10 THE OaiAlIA DAILY BJSlSj rTUESDAV , JA UAUY 25. 1808. SPECIAL NQIiCES . \ilvcrllni-iiicnl.i for tlir * < * column * Mill l.iinkvn until 11 ! ! for < IC rtoiiliiK mill tnilll H J > . in. for tile iiiuriilnu mill Siimlny cilllloiin. AitvvrlNi-rn , l r riMiio lln r n titini- lu-ri'il c ! ir elf. on n linvinmirera nil- frrNMcil lo n niimliordl lllrr In cure Of TIlO IIPC. AIIM411T1 HO llllltri-HIICll tvlll he ilollvprril on iirt-KPiilnllon of tillHirrk only. Hnp | . 1 l-Se n word llral hiM-rtlnn | 3o : i nonl llu-r.-iifli-r. XolliliiB UiUi-u ttir ! < Ilimi ano for ( lie llrsl liixrr- tliin. ThriM * iitlv 'i'tl oniiMi N ulllut lie run < 'i > ii r < Mitlirly. . \V \ VriiSITiTI0.1S. . TII'iKOI-illlNY ' COMPirniNT , Wf.U. lib- lit.Unl experienced tiHfiHKtupiier nants n | * . - Mfin. llgh ! l reference * ; will lenvu Omnha If il air.AdJresa ! IJ . Itie. Afi 21" WA.vruit.iiAiic moii' . CANVASSKRH TO TAKU OROURS ; NfiW LINE nf woik ; no l.f-y goods lo entry ; Hilary or commlsMon. C , 1' . Ailunis Co. . Ml Ho. IClli St. I1-3C1 HAI.KSMAN FOR CK3AHK , $12" A MONTH AND expriuo.4 ; old linn ; oxperlatiep unnecessary ; In- ilue-m nts to customers. C. C. lllfhop ft Co. , HI r-oiils U-3G2 AOKNTH" > flVhnANCH MANAGERS : SAI.AMY alul commission. Hunter Tailoring & Shirt Co. . flii'lnnnll. O. II MI'JS April 2 * 'llOCM'AS't AN ! ) l.tllFJlAL fV > MMHSONS ! FOR ffoil. pxpi-rlpm ed organisers , up to ilote plan ; eny in wurlc. Henry C" . Akin. Supreme Regent , Impei lal Mjiilli : Legion , Onnlia. Ni'.li. 1I-SXI-F3 II' YOt ! KNMOY A OOOD. ESTAIILISHED trmlp In teas nml clnrs nml wl > h to rliatiu'n IIOUH-I. address. ttlth full pnrtlculnrs. tlnx 045 , Chicago. IIMC2 ! 20 \VANTl'i > rilARN'iiSMAIvKR ; GERMAN PRK- ferriM. Address Theo J. Rlren , lloelu.i. Noli. II-MTO 23 \vlINO 8AT.KHMAN. TO SHU. COM- pldo 'Ino of lulirlratliiK nil * . creates niul M1"- cliillles ; liberal salary or rommlssl > n. Jewel Rollnlni : ra. Cleveland. O. It-Mill 23 * aOVIItlNMIINT 11)S1TIONS. DON'T t'RKl'ARK fur tiniii | tulllci > or other civil rcrvlic examina tion Ithinit sevlnff our Illustrated cntnlonuc of Infnrinntlon ; Font fr p. Columbian Oonnspond- eni'e I'ollcKP , WiishlnKton , I' . C. II M112 23 * JflY VANTKD. OMAHA HOX I'OMI'AN'Y , H.isl uinnhn. IJ rjl .A SAIn-MIN , TO SUM. r-iOAHS TO DBA- rr ; ur juiy frnm $0) ) to $2iO PIT month nalnry r.iiil P\IPII-MI | ; i'Xi rlpnrp imnpos nry : p"r- rpiirpnt tiot-ltion. Tlio le Mont ( M iir Co. , Kprlnrlti'M. O. II M232 23 * WAXTIJIl KHMAI.K II KM * . 100 dlllt.S 1'YlI.l AU. KINDS OFVOUIC ; ? 3 TO 57vcrh. . i.'nnnillnn Olllcc. 1522 Uouglnii , C 3W \VANTii : > , AN 13XltKHIKNT1KI > SKCONn tofi-u-ncps rpqulicil. Mrs. H. d. Hint. No. US H. 33th St. C-117-21 1'IItST-PLAHS COOK AND I.AUNUUKSS : $3 pprVPfU. . C17 S. 18th. C IC1 COOK WANTBD IN A SMAU. rAMII > Y ; W-IIKPS. St.W per week ; second Kill lo-nt. 2HKi Dounlnn st. C M170 Iii * C.IKI. roil ( HINKUAI. HOUSI-WOHK. 1130 S. 31st. C 10C-25 * WANTKD , OHH. KOIt OKNUnAI. IIOUSK- wmlt ; btmll family. 1311 So. 21)tli ) St.C C 231 2C S3 I.ADIRS TO DO T.M'KSTllY WOIIK AT hninp ; pnslly makci ( I to $7 | > or week. Tall Im mediately , ( " .em Mfpr. Co. , 1701 Capitol nvnnue , C JI227 23 I.ADIKS , TO THAVKI. AND AT HOMI3 TO FP | | qulrlc Bellini ; Roods for p tnhll du .l Ilrni ; Permanent position. Address COS Jameson bids. , Siwix Kails , S. U. C M231 23' KOIl Illi.Vf 1IOIISI3S. OHOU'M HOUSES AND COTTAQRS AI.I. OVRR city , 3 to$73. Fidelity , 1st lloor N. Y. Ufe. D-M131 iioviNO HOUSKIIOI.D HOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van & Storuce Co. . 1511V4 Farnum. lei. 15M. D-373 11OUHKS. WALLACE , 11IIOWN ILOCIC , TOTH and Dougl.tB. D COS LAltan LIST. M'CAaUE. 55TH AND DODOE. . D 3C3 HOUSES. FLATS. GAIWIN 1JUOS. , 1013 TAll'M D 370 1IOUSRS FOU RENT. 1IEMIS , PAXTON I1I.K. D 371 3IOUPE3. J. II. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. LIFE D 372 11OITSRS IK ALL. 1'AnTS OF THH CITY. THE O. F. Davis Compnny , 1503 Fnrnim. D 3C5 HOUSli3. IJENEWA & CO. , 103 N. 15TH ST. D 3W HOUSES , COTTAGES & STOIIES. AM. PA UTS of city , nrennnn & Lave Co. , 213 S. ICth. D-307 D-T1OO5I SIODEUN I1UICK DU'EI.UNO , NO. COl S. 2Sth St. . 130. Apply toV. . 11. Melkle , 1st Nnfl Bank IJldu. n-913 8EVEHAI. DESIItAIIU : HOUSES NEAR HAN- Bcjm purk npd inoBt dpslnildo one on Park Avc. at J33.0) . p. U.Yead. . 10th & Douslan. _ _ U 882 27 B-nOOM TJHJlRBy fciJA" ' * ' I'AINTFn AND PAPered - Pored "Sll .NT th Ave. . JJS. Fidelity Trust - Co. D-M170 s-noo&r nniric . ( i-rnoni coltnKi' . Ill , t-rontn rotlaRe , $13. COl Doe bldff. D HIM FOIl KKNT KIMIXISIIKD I1OOMS. Foil KENT. NKNVI.Y FI'HNtSHED HOOMR ; n-asoimblo prices. 2121 Dodge. E M5SG VEUY 1-MOASANT IIOO.M , WITH OU M'lTH- out board , near Hnnscoin park ; irodern hoiiso. E 5. UPC. E 7SC i7\rTaE SOUTH FIIONT iTooji WITH AI co\o ; modi-rn. 23SO Hnrnpy St. E 337 2. , " FIIIINISIIED ROOMS , 237C HAHNEY .ST\ E M1SO J-:2 Nlflll.Y FI'UNISHED I1OOM WITH HAY window nml largo closet ; modern. 