THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. At ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , KO.NDAY MORNING , ! JANUARY 24 , 1898. SINGLE COPY 3TIVE CENTS , RIOTS IN ALGIERS Moro Anti-Jewish DemonBlrations in the African Town , SHOPS PILLAGED AND OWNERS DRIVEN OUT Revolvers and Daggers AM Froaly Us3d by the Enraged Mob , ONE MAN IS DEAD AND OTHERS DYING Military Finally Ohirgoi the Crowd with Drawn Sworda. SEVERAL POLICEMEN BADLY MALTREATED Scvcrnl HliojiN I.iioti-rt nnil All Uic I'll- KCIluriiiMl by 11"lUloUTH .11 n u y 'ArrvNlit .Minle of , UlNiifilurly 1'ernoin. ( 'ALGIERS , Jan. 23. Anti-Jewish rlola tvc.'o renewed hero today. The mob invaded the Jewish quarter and pillaged the shopo In the lluo Ilabazoum , driving tnc Jewish merchants out Into the streets. A H uadron of chasseurs waa ordered to the scene and charged the mob with drawn swords , but the mob re-formed , further on , cheering for the army. Revolvers and daggers were freely Used. Ono man wild was stabbed In the back and shot In the head died on the spot. Many wcru Bcrloualy wounded , ono , named Cayol , dying from his wounds at 1 o'clock Ihis afternoon. The crowd , hearing of this , became - came dangerously excited , shouting , "They're murdering us. Death to the Jews , " and resumed pillaging. The fronts of six uhopn were destroyed and the loot was burned' . The police repeatedly charged the rioters but were stubbornly resisted ana were powerless to restore order until the troops arrived. Several policemen were se verely maltreated. U Many arrestfl for theft hnvo been made. The Jewish authorities recommend their co 14 > 1 religionists to remain Indoors. Both the men klllvd in the riot were Christians and their companions have sworn to avenge them. Disturbances nml the looting of Jewish shops continued throughout the evening , drsplto the efforts of the troops to quell the disorders. At 11 o'clock tonight some Jewish flour stores were pillaged and their contents thrown Into the ctrcota. The zouaves then charged the crowd with fixed bayonets and dispersed It , many persons being Injured. At the moment this dispatch l.s sent , 11 o'clock , the i Inters are reassembling on the quays and setting flro to the Jewish spirit Htorca. Troops are being hurried to the spot. Already there have been 150 arrests today. The maintenance of order has been entrusted to the military. By mldnUbXJho town had become more quiet and the > -A oil. the quays had been extinguished. The streets are patrolled by troops. 1'AUIS , Jnn. 23. It Is reported from Al giers that serious rioting und pillaging took place at Mustafa , a suburb of the city , laet night. Ten Jewish shops were looted and n number of policemen Injured. Troops were summoned , but order was not restored until 2 o'clock this morning. Forty Arrests were made. 1'OI.ICn AFTH'H ' TIIR A.VAKCHIST.S. Lively TIineH In the Slreetn of I'arlH on Sun tiny. PATHS. Jon. 23. In anticipation of the prohibited anti-Dreyfus demonstration today , under the direction of the organizing com- mlttco of the anti-Dreyfus meeting at the Tlvoll Vauxhall laot Wednesday night , stringent measures were taken by the au thorities to preserve order. The Place do In Ccacordo and the Garden of the Tulllorlcs were held by detachments of cavalry and In fantry and large forced of ysllce. Nothing happened until 2 o'clock tills afternoon , the time announced for the meeting to protest for the pro-Dreyfus agitation In the Sallo des Milks Colonnea In the Mccitparnasso quarter. The approaches to the hull were occupied by police and" mounted republican guards , while the precaution was taken of removing all chairs from the Interior. The police refused admission to known anarch ists , but many who were less prominent evaded police vigilance , gained adm'sslon and created disturbances. M. Thlcbaud was elected to the chair and the noisiest disturbers of the proceedings were expelled from the hall. M. Thlebaud proposed that a wreath should bo laid on the Strasburg statue and the proposal was greeted with cries of "Vivo 1' armlo" and "Vivo la France. " Aa the disturbance continued M. Thlebaud got a motion adopted to close the meeting. The wreath was then placed In a carriage , but the police refused to allow the crowd to follow It In a body acid divided It Into small groups. In the meantime , the an archists tried In vain to organize n fresh meeting. The wreath was placed upon the statute at 4:30 : o'clock this afternoon , amid perfect order. Later In the evening the po lice dispersed largo bodies of natl-JewUh demonstrators In the Hue do Lafajctte and at the olllce of the Aurora. Out nothing eorloua occurred and there were few arrests during the day. Patrols paraded the principal streets last evening , hut there were no further dis orders. The troops of the garrison were con- flnrd to barracks In order to prevent them , according to Figaro , from mingling with the demonstrators. gi ) IIV Til 13 IJCIiIl'SIJ. Olil Sol Veils UN Knri * ami tin.Viitlvcn Trriulilc. DOM DAY , Jan. 23. The eclipse of the un was accompanied here by a rapid fall of temperature. An earthy smelt pervaded the atmosphere and the scene resembled a laud- scapo under a wintry Kngllih sun. The duration of totality wa two minutes , with a marvelous corona of pale silver nml blue. The conditions \\ero favorable at both Prof. Sir Normani Lockycr's camp , near Ylzadroog , on the Malbar coast , and at Prof. Campbell's camp , near Jour , The native as trologers predicted terrible calamities. The natives swarmed to devotional exercises and there- was general fatting , but no great alarm , The N'lzrnm of Hyderabad liberated fifty prhcticra , giving each a gift ol money and clothed. LONDON. Jan. 21. The Morning Post pub. llahca a dispatch from Prof , Lockyer from Jlujapur , saying that sixty spectrum photo graphs \\ere secured. Some of these have lie en already developed and are found to ex- Jilblt changes In the aspect of the chromosphere cecond by second at each of the four contacts. The dispatch MJ-B the weather was perfect and that LorJ Graham'N cinematograph work/proved quite successful , KnKlniul AiiIunilN { ivrninuy. LONDON , Jan. 21 , The Times says edi torially this morning : " \Ve arc glad to learn from various trustworthy and mutually Independent sources that the rumors of Germany's Intention- open Klao Chau to the world's commerce are well founded. If this decision Is maintained Klao Chau will probably become u great , busy and nourish ing cnlrcport of the world's trade , a north ern Hong Kong , The \\1sdom of the de cision cannot be doubted , It will tend to Improve the unnecessarily strained rela tion * between England and Ocraiauy , It U to bo hoped that other nations will follow Germany's examplennd that the far eastern question may thereby be greatly simplified. " icn ci.asi.