t 4 0 THE CXMAHA DAILY BriLIsUNOAY , JANUATCY 23 , 1898. I CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mi.vrto.\ . Coeper. Flro Ins. . C Pearl , tol. 372. Charles H GuUagcr of Davenport Is Ir "tho " city. t 0. S. Call of Cleveland , 0. , Is In the cltj on business. A. S. Thompson of Belolt , WIs , , Is n Coun cil Bluffs visitor , H. D. I'leln and N. W. Brown of Burling ton ore In the city. morn , to Sir. nnd Mrs. J. II. Bell , 72C iMvnuter street , n son. Wanted , competent girl for general house- wnr ! ( , 320 Oakland avenue. J. F. Holrndalo and T. W. Ashton o ! Boone are transacting business In this city. . Hundreds are using our work , why nol > ou7 Satisfaction Kuanuitced. muff city Laundry. The Loyal Orange Institution will hold n npoclal meeting In the Patriotic Order Sons of America hall this afternoon at 2:30. : The Ladles of the Maccabees wJll meet In tbo.r hall Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock , Guards are requested to bo present at 1:30. : Wo give attention to little things In Kiuu- clry work. You get all that Is best In fine vvrrk end good service at the K.iple laundry , 721 llvvay. Rev. T. W. Williams will git to Tnbor to morrow , vvhero ho will heM ft Joint dl cus- elrxi on religious ubjrrt . He will bo nb- eent for two vvtvt > . P. II Filbert had a Kid ftl over n month ORO by which IIP Injutttl his irm quite BcrloiiBly Yesterdny ho w ronipcllnl tu quit work for the third time since the acci dent occurred. Don't forget the literary and Janro slven by the Patriot c Order Sois of America Thursday , Jnnu.tr ) 17. nt Patriotic Order < 5I Sons of America hall. A Jolly coed time guaranteed to all who come Tickets only 10 rents. Grand vocal nnd Instrumental concert plven by the Schubert quartet , assisted by Sirs J Cameron soprano ; Miss Daisy Hlg- Klns , pianist ; Hans AU'ort , violinist , and Hnsdn String quartet , Tuesday evening , Jai'ii ry 23 , at Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs Slnrla Slynster has filed application for alimony of $500 for her maintenance and $500 for her attorneys. In the suit Instituted by Slynstpr n short time ago for divorce. Her nppll tatlon states that her defense will ho a denial of the charges of cruel and In- liumr'i treatment and the counter charge of adultery U a nicotlni ; of the committee on arrange ments for the giund lodge of the Knights of Pythias , which meets Jiero on the 10th , llth and 12th of next August , It was decided to cimago the Odd Fellows' building for the sessions. C. G. Saumlcrs was appointed chairman of the soliciting committee. 'C. ' A. Tlbbcts was delcg tel to confer with the expedition 'management ' for the purpose of arranging for a Ku'glits ' of Pythias day at the exposition. The .Merchants' and Slanufacturers' as sociation jestcrday compiled with Jhe s\i , gesllon of Chairman Hanna of the Currcnry Reform league and appointed delegates to the convrnt'on ' which meets at Indianapolis on Tucsda ) . The delegates appointed are : Jud o J. H. Heed , C. R. Hannan , Jacob 6Ims , I. SI Trejnor , Thomas Bowman and Emmctt Tlnlcy. SIchsis. Sims , Tieynor , Bowman and Tlnley will leave for Indlan- npo Is on Sunday evening. The other dele gates will go late , if at all. Charles Douglas , a bootlegger from Glen- wood. was brought before Commissioner \Vtjlit ! yesterday and arraigned upon the statutory < iiorg < i Douglas is a young man whoso obliging " disposition got him l Ho trouble. Ho procured a lot of fhto-stcaiits for his friends nnd collected the costs and something for his trouble. He did It a num ber of times and vvas 'arrested ' under the btato law and fined. This did not settle , the trouble , for the offense was also against the government. He waived examination and his bond was fixed at X100 , which ho gave. 1' P. Bradley has gene to Audubon. Mr. and Sirs. W. W Lunger met Presi dent Dclo nnd party at Omaha yesterday nnd accompanied them to this city. Two years ago Sir. and iJIrs. Lunger spent n foitnlght In Hcnolulu nnd during a large portion of the tlmo they were the guests of President and ilrs. Dole. Sir. Thun > ton and Sir. Lunger were college mates In Co lumbia college. The meeting hero yester day was a very pleasant one. iMrs. Dole cx- pic'etd her regret thnt the urgency of their visit to Washington made It Impossible to accept the Invitation of Sir. and Sirs. Lun ger to enjoy their hospitality for a few days. C. B. Vlava Co. , female remedv ; consulta tion free. Olllce hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health booh furnished. 3JG-327-32S Slerriam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. MHJ novVcTim i \VlK-llirr Mirm-nt lliiNtx orotl Our competitors are worrying. ( But ho wont ) Its the goods and prices you are after. This week you pay what wo pay for them Como and see. Look for the Bear. That's Sargent's. The Durfce Furniture company 1ms be- KUII another ono of the popular and profit able 20 per cent discount sales which will lest during the remainder of the month. Evoiy article hi the big establishment will go at this great discount. , Aflrr SHiIltr llrottlnu' Compiiny. An Injunction was asked In the district court yesterday to restrain the Schlltz Krowlng company from transacting anymore moro business In tlio way of retail ng liquors in the state of Iowa. This is the Illst tlmo In the stnto when this provision of the mulct law has been attempted to bo en forced , and It the Injunction is Issued It will form a precedent for future ULO by the pro- lilbltlon sin. The odd feature of the cnso Is the fact that the Injunction asked for Is believed to bo the result of a mistake or a little laieletsnrss on the part of Colonel Jo'.in LlnJt. Limit has been prosecuting n case tigalnst Filter & Llnder. agents for tlio Schlltz company , to settle n claim that has finally Involved a brick build ng on Ilroad- w.y to which the brewing company has ac quired title. The case has betm In court for several terms and has passed through tjverai pUuos , possession of the property Jlnally leaching Colonel Limit The last suit war Instituted by Filter & Llnder against Llndt , A few das ago they filed -n iimcndircnt to their petition ask ng to have the brti.vlng company made party defen'ant. Yesterday afternoon Colcnol Llndt's attor ney filed his answer to this amendment , In which tha f.ct Is act forth that all of these jilntntlffs , and particularly the SchllU BrewIng - Ing company , are engaged In Illegally bell ing liquors , and an Injunction s asked ic- etralilng them continuing the business In ( ho state. Colonel Llndt signed the answer without looking It over very carefully. It Is believed the word "state'1 w. s meant to 'bo ' "city. " The brewing company Is doing n large business In all parts of the state and If the Injunction tlioulJ be Issued It will 1)0 ) a dlsjstiouu and costly transaction for It. Cut Price > m | ' . They say ( our competitors do ) that no- boJy can Htny In business and cut prices the way f argent dots , but wo still stay and they will always know we are allvo as long ax VYO are In business. Como if you want bhocs cheap. Ivook for the Bear. Ill-ill I2ntnt < > TrnnxfcrN. The following transfers nro reported from the tttlei and loan olllce of J. W , Squire , 101 1't'url street : Solomon McMu'lcJi and vvlfc'to Thomas A , Klikwood. part n'.vU foU und pun neU Kw'-i H-TiJ-41. w. d . $1,373 Kiln P. Jonu'on and wife to L. A , Itlsour , lot 5. block 10. Wrlsht's ad dition , w. d . , . IW Cusett.i lloyer and husband to William It. Myers , part lot 3 In tuihdlvltlon of lot 40. ormlnul pint , vv. U . , , , . , . 