Tin : OM.'ITA r-AILV rEK : SUNDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1898. M. \ \ ) UP ITS RAPID PACE Jan ? frmll Functions OnwdoJ Into tha Social Whir ] , \LL \ KINDS CF ENTERTAIXM * NT FURNISHED ivrr > - InillriHIiin Hint l-'nurlli Wcvlc of > Vcnr Will IIIli One Ili-vlrxv t > r Uncoil 1'olnrln' The third week of the first month , as the Quakers would say It , has been notable for the great number of smaller functions And the small number4 of great functions that ihavo hoppenod within the labyrinth known as BSdcty. "Variety la the spice of life , which lves It all Its flavor , " and EO wo have had all ) < lnds ot entertainment afforded us during the week just past. Naturally the events concomitant with the coronation ot Queen Q'olarls tcok a strong hold on the populace. > " \VlMtcver 'may or may not bo eald regarding these , they afforded no small amount of gcuulno 'pleasure ' to the many fair young . women In whoso honor they were given and reflected some credit on these who contrib uted toward their success. The Hamilton- iVan Glii-oii wedding was the most notable it net Ion of that character during the week. The meeting of the 'Married ' People's Dancing -club was a distinct social success , and there- were an Innumerable lot of teas , luncheons and dint cr parties. The theaters were fairly well attended during the week. Society llockcd to hear El Capltan , but It dU not wear its best clothes ; that Is , not to any noticeable extent. During the fourth week of the first month Omaha society Is apt to be pretty busy. A glance at the pleasures In prospect scheduled on th.s page 'will show a fine array ot tha jik'.i.iant little affairs that give the fair tlcvitL'cs of Dame Society opportunities to wear their best gowns and to talk of cn- Kagt'inuiits not yet made -public and other licrtlnunt subjects. The cards of Mrs.Casper 12. Yost for Thursday afternoon Indicate that n new form of entertainment Is to ho Intro duced to Omaha society. The- title , "A 'Kensington ' Luncheon , " suggests something now. We have met these functions before , lull , separately , not In surh close un.on. In the oilcmlar there are several small dancing parties , but the Cotillion club will not meet again until the following week , when an elaborate party will be given at the homo of Miss Yates. Wednesday promises to bo a day that will keep the dear society maiden on the move every minute after she arises , just before noon. There are enough recep tions , teas and card parties on the tapis for th--t afternoon and evening to be spread over dovcral days In any city but a metropolis. A Detroit society woman denounces In the most scathing terms the social lapses of a certain set of young men of that city , who , ehc says , by offenses varying from "cutting" tlancca to ordering coses of champagne ou ithclr hostesses' accounts , "have honestly earned the comprehensive English epithet ot 'cail. ' " If this hostess , or any other hostess , In or out of Detroit. -inconvenienced by such conduct , she has only herself to blame , * for the remedy Is In her own -bauds. Let lier refuse to Invite such men to her affairs. That Is the iway several Omaha women who entertain a great deal have handled the troublesome question , and rumor has It that ( future excesses In this direction are to bo estopped by general emulation of their worthy example. The ice carnival did not Include the pro- Brani of outdoor events that bad been scheduled for It because the weather gods mere not abit favorable until too late in the week. The Indoor events In connection fwlth the carnival , however , were all that could bo desired , and will be pleasantly ro- miciiiborcd for some time to come by these who participated 111 them. The reception at the ' .Mlli'iinl hotel on Tuesday afternoon was a very successful affair. Miss Mildred Slcplienson , surnamed Queen Polaris , re ceived the guests In a gracious manner , and was assisted by a bevy of as fair young visi tors as Omaha has had the pleasure of en tertaining In some time. After a timely ad- diess of welcome by Mayor -Frank E. Moorcs light refreshments were served and an hour spent In social Intercourse. In the evening ' the coronation ceremonies took place at the lagoon , the untoward weather to the con trary notwithstanding. Ou Wednesday even ing the queen and her retinue ot maidens 'ucro ' entci tallied by a ball given In tliejr honor at the Mlllard hotel. This was In every respect a most enjoyable occasion There were on hand a goodly number of dancing young men , both civilians and mili tary men , for the Omaha Guards were thuro In their attractive dress uniforms. On Thurmlay evening the queen and her maids occupied a half dozen boxes at the Mine S3calchl concert , and on Friday they left for their respective homes. I'lfiiMiiroM In I'roxiii'rl. Mrs. Hrady will entertain at cards 01 Wednesday afternoon. Mra. Martin will entertain the C. A. L Kensington club on Tuesday. Mra. Henry S. Winston has Issued Invita tions for a 5 o'clock tea for Saturday. Mrs. Frances M. Muniaugh will glvn a studio tea on next Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carter will entertain the II. T. Card club on Wednesday evening. Tlio Young Mcn' club of All Saints' church will give u party on Wednesday evening. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. E. Yost will give -a kcusington luncheon for a luun- ibcr of friends. On Wednesday and Friday afternoons Mrs. jills Illerbnwer will entertain a number of. frlendfl at two kcimlngton * . Mrs. E. E. Ilruco will entertain the iiiein- licrs of the Forest Hill Card club at her liomo on Wednesday evening. On Thursday afternoon from 1 until 3 o'clock Mrs. Edward Porter Peck and Miss Elizabeth Peck will entertain at luncheon. The Thurstou Illlles have Laucd Invita tions for a poverty dnnelug party to be Klvun at the armory Tuesday evsulng , Jan uary 25. The no.xt meeting of the South Side Whl&t club will bo held ou Tuesday , January : ! 5 , nt the residence of Mrs. Rogers , 2210 South Thirty-second nvenm. The Jolly Eight club will glvo a dancing jiarly at Patterson hall ou Saturday evun- 4ug. The committee that has the dance li. charge Includes Misses Alice Sterling , Pearl Stewart , Susin Studoluker and Mcyars. J. 1 < \ Dendcr and Edwin Olllver. \WililluuN mill Invitations uro out for the wedding of Btr. L , II. Walmer and Miss Myrtle V. Ileobe , tooth of this city , to take place February il at the homo of Mr. Walmer's parents , near ( Portsmouth , la. Mrs. F. H. Davis entertained nt luncheon on Thursday In honor of her nieces , the ( Misses Hninbleton of Topcka. Miss Clark- Bon of this city on this occasion received the congratulations of her friends en the recent announcement of her engagement to iMr. Mauretto Stunner Foss of Lowluton , Me. There has been no prettier church wedding ; in Omaha this season than that of Miss ( ! Adneo do Mobmy Van Oleson , eldest j daughter of Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Van Gleson , lito Mr. James William Hamilton at AH nta' Protestant Episcopal church on Wed- sjicsday afternoon at 4 o'clock , The ceremony Evas performed by the rector , Hev. Thomas FJ. Mackay. The church was prettily dccor- Fute < t In palms and evergreens. The bride wore a very iHiulsoino gown of whlto satin Bwlth crinkled chiffon. A tulle veil 'was frowned with a wreath of orange blossoms , The Certain Protection of our bread , biscuit and cake from alum is in the use of ROYAL BAKING POWDER only. and was caught with n magnificent diamond sunburst pin. the Rift of the Rroom. She lsa wore a hamlKomo breaatpln of pearls , which licr mother had worn at her own wedding. Her flowprw were lllcs of the villcy. She wa * attended 1 > y her two Maters as brides- tnalils. M.ss Ixjulso Van Oloson WBS becom ingly nltlrcd In white silk nn-d cliltton. Her bouquet was of yellow roses. Miss llc.'en Van Oltson wore yellow silk anJ chlffnn and carried white roser . The Rroom was sup ported by hU brother. Dr. Hamilton , as best man , and the ushers were : Messrs. Thorn a It. 1'ortcr. ( Joorgo I'rlnr. , Joseph Joplln and Frederick Sangstock. Follow Ins the cere mony , which wan witnessed by n largo num ber of invited Kiiestn. n wedding supper was given to the bridal party and a few rela tives ami Intimate friends In the white and Reid room of the MlllarJ hotel. .Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left In IM/ ? evening for a trip to the oist , Intending to be absent about two weeks. They will occupy their new home In Dundee Place soon after February 1. nl'i iif ( lie \VrrK. Mrs. IMllas LMche entertained at dinner on Thursday. Mrs. Clinton Nf. Powell entertained for n few friends nt a dinner uarty on Friday. Mrs. Hlllls entertained at luncheon on Thursday for Mrs. Gregg of Cincinnati. Mrs. Joseph It. Lchmcr pave a dollghWu card party to a number of friends last even Ing. Ing.Mrs. Mrs. Ocorgo A. Hoagtond yesterday enter tained for the youiiR women of the Flower mlffilon. Mls Helen Mlllard Rave a delightful luncheon on Friday In honor of the Misses Hamhleton. Miss May Hamilton entertained a num ber of the younger women at luncheon ot Wednesday. Mra. James H. 1'arrotte Rave n pretty luncheon Thursday afternoon for her sister Mrs. Ldwson of Macomb , 111. Mrs. Clifford Smith yesterday gave a luncheon la hcuor of Mrs. Gertrude Peck who Is the guest ot Mrs. William T. Wyman Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Richardson enter tained Mrs. T , C. Whlteslile and Mr. am Mra. Walker Whltcslde at dinner on Wednca day A very pleasant Informal musical w.ia Klvcn at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert M. Hitchcock < ci Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. C. n. IJatea arJ Mrs. White enter tained the Matinee club Thursday afternoon The prizes were won by Mrs. Knox am Mrs. Welsh. Miss Edith Cheney dellRhtfully ontert.Jlno ; her friends at u henslngton on WeiJcicndaj afternoon , in honor of Miss Campbell o Seward , Neb. Mrs. S. I ) . Harkalow on Tuesday afternoon gave a delightful luncheon in honor of Mis Pacho , , who bi soon to roniovo from Omaha to Washington. The C. A. Li. Gird club met with Mesdames Cameron and I'ardee at 1122 South Thlrtletl nvonuo on Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mesdames Jeffries and Anderson. The li. P. C. Card club was pleasantly en tertained at the residence of Dr. Ilodgcrs 2438 Madison street , on Friday evening. The prizes wore won by Mnj. De France and Mr Frederick. Mrs. Mary J. Huso , supreme guardian of the Woodmen Circle , gave a delightful dinner party to the executive members and friends of the order af. her liomo , 2133 Manderson street , on Wednesday evening. Miss Delia McDermott and a party of ten friends , chaperoned by Miss Wlnnlfrcd McDermott - Dermott , attended the DoWolf Hopper per formance on Friday evening and were