\7 > i\ o\ Tim oii \nrtlipiinl finlrfi Shuts YpMKplx Out , ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Jan. 23. A succession of northeast gates Is driving the Arctic floe In on the whole northern coast of thin Island at'd closing navigation for the winter. Sev eral steamers nnd other vessels lying In this l.nibor and loading cargo are likely to be- caught by the barrier And kept hero until the wind changes. Numbers of people In the northern bays arc In destitute condi tion , but It will be dimcult to get relief to them now. STATUS OP n.Vm.VKKUS * STI11ICK. nxct-ntlvo CotiimlttiM * Ailvlird Accoiit- IIIIPP of Knif > l < i > prN' Term * . LONDON , Jan. 23. The executive commit tee of the London engineers has Issued a cir cular advising the men to accept the em ployers' terras. A ballot of the men hns been flxcil for Tuesday next , and It Is prob able that work will bo resumed the follow ing Monday. Axtor I.i'UVt-N for tinContinent. . ( CopyrlRht , 183S , by Prc s rubllslilnt ; Company. ) LONDON , Jan. 23. ( New York World Qiblegnim ? peclal Telegram. ) William Waldcrf Aetor left London today for a tour of some weeks on the continent. Ho pur poses to visit Korr.c- and possibly extend his jodrncy to Cairo. Before leaving Cliveden he iw placed In a permanent position the gllMntls table made from a cross-section of a California redwood tree , large enolig'i to scat forty persons. It has bec set up In the open air In the center of a greensward , aomo distance from the house In a ulace known ns the "Half Moon , " en account of the form of the surrounding trees and shrubs. It Is close to the spacious gymnasium and covered tennis courU recently erected at great cost , The tnblo has boon so arranged as to present the appearance of a growing tree cut off at the stump. It Is supported by two iron girders and two thick cojipr bands have IJben placed around It to pre vent splitting. A subterranean passage has been tunneled around It. The wager dinner of forty guests 'cannot be given on the table until next summer. . _ - „ - - _ s llpnvy 'Winner ' nt llmifp Cnrlo. ( Copyright , UOS , by Prois I'ullMilnfr Company. ) LONDON , Jan. 23. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Intercnt- Ing accounts are published , of Immense win nings at Monte Carlo In the last fortnight by an American whcso name has not been ascertained. He played without a system , going from cne table to another , staking at hcohazards largo sums and Invariably winning. Ills movements around the room caused a flatter among the croupiers , for many other playcr.s following his luck and the tables lost heavily. Ho has not been seen at the tables In the last four days , so It Is presumed that he has left with winnings estimated at between $ inOuOO and $200,000. IJprvlilii'M iVri ? Itcporloil Quiet. LONDON , Jan. 24. The Calio correspond ent of the Dally Telegraph says : Genera ! Sir Herbert Kitchener , commander of the Anglo-Kgypt'an expedition in theSoudan , hao telegraphed the officers here that It ! o needless that they should ascend the Nile , aa the dervishes are quiet. The scare Is over and no movement Is now expected before the next high Nile. Iloootli Ciirillnlly llecclvert. HALIFAX , N. S. , Jan. 23. General Booth has had a remarkable reception In this city. Largo meetings welcomed him. It las been decided by the general to form a military and naval league and poor man's metropolo lu this city. A building formerly used for rescue work among seamen had been pur- chraed for this purpose. llnsxla Will Demi ! ml Payment. CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 23. Russia is about to present a note to Turkey demandIng - Ing payment of tlio whole balance of the in demnity of the lUusa-Turklsh war , amountIng - Ing to $140,000,000 , with a view of making the sultan more docile In the settlement of the Cretan question. I'nlvorxlly Scuiitt * 'I ' PUAGUB , Jan. 23. In consequence of the police prohibition of the wearing of party badges and club uniforms , thu senate of the German university has rcs'gned and the oludento have decided to attend no more lectures. The whole university has thus gone on a strike. Hery. Tiike n. Drive. ' LONDON , Jan. 23. Cornelius Herz , of Panama canal notoriety , was permitted to take a short drive yesterday. It was the first tlmo ho had left his house at Bourne mouth In five years. Tnrlll' on Cert'iilH Iteilueeil. HOME , Jnn. 23. King ( Humbert has signed a decree 'reducing the customs tariff on cereals from T'/fc to D lire until April 30. It will come Into operation Tuesday next , Hint \Venther ( rliNeiire * lCell | > xe. ODESSA , Jan. 23. Owing to the baJ weather all the observations of the eclipse at stations In southern Russia were partial failures. AVI Ml CAT SCHIiJJIliS IX 1CIOXI > IKE. Ketiirnpil Miner AVnriiN I'rONpeeloi'M to IIL on 'I'llelr titinril , JUNBAU , via Seattle. Jan. 23. Edward J , Llvcrnaih , ono of the committee appointed by tlm miners at Dawson to go to Ottawa and endeavor to secure a modification of the mining laws , passed through today , Mr. Llvernanh said this winter's output of gold would not exceed $0,000,000. In answer to the question whether any now strikes , had been made he sad ! : "None ; next to nothing Is known of the Klondike bcyomli , what was known last sprint- The expectations us to Hunker Creole are partially realized , and the Indi cations are favorable for Sulphur and Dominion. The public should bo wary of rosy reports of marvelous finds. The Klon dike has wildcat schemes as well us gocd mines and some of these schemes have hur ried to the front. " Krcil Stevens , formerly of Juneau has Just arrived from Dawson , accompanied by his partner , James H. Dougherty , or as ho Is familiarly called , "Nigger Jim , " They have a number of valuable claims on Bonanza Creek. They will go to New York , where It Is said they have been offered $400,000 for their propcrt'cB , Stevens estimates next year's output of gold at $20.000,000. He said slnco the two safes of the Alaska Com mercial company have