Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Patriotism of Omahans Turned to Account
by Shrewd Grafters.
V'nUnovrii 1'nrtlc * ColtrrtliiK Money
friini IIoiiMt-liiildorx I'nilor 1'rc-
. of rrovlilliitf l.oilu.-r *
lnrlt\K Xvxt .Summer.
When tbo Bureau or Public Comfort Is
organized for active work it will mid It hau
Its hamU full In dlraemlnatlnff Information
1o iho citizens of Omaha , nnil tliorcby put
ting ft stop to the ( Dwindling operations which
tire already being practiced on unsuspecting
householder ! ! . This bureau will bo the offi
cial representative of the exposition In. a
Blatters relating to the accommodation o
visitors to the city. The exact extent t
which tha functions of this organization wi
7)0 extended has not been doturmlncd , na n
meeting of the bureau has been held. Chair
man Dudley Smith says ho will call a mod
fng of the 'bureau ' as soon nu Mr. Arthur C
Smith returns to the city , and the plan o
operations will then bo decided upon.
. Up to this tlmo the exposition has take
absolutely no atops In the direction of pro
vldlng for the accommodation of visitors , ex
cept to appoint three members of a Join
committee , compoeod of representatives o
the Commercial club , Woman's club am
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. This commlLtc
< 1H nothing , as far as the public Is concerned
corned , except to collect limited amoun
of data resaitllng the extent of the hoto
necommodatlonu of the city.
Certaiti pcrsDi arc goItiR about the clt
vbltlng private houacs an\l telling the house
wlfo who answers the door that they repre
sent a concern which IMS a contract wit
the exposition management to make a Us
of persons who want to rtut rooms to stmng
ors coming to the city during the oxposltlot
These solicitors endeavor to inductth
housewife to become a patron of their concern
corn and prom too , In consideration of th
payment of $5 , to keep her rooms full. 1
Is ako stipulate ] tlwt the nul > . * crlbor inns
pay a small percentage of her receipts to th
company represented by the solicitor. Thcs
charges are explained by siylng that the $
Is to cover the oxpceiso of organizing and ad
vertlt'lng ' the company , and the oilier pay
mcnta are to help meet the revenue whlc
the company must pay to the exposition. I
Is represented that the contmct with th
exposition mawgeruerit requ.res the compan
to pay to the exposition 10 per cent of It
receipts , a.iid the patriotism of the housewif
la worked upon to Join the company as a
means of helping the exposition while deriving
riving a benefit herself. No 'irrangemca
of thla kind has been made with any person
or collectloa of persons , and nothing what
t'Ver In this line 1ms been done by the ox
In reply to a question regarding this mat
tor. Secretary Wakelleld of the cxposltlo
eald : "No such arrangement has ever bcci
niMlo by the executive committee of th
exposition , and no proposition embodying
any such conditions has ever been submlttci
to the committee by any person or com
liany. All matters of that kind belong t
the Huroau of Public Comfort , which ha
not yet had any meeting , so that no arrange
merit could have been made 'with ' tha
committee. "
It is learned that representatives of thl
concern have visited a large number o
people In different sections of the city , am
the amount of money that has been fraudu
lently obtained from the peopla of Omaha
is unknown , but Is thought to bo consider
Another matter which will engage the
ntentlon of the Bureau of Public Comfor
will bo that of hotel rules. That some o
the hotels contemplate n raise In the !
rates Is Indicated by certain action on thcl
part. It is learned on the authority of a
man who > .holds a. high position In a certain
state government that he endeavored' to
make arrangements with a certain hotel Ii
this city for accommodations for the governor
ornor of his state and a largo suite during
the opening days of the exposition. The
Sotel man refused to reserve any rooms or to
make any agreement regarding rates , saying
ho would bo glad to accommodate the party i
lie had the rooms when the time came , but
positively refused to say what the rate
would be ,
The members of the Bureau of Public
Comfort have several plans under considera
tion which contemplate the erection 'by pri
vate parties of largo temporary hotels for
the accommodation of the largo Influx o
visitors to the city during the summer , am
also have several other plans which the >
will present for the consideration of the
other members , to prevent the overcharg
ing of visitors.
Governor JOIIC.H XIIIIIVN n State lux posi
tion' CoillIlllMNloll.
The list of states which 'havo ' appointed
exposition commission * ) has been Increased
liy the addition of Arkansas. Governor
Dinlel W. Jones has appointed six repre
sentatives of tbo different sections of the
etnto to serve with Vice President W. G
Vlnconhellcr of Little Rock , an a state com-
nilralon , The governor addressed the fol
lowing letter to each ono ot the appointees :
Dear Sir : Notwithstanding the fact that
thu Ipirlslnturn clpi llnpd to mnkn nnv nn-
jiroprlatlon for an Arkansas exhibit at the
Traiismls-Mlsslppl Exppsltlon nt Omaha this
year , yet In view of the Importance of an
nxlillilt as u means of attracting to our state
Immigration from the northwest , which
Bias been and Is seeking milder climate , nnd
for other purposes. It has been decided to
endeavor to procure a creditable exhibit
there by other means. To this end n board
of commissioners for Arkansas la necessary
nnd L have been asked by the exposition
managers to announce the board now.
Colonel W. G , Vlncenhellor is vice jirosl-
< lent for Arkansas of the exposition nnd
will naturally lw the chairman of the board ,
and each oommlsslouer will bo oxpectfd to
render alt aid possible lit securing exhibits
from his p.'irt of the state and. If all par
ticipate , to attend the exposition at such
tlmo ns may bo agreed upon , 1 am assured
that transportation for our exhibits will be
ttlven , hut It will requiresotno effort upon
the part of the board to collect them , though
n 'great ' deal can be taken from Colonel
Vlncenheller's collection , already on hand
I hnvo therefore selected the following
Jinmod ( jontlemen to servo with Colonel Vln.
cenhcller on the board , vizi
George H. Brown. Llttlo Itock ; A. Ilertlg ,
Paragould ; C. Cf. Newman , Pine Bluff ; I * .
A. Byrne , Texarkana : W. D. Matthews ,
Stuttgart ; George Banfrol , l'"ort Smith.
I earnestly hopi > that you will accept nnd
will bo able to Klvo some Unix and attention
to this , which Is not merely a matter of
form , but of real Importance , You are re
quested to ndvlso whether or not you can
accept and to correspond with Colonel Vln-
i'lMiheller regarding the work to bo done.
