Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1898, Image 1

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President McKinley Appcara Befora tbo
Manufactmcra' ' Anoclation ,
Insists that an Attempt Ehould Bo Made t )
Reform the Law.
Mnst Not Bo Deterred by the Possibility of
lleiiiilillenn I'lntforni In Ui-eiilh'il nml
the Point > linli- Hint HI-MHIIIM-
blllt } * H 'MlH I poll the Ad-
NOW YORK , Jan. 27 The third antum ;
Manufacturers' association cl
ianiict | of the
the United States , which took place at the
Waldorf-Astoria hotel tonight , xxas cne ol
the lurgeflt and most elaborate affairs of the
kind exer glxen In this city. Ono thoueam :
guiutB xxero seated at the tables. The fact
tlmt I'letident McKlnley xx-ould bo present
caused a. rush for tickets.
President McKlnley was driven from the
Wlmlbor hotel and wan recelxed at the Wal
dorf-Astoria nt C 30 p. m. by the committee
of mi'rehnnts nnd at once taken to "tho
royal chambers. " Halt in hour later he ap-
pwrfd In the reception room , xx hero he held
a levco for more than nn hour.
rrho ( banquet hall xxcs magnificently deco
rated , the Horn of boxes being draped 'xxlth
( .Itkon ibinnero. The president's nag xxas
mispcmtcd oxer ithe head of the tsWo from
' long tables extended
the president's boiu Sex en
tended the length of Iho room and sixteen
Bmull tolblcs xxcro placed on cither aide ol
the roxvs of long tables In the Astor gal-
Icrj annex -xxero thlrtj'-tbrco other tables
The tablesvx\tro elaborately decorated xxlth
flo-xcrs and potted plantu. The dais where
the president and other guests sat xxas nlso
ndcrned xvlth many lloxxers. From the re
ception room up the broad stalrwajs to the
banquet loom xxcro lines of palms and torn ? .
/Tho / march to the baiiiquet hall began at
7 15 and lasted until almost 7 30 President
McKlnloy , xvitli the company of thirl j-.sis ,
marched Into the hall , Iho band playing
"Hall to the chief. "
It xxn.s after 9 o'clock when Warner Miller
rappel for order. IIo then announced that
Hov. H. S. MacArthur xx-ould Inxoko a blessing
Dr. MacArthur , In his prajcr , called for
Hpeclal protection for the president and the
members of the Minufacturcrs' association.
Among1 these xxho occupied scats of hcnor
on the raised dais xxerc : President McKln
loy , M. E Ingalls , Darwin James , Rev. Dr.
MacArthur , Thomas W. Crldlcr , Uundo'iih
Ouggcnhelmcr , Elrtiu Root , John Addlson
Porter , Attorney General John W. GrUgs ,
Lieutenant Gox-ernor Timothy L Woodrulf ,
Senator Wlllhm P. Kryo , Clnrlrs Emorj
Smith , Wniner Miller , President Theadore
O Searjti , Henry E. Hoxxland , e\-Major
William L Strong , Clement A. Griacom , St
Clalr McKclxxayand Abnor McKlnley. Among
the other guests xxcre : Albert A. Pope ,
Henry W. ( Jijohn , Gencial Sam Thomas ,
Lexxls Nixon , E. A. McA'uln ' , WlU'ain C
Whitney , Collls P. Huntlngtca and George
The menu cards were xciy elaborate. They
xxcro volumes of xollum bound In undrcssel
calf , xxlth a monogram burned into the coxcr ,
surrounded by a kcroll. Thcro xxero etching.-
of "LtbertjV "The Hrooklyn Ilrldge , " "In
dustry , " a scene on Wall sttect , "Commerci
tund Trcribportatlon" and bomo of t'ao large
buildings In Nexv i'ork.
The picsldcnfs menu card was tjio same
ai that ol the other guests , except that the
odgea xxcro In eoM and the xxords "Tlio
President" In embcised gold on the coxer
At 10 JO Warner Miller rapped for order
IIo referred to the jouth of the as&ccUtion
and said the meeting xxould bo produetlxo
of moro geol than nnj thing that had been
held In IhU country for bomo time. He saiJ
theio was nothing political in the organiza
tion. Its chief end , ho declared , xxns to ex
tend the co terco of the United States
abroad. "This association , " ho said , "xxould
udxocato unothci department in the cabinet ,
nainelj , u bccretary of commerce. "
till. Miller then Introduced Theodore C.
Search , president of the association , who
epoko brletlj' .
Ihu wildest enthusiasm prevailed xvhen
President McKlnley xxns introduced. .Moll
utoad In their seats , women In the boxes
xxaxed their handkerchiefs and the upioar
droxxned the speakers' xoices The cheering
and the clapping of hands xxere redoubled
xx ben a toast xxas drunk to the president.
President McKlnley bpoko slowly acid xxas
plainly hrard in ex cry portion of the linll
Ilia refeienco to .tho cold day in Cincinnati
Jumiiuy 22 , Ib9a , was received with laughter ,
xxhlch broadened Into a perfect roar when
1m spoke of the extension of business Instead
of notes. Hit said :
Mr. ToiiHtmnster , Members of the Manu
I facturers' .Usoclatlon and Ouests. Kor
the eordlnl lOinrnct'cr ' of this grevtln , ; 1 return -
1 turn my thnnKs. The gcnulnenesH of j-our
xxrloomo IH full compensation for li.ivlnt
left WasliliiRtou at nn unusually busy te.i
ell In otdor to luitlclinttc In tills interest
ing meeting.
I ncaieey ! nec\l remind you tint xvo do
not meet ns strangers. Neither ate youi
biiilni'fs orgnnUuloiiH , or jour social re
unions altogether unfnmlllir to me. I have
liccn xxlth jou bi-fore , not .is a gutst us
noxv , but milter In the cap-iclty of host. I
recall that us goxirnor of the state of
Ohio It xxas my pleasure to wolcomu jou
to Clnclnnitl nt thu Initial eonxentloit of
the Manufacturers' association. 1 well re-
jitcmber It xxas u cold day. You had lest
everything but jour pluck , or you thought
you hud. Courage xxas the only friend
your grief xxould call IIM oxxn , I note xxlth
feutlsfaetton jour Improved condition noxv.