121 S J th HI. E-222 a IIOAUI ) . T1HI MEIUUAM , F1HST CLASS FAMILY HO- tel. 23lli nnd Dodce Sts. F M707 fl'WO KICE HOOMS , 20)9 DODOLAS ST. F-.7UR _ iFl/INDIKIl HOTEL. COIINEH 16TII AND Wi-Ustcr etreetn. European plan , 100 rooms , rtpuin henl. frpo bjillini ; Kood ro.iruH , JI.60 per wuoK : ben medium-priced hotel In Omaha. I. N. WnlBon. 1'ioprlelor. F M484 1SOOMS WITH HOAllll , 2009 Harni-y. F MSM Feb.13' DAVENPOUT ; TIIANSIENTScT coinmodatPd. F M709 F17 HANDSOME PAltl.OIlS EN SUITE , SMALLEU roomn , KOOil board. Tlio Hose , S03J Hiinicv. F-M973 NHMJI.Y FUUNISHED HOOMS , M cellent tnU board. 1'2 Nortli 13th SI ! ' M972 2S' ijUOOANT FRONT HOOM. STEAM HEATED ; llr t-rlai > a board. 190'J Capitol Ave. F M173 23 * NlflJ HOOMS , WITH 11OAHD , 1S2I 1IINNEY , near cxpiiilllon. F MISS 23 * TT'ltMSHEI ) HOOMS WITH ItO.UlD ; HOT wntor lit'nt. 24K ! Cars St. F MISS 20 nT PIHVATE FAMILY. WITH UH WITHOUT bou-d. 10i DodsP. F-M1M :6 * _ KOK IlUXT STtlUKS , XI OKKIUUS. KOIl KENT. IN THE 1IEE HUILDINCJ : One Uut'i' corner room , ! M Hour , with vault and piltnte olllce , water , etc. Ono Urge front room , M lloor. divided IntD two uicini , by partition ; water , vtu. One largu corner room , 2d lloor , with vault , water , etc , Ono front room , divided by partition. 3d lloor. Onu corner r. om. with vault , 3d lloor , One larsr room , 3d Moor , with petition dividing It Into one largo loom anil two smaller prlvule rtioniH ; water , etc , Tuo large ground lloor roomi , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Several email rooms on 4th Moot , wlth vaults , All tlu'ire looms ore heated with Meant , electric lik'hU , supplied with Iliiit-cbfs jnnllar service. Klevntors inn day and all nlshl ; biillJInrf tirlctly fireproof , Apply to Superintendent , Ilooni 104 , Ilee bulldlm ; . 1-193 Toil HUNT Th 4-STOHY I1UICK IIUII.DI.VQ at 9 6 Fa run m St. This building has a fireproof cement butement ; water on all doors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofTIco of The Ilee. 1-910 roil HUNT DESK HOOM IN OIIOUNI ) FIXDOU office , Iteo bulldlnit ; vater , stcim bent , electrlo light and janitor tcivlce. Apply to Buperln- tt'ndi'ilt , lice building. 1 197 FinST CMSS MEAT MAHKET IXCATION. C03 lle . I-M2II KOIt HUNT , IIHICKVAHEIIOUSE. . 11TJI AND l * > iut > ruvorti ! Hta.i J2.0M tq. feet ; U , I' , track' BKC : frame wurehouie , 7lh and DoUKlas , 14.000 wi. feet , It. & M , trackage , ti. B , Curtk ISO ! Ilarney BL I-lllS * W FOIl UHXT STOHUS AM ) OKI'ICBS. ( t.'prtlTiucd. ) LH , STOHHS. UEMtS , I'AXTON BUC. I 373 i-'iNi : STOIH : NI\H nxrosiriox. CHEAP. E M , IN * . A UK .NTS W.V.NTIJI ) . WANTED. AX ACTIVE AOEN'T IN EVEUY town to Kollpit utibtcrlpllon * for the sole of Mme * In tlip Al.nfkn Unbl Mlnlntt & Develap- tncnt Compnny. Odl c H. > Chamber Commerce llliltf. , Omnrtn. J 105-21 AflRNTS , I1EST SEI.I.EP OUT ; I1IQ PHOF1T8 ; liberal terms. Acme Novell } Co. . .Toilet. III. J-M22D 23 U'lVrni-TII HB.VT. WE WANT A C.OOD STOUE HOOM. WP.LI. Inoated. nt once , for n llr t-clais permnncnl tenant. Fidelity , lt lloor , N. Y. Life. K-879 STOItAOB. PACIFIC .STORAGE AND WAHEHOUSE CO. , OOS-P10 Jones ; Kenornl utorage nnJ forwardlns. M 376 OM. VAN & STOIIAOE , 131114 TAILVM. TEL 13J9 M-377 FIIANK EU'EllS , STOHAOE , 1211 IIAHNEY. nd packing , rhenpest rates. Tel. Kt , M-373 W \.VTBD TO IHIV. WANTED TO ItUY A FEW THOUSAND dollars of Oinnlni 'Savings bank eertlllcatcs for cnniii Mate iinnunt and price asked. Address E 28 , Dec office. N-339-31 * WANTED , CHEAP FOU CASH , AN UI'IUIHT Rnsollno ciiKlne. I * > fk box 111 , Lexington , NPb. N M37I 2J I WISH TO PUHCHASE THE LETTEHS M. K , N , D O. fmm SoiW Mint Gum ; Mute your price either sliiKly or for all. E 49. ! ! PP. N-M22S 23 F H SAI.B l'-fUXITl'llB. AT I'UHLIC AUCTION THE I1ALANTE OK HIP Meiehants' Stnraup cumpany'n linuwludd ( 'ooiH to bp sold for Htnrrme eharces. Wrdn < - - day , January 2G , at 2 p. m. , at 117 N , ISth st. 0-M21I2- . " KOIl SAMS J TE SAWDUST FOIl FLOOHS. ETC. : COUSP for Ice , at J3.7S per cord. Tel , I5S. 901 Dotmlns. Q 379 FOU SALE , FIXTUHES FOU DllfC ! STOHE. \Voodworth. . nth and Chicago St. tJ-223 : r Fen SALE , DUY , HAHD WOOD KINDLINlt. $1.23 per load dollveir-d. Omaha Itutter Tub Co. , 2Cth nnd II. P. Hallway. Telephone ! > " : ' . CJ-1M CliAIHVOYA.N'TS. ITiOP. AMES. GllEATliST LIVING SUCTESS- ful palmist and clairvoyant medium , 2207 Far- nam St : sittings Me ; satisfaction positively Buaranteeil. S 9S7 20 * MATHS , I2TC. MME. 11U1SSON OP PAHIS , CHIUOPODIST. medicated baths an 3 massage. 107 N. 12th St. T 431-F-t- MME. AMES. MASSAGE AND I1ATHS. 1K.H4 Howard stieet. T M219 SO * MHH. nil. LEON , ELECT1UC MASSAOE HATH parlorsT ; reatful and curative. 417 S. lltli , up- stalrrt. T M216 30 I'lOHSOXAL. VIAVI CO. . UTEUINE TUOUHLES. 