Very truly yours. DANIKb W. JONKS.
I ) rn iv i UKof ( In
IH riiniilt' | < i > il liy A re lilt IT IK.
The archltects-ln-chief have completed the
Jirellmlmry perspective view of the Tr.ins-
Iiortatlon and Agricultural Implement buildIng -
Ing , which will bo erected on the north tract
on the cast side of Twentieth street , facing
west. The building has a frontage of thirty
fcot deep and tlepth of 433 feet. The
etylo of architecture Is what U known as
"nu > llaov.ii half timber , " sometimes called
"Swiss Krm architecture. " The ornamenta
tion is secured by the timbering , which Is
3'iiiuy ' uxposeu 10 view , tno intermediate
epace belns covered with plaster In the
natural color , the timbers being painted a
.warm . Wldo overhanglnga , broad
cornices , ornamental rafters ami brackets
will bo foil 11 res of this style. The build
ing will ba one story in height at all points
except a wldo section at either end , where a
clear story will give a two-story effect to
the exterior. The caves will bo sixteen feet
from the ground at all points except the
clear story , where they will bo twenty-four
feet ftom the ground. The whole building
W-J11 bo floored with Jiard pine. Deep en-
< ranco porches at central points In the cast
oni west Cicadca will glvo the building a
handsome appearance ,
The Dairy and Apiary bulldlnga will bo In
41ie atue style oX arohltctur and will bo
lorite'1 ' opposite thin bulMlns Off Uln west
Bldo of Twentieth street The archltft-m
n"lRne < l to thcuo bulhllnss have been work
ing on them for screral wee/cs / and the
plans will * eon b complete J ,
MVADA Mmv"\\ \.vrs SOMK SPACI : .
Vice I'roxlitfnl Mil \ion Wrllen Very
Clii-i-rfiillr of lluOutlook. .
Vlco President 11. 1 ! . Xlaxnon of Nevada
writes to the Department ef Publicity find
Promotion from his homo at Reno that ho
h.n reason to feel very much encour.iRcd at
the outlook for a creditable exhibit from Ne-
Vfttla. showing the resourcr * of that little
understood rcalon. In a letter addressed
to Manager Hogcwatcr ho soys : "I can now
assure you of MI exhibit from Nevada and it
will not bo a CxlO-toot cabinet , either ; but I
think I can prom Is * : yon exhibits from Ne
vada that will nil at least one car and In
order to help matters along 1 will come to
Omah.i soon and report in person to the
management. 1 have already secured sev
eral private cabinets as well ns specimens
from several mines. I have also secured
'from the- State university Us entire ex
hibit , which was exhibited at Chicago , and
have the promise of one of our cattle kings
that ho will make application through mo | ,
Iti a few da > s for spac for him to oxhlbl
Eomo thoroughbred Hereford cattle from hi
breeding farm In this county. Kvcrythln
that I serure will be In the form ot a stal
inhibit , ns everything will bo strictly Ne
vada productions. I dtslre some space I
the Agriculture building for state exhibits
ns the State university will have quite ft dls
play of products raised , on the state expert
mental grounds.
CUP tn lie- Sent Out t
Work tin * Country.
At the inicctlng ot the executive commit
tco of the exposition yesterday afternoan a
contract was approved with C. E. Thurina
for operating an advertising car which b to
thoroughly cover Hie country within a radlui
of GOO miles of Omaha , The movements o
thu car will bo under the direction of tn
Dopartmeiit of Publicity and Promotion an
the start will be made about February 15
This car will visit every city , village an
hamlet In 'the ' territory and will dUtrlbut
advertising matter of the exposition. In
eluding 1,000,000 pamphlets , DM Idea iiumor
oua blrd'a-eyo views of the grounJn , proters
hangers and , every description cf advertising
matter lisuod by the department. Klftcoi
men will accompany the oar and the whok
country will ibo "worked" after the mamic
of the advertising mcthols of a well rcgu
latod circus. The car will go drat to Wlo
cousin nnd Minnesota nndilll bo on thread
road continuously until nbout July 1.
A contract was nppioved for an engine
t- > ibo furnViiod by the Western Engine com
pany of Painted Post , N. Y. , the engine to b
of 1M5 In 240 Indluutcil horse-power.
Han a U'onili'rfnl Ilor.wc.
A. D. Rogers of Now York Is in the city
conferring with the Department of Concessions
sions for the privilege cf bringing to the
exposition his oducate.l horse. According
to Mr. Rogers nnd newspaper clippings fron
the largmt papers in the cast , his horse
Jim Key , Is little short of a marvel
Numerous clippings from some ot the mos
reliable newspaperu In the country describe
in mlnuto detail yio manners In which thl
horeo 'accomplishes feata which nrc Incrcd
Iblc. Ho writes his name on a
blackboard with a piece of chalk
held In his mouth ; operates a cash register
by taking n piece of money and making the
correct change when told the amount of the
purchase by the person making the pur
chase and not by his trainer , takes a letter
from when told the number of the
box In which it is and the name of the ad
dressee and puts the letter In a file case
under the proper letter without being told
the spelling of the name. There are a num
ber of other feats which this horse accom
plishes according to what seems to bo In
disputable testimony contained In letters
from prominent people and the newspaper
clippings referred to. The animal Is said
by Mr. Rogers to bo S years of age , a ba >
nbout sixteen hands high , sired by Volun
teer out of Flora , a full-blood Arabian. Ho
was raised by a coloreil man well known In
the south , who spent seven years In edu
cating the animal.
Call for n 1 11 I'copli' anil the nvp
A. G. McAusIand of this city , who Is
now In San Francisco , working up Interest
In the exposition among the people of the
const region , writes to the Department of
Exhibits that a great deal of enthusiasm
is being manifested by the people In the
project and that the Indications are very
favorable for a mining exhibit of conslJer-
able excellence. Ho says Vlco President
Parsons and Director Wharton are keeping
up the good work and a meeting has been
arranged with the mayor of San Francisco"
and Governor Budd for January 31 , from
which good results are expected.
Mr. aicAusland also writes that G. It.
Martin , secretary of the California Art as
sociation. wants to secure space In the in
terest ot the artists of California , who , ho
says , have from eighty to 100 pictures which
they 'wish to exhibit as examples of Cali
fornia work.