after ward entertained at a dialing dish supper at the McDermott residence. An enjoyable surprise party was tendered Mrs. T. W. Smith at her homo , Forty-sixth nmr Pacific streets , on Monday evening. Among the presents given Mrs. Smith in honor of her birthday anniversary was a handsome china dinner service. The Semper Fldclls Card and Music club met at the homo of Mr. Walter L&ve , 19M liurdotto street , on Thursday evening. Pro gressive high flvo was the game of the even ing , Prizes wore won by Mr. Walter Love and Miss Marguerite McCanaghcr. Mr. and Mrs. , B. P. Doone entertained a number of their friends on Thursday. Cards were played until a late hour , when refresh ments were served. Prizes were awarded to Mr. Otto Nelson and Mrs. T. J. West and to Mr. W. Prlco and Mrs. Harry Day. The Lalcos club held their flith mooting at the homo of Miss Fanny King on Thurs day evening. The head prizes were won by Miss Dorothy Ketchum and Mr. William Ulmmcrko , and the consolation prize iby Miss Mable Iletebenner and Mr. Moselcy. A very pretty birthday party was given by .Mrs. G.V. . Clark of 810 North Twenty- ntth avenue in honor of her birthday anni versary. Mrs. Clark Is an admirable hostess and on this occaslcm she afforded her guests an evening ot enjoyment that was appre ciated by all. The reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Young at their borne on West Dodge street on Friday evening as a brilliant affair. The spacious residence was hand somely decorated for thc occasion , and a large number of prom'nent citizens and their wives paid their respects to the host and hostess between the hours of S and 11. The Young Women's Christian association gave an enjoyable reception Monday evening at the club rooms. Refreshments of KussUri tea. and wafers were serve : ! and an Interest ing program of nuulc , readings and recita tions filled out a delightful evening. The re ception was arranged by n committee , o ! which Mrs. George W. Iloobler Is chairman An enjoyable meeting of the Oh-am-o elu'b ' wan held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs A. Wagner. 2313 Miami street , on Tuesday ovcnlii'S. The .prizes were won by Mr. and Mia. C. A. Sherwood. The prizes wore : A handsome sugar and cream set , and a set of nut picks and nut cracker. A lunch wan served by the hostess after the last game of high flvo hail 'been ' played. Mr. and Sir * . William If. McCrary of 2710 South Nineteenth street gave a high flvo 'party to & few of their friends on Mon day evening , in honor of Mrs. S. Maple of Chicago. A very enjoyable evening won ripont after which a luncheon was partaken of by the guests. The llrst prizes were nwardod to Mrs Jamas Foley and L . Nevcr- gall. The consolation prizes wore taken by Ms. : A. T. Sldwell and Fred Chlttenden. OT Monday evening Miss Elcanoro Cornish cf 31S North Thirty eighth street cavea farewell runty for Miss Ota H. Crawford , who will return to her homo In Lincoln , Neb. , this week. The guest.i wore mostly members of the Silent Coimoa club and their friends. A genera ! good time was had , re freshments wore served and whist was played until a late hour. Mlts Cornish wan assisted In enterta'nlng the gueats by her ulster , Miss Mabel Cornish , and by Miss Forbes. On Monday evening a largo party of jovial young folks surprised MSH ! Rose Trrnborth nt her home , 2122 Wlrt street , and spent a very pleasant evening , which WPS enlivened by singing and dancing. The Misses Geneva Croft and Ella Croft both sang solos that were warmly applauded. Mi-is KOEO Trenberth played various selec tions on the violin , which lie rendered In an admirable manner. About forty guests were present and enjoyed the evening's pleasures. A merry parly of young folks met at the homo of Mrs. M. A. Martin. 2238 Charles street , to T-olebrato the anniversary of the 17th blrthduy of her daughter , Miss Dertha Martin , Tuesday evening. The young people enjoyed themselves at various gamw until a late hour , when an elegant supper was served. The guests took thulr departure wishing thulr hostess many happy returns of the day. Among the out-of-town guests were : Miss Nelllo Robinson , Miss Llzzlo Robinson and Mr. Frsnk Traynor of Grand iBlund , Neb. Ono of the most pleasant events of the week was the party of the Dancing club given at Morand'n hall on Monday night. The party was one ot the most enjoyable and brilliant of the season aud a number of strikingly handsome toilets were displayed. The cotillon took a culinary form which par ticularly commended Itself to the house keeper * present , the favors for the four di rect figures danced being such useful kitchen iitonsllo as tin cups , dust panu , match boxes , egg beaters , rattles , pie tins , dippers and spoons. Mesdameti W , H , McCord aud Paul rUmrlton very graciously presided at the favor table. Mrs. 1) . F. Weaver and Mrs. Clmrli'a Hess 'iitemlned on Monday. Tuesday and Wednca- lay at three beautiful card parties , sl.t- liauded high flvo being the game. The house ivas lighted and trimmed with palms , sml- lax and cut flowers. The prizes were all tiaudsouio. three boluc elrcu each day to 1 the .UT-ies.'ul whines On Mon lay 13 ; < ' prizes were won by MesJamea H. F. Crurr. ' ' mer. Jcnoph Qitoi anJ F. I' . Klrkeiidali i Tuesday ! > > M-.sHmrJ N . A. Mll.er. F. A Hwliig an.i S. A. We.ih ! ; Wednesday by Me-- dames Charles Ulfkey. Ofaiand Strlckler an W. J. Il-adbury. Tne Invitation