Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    TIIJ3 OMAHA DAILY BEE : Ttil-ZSPAV. JA'NUAllY 25. 1898. 11
Cousational Kows About Onba Gives a Big
Boom to Wheat.
Jrl ! F Itapldlv AilvancpH mill TliO
Who Iliild U'In-lit ItcriiHi' ( o Hell ,
Aildlnir Iiili-ro l t ( he
CIIICARO. Jan. 21-Tho Inst ten minutes
of toilay'H spsslon In whont were HH lively
ns during the days of the I.eltfr excitement.
Oponlns nt n shnrp ndvnnco , tin- market
dawdled a Ions until nenr the close , when
the receipt of \\e.\a \ \ that American war
shlpi had IJOPII ordered to Havana started
every short In the pit for cover. There was
no wheat for > nlu and the price shot up
lll < o a , gusli from a newly tapped gas well
The olllclnl closing price for May wns Riven
at O3'ic ' , 1'ic over Saturday's close , hut lip-
fore tt.o crowd k ft the pit ! ) lu was bid. July
closed at SITS3c | , nn advance of % c. Corn
and oata were dull , hut closed with u slight
advantage. Provisions wore strong and
showed closing advances ranging from 5c
to 15c.
There was enough hull news nt hand at
the opening Inwheat to start that market
stronger than for some time past. Trading
In Jlay commenced at from MHc to D2
nnd July from SlUe to S3c , showing an ad-
vauco for both months of about = > ic per bu
over S.iturdny'H ckislng prleto. Llvorpoo
H.iowed advniK-cs ranging from Id to lUi
at the opening there and reported the mar
ket very strong , p.irtly on account of rapIdly -
Idly decri-aKlng stocks , Another hull en-
couragemixnt was a reduction equal to n-'Jic
In the Italian duty on wheat. The offerings
were iUlte | liberal at the udvano-o mentioned
and continued so for the greatir part of tin ,
forenoon , but there was a mitllcli > nt number
of repentant shorts In the market to pre
vent any grriil reaction In May. That op
lion kept all the fort-neon within the rjngt ,
established at t'u- ' start , except for a few
momenta after the receipt of the closing
quotations from foreign markets. It was
then found that wheat at 1'arls for thi
MarchJuneterm had rweti15 centimes po
100 kilos , or the equivalent of 2Vic per bu
The result of that was to r.ilso the prlci
of May li > 92Til)3c. ) July was more susccp
tlblc to the selling which followed the open
Ing advance , and from Sjc It declined to
SI'/i'JiSI'Vse ' , but recovered to SI'HSiSlvkc ' ot
buying started by tliu news from Paris
Northwest receipts rather favored the bears
Mimuvapolls and Dtiluth reported a tola
of 433 ears , against Gilo last Week and 13
a year ago , llecelpts here were ! ! 1 ! car.
only ono car of which was contract grade
Afternoon prices ! tended downward ttntl
shortly before the close , many holder * tak
ing 7 > rollts. .May got down to 02 c and
July to SlVfcf. but about te.n minutes froir
the close news of the ordering of the Main
10 Havana was clrculaled on the Iloor am
the pit In an Instant was In nn uproar
Kvery short In the pit started In -wild him
for cover and the price shot up so qulekl >
11 fairly took tholr brcatn away. The prlc
had hardened to ! )2fifl2'lc ) ; ! bid , when 1'help
of Milmliie-Hodman bid y' c for M.OOO bu
and got It. lie Immediately followed tha
by a bid of P2c for r > 0,000 bu. more , wide !
no ono soemiid disposed to part with an
after that there seemed to be no more fo
sail * and everyone wanted It and kept Tal"
Ing their bids until It brought MWe. 1
Haggod for an Instant and sr'XC ' was give
as the closing price , but the excllemen
continued after the bell rang and before th
crowd stoppo'l trading ! Uc was paid for Ma >
Shorts In July were also scrambling and tha
option touched S."ic for the second time , clos
Ing at SIfiS."c. (
Corn was dull and heavy until near th
close. There was some professional selling
enough to make the market weak on th
small demand caused , presumably , by th
Increasing vislblo supply. The late jump I
-wheat - caused shorts to cover freely an
the market was * steady at the close , with
full recovery of prices. May ranged fron
2 ! > 1T29Vf < c to 2S4 < Q2Sc and closed a shad
higher at 29c.
The market for oats was very slow an
without Independence , prices following th
trend ot the corn market. There was som
buying of May for New York , the ( Ionian
being satisfied by elevator concerns. Th
rest of the business was scattered Ma
ranged from 2TCc to 23c and closed
shade higher at 23 c.
Provisions were firm all day and tr.'ulo wa
moderately active. A good advance wa
scored early on the "mall hog receipts
Prices eased off on realizing , but rule
strong again later and closed llrm nt nbou
outsldo prices Armour was credited -wit
a. good deal of buying. At the close Ma
pork wan 13c higher at ? 9.90 , May lard . "
higher at $1.85 and May ribs lOc higher a
$1.80711.92H- . , .
Estimated receipts Tuesday. A\ heat ,
cars ; corn , 350 cars ; oats , 250 cars ; hogs
2.1,000 head.
1/oidltiK futures ranged as follows :
No. 2.
CiiHli iiuntntlmiR were ns fnllnws :
K1AJUH Dull ; winter pjtents , ti.S ir4.W
ElmlKhls , JI.Ml4.10 ; Hprimj p.itents , JI.IOHI.tD
btrnlKhts , Jl.'Wril.Si ' ) : b.ikerd , $3.M3.SO.
WIII-JAT No. 2 Hprlnu. SSiW8)0 ! ! ) ! No. 3 cprlnr
EDifJle ; No. 1 ! led , 'JIHS5C.
COHN No. 2 , 27If274c ! ; No. 2 yellow , J7U
" 'OATS-NO. 2 , 231f. . o. t > . ; No. a wiutu , 2
C2l'/je. '
HVlJ-Nn. 2.
sV3EUSN"l _ 3ila"x eei , ; Jl.27ffl.31. Prim
thpllOVIHioNS-M ° i ; - < pork , per bid. . J'.75ii'J.f.O
I/ml , per 1l lb.75ff4.77'4. . Short rll
Bldc-s ( ! , > < ) ) . H.72BI.73 ; dry called shoulder
fluxed ) , ll SiCJ.OOi Hhort c ! ar sides ( buxe ! )
WlllHK'y Dlsllllers' nnlrheil goods , per Knl
11 19
Rl'OAHS Cut loaf. J5.11 ; cramilated. jd.
Cash tiuctallnns were as follows ;
On thn Pndiieo exchange today the butler
market wns steady ; eieamerles. ISifflSH ; dalrv
HW17c.hte f , MfSlie. Eggs. Hteadv ; fresh.
ICe. Dressed poultry , llrm ; turkeys ,
rhlrkens. CO7iduikn. ; . 7Jfc.
NH\V YOHK < ! i.MltAI ) , .M
( liiiilntlniiH for ( Inliny on ( icii > riil
Coiuniiidll Irn.
NEW YOHK. Jan. SI. I'ljOUIl IlceelplM. 20-
* 871 bills , ; i-ipoils , 18,192 bids. ; quiet , but ( Irmly
held : city mill patents , tr.OjI5.$0 ; city mill
c-leirs. $3.K'if'.W ; winter stialshls , ff.450I.GO ;
Minnesota piitenls , fS.MffS.Kd ; winter oxlms ,
$3.40Ii3. ) ; Minnesota bakers' , $ I.20JT1.4" > ; winter
low grades. f2..iOi3. < M. Hye nmir , o.uli-t nt $2.50
fi'3.10 , lalter fancy. HucUwhrat Hour , quirt at
Jl. Will. 30.
Iiri'K\VHEAT-iiilet nl 30c.
COHNMIlAL-.SIeady ; > elloucstern , C6c.
HYE Dull ; No. 2 wo.'tern. Me.
HAItl.r.Y Dull fee.llng , wei-lern , SGHe.
HAHLEY MALT ( JilletMJtiin. ; . 52jC3c. ! |
WHEAT Hi-eelpt.H. 11.4V ) In. ; exports , 87.700
1m. ; iut ; SIIOUK : No. 2 n" , , $1.03. Options
op.-ned strong on higher cable * , reported reduc
tions of Million duly , foreign buying nnd bull-
lab home liens ; i-iim-d off under realizing , but
rallied again en strong late cables and export
id-Hi ui'l ' nmV i-li-pi-d Tij2'le | mx lilKher : January ,
fl.OCVtbl.OT. closed ot $1.07 ; M.HI 13-1C0M 9-lCe ,
closed flt OTt e
COHN-iHci-clptK. 59.475 bu. ; exports , 17200 bu. ;
ppot quiet No. 2 , 3'i\e. Opivms openeil steady
vvllb wheat , but eased off under very light
speculallen ami absence of demand , closing n
chadu easier with wheat at unchanged prices :
May. 33TW3I 1-lfc , < lined ml 3K- .
OATS - UcrelpU , 101. ( ) bu. ; rxiu > rts. Ct.CIl bu. ;
rput steady ; Na 2'S'iC Options luucllvn and
barely utrnily all day closing iiiuhanged ; May ,
SSliff24iir , el11"1 * ! at SSVie.
PEED-KInn ; brim , C7H8S5c ; inlililllnga , 750
77Hc ; r > ' ' ' fr" " ! . Kc-
HAY -Quiet ehlpphiB. 33frSi'j ( good to choice ,
IIOPS-Klrm. 1S93 crop. < 8ft > . : 1SJO crop , 6ff9o'
1597 crop , 17UI9Pulo ; ! | coa t. UW crop &Co ;
1S rn > P , fcttiOo ; IS'J7 crop , HWlJo. '
IflDIW Klnn ; Onlveston , liu ; Texas dry , lie :
California. 17C1SO.
I.EATIlEH-Slcady ; hemlock sole , Iluenos
WOOL-Sleady ; lleece , 25ifJlc ; Texas. ISfilTc.
I'llOVISlONS-HiHif. steady ; family. $ ll,0off
11. Mi extra men , $ S,00(8.50 ; beef | iam . $ J2.K1W
I2.W ; packet. J9.CNHtlO.00. Cut meats , steady :
pickled bellies , 5ii& ' : pickled shoulder * . 4MfGo ;
pickled liuiiin. 7fr7 c. I.ird. quiet : western
jilisinH $5OS , May , $3.20. nominal : rt-llned , steady
1'ork. firm ; prime IIK'HS. $ .75tflO.OO ; nhort i-lea- .
J10.00eit.00 family , $ IO.S5 10.7J. Tallow , nominal ;
city. SMfJWc. counlry. SVi i'3e.
OII > S Petroleum , dull ; retlnej Now York , $5.43 ;
Philadelphia and Baltimore. JS.SS. Itotln. tteaity ; I
trnlnod , ommon to Kood. il.ii4fl. T'7. Tutpenp ,
line , firmer , 34ttttJic. Cottonseed ell. InnciU * . ,
but fairly itcudy ; prlmu rruile. 1HO'J'.4C : prime
crude , f o. b. mill15V4171G - ; prime sunim-r y l-
low.JJi4i23ci _ ! . . oft . . suminer . . yellow . . * 2hiC ! biutrr
II. 24JI25C ; prlmo winter ye41.m- , .
HICE Steady , fair to extra. 3 % ; cvic. Japnr.