SI. .IiiKupli Men
A largo delegation ot business men from
St. Joseph , Mo. , Is expected In the city some
tlmo this week to visit the exposition
grounds and confer with the e . > osition offi
cials. The recent trip of the Missouri dele
gation aroused the enthusiasm of its mem
bers to such a pitch that the St. Joseph
people say they arc coming hero for a little
of the same cnt'juslasm. A. J. Fleming , a
former resident of Omaha and now con
nected with the St. Joooph Times , writes to
the exposition management that his peciilo
are coming and wants a day set. They
will bo notified to como some day this week ,
probably Thursday.
InK-rcHt lit Switzerland.
H , Muonteferlng , commercial agent of the
exposition to Switzerland , writes to the Do-
jartmont of exhibits from that country that
10 lluds an interest among the cloth man
ufacturers ot that country who are disposed
to make exhibit ! at the exposition. He
also says the weaving school maintained by
the government wishes to make an exhibit ,
> rovldlnj { the government olllelals will allow
t to do so.
Ki' < < > ICiMiliii-Uy Ii'KlHlatiir < * .
Governor Bradley of Kentucky notified the
Jopartment ot Publicity and Promotion that
10 has rent n message to -legislature of
hot state recommending en appropriation
or Iho pupDsq of enabling the state to par-
Icloato In the expedition.
AildllloiiK to tin" CoiiiinltlfC.
President Wattlea has added the following
llrcctora to the committee appointed to con-
cr with the representatives of ttie Omaha
Vater corronny cod endeavor to arrange for
valor : Thomas Kllratrlck , J. II. Evans aud
Edward Itosowator.
I'nlillu Com for I Iliirran.
A meeting of the Bureau of Public Coin-
ort will bo 'hold ' in the ofllro of the Ways
and Mentis department at Exposition head-
marters tomorrow evening.
KuK' Mnrkot tn llnd Slmpr.
13 , W. Itldell of the IMdcll Commission
onipnny says the local market for eggs
s in n very unsatisfactory condition.
'liouFh commanding 20 cents early In the
nonth the price nt the present time has
ropped down to 14 cents , with u snull
Todpect of any Immediate Improvement
'ho demand even nt 14 cents Is lljrtt. The
irico last year reached the same low fig-
ire , but the demand at that time was twlco
s great. Shipments nro coming : Into the
Ity at the rate of about SOO cases per day
nd are supplied to the trade by Nebraska ,
nd Kaunas farmer * , with n few from lowu.
for AnHitnlt ,
"Kid" Flynn was tried In police court
csterday for an assault nnd battery upon
i waiter of a Douglas street restaurant ,
lynn Is a bartender for n saloon a s'lort
istunco from the waiter's place of bust-
ess nnd was In the habit of ordering tils
leala brought In hy the waiter. The latter
lalms that Flynn was overparticular and
aused him to make many useless trips to
ecuru articles. When ho expostulated it Is
sserted that Flynn seized upon the waiter
ml threw him out of the saloon. Flynn
> leadi'd cullty and was fined J10 and coats.
Don't annoy others by your coughing , nnd
Isk your life by neglecting a cold , Ono Mln-
to Cough Cure curca coughs , colds , croup ,
rlppe tinJ all throat and luag trouble * ,
Sensatknil targes against Potiienun
Mulcaliy , McnMguo and Sbcohan were filed
_ with the city council at the meeting last
j night by David McCourt , a resident of At-
i bright , nnd President Kelly , who- occupied
1 Hie * halr. rr-forred thecomp'.ilnt to the com-
i mlttoe i vllco.
; ; Thr . 'tiargra and ofTMavit wore prepared by
j i Atturnt'jK . C. Ivjmhcrt and W. It. Patrick ,
I who represent MeCourt. In his affidavit , nc-
! company I n . ! tbe charges , McCourt swears
j that ho wiis co his way homo from llu
j CutMhy plant , where he Is employed , on I'.ic
i evening of January C. ho was pMced under
arrest by O.Ticer Dave MJlcahy without
( .MI : so. MeCourt asserts that Mulcahy abuae-1
him while on the way to the city Jail , this
also with provocation. The complainant
further stairs that after being placed In a
cell ho requested that he bo allowed to visit
t'.ie toilet room , the request , however , wafl
denied , l.alor on he rattled the cell door
for the purpose of attracting the attention
of the jailer and ltroioonse to his nolae
Jailer Montague and Officer Sheehan .came
down from the- courtroom and handcuffed
him to the tarn of a cell la .such a manner
that his feet barely touched the flosr. He
was , he says , -compelled to remain In this
position for nbout three bours. . McCourt
further states that when his cone was called
he was discharged from custody without
prejudice. MeCcurt asks for an. Invcjtlsa-
tlon by the mayor and council.
Schultz , of the finance committee , reported
adversely on the request of the California
Petroleum and Asphalt company In relation
to relinquishing a portion of the guarantee
on the Twenty-fourth street oavlng. The
committee's report was adrnted.
The council granted the re-quest of the park
commlrsloners In relation to the sidewalk on
the south side of H street , between Twenty-
slxtli and Twenty-seventh streets. It Is the
desire of the- commissioners that the city
take up this walk , cancel the tax , and allow
the Park beard to lay a c"odcr or gravel
walk. This will bo done a < i the councllmeii
cculd SDO no objection to the plan.
After the new gas franchise- ordinance had
Iwcn read the second time , Caidwcll aslted
Tor a rt\wrt from tuo judiciary committee
on the orJInani-o. ChalrnMii Barrett stated
that the committee had deelded on an amend
ment to one of the sections and as the clt.
attorney had not had the time to draft th
proposed amendment , the committee wa.j n.
ready to report. It was stated that th
amendment would be ready for Introduction
next Monday night.
nno ordinance repealing an ordlnanc
p.sseil a montf.1 ago ordering a sidewalk 01
the south side of L street from Sharp strec
to Thirty-third street was road for the thin
time and defeated. This means that th
stock yards ccmpany will be compelled to
Kiy the sidewalk as originally ordered.
Treastuer Uroadwcll reported a balance o
$50.337.-1C on tind at the close of buslnes
December 31.
A request from the Louis Bradforl Ltlin
her company for permission to lay a side
track acnss Railroad avenue In Albrlgh
was read and referred to the committee 01
streets and alleys. Several Albright business
iron sent In a petition urging the couucl
to grant the request.
'Barrett ' of' > i motion ordering fire hy
drains located at Eighteenth and W , High
tconlh and V and Fifteenth and \V streets
It was referred to the committee on fire ant
water by President Kelly.
