PENSIONS FOR 1H11TIA1IES Nebraska Iloma Guard to Eo Becognizjtl as Part of the Army. GENERAL BARRY ASSISTS THI MOVEMENT Six Companion Kiinlpiicil Iiy the Stntc Hie Iteliclllnn .Seek tliu lAcrontril Thine LINCOLN , Jan. 24 ( Special. ) Adjutant Ocncrnl Harry has prepared documents which will be Bent to Congressman W. L Stark asking that Hid general government recognize the Nebraska mllltla organized during the war , to the end that a pension may be granted to deserving ones the same ns to regularly enllslel soldiers Tlili mllltla wan composed of six companies all ot which took active part In the ( war. They were- equipped by the ntnto which was afterward reimbursed bv the general government. The matter In now brought up by William Hud son of comi ny 1) who asks for a psnslon. State Treasurer Mcocrvo has Issued a call for $33.000 In general fund warrants for February 3 , The secretary of the State Banking Hoard Is 111 receipt of a communication from a man In Washington , D , C. , stating that ho lias In his possession , a. note of the Hank of Tekamah dated 1857 for | 5 , and wishes to know lla present value The bank was In full operation In 1817 , the president being S. M. Campbell and the cashier 1" Akin. The note In que tlon Is ot course valueless except to curiosity collectors. Li ml Commissioner Wolfe announces the appointment of A. K. Olft ot Lexington nn diaughtsman to succeed Alex Schlegcl Mr. Gift Is the present , nnd has been for many vcars , the coun'y survejor ot Hanson county. Mr. Wolfe nays he has been slow , nnd some of his friends thought too slow , in making a change In this department but ho has regarded It his duty to the state nnd to himself to make no change until some Imnortant work already begun when he oamo Into the ofllco was completed by the old drauchtsman whoso competency has never been mioitlonrd. Superintendent Jackson Is much encour aged over the Interest manifested by school tcirhrrs In the educational exhibits to bo made at the exposition Applications for Bruce have been received from school's ' rop- irsrnted bv l.GOO teachers The superin tendent has lust ls ncd a circular giving full Instructions a v tt > preparing wall ex-/ / hlblls Ho asks that all work to bo placed on thn wall bo mounted on a good quality of cardboard 22x28 Inches In size. Federal court opened this afternoon nnd Jury cases wcro Immediately taken up The ease of Mrs Jtonle F Stevens agilnst the Northwestern Mutual Llfo Insurance com pany was first on the docket. The suit Is ono ot considerable Interest and has been tried once before. In January , 1S05 , Judge Dundj's court gave Mrs Stevens a Judg ment for $ r)000 against the Northwestern and $1.000 against the Hankers' Life Insur ance company of St Paul These verdicts were reversed and the case remanded for trial. Mr. Stevens was a b-inker In Crete and on the 19th of August , 1S92 , loft Crete for Chicago , expecting to be back home In n few days. Ho never returned , hence the original suit. The defense sets up tint Stevens Is not dead The case is only fairly started and promises some Interesting evl- donco on both sides. Mrs. Anna Holts and children , who came hero from St. Joseph a few dajs ago with a sorrowful story of abduction atid cruelty , were today sent back to her relatives In Humoston , la . . , , . , . Mrs. Isabella Gcorgo comes Into district court asking that the city of Lincoln bo compelled to pay her $5,000 damages for injuries caused by fallng on a defective sidewalk. SUIT roil VVI.UAIII.K I.AMIS. TiullaiiM Will Trv to neeoicT from the ( o * eminent. DAKOTA CITY , Neb , Jan. 21 ( Special ) District Judge II. E. Hvnno yesterday ac knowledged a contract between Henry Fan- tanelle. Hiram Chase and Gary Laflesche , delegates on the part of the Omaha tribe of Indians of Nebraska , located In Thurston county , and Dr. H. M. Hamblln , o former physician at Omaha Agency , now located ut Now kirk , Okl , for the prosecution of a large claim against the United States In behalf of Wio Omaha Indians. The contract has yet to bo ratified by the government before ac- tlvo irroccedlngs can bo done. The case In volves about 850,000 acres of land ki the counties of Cedar , Knox , Dlxon and Holt , and Is brought under the treaty of 1854. Ac cording to the terms of said treaty all lands west of the Missouri river and south of a line drawn duo west from a point In the center of the maid channel of the Missouri river duo cast of where the Ayonay river disembogues out of the bluffs to the wcstcr.i boundary of the Omaha country , was relin quished ; provided , however , that ttio said trlbo of Indians reserve 300,000 acres north of said duo line for their future homo , and the remainder of < xild land belonging to said Indians north of said duo west line shall be ceded to the United States , the Ind I nns to receive the same rate per ncro for It as tlicno ciald for the land south of said line , which was 2G cents ( > er acre This , the Omaha delegation claims , 1ms never been ( aid to ttiom and the cause will be presented to the United States ; and further. Instead of asking the original treaty of 20 cents per acre , $1 25 > er aero will bo asked , and as a precedent , the claim paid to the Cherokee Indians by the government of $1.25 per acre when the treaty price was only 14 cents per acre , -will bo cited. MOH13 SM W 1MM.S I > AKIIII VSICA. Antelope SlnteKTIIIn Covered tilth Peiitlier ; KluUeH. KHNDSAW , Neb , Jan 24. ( Svecial ) A light snow has fallen all night and It Is growing very cold. Indications point to n blizzard. SCHUYLnn , Neb. Jan. 24. ( Special ) Today snowstorm set In with good promise of continuing until sleighing will again bo good. Snow Is falling quietly and u light wind Is blowing from the northeast with no indication of being accon ( muled by a bill zard , DUNCAN , Neb. . Jan 24. ( Special , ) It Is snontng rabidly hero this afternoon and a stiff wind Is blowing. The clouds arpcar dark an 1 heavy and Indications are favor able fet heavy storm. TUCUMSUH , Ncib. , Jan. 21. ( Special. ) It 1 eald that the recent heavy Eiioustormo did the wheat a vast amount of good and also benefited the fruit trcca , W13ST POINT. Neb. , Jan. 24 , ( Special ) Snow commenced to fall early this morning TUCv r * ' [ CHEAT V * NOW j A Government SUmpcer- 1 tifylng to the Ate and Purity " is on every boille of the WHISKIES BE SURE HIE INfERNAL REVENUE STAMP OVER HIE CORK AND CAPSUtE IS