. ,
MOLABSKS-Qnlft ; Ne\r Orlenns open
good to choice , S'lfiMc.
METAIPIK Iron , warrant * . Posy t $ " ! CO
> ld nnd IG.70 asked ; lake copr. . quiet nl $10 do
dd nnd 111 ntkttl ; tin , eaule' m { 13. " Md nnl
IJ.S5 nsUcd ; tpelter. nrmer nt $ J.OT * < $1.10
ni > ktil ; Itnd , tnrr nt ( SM bid nd $ VU nt'xed. '
I'hn III in that fixes the * ettliii < prlc ? foi miners
.and smelters qur.tos lead nt J .5o.
UUTTKIt Hr-c"lpt , 16.04 ? vksr. : western
crenmery , UV ) j20i ; P.lBlns. 20 > . facton' , 11WI4P.
CHii' : 4KHecelpls. . 1,15 ? pkgf. ; quiet : lar e ,
vhlte. Septemlier , fcttg&ftu ; mnnll , white , < p-
tembcr , DiftSHe ; largo ci > i rril , September ,
aie ; strnll. minted. Hoiitoinb-i. " ' .
October , S'4flsse ' ; llRbt Rklint , OflMte ; pnrl
Bkltn.s. ( ffj'ie ; full skims. 2 < f3o.
EODSIteeelptK. . 5.91D pkft' . ; raMer ; n'.ate nn I
Pcnnsylvnnl.i. IMIZOe ; western , ISe.
( 'iiiiillllnii of 'I'm ilo nnil fliiolntliiiifi
( in SI 11 11 1 1nnil KIIIII.IPriiilini . - .
The egg innrlcrt I * badlv dpinnrullxnl , tha mllil
weiither linvlnc brought III a llood uf recdplk.
8loel , nro accumulating and II la ImpoaslWe to
Rlvi > nn nrcur.ite quotntlrjii.
EOJS-(1o ( < xl ntoek , 12'iSJHc
IirTTEIl'-Cominiin tu fair , OSHc : -paralir
creamery , 2c.-e ; gulhcreil creamery , U 19c.
\ LAI Cholru fat , SO to 120 Itn.f quoted nt fcc ;
W and oiiimo. 45l.1e.
DHErfSED I'OI.'LTHY-Chlckens , CWc ; tur-
Kny . iMUIc ; Keesp. Sc ; duck * , 7'4c. '
OAME Smnll inhblls , per do * . , 73c :
$ I.2S ; siiulrmls MlttWe.
PKJEoNS-Lfve , 75i.- : dead plffeoni not wauled.
HA\-Ppliinil. JC..V ) ; inldlnnd , 15.30 ; Ion-land
. - : tye straw , Jl ; colnr make * the pilcp on liny ;
IlKht h.iles .C | | the best ; only lop Bradca bring
top price. " .
CELEHV-nood slui.-k , large , 40c ; small , 2W
UNIONS Per bu. , SI.
HEANS-IIaiid-plckeil navy , per hu. , J1.2M ?
.SWEET POTATOES-Kam-as , 10-pecl < bbls. ,
KM ; fnney Muscnllne , 11-ncclc bbls. , $1.15.
CAHII.UlE-C.imd slork. per bu. . 1',4c. '
POTATOES Homo Blown. 6'4f.-ci western
sleek , 70c.
APPLES Winter stock , t1.no93.ii ) ; California
Helleileur , boxes , $1.3' ' ) ; I'olnrndo Jonnlhnns ,
boxes , J1.73 ; Oregon , boxes , Jt.Ji.
CIIANHEIiniKS .leiseys , per bid. , J7.Wff7.25 ;
Wisconsin Hrll nnd Dugte. J7.5087.73 ; Wisconsin
Hell and Cherry. $0.
Oil API-IS MahKas , I'-.OOijM.fO.
OHANOES-MexIciin. per box , J2.73JJ3.00 ; Cali
fornia nnvels. J.I.OMf .1.23.
LEMONS' California , fnncy , J.I.23 ; choice , .
11ANANAS choice. InrKR Block per bunch.
J2.001/2.23 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.7392,00.
NPTS Almonds , per lb. , Inrge size , 12trtV ;
small , He ; Hrazlls , per lb. , 9(10c ( ; English wnl-
nuts , per lb. , fnney nft shell , 10R11" ; stand-
arils , S'uSc : filberts , per lb. . lOe ; pecans , polished ,
medium , CiJi7c ; extra largo. , 8S"Dc ; large hickory
nuts , tl.OOffl.10 per bu. ; small , M.23rl..1i per
bu. ; coconnuts , per 1W , Jl ; peanuts , raw , " "
roasted , c iOi fTr.
KIOS Impiirtiil fancy , 3 crnwn , 11-lb.
12e ; G clown , 1Mb. boxes. Hjfl.'c ; 2-lb. boxefl , 22
02c : ! perl ) v ; California , 10-lb. IMK. Jl.
HONEV Choice while , Kc ; Colorado amber , 10
KHAPT Per bbl. . Jl ; hnlf bbl. . ! 2.23'iJ2.S3.
MAPLE SVHI'P l-'lve-cal. cunt , cneh , J2.7" , ;
cnl. eans. pure , per doz. , J12 ; halt cans ,
JO.23 ; quart cnni. $3.,0.
DATES H.-illowee. Ci ) tn 70-lb. boxes , Cc ; Salr ,
G',4r : Pnnl. 9-jb. boxes , Oc.
CIDEH-Per half lib ] . . SI ; bbli , J5.23.
DHESSED HEKK C.cmd unlive steers. G'Sc ;
KODd fnieiiunrters steers , Bijc ; good hlndiiunrters
steers , S-iie ; western Fleers , Co ; fancy heifers.
nie ; Rood heifers , Kc ; Rood forcquaitiTs heifers ,
3c ; Riwil hlndaiiarters heifers. Sc ; good rows ,
. " e ; fair cmvs.p ifc ; cow foreipiarters , l s-e ; cow
hlndiiuarlers. "Vic.
DEEP CPTS Hnnptlnc tenderloins , 4140 ; ribs ,
No. 1 , lie ; ribs. No. 2 , EC ; ribs. No. 3 , Cc ; sleer
rounds. 7e ; cow rounds , CVie ; cow rounds. sbnnU
off , Kr ; eow rounds , shank nnd rump off , 8\c ;
trimmings , 4 ! c ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per
doz. , 3r-c ; sweetbreads , per lb. . 12Vjc ; sweetbreads
( calves ) , per lb. . 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 33e ; ox
tnlln , eTch. 3c ; livers , per ib. , Zc ; hearts , per lb. ,
3c ; tonRues , per lb. , ISVic ; calf livers , enc'.i , 33c ;
cnlvcH , whole carcass or fides , 9c ; cnlf head nnd
feet , Fcalded , per set. 73c ; tenderloins , fresh. )8c ) ;
tenderloins , frozen , ICe ; boneless strips , fresh.
fc ; boneless strips , frozen. Oc ; strip loins.
fresh , SV6c ; strip loins , frozen , G'ic ' ; rolls , bone
less. flVjc ; rolls , spencer cuts , Sc ; sirloin butts ,
boneless. 9c ; shoulder clods , boneless , Cc ;
rump butts , boneless , 5' ' , c ; No. 1 chucks , . " 'Je
No. 2 chucks , l > ic ; No. 3 chucks. 4iic ; boneless
chucks , 471C ; cow plates. 3V4c ; steer plates. 4c ;
Hank steak , fie ; HIns. No. 1 , 13c ; loins. No. 2.
lOc ; loins. No. 3 , Sc ; short loins , market style , 2c
nbova loins ; fhort loins hotel style. 5c iibove
loins , cow loin ends. 8c ; steer loin endSc. .
MUTTON Pnncy lambs , 5e per lb. ; lambs.
T'.te ; sheep , GVfce ; market rocks , lonK , So ; hotel
nicks , short. He ; loins. 8' c ; saddles , S5ic ; less ,
9c ; lamb ICRS , lOc ; bi easts and etcws , 3 c ;
tJiiRiU's , each , 3c ; forequarters , 5 ! < c.
POH1C Dressed piss , 5c per lb. ; dressed lions.
l' < , c ; tenderloins , 12'ic ; loins , snort , 5lje ; IOIIRT. Be ;
spare ribs , 4c ; ham sausaRe butts. 0'4c ; Boston
butti. 5c : shoulders , rouRh. 4io ; shoulders ,
skinned , 5c ; trlmmlnRi- ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , He ; heads , cleaned. Ic ; snouts nnd ears ,
3c ; backbones. 2c ; slip bones. 2iic ; cheek meat ,
3Vjc ; neck bones , 2c ; pips' tills , 3c ; plucks , each ,
rc ; chltterllnKs , Be ; hocks , 4c ; henrts. per doz. .
2."c ; Ftinmclis each , 3e ; tonRues , each , 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. . 10c ; brains , per doz. . 13 ; pips'
feet , per doz. . 2r > e ; livers , each , 3c ; IIOR rinds ,
3c ; blade bones , Gc.
HIDES No. 1 Rreen hides. 7c ; No. 2 preen
hides. Cc ; No. 1 salted hides. S5 < c ; No. 2 sreen
salted hides. 7lc ; No. 1cn ) cilf , 6 to 12 Ibs. .
lOe. : No. 2 veal calf. 12 tn 15ii. \ . , Sc.
SHEEP PELTS fireen sailed , each , 1375c ;
ereen patted hbearlliiKS ( short wooled early
"kln.i'l. cnci : , ir e ; dry shearllnRS ( short wnoled
uirly skins ) , No. 1 , each , Be ; dry Hint Kansas
und Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. actual
welRlit , 4i3c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3ff
kdry ; Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Hi. , actual weight , 4S3c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Hi. , actual weight. SSJIe.
TALLOW , OHEASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1.
2Vic ; tall.iw. No. 2 , 21Sc ; rough tallow. IHc ;
white grease , 2t 'i2ic ' ; yellow and brown Rrease ,
. . .p. .
HOHSI3 HIDES Eaob , J1.M02.23.
SI. l.iillls ( Ji-nri-iil Mnrk < > ( N.
ST. I/3UIS , Jan. 2l.-PIX5PH-Slrong bul un
i-bnngud , wllh a quiet trade In all lines ; pat
ents ) . $1.70ffl.F5 ; slrnlghts. J4.33JJ4.50 ; clear , $1.00
Sfl.2.1 ; mfdlimi. $3.50n3.75.