been Jlllei with dust the company Is packing the dust In wooden boxes which hold about ICO pounds each. \ < > cii.vxun i.v sTiuici : MTUATIOX. Conillllon of AlfalrH Jti-muliiH I lie KIIIIIP lit \ < ; \v lleilfuril. NE\V BEDFORD , .Mass. , Jan. 23. There Is no change In the strike situation. No at tempt will bo made to start the striking cloth mills tomorrow , and no excitement Is expected at any of the mills. Secretary R&rs Is In receipt of offers to aid the strikers from Lowell and other places. At Lowell a subscription paper has been started by the Lowell Sun , and the amount subscribed Is considerable. Prom a shop In this city , not connected \\lth the textile Industry , Mr , ncaa has been Informed that the workmen employed there will contribute $50 to the strike ( und weekly as long as the strike lasts. The committee of the general strike com mittee , composed of representatives of tbo varlour associations , will begin tomorrow to solicit fuads for the etrlke. Credentials stamped with the olllclal seal of the union have been supplied to the members of the committee. All funds received by them will bo devoted to tbo benefit of all the strikers , union and nonunion alike , each receiving a per capita chare. WILD RUMORS ABOUT CUBA Movements of the White Squadron at Key West Causa Talk. FIVE BATTLESHIPS ARRIVE OFF THE BAR Hi-port linn It Hint Spcolnl Oiinriln JInvc HPIMI IMnccil A run nil CHII- mil General I/ee' Olllce i | | for 1'rotcctloii. , , ( JACKSONVILLK , Fin. , Jan. 23. A tele gram from Key West naya Admiral Slcard wlt'a the battleships Now York , Indiana , Massachusetts , loua and Texas arrived off the bar at 10 o'clock. The Maine , Montgom ery and Detroit and torpedo boats Gushing and DuPont went out and Joined the fleet. An Important message was received here at 11 o'clock for Admiral Slcard , but there Is no way of transportation to the fleet. Tele grams received from Havana last night state that extra guards have been placed around Consul General Leo's office for protection. Circulars were distributed around Havana calling on the volunteers for the protection of the American colony. There Is no news of an attempt to assassinate Lee. A Gpcclul to the Times-Union and Citizen from Key West , Fla. , says : There hna been much exci'tmcnt In this city during the last twenty-four hours. , duo to an alarming telegram from Havana stat ing that the streets had oecn floodo 1 with an anonymous ultra-'Spanlsh ' circular calling upon nil anti-American elements to mobilize and raid tlio American colony. Captain "General Ulanco , fearful that the rabid clement of the clti might attempt such violence , has placed an extra military guard around Consul General Leo's olllre. Jinny otf the Americana of the city who be- llevo they ore In real danger have prepared their affairs for any emergency. This news Is what gave -rtao to the rumor that General Leo had been assassliMted. The feeling of uncaslnejj felt hero beosuce of the proximity of this city has been much allayed , especially slnco this morning at 10 o'clock , when Admiral Slcard's Imposing licet of battlcshiV3 | , consisting of thu Now York , Indiana , .Massachusetts , lown and Texas arrived oft the bar. The Maine , Mont gomery and Detroit and the torpedo boalu Gushing and Dupont left the hnrbor nt 11 o'clock nnd Joined the licet , the whole mak ing an Impressively formidable appearanre and one Inspiring confidence In the strong right arm of Uncle Sam. The stopping of the war shirs hero Is a break In the program of the admiral , whose plan under orders was not to stnp. The fleet , however , will leave tomorrow for Tortugas. The Spanish consul hero was uneasy over the repeated rumors to the effect that ( ! cn- cral Lee had fallen a victim to assassins and wired to the authorities of Havana tor the truth. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. So fUr as could bo learned the administration hod no advices from Havana today. Hoth the State and Navy departments nfllrmed that nothing bad been heard from General Lee aad pro fessed to look upon the 'ack of news as a good sign. On the other hand , the city was full of rumors , ranging In Importance froai IMo Qtatemcnt' that the white squadron had sailed from Key West to that of Lee's being assas.slr.ated nt Havana. Inquiry , however , lulled to reveal any basis for sensational re ports. ADVICES FROM HAVANA. HAVANA , Jan. 23. General Pando has sent Colonel Domingo of Captain General Blanco's staff back to Spaia under serious charges. . A private report from Puerto Principe confirms the report that General Castellano has destroyed Esperanza ( at the extreme west of the Sierra Cubltas ) , the headquar ters of the Insurgent ( rqvernment , which moved to Navajnz , taking documents ana files. When the Insurgents retired they loft fifty-seven of their number dead on the field , but carried away their wounded. The government troops lost twenty-seven killed and eighty-seven wounded. Juan ilasso , whoso surrender to the au thorities was recently reported , Is a nephew of Bartolomo Masse , president of the Cuban republic , not a brother , as before stated. Severn ! of the local papers comment upon the report of the surrender of Masse with 110 followers , which number , they declare , Is exaggerated. The action of the government In search ing certain mail matter before allowing It to bo delivered Is considered by persons well Informed upon the subject a direct violation lation of the International pcstal union treaty. Many persons , Including a number of royal Spaniards , such as Scnor Francisco do Los Santos Guzman , cx-prcsldcnt of ccn- grcss , and others of social standing in the city , make complaint of the non-delivery of letters addressed to them. It Is reported that In consequence of the government's action Etc < p3 will bo taken to expel Spain from tlio postal union. MADRID , Jan. 23. The report that Amor- lean warsh'ips ' have been ordered to Cuban waters > has caused great excitement here. The Imparclal , In the course of a violent article says : "Wo ECO now the eagerness of the Yankees to seize Cuba. " A gracd banquet was given at the palace this evening In honor of the name day of King Alfonso. The members of the cabinet and the principal members of the diplomatic corps were 'present. The cabinet met after ward and decided so It 1s reported to ad- diess a manifesto to the country. Ono minister , in the course of an Interview , said the government was quite tranquil respecting the movements of the American 'Warships , which 'wore fully known to the minister of marine. Dlt. JOIIX 1IAI.1 , HKMAIX. IleeoiiNlilei-H IIlN 'HeHlKim ' lion UN n AIMV Yorlt I'M H ( or. NEW YORK , Jan. 23. Dr. John Halt to day announced from the pulpit of tlio Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church that ho had re considered his determination to resign the pastorate nnd would continue In the service of the church. lie said : "In view of the unanimous ac tion of the congregat.on I have decided to continue , God willing , the work of the pas torate while strength Is given from ubovc , and I nm prepared to welcome any form of assistance regarded as desirable by the con gregation nnd Its otflcors. " The otllclal announcement of thu action of Dr. Hall will be made to tbo congregation a week from next Wednesday. 