NOr BROKEN AND THAT IT BEARS THE NAME x , W.A.CAINES 8t CO/ GUAHRNTU. runr ctusITH \ mis DOTTUNG. For Sale Evsrywlierc. whh a light northcaBt wml bljnlng. So far ' It has not drifteJ , bat U very light aoJ 1'fL-ic 's arc g oJ for a twenty- faur hour downfall EI.SIH , Neb , J n 24. ( Special Telegram ) Snow commenced falling at 1 n , m toJay and now lies at about ( our Inches on the level The wind Is rising and nhould It contlnuo It will stop all railroad traffic. nnnoits MCIT TOOIY. Moulilrrs to Hntlirr mill IU- o'UHN I'rrtltipnt Toilc | < . LINCOLN , Jan. 21 ( Special TclcgMm. ) Tomorrow the annual session of the N'c- braska State Press association begins nnd n number of newspaper men from over the state are already here. U Is expected that the meeting will be more largely attended than any previous one In the history of the association. The meetings are to be held at the parlors of the Lincoln hotel. Tomor row forenoon will be spent In the enroll ment of members and getting acquainted At the afternoon meeting the reports of committees will bo received President K M Klmmell of the McCook Tribune will deliver Ills annual address anil tlicro will be n paper , ' Strictly Duslncss , " by Ross Hammond mend of the Trcmont Tribune and a dis cussion led by O. 11. Marvin of the IJeatricc Democrat. In the evening the members will attend a complimentary theater party ten dered by the local committee. The program for Wednesday Is ns follows- Wednesday morning , 8 30 o'clock "Inde pendent Journalism , " Edgar Howard , Times , Papllllon ; discussion led by N. H. Parks , Tcldgram , Columbus ; poem , Jeff L. Stone , Oarcttc , fMlmlcn , discussion , led by A. L. nixby , Journal , Lincoln ; paper , "Tho Re liable Newspaper , " W. 13. Morgan , Leader- Independent , arcclcy ; discussion , led by C. H. Cass , News , Ravenna ; paper , "What I Don't Know About Journalism , " Adam Breed , Tribune , Hastings ; discussion , led by C. M Htibnor , News , Nebraska City. Wednesday afternoon , 2 o'clock Paper , "Newspaper Gastronomy" W. W Haskell , Qub , Ord ; discussion , led by K Cunningham , Republican , Wajno ; paper , " 'Ready Prints , " Clark Perkins , Republican , St Paul ; discus sion , led by id A Prjor , Pioneer , Nlobrara ; round table , ccwlueted by W n Da ) ton , Republican , York ; subjects , "What the Newspapers Ovvo the Public nnd How to Hest Pay It , " "What the Public Owes the Newspapers and How to JJcst Secure H , " "Which Pays the IJcttcr , Politics or the Wood Pile ? " "How Shall Wo Increase the 'Membership and Usefulness of the Nebraska Press Association ? " ' Should Wo Jlavo County Newspaper Associations ? " "A Thrco- Strlntf Tune About n Country Print Shop , " " Business " "What Does "IMItUig , Printing , , the Public llcst Like to Read ? " "In What Have Wo Benefited by This Meeting ? " Business session. In the evening there will bo a compli mentary banquet given by the State Journal company. him nvcic roit ni iinr mri M. Cliuroh I'lulil at 'IViMiniHi'li Continues to HIIK < ' . TnCUMSnil , Neb , Jan. 24 ( Special ) Bishop Donacum In his vigorous endeavors to unseat the old board of trustees of St Andrew's Catholic church hero has received .1 little setback at the hands of the supreme court. Judge C. B. Lctton of the district court , in deciding a case brought by the bishop recently against Michael Shaiighncssy and Michael Jlurphy of the old board of trustees , wherein the bishop wished to oust them as such tiustccs and which was against the desires of the membership of the church that was In sympathy with Father 'Murphj ' in the great controversy which was settled last fall In the court of the apostolic dele gate at Washington , gave a verdict favorable to the stand taken by the bishop. The old board of trustees took a stay and appealed to the nuprcmo court. That court gave the ciso a preliminary hearing last week and decided to reverse Judge Letton's decision to the extent that the old board of trustees remain In possession of the property until the case can bo tried according to Its docket number In that court. The Murphy faction of the church does not care who acts as trustees , but they Insist that they , as a ma jority membership of the church , have property rights which the bishop must ac knowledge. Both factions of the church arc desirous that the dlfforcoices bo settled and both factions want the property , which has been so long unoccupied , to again be put Into use. Regular services would bo very ac ceptable to the whole membership and the priest sent hero to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Kathcr .Murphy would un doubtedly bo acceptable to them all , but the Miirphyltes Insist that harmony can not again reign supreme In the church until the , to them , arbitrary demands of the bishop bo discontinued. A cablegram , whle'h Is not the first from this city during this church fight , has been bent to the highest authorities In Rome , ask ing that the bishop bo restrained In his en deavors to wrest the property from the ma jority membership of the church , rou IIOI.IIINR on1 COLHT. Stiill anil I.ftton of rirxt DlN- trlc-t I"x llutfs. TRCUMSnH , N b , Jan 21. ( Special ) Jmlgoo Stull and Letton of the Pirat Judicial district have agreed on anJ given out ithe following dates fcr holding court In 1898 In the several counties embrace ! In the dletrlct. In addition to the regular terms It la quite probable that each county will have at least ono extra or adj-urnei scrslon , for the work all over the d'strlct is behind Johnson Countj Monday , Pcibruary 28 ; Thursday. May 1C ; Monday. October 10. Gage Count ) Monday , February 7 ; Mon day , May 2 ; Monday , September1 PJ Jefferson County Monday , Apt',1 ' 4 ; Mon day , Juno C ; Monday , December fi. Nemaha County Monday , March 14 ; Wednesday , Juno 1 , Monday , November 14. Pawnco County Monday , Tcibruary 7 , Monday. May 2 ; Monday , September 13. Richardson Oiunty Monday , .April 11 , Thursday , Juno 16 ; Monday , December 5 The office-re of the district court In John son county are now as follows : Hon J. S Stull of Auburn and Hon. C. B. Lctton cf Palrbury. Judges ; John C. Martin of Fallra City and Walter S McLucas of FalrtMiry , stenographers ; Charles B. Strong , flhetlff , Hugh LaMastcr , county attorney ; C. B. Hoplck , clerk. rii ' ' i' ruttor } III Slulil. WOOD RIVI3K , Neb. , Jan. 24. ( Special ) Wood Rhcr Is noon to have a butter and cheese factory