
foil * , aftoid to remain .it home vvhllo his
rivals am In the Held The Auietliaii Ken
iiel club al o fuinlshes Its nu-nibi'rs with in
foimallon upon all Impon ant nutter * vvlto
npcss3.-y lull's and riMUlatlma. and > vlih
lists of Judges , illbitmllllpil | ini'ii. etc lu Its
premium Hy-s too , all the good dogs In the
ruantrj inn ) bo found catalogued They .ue
iUj obllgi'd to publish advance lists of all
bhows This foct In itself Is a geol adver
tiscmi'iit and smcs to Intertst nil other
clu'is ' In the event often. Indeed , leudtnt ,
tlii-m to offer special prl/es
On this ni'w basla the llutiernios gnvo a
Kpoand bench show last jour , profeaslonal In
tvi'iy * itiuii. a id came off with ? SOO to their
credit I'h I H enabled them to sot up a ills
trlct nurse , anil their still gicater success
o { -this jcar cnlaigva by Junt so much their
measure of usefulness
A. SUUK uicii'n
Tlielr clover and capable secretary , Miss
Grace Oilswold , kindly gives a cleat-cut
outllno of the necessary steps lo be taken
In order to Insure the success of Etich an
t'literprtio :
"After having decldid upon the dates of
jour show , It la mcebear } to write to the
( American Kennel club and claim the-fw
dates , The show musl bo held four dajs
nr.d cannot conllnuo longer. With the let
ter receiving the dates must be sent f2.r > as
a dnto claim , This Is kept b ) the American
Kennel club until the enow Is over and then
returned to the homo club If no errors have
"If , on the contrary , any rules have not
been obeyed , the money Is retained as a
forfeit. Thla , as Is olwlous , Is an excellent
jafCBuard and serves to keep overthing
well UP to Iho mark.
"The d te having been claimed , a Hat
pace vm all taken and netted the Butter-
flii * ovt JisOO
"lluro is also the prlro committee v hi-h
lus in charge medals , ilbnons , etc. We
had a die made for a very pre'ty sil.ei
midal and also hid branmedils struck
i ft fron the sams die
' Tnc loom committee attends to everj-
hlng In ponncQtlon with the hall
"Tho entile benching is h-nded over to r.
uiofesslonal from New York , who brings in
a special car fVi-rjthtns nEccsaij to
tcnchlnc ; down to the ] ) ins from which the
dogs tire to cat Ho al'o povidcs dog bis
cuit but no othei online food As this Is
insutliclrnt for some ilo s a 'meat com-
mittco' is necssni > Not a ve"j prcti * }
name for brilliant butterflies , Is it' IIow-
ovir wo Kive vainly sought for a more en
ticing term , so as the 'meat committee' the
gills K3llv bsue forth , going from market
to market soliciting dog m at This is
ccncrouslv furnlshc'd bv various dealers In
ouantltlcs langlng from ten to 100 pounds
all of which has ibecn well cooked in their
bs ! atifnge kettles
' Om socleti meets every month dtirinpi
the winter At each meeting we bring gro-
cc'Ue * . clothes etc , and send a basket to
the dlstilet muse for distribution"
The bench show given bv the Duttorflios
this jeai was one of the finest exhibitions
of dcgs over given In this country Twontj-
five cents wait the general admission , with
IS cents for children. As an additional at-
tiattion this yemr a circus feature was I-i
tioduced. A trtlner with sonio magnln-
crn'lv trained dogs gave i performance of
thirty minutes , both morning and iftenioon
r\M. DOWN \ " , niivvToii siivi r.
'I In \VorI.ini-ii PntnIM I n j u r i-il In u
NC\V YOIMC. Jnn 27 \n accident oc-
euried today on a new twelve-story building
In course of construction on Uroadwuy , which
will probably result In the death of thrco
men The Injured are Gcorgo McNamara
and John Hammond , plasterers , and
Michael Seaman , a laborer Seaman was on
the fifth floor BuperliiU'iding the building of
i > scaffold over an elevatoi shaft Ho lost
his balance and fell flown the shaft On
tlui fourth floor McNnmaia and Hammond
worn standing on a slim scaffold already
eieotcd over the elevator bhaft Seaman ,
who weighs about 200 pounds , carried the
scaffold on Iho foirlh floor 'vlth him In his
foil and Iho three men fell to the subcellar
below They were all internal ! } injured and
have slight chances for re'over }
IT.OI'U ; vitu itt'-niNi ; 'io AI.\SIC\ .
