TJIE OMAHA DAILY U15K : TVKsDAV , JANUARY 25 , 1808. CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST" , . FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. .MINOR MliVIIO.V. Cocpcr. Tire Ins. , C Pearl , ( " 1. 372. William Shurtr ot St. Louis Is In town. r I ! Colcman of Waterloo Is In the city. J H. Malone carao down from Ncola jos- ten-ay. The Monday Muelcal club met jeslerdny nftcrn on. Milton Fansfclder of Chicago Is In the city on business. Lily entro. No. 30 , Royal Neighbors , will meet this evening. Charles Delink Is hero on a llttto visit from Jefferson , la. Albert Colin of Milwaukee Is transacting business In this city. iA carloid a neck at the reliable Uluff City Laundry. I'houo 311 , Judga Smith la spending a brief vacation with Ills family In thin city. Wnnted , competent girl for general house work , 320 Oakland avenue. . ' Charles A. Hamllng nnd wife of IJoono ere visiting friends In this city. William H > nn and Lydla Campbell wcro married by Justice Vein > cstcrday. Deputy United States Marshal D. W. Hill- wig returned from DCS Molnci yesterday. i : . 'H. ' names and G. P. Stltphen of Kan sas City were among the city's visitors > cs- terdiiy. The Dorthlck club met last night at the residence of Mrs. Hobert Mullls , on Oak land avenue. llnv.V 3 Darnei of the First Presby terian church will preach at IMgcwood Union church this evening. Wood Lucas and Harry Deetl > en , while Bleltfi riding last night , had their sleigh IdcUed to pieces by a fractious horse. Neither was hurt. Wo gho attention to little things In laun dry work You get all that Is best In nno work atid good service at the Eagle laundry , 721 llwuy. The street commissioner 1.1 using all of his force In the work ot cleaning < > rf from FldowalKs the accumulations of snow and Ice and opening street gutters. Detectives Cox came over from Otralm last evening with requisition rotors for Thomas Alexander , one of the confidence men who has been held hero for several dajs. William Arnd left last evening for Dee Mollies for the purports of spending n few days watching the leglsliturc and perhaps liu mentally helping out by timely Biiggcsj- tlom several cntcrprlscw In Which Pottawat- tamlii county and western Iowa people are Interested. Thorn was no session of the district court jcsterd-iy , owing to the fact that Judge Thor- nell missed the train he was to take from hU > homo In Sidney , where ho spent Sun day with hl.s family. Ho telephoned during the forenoon directing the bailiff to adjourn court unlit thin morning. Mrs Oratly , who swallowed a dose of cai'ballc acid by mistaking It for cough medicine , him ihcen safely carried through the danger periods and Is now pronounced out of danger. Her .mouth and throat are grcatl > swollen from the ( burning acid , and the has s > tno dllllculty In talking , hut hoi friends tay they nro assured that no per manent Injui" ' will follow the deadly dose. The DoLong Industrial school , which has been occupying the west room of the first Jloor of the Klscman bullJIng on Saturdajs nt a nominal rental , will now make a change , on account of the leasing of the entire floor < o Dccro. Wells & Co , as a show room. The Industrial school has now secured tbo third floor of the same building and will have very comfortable and commodious quarters. Pred KlBeell , Art Hansen ami W. S. Kane were arrested Sunday evening upon the charge of creating a disturbance In the vicinity of the opeitt house and using obscene - scene language on the street. Juilgo Mc- Oco came to the conclusion that the charge lodged against the young men was true In all particulars , and he gave them a sen tence of twenty dajs In the city jail with two meals a day on bread and water. Lieutenant Compton of tbo Dodge Light Guardj has gone to Marshalltown for the purpose ot taking another course in the cchool of Instruction for officers of the Iowa Nation : ) * Guard. He will bo absent for several dajs. The now military regulatlonn require all of the commissioned officers to take the prescribed course , and failure to co.nply may mean reduction to the ranks or dismissal from the militia. Lieutenant Compton baa taken one course and has other studies yet to bo examined In. The now nilcu and regulations nnd the modern tactics In whloji all ot the officers and men are drilled Is "bringing the Iowa National Guard Into a high state of efficiency. The motor company has decided upon tak ing up all of the annual pas > scn heretofore issued and substituting a beak of tickets The Ibooka ccntnln COO tickets , ono of which jiiust bo torn out for each ride when prc- BcnteJ by the person holding the pass Tills plan Jias been deemed necessary to enable tht ) company to keep a proper check on the eonduct.-rs during the TransmlssUalppl rush. The conductors Jiavo ibocomo very familiar with the numbers of the annual passes , and the company has acquired a suspicion that several timer ) at least some of the numbers havt ] been put < lown vvlien the holder of the past ) was not on the train. Several plaiiH were dlbcuwed , and the ticket adopted as n dead-sure check. V C. B. Vlava Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to fi Health book furnished. 32C-327-323 Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Clly rntlicTN CUoi-t. ' The cloud that Is hanging over io head ot Street Supervisor Ilardln In the shape ot eoimitlcxial charges against him , failed to make Its presence known at the special meeting of the city council last evening. It Is Intimated by some of his enemies that Hardln Is using his official position as a means of advancing the Interests of his son , a sidewalk contractor. R , A. WIckliam , the contractor who has been doing a great deal of the cltj's work In the past. Is preparing the charges and It Is expected that ho will have thorn ready for filing at the next meet ing of the council u Thursday evening. Sklnklo's contract was presented to the council and accepted. Ilia bend was also approved. The clerk was Instructed to forward a bill to the American Long Distance Telegraph and Telephone company for J-SI as annual tax on the 281 poles belonging to the com- t ny within the city limits , with a tied It of $101 , previously | iald , The petition of St. John's Kngllsh Luth eran churtfi for reduction of assessment on an outside lot belonging to the congregation ( was denied. ItiMil Hxlato TrmiNfVrM. The following transfers aru re-ported from the title anil loan otllco of J , W. Bqulre , 101 Pearl street : Michael Thomas to Fred ICrugnrevv - IHK company , lot 8 , block 8 , Heer ' nilil , w. il JI.COO Peiter Kgan , Jr. , and wife to Jnmea W. .Poland , lot 3 , block C , Judson'u 1st mill , w. U l.SOO Clara Mann to John A. ll.itcs. HO \ \ nvv U nnd a 12 acres no't \ nvv U 15-75-10 , vv. U , . , , , iso : Cl.nrlea A. True nnd wife to A. I\ Con ner , nil their Interest In inv U no U Sl-77-39 , q. f. < > . . 