list for In . three partlm Inrludeil about 209 namn > . I Ono of the meat ploaiont gathsrlngu o the elly among the younger ! -et was a dc llghtful Mithrtayparty given by MM ! Edit' : Uennott on Thursday evening nt her home ' 221. Ivoonst Rttfct. Game. ! wcro In-lulled In , ' < : which the foean contest wtu most prc-nil I nent. Alex Marriotto won a book -fc flr. I prize , while Mable Chrlstlo currlt-1 off the I booby prize In the slmpp of n bon bon oox i T'.K'blrth.lay ' oalio repnaented the yeata o 1 the hostess by the fourteen layers and foil , lighted tnpora. They tontnlneil n ring , a dlmo nnd a button , and now It Is positively knowi who Is fated to lx > the llrot bride In the crowd , ns well as the old maid and the rlol mn. After partaking of dollclo-j.j refresh mciltfl the happy crowd voted Mls Udltl many happy returns of the occasion and de parted. Mrs. Gtirdon W. Wattles efitertalned the members of the Woman's Heard of Man SKers of the exposition at cupper Tuesdaj afternoon. The house was beautifully deco rated with palms , carnations and red am pink roses. In honor of the distinguishes guests. In n corner of the hallway , concealed coaled by a beautiful bank of palms , the Sutorlus orchestra played throughout tlu evening. Mrs. Wattlca was assisted In re celvlng by Mesdames Llndsoy , Kirkendall Reed anJ Clark. The out of-town gucal ! were : Mesdames S. C. Key of Councl Uluffs. J. H. Kerr of Ansley. M. A. Hunter of llrokcn Uow , D. C. GlfTcrt of West Point Hollenbeck ot Fremont , A. W. Field and A W. Sawyer of Lincoln , Angelina Whitney o Elk City , J. H. McDowell of Falrbury , F Johnson of Crete , Kittle nation and HattlL Tyffe of Hastings ar.d Miss Helen Chase o Papllllon. MoviMiirtilN of l > ' 0il - . Mr. Oould Dletz has returned from n trli to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Branch have returned from a trip to Buffalo , N. Y. Miss Dorothy Parker of Cincinnati is the gurat of Miss Florence Morse. Mrs. T. E. Gregg of Cincinnati Is the guest of her daughter , Mrs. Lent. Mrs. F. A. Davenport 1ms gone to Florida to spend the remainder ofthe winter. Judge and Mrs. Irving F. Baxter nro spending n fortnight In New York. Mr. Dow Fonda has returned to Albany N. Y. , after n visit with his parents In this city. city..Mrs. .Mrs. Lawson of Macomb , 111. , Is the gucsl of .Mrs. James Parrotte nt1801 Davenport Htrect. .Mrs. Gertrude Peck arrived Wednesdaj to he thu guest of Mrs. William Tapper Wyman. Miss Loulso McPherson , who has been visiting In 'Peorla , 111. , Is expected home this week. i ' Mr. and 'Mrs. ' J. 0. Phllllppl wcro guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yatcs In Lincoln last week. Mrs. Charles L. Lawton and JIlss Hoth Valll spent part of the last week visiting friends In Nebraska City. Miss Nelllo Holden of "Waliao , Neb. , Is visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Straight of 130S North Twcnty-flfth street. Mr. and 'Mrs. ' C. N. Dlctz will leave for n sojourn In the West Indies on Friday. They will return to Omaha In April. i.Mr. Robert Vlorllng ; of Chicago spent sev eral days in Omaha the last week , the guest of his brother , Mr. A. J. Vlerllng. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Taylor and Miss Mabel Taylor will leave hi a few days for Galvcs- ton , Tex. , where they will spend the winter. Mr. Frederic A. Nash and Miss Adeline Nash will sail from San Francisco on Tues day for Honolulu , where they will spend six weeks. Miss Fahno Deur of ( Missouri Valley , la. , returned home yesterday after a week's visit with friends In 'this ' city and Council Bluffs. Mr. William Miller and Miss Miller ot Valley were In the city with a party ol friends to attend the carnival and theater last week. Mr. Charles C. Beldcn Is taking a trip through the cast. Before returning ho wll visit New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore ant Washington. QIr. and Mrs. L. H. Parker of Billings , Mont. , arrived hero yesterday to be the guests of ' .Mr. and .Mrs. E. H. Sharpe , 25CI Manderson street. Mrs. Fred II. intake and children left for California last week , accompanying Mrs. Blako's mother and sisters. They will re turn some tlino In April , The Misses Perfect of St. Paul , who have been spending the last two months with their uncle , Mr. C. It. Perfect , in this city , returned homo yesterday. After spending the holidays with her mother , Mrs , P. Buckley , Mrs. AV. Dolan nm ] family -of Columbia returned homo on last Monday , accompanied by her niece. Miss Etba Hourlgan. 'Mr. ' Hugo Brandcls , Mr. and Mrs. Colin , accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown ol New York , left for San Francisco Mon day afternoon. They will return by way of Los Angeles and the southern route. Mrs. Horace G. Hurt arrived here on Wednesday to take up her residence In Omaha. She was very cordially welcomed back In the circle from which she has been absent for a year and a half. ( Mr. Hurt Is expected to return from New YorJt during tha coming week. A musical will bo given Wednesday after noon , Jinuary 26 , at 3 o'clock , at the resi dence of Mrs. 