l'i < -r > Sti-itiui-r C.irile-N a MIMHJ liiuii ]
llf l'flN 4l-IIKi-l : K ,
SRATThU Wash Jan 27 Three crowded
steamers sailed for Tal } i ami Skagwaj-
w'lthln a fi-w Jionrs of each other josterJa )
Flvo hundred people left this city for the
i'oi ' th , and from other sound poi ts com
bined about as man ) again arc booked bj
thetli i co vessels , mak ng the dcpartuio for
Alaska from I'uget sound in one1 dav ncailv
The Clara Nevada m > de Its Initial vojagi
mil eanlcd 100 tlrst class and sl\t > -ll\e
eeeond class passongirs
The' ste-amer Oil } of Seattle sailed with
lift-eight first class and ItiO second class i
passengus. Its bookings at other sound
torts will swell the number to almost 000
The Hutopla sailed with over COO people
Although man } remedies are pushed Into
ho market by spicy advertisements , Ur
Dull's Cough Bjrup still take-s the lead.
\i > Dnniiim- riillfuriiliilitiit. .
SAN PHANCISC'O , Jan 27Tho light rain ,
fall tlib winter Imu caused who it grovvtrs
to nntlclpite high prlc-es for their product.
In ri'iruril Io the outlcok JI Jifrgr , a well
known grain oponitoi , sild. "Dry vveither
so far ) m ilono no dnnnge In this hiato
except lu the minds of speculator Thit
theiovlll bo good prices for wheat this
year I think there ls no doubt Uvcrj thing
; lvcs promls. ) of It. whether wo have a big
crop here or not.
roxtituiKti'r 1 llfntii lo Ilrnlli
WICHITA , Kan , Jan 27 Ull Ulnke , past-
mister nt Tongnnn , Okl , was waylaid lasl
light and beaten to death , prcsmably by a
: ang of local tougthn Hlako , who vviu n
leacon In the U.iptlst church , had been a
oader In an attempt to drive the saloons
out of Tongavva Ho had been advised ! ) >
utter to i-eatie the limitation Ir ho v.iliud
ila life. The attack on hln ( followed the
nrrest of four saloon Ucepera.
Don't aunoy otherby your couglilng , and
risk } our life by neglectliig a cold. One JllfT-
ute Cough Cure cures coughs , colds , croup ,
Erippo uad all throat and lung troubles ,
tne country traver.5rU. All the Humes arc
Vhaped and the water Ilo\h\s th'oag'i Is
a vard t'ecn at the deepest part When in
operation , the lluiiio is gorge ! for a week at
ti time- with lumber will h is fished out at
the vollej terminus of the llittne mil sorted
aiU piled rca > l > for use The longest Hume
Is In California It is s'xty-four
miles lo-ig and cost J130COO , where tha lu 11-
bcr Is cheap A new lumber flume w- > recently
cently rebuilt In Presno countj. U Is wlln
this Hume thit tMs story I'ca's Jt leads
from the Im nenso pine forcs's on the moi
tains 7.010 feet above sea level , down to the
San Jfxiquln valloj , at the llttb town ol
Collis , nnr Pre-sno In other word- . , the
llunio .starts amid the peipotual snows and
Ice of the Sierras and terminates ami ! lals-
Ing vlnejaids anl apilcot oichards of thr.
sem'-tioplc ' S"n Joiqjin Stepl'i'ioon cieel.
