Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Image 9

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HemaTkablo DisrcgDrd for Pnblio Rights
and Nebraska Stntu'.es.
ToMlimmy In Sujipdrt of ( > 1 > -
ji-olloiiM mill AlliM > H Mr. lltlc-1--
coi'k to AllllinuiThliiK
JiiNt nn He I , IK-CM ,
The thrco Individuals who are acting an a
license board reached the climax of their
audacious disregard of law yester
day forenoon. Not only did they
rcfuso to admit protoHs regularly
( lied'aga'nst the Issuance ot licenses
to npplltaotn who bad violated the Sbcuin
law , but In nevctal cases they absolutely
refused to allow the remonstrator to Intro
duce ovldcnco In support of the protests.
They arbitrarily ordered the cases to bo de
cided on the evidence offered In a previous
case , ! u which the conditions were different ,
and after the remonstrator had bccci thuo
aummarlly ruled out of court Uioy Immedi
ately Invited 0. M. Hitchcock , who appeared
for the applicants , to submit whatever evi
dence he mlg'it ' desire. To such an extreme
was the farce carried that Iho disregard of
the law an.l the rights of citizens was ap-
IMVcnt to cverjcciu In the room and the
ridiculous rulings of Judge Gregory , who
acted OH chairman , aroiif-ed as much omupo-
mcnt on the | rt of the H'ectatnrs UB the
antics of a bedizened clown In the sawdust
That the action of the board was foreor
dained was apparent from the outset. The
protests of E. Hosc-vater In a number of
cases were set for hearing at 10 o'clock , but
nt that hour his attorney , Mr. Simcral. wo
engaged before the Beard ot County Commis
sioners and lit oent word to ask that the
hairing bo continue ! until toilay. Judge
Gregory dec arcd that there were fully 100
oases on file and that the board wished lo
get through with them as SOCH as possible.
Ho asked that Mr. Simcral be notified that
the eafies would be taken up at once.
This did not eult Mr. Hitchcock. He ap
pealed to the board not to notify Mr. Sim
cral. He slid that he was ready to go ahoid
nnd asked repeatedly that the cases should
be taken up without further notice to the
protestant , evidently expecting to secure
snap judgment ! i his absence. The boird
hesitated at such a procedure even to oblige
Jlr. Hitchcock , but finally started to over
rule the piotests and grant the license.
After two cases had been disposed ot In this
way Mr. Rcaewntcr appeared In person and
filled a halt. Judge Gregory threatened to
have him removed from the room and Mr.
Rcsowatcr replied that he had mot the slight
est objection. There was a higher court than
thU and that was the court of public opinion.
Mr. Rosewatcr then filed a protest against
the Irouance of a license to Herman Schneffer ,
321 South Thirteenth street , whoso applicn.-
> tlon had Just "ot-un ordered granted by the
loard. The charge was that the applicant
had sold liquor wltout a license since Jan
uary 1. The board refiwod to receive the
protest on the ground that the license had
alreiJy been granted. Mr. Rcocwatcr
raised the point that the license had not
Jjeon signed or Issued , and that It could
not legally bo lisucd while there was n
protest undecided. The 'board ' persisted in
Its attitude , however , and the case of
Charles Schartow , 1224 South Twentieth
street , was called. The- protest In this
case was also on account of violations cf
the Slocum law , but the board refused to
Jicnr the evidence. It declared that the
evidence in the Bloomer case uhould answer
for thla case , and that the same ruling
should be entered ,
Mr. Kcvcwater vigorously objected to this
unhoml-cf procedure. He declared that the
circumstances atid conditions In ' .his ca < , e
were entirely different from these In the
Bloemer cnso , nnd particularly as far as
they related to the bad faith of the ap
plicant. Ho asked whether If ten men
were charged with burglary In the criminal
court , nine ot them could bo convicted on
the testimony which was produced against
one , nnil called the attention of the board
to the fact that It had no right to decide
' ono case on the evidence Introduced In
another without the consent of the re
monstrator. But the board was not con
sidering points of law nnd the objection was
overruled. The audacity of this procedure
was eclipsed a moment later when after
evidence to support the protest had been
refused Judge Gregory turned to Hitch
cock and offered him an opportunity to Introduce -
troduco whatever evidence ho choose.
The same course was repeated In the case
of William Johnson , 1023 Capitol avenue. In
this case Mr. Rosewater protested against the
Issuance of a license on the ground that tbe
applicant had sold liquor on Sunday , but the
board refused to consider It and granted the
license. In these and all other cases Mr.
liosewater served notice of appeal , and at
this stage he asked the board to give a posi
tive statement whether the men who sold
liquor vhllo an appeal was pending were not
violating the law. Judge Gregory dodged
the Issue by saying that the board would
cross every bildge as It comes to It , and
the saloon keepers were left In the dark ns
to the position of the board on the ques
tion. Mr. Rosnwatcr gave notion , however ,
that while he did not wish to Inflict a hard
ship o nine saloon keepers , ho proposed to
stand up for his rights. Ho declared that
the law shniilil be enforced and that those
who Insisted' violating Its provisions
takn the consequences.
During this debate Hitchcock persist ? . ! In
Interrupting the speaker until Mr. Rosewater -
water finally renuiHtorl nlm to attend to 4il
own affairs. "Bif I nm going to attend to
your business too , " voclferv led Hitchcock ,
"Vce " Mr. " have
, repllctl II sowatcr , "you
been trying lo atlrnd to my buslncrfl fcr
Buveral years with the result that your $500-
000 IBIS gone Into the Missouri river. "
At this point the board Intervened with a
request that piMtionalltlci should he dropped
nnd the cuerof the South Omaha Brewing
company. 413 South Thirteenth ttreet , wco
takeu up. In till ? cage Mr. Roscuatcr offered
the testimony of N. P. Fell , business manager -
ager of The- lice , who stated that Balthas
Jotter , the manager of the brow Ing company ,
Iiad never applied for Information In regard
to the circulation of The llee. A copy of tlio
fltllilavltH fihonlng the comparatlvo circula
tions of The Evening Iec ) > and the Morning
nml Kvcning World-Heralds had been deliv
ered to Mr. Jetter. Mr. Jetter was called by
Mr. Hitchcock and testified that he had re
ceived a copy of The Bee containing the
affidavits. He had never tried to ascertain
the comparative , circulations of the two
liapers , but had advertised In tbe World-
Herald brrautn ho had heard some general
< alU that It had thu largest circulation. On
cross-examination by Mr. Hotiowater ho ad
mitted ( hat his action had been largely tnllu.
rnced by the resolution passed by the board.