'E. ' V. Lewis , 2101Mrt street , for the benefit of the iChurch of the Good Shepherd. Mrs. Helen Hamilton of London , England , will appear as pianist. Mrs. L-.rnarJ and .Miss Bowman will slug. Ad mission , 25 cents. OM.UI v srmmiis. Mr. Evans of Omaha was Ici the -city Thurs day. Miss Nora Chambers went to Herman Fri day. day.Miss Miss Dolly Tucker of Blair Is In the city visiting. Mr. f.nd Mrs. Potter wcro business vIslterH In Omaha Tuesday. Miss Leafy King of Omaha was In the city visiting friends Friday. Gus Bondesson , who Is employed In Omaha , spent Sunday with his -parents. J. B. Young , living near Loveland , la. , was In the city Friday on business , Ml-s N. D. Burton wtut to Omaha Friday to visit relatives for a few days. A. Wilson of Tekamah wxs a business visi tor In the city one day last week. Miss Eunice Tracy visited friends hi Omaha Monday , returning home Tuesday. Mii ! Nettle Myers of Omaha Is upending a week or two at homo with her parents. Mrs. Powcl of Blair has been visiting her son-in-law for a week , returning home Thurs day. day.Will Will Weber of Wayne , Neb. , was In the city last week visiting hla parents , .Mr , and Mra. Weber. W. S. Scavey and family of Denver vlilted with Captain and Mrs. Reynolds Saturday and Sunday. Ml&s May Walker returned from Omaha M-ncMy , where nhe had been the last week visiting relatives. Mrs. J. Tracy of Blair wan visiting lier : irother-ln-aw ! , Dr. J. F. Tracy , Sunday and Monday of last week. Miss Josslo Glllld , with It. G. Dun & Co. , Omaha , spent Saturday and Sunday with her -arents , who live here , L. N. Warller went to Tokamah Wednea- late attend to baling some of the hay on ils farm near that place. Mrs , A. W. Crooksliank of Omaha was In ho city last week visiting her daughters. Mro. Robb and Mrs. Burton. C. J. Peterson of Craig , Neb. , while on a business trip to Omaha , spent Tuesday night at the homo of Dr. Tracy. The wife of Henry Peterson fell last Wed nesday , cutting her face quite badly. Dr. Tracy was called and dressed the wound. Jesse Richards and 'Miss Mabel Whlted wcro married at the homo of the bride's athor , three miles north of town , last Vedncsday at 4 o'clock p. m. , after which bo guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner. July relatives and a very few friends -vvero nvlted. Rev. J.M. . Wilson of Castellar Tesbyterlan church ot Omaha ofllclatoJ. ) otU parties arc among the moat respected. It was a big work Mi * In vahins mn In siilos-ynu sliiuild not fall to conu In on tlu ground llior. of Drox miuiV snlo tlioro inny Inotliors T rwillv think thrv arc * - * j : simp * but we1 know We arc- crowds all .iit'i tlino : md no woii'lur ' for never lia\v we tlu > known slioo vahti ? plvors if ) O'iMihn cvor given so much ivnl worth for so III tip mom\v this snip Isn't tfliii > : - | > last always It can't for tlu show will all UP goiip lint you've another i-hatico , and that's Monday we at 8 lipttpr go I In lino. Drexel Shoe Co 1419 FAKNAM STKIJET Our jilano bilslnpsH continue to grow It's grown so Inrgo wo'vo hud to have more room and have- just n < lil il space that glvps us n chance to show twice ni many pianos as before and we have the extra pianos to show carloads tv- celved In the past week the Kiniball Knabe-Kranleb & Uacli and others the Ihiest money can buy at our over popular prices. You will tlnd these new piano salesrooms very interesting and wo Invite yon to call. Entrance as al ways. l" ll ! 1513 Douglas of the neighborhood and have the best wishes of nil. E. H. Walker made a trite Ills farm In Iowa last week to superintend ( lie hauling of a lot of cordwood ho has had cut this winter. The postctnce was briffhtcneJ one day lost week through the kindness of George Sorensen - son , who brought a choice lot of plants for the front window. Jonathan Ixidgc. Xo. 225 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will give Its llrst an nual ball nt the city hall January 20. Ho- freshnietits will bo served. Ml s Edna Pc-terscn went to Crescent. la , Saturday and visited over Sunday with her parents , returning Monday. She Is making her homo Cir5 with her aunt , Mrs. George Stalon , and attending school. There was a pleasant gathering at the homo of Prof. Lighten last Sunday. Kola- lives from Pennsylvania , who have been touring > In the west , stopped to visit them and were Joined by relatives from Omaha. The South Omaha'1 Ice company has fifty teams at 'work ' hauling Ice from the river and filling Its Ice house near the reservoirs. The continued warm weather makes the chances less for cutting oft the reservoirs to 1111 the house. Miss IKelen Moore , who Ins been employed In the public schools , as teacher for the last two years , rcslunodgher position. She has accepted a. similar { position In the public school at Gran Junction , Colo. , and leaves for that place Saturday , and commences her duties at once. Fort CrooU. Thursday iMlss Patterson gave n luncheon and these present were Mrs. Crlttcndon , Mrs. Mosbcr , Mrs. Jones , Mrs. Hodges , Miss Koorper and 'Miss ' Jenks. Friday afternoon Mrs. Getty gave one of her delightful afternoon card parties for her feminine friends. Jlr. UjJjockwood won the first prize , a Japajie fi > late ; Mrs. Hodges a cup and saucer and Miss Koerper a Japanese bowl. Friday afternoon Mrs. Swalno ontertalned the women with cards. Mrs. Lockwood won the head prize , Mrs. Davlson the lone hand and Mrs. Forbes the consolation. After de licious refreshments were served the tables wore pushed by and the guests enjoyed a treat In some fancy dances. Thursday night Captain and Mrs. Lock- wood entertained the Card club. As Is usual when 'tho ' popular captain of Company D and his charming wife entertain all had a delightful