in the mountain , supplies the water
The Hume boats In which the rapid
Journeys are made down the flumes arc
simple Thcj a e made the shape of tlio V
boxes of the flumes The uppei ends of tne
boats are closed b } a boaid nailed across , but
left open to lot out the water w1ilch
splashes over the sides of the boit from
time' to time Short bo. rds aie laid acrosi
for scats dcpcuJIng upon how many per
sons me to make the Jounie } A carpenter
can make one of tl-eso b-a's in hair
an hour The boit Is meant for onlv one
Jou-no } , for none Is over hauled back for
another voage Only a little prep ration
is neccssarj for a trip of this kind , ana
Gt ) cents will buy encugh lumber for a
boat , and a man is a ; ioor carpenter indren
who cinnot make his own vessel The
trip is made with little d uger at least In
this FIOSHO county Hume Tae prliclpal
trouble Is that when once started there are
few places whcvo one can stop The cur
rent is general ! } so rapid that It makes
landing Impossible and the voagcr can
only sit still and let the bri t run
The llrst iIdc down the now rebuilt
flume from st rt to finish was ma'e a few
ia3 ! ago Many persons had passed over
different parts of the distance as the flume
was being built , but none made the w'holo
distance without stopping The bet waa
made the evening before at the reservoir
on Stophens-n creek , the easto n terminus
of the Ilumo , and everything was prrpareu
for nn early start and ample provision was
made for all emergencies , even to taking
along a shotgun and rllle , the former for
' .tiling quail and birds the latter for bear
01 an } la"ge game that m glit bo seen , for
the flume , during moro than thirty mllea
of Its couiso , passes thr ugn a wild region
if mountains , hills and forests abounding
In game from the smallest bird to the
l.reost animal
After a cold night was passed on the
; iank of the reservoir , with a pile of shav
ings for a bed and an overcoat or two for
: dankcts the1 start was nmle The moun
tains In that high alt.tude were frosty , the
ground frozen haul i-nd the Ice nearly
thick enough to bear a man's weight Po.
some tlmo the weather had IK on cloud ) ,
but on this paitlcular moinlng the sky wan
clear and beautiful and the tops of the
giant pines weie touched with the gold or
the rising sun almost befoio ono on the
ground know that day had come
The guns traps and e qu'iago were placed
In the boat and when all things WCTO ready
the beat was lifted Into the Hume and was
hc'ld until the twa paecengers could get
aboird. TVio sides of the llunio were covered
with lee , caused by the cold night and the
n.'ashlng ' water Scarcely had the boat
touched the current before its edges al o
v\oro sllrpory with ice That was no matter ,
and 4n a second or so the boat , with Its
passengers , was sweeping down the tiough
of vvatei , and trees were n > lonlng papt so
rapidly that the ) seemed almost like the
spokes of a swift wheel
The passenger does not realize Just how
fie- gets into the boat nor how ho makes the
start It IB all over before ho has tlmo to
think He has an ungjvenwblo deslro to
clutch at things , but before he. can do ho ni
ls gone , and the speed makes him catch his
breath , and that Is all he can do , The start
has been made and It ml&.it bo a ruco to the
finish If one should atterriH to stop when
the speed Is bo great It would result In some
thing serious Kven If ho should see a broken
place ahead of him , where the flume Las gone
over a precipice , he would not atop , but must
run Into It and take the consequences. Such
a mishap Is not likely but it Is possible
There are i > lacca here and there where Hie
flmr.e ixisses over moro nearly level and the
current Is oorrispondlngl ) slow , and a person
can spring out and let the boat go , or he
mIMit. safely o.it4 run along the { oot
plank , and , by holding the beat , bring that
to a step also Hut In the stcepcwt places a
man could not run fast enough to keep up
with , the bojt.
Heforo the passenger has tlmo to look
back or forward or to ask any questions
ho baa run the flrut half mile and la sweep-
Jobbers of Far.n Machinery.
and Iucalt - Cor. tth and Jon .
P icture 'Moldings.
lllrrors , Frame9cUacklnt and Artists'
.IAD ItnilK
Eleventh nnil Itnwaril St
U'frs I Jobbers of Fool Wear
iV7r TlltN
The Joseph Bnni an Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Movv.ird St. , OMAHA
Uoo's , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesroom * 1JOM104-1106 Hirney Street.
Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Odlcc and Salesroom 1113 il-23 Howard BU
luporters atid Manufacturers
6r4-16-18 S tin/ft nk Street
McJiPFes , Soreliiim etc , Prcsenez and Jellies.
Also tin cans ana Japanned wura.
Growers nnd manufacturera of nil forms of
Chicory Oniaha-l'i emont-O * Is'en.