Peter Len.igh was awarded the contrac
for supplying scft coal for use of the fire
department nnd charity purposes.
Sitting as n board of equalization the
council listened to complaints from property
owners along Missouri avenuevho protestei
against the proprped assessment to pay
the cost of the Missouri avenue sewer. The
remonstralors desire that each 'lot ' In the
sewer district be assessed the smo ; amouni
Instead of following the plan suggested -by
a largo number of property owners , which
is to assess the property according to the
benefits. J. J. IJroen , representing the com
plainants spoke for the plan proposed by
his clients. A long discussion followed In
which the remonstrators took part. Vansanl
wanted to settle the question by adopting
the assessment as ni-do by the city engineer
but Caldwell offered a motion , laying the
matter ovc'r for one week and this -was done
Adjourned for one week ,
Object of ii MrcflnK" CfilliMl for Tonight
! > tin- i > Jn.ror.
Tonight a meeting of business men wll
bo held at the council chamber for the pur
pose of reorganizing the Doard of Trade. It
Is the Intention to perfect an organization
fiomewhat on the plan of the Ouiaha Com
mercial club and open headquarters when
vlaltors to the city can bo entertained dur
ing the exposition. Mayor EnsoIs the prime
mover In the project and has Issued the call
for the meeting. The mayor said last evenIng -
Ing that he hoped every buslntoi man in the
city -would make It a. point to attend the
meeting when the matter would bo thpr
oughly discussed. A number of business men
have assured the mayor of their support In
this matter end It Is expected that the dif
ferent business Interests of the city will bu
well represented.
It Is the intention to open club rooms
whsro visiting merchants and manufacturers
can bo entertained while In the city and
where many of the products of the city ciin
jo placed on exhibition.
Among those who have announced their
willingness to Join such an organization for
; ho purpose of pushing the claims of the
Magic City are C. J. Collins , I ) . E. Wilcox ,
P. A. Crcssoy , John Plynn , Frank Hroadwcll ,
Colonel C. M. Hunt , L. C. Gibson , C. A.
Thomas Hoctor. H. M. Chrlslla.
Thomas J , O'Nell , Joaeph Murphy , Richard
O'Keefo , It. T. .Maxwell , John J. Ryan , J.
M. Westerfleld , EJ Johnston and D. S. Clark.
It id thought that there will bo no difficulty
n obtaining twenty-live or thirty members
iodides representatives of the picking hoifC8
and stock yards company. 'The plan ! a to
asae&s each member a certain amount to pay
ho expenses of keeping the rooms open arU
entertaining visitors. Several Ouiaua rcsi-
: eut3 who have property Interests here have
also signified their liitoiUi m uf joining such
in organization , Thu Imshiusi men of thi ?
Ity realize that aomathl'jg ought to do..c
his year to attract Investors and it U
claimed that a club such as iu proposed
voul.l ( assist materially m 'mprruslug visit
ors and would without doubt do a great deal
of good. Real estate nwii i pouhlly are iak-
ng hold of the project and It U thought
hat U will bo carried out without any oppo-
Iiivy on Hot Stoves.
It Is not often that a cccstahlo Is called
pen to levy on a red-hot steve , hut that la
vhat Constable Adams of Justice White's
ourt di.l Saturday night. A dance was
; lvon on the night In question In a certain
mil and thu managers had rented a couple
f stoves from a second-hand dealer , agreo-
ng to pay $2 for the use of the heaters ,
'ho ntoveavcra put up and a hot tire built
n each. Just before the dancing commonvud
ho owner of the stoves became suspicious
nd fearim ; that ho would bu defrauded but
f his money applied to Justice \Vhito for
a writ of replevin. The writ was usued
nd the officer of the law , assisted by the
tovo dealer , repaired to the hall avid re
iioved both heaters without oxtlnguluhlng
ho fire. The hall bccamo filled with isnioko
nil soot while the removal was In progress.
) ut tlio dancers did not seem to mind It
s much as the men who were handlliii ; the
ed-hot heaters.
Kxtt'lllllllMT ( III * lloll-l.
Mrs. Ella T. Christ , proprietor of the Del-
lonlco hotel , Twenty-seventh nnd N streets ,
s preparing to erect a threo-story brink ad-
Itlon , which will have a frontage of sixty
eet on Railroad avenue and a depth of 118
cet. Tills new building will bo three siorirs
n height and will cost in the neighborhood
f $25,000. Work Is to commence as-soon as
! io weather will permit.
.11 one1 > for Ihi'School * ,
Yesterday City Treasurer Hroadwcll 10-
elved from the county treasurer the state
ppartloimient of the school fund , which
mounted to $3,707.29. This is the laigcst
mount the city over received as Its shard
f the state apportionment and the money
an be used to good advantage by the Board
t Education at the present time.
SrlillU'x Srt'ouil lliillilliur.
The Schlltz IlrowlciB company yesterday
btaincd a permit for the erection of a two-
lory brick saloou building at the corner of
Thirty-third and Q streets. In the permit
the cost of the bullinrig Is given as $ J.OOO.
The big Schlttz btHMltii ; at the ) west end of
the Q street viaduct Is. , rapidly ncarlng com
pletion add will bo ready for occupancy be
fore long. cl
Off for HIP iVori'vcr
The delegation frote'Ulls city to the rrcct-
Ing of stock growers 'Ui'Oonver as rouipofcil
of W. II. rhrrk.V ( IjlJoap8. ! J. K. Uyer * .
J. P. Clarey. AlexrQatrow. J. I , . Martin , |
Abe Ileckor , T. D. PerTJne. I , . 13. Roberts.
It. E. Rogers. I * C. lledlngton. U. S. 011-
chrcst , George Hurlta , Alma Jackson , J. A.
Hake. John L. C'arjna , J. C. Hoiitz , 11. V.
Carpenter , John \V. .OrJbWe , W. AI. Carpen
ter. Ab Waggoner , uohn Fltzroberts. A. A.
Nixon , llruce McOulluchV rdltor of the Stockman - j
man ; Uenna Allberyijlllor of the Drovers'
Journal ; A. C. Davenport , market editor of
The Omaha llee , and AV. J. C. Kenyon , gen-
owl manager of the" " * lbck yards company.
Quito a number who Intended going were j
detained at the last in km to by important |
business , consequently the delegation was
not as large ns nt first contemplated. The
delegates wcro divided between the Union
Pacific , Uurlington and Rock Island roads.