2,000 tV. L. ICeracv und Alfc to Sumiel SI. Craig , 41x5S feet soufivvoit corner lot 3 , block "L , " Curtis Ac Ilamsey'a nddltloii. w , < I . 3.000 II. J. Schlcrbrock. refereeto P. C. O , ne'.i 9-70-41 , rcf , d . 5 , < 5 Five transfer * , toUU . . , . „ . . 112.810 ( I'/lfM I IMMM'TP IIP TUP lltPIMi SOCIAL MEMS 01'HIEVEEIl ' \ A flairs that Were Erjiycd in Spite o Untoward Wcathor. HAMILTON WHIST CLUB MA'QUERADf MlftHnrii Ilrimn Kittcrlnlnn the Or KHiilrnlloii Itocciillou lit Olltcr'N CiiinliiK Ci'lclirntlim u ( It iir n H' Illrtlulit- . Winter social events hnvo been sadly liv terfered with by the persistent provnlenct of the mixture of spring and aummci vvcnthcr thnt lias prevailed for scvcrn weeks. iMnny of tliwo events were plannci for the iiildillo ot January , when under or tllnnry clrcunistsuccs people might reason nbly expect winter \\euther , but the presence once of mud and slush Instead of snow atu Ice negatived the propositions for tlio "gooi times" nntlclpatcil. Three of what had beer planned to bo the leading social events o ! the week have been indefinitely postponed Ono of them was the slclKhlng ami Ice car nival thnt was to have been participated Ir by the society people of the two cltlutf. .Miss Nora Drown entertained the Hamll < ton \Vhlst club at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs J. J. Urown , on Wcdnesdaj evening. The club has been royally enter tained on numerous other occasions , bill the meeting nt Miss lliown's was by far the most Interesting of the scnson. It was alsc the more Interesting for the reason that II partook of the character of a society mas * ' tucradc. | 1'rlzw wcro offered for the mosl strlkitig and original costumes. The firsl prize was eameil by Mrs.V. . \V. Sherman , The rooms wore handsomely decorated. He- freshments vvero served. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver entertained a largo number of their friends en Thurs day evening \vlth progressive nigh five anil luncheon. The party vvas solely for mar- iled folks and about fifty frlmds , some ol them with friendships of nearly as many years' duration , enjoyed the evening at the liandEomo home on Park avenue. The Woild's Parliament club held an open session en Thursday for the entcrtalnmet of the members' and friends outside ot the organization. There were so many of these that It was necessary to hold the meeting In the auditorium of the First Congrega tional chinch. A feature of the evening was the lecture of Mr. D. P. Flteli of the Union Pacific headquarter : . Mr. Fitch has tiaveled considerably. He la also an ama teur photographer and on Thursday evening ho took his friends on a tour throjgh London - don , showing them some beautiful glimpses ot the great city by the alj of a stereoptl- con und < a laige number of finely colored lantern blldcs. The Jolly Forty Whist club was enter tained on Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. S Farnsworth. Mrs. Farnsvvorth was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. George Drown. The Other High Five club Is a now or- ganbatlon that Is also comkig Into prom inence on account of Its democratic charac ter and the thorough enjoyment by Its mem- bcis of all of tae parties that have been given. The club was entertained on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sapp. The celebration of Hobert Burns' birthday by Clan Stewart on Tuesday evening at Royal Arcanum hall will be notable The fine hall will bo spsclally decorated. The following Is the literary and musical pio- gram that lias been arranged : Prelude Orchestra Gathering- the Clan Pipers Campbell and ilurcrilson Toaatnuister A. C. Graham flail to We Chief Orchestra Address of Wcleoms..Chief A. Wttl'elaw Memory of IJurns Dr. Macrae Sontf C. SI. Trephegan hind We Left and Land Wo Live In . . . Uev. J. T. Altchlson Piano Selection Mrs. Donald Mncruo , Jr. Scotch In America Dr. II. W. Sawyer Song Mr. Welsh Mandolin Quartet Messrs , McPhcrson , McCormtck , Searls and Woodard. The Press Victor E. Dsndcr Song C , S. Il.ivcrstock Mrs. J. H. Atkins and grandson Tom will go to Ncola on Tuesday for the purpose of telng prcoant nt a hlrthCay party to be given by Mrs. Herman Mcniel , Mrs. II , II. Dloomer will entertain Infor- mallj on Monday n.ght. Jobn S. Wright of Rochester N Y. . is In the city tl.o guest of his friend , W. L. Doug .is. Mr. Wright Is return'ng home after a year's trip around the world. George Kesllac and family have gone to Florida to spend the remainder of the- win tcr. tcr.Mr. Mr. ard Mrs. Arthur Kecl'no IHVO gene to southern California hyway of Texas. Mrs. M. F. Dillon entertained her Sunday school clara Saturday evening at an ojster party at the home of her brother , D. J. Hntchlnson. She was assisted by M Irises Ilrldenstcln snd Armstrong. Mr. James Fitzgerald and Miss Anna E. Kelly were united In marriage at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning at St. Francis X'lvler' . church , In the presence of relatives and a few friends. Rev. Father Smyth oniclated. The bridesmaid v.as Miss Anna Lyons of Imogeno. a cousin of the bride , and the groomsman was the groom's brother W. i : . Fitzgerald. ' .Mr. anJ Mrs. Fltz- gcp hi left on the afternoon train Wednesday for their home In Ogden , Utah , where Mr. Fitzgerald Is chief clerk In the ofllco of the master mechanic of the Union Pacific. Mrs. W. A , Hlghsrclth has returned from a visit In erstern Iowa. The young women of the- Flower Mission are making arrangements for an entertain ment to be given In the rear future for the benefit of the mission. The mission , which Is still In Us Infancy , has made t a point to have its mem- bens visit the hospitals once a wccV ' distribute flowers through the wards. Thus far they have