You are much more cheerful In counte
nance moro buoyant In tplrit. more hope
ful In mnniier and moro confident In .pur-
liofcc. Tlion. too , there .ire more of you
licra than nt your Ilrst meeting. Dlbtanccs
are , of courve , the ramv , but truxelln has
been tesumed.
Your Fpccchcs nnd resolutions nt that
flrst conxentlon xxero dlrceted mainly to
thu question of how to ueuln xxhat you
Jiail lost In Dm previous JOUM , or , If that
mua found Impossible then hoxv to top
further losa. Hut your object now , as 1
xathcr It , U to go ) out nnd ponso-w xxhat
you luue nexer bad before. You xxunt to
extent not your noun , but > our buahiem.
with your purposes then ; I
am In full nrronl vxlth your Intentions now.
I ventured to smy at the gatheilnp re-
ferwd to , ni reported In j-our published
proceedings , Rpcaklng both for jour en
couragement nnd from a profound convic
tion : "This great country cannot
jwrmanpntlj' bo kept In a state
of rehpse. I believe wo will oc
cupy the field temporarily lost to
us and go out to Uti peaceful of
nexv aiid greater fields of trade anil com
merce. The rccovcrjxxlll come sloxxly , per.
baps , but It vxlll come , nnd xxhcn. It does
ixxo vxlll be > steadier and will better know
hoxv to ax-old exposure hereafter. "
I have abated none of the Mltti I then
expressed , and you necm .to have regained
National policies can- encourage Industry
and commerce , but It remains for the people
ple to project nnd cnrrj * them on. It these
policies "tlmulato Industrlil development
nnd energy the people can bo safely trusted
to do the rest.
The government , however , It restricted In
Its power to promote Industry , H can aid
commerce , but not erctito It. It can ixxlden
nnd deepen Its rivers. Improve Its harbors
nnd develop It- ? great national waterways ,
but the s-hlps to sail nnd the trallle to
canj- the iM-oplc must supplj- , The govern-
ir.tnt ciin nil so revenues by taxation In
Mich a vxajas xxlll discriminate In favor
of domestic ontoi prise . but It camot es-
tiibllsh them. It e-ui tiinkc commerclil
treaties , opening' ' to our manufacturers and
ngilculturlsts the ports of other nxtlons.
U can enter Into reciprocal arrangements
to exchange outproduct" xxlth tbo < e of
ether countle ! < ) . It can aid our merchant
marine by encouraging our people to build
ships of eomnuice. It ean nslst In every
lawful niannor private ? enteiprlse to unite
the txvo oceans xxlth n great canal. It
can do all Huso things , and ought to do
tlic-tn ; but with all this accomplished the
result xxlll still be Ineffectual unless iiip-
plementcd by the energy , enterprise nnd
Indu-tiy ot the people. It Is they tint must
build and operate the factories , furnish
ships and cargoes for the canal and the
rlvei-M nnd tliei SKM-J. It Is they vxho must
llnd the consumers und obtain trade by
going f Tth to xx In It.
Much prolltablo tiaJa Is sUIll unenjove < l
by our people because of their pie-.ent In-
sulllcient facilities for reaching desirable
maikets. Much ot it Is lost because of a
lack ot Information and Ignoruicc ot the
conditions and needs ct other nations. We
must knoxv just > x\hit other people xxant
befoio xxe can supply their xxint" . We must
understand ovactljhoxv to leach them vxltli
least expense If xxe would enttr Into the
most advantageous business relations vxltli
them. The ship requhes tlie shipper , but
the shipper must have assured prom IK : thit
his goodi xxlll haxe a silo mhon they
reach their destination. It Is a good Hile
1C bujeis will not come to us for us to go
to them. It Is our duty to ma'.te American
entcrpil-u and Industrial ambition , ns well
as achievement , tcrna of reijiect nnd
praise , not only at home , but among the
family of nations the \\orld oxer.
There Is another duty resting upon the
nation il government to coin money and
regulate the values theteof. This duty re
quires that the government shall regulate
the value of Its money by ne highest stand
ards of commercial honestj- and national
honor. The money of the United States is
and must foi exer bo unquestioned ami 1111-
n allable. If doubts lemaln they must be
tunioved. 1C weak , plices develope thej
must bo stiengthencd. Nothing should
tempt us nothing ) xxlll tempt us to scale
down the sacred debt of tie nation thiough
a legal technicality. Whatever may be the
language ot the uontiact , the United States ,
xxlll dNeh.ugo all list obligations in the
currency lecognl/cd as thu best throughout
the elxlilted world at fie time of payment.
Nor xxlll xxe cxei consent that the xxages of
labor or Its frugal saxlngi shall be scaled
down , by pet mining pnjment in dollats of
less value Own the dolhus accepted as the
bist In exety enlightened nation of the
OWi : A DUTY TO Till : I'HOl'I-i : .
ITndut existing , conditions our eltUens can
not be excused If they do not ledouble tliclr
efforts to > ecuro suen financial legislation
na xxill place their honorable Intentions ! > e-
yovul dtpute. All these xxlio icpresent , as
jou do , the gieat conservatlxe and the pro-
pi esslve business lute-rests of the country ,
owei it not only t > themselves but to the
pjojilo to Insist upon thu Hettlement of this
ieat finest ion noxx , ci ulso to face the
ilteinnllxe I Nit It must be again submllti > d
for arbitration at the polls. This IH oui plain
duly to nine t'jaii " . ( WO.OLO voteis , who , l.l-
tceii months ago xxon a great political bat
tle on the Issue , among1 others , that the-
Unllid States goveii'ment xxould not peimll
a doubt to exist i.ajxxheio concerning thi
stability and inUgtily of Its euriency , ot
the Inxlolibilliy ot its obligations ot every
That Is my. Intelprotntlon of tint vlctorj.
Whatever elloit , therefore , is reeiulieil to
make the Hettleme'iit of this vital question
cleat and conclusive for all time , xxo are
bound In good conscience to undertake , nnd
It possible , icallzc1. That Is our commission
our present charter from tne people. It
xvill not milllco for citizens to s ly noxx
'Imply that they aio In favor of sound
noncy. Trial In not enough. The people's
jmpobo must bo given the vitality of public
law. Hotter nn honest effort with fallute ,
than the avoiding of so plain and command
ing u duty. i
The illllicultles In the path of a satisfac
tory reform ale , It must be admitted , neither
fe'xx In number nor slight In degtee * , but
progress cannot fall to be made xxlth a
fall an honest trial. An honest attempt will
lu thu pioot of sincerity of purpose.