WIIKAT Hlnlicr , closing with Mny T4ifle nnd
July B up from Knturday ; Mny opened 14e
higher , dropped back ) 'Ac nnd lie. rallied 'iOc.
declined o nnd then advanced "KiOi " ie , closing
atrong nt the tcp rpot , lower , No. 2 red , cash ,
In elevntor , O2'ic ' : on track , ' . .VfPOc ; Janunrj- ,
O.'iU.e ; May , 95c ; July , SHic ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
S7U874r. !
fullN Or-ened wllh futurcfl depressed , but
Inter rallied nnd nt Hie close there were buyers
nt futures lie iibove the bottom , though 1-lCe
below SatunlJy ; fpot llrm ; No. 2ash. . 25c ;
Jnnuary. ! . " ? ic ; May. 2Wi 251ic ; July , 27'ic. '
OATS Nominally iirrhanKed EPOI lower lo
jell ; No. a cash , In elevntor , ; on track. 2316
? 23ic ; ; Jnnunry , 23i- bid ; May. 2li" : July. 22Hc.
HYE-Uulet nt 45c.
Fl.XXSEED-HU'her . but nominal nt $1.19.
HHAN Dull but etiong ; sucked , east track ,
& < ; Mt-ked , this oldu , direct. 6Cc.
HAY Finn for timothy , \\llli prnlrlo stoidy ;
prnlrli' , Hi.50i8.50 ( | ; timothy. f7.50W10.00.
IIUTTEH Dull ; creamery , 15BSOo : dairy. Sg >
ir > e.
e.IXJTTQN TlL'S-70c.
I1AC1OINO 5Vif6c.
METALSInd , dull at $ S.Hf3.42 ( i. Spelter.
nominal ut $3.75.
PHO VISIONS Pork , nrm ; standard mess. Job-
hlitK $9.73. I < ari1. higher ; prime slenm , $1.5714 :
i noire fl.f.1. Hacon , l > oxed lots , extra short
clear , $5 STliWS.M ! ribs , $3. ! f5.C2i ! ; shorts , J3C214
fffl.73. Dry rait menu , boxed shoulders , $1.7357'
5.00 ; extra short clear fl.7SOS.00 ; ribs , $ I.87UW
5.l2'.ii ' ; hrrls , fS.lilfeftri.JS.
HEi'Ell'Tri I-'lour , T,0 bhU. . wheat , Sl.COObu. :
rrm 131 OCO bu. : oats , 51,0 0 hu.
SHIPMENTS Plour , 2.000 bbliwheat ; , 12.000
bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu. ; pulf , Jd.O-W bu.
\ Vnr < * CoiiiiiilHHliin roiHiiiiny.
OMAHA OI-'PICB. Jan. 21. There was n stront :
feellntc manifest all around rtils mornlnir when
tinmm l.i-l opened. Porelgn advices wert
slrong"- ! and Liverpool cables were T d higher.
The market opened nt U2W to 92io for May
whent. or nlmut lie hluher than Satuiiln > '
clttn : with July higher In thu " 'ino ' proportion
tion nt ! 4V.
The advance wan pocn ttnt-pa-I , howbver , by
. - > lllnK against calls and profll-lak'ng. ' and Mny
held steady between 92'4o and 93c until near
the clofe , when thd slluillon became too stroni ;
for the iK-arft and I1u > maikcl rapidly mlranced
i-n nine heavy covering by shorts , and touched
S31 * . ! ' , afterward closing nt 93V-
Tb" visible copply statement shows a , decrease
of CSS ( XX ) bu. and n * llght decreai.0 In stocks
ttt Chleigo. . . .
Hei-elpl * today. S2 cars ; estimated tomorrow ,
40 rars.
News from abroad continue' extremely strong
nnd taken wllh nvir strong homo eltuatlon wn
think the tcp has not yet Iwcn reached. May
ttheit la telllnir nt 04o on tlu > curb this after
noon nnd privilege * arc quoted at 93o for puts
nn < ! 931ie for calls.
Corn opened stronger In sympithy wllh wheat
nt 29o to I91ie , but later ca > ed off under the
unloading or n few heavy long lines , and the
visible supply Btatemem showing an lncrea c
of a lltlle over 5ft > ( W bu. . ( unlnted In depres.
sing It to frot'i 2Sio tn MT c , where It was
Meady. but later rtrengthenoJ up with wheat
and cliueil at S9e bid.
HecelptH today , 3C3 oirsi e lmated tomorrow ,
350 cars.
Oau were steady and clon-d practically un-
chan e > l. The visible supply * hews a ilif-reasa
of 52SiW ) ( ) bu.
Hecelpt * today , J30 car ; estimated lomorrow ,
250 cars ,
PEOHIA , Jsn 21. COHN Market steady ; No.
i. 27e.
OATS-Market steady ; No , 2 white. 2c. (
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits.
Iliillliiinri * Marl.'ft.
HALTIMOHE. Jan 2t PIjOPHQuiet ; w tern -
ern superfine , f2.703lf > ; western extra , $3.3JJ (
4.09 : n-trrn , ftirnllj t < 1.vff4.S ) winter Vfli-.i'
pntea'p , JI.J-.U- . ; > : in. . 1 .00-7 I M.C.I „
Nhnttmtuht , M.i-WM. : * . . . rct.-u.pis , * j,11. bbi-- . .
"IP-UK nom.
WHKVr1'irrriT ! , -p" . mcnlh .in.l Veer nrr.
W'iWHUc ; AlB'ch. n. I. - . . bid ; Mnv , ftt' * niV ;
siminor. No. f red. : l % tHlc ; it.p K ! bu i
gJ irt , * Int..nthem rh-til. by Miupl- .
lie.OAT3 I'lrm ; Nn. 2 while. SSltWSOc ; Nn. 5
mlxe. ) . SSirwoipm : , < ! | .5U Int. ; exports. liJ.Sn-
HYi : null. 1 > nt nrm ; No. 2 neniby. Si'ie ; N" .
2 weMern , SHjc ; rceelpls , 025S ? bu : expiris ,
S9.1IO Hi.
IIAY-Slrnilv ; rhnlcr llmnlhv. 11J.
< 1HAIN FHEIOHTS Very dull , demand flit ;
steamer to Llvclpool , " ( til per bu.
IlPTTBIt ynlol ; fancy ci-enmery. V' ; fcncv
Imltnllnn infflie - ladle 13o . ! l-ill'
, ; fntw-y , : r - > -
1Wl4clore ! : pncked , 12fil4c
IXlOS-QulPl ; flesh , 17c.
CHEESE Pteidy ; fancy New York. .
. .loc ; fancy New York niodlum , IWMOUe ; fnm-y
New York , sniiill.
IlvrtiMil Mr.rlii-l.
LIVEHPOOr. . Jnn. Jl. WHKAT-Spol. nrm ;
No. 2 r-'d vtiiiltr.Aestern , 7s I'd ' ; No. 1 red
norlhern , fpilng , 7s IVjd.
COHN Spol. quiet ; American mixed , new , 3
r.,4d ; Amorlc-nn mixed , old. 3 * 7".4d. Future * were
dull ; Jnnuary. 3a . .lid ; Fcbiuao , 3s 3'id ; Marc.i ,
3s 21id. ,
FUlPH-r-St , l itilB fancy , winter , nrm at Os C.I.
HOPS At l jndon , Paclllc coast , llrm at il
13n ntkcd. . . ,
PHOVIS1ONS lleef , extra Indlin mess. CCs 3d ;
prime met * , JCs 3d. VnrK , llrm ; prime mess.
llrm ; wejljrn. 47s Gil. Hams , thort rut , dull nt
SGc. Hacon , llrm nt 2Ss Cd ; short ribs , dull at
2Ss 61 ; I ins cleur middles , light , llrm at 2S Cd ;
ling clear ml , idles. hen\y , nun nt 27s Cd ; short
clear backs , firm nt 2.1s Gd ; clenr biilllcs , dull at
31s Cd ; rhouliiers , square , steady nt ! Cs. Lard.
prime western , llrm nt 25s 3d. Cheese , white
and colored , dull nt 4s 3d. Tallow , prime city ,
nrm at 19s.
KIIIIKKK Clly C rii I ii nnil I'l-ovlnloitN.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 21. WHEAT Hard , fnlr
demand ; soft. ( Irmly held ; No. 1 hard. 87c ; No. 2 ,
M-.ljc. ; No. 3 , Sic ; No. 1 red , 95c ; No. 2 , 94'uU5e ;
No. 3 , 92c.
COHN llnther slow : No. 2 mixed. 2114 = .
OATS Some lower ; No. 2 white , 2.1'ic.
HYE Weaker ; No. 2 , 4214C.
HAY Unchanged ; choice timothy , SS.GOfW.OO ;
choice prairie , f7.O)07.BO.
1I17TTKII Quiet , unchanged ; creamery , 17c ;
dairy , He.
EOnS Steady ; fresh. 13r.
HECEIPTS ( two dayO Wheat , C82 00) bu. ; corn ,
I.OSB.CUU bu. ; oats , 32,0 ) ) bu.
SHIPMENTS ( two days-\Vhcnt ) , 201,000 bu. ;
corn , 299,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Poik , stamlaiil mess , JU.BO. Ii-inl , rcllned tierce ,
$3.75SiS.sij. Ho\ed meats , dry pnlt shoulders ,
$4.S7Vf5.00 ( : sides , $3.23. llacon. clear rib sides ,
$0.1214. Hams , choice sugar cured. $ s.00li8.73.
COl'PEESteady ; Hlo. ordinary tn fair , 71iS9c.
HlCE--Quk-t ; onllnary to good , SWil'fce ,
PLOl'H-Slt-ady ; extra fnncy , $ l.50iTl.CO ; pat-
enti- , $ I.V.iT1.S5.
COHNMEAL-PIrm nt $1.C51.70.
'HHAN IJulct nt CSfiKlc.
HAY Steady ; prime , $11.00813.01 ; choice , J13.DO
COHN No. 2 sacked white , S7SI374c ! ; mixed ,
3Cc ; yellow , 3CB37c.
OATS No. 2 kiicked , 29r29V c.
Cltu-lnilllll .Mnrki-l.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 21. PLOtnt-Stendy ;
fnncy. $ l.2iijil.lO ; family , $ I.W5J\1.73.
WHEAT Pinner ; No. 3 red , 95ST'J3'4c.
COHN Steady : No. 2 mixed. 290.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 25c.
HYE Quiet ; No. 2. 47c.
PHOV1SIONS Unrd , In fair demand , JI.C714.
Hulk meats , steady , $ I.CO. Hacon. steady , J3.7U.
WHISKY Steady. $1.19.
HPTTIill Fnnoy Elgin creamery , 2lc ; Ohio ,
IDjTISe ; dairy , lOc.
KPOAH Steady ; hard refined , $ l.lCffo.97.
IJOHS Easier , lower. 13c.
CHEESE Steady ; good lo prime Ohio nat.
NEW OHLEANS , Jan , 21. SUGAH-Open ket
tle , steady nt 2i < ! 'n > 3Vic ; centrifugal , stendy ;
grinulated , 4r > n'ii I ll-ICc ; whites , 3TiW4 5-lCc ; yel
lows 3 11-10514 1-lCc : seconds. 2i034c. ! : ; Molasses ,
ketlle , steady at Hf27c : centrifugal , easy at
j213c ; syrup steady at 18jT2lc.