of the most approved pat tern. Between $1.000 and $5,000 of stock has been snbscrlbe'd and the stockholders are making nrrangemento to purchase ground and commence building operations as soon as possible Saturday Presiding Elder Dyndoll was In town and on Investigation Rev Pcllns , pas tor of the Methodist Episcopal church here , was shorn of his ministerial robes and pre rogatives and expelled from the church The offcnsu Is that vvhlla his vvlfo and babies wcru away on a visit the late pastor wna guilty of serious improprieties with the hired girl , a ) oung woman of omo eighteen or twenty tmmmcrH. Mr. Peters has gone to parts unknown , vvhllo his vvlfo and babies are still In town. SIiortiiKc In UIIJCH Count- . IIAYI3S CP.NTHR , Neb , Jan. 21. The county commissioners ot Hacs county have Just completed an Investigation of their treasurer's re-cords dating back to 18S5 , The o\P < it accountant , J M , Qllchrlst of Ne braska City , In his report shows a total shortage of J1.CI591 ; James Cooper , from 1SS5 to 1SS8 , $12 short ; Richard May , 1SS3 to 189. , $1,411 71 , and William Hudson , 1802 to 1S93 , $22220 In arrears The different funds 'which get credit on the shortage are State. $ . ' 0,84 ; county general fund , $42020 ; school district. $1,010 85 ; school board , $2C SO , Illegal fees , $131.24. The cause of this de ficit Is carelessness and loose methods of bookkcuilng Cooper lias already settled. May und Hudson aio expected to settle in a few daja. IiOilKt-il lii Jail. DAKOTA C1TV , Nub. , Jan , 21. ( Special. ) An old man who seemed to bo either de mented or Intoxicated , giving hU name as John Rogers , maJo himself offensive yester day by committing petty thievery and was dually lodged In jail by Sheriff Uoroual.y. TnUI-M Hit-Mr > dinliiilloiito. . OENKVA , Neb. , Jan. 24-Speclal.-Alex- ( ) ander Sprcut of Chelsea precinct died tmd- dcoly yesterday morning , after secretly tak- Ing A dote of fltrych no. Ills family on dlSi.ovi.rUig his con.'itlon sent at on.o for medical assistance , but before the phjslc'an arrived the old gentleman wan dead , He was nearlng h's SOth ) car , was highly ro erected and hid many relatives In Geneva and vicinity Despondency la the supposed cause for the rash act. llnrllej- rile * 111 * Atinvrcr. LINCOLN , Neb . Jan 24. Ex-State Treas urer Joseph S. Hartley filed his answer to day In the case brought by the attorney gen eral on behalf of the state ot Nebraska to recover the sum of $335,000 that Hartley Is accused of Imlng embezzled and failed to turn over to hla successor at the end of his term of office Hartley denies In general terms all of the charges of embezzlement and conversion , and asks that the petition be dismissed for Uio reason that a suit Involv ing the same Issues and the came charges Is on file In the district court of Douglas county undetermined. Thlfl suit Is n civil action directed more especially against Bart- ley's bondmncn. and In no way affects the criminal charge on which ho was convicted . \Us for n Divorce. rni3MOXT , Neb , Jan. 24. ( Special. ) Mary Robinson filed her petition In the district court today for n divorce from her husband , Charles W. Robinson. She alleges that they wore married In 187G , that In October last her husband kicked nnd pounded her and has been for some time In the habit of using abuslvo and Insult ing language to her. She wants the cus tody of their 1Icarold daughter. Oiiiiilin Mntr InvoNlN In TornniKi'li. TKCUMSEH , Neb , Jan. 24 ( Special Tele gram ) r. J. Lewis of Omaha has purchased a one-half Interest In the opera house build Ing hero of Henry Goodman , also of Omaha It Is undcrttood that the new firm of Cnn- flold & Low Is will glvo the opera house soil ? needed Improvements In the way of pilntlng and renovating. Improvements will alco bo made on ! the ground floor1 cf the building. HH TriuililcN of it Day. naEMONT. Neb. , Jan. 21. ( SpccliU Loren D. Whelplcy , dealer In boots and shoes and carpets , filed In the county clerk's ofllco late Saturday afternoon chattel mort gages on his stcck of goods amounting to $11 GOO , which Includes practically all his Indebtedness His stock will Inventory close up to the same amount , HlIM It Illlll Pllll. BLAIR , Neb , Jan. 21 ( Special ) Em- mlt Bath , a carpenter living In the Fourth ward , slipped and fell this afternoon , striking the back ot his head upon the frozen ground. Ho was picked up unconscious. Ho weighs over 200 pounds and the doctor Is afraid ot serious Injuries laternall ) . GRAND ISIAND , Neb , Jan. 24 ( Special ) Mr. Mahcr , the absconding cashier of the Armour company at this point , and who gave himself up to the police at Sacramento and Is expected to arrive here In the cus tody of an olllcer tomorrow , Is now Bald to bo short about frIO \vi > iKUM3HH -.sic v iiKsouacttt. I" tlir VA'iiv of ( irovvliiK i\i'i'llrn ( Suurnr Iti'ftx. An article appeared In a recent number of tr-o Scientific American and was reproduced In The Bee descriptive of the resources of Nebraska bolt for s > ugar beet culture. Its promise as a. sugar producing dlstr ct was spoken of and it was shown that the normal annual precipitation , 25 G Inches for the last twenty years In east Nebraska , has been ono Inch more than that in the principal beet districts of Germany and ot the Bohemian and Moiavlan parts of Austria. The further f jet was noted that 07 per cent of the ) carl > precipitation has fallen the period of vegetation , during the mouths from April to August inclusive. In the last issue of the periodical named there Is contained a communication from C II. Cornell of Valentine , Neb. , who rc- n arks upon an Injustice Implied in the pre vious article tp the western part of the state. Ho mentions the following portion of It which seems to him unfair to the beet fields of western Nebraska : "The re ports of the Weather bureau are easily ob tainable and ought to bo made the basis of all such deliberations ( regarding rainfall ) , for they are the only Tellable source of In formation on subjects In rcgurd to this new Industiy. A study of these reports bearing on the climatic conditions of the eastern half of Nebraska will convince every un biased observer that these conditions arc- irost favorable for the successful develop ment of the beet sugar Industry. * The mistaken Idea that Nebraska must bo devoid of sulllclcnt moisture for beet culture seems to bo traceable to the exceptionally dry ) ears 1893 , 1894 and 1895 , remembered by all the people In the United States as the ) cars of the gieat drouth , and perhaps to the fact that the arid western nart of the state has been taken as a criterion for the whole commonwealth. " Commenting upon this extract and uphold ing the fertility of western Nebraska against the rest of the world , iMr. Cornell writes as follows : "The reader Is left to Infer that the west ern half of Nebraska does not show as fi- vorablo conditions as the eastern half or other paits ot the United States. Had ho ex amined tno records of the chemical depart ment. University of Nebraska , Lincoln , ho would have discovered that while the east ern half grows the larger tonnage of beets to the aero the western half grows a beet rlcbri In saccharine qualities. Also that ex periments generally teach that as they are extended toward the eajt the tonnage gets greater and the sugar qualities less , while toward the west , the 'Land of Sunshine , ' which a beet must have , the tonnage grows lighter but sugar qualities ( saccharine pur- It ) ) greater. For Instance. A recent bulletin Issued by the State Experiment /station of Missouri advised far morn not to engage in sugar beet growing , as results hod been un satisfactory ; quality too low ; while the fol lowing appears from South Dakota : 'Out of 400 tests of sugar beets made at the South Dakota Experiment station nt Brooklngs , many gave over 20 per cent sugar. Some farms glvo as high as 24 per cent. Those aio believed to be the most remarkable beet tests ever mado. ' "So far as experiments In this state go , I understand that 1oux county , In the extreme northwest , ban shown best results. "President Oxnard of the two Nebraska and ono California factories has recently stated that results of tliln season's run In Nebraska are In every particular equally satisfactory with tint In California , which ought tofcttlo the question of any advantage that Htato has over us Furthermore , a dls- tanco of sonio 2,000 miles nearer point of distribution and consumption ought to bo In favor of this otate , "Western Nebraska has land that can bo obtained cheap which has no superior for growing a rich beet ; plenty of sunshine , limestone , building etono and the very purest water Therefore when capital begins In earnest to look up locations for factories wa hope wo may not be overlooked on account ct conclusions arrived at from reading the communication referred to" ItlMIOOIIO'll ll } ' ItH I'llllllT. Now York Sun : "Well , ) ou have a flno shop here , " eald the customer as ho settled himself down to bo shaved , "yah1" said the barber. "But I don't think much of the outsldo. " "No ! Dot Is not In it , " said the barber. "That's a good one , " said the customer , laughing. The barber flushed. "Vat for ) ou laugh at mo ? " ho cried In anger "Vou t'lnk I understand not Eng- lUh ? " _ Ton Much I.I lie Worlc. Detroit Journal "Do your worst ! " cried the heroine of the play , The villain stood for a moment with the glittering ax held aloft ; a moment , flat. "No , I carnet chop her , " ho faltered. "Sho acts so wooden ! " As ho ( led away she Joined the gallery in wild eerlo laughter ; for BUG was assured that the miscreant could do nothing that suggested work. ( Unlit Siium nt PIERRE , S. D , Jan. 24. ( Special Tele gram. ) A light snow fell here today , which was badly needed on the range , as many herds wcro corr-vellcd to o a long distance for water. LIFE OF PRINCE OF WALES 31 1 ; Biography of the Heir Apparent to the British Throne. BACCARAT ESCAPADE AND OTHER THINGS All IlMlinl Dp for ( fetrTJlMlnciitloii of the KiiKlUli Public Ity n Woman .Inurimllst of l , ( CorrojpomUneo of the AMorlsted 1'rcfs ) LONDON , Jnn. 24 Tlwtteslro of the Eng- llsh pcoplo ( o know all'lM details of the official anil private llfo of their rojnl fhm- llywill 1)0 partly appcaced b ) the pullea- tlon In London this week of the first com plete biography" " of the prince of Wales. Sin gularly enough , no complete record of the remarkably active and < ll\erslflod career of the holr to the throne hao ibeon given to the world before. Attempts In this direc tion ha\o been discouraged by the subject himself and the present book furnishes In ternal evidences that It was not compiled under the rojal sanction , for , while It breatheo the spirit of the courtier rather than the critic , It records such cplsode9 as the famoim baccarat trial , which the prince would probably bo willing for 1bo public to forgot. Two quotations from Its refer ences to rojalty will , however , glvo the keynote of this spirit. Concerning the prince , the writer eajo. "Ho Is familiar with an almost bewilder ing variety of subjects and possesses a won derful faculty for almost Instinctively group ing the Important features and tlu rcall ) essential points of any mutter under dis cussion. " An c.tlmntc of the dul < e of Clarence In connection with his career at Trinity col lege , Cambridge , Illustrates how qualities which would commonly pars current ns weaknesses , assume Uie shnpe of virtual viewed through friendly spectacles. "He had not , " It Is said of the dul.c , "norvus It desirable that he should have , tht < spe cialized Intellect which wins milvcrslt ) prlzcsi and scliolarshlps , Ibut ho dlspHjed In a marked degree that peculiarly rojal quality of recognl/lng Intellect In others " The authorship of the new book Is con cealed fiom the public , but It Is slid to be the work of a Journalist well known In London , Mary Delloc ( Mr1" Lon tides , foi- mcrly on Mr. SteadV paper ) It will "be is- EUol In the United St.itcu ncvt month bj Appleton. UICHLY ILLUSTHATED. In nlctorlal embellishments It Is particu larly ilcli , containing no lew than eighteen portraits of the. prince of Wales alone and many other likenesses of him In company with other members of the rojal family The prince Is Illustrated from infancy to the present day. There Is the prince In oheot'ciB clothes , ' as snortsman , the prince as a ) aclitsman In a rakish cap , the prince as an admiral , the prime In fancy costume tor the Devonshire ball , In knickerbockers with the girtcr on his leg , on horseback , in * ila oipacit } of colonel of the Tenth Hussars ami In utrlous other uniforms mid ordi nal y clothes Most of the historical cbapters of the bsok deal with matters alreadj published In describing the tour of the orlnco througu America in his joulli , 'It ' rc\eals the intcr- cfittuif fact that before ho was launched upon his Journey , his father , itie'nrlnso consoit , supplied him with n memoianda to bo used In replying to the addresses which would bo made to him during his progress. It cxyldlns that "the best proof of the prince consort's wisdom la to bo fojnd In the fact that cverj- ono of thdse notes afterwards turned out to bo slrrply ln\aluable , owing to the peculiar aptness 'with ' which they Viad been framed to suit the circumstances of each locality where art address was llkel > to bo received. " 1 ' An Incident is rollled of a hunting trip which the hunting party made to Dwlght , 111. Whe the prlocet and his retinue approached preached a farmhousu. the farmer , who was a Briton , Invited everyone to enter except the duke of Newcastle. "Notice , Newcastle , I ha\e been a tenant of yours and you shall never set a foot on my land. " So the prince passed on. The southern sliveholders attempted to lure the prince- Into the south to exhibit to him the better sldo of slavery , but , the biographer a\crs , ho was not Impressed by the sla\o cities and flatly refused to leave his carriage to visit ttoo negro quarters at Ilax Hall's plantation. PLENTY OF DRINKABLES. A great part of the work describes In de tail the onerous public formalities which have constituted the llfo of the holr-ii- parent , the cornerstone layings , monument dedications , tours to Kgjpt , to Ireland nnd to other parts of the kingdom. The ro > a ) progress through India In 1875. It appearc , cost the government about $1,000,000. Bj way of compensation , presents were received by the prince from Indian potentates which aggregated In value $1,250,000. For one trip on the Nile tho' boat which carried the prince's oulte was stocked with , "among other commodities , " 3,000 bottles of cham pagne , 2,000 bottle of boda , 4,000 bottles of claret and ample supplies of other drink ables. It Is pointed out as an evidence of the great personal popularity of the prince that all the politicians who advised the people to Ignore his presence In Ireland In 1885 , in sisted upon abstinence from any display of personal hostility. The muirled llfo of the prince and princess of Wales Is pictured aa Ideal. Their sur roundings at Smdrlngham and Marlborough are described with minute- detail , which will delight persons who Lave an appetite for this sort of mm 11 beer. The prlnco'o private library at the former residence la fitted with the furnishings from the cabin of the Seraphls , where ho vojaged to India. All the furnishings are In dark blue , or green leather , stamped with the prince's monogram. His literary tastes , judged by his book shelves , tend toward English history. Many Hhehco are devoted to documents on Indli , In which he Is greatly Interested , with a great array of volumes about the mutiny , aa well as a complete collection of literature on the Crimean war and on colonial his torica. The emperor of Austria and the czar of Russ'a ' send each Christmas a box of clgam. iiiicni"i'io > TO nit. Plrnt CuiiKrpKiitlniuil Church Tropic Hiiti-rliilii a rormiT 1'iiNtor. The Ladles' society of the First Congre gational church last night tendered a recep tion to Uev. A. F. Shcrrill , D. D. , of Galesburg - burg , 111. , former pastor of the church , The affair took place In thb church parlors and was very enjojable.fA 'goodly portion of the congregation nttondediduring ( no caureo of the evening and there were also prrtnnt many of the former nlemUors o : Dr. Sher- rill's congregation and BO me of his acquaint ances In the city. ' During the course of the evening Mrs. W. H. Alexander , in behalf 9f the society , greeted Dr. Sherrlll In the words of the first and second verses of the epistle of Johr to which Dr. Shcrrill responded. Miss May illonncr also rendered an InstrununUl i-olo and songs were sung by MlBsca Helen Hong- land and Saillo Don cm Excellent light re freshments wcro strvad during the Boc'al ' portion of the evening i A message of regret tint ho could not bo present w-as received fromiPr Wnrfleld , pas tor of the church , who If now In Il > annl8 Dr Sherrlll occupied the pulpit of the church jcstonlay at Dr Warfleld's Uivitation. Dr. Sherrlll was pastor of the church for nine teen years between October , 1SG9 , and Octo ber , 18SS. JHJIIMU- : . 'riiiiiiiiiH-Hiinirny. NEW YORK , Ja . 24. Helen Dauvray , the actress , once the wife of the former base ball pitcher and manager , John M , Ward of the New York National League club , has been quietly married to Lieutenant Thomas of the navy. Lleutcuant Tiiomas U an Inti mate friend of Lieutenant Marti of the navy , wlicee wife 1s knowa to theater goers aa Gruco Fllklns , supporting Charles Coghlau in the "Rojal Box. " MinnSK v MTIIIrmi : \s < > \ . Alumni Mretlnir mill I2ti.i-tli > ii of OII1- ( cm f tinucli'lj , The annual meeting of the Nebraska Ve- cron Freemasons occurred In Masonic temple In IhU city jcsterday 0 ly routine busi- nces came up for consideration , which was disposed of In time fw adjournment late In the afternoon There were about a score of members In attendance. The election of officers resulted as follows1 George W Lange of Omaha , president ; Robert W Fur- ras of Drownvillc , first vice president ; John D. Dlnsmoro of Stilton , second vice i resl- dent ; William Adilr of Dikota City , third vice president , Harrv I' Deuel of Omaha , fifth vice president ; Thomas A Crclgh of Omiha , treasurer ; William H. Ho\ven of Omaha , secretary. Treasurer Crclph niM Secretary How en hold their nfllccs for life It wus decided to hold a Jubllco meeting In this city on Tuesda > , Juno It , end com- mlltces were appointed to make arrange ments for it. On Wednesday December 11 , a reunion will be held , also In this city The Nebraska Veteran Freemasons society Is ten jcars old Us membership Is con fined to members of the Muonlc order w'io have been Masons for twenty-one jears cud are now cm oiled with same Nebraska lodge The membership numbers about 100 S.MMV ri.vitijs JMMMM : > ON OMVHV. Immediate Indication * In * for Mor > Sliirni ) \ \ ontlii'r. The enow descended upon the earth In a gcntlo but unremitting fashion yesterday In Omaha and the middle west The first flakes fell at 5 a. m In a semi-liquid condition and grew In bulk during the day until at 2 p. m they wcro of the slo that one could walk between. After that cllmat the fill ! waned to the vanishing