1'iiri'lne MARYVIMjK , Mo. , Jnn. 23.-SpecIa-J. ( ! ) W. Littler , living near Skldmore , Nodnway caunty , has n 2-weeks-old plji thnt Is 11 livingcuriosity. . The nnlmal IH strong und well developed nnd differs In no way from other Bwlno of Its age , excepting that UH hind legs urn turned the wrong way , the h ofrf pointing' backward Instead of for ward , The pig ( -eta around as well UH any other member of the brood to which It be longs , Its malforma'Ion appearing1 not to bother It In the ( .lightest degree , Mr Littler declares tlint If the pU , lives long enough ho will have It placed In the Mln- bourl exhibit at the TransmlEsluslppI Kx- posltlon nt Omnlm. DiiniiiKi'x for llrt'iieh of I'roinlNi * . HUTCHINSON , Kan. , Jan. 23-MIss Llllio Tyco , a school teacher 21 yenrs of age , re cently sued Alexander Dado , aged 73 , for (10,000 damages for breach of promise of marriage. Tiio Jury before whom the case- waa tried lias brought In a verdict award ing the young woman { 000. Mr , Dade , who is wealthy and a widower , was one of the first settlers of Hcno county , .UovemeiilK of Oueiin Ven fln , Jnn , ! ! ; i , At New York Arrived La Champagne , from Havre ; Rotterdam , from Rotterdam. At Queenstown Sailed Auranla ( from Liverpool ) , for Now York. At Liverpool Arrived Umbrla , from New York , At Lizard-Passed La Qascogne , from New York , lor Havre. AXOTIIKR WEKIC W S1I.VUU. _ _ _ _ _ I Semite Will Uevolc 1 < Tlmo to the Tcller > iHcuoltillon. WASHINGTON , Jon. 23. The present out look Is unfavorable to the1 senate's giving much attention to the Hiwalltn treaty dur ing this week. The agreement to vote on Thursday on I ho Teller resolution reaffirm ing the doctrine that United States bcnda are payable In silver at the option of the government , will , In all probability , result In the oonate'a giving the major portion of Its tlmo until that date to this measure with the exception of that necessary to the con sideration of appropriation bills. Senator Turplo has given notice of a speech on the Teller resolution for tomorrow , and It Is expected the other spcechen for It will be made by Mr. Teller , Pettlgrcw , White nnd others , and that there will also be some ad dresses In opposition. Senator Nelson has offered an amendment declaring for the maintenance of the parity of the two metals , but the silver men , considering this proposed modlflcatlon hostile to their purposes , will tiot accept It. They say they will Insist upon a vote upon the resolution as It stands. The pension appropriation bill will be called up Monday , and as coon as It Is dis posed of the senate will bo asked to take UD the legislative , executive and Judicial ap propriation bill , Each of these will provoke some debate , but It Is not expected to be prolonged In cither case. When the treaty next comes up Senator Teller will bo recognized to speak In Its sup port , and ho probably will be followed by Senator White In opposition. The vote on the treaty now appears at'least thrco weeks distant. The houpo program for this week Includes Httlo of Interest beyond the limits of the District of Columbia. Almost the entire week will be devoted to the Dlatrlct of Co lumbia appropriation bill , H Is expected that the Indian appropria tion bill , the consideration of which was begun yesterday , will be , completed tomor row. The only Item In the bill which Is likely to cause much of a contest Is that providing for the leasing of the gllsonlte beds of the Uacompahgrp Indian reserva tion In Utah. Thla provision was beaten In the last Indian bill , and \vlll be stubbornly contcatod now. The district bill will prob ably consume the remainder of the week. TO ( DISCUSS FINAXCIAI * TOPICS. Monetary Convention JIcelK nt Inillnn- niioIlH on TnoMiliiy , WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. Private advices which reach here from Indianapolis are to the effect that the business men's conven tion which will be hold in that city Tuesday and Wednesday next wllj be moro largely attended than was the first convention of n year ago. The purpose of the comcutlon Is to endorse the report of the monetary com mission , which provide.1) ) a comprehensive plan for n reform of the Currency. Delegates to the number of 3SO have Announced their Intention of being present and It Is expected the actual number will be greater. Governor Mount of Indiana will deliver the address of welcome. The permanent chairman of the convention will bo Gov ernor Shaw of Iowa , nvhtue recent Inaugural address showed him to bo identified with the work of currency reform. 0. S. Patterson , president of the Union 'leapio ' of Philadelphia , nnd one of the eleven members of the monetary - tary _ committee , will present the report to tlio convention and explain such circum stances connected with1 Its preparation as will prove of Interest to tie delegates. The principal address qt/tho firnt day's meeting will bo delivered' by Charles S. " Falrchlld of New York/"wo- ! secretary of the treasury underlie jrfst Cleveland ad ministration. In the eveiitsjg the delegates will be entertained at a reception to bo given by the local commercial bodies. Among the well known men who will address the con vention are William B. Dodge of New York , Charles G. Homer of Baltimore , John C. Uullltt ot Philadelphia , Augustus Wilson of Louisville , Jacob L. Brccn of Hartford , ex- Governor Stanard of Missouri and John AV. Fries of North Carolina. AVII1 AUaeli It an n Illrter. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) If the Hawaiian annexation treaty dees not gain the necessary recruits to give It two-tblrds In the aonato within the next two or three weeks. It la proposed to attach the Morgan annexation resolutlca to the diplomatic and consular ai-yroprlatlon bill and In that form , send the measure to the house. The object of this move Is to com pel t'.ie heiise to consider annexation In spite of the suppascd opposition of Speaker Reed to the Bclmio. Tills project , however , may bo cmbarroced by the efforts of the Cuban sympathizers In the senate to attach a Cuban belligerency rider to the same bill. Xt'ivw for the Army , WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Leave of absence for ono month grouted First Lieutenant -Charles W. Ponton. Fifth cavalry , department of Texas , Ischanged to leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability. Private Dert Reed , Cotrpany F , Twenty-second Infantry , Fort Crook , Nob. , has been ! transferred to the hospital corps as private. \ttHTII A.V11 SOUTH OKV TOGICTHKJl. Mcdioillst KplHcoiml 'Clmrcli HIIN n SoliciiK * for 11 IteQiilnn. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn , , Jan. 23. The offi cial report of the action of the Joint com mittee of the federation appointed by the general conferences of "the two Episcopal Mothodlsms , which met at Baltimore re cently , was given out today by the secre tary , Dr. R. J. Coake , editor of the Methodist Advocate. After nn elaborate discussion covering ssveral dajs' conference the Joint committee finally agreed on tlio following resolutions , the exact language of which and particulars explanatory will be given hereafter , as nro- vlded fer by the Joint commission : First T.nt the general conferences of the two chtiiThtB be recommended to order the preparation of a common catechism , hymn book nnd order -public1 worship for both churches. Second While- recognizing the value nnd grc/vth of the Kpwarth-league from the re spective churches and rejoicing In the rplrlt or fraternity manifested In their biennial International conference. In the absence of any legal provision for ) t , It Is suggested to the giwrnl conferences the propriety of recognizing- regulating It by legal pro- vIslonH. Thlid That the general conferences of the respective churches uu recommended to adopt measures for the Joint administration of tiu'lr publishing IntfrojtB bpth lu China and Japan. j Fourth That whKo apprpclntlnj ; fully the Christian comity prc-vnlllHjr among our mis sions In foreign lands ami bavins given careful eonHlderatlon to thn principle find desirability of ro-operatrro < idmlnUtratlon an a means for lessening Dip expenditure of funds In the prosecution of the work , the- commission imiy without , attempting lo formulate any -plan jor.iuicJi co-operation , commend the Hiibject to the consideration of the two general conferenres. Fifth It was further [ for tlio pre vention of hurtful competition thnt In places where cither church IH entil ; > ! lnliecl and sup plying the needs of the people Jicw work -shall not bo organized by the. other church without the consent or the bishop liaxlng Jurisdiction , Sixth The following with reference to Christian education wan adopted : Resolved , That this expression should take Hiieli practical form n Hill Inuruuxo the elllclcncy or our hlgncr Institutions of learn ing ; that the yearn 1UOO and 11K11 should bo the period for the prcfcontntlon of the uub- Jcct of higher education to nil our people nnd of.thetr glfU to the cause ; that It Is the Irriparutlvo duty of the. Protestant church to proyldo In the city of Washington a uni versity , Christian , Catholic , tolerant and American , having for It. ) tele aim post grad uate n'nd professional Htudy und original rl- eearch-ami that the American university Is worthy of the confidence of the people In all our churches. Wo therefore recommend thnt the claims of thla Institution be commended to both churches for special contributions during the closing year of the present and the openIng - Ing year of the coming century. We also agreed to recommend to the gen eral conferences of the two churches pro vision for the rccc-ptlon of ministers from one church to the other without losa of or ders In ministerial standing. SEVERE STORM IN THE EAST Wind Blows a Frightful Gale , Destroying Property ! BLIZZARD IS REPORTED AT MANY POINTS CciitrnlSinten Arc Almt VIxKetl nml .SIilpliliiK oil the Creut J I -AfTecteil. PHILADELPHIA , Jnn. 23. With a deaf ening crash that was heard for squares a portion of the cast wing of the old state house fell tonight. No harm was done to the historic building , as the arch which collapsed was not connected with It , a sec tion of the wing next to the cast wall ol Independence hall having been torn out under the restoration plans now being carried cut. The accident was duo to the cxponi'd rtuto of the building. The two wings had been torn down with the exception of the arches on cither side. The cast wall of the east wing and the west wall of the west wing were left standing their full height , about thirty feet. At 0 o'clock Watchman Lewis Felglcy made his rounds in the cast wing. He walked along the top of the west wall Hnd through nnd over the three arches. Every thing appeared to be In first-class condition. Ho had Just left this portion of the buildIng - Ing and was standing in front of the state house when there suddenly came a crash that nearly threw him from his feet. An investigation was made at once and It was found that the whole of the western arch , half or the middle arcli ana n small portion of the cistern arch had fallen In. The wnlls fell toward the west. It wns the opinion of the contractors' men who were there that the mortar had been softened by the heavy rain of Saturday night and the strong wind tonight did the rest. At the time of the collapse the wind was blowing almost a gnlo across Independence square. A largo area of tin roofing , very heavy , which had been taken from the building , was lying upon n pile of bricks. It wns tossed about by the wind almost like so much paper. Reports received from various parts of eastern Pennsylvania and south New Jersey indicate that a windstorm ot mare than ordinary velocity passed over those sections today , but no great damage resulted. Heavy winds prevailed along the coast , but up tea a late hour no disasters to shipping wcre _ reported. In this city the -wind - reached a maximum velocity ot forty-one miles