NE\V YOHKInn. . 21. SUGAR Haw , firm ;
fair refining , 3UICccntil'ugal. ; . 9G test , 4 l-11c- re
fined , llrm : crushed , Vie ; powilered. 55-lCc ;
granulated. G'ic ; m > uld A. B c ; standard A ,
j'dc ; confectioners' A , 5c ; cut loaf , B > ic ; cubes ,
3 B-lGc.
_ _ _
A'lMlliliirnln Stiitoim-iit.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 21. The slntement of the
visible supply of grain In store and nllont Sat
urday ns complied by the Produce exchange , Is
an follows :
WHEAT 37,153.000 bti. ; decrease. C9. > ,000 bu.
COHN 41.7S9.000 bu. ; Increase , C53.COO bu.
OATS II 510,000 hu. ; decrease. 32V100 bu.
HYE 1.0112.000 bu. ; decrease. 143.000 bu.
HAHLEY 3,161,000 bu. ; decrtase , 421,000 bu.
.MliimMiiiolls .Miirc ! < t.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan , 21. WHEAT Steady and
higher : Jnnuary. 92o ; May , 91c ; July , U0ic ;
No. 1 hard. 93t ; No. 1 northern , 9354C.
KU3UH Higher : nrst patents $4.70 4.90 ; sec-
.ond patents. Il.33jr4.C3 ; nr&t clears , J'J.CjffS.iS ;
second clears , $2.7302.90.
ISHAN In bulk , 59.00tfn.73 ; sacked , $10.500
( ; nil 11 'HiMlils [ at Prliii-lpiil MnrUi-ts.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 21. Receipts : Wheat.
3S8 cars
CHICAGO. Jan. 21. Receipts today : Wheat ,
S2 cnrs ; corn , ! C3 cars ; nuts , fill cars. Estimated
lomorrow : Wheat , 10 curs ; torn , 330 cars ; oats ,
" DPLiTH , Jan. 21 Receipts. Wheat , 07 cars.
ToltMln .
TOLEDO , Jan. 21. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2
cnhh. 9lc ; May , DIMc.
CORN Actlv.Rtcndy : No. 2 mixed. 20ic.
OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 23c.
HYE Firm , higher : No. 2 cash , 47c.
CLOVEHSEED Active , steady ; prlmo cash ,
$3.20 ; March , J3.23.
Plillnilolplilii I'rnilucK.
PHILADELI'HIA. Jan. 21. HUTrEH-Steody ;
fancy western creamery , 20c.
I-X3GS Firm : fresh nearby , ! So ; fresh western ,
I'HEESI-J Firmer ; New York factory , choice.
9V , 094c ! ; New York factory , fair to good , tViff
_ _
MllwiiuktM * Miirlci-t.
MILWAUKEE , Jan. 21. WHEAT-IIIprher ;
Nn. 1 northern , 93c ; No. 2 sprhib' , SJ > S90c ; May ,
HYE Stendy ; No. 1 , WjiStWr.
UAIILKY Quiet ; No. 2 , 41if42c ; sample , 29
Di-frolf .MurK-ct.
DETROIT , Jan. 21. WHEAT No. 1 white
nnd No. 2. red. 9IK.C . ; Mny. 9lc.
CORN Ni > . 2 mixed. 2S'X.C. '
OATS No. 2 while , 274e. !
HYE Nil. 2 , 48c.
KlIMNlll'M ClTIMll AlM'l'IIKlIllCrOMHlMl. .
LONDON Jan. 21. The Mark I-ane Express
says the total cereal acreige of Russia Is 21-
000,000 acres , un Increni-e of 400,000 over 189C.
In < lnN'nr Slilp Maliii * Ciiilrir
NEW YOHK , .Ian. 21. There was nothing par-
lleularly Interesting In today's stivk market pre-
vliniB to the leci-ptlon of Ihe news lhat the
United States war ship Maine had been ordered
tn proceed to Hav.inn. Pntll that time the mar
ket was wholly In thu In mis of professional
trader * and tram-acllons were on n htnall Hcale ,
Standard stacks wen- neglected and the seeurl-
lle of the local corporations , which are more
or dependent upon municipal favors , weio
briskly manipulated. Liter some of the Vnnder-
Idlt stocks were taken up und advanced sharply.
The general maikel remained persbtenlly heavy
during nil t.ils time , but fluctuated very nar
rowly , the offerlngH being IlKht us well ns Ihe
demand. In the Inlernatlonal stocks the declines
were hardly as pronounced as thofct leported
from London. This state of affairs continued
until after midday , when It was followed by
general Impioveinent , prices having generally
risen u shndu above Saturday's close Jun be
fore the celling movement , Induced by the order
given the Maine. Them was skepticism at first
and the market held steady for a time , but on
the publication of Afsoclaled " Press1 no-
credited ii-poit liquidation t-ul In. Tha ilt-mnnd
was light and prices fell fad. Specialties which
had been marked up In the m irnlni ; and fume
of the railroads which had shown tho-graiteht
btrength lecently suffered the grealest loss on a
rush to takw pronta. Th Nurlhern I'aclllo nnd
Union P.ic.lle weio onrpl'-uouii ' sulTt-rers In Ihls
retpecl. Northern Pacific pteferred was off ul
one. tlmo 2 points. In n few cases fractional
nins remained lifter t'ao decline , but thu net
lorsea of bctwt-en 1 and 2 points are frequent ill
through the lint of active Mocks , Including thu
leading specialties , the grangers nnd Missouri
Pat-lllc. Thu alllludp of authorities at Wash
ington in attaching as lltlle t-lKiilflcance us pos
sible. In the proposed movement of the Maine
had little effect In allaying the bearUIi tendency
In the market. With the exception of sharp
rallies In the local New York group tae market
closed weak ami near the lowest. In thv last
tltlcen minutes of trading Third Avenue dumped
to 173 < 4 nnd then jumped 71i p dnts to 151. n fair
example of thu Instability of this group of stocks.
The notice from Washington that the deposits
in New York banks on icnnunt of the Prilon
PoclllcTnl ? would ha culled In ten weekly In
stallments the llrst on Wednesday next , was
doubtless wilh Ihe concurrence and approval of
Ihe banks In which the deposlls lie. The ROV-
frnnu-iu arranged In tje Hrst place tn leave
them there In order to guard against stringency
In the money market. Their withdrawal now , It
la hoped , may gl\e some tone lo thi * money mar
ket. which has grown quite plethoric , wllh a
probability of still dealer congestion of lde !
loans. Today's vail movement showed no quota-
bio change.
Th bond market showed Increased weakness
aa the day advanced , In sympathy with utookt ,
lha decline * IwhiK marked In the e Iwnda which
liavo bliown recent strength. The Pnlled Slates
now 4s fell Hi In the bid prlco twin jr. Tim call
InK of government deptmliii In New York tends
In Incri'a * * the supply of government bond * by
releasing placed a > M-curlly for tluun dc-
Th Evenlmr Post's Lmdon financial cable
gram wiyn ; The utoi-k markets here \vam qiiln
today , pt-ndlns the wlttemenl , but a dull openIng -
Ing waa nucceeded by a steady clo * ' , Cuntan-
goei on Amerlcanii an expected to rule aliout
the name an Ihft previous svitlement AlthnuR'i
money U linpruvlnt ; la value I expect the nuir-
! < < tv II hnvf lo pet n d tnnco fmm tht- Hank
.f I. > Ktnnil liof.irc the fli k Is ml
Ki-.l'nlnic are the clcftlnt quotitlms of tic :
celc on the Nciv York market today ;
' .Mehlxon f. . . ( II. P. . % U.1I. . . 72'i
UopM ' US
, ' " " "
HallltnorQ& Ohio. . P. ' . . . ! ! PJI
' Canada IMclllo. 8 1 iim
SO. Ilallw.iv SH
Central IMellle. jV ilo pfd OIJ 1J
Che" . .VO'UO ji- < Totn'.t P.ieino ! . . . 1IW
Chleaeo.V Alton. . . . Union P.icltlc , . a2 : .
C..II.&Q U..P. Ito )
C..VE. I f" ' JVnba < ( h
C.C. C.-V St. L do.lifd 174
- rlopfd si ) - A L. n ' - ' ) (
lp | . . % Hudson 1IOM V L. K. pfd
i l.'cl. L. ft W 15 Hi Ex. . . . 15 ! )
Don. AKIoG iVmcM an Ex " 118
dopfd 414 ! tinitt.tSir.tV'iKv. ' . 41
I Krlin ( < wl 14"H
' KrlotntuM -"H A. Cot. OH 10 !
; Ft. Wavin- 10 ! ) j dolifd 7 f
Ore.H Northern tifJ 1HI ! Am. Spirits '
j llocklnu V.illov. . . . H > i Ath. Spirit * , pM IS
HllnolHCjutrit. . . . Am. TooiiCL-D
" ' ' ' ' ' ' 1(1 ( lo pfd 11-j
"dopfi . . . . . . . . . . 71M IVopio'a tliiii. . . . . . . H5
I.ako3hor.i Cons. U.-iH . . . . , . . .lnO
Loin-VIHoA Ntkiill. 34H Co'ii.CabloCo 171) )
Mniih.-ittaii L 11UH Col. P. .V Iron .
Met. St. llv 14t < | do pfd . 71)
Michigan . Ult ) < lo n. Klivtnc . H44
Minn. A St. L SI I Illinois Slenl . -til
do 1st nfd St 11/lCledo Has . 45
Mo.lMclllc . 34K
, Mobile .V Ohio I'D I no nfd
Mo.K. \ T llJ4lNnt. Lin. Oil
do pta 3 IX i Oregon Imp. Co
Chi..Hid. AIi SHI I'aclllo Mall
do pfd Ill Pullman Pal . 17(1 ( .
N.J. Ccnlral liI < ! sil < rerCorllllc.iles.
N. Y.Cjntral IP.'MiSt.iml.Kune&T. . . , : i"
N. Y. Chi. ft St. L. . ' - - '
dolst pfd do pfd ! ! <
do-Jdpfd T. C. A iron "ilti
Norfolk A Wosturn 14 U. S. Lc.ilhor '
No. Ami-r. Co 14til do pfd . O'J
No.t'aclflc SA , d. Uubb-r :
dopfd H2H do pfd
Oiuarlo.V W 111 Wi'Htern Union. , . . 8SH |
Ore. K. A Nav IllVj Northwestern .HUH
Ore. Shorl Line dopfd 1114S
Plllsbm-tf Hlo Ornndu West . I- ! '
HnadmiT 21 do pfd 3
Koc-k Island 37HUS ChlciiBO-Gmnt W. 14VS
ST . iic a. < V . . . . . . . .1 ( US S. L. .V S. W : fl
do iHtpfd i"4M do nfd U
ilo'.MM pfd 24 1 * Hawaiian Com. . . . 'MX
St. Paul ! > . Heading 1st pfd. . . . 4S > 4
do nfd Ml :
Total sales of flocks today were 400.300 flnrcs.