Discussion cannot hurt , It xxlll only help
the cause. Uot us haxo full and free dis
cussion. We are the last to ax old or ex ado
It. Intelligent discussion will strengthen the
indlfU'iC'iit , and encourage thu friends of a
rtablo Hjstem of llnunce ,
Ilalf-hcartodnots never xxon tv battle , Na
tions ) and parties xxlthout abiding princi
ples and stem resolution to enforce them ,
evun If It C03tn , ii continuous struggle to
do HO , und tcmpoiary saerlllce. ate never
In tha highest degree successful leaders in
the progress of mankind. Tor ui to at
tempt nothing lu the face of the present
fallaclts ) and the constant effort to spread
them Is to lose valuable ground already
xxon , and practically to xxcj.fcn tne. force' ! )
of sound moiicj- for their battles of the
The llnanclal plank of the Si. Loiila plat
form is still as commanding upon rtpub-
HcaiiH and these ixxho suxvel with them In
the Ian campaign at ) on the day It vx la
adopted and promulgated. Happllj' . Iho
tariff part of the platform ban aiieMdy
been engrafted Into public .statute , liut
that other plank , not already bulided Into
our constitution , U of binding foiot upon
all ot us. What is It ?
"Tho lepubllcan party Is unreservedly
for Bout.d muney. It caused the eiiactinent
of the law providing for the i stimp.lon
of specie payments In 1S97 , nnd elnca then
every dolhir has been an good ns eo'd.
"Wo are unalterably oppos-cd to eveiy
nu'usuio calculated to deuisa our euriency
or Impair the credit of our rountry. We
are , therefore , opposed t the. free colrige
of s > llxer except by lincni.itoml | agreement
with tbo leading co-nin"iolal nations ) of the
world , xxlilch xxo plcdgo ouwixcs to pro
mote , and until Hiich utreement cm be
obtalnetl I tin cxlsttnir gold Htundiird Must
bo prcservcil. All our silver and jupjr cur
rency must bo maintained at parity with
gold , and wo favor all measures designed
( Continued on Third Page. )
n t niii nni'x w HI PO niip * i ?
Banqnot ( o the Visiting Stock Qroweis
' ' ' ! nml iliv
'I'oo TIuiij 'IlcUtM * Are ISMIUM
Crimd , In UN KiiK < < rni'KM to Se
cure ( lie Coiiil ThliiKi , llrenKH
Dcixxn ( ho Tnlilei.
DENVER , Coo. ! . Jan. 27. The National
Stockgroxvers1 convention , after three dnje
of harmonious and Important idellbcratlonB ,
eamo to an end today. The organizations ol
the Llvo Stock Association of the United
States ot America was completed itoday bj
the selection of an executive committee.
The other cattle centers of the country. In
consideration of the ( jplendld efforts of Den
ver In making the pro cut convention a suc
cess , xxalxcd their claims upon ne\t yearn
meeting , nnd 'the ' vote xxns unanimous that
It should again come to Denver.
The closing number on the program was
the last barbecue to bo glxcn In America
xx'hero buffalj Is to appear on the menu.
Among the rate viands were nicely cooked
elk and cvpoarum. ibesldeo beef , mutton and
pork In great quantities. The barbecue wag
held at the Union Stock jnnls. and the Hur-
llngton rallxxay and the street car com-
I any carried from 25,000 to 30,000 people to
Iho groui.Js. So great xxna the cioxxd that
the sK tons of meat served xxao hnrdlj
enough to sntUfj' ' all. and before the crowds
could boserxed the tables against vxhlch they
xx cio surging broke awaj- , and , brushing
asldo pollco nnd military guards the croxxds
ox-crran the grounds , helping thcmselxcs to
xxhat xxns In sight.
Governor Adams nnd Maj-or McMurray
wcro prevent , tout their expostulations xxcrt
unheeded. The crowd xxas good-natured , and
no end vxni hurt In the stampede , but there
being no possibility of restoring order the
management declared the barbecue over.
The mistake made Iby the barbecuci cominlt > -
te vxas In issuing too many tickets , 33,000
having been glxen out.
At the morning session the organization ot
thu Lixe Stock Association of the United
States , which was pirtlally completed last
night , xvas tnkcn up again acid the cxecutlxo
committee selected , consisting of ono mem
ber fiom each state represented. It xxas
also provided that 'the governors of states
not represented should appoint members to
fill the vacancies. The following arc the
members chosen :
Ailzona , Colciiol Alfred S. Donan ,
Colorado , John W. Springer ; Idaho ,
A. n. Clark ; Illinois , C. W. Baker ; Indiana ,
J. D. Connor ; loxxu , John A. Craig ; Kansas ,
G. W. Melville ; Michigan , II. II Hinds ;
Minnesota , Theodore L Schuermels ; Missouri ,
C. A. Thompson ; Montana , J. M Holt ; Ne
braska , Peter Jenfien ; Nexv Mexico , 31. W.
Dai.ald ; Oklahoma , U. S. Donnelly ; Oregon ,
It. C. Judson ; South Dakota , Prank 31
Stewart ; Texas. A. I ) Robertson ; Utah , E. H.
Colllster ; Wyoming , D. N. Stlcknej1.
A paper on "Dairy Interests , " by Henry
Wallace ot DCS Molncs , In. , vxas presented
Tlio c\ecutlxe committee xxas instructed
to make an effort to secure the building of
a live stock building at the Omaha exposi
tion ,
Er.-Govcrnor Richards of Wyom UK read
the tcport of the committee on resolutions.
It recommended the gathering of statistics
the cnttlo business the federal -
on by go\--
cinincnt ; declared Hint the interests of the
mountain states demanded transit rates to
all points west and south of Chicago , the
passage of additional retaliatory commercial
enactments against foreign commercially un
friendly nations ; n stand against proposed
national anti-vlvlstcctlon laxxa ; national
measures for the extermination of ticks and
xx-olxes In the cattle growing states , pro
tested against the rejection by the United
States army of western branded horses ; icc-
cmmendcd the growing of sugar beets , asked
for a transportation rate based on thirty-six-
foot curs ; and asked for the cession of the
aiid lands to states In which they He.
The la it resolution xxns voted down , but
the others xxero adopted.