depended largely OD donut o B for the flowers , which have been cjulto lib erally furnished by two of the lo-.il florists The entertainment to be pieaentrd will bo a "IJur'csiuo rn Clubs. " the cast zclng com posed of the joung women of the nil8lo.i. . Tno date en yet Is undetermined but It will occur Eometlme before the Lenten season. At .J meeting Friday afternoon st the homo of M FS Hilon Italdvvlu the characters were aiBlrmd and It was decided to hold the affair In Crair.bci's academy and to follow It with a dacce The Monday Nlsht Dancing club gave Its regular dance Monday night at Chamber.1 'leadcni ' ) . Thebffalr was the first of the fo-mal parties to us elven by the- club once > i month and extra Invitations had been Issued In horcr cf the event It prove ] a iaat delightful occasion with the Increased at tendance a i.il a delicate turkey lunch. On Wednesday night the Wednesday Night club osscmli ed for Its regular party. Extra Invitations that were l&iued were taken ud vantage of by a largo number of Cotlll'on members , whoso dance on Wclncsday night hid been postponed , The in cm hew of St. Paul's guild sra ar ranging for a mlratrcl show to be given In Cbunber's academy February 14. for the benefit of the guild. St. Agnes' guild of Grace Episcopal church KIIVO a dance Thursday night at Chambers' academy which was largely attended. Mlns Anna Dovvman entert. Ined a party of friends Wednesday night at her homo on ? ecand avenue , Mrs. Montgomery entertained Informally at whist Thursday night at her homo on Third Btrcct. Mr , and Mrs. A , Scott Ornuby returned to their homo In Hmmctsburg , Is , , on Tuesday. Mr , Ormsby has been a patient at the Women's Christian Assort-tlon hospital , Mrs. Crosswalt. who has been the guest af her brcthcr , L. F. Murphy , bas returned to her homo In Portland , Ore. Foresters of Hazel camp , No. 171 , ilodcrn Woodmen of America , gnvj their first an- ball and banquet Friday affair nan held In the Odd Fellows temple their own hall not affording the room fo ; the appointments made for the occasion. Tin banquet vvas spread In the rooms above thi ( Knee hull and could be attended at thi leisure of the dancers. Whaley's orchestn furnished the music. Misses tJIIcn and Mary Fox of Treynoi wire visiting In the city during the week. Mrs. W. H , Wakcfleld , formerly of this city , has removed from lleatrlce , Nob. , t ( Omaha , where she expects to make hei home. Mr. and Mrs. Uobert W. Colvlllo of Gales burg , 111. , spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Victor 13. Dernier. 824 Third avenue. Miss M..ry Taggart of Omaha spent Sundaj with Miss Mary Paschcl and sang the offer lory , "Ave Maria , " by Dudley IJuck , at St , Francis Xarlcr's church. Mls MaRglo Franklin , a teacher at tru Christian home , left for Chicago ycstcrdaj evening. Miss Nlcmnns of Sehuylcr Neb. , who h i been spending n fovv days with Mrs. C. E. II Campbell , has returned to her home J. S Murphy , a banker at Fort Worth Tex. , was In the city jcstcrday on hla vvaj to visit his parents , living near Weston. Mlsa Lulu Woolsey of Omaha spent the week With Mrs. C. C. Graves of 2398 Ave- n uo I ) . Mrs. I1. Dennett Windsor of Chicago 1 ; visiting her parents , Dr. and Mrs. A. H , Carter. W. 13. Ualnbrldge , who has been In Wis consin for the last ten days , has returned. . Sirs. Lyman Whlttler of Whiting. la. , U a guest of her niece , Mrs. Ed McConnell. SIlss Hattlo Ingman , a teacher In the VIHUca bchoo'.s , spent Friday visiting the Council Illuffs schools , and was the guest of Mrs. F. H. Orcutt on Saturday. 'Sir. ' and Mrs. E. P. Nichols of Third avc- imo are entertaining the lattcr's brother and wife , Mr. and Mrs. James Ingersoll o ( Kansas City. Charles liurr Towlo , formerly of this city , who went to Mexico for his health , lias been appointed United States consul at SaltlVlo , MOV. MOV.Chief Chief Justice J. R. Heed ot the court of private land claims , left for Santa Fe , N. SI. , last evening to hold a term of court. Sirs. C. S. Uyers and daughter have gene for a week's visit with Hon. H. W. IJjers and family at Harlnn. Sirs. V. G. Ilulette Is making a business trip over the state. Sirs. John W. Dlclu-y , who has been sick for the last three weeks , IB better and will soon bo able to be out. Sir. and Sirs. Harry Potter of Omaha are occupying the homo of Mr. and Sirs. George H. Sillier during the hitter's trip to old Mexico. SIlss Etta Teller , who , while visiting friends In this city last week , was taken 111 and compelled to return to her home In Slodale , Is much Improved. > SIiy. Frank Simpson of North Platte , Neb. , Is the guest of Sir. H. SI. Simpson and family of 2201 Second avenue. Sirs F SI. Gault of Chicago Is the guest of Sirs. D. W. Dujshncll. SIlss Alberta Troutman Is confined to the huuso with sickness. Miss Jennie SI. Evans of Grant , la. , Is In the city visiting her brother , City Aud itor F. L. Bvans , on Kleventh avenue. SUsi Slary Wood of Omaha was the guest during the week of SIlss Ella Wlrt. Miss Ada Slurray ot Little Sioux , a grad uate of St. Frances' academy , is visiting friends in this city. SIlss Cecil ChrhtlMison and Louis Hlrsch , both ol Omaha , were married here on Tues day by Justice Ferrlcr. . SIlss Luclllo Plnney Is In DCS Molnes visiting Sir. and Sirs. Nathan Booth. It HUH Ill-oil I'rovcu and has been our success when we adver tise a thing we do It. We have never de ceived the people. That Is the reason once a year our sale draws such a crowd ; Its because wo do as we advertise and cut every shoo in the btore. We think It pays us not to advertise fake sales , but to do as wo agree. This Is the last week. Come In If you haven't already at Sargent's. \VUIGHT CVltS IT A I'VKU TAKE. lomi'M Vlpp I'rt-xldciit DmntiitecM the Cui'ltal'H Article. Hon. George F. Wright , vice- president for Iowa of the TransmlsslsslppI Exposition , read the * art'cle ' In The Bee jesteriMy morn- 'ng concerning the publication In a DCS Slolnes paper of an alleged Interview with an alleged member of the Iowa legls'ature with a gosd deal of Interest. He talked freely abjut the matter of alleged dle rlmlnitlons against workmen from Iowa who have sought employment on the expcn'tlon build ings , and corroborated overj th'ng that Sec retary W-ikefleld said. Sir. Wright could scarcely d'sgulse his opinion that the alleged Interview was .1 fake and pronounces utterly fIse the portion ot the Capital's arti cle wherein it la alleged that he was inter viewed by a member of the leglsaturo. The thing is being taken oerlorsly 'o Dee Slolnes , and Senator Pusey has written to Sir. Wilght on the subject. Yesterday Sir. Wilght sent the following