Ineludlng : A trillion preferred , V.MO ; O.ik'as" ,
IlurlhiRton .1 milney , 29.07J ; Louisville & Nash
ville , 5.BJO' Manhiittan , ' .7W ; Metropolitan , 12-
IfO ; MIsHnlirl 1'ncllle. 5.r,00j New .Jersey Central ,
3.SSO ; New York Central. 3S.743 ; Northern t'a-
clllo preferred , I'l.GSO ; Ontario & Wcjtein , 3C70i
IlocU Itland , S 7C5 ; St. Paul , 27.7.V ) : Union 1'a-
cllle. 18.MO ; American Spirits , 3.4S5 ; Tobniyo. 11-
lai ; ChU-aKO Wcstnrn , u.Btr , ; People's Oas ,
" - ri2"i' Consumers' Oas , 14,2'Jfl ; Paeltlc Mall , 3,013 ;
SUBar , 36,110 ; Western Union , 3,720.
\ < MV Turk JloiK'y .llnrUi-t.
Nn\V YOUK , Jan. 2I."MONI2Y ON
Nomlimlly. Hs 2 per cent.
STKIIMNO KXCHANOK Strndv , with aeliial
busliu'pH lit hankers' bills nt Jl.SOi for demand
and JI.WM for Hlxty iViys ; ) vi te l rules. M.W.l
and $1 S3WW4.Sii ; commeielal hills , Jl.Si.
MnXICAN noJjIjAHS ll Jc.
OOV'sllNMIJNT BONUS .Steady : 4 * , new.
rec.127vi ! COUIMIII , 12S i : 4s. re > ? . , 112U ; cou | > on ,
114U ; 2a , 100 ; S- * . ! i'ir. . 113'i ; frf coupon , lll'A ;
Paclllc Ca of ' 00 ,
Closing quotations on Lends were ns follows ;
. . . . . . . . . N.J. O. ( is .11-J
U.S. naw is COU..12HH N. C. Os .12.-
U.S.48.rez . ; i'J N.C.4S .104
U.S. Is , coup . 11 I No. P.ioilio 1st ) . . .117
U.S. Us. re ? .10,1 , No. P.iclllo Us . U-'K
U.S. Ss.reL' . .113M No. I'acllle 4s . Oi'i '
U. S.r.s. . coup 11 IH N. V. tl .t St. L. 4s. .101) ) '
DlHlrlet : ) . fljs . 11(1 ( N. & W. Os
Ai. ! : . class A . IDS N. W. Oonsnls I I.'i
Ala. .class 11 .108 N. W. Ueb.fis IIS
Ala.class'3 . 1011 On ) . N.I v.l sis II IK
Ala. Currency. . . 100 ore. Nav. 4s . . .I.T4
Atchi oii4H . 'Jl O. S. ii. Us. t. r. l'2.1Mi
Atclilsunnni. 4s. . 'JlMH O. .S. L.B1. t. r 03
Oanaiia So , ' 'ud.i . . . O. JIIID. Ists. t , r. 107 ! <
C. & N. P. t. r. Ss. 85'n O. lint ) , us. t. r 57
O..t O. .is . 11. . Pacltlc OS ot 'ij ) ,10.1 > i
C.II. .tU. 4H1- .if . 41 '
U.AU. G. lots . IDS R. O.Wait lilts 83HJ
U.&B. 0.49 . in St. L. .t I. M. CJii. i H ! ) H
KahtlVan. Ists. . . St. L..tS. P.O.m.0.1 111
KrinGea.13 . 70 St. P. Consuls 110K
F. W.Jfcl ) . 18. t. r. 73 SL P.O. .t P. lsH..llMl ! )
"Scn.EPo. 5s. . . . lOOM St. P.C. A 1' . us 110M
G. II. S. A. Os 107 S. C. nonfnnd
H. It. AS. A. 'Jill. . .III. ! Southern Hv. &i. . . 02
IL.MT.CPiit.Os UDVi S. U. AT. Os 5S
H. AT. C. can Os. .IHiJW Tenn.iiew settn : . . H7
Iowa C. Ists 101) ) Tex : . l > ae. L. G. IsUlOJhi
K. P. Con. , t. r 117 Tox. LMo. Us. 2ds. . : ll
K.P.lHlH. t. r ao U.P.Hts , . 121K
La. New Con. . . . . ( ) ! D.'P.O ) . AO. Ists. . 54 ? !
L. &N. Unl ia Ht ! Wab. lot 3s.
Missouri Us 101) ) Vfab. ails 8H <
M. K. AT..Ms 0H : ! \VostShoro4s . . . .10DH
M. K. AT. is SS V . Cnmnrlo ! ) 7 ( ) > S
N. Y.C. l ts 11UW V.I. iliiforrjil it
i iitiu-Ic iliiotatlniiN.
HOSTON. Jnn. 21. Call loans , 2 3'i percent ;
time loans , 3Vj04 per Oqnt. ClosinB pi Ices for
stocks , bonds and mlnlnu shares :
A.T.AS. H > IV ! ( i VVIB. Com . . . . . 3
American Susar. . 183)1 Brti Eloa. IH. . . . . . 103
Ani.Sujar ufd . . . 118 Gen. Kloa. nfd . 811
Uav St.ito G.II..I 13-111 Atchlson pfd . iUW !
Hell Tolophona. . . Atchlson 43 . 8'J
UoBtonAAlbinv. N. Kinr. OH . 113
Boston4. Mama. . . 107 Oi-neral Eleo. , lH. . li'.IM
C..H.A Q \Vls. Cent In . 4UM
FltchDunr \Vis. Cent On . l'3
Gencrnl Hloctno. . Allouez Mlnln ; U > 1)0 )
Illinois SUM I 40 Atlantic . Silt
Mexican Central. . 0(4 ( llostoii.t MonUiu
N. Y..V N.K no IHHio.t Itostcn. . . . -4H
Ola Colonv IS'.I CaliunuUt IluaU. . 4U8
o.s. i. Cuntonnlal .
Dillon IMclflo sow Oscoola 11) )
WmtiOml 8- ' Oiilncy 109
do pfd 101 I 11
W. EloR JI ) Wolvcrutu
do pfd 01
\i > v Yorlc Mining Uiintntloiin.
NEVOHIC , Jnn. 21. The following arc the
closlni ; mlnliiK quotations :
Chollar M Ontario B3i )
Crown Point 2fl Ouhir 5. >
Con. Ual. & Va. . . . 103 I'lymoutn 8
Dcndwoou DO Oulckallv-jp 101) )
( Curry ! IO Ouluitailver nfJ. . . 1)00 )
IliloiNor < iro33. . P-'O Slerr.i Nevada. . . . 70
Iloincanxo 3700 Sinndard 1:15 :
IronSllver 3(1 ( Union Con 40
Mexican 20 Yellow Jac'iuc . . . . 114
LONDON . Jan. SI. 4 p. m.--CIi lnK :
ConnolH. in'y liah St. Paul common. . .
ConsolH , auct..lli ! 11-10 N. V. Conlr/n /
Can. Pacllie Pennsylvania .
Erie lli ! II
Erlu'JndH. . . , , 'M Mox. Con. now 4- . .
111. lOlMn AtchlHon IBM
MiiMiyin ordliiary . . lUy L.fcN rH
HAH SILVEH-Steady at 20 3-lCd per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cunt.
The rate of discount In the open market for
liort bllln. 2 3-102'4 per cent ; three months'
bllln , S l-1002i ! per cent.
Klllllll < ! llll .Vlltl'H.
OMAHA Jan. 21. Clearances , $900,879.38 ; bal-
mice * . $49,170.48.
CHICAGO , Jnn. 24. Clearings , $14,852,350 ; New
York exchange , 70e premium ; posted rates , $ I.S3Vj
and $4.Wi. Stocks , were strong nnd fairly ncllvu
up to noon ; leaded on Cuban news. Closing :
S'cf t ChlCTtro , wy , ; Alley L , CO ; Diamond
Match , 140VJ bid ; Lake Street L , 13V4 ; New York
HUcult. C37' : Strawboard. K1. ! ; .
NEW YORK , Jan. 21. Hank clearings , $70-
OSS.-SS ; iKilimces. J4. 821 , 400.
HOSTON. Jan. 2)-ClcnrlnB8 , 13.921,1SO ; bal
ances , $1.S7G,114.
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 21-Clenrlngs , J8.IC3-
071 ! ; balunccs il.2MSI2.
NEW OHLEANH , Jnn. ZL-ClenrlnB ? , fl,19G-
413 ; New York exchange , bank , par ; comnu-rclal ,
* l per $1,000 discount.
MEMPHIS. Jan. 21. Clearings , 1010,193 ; bal-
nnres , J2to"CO ; New York exchange , selling at
$1 pr&mluir ! .
ST , 1X > UIS , Jnn. 21. Clearings. $1,780,031 ; bal-
ancea , $5j,449 ; money , 6ff8 per cent ; New York
exchange , tOa premium bid , 75o premium iibked ,
CINCINNATI , Jnn. 21. Clearings , 12,723.700 ;
money , mflr per cent ; New YoiU exchange , 15
WWo premium.
< "i mi iu-lii I.
IXNDON , Jan. 24 Oold la quoted nt Iluenos
Ayres today nt 103.CO.
PAHIS , Jnn. 'il Three per rent rentes. 103f
I i 2Si for tin * account. At thii i ienlng of business
on the bouree today diillm-su prevailed. After
ward thu market wa betier dl po eil and closed
firm. Henes ( fold on apn-hevslons ; ; of a crisis.
Italian securities weie firm. Spanish 4s were
heavy. Hlu TlnUs were In g tnl favor.
1'EHLIN. Jan. 21. lluvlticfn nas dull on the
bf'inso In-ri" tixlny on New York mi.-rts lesard-
Ini ; Cuba , combined with the hltiintion at Paris.
, Northern Pacifies and Cnmi.llan IMclilcs re-
eoMTed from the worst prices. Hanking securi.
I lien were fairly inalnlaln d , Mining i.lnircH do-
t-llned. '
\niiTlriiii .SiM'iirltlt'N In Liiiiilon.
LONDON. Jan. 21. The in iket for Amerlcin
ec.'initleH uftcr a weak up'tilng WIIH steadier ,
with trading mostly piofo9sl < inal. The closing
tone was Hti-ady and the demind molerate.
CiiiTcr MtiiluI'M. .
NEW YOIIK , Jan ' 24. - < v > KJ-'BK Oplloni
opened baldly steady at ftfi'lf ) points decline ;
ruled more netlvo under Ilipilditlon , following
lowi'i- cables , heavy receipts -at lllo und Santos
smaller United States warehojuo deliveries and
caglcr rpct market ; cloyed 'inlet at SiflO polntu
net de-lino ; pales , 1'J.MO l > ig . Including March ,
$3 rOffS.Gk Hj > nt coffee , Hlo , wwik ; No. 7. In
voice , $6.ii No. 7 , JobbhiB , $0.75. Mild , iiulet ;
Cordova , W.ifl5.ftl ) Sales. WO bags Marucalbo ,
p. t ; 1CH Irigs Savnnllla , ISO lugs Central Ainer-
ican 10(1 ( bags Mexican , all p. t. Total ware
house deliveries from the United Stales , 13.925
bigs. Including 12 W3 ban * from New York ;
New Y-.rk flock today , 610.182 bags ; United
States stoek. 732.GV8 bain ; for the United
I States , 377.0COMK \ : total vUlula for the United
! States. 1.UO.C78 bigs , against 748,400 hags last
year and MC.f/0 In U91
1 SANTOS , Jan. -OQFFKJ- - Quiet : fc-eol
rr ie Santos. < ) .1W rels ; .receipts , l.fOO
clock (8 OX ) bais.