The ccnvcntion then adjourned sine die
and the delegates xxeio at once taken to
thtt barbecue grounds ,
The executlxe committee of the National
Stock Growers' sssoclatlon of the Urltci
States } held Its flra session at the Ilroxvn
hotel tonight. Hon. John W. Spilnger of
Coloiado xxas unanimously chosen president ;
John 3f. Holt of Montana , vice president ;
Charles P. Mart'm of Colorado , recording
sccretarj- , and C. W. Ilakcr of Chicago ,
treasurer. 3Ir. Springer appointed the fol
lowing standing committees :
rinunci' and Ways and Means C. W.
IJrakor , Illinois ; A. II , Robertson , Texas ;
Peter Jansen , Nebraska ; D , N , Stlckney ,
loxx-a ; P. M. Stexx-art , South Dakota.
Transportation A. S. Donan , Arlrona ; J.
31. Smith , I'tah ; H , C , Judson , Oregon ; W.
O. 31elxille , Kansas ,
Lcglslatlon-H. II. Hinds , Michigan ; W.
C. McDonald , Nexv .Mexico ; K. M , Stexx-art ,
South Dakota ,
Arbitration A. II. Clark , Idaho ; J , A ,
Cialjf , loxva ; E , S. Donnelly , Oklahoma.
Markets Theodora L. Scliurmclur , Minnesota
seta ; A. H. IlobertHon , Texas , John M.
Holt , Montfinn.
Sinltury James A. Cralj.- , Iowa ; II , H.
Hinds , Jllehlgan , II. II. Jastro , California.
As consulting members : Dr. Charles GreHs-
well of Colorado , Dr. It. J. Klcbcrg of
Texas ) and Dr. Victor A. Norgard of Wash
ington , D , C. , were added to fils cammlt-
tee ,
H. K Parbons of Utah , W. P. Anderson of
Illinois and W. A. Rankln xxcro appointed
a committee to represent the association at
the stock convention to bo held at Pcndle-
ton. Ore. ; and J. 31. Smith , Utah , James
A. Craig of Iowa , T. C. Powers of Montana ,
T. Klnney of Montana and George Axioms of
Chicago to attend the Wool Growers' con
vention at The Dalles , Ore.
The mcmbera of the uxecutlxo committee
wcro wmed as delegates to attend the stock
conventions to be held la Port Worth , Mon
tana , Wyoming and South Dakota in April.
Adjournment was then taken until tomor
row moralng , xxhon the committee- ccw-
MtHutlon and b-laxxu will report.
Milt I'llll'lllM llf Ol'fllll Vt'NKUlN , Jllll , 117.
At Nexv York Arrived Urns , from Na
ples ; Ucimanle , from Liverpool. Sailed
Norge , for Copenhagen , Augusta A'lctorlo ,
for Alexandria.
At Qucenstown Arrived Hrltannlc. from
Noxv York for Liverpool ; Ilhyiilaml , from
Philadelphia for Liverpool.
At Copenhagen Arrived Thlngvalla , from
New York ,
A"t Hamburg Arrived Palerla , from Now
York ,
At Cherbourg Sailed Havel , tor Ne-w
At Queensland Sailed Waesland , for
Philadelphia , Teutonic , for Nt-w York.
A.t BUttm-Salled-Island. for Nexv York ,
ou\s tU.L TIII : srnrtlus WIIIJAT ,
TliN IN the Aoncrtlnn Which the l.cUrt
Clique Milken.
CHICAGO , Jan. 27. "Raising our estb
motes on the government figures xxo thlnfc
xvo noxv oxxn every fbushol of Burplua xvheal
In this countrjs" said Georgc-iE. Trench , the
active manager of the big wheat combina
tion , who was speaking for himself anfl
Joseph Letter , vxho la the visible head ot the
"clique. "
He tulil : "According to the most reliable
estimates obtainable we think there to not
moro than 15.000,000 ibashels of vxheit ) unac
counted for. Scattered over different pirts
o { the countrj' wo have holdings of at least
that amount , so wo can safely claim to have
porBc.sslon of all the surplus. "
Added to the government estimate ot C30-
000,000 bushelo for last j car's crop the 30-
000,000 bushels carried over from the crop ol
1SDC gave Mr. French his basis of 560,000,000
bimhcls astho original supply. This he pro.
cccded to dispose of as follows :
Exported to date , 145,000,000 , iHichcls ; estl.
mated nccc. nry for home con'umptlon , 340-
000,000 bushels ; estimated necc sarjfor
seed , C.0,000,000 bushels , making a total o (
545,000,000 bushels comfortably put away.
The difference between the original esti
mated supply and the amount accounted for
Is 15,000,000 bushels.
Th'u Is the amount of wheat which , ac
cording to Mr Trench , furnishes the key to
the situation nnd on which the "clique" has
put a prlco of 10 cents In advance of the
Chicago price for 3lny wheat , whatever that
may bo frcm day to day.
"Tho situation Is simply this , " declared
Mr. French , "Exerythlng goes to shoxv that
this country hat" " sent nibroad more than Itu
exportable surplus. Wo think wheat hns
been oveiexported to the extent of 15,000,000
or 20,000,000 bushels , nni , that the Unites
States Is the country In which to sell. "
sun Mviiiiins A putVN ! IMHW
of nn Vrnij riiiiiilnln Sc'Ire'lw
ti Hiislianil.
GRET PALLS. Mont , Jan. 27 Mrs. 3Iln-
nio Cushman , n xx'Jlto woman aid teac'icr '
In the Tort Shoxx schools , -xxas clandestiuclj
married to Garcott White , n full-blood Ple'jran
Indian , nt Dupujcr yesterday. The bride is
a daughter of C. C. Batoraan , chap'aki of
the United States army at Fort llelkncp , and
formerly at Port Asslnlboine. She Is a
handsome brunette.
Txxo weeks ago the esuple npilled for a
irarrlago licence hero , hut White being a
ward of ths government , It was refused
They then nrocceded to the Dlackfoot agency ,
xvhere Major Fuller declined them marriage
TotTay they dioxo to a ranc'a near Dupujcr ,
where they were wet by a notarj- , cud it
Is alleged that he under a misrepresenta
tion , secured them a licence. The ceremony
xvns performed bjr a justice of the peace.