CH.v ( iosxlii.
Mrs. Johraton , wife of ex-Mayor Johnston ,
! o quite sick.
II. O. Hall of Anita , t > . , was a business
visitor In the city yesterday.
Union services will ho heldat the First
Baptist church every night this week. week 103 care of feeder cattle were
shipped to the country from this market.
A son has been born to Mr. nnd Mra
Thomas n. Pctcrsen , Fortieth nnd T street * .
William M. lllew of Drum , Neb. , Is In the
city , the guest of hU brother-in-law , Rov.
Dr. Wheeler.
Diphtheria Is reported at the Cavers resi
dence , Tiventy-alxth rjtid U streets , and at
Foylo's , 292C Hoffman directs.
The Interior of the South Omaha Na'.lo.ial
bank la being remodeled In order to facili
tate the transaction of business.
Tom Hector la having his lot en Twenty-
third street , between J and K streets , grtded
preparatory to building in the spring.
Ar.i examining surscoa of the pension Co-
partmont paid a visit to A. 0. Mvcm on
Saturday last. Mr. Myers Is fci an cufeeblaJ
Contagious dlnosaes arc being stampol out.
So far this month only seven cases havu
bce-a reported , six being diphtheria and coo
scarlet fever.
The Woman's Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church will meet In the
lecture room of the church Thursday atter-
noca at 2'JO o'clock.
The park commissioners of thl clly * re-
endeavoring to cbtaln from the Omaha Park
commission 500 trecu , which , If obtained , will
to planted in HlghtMid park.
A meeting of Nebraska live stock ship
pers will bo held at the Dollone hotel ,
Oinala , cu Thursday for the purpose of
organizing a state association.
City Engineer Deal Is at work on a map
of sewer dla'nct No. 105 , which extends
along the alley between Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-fifth streets , from D to II streets.
Thursday afternocn the Ladles' Aid oo-
clety of the Presbyterian church will con
duct a tea and wlcat the borne of Mrs.
E. S. Harrell , S2S North Twenty-third street.
Today a committee from the East SIJo Ini-
provcmcat club will go t3 Omaha to cor.csult
with officers of the street railway company
In relation to the extciitlon of the Thirteenth
street car Itae. . . .
City Treasurer nroadwcll Issued a call
yesterday for school , warrants up to ai.d In
cluding registered iiumtyer 1,033. About $3 -
000 in warraatu will bo. taken up cs sooa
as presented for payment.
Arnold's liromo CeisVy cures headaches ,
lOc , 25c and i"0c. All jdruirgists.
H. J. Parley of Chicago Is at the Mlllard.
P. Sonacr.spheln of West Point Is la the
city. .
J. S. Klmmelstcln o { New York la at tbo
Millard. . _ .
David II. McGlnnip ofiSt. Paul Is at the
Mlllard. t . i :
" Kd Lattaj a ! Tchamaii waa.ula tbo city
yesterday. . . i -
J. H. Morrlssoy'Of'Chicago la stopping at
the Barker
J. Palmer cf Louisville , Ky. , Is stopping
it the Barker.
II. E , D. Gould , a Fultcrton stockman , lo
a visitor to Omaha.
G. II. G-llcrlst , a Kearney business man ,
is In a city visitor.
William R. Uurton , a Hastings merchant ,
Is a visitor to Omaha.
Dr. T. Barr of Hastings , accompanied by
his eon , Is In the city.
City Marclial C. F. A. Marquardt of Nor
folk Is a visitor to the city.
IJ. H. Youngbuth of Arlington is la the
city for a couple of dajs.
Malcolm Douglas , advance man of Cox'o
Brownies , Is at the Mlllard.
C. H. Davidson left last evening for Chicago
cage to bo gone several days ,
H. W. Hollar of Emerson an.l E. W. Car
ter of Ltnco-a : are at the Darker.
Lieutenant L. T. Richardson of Fort Lcav-
enwcrth , ICrni. , Is na Omaha visitor.
Peter Younger of Geneva and G. A. Mar
shall of Arlington are at the Darker.
Charles M. Hill , William Leo nnd Samuel
( luasell of New York are rcglatereJ : at the
I. O. Rhoadcs of Salt Lake , general pur
chasing agent of the Short Line , Is in
Police Commlsslcocr W. C. Dullard han
returned 'to ' the city from a business trip
to Texas. '
II. P. Cole and wlfo of Minneapolis , Minn. ;
W. L. Leverett and wife of Kansas City
nro stopping at the Barker ,
Councilman Duimcuter Is confined to his
aomo by a severe attack of the grip , which
threatens to dovclop into pneumonia.
At the .Mlllard : C. L. Day , St. Louis ;
Charles JCalnor , Milwaukee ; A. S. Pasqueth ,
St. Louis : A. R. Rogers , Now York ; A.
Lehman , Peoria ; Charles Eddlols , St. Louis ;
C. E. Tebbctts , Beatrice ; W. M. HIndman ,
E. L. Emory , superintendent of the Green
River ( Wyo. ) water worlu. Is In the city re
newing old acquaintances. Mr. Emory Is a
former resident of Omaha , having been con
nected -with The lleo and later with the
Jnion Pacific railroad ten years ago ,
Nobrasktca at the hotels : C. B. Burrows
and Fred Schelly. Norfolk ; D. D. Barber ,
Chadroa ; A , C. Johnson , Grand Island ; E.
C. Ha j hurst , Loup City ; C. K , Gettlngs ,
Superior ; A. L. Houghtelln , Falrbury ; H , C.
Icuntrco , James Manahaa and J. S. Caasel ,
.Incoln ; F. C. Hensel. Hebrra ; George W.
Mickclwalt. Ord ; H. F. ' Wi'son , Wayne ; II.
Vales , Nebraska City ; J. A. Peterson ,
Jroeley Center ; H. SJ Manvllle , Fremont ;
V. Waywlck , Sargeni ; J. W. Sanders , Ar-
adla ; L. H. Beemer , TSelden : J , Bciite , Hart-
ngtca ; H. Dlers , Crosvoll ; William Button ,
Table Rock ; J. H. EifclMy , Alexandria.
Wn are anxious to do'a little good in this
vjrld and can think 6f no pleasanter or bet-
cr way to do it than Itf recommending Ono
llnuto Cough Cure as a prcvcntatlvu of 11011-
r.onla , consumption tad' ' other ncrlous lung
roubles that follow ilegli-cted colds.
