Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1898, Image 1

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Furious Qalo Strikes St Louis and Oausos
Loss of Two Lives.
Volosity of the Wind Roaches Sixty-Six
Miles an Hour.
Then Domes the Big Blow 'Which Does the
Disastrous Work.
OVlPKrnitli Pol on Arc 1'roHtrnlPil nnil
Many IlullilltiKi Illouii Dimn
vVllMHOiirl , liMtn nnil
DaUnlii fulfil K.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 25. A gale of wind that
/cached the highest velocity of any expe
rienced hero slnco the tornado of May 27 ,
1896 , when the destruction of life and prop
erty was so great , prevailed today. Its
highest velocity was sixty-six jnlles an hour
nnd up to noon two deaths , one fatal Injury
anl several minor casualties had been re
ported , as well as consldciablo destruction
of property.
The dead are :
AUGUST WL-YMYHH , aged 37 , a carpenter ,
who was blown from the loot of the Shields
school. Ho lived but ten minutes after
being taken to the city hospital.
old , blown from the roof of a porch and
The Injured are :
Mrs. Sarah J. Lorln , spine crushed and
iho may die. Injury caused by blowing down
of a fence.
Mrs W. I ) . Doddrldge , blown under an
express wigon , Internal Injuries.
Mary AVIIson , struck by a sign and hip
Shortly after 3 a. m. a terrible thunder
storm accompanied by a heavy fall of hall
and rain struck the city anJ prevailed for
an hour or more. Hy daybreak tlio sky had
cleared , but It soon became cloudy again
and the wind began to rise. 13y 10:45 :
o'clock the wind was blowing at the rate of
sixty-six 'miles ' an hour , but fourteen less
than the recorded velocity during the tor
nado of IS'iC. It was a straight blow from
the southwest , and the residents of the city ,
especially in lOio torn do stricken section ,
wore seized with consternation. Swinging
signs and window panes were blown down
and b-oken ; outhouses demolished and
fences leveled ; telegraph poles and wires
broken and In some Instances roofs were
taken off.
A frame building on Twelfth street , be
tween Locust and Waslilngton avenue , was
blown down , but no ono huit. The cast wall
of the ruins of the Havcnwood distillery at
Madison and Twenty-third streets was blown
over At Nineteenth and Market streets thereof
roof of n two-story building waa blown off.
There wcio several thrilling escapes , but so
far ns can be learned no ono was Injured. The
roofs of two one-story buildings , Nos. SOD
and Sll Locust street , occupied icspcctlvi'ly
by J n. Smart & Sens , tailors , and the Old
Mansion barberfchop , were blown clear across
tl.o street. The occupants of the store made
a mad rush to escape and several were caught
by Hying debt Is , though all escaped serious
injury. The guests of the St. Nicholas hotel ,
immediately adjoining , rushed excitedly from
their aiartments.
The wind created much alarm at the Four
Courts , especially among the Jail prisoners
The big , old building swayed ocicc'.itlbly and
there was a general exodus from the Ufyer
C'ciiibldornblo other iVimage to buildings In
St Louis was icportcd later.
Mrs. DoddrUgc , ono of these Injuicd , Is
the wife of General JUuager Doddildgo of
the Missouri Pacific railway. It Is learned
tonight that she was not serloualy hurt.
In Hast St Louis the stoim of wind , elect
and rain startled many of the reflldunts Into
the belief that another tornado had struck
the city. The wind demolished the base ball
park completely , entailing a lcs.s of $2,500.
Sign boards were scattered all over the
streets and a big section of wooden aldowalk
on Kast H-roadwny was blown across Wio com
mons The low places In the eastern portion
tion of the city arc- filled with water. Slguis ,
fcncea and outbuildings also suffered , but
no easuiltles were ieiortcd on that side of
Uio river.
CHICAGO. Jan. 25. A blinding snowstorm
\vhk'h raged all day did considerable dam
ago In the city and made trouble for the
BtiiH't car companies , the rallinads and
caused the IO.H of one life. Carlos Munchy ,
a ilfiibe-rer , was repairing the top of a ninety-
foot tower nt the plant of the Iiwjuo'u Tur-
naco compiny when , owing to the wind !
which at tlmea during the afternoon blow at
the rate o ( sixty mild ) nn hour , ho lost his
iioUl and fell to the ground. IIo was In-
Btatitly killed , nearly every Lone In Ills body
( being broken. Suburban service on the railroads -
roads , as well &a street railways , was delay -
lay e > l , some of them for hours. Thrco sub-
uilbaii trains on the Illinois Cc/utial were to
night Ftnllcd in the snow about half way
in .fixmi South Chicago. The utiburban lines
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul be
tween the city and Hvanutcn were at a stand-
otlll during the greater psrt of the aftort-
noon , and It was only with the greatest dllll-
culty that trains tvcro run late in the even
ing when the ptorm had abated somewhat.
Other roads worn In ( xiuallyibad shape.
Of the through tralna on the lines center
ing In Chicago two were reported mUslng
tally this evening. One of them was the
St. Paul limited of the Great Western rail
road and the other a train running between
Chicago and Iau ? Claire on the Wisconsin
Central , On the Northwestern three trains
ore at a standstill and a fouitU from Cedar
HapKls , which was duo at 7.15 o'clock this
evening , U somewhere between Clinton , la. .
and Chicago. Owing to the btorm this aft
ernoon two Illinois Central trains came Into
collision near Ilubuquo , resulting lu the
death of I'lreman Kills Sweet and the fatal
injury of Uiigluecr Harvey and Postal Clerk
Hc-porta from Iowa , Illinois and Wiscon
sin enow that a blizzard lias prevailed in
portions of those states today moro dis
astrous in Its consequenccd than any storm
if or many years , Snow lias fallen to the
depth of a foot or morn , which , driven by a
cale , lias drifted badly , causing blockades
to railroads , tbo stalling or abandonment
of both passenger and freight trains , stop
page of street car traffic , paralyzotlon of
telegraph , telephone , electric Mgnt and Ore
alarm wires , the blockading of country high
ways , rendering the rural Inhabitants enow-
bound , and , In fact , the practical cessa
tion of business In general at many points.