an hour , but be yond damage to trees and signs there were no serious results. The lido In the Delaware river reached Its highest in a year and the schooner John Davis , which has been anchored near Gloucester , broke away and drifted on shore some distance below. HOSTON , Jill. 23. A severe storm , at tended by unusual phenomena , passed over New , England today , causing heavy rains in the southern portion , ten or twelve Inches ot snow fa Maine and New Hampshire , thunder and lightning In the extreme northeast , and practically a tlual wave on the coast from Capo Cod to Portland. Tcalght a gale Is blowing east cf Portland and the atorm seems likely to Increase io force as It pas&es over- the provinces. Whllo the heavy snows In Malms caused some delay In railroad transportation , and the severe rains In the south were responsl- 'blo for numerous washouts , the most de- stuictlvo feature of the storm seems to have been In the tremendous tide which swept In from the sea at noon , Inundating the greater part of the coast and causing a heavy loss to owners of property along the watef front. At Gloucester the tldo was the highest since the memorable storm In 1&51 and caused nn estimated loss ot property cltu- ated on the water front at over $10,000. Other localities along the shore also re ported losses from the tldo of more or labs extent. CH.ICA.GO , Jan. 23. The snowstorm ot loot night and this morning was the worst In this city for years. The greatest damage M 'well as inconvenience caused by the 'breaking ' down of 'telegraph ' and tele phone wires. In this roipsct tlio damage was widespread and In nil parts of the city poles and wires were brought to the ground. Tbo police telephone eystem was badly crip , pled and there was much trouble with tlio city fire alarm system. The street car oerv- ice , which > lat > 3 nl&'nt was ( badly delayed and t&tally suspcndc'J ! on some of the llnea , was In belter running order today. Th com panlej , iby keeping the snowplows and mveepors going all night , managed to keep their linen cpen. All 'tbo ' Incoming trains on all the roads wora from ono to four houm lato. Station Master dithers of the union depot said Soturd'ay ' night WES cno of the worst railroading reading nights ho had ever known. On ac count of tlio breaking * lown of the telegraph wires they were totally < at sea as to the Whereabouts of the trains. The storm wen attended iby curious electrical Olsplayn In several teotlons of the city nnd the a.tmofl- phero eeeraed to bo filled with electricity , which evidently came from the numeroua trolley wires. Uctwocn midnight and 3 o'clock In the morning the night was pe culiarly light. OIICA3I CITV IS SNOWED ElKlitoenInehex - of the lleautlfiil CloirM ( lie Streets. MILWAUKEE , Jan. 23 , Tlio most severe blizzard which baa visited this city In years continued In Its fury until about C o'clock tonight. Snow to tbo depth of eighteen Inches has fallen and with Jho wind blowIng - Ing at the rate of fifty miles per hour great drlfta were formed In all parts of the city , making travel almost an Impossibility. On sevini.l lines of street railway traffic was at a standstill early In the night and only Uio most important thoroughfares were .kept open with the aid of the powerful sweepers until a.n hour before m.dnlght , when these , too , were stalled , so rapidly did the tmow drift. Trains came in very irregularly and only passenger trains , with the aid of sev eral locomotives , attempted to get through , those carrying freight being abandoned. Every telegraph wire In thu state was crippled and news from the outside world was received over the long distance telephone - phone wire. Nona of the boats of the different lines entering Milwaukee- ventured out last night. Ho far as known no In the line of navigation are known to have occurred. Reports from railway offices tonight are that all the lines have been cleared of the Mg snow drifts and trains of all kinds are running on tlmo , but the street railway In terests are still name what crippled. DETROIT , Mich , , Jan. 23. A bliz/ard has been raging throughout 'Michigan ' for more than twenty-four hours past. Last night and this morning the heavy gale was ac companied by fine snow. Tonight the weather Is colder und clearing. Saglnaw street cars were completely tied up this morning. Trains wore stalled on the lacklnaw divi sion of the Michigan Central and on the Flint & Perro Marquette road , The gale was equally fierce on the cast aild west sides of the state. At Ilcnton Har bor considerable damage was done. The steamer Frank Woods broke from Its moor ings and several smaller boats drifted Into Lake Michigan oud were Jammed In the floating lee , At Muskegon , Peloskey and all northern points the storm was violent , PlTTSntmG , Pa. , Jan. 23. The storm which ir.oilo Its advent In this vicinity yes terday has done considerable damage to iirrperty , but as yet no fatalities have been reported. There was quite a heavy rain dur ing Saturday night until about 3 a. m. The rain wcs followed by a windstorm ( bat has raged continuously all day Sunday , several lime reaching a velocity of ( arty mllee , Many signs , trees , fences and telegraph poles M tl. blown down , but the nearest approaclMcj : disaster wa * Oils aftcriw tHicti the stq M of the Rxcclmbr Express company were pled over , killing two horses. The employe's about the establishment narrowly escaped. Reports of havoc by the high wind In the way of property damage come from all the surrounding towns , the aggregate damage- amounting to several thousands of dollars. FUEEMONT. O. , Jnn. 23. A hUh wind las : been blowing slnco night and a large amount of damage has been done In the city. The Sandusky river la rising rapidly , owing to heavy rains and the lowlands are completely submerged. SANDUSKY , 0. . Jam. 23. The most se vere windstorm experienced this winter set In Saturday afternoon nnd cantlmied all night. A largo amount of damage - as done throughout the city and scores of people nar rowly escaped being struck by flying gla& ? from windows demolished by the wind. The telephone- and telegraph systems are badly < crli > plcd and wires are down all through the eowity. The wind attained n velocity of fifty miles nnd hour and the water In the bay has been lowered about three feet. AKIION , O. . Jan , 23. The palo ot last nlg'it and today did much damage hero. Windows dews were blown In , chimneys