175 i\Yllllum A. Terry to George Hullls ct ul , n H B V , nvv U no U 30-75-33 , q. o. d 100 Total flvo transfers ? s,3'J3 CASTOR IA i For Infants nnd Children. AVOGA AND BRANCH COURT Efforts of tbo People Then to Retain Present Arrangements , COUNCIL BLUFFS PLANS MAY YET FA'L ' Knsf Hnil Oiiio > ilttoii to ( lie MtMf 'I'll U111R * iollil Korin ami Jlii u Vigorous I'litlitKiilimt I the Sulic'iue. The papers In the cast end of the county have taken up the fight for the retention ol the branch court at Avoca with a great deal of earnestness and are doing all they can to stir up a feeling favorable to reten tion. The Avoca people are letting pass no opportunities to Improve their chances. On Saturday , when Representatives Putnam and Potter passed through the town enrouto to their homes to spend the Sabbath , they were met by a delegation of Avocalles and were askel to use all of their Influence In the legislature towards defeating the at tempt to abolish the court. Doth men were very cautious In the language they used and when the Avoca delegation grew Impa tient and asked pointedly for a declaration fiom the members , both were constrained to respond that they were acting In the ca pacities as members of the legislature for the benefit of the county and could not promise anything for the exclusive benefit o' the Avoca district , especially when there Is a probability that it might bo antago nistic to the remainder of the county. The prospects appear to be excellent now that the contest will bo brought to a speedy ter mination and the court will either bo abolished ished , retroved to Oakland , or continued at Avoca with assurances that no further agi tation will bo made. The Avoca illerald sums up the situation as follows : The motive underlying the action of tbo Bar association of Council Ltliiffs la purely a selfish one , and the Intelests and the e-on- venlence of the people who live thlrtllve to fifty miles from Council liluffs meet with no consideration nt Its hands. Filck- Inger expressed that view when he com plained that the liluffK hud 00 per cent of the lawyers nnd only 70 per cent of the bust , ness. Hut in e-lrciilatliiK theli petitions that Idea will be kept In the backgiouml. Spencer Smith stated hint tno Avoeu court cost the ta\p iyera from ? 7,000 to $10,000 per jour , which la approximately correct. 'Iho Infcicnce to bo drawn fiom tills Is that to nbollsh the Avoca court would be to bave amount of money. But that is not the case. The cost of the Avoca court mainly is : .Giund . nnd petit Jurors , clerk hire , InllltTs , court reporter and witnesses In st.ite cases. It must be- borne In mlntl thut the business now transacted heie would , of necessttj , lie trnnvietcil nt Council liluffs. Clerk hire thoie Is $1,000 n year , In Avoca ? 000. Court reporter the same. Witnesses In state canes v\lll eli.ivv from $1 to ? 3.70 moic each If the court Is tiansfened , and fees foi serving subpoenas will be coirespondlngly larger. For each grand unit petit juror from the e-ast end add the same amount as foi state witnesses for mileage. As e-ourt Is hold eleven months lii the > eir nt Coun cil Bluffs uny additional business would necessitate the holding of two courts , which would necessitate a double set of bailiffs. It Is Eiifo to s.iy that the business now tran ictetl here would , If transform ! to Council Bluffs , cost na much , If not more , than It does now. It is puiclv a commercial scheme of the west end lawyers , nnd If to their Interest , Is certainly not to the Interest of the lesl- dents of the east end. Rebecca Degree lodge. No. 3 , will hold a public Installation ball and banquet Junuary 24 at the Independent Order of .Odd Fel lows' temple , tbo first of ita kind ever held In tuo city. IHSCLSSIOV AMOivrs * io . " \o Conclusion oil ( lie I Huh Seliool liiillillnu ; Mutter. If the size of the crowd of citizens who responded to the Invitation of the Board of Education to bo present at the special meet ing last night and make their wishes known In the matter Is an Indication there are veij fewpeplo In Council Bluffs wfoo feel any Interest either way In the preposition that Is being considered by the board to vote nearly $100,000 worth of bonds to build another High school building. There were three or four cltl/ens and four or flvo contractors only , who were willing to take the trouble to come before the board and make their wishes known. The subject iwas discussed for two IIO-TS before It was decided to hold cnothcr special meeting on Friday evening It was finally decided to have Superintend ent HIsey and Prlncliial Hayden Investigate and ascertain what changes would be neces sary to fit the Washington avenue building for High .school purpcscs and to report at the meeting on Friday night. The alleged dangerous condition of the present High school building was again re verted to and Members Roberts and Moore were authorized to employ a competent arch itect and n builder to make a thorough ex amination of the building and ascertain If It was In a safe or really dangerous condition and to report at the Friday night meeting. Wnnted , at once , man to work In garden Must understand hot frame work. Address J. R. McPherson , 1250 Ettst