Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1898, Image 1

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Resents Threatcnlnp Language Employed
by Hicks-Beach.
Bti Petersburg Government Brings Pressure
to Bear on China ,
Meantime Moat Alarming Eumo Are
Current in British Oapitali
nliletilly IiiioUIuK for " "
All } ' in the Uiilleil Matei
to Help Keep Chliiuno
, 1'orlM Open.
( CopyrlcM , UOS , by Press Publishing Company. )
LONDON , Jan. 24 New York Worl
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The mos
alarming rumors are prevalent tonight a
the ministerial clubs concerning the latcs
development In Anglo-Russian relation1 ? eve
China , The St. Petersburg government dls
Via ) bitter resentment at the threatening
language cmplovcd by Sir Michael Hicks
Beach and I'l the face of British dlplomitl
tirotcstfl has redoubled Intlmldatory prcssur
to prevent England securing an Issue for a
loan. The London Times this morning pub
urhcs officially an Inspired editorial minim
Izlng the gravity of Beach's words , whos ,
"strong oxi/resalon" It complains , has "been
strangely misinterpreted. " The Times con
tlnucs :
"It has been Imagined that the chanccllo
of the oxchccqucr has delivered something
llko an ultimatum with regard to the pro
posed loan. In reality ho did nothing of th
kind. Ho merely will England would nevc
allow Its commcico to be excluded from
Chinese markets. Our attitude Is In
hcnso aggressive , but merely self-defensive. '
This remarkable attempt to cwlaia awav
Beach's bellicose declaration Is made to
placate Russia Moreover , the speedi wo
the cause of the serious discussion at Sat
urday's cabinet council , the fact being a
these cable dlttntchcs originally stated
Beach spoke without the authority ot know I
edge of his colleagues and gravely em
barrasscd Salisbury In dealing with Russia
Several minor members of the cabinet sup
ported Beach us 1mIng hit oft public feeling
but Sallabury , Devonshire. C''atnberlaln
Goschen , Lansdowne , in fact all the lime
cabinet ring , condemned Beach's action
Smallcj'H Times dispatch today , quoting' an
editorial from a Now York oapcr pralslim
nnglonds' attitude as exemplified in the
Beach foeech , Is prominently reproduced li
the evening ni' s as evidence that England
In keeping open the Chinese markets , wll
find an ally not only in Japan , but In the
United States.
NEW YORK , Jan. 24. There Is reason to
believe that the moral influence of the United
States will support Great Britain in Its
efforts to keep Ch'aa open to the commerce
of the world , avero the Washington corre
spondent of the Herald. The only active
stops which the admlrlclratlon will proba
bly take In the matter will bo to enter
Into negotiations with Germany respecting
the treatment ot American ships entering
Klao end bitch other ports In Chlni as
may bo eelzed In the future by Russia or
"If China has leased Klao Chan on the
condition that It shall bo opened by Ger
many aij a Chlneao port , then It will not bo
necessary for the president to take the
steps In the rratter , " said an official of the
administration "It will mean that the com
merce of nil nations will be allowed unrc-
Btrlctcd entry thereto. If , as wo believe ,
however , Klao Chau should be leased to
Germany without condltlono , then Germany
would have the right aaid will undoubtedly
oxercUo It , to put lei operation port and
customs regulations such as are now In force
In Gcriran homo ports. The United States
cannot make any objection to the extension
of such regulations to Klao Chau In such
an event , for It will bo German cell to all
Intents and purposes.
"As In Hamburg , however , the government
expect fiom Germany any privileges
that may be granted to any other nation , and
will , therefore , reap the advantages which
Great Britain's attitude against the shutting
of the Chlncso door to the commerce of the
world will give. This Is required , In ac
cordance with the articles of the treaty bo-
tvveen Ptussla and the United States of May
1 , 1823 , which provides'If either party
shall hereafter grant to anv other nation any
{ articular favor of navigation or commcroe ,
it shall Immediately become common to the
other party , freely where It Is freely granted
4o such nation , or jleld'og ' the tame com-
poncatlon when the grant la conditional. ' "
Attaches of the Chlncej legation ore nat
urally very much pleased at the attitude as
sumed by Great lliltaln , as they assume
that It will have the- moral Influence of the
United States and other nations trading with
thi-m who have no territorial dealers on the
rclcstlil emplH' The policy which haa been
Inaugurated means , they feel confident , the
crntlnucd Integrity of the Chinese govern
ment ,
vov mni.on1 isvii < i. s vrisrinn.
China MeelN All the llemnmli , Minle h >
fieriiiniij ,
BERLIN. Jan 21 , Before the budget com
mittee of tlu Rolcl-flOi : today , llaron von
nuclovv , tlio mlnlstei for forclRii affairs , buld
the negotiations with China , now concluded ,
had rcHultcd In tl.o fiovcrnor of Shan Tun
belnn icmovcd and forever debarred from
holding high ofilco ; six high ofllcluls uamcd
liy Germany had also been removed and
punished and proceedings had been Insti
tuted for the punishment of the actual per-
jiotratci'a of tlio crime ,
Second , China had promised to pay 3,000
< aels for the mateilal losses of the mission ,
Third , as atonement for the deaths of the
rolE.'slonarlrJ , three churches vvero to bo
crcctrd , each provided with on Imperial tab
let , show Ing them to bo under the protec
tion of tlia Chinese emperor , ono at Tsin-Nltr ,
another at Tuio-Cliou-Fii and a third at the
place where the murders vvero committed.