310-8 HEE llldB ! physician consultation or health book free. U 381 UATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 31314 S. 13TH. U 3S2 CLOTHES CLEANED. PHESSED AND HE- patred ; day or night ; dress suits for hire. Pantorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th and Furnam. Tel. 3CI. U 3S3 HOW IIECOME LAWFUL 1'HYSICIANS. pharmacists , V. D's. dentists or lawyers. I.ock box 19S , Chicago. U 748 F12 PIHVATE HOME FOH LADIES HEFOHE AND durdlnc conllnement. llables niloptctt or cared for. Mrs. M. J. Ludlow , 2202 Clark St. , Omaha. U-36I Feb-\3 * ANY PEHSON IN DOUGLAS , WASHINGTON or Sarpy counties who has any claim apalnst mo will please call at U'ler'a place , near South Omaha , where I can be found till March 1 , ISM. John Nnth. U S3-Fcb-2S PUIVATE HOME FOIl LADIES 11EFOHE AND during ponlini'ment ; babies adopted and cared for. 1130 N. i7th. U 989 27 IF WM. II. FLANNEHY WILL COMMUNIcate - cato with F. U. Nealy , 1712 Market St. , S-in Francisco , Cal. , he will learn .somethlntr of In terest to him. U M201I 2ii MOXBY TO I.OAX HISAIi KSTATB. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1303 Fainam St. W 3S3 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money it low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 3S6 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Purnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Far'm. MONEY TOLOAN. . JIKUI8. PAXTON UU3CK. \v--xi MONEY TO J.OAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real etlalelrennanIxjve Co. , 219. , 15tli. ? + $ ? " . W 3S3 jioo.ooo.co SFEciXn' FUND TO LOAN ON llrst cmss Improved Omaha property , or for building purpowo. Fidelity Trust Company. W 390 6 PER CENT MONEY , 1.O10 AND UPWARDS , on Kilt-edged Improved Omaha real estate , llemls , Pnxtun block. W-392 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED HEAL E3- talc In Omaha , Council llluffs & South Omaha , pusey & Thomas , SOI First Nat'l Itnnl ; . Omaha. W-333 WANTED-CHOICE FAHM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l IJank Illdg. W M133 MORTGAGES FOR SALE. PROPERTY OF NON- resldcnts caied for. W. IJ. Melkle , 1st Nafl 15k. W-391 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Ilrennan- Love Co. , 219 South ICth street W M5I3 Fa 6 PER CENT MONEY ON > NEIl. FARMS & OMA- hi : property. W. IJ. Melkle. 1st Nat'l Hank HMj. ( W M418 6 PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln Hros. . 101.1 Farnam St. W-MM7 MO.VBY TO I.OA.V UIIATTISI.S. Jlft TO J10.COO TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council llluffs. No removal of goods ; Ktrlclly confidential ; you can iiy the loan off at any time or In any ttinouti'B. ttinouti'B.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . r.or south icth st. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. .1 384 IIU.SI.\USS UIIAMJBS. TO ( JET IN OR OUT OF UUS1NESS GO TO J. J Ulbson , Oil First Nafl ilank. FOR RENT , IIP1CK STOREROOM. COXl'2. ALL coinenlcnccs ; test location In city ; tpU-ndld LuslnubH town. Ji'lm H. Llndule , West 1 olnt , Neb. Y-.M2I1 MEAT MARKET. HOOD I/JCATIiW ; DOING good buslnexi ) , Addifsu E 17 , ! > < o ' 'V-SK ? 0 WANTED. ACTIVE'PARTNER IN A GOOD lujliiK , estublls'ied buslnemi ; beft location ; JO 0 ivqiilttil. Atlilrvtii'U 3V , Jlee. Y MIS'J 23 Jl. O.OiV-AVAIl. YOURSELF OF THIS MODE of acquiring wealth. Ity It many homes ale the recipients of fortune" ) ) golden khower. No I'onnm'rclal or spi-putatlvc enlerprljoquiI. ; < It. Last season. w/ > \lzeil | moru then II.IWM per month ; yuur eurpliw dollars will do II for you. Write for | urtleulnr.i , Conden & r-o , . lloon Illoek , Cdvlngton , " Ky. Y 133 2 i * J1..VM CASH WILL I1IJY A rtRKT CL.VHS b.ikpry ; o\Prylhln eompletp ; now turns out 1 , > 0 ! ) tn 2fOO lo.ivcs dally ; goo < l cake trade ; pui- chase money can b made clear thin sin ui , ; reason for foiling sickness. Address E 37. I ! i > . Y-5U7S 25 * GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR A MAN WITH I1CO.OO capital to Invest In a safe , euro buslnesi for himself paying 100 per penlj quick proilti. Cull on or addnuui S 122 ) Fanium st. Y M213 25' _ TEAM MERRY-OO-HOPNT ) ] COMPLETED cost I2.SSO ; price. JSJO mont-y In II for expo- slllon. Write Tutlla Ilron. , Halt Ijiko City. Utah. Y-MSJil Z7 " ( on FOR HA LEI LUNCH STAN > rlvllego ait tin1 exposition grounds from now I till Ut of March , U Ladanyl , from II lu ! ; it. in. . 6li 1'qxlon lilJg , Y-MiM 3S PAW.VIIHOKKIIS. II. UAROWITZ LOANS UONUY. US N. U ST. -407 POIl KXCIt.V.NGi : WILIj KXOHANUR VERY OESIRASILE clpar VICTIM Om.ilm lots for Chlcnso property. Addrero with full riartlculois , Hex Xi. Omaha. 55-SlSOt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. LOT JO I1Y ISO feel , with eiBlil-roon COIIBRC with all modern Impiovementi , nlMi good bnrn ; licntcd Ir , choicest rfjldPiirc part of Omnha. l o blocks from Hiiniwom p rk ; one block from street cars nnd school , pnvpd trppt and btl.-k walks ; JZyx > Incitmbratirp. fctir jcsirs t C p r rent ; will sell equity chenp for rash or will exrhanso for a deslrnblc stock of shoes. AddroJs D ' , Jiff. Omnha. Z M7.,7 Feb 13 TO RAr > E FOIl "FAPMrtTSTOCK OF DRUGti. lumber yard and mill , ft of butcher tonln and ppdlgrPPd pnlnml china hog * for clear Wild land ; Mo. farm for Neb. farm , make nfr.