Pierce. Iinv Very Iiiilelluld * . Some discussion has beou caused by what appears to be > a series of Irregularities on the part ot Assistant County Attorney Smith In a number of larceny cases , particularly those ol Engel and Corgan , who have been occupying the attention of Justice Vlcn's court for the last ten days. The Justice sent Engel to the district court for sen tence on the third conviction of larceny at the request of Mr. Smith. The discussion that followed has brought to llg'at the fact that the new habitual cilmlnal act Is rather Indefinite regarding crimes of petty lar ceny. It lajs down no explicit directions for the Justice to follow , and for him to com ply with the letter of the law would bo to overstep his Jurisdiction as defined by the code. At the same time the district court can have no Jurisdiction In the petty lar ceny case against Engel and his case will undoubtedly be sent back to the Justice court. Justice Vlon does not feel that lie can apply the now * code In this ease and tha re sult will probably bo on anticipated by the magistrate , that the prisoner will escape. Mr. Smith , In tpcaklng of the matter yester day , cald that ho then thought the proper course would l.avo been the binding ot the defendant o\er to the grand Jury , This would probably have met wlHi the opposlttcn of Justice VIen , as ho . a > s that the now law Is practically a dead letter as applied to petty larceny , and that Its pro visions cannot bo carried out. Ho also ( .aid that the trtio moaning of other parts of the same clause U very hard to understand. County Attorney Saundcrs Is very anxious to see the now law tested. "Wo want to see what It means , " ho said , " and this Is as good a time as any to find out. " Ho will make an effort to prosecute Engel , but with hla present umlcistamllng of the law he ex pressed a grave doubt aa to the desired re sult being attained , In discussing the law a number of diverse opinions Lave been given by various attor- nejs , but none of them seem to have reached a well defined conclusion. Ole Oleum ! .Sriit lo Jail. Ole Oleson was sent to the grand Jury yesterday morning by Judge IMcGee , Ho went to Jail , accompanied by an ofllcer and a vvholo lot of mystery. Olenon was arrested on Sunday afternoon on the charge of stealIng - Ing a mackintosh coat and other articles from the barn on the premises of William Barker nt 1017 Seventh avenue. The goods were taken from the barn after the man had failed to break Into the house with the avowed Intention of assaulting Barker , who U au elderly traveling man. Barker's eon filed the Information of larceny from ft building In the daytime , upon which Ole son was tried. The joung man declared that ho knew of no reason why the mar should desire to kill his father , as the po < lice now believe was his real Intention , The weapon with which ho proposed to assault Uarkci was the halt of A brick tied up In A handkerchief and carried In his right coal pocket , The Barkers ndd somewhat to the mjsttry by admitting that they have heard of the man , but know nothing about him and that Oleson Is only a name assumed for the occasion. Oleson stoutly refuses to give any other name , but admits that he came over from Omaha on Sunday afternoon for the purpose of making the attack. The Barkers announce that they will v Igorously prosoento him. He was sent to the county Jail la default of $200 ball to await the In vestigation of the grand Jury , which will not meet again until next May. Few special bargains In storage goods at Durfco Furniture Co Will also dispose ol their fine bedroom suits , parlor suits and upholstered goods at 20 per cent discount to make room for a large consignment of fnrnl- turo especially for the Transmlsslsslppl c > position trade. Itniih I'orKUen unit Mnrrleil. William Itnph , whoso operations In the line ot Importing wolf scalps and selling them to the county for the $5 bounty that a liberal state law requires the rltlrcns ot the counties to pay led to the disclosures of the wholesale robberies that have long been practiced , has apparently satisfactorily set tled with the authorities. He has promised to pay a flno of $100 for the part he has played. He has returned to the city and yesterday was united In marriage to the young woman of his choice. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following named persons : Name nnd Address. Age. Wllllun llynn. Council Bluffs . 27 Lydla I. Roderick , Council Bluffs . 21 William llnpb , Council Bluffs . 22 Laura \Vnhehotise , Council Bluffs . 21 Krclulit Wreck. ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 21. ( Special. ) One mile west of Maine last cvenlnt ; , half an hour before the Chicago , Rock Island & Pa cific flyer , east , passed that point , a small wreck occurred to an extra freight train. An axle under an empty freight car broke , causing the derailing of the train , throwing five oars down the embankment after tearIng - Ing up a Icm ? otretch ot track. The flyer was alandoneJ and oulered back to Council Hluffo No 2 pisbed through hero going cast at C o'clock thla morn'ag. I'rlcntls ill * Culm III IIMVII ROCK RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 24. ( Special ) The court room was packed by the people of this city Saturday night to attend a mass meeting In the Interest ot funds for the re lief ot the Cubans. Speeches were made "by E. C. Roach , A. P Davlson , Simon Fisher , S. D. RInlker , D. C. Grenleaf ani J.V. . Dunlap. Resolutions were adopted asking congress to recognise the Independence of Cuba nnd stop the war and destruction of property now being carried on In that coun try. H II Trump. SIOUX CITY , Jan. 24 ( Special. ) A Sioux City woman has married a tramp. She did this because eho felt sorry for the fellow , who had been ordered to leave the city by the authorities. The name of the woman la Mrs. Christina Olson and ehe Is the mother of grown up sons and daughters She 'a ' 4G jcars of age and George Soiner- vllle , her new husband , Is 10 jcars her Junior. In Honor of u PHi'liil IOWA CITY , la. . Jan. 24. ( Special. ) A friend of the late Captain Robert T. French of Davenport , who died last fall In a hos pital In Toronto , has adopted a new method of honoring bis imemory. He 'has ' hid pre pared a fine gold medal -which ho will give to the author of the best sh6rt story written by an undergraduate of the State university , the competition to close next May. lli'1iroTcmplo for Sloiiv City. SIOUX CITY , Jan. 21 ( Special Telegram. ) Rabbi Horn of New Orleans has been or dered to como to Sioux City by Rabbi Frank lin of Onul-a and It Is the intention to es tablish a congregation of Jews In Slonx City and erect a temple. Tftls Is something that the Hebrews of Slonx- City have been workIng - Ing to get for bomo time. SjmiMitlij- for Culm. ROCK RAPIDS , In. , Jan. 24. ( Special. ) At a meeting of representative cltUons res olutions were offered expressing sympathy for the Cubans and copies of the resolu tions will bo forwarded to congress aoklng It to recognize the independence of Cuba : llll./arcl lit CliiTokro. CHCROKCD , In. , Jan. 24 ( Special Tclo- gram ) A blizzard struck this place about 4 o'clock this afternoon and has been coming right along ever since. The snow Is drifting badly and the mercury has taken a tumble. U is t'ae first of the season. UpIiolilM limn Antl-ClKiiri' < te Iiiw. DDS MOINCS , la. , Jan. 24 The supreme court upholds the antl-clgaretto lawIn the case brought by Donald C. McGregor against John Conn , sheriff of Lynn county. The sales vvoro not In original packages. Ac-Mil III il. l. DU71UQUB , la. , Jan. 21. ( Special. ) Frank Arnold , charged with murdering Captain Duffy , the leading merchant of Waukon , was acquitted this morning , the Jury returning a verdict by instructions of the court after the state had rested Its case. limit nilltiirx In Tronlili' . CENTER POINT , la. , Jan. 24 ( Special. ) Messrs. Harbor ami Floyd , proprietors of the Journal of this town , have been arrested on a charge of sending throufeh the mails mat ter of an obscene nature. limit Kiirm nnil Crop XnfH. ( At a cattle sale In Anthon recently emo of the animals sold as high ns 5 cents a pound , At a ealo In Harrleon county flvo cows brought $200 , four horces $169 and. farm Implements sold well , H. Slsam has purchased two tracts of land \Voodbury county , cmo of eighty acres for $2,700 nnil the other the same size costing ? 2,000. ' The annual report of the manager of the Exchange and Co-Operatlvo association nt Sloan makes a showing Which la very satis factory to the stockholders. The managers of the Clarke county fair Intend thla spring to plow up tbo fair grounds and. plnnt It to corn , believing that this will lie moro profitable than attempt ing to hold any moro fairs. Th ; Iowa millers liavo decided upon afflll- M/g with the millers of other states In the Ssrmatlon of n. national nrsoclatlon. The Iowa anlllera have done much to encourage wheat growing through their association , farmers In the northern part of the state nro 1)co-mlng alannoj at the prcupcct of n great Increase liV the number of rabbits , the recent stories of dlseaso among the ani mals cauiliig the "hunters to let them alone. A three dajs' ( farmers' Institute -\vas held lost week at Lnmonl. Cherokee county formers will hold an Institute beginning February 3 , riojd county farmers meet Feb ruary 2 and nn institute will be held In Aincs beginning February 0. Coiuil > Scat Klulit IJmlt'il. WILMOT , S. D , 24. ( Special.VH ) - mot people are rejoicing over the decision of the supreme court awarding tbo county seat to this town. The fight was between Wllmot and Sluseton and was decided at the election two jears ago , hut the Slsseton people carried It Into court to prevent re moval ot the records. llliuiUetM for .UiiNkn. PROVO , Utah , Jan. 21. ( Special. ) The woolen mills In this city have received au order from a Seattle firm for 2,000 pairs of oxtru heavy wcolcn blankets for the Klon dike trade. They will bo icady for shipment iu the early part of next month , NE\V \ MANUFACTURING BILL Measure that TOWJI omoerats Want tc Havo-.tAijJoptod. GIVES AUTHORITY. ) iT0 MAKE LIQUORS 1'Vnltircn Are IHlJqroiit from Hint of Any Other / - ( lie S Unit lln - , , . Heretofore Keen Introduced. DES MOINDS , la , Jan. 21. ( Fpeclat Tele gram ) A manufacturing bill , whose author believes It will manufacture , was Introduced In the house todiy by Potter ( dcm ) of llrcmcr. It provides that by a three-fourths \olo the council of any town or city may grant authority to manufacture liquors and when once granted this consent cannot bo revoked without first convicting the manu facturer of violation ot law. A tax of $600 per annum shall be assessed against t'je business la towns of 2,500 to 10,000 and $1,200 In towns over 10,000. This shall be the only tax collectible from such coipora- tlon by the city In which It Is located. The bill was not accepted by a democratic cau cus before being Introduced and It Is probable - able the caucus will accept , but determine on certain , amendments to bo offered to It , The rescinding of all taxes except the ono r.amctl v.ould amount to giving a bonus in many caeca , as the real estate and personal taxes of a large concern would bo larger than this amount. IIinkEon presented a resolution In the house to amend the constitution granting suffrage to women and providing an educa tional qualification requiring all voters to read the constitution and write their names In English. Approprlitlon bills were Introduced as fol- lo\\si Tor1 Uie Council liluffs School for the Deaf , $10,000 ; for the Davenport Orphans' Homo , ? 