letter to Senator Pusey : COUNCIL BLUFFS , Jan. 21 , 1S8S Hon. N. SI. Pusey , Des Slolnes , la. Sly Dear Sen ator : I have yourti ot thp 20th ins : . , en closing clipping1 from Wednesday's Dally Capital , w icrein I am made to say to a member of the legislature , "That th-m > was no vvoik on the exposition grounds for any one outside of the Trades' nssembly of Omiihn. " That assertion Is untiue. No member of the present lovvn legislature has ever called on me , nor have I tiilk with any member t'.iercof concerning the 'exposition , except youiself , The work nt the exposition CioumlB is nearly all done under contract , the contractors employing whoever they plea o without regard to where they hall from , nnd the exposition rnnnngemont hns no voice In selecting sue1 ! laborers. The employes of the management arc at pres ent principally clerics , Ftcnoraphers , type writers , and of that c nss. Viry truly jour/i , GKOIIGB F. WRIGHT , Vice President , Iowa. For llo > ' mill CilrU * HiilliIliiK The patronesses from 'ihla ' city of the Uoys' and Glrl.3' 'building to be erected at the ex position met at the Hojal Arcanum hall yc - terday afternoon for the purpias of deviling ircaiis to ralto money for Increasing Che Council Bluffs contribution to the building fund , The amount alrealy secured through the sale of ehares at C cenla each to th > school children Is $250. It Is Intended that thio sum shall ibo at lea > ) t doubled , and one of the plans Buggered was thei Issuing ] of a paper on Wrohlngton's birthday. The cost of the propcuol publication seemed to ho vho greatest cbsiaclo In the way of the enter- prj - , some of the laJles considering the picposel venture a risky one The manager 01 a 4ccal daily wta present and submitted a prop'sltlon to issue a special edition of Jih paper. ThU proposition and a number of other plans are now under cc'inldoratlon. Tl'o matter will too decUed at another meet. Ing of the patroncsEfu to bo held some time during the coming week. Sirs. Keysor's set lecture will be given next Tuesday evening , January 25 , In the Congregational church , Subject , "GhlbertPs 111 ouzo Doars. " These series of lectures are very entertaining andjnstructlve. The sub jects for the remaining lectures are ; "Don atella , " "Michael Angelo" and "Thornald- fsen. " Single tickets , 25 cents. Every ono cordially Invited , Wanted , at once , man to work In garden. Slust understand hot frame work. Address J. It. SIcPherson , 1250 Eust Pierce. Hcbecca Degree lodge , No. 3 , will hold a public Installation ball and banquet January 24 at the Independent Order of Odd Fel low B' tcmplo , the fir lit of Its klnJ ever held Intiio city. l.nrrrny CINI > H DInmlxMril. The cases of larc my from a building In the night time against Engcl and Corgau weie dismissed toy order of A relevant Cotnty Attorney Smith yccicrday. Engcl and Ills vvlfo were given three days In the county Jail on a petty larceny charge , and for a similar offenao Engc4 was found guilty and ordcrc.1 to appear before the district /ourt for sentence. ThU action In Kngel's CMC lj slid to bo a remarkablcJ Irregularity , as the cede 'plainly gives tbo justice courts solo Jurisdiction In potty larceny cases. Thin U equivalent to a dUmloial , as the district court 'will bo compeJlod to discharge the d . fondant for want of jurisdiction. A number of direct dismissals have also been , entered by the arsSatant aHrney | , for the reason , I Is alleged , of satlkfifng an air.bUlon on hi part to popularlrlo' hlmtelf with the tax pajcra by s-ivlnrf cH si for the county. \\H1i tinCliurHioK. . Elder T W. Williams will occupy the pul pit nt the La tier jMy Saints' church ot Pierce street botfi Jmcrnlng nnd evening .Morning subject"riiurch Needs ; " cvenlnf subject , "Is Christ Dead ? " The usuil services will be conducted nl the First Da tlst church by the pastor , Hev V. C. Ilocho Slornlug subject. "Ono Way the Only Way ; " evening subject , "Wood Hey , Stubbk' . " At the Christian Tabernacle the mornliif subject will be , "What Is the Church For ? ' Evening subject , "What's What ? " In addition to the usual services of St Paul's church the rector , Hev. L P. SIcDon- aid , will address the special meeting at the Woman's Christian Assochtlon lioH'ltnl al 4 p. in. Subject of the morning sermon , "Tlu Nobleman of Capernaum ; " evening subject "Tho First Commandment. " This Is to bt the first of a series ot sermons on the com mandments. At the St. John's English Lutheran church Kio usual services will bo held by Hev , G. W , Snyder , pastor. At the First Congregational church the paster , Hev. J. Sv Wilson , will , h-ive as his morning theme "God's Place In the Business World. " In the evening Major Blanche B , Cox of Des Slolnes , the leader of the Salva tion Army In town , will deliver an addrers on "Tho Work of the Salvation Army In Iowa. " Slornlns subject at the First Presbyterlcti church , "The Heavenly .Mansions ; " ovcnlng subject , "Why Do Hlght ? " Kov. W. S , IHrncs , pastor. All regular services nt the Broadway Slel'J- odlu Episcopal church. Hev. J. II , Scnscncy , oactor. At the Fifth Avcnuo Slcthodlst Eplsccral church the pastor , Hev. 0. P. Fry , will preach. Slornlng sjbject , "The Pure In Heart ; " evening subject , "Blinded by Light. " Revival servlres are now being held nt the Edgowood Union church , five miles east o ( tlio city. This afternoon at 3 o'clock Hev. J. W. Wilson will preach. The Christian Scientists will hold services In their pirlors In the Sapp block this morn ing at 10-45. The subject of the blblo lesson will be "Jesus Teaching the Beatitudes. " Holdings from the bible and from "Science nnd Health. " Experience meeting Friday evening. Reading rootrs open every after noon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church , Frank nml Harmony Stieets , Rev. Alex LitherUnd , Pastor Blanch B. Cox of the state depart ment of the Salvation Army will deliver the morning addreru. In the evening Hev , Sir. Drencn of the United Presbyterian church will occupy the pulpit. Hov. Alev LsJiei'and will preach the evening sermon at E'Jgewood ' Union church. Da you want the best shoo you over wore and as good as there Is made ? If you do you can buy thorn , for $3.S ! ) this week at Sargent's , Including all Hnnnan's and Strong & Garflcld's. Look for the Bear. Takes Curliollcol < l li > V Sirs. Daniel O'Orady accidentally swal lowed a quantity of carbolic acid last even ing which It Is feared may cause hei < death. Sirs. O'Grady assists her husband In con- ducHng a restaurant at 910 South Main street , and It was while In the hurry of preparing the evening meal that the dan gerous mistake