China grants CO,000 taeli for each chimli
and ( rro altcs. Another 24,000 laols is as-
elgncd fur building seven ecouro residences
for the Catholic prefecture of Tsao-Chott-Ku.
Further a special Impel lal edict Is issued for
( ho protection ot German mlialotis.
"China , " llarca YOU Buelow explained ,
"has thus cou piled with all our diunuuds.
ABor regard ! the royal yrotecllou
tablets as immensely advantageous. The
privilege Is rarely accorded and will consid
erably heighten the prcstlgo of the Catholic
missionaries in the cjcs of the Chinese.
"Tho German government believes It has
done all neccfsary for the prevention of
further outrtgca. The best guarantees ,
however , are the permanent presence , under
the treaty , of German men-of-war , and a
garrison at Klao Chau , by which It Is hoped
tlio authorities and population of China will
not again forget that no wrong done to Ger
man subjects will be allowed to pass unpun
ished. "
Baron von Buelow , In concluding , said the
negotiations with rcfcrcnco to the construc
tion of ralluajs and the workings of coal
mines wcro proceeding favorably. The gov
ernment chose Klao Chau , because it was
not too near the Trench and British rpheren
of Interest , or Russia's sphere of power.
Klao Chau was not an cldorado , but expert
judges predicted for It a sound and steady
commercial advancement.
neriunii iMInlHler Sn > StorlcH Arc
1'nre Indention ,
BERLIN , Jan. 21 The minister for for
eign affaire , Baron \on Buelow , made a state
ment today before the budget committee of
the Reichstag In regard to the Drcyfua af
fair. Ho declared most emphatically that
there had never been relations of any kind
between Gormin representatives or agents
and Droyfus. Continuing , tbo minister eald
the story ot the waste paper basket Incident
at the German embassy In Paris and the
finding tliero of compromising documents af
fecting Dreyfus was sheer Invention. Ho
added that the Dreyfus affair had not nf-
fectcd In the slightest the calm relations
between the German and French govern
Baron von Billow prefaced Ills declaration
by sajlng ho could only speak with extreme
caution , as otherwise his words might be
represented as Interference In French af
fairs , and ho thought there was the more
reason for enjoining reserve slnco It nilght
bo expected that light would bo cast upon
the affair by the proceedings initiated In
Franco Itself.
Seinl-OIIlelal Aniiniiiieeiueiit of Over-
( urcH ( o Uilltfd StuteH.
ROME , Jan. 24. It was f > eml-olnclally an
nounced today that the Italian government
haa caured to bo presented to the United
Stateo gov ernmcnt a proposal for a treaty of
I.oril Vet Ille In INillee Court.
( t'opj right ISS , bj Press Publishing Compiny )
LONDON , Jan. 24. ( Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) Lord William
Neville , descendant of thu kingmaker , took
his seat In the dock at the Bovr Street po-
Ilco court today on a charge of dLfraudlng
Money Lender Sam Lewis of $55,000 by ob
taining the signature of young Guardsman
Spencer Clay to promissory notes by a
trick. Neville Is tall and slightly built ,
with a clean-shaven face and intensely
keen ejcs. He displajed the haughtiest
aristocratic unconcern for his position ,
while his dupe , Spencer Clay , evidently felt
keenly at having to give evidence against'
him. The authorities so arranged the hear
ing that no one was present except the
parties concerned and Neville was admitted
to ball in { 10,000 He Is the first lord
charged with a criminal offense In England
foi twenty jears , the last case being Lord
St. Leonards , who was convicted of as
saulting his servant girl and sentenced to
sit monthb' imprisonment.
Strike on nn Irlxh
( Cop > right. 1S93 , by Ircss Publishing Company. )
LONDON , Jan. 24 ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) The action of
Richard Crocker , brother of the manager of
the Cork & South Coast railway , In arbi
trarily dismissing elgnalmcn , has provoked
a etrlko on his o\vn railroad which threat
ens to spread throughout all the Irish rail
ways. The men allege that the signalman
was dismissed solely because he had taken a
prominent part In laying the grievances of
the order recently before Manager Crocker ,
and they went on a strike today at an hour's
notice. Tlio employes of other Irish rail
ways have been notified and will strike
rather than handle any goods coming by
Crocker's road unless the signalman is
iclnstatcd. Manager Crocker is noted
among Irish railroad men as the hardest
and most domineering of taskmasters and
trouble is always simmering between him
and his men.
Army Ollleern Will .Not Tentlf.v.
PARIS , Jan. 24 According to the Gaulote
the minister for war , General Billet , will
prohibit all officers from testifying at the
trial of Emllo Zola. General Billet hlm-
tclf will attend the trial In full uniform , to
make the necessary defense of the army's
The organs of the government asejrt that
public tension has been relieved by the firm
statement made by the premier , M , Mcllnc ,
In the Chamber of Deputies , and by the com-
ploicncas of the police precautions.
CilutlHtoiie'M Cnnilltloii Unlmprot eil.
LONDON , Jan. 24. The Pall Mall Gazette
this afternoon t-ays : "Our latest informa
tics in regard to Mr. Gladstono's condition
lo that It continues to bo more grave. There
has ibecn no Improvement since our an
nouncement of Wednesday , Wo say this
In spite of all statements to the contrary ,
and with a full eonso of our responsibility
In doing so. "
CANNES , Jan. 21 , Mr , Gladstone drove
out at noon today.