evening. Mrs. Pllcher won the head prize , Mr. Stanley -the mon's head prlzo and -Mr. Davlson the lone hand. Friday night the Twenty-second Infantry orchestra gave another of Its delightful con certs to a crowded house. The following was the program : Overture -Dor Tambour dor Garde Till I'ntrol The Turklstt Hevllle Mlchaells Serenade In the Hani Lane Grand Selection La Travlatn Verdi Medley A Night In New York ISroolcs HriiNoii. Mr. Hitchcock of Omaha was a visitor among friends hi ncnson last week. The pifult at the Methodist church was filled by Uev. Mr. Miller of Omaha last Sun day night. A muslcalo will be given at the town hall next Friday evening , January 28 , at 8 o'clock , under the auspices ot the women of tie church. Services will bo held today at theMetho - cllat Episcopal church by the pastor In the morning at 11 o'clock. In the ovonl-ng at S o'clock services wilt be conducted by the Young Men's Christian association. Tiio Fraternal Union of America lodge. No. 110 , hold Itn first meeting on last Wednesday light at Its now hall on the Military road. A number of members visited Dauncr lodge , No. 11 , of Omaha last Thursday evening. The Ladles' Aid society met nt the homo of Mrs. S. II. Hoffman last Wednesday after noon. At the meeting Mrs. J. A. Morgan lauded In her resignation as treasurer of the society. T.io next mooting will be held at the home ot Mrs. A. M. Grove , Wednesday at 2:30 : p. m. Arnold's Drorao Celery curra headaches , lOc , 2no and TiOn. All druggists. In order to Introduce our hair dresser , Miss lllanche Cathcart. and her perfect vork. wo will give a free scalp treatment with every almmpoo-or a manicure at half nice with every shampoo all this week. . ' . Af. Srhadell , Ii22 ( Douglas. IIHV. .SAMIM.K ASIOi KOH 3IOIIH TIJ1K. I ndcc111cil Aliout "ComliiK I"VoHl - niliiNtiT ll > r > Nlir | > rinii Cliurc'li. The- Westminster Presbyterian -church Is till without a pastor. A call was extended o Uev. Sample , and 'when ho wad hero a ow weeks ago ho guvo , the Impression that 10 would come , providing his Now York csn- jrogatlon would rolcJHi ) him. Since return- ng homo he has written utid has asked for nero tlmo before KW K t'.io Westminster looplo a positive arjs.wcr. The Westminster > uptt ! will bo ocetfplpl | this morning and evening by Hev , liheVp of the Theological ollege. u i < Dean Fair of Trinity cathedral has gone to Topeka , Kan. , to 1 > , p/fBent at an Inatalla- lon service. Today-.tliecathedral pulpit will o occupied by Dtehop Worthlngton. Uev. Francis W. Uussell of Marshalltown , a. , who Is visiting In the city for a few lays , will preach at the First Prtabytorlan hurch this morning and evening. Uev. A. F. Sherrell will preach at t'Jo First Congregational church today , both morning and evening. KIT , ! | ' | . | | . | -H < III III t'UHliiily. Fred Peterson was arrested In this city ust night to ntiHWfr to a charge of burg- ary committed In Mlnden. Neb. , several months ago. With several companions oterson la Hald to have broken Into a com plied jostolllco and general merchandise 'ore , which was despoiled of cash and . oods. His companion ) * have so far evaded | lie reach of the law. The Immediate cause f Peterbon's arrest on thin occasion wax .iilsteroua conduct and threatening to cut the Ir.matcb of u down-town resort. OPENING SEW POSTOFFICE Employes Are Getting Renity for a Notable Public Reception. EVERYBODY TO HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE I'eoiilo AVII1 llt > Shown 13vi ry 1'nrt or Ilii.IliuvMlllocnt llullillnu- mill All OiicratioiiN of Haiiilllim : ( he Ma I IN. The postofilco employes In all departments are getting ready for a big blowout In cele bration of their Installation In the new federal building when that happy event oc curs. The preliminary arrangements are now belli' ; made In a very systematic manner. TlJ/arc | / In the hands of a general commlt- toc..vlilch Includes the heads of all the de partments and then there are various sub committees to look after the different minor features for the event. The organization of this arrangements committee has been completed , with Post master Martin as chairman. Committees have also btcn appointed on finance , music , piogram and decoration. These various committees will meet at frequent Intervals from now on and they hope and expect to getup up an affair that will be a fitting tribute to their magnificent new homo and will bo long remembered by the -pcoplo olfu'firtfiy' Th"i affair Is to be a hugo public reception. It Is to take place on the cv > Vi5 of the day 01 which the department takes up Its quarters In the new building. This tlmo was chosei because the entire department would then bo at work and It was bclloved that the gen eral public would luthcr view the operation of the big postofllce machine rather than to look at the bare building ana ita furnish ings alone. Ample opportunity will be given to see the force at work , since the pcoplo will bo allowed In the mailing room. They will be admitted at the front entrance , will be allowed to wander through the handsome corridors and private olllces , will then bo escorted through the mailing room and will leave the building through the rear doors. In this -way everything In the new building can bo seen and no jamming will occur , de spite the fact that a very large attendance Is expected. Anaiigements are being made to decorate the Interior of the building for the