Mrs. Cuslman , by a former marriage , has
n daughter 3 years of age. She has deserted
her post and with her husband gone cast
cm a wedding tour.
IIitiiKlcd KfiiiiiliiH of n I'oriucr llenl-
ilriit of > oulj ( liiinlin.
OTTERVILLE , Mo , Jan. 27. Tbe crexv of
a local freight train on the Missouri Pacific
thi-- morning found U\o \ mnuglcd body of a
dead man alongside the track some txxo and
a hall' miles x > cst of toxxn. Near the body
xx-as tcund a key ring , on which xxas txxo
largo dcoi keys and a badge of sllxcr , hav
ing on 0110 sldo "S. W.'D.xlng , South Omaha ,
Neb , 1SD3. " On the ether "Ilutchcr , 203
North Fourth street. " The body is that of
a fairly xxell dressed man.
In 'tho ' South Omaha directory for 1S93 ap
pears the name of Stephen W. Ewlng , a
laborer emplcjcd at the packing house of
Swift and Company. Ills boarding place Is
glxen at the corner of Txventy-sl.xth and P
streets This is probably the man referred
to in the dispatch from Ottcrvllle. The name
of S. W Exxlng does not appear In the di
rectory for 1S97.
I'rniilv I , ColllH IIiiils Ills IHlNlencc'
In lr < Mulnn. .
WELLINGTON , Kan. , Jan. 27. Prank L
Collls of Omaha , Neb. , committed suicide
at the home of his half-brother , Ed Taj lor
of tlilci city , at G o'clock this morning by
drowning himself In a cistern , lie was a
former South Dakota ranchman. Sickness
nnd despondency duo to financial losses arc
supposed to be the reasons for the act. He
came hero from Omaha , Neb , , a month ago.
IIo formerly llxcd In 3lulvnne , this county ,
and amassed a fortune during the boom.
Dad Investments In cattle In South Dakota
left him financially ruined.
The name of Frank L Collls docs not ap
pear In the Omaha cltj directory and In
quiries failed to disclose any Information
concerning the unfortunate man.
s'ioij : > iionn- , . \itn mm IIMII.
One Irri'Nl HUM llcfn Mmlr , anil Olln-fK
Artnvpi'i'lcil. .
NASHVILLE. Trnn. , Jan 27. I/ist night
the bodies of .Mrs. Jane Corbctt ctid Stephen
Dennett , which wcro taken by graxo robbers
ftom the cemetery at Eagleville , thirty miles
south of this cltj' , about two weeks ago ,
xvcro icturned from Durllngton , Vt. , and will
be relnterred. Detectlx'es traced the bodies
to Ven.iout , and the man In this city xxho
shipped them , finding t'ao pursuit vxas being
vigorously made , telegraphed Iliirllngtcn nnd
the bodlcfl wcro ecnt back , the prices
originally paid for them , 1110 , being made
good. Ono arrest. Dr. Holmack , has been
made , nnd others are oii'ected ' to folloxx- .
Prosecutions against all concerned will be
preatod ,
nii.cMijj roii pKE.sini.vr inv/ .
MlH Hlllllf-CDIIlllIt ; lllC OcC'IINlOII for II
( r at Doiiioimtriitliiii
MEXICO CITY. Mcx. , Jan. 27.-Presldent
Dlnz and party arrived hero after its thrco
wccW trip to the coaut and the Interlcr at
3 o'clock this afternoon .over the Mexican
Central railroad. There > xau an Immense
concourse of pcoplo at tha station to greet
the president , and all along the route from
tN station to hln private residence the pco
plo thronged the streets and balconies l > j
thousand giving him a cordial rocoptlon
Tbo llagu of all nations floated from the
buildings. Troops lined the entire district ,
being ordered out as a murk of respect. Tlio
president looks well Tno superb nexv train
of Pullmans built for the president xxas fued
ou this trip.
Kci'pN III * Identity lu lllniHolf.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 27-Every effort of the
pollco and othera Interested has fulloU to
discover the Identity ot the young man
who. at the point of a pistol , demanded
[ o.OOO from Judge Miullll , president of the-
Union Trust company , offering him the al-
tcrrutlvo of death. Hit liau been locked up
In jail ever slnco Tpi'sday , when he made
the attempt at robbery , upd resists every
attempt to learn who lie U , The mysterious
young man Is of mw than ordinary Intel-
llfcnco and education ,
Maine's Commander Ptiys His Respects to
Blanco's Proxy.
t'liolo Sntn'H I'lKlillnir Itoirr | piintlv <
Conllnlly ( ircrlril li > AsN
( Joxcrnnr of HIIVIIIIKVlui
lli'luniN Cult Toil n > .
, 1S9' , by rro s Putillrtilne romimny )
HAVANA , Jan. 27. ( Nexv York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Commander
Slgsbeo ot the United States battleship
Maine and the olllccrs of his staff , accom
panied by American Consul General Lee ,
paid n formal visit today to General Par-
rado , xxho Is acting as captain general In the
absence of Marshal lllanco. The place des
ignated for the visit vxas the | Kilaco of the
acting captain general , but the Americans
supposed it xxas to bo In the palace of the
goxcrnor general , xxhcro It la eustonmry for
such visits to bo miule. So they went to
Marshal Ulanco's olllclal residence at 10 n.
m. and xxhllo they waited to bo recelxed
thcro the Spanish olllclals xxcre xxaltlng for
them at General Pnrrado'a quarters. Noboly
In the party of Americans could speak Span
ish and as It vxas the breakfast hour no
ollicer of General Ulanco's staff VXMS about
to explain the situation to them.
An American correspondent vxho speaks a
llttlo Spanish xxent to the other side of the
pnlaco and discovered that Acting Captain
Gcncrtl Parrado , Secretary General Con-
gogto , Secretary Cnsares and the members
of the staff were awaiting thu Americans In
the other palace. The correspondent In
formed the American xlsltors of the fact ,
xvhcieupon they xxent acioss the squire and
xxeio recelxed very cordially.
General Parrndo vxlll go to the war ship
Maine tomcrroxv to return Commander Slgs-
bco's \Islt. That will end the formal re
ception ceremonies. The Maine's ofllcers
came ashore today and excrj thing xxns pleas
Autonomy Is gaining some llttlo ground.
The recent Spanish outburst against It has
tended to convlnco some strong Cubans that
the home rule offered by Spain , though In
complete , must be a good thing for Cuba.