Wiir Fever IH Siih
VALPARAISO , Jan. 21 The war fovcr Is
subsiding. President Erraiurlz , In reply
to a deputation that waited upon him to
day , said there wan no ground for alarm ,
as the treaties wore being respected and
the representatives of Chill ami Argentine
wcro meeting with no obstacles In the exe
cution of the protocols. Fifteen thousand
leisons were present josterduynt a meeting
called to express lojalty to the govern
ment ,
Vntl-IIelirevv ItliitN In Kranee ,
ST. MALO , France , Jan. 24. There was an
anti-Hebrew riot hero today. The mob
smashed the windows of the business houses
> elonglng to the Hebrews anil the troops had
to assist the police.
llreuil Itlotx In Turkey.
OALLIPOU. Jan , 24. T'isre were broil
riots hero last even'ag. A mob broke the
( root lampij and burned the governor's rcs1-
denio > ind local club houee. Thirty-nine cr
eate were made.
n Kllleil III n Coal Mine.
LONDON , Jon. 24. A colliery accident
near Means , U la announced In a special
[ Is.iaU'h from Brussels , has resulted In the
Icath of seventeen persons.
Ahollxli NeitNpiipvr CeimnrHhlp ,
HAVANA , Jan. 24. Tlio censorship over
orclgu uowtpapera bat been abolished , „
No Truth in the Humor of Consul General *
Sn > * the flteporl of nit Impending At
tuck nn AmvrlcniiM nt HnMUiit
la of the Key AVcitt
Urn nil. ,
( CopjrlBht. 1S33 , by Prec * Publishing Company.
HAVANA , Cuba , Jan. 24. ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
General Leo Isvery much allvo and wide
awake. SI'RINODR.
Vlco Consul General.
HAVANA , Cuba , Jan. 24 ( New Yorl
World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
When an Inquiry regarding the rumored as
sasslnatlon of Consul General Leo reachci
mo last evening I found htm In his room
which Is next to mlno In the Hotel Ingle
tora. Ho was In good spirits. Speaking o
the report of an Impending attack on Amer
leans , General Leo said : "I never Itnev
Americans so well thought of since I hav
been In Havana as now. The rumor prob
ably was of the Key West brand. "
There Is no apparent activity save In
circles. The olllcers who led the recent rlo
vvcro pardoned yesterday , but the publl
made no comment upon the circumstances
A new liberal club was formed night before
last without exciting adverse remarks.
General Blanco has just left for eastern
Cuba. Ho Is not going Into the field. HI
trip seemingly will bo one of Inspection , al
though it Is said he will confer with an Ira
portant mulatto Insurgent chief in that par
of Cuba. The governor general leaves with
out misgiving as to the maintaining of orde
here The Inflammatory anti-American clr
culars scattered about the city vvero so
palpably written by Insurgent sympathizers
that the volunteers took no notice of them
Yesterday was a favorable tlmo for the
display of ultra Spanish feeling. It being
the joung king's "Saint's day , " or "name
day" the anniversary of his christening
but there was not a ripple of trouble , al
though no special preparation had beei
made to guard against a riot. Havana v/as
as quiet as Philadelphia.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Jan. 24. A dis
patch to the Times-Union and Citizen fron
Key West sajs :
Great excitement prevails hero over a re
port that Consul General Lee has resigned
The Maine and the rest of the fleet left here
at 9 o'clock this morning for Tortugas The
-pctlo boat Dupont sailed at 6 01 this
afternoon with Important dispatches for the
WASHINGTON , Jan. 24 Assistant Sec
retary of State Day said tonight : "There Is
absolutely no truth In the report that Gen
eral Leo has tendered his resignation. He
Is in perfect accord with the administration
and the administration is with him. "
NEW YORK , JEQ 24. The World's Wash
ington corrcitxindont sajs the battleship
Ma'r.e was ordered to Havana In response tea
a cablegram from Consul General Lee. After
C o'clolc tonight three cipher dla niches
from General Leo were received at tOe State
department , -translated and sent to Judge
Day , assistant secretary of state , who took
them to the dlmer given by Judge Mc-
Kenna. At that dinner all the members of
the cabinet , except General Alger , were
present , and a cabinet meeting was held to
consider the situation In Cuba. After re
turning to the executive mansion the presi
dent ordered direct telegraph ! : connectioi ,
between there and Key West. It was then
his evident Intention to send a long db-
patch to General Lee , but ho subsoquentlj
decided to de'er this until morning.
ciininiATiM ; A < : oinn\
California MaKi-.i u Gala We ok of the
riftlclli AmiK rrsurj .
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24 The splendor
of the celebration of the golden jubilee of
California , which began , today , Is not likely
to bo surpassed for many a } car to come
The entire state has gladly responded to the
appeals of the miners , pioneer and native
sons and daughters , and from now until the
close of the carnival week San Francisco
will bo the niccca toward which all travel
west of the Sierras will be turned. Nor
can the line bo drawn at the eastern border
of the state , for.from Nevada , Utah and the
country as far cast as Denver men who
( list found fortune In the placers of Cali
fornia have already returned hero to assist
In the exercises commemorative of the
fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of gold
by Marshall at Coloma , near the old fort
erected by General Sutler. Hut the par
ticipants in this week of gaiety are not
confined to the oldtlmcrs. It Is the younger
clement , the children of the men of ' 49 ,
that by their enthusiasm and monetary con
tributions have assured In advance the HUC-
cess of one of the most unique and charac
teristic demonstrations over projected In
any part of the union.