occurred. She had been tak ing a preparation of medicine for a severe cold nnd the bottle , had been placed on a shelf near a similar bottle filled with car bolic acid. In her haste Sirs. O'Grady picked up the wrong bottle -and swallowed a large quantity before she realized her mistake. Another verslcn of the affair Is that It was a case of attempted suicide , but this could not bo substantiated , It Is said that the domestic jelatlons of the family have alvvajs been of the mcfst pleasant character. Prof. Edgar Frazicr of Tabor college will give his famous monologue , "Tho Prisoner of Zendl , " at the Congregational church January 31. , Cully oil HlHi-y. Superintendent Hlsey has received a re quest from the school authorities of Tacoma - coma , "Wash. , asking for samples of the work of pupils In the city schools. The re quest Is for samples of the written work and phonographic reproductions. The favor asked by the Taconm school people was complied with. Superintendent Hlsey has accepted Invi tations to speak before the Teachers' asso ciation at Coon Rapids , la. , on the first Sat urday In February , and nt Coin , la. , on the second Saturday. Ho has been obliged to decline Invltntlous to nppcar before the Central Nebraska Teachers' association , which meets at Kearney on the last Slon- day In Slareh , for the reason that the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' aosoclatlon will meet hero on April 1. For sale , 1,000 acres flne bottom land In tracts of eighty acres and upward. Green- shields & Slaync , B51 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. Pritlornnl Union Last Thursday evening1 Council Bluffs ledge. No. 79 , Fraternal Union of America , met In SInrcus1 hall and obligated some tiv only-one new members , after which the officers were Insta'led by Deputy Supreme President Samuel Wellcr and J. T. Turner. This lodge now has a membership of fifty or more , with fine prospects of n rapid In crease. There will be a public entertain ment given at their next meeting , February 1 , when President Rooco and several other prominent speakers will be present , Hani ; CiiHliIrr Imtlotril , SIOUX CITY , Jan. 22. ( Special Telegram ) E. P. Stone , the absconding cashier of the Sioux City Savings bank , has been Indicted by the grand Jury of Woodbury county on the charge ' cmbezyllng $3,000 of the funds of the Slutual Trust nnd Deposit companv This company vvas Indirectly connected with the ? nvlngu bank und Stone took the whole of the cash capital and the stockholders can not fiad any arsets to redeem what they put Into the company. W , II. Knlckerbacker of Balston Spa , N. Y. , who lost | 5,000 , came to Sioux City to secure this Indictment , and he- fajrt ho will spend $1,000 to catch Stone and bring htm back to Justice. Stone skipped out In the fall of 1890 with about $25,030 of the funds of the savings bank and now It develops that ho took all the trust com pany's money also , , The last heard of Stone ho was In Canada , nntl an effoit Is being made to secure ,111s , .arrest. 'HffiniilliiKllanilH Solil , CEDAR FALLS , la. . Jan. -Special. ( . ) The city has Eold _ to' ' a Chicago broker $28- .00 worth of rcfUjUJllnp bonds. The Issue woo made .to refund | 3SiOOO water funJ 0 per cnt > ind 10 000 Heating Indebtedness acvcno , Issued In 1868 , Tha-blddlng was spirited. Ion n Xi-\j jiiiifrK | | 3. SI. Rhoadf , formerly publisher of the Jefferson Bee. has purchased the Interest of lila r.on Chnrleu lir'lhe ' Denver Republican. J , S. Clarkson. fqrmorly editor of the Des Molnes Register.1 * lie hca been living for jcmo time. Inl Phucfdolphla , moved Uat week ; o Now York City. " ' J W. Bopp , ji.M I known former newty paper man , hj ? * , ( ionctrd to the town of Hawkeye. U. , the sum of $500 with which ID start a public l.tirary. All tlio money Is : o bo spent for books. Charles M. Shojtrldse , formerly an Iowa newspaper man , owner cf the San Jr.jo ( Cal. ) Mercury , and at one tlmo publisher of the ? Rr Fransln-o Call , Is 111 with ncrvc'js trouble ) and his < lca h Is expected. Frank T. Piper of the Sheldon Stall , who i s t-cen Its solo owner for twonty-flvo pars , has sold an Interest In thnt paper to : . T Sillier and W S. Ayora , who have both icin Identified with the cfllco sonic time , M , A. Oppenhelm , who vvtn going to start > . dally ps'por In Des Molnci , Is reported la iavo his ojo on the All4ne.- ? Hold , and a Qc-3 Molnes ruper sayo Albert Herd , cx- 'pc-aker ' of the lava house , will baek him In : iis venture. Humboldt will entertain the Upper DCS ilolnes Editorial aet-oclatlon at Its iw inter ccslon , beginning February 19 , next. It 9 proposed to make the meeting onu of the cry best In Us history , The association vas born In Humboldt a few jous ago and a now the strongest la the state. , TOrISIT \ TI1E EXPOSITION Iowa Loj'slnton Will Qo on a Jnnko Nest fnturday , WLLD.SCEND UPON OMAHA IN A BODI Hniv ki } c Irm ninUvrn 1'ropnic to tii U\or tinCrotiinl anil .See U'lint the Mi onIN tu lie l.lkc , DES SIOINK3 , Jan. 22. ( Special Tclo gram. ) Senator Put-cy nnd Representative Potter of Council Bluffs circulated amonj the members this afternoon nnd secured thi ngi cement of nearly all to join the Omahi exposition party next Saturday. The legls lature will take no formal action toward nc ccptliig tbo invitation , which , Indeed , hni not been extended In a formal way to tin legislature as a body. It Is simply ngrcci to adjourn Friday evening till Monday. Tin special train with the legislature will leavi on the Rock Island at 8 a. in. Saturday am arrive In Omaha about 11. The party wtl go at once to the exposition grounds , aftc vtowlng which they will dhie at the Mil lard. In the afternoon the exposition mnn ngcincnt will receive those who wish to ca for information. The train will leave In th cvcnKig for the return trip , getting Int DCS Sloines about midnight- Indications ar that nearly the entile assembly will go. the i ( . .solution of sympathy for the Cuban urging loua's congressional delegation t fnvor recognition of the belligerency of th revolutionists was the subject of a hot do bntu today , A motion to lay It on tlio tab ! was lost , 4C to15 , nnd then the mcasiir was referred to the committee on fcdera relations. WANT TWO-CENT FARE. A number of petitions for a 2-cent far bill vvas presented , but the movement doc not matilfcst vigor and It Is doubted vvhcthc the trnvellngmen will Introduce the bill The Temple amendment came to the nous with a unanimous report ot the rallroa < committee. The tallroad committees In boll branches recommended for passage the bll to extend till 1000 the tlmo in which rail roads may equip cars with safety couplers Appropriation bills were presented as fol lows. For miscellaneous supplies for o\ecu tlvo council , $33,250 ; for the College fo Blind at Vlnton , ? 