-r. I ) . J. Perry. Exeter , Nob. 7. M197 13' KOH SAMllHAlj ! US'PATB. KOI1NTZE PLATE I1ARGAINS. $2.501 , J3.T30 TO JC.601. J. J. 'llbson , : il First Nat. H-ink Illdg. RE 399 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM3 ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling. Ujrker blk. RE 400 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. LOANS , also fire Insurance. Ucmls. Paxton block. RE-M401 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS , f.04 Ilee UldC. RE-M531 LOGAN VALLEY INARMS AND MERCHAN- dlse. HuntsbPrger & Clements , Lyont , Ne braska. RE M369 $22,600 FOR 3-STORY ntllCK IlUILDt.VG , 44 feet frontnse , near 14lh nml DoiiRlnn Sts. J2.5CO for Improved property on Cumlntr street , near 2'th ttrept. J. N. Frcnzcr. Opp. P. O. RE M7CO 14 PER CENT OROSsTNVESTSIENT. 2-STORY brick business building , price $3.G > . Address I. 1. Ilee. RE-M761 MUST HE SOLD , 4Sf-ACRK ) STOCK FARM ON IClawa river. U nnptt station , on K. P. H. R. 70 acre- alfalfa tin-der ditch ; nil fenced' 20 acres timber ; plenty cntsldp ranse ; 21 miles rnt of Denver. Win. Mordlah , 2H35 I.-irlmcr St. , Denver , Colo. RB-M900 23 * F VllM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. RE-911 F17 WANTED TO I1UY OR TRADE FOR A TEN or flftpen-acrc tract near Omaha ; muft be good nnd cheap ; slate location nnd lowest prl e. Address E 23 , Hep orTlcc. RE 960 31 * SOLD ONCE FOR $3C,0 : NuW $7" , ; CHOICE bull ling lot. ( Ml lice UldR. RE M102 A SNAP , TWO OF THE REST LOTS IN WEST Cummlnus addition ; only $150.00 cich. If sold this week. The McCague Investment Co. RE-M130 30 * FOR SALE , THE A. O. 11RACKETT LAND. 240 acres , two miles siuth of Elkhorn. S. S. Cur tis , 1 OS Hartley St. RE-M199 30 * FOIl SALE , INDIAN RESERVATION LANDS , Under the nctfl of congress approved March 3 , ISM , and July 7 , 1S97 , therp will bo sr-ld nt pub lic auction In the city of Taeoma. Washington , nil the unsold portion of the Puynllup Indian rP'crvatlon , originally amounting to IS 000 acres of excellent garden , farming and timber land. Tlicsr lands will be Bold In tracts to suit pur chasers. Tills reservation Immediately ndjolns the city of Ticoma , nnd borders on Puget Sound ; about BOO nrrps of It have been platted Into lots ns nn addition to Taeoma. and these Ints are nppialsed nt from $20 lo J.VW each ; acre lots nt $200 to $1,00) ench. Those lots will be offered for sale at the fime time as the lands ; term1 ! of pale , for lands nnd lots , cash , or not less than one-third cash , nnd the bi-1- nuce In equal nnnual Installment ! ! In five , four , thrrp , two or one years , at option of purchaser , with 8 per cent Interest , scoured by vendor's lien ; deeds to be npproved by the pei-retary of thp Interior. Sal3 * comm-Mirs at Taeoma , Washington , on Wednesday , February 18 , nt 11 o'clock a. m. . anl will be continued on every Wednesday until all the l.inds nnd lots nro sold or withdrawn from sale. For full Information mation address C. A. Snowdcn , Commissioner , Tacnma , Wash. RE M231 r * SIIOHTIIAM ) AXI ) TYIMSYVHITIXG. A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. 33S AT OMAHA I3US. COLLEGE. 1CT1I & DOUGLAS 397 II. II. DOYLES , COURT REPORTER , PRIVATE lessons ; day nnd evening. 407 Bee Iildg. -393 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE. ROYD'S theater. -MTS'l Feb. 13 LADIES ! CHICHESTEIVS ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Plllw ( Diamond brand ) lire the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlehester Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Hee. M233 23 * KI\A > "CIAI. . MONEY LOANED ON' LIFE INSURANCE POL- Icles or bought. L. P. Van Norman. Minne apolis , Minn. -M77.1 Mcnl4 TYI'EAVniTMUS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT , J4.00 PER MONTH. The Smith-Premier Typ wrlter Co. , 1C23 Far nam St. ; telephone. 1281. I'M SKAVI.YCJ MAC1IIXKS A.Vn SDI'l'I.IKS. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SEW- Inff machines & uuppllcs. 1514 Cap. ave. Tel. 1571. 403. EJIIM.OYMBXT OFFICUS CITY EMPLOYMENT RL'REAU. 1417 FARNAM st. Rooms 2 K 3. Tel. 1404 : i < i STEXOGIIAIMIKUS , WE' SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone. 12S4. . 403 CO A I , . I1URLINGTONNUT , HUB I' . CHEAPEST. PRICE $3.7b per ton. 'Phono MS. Harmon A Weeth Co. 404 DIIHSS CUTTIXCJ SCHOOLS. REMOVED. THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM drcs.H cutting school , 1911 Cumlng nt. nt.MS70 MS70 Feb 15 FI7RMTUIIB I'.VCIvni ) . M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 406 XUU.SUIIIK.S. WANTED-A OOOD PARTNER FOR SOUTHern - orn fruit farm. Also customers for 100 choke lots : also i-everal small tracts of land near Omaha. Address , J. R , Rice , Council ISIufl's , la , jSO-Feb-20 * lIHICIf HEWER.SIDEWALK & mill.UINCI ANY Qt'AN . tltyitel. . ' . Louisville Uriel ; Co. . 330 11J. Trade. S98 COXTHACTOH AXI ) HIJII.DKH. Q. W. QILIIB-JT. CARPENTER AND CONtractor - tractor ; Jobb.ne Eollrlted. 1S15 st Mary's ave. M3W Jan ! 