Ing around a curve , which opens to his
sight u vlblon not pleasant to contemplate.
The fluino passes between two walls of
rock and then out along the face of a solid
locK , forming the bide of Stcphenson
mountain If ono can look down while
bpcediiifj across this giddy height ho will
see beneath him the canyon of the creek ,
deep Jown In the shadows of morning , ill
most dark with the deplhs. The boat seems
In bo flying through space. It is enl } a mo
ment tlli the giddy place Is passed and the
beat dints Into a mass of gloomy pints
glowing against the side of the mountain
The place Just behind was ono of the
moat perlloui In the flume In building the
structure the workmen could not And foot-
Ins * , and wcro let down by ropes fiom the
blink of the cliff above , and thiib they buns
vvhllo with hammer and drill they cut
holes ki the solid rock , and made anchor
ages in which to hang the Ilumo Now
It icsts there perhaps sjlld enough and
pidbably safe enough , but ono has btiango
feelings as ho alts Ihero In a narrow boat
and makes the voagt in mid-air like a
bird , not knowing when ono of the cleats
will snap and let Iho whole structure plunge
into Iho depths beneath.
On that morning there were many and
largo Icicles hanging under the flume They
could bo been while the boat passed round
curves , thus bringing perhaps half a mile
of the flume In view Tor bovernl das the
weather had been cold , and as tlio flume
leaks all along , largo Icicles are the rebult
Some of them weighed not less than ono
hundred pounds each , and they covered all
the timbers benealh Iho box oflen giving
Iho btructuro a fantastic appearance
Sometimes the Ice was piled up from the
ground to the flume twenty or thirty fecit ,
In columns and arthes , having the appearance -
anco of marble of Intense whiteness If
the water is permitted to tlow all winter In
the flume , Ihcro might bo danger that the
Ice would accumulate till the weight on
sonio of the high trestles would bo suffi
cient to drag the entire structure down
After a four-mile run the boat suddenly
emerges from a forest of pines and fir , and
the passengers la the bout experience Hie
fooling of a person In a balloon , when Iho
vsorld seems to drop away from under him ,
The Ilumo runu out over a hlgli , trestle , and
at first glance nothing Is visible undcr-
m-ath Tliero seems to bo nothing but unfathomable -
fathomable space. This Is near the turn
around the point ot Ste-phenson mountain ,
and the vast abyss beneath , which seemed
bottomless , Is the canyon of the San
Joanuln riiji'i down Just how far beneath
woultl bollard to guess It looHl not less
than 3,000 feet , It may bo less.
But by leaning over as the boat hurries by
ono can catch o momentary view of the
wlilte- foam of ihe river of the canyon Not
a sojmd Is heard The plunging- the river
aver sunken rocks that tret Us channel cau-
Crockery. Ch m >
Oliver Plated Ware , hooking Ola ses , Chan-
dellera , Lamps , Chlmncj , Cutlery. Etc.
1110 sr.
Crea merv A lack inery
and Supplies
Hollers' , Engines , Feed Cookers , Wood PuU
Ies , Shafting , lleltlnn Hulttr Pack
ages of all kinds
007-009 Jones St
Importers aiitljobbers ol
Dry Goods , Fmnislnng Goods
302-906 Jackson St.
J. C. niCUAKDSON , Prest.
0. I-1. WELLBR. V. P st.
C73 he
yi * tjjtiilnI'll trm irU0 / tt 1'iamra-
( IOIM .secir > ( foi f/inftfc l'rin\ fltl to
( Intel Send /.jr Cut iluiiin
liberator1112 Howard St. Omaha.
E. Bruce
Druggists and Statomrst
"Queen nee" Specialties ,
Cigars , Wh.u. ind llrondles ,
Corner lOtli and Hurney Strcat * .
esfera E@etrisa ! !
Elccti ical Supp > ics ,
Klectilc Milling Hells nnd G is I.l litln.
G \V JOHN'blON Mgr _ 1510 Hoi ard
WA Farnam SU
& So ,
Commission Merchants.
S W. Corner Ifth and HowarJ Sti
Mcmbpiu of the National I.CIRUC of Commli
Elon MerchanlB of Die Lnlted Malts.