The autonomlcal cabinet actually is doing
something During General Ulanco's ab
sence the mllltaiy and clxII powers luxe
been entirely separated. General Parrado ,
the acting captain gcnenl , xxas not oxen
consulted about the drawing of a. Urge draft
against Spain by the autonomlcal secre
These good results , how excr , haxo in
lluenced only Cubans In the cities. In the
field the Insurgents ate holding out against
concessions as firmly as exer. "Presenta
tions" are not Increasing. Acting Goxernor
General Congesto and his efficient secretary ,
Senor Casarcs , are working upon the census.
They say they xvill bo prepared for the elec
tions bj the middle of March. They are
vxorklng hard In a seemingly hopeless cause
General 131anco was notified at Juciaro , on
tie south coast of Cuba , of the arrlxal of the
or . \ \ iN , L'iuivr '
( it'll. Ariin iii''ii , \V lie Ordered ItuI/
.shol , tlnilH Ills nir.H-r.
( Copjright , IS'JS , by 1'rcEn 1'ulilMilnR C'oiiirmn } )
HAVANA , Jan. 27. ( Noxx York WorlJ Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) General Aran-
guren , am iirpoitant Insurgent chief , ban
been killed. His body is belrg carried Into
the palace of Acting Capta'n ' General Parrado
a < 3 this dispatch Is filed. The death Is not
knoxx n generally in Havana jet. A great
crowd has gathered at the palace to see
x.hose body it Is.
Arangurcn Is the rebel leader who put
Lleutcnsnt Colonel Ruiz to death last month.
Hulz oftcicd his services to lllanco os a
special enxoy to cairy nn offer of money to
accept autonomy nnd peace to Arangurcn ,
whom he had known vxcll In Havana.
Arangurcn promptly had Itulz tried by drum
head ccurtmartkil and shot. It Is said that
ho did so by General Itoderiguei'D orders , an
all Insurgent eominsridcrs Kive strict orders
to shoot an > body xxho comes to a camp with
a Spanish offer of peace on any terms other
than the independence of Cuba.
HAVU.NA , Jan. 27. ( Afisoclaled Press im
port. ) At noon today Lieutenant Colonel
licnedlcto , xvith the Spanish Relnn battalion ,
surprised , near Tnpaste , this prox'lnce , the
camp of the Insurgent Hrlgodlor General
Aranguren , killing lArangurcn and four pri-
vatru , capturing five of the Insurgents and
wounding others , xxho made their escape
The body of Ilrlgndler General Arangurcn
was brought by train to Havana this after
noon and delivered to the military authori
ties. After Identification U was bent to the
Arangurcn xvns evidently about 24 jears of
age * , of fair complexion , vxlth blonde hair
and a small moustache. Tlio body , xvhlch
shows two bullet vxounds , ono In the head
and ono In the right leg , Is dressed In en Mi
ni ere pantaloons , gray xxoolen coat , jolloxx
shorn and galtora , comparatlx'ely noxx' . It
Is said Iho gaiters and the vest once be
longed to Lieutenant Colonel Jonquln ItuI/ ,
the nldo-do-cainp of General Hlnnco who ,
having gene last December to Arangurcn's
camp xxlth terms of surrender , was executed
by Aranguren or with his approval.
General Ulanco lias arrived at Man-
/anlllo , xxhcro ho has been formally
received by the authorities and by
Iho autonomist committee. Largo croxvfls
turned out on bis arrlxal. General lllanco
visited the hospitals , the foils and the bar
racks. Reports from Rcmcdlos say that
many families of the rcconccntrudoa are In
most wretched condition.
The xxar ships In the port are flying colors
: n honor of the birthday of Emperor Wll-
lam. Artillery General Puentcs today
visited the German school ship Gnclsenau.
71io American yacht Buccaneer has arrived
icro from the Tortugas and the Waul line
stojtner Seneca xvhlch reached port today
jrought 'a consignment of provisions for
the destitute , xxlilch has been turned over
to Consul General Lee.
The destitute conservative municipality of
Colona , In Matanzas province , has appointed
autonomist officials
Several correspondents of British publica
tions hnxo arrived at Clcnfucgos.
MADRID , Jan. 27. Ex-Minl tor Oanolajas ,
the Imparclal announces , has arrived at
Cadiz , from Havana ( having visited the
United States and Cuba to study the politi
cal situation ) and lias cxprctecvl a peusl-
mlstlc view of tbe duration of the war , de
claring the Insurgents haxe tbo meaim to
greatly prolong their resistance In tbe
Admiral Dermejo , minister of marine , has
ordered the fleet to concentrate at Cadiz , A
transatlantic steamer will bo chartered to
Wcnther 1'orecnft for Nebraska
Pnrtlj Clouclj , VSnrmcr , SouHKHK Wlml *
1 , Aildrom lj Prrotdent
Storkinrn Altrnil n It
Ciiptiiln MK l > pi ! Ciil
Onmlit VMIt llux n n
S. A'oto on Teller Ilo olii |
Aiiirniliiirnt to Anil-
3. StPivtM Cine In Suprr
I , IMItorlitl itiiil.l'iu
B , IMIIoni VMt tlio
Arfnlr.4 at > < i iilli Onu
0 , Counrll lltiitTn I.oculf
lowaus Want Illi'initi
7. MlnhiK NmtH frcini the ItliicU Illlln.
( li'iirriil Noxx it of tlio I'lirtln-r t ,
8 , Sliirkiurn Air 'I'hrlr ( Irlrx.tnrrK.
ProcccdliiK * ' > ' the City Cumuli.
V > . ( Irlttj KtiRlUliiui'ii In the VVt.t.
Iilfn Mtrr * Itmi-un I'orl.x Pooplo.
JMnru fast Trains for Oiniiliii ,
llrlli'tiin U Anki'd to Settle.
It , Coinnirrcliil and I'limm-lnl Xnxvn.
1 . Pretty tllrlt Itnn n Ili-noh Slinxv.
Sliouttni ; DIIXMI u VVatcT Cliuto ,
Ti'iiitieritluri' nt Oiiiiilini
Hour. Dt'U. Hour.
supply the ships with coal and stores. A
local newspaper asserts that measure's have
been taken to keep United States .Minister
Woodford's residence "uiiJcr surveillance"
The public prosecutor dcmanild a sentence
on Lieutenant General Wejler of txxo
montla' Imprisonment.
r.Mpniioit w 11,1.1M irvTv imtTiinvv
t nlli'il Stud's nniliiiNM > iif lli'i'lln IH
Hi-mi 11 full. * Illiiiiilniilcd.