toppled over and the roof blown from the Cascade mills. The Cuyahoga river is overflowing Jts banks and the Valley railway tracks are submerged in many places. LOUISVILLE. ICy. , Jnn. 23. A special to the Courier-Journal from Evansvllle , Ind. , says ; "Ulvcr men reaching port today say last night's storm was the wont on the river In twenty years , yet no serious loss Is reported to steam craft. A houseboat occupied by GeorgeAtkins nnd his two young daughters. Just above the city , was swamped during the night and the occupants took refuge 'In n largo skiff. The boat wan anchored to a tree near the bank , but the land around It wan overflowed tor a half mlle In all direc tions. When the unfortunates took refuge In the skiff the darkness and the storm evidently bewildered them , for they never reached the shore. Todny the skiff was found floating near their swamped homo half filled with water nn dthe thrco occu pants dead in the bottom o' the little craft. They died from exposure. OHIO IIIVIJIl CONTINUES TO ItOOM. IllHCH ( Ivor' Flvr Feet In T v Mily-l > "onr MOUTH nt rliielmintl. CINCINNATI , Jan. 23. The sky Is clear tonight nnd the mercury registers 3S. A brisk breeze has been blowing all day. Last night nt ono time for about five minutes the wind showed a maximum velocity of forty-two miles nn hour. However , It moved for several hours In the afternoon and afterward at from twenty to thirty miles per hour. Some damage was done to telegraph and telephone wires , mostly out side the city , all of which have been re paired early today. A hundred thousand buahels of coal was sunk at Fleming's Land ing In the Ohio In the western part of the city by waves rolled up by the wind. All losses hero "th'us" far "are Inslgnlfiwint. All business men whose cellars would be Inun dated at fifty-flvo feet of water or at a lower stage are busy tonight removing their wares out of danger. The Ohio river here tonight at 7 o'clock reached forty-nine feet and nine-tenths Inches , a rise of five feet and four-tenths Inches since C o'clock last night. U became stationary at that stage. Nc-ws from Portsmouth , 0. , is that for twelve hours up to C tonight the river rose seven feet and was still rising nt the same rate. This flood has about 120 miles to travel to Cincinnati. At ail West Virginia points rising floods arc reported. The same story comes from tributaries In Pennsyl vania cod Ohio. This makes It sure that the maximum here will be not less than fifty-three feet and at the same times gives ground for apprehension of a great flood of fifty-five , with a possibility of fifty-eight feet. Either of the latter two stages would render the Grand Central depot Inaccessible for trains and would prevent all large boats from passing under the bridges. The stieams below Cincinnati are all pouring In their floods , wljlch will hold the water hero at very near the present stage till the rise from Portsmouth leaches here and swells it to llfty-flve feet. LOUISVILLE , Kyi , Jan. 23. There Is still danger of an overflow oP the lowlands along the banks of the Ohio , for the river today started to rise again and is creeping up the uanKs at tnc rate ot two inelica an Hour. The Indications are that the mark of thirty feet will bo shown before the waters begin to recede. In fact , the conditions are so similar to those of the floods of 1SSG and 1KS1 that the oldest and best Informed river men say they would not bo at all surprised to ECO them equaled. In Shipping Port the same state cf affairs prevails and all day today the 'residents were busy moving to places of safety until the danger Is past. On the point there Is much alarm felt , for the cut-off embankment is said to bo unsafe ind It Is liable to break under the terrible strain and send the angry waves pouring Into the houses -that are located In the lowlands boucath It. It Is estimated that In the event the levee breaks 1,000 families would be niadn homeless. MEMPHIS , Jan. 23. The Mississippi rlvnr from Cairo to Now Orleans Is r.'slng rapidly and them Is enough water In sight to send it above the danger 1lno from Cairo to Vlcks- burg. The water rose a foot hero today nnd , In four days it will iprobably bo above the danger line. At Cairo the danger line has been passed , with a further heavy flood com ing down tlio Ohio , Cumberland aim Ten nessee. Two crovastes In the levees in the Mississippi delta are not yet completed , and It will not bo possible to fill them within ton days. The Situation Is regarded as ex tremely grave , and unless there Is a gen eral -freeze throughout the north Mississippi ani Ohio valleys a repetition of last year a flood Is looked for , although the damage will not bo so great , owing to the fact of Its bolus early In the year , ami the water will probably subside before time for pKntlng , IIICIII WATRIl IS OAU.SH OK A WitEUIC. Tivo Men AnKIMeil nnd Tivt Ollirrn liijnreil. , LOUISVILL33 , Ky. , Jan. 23. The high stngo of the water In the Ohio was respon sible for n railroad accident In Now Albany this morning which resulted In the death of two men and the Injuring of two others. A part of the Now Albany licit & Terminal rail road sklrM the river bank on a tteel trestle twenty feet high. The water had cncruached upon the structure and BO softened thu earth about ono of the-plllars thnt the etono Laso became unsteady. A freight train had Just reached tbo 'oot D * Pearl street when the bled support g.ivo way , causing the large gpan above It to be come suddenly depressed. Tlio locomotive toppled o.-er the side of the trestle and fell into the water. Aa It fell It brcKc from the adjoining car and the rest dt the train waj left standing on the trestle , Comluc'or John Hurlto of Now Albany , his braUcman , Harry Miller of Lou.'fivlllo , were killer ! , and En- glncer Henry Murphy of Houur-1 Paik , Ind. , and Fireman Clurles Hoan of Louisville were Injured , but not seriously. TnliniiKtnnil ! IIlN .YewVlfe. . CLEVELAND. O , , Jan , 23-Rov , Ur. Tat- mage and firldo passed the day at their ho tel In this city. Tomorrow morning they will depart for Buffalo and thence to New York for a few days' stay before returning to Washington. Ur , TulrnaKO nald today there was nothing Kt-nnatlonal. Ho hax It n own his ulfo. for about threci yearn. Ills wedding : was a quiet affair because ol re cent deaths In the family of his wUp , DFSFRTS HIS POST j/JuOLUi. i 0 1110. 