Tonight the mercury Is fast approaching the
zero mark nnd stock will suffer severely.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 23. A heavy wind
storm , blowing down telegraph ( > olen In all
directions , struck hero this morning. Hc-
tneen Kanras City and Lawrence many pslcs
were leveled. Tralna from the west were
badly delayed , snow drifting Into the cuts
At Cl Reno , Okl. , the wind was strong
enough to ehako houses , topple over chim
neys and break many panes of glam.
The residence of William Phelps , a farmer ,
two miles cnet of 111 Hcno , was demolished.
The family escaped with slight Injuries. A
few miles distant a house- was blown down
< and the debris caught fire and was con
sumed. No ono was Injured.
At 0-uthrlo , Okl. . a hall storm prevailed
and hundreds of panes of sines were broken.
Many people believed a tornado was upn
them and fled to their storm cellars ,
1 Up to 7 o'clock this morning communica
tion with the country -was gool. Then the
wires , burdened with several timed their
weight by Ice nnd snow , tautened by the
cold and ! lashed by the wind , ( began to snap
under the unusual tension. Dy 0 o'clock
nearly every circuit lined along the Sinta
Fo and Union Pacific railroads for miles out
was ibrokcn. Two hours later communica
tion with almost the entire west was cut off.
At neon the condition lhad become more ag
gravated. Out of nearly A doron wire ? to
St. Louis and the same number to Chicago
only ono was vvcrklng between each of thcfo
Jt was Impossible , however , , to dbtaln any
news from the central west , the southwester
or the northwest. Many trains left t-no
union depot late otter waiting In vain for
orders and proccedel alo'vly and cautiously.
Tonight communications wcsi had been re
stored pirtlally.
In Kansas City the damage WEB confined
to broken telephone poles , snapped telephone
wires and more or lees delay to sticct rail
way traffic.
ST. JOSHPII , Mo. , Jan. 23. The rain that
began to fall here last night turned to snow
at 3 o'clock this morning. The fall from that
hour to 9 o'clock was three Inches. Rail
road trains are all delayed nnd street rail
way traffic has been demoralized nil day.
Many telegraph and telephone w Ires are
MOINCS , la. , Jan. 25 ( Special Telo-
) DCS Molncs and Iowa generally got
another taste of a genuine snowstorm this
moinlng. It began In earnest about 7 o'clock
and continued almost without Intermission
until after 11 o'clock. In DCS Molnca the
( snowfall mcasuicd about six Inches. The
southeastern poitlon of the state reports
from twelve to fifteen Inches. At Ottumvva
and Clinton and other points the street cars
were abandoned and tlio trains are delayed.
Rlscvvhcro the storm was not so severe , and
the trains are reported nearly , If not ex
actly , on time. The snow Is accompanied by
a stiff northerly wind , causing bad drifts
In eomo places. In this city the fatorm did
not Interfere with the street cars to any-
great extent. At nocci almost every car
was luniilng on regular time. The indica
tions are that the ttieimomctcr will register
In the neighborhood of 10 degrees above zero
Wednesday morning.
SIOUX CITY , Jan. 23 ( Spec'al Telegram. )
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
road refused fieight here this evening for
the DaKotas on account of the severity of
the Btoini. Hogs bought by the Planklnton
Packing company for Milwaukee were held
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Jan. 25. ( Special
Telegram. ) The worst storm known here In
many years prevailed for six hours this
morntag. Snow fell to the depth of fifteen
Inches. A high wltil prevailed nnd the
Giiow was piled up In drifts many feet deep.
All klni'.j of business Is at a standstill.
The lallroidj are blocked and no trains are
moving. The street cars l.ave been tied up
all fny long. There will be a gieat deal
of suffering Ini the country ; . Live stock that
Is not under shelter Is In a bad IK. The
snow waa wet and heavy. Tonight It Is
proving much colder and many head of stock
will probably freeze to death.
UUUUQUU , la. , Jan. 23. ( Special Tele
gram ) A blizzard has prevailed hero slnco
10 o'clock and a suspension of street car
and railroad trafllc towaid evening Is ex
pected. Up until 1-30 p. m. no snow had
fallen at Guttenberg. forty miles north.
O1TUMWA , la. , Jan25. . A severe snow
storm nnd bllz/ard Is raging hero today and
a , foot of drifting snow has fallen. Tlio
storm Is Increasing In bcvcrlty. Stieet COM
have been abandoned and trains ore late.
Not a wheel will be moving byt night If the
storm continues. Business itf at a standstill
and schools are all closed toJay.
CLINTON , In. , Jan. 25. A fierce snow
storm aril gale las prevailed hero since
parly morning. The Etorm shows no slgm
of abitlng. All tralHc is delayed.
CHAMDKRLAIN. S. D , , Jan. 25. ( Special
Telegram ) About tw o Inclicvj of snow fell
during the last twenty-four houra , the first
to fall slnco about the middle of December.
It will prove of benefit to cattle on t'ae
ranges , where water bun been scarce ,
MILWAUKEE , Jan. 20. A fuiious blizzard
EtrucK this city shortly bcforo noon and up
to 1 o'clock two Inches of enow have fallen.
Street cars are seriously delayed and If the
storm continues IhU afternoon there will be
another complete tie-up.