IIIERLIN' . Jan , 27. The celebration today
ot the birthday ot Emperor William wns
more general than U5iial. The public and
other buildings weie decorated xxlth i'ngu '
and bustH of his majestj were exerj where
displajeil. The emperor tecelxed the con
gratulations of his mother , the ex-Em
press Frederick , and the German pilneeB ,
Including the kings of Savony and Wur-
tcmburf ; .
The nexxspapcis , e\ccptlng the soc'allst '
organs , published congratulatory articles
The socialist papers deplore the mon.ire'ilc
feeling and the conscrxatlx'c and ngiailnn
press urge the emperor to shoxv courage and
abolish the general fianchlso and xxoik-
mon's rights of coilltlon.
During the enily morning tlieio xxns n
great musical reveille by tbe bands of a
whole brigade , vxhlch awoke the p > pulation
A cuirassier of the tiumpoter coriw sounded
the reveille from the cupola ot the castle
Thcro xxas much open indignation at the
shutting ofT of all the traffic In the d'ptrict '
at omul the castle.
In the evening the Illuminations of the
citj" xxcrocij" fine. Ono store shoxvd 12-
.100 clcctiic lights. The United States em
bassy was Illuminated nnd the United States
ambassador , Andrexv U. White , participated
in all the fesrlxltlcH and attende'el xvith his
staff the gala pcrfoimanco at the opera
houce The Trench ambassador. Hie mar
quis do Noallles , was decorated xxlth the
grand cross of the Red Eagle.
D2t\iMt uivns . unr
* > xcll Soi'li'lt function lii Mil'
of ( In' Ciiosni s.
( c'M'jrlKlit 1S9S , ! > } Tic s rulillsliIiiB Compiny. )
ROME , Jan. 27. ( New Yolk World Cable
gram Special Telegram 1 The United States
ambassador. General William F Diaper , gave
a magnificent olllclal rccci.itlou tonlglit In the
mlcodld PJomblno piMee Theie wcro fiOO
guests. Including peisonages from the
Oulrlnol , incmbcis of the high nrlstociacy
of Italy , nmbassadora , ministers and others
of the diplomatic corps and pome Americana
"Kie guests xxeio Introduced by Prince dl
Monterodunl and Count TDzronl , ma tors of
ceremonlrs to the couit. Those iircscnt xxlth
ono accord prcnounccd it the giandcst social
function of this season.
The conspicuous features of thh notable
occasion xxcro the sun.iituousnces of thr >
buffet , the goigeoua decorations , embracing
beautiful dlsplaj-s of floxxcrs and plants on
the great staircase and In the stately hallB
of the palace' .
Mrs Draper , the ambassadors wife , were
a Wort'a gown ot i/carl gray catln , and the
superb Joxxels which caiihed a scnsitlDii at
a prcxlous graml function. Mrs. Rlddlngs ,
the wife of ttio first fic-ciotaiy of the em
bassy , also resplendent In Jewels , vxoro a
palo green sateen gown , Mrs. Scrlven , iliu
wife of Captain George P. Scilxcn , the mili
tary attache , xxaa onuyed In a Hllver und
lose drees of moire.
llNiiili | > N Mn > Hi * Si'ttli'il.
LIMA , Peru ( via Galveston ) , Jan. 27.
Vice President 0. E. Ililllngshurt of Peru
lias arrived at Valparaiso. IIIn visit Is very
significant. It Is asserted In xxcll In fanned
circled that the disputes an to the disposi
tion of the provinces ot Tacna and Arlca
( noxv held by Chill under the terms of the
treaty of Ancon ) and other questions pend
ing botwccn the governments are In a fair
way to settlement.
Pri'iiurc TroopM for Iloiiiiiiinlii
LONDON' , Jan , 27.-The- Constantinople
conespomlent erf the Ftandatd saj-s : The
minister of war , Rlsa Pasha , has been or
dered to prepare eighty regiments xxlth 11
minimum stiongth of 1,700 men each for
sorvlco In Roumanla next Bprlng. The nt-
tltudo of liulgarla Is causing uneasiness , and
the porlo has sent remonstrances to such
Viiiiri-liy In \Mliilli- Tit r ! } ,
LONDON , Jan 28 The Vienna corre
spondent of the Dally Telegraph mys It la
reported there that the Kuids are dcx-as-
latlng Armenian villages In the nclghbor-
lood of Russian villages , and the Armenians
are retaliating The correftxmelcnt addn that
"thoro Is comvlcto anarchy In the Asiatic
provinces ot Turkej' . "
Mnjorll ) I'nvorH Vceeiitnnee.
LONDON , Jan. 27. A majority of the en
gineers have voted In fuvor of accenting the
< TIIIS of the ompluycra. The exact flgurcH
mvo not jet been divulged , but the pici > or-
tlon is said to bo about 25,000 In favor of
acceptance ! to 11,000 against It ,
Will Si'Tiii MM Wliiili ) rii-fl ,
LONDON , Jan. 28 The- Madrid corre-
Bponelent of the Dally Mall says : It has bcn
decided that the whole SpanUh fleet shall
concentrate at Havana though not Immedi
ately ! unless circumstances demand.
SerlmiM Ilurrleiine In tliiMnlii.
ODESSA , Jan. 27. A hurricane has worked
ramcneo destruction In thin district. Whole
vlllagcfl hove been dcvastalcd and tliw damage -
age to shipping laciiorniouu.
Jaiiuiirnti Fleet lit Slum TIIIIK ,
LONDON , Jan. 27. A upeclal Ub ( > atcb
from Shanghai bays the Jupanwo fleet la
cruUlne off tbo ccast or si > u Tung.
Dcnl for Bringing Grand Rapids Frrmchisa
Now Owners of the Olub Look Over tha
Gate City's ' Ailvautages.
President of the Western League Talks of
His Personal Wishes.
.11 iMiVln > Control tin' I.oenllniiro
Aotit'otiiiitlttnl , tint r.\ire ] * Tliem
VI'N UN 'V\ 'll IMl'IIMI'll
it I III AVIml Thi-j see.