The sumo ruling was made In this case and
thu appeal taken.
The same evidence was offered on the ap
plications ot Fcltz Nortllng for licences at
J002 North Sixteenth street and 1025 How
ard. In this case Mi\ Hitchcock took tbo
etand and testified that bo had sent Nortllng
a statement that the circulation of the
"dally" World-Herald was In excess of 9,000
cobles. On cross-examination Mr. Hoaewater
brought out rhe fact that municipal adver
tisements nnd othiT advertising matter were
Inserted only In thu Morning World-Herald
and that other advertising matter was
printed exclusively lo the Evening World-
Herald. Ho then asked the witness what bo
meant by circulation. Was It the number of
copies that were paid for or the number
( bat were delivered. Hitchcock evaded thla
< iuestlon by the general statement that bo
thougtit bona fide circulation was bona fide
circulated and refused to give a direct an-
wor to any question on thla line ,
la answer to a question lie asserted that
the subscription lists of the different papers
printed In The Hco laat December were
wrong and that the Wcrld-Heralds had sev
eral thousand more regular subscribers than
shown In those lleis. Thin elicited a chal
lenge from Mr. Rosewater to produce the
names thnt were omitted and an offer to
pay $5 for every name produced In excess
of 100 ot bona fide carrier delivery subscrib
ers to the World-Herald papers not Included
In the printed Ksts which Mr. Hitchcock
professol to bo ready to accept.
At the afternoon session the beard granted
all the remaining uipllcatlons for liquor II-
tvrnses except a nutnbjr whhh were defective
In form , and these were laid over to bo con
sidered later. In all cases the protests were
submitted upon the name evidence which had
been Introduced In previous caseci. The tame
ruling was entered and the notice of atycal
filed by Mr. Rc vvutfr. :
The only new evidence was the testimony
of Clerk WtUhctis , which was offered by
Mr. Rosewatcr the cases of FrcJ Staeoker
and others to fc'.iow that the applicants bad
not advertised In time to have their licenses
granted by January 1. AA the bjard had
ruled In previous casts that the charge of
selling liquor without A license did not lie
In CCCCB In which the applicants would l.avu
had a license had no pretest bten filed , Mr.
Ro. onatcr showed that oven under this rul
ing the aiollcants hail violated the law , as
t\icy could not have obtained license until
after the first week of January evsn It no
protest had been made.
The applications granted jesterday wt''o :
Arthur Metz , 1509-11 Hnuiey ; Michael J.
Foiey , 121 North Fourteenth ; Samuel Knr-
dowkl , 902 Capitol avenue : Tnomas C. Doug
las , C > 02 North Sixteenth ; Gus B. Bondesson ,
1121 South Sixth ; William Krug. 2201-3
Cumlng ; Peter 1513 Howard ; Get-
telman Brewing Co. , C21-G South Sixteenth ;
AdoVh Ilrandcs , 1201 Douglas ; Jamca Harold ,
2J02 Lcnvcnworth ; Joseph McCaffrey , 111
South Fifteenth ; Albert H. Sander , 2402-C
CuniS'iK ; Fred II Krug 4014 South Thlr-
tocnt'.i ; Pnbst Brewlcig r-oiriiany , 311 South
Seventeenth ; Fred Saekcc , 3C12 North Thir
tieth ; Emll MoLr , C22 South Thirteenth ;
Chirks Mols. 1723 Leavenworth ; Heniy MeU ,
2401 Cumlni ? ; Charles Melchlors , Third and
Hickory ; South Omaha Brewing comtany ,
lo'22 Dangles ; Fred Drews , 2023 Cuming ; 11.
Jettcf , 1019 Farnam ; Franz LlntocT , Ninth
end Jackson ; Herman Stelnhiusen , 1021
Snith Thirteenth ; William F. Wendhausen ,
72-1 South Sixteenth ; Katie Bartos , 1211-10
South Thirteenth ; Emll illoemer. 2202 South
Twentieth ; Morrlo Karpc'.es , 112 South Four
teenth ; Henry Schrooler , 2312 CumiHg ;
Daniel Jung , 900 North Sixteenth ; John
Bowyec. 2227 North Twentieth ; William
Meyer , 721 North Sixteenth ; Nelson & Jones.
1101 Farnam ; Samuel Uarenstoln , 4001 North
Twenty-fourth ; Charles F. BoufHcr , 1401
Jackscn ; William Young , 2G32 Sherm-u
avenue ; Friz Relmers , 2172 Leavenwvrth ;
A. J. Qulstgard , 1312 North Twenty-fouriM ;
Lcntz & Williams , lilS Farnam ; Charles
Krug , 2C01 South Thirteenth ; Albert U.
Wyllo , 1E13 Farnam ; James Douq'as , 20.1
North Sixteenth ; Herman Schaeffer ,
321 South Thirteenth ; Fred. H.
Krug , 414 North Sixteenth ; C. F.
liouffier , 1823 Leavenworth ; Fred II. Krug ,
20CO Popplcton avenue ; Henry Krug , 002
South Thirteenth ; William Krug , 3002 Wal
nut ; William Krug , 1124 Chicago ; John
Maltry , 1401 Webster ; Frt-d H. Krug. 1836
Vlnton ; FroJ Hunzlker , 1002 H award ; L. A.
Goldsmith , 901 Capitol avenue ; Andrew Ny-
bcrg. 111 North Sixteenth ; Charles
Schartow , 1224 South Twentieth ; John
Dahmkc , 512 South Sixteenth ; William John
son , 1023 Capitol avenue ; South Omaha
Brewing company , 412 South Thirteenth ;
Fritz Nortllng , 1002 North Sixteenth ; Fritz
Nortllng. 1(125 ( Howard.