30,030. CONTESTS FOR SEATS. Tomoirow the special committees on elec tion contests will begin their work. Each house has a contest That In the senate Is for the seat from Cass , Shelby district , awarded by the election boards to J. M. Emmcrt ( dcm ) by twuity-two plurality and contested by Thomas H Smith ; that In the house Is for the Wright-Hancock seat , awarded to John Christie ( deni. ) and con tested by r. r. S. Hartshorn. Each com mittee has subpoenaed the county nuilltois to appear tomorrow with nil the ballots and will make a recount. Points will be raised as to the construction of the new ballot law , and It lb expected a summary proceed ing will bo brought before the supreme court to secure Its decision on these points with out delay. Mclntlro presented a bill In the senate to prohibit agents for school books and sup plies getting signatures from members of boards privately to contracts U icqulrcs that signatures thus obtained shall not bo binding , but deals must be made In open session of the board. , Harrlman In the senate presented a bill to permanently asblgn to the State Agricul tural society the rooms It now occupies In the capltol and which Attorney General Ilemley wants. The house military committee took up the question of medallions en the soldiers' mon ument. Two jears ago the legislature ordeied the medallions representing prom inent men In Iowa regiments taken from the monument. This was not compiled with by the executive council and the old soldiers are stirred up about It. A committee was appointed to call on the council and demand its reasons for not obeying Instructions The old soldiers want the medallions taken down , but there is n general indisposition among other members to Interfere further In the matter. Senator Lothrop , chairman of the commit tee on senatorial and representative dis tricts , is working hard on a new apportion ment of the state for this purpose. It Is an immense task. The twenty- two hold over senators who will bo In office when the measure goes into effect cannot bo legislated out of ofllcc ; neither can any two counties which have hold-over senators be placed in ono district. It will require a long time and much work to perfect the measure. SUPREME ) COUUT UKVKIlSES ITSELF. The bupremo court of Iowa gracefully re versed Itself toJay In the famous antl-clga- rotte case. Two jcars ago the Phelpa bill was pcssetl , prohibiting the sale of clgarctten. The mcnufacturers made a test case on the ground that the state could not Interfere with the sale of original packages. Donald McGregor of Cedar Itaplds received a con signment of packages ot clgarettca , nailed up In a pine box. Ho waa arrested and fined for selling them. Ho appealed , and the case was decided today. His defense was that under the supreme court decision in the case of State against Coonan , an orig inal package liquor case , tno cigarette pack ages were original packages and piotectcd by federal laws. The supreme court sa > s that the decision ta the Cooran case WEO wrong end must bo overruled. Coonan re ceived bottled beer , racked In cases , and sold it. The court held that the bottle , and not the case , was the original package aiul that he could open the case and sell by the bottle. Now It reverses this and holds that the bottle In that case , or the flvo cent package of cigarettes In the present Instance , ought not to bo regarded as the original package. The Phelpa liw Is sustained and .sales of clgarettra cannot be carried on ex cept under the provisions of the cigarette mulct law , which provides for the supenslcn of penalties en payment of a fine of $300 annually. CUDAN RELIEF WORK. At the Central Congregational church this evening a ir.oes meeting ot citizens took steps to organize Iowa for the work of CuLan relief. The meeting bad been called by Mayor MaeVlcar , who prccldenl. Ad dressee were made by Major MaeVlcar , Presi dent Stctscn of Des Molncs college and the leading pastors of the city. The pastors present were named a committee to confer with , the governor and urge the appointment of a commission to canvass the state , re. colvo relief funds , food , etc. , and sL'ml It to the Cubara , A local committee wa also named to solicit and the city hall was made the headquarters to receive supplies. io\v.v M : ais i < i'riu TOPICS. HitIiOTMT HOIIMP. One of ths most Iniportant subjects to bo considered by the Iowa leels.'aturo Is that of an amendment to the constitution chang ing the basis of representation in the house , BO that every county will have a represen tative and the largo counties will have two , It la Impossible at present to rcdlstrlct the state under the constitution. Several coun tlea will fall below tbo ratio , says the DCS Molncs correspondent eif the Marahalltnwn Tlmes-Itcpubllcan , but still cannot bo Joined to any other county , becaueo all the sur rounding counties are larger , and each ono Is entitled to representation Take , for In stance , the counties of 'Clarke , Louisa , Au- dubcn , Ida and possibly ono or two others They would fall far below the ratio , but ns the counties surrounding are far above it , each ono would have to bo glvc-n a represen tative and the same injustice that 1s now being done to the countlcu of the northwest ern part of the stale would hove to bo con tinued , while the eastern and southern parts would bo getting more than they are en titled to The proposed change , which was adcpted by the last legislature and rcfencd to this ono for consideration , gives a recve- ecntativo to every county , and ono extra to each county having a population of ono and three-fifths of tlio ratio No county Is to Lave more than two representative * . If this constitutional amendment Is adopted by tlila legislature and put In force for the legisla ture of 1000 It will give two representatives to the following counties1 Polk , Dubuquc , Scott , Linn , Pottawattainle , Woodhury , DCS Molnes , Leo , Clinton and Wapello. The counties In the northwest would , of couruc , gain materially , since several ot them are now bunched together in cno district. Mr. Whean ! ot Emmett county , the author of the resolution cud ot tbo house coin- mltteo on constitutional amendments , t which It Is referred , thinks that the mimbo of members will never be greater than 11 nnd the chances nro tint under the CCJIMI of 1900 the county of Wapello will lose th additional representative. Tinu > of Itoforin. Ami now , having determined to Instltut practical reform Into the management of th