9 It n trains In .Si'c'i.nil Hand > -ifL' . Sivfcs and I.ucKa Kopuireil J. J. DERIGHT & COte to A. I. Dcanc K Co , , A\ustcr \ APCIIIS. Tulu. 3SH , 1110 Fiirimin , Omuliu Wo want ! o buy hocuuil liiitul hufcs. AOTICK TO C4IXTH 1CTOHS. NOTICfi TO CONTHAOTOHS. Sealed blilJ for the construction of tlin baiuatrailrH , docking nnd llnlsh around laKuon on the exposition grounds will be re- cH'lveil until H o'clock a. in. Frldny , Jan uary is , 1KI1'IuiiB and Bpcultleatlons can IIH seen at tin1 Department olllce , cornur 15th and Bponccr Htruels , or sets will l > 3 furnloncd bldtlcru at cost , The right IB reserved to rolisct any or all bids. II' . KlUKBNDAI.r , , Mgr , Grds. & UlilK's. Jept. , Transmlsslsslppl und International Kxp. 04IVI2II.NMKXT XOTICKS. PROPOSALS FOR SUHSI3TK.VC-K STORKS Olllco I'tirohnslnu t'ommlssary ! Subsist ence , Omiilm Neb. , January 21 , 1S3S. Sealed 'proposals ' , Hiib.lwt to the usual conditions , will be received fit this olllce. until 10 o'clock n. in , , February 3. JMiS. ut which time- and place they will ho publicly opened for fur- nUhliiK HUusUtence stores as follows : Pork , baron , sugar , canned goo'ls , etc. Preference will be Klvcn to urtlc'lM of ilomi'Htlc produc tion. Blank proposals and Fpi-rliloattons ran Im obtained ut this olIlco. FIIANK 13. NVK. Mjjor and Commlasary of (11) V K tt X M H.N T XOTIOIW. ( Continued. ) PIIOPO3AI.S 1011 1.13ASINO TIIR SURplus - plus grazing ImiU on thu Klown and Coninnchc and \Vlchlta reservations , Unltcil States Indl.in Eorvlce , Klown nnd Catiinnrlic nnd Wlwttn iijvnry , Anndnrko , Oklahonin , January 19 , ISSS. ( Telegraphic nddres.i , Ana- dark.i , Oklahonin , via C'hlckasha , I. T. ) Sealed proposals for grazlnR horses or cattle ( but not shol-p or hocrs ) on the sur- plUB lands ot thb Kiowa nnd Comanche and Wichita reservallous , Okliaoma , Indorsed "Prjposnls for ; ICH IIIK tribal lands for grazing purposfs , " and nddrcsscd to the HPtlnR'nKt'nt of the Klown and romanche agency , Anndarko'Oklahoma , will lie re ceived at this ctttce until 2 o'clock p. in. on the 19th day of February , 1MW. The pastures on the Klown nnd Comnnche rtsprvatr-.il will Vie leased for the period of three years from April 1 , ISl'S ' , nnd the pastures on the Wichita reservation will be leased for one year from April I , IHis , No bill for a different period on either reser vation will lie received or considered. For the Informntljii ot bidders I will state that the description of the pastures , the loca tion and estimated number of acres In each , nnd till ofr.ior necessary Information will be furnished on application to this olllce. A few of the pastures on each reservation nro utifltirveyed. These will be surveyed ns early as practicable , nnd the lessee will bo required to pay upon the actual number of acres found to be embraced In each , as shown by the survey. Curtain of the pas tures on both reservations are also tin- fenced. The lessees of unfenced pastures will be required , without unnecessary de lay , to f ncc the same with a substantial , cattle-proof , wire fence ; all fences and other Improvements shall revert to the In dians and become their nbopluto ptoperty at the expiration of the kases. No pasture on the Klown and Comnnciie reservation that Is already under fence will bo leased far less than 10 cents per acre per annum , and no unfcncsd pasture on said reserva tion will be leased for less than 8 cents per acre for the llrst year and 10 cents per aero for each of the Bccond nnd third ycnts. The bidder must clearly deslpnate the pas ture on whlc-h the bid Is made , RlvltiK the estimated number of acres therein , the price per ncre per annum which he will pay , and the Maximum number of Imrsea or cattle ho proposes to hold upon the lands at any one tlmo ; nnd In case more than one pasture Is bid upon , separate bids must be made upon each. Only by a strict ad herence to this instruction will It be prac ticable lo compare tin1 bids on any flvon pasture. The rent must bu paid In two equal semi-annual payments In advance , namely , on April 1st and October 1st of each year. Kach lessee will be required to furnish security In an amount equal to th ? deferred payments for the faithful per formance or the conditions of the lease through some acceptable security or guar anty company. Personal bonds will not be accepted. Kverythliis belnjr satisfactory U It proposed to award the grazing privileges of each particular pasture to the bidder proposing to pay the highest price there for ; but the rlit | Is hereby reserved to re ject any and all bids It deemed for the best interest of the Indians nnd the leases exueuted heretinder will bo subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. Ench proposal must be accompanied by n certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank in the vicinity of the bidder's place of residence , made payable to the older of the commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least n perccntum of the entire amount of the proposal , which cheek or draft shall be forfeited to the United States for the use nnd benefit of the Kiowa , Commit-no , Apache and Wichita Indians , In case nny bidder receiving nn award shall fail to enter Into the prescribed lenso for the lands bid upon , and to secure n suitable bond for the faithful performance of his part of t'ho contract ; otherwise to be re turned to tho-bidder. Proposals not con forming to the requirements of this ad vertisement will not be considered. FRANK D. BALDWIN1. Cafit. U. S. A. . Acting In dian Agent , Kiowa and Comanche Agency , Anadarko , Oklahoma. J24dl2tM PROPOSALS KOR ilTLOUR OFFICK PUtT- chaslng Comlssary'of ' Subsistence , Omaha , Noli. , January 124 , 1&S. ) Sealed proposals. In duplicate , subject to the usual condition" , will bo received = tt , thls olllce until 11 o'clock a. m. , February 3 , , 1S3S , at which time and place they will'be'opened In presence of bid ders , for furnishing the Subsistence Depart ment , U. S. Army ; on or before February 2.1 1593. as may be'required , with Flour for Issue and Flour , choice family , at the follow ing places of , delivery , viz : On board of cars at Omaha. Nebraska , or at .subsistence storehouse at Forts Crook , Nlobrnra. Rob inson. Neb. , D. " A. Utssell. | Washakle. Wyo. , and Fort Meade , S. D. Preference will be given to articles of.Uomestlc'production. The right Is reserved to reject any or nil bids , or any part of any bid. Hlank proposals nnd specifications , showing In detail the ar ticles and quantities required , nnd giving full Information as to conditions , will be- furnished on application to this olllce , or any of the Commissaries at poats named above. Proposals will also be received by the Pur chasing Commissary of Subsistence. Denver , Colo. , at 10 a. tn. mountain standard time , February 3 , 1S9S , for the furnishing and de livery of. the above Subsistence Stores free on board R. R. cars at Denver , or near the place of 'production or purchase , or at the posts named. FRANK 1C. NVK , Major and C. S. . U. S. A. 1'OSTOPFICK XOT1CIS. ( Should be read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending' January 211 , 1SDS , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the ( general post ollice as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour oarller than closing time shown below. Triin.t-AIIlliitlc HnilM , TUESDAY At G a. m. for EUROPE , per s s. Lahn * . via Southampton and Ilromen ( JettcM for Ireland must ! bo d4rectcd "per Lahn" . ) WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. ( supplementary fl a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Louis' , via Southampton ( letters for Ireland must be directed "per St Louis" ) ; at 9 n m ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. F. , Mujostle * , via Qupenstown ; at 10 n. m. , for HELOIUM direct , per s s Noordland , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per NoorJiand" ) . THURSDAY At S a. m. for GENOA per H. s. Auguste Victoria ( letters mu = t ) ) ! di rected "per Aususte Victoria" ) SATURDAY At 7 n. : . for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and HRIT- ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Champagne * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per La Champagne" ) ; at S ti. m. tor NETHERLANDS direct , per a. a Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Rotter dam" ) ; at S a. tn. ( supplementary 9CO : a ' m ) for EUROPE , per s. s Campania * via Queenstown ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. s. Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( let- tors must be directed "per Ethiopia" ) . I'llINTKD MATTRR , F.TC.-aenmin steamers sailing on Tuesdays lake I'rlntcil Multer , etc. , for Cleimany , and Specially AiHrrsreil I'rlntcil Matter , ete , for other pirts jf Europe. Amer ican ami While Htar ft cam ITS on Wednesdays , Oirmiin tteainers on TliuraJ.-iys. and Cumird , French and German etedrners tn Haturdays tnku Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are ailveitUed to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Tran Atlantic Mill's named above , additional nipple- mcntaiy mulls. uiu opened on the piers i.f the Ameilcun , iinUI : ; ! ] , French ami ( .erinan steam ers. and minim open until within Ten Minutes < of the hour of , alHK ! | of Fteumer. : for Soutli nnil I'f n trul Aincrli'ii , U't'Nt I ml i I'M , E | < > . Tt'ESDAY-At ; 12 in. for DRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per H. s. Dalec.irlln , I \la Purnambuco .mil Santos ( lettu.ru must ' be directed "pur Dalecarlla" ) ; at 11'iGO p j m. ( surploniontary i p. m. ) for HARD \ - IJO3 and DE.MERARA. p > r H. s Fonta- bellej at 1 p , m. for JNAGUA ami' HAITI , i PIT s H. Navnljoa ; at 2 p. m. for NORTH I HHAX.IL , per s , h. LlHhonenxo , via Para , ! Miir.tnhnm and Ceara ; at * * . ' ! p m for ! COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Or- levins ; nt 8:30 : , p. in. for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from North SyJnt-y ; I at H p. in. fnr PORT ANTONIO , pt-r steamer from Hodton. WED.S'ESDAY At 2.00 a. m. for PORT AN- | TONIO. ptr iftiMmor from Philadelphia : , at S u. in. for I1RAX.IL. per s. K. Oilier * , ' via Pornanibuco , Bahla an ! Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil nnd La Plitn countries muse be dlroclotl "per Olbers" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for CUI1A , per a. s. Orizaba , i via Havana ; nt 1 p. tn. ( supplementary i 1CO : p , m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , per H s Antllla ( letters must be directed "PIT Antlllu" ) ; nt 7 p. m. for NASSAU , N P , per s. s. Sliaml , from Miami , Fla THURSDAY At 1 p. m , ( Hupp'.ement iry l:3i : ) p. m. ) for ST. DOMINOO and TURKS ISLAND , per B. s Cherokee SATURDAY At S 11. in. for HER.MUDA. per s. s. Trinidad ; nt 10 a. in. ( Dapple- mentary 10:30 : u. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA nnd OREVTOWN , per . a. Alcno ( letters for Costa Rica mliHt bo directed "per Aleno" ) ; at 10 n. m. for HAITI and SANTA MAR- T11A. per a. H. Kitty ; at 10:30 : u m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS , TAHASCO and YUCATAN , per . B. Concha ( letters for other parts of Moxlqo and for Cuba must bu directed "per Concho" ) ; at 11 a , m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s . Portia ; at 12 m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per H. H. Highland Prince ; at K:30 : p m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from Nor'h Hydnoy. Sl'NDAY-At 7 a. m. for SANTIAGO DK CL'IJA. VENEZUELA and COLOMBIA , POSTOI-M'MCK XOTH'K. ( Continued. ) per . s. Mexico ( letters must bo directed "per Mexico" ) ; nt 7 p. m. for ( NASSAU , N' . P. , per s. p. Miami , from Mtnml. Fin , Mnlls for N'owfounjlnnd , liy rail to llnllfnx find thenre liy Mcnmer , clofe nt this otllc' dally nt S.l' ' > p m. Mnlls for Mln.uelon. 1/y mil to Ilos * ton and the ice by strainer , cloje at this clllco ilnlly nt $ : M p. in. Malls for fubn rinse nt this olllco ilnlly nt 7:00 : n. m . for forwarding by ftoiimers Pulling ( Mondays ana Thursdays ) from Port Tnmim , Fin. Mnlln for Mexico City , overland , unless ppecl.illy addressed for despatch by stenmi-r clo o at this olllce ilally nt 2:30 : n. m , nml 2:30 : p. m. "ReglMeicd mall dotes nt (1:00 : p. in. preMuus dny. Triuii-I'nrlllo Mnlli. Mnll ? for China nnd Japan , per1 s. s , Olym- pla , ( from Tacomn ) , rlosa here dally up to January * 2.1d at 0:30 : p. in. Mulls for China and Japan ( specially nddresf-ed only ) , per s. . Empres * of Jnpin ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally tip to Jan uary am at O.-no p. tn. Malls for th Society Islands , per ship City of Pnpoltl ( from San , Krnnclauo ) , clO" > r * IHM-P dally Ute to January 2ith at ( lw : : P. m. .Malls fo China nnd Japan , p < * r s , a , Coptic ( trot San Francisco ) , close hero dally up I January 2Mb at rt0 : p m. Malls for Atts tralln ( except those for West AuitrnllrO which are forwarded via Europe , Nett Xealand. Hawaii , FIJI nnd Samoa ! Islands' , per s , s. Alamcila ( from Sal Francisco ) , close here dally up to Jan unry 30th , nt 7CO : n. in. . U n. in. nnd Cx : : p. m. ( or om nrrlvnl at New York of s. s Attnnla with llrlllsli malls for Australia , ] Malls for Australia ( except West Aus trnlla ) . New /.calami , Hawaii nnd FIJ Island , per s. s. Warrlmoo ( frein Van fouver ) , close here ilnllj * after Jnntmr } 20th und up to January 31st at 0:30 : p. m Malls for Hawnll , per s. s. Atistralh ( from San Francisco ) close here dally u ; to February ICth nt 0:30 : p. in , Trnns-Pnclflc mull * nre forwarded to port of fall ( t\g dally and the F' hedule of closhiK Is nr ranged on the piesumptlon of their unlntcr riipted ovpilnnd transit. Registered null clojp.i nt ( i p mj previous ilny , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postolllco , New York , N. Y. , January 21 1S9S. KAII.ItOADS. SIURLJN.ITON t MISSOUn ; River liallro.id "Tne Rurllns Burlington ton Route" General Olllcps , N W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnnn Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1W3 Route Farnam Street. Telephone 23) ) Depot , Tenth and Mnsoi Streets , Telephone 123 Leave. Arrive. 8:23 : am 9:33 an Dally. Dally except Sunday. Tenth nnd Ma.-on streets. Tele CHICAGO , RURLINOTON Qulncy Railroad "The Hurl- Inglon Routc"-Tlcket Olllce ir,02 Fnrnnm Street. Telcphoni " 30. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone 128. . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vcbtlbulcd Ex. . 0:0i : pm 7:53 nn Chi-ago Express 9:4S nn ; 4:13 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Ex 7:51) pm 7:55 : am Pacific Junction Local. . " 11:40 : am 5:40 pm Fnst Mali JDO : pn Dally Dallj- except Sunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE < fc ST. Paul Railway City TIckcl Ollice , 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 2SI. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5:43 : pm 8C5 : am Omaha and Chicago Ex 11:00 : am 1:30 : pm Dally. MISSOURI 1'ACIFIC RAILROAD General Olllces ami Ticket Oince , Merchants National Bank Building , 1221 Parnnrn Street. Telephone 101. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephon ; 1158. Leave. Arrive. KansnVniid Nebraska Limited . 1 3:03 : pm 12:55 : pm Kai.sas City and St. LDU | Express ' 9:30 : , pm 0:00 : am Nebraska Local . , . * 4:30 : pm 9:45 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. .CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , . MINNU apolls & Omaha Railway- General ofllees. Nebraska Di vision. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. „ - . . Depot. Fifteenth and Webster fltiectc Telephone. 1458. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. 8:50 : nrn 8:20 pm Slnux City Accommoda. 0bO : urn 8.20 pm lilulr , Emerson. Sioux City. Ponca. Ilarllng- tuon nnd Rtnomfleld. . " 1:00 : pm ' 11C3 : nm Sioux Cltv , Mankato. St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . BSJ : pm 0:10 : am Ermrsan Passenger r:10 : pro " 8:45 am except Sunday. " Sunday ' nail ) . Dally nAni'fc < * - - onlv This train stops nt stations Florence to So. niair. Inclusive. Sundays only ; on week dny So. Jtlolr only. r-REMONT , ELKHORN AND Mlssoourl VallesRalhMy Gen eral Ofllces , United States Nn- tloimt Di'-r.l : Uulldlng , Soiuh west Corner Twelfth nnd Far- _ _ „ nam. Strests. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone WI. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets , Teleuhone , 1I5S , Leave , Arrive. Black Hills , Dendwoood nnd Hot Spring' . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm WK1 . . " . : . . . . " = : OOpn. . 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , Davl ? City. Superior Geneva. Exeter and Sewnnl. . . . 3:00 : pm 500pm Norfolk , West Point anS * 7:60 : ' "lO a Fremont . im nm Lincoln , Wnhoo and F'cmont . ' 7:50 : arr " 10:2. : ) am Fremont Ixscal . ' 7:50 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. ' Dally < : x-rpt Saturday. Dally excep' llondni' . CHIr'JO ! i NORTHWESTERN Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone tr.l. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 13S. Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley. Sioux 10:45 : pm Mlis-url Valley , bloux Qff | . , . 7:30 : am 9:03 : pm Dennleon. Carroll , Wall 7:30 : am 9:05 : pm EaVtcrr. "icxpress. Des K.-ines , MarshalHown. Cr ar 'Tnpl'ls , Chicago "lOMj am < :10 : pm Atlanlle Flyer. Chicago nnd East . 44j ; pm 4:10 : prn Fast MnSl , Chicago to 3:10 : pm Mlssourt VaVlcy , ' sioux City. St , Paul. Minna- npolls Limited . Sl : pm 9:30 : nm Omnha-Chlcago Speulal. 0:30 : pm ( i.l-i am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Dully 'X CITY & PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllces. United States National Rank Hulld- Ing , H. W , Corner Twelfth nnd Far"nm Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street , ' ' "elepnono Depot , Fifteenth anu Webster Streets. Tele , phone ' 453. Leave. Arrive. Sioux I y. Mankato , St. Paui , Minneapolis . . . . G:53 : pm 9.10 am Pally CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & I'aelll Hnllrmul "The Great R ick Isl.tnd Route. " City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Farnam Strict. Telephone 42S. lit put , Tenth and Muton Ht.cula. Tclephuno 128. Leave. Arrive. Chlcagu ami St I mil Vestjbuled Expiess. . . . 4:50 pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Co'orado ' BP'KS. pueblo , Denver and west 1:53 : pm 1:23 : prn Chkago , Des Mulnes & Rnck Inland 7:00 : pm 8:15 : urn \tlumio Express , for Dea Molnes nnd east ern points 7:20 : nm 5:35 : pm Lincoln. Kali bury nnd Ilellrvllle 5:15 : prn " 10:40 : am Dully. Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVERland - land Route" General Oinces. N. E. Curncr Ninth nml Furrvam Streets. City Ticket Olllrc , 1302 Farnam Stieet. Telephone 310 Depot , Tent.i and Muton Streets , Telephone 128. Leave , Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" fo.- Denver , S-ilt Lake , western points 8:20 : nm 1:45 : pm Fant mall train for Denver , Silt Lake , 1'acltlo coatt and all western points 3:30 : pm ' 100 : am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. . . 5:00 : pm "IS O pm Keainey Express 5i : > ) pm "ISiSO Jim Dully. Dully except Sunday. Council Bluffs Ixical Leaves. 6:10 : a , m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:20 a. m. : 8:25 : u. m. ; 10:45 : n. m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 1:30 : p. m. ; 5:53 : p. m. Arrives , C:2 : < ) a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m.S a. m. ; f:23 : u. in. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:19 : p. m ; 5:49 : p. m , ; 'JM u. . : ! . : 10:45 p. m. WABASI lTlLROAD-TJCKET OFh-ICE ! 141 ! Farnam Street , rckohone. 322. Depot , Tentb and Mason Streets , Telephone , 123 , Leave. Arrive. St. Louli "Cannon Ball" Express 40 : pra 11.2) ana JJUlijT. TUB ASTOX1SIIKI1 FISIIBH.MAX. From Fllotpndo Ulaetter. < fcj& -S. it 8 % SSV L- / Mm / i s5 - _ _ _ ! iii// ( v.mi . , ( 44 \ \ I-1 \iiai .it i I'ti * ' i VlllST WAI.IC OUT ( Mi * HOOIl.S OF TIIK KOXVAI.HSCH.Vr. From Punch. .1 \ _ iipri / ;