MADISON. "WIs. , Jan. 25. A blizzard
struck this city shortly before noon. If It
continues In its present forcq a few hours
It will tlo up all the railroads reaching the
city. The wind is blowing sixty miles an
Dark Oiitlnol. for tin * KiulluK1 of l.atior
Trou bleu.
riOSTON , Jan. 25. What with Increased
discontent and unrest nmon& the operatives
at Pall Hlver. with Increasing privations
among the strikers and the Increase In calU
for city aid at New Bedford , aiH the an/
noi/nccmi'at ' oJ a G per cent semi-annual
dividend ! > the Peppereli mills and 3 per1
cent annual dividend at L-aconla mills , bath
at Illddcford , tlio prospects are far from
good of a settlement of the labor troubles
in New England 'this week.
Thrrr Klllfil In n CollUlon ,
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Jan , 23.-An Eliza
beth , Ky. , special bays : Uy a head-on col
lision of two freights on the LoulaUllo &
Nashvlllo railroad , near 1'pton , at 7.15
o'clock this morning- , three men were killed
nnd four badly Injured. The klloJ | are :
William Oiler , engineer ; Leo nillson , brakeman -
man ; unknown tramp , The Injured ate.
Smith King. bruUemanj Olarunco Ilynii ,
brjkeinun. J. M. liurnclt , engineer ; louaa
licli.Yesteru , Lnlon line iej > alrer ,
Asiemblo at Colorado's Capital with Smiles
on Their Faces ,
AtlPiulntiro nt llio Nnllonnl
Contention at Ilt'ittvr ClinrlvK
II. ( ioulil of .Nrlirahku
CluiNoii Secretary.
DENVnn , Jan. 25. The first session of
the National Stock Growers' convention was
called to order In Coliseum hall at 10:30 :
o'clock today by George L. Gouldlng , chair
man of thg general committee of arrange
ments. There were present about 1,000
delegates , representing twcnty-ono states
and territories of the west , northwest and
southwest. In a few words the chairman
stated the object of the meeting. Ho said
that the years of depression to which the
cattle Industry has been subjected caused
a loss In that one branch of business of
hundreds of millions , but that there now ap
peared brighter prospects for stock grow
ing In Us various branches nnd this con
vention was called to consider the now con
Governor Adams welcomc-d the delegates
In the name of the state. He dwelt upon the
difference between the present conditions
and those of ten years ago , when , as gov-
pitior of Colorado , ho welcomed a similar
body of delegates to the state. lib epeecb
wco very optimistic for the stock growing
Industry. IIo urged the cattlemen and the
sheepmen to get together and adjust tholr
Mayor T. S. McMurray of Denvcr > , delvcrcd !
a welcome oa behalf of the city.
John W. Springer , president of the Conti
nental Cattle company of Texas , was elected
temporary chairman of the convention. Ho
was escorted to the cl'air by Governor Rich
ards of Wyoming and Lloutcmnt Governor
Brush of Colorado In thanking the conven
tion for the honor conferred , Chairman
Springer said the delegates assembled as
representatives of the stock growing Indus
try of the United States , represented n
thousand million dollars cf capital. Ho said
od cowboy days had passed away and the
etockgrowlng Industry had tailored upon a
new era.
Charles II. Gould of NebiosKa was chosen
temporary secretary , II. E. McGlnnlss of St.
Paul reading clerk , and W. H. O'Brien of
Denver sergcaut-at-arms.
The chairman appointed the following
committees : Credentials Lieutenant Gov
ernor J L. iDrush of Colorado , chairmin ; W.
Li I'lckard , Salt Lake , Utah ; H. G. Hajes ,
Wyoming ; W. J. C. Kenyon , Omaha ; William
Irvine , Cheyenne ; Paul McCormack , Mon
tana. Resolutions Governor Richards ,
Wyoming ; J. R. Van Uosklrk , Nebraska ; J.
H. Ncff , Kansas City ; T. F. Sotham , Chll-
licothe , Mo. ; General Plotter , St. Paul ;
Morey K. Parsons , Utah ; Charles Owen
Djcrs , 'Colorado ' ; II. A. Jastro , California ;
M. Tlsdale , New Mexico ; Mat. Drib-
cell , South Dakota ; D. M. Allen ,
Ames , Neb. ; A. P. Dnsh , Texas ; Dr. Vic
tor Naugard , Washington , D. C. : Hoary Wal
lace. DCS Mollies ; F. J. Uerry , Chicago ; Tay
lor Riddle , Marlon , Kan. Permanent organ-
1/atlon , George L. Gouldlng , chairman , Coio-
rado ; Ore Hailey , Wisconsin : W. E. Skinner ,
Texas ; O. A. Hadley , New Mexico ; W. P. An-
deison , Chicago ; A. B. Smith , Omata ; Alfred
S. Donaci , Arlzoru.
Colocel J. G. McCoy of Kansas responded
on bchilf of Kansas to the addresses of wel
come. The convection then took a recess
until 2 p. m.
At the afternoon session J. R. Van
IJosklrk of Alliance , Neb. , read a
paper calling attention to the benefits to
be derived from state and county organiza
tion of stock interests and stock growers
with reference to the stock Industry an car
ried on west of the Missouri river In a semi-
agricultural community. IIo pointed out
the necessities of such an organization and
what had been done In that direction , lie
said :
Alone of nil the great modern business
activities the Btockmen are unorganized. In
all other Industries except that of the agri
culturist nnd stock grower there IB combi
nation and compact organization. Indeed ,
It would poem that success In this ago of
Intense competition and clashing of differ
ent Interests comes only from association of
those haviiiB common Interests , followed by-
co-operation , organisation , leadership and
attention to detail , The most pressing need
for a strong association at this time , how
ever , Is to bring pressure on law making
bodies nnd transportation companies. There
is a necessity for some new laws nnd
changes In existing laws. With proper
londoishlp and thorough organization stock
growing InleiestH can be ns well prjteclod
from extortion nnd unfair nnd unjust treat
ment as can any other Interest ,
G. J. McCoy of Kansas then addressed the
convention on the contest between the stock
shippers of Kansas and the stock yards com
pany of Kansas City. Mr. CMcCoy asserted
that organization was only a step In the se
curing of Justice to the shippers. He said
political action was necessary to carry out
the alms of the organization.