point at 9 p. m. The total depth amounted to one and a half Inches and was general throughout the west. He- ports from Rapid City. S. I ) . , Cheyenne. Wjo , North 1'latto , Neb , and DCS MoiiiCB. In , iccorded a light but constant fall ot enow. The temperature grew constant ! } warmer during the day , from 23 degrees above rcro at fi a m to 31 at 0 p m , when a snnll reaction began The Immediate In dications ore for stormy weather. On the same day ono } car ago occurred one of the coldest snaps of the winter , the minimum tcmpcintiiro registering 12 degrees below zero Very little damage was done to prop erty or travel by the storm jesterday ou account of the almost entire abaenee of v.lnd a barely perceptible brcco from the east prevailing during the day Thu street car servlco armed with Its brushing equipment suffered no Inconvenience. CORDON IHMll SHS TnV. M'tT. Police . .ImlufllnN Pi-Hr lllooiniT to Co Without Punishment. The ca < so ot Filtz Bloemcr , saloon keeper at Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets , charged with Belling liquor without a license , canio up for a healing before Judge Gordon jcstcrday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Bloomer was arrested on two different occasions January 15 and Januarj 1C , both times on the same charge , that of selling liquor upon January 11 without first securing the necessary license. Several witnesses testified that they had bought beer In the saloon after January 11 , but were not sure whether it wasUloemcr or his biirkecpcr who had sold the liquor. The place was In full opeiatlon each time W. J Welshans , clerk of the Board of Tire and Police Commissioners , piesented In idenco the application and bend for a liquor license given bj Bloemer and albo showed records of the bublncss of the board In which it was shown that n license had been granted to Bloemcr , but had never been Issued by the city clerk. Neither the countj prosecutor noi the attoiney for the de fendant made any argument and the case was dismissed by Judge Gordon. SCHOOL POll .IKtt l H Oimilut ScMlott of Hit" WOIIUMI'N Couii- fll DooldfH to : ( | | | ! One- . At a meeting vostorday afternoon of the Omaha section of the Council of Jewish women , held In the Temple Israel , It was de cided to establish a training school for chil dren of RiiBslui Jews. The purpose Is to teach the pupils useful arts and to work for their moral and mental adtanccment The scheme will probably bo opened In the next two weeks or as soon as suitable quarters can bo obtained In the Russian Jew settle ment on South Thirteenth street. The council also decided to establish a class from among Its members for the higher study and criticism of the Bible Rdbbl Franklin has been requested to take charge of the Instruction. A fair for the benefit of the building fund ot the Temple Israel will be held In Met ropolitan hall on Harney street from Feb ruary 28 to March C. In connection with It n scried of musical and dramatic entertain ments will bo given. The fund In which the proceeds will bo placed Is being raised for the purpose of erecting a new temple. TIIL ; uuuij wvs .NOT Koi < ; iir. V Little Rlrl Nanii'il I , nolle Il Vliout n Hilii > KiiilliiK' . Senator Joe Blackburn's devotion to his daughter Lucllc , now Mrs. Thomas Lane , prevented a duel with a fellow member of the house at the beginning of his career , re lates the New York Journal. Mrs. Blackburn , Knowing well the hot temper of her husband , and his liability to engage in dueling on the slightest provo cation , i > ent Lucllc , then a child , as com pany for him until she could move to Wash ington. Blackburn had not been long In the house until ho found himself In hot debate with a northern member , which icsulted In a challenge to a duel and Its prompt ac- ceptiiice. Another southern member was selected an Blackburn's second , and the details of the meeting , which was to bo held the fol lowing morning , were discussed that night in a room adjoining that In which little Lu- cllo was supposed to bo asleep. As the ar rangements were concluded Blackburn and his second wcro Interrupted by a little child In whTte robes suddenly appearing , and throwing her arms around her father's neck. Tears welled Into her largo blue oyea , and as they were hissed away she inquired : "Are } ou going out early tomorrow , dear papa ? " "Yes , dear , " replied Blackburn. i "Is It very important ? " ' "Yes , very Important " "Then I mustn't keep you ; but como ! > ick as soon as you can , papa , and I'll aiavo a cup of hot coffee for you. You'll bo back In two hours , won't jou ? " "Yes , dear ; now good night " nnd Black burn swallowed a lump , thinking- that this fond farewell might bo Ills last , for ho might fall before the pistol of the north erner. His second likewise was greatly affected. In the early morning Blackburn stole out to keep his appointment on the field of honor. But the duel did not como off. He found his second , but the latter would not permit him to fight. Ho had been touched by the BCCIIO the night before , and , putting his hand ou his friend's shoulder , lie said : "Joe , It Is my privilege as second to take your place as prlncipil in this duel. I am not much good to any one , and you are valuable to the country , The country shall not lose you , and what I have done is for the best. " Blackburn's arguments wcro ot no avail ; his second was aa experienced duelist and unerring shot , and was determined to toke his place. But when the other parties ap peared it was found that their desire for blood was not what It had been the day be fore , and peace wus soon established. And this happy ending of an affair which might have meant the death of Blackburn was duo to Lucllc. TiiHt or The late Dr. II B. Gibson of the Missouri State university lias carried on a scries of experiments on the preparation and use of food , which were continued after hla death by other professors The result Is stated by I'rof. David W May , who says that 1C cents a day will feed a man at moderate work , and 13 cents day will meet the needs of ta woman , These figures are not mere theory , for In ono of the boarding clubs of the university the ex pense for the male students is ! < / & cents a day , and of this amount I'rof , May thinks 2 cents' worth la wasted. The diet which can bo had at this cost appears to Include sufficient variety to satisfy the average Indi vidual. U