HAMIH'IUI. Jnn. 24. COFl'EE Opened ' .SS',4 '
rfc. lower ; at 2:41 : p. m. , M i pfg. luwcr saieii.
l > i. TO til' ' ? * .
HIO Dn JANBinO. Jan. -COFFEE-Oulel ;
No. 7 Hlo. 8.2 0 reU ; ivoelnts. 15.0PO bags ; cleared
for tliu Pnt'tvV ' Slate * . C.MO II KS : clmriHl for
Europe. 3.X ( Ii3i ; tlo'-k 3n.fO ) bajjs.
IIAVHE. Jan -roi'TEE--Clo ed at a net
loss of 9jf ; sales , ll.CO ) tag * .
There are tlireo little things whl h do nioro
work tliRti any other thrt-e llttlo things cre
ated they ro the ant , the t > eo anil DoWltt's
Llttlo Karly U'aora ' , th < > last being Hie famous
llttlo vlll5 for stomach and liver troubles.
Week Opens with Receipts Just Behind
Local Requirements.
tli-of IIi-ti Oul AflerSiilipttr-
Viulor ( irnilen Sli-nilj- , CInsliiHT Wi-ali .
Slu-cit Active
SUOTH OMAHA , .Inn. 2l.-Ucoclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheet ) . Horses.
Jnnunry 21 1.O51 2.5W 2,201
Jnnuary 22 K)7 ) 7,523 419
Jnnuary 21 1,017 B.S31 2'JKI
Inntlary 20 1,555 O.iSt 4.69J
Iniumry 111 2,4S".t 0,041 6,419 0
Jnntliiry IS 2,735 7,913 3,235
January 17 1,472 2oti 4,477 . . . .
January 15 1,445 c.410 3,5
Jnnuary 14 1.017 C.1UG 4,300
Jnnuary 13 l.OSS 7,841 4M 20
January 12'J C.SOO 1,091 7
January 11 2.KG1 3.SCO 2.151 1
Jnnuary 10 1,41. > 3.715 Gt 9 2J
January S 675 0,487 2,312
January 7 1,13 ? ,272 LOTS 20
The olllclul number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wits :
, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. ft St. P. Uy i
Missouri Pacific Hy . .
Union Pnclllc System 20 7 4
C ft N.V. . Uy 12
P. , H , .t M. V. H. K 15 1
S. C. ft P. Hy . .
C. , St. P. , M. ft. O.Ity. . . . . 17 12 S
n. ft. M. u. n. it n 10 G
C. , U. ft Q. U.V 3
1C. C. ft St. J 1
C. , It. I. ft I1. Uy. , east. . 3
Total receipts 81 37 12
The disposition of Ihe day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number ot head Indicated :
Buyers. Cnttlei Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Parking Co 40
Thu G. 11. Ilummond Co 2 7 OS.1 111
Swift and Company USD 7S5 1,110
The Cudahy Packing Co SSI 115 04S
II. Ileoker nnd Uegan . . . i 2 . . . .
Vunsant & Co M
J. L , . Carey 112
l.obman ft Uoth chllds. M . . . .
\ \ " , I. Stephens ! > ' !
Huston ft Co fii !
H. Hamilton 57
Cudahy P. Co. . K. C H
P. ft P. Co. , Neb. City 331
Swift from country 443
Hammond for K. C la ! )
Other buyers Ill . . . .
Left over 3 * >
Totals 1,700 2,599 2,020
CATTJjB The week opened with a fair
run of cattle , elfihiy-two loaits being re
ported in the yards. Of the cattle here
there was quite a sprinkling of corn-fed
beeves , some of them pretty decent cattle.
The balance of the receipts consisted of
butchers' stock and feeder.- " . The market ns
a , whole was In very satisfactory condition
and everything In thu yards changed hands
nt nn early hour.
The dressed beer men seemed to want cat
tle and they took hold with an Interest that
rendered the market active , desirable lots
changing 'hands readily. The prices paid
were steady to strong as compared with
last week.
Cows and heifers were in demand nt
strong prices and the few loads on sale
chanis d hands reasonably early.
Stockers and feeders said ut the same
old high prices and the demand was ( is
brisk ns It has been any time this month.
Representative sales :
No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11..104S $300 32..1221 $ I 13 SI. . . . 923 $120
19..127' ' ) 4 23 ! i..HW 4 2" 40..121.1 I 23
10..1187 430 11..11M 440 1..1100 440
SO . .1301 4 Co 21. . . . 87 ! ) 3 70 A0..1185 I 3' ' )
21..1425 440 1..1030 350 20..1000 4,20
20..119 ! ) 123 18..1213 423 22..1197 4 7.3
20..1271 41' ) 103..1256 4 53& 21. . . . 967 400
29..1243 403 113..1240 4 SO 1R..1416 4 < 5
G..1143 385 2..1230 410 8. . . . .1018115
33..1211 4 30
2. . . . 973 233 1..9IO 233 1..1000 273
. . . , > JO 3 W 4..132 300 M..1121 310
2..1130 313 1..12W 4H 11. . . . SW 34 ?
4..1127 343 ' ' 1..10IJ 313 1..1210 350
0..1130 350 21 , . . . 'JK SCO 1..11M 3 S3
1 ' 9 ° 0 223 1..I020 2M 1..9SO 250
1. . . . 910 2 C' 1..1030 270 1..MO 2 S5
11. . . . 9S2 283 12. . . . 932 250 1U..11M 3 M
1. . . . SCO 313 1..HOO 320 7..1092 325
1. . . . 930 250 1..1120 2 SO 1..9VI 285
1..103) 3 00 1..10SO 300 1..10W 323
1..11W 323 2..1133 330 24..1139 333
1..1130 3 4't 2..1HO 370 1..1200 390
2..119' . 273 10..1089 300 11..1010 340
32. . . .1147 3 42S ! 2. . . .1035 315 1..1150 350
1. . . . SSO 323 1. . . . 440 350 1..1030 3 CO
3. . . . C7l : J 73 13. . . . 77.1 323 2. . . . 885 343
2. . . . C90 3.13 ! ! . . . . 909 SCO 2. . . . 870 301
I. . . . MO3 G23. . . . . 4CO 385 6..512 3 S3
1. . . . 730' 2 C3 3. . . . 810 370 1. . . . 720 335
1..1130 223 1..12SO 2 C3 1..1070 2 3
1..12GO 2 < T > 1..H70 3 10 4..1430 32)
I. 1210 320 1..11IO 31" 1..1MO 3 SB
1..U * ) 333 1..1COO 340 1. . . . 430 300
1..153' ' ! 3 10
" " '
3 . .313 1 < V > fi. . . . 341 4 CO 1. . . . 2GO 4 CO
1 . . . 340 500 1. . . . 130 .1 73 2. . . . 3S' ' > 350
1 . 270 4 S3 1. . . . 110 4 50 1. . . . 210 5 73
1. . . . 200 COO
I..1113 350 1. . . . CSV 373 3. . . . CIO 383
40. . .IIP ! J ST. 0. . . . G9J 3 S3 1. . . . C70 425
2 . . C33 433 32. . . . C7' > SCO 2..410 375
1 . . 470 4 CO 2. . . . CSO t 0- ) 3. . . . 740 4 23
8. . . . 4.1S 423 4. . . . 753 440 C. . . . 713 465
3. . . . C40 455 13. . . . 707 453 9. . . . 473 4 CO
10. . . . 412 ISO St. . . . 409 4 SO 1..8SO It 73
3'J . . . E2 4 CO 1. . . . 910 3 C- ID. . . . 081 3 73
3. . . . 77' ) 3 93 1. . . . 410 4 80
* " AT
J-3 W
1 springer -
1 cow nnd calf 30 00
-printer S
1 cow nnd calf 32 50
1 cow nnd calf 3j 00
1 cprlnitcr 3 ! r
1 cow ami eulf S W
1 cow nnil cnlf < 2 00
HOnS The ottering ! ) of hogs were veiy light
thin niornlntr , only thirty-wren lo.uls lielnic reported -
ported In the yards. Under thn Inlluencu of H
Bond fthlptihiK ii well us lociil deimmd the
mniket opened 5a hlsher ami the inoit of tlui
hOBH sold rally. The close was Weak oivlns
apparently to Ihe expectation of puckers that
them would lie u larse run on Tuesday.
Heavy hogs sold at f3.5ig3.CO , na ntralnst
$3 'iOifis3.574 on Sntunhiy.
IJBht lions sold aa hlh'h as $3.73. while J3.C7'.A
mostly at $3,6303.70
The nvcrnge of nil the nales was r > ' o higher
than Saturday , and 15o higher llian n week iiao.
Hepresenlatlve bjli-s : .
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No , Av. Sh. Pr.
15. 432 . . , $350 19 120 SO J3 5214
45 331 . . . 3 ST. 32 324 W 3 f/i
333 ) 3 rr. 20 401) ) 100 3M
41 393 SO 3 57'Xj 04 31.1 . . . 3 .17"
27 23'i 1CO SMi.i W * 23S 120 S 3711
68 313 320 3 D7Vi 61 3440 ) 300
04 20 1CO 3 ft ) 33 l 7i ( 40 3 W
CS 313 2 < W 3 CO 78 Ml 40 3 CO
CO 291 . . . 0 CD f,7 341 . . 3 ( V )
f.8 320 80 3 CO 72 272 M 3 ( V )
78 2S- . . . 3 CIV 71 Z70 . . . 3 02V4
OS 2-18 . . . 3 ! ' . fit 2XS RO 3 C2'l '
1 22l ! 1 3 K 74 237 8' ' ) 3
7 241 . . . 3 Co 03 2.V ) SO 3 C3
72 207 . . . 3 C71i - " > 231 3 C7W
70 272 . . . 3 0714 1" 190 . . . 370
fJ5 2(3 . . . 3.70 . S3 20J 200 370
23 177 . . . 370 1M . . . 370
711 ,177 . . , 3 72'4 ' Jl 225 . . . 37314
CO 201 . . . 3 72'I ' 72 VOS . . . 375
1 330 . . . 340' 1 421 . . . 340
1 4".0 . . . 350 r , 353 . . . 350
0 SOI- . . . ' 3 55 1 2W . . . 3 C2(4 (
r , SO * . . . 355 fi Kl . . . 3 C3
C 310 . . . 3d ) . 3 113 . . . 3 C3
3 KS . . . SK ! 5 231 . , . 3 C3
0 231 . . . 3 C3 . . . .
SHEEP There were Iwt-lvo cars of sheep on
Hale , and , while Iberp were come ( | iilt de
sirable bunches , the nvi-riigc quillly was lune lee
good. The market wns active and strong under
the Inlluenco of a very nellvn demand and the
offerings weip nil taken curly. Some heavy
sheep fold Sfflttc higher than -was paid lafct wi-ck.