President II. I ) . Johnson of the Western
League of llaso Il.ill clubs nuil M. J.
O'llrlcn anil It. 12 Pchuman of Chicago spent
jcsterday In Omaha lonkliiK oxer the ground
with a vlexv to the locMtlon of the eighth
franchise in this city at nn early date Mr.
O'Hrlen anil Mr. Sehumnn are now the solo
outlets of the Or.iiul RapU'8 ' fianclilso. They
Imxo taken It xxlth the understanding that
they nnj locateIho club In any city whli-h
w 111 lo ) satisfactory to the league , and to
gether xxlth 1'rcsliH'iU JohiiKoti they aio now
acquiring such Informatton ns inny bo o
\ahio to them In deciding on the locntlnn.
Iho patty at fixed In the city yosterd ly
moinlnK and spent the entire dax In look
ing ox-cr the city nttil feeling of the pnlillo
pulse. That thoj xxere favorably Impiesseil
ll'eyero ready to admit. President John
son lias been for Omaha from the stait ami
lias male no secret of It After his visit
jesteiday heas moio posltixo than exer
that it was tlmo for the Western liMguo to
place a club here , and xxhllo the men xxhosn
money Is back of the franchise are not
icily to c\piess a posltlxo opinion , they
stated that evcrj thing they had been ami
heard in Omaha was In Us fax or.
Among those xxho xxero called on joster-
dijxxere some of the inllrond men , and Su
perintendent Smith of the street railway
company. Their InletxIonsxlth these of-
lU'lals xxere xery catlsfactoiy , and then they
xxcut out to examine the grounds , which
xxcro also found to bo iy.tlsfaotnij. The
Twentieth sticct grounds xxcre regarded ni
a xcry faxorablo location , but so far nothing
has been done 'In the direction of acquiring
a lease
On their return fiom their trip oxer the
city. President Johnson said that ho xxai
convinced 'that ' all ( hit ho heard In regard
to the forxxard movement In Omaha is true
and more too. lie said that exerj indication
Is that the city had reached the up graclo
and hai a period of prospeilty before It.
"Wo haxe had our ejes on On.alia for seine
time , jou knoxx , " ho lemarKed , "and haxo
considered It as a logical Wcstcin league
city.We haxe been waiting until the haid
timea had passed jou by , and cioxx" I niu
conndont that a first cliss article of base
ball here xxill paj. I don't Knoxx xxhat .Mr.
O'Hrlnn and Mr. Seliuman xxlll do , but I
think xx hat xxo haxe seen todaj has glxui
them a. faxorablo Impression of jour city.
Theio l.i one thing of which I can at-suio
jou , ami that Is If these gentlemen put a
club lieie they xxlll glxo jou the best thcro
U out. They haxe abundant means to back
up the enterprise , and they xxill como heio
foi a pcrmcuent inxcHtment , If they coma
at all. They xxlll fit up ono of the II IRS I
ball pirha there Is In the countj ! and they
xxlll get the best lean * together that money
can bujThoj 1.1x0 alicady seemed a num
ber of geol men and I think I am feafo in
sajing that they xxtll glvo jou the beat basu
ball that baa excr been seen la Omaha "
Mr. O'llricn xxas also muuli pleased xxitli
xxhnt ho lud seen of Oir-ila during his bilcf
\slt. ! Ho icfcncd to Iho fact tlat lu all
their trnxoling oxer the cltj thej had
scaicely been a vacant atoreiooiii , and that
\\aslnltbelfaprettygood Indication of prra-
porltjHo xx as more Inclined to auk quos-
tlrra tlan to answer them and 111. ) queries
In icgard to local conditions Indicated that
he xxns a close neid shrexxd obacixcr. Whllo
lie xxould mallo no poaltlvo statement In re
gard to his Intentions , lieza apparently
Inclined to belloxo that there xxas a prom
ising opening In this city.
"Von see , I want to bo sure of my ground ,
before I act , " ho remarked , "for this Is no
temporal } ' enterpllso but a pcimanenl In
vestment. My present franchise rncis for
three yea IE and then xxo expect to rcorganl/o
for ten jcar.s more and I xxould come litre
xvitli the Intention of utaylng hero foi the
cntlro thirteen yeaiB. If I como here I ex
pect to make my homo hero and become a
citizen of Omaha. I knoxv pretty x1ell what
can bo done lit Grand Rapids cs I have pio-
x'iously had a club there , mid I xx 111 probably
stop at DCS MoIneB on my xxiiy back. Ot
courBO xxo uro anxious to declclu tlio matter
as quickly us possible ns there IH much to bo
done In the xxay of preparing grounds anil
securing the remainder of the team. I should
say that xvo xxlll como to a definite cociclu-
slou xery soon , "
The nexv oxvncrs of the franchlac haxo al
ready begun the task of securing a Htron
team. It Is not likely it lint moro than two
of the Grand Itaplds players xxlll bo retained.
The management Jms already signed Tommy
Tucker , the former flrst baseman of the
Iloston National league club , who will play
that position In the mnv team. Tucker baa
licon wanted by several big clubs and Iho
fact tlmt lie Ima been landed by .Messrs.
Behumnn and O'Hrlen Indicates that tiny
propose to have the bent there is In tbe mar
ket. It Is also probable that Fred Pfeffrr ,
the veteran secc id baseman of the Chlcagox ,
xxlll play that position and manugo the ilub ,
Thia deal ban not bum absolute ! ) closed but
it Is Intlnuttd that ho can lie secured
Tommy O'Hrlen , xxho pluyed second liana
for Washington last jcar , Is also on the
list , with MuAuley , ono of the clcvcrcat
llttlo catchers ! xxho over were a breaetplute.
In addition to tluno men It U understood
that Messrs. Soden and IlllllngH of the HOB-
ton club will contribute a pitcher. This
choice will likely rest with .Manager Frunlc
Seleo. and his xxill knoxvn friendship for
Omaha la a guaranty ( hat the pitcher bo
HonUrt xvill bo a pitcher John T Ilruuh will
contribute a fielder from the Indlanapoliti
team , ' "ho U not jet decided on , and Maim-
gur Duck Kwlng will add ono from the Cln-
clniiaUa , probably Dusty .Miller or Hug
Holllday. Tluuo , with I'itchor Kustlu and
Third IJasomau iMcKlnney of last