U all a question ot judgment In buying. FOLLOWS STORY OP CHARLES Luotgcrt I'xplains Blocking of Doorwiy the Same as Ilia Partner , BDX S MDVtD TO LET DCG3 CATCH RATS Driilr * tlint He KNieil Uie Srrnttt ( jlrl , Vlnrj Sleimnerliiir < ! nt t HIM \Vlfe Money When She Wan toil It. CHICAGO. Jan. 24 - Adolph L. Luctgerfs story of the circumstances sunoiuidlng the disappearance of his wife. I.oulsi , last May , was resumed on the witness stntid today Luotgert explained how the stairway door lending to ttio basement hid been blocked and thus , It Is alleged , excited the suspicions of Blalk , the old watchman , who , when ho returned with the Hunjadl water for which he had been sent , found that ho could not enter that door and ho trade use ot the elevator door. Exactly 01 William Charles told the jury , Luotgcrt said ttio bores had been moved about to gUo the dogs a clianro nt the rats which Infested that part of the basement used as a storage room for odds and ends. "You had no Intention of blocking the door against entrance by any person ? " the wlinens was asked. "Xono whatever , the door was seldom used. " Ljctgcrt , to better explain , held a plan of the factory before the jurors and elucldited his statements by pointing to certain cpots. Mr. Harmon asked n few questions about tallow and , In anuwering which Luet- gert dcchred his attention waa called to t'lu fact that the children's sivlngs haul ; had been brolten open bj either Maiy Slcm- merlng nr one of his little sons. "Now , " asked the lawor , "will jou tell mo how jou piovlded for jour wife during the jcdr prior to Mav 1. " "Oh , when she wanted money I gave It to her or she took It from my pocket , " smll- l.igly ruswered the prisoner. "Shortly be- foio May 1 , Just when 1 don't recollect , " Luctgcrt continued , "sho took $20. Slip know I Knew who Ind It. " "You did not kiss Marv Slemmerlng of ten1' " blatidlj Inquired the liite'rrosntorwhile Luctgcrt cat straight In his chair and the spectators looked greatly pleased. "No , I did mot , " came the answer , which made the crowd titter "I could kiss mj wife If I wanted to kiss " State's Attorno ) Charles S Dencen began the cross examination of Adolph L Luot gert at .t p m todaj. 'Mr ' Dcnccn brushed aside the long le-cltal of the defendants birth , parentage , twin brother , bojhood nnd rlso li. life , and went to the .heart of the matter , piling question upon question ro- gaHlug the whereabouts mid actions of Mr Luctgart during the twelve hours following S 45 o'clock on Satmday evening , May 1 , 1S17. To every1 question designed to IK the tlmo when nnjthing was done , or how long it took ( o do It , the sanio answers weie lotunicd that he wotilJ not attempt to fix the time Ho could not bay -whither ho was in the saloon one minute or two hours and equillv In the dark regarding the tlmo It tiok to turn the stcam * > n and to regu late It. The most material advantage gained by the state was the wide dlffeionco In the de scriptions of the appearance of the vat on Sunday morning given by Luctgeit and Mr Chirles Mr. CharUs said the vat contilniil tallounabslmllateJ grease , Ije and some soap. Luetgcrt maintained It was nil "soapy substance" nnd that the only difference be tween the top and the bottom was the for mer was darker colored and slightly more fluid. Fully a dozen questions were put and repeated with the design of forcing the wit ness to tell what the soapy substance looked like. Ho realised the Importance of the point and obstinately repeated his answer that It was Just "soapy substance. " The cross-examination Jias only begun , rrho direct testimony was for the greater part of less Interest than on the former dajs. Mr. Luetgcrt delivered his roast of the police , and completed the task of denj- Ing Incriminating evidence of various state witnesses. The last Important feature was his statement that his wedding ring con tained no Initials when lie gave It to Mrs. Luetgert twenty years ago this month. Ho said he never had seen the rings which are In evidence in this trial until shown them in court. vsT TOIL -lon.vvs w Snow mill Colder , nltli Wind from the -Norlli , WASHINGTON , Jan. 21. Forecast for Tuesday : For Nebraska Snow ; colder ; northerly winds. For Iowa Snow ; colder ; easterly winds , becomingnortherly. . Tor South D.ikotu LlKit snow ; northerly roi 'Missouri Kaln turning Into snow In northwest portion ; colder ; easterly winds , becoming northwesterly. Toi Kansas Snow ; probably clearing Tuebdny afte-inoon , colder ; not theily winds. Tor Wyoming Generally fair ; variable winds. Iiocul Iteeoril. OFFICD or THI : wnATiifiu BUREAU , OMAHA , Jan 21 Omaha record of temper ature and rainfall compiled with the corresponding spending day ot the last three yeiis : 1SOS. 1897.16 % . ISO" . Maximum tcnipcrnturo . . 31 .00 i ! 21 Minimum temperature . . . 22 12 11 -1 Average temperature . . . . W C 10 30 Uiilnfnll r 01 T .00 Record of. temperature and precipitation nt Omaha , for this day uiul since March 1 , 1 97 : Normal for the day- SO Hxcess for the clay ( Accumulated excess since March 1 .1 % Normal rainfall for the day 02 inch Uxcess for the day I.t Ineh Totul rulnfall since Miireh 1 2031inehcM Deficiency since March 1 10.4T Inches Excess for cor. jie-rlod , li7 C 2(1 ( Inches Deficiency for cor. period. IMG. . . . 11.M Inches ItoiiorlH from Sliitlon * nt 8 1 > . m. Seventy-mill meridian lime. STATIONS AND STATE OP \\UATIIUIt. Oinnlm , llRlit mow . North I'luUi * . enovklnK . . Knit I i ! < o C'lty , ckur . ' 1- OiieyciiiH' . snottltu : Kuplil C'lty , enowlni ; . . . . . lluron , cloM'ly ChlcnKO , UoilJy , . , . , . . Wllllslon , clear St Ixiuls , cloudy . , . St. 1'aul , cloudy . Davenport , I'lomly . llcluisi , imrtl > cloudy . . . . Kaunas C Ity , cloudy . Havre , rluir . Ilium ircl < clcnr Oahcatun. cloudy . . , . . . . CC T Indicate" trace of [ incliiltnllon. U A. WnLSII. Local 1'orccast O/IlcIal. / BoftWhlte. anda with Shapely Nails , Mini , riant Hair with Clean , Wholesome Scalp , pro. duced by CiiTlcuiiA BOAI- , the mostcirrctho nit In ] iiiriflng and bcautlflng soap In the world , as well as purest and sweetest , for toilet , bathand nnraery , ' 1 tioonly pre\entho of Inflammation and clogging of the roues. Poir li Mil throughout Ibo vorli Putin D lo li CHIK. lx r Koto l'r < ji , lluilon , U H A CO * " " lol'uilf/ua Ik.ullfr | L > Eklo , Betif nl Jlilc , " uiillul ( IM. UcrU ICUII M KMUIW IJ\cn