27flflO ; for the Agilcultura college at Ames , $9,575 , left over from its old appropriation. Toda's pi encodings In the- lower ho"se of the legislature piaetlcally assuicd 'that the offices of state printer nnd state binder will oot bo nbolif lied. The contest was practical ! ) on party lines , the democrats 6tandlng for abolition of the offices The matter came up In the house on the resolution to fla time for n joint session to elect these officers and two penitentiaiy wardens. The democrats le- novvcd their exposition and a roll call was demanded. The resolution lad been amended to fix the date for the Joint convention ns Tuesday , January 25 , at 2 p. m , T.ilrty-llve democrats , all who were present , with eeven ircoublloina , voted against holding the joint convention. The republicans weie Speaker Funk , Gcod of Boone , Gclsler of Sluscatlue , Dickens of Wapello , Smith of Giecne , Wl ! . ° c i ot Keokuk and Sillier of Buena Vbta. The resolution carried , 51 to 42 , and went at once to the senate , where It vvas concurred In , 2G to 7 , all the republicans voting for it. SHAW NA.MES LIBRARIAN. Governor Shaw this afternoon announced the appointment of Johnson Brlghim of Des Molues to bo state llbiarlan. Mr. Brlgham was long editor of the Cciar Rapids Repub lican and for several years -has heen vubllsher and editor of the SUdlamT.Mont'Jly In this city. Mr. Brlgham was supported from all over the state as the Ideal in MI for the ap pointment and "consented " to be a eandldate only on the understanding that the position should bo made In a measure a permanent one aad that means be provided to build up the slate libraryto a creditable position and character. He announced aa his asaletaaitii SIlss Hutchlnn ot DM Slolnes , SI'ss Stevens of Bocue and Miss SlacLenn of Cairoll. Sir. Brlgham has sold the Midland to a stock company and will retire from conuection with It except as stockholder and editorial direc tor. Charles A. Walsh , secretary of the national democratic committee and cnalrman of the Iowa committee , has completed his plans to go to the Klondike country In a few weeks. After conference with the committee James H Burgess of Ottumvva has been decided on as Wals'a's successor for chairman , the ap pointment taking effect at once Burgess Is r. ostrccotor at Ottumvva and was the leading candidate . r tlj democratic nomination for governor last year against Fred E. White. Governor Shaw today aroolntetl the- follow ing commissioners to tliu National Stock Growers' convention In Dcciver oext week : Henry Wallace , Ben F. Elbert , J. W. Gcnrser , George S. Redhead and John W. Dorr , all of Des Slolnes. Slolnes.UNIFORM. UNIFORM. TEXT BOOKS. It Is given out on indisputable authority that a bill for stata uniformity of text books will bo Introduced at an early date. Sup porters of the measure have been quietly feeling the leglslatlvq pulse on the subject and are thus far given assurance of success. It will first appear In the house , where a largo number have already promised to favor it , and Indications are It will not lack en thusiastic support In the senate. The chair man of the upper house committee on schools Is known to favor the uniformity scheme and It Is thought the committee will report It favorably. The bill is very similar to the Knnsas and Indiana laws. It provides for the appoint ment of a commission by the governor to purchase all school books by contract , maxi mum prices to bo designated i/efore bids are given on texts. The books are distributed In Knnsns through retail dealers , an nllow- nnco of 10 per cent ubovo state contract price being made. Like provision will prob ably bo made In the forthcoming measure. The local typographical union has strongly urged a clause providing 'that ' blJs shall bo entered on each book for publication In and outbldo the state. It Is urged encourage ment would bo given to Iowa publishing houses nnd ultimately a large proportion of the state's school books will bo published at home. It Is hardly probable the bill will bo so we Ned , ns Its friends fear It might hamper and possibly defeat u measure which has gocd prcspects of success. It Is not thought the bill will escnpo opposition , clthei In the legislature or out of It. The School Book trust Is almost certain to es tablish n powerful lobby against It , as It U conceded that once on the statute books the bill would greatly curtail Us profits In this state. uuAiinn OFT icToi'iMJ COITMJ. Tamil Indian .VHIlit liitiTfcrrx In a -lliii.il mi UI I.imAITulr. . TAMA , la. , Jan. 22. ( Special ) Agent Rebok of the Sac and Fox Indians In this county has Just succeeded In heading off a sensational elopement which has stirred so ciety circles on the reservation to their depths , Ho has stopped nn flopemttit In which the gquaw of Black Cloud , n SIus- quakl of the Sno and Fox reservation of Oklahoma , ran away with Buck Green , a \vlly bravo of the tame blooJ but a member of the Tama reservation. Sirs. Black Cloud , the "woman In the case , " Is the wlfo of the bravo vvl.o recently came Into promi nence by being sentenced to tlio penitentiary for defrauding the government In putting his shlldren on two pay rolls , that of the Tama tiervaUon and also on the Oklahoma reser- intleti. Slnco Black Cloud's Incarceration Ills squaw has been making her homo at the , ramu reservation and Immediately 'after ' hl > untenco went Into force she moved her. ivlcklup from tlio main camp , thrco miles , I ind to within 100 feet of'Buck ' Green's vvls- tvam. ThU fostered the spirit of jealousy n tlio heart of Duck's gquavv , who must bo ! 