HeprcFentallvi * sales :
N.I. Av. Pr.
125 weslern ewes tn $300
11H5 wenlorn ewes 112 3 75
27 western wethers 103 3 ! H
400 wertern vtHherM 115 4 00
TO western yearlings til 4 13
143 Mexican wethers 1"2 4 II !
Ill Mexican wetners 101 4 13
11 stags 132 32" .
115 wofUTii cwea M 3 3 >
1S7 western ewes 110 3 C5
2 ! mixed wu > ternn 102 3 75
143 western yearling * 81 4 25
217 western lamb.s 83 & 15
1 breeding ewe 80 SCO
59 breeding ewes M 3 Ot
45 breeding i-wen . . SS 3 M
NIMV YorU LlviSlmlc ,
NE\V YOHK. Jan. 21. HEEVES-HncelpIs
Uwii days ) . 4.18J luiid ; on ale , S3 earn ; mnrliet
active , ( .lightly hlifher for ateers and oxen , stwidy
for bulls , llrm for cowy , yards cleared ; native
Btecra 4.4'fi' ( ' . J ; slags < m < l oxen , $3.XW(3.iO ( ( ; dry
onws , $2.0)1/3.10. European cablea iiuotu Amer
ican slir at 10 UJIl'ie , drewed weight ; re-
frls-'rator beef at SfiS'te per Hi. ; no exporm.
f'A'vl'S ! HecelptH ( two d.iys ) . 75i ) head : on
salt1. Ml head ; inniket active nnd ntuaily for all
Hnrls , and all .dd ; vi-aU , $5.042fS.DO per 100 Ibi. ;
grnwuTf. $3 00fi3.5rt.
SHHKP AND LAMHS Herclpia ( two dayn ) ,
ll.HS'l head ; en nal . < .BO > > head ; slow , but fully
BteniU * all around ; almut TA ) bead unwdd ; shuup ,
$1.50a4. ! > ; lambs. $3.73SC.30.
li'y/iu i' . < vin | | ) ( inu days ) , 13,793 head ; steady
at $ I.CO l.3"j.
KIIIINIIH rily Mv - Sloi-U MnrU-i'J.
KANSAS CITY Jan. 24. C'ATTLE-He'-elpts.
0 > W licna market sti-ady , Tc-xaj tteern , WMQ
1.4) : TOJKA cows , JttOtfxr.j nallvs ntcoro , .
t > 00 ; native cows nnd heifers. JI.MIM.OO ; stackers-
and feeders , l3.SOfl&.COj bulls. JS.7HC4.N.
HOOS Hecelpts , 6.JW liendj market strons to
Sc IdSher : hulk of s.h > , IJ.Ha.t.75 ; henvle- . . l ?
. < ; packers , H.JflJ.SO ; mixed. 3.6Syj.77 4 ;
ll : it . it.llUl.ttH ; Yorkers , 3. J 3. 7H ; P'e ' .
SlIKKP-Hf-cetplt - , J.OOfl head : mntUtt firm ;
lambs , Il.'iCttOO ; mutton * . S.10ffl.M.
< 'iiic..viiu ilfvM "sTooK SIAIIKKT.
HUKS An * In ( iooil Doiiitnul nidi I'rlrc.i
CHICAOO. , Ti\n. 2 < Tlicte wfto nn nctlvc Rfn-
cral tlenianil for cail'o iinJ prices ns a ml * crc
nlPAily , the better cl of i < > f\s nillnu slightly
tetter. Strlctl } choice entile ver H-iure nml
ncro sonti illjposcil of , but common urnl nifcUuin
grntles were plentiful BIH > movd off rather
slowly. Snleieio on n bnfls of JlS08'4.t > for
the poorer Jrovcs up to | 4.75itfS.-1 for gnnj nlnl
export cattle. The urcnt bulk of tlic cixltlo went
for $ t.25tf"V ( > niul iirlinu to fanry ln-o\0i ! were
olnblo nt . .S ) fif6.5 ( ) . Stockers mn.1 feotlcrs were
n nnnlerntc ilpmnnd at J3.2o ( l.4. , . Ciihes fold
nt Jo.'OdJp.M for HIP better Rrnilcs.
weie tn Ttowl ilcmaiul nnil prices were
nnil 5c lilclicr thnti nt tha rlnrc of hist
week , most of the upi > ly ctimmlne liniuls early
In the ilny. Oonrse heavy p vkerB sohnt \ $3.53
i)3.70 iind prlinn hrnvy shlppltiK lots Ijloilsilt
J1.S5 , the Intvcr part of the day' * tnles belmr nt
f3.7503.MH. 1'lfis went Inrsely nt $ .1.Wtf3.73.
There \\ttt n Rood itrnmiul for sheep , pi Ices
illiiK strong. Hulcs were un a bimls of Ji.f.CIf
3.W for Inferior to common up to J4.S3W4.W fur
to choice llocUs. Toil western shcop void
y nl J4.00ff4DO , with yenrllims In demand
nt jt.liOT5.00. Ijimbs erc nctlvi > and tlroiiRcr ,
oalcs rnnnlnif nt JI.J3ili.iVi ; for Infcilor to choice ,
liirgoljnt J.'i.W nnd upwnliln.
Heculpts : Cnttle , 16,000 head ; IIOJB. 29,000 hend ;
sheep , IS.O O hend.
St. l.niiln Ilvt < Stool.- .
ST. I/31IIS , Jnn. 21. OATTUK-llcrolpIs
3,4 hend , of which 5.W1 lieud were Toxiino ;
Bhlpmcnts , 1,400 Itond ; jnarket stcm1 > ; fnlr to
fnncy nntlvp shipping nnd expnrl slcors. $4. " : , < ?
B.30 ; bulk of mlc * . jl.WKKi.ll : drcwi" ! In'of nn-l
liulchcr steers , JI.ChWTI.PO ; bull ! of sales. $1 life
I.Crt ; steerH under l.OcH lb . . } 3.70Ifl.4i ; built "f
H.ileR , JI.OOfN.S5 ; stnckerii nnd focclors. M.ftifl
4.33 ; hulk of sales. JS.MHf 1.15 ; cows nnd hrlfori.
J2.Wfl.03 ; Tcxns nn.l Indian steoii- . J3.CCTI.'J * . ,
cows nnd heifers , J2.r.rtU.l.23.
IIOOS UecelptM , 4.400 bond ; shlplMPtlls. 3 O.TO
head ; mnrlcct 5c lilaher ; IlKht , J3.3vt3.70 ! , mixed.
J2. < Wff3.73 ; henvy. J3.75Ifl.SO.
SHiii'-llpcppts : : | , " , oo head : hlpmenl9. Ifti
hpad ; market steady ; native muttons , tl.diw
4.01 ; Inmbs , J3.00'J3.S3 ; Texas milltons , $ l,2Jti
Knit HiilTnlo l.lvc Slni-li.
EAST HU1-TAI O , .Ian. "l.-CATTI.E-Rteady
to stroiic ; choice "hipping steers. t4.7Aff4.NA ;
eoarw much. $3.7304.30 ; llBht. tl.30SI4.4H ; fat
heifers , 5l.235fl.30 ; mixed hutehers' Blink. tl.GOW
1.00 ; 'Kood hutehers' cinvs. $3.COffn. ! > 0.
lions (1ool to choice yorker * . JJ.JKiOfl.DS :
mixed paeker ' Rrades , $1. ! > iW/3.D3 ; niedlniii
welslitH. t3.Mii3. ! 3 ; lieavy , t3.HOCi3.03 ; rmiKhs ,
$3.30ir3.40JilKS. . t3.)2 ! ) ti3.l'3.
I.AMI1S YearllUKS , choliito prime $3 ( Wif3 "A ;
fair to Kood. J1 30iI.I3 ; natives. < hnlee to extra.
J3.S3ff3.W ; fair to good , J3.MIu3.H ! > ; eulla , tl.JOm
SHEEP Natives , choice tn selili > il wether" .
51.03ffl.90 ; mixed sheep , 5l.335jl.C3 ; culls , 53.00J ?
IlllllllIIIIIMlllH I.IVISdll'li. .
INDIANArOl.lS , Jan. 21. CATTIxi-Hrcnts. : |
2M head ; shipment * , 250 head ; eimd to prime
steers , J1.73K5.10 ; fnlr to medium steers. J4 50'if
4.70 ; common to Rood stockers , J2.75'i'3.0.
1IOCH ! lipcolpts. S.WH1 henil ; shlpmi'iits. 1.000
head ; market actlvo nt 2H-c tn r > c advance ; ROM !
to clmlco medium nnd heavy. J3.Wf3.is5 ; mlxod.
$ J.70ifi3.fO ; common llKhts , Cl. ? : ) . " ) .
81JIJHI' Itcce' Is. IlKht ; shipments , none ; RHOI !
f > choice lamb' . J3.003.30 ; BOIM ! to clmlco s.iccp.
J2.75 | t.GO ; commnn sheep. J2.25'i2.75. ' }
Cliirliniad l.lviStoik. .
PINflNNATI. .lull. 21. IIOHS Acllve. J3.MCr
CATTr.K Active , hlKher. J2.25ifl.73.
' Steady , J2.75ffl.G3.
StroiiKJI.OlVifB.75. .
St < u-U In
Iteford of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for January 21 :
Cnttle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omnhn 1.C6I 2.320 2,20 |
Chicago 10.000 2 ! > .t"V ) 18.00(1 (
Kniifcas City G.OOH G.500 2.0"0
St. I ouls 3,400 4,400 600
Totals 27.0'U 42,120 22,701
< 1penliiK n ( nn Ailvniu'i' , ( lu > CloMo WIIH
Wi'iik nnil I.IMVIT.
Xn\V YOIIIC. Jan. 21. The cotton market wn
narrow nn to tha scopi > of IliicUintlons. with the
volume of business also contracted to exception
ally small proportions. Hales of futures for the
day reached only 79GOi ) bales. Opening nt nn nd-
vance of 15T3 points , the market saKScd off 2CT3
polntii nnd closed a shade HK | > VI the lowest ( } R-
ures. News wns scnrcn nnd without force. The
further from New KiiRlnnd recardlnc the
status of the strike were less paclllc If anything ,
especially from Kail Itlver ; the KnKllsIt cuttcjn
maiket nivs wns rather featureless , and a
IjnarlEh tendency of news from the south Indl-
i-uted that the movement was bclni ; ii'tarded by
U'Ld roads nnd then- was very little lo chatufi'
Ideaii as to the extent of cotton acreauc. HIML
quiet ; mlddllni ; , 5T c : net receipts. 823 baits ;
Krosj , C. 43 Ijales : expoits to Gloat Hrltnln , 1.C7I
bixl.ri ; to I'Yance , 8i5 bales ; focwarded. 1S)0 (
Itnleq ; sakM , 1,032 bales ; Kplnnprs , 32 bales ; sto < k.