& Howes ,
Fruit and Vcge'abhs
SrnciALTIiS Stri berries Arp'o ' . OnnKe < v
* Umon , Crnnberrita. Potatoeg 1017 Howara Bt
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Btieat.
not send even a murmur up thebiimmlt of the
cliff from which thepnb. . en i-r In the flume
| beat looks down as ho Innrles on. Nearl- .
i everywhere In sight the canjon IH daik a'
that hour In the morning , but at two 01
three tj'oces the Btinllfi'it pours through gate-
waB In the cliffs and the beams fall on
foaming floras , silent In the distance , and
gild the daikness of tbo gianito cliffs which
hang like walls a thousand feet above the
The r Eb < tger ] cannot look twice at the
scone The next minute he has passed again
Into the timber , then comes curve aftei
CUTVO arourd a rocky mountiln , and after a
llttlo while the eaiion , w'.ilch lad Aceined
ea nearly bottomless , 1ms been lcft behind
The Hint twelve miles of the journey bilng
the traveler to the western faro of I'ino
Itldge , the list drift of mow dlMippeuib and
the stately groves of sugir glno and arbor
vltao begin to give place t tangled thickets
of manzBcilta and ctuiarral , and the btaivul
and Btunlixl digger pines and gnarled Jack
oaks take tlio place of the Umamclw v , hlcli
grow about the rebelvolr at the starting
place Cllmato succeeds cllmato ab the boat
ruahCH from ridge to ridge
Passing around tlio mountain at the
of Dry creek the voagei sees Kresno City
fort-flvo miles dlsUcit , with the morning
bun kindling on the metal roofs and glancing
from the domeof ( he court house , so fu
away that It seems only a bpeck of light
The sun b } thib time has also ilsen above
the ridges and Its warmth falls gratefully
upon the chilled and benumbed passenger ! ) in
the llttlo boat
Although the roughest parts of the moun
tains are left bt-hlnd after the head of Dry
crook Is i cached , tlio Ilumo has still some
of Its steepest grades below thit point
The decline U not uniform , \arylng from
a hardly perceptible grade to as much ns
ono foot In height Down the sleepesl places
the boat rushes at a speed which approachea
very nearly the limit of safety Within flvo
or six miles farther the flume sweeps around
the brink of a high , bold granite illlf , and
two miles away and 2000 feet below the llt
tlo village of Toll House bursts Into view
Orion fields surround It even In winter , but
It has a fornaken appcaianco , for Its ilajs
of prosperity are numbered It was for
thlity } ears a dtopplng plnco for tcamsten >
hauling lumber from the mountains , but
the flume will bring lumber down hereafter ,
and the teams will never return.
When Iho flume has passed Toll House It
has entered the foot hills , and the excite
ment is over. The way Icadb for twent }
miles ifown a natrow valley , and the pas
sengers In the boat have nothing to alarm
them , as they glide along eo smoothly und
peacefully that If they ohut their ets They
would probably fall asleep Tlio speed grows
lees as the plains are approached , and novv
and then vlnc > ardb or an orange orchard
KUli and Le ivoiivvortli St.
Staple and Fancv Groceri
IU AM ) COrrit ltO\SUR3 \ , Etc.
i Teal , Splcct , Tobncci urn * Cigar * .
K03-H07 Harney
TcUiihonc 2U.
H-EHaney & Go.
' '
M'f'r *
II 1/fA'KSf , .V.I/// , * .S IN/ >
of I ralhi r , VniMh //iKlecmo ; , Kte ,
\\e-ollclt jouror'Jtrs iniO llowaul Et.
Wtsrfi WilEasImy Oa
Wholesale Hardware ,
ee-Glark Andreesen
Wholesale Hardware.
Hlcyclea and bpoi thu GooN l.10-'Jl-23 II ur-
ucy stiect.
& Oo
Proprietors of AM1 Hit \N ( 1OAH AND
\ \ Mil CO
2)4 ) : in bdith m i st
ler's Eagle 6i
East In din Bitlers
Golden Shonf Pure J { > c and Dourbon Whiskey.