The committee on poimancnt organization
reported In favor of making the temporary
organization permanent and named the fol
lowing as the vlco presidents : Theodore P ,
Schurmeler , St. Paul ; J. A. Drown , Laramlc ,
\V > o ; D. C. Wyatt , Colorado ; S. I. Foss ,
Nebraska ; George W. D. Leduo , commis
sioner of agriculture ; A. P. Ilubh , Jr. , Texas ;
Jesse Smith , Lay ton , Utah ; J. D , Wood ,
Spencer , Idaho ; F. J. Harry , Chicago.
The committee recommended that Murdo
McKenzIe ami A. B. Peteison of Texas bo
added to Its number. The report Was adopted.
The convention then adjourned to fl.30
o'clock tomorrow.
snn oi'ti u . .IOI.MOUMKS ,
TrHtliuoiiIti'llrctN on I'tilli'iWHIiuiIii
In CliU'iiKii.
CHICAGO , Jan. 25. Tfce committee from
the state senate Investigating the charges
against the police 'force heard testimony to
day tending to show that a regular police
Ejfitem of blackmail on the Chinese * aud
white opium Joints exists. Several Chinese
arpeared bcforn the committee , but with but
one or two Instances were afraid to testify
Sing Tin , proprietor of an opium Joint , &alJ
that If Governor Tanner or Mayor Harrison
would guarantee him protection ho would tell
all ho Knew. Ho said that within the past
ten days the police bad visited all the opliru
joints and warned the keepers against giving
testimony before the benate committee.
Sing Tin created somewhat of a ssraa-
tlon by stating ho and Sam May had once
been Imprisoned for fifteen days on the nnrtli
slJo for "talking too much , " an 1 that Sam
May had been compelled to leave the city
Moy Tin said that wont opium jo' tt pro-
urlctors paid $10 a week for police protec
tion. He , however , paid but > | 3 a week. The
collector , according to MojJ Tin , said tlmt
Alderman CotiRhlln was the beneficiary.
MniiiifnctnrerN Arc IlnlitlnK Tlirlr
Third Aninlnt Con > cnllon ,
NEW YORK , Jan , 25. The third annual
conference of the National Association of
Manufacturers began In the Masonic temple
In this city today. About 260 prominent
merchants from all parts of the country
were present at Wic morning session , where
Theodore C. Search of Philadelphia presided.
The convention will close with a banquet oci
Thursday , at which President McKlnlcy TV 111
In his annual report President Search de
clared that during the last jcar the Indus
tries of the United States had progressed
from long-continued dullness and stagna
tion Into pronounced activity. He said the
National Apsoclitlon of Manufacturers had a
large share In the credit for this expansion
of trade. Ho declared tliat one of the great
est problem ? still to be settled was the
shipping question , and advocated , a liberal
policy cm the part of the government to
encourage American shipbuilding.
Mr. Search referred to the benefits which
would accrue to the United States by the
completion of the Nlcaraguan canal. He ad
vocated the "creation of a federal depart
ment of commerce nnd Industry and the en
actment of rec'procal ireatles. He hlghlv
commended the system of establishing sample
warehouses in foreign countries.
Mr. Search strongly advocates the divorce
of the consular service' from political In
fluences. The prcyosod national bankruptcy
law now before congress , had , Mr. Search
said , the strong support1 of his nssoc'atlon
IIo deprecated the Increased tendency on
the part of state legislators to impose spe
cial taxes on foreign corporations. He recom
mended renewed agitation to secure uiitaxed
alcohol In the aits.
After luncheon on board the St. Louis , Sec
retary D. P. Wllscn of Cincinnati .submitted
his annual report. This showed a gain of
C41 members during the last > car.
The report of Treasurer Robert La Id law
of Cincinnati showed total receipts , J39.7GG ;
disbursements , $37,101 ; leaving a balance for
the jear oP $2,575.
Between SOO and 900 delegates were enter
tained tonight by members of the local
branch of t'.ie association , at a Bohemian
smoker at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel.
Hollers from Itallliuorr Ituturii to ( he
ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Jan. 25. Judga Lewis
n. McComas was today ' elected United
States senator to succeed Arthur P. Gorman.
The ballot upon which hoi mas elected Was
the first of the day , and the eighth since the
contest began , and resulted. In hla getting
sixty-three votes to four for Alexandc"
Shavv of Baltimore , the only other republican
who remained In the race. Senator Gorman
srot forty-seven votes , thofull , democratic )
strength in both houses.
The break to McComtui031110 as the result
of loot night's caucus , at which fifty-three
members > were In attendance otlJ utwhich
Judge McComas was practically unanimously
Ton republicans from Baltimore city anCi
Senator Westoott refused to take any parj
in the caucus , or to consider themselves
hound' ' by It , ar/1 up to the hour of noon > o-
day , -when the balloting was resumed , no one
not In their councils Knew how they meant
to vote , but It was generally thought they
would stick to Shaw to the end , thereby
creating a deadlock.
It was therefore with the most
interest that the balloting was watched ,
and when the name of Senator Westcott was
reached ; acd he , after a brief speech ,
changed his vote to McCoitas , every cnc
thought the end was -war. Speaker Schaefer
was the next of the recalcitrants to come in
lino. Then one bj eao five of his associates
in the "bolt" against the rule of the ma
jority follow ed his example. Kx-Congrera-
nmn Flndlay's raly remaining supporter dM
likewise , and the \oto stood 62 for McComas
to G for Shaw. Then delegate Jacobs
changed his vote , but ( our others , Quasi ,
Baldwin , Short end Del-icourt , all of Baltl-
raoio , stuck to the Baltimore candidate to
the last and went down with 11Ing colors.