'Monday the evidence In twenty-five ad
ditional cases In which E. Rewewatcr pro
tested against the granting of the applica
tion because the applicants had been sellIng -
Ing liquor since January 1 without a 11.
cense was submitted and taken under ad-
vlesmcnt. To avoid repeated rehearsals of
the same testimony It was stipulated that
these cases should be submitted on the
same evidence which was offered in the
cases which wxjre decided last week. This
consisted of the' testimony of at least two
witnesses In each ccte of their personal
knowledge that the appl'cauts were selling
as usual and the testimony of Clerk Wei-
shaus of the board that no licenpe had
been issued to the applicants in question for
1S93.Tho decision rendered later was that the
following parties should bo granted licenses :
May & Hlller. 1303 Douglas : W. J. Lemp
Brewing company , 1517 and 1519 Nicholas ;
Sloup & Kruml , 12C3 South Fourteenth ;
Fred Metz , Jr. , 2122 North Twenty-fourth ;
Theo Baumer , 223 Norm Tciun ; Annie
O'Hearn. 1002 South Tenth ; Peter Gravert ,
2814 Cumlng ; William F. Garrlty , 123 North
Tenth ; George S. Cackley. 123 North Six
teenth ; Waller Stelnmetz , C01 South Tenth ;
Adam Wendhausen , 1921 and 1923 Pierce ;
Jerry McMahon , 1201 Cass ; Louis Schmidt ,
1302 and 1304 Dodge ; Mary Cummlngs , 3320
to 3824 Sherman avenue ; William Hunt-
zingle , 1S1G Military avenue ; John J. Par-
rott , 1510 Webster ; Charles Marcs , 512
South Tenth ; Andrew Hummel , 123 North
Twelfth ; Joseph Slnma , 612 South Thir
teenth ; Frank Swoboda , 12C3 South Six
teenth ; John Gulk , 2101 Cumlng ; Charles
Loftmann , 1324 Howard ; Charles Metz , 2506
Walnut ; Henry N. Oerter , 1419 Douglas ;
Charles Metz , 1245 South Thirteenth ; Ru
dolph Havelka , 411 South Fifteenth ; C. A.
Peterson , 1601 Vlnton ; James Frederlckscn ,
1707 North Twenty-fourth ; George W , Mtihl-
hauscn , 1801 St. Mary's avenue ; Frank
Kotchmark , 5210 North Thirtieth ; Domlnlck
Hnrt. 123 North Fifteenth ; Henry Hiiler , 522
North Sixteenth ; Harry J. Symcs , 311 and
310 South Fourteenth ; Hans Wiggers , 1320
Doditc : Hans N. Jensen. 410 and 112 South
Eighteenth ; John T. Lind , 1109 Farnam ;
John Shannon , 12J North Tenth.
Thrt applications for druggists' licenses
were sot for hearing today. Mr. Rosewater
filed a protest npainst the application of Wil
liam J. Shrader for selling liquor os a bev-
rrago rod announced that ho would file other
protests this morning.
( innril Over ( lie AllrKpil Wife Mnr-
ilcrcr HUM lli-i-ii nmilili'il.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. Tbo guards of Merry
and Smith , tbo peddlers on trial for the
murder of .Mrs . , Merry , were double. ! today.
The police Icok upon them as two of' the
most desperate characters ever In custody
nnd not only have two guards been assigned
to each man to watch his every movement ,
but guards have also been stationed at the
lower door of the criminal court and everyone
ono entering Is carefully scrutinized.
The bloodstained sofa , on which Merry Is
said to have murdered his wife , and a bent
and blood-covered steve poker were brought
Into court today. Merry was evidently
nrrvous and gazed anxiously at the jury
much of the OFmo , but when recess was taken
and he was being led back to jail lie cursed
lawyers , judge and Jury every step of the
.Iny Katoii After n Mutcli.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. IS.-Jay Eaton of Now
York this morning Issued thu following chal
lenge ;
"I nm ready to ride against any bicyclist
In the world , I will put up JjOO , nnd whoever
accepts can put up another } iW. Then. I
understand , the Indoor Cycling club Id willIng -
Ing lo add any Amount to thla main slnko
that will provo satisfactory to both parties.
My challenge Includes nil the 'world ' chain-
plonH. I urn willing to meet Lchr , S.tnger ,
Cooper , Hald. Taylore , Michael or any of
them on those terms. The races to be one ,
two or three mile heats , best two In three ;
or one , three nnd ( Ivo mile heats , best two
In three , or all one mile he-nt * best two
la three , unpace'd , single pare. ! , or tandem
paced. This challenge will remain open until
further notice , I would like to see some
of the European riders accept my challenge ,
Lehr , the German champion , preferred , "
To Sliirt Ilrllit-ry IiiVfxllKitl < > ii- >
COLUMHUS , Jan. IS.-Thrve alleged
bribery cases In the Ohio legislature will
bo taken up this evening. First , In wlilc'i
Mr. Otis says ho received Jl.'M to vote for
Hanna ; second , In which'Lultn F. Jones ttaya
ho was offered , but' did not arct-pt , io.OQO to
vote for Hanna ; third , In which Senator
Dodge aya be was offered by Senator liurke
an otllcl.U position to vote against Hanna ,
The Hrst two voted against Hanna , and Mr ,
Dodgetor blm , and all are republicans ,
Frocscdings Bofora the Ponnty Boaid as an
Excis3 Body.
Coiinly Co MI in I.H I oner * Ilpnr Tp tl-
nuiny la SuiMiort of ( lie I'roti-Mt
Kltpil AuillllNt | lu > AlUillcatloll
for I'crnilNMloii to Sell.
When the Dciard of County Commissioners
met yesterday morning , the members tcok up
the htarlug of the protest against granting a
liquor license to L. D. Hopklno , who operates
'a salon o.'t the Intersection of the Dodge
Street and Dennlnjton roads , outside the
city limits. The protest was filed by N. P ;
Fell , wf-o alleges that the applicant had
published his notice of application for a In violation of provisions of law , In
this , that ho had p'ublldhed 1't In ths World-
Herald , a paper that does not iiave the larg
est circulation lei Douglas county.