Etato Institution1) ) In Iowa , the question o "how" Is uppermost , sajs the Des Molnc correspondent of the Waterloo Courier. Ate to the exact method recommended the rcpor of the committee Is less clear anil cxpllcl than In regard to other matters The fact : seem to be , however , that Meesrs Healyam Porter favor a single , central hoard , wltt almost or quite legislative , as well as ex ecutlvo powers , or what Is known as the board of control system ; while upon tin other hand , Mr. Mcrrlam favors reducing the number of members upon the larger boards , combining some for similar Instltu lions and then putting over nil a centra board of supervision. The reference of the report In the senate to the ways and means committee , of which the chairman Is a rad ical advocate of tl' > board of contiol , ant of which Mr. Healy Is also a member , woult Indicate , that the senate bill , when prc scntcd , Is likely to conform to thU method Upon the other hand , the report wcs re ferred In the house to a special committee1 with Ncltert ot Linn as chairman and Mer- rlam ns ono of the members , from which may doubtless bo expected a bill embodying the supervision Idol Then will come eluh'ite ' and discussion and a knowledge of the ex perience In eomo other state out of which wo will hope for a "survival of the fittest. " ltlN tri > Hopeful. The equal suffragists have been sounding the Iowa legislature on their referendum amendments and nro feeling quite hopeful , says the Des Molnes Leader. This Is espe cially true In the house , where not only Speaker runk , hut nlso the following com mittee chairmen are said to favor submitting the proposition to the people. ' .Merrlam , ap propriations ; Smith , printing , Hay , private corporations ; Van Houtui , suppression of In temperance ; Whalcn , constitutional amend ments ; Latld , Insurance , Cook , loads and highways. While these constitute a small pioportlon of the house , the suffragists con tend that , ns representative members , they indicate the lay ot the land. They also anticipate fnvor.ible consideration from the semite committee on constitutional amend ments. KiiKiriililc ( < Sttitr I'nlv orolt v. On the whole , It must be confessed that the report of the special Investigating com mittee Is most favorable to the Iowa State university , sajs the Iowa City Republican Not only did the committee find llttlo to correct In the management of the Institu tion , but It found much to commend Fur ther , It recommends the legislature to ho more liberal in Its support and caps Its showing of real Interest nnd good will by urging that the educational Institutions be left under separate boards of trustees. TinIln it I Inn ItCNOliiflnti. The senate committee on federal rela tions decided to tone down the Hawaiian resolution passed by the house , savs the Dus Molncs correspondent of the Burlington Hawkeje The committee thought that the members of congress know more about the Hawaiian question than the Iowa legisla ture , so It concluded not to pass positive instiuctlous , but to recommend a substitute , expressing a sentiment and also conlldcncc In the Iowa delegation that It would do what was for the best. AVoiiil > He it ( "osll > riinii i1. There Is talk at Des iMoIncs that a strong effort will bo made to have the membership of the Iowa house Increased to an extent that will enable every county to have a representative In the legislature. The effect of this , tajs the Keokuk Gate City , would bo to add $1,000 at least to the annual ex pense of the state for every legislator addctl to the present number. If such a bill Is Introduced it ought to be promptly nnd en thusiastically Knocked In the head. IIM\H I.cnlnlnlvc ( Comment. Sioux City Journal : It docs not look now as If the session of the Iowa leglalatuie will be a short one. Des Molnes Leader- The amendment to strike out the word "mile" from the pres ent constitution having been Introduced , the session may bo considered opened. Ues .Molnes Capital : Representatives Dickens and Jones , the largest members of the house , both being giants In stature , were , strange as It may Bcem , members ol an Iowa cavalry leglment during the war. Good horseflesh must have been required In those days. Davenport Republican : Chairman Tunic of the Iowa house seems to'have opened a way for a compromise between the board of con trol advocates and the old trustee style The fcoard of control would constitute the financiers for all the state Institutions , while the old boards would Inspire the Institu tions and their managers to the highest and broadest measure of good work. Keokuk Gate City : The legislature Is to bo asked to pass a bill to permit towns of 2,000 or less to appropriate money by resolution of the town council instead of by ordinance. This bill Is meant to do away with the long and tedious waits 'by ' persons who perform small Jobs for such towns , oc casioned by the necessity of pajment by ordinance. It ought to become a law. Des Molnes News : It Is safe to say that nine-tenths of the people of Iowa , when they have read the report of the special Investigating committee , will favor the rec ommendation of the committee for a state board of control. Now that the facts nro before the people should tno republican ma jority Ignore the proposed remedy the demo crats would bo In possession of the mast effective campaign document ever formu lated In the history of tno state. DCM HIM of ii Dllj . FREMONT , Neb. , Jan. 21 ( Special ) Mrs. Margaret Smalls , mother of N. W. Smalls of this city , died here suddenly yes terday morning aged 81 jears. She was a native of Cork , Ireland , ami for over thirty a resident of Nebraska. She had eleven sons , seven of 'whom are now living , Those residing In this flty arc N. W , Lewis , William R. ami Samuel Smalls. Her funeral was held this afternoon from the residence of L A. Schneider on .Military avenue , where she had maJo her liomn for some time , Rev. N. Chestnut of the Picsby- teriati church officiating , and the remains were Interred In Ridge cemetery The