On UN l'i Unit the ClmrKCNKnliixt
IItin \ riCorrect. .
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 25. Rev. C. O
Brown has confessed to the Bay conference
of the Congregational church that a portion
tion of the charges connecting his name
with that of Mattlo Overman arc true. Ho
appeared before the conference very unex
pectedly , expressed the deepest contrition
for his backsliding , resigned himself to his
fate , was chastened and dropped out of the
Congregational ministry , shook hands -with
the chastencrs nnd ended by declaring that
ho was glad of It all. In his confession ho
said : "A small part of the accusations
alined at mo was true. For any wrong
which I hod done I had sought forgiveness
both of God and man. I had turned utterly
and with abhorrence from It long before I
was publicly accused.
"No action but my own now taken could
deprive mq either of my pulpit or any fel
lowship In Chicago. I confess lo the Dubuque -
buquo and Chicago associations that I did
them gilevous wrong in .accepting fellow
ship of the one and seeking that of the
other. I herewith rcnucsl that my name
bo dropped from the loll of the church as
sociation. " ;
Dr. Brown lead the confession to the Bay
conference and In ovciy t'cao of his voice
thoio was tremulous plcKdlng for mercy.
After the conference had 'rendered Its de
cision of expulsion ho bald : "It Is all for
the best , I suppose , } rt It Is hard for mete
to bear. "
\ orn < > > Snt-H Mr " Ki'lcliiun ,
CHICAGO. Jan. 5-Mrf. Mlnnlu Wnlaco
Walkup-Ketcham , widow of the late well
known club man , John V. Ketchuin , has
lH < en nue-d b > her former attorney , H , C.
Hansen , for $20,000 , whluli lie nlcges Is duo
him for Hervlces. Huns'Jj > asserts he at
tended to all the legal iimtteinattending the
dontli of Mr. Kutcham , dijew up the will In
dispute nt the present time and made ( ill
preparation for tliq hearing of the contest
In beliulf of Mrs. Ketcham.
Mot < > mriilN ( if OIM > IIII Vrirl * , . .Ian.5. .
A ! ) Now York Arilved Manitoba , from
London , Frlesland , from Antwerp. Silled
Clvk1 , for Liverpool ; Uilui , for Hremen.
At Antwerp-Arrived Southward , for New-
At PhllndeOphfa Arrived Uelgwiland.
from Liverpool.
At Gibraltar Arrived Werrn , from New-
York , for Naples und Genoa.
At QuwtiHtovvn Anlved Pavonla. from
lioxton , for Liverpool ,
At San rianc'hco Arrlvod-Angleny , from
S\umuea. galled Dark Vilk. cle Hougc , for
QUK-nstoun , Australia , for Honolulu
At Brattle Sailed Balk Olympic for Hi
ton , HU'.umrd Uxu slor and TtiiasHtr. f , r
Alaska. i
Four Hundred Delegates Attend the
Monetary Convention
Governor Mmrr of limn In HIP Porniii-
nc-nl Cliiilrninii mill Hoi'rlx vn
HeartAiiplnuiK' Hut-Inn :
I HH |
INDIANAPOLIS , 1ml , Jan. 25. Four hundred -
drod delegates were present nt Uio Grand
opera hotlao today when Chairman Hanna of
the executive conimltteo called tlio mone
tary convention ito order. This was ( in In
crease of 100 over the number of delegates
that attended the first Indianapolis com en-
tlon of a year ago , and It was regarded no
Indicative of the Interest which the business
men feel In the movement fsr a reform of
the currency laws. The hall presented tlio
nppoaranco of a national convention of one
of the two great political parties , the various
delegations being Indicated by staiulardo
ibearlng the names of their -various etatoa.
The 'private ' boxes and loggias were filled
with handsomely dressed women , represent
ing the wealth and culture of Indianapolis ,
and Uio hall was tastefully decorated vvllii
the national colors.
Two governors Governor Mount of Indiana
and Governor Shaw of Iowa were the ppcak-
cra at the afternoon session. Go\cnior
Mount delivered the speech of welcome , , and
Governor Shaw spcko for moro than an hour
on the gold otandard and the retirement of
the greenbacks. His ihomely and forcible
comparison of our financial system with the
gradual growth of n ploneei's home , with the
gradual addition of "lean to's" and thatched
roofs , which ought to 'be ' replaced In our
more advanced condition by n new structure
upon firm foundations and of harmonious
architecture , caught the audlcnco with great
effect and ( brought forth round after round
of applause. Ho spoke to an audience of
suUitantlal business men who thoroughly
appreciated his argument for nn elastic cur
rency based upon commercial assets.
The delegates , as Governor Shaw sug
gested , did not include many bankers , but
Included many men of largo affaire and some
of national prominence. Among those who
arrived just before the convention met this
afternoon was General Simon 1 ! Ruckiicr cf
Kentucky , the gold democratic candldito for
vice president hvo jcars ago. There was
also General Charles Traccy of Albany , who
used to represent the Cleveland admlnhtia-
tlon In the fight against frw silver In congress -
gross Iowa , vied with Indiana for the honor
of the largest delegation on the floor , and
It made an lirtircsslvo appearance When it
arose en masse to cheer Governor Shaw ,
There were about sixty of the Iowa dele
gation , and there were also strong delegations
from Wisconsin , Michigan , Illinois and Ohio.
Franklin MacVcagh , who was the demo
cratic candidate < oi- United States scaator
some jears ago , wc.s among the Chicago
delegates , with H. II. Kohlsaat of the Chicago
cage Times-Herald and Prof. J. Laurence
Langhlln , one of the members of the mone
tary ccmml&jlon. In the New York delega
tion were such men as William C. Dodge ,
Henry Hcut , ex-president of IMo Cotton
oxihange ; Gusta\o Schwab and J. Harem
Hhoades. New York was icprcsentcd alto
gether by a score of Its most prominent
business men , and maay dispatches came
from boards of trade in New York and New
Jersey , which were not able to send dole-
gateh , promising their cordial support. Jacob
L Greene , president of the Connecticut Mu
tual Life Insurance company , was oneof thu
Connecticut delegates , and delegates were
present ftom Virginia , North Carolina , Ken
tucky , Missouri and Maryland.