Dwlght Williams of the circulation depart
ment of TUB llee was the flint witness called ,
appearing wl'ih the bosks und evidence of
circulation of the paper on which he Is cm-
ployeJ. Witness testified that the circular
tlon of the Evening fice Douglas county
during December li st aggregated 9,149 dally.
Mr. Williams testified that the claimed clr-
cuJi' ' Ln of the nvtci'lng World-Heiuld dur
ing the same p rtoj was C.500 and fc.o MornIng -
Ing World-Hetald was 3,000. He Bald that
there w\ia no uch publication s the Dally
Wnrlfl.tlernld nA ip.TtlHpil tn lipfnri tbn Flrn
and Pollco Commission df the city of
Cn erosa-evimlnatlon , Mr. Wllams ! | ex
plained the methods employed In keeplag
and ascertalnlno ; tno circulation of the sev
eral e-Jlllolis of The nee. The 9,1 (9 ( dally cir
culation of The Evening Hce , wttacfe-j eald ,
did not include street or cotntcf sales.
N . I * . Fell , business manager of The Hcc ,
testified on direct examination. WItncfa s id :
"There Is no such paper published In Doug
las county as the Dally World-Herald. There
Is a dally Evening World-Herald and a dally
Morning World-Herald. " Witness Identified
copies of the Evening an3 Morning World-
Herald and shoed that the evening edition
carried the edition number of fifteen , while
the morning edition showed an edition num
ber of thirty-one. From hh own knowledge
witness testified that the newa matter in the
two papers was different. He had also hcaid
that the two papers had separate subscribers.
Chairman Klerstead asked : "Who has the
contract for the city printing ? " To this Mr.
Fell said that the contract was with The
Hco and the World-Herald Publishing com
pany. So far aa the contract with the latter
named company was concerned , the city ad-
vcrtlsimg appeared only lu the Evening
World-Heruld , the agreement being with
that and not with the Morning World-Her
ald.Ait the afternoon session of the county
commissioners Attorney simcral , who ap
peared for the protestant , N. P. Fell , an
nounced that ho had no more testimony to
Attorney McCulloch , who appeared for the
World-Herald , offered In evidence the flics
of that paper , "both " morning and evening
editions , for the month of December last.
They were admitted without objection , after
which he said that the notice of application
of L. D. Hopklnu for a liquor licence waa
published In the Dally World-Herald during
the period required by law. This was all
of the testimony that th protcstee had at
hand and the case was submitted.
Upon the adjournment of the commission-
en. ' , they announced that they would pass
upon the Hopkins case this morning. After
thin they will take up the hairing In some
of the other cases in which protests have
bcru filed.
In t'.io disposition of 'he routine business
C. W. Hlco asked to "be ccnointed constable
In Valley precinct. This was referred.
Surveyor McDrldo asked for the sccvlo-s
of one man to help him prepare the asscns-
mcat plats for the ensuing year. The re
quest was granted , and ho will bo allowed
to him a man at $3 yer day , beginning Feb
ruary 1 , to continue two months.
C. W. Homan protested against the closing
of the register of deeds olllce at 1 o'clock on
At the last meeting of the board the
county clerk was authorized to put extra
clerks at work In the prepa'atlcri of the tax
lirf' . YeiJterday he asked that two of tlie men
mls'-it begin at once. The clerk was given
the authority put the men to work.
Meyers & Dillon , who bid 12 cents on filling
proscriptions for the poor , reported that they
did not want the contract for the reason
that they had failed to secure the drug con
tract. Commissioner Harto proposed to give
the contract to tha Graham Drug company
at 14 cents for each prescription. This was
opposed by Chairman Klerstcail and Com
missioner Ostrom , both ot whom said that
the company had two drug sto'j-es. ono at
Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets and the other
out on Leavenworth strept. It was
prmopsed to fill tne prescriptions at the out-
sf'le ' store , the members o the company
saying that they did not want the trade
nt their downtown store. On this explana
tion being made , the clerk was Instructed to
Invite new bids , the bid of the second low
est bidder being rejected.
CoiiNollilntioii of CltlcN Into Cireatcr
\otv Vorlv IIICITIIKI-N IO\iiemlltlircH.
NEW YORK , Jon. 18. T4io corolderatlon
of the budget for the greater city has begun
In earnest by itho bdird of estimate. It ford-
Bh.idcws an enormous total , perhaps $100-
000,000 , and that the cost of the government
will be Immensely Increased Instead of being
decreased as expected by the act of con
solidation. For the mayor's office there WUH
an Increase of from $25,000 to $30,000 , Mayor
Van Wyck explnlned t at die was compelled
'to have a laiger clerical force , so that all
warrants , stoks and bonds \\hich ho- haste
to sign sh'ill ' bo properly entered , Hut the
extraordinary Increase In patronage causeJ
by the charter begun to bo seen when the
figures for tiio local legislative assembly worn
presented. The only Item to compare with
was the $90,000 allowed 'the ' common council
In the budget adopted by the Strong adraln-
4stratlon for 1897. City Clerk P , J. Scully
asked for $200,000 , made up In ihls wuy :
Council salaries , $08,000 ; aldermen's wlarles ,
$87,200 , and the romiilnder In city and
borough clerks' salaries.
In addition to these salaries , etc. , came the
demands of the borough presidents for ' .iielr
own lay and for their stiffs of clcrka Every
division of t'bo ' new government will have
branch ofllccs ami clerks In the boroughs as
well as special clerks in the main office. The
total for general administration , auditing
bureau , collection of taxes , revenues , and
the Ilka U estimated at $770,423,75.
Ciirtcr Ordcrx n
AUGUSTA , Gn. , Jan. IS , The Carter
court-martial moved hero from Savannah
this morning to hear the testimony of
Miirlon TwlKKB. who Is 111 nnd confined to
hln home. The couit-mnrtlnl wart held in
the rooms of TW-IKSH' home. The wltnesn
I-AUB assistant engineer of Improvement In
Cumberland sound last year , under Captain
Curler , Twlggs' testimony was regatdlng
mattresses built under order of Captain
Carter. Witness tatcd that innttremes
were not In accordance with the Kpcclllca-
tlons , The court-martial adjourned nftur n
short t-ct-Hlon on ttccount of the weakness )
of" the witness.