funeral of the late Jchn MoCarn , who died hero of apoplexy Friday morning , was held from his resilience on Third Ktrcct yeuterday afternoon , Rev W II. HUBS of the Congregational church conducting the ser vices. Centennial lodge of Independent Order of Od.l Fellows , of which ho was a member , attended In a body. Sir. McCurn was 78 vcars of ago and a native of New York state. Ho had resided la Fremont since 1870. WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan. U ( Special. ) Mr. Mageel A Montana Man Has No Use for Tobacco. Urownlnu , Montana , Sept. 1 , ' 07 , Eureka Chemical ami Mill's. Co. , La Crossc , Gentlemen I have used no tobacco alncc I took ItACO-CUKO two yearn ago lu > t March , and have no desire to. My weight hue none up from 100 pounds to lUSpouuUv , and 1 never felt better in my life Kisptctfiilly , THOS IJ. MAGUE. Mr Maseefelt thnt tobacco vviii linrtliif him niul took IIACO-CUKO Like all who have used tliU kindly vegetable antidote , he la permanently weaned from tobacco and him no ilcnlrc to return to it. The wonder ful part of a cure from 11ACO CUKO Is that It rcmovci every trace of nicotine in the mj tern , leaving It as free an It was before the fir t smoke or chew. Write for froo/i t/ turn.Ve give a written Ruiirnntee to cure permanently nnv cuie with three boxes , or refund the money. COc or 91 a box , three boxen ( guaranteed cure ) S-.CO , DruuKliti everywhere , or HUJdiKA C1IHM. 1CA. AND MW'C. CO , , LA CKOSSU. WJB. News hai bun rt.clvcl of the death , In ( hkiRo of Frank \\lngcrt , isjn of John \\insert , a til > .ik mitli of this ell > The de ceased was In C'hlcaso for the purpose of steklnc employment when ho was stricken wllh diphtheria , v\hleh proved fatal. WOOD IllVmt , Neb . .Tan 21 ( Speclil ) John llulpor. a prominent man and an old ami respected resident of this place died last Saturday and vvai burled Monday. YANKTOX. , 5 1) , Jan. 24 ( Speilat Telc- Rram ) .Major Franklin J Ie\vltt , a prom inent pioneer resident of South Dakota , dlcil nt hh homo ItthN / cltj lod.i ) of heart failure. Ho uas .in architect anil came west from Now York City to St. 1'iul In 1S52 , . vvhcro ho established nn ofllce. Later he ) came to Dikota nnil v/ns In attendance at the first IcRlelatmo. Hovns commissioned post trader nt Crow CrceK iKcncy In the early 70s which posi tion ho held for thirteen jc.-xrs. He serveil In the territorial legtslaturo nnd was twice mnjor of this city , LVUAMIK , Wjo. Ja i. I. ( SiiccInD-Cap- tain M A. Hnnee died > lt his home In this rllj yestcnhy afternoon after an Illness of o\er a ) tar. Captain Hnace ni a native ol Illinois and nt the outbreak of the civil nr he onllfltcil In the first Nebraska In fttitry , ofvhlch ex-Governor Thn > er of Ne braska \\cia colonel He served throughout the \\ar anil vvns discharged from the pcrvlcc at Koirney , Neb After the ar Captain Hanco was for a time cmplojed at Trinidad , Cole , anil later vvccit to Nebr-jska where ho was engaged In getting out tics for the railroad company. At this time his camp was Mlded by liullins and his property do strojed. Mr Hncicc has claims against the government for tlicso lo ws , 'iggrcKatlng $ ! . - 000. Captain llanco has been a citizen of Laramle for many jears. Ho leaves a eon nnd daughter. CKDAll HAI'IDS , In. . Jan. 24 ( Special Telegram ) Latu last night occurred the death of Thomas P. Murray , aged 40 > ears , after a long Illness. Ho was ono of the best known railroad contractors In Iowa. Ho formerly lived In Omaha. WVTCIll.VU TIII2 IIISIM3 lllVnitS. Much I'lH'iiHliu'Nt AliuiK the Olilo niul MEMPHIS Jan. 24. ( The Mississippi river at this point continues to rlso at a rate that Is alarming to ilvcr men In general , and especially levee contractors , who hive filed bonds to complete certain work at a given time. The time named has almost expired , but the excessive r.ilns , causing an unprece dented ] } " high stage of water for this seison of the jeir , has operated ag'ilnst ' levee work As -result , there are several breaks In the lower levees which It will bo Impossible to remedy before the March and Apill freshets unless there jhall he thlrtj dajs or more of clear weather. The danger line at Memphis Is thlitj-three feet. This morning the gaiigo reads thirty feet , showing a rise of 2 2 feet In twelve hours , with a continued rlso pre dicted. Plantation owners In the delta country are thoroughly .iKirmed , but there Is no In.nicdlato danger to lovcis or prop- 011 j" . CINCINNATI. Jan 21 The Ohio river has been stationary nt 20 ! ! for several houro and hoooa tint there inaj" not be a dfsastroiis flood are strengthened by t'.io continued clear , cold neither throughout the Ohio valley Hut rising watcis are reported from all up the river points. The rl e at PaiKoisburg In the past twenty-four hours was .1.3 feet ; nt Point Pleasant , C G , at Portsmouth , 3 C This Indicates another rlso In the Ohio. If the prcecnt weather continues It may not go beoiul the line where railroad tratllc Is In terrupted , but If the weather forecast for tomorrow Is fulfilled ttio conditions will be favorable for a flood that will cause grca * Inconvei Icnco and great loss to manufac turers and river trafllc. MVOVIIV. imnu ov run IIYMI \ < : I : . VTiicli DnitiuKc DUIII * In l'ro | crt > \roiiml tlu > Pulls. NIAGARA PALLS , NT. Y. , Jan. 21 The Niagara river was In a rage last night owing to the heavy western gale which prevailed for twenty-four hours. The water rose In the gorge about twenty-five feet. It swept over the Mold of the Mist landings nnd sheds and carried off boats , boathouscs , lum ber and pulp wood In large quantities. The scene looking on the American and Canadian rapids above the falls was a wild ono. Hath Island , Luna Island and part of the Three Sisters were submerged and considerable damage done to the state's property. The greatest damage was done down the gorge , where sections of the gorge road v\ere un dermined land swept away. Heats , boat houses and docks on the lower river were swept away. The Erie canal overflowed , causing much