It was 3 o'clock when H. II , Hanna of
IuJlananolU , the of the executive
committee , called the contention to order.
Ho Introduced Hev. II. L. Halncs of this
cltv. who offered a brief prajci , at the con
clusion of which Mr. Hanna Introduced
Governor Mount of Indiana , who was to de
liver the address of welcome.
Governor Mount i.poko briefly. Ills speech
was appropriate td the occasion and was nn
oai nest Pica for the maln'enanco of the cold
standard. He showed that Thomas Jefferson ,
the founder of the democratic party , hold
itoutly to the belief that the legal ratio of
colnnRo should conform .to the mercantile1
ratio cf the metals , and ha queried In this
connection how this attitude would compare
with modern Dryanlsin , which Insists ui'on '
1C to 1 ns the leg il ratio , while the cc'nmer- '
clal lallo Is 33 to 1. Ho quoted former
Secretary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle
as maintaining that there was not a frco
coinage country ln > the world tolay that W
not on a silver basis ; that ithcro la not a1
silver standard country In the wordl today
that uses nnji gold as money , along with
silver ; that there Is .not a gold standard
country In the world ( today that docs not'
tvso both gold and silver , and that theio U
not a silver standard country today that 1m
moro than onci'hlrd ' ns much money In cir
culation per capita as the United States.
IIo pktured the dlsabtious results which
would follow from the free coinage of nllvrr
In th's country , and asserted that capita
would seek Investment In this country only
when fissured of the soundness of our morJjy
At the conclusion of Governor Mount's
address Chairman Hanna presented Governor
Shaw of Iowa to the convention as Its per
manent chairman. Governor Shaw spokq ao
Member * of Oils Convention , Friends of
Sound Money , Laldes < md ficnticmcn- < leslie -
slio to cxpn'HS to your c&ooiitlvrj c-ommlttoe
my appreciation nnd gratitude for the dis
tinguished honor of picsldlng over your de
liberations , i i
"Poaro has her victories no IMS rcnovvm 1
than war" and upcn no leader of aimed
battalions 1ms rested a graver duty than
that which confronts the men of this gen
eration. Ono of tit-a hopeful signs of the
times Is the. oxlutenro amoiiM us of n luge
body of students of economic questions wheat
at a time of political peril were found wil
ling to m iko any sacrifice , to break nl-
le-glunco with any afllllatltns and even to
part company with all former friends and
comrades in political faith for the sake of
national honor , nnd who are now heartily
engaged In this effort for the Inauguration
of u financial policy that shall btand the
teat and < > \ln the respect of the nges. It 18
we'll for the state that with many the tem
poral prosperity and happiness of our ji o-
plo aid of fur greater moment than paitlsran
victories ,
I am not unmindful of the fact that possi
bly a fovv v 'ted for the- gold standard In
th hope that International bimetallism wax
attainable , but they wisely ie-c.ordel their
votei In fnvor of the nn'nuniinru of the
present gold standard until nmli time na in
ternational blme alll'm H < i : > ull br FUUIU !
Now that tin ? most earnest and eoud f.altli
Weather I'orecnst for Ncl > ra kn
Pair , Wnrmer , Noilhwcstctly
1. OU-xitrmn Wind Sturm In St. I.oiiU ,
Stoclc m mi's Meeting ut Driurr.
( latlirrltiK of the Monatnry Convention ,
\Viir Ship Mnlno / \i\im.
2. Addrr by SrorrliiFj
l ll s Will t'rcn
3. Nrlint hn Tliotig ! Mention ,
DoHllR of the Hi |
4. IMItortitl and Co.
( S , Ynluo of iir : <
Scoln Oclrb rtlidny.
Ciiuvciitlon [ irlukmukurx.
0. Ciiiiiicll lltu cr .
Ion a State lonrn.
7. Xoinlitn I intent ,
The I'lonrtlV DuUotn.
8 , rMlniiciitui ! Aliuut Vlfllt Omnlm ,
IO\MI I.oglitliitiiru Coming on btliirdny.
0. KmhnvH of Current l.ltornturo.
( lutf llnitd'K Itutoi tci Omiiliii.
A inner to n Suit fur Dumiigrn ,
Itiilioml.iu TiirnarH to Moot nt Onmlm.
tl. Coiiiiurrvlnl nnd riiuinclitl Noun.
IS. "Slttliitniiiirini , " liy ( Innild IlriMiuu ,
llcriiliirx Aniiiuir 'Modern Women ,
Condition of ( heVfnthori
Jlour. Hour. DPI * .
r. n. m i i > . in. , . . 1:1
0 II. in - | i. m. ,
? n. in jit : t p. in. ,
H n. m .1 p. in. , . . SB
ti n.n. . in jn n it. in. , . . SBI
n.n. . in ( I p. in , , . . 10
I I n.ill in JS 7 II. in . , . . 17
J- ill It ) S p. m. . . . in
i ) 11. m i i
attempt thereunto hni failed , nnd amid
such e-lroumstnnci-M as to lead all thlnklui :
men to belle-vi1 that nothing cm ever be ac
complished ) nloiiK that line , It follow that
the gold btandird must be maintained foi-
ThN bolng settled , what remains to be
done ? Thci iicoplo Imvo n right to cxpoct
something , 'fhcy went to the extreme limit
of their opportunity In demanding secuilty
against lliuinclnl depression , commercial
upheavali and Industrial agitation. In
view of the oft-repc.itcd declaration for
national honor and the. payment and dH-
chaigc of every obligation , public and pri
vate , in a currency equivalent to gold. It
remains for the law making power to spread
the verdict of ISM of record , to render Judgment - -
ment In accordance therewith nnd to make
the decree perpetual. A failure bo to do
will endanger entry Interest , eveiy Indus
try , every enterpilso and mike possible a
panic of such cyclonic force -widespread
extent as to render -what we have , been , In
comparison , a summer's zephyr.