Till | lln 1 1Mi - u I'miHiyi- Combine ,
PITTSIJL'KG , Jan. 18-The United States
Tlnplnto MunufactuiorK1 association IH In
session here today tohear the report of the
committee appointed nt Columbus , O. , lust
month to formulate a plin for th ? consoli
dation of all tlnplatv wllln In the country ,
D , G. Held of Hlwood. Ind , , presided at to-
day'u meeting , which waa secret. Not
more than a dozen manufacturers were
present this mornlncr , but A largo attendance
ance/ expected at the afternoon
in IKI ; , AIIS'AX u.vsv TISU : .
I'nllcc I'nnlilo to fopp tilth the HIIKJ-
Burglars still miutgb to conduct A little
business on the quiet , and tor this purpose
appear to have a pecutinr liking for Kountzo
Place. Somctlmo within iheast ! few daj *
a thief entcrod the hoitao of M , E. Oran , 1914
Durdetto street , and , scrjrcd a bond for
$392.48 of the Oregon -Railway & Navigation
cottpiny. The band Vas' made r rahlc to
A. C. Mattkon and It l > i > able Martti 1 189S.
The rapc-r Is nesotiAblt ind m > y readily bo
cashed by the thlcf.Acvdrf should the head
quarters of thu cumpjlij4 , bo notified
In speaking of the Wwir burgUrlea which
have. transplre < ] In thb pity during the last
few months Cactnln Hake' eajs : "It la true
that these Jobs arc Wifccd w'.th more fre-
quoscy than we wish oh ! > ivc them , but 1 do
not think that tne iiel ahmeat . Is mtlrcly to
blame. Tt must be remembered that on Ing
to retrenchment In tha force we have
lets men at the prcse : t tlmo than for many
jears past. The force til told now only num
bers severity-debt rues , and of these live
nro on the sick ll t , leaylng 's but seventy-
three. The number In the department under
Chief Scavcy \ \ a 102 and tbo population at
the time ot hk ? be'.cg In office was Icsa than
It Is now. It Is true that Kountr.o
Plico has very poor police protec
tion. We have been able to place but
ono officer In this territory , and owing to
demands made by the down town districts ,
part of the tlrao cveo he WOB taken off the
txat. The force will have to be enlarged
during the holding ot the exposition or we
will have more thefts and burglaries t'inn
have occurred In the oast.
lu spcilklnK of the men who arc now on
the fcrco Captain Haze was reticent lu
making any criticism , but admitted that a
number of old men h id outlived their periods
of usefulness. It Indeed they ever pco'cssed
amy , and that the employment of live patrol
men In their nlacea would result In a vast
Improvement In the service.
Mr. mill Alrv. Krniiittiiii Citvc Dlilurviit
YcrNtoiiM of Tlu-lr Troulilc.M ,
Swan W. Fraaman deco not propso to
allow his wife , Christina Fraaman , to have
a divorce unices ehc moiiflcs her petition
cud the allegations that' It couloirs.
Seine months ago Christina Fraaman filed
i'er pet'ltl ' n In the ofiloo of the clerk of 'iho
district court. Getting forth that toer husband
Is cruel , penurious anil an all 'pound bud
man. She also alleges that ho has largo
property Interests , augmented by a. dower she
brought nlong when they were nnrrlod , Sep-
'tembcr ' 3 , 1S92 at Kearney , this state. At
the tlmo of bringing suit she ashed tor an
accounting of all of ISio property , alimony ,
nail that she bo allowed to retain the name ,
Krai man.
Ycsterfiuy Swan W. frraamars filed his an
swer and cro.-a-pe Itlon.'Ho acknowledge ! } the
marriage , but declares 'that It ! s void. Ho
eayo that a't the time when ho married the
woman she had another husband , ono from
whom she had rot been divorcoJ , and that
this fact was kept from him , tbs defendant.
Ho alsj cays that while he was a loving and
obedient husband , eihasto and pure , trc plain
tiff WES not whit she should have been ; tha't
v.hllo she presiding over his household ,
she was bestowing n-sr affectloua upon older
men who were residents of Kearney. He de
nies owing her any vum 'of ' money and sajo
that when she married him she failed to
bring along any dower In the ehape of ready
cash or property.
Fraaman says ho Is < no party wi'jo should
bo given the divorce und for this document
ho prays. Ho protest against the woman re
taining hia name , but wya that he has no
objection to her taking' r.ny other. nam that
s"io may select. ,
IIK of : ii-ii < 'cke'H History.
Anton Benecke , a salopii kceuor ot Cut-Off
Island , Is In the hands' of justice in Council
Bluffs , charged with larceny. Us had some
experience in the courtsof this county four
or five years ago. At that time there v\as
a gang ot young men'In thla city whoso
chief occupation conslfltoll In robb'tng freight
cat's In the yards. Finnlly they were run
down , but the place where they planted their
plunder was not located'for a long time. In
the cour-so of events the ( police became sus
picious of Anton Ueneckf , who at that tlmo
was running r. wloca on Nebraska territory
In the vlslnlty of Cut-Off laVe. A search
warrant tec the piaco was ipsued , nnd wlu-n
It was served a large qlnntlty of stolen prop
erty was found. Draecko was arrested ,
charged with fecelvlnR .stolen property , and
on trial was convicted , and sentenced to a
term of two years In thg penitentiary. After
having served about a , year Mrs. Dcnecke
appeared before Judgei Scott , before whom
hec husband was tried and convicted , and
with tears In her eyes she Induced the judge
to Intercede In securing a nardon. A peti
tion wi s circulated end signed , aad a few
weeks later nenccko was. released.
After returning from the peotcntlary |
Benecke returned to bis old haunts , and
about tbo first thing t'lat he did was to beat
his wife and drlvo her from home. Since
that tlmo Benecke has been running a ques
tionable resort , but as It has been located
outside the JurlsdlcUUftof this county , the
local ofilcccs have not interfered with It.
DoiiKTlnN Addition ClalniH.
Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City was In
Omaha for a few hours yesterday. Ho
represents n number ot partlea who bold
claims against the county , growing out of
the Douglas addition matter and came here
to consult with County Atorney Baldrlge
relative to rajmont. He was Informed that
the claims will bo p-ild ae soon as the supreme
premo court passes upon the legality of the
funding bonds voted last fall , piovldlng the
court holds that the county bad authority
to laauo such bonds.
AVniitH ii Divorce.
Sarah Whltten has asked the courts to
divorce her from her hmband , Joseph Wblt-
ten. She allege a marrligo that took plao
In Ireland nineteen yearn ago. She caya that
her husband was a good man I'citil four
jcars ago , when he took to drink. Mrs. Whlt
ten asks for alimony and such other relief
as tbo court sees fit to grant.
IlnrtNiui Will < o to Montana.
Leonard D. Hartson , a stenographer In thee
o III co of the clerk of the district court , has
been notified that ho has been appointed tea
a clerktfilp at the Crow Indian agency In
Montana. Hart sen took the civil service ex
amination last April and caused , cccclvlng
the highest marking of any member of the
class. He Is an expert stenographer and
bookkeeper and will Uavo for Crow agency
within two weeks.
llnvti-r ( lOCH ( ocw York ,
Judge Baxter of the .county court U In
New York , wheco ho tons been called to
testify In nn Important ) will case. Ho cx-
poMs to bo absent two weeks. All cases on
the judge's rail bayo Ijecti out over until his
return , j
I.cfl llor Clillil 'on the Ilnr.
PUESCOTT , Ariz , , Jan. 18-Whllo , the
Cabinet saloon was crowded with hundreds
of people Mrs. IJeJI , tins wife of n mining
man , entered with u hnpo In her arms , and ,
placing It on the r ar , left witn this fare
well : "Tho father of this child ilCHcrtvd mo
and my u by , curing , inore for whisky than
for either of UH. -AlBb to tenoer nov. ' his
child , so that his upp ) > tte | mav be gratified
to the extent of the deposit. " There was a
wild ruh for tno youngster , Beventy-flvo
men coming forward to u k for the waif.
The probate judge wa.-i called In to Mettle
the controversy and haf taken charge of
the child , '
CliU'iiwn finrlinui'onlrnrl. .
CHICAGO , Jan. IS. Judge Tulcy of the
circuit court Issued a t mporary Injunction
today restraining the city from carrying Into
effect the provisions of Ihe recently enacted
live-year garbage contract law. Judge
Tnlpy g. ve as a reason for bis action that
the legal limit of expenditure will be ex
ceeded. The effect of the injunction appar
ently mill be to tie up $2,000,000 until the end
of the present city administration at least
and compel a re-turn to the old method of
dumping erouui' 'or , .he city garbage-
Main Paatoro of Womin's Shara of the
Exposition Work.
of thu AVonmii'n llonril of
llrlnnH Out Some Xi-b-
Iilrim nnil No Defi
nite I > ocI Ion.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Board of Managers of the Exposi
tion convened at exposition headquarters
ycsf.erday. Fqur ot the twenty-eeven
members were absent , vie : Mrs. Dutton ot
Hastings and Mcsdtmos Kcysor , Cudahy and
Martin ot Omaha.
Under a rule adopted at the last meeting
each of the members made n report of the
work done by her since that meeting. These
rcpsrta all related to the work done toward
raising funds for ttio Girls and Boys' build
ing which Is to bo crccetcd by the board.
Mrs. Nettle Hollenbcck of Fremont reported
that flho had been unable to do anything
whatever In the way of raising money for
this purpose. She said the Board of Educa
tion had refused to allow the matter to betaken
taken Into the schools and sfoe had been
unable to get any of the women of her town
Interest ed sufficiently to undertake the work
of wising funds In any way. Tibs was the
only case where nothing had been dene , but
In nearly every case the reports from the
districts outslilo of Omahd nod Council
Bluffs wcc-o to (1)0 ( ) effect that very little had
been accomplished.
In rcoporuo 16 (11103110113 ( Secretary Ford
reported thAtU e to'tal ' collcctlpns In the build
ing fundN W.'ouuted to $3,514.35 , eome of
which Is * 0lf\ln \ the i..inda cf pitroneiisvs.
Mrs. HarMrd , chairman of ' he executive
committee , M ) < ! it was evident that some
other incurse would have to adapted to
raise the tundo ncccs.-ury to carry out the
project ot erecting a building for the mothers
an ! the dMldreu. She then pressed the
sc-hemo which has been under consideration
for some tlmo by the executive committee ,
that ot Ibsulng a newspaper for the girls and
Ittjs , ono Issue only to be gotten out and to
bo circulated all over the state. Mrs. Har-
frrd ea'ld ' 1.MS : liapcd by this mcir.ii to raise
sufficient money to warrant the erection of
th" bulldlns. 9vo Mid It was proposed to
Issue an oJltlon of 25,000 copies of a twclvc-
page paper , devoted to the interests of the
boys and girls , printed on line paper und
Illustrated In am atuactlvo manner. The ex
position would bo exploited In the paper
from a standpoint of Interest to the children ,
and articles on various subjects by oair.c ot
the older children , including those in the
universities , would appear in the columns.
Mrs. Harford askeJ the women of the board
'to asriit ! n promoting the business features
of the paper as well as the editorial depart
A very general tlteciiffiion followed the
presentation of this matter. The women
from the districts outside of Omaha were
so many interrogation points , and the >
"wanted to know. " One question aakcd
of them by Mrs. Harford wai ? whether , In
their opinion. It iwould 'bo ' desirable to have
ono page in thu paper devoted to each con
gressional district , with articles contributed
by local juvenile talent and local advertls-
( ifg'tb liclp moot the extra , expense of .such
an arrangement. It took but a very few
moments to return a most emphatic negative
to this question , and then ensued a general
discussion of the newspaper and the build !
Ing. There seemed to be great confusion
In the minds of . the women outside of
Omaha regarding the proposed 'building ' , its
cost , who Is to control It , whether It 10 to
too used exclusively for exhibits , and
whether there wasn't some hidden scheme
by which Om'aha would derive some benefit
from It.