1 years of age , and uho complained to \gcnt Rcbok about the Infidelity of her ipouue. Sir. Itebok looked into the matter .en days ago , or at the ttmo the complaint ivaa made , and upon bringing Green before i seat of. Justice Jiia sauaw v > ent back on her conviction * and testified that her Buck lind been a good Indlnu mid h.id occupied his own wickiup every nltht. The charms of Mrs. Black Cloud , honi-vor , who Is n ) ounger woman , probably S,1 , could not bo resisted by the noble red mnn , nml events took n sudden turn this week , when Mrs , Buck Green hastened to Agent Rebok's ofllco nnd Informed htm that Green nnd gone nnd the neighboring wickiup of Sirs. Black Cloud wns vncnnt. The old squaw hid fol lowed her husband to Slontour , wlirro ho 1ml told her he was going when ho left homo early In the mornlcig , and there ascer tained that he had gene to Slnrshalltown , Agent Hebok , upon learning the story of the distressed squaw , telephoned to the North western agent , who replied thnt two In- dlnns nnswerltig to the description given had purchnicd tickets for Oklahoma via. Council Illuffs nnd had left the city. Agent Hebok wired to Cnrroll to the chief of police nnd Buck Green wns arrested by that official , Sir. Rcbok loft In the evening for Carroll ntul arrived homo yesterday with the pris oner. He Is about 55 years old nnd has a largo family. The squaw wns not molested but wns allow ed to continue her Journey to Oklnhomn. where she belongs nnd where her children live. The wronged squaw Is very much broken up over the affnlr. lown V. M. O. . \ . Mcctlntr. MARSHALLTOWN , In. , Jan. 22. ( Spe cial. ) The twenty-eighth annual mooting o the Iowa Young Slen'a Christian association of Iowa will be held In this city commencing February 17 next. It la expected that this will bo one of the most Important meetings ever held by the state aajoclatlon and prep nratlonu aio being made to entertain n largo number of members rod delegates. In ad dition to a number of business nnd profes- slon.il men from different parts of the state , who will present napora and lead In dis cussions , the following well known fveakers will be present. Rev. Frank Bristol of Chicago cage , who goes to Washington , D. C. , In -March to bo President McKlilcy's pastor ; Rev. E. L. Eaton , the eloquent pastor of the First .Methojist Episcopal church of Des Molnes : Rev. William Ua.vard Craig , D. D. , LL. D. , chaaccllor of Drake unlverolly ; Hon. L. St. Shaw , governor of Iowa ; Prof , Albert Loughbrldgo of Cedar Falls , who has one of the largest Bible classes In the world ; C. C. Sllchcncr , college secretary of the Intcrra- tloual committee ; E. L Haml.ton , railioad necrctar ) International committee , ; A. SI. Hi uner , assistant state secretary , Illinois ; John W. Hansel , general i cretary ot the Western Sectar'al ' liatltute. The topics will bo of a most Interesting character , relating to all departments of the work. Among the Important ones are "Op portunities for Workers , Spiritual and Fl nanclal , " "Training for Workers , " "Indi vidual Effort , " "Co-operative Effort , " "Tho Science of Slanlpu'atlon , " "The Relation of the Phjslcal to Committee Work , " "Our Obligation to Young Slen In Small Towns , " "A Uniform Standard In Educational Work , " "The Financial Problem , " "Tho Association Blblo O'-ra. " "Points in .Manag ing a Successful Entertainment Course. " Prof. Loughbrldge will have charge of the Bible studies. l.x-Covornor Drake nl Home. OENTEHVILLE , la. . Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Governor Drake Is cnjoj ing a quiet rest at his home In this city , receiving his many old homo friends who cnll upon him. He secirs glnd to bo releassd from the weighty executive duties cs governor and bo able to ngaln take up the life of a private citizen. His friends are proud of his record us gov ernor and are pouring In their congratula tions upon him. Suit fur FORT DODGE , la. , Jan. 22. ( Spaclal. ) The suit of Sllr.o Rogers , widow of Frank Rogers , against William Hamm of Dayton for $10,000 Is being hotly contested In dis trict court here. The defendant runs the saloon at Da ) ton and It is alleged sold Rogers liquor until ho was Intoxicated on March 27 last , and as a result he fell over an embankment nnd was killed. I3vrui annual convention of the Pioneer crs' Association of Iowa will rnePt In Deis Molnes February 9. The boclely is composed of all legislators , congressmen , JuJgi * "of the supreme , district and circuit courts , cabinet officers , members ot constitutional couvcn tlonr ? , etc. , where terms of service were twenty-five jtars or more ago. riillun ( Iocs to Chicago. OTTUMWA. la. , Jan. 22. ( Special. ) Charles D. Fullcn ot Falrao.a , wlm wns this week superseded as United States district attorney for the southern district of Iowa , will move to Chicago , where he lias been retained as counsel by tha organization of bucket-shop men. He is cald to have been guaranteed a retaining fee of $3,500 a year Tor five years AIIIOIIK I mn Cliiiri'lH-s. i.\ now Prcsb ) teri'an ' church Is nearly com pleted at Battle Creek. Cyrus R. Teed of Chicago , the head of the Korcsh movement , Is pleaching In SIuo- catlne. There Is a movement on fcot for n new church at Tlconlc. 'which will probibly bo built In the spring. The Clirlotian church at New Londen has Juut been reorganized c.j a i etui I of a series of meetings Just closed. After a pastorate of sixteen ) eara with the St. Lucaa Evnngcllcal church nt Burlington , lov. Dr Dai lei has resigned. Rev Mr. Gebaner of Cincinnati will bo called to the Unltailin church In Des Sloines , as that church will bo reopened. Hov. D. Breed of the Congregational church at Crcston has completed h's ' twenty- Ifth ) c > ir of service in that church. The state convention of the Young Pco- > lo's Christian union of the Unlversallst : hurch will bo held In Waterloo during the ast week In Juno. A neu Christian church will be dedicated n Eust Dea Slolnes next Sunday. The odl- Ice cost $0,000 und ox-Governor Drake gave 500 of the amount. The Newton Journal says that Jasper ounty Is the banner county In Sunday choal work , not only In the state of lo.va , ut In the United States . s well. Slost of the property belonging to the Kcoj j iuk Young Slcn's Christian association was , est by ( Ire last week , and as a resut | the Esoelfjtlon will erect a 'bulld'ng of Its own t once. Thn Catholic church at Ottumvva recently purchased four lots , on which It Is proposed ' o ere-cl a church 'building and a residence I or the prlfst. The lo-rrcr will be ( built J mmedlatcly , at a cost of $16,000. Evangelist W. S , Nicholj and wife ot Chi- ifo will begin n series o' revlvil meetings t the Slethodlst Episcopal church , Iowa "alls , this week. The Baptists will unlto 1th the Methodists In the work nnd the ther churches will aid more or lets. Chlldien nnd adult.s tortured by burns. calds injuries , eezcma or skin diseases ma ) wuro instant relief by using DeWltt'o Witch laze ] Salve. Itn \ the great Pile remedy. ; \r < 'iillroiimiltltr \li-c I Tomorrow CHICAGO , Jan 22. A ca'l ' was issued tea - a ) for a meeting of the executive commlt- co of the Wcitorn Paescnger association to o held In this city on Slonady Uil MOM ) OfTSIIOOTS HAXI1I.HTT. S IHUV N ( o r in Hiiiiilloiilix the Coiinoll llliiirn Ainu. lows lost another scalp nt the traps yes terday when Fred Raymond of Omaha downed "Pralrlo " Handled Wolf" of Council Bluffs In A live bird race for 4100 n side. It wns 100 birds per nvui nnd Raymond won out by DO to 