damage. IMlUS&I'Xfi CLVIMS ACJAI.NST PKIKI. Hint Hint I-orcr liny lie UNI-I ! < o Ufloct CHICAGO , Jan. 24 The Post's Washing ton special saj's : The State department Is understood to bo taking Important steps for the enforcement of the McCord claim against Peru and n broad Intimation Is given out that a sensational demonstration may bo made any day against the Peruvian gov ernment. This Is ono of the most aggra vating cnses that has been before the State department In years. The amounts are not large , being only about $50,000 , but the Peruvian government has haggled nnd procrastinated over Its payment until the patience of the government has been taxed to the limit of endurance. State depart ment officials are very reticent , but the tip Is given that unless the claim Is paid within a very short time nn American wnr ship will appear nt Callao with Instiuctlons to hcizo the custom house nnd collect du ties until the amount Is received or the government settles iMu > Mmvr jniv WILL nn Tiiniin. til ni | n int Iliillliuoro to lie IL "Voluble 111 cut. JBALOTMOUD. Jan. 24 Invitations Iinvo leen accepted by Lyman J. Gage , secretary of the treasury ; James A. Gary , postmaster general ; and Webster Davis , assistant sec- etary of the Interior , to attend the annual ipiiquet of the Merchants' and Manufactur- rs' association. The banquet will bo held at the Hotel Ilonnwt , February 3. Others vho have accepted are Nelson Dlngley , Jr , Jomptroller of the Currency Charles Q. > anes , Senator Wellington , ItcpresonUtlves MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN OF ALL AGES NO MONKY IN ADVANOI5. Won derful nppllnmo uitd clcitlflo rem- o til on Hout on trial to any reliable man. A vrorld'Wldo reputation hack of thla otter. Kvory obstacle to happy married llfo removed. J ull strength , development nnd tone clrcn toovcry portion of the body , rullurolrapoaslhlo ; QKOUO barrier. No 0. O , I ) , ecbomo. ERIE MEDICAL CO. , & John M. Allen , O. A Iloitlollo , Joseph it/ \\alkcr , Amos J. Oumm.nm , Jonathan I'J Deliver , l.tvld I ! Mercer , W. W. Mclntyr * nnJ W S to ProM'i'iite HIP Cn p. ST. LOt'lS , Jnn. 21. The cn e of Martin nnile > . the Tenne eenn clinrgetl with " smiting- mill robbing his friend , Chat-lea 1 > Collins , will probably lie ill < unl . < ctl nex Monilny , n * the pro ecullnB attorney thlnki It Impossible to gccuro n cam lotion ulthou the nrosccutlntr witness , CXmrles U. Colllni was nearly killed nt Mornniic Highland ) / Inst June , nnil aild lie vva t robbed of Ji > , w > . He accused Ktnlfy of the crime nnd wn ! bitter In denouncing him. He left town before < fore the trial came up , uiul Ima icfuseu t return nnd prosecute i Mr8.Jo9cphlnol'olh 1ofDwoWcst , S. 0. , lintl n. sovcro case of catnrrli , vrlilcli llnnlly became so dccp-scatcil tlmb film waa entirely donf in ono car , antl part of the bono in licr iioso rlotighcel on" . The best physicians treated licr In \n\n \ , ntul she ttsetl various appH- cations of sprays anil washes to no , avail. Fourteen bottles of S. S S. promptly reaolieil the seat of t he dls i-ase , and cured her sound and well. S. B. S. never falls to > cure a blood tllsca'e , anil It Is tbo only icincdy which reaches deep seated raxcit. ( ; imrnnfrr < lmrr , _ - iinwttMc. nooks frtoj kJUrcss Swilt SpccUlo Co. , Atlanta , Ua , Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS r.unmiHce ( o cure l eeilll > it nil nulN enllj- nil .MHIVOI'S. C1IUOMO AMJ 1'Iin VTK illnenNCN of Men mill v omcu < WEAK MEN SYPHIUS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy Arocele , Veilcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. byplW 111" , Stricture , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes. Brlght's Disease cured. Consultation Free. by new method without pain or cutting- . Cation or address with stump. Treatment by mall. DRS. SEMES 8 SEMES , " "offl" ; In Pictures Part XVI Now Ready For Distribution. Brine 10 cents to The Bee ollleo , olthon in Omaha Council BlufTa. ' Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in coin. OMAHA MEDICAL AND Surgical Institute Are Old In tha treatment of nil Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases o d all WEAKNESS R5ITM nnd mSOItlHUtSof fiCH Catarrh nil Disrates of the Note , Throat. Chest , Stomach , U r , Dlood , Skin and Kidney DliMbog , lx > t Mnnliood. HMJrocele. Verlcoccle' Oonorrhei. Oleet Syphilis Stricture , Piles , rial tlila ami llectal Ulcers. Dlnbetea , HrlKht's Die- once cured Cell on or mldrcss with Btnmp Jop Tree Hook nnd Ncu Methodn. Treatment b > mall , coiiNiiUatliiii free. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute 1C05 DoJce St. . Oinuha Neb. Mount Yernoii PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , mellow lluvor , this whiskey commands the high- o&t price in bariols ( to vvholesnlo deal > CPH ) of uny brand now on the market , and is the basin of most of the bottled tled blundcd uhiskoy now eo extensively advertised. Ilottlcilnt tfio Distillery with n absolute Ijiiaraiity of I'tirltj niul Orijilnil Condition The consumer buvintr " thlH the onlv illstllluiy botllliiK of" MOUNT VHUNON ( Hi H Ilottles , cncu hearing tlio Niim- burcd ( luiirnnty l.iiholl M-euics thu hlah- oit uiailoof I'uro Uyn Whlslti'y In | | H natural condition , mitlrnly fitu from adulteration with cheap spirits nnd flu voting , FOR MKIHCINAL USF It has Iho Indorsement of the mo-t prominent/ phyhlclnns throughout tlm Unlloil Htiites. Tor Halo by All Itellablo Doalora. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. UWULUNQS. ritUlT. TAHH AND lands for mlo or rent. Day & lleai , : I'earl Inttructlona. Alliln Huttcr , studio 3J3 IlroaJwuy Oerman method of Dresden Conetrvutory. YOU CAN GET THEM NOW at $1.50 each. 'I he Cosmopolitan Incandescent Burner has no equal , It gives fr\ \ candle pow er at half the cost for gas used by the common burner. We put them up complete for one- fifty. Mantels for Welsbach and all kinJs of burners at reduced prices , Heating , Plumbing and Lighting. 202 Main , 203 Pearl Stree 9 Council Bluffs , Iowa ,