"A pretty play , well- and skillfully con
structed , and presented with rare art by
ono of the best companies of players eccn
of late on the local atago" that was and
( till Is the verdict of the people who
composed a very largo audlonco at Itoyd's
last night , when "A Ccat of Many Colors"
was seen In Omaha for the first time , with
Herbert Keleey , Effio Shannon and William
J. LcMoyno in the leading roles. Indeed It
has been a long time slnco so pleasant a
means of an evening's enjoyment has been
offered to local theater-goers by so thor
oughly good a cast. U Is something of a
shock at first to see the debonairo Mr. Kel-
cey , who has been hitherto chiefly Identi
fied with character , representing "tho glass
of fashion and the mould of form , " Imper
sonating n hater aud a baiter of women ;
and to accept sweet and dainty Miss Shan
non as a stronc minded woman , who
"thinks bloomers" If she doesn't wear them ,
requires no less of a readjustment of one's
settled convictions. However , the notion
that an actor can or ought to bo held down
to a single line of part , simply because
ho j ays that line well , Is pretty well aban
doned nowadays , nt least by the actors
themselves , although the public still shows
a disposition to restrict its favorites of
the stage to the famll'lar grooves in which
they have run to favor. No otic is likely
to find fault , however , with cither Miss
Shannon or .Mr. Kclcey for any violent
change of style shown In the presentation
of Mrs. Ryloy's bright play , for Esther
Gunning Is-81111 a sweet and dainty woman ,
although a practitioner of the law. and Her
man Walboys , although n professed mis
ogynist , wears wo'.l fitting clothes with ns
easy a grace as Herbert Keleey ever knew
how to do , nnd docs' ' not long remain inscn-
slblo to Cupid's wllca when they are prop
erly brought to bear upon him.
The plot of the play U a somewhat com
plicated one. Perhaps it was made so with
Intent to cause people to go a second time
to make sure they have understood It aright.
The love affairs of no less than four cou
ples , counting the diverting episode of Satin-
dcrs and "Hill'1 Hutchlns , are tangled up
In apparently Inextricable error. But the
snarled skein Is deftly unraveled , with
much bright dialogue nnd many hnppy sit
uations , and the final curtain falls on gen
eral bliss , either already bestowed or cer
tain to be attained.
The company supporting these two stars ,
so fortunately conjoined , Is , as has been In
dicated , an exceedingly good one. William
J. LcMoyno is and has long been one of
tl'o most accomplished character comedians
of hlo time. It Is always a pleasure to
see him In any part which ho may under
take , and although the character of old
Walboys gives him less and fewer oppor
tunities than are to bo desired , he Improves
them , such as they are , llko the true artist
he Is. Mr. Lyons la admirable na the hardheaded -
headed old Scot. The little bit where he
sustains an Introduction to his own daughter
with "Pleased to inak' ycr acquaintance' ,
ma'am , " and goes off L. U. E. fairly siz
zling v.-lth wrath , Is n gem of purest ray.
Miss Wilton plays Mrs. Majcndlo fault
lessly , and Miss Georgia Busby shows de
cided artistic growth since she was last seen
hero in Irish romantic and vocal drama.
More than a word of praise should be be
stowed upon Mr. Sco for his droll charac
terization of Saunders.
Miss Shannon suffered last night from a
severe cold , and evidently appeared at all
at the cost of serious inconvenience. It Is
honed she may bo fully recovered in time
for this evening's performance.
'U. Coat of Many Colors" will bo re
peated tonight aud twlco tomorrow. It Is u
pleasure to recommend It cordially to the
Omaha pnbllo as furnishing a most agree
able evening's entertainment.
An unusually attractive program has been
prepared for the next concert -ofj the Omaha
Orchestral society , which will take place
at Iloyd's theater at 3 o'clock next Friday
afternoon. Mine. Muenteferlng will play
Grieg's A minor concerto , op. 16 , with or
chestral accompaniment , and Miss Jessie
Dickinson and Miss Clara Palmer will sing.
Robert J. nurdette , the humorist , will give
a lecture next Thursday evening at Crelghton
Edwin Mayo and a largo company will ap
pear at Boyd's on Thursday , Friday and
Saturday evening's nnd at a matinee Satur
day in a characterization of Mark Twain's
famous story , "Pudd'nhcad Wilson. " The
stage has mndo known no more Interesting
people than the folk from Dawson's Landing ,
Mo. , and they tell a very Interesting story ,
throughout which laughter and tears suc
ceed each other as sunshine succeeds shower
on an April day. It is a novel play , with
odd characters and thoroughly enjoyable by
all classes of people.
A , neglected fold often terminates in con
sumption. Take Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in
tlmo and forestall the dreadful disease.
Elizabeth Hall seeks a divorce from her
husband , Charles Hall , She alleges cruelty
and desertion.
Matron Bennett ha/j a small but very
bright mulatto ibaby. which just arrived
from Creston , la. , and for which she would
llko 'to uecuro a good homo.
M. T. Patrick has brought suit against II.
n. and G. V. Mulford In an action to re
cover the sum of $4,4SC , alleged to bo duo
cm a promissory note. He has also attached
property In the possession of the High Art
Blcyclo company , alleging that it 'belongs
to the Mill fords.
A special service will too held at the
Gardner Memorial Parish houqo , Capitol
avcnuo and Eighteenth street , on Tuesday.
"Conversion of St. Paul" at 9:30 : a. m. Holy
pommunlon and a short address will too de
livered. A full attendance of the ladies of
the parish is earnestly dealrod. Important
business will bo dlscuuaod.
E. II. Clelaud , Robert Smith and Charles
Stanley , conducting a grocery store near
Fourteenth nnd Douglas streets , were ar
rested this morning on a charge of obstruct
ing the alloy In the rear of their store by
leaving their wagons In the roadway. TSio
complaint was sworn to by Captain Haze at
the Instance of several other business men
In the vicinity.
Shortly after 2:30 : p. m. yesterday a couple
of South Omaha women , who gavo'tho names
of Mtnnlo and Annie Williams , were arrested
in the alleyway back of Jack Norton's
saloon on Fourteenth street. They were
charged with being disorderly and were
locked up at the station. A complaint will
probably bo made against Norton charging
him with keeping' open after hours.