With the lining of the sun this morning
the celebration was heralded by the booming
of the guns at the various forts wliie-a llr.o
the shores of the bay at the entrance-
Golden Gate The salute commenced with
a wclcomo of twenty-one guns from the big
twelve-Inch guns at Fort Polut. This was
followed In quick succession by the guns at
Forts Mason , Alcatraz and Angel Island ,
Though rather too cold to allow of stand
ing still In the early morning , the weather
was bright and bracing , and as the day
progressed It became much warmer , and the
conditions were perfect when the hour for
the bis p.rade arrived.
Punctually at 10 30 o'clock ona of the
most Interesting parades over seen In tliib
state marched through the streets , which
weio gaily decorated with flags and bunting ,
and thronged with people from cvory part
of the state At least 60,000 strangers poured
Into the city last ulght and this morning
and half as many more from thetovns
across the bay swelled the crowds from this
c ty along the line of march. Market street ,
from the ferry to VanNess avenue , was
packet ! on cither side , and that part of It In
the vicinity of the Ualdwln hotel v\hcro a
mammoth arch had been erected across the
street , -was a dense mass of humanity.
Every window along the route of march and
many roofs of the buildings vvero pressed
into service by tbo sightseers. The parade
was divided Into fifteen dlvlulcns and it U
estimated that there vveru 10,000 men In
In the afternoon literary exercises were
held in Woodward's pavilion , at which appropriate
propriate- addresses vvcro mado. This even
ing there will be a banquet and the Native
Sons give a ball. The celebration will con
tinue during tie rest of the week.
ins POSITION ci.uui
Kx-I'renlileut ClovolnnJ In QnitnKcil ( <
Annexation ;
PRINCETON , N. J. , Jan. 24. "It I
ono of the strangest things of these strang
times that my position upon the Hawaiian
question should bo misunderstood , " That I
the way cx-Presldcot Cleveland cxprcssci
himself when shown the statement of Sena
tor Morgan relative to his position In th
senate today. In order that there shouli
bo no misunderstanding of his position 01
the part of the public , ho authorized the fol
lowing statement :
"I do not bcltovo In discussing matters o
this kind as a private citizen. I do no
care , however , to bo misrepresented. I wll
therefore say that ever since the question o
Hawaiian annexation was presented I have
been utterly and constantly opposed to It
The first thing I did after my Inatiguratloi
In March , 1893 , was to recall from the federal
oral senate an annexation treaty then pcnd
ing before that body.
"I regarded , and still regard , the pro
posed annexation of these Islands as no
only opposed to our national policy , but a
a perversion of our national mission. The
mission of our nation Is to build up ant
make a greater country of what wo already
have , Instead of annexing Islands. I did no
suppose an } ono In public llfo mlsunderstooi
my position In this matter.
"It had boon said that I was partial to the
former monarchy and desired to sec It re
stored In order that I might treat with I
for annexation. How coiild I have had eucl
an Idea It I regarded annexation as contrary
to our national policy ? The same answer
can bo made to the statement that my op
position to Hawaiian annexation was basci
merely on dissatisfaction with the treaty
pwidlnc before the senate at the tlmo of my
second Inauguration. I was opposed to an
noxatlon as such.
"In regard to the Hawaiian monarchy
aside from any question of annexation , am
without harboring any previous designs o
restoring that monarchy , I Investigated the
relations of our representatives to Its over
throw. Tills Investigation satisfied me that
our Interference in the revolution of 1S9I
was disgraceful. I would gladly , therefore
for the sake of our national honor and for
our country's fair name , have repaired thai
w rong.
"In regard to the Cuban question. My posi
tion was fully made known , to congiess In
the various messages In which the subject
was discussed. I was opposed to the recog
nition of the belligerency ofi the Island am'
my position was perfectly well Known. In
deed , so very unmistakable- m > views on
the subject that I was time and again
threatened by frenzied men dnd women with
dire calamities to be visited upon mjself
and children because of what they saw fit
to assert as my enmity to. the Cuban cause.
' 'My position on nil the "questions vvero
made perfectly clear In the official docu
ments of the tlmo and there can bo no pos-
slblo mistake.
"It Is very difficult for iho to understand
Senator ( Morgan's evidently wrong Impres
sions in regard to myrposltlon. Indeed , It
Is ono of the strangest things of these strange
times that my position on these matters
should bo called into question. "
Vlonc'tnrj Coiti etitloii IlcKlllH ! < Sen-
Nloii There TniliM.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Jan. 24 The gen
eral Interest In the monetary convention
which meets In this city tomoirow was
shown by the Jarge number of delegates
who arrived today. By G o'clock this even
ing fully 100 had registered at the head
quarters in the Denlson house and ncarlv
as many more came in upon the night
The convention does not begin until 3
o'clock tomorrow aftcinoon. It will assem
ble at the Giand opera house and will be
called to order by Chairman Hanna of thr
executive committee. Governor Mount of
Indiana will deliver a bilcf address of wel
come and Governor Shaw of Iowa will bo
introduced as the permanent chairman and
will make an address. The various states
will bo called upon to submit the namps
of vlco presidents and members of the com
mittee on resolutions.