occasion with Hags and bunting. A band of music will bo In attendance and will render popular airs while the reception Is going on. Finally It Is proposed to get up a handsome program fl'nd ' eouvenlr which may be kept as a me mento of the occasion by those present. This souvenir will contain views of the building and pictures of the men connected with the department. It Is still somewhat doubtful when the de partment will be nblo to occupy Iho new quflrtera. The furniture Is very filow In com ing In. Postmaster Martin hopes and ex pects that the removal 'can take place next month , possibly by February 1G. A few articles of the furniture have already arrived , but the biggest part Is still lacking. Yester day morning a dozen clocks and two mall racks arrived , the former from Hoston and the latter from Jamestown , N. Y. Word has been received that another consignment will bo shipped from L'altimoro on January 25. Postmaster Martin has no Idea when the Postolllco department at Washington will Is- mio the new Transmlsslsslppl Exposition stamps. Ho has received so many Inquiries regarding the matter that ho has written to Washington requesting the Information. Ho oxipecU an answer some tlmo during the com ing week. The pcsstmaster has evolved a scheme by which he believes that the stamps can bo widely distributed. He fluggcsU that the ex position company should send out circulars to all the postmasters In the traimtnlsslsslppl region asking them to request exposition stamps when I .ley send In requisitions for stampH to Washington. In this manner the stamps can bu given the widest circulation , Tl'K.WtltS ' OIISKIIVi : AX AX.M IVKII.SAIt V I'rrimri-il fur lli < > Tlilrllrlli Aiiiiuiil .MrflliiK. Tie ! Omaha Turners are malting great prep , aratlons for the observance of the thirtieth anniversary ot the Omaha Turnvcre'n on the evening of February C , at Qermanla hall , this city. The Omaha Turnvereln Is tlio eldest ath letic society In the city and Is alto one of the wealthiest. The membership Is very large and InelnJcvi a great many of the prominent Germans of this locality. The following la tlio anniversary program of the turnverein : March Orchestra Grand Grouping' KxurclouH on Two Storming Hoards. . . . Hoys of Cli : s 2 lielgen GlrlH of Class 2 Wand Orill Actives Club Swinging..Ladlea and Girls of Class 2 Calisthenics Hoys and GlrlH of Clatm 2 Address by the President of the Turn- vercln , Cltiuii Cunrad Flag Uilll oyn of C'lans 1 Overture orchestra Exercises on Horizontal Hur First Division of Actives Exercises and Groupings on Two llorscH Hoya of Clacs 1 Wand Drill Seniors Exerciser on Parallel Hum Juniors Hoop Drill..Twelve Members of Ladles'Olau lUili Jumping Actives Wand and 'Dumbbell ' Drill Sixteen Ladles and Actives Single Stick Fencing Suction I.lliriiry IJIrrctiirN Mod. A insctlng of the directors of the Omaha Public library was held lust nlfc-ht to dis cuss the financial outlook for the coming year. Ways and means were considered and It was decided to request thu osuncll for a levy which will produce u rcvcnuo equal to that of last year , or WM > . .lust drop Into onr dontnl parlors nml hoar about onr painless inclhoils some- tltnos your tooth need nttontlon nntl you hardly Know H--lf tnUon In tlmo It will be Inexpensive and very little Incon venience to you wo Imvo a way of building np broken tooth to their nntural shape with beautiful contour Illllngs that only be learned by years of con stant practice nur small gold Illllngs nro ? L'.00-sllvor and gold alloy Illllngs ? 1.00 should yonr teeth noeil e.xtracllng we'll do It without gits a little applica tion to the gnnis onr own formula ab- solntely pnlnh s we administer gas whenever desired no matter what wo do for you we'll guarantee satisfaction l ady attendant. BAILEY , 1.T Yonrn 3d rionr Pnxinii IIIk. Kith niul l'"nrnniu. Well , ilp qticpu's been hear an' ROIIO but ills klil goes on fur ever nn * Is hero tor stay so Is my ilmlvltl Ills live-rent Stoecker eluar dew one thip about ills cl an and dat Is dat my dad sells more mi more uT dem every day an' den dey Is Just ns Kmxl terday as when ho made de Curst one der Is fellers dnt will toll kver dat It Is as good as most uf do ten centers and dats de strato to-do dealer ilnt don't sell do stoeekt-r cigar must be under the Inilooaneo of do depart- mi-lit stores-dad's smoke house is hod- quarters. 1404 DOUGLAS. S. J. BENSON Y. 31. C. A. ULMLDING. January Clearing Sale of $1.38 Fine Embroideries Embroideries for . 95c \ \ ; .Si.oo Embroideries for . 75c 68c Embroideries for . 39c 501 : Embroideries for . 29c 380 Embroideries for 2oc Embroideries for 150 Embroideries for Fancy Silk Waists Handsome late style Colored Silk Waists , bias fronts , cheap at $6 50 , cut to $4.75 , We have assorted all our Cloaks in five lotsJ and commence Monday to give the best bargains ! ever known. Our stock is all new this season and consists of the best styles shown. Choice of & & .OO Clonlcs , Choice oi" O. 5O G-fon/cs , Choice of $12 CJonks , $5".OO r. Il . Choice of $18 CloaJcs , & 7.GO Choice of our best Coats that formerly were $25 , $30and / $35 , on Monday $ i0. All our fleece-lined Wrappers that/sold for $1.50 and $2.50 , Monday at 98c. A few Bicycle Suits at much less than cost. _ J.UJAK&SIHTGD , 15JO Douglas Street. OII.VUUI2S CItlMK TO TillJUHiAi. : . I'lmliil AuMiiirllli-H I.cx'iiti' < luMull llnsHnlilicrli'M. . The checks which disappeared