Inliy n dct < 'atul < > that it I * not right tlmt mother ohouUl br always , kVl\ , tietvott * , fret ful and cto < Haby wondcti what Is the matter IHby wnultl wIllJtiRtv belli if lie could. It lies with the w-onnn henolf to help liet elf No one cl e can do it She tan help licr < clf If she will. If n wom.iii will take ptopcr care of her womanly nclf , If slit will u c the tlRht rem edy for weakness and < lUea c of the otpatu tint the liutdcns of inatcrnitv , she will "soon be licaltliy , vigorous nntl amiable. She will be nble to liclp baby , Instead of leaving Inby to tiy ami help her. A wonderful temedy for weakliest nnd cll case of the oigans tlmt make wifcliood and motherhood j > o lblc ) i found in Hr. 1'icrcc's I'avotite I'lCfcCilptinti. H acts di rectly on these otRaiis. It tnakcs them Rttongnnd licaltliy. It has transformed tliouiatuls of suflctlnir , V" tn-rackcd women into healthy , hnppjic.i and mollici ? U allays inflimttiatlon , soothes pain , nnd steadies anil iuviRoiatcs the nctvcs , It ptc- pares for wlfchood and motherhood H In sures inherently licaltliv children All cooil druBRlsts sell U. There is nothing "just the situc" or "jti t as peed " The tlrucgist who tells jou there is , is cither mistaken or dishonest. Mrs Joseph Simmons , of ItirclRrccn , ( Irani Co , vVN , urites : "Inclo cd find ji cents In po > tnec 1-tniui | , lorlilcli picnic send me the 'Medical Adviser * In cloth cover. 1 Imvc u cil voitr Dr. I'lctic's 1'avorlte I'rcfcrlptloii , nnd his 'Golden Medlcil DK-ovrrv * nnd Tcllft * ' ntut Invc received n great deal of benefit Itotu them. " When n story w ritcr puts In n doctor he I * nlvvavs iid to ' 'I.oolc v\l e" Over one inllltoii people Imvo looked wise nnd acted wisely. They 1me bought Dr. 1'icrcc'i Common Sense Medical Adviser. Of there wi c folks , 680,000 of them paid ? i , v > n copy for the book. It was clic.ip at tint. Itlsn book of ic)3 pnges , with 300 Illustrations. Think of that. A mcdlc.U book too Kvery- bodv knows how expensive n medical edu cation is. Now there is n great edition of this book , that is bcinp ; given away. You pay the cost of inuilintr , that's nil. You s ctul n one-cent stamps for the book in 'troiiR matnlli COVCTS If jou desire n fine em bossed I'tench cloth eov r , send -51 one crllt stamp" Address , Wirld's Dispensary Med ical Association Huflilo N Y NEW COLLAR MotlierM Mornem : : "lot ln'l f.11 ! Mrs Wlnslott's bootliliitr Sjrup lini bc > n used for o\er TO M > nis iiv millions of mothers for tliclr elilldrcn Mlillo tcetliliiK with pirfiet 4UC- CCEI It toollics the chllil Kottin * the ium3 , nlln > 8 nil mill c in-i lndollc nn i l Iho lust rcmoil ) for lllnrrlioon Sold b > ilriiKKlsts In every part of the uorll. He pure nnd n h tat " .Mrs Window's SoothliiB Sjuip" nnJ tnko na other Idn ' J" > cent * n linttle You Imvo not found relief That Is fltinngo Not ns strange as > ou think. Hive jou tried to get It ? llivo jou | tried "Hudan ? " Don't nay that joui have , for If jou had there would bo no more shaking limbs Ho manlj- . Why have depressed spirits' Win bo gloomy ? "Hmljnn" cuics these thing1 * and it often cuies In a week , It wllj cure jou. YOU You take a look at joursclf. If "Hud- yan" will take all those wrinkles ouK of jour face ; If It will glvo jou bacUJ the manhood that jou have lost ; If It will enable jou to look your neighbor squarelj In the eye , If It will euro you of bashfulness nnd undo all the hirm that jou have done by abusing great powers freely given to jou b- ; a merciful Providence , why not ask ) about It ? TOO ! rar too gieat Ills to bo risked Mstaro you In the face. What bcautj Is there In stunted growth ? What use Is theio in hoping where there la IIP hope. "HUDYAN" bilngs llfo , power nnJ manliness. Circulars and testimonials are to bo had by calling or writing. They tell jou all about It . ( let -them. Blood talrt Is shown by halting speech , by loose teeth , by Iump In the throat , " 30-day blood cure" circulars und tcj tlmonhls are free too. The Hudsonlan doctors glvo tholr advlco free , and they willingly send circulars show ing what wondeis the 'MO-day blood cure" lias accomplished. Its as H.vlft as H.ifo. It curca all blood taint. No mittcr who says you cannot be cuicil , never despair ! btouKton , MiirUet nnd I2IIIH Six. .1 V\ \NCISCO , I Inntnnt Relief. Cnrolnl'iclnyB. Never rcturnti Jl will Kindly si ml to iniynilTcnr Inn plain vrnleil 9 < mUopuI'llir. ; u nn ( rlilliin-Hllh | full dim.- 1 ( loin for n quick , firh nlu euro for l.imt Manhood , IMKlit. Louis , Nimius Dilillllv. f-mall VVtuk lr rn.\arlcmili. Mr. ( i. II \VrUrlil. Munlc J illi'nipr. llnx . iri.Vt. Miimlmll , Alii li ' IITIIIK : LE BRIM'S Tli In remedy liclng In jected ellice.tly to tlio HCUt Of tllOHU lliftCnHVH of the Outillu. Urinary OrgnriM , roaulroH no clmniie of < llot. Cam CiinrnntoiMl in I to it . Nmiilliiluln ] iuclc only by Myeri-Dlllon Di Jc Co . S. B. Cor ICln and Far * nam Btreeti , Omana. Neb. \V n will and jou n five it ) ilar trUI treutment of thci iTencli. lomeJr UALTHOB fr c. ( .i.0l * > . ) i > nd nii > uulKunrunUolliutCALTIlouvrlll HTO1 > IHicharct * nnd I'mluluni , tHIIM'Hix rniulorrbio , \ lirlcuctlc , unil lll.h IOUI , I.o.l l ur. .V a It coxti vou nothing to try It. VonMohlCo. 001 BB -iiafrl l ; . * M ll""tl. ' < ) - fiVIADE [ VIE A MAIM AJAX TAIII-liTS POSITIVKI.y CnitH jMiftJfmoug Jitftate * Iutllnt { Mem ory , ImpoUmcjr , Klue ; loiune'is , oto . cnusetl by Abuuo or othur J icouaoa 11114 JndU- crotlorn , ' \ / anil turcltt r < > > tora I/MtVIUillt/ old or jounn. nn 1 lltuman forsludr , buelnruor murrlui , " . j.- . . , . f > rjevnnt Jinanlty und I'oiuum ; tlon 1C tuunn In tlinn. 'lliolrnwi oliowg immodlcto frniru'o- inCQt anJ i.ltw-U . 11 ( , Ultl : wliora all other full In- tilt upon liaTlnif the uenulno Alex anbloU , The * hnvo cured tliousundi uud will care 7ou , W o elvo a [ ion- ItlrunrlttoQiiunrantMi locltsct o euro fn nVP I" oaclicu > oor refund Ilia inoner. rricov/U l I Oij r lackayei or ell i ki.c ( full trealraonll for tiU ) . U/ moll , Inilalnwramwr. nnnn rucolrtof prlco. ( Iroulac ' " - AJAX REMEDY CO. , Xj'i ' * For ale In Orauha by Jaioe < Fomytb , IOJ Iff , Kill mrcet , Kulm to Co 1Mb and UouKlni fllrttli. CORE Ui lllgU lor uuuaturtt 4licti r i , InflommmlooiJ IrrlUllcui or ulceitllou f uneoa * uienitiMDMJ F ! > lMi , m4 not titrliv r t < nt la pltlu w r ipreu , cr p l < ) , ( l.uo. i , t ooiTIu , | l.l aljr Kl M