11/01 / Lieutenant Joseph Dripps Leavcfc His Command , SALT LAKF. CITY WITH A FRIEND to Keep His Appointment There for I Dinner. CASHES A NUMBER OF WORTHLESS CHECKS Loaves Many Unsettled Accounts with Business Men. ABSENCE IS REPORTED TO FORT RUSSELL I.Iou < ciiiuit Scjlnirn IM ANHKIICI | > ( u ( Ciiiuiiitiiul nl < ; ani ] > IMIot UlltteM I'flllllllK : till Kiitlon of HOCK SPRINGS , Wyo. , Jan. 23. ( Special Tclcgrnm. ) Second Lieutenant Joseph' Drlpps of tlio Eighth United States Inrantry , In charge of a dctachmccit of about twonty- flvo men , stationed nt Camp Pilot Unites fop protection of the Chlnrao m'riora , has been , niLutng from his post of duty since January 1G. Lieutenant Drlpps left lioro on Sunday last nml was accompanied as far na Salt Lal < o City by George L. lllnck , nupcrlntend- cnt of the Union Pacific coil department at this city , di arriving In Salt Lnlm nn ap pointment was made between the two men to dine together early that evening , but Lieutenant Urlpps did not appear , and Mr. Black has not heard or seen aciything of him since. ' The lieutenant has for tlio last month or two been the talk of tlio place aa to Ills conduct In general. It appears that he or ganized a foot tall team at Fort Unoscll , oC which ho was the captain , to play a aeries of games with the Denver Athletic associa tion team nt Denver on November 0. Ills conduct 1ms since then been everything but good. good.Ho Ho has the last fo\v weeks been circulat ing checks drawn on the First National bank of Cheyenne , at which Institution lie had no money placed to his credit. Ho nlso ran numerous bills at the different saloons anil hotels in thU city , besides borrowing nil thu money that ho possibly could get from his acquaintances. It la nloo e.ild that he went so far as to pass oneof the worthless checku lu payment of an elderly woman for hla laundry bill. The lieutenant Is cald to have been re high roller among the sporting class of po- plo hero and ( besides receiving credit to a largo amount ho nlso received a largo sunn of money in return for hl 'bogus checks at such resorts , where ho was very popularly known. It In n well known fact that ho was accustomed to giving swell suppers to his friends , and this , eomlblned with money , alleged td have 'been ' spMl on gambling anil whisky , la supposed to bo the cause1 of bin outtdcn desertion- from Ills post. Sergeant McBcldo , after waiting the re turn of Lieutenant Drips until Friday last , reported his disappearance to the military officials nt .Fort Huesell and First Lleuten'-- ant J. II. Soybufn of that place was ills- patched hero to 'tnko ' command of Camp Pilot Huttc. A Dee corrccpondcnt Inter views ! Lieutenant Sojlburn this afternoon ; sml whllo ho Is not thoroughly acquainted. wHh the affairs nt itho post reports that Lieutenant Drlpps' books are In a very bad condition and It will take nome time ibeforo ho Is aiblo to ascertain the rccult of tlio lieutenant's neglect of his olliclul duty here. I ! ? IB also said Mat Lieutenant Drlprs had In lib possession something like $150 of detachment money belonging to soldiers of. thl,3 pool. . CHEYENNE , Wyo. . Jan. 23. ( Special Tel egram. ) Lieutenant Josepli Drlpps , Eighth , Unltoil States Infantry , In command of Camp Pilot Hiitto , nt Hoc ! : Springs , loft his command last Sunday 'and ' 1ms net rcturntu and Is believed to 'be ' a Ocacrter. Drlpra waH latt seen at Salt Lake City on Wednes day. Ho wcti deeply In ilcibt end It la 0,1- logcd Issued a numiber of worthless checka ibororo leaving Hock Springs. Lieutenant Sojlhurn was dotulloj to Drlpps1 command tonight. Drlppa hns been nn ofilccr two yenrs and previously had 'been ' a private In the Eighth KHA.VCi : l.N Till CII WITH A.MI3IIICA. I'nrlH JoiirnnllHt C'onieN In Hit ; lull-rent of Ileelii-oel | < y. NEW YOHK , Jan. 23. M. Gallla , who represents several dally papers of Paris , Prance , arrived In this city today on the French liner La Champagne. M. Gallla came over to this country for the purpose of studying economic questions In order to make through the newspapers ho repre sents the necessary propaganda In France with a view of preparing the public spirit there to establish closer commercial relations between the United States and France. Before leaving Franco , il. Gallla Bald , ho wns received by M. Dorchcr , the French minister of commerce. The result of thla conference with SI. Dorcher firmly con vinced M. Gallla that the proper steps would bo taken before long to bring1 about the framing of a reciprocity treaty between the United Stntosi nnd Franco , During the mission of the late Moses P , Hardy , special commissioner from the United Statca to the exposition In 1900 , M. Gallln acted as attache to the commission. M , Gallla will leave for Washington tomor- IQW In order to got In closer touch with congressmen. Ho will remain in tills coun try for several months. S COMMON Til U Will lie n Work of I'rHtU II-H | | nt Sun l''riiin'lnro. SAX FRANCISCO , Jan. 23. At sunrise to. morrow will begin the festivities lasting nno week of California's golden Jubilee. The city Is gaily decorated with flags and bunting , nml on every hand nrp displayed largo portraits traits of James Marshall , who picked up the first gold nugget 'In ' California In 1848. The city Is crottded with visitant from all over the fitato. Tomorrow Is a legal holiday by proclama tion of Governor Iludd , ami the principal feature of the opening of the Jubilee will bo a monster 'parade. U Is estimated the procession - cession will | io four mllca long. On each succeeding d-iy of the coming week there will bo some novelty for the entertainment of visitors. The termination of the golden Jubilee will bo the opening of the mining fair , where will bo shown the mining products of every county In the state. im.vicii IN iio.vou op Compliment anil Silver for ( In ; Now Attorney ( Jenernl , TRENTON , N. J. , Jan. 23. Oovcmon Grlggs , In honor of hla selection as attorney ) General of thu United States , will bo com * pllmcntcd with a dinner given by the mom' bers of his personal staff and state ofllcUlii at the Waldorf-Astoria , New York , olthos February 15 or 10. United State * Bunatora Bowell end Smith And the- New Jersey con gressmen will bo Invited gut t . Governed Grlggs on the occasion will receive a costly ) silver service , The executive will resign soon as he IB confirmed an attorney general and Senator VorhcU will become acting , governor , - U * . . . .L