The many questions were answered as fast
as they were asked , the gist of the dis
cussion bolns that , as contemplated , the
building will cost about $7,000 , and about
$3,009 additional will be required to pur-
chnoo the pictures and other embellishment ! !
which the board has promised as awards
to the schools In return for certain things
to bo done on their part. This will require
a fund of about $10,000 , of which $3.r > 00 bos
been raised , by far the greater part of this
amount having been raised In Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
It was further stated that the funds
wherewith this building Is to bo erected
are on deposit with the treasurer of the
exposition as trustee for the woman's board
and are not a part of the exposition funds
that the building will be under the control
of the woman's board , subject to the rules
of the exposition ; that that board will be
responsible for the success or failure of the
project and will receive the profits or moke
good the deficit.
Secretary Ford Impressed upon the mem
bers ot the board the fact that this bulld-
IttS will bo Jn very great demand for ex
hibits and'lcctures which are especially In
teresting to women , pertaining to domestic
economy and Itln.dred affairs. She said It wo.i
practically certain that if the building could
bo erected It would be successful and would
reflect credit upon the board from a finan
cial standpoint and etill have plenty of space
for every purpose for which It Is designed ,
This discussion seemed to have a clearing
effect on tbo atmcaphpre and nn adjourn
ment was taken for luncheon with many ex
pressions of satisfaction but without definite
action on the newspaper project , or any
other moans of raising funds for the build
Workmen Ifiiv < * n Orli'vancfKiiliiNl
tlio SlntiComnilHNlnn ,
Trouble seems brewing about the Nebraska
building on the exposition grounds , and or
ganized labor In Omaha Is up In arms over
what the leaders denounce as a scheme on
the part of the Nebraska Exposition commis
sion to not only break faith with organized
labor , but to openly countenance a reduction
In the established scale of wages In violation
of the action taken by the commi'sslon at Its
first meeting , when It resolved , with a great
flourish of trumpets , that the established
scale o' the labor unions In Omaha should
form the basis for the payment ot all men'1
employed on the Nebraska building.
The canto of all the trouble Is the sub
contractor who has the job of plastering the
Nebraska building , TheMaff and plaster con
tract on this building wan let to Klmball
Brothers of L/ricoln , who were the loweat
bidders. The plastering was sublet to HcMcr
& McCaelln of Lincoln , The representatives
of organized labor say that the latter con
tractors arc brlc-glng men In from the small
touiie , and are paying them but 30 cents per
hour , whcreaa the regular scale of wagei
for plasterers In Omaha haa been CO cents
per hour for several years. They bay that thU
U the price being paid by all other contrac
tors on the grounds , and they claim that
It Is a violation of good faith on the part
of the Nebraska commission to allow such
action on thu part of the contractors having
this work In charge ,
A committee consisting of W. II , Bell ,
president of the Central Labor union , John
Brecn , president of the Plastercm' union
and Matthew Clawton , president of tlio
Building Trades council has been formed to
taku the matter In hand and ueo It the
difficulty cannot bo adjusted. Messrs , Bell
and Breen of thla committee called on As
sistant Secretary Dearlng of the Nebraska
commission yeaterday to learn If any
results had grown out of a former visit to
him to ask the commission to compel tbo
contractors to pay the union acalo of wagcu.
They met with uo succena , Secretary Dear-
Ing telling them that tin1 work had been
let by contract and that the commission bad
no control over the contractor BO far as
regulating wages Is concerned.
After leaving tbo olllco of tbe state com
mission Lho two mumberg ot tbo committee
were somewhat emphatic In expressing their
disgust at the manner lu which the state
commission has receded from the position It
took at the outset on the labor question.
President Bell says he la convinces ! that
tha action of the commission In the first
Instance was simply Intended ns a cop to
organized labor , and nfter It bad developed
that the building waa golnp to cost about
$4,000 more -than was originally intended. It
sc-eined to be the Intention of the commis
sion 4o make the laboring men suffer for
tbe extravagance of the commission.
"Wo don't n k them (6 employ union
men or Omaha men , " sMd Mr , Bell , "but
we simply want them to pay the scale of
wages In force here. They started out to
bill 1\1 this tmlldlng by day's labor nnd
brought In a lot of men from th ecountry
who were not worth the 30 cents an hour
they were pild. The result Is that the
building has cost more than was Intended ,
nnd now they have concludc-d to lot the
rest of the work by contract. Wo have
no objection to that , but we Insist that the
state should not bo the > monns of reducing
wngrs on the exposition grounds when nil
the other contractors there are willing to
pay and do pay the full scale. They say
they have no power ( o do anything In the
matter , 'but ' wo do not Intend to let It rest
nt thnt. Wo Intend going to Lincoln to
have nn Interview with the governor nnd
sco If something cannot bo done to protect
the Interests of the people who pay a gccd
share of this stnte appropriation. "
Votrn of ( Inljior < lll < > it ,
A. H. Hews & Co. of North Cambridge ,
Mats. , have offered to donate n number of
largo vases for use. In the Horticultural
building for the display of largo plants.
The Division of Grasses ot the Agri
cultural department of tlio federal govern
ment has applied to the Department of H\-
hlblts for a half aero ot ground on which to
show the work of this division.
The Department of Publicity has had
printed ecu'tal thousand slips of a slzo
sultablo for slipping Into ordinary busi
ness envelopes and will furnish them to
any ono desiring to Include them In mall
sent out of the city. The slips contain on
one side excellently executed cuts of thrco
of tl'o main exposition buildings , and on
the other oldo arc- printed n few brief ,
pointed nnd pungent sentences outlining
the Importance or the exposition.
ci.rn > cMiMiTTnn. (
vt- Unity SrluctiH HN Clnilrinnii
c.iiil Sorri'lnry.
The executive committed of the Commercial
club held Its first meeting yesterday and
spent a good part of the time in the work of
organizing Itself. C. is. Hayward 'was elected
chairman aiU John E. Utt was re-elected
secretary and freight commlsloncr. The
matter of appointing the permanent standing
committees was put over until the next
John Steel , J. H. Dumont and J. U. Baum
were appointed a permanent committee to
have charge of the regular monthly meetings
of the club.