Hon. C. Stuart Patterson , a member of
the commission , will present Its report In
the evening and explain it briefly. John C.
Bullltt of Philadelphia will also make a
brief speech. There will tbo speeches on
Wednesday morning by ex-Secretary Charles
S. Falrchlld of New York and Hepresenti-
the Ovcrstrcct of Indiana , who Introduced
the bill In the house.
Judge Robeit S. Taylor of Fort Wayne ,
ono of the members of the monetary com
mission , spoke tonight at the Columbia c'ub '
loforo a targe audience regarding the plan
of the commission ,
niahorate l iitertaliiinent IN Waiting
for the DeleKiiCeN ,
DENVER , Cole , Jan. 24 It la now cer
tain that not less than 1,000 delegates will
bo In their seats when the National Block
Glowers' convention Is called to order In
Coliseum hall tomorrow morning. The con
vention Is to continue three jdaya and many
Important questions will bo considered.
Some of the specific subjecta to be dlr-
cus ( = cd are the chattel mortgage law , the
refusal of the government to use branded
liorsea In the army , the tariff on hides and
The men most often raeqtloned In con
nection with the chairmanship of the con
vention Is John W. Springer , piesldent of
ho Continental Cattle company of Texas. A
lormanent organization will \o effected , and
already there are several cities bidding for
next jcar'a convention , Om.aha and Kan-
eas City are In the dead for tjio honor.
The entertainment arranged for the visi
tors Includes a barbecue on Thursday , at
vhlch buffalo , elk and p.ther large gaino will
jo served for probably the last time to a
argo assemblage in this country. A recep
tion will bo ihcn ; at the tlenver Athletic
lub tomorrow night , at which several local
pugilists will give exhibitions.
Iliilellire. Held fur 1'erjury.
NEW YORK , Jan. 24-Edvvord J. Hat-
cliffe. the nctor , was ( held In JACOO ball today -
day on the charge of perjury. The alleged
perjury consists In his sweat In ? during his
ecent trial for assaulting Ills wife , the
aujjnter of Peter DeLicey , that he had
lever been married before. Today Caroline
lavenhlll , who alleges that Ratcllffo mar
led her In England In US3 , produced the of the marriage certificate , which
s alleged to prove the nctor'a perjury and
> lgamy.
lot emeu In ( if tluciin Vi'HMi-lu , Jan.1. .
At New York Arrlvcd * Nomadle , from
.ivcrpool , Bulled Amsterdam , for Hotter-
am ,
At Delaware Breakwater , Del. Passed up
IJeleenland , from Liverpool.
At Havre Arrived La Quscoene , from
New Yorfc ,
Flames Do Great Damage in the Oity o
retired ( lint nt Many ni IMfty Pernon
Are Unmet ! ( o Heathi
lirnnka Cl ( > Woman , it
SPOKANE , Wash , Jan. 24. At mldnlgh
flro Is destroying- the Great Eastern bloc
on Riverside avenue. The stairway Is burne
away ami people In the building are nt th
windows crjlng for help. It Is feared th
loss of llfo will be great. The building I
a sK-story brick , and the upper floors ar
used for light housekeeping.
U Is now feared that fifty or moro per
sons have perished In the aw ful furnace. Th
upper floors wcro occupied by seventy-five o
100 roomers and It Is not thought that moro
than twenty-five have been saved. Mrs. Da
vies of Nebraska City , Neb. , leaped from a
window to the stone pavement below am
was taken to the hospital. She will die. He
daughter and son-in-law were saved.
Great crowds In the streets are frantic
vvltlr-excitement. Several thrilling rescues
w ere made. One man came ( low n a rope w 111
his babe in his arms atid his wife followet
him. The building Is owned by Louts Le
vlnsky of San Francisco It cost $223,000
and Is insured for $30,000. Thu first floor am
b.asempnt was occupied by John W. Graham
with a largo stock of stationery. The flames
are beyond the control of the firemen am
will c\tcnd to adjoining buildings.
At 1:30 : the fire is under control. Onlj
the walls of the big building remain. Eotl-
matcs of the loss ofllfoary from ten to
W. D. Lloyd was sitting in his room on
the fifth floor reading when the alarm
given. "Every ono who was In bed nt I hat
tlmo on that floor , " ho said , "peilshed.1
Ho had a nartovv escape. Wrapping his
overcoat around his head ho came down the
stairway. As he ran down the stairs he
i an Into two men. He saw five peisons on
that floor who ho Is convinced perished
He heard persons falling all around him ,
suffocated by the dense smoke.
ALICE WILSONaged 18 , Is known to
have perished. Her sister Maud was saved
Chanihcr Glieti an OIIMI helming
A'ole In ItN Pit or.
PARIS , Jan 24 The Chamber of Depu
ties was thronged todiy when the session
opened nt 2 10 p. m M. do Bourgard pro
tested against the treatment accorded the
Chamber on Saturday , saying It recalled the
EOUPS d'etat of December , 1831 , and No
vember , 1793 ( prolonged murmurs ) . The
deputy further complained of the interven
tion of the troops on Satuiday. The pres
ident of the Chamber , M. Brlsson , ex
plained that those who wore charged to
clear the tilbunc mot with resistance jnil
thought It their duty to call out the guards.
M. Juarcs , the socialist leader , requested
permission to continue the discussion of Saf-
urday. He criticised the government on the
"Incomplete prosecution" of Emlle Zola and
asked what were the reasons for this state
of affairs.