\\lllou Springs Dittlllciy. lltr & Co. . 1111
Harnci Street-
H'Ao/ct ilc
Liquor ( Merchants ,
1L.01 I'liniiin fetreuU
roers ,
Liquors and Ciarst
1118 V irn mi t
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413 * IS S. IBth 81 reel
are noon standing in pleasing eontiast with
thu lee and watti eoldi ess of the > mountains
now 1 OOJ fet't above Prom the foot of tht >
hills the dltiumi ( < to Ilio teiniiniis of the
llunio ill Clovls IB aleut twelve miles , and
the tpee-d lessci s all the time lloforo the1
end It , rcaehod the flume boat pn&ses over
line vlnovnrds In which , even su Into In the
coabiw as Oscombcr , large quantities of
giapps load the vlnw
The end came .it las > t , and bo wlowly was
the little boat movliiK that the touch of a
hand wan biilllelpiil to In Ing It to a stop
ami the lomantlc ililo of IIMy hvo miles uaH
done It had occupied foiu hoilis , and Hit
boat In that tlmo had carried Its passongeis
from a region of winter , with Its leo nnd
snow , Into u rountry where grapes litlll
leaded the vlnra
cm : vi1 11\i i ; io i.iv i : .
\ tllllk l.UDl.H UN HlK III ( il-l Illllll ) UN
ii Dulltir DIII-H Ili-ii- ,
Bleat ccoms to bo deal nil ovci Oorman >
and not BO good as at homo re-poi Is a eor
respondent of the Ne\v York 1'osl To 1th
high test and the absento of refilgeraton ,
and leo are duo probably thu habit of re ! }
Ing largely upon the < Ullc-tisscn dlioiw
\vhoro the Cjormun houHewlfo buy0 dullj
Juwt enough raa.nt mtat sausage or ham
to EUllleo for dliMici Vegetables aio 10-
markably cheap riio onllnary price of
fcoup-greons foi n famll } onions , carrots
teler-root and parslo } Ifl enl } flvo pfen
nigs ( ono cent nnd a ( juaiter ) Hxeellont
lettuce costs from thrco to flvo pfennigs a
head , tiplnach IH about ono-quarter the prleo
U Is In New Yoik , potatoes are four pfen
nlcB a pound auiilvfc are te-n pfennigs r
pound Dread uml milk lost about the
same In Munich an In Now York but both
are alunjK oxtollent , the authorities knp
Ing a filiarp eo upon the dairies and milk
Tea , coffee and sugar cost about the came
as At homo , but faney groiotlcH , such an
eruckers , or lilwculta , as the Kngllsh call
thorn , jelllefl and marmalade- , nut being In
common ueo , aie very dear I'or Instumo ,
Scolch orange marmaludo that wo buy for
beventceij tents In New York test Just
double In Munich and Dresden Coal anJ
wood for the porcelain Htovra to bo found
In ever } German homo , test a tilflo IOKH
than at home The usual eur faro In Mu
nich and UresJon for dlmantfa under two
miles Is ten pfennigs thu ehaigo Incrt-aalii ) ;
with the distance , and If } ou are a frequent
patron ot the horeo cure It In customary to
gho the conductor an occasional tip of ten
pfennigs Strcc't cara In Ooimany stop only
ot certain places along the route Hut , If
} ou have inado ifrlcnds with the conductor
thU lulo may bo violated W your uJvant-
ago.The American coming to Germany for the
first tlmo will bo particularly Impressed
with the cheapness -woolen clothlnt' , furs ,
hlcago Lcmber Oo.
DUMBER . . .
811 South l4tliSl.
MantifiicluieM of ilojrv. fnsli bllnJs olllcf.
nloro mil ruloon llxtii op l ftlimtca furnlshcJ
on an > kind of ml I work
IP ! 117 ! ) Mill SSth niul Dnvenport Sts
1015 Itovnnl St.
Paint Co.
Air Floa'ed \ ! nral Paint
And l'nln ' M Kltulu Putty. Eto.
1CI * > and 1017 Jonei St.
: . A Moffct , 1st Vlci I'ics. L J Drake. Oon itcr
. . . . OIL S . . . .
.Inc luriunllnexlc Clreitp Htc
Om.iliu Ilitincli nnd'-lcs Jolin II lliith Mcr
arpentsr Paper G ® >
Pi inin < r Paper ,
'rapping Paper , Stationery ,
Corner I2th anil Howard itrcetfc
libbel Paper and
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ;
1107 Harncv Street.
lot 1-IOif Douglas Htrcot.