Chief of Detoc-tlvos Cox has received a let
ter from Warden J. D , Starko of the Mis-
fiourl state penitentiary at Jefferson City ,
Mo. , stating tlrat the tlmo of A. H. Cllno ,
who is aervlng a term of two years , will ox-
plro Juno 13 , 1SOU. Cline la wanted In
Omaha for forgery and passing fraudulent
checks on the Boston store , G-oJloy Brucker
and Browning , King & Co. The amounts of
the checks wer $10 , $7 and $ S.CO respectively ,
and were passed hy Clltio In 'this city last
July ,
llrt > x li. Slioonw'ii bns salcil out nnil
irounil now lie Is'HillcInj ; n.'Mi * lioinu
'ortlio end Is nonyjiiioli tt Halo as tlila
nn't so on foreveriryoi soiii. > of ilia
fliDlivtit bargains iMnrlcj plcki'd up now
this Is 110 haiiUi'iiiii or fi'.M t-ale flock ,
) iit our own k'Klthuro liiiiM-lirolu-n by
ho season's si'llinn' tint vu Intoiul to
eloso out tliat'd any the jirlcoIs HO
iwfully low ao toiup.ui'dvllh our form -
m > r SL'llltif ; prices In a day or two wo
lon't oxpt'et to liavo u.ay i th.'jj xrt-fit
rado Indui-ors on oiir bargain table *
hen It will bo new siirlnjj goods
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
JElTV. . DKDFOItD. Pros. AV.M. LOP DON , Vlco Pros. oV
. ( SKO. , M. WINKKUIAN , Trcn * . < il5O. N. HICKS , Scc'y. J1 ;
A ? ll.
? 4 xx vx wx j |
43 Offers 25OOOO Shares of thedar valua
* 1 of One Dollar Each , at to
oO *
s Ten Cents Per Share.
| j
, aQ The representatives of this company will penetrate ? F
,00 and explore the world's greatest gold fields and secure ? F
o valuable gold-bearing properties for its stockholders. PP
, | 0 Articles of Incorporation filed January 5th. Pj |
* S CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 , to
, aD Fully paid up and non-assessable. Subscription ? F
qo books now open. The company reserves the rightto ? F
$0 close this subscription without notice wJien one-fourth ? ?
,80 of the capital stock is taken at the figure named ; ro * *
M > to advance the price of shares at any time.
t5SQ The outlook for the company Is bright "oonndeneo la ours" the remit- .
.4 tancos received from every quarter dally l > : lm ; suoh a to liiHiiro itui-i-ess. Qtr
ny CAl'lTAMSTS. INVHSTOHS. Inrge and small. TICACHKI5S. SAIAUlli > " .
, ,0 CI.KUKS and till who are deslrvus of bettering their rcmillllou llnnnet.illy. .no G „
fi t Invited to join In this enterprise. Never licforo has the. world presented . ,
, A sueh Krent opportunities to acqulro sudden wealth. Q < r „
W > I'lnrer mine ? , na Is well known , give linincdl.ito returns. Hundreds of .n.
ZA tons of gold nwiill thi ? Inilnatrlont ptospeetois. IMKllK AUK MANY KI.ON0V
eg * DUCKS In tluv great Northwest. Just think of the . .MILLIONS of MoNHY sven
on t.iat have nlrondy been * ent out of region by a few plonei ra wio O
* ythe nerve an 1 daring to forgi' their way to the. front. Nowhere In tbo . . -
oO past HKOS do wo llnd n record that comparts with It. Do not delay , but sti-t G
$10.00 Secures 100 Shares.
* 3 $50.0O Secures 500 Shares. & *
S $ SOO 00 Secures 1,000 Shares. 6S1
j n Tliero are no salaried ofllc-ers. Our roproHent.itlvefl In tlio pold fli'Mi nro 0
EOT stockholders , In-ive are dlrortly intrrosted In the SUOCCSH of tills company , ir , .
< o THIC OKKimCltS OF THE COMPANY nro all well known linslnrss mon of 0 < T
"OT ( Omaha , wlillo union ? the HinolOioldorH aio found b.inUnrnnd nu-rchaiit - - ,
aO 1U'H ! kn-wn for th"lr e"nsorvatl- and sound liuslnosa jiidKinent. Not alone Qlff
\i\ nro mnn In thl umlertaUlnir women nf nioiut" , nerve nnd rniTiy liplns dally j u ,
. < ) O nddcd to tno of sulsrrll > prs to tin- capital stock of the romp.iny. C"
' ! Hemlttnneps should ! undo pnyahlo to thu treasurer of the company. Mr.
.OQ GeorKe Jl. Wlnki-huaii , u id si-nt Ulri'et to
444.445 Chamber of Commerce Building ,
SO.MIJ WHi.siiArii i.narrs WAVPKO.
City Council Conniiitlct ; Ii-oliH\s nil tins
( UN Conlriu't.
The report of the committee on ROS and
electric lights on the bids for Kas street
lamps , which liavo been In tbo hands of
the committee for several weeks , wus sub
mitted at the committee meeting yesterday
afternoon. The report recommends that the
contract be awarded to the Omaha Gas Jlnn-
ufacturlng company on its bid of $23 per
lamp per year , on condition that the gns
company will put in a limited number of
the Welsbach burners on the most Impor
tant streets. It Is statej-'that ' tbo sas com
pany has signified its willingness to accede
to this proposition.
County-Attorney Baldrlge. appeared before
the committee In behalf of J. W. Kurnas.
who contends that ho Is still the special
aient of the municipal legal department.
.Mr. Daldrlgo stated the position taken by
hla client , which is that under the new
charter the special agent must bo appointed
hy tbo mayor and council. If this Is tiio
case , bo holds that the appointment of Mr.
Kobertson by the city attorney does not con
stitute a legal appointment and that he still
holds over.
City Attorney Connell ailvlacil the council
that under the ordinance the position of spe
cial agent was similar to that of ono of
the employes of the engineering or comp
troller's departments. Ho wna simply an
employe and could be employed or dismissed
by the head of the department. The mat
ter was taken under advisement ly the
pnmni It top ,
At G o'clock there was a apeclal meeting
of the council In order to pass tl'o resolu
tion authorizing the city attorney to notify
the secretary of the Interior tint all the
provlolons contained in the bill authorizing
tbo location of an Indian supply depot at
Omaha had been compiled with. Thh re
lates to the quarters for the depot , whlph
will bo supplied by the Commercial club ,
but under the wording of the- bill the city
Is the responsible party and must assume
the obligation as a matter of form. City
Attorney Connell immediately notified th
secretary of the interior by telesrapli that
the provisions of the bill had been com
piled with by the city authorities.
iIn llownrrt \iuiiinl ' LI-IIVPH
_ Ttro iXi'W Flrenu'ii.