M. Jaures protested against the alleged
Illegality and sccrecytof the Dreyfus pro
ceedings and rcpioache > J tlio government
with pusllamltj. IIo also alleged that for
the last twenty-six jears the republic Ind
been controlled by financiers and accused
the majority of desiring the "redellvery of
the republic Into the lianita of the mon
archy and clericals. " "But , " M. Jaures ex
claimed , "tho socialists are prepared to de
fend the true republic. "
The premier , M. Meline , refused to replv ,
"because , " ho said , "tho government has
no right to constitute Iself a court of Jus
tice. "
The house , by a vote of 37C to 133 , ex
pressed confidence.
The vote was taken on Premier Mcllnc
demanding the closure after ex-MInlster
Goblet had spoken , declaring that It was the
government's duty to formally express the
conviction that Droyfus was guilty , and
charging the government with prosecuting
Zola In order to gratify tlio ilghtlsts.
The government will prosecute M. Gcrault-
[ llchard and the Comto do Bcrnls for their
conduct in the- Chamber of Deputies on Sat
urday ,
The Military club today was guarded by
the police , who wcro also stationed within
the Palais Bourbon , while a reserve force
of 100 policemen was drawn up In the court
yard of the minister for foreign affairs. Tlieio
was another body of police In the garden
of the TulllcTlcB , and a detachment of the
Republican guard was stationed In the court
yard of the minister of marine.
iron LOOTS 'i'liu ' iiniiitiw STOHUS.
Appeal of ( lOiernor General I'allN to
HeNtore Quiet.
ALGIERS , Jan. 24 , Further rioting oc
curred hero at 9 o'clock this , morning when
t was learned that a Hebrew had stabbed
a Spaniard A mob gathered , attacked and
ootcd the Hebrew store.
At the head of six Zouaves with fixed
bayonets , the governor general , preceded by
nllltary drummurs , traversed the streets
appealing for quiet. Ho was followed by
a mob of 3,000 people who shouted "Down
with the Jews , " Intermingled with a few
cries of "Vivo la Gouvencur gencralo. " 'I lip
governor general finally retired to tlio win-
cr palace escorted by the police. Several
( ebrewB have been assaulted and a score of
arrests have been made .
This evening the town U in great turmoil
Ml the shops are closed and troops are
ilcketecl In all the squares , Several Joulsli
shops have been sacked and the chaeseuts
tavo several tlmcn dispersed the crowds.
This afternoon the manager of an utitl-
OA'lah nowepapor , accompanied by the widow
of the Christian who was killed last even-
ng , was dressed In deep mourning and drove
along the malu boulevard and created In-
onso anti-Jew tub excitement. The people
nased beneath the placards , bliouting
'Down with the Jews ! " and the like. Finally
ho chasseur * and Infantry , headed by beat-
ng drums , cleared the boulevard.
A number of the natives Joined the mob
n hope of pillage , No Jews venture upon
ho stregt.
tr i
V.'cather Toreca't for Nebraska
Snow , Colilcr , Northerly Winds.
1. ItiKtlnn Ilenr Kmlt * n ( Irani ,
( iennrnl I.ea Allvo nnilVrll
Dentruetlvo I Ire nt SnoUnne. M
Unr Ship Miilne Ordereil to Culm. .
S. Morffi n > Vulco llenril In the Scimttj. ? !
9. eheme to 1'eimlon Mllltlntnen. _
1'roRrem of the Liirtgerl Trlnl. jjg/rj /
4 Killtorlul nnil Comment ,
fl. Imposition Swlnillot * Are Ahrimit fCJj
AfTiilrfl ut South Onmhn , yS't 'f
llii | > | ionliiK < nt thu Onmhn TliciiUJ-t/Sj /
0. Council llliUTA Loeiit Mutteri * . -
N < nv Llijiior .Itiiiiufrtoturliiff lllll. ff
7. ( Irnerul Xo n of the I'lirthrr
Henry Clown' Itevlow of Wnll Sf
H. Kutlniiite for Srhoul Kxpcnsru.
Wonderful Nen Word Trnnnmlttcr ,
U. The Holil of KlcctrU-lt } .
l.lienso Uefuneil to llopklnn.
1'iirk lloiinl anil tlin IldiiUunrit.
tl. Commercial mill rinnnclnl News ,
13. Novelties In 1'lctiirn rrumei.
Iliiviiitl nnil the SiiRiir Industry ,
Old lovvn I.iiml Murk
Teiniieinture ill Oiniiliut
Hour , 1 H'K' . Hour. Den.
n n. m ii : i u. m > s
( I n. in -U It | i. 111 Ut )
7 n. 111 u ; ' : t p. m ut )
S ti. in : IU -I p. ill Ill )
I ) n. m -7 r ] i. 111 Ill
10 II , in US 41 p. Ill ill
11 n. 111 us r p. m : n
iu 111 us s ii m : n
i ) p. m : n
i > ou : .
'I'llKt > n Out 4o Port Sherliliiu , Where
lie IlevieiVN ( he Troops.
CHICAGO , Jan. 24 The program for the
entertainment of President Dole of Hawaii
conblstcd today of u trip to Fort Sheridan
and a review of the United States troops ,
an Informal dinner at KIngslcy's Imme-
dlatelj aftei the party returned and a re
ception at the Union League club.