Manufacturers crcl Jobbers of Steam. Gas nn4
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
, nifdd States
B a
iioS-ino Harnev St.
Pumps nimlnni and Boilers I'lpe ,
Wind Mill" , Stcun and I'lumblnff , IJ'Mnv , Hose , Utc.
Hardy - Co *
loys , Dolls , Albums and
/louie l rnlfhlnBu , CnliJrcn'a Carriage * , Eta.
U10 furnum SiretL
* 1 *
Superior Copper ItlieJ Type It th * belt on
till nirrkct
1114 llouanl Street ,
gloves Je-welrv and clgara In oveiy one of
tlu , o Items I am Ine'lncd to think oft < i
eaieful ion Idmtlon that maik or Ivven-
t } four eonta will go hero almost no fai us
$1 In New Yinlv Tnc same piopoitlon hul a
good with ic.iid to le.soions , schools an 1
theatuiH A paiiit | ( seat at olthei theMu -
nltli 01 Dnhilin opeia houao rostu fiom
five to Hit in.iiKu accorllng to the clui ulir
of the pcMfoniiiici > A neat In tingalleiy
( osts from tvvintv-flvo to fifty nuts , vvhllo
anyone v\ho vints to ntmul up ( uiv get In
foi tttont ) cenlH In llorlln the opera > (
ni'.iily double tlu.ii > prices 1'rom 0111 own
expeilento In living In and l > tn-
di'ii and from that of the scores o-f Aimil-
( ans whom we have found o\eM lu > n > U
Is not an oMiKKtiutlon to Hi } that bf-foio
one has In en luren u-ar the mark looks
( IllltO ilH big Ih I'll doll'I I UHl > I ' 0 ' ) It
home and th it with ordinary care It can.
bo mailo to ui iomil sh about ji mudi i\
iipt In the Itnm of fi ( ) i
in r \cinits. : .
MIIII > nf ( InVlnlt Who Iliirin-il ( lie In-
lllllllH IIIKlIIIMII. .
RirillHIi : Okl Jan. 27 Urpuiy United
Stales Marshal rilchrnan hai returned from
I'ottawatlomU ( ounlj wliero ho has boon for
a weik Investigating the recent burning of
the two Heniliiolo Indians Ilo nB thcrn
Is no truth In the leport of the ariest of
homo of the Ijiuhers The mints of a store
01 moro of the mob have been obtalnul by
the ollUerh , hovvivrr. tngothor with st onrf
ovldincc and a largo number of warrant *
will be- Issued at once , and whclrgalo arrests
will bo made hi fort the week Is out
TO ci HI : ( oi.ii iOM : D w
Take laxativellromo Quinine Tablets AH
diugglatH refund the money If It fulln to cure
25c The genulio hast II Q on each tablet.
Siliiinifin - lliinl I.Inc on I Inrclliv
TACO.MA , Jnn 27 Husslii grfnil } doBlrc
to find imaiis of communication bet w nil Itn
north coast and Siberia by cronilnt ; tlio
Arctic He i It Is bald It will make > erne
cxpcrlim ntB An jrdliiK to udvlccH received
b } theHU iiiur llruemi r , Admiral Miieiuoff
of tlui Hubslitii n iv } IIIIH unnounrcd bin be
lief thai It IH pobslble to travel to HlbeiU
b } vvuter aciess the Arctic HUU lie be-
llevcH that legiilnr ( ominunluutlon will ) thtr
north llowlnx Hlberlan rlvirn can bo txtiib-
llahed through Jul } and August by provid
ing vtbsolu bound for those parts with un
iHiort of boils furnished with let plown
The government la planning to tcsi bin
pioject , being greatly eiicouruged by the
HUCCIHH at the UanlHli Ice breake-re In keepIng -
Ing Vl.idlvostock harbor open thla winter ,
There are thrco little things which do mor
work than any other three little things created
ated- they ari > the ant , the bc-o and DeWltfa
LHtlo Karly K ac-re , the luet be-lng tti famou
llttlo jillla far stomach uid liver troubl i ,