The Hoard of Flro and Police Commis
sioners held but a short sefslcn last night.
There were only three members present.
Dr. Peabody being confined to his homo
with the grip. A resolution presented by
Dullard , as follows , passed :
Unsolved. T'lmt ' the ten days annual leave
allowed iwllce otllcers for Kood behavior
must bo applied for In the y ' .ir In whlcn
they nro turned and between January 1
and December 31 of each year , mid that
nil annual leaves not applied for between
UIOPO dates uro canceled on the 31st of De
cember of enoh year.
Patrolmen Sebeck and N. V. Halter wcro
each granted five days' reave of absence.
Grant Fox of hose company No. 11 gets
leave of absence for tbrco days. Weldrcn
Gordon was appointed special ofllcer to
guard the haymarket In the vicinity of
Fourteenth and Nicholas atrcota. John
'Erlclteon ' and George Tigho wuro ordered
to report for duty to Chief Hedell of the
nro department and hold themselves In read
iness for calls on extra duty.
Chief Iledell wan the recipient last night
of a very handsome present In the form
of a gold-mounted amber and brlarwood
pipe. The souvenir of friendship was ten
dered him by a committee from the Durant -
rant Knslne company of the Union Pacific
shops , headed by Captain John Ileod. The
presentation took j > ! ace In the chief's office
and was accompanied by a short speech
from the captain
Oiiinliu mill HM lloniN.
OMAHA , Jan. 22. To the Kdltor of The
Bee : It has been , frequently stated by vari
ous parties that the city of Omaha has never
paid n single dollar or iti ! bonded Indebt
edness. What arc the facts In thi3 matter ?
Mono of the long-tlmo bonds Issued by
the city of Omaha have yet been paid. The
first Installment of funding : bom'-.j , amount
ing to $00.100 , will be dueIn 1900. The city
l\n \ redeemed "special Improvement or short-
time bonds up 'to date omountlng to ? ' ! , -
Annual Convention nf MMA
Xl W III Sl'Nllllll.
The Nebraska Ilrlclcmakcr * ' orsoelalMn
met In annual session at the rooms of the
Builders' and Tiudern * cxcbinso yesterday
afternoon. TJOSC- present were President
George P. Cotton of Table pock , Secretary
W. II. nushell of David City , Albert G.
Edelmalcr ot Scrlbncr. A. L. IJaiightaHng of
Kiirbtiry , William Stilton ot Table Hook. P.
Simiaon of St. Kd wards , n. H. Jungbludt of
Arlington , C. V. Haul of .Madison , W. H.
Harnlm nf Auburn , J. B. Stoekwoll of Lin
coln. Herman Gereclce of Norfolk , Jonn
Wltl-ncll. H. N. Wlthncll , Martin UUier , J.
Fred Smith and S. A. Corncor , Oir.ulia.
The annual address of the president waa
the first thins ; in order after the mooting
\iv u rvillrtil n nrillir Ami I 'msl lU'M t Pflttoll TP-
viewed the progress ot the association during
tl'o year , closing wll'.i a suggestion that the
brlckmakwn of the state should take action
to co-ciieratc In a plo-n - for making a showing
at thu exoo'jltlon which would establish the
fact that the brick Industry Is cno of the
most Iirjyortant resources of Nebtaska.
Two tcijcrs were then read by members ot
the association as follows : "Burning and
Setting Ilrlc'k in Down Draught nnd Con
tinuous Kilns , " by C. K. Kaul , mid
"Finances , and the Llfo or Buildings and
.Machinery on a Brick Yard , " by Herman
Gerecko. Those papers were highly todinl-
cal In tbelr nature and discussed the Intrl-
eaoles of the brlnkuwklng business In de
tail. A general discussion on the points In
volved was Indulged In by those presett !
after the papers were concluded , this dls-
euralnn occupying the entire tlmo to the
clcpo of the afternoon ternlon.
An oveulng session was held at which a
general discussion was hail regarding prac
tical details of brlchmaklng. These ot thn
members who told any matter about which
they wished to hear views of the other mem
bers asked the question and thU formed tint
Biibject of discussion. The entire evening
was spent In this way.
The association will hold three sessions
today. l' ( ) crB by two of the members will
bo read and discussed at the morning ses-
fllon and at 1:30 : i. > , m. the members will
meet at the exchange and proceed In a body
to visit tbo vartoUH brick ( ilunts In I'.io city.
Thu election of olllcera will occur in tha
FinIti'rol'il lor u Dny.
FIIBMONT , Neb. , Jan. 21. ( Special. )
The lire department was called out at 2:39 :
this morning by a bad blano at the corner
of Broad and Fourteenth streets. The house
which was owned by the estate of B. W.
Monroe of Waynu was an almcut total loss.
Harry i'ratt , who occupied the house man
aged to nave n little of his fnrnltimi. LUSH
on building $ : ir.OO , Insurance. $3,300 ; on fur-
nlturo and contents $1,200 , Insured for
$500. The flro caught from a suppLsoi de
fect in tlho furnace. One of the c.hlnmcya
fell during the flro and several firemen were
struck by falling bricks. George Baslor .re
ceived a Revere scalp wound and Assistant
Chief Jacob Hogcrs and Charles Itildulf
wcro considerably 'brulncd. '
The MiiKlcal Iloralil for Dcratnbor
coiitnhiH the music and words of "Leo
nora , " by I.i'shT notllno-Wa nru lvln
this innKUKlnt' nwny for the tunlng'-In
thin iniinbcr I'ubJo J ) Kanis.i.cSHJH :
"The Klmbtill pianos are worthy of nil
the nccoriU'il tlicin by tno jjivat
artists of thu world" Wouldn't It bu
ntniiiKi' f ( ' these threat nnislclans lo n-
dorse the Klmball If U really wasn't the
bust piano made Wo sire pivi/arod to
back up the reputation of the Klmlxi'l
piano with our personal KUiiraiiteo : iti > l
at tliu Kaiim tltnu make price anil tonim
very easy liavo you seen our uuw
piano room ?
Music aud Art. 1513 Douglas