President Dole , accompanied by Consul
Fred W. Job and 'Chief ' Secretary laukea ,
left their quattcrs at the Auditorium Annex ,
and took carriages for the Chioigo & North-
wcstcin depot where a , special train for
Fort Sheridan was reidj. Major General
Brooke and his staff were In waiting at the
depot and with the distinguished paity
took their places In the private car of Gen
eral Manager Whitman of the Northwestern
road. Mrs Dole was somewhat Indisposed
As tlho distinguished delegation stepped
off the train It was mot by a volley of cheers
from a cio\\d of students from Lake Forrest
imlversltj. The bovs had obtained a daj
off to see the- Hawaiian official and lavished
the college jell on him , for which the pres-
luent showed his appreciation by boning
and lifting his hat. At the cast side of the
station was the Flist regiment , which acted
as escort for Major General Biooko and his
guc&tb. A carriage for President Dole and
Major General Brooke stood ready and the
rest of the party wcro taken to"'tha ] ) arracks -
racks In the army wagons.
Pi esldent Dole and the others of the party
were taken to Colonel Hall's house where
a bilef Informal reception was hold and then
the party boarded the train for Chicago
Carrhges were In waiting and President
Dole and h's ' cscoit drove to Klnslej's ,
where the dinner given by Dr L > man , to
which a number of Hawaiian-born Chicago
residents were Invited , was served.
At 3 o'clock a formal reception to Prcs-
.dent Dole was given at the Union League
club , which lasted until 4 o'clock. Judge
and Mrs P. S. Grosscup gave a supper to
Mr. and "Mrs Dole at which were Major
Harrison and his wife , Mrs Jchn R Brooke ,
General and Mrs. John C. Black , Consul and
Mrs Job and Judge John W. Show alter and
CHICAGO , Jan. 24 President Dole and
iarty will leave Chicago via the Baltimore
& . Ohio tralhvay at 10 23 a m tomorrow ,
enrouto to Washington , where they will ar
rive at 11 15 a m. Wednesday. The party
will occupy ono of the Baltimore & Ohio
olllciil cars and Is under the personal escort
cert of T W. Crldler , third assistant secre
tary of state and Major Helstand , military
atti.eho of President McKinley. During the
ourney on Tuesday the party will pass
hrough the thickly settled portion of Ohio ,
naklng brief stops at such points as De
fiance , Tiffin , Mansfield , Newark , Zancs-
vlllo , etc Wednesday morning they will
wss through the historic battlefield country
along the Potomac river between Cumber-
and aud Washington.
I2\iieceil ( AililKlonal Votes Arc . " \o <
Show In ) ; 'riieniNeI > en.
ANNAPOLIS , Mil. , Jan. 21. The Maryland
cglslaturo In Joint session today took but
ono ballot , which icvuilted as follows' Mc-
Comas , 49 ; Gorman , 42 ; Shaw , 17 ; Flndlay ,
1 ; total , 109 ; ncccf-aary to a choice , K1
The absentees me all dcmocratcs who will
10 In their beats tomorrow when another bal
lot will bo taken. It was this fact that en
abled Judge MeComas to como within six
votes of being elected , and that ho did not
take advantage of the oppoitunlty to force
natters Is taken aa an Indication that he haslet
lot ) ut secured the votes his fricnda on Sat
urday bold ho would bo able to muster today
That the democrats are ready and willing
.0 take a hand In the contest and to aid the
'cloven" in electing almost wnybody but
McComaa is no longer siueoiitlblc of den'ai '
Delegates Wlrt and Wilkinson , the nc-
tnowledgcd leaders of the democrats In the
louse , declared an much today In speech.
General Ryerltk diow out of the flfcht to-
da > and declared himself uncijulvocblly for
Judge McComis' election.
0\MS IV I'MON 1'AOIKIO J'l'M ' ) .
lanKN lo I'll } It Over In Ten WceKl }
liixdilliiieitlx ,
NEW YORK Jan. 21 Too order of the
secretary of the treasury calling on the
ianks having deposits nn account of the
sale of the t nlon Pacific ; rallroid to pay
0 per cent of the amount on deposit Into
the ticca'iry Satuidiy iiust Is expected tome
mo n stimulating olt ° i l on the maiitfy mm-
.ot here. Inu balaneo o : tlu < money , It la
understood , will bo drawn In nlno weekly
nstnllnients of about $2,700,000 each ,
The ealo of the Eccurltles held as collatciul
under the Union PailU collateral trust
noteo of 1891 , which was to have been held
at the New Yorl ; Heal Estate exchange next
Wednesday , has been postponed until Fob-
uary 2 ,
Atoriie ) nnil .IiiHllen nl Onlx ,
MILAN , Mo. , Jan. 24 , ( Special Telegram. )
Last Monday Justice Purr of this city Is-
ucd a bonrh warrant for John W. Clapp ,
ttorncy for the defendant of u trial before
ilm , Clapp was tiled today and sentenced
o flva houra In the county Jail. Bomo words
were paused ami the court attacked the at-
erne > with a Btovo poker. Friends inter-
ercd , It la believed thn trouble will soon
ceult In thn killing of one or both , and
oth are being clottly vvntclied tonight.