13J.7C3 l > aler. Tolnl trdav : Net receipts. fi91.i
bales ; i-xporls ti. Onut Ilrltnln , 17.5S' biles ; tn
Krnnce , 2.IOT Ixilcs : to thi > continent , 13.3.V51 ales ;
stock , l,2 < r .FG2 tiiiles. Consolldati-d : N't re
ceipts. 03.1575 bales ; expoils to Oreat Ilillnln ,
2I.I8 l > nles ; to Trancp. EO.OGG bales : to the con
tinent , 39,9tC bale' . Total since .September 1 :
Net lecelpto. n.37 ,218 lialvi ; exports lo (
lirltnln , 2.118.1CO bales ; in Trance , 507,767 b-iles :
to tlie continent , 1.7 2.181 b-iles.
NH\V Olir.MANH. .Inn. 21. COTTON Futures
quiet ; sales. 19800 lulcs ; January. J"i.2)firri ) 2i ;
Ffbrunry. J5.iaf/5.21 ; March , J3.27i5.2S ; April
J3.30fl3.3l : May , J3.3W3.3t ! ; June. M.1TOM1 :
July. t-"i.4.W3.M ; August. J3.50f5.51 ; Heptemtier ,
! 5..V.5"i.53 ; October. J5.rr > f ( > 5.57. Ppot , ea y ; rules ,
C.&W ImlP : ordinary , 4Vlc ; Kood onJUwjy.-l.54..1 ;
low mlddllniT , 4 15-ICc ; mldililKR. Ciic : ( tno.1 mid
dling , r. 9-lGc ; inlddllnn fnlr. Cu ; recel | > t , : ) , : ; (
bales Pluck. WS.459 bales.
I.IVKliroOU Jan. 21.-ro-rTON-Siiit , tiulct ;
prices unchnnBcd ; American mlddlliiR , 3 3-1M.
The sales of the day were 10.000. bales , of which
R balm were for Rpeculatlon and export nnd
Included 8.9M bales American , llecelpts 21.111
balew. Including 17.200 bales American. Futures
opened hulet , with n innlvrate nd
closed bmvly btcndv ; American niMdllni ; fi. M
f1 , . January , 3 S-fit 3 9 fid. sellers ; January anil
February. 3 7-GI7T3 s-64d. fellers ; Februaiy anil
March. 3 7-GIS'J S-Gld , selbM-s ; Mnrcli and April ,
3 7-Glfi3 8-Cld , sellers ; April and Mnv , 3 < i-Gld.
sellers ; Slay nnd June , 3 R-GIM 9-Lld , buyers ;
June anil Jiilv. 3 P-fi4W3 10-Gld. sellers ; July and
AiiKiist. 3 10-G-lfiS ll-G4d. Fi'llers ; AiiKiist nnd Hep-
tnmlx-r. 3 11 Mil , sellers ; Scpt > * nili"r nnd Octoliir.
3 11-G4W3 1'i-Glil , buyers ; October nnd Nnvcml er.
3 12-Md. buyers ; November nnd December , 3 ] 2-"il
( J3 13-Gld , buyers.
Oil > lnrlM. .
OIIj CITY , Pa. . Jnn 21. fr.-dlt balances. We ;
certificated , tlrst bid , GGijc for rcKidnrs ; closwl
nt C6yiO bid for reKiilars MI/SC bid for cash :
no Bjles ; shipments , 21)2,373 ) libls. ; runs , 175,173
'oitAHI-KSTOK , a. , f. , Jan. 21. OILS Tnrp.'n- .
tltu" . market llrm at M. ; hsles , none. Itosln ,
Ilrm nnd uiU'haiiKed ; sales , none.
SAVANNAK. CiJan. . 21.- . OIISjiIills tur
pentine , llrm at 32'e ' ; sales , r.ii . bbls. ' receipts.
115 bids. ItoHln , firm nnil muMuiiiKed ; no Fiiles
reported ; rwelnta , 3.473 bbln.
WILMINGTON. N. C' . , Jan. 21. OIIH-.SpcrtH !
eurpentlne. llrm. nm > ln , llrm. t'nido liirpentlnc ,
nrm ut Jl.405jri.50. Tar , quiet at Jl r.O
rnllforiiln Drli-il 1'riillH.
FUI'ITS Stpndy ; evaporated apples , common , 5
fc7ftc ; prime wire tiny , 8' ' ' ; wnml dried , prime ,
SVic ; choice. 81Jc ; fnncy , Wi'Jlic ; pruneii , ZfiHf
nprlcots , Hoyal. 7 8c ; Moor 1'u lit. 9S1U- ;
peaches , unpected , 7fflOo ; peeled , 12iil5c.
Sllll of ( In * .Siiini' Oiilnlfiii.
Urooklyn IJfo : Mrs. M , a well known
nostonlan , who talks very wittily nnd plnya
very well , once sl < pd Prof , IllacUensiehi
what made him so thoughtful.
' " .Madam , " ho repled , "I am wondorltiK
in : . : : .
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
1 1O Board of Trndo Ship. , Omaha , Neb
Drancli Omce. 103S N St Lincoln. Not ) .
oin coi.o.vv iii'ii.mMi ' , oincviio
Mfcmhora Chicago Hoard of Trndo tdneo
Grain , Provisions anJ N , Y , Stoclis
Orders CiiHh nnd Kuturo Uullvory Hold-It
Oiuiiliu (111)llooin ( ) ! I , \ . V. Mfi ;
. . . . l'lnini1)111. ) . . . .
IM.OVIi J. CA.UI'illU.I , .
BOYD & GO , ,
Telephone 103 ! ) . Onmlia , Neb
Olre'-t wire" to Chicago and New York.
Correspondent ! ) : John A. Warren A Co-
C. C. CIlltlSTIE. E. .7 HTHEET.
President. VlcK-1'rcnldcnt.
fl .W. KENNEY ,
Clifislie-Street Cofjimissioo Co
Cajilliil ? 50)00.00 ( , Fully 1'nlU ,
J , * 9fe. H
h < m It Is you can m fco thn piano talk 8(1 (
illvlnolf and yourself so foolishly. "
"Ah , well. " retorted Mrs. M . "you i p
the piano luronfi It hns mete listen to lt (
whereas 1 know I uavo only you to llstoa
to me , which makes the dlffemico. "
"I pray you , " said the profr * or ,
I like your playing best. "
Ill * Mini llu1 Nil nl r.
Chicago Pest : She hail ROIHJ up thd scale *
once and then she IinJ none down tV.e soalca.
Then she h-ul done the s.tme thing orW
agnln , after which somrono asked :
'In what school of music wore you
titicht ! "
Thereupon someone else Interrupted In nn
undertone :
"JuilRliiK hy the speed , I should siy It was
a rlilini ; school. "
And there were many present who divmeil
the sentiment n Rood one.
AVashliiRton Star : "IMiit you to under *
stand tlmt my time. Is valunhlu. Time U
money with inc. "
" 'Iloiit a dollar n minute ? " hiqulred the
"At least. "
"Well , I was Eoln' to take two minutes
lolUln' to yer. Hut I'll shut it olT wid thirty
scfonds. You kin Klve ntu do dollar an' a
half chaiiRo an' wo'll call It sipmrc. "
Primary , Secondary or Tcitlnty 11LOOD
POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can 1)0 ) treated nt homo for same
price umler snmo guaranty. If > ou prefer
to eome here we lll contract lo pay rail
road faro and hotel bills , nnd no chtttB
If wo fall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide iwtnsh nnd "till
have nehtd nnd pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Threat IMmples , Copper Col.
jrcd Simla , fleers on any part of the
body Hnlr or Eyebrows fulllni ; out , It Is
Ihls Secondary
We teraftfoe fo Oure
We Follrlt the nicst obstlnnta cnrcs nnd
challeime the rld for a cnsiwe eamiot
euro. This disease has always hallU-d the
tklll of the most eminent phyMelani.
$ ; w,000 capital liehlnd our iinennillllonnl
KUarantv. Absi-lute proofs fent tcnloil
on application. 1W PRRO liool. Bent fire.
Address COOK HIMIUIIY CO. , 1-11)1
Mimoiilu TtnuiliClilciut" , HI.
[ orae Industries
Ily Puri-linisliiK ( iiioilH Mmle nt the l-'ul-
ii-lirnnl.-n l''nrlorli-H.
( SuccepFora Oinalin Tent nnd AwnlnK Co )
nufiiclurers lents , n\vnlngs ; Jobbers ladlcb nnd
Bents' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 1 ui-
nain St. , Omaha.
Carload thlpmcnts made In our own rcfrls-
tralor care. Illue Illbluii , Mllte lixpoit , v'lenn.i
Uxport and Family Kxpoit delivered to nil pans
ot the city.
"coitNiciwonics. .
i.Ajii . ( : COUXICKVOUKS. .
Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices ORl-
vanlzed Iron PKyllRhts. Tin , lion and bale
Hooting. Ascnt for ICInnear's Steel Celling.
IOS-10-12 North l-ievunti : : street.
Wholesale Cincker Manufacturers.
WOItKS , lolil Knriinni St.
Dyelntr nnd cleaning of Knrmentfl nnd Roods of
every description. CIcanlnK of line carmenta u
specially. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Flour , Meal. Feed , Ilran , 1013-13-17 Noilh 17th
Slreet , Omaha , Neb. C. K. Itlack. Manager.
Telephone & 12.
DAVI.S .V C ( > \\ill ; , IHO.V \\ltlf.S.
Iriui mill HriiNM l''iiniiiliH. .
MaliiifaeturcrH ami Johhers of Machinery. Ocn-
ernl repairing a specially. 1501 , 15U3 and 1305
Jaclicon etrcct , Omaha. Neb.
I < INSI-ni : ) OIL.
Manufnclurers old procean raw linseed all , ki-t-
tic boiled Unseed oil , old pruceFH K'ound ' lliiboed
cnlccfuround and bciccncd lluk re > l for iliuii-
I , , C. 1)1)1)1' ) .
Mnnufne'.iirer I < ouii8es , Couchm , HallrctFoa. Job-
her of Sprlns Ilcils and Feathers. 411-113 Houlli
lUlli Strtet.
Manufacture of hluh KraUe Muttretnes. 12- < -9
Vlcholus Ktreet. Onuhn.
MferJ. ClothlnK , Pants. Shlrti , Overall * .
.1. II. HVAXS ,
Exclusive cuetoni nhlrt tailors , 13IS Fnrnum ,
Manufucturem of Vinegar. Plcklcn. C'iit u [ ,
Mueturde , Celery und WorceBtcriililro Hniicc
I'or n good aulutantlal vehicle of liny dencrlp.
lion , for repainting or lubber Urea on new or olj
wheels the bent place U 27th und Leavenivorth
Ciieap. incdlum priced nnd tony currlaKca.
Any Ihlnu you want , scc-ind hand or new Ileud.
uiiartern for rubber llrm. wanuiileil. ISlli nnj
Uariu-y. oppotlto Court lloute.
I KID , Mil Diidm- .
Full line of CuirluKCn , HuKBlen. Phaetoni. I'jny
Cur In. WhccU rubber tiled. Thu butt Is thu
factory In the weal- Lending jobber )
< jf Omulm , Kaniua City , Lincoln and nt. Jott-ua
baiidlu our ifuud * . 1UU3 Furnum