77. The match was shot In . driving enow storm , which was almost blinding nt tlmro. nnd the birds were gen erally slow. The Council Bluffs mnn seemed to be especially handicapped by the weather. Ho was unable to get quick action and n number of his lost birds were hard outgoois. which would have been easy lo kill If ho hat ) fired before they got their gait. HnymonJ shot well , In spite ot the snow , nnd klllcJ his third torles straight. Frank Parmolo'c vvns rcfereo and Charley Slatthal was th * official scorer. Thp birds w ere retrieved bj SI. C. Peter's "S. Omaha " The scoro. Ilaynioml-21223 2222i 11212 22022 10211-2,1 22221 12222 01112 11222 21012 23 22221 23122 22111 12221 22J22-CS OUZO 1K22 10111 21201 00212-10-M Uandlctt-02222 22-322 22121 10222 22201-C1 20020 11220 22122 K221 10II2-W 10110 11210 20200 12211 21210-18 01201 22212 10202 10002 11211-18-77 Dead out of bounds : llnymond , 4 ; Itnnd- lett , G. Tuo NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 22. To the SportIng - Ing- Editor of I'm ' Hoc : The Judge nnd colonel set In n gnmo of pitch ; eleven points constitutes the Knnio. The Judge Iirw ten points und the colonel eight. Tlio colonel bids three and mnkcH hUh , jack nnd the Fame , milking t'he ' three he bid nnd mak ing eleven , while the Judge ho'.tls low , nlso innklng- him eleven. Now which goes out the judge or the colonel. I'lcnso nnsvver nt once. SI. It. Ails. : The judge goes out , I'olntn always count high , low , Jack nnd gillie. OMAHA , Jan. 22. To t'.ie ' Sporting Editor of The Hee ; If thiee men imirry t iree Ms- tuia , In whnt way nte the men related to ouch pothor-G , W. Ans , : In no way. Each man ! biothcr- In-lnvv to hi * wife's slsUrs , but no relation exists between either 'niifband ' tisldu from tin iilllnlty of tato. Mull Tea in for MouCt < > . DES S1OINKS , In. , Jan. 2.Spccil < ! ; Tele gram. ) C , S. 1'eteis eilled on the maniiRc- inent of the Dos Molnes ball team today In the Interest af Sioux City people , who vvnnt to secure a Western n poelnllon team there nevt year. Tlio Des Molnos coiporntlon now owns n franchise In the Western nKsjciu- tlon , which it Is privileged to tlansfcr lo tome other town , und DUO In the Western league , \ lilch will bo krpt ' .lere. The asso- clitlon tentn will be locited In Sioux City , piovldeil that town will give lent free a down town paik. This vvns the statement m.ulc to Mi. Peters anil he i-xprcssd the opinion that It would \ > c agreed to. Mnjir Frlck , the DCS Stolne.s miRiiato. nl o Indi cated that If | H < placed a team In Sioux City t'Jieic ' would lie no local Interference or Intel estb In It , but ho would glvu good ball. WronlHiin' Mntt-li ill I'l'iiiilclln. FRANKLIN. Nob. , Jan. 22.SpeeiU < ! Tel egram , ) John Itynn of Kali bury. Neb. , nnd John Gnusnry of I'hllllpsburg , Kan. , met at this place ted iy to wrestle. The match was mmlo by tralnniPii on the Oilcago , Hock Iblnml & Pi'tsburK railroad running1 between tin- two polnt.s while the putli-M i ; live and tills place vvns clmson where ( lie i wicstllngsiould take place U belnn half i way between 1 10 two points siuch intoiost i i vvas taken li > the matter s both nun at their homes were cont-ldciotl tlio bedt in the > ' country. Gausney won In three pulnts. ' I Ci.iusiiL'y weighed 1C7 and Ityan ono pound licavlcr. Two in n could n t lie h nl morn evenly miitclu'd In size ntul thc > sell nco of wrestling. A largo crowd wlliies-std the [ port. i HcatN Tliic-klcr. LONDON , Jan. 22. Cinilis Kllpatrlek. the American runner , boat George Tlncklcr , the IiMi runner. In the first of their two racei today for $230 a side- . CITY 01WIC1h MITICCS. ' OHDINANCK XO 41J5. . _ An ordinance to ropen ) ordinance. No , 3Si9 , entitled "An ordinance ji.rrSntfiitrr'ru ' ! ' 't-M ' 3ulnsfor circus licenses for less thnn $ COO in certain cn e ? , " and nlso to ropi > al ordl- nnnco No. T&29 , amendatory ot said ordi nance. No 3573 Pi > it Ol dained by the City Council of the City or Omal11 : Section 1. That ordinance No. S. i".r entitled "An ordinance authorizing- i sulnT of clrcim llconses for less thin WOO In certain c.i'-cs , " and also oicMnnnco No .IS23 amend i- tory of fc.ild ordinance No. 3"7j , be and the t.ame nio hcrebv ropeiilcd. Sec. 2. That this ordinance sh.lll tiilco effect and IIP In f\ rcifmm and after ItB passage. Passed January 11 , 1SS. 11EKCHRII IIIG71Y , Cltv Cleric. W W. niNGIIAM. Picsldont City Council. Approved Jnnuarv 1" 1SUS THANK 12. SIOORES , Sin ) or FOH SALE. CITY FUNDING PONDS. Sealed pioposals will lie received by the nnyor anil city council of the city of Harvard , Nil ) . , until Slomlny , January 31 , UBS , ut 2 o'c'ock p m. , for the purchase nf a cellos of eleven funding bondii of J.IOO.OO each , issued bv the city of Hnrvaul , Cluy county. Neb. , December 1. U97 , and riglsteied by the nudltni of state Decem ber 24 , ISft" , These bonds are duo twenty years from dale of Issue , but p lyablo nt any time nftcr ten yenrH from date , nnd draw tntcrc-st nt the rate of 0 per cent per annum , payable annually on tlio 1st day of December" each your Prf/'clpal nml Interest piyablo nt the Kit-on I nKfiii./ the state of Nebraska , New York City. The rlpht Is icscrvcd to rejei t any nn # nil bld.s. Addicgs all proposals to JOHN T. FI.ESTINQ , City Clerk. JnlG 23 Harvard , Neb. Mount Vernosi PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , melloV Havoc , tills whibkoy commands tlio high est price In ImneilH ( to ulioloHalo deal ers ) of any brand now on the market , and Is the mialw of incut of tha bottled tled blended whibkoy now booxtonslvoly advertised. llottlctl.it tlio Distillery with nn Uuurauty of I'aritj anJ Oriulunl CoiiJltlon The consuiniii1 hiivlntr thU the onlv ' dlstlllfiy hot Una of' MOUNT VEUNOX ilfi hQUAJJIi llotifct , each bearing the Num bered auarnnty Lnlisli M'cutcB the blsii- iist Kimluof PIIIU KyiiVhUKcy In | | minimi condition iMillirly ficit fiom udultoiatlou with cheap t-plilts nnd II iv FOR MlvWCINAL UHF It IIUB DID Imloi'ripiiH'iil nf the mo-it prominent physicians ihruuiinul ! HID United fnatcs , I'oi hulu by All Itullublu < r SPECIAL NOTICES i f COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * j , Albln Hu.ter. itudio 33S Dronrtwnj. German lilelliod of Uri l n Coniervulorv. 4 t YOU CAN Gl-J TIlliM NOW at $1.550 each. 'Ihe Cosinopolitarfrncandescent Burner has no equal , It iv.'s 6-1 candle pow er c t half the cost for gas us.'il by the common burner. / We put them up complete for one- fifty , Mantels for Welsbach anl ; all kinds of burnersTat ralnceU prices , Heating , Pmmbing and Lighting. I V d V 202 Main > 203 iearl Stre3 > J. C. I SO T , Council Bluffs , Iowa.