United States Ilonting Arsou.a.1 Ordered to
Sail for Havana.
bnators Pleased to Hear that the fchipij
About to Sail ,
Squadron Not Collected at Key West for
Dress Parade Purpo3es ,
I.OIIR : Vn > H ( lu. aiiilin. Will Malta
FrleiHlly Cull , hut i\er > huity
Kl e llelle\eH It IN There
for HiixIneNN ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 24. Within forty-
clght houis , for the first tlmo slnco the
Insurrection broke out In Cuba three > car < i
ago , the United States Roverment will bo
represented in tho.harbor of Havana by a
war ship. The decision to send the Unlteil
States steamer Maine was finally reached
at a special meeting this morning between
President McKlnlcy , Secietary Long , As
sistant Secretary Day , Attorney General
McKenna and General Miles , and it Is n ,
striking fact tint with the exception ot the
cecrotnry of the navy and the attornoj gen-t
oral not a member of the cabinet know ,
of the president's Intention to take this
action. It Is not denied that tome suchf
move has been long in contemplation , as
Is evidenced In the following statement ot
.Assistant Secretary Day , made this nftor-
iioon :
"Tlio sending of the Maine to Havuia
simply means the resumption of friendly ;
naval relations with Spain. H Is cuotomaiy ;
with naval vessels of frlendlj nations to
pass In and out of the harbors of other
countries with whom they nro at peace ,
and British and German war vessels visit
Havana. Thla Is no new move. The presi
dent has Intended to do It for some tlmo ,
but something has happened to postpone It.
Iho orders of the Maine mean nothing moro
than I have nald , and there Is nothing ;
alarming In them. The Spanish minister
heio is Informed of what is going on aml _
so far as I know has not made the sllghtc'st'
objection to It. "
"Further , " Mr. Day said , "Consul General
Leo had not sent for a war nhlp.f This
statement shqws that the move wna made
deliberately , and it could not havo. been' '
taken If there were serious apprehension ot'
Its results in Havana. "
The general belief here , however , Is that
In Madrid , rather than In any Cuban town ,
Is trouble to be looked for If thcro should
bo any misapprehension of the action of the
government In sending the Maine to Havana.
The temper of the opposition newspapers In
the Spanish capital haa been thrcateiilij ; fop
some time , and It may require Iho strong
hand of the news censor to supptc&s utter
ances that would lead to noting.
Admiral Slcnrd's inleis wcro not mule
public In their tovt , but it was stated that
their substance wcro made public In the
utteianccs of Secretary Long The orders
were not sent direct to the Maine for tlio
icason that It Is now attached to the squad
ron , and the naval regulations require nil
buch orders to go through the superior offi
cer. Theio la Bomo question whether the
telegram reached the admlial before ho
railed with his squadron from Key West for
Toitugas The belief IB that It did not , but
this will make little difference In the pro
gram , Inasmuch as the telegram will doubt-
IP ° S bo sent to the admiral by ono of the
lorjiciio boats or by other means
The details of the Maine's movements
are believed to be left to the airangonient
of Admlial Slcard , 'but ' It li thought that
the ship , which put to sea with the squadron ,
will return to Key West before going to
The German ships to which Afcslstant Sec
retary Day referoil aie the Chai lotto and
the Gcycr , both training ships and not oC
formidable tjpo , though .0110 sufficed to settle -
tlo hastily the recent Haytlan difficulty.
Their touching at Havana Is not believed to
bo significant , as their cruise was arranged :
In alt the details last September , and the
ships are duo at Charleston , S , C. , early la
The commander of the Maine , Captain Slgs-
hccIs a favorlto In the Navy department.
For four yeans ho was chief of the hydro-
graphics ofilco and by his energy brought the
ofilco to a high standout. Ho was lucky
to get BO Important a ship as the Maine ,
considering his actual rank , which IH that
of a commander , but Immediately ho Justi
fied the depaitment's Judgment In the se
lection by running his ship uttalght Into
a doc ) : In Now York harbor to avoid run
ning down n packed excursion boaj. Thin
wus a display of quick Judgment , ncrvo
and pluck that pleased tlio dcpaitmcnt no
hlghl ) that the raptaln was sent a com
plimentary letter.
His ofllceis are also n good lot , Including
Lieutenant Commander Richard Waln-
wlight , Lieutenants 0 , F. Holman , John
Hood and C W. Yungon , Lieutenants ( Ju
nior grade ) 0. W. Blow , G. T. Illundln , F.
W. Jenkins , Cadets .T. H , Ifolden , W T.
Cluvcilus , Amoti Ilronson and D F Hoyd ,
Jr , Surgeon L. G. Hcneborgei , Pamaster
C. W. Llttlofield , Chief Engineer C. P Howell -
ell , PahBcd Assistant Engineer F C. 'Dowerfl.j '
Assistant Englnecis J. It. Morris and
Merrltt , Cadet Engineers Pope
and Arthur Gcntihaw , Chaplain J.
wick and Lieutenant of Marines jS\V , Cat-
H Is. nald at the N/vy department
that no disturbing nowB/iaa been recelve-d ,
from Havana , but that ( ho movement
la rather In the line of a resumption ot
frco Intercourse of our naval vessels In
Cuban watew , the same as prevailed prior
to their withdrawal on account ot the out
break of hostilities.
Tlio first Intimation the members of the
scnato committee on foreign relations had
of the orders of the Maine won given In the
Associated Pie bulletin. They received
the Information with evident satisfaction.
Senator Frye- said the situation vvau em
inently iatlsfactory to him. Senstoi Gray
said It was very ipiopcr lo have a war ship
In Havana for the protection of American ,
Senator Morgan said