You , gentlemen , have met as architects ,
self appointed It may be , ibut nonci the les
responsible for the wisdom of the plans
yen shall prepare. It Is yours to submit de
signs and specifications and details ; and In
this body there Is coitalnly no lack of wis
dom nor of foresight ) nor of experience nor
of oonsc'ciice nor of responsibility to jus
tify the expectation of a gieat people
what you shall propose will boworthy of
adoption. You have no right , In view of
the expressed nvlll of the noonle. to intimate
that our llnaiiclal dwelling Hhall rest on
anything else than , gold. '
You will do well to turn a deaf ear to
these who believe the experience , of nations
should bo Ignoicd and that It will requite
a super'triiuturo the like of which has never
existed to stand the test of our climate.
Thlx , gentlemen , Is no time for experiments.
There Is no occasion for experimenting.
The fln.anclnl history of every nation of any
commcicial importance justifies the as
sumption that the laws of trade and the
laws of commeico nnd the aws * if ico-
nomlca and the law of supply PI d dim did
and the. law of competition are , Ilkp tin
law or gravitation , of unlveisal application ;
and If left free to. operate will do moio to
iqimll/o burdens and illbtilbute blessings
tliiin all the lans that KoeiUi.-m can pio-
po o.
We must Ii.avfi a piper currency. I bc1-
HMO the country ntlaige , without icgard to
party , agrees to this proposltlcn. Wo must
Imvo n paper currency and of sufficient vol
ume for the nerds of a great und piosper-
ous people , with many and varied Intciests
These who believe In the-principles endorsed
nt the polls In 1SSO , toselhor with those
who "icc-cpt the verdict tlion tendered as of
binding force , agree tlmt every dollar of
paper currency must be redeem tble , direr Uy
or Indirectly. cAc-hnnge-ihlo .
. or
Ibf ( > , at pir for gold. Tne value of ovciy
dollar of United Statca money , whether
of coin 01 i.ipcr ourrcvv. rmibt In M °
cqultvlnnt of 2Ti 8 grains of standaid gold.
"Upon the conclusion of the spcecCi of Gov
ernor Shaw , Chairman Hann.i . requested the
state delegations to select vice presidents
and members of the conimltteo on resolu
tions to bo 'reported bcforo the evening BCS
slcn. The convention then adjourned until
7 o'clock , when addresses were delivered
to n largo audlcnco by Hon C. Stuart Pat
terson of Philadelphia and Colonel Jacob
L Greene of Connecticut. Mr. Patterson
spoke on behalf of the monetary commis
sion as one of Us members , l.lis icmarka
wore as follows ;
\\'o advlsul the continued adherence to
the gold standard , because It Is the stand
ard of civilization ; because no legisti < Ion
can ovei throw It , because It means that
every dollar of currency shall continue to
be ns good as gold and because only under
that stand ud can public nnd pilvato faith
bo kept and labor toenlvc the full nu
of Its toll. Also lO'acHIsc the iitllUatlon nf
silver eunenoy In subsldlaiy Hllve-r coin1 * . In
ullvor dollnis and In silver t-ertlflc itt i In
duiomlnatlons of { 1 , f. and J3 a the only
small iiole. currency , for In tlii1 wav Hie
demand * cf the country for change In
ictnll Hade will keep the silver currency In
r-li dilation.
Hut we also locognlzo tlio fact that the
sliver coins and their representative notes
vviio Issued by the government for full face
value tecelveO and tlmt every consideration
of honor and honesty requires the sil
ver dollars should bti redeemed In gold ,
\\'u advise Hie grndunl retire inent f > f the
United States note * and twisury notes of
UM ) , for tht-y are .0. constant menace to the
rational credit and a rourco of we ikncri.s
to the crovoimncnt In UK Internal ri-lulloiiH.
Wo advise the establishment and m iln-
tenance of a gold rescivct adequate for that
We ndvlHO the teparatlon of the always
distinct and BOinetlmcs rortfllctlng llscul and
currency func-tlonH ot the treasury.
In conclusion Mr. Patterson slid ;
My work Is done. Your woik has but begun.
An appeal must now bo taken from the
hcrvants nt Washington to the maulers In
their homes on the hlllx , In thu vallcy , on
the plains und In the towns of this great
Innd and you must prose-cuto that appeal.
It Is no time for ro.Mirdlcet. It IB the tlmci
for courage. It Id no time to retreat. It la
thu time In advance. Then bring up the
colors to iho front and match forward In the
assured confidence that our vle/w la right
and final victory must be ours.
( The delegates to tbo convention ore ex
pressing much gratification nl the many cour-
.ctlca fchoun thorn by the people of Indian
apolis. An elaborate luncheon was given to
day by Chairman Hanna to the members or
ll'O executive committee and to the heads
of committees of cltUcne who have aided
In preparing for the reception of the dele
gate * Mr Hanaa entertained at dinner the
members of the monotury commission ana
few other prominent delegates A reception
( foctluuc.l on Second Pace. )
United States Battleship Oasts Anchor to
Hatbor of Cuba's ,
Spaniards Mnko Great Haste to Greet tha
War Ship's ' Officers ,
German Officers from n School Ship Soou
Follow Suit.