from the mail of W. V. Morse and Hector , Wllhelmy & Co. are now known to have been stolen from the mall boxes about the city. Tlio work was undoubtedly performed by Timothy and James Hogan , brothers , who are wanted 'or similar offenses In Cleveland , Cincinnati , Kansas City and St. Louis. They are also supijXtfeil to bo the men who cocratod In Mln- ica polls. A few days ago Postal Inspector Sinclair secured the tilctures of the Ilogan brothers and taking them to the First National bank , whore an attempt was nicido to cash the Morse chicle , one of ttio pictures , that of Timothy Hogan , was at once recognized by 'aylug Teller Frank Clark. In order to make the Identification complete Chief of Dutec- Ives Cox sent the photographs to the Phiker- ton agency of Chicago and last nl&'Iu received an answer. The letter InclcKcd a clu-tilar with cuta of the brothers , which -exactly tai led with the photoguipha. Specimens of the writing of Tlmuthy Hogan wcro also nhown and It was discovered that It matchol exactly with that UIKU the Omaha checks. A yecti- larlty of the Omaha chucks , also of the checks imsod In other cities , In that the sum written In the body ol' the pcejer l $ l'JS.7rj , Also that In each instance the word "ninety" s In-correctly spelled " 'iilnty. " The letter from the Plnkerton agency states that Timothy "ilogon " Is about 30 years of ago ; that ho was caught by the Now York police on a t'hargo of forgery and given a inn of years on Illackwoll's Island. He , lowovvr , escaped after he had been there for a short period , and Btlll IKS a balance of on' years which ho should servo. Ho was alto Bald to have been arrested for forgery In Cleveland , but managed a scconJ tlmo to scape the law. There Is a reward of | 10U offere-d by the federal authorities for the oipturo of either of the Hogaim. Timothy Hogan Is described as 30 years of go , live feet six Inches In height and wclgh- ng 132 pounds , blue eyes and light moiis- aelic. James Hogan Is said to be flvo fi'ct eleven and one-half Inches tall , 25 years of KO and slender. Hoth men < \ > erc at ono time omtnon laborers. .Siiiuliiy PriiKi'tuii IIMC'nriilvjil. . 1 fir a ml march on Ice. 2 Farewell coronation of Queen Polaris. 3 Ono nitie race for championship of Vebraska. 4 Half-mllo race for championship of s'rbraslta. C Half-mile race > backwards. G Half-mllo barrel race. 7 Ilalf-mllo championship race. 8 Fifty yards dash , thrco entries. D Storming of fort. 10 General exhibition of skating and obogganlng. Ice In good condition. Pluuty ot snow , Kvtutu will beslu at 3 p. w. OK 0111) TO III : ItHFHIlUK. Siiiri.iu | ) Court 1'lokN n Vnlli-y County .linn TlilH Tljiir. Friday the miprcmo court nt Lincoln named E. J. Clements ot Ord to bo the referee In the Ilroutch-.Mooi'e.s case. 13. H. Henderson , court Htenogiapber In Judge Scott's court , IK an old-tlmo friend of Mr. Clcnutits. Speaking of him Sir. Honder- aon Boys : "Hlllott J. Clements , who has bei-n ap pointed referee In the Droatch-.Moorcs cuso by the supreme court , has been engaged In the practice of law at Ord Tor about fifteen years. IIo came from Michigan after having taken a courKo In u law school and located In Ord when it was u frontier towel without a railroad. Ho Is a very hard worker , has built up a largo practice In * ib part ( ) f testate | ) state , Is recognized thcro as u man ot the highest character , of marked ability as a lawyer and as having a well balanced , Judi cial mind. IIo la nbout .18 ycam uf age , Is a rcoubllcan In politics and was county attor ney of Valley county two terms. IIo has hud , strong backing In republican conventions i for t'jo nomination for dlnlrlct Judge and la ' hslluvod by his friends be destined to wear the ermine In the future. " .Si'viriil Sin n 11 KlrcM , The lire department WIIH kept busy yester day afternoon anil evening- . The firm cull oanu' In from the house of Mrs. SuHle Wai- Isiui423 itoutli Thlrtcuntli Htruut , and wan duo to thu burning ou ; ur a chimney. Them wati no damage sustained , Thu Hi'CGiid lire , w.iluh occurred at the lea. Ideuco of William WenlK , Kill South Twelfth street. WMH also canned by a quantity of supiThi-ati'd Hoot flying heaveiuvaril frjm an ovi-rbimloned oblmiuy. I'eople passing tlui residence of Mr.-i Mat- tlo I.UC.IH , 15-13 North Sixteenth street late li ) thu infilingBtw liur Iron ! parlor In a b.uzu ami turniMl In an alarm. Tha lire wan caimiMl liy tlie explosion of u kerosene Htovo ami before I'mllrunun fxtlnguluhed It dum- UKU to tln > furnltuiu and contentx of the rjoin WUH BiistaliiMl atnountliiK to uboul Sto About 11 o'olock a irasollini IHMIII whlcli was UBod for heating u coffee liolli'r In thu restaurant of Hurry Ames , 30J Hoiitti 'Jwclftli Btreot , blazed forth and HOI lire to ° " ! bellcath U The " ub0out < i"UBu wua Will llrlnw llnrU H.-nry. Itculfltton | ) paperM will | )0 ) Eecurcd liy fiilet : I of Deteotlvi-H r'ox for the bringing buck lo 1 this city from Couiu'll Iiluffa of Alexander I ' Hunry , who Is wantiid hero fjr Hwlndlliuj Frank I' . Handy out of tu.no m tuu union 'fl ' > ot. "f i"K nrrlv , . , ] at the d.'j . ot from hlH home In IJorwyn , Nth. , last 'p-iuradiiy and wlillo htopplut ; over In Omaha for -i VniJ lioura met Hunry and u coiife Urate who n.rU i.iUd | ; tlH.rnselvan as be"UK Uurllntfon ami Hgoiita Henry was arrested VOHion ay In Ojuncll liluffa on deserlptloiu wl Icli " IH wcra rurnlshcd by the victim