Tiic resignations of J. S. Brady nnd Alfred
Mlllard as members cf the committee were
received and accepted. Their successors will
be appointed at n future meeting ,
A committee adopted a rule that a member
of the committee shall be considered to have
reslgncJ whenever ho Is absent from thrco
successive meetings without excuse. It was
provided also that the weekly meet'iig1 shall
commence promptly at 12:30 : o'clock on Tues
day and shall stand adjouined at a o'clock.
Some time was spent In discussing the
coming trip to the gulf on the Port Arthur
route. Only members of the Commercial
club will bo taken on the trip , and those
who desire tq go are requested to notify the
secretary at onco. The start will bo mndu
on the morning of "February " 3. The trip
will Inat five dajs and will Include a steam
boat ride on the gulf.
Secretary Utt stated that some progress
had been made 1.11 the matter of bucurlng
a new distillery , a starch factory and a
grain separator for the city. Details regard
ing these establishments have not been ar
The committee recommended to the presi
dent and congress the appointment of John J.
Murphy as representative of the United
States In llmrope to Increase the market for
the agricultural products of this country.
A letter from Governor Holcomb stated that
he also has written In favor cf the appoint
The following 'wero ' elected members of the
club : Kdward L. Dodder , jr. , J. L. Baker ,
W. H. Wli'ton , n. V. Nell , L. N. Condon.
Julius A. .Perkins , n. F. White , Warren S.
Blackwell , Charles S. Elguttor , C. P. Nor-
wall , W. 'B. Meiklo , James Stephenson , U. C.
Jordan , Artcmus M. Clarke , C. II , Chisam ,
0. W. Garlock , E. W. Gunthor.
Coiilliloiit of Winning tlic Vllliliicl
CIIHC lii SnpriMiio Court.
City Attorney Oonnel returneJ yesterday
morning from Washington where ho spent two
[ Jajs In the argument of the Eleventh street
viaduct case before the supreme court. Ho
thinks that a decision will bo handed down
in about two weeks and Is confident that the
contention of the city as lo the liability of
the rallroadi ? to build1 and maintain viaducts
will bo upheld.
In regard to the prospective quo warranto
proceedings before the Nebraska nupremo
court to determine the question whether tlio
present acting Board of Fire and Pollco Com
missioners has a legal title to office , Mr.
Connell said that he had not had en oppor
tunity to get h's ' bearings and was not ready
to express himself. He thought he would bo
ready to take the cauo up at short notice-
as he had already given the Issue Involved
some attention , The quo warranto paperj
prepared by Attorney General Smyth have
been turned over lo the city attorney by
Mayor Moorce and It la expected that ho will
bo ready to act very soon ,
1'nrU Ilonrcl mill School nrnniiilM ,
The liaaril of Park Commissioners haa
agreed to asslt the Board of Education In
taking steps to beautify the school grounds
preliminary to the exposition. No definite
plans have been made , 'but an noon as the
frost Is out of the ground the work will
bo token up by the superintendent of buMd-
Ings , In connection with the superintendent
of parks. The park board will furnish iiuch
treat ] nnd shrubs as caa bo spared , and the
work will bo done by the Board of Education ,
IliilTnloor < lit > I'nrk ,
CoJttiel W. F. Cody was In the city yesterday -
terday an/I completed arrangements with
the Board of Park Commissioners whereby
couple of fine buffalo will be loaned by him
to thu commission for exhibition purposes In
Itlvervluw park. It Is expected that thu
ani'.mals will be received nnd Installed In
their now quarters at tbo park within a
few daya.
( 'li-n nlnir UIHVII Tovn
A small Rang of meii were put ut work
cleaning the down town street crossings
under the direction of the Hoard of Public
Works yesterday. During 'the past few
days the crossings have Decomo almost 1m-
patsable , and City Dnglncer Ilofcwnter says
that nn effort will 'bo ' made to keep them
clean on the principal streets until the
spring general cleaning
u to
Abraham Drown , living near Thirteenth
and Mapon Htreetn , was arrested on com-
p'.alnt of his wife , Sara Brown , who nllcgca
that she Is unaldo to longer ciiduro hU cruel
treatment. Urown was arraigned before
Judge Gordon en a charge of a .
imilt and baticry. Drown < denlrs striking
Ills wife and xnyx ho had him arrested
simply to pertcouto him.
MilH-'M Kirk \VilN Kllllll.
Charles H , Wright , the negro who was
kicked by a mule Sunday night , died at bin
homo on South Sixteenth' ' street yesterday
fhortlv after 9 o'clock , Illn death wna
caused by Internal Itijurleu. The body was
taken In charge by Coroner Swanson , but It
Is not tftQugtit tha.t oj loguegt will bo nccea-
* <
cary *
Alterations in the Original Plans for thr
Onnha Postofihe.
I'ontmnntrr .Mnrlln SM-k < i to lluvo
XonOfllvi * Safe from Any I'QS
Hlble llalil on tin- Money
Postmaster Martin has taken considerable
pride In the now postofilco building anil hits
been perfectly satisfied with It except In onn
respect. Ho has not believed that sufllclont
precautions have been taken against posslblo
raids of postoflico robbers , mid that bugaboo ,
has \\orrlcd hitm to such a degree that ho la
now Insisting on such alterations and addi
tions to the original plans ns will lessca
the dnngci ttom such attacks as much AS
There are two parts of a postoffice which
would provo to bo bonanzas for any robbers
who might make successful raids upon them.
Those are the registry anil the money order
departments. In botli there are frequently
thousands of dollars on hnnd and In Might ,
which could easily bo made away with If
entrance and egress were free. As a matter
of fact. It Is somewhat strange that mor
attempts arc not made to rub these depart
In the now postolllco buiir'nu ; the two de
partments are detached. The money order
department , which wouU furnish the greater
bpolls , Is located acrofr1 the corridor from
the main postofUce quartets , and entrance to
It is , obUlm.l by means of n tinnll corridor.
The reislstry departtticnt was oMsinally con
nected directly with the main room In which
the carriers cad