Unulr .SIIIII'N riimtliiK ArNciuil Apimiir
tn HUM * I'ul In nil A | > | ioiiriinuu
JUKI In ttiiv MeU or
Tlinv. "
( Copright , ISM. by 1'reM Publishing Company ; '
HAVANA. Jan. 25. ( New York World Car ,
blegram Special Telegram ) The United. '
States battleship Maine arrived here at 1J/1
a. in. today. Tlio wliamu were crowded , "
with people soldkw , sailors , civilians bulk *
they were perfectly quiet , perfectly Impas 1
alvo. A slight ripple at Its bow , the startf
and otrlpcs waving nt Its peak , the great"1
fighting ship glided through the narrow chan
nel between Old Morro nnd Punko cnstloj
It pao-cd the Spanish cruiser Alphouuo
X11I and came to anchor nt the government'
anchorage In Havana hanboi's center.
The Ainerlr-au first siluted , the rapid flrlui *
guns on the Maine's bow rattling and crackj
Ing nnd Impelling waves of no und over thu
city and the Cabina.s. The Spanish an.- '
Bvvercil with pollto piomptness , the comM ?
of Mono castle's cannon coming falnllyi
against the w 1ml. The Alphonsj XIII lioomciL'
a salute and then thu Gcinmn scJaool ehlp.
The last echo had not died away , the Maine's
blue jackets were still hiiotllng to make *
things ship-shape when the captain of thu
fort and an olllcer of the Alphonso were ,
alongside In small launches. Courtesy could/ /
not liavo been rnoio < iulckl > rendered Olllcer
of the Deck Blnndon received the visitors ntf
thu 'head ' of the Maine's companlonway anil'
escorted them between fllco of mirlncs ami ?
blue Jackets to Captain Chiiles L Slgsbee'a
cabin. There the Yankees nnd the Span-
lard j ibo\\ed and told ho' A cry glad tlioyi
were to tee each other. Koll 'wing ' the Span-
lards , a German otlicor from the .school ship *
paid Jils respects to Captain Slg. . bee.
The German ship Geyer Is expected In a
few dais. It will remain In Cuban waters
should any Indications of trouble arise or
should the ntitl-Amerlcan clicular recently
distributed have any effect.
. , . ALL SC11END.
Naturally the ( Irst questions of the Maine's
odlcers weie : "What's the trouble ? " "What
are wo here for ? " The answer to the first
question was : "Thero'a no trouble. " It Is
cxtiemely probable there will be tie answer
to the second. So far as precipitating trouble ,
the unhelllgcrent presence of the Maine Is apt
to strengthen the relatlonn between the
United Slates and Spain. Havana Is as calm
as a mill pond.
Consul General Lee , Secretary Congosto ,
Ac-ting Governor General nud Governor Go-
vln , scciclary of the interior , held the Idea
that perhaps several days had better pasa
before the battleship's arrival , to the people *
might become reconciled to Its coming. lut )
It comes just nt tlio right time when all Is
tranquil. ( Americans uie now well satisfied.
Thcro Is a safe refuge for tholr women and ,
children should net or Intrigue give an anti-
American twist to any ilotlng that may oc
cur. On the other hand , General Parrado ,
acting captain general , Is fully able to sup
press such rioting. The Impression Is that
the Maine's sallort , will not bo permitted to
go ashore and that there will be a gcneroua
exchange of courtesies between Its officer *
and the mllltaiy and naval olllclals here.
MADIUI ) , Jan. 25. ( New YoiU-World Ca-
j'egram Special Tclcgiam ) OlMclal I tlina-
tlon Is to the effect that the contemplated
visit of American vessels of war to Havara
-ad the presence of the American bquadrou
in West Indian waters caused a secisatloni
and much dUplcaeure ut Madrid , which thu
picas of all shades echoes today with much
Jltterness. ii Imparclal calls the conduct !
of America a provocation without Justifica
tion and iccommcndn Spaniards In Havana ,
to fhow prudmce , self possession , d'edal'i '
aud Indifference during the stay of the
American vessels. Sagoata saj.s the Spanish
go\eminent attaches no Imiwtunco to the *
movements of American riliiia , llio I'nltcil
Statco Is perfectly awaio tl < at Picftlaicit Mc-
ICInk'i harbors cio design agalnut the pren-
ent cordial relations bohvcon the two coun-
ttlc.s. It Is t' to ECO , honovcr , that poli
ticians and military men apprehend dcm-
onbtratlons of the old Sanl.-li ] party la
Havana on the occasion of American vcr > -
nc ! , that would IIml an echo In patriotic
'ocllngtt of haidly suppressed irrltatlui
} gulnst the state.s In Spain.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 25 A scctnd te.e-
gram fiom Consul General Leo received at
the State department toda > Mated that thu
Maine had been leeelved with every couuenj.
The co m ma rulers of the German an . Span sh
ehlp.3 of war lei the harbor had called upon
the commander of the Mulno , who had re
turned their calls , the Spanish fnrtu lud
fired fealulcH and all the ccremonici called
for by naval etiquette had been oLfierved
In addition the consul gcnnal stated that
everything was trat. > qiiil In Havccia
The department olllclals have heard noth
ing officially of any trouble or misunder
standing between Consul General Leo and
Secretary General Congosto und attach liltlo
Importance ( to the rumors to that effect 10
Is Hiiggcstcd that the basis may bo the rc-
nort current Eevcral1 days ago that Ir Con-
KOH'O had expruEsed dUpleasuro locau ) o
General Leo luil detllncd to Htato offlclally
that llio had not predicted falluio for tni >
autonomy plan.
H Is nald at the Navy department that aa
mutters stand there I * no call for further
Instructions at picsent to Captain ! Slgsbef/
who Is permitted to use his own discretion'
In dealing with the events of the day , ttH
though ho has been enjoined 1o consult
freely with Oonnul General Leo and waa
ulbo mlivutcly liiBtructcd before ho arrived !
at Havana , a * to .llio wishes of the secretary * ,
of the navy.
HecauBO the Maine's mwi must remain/
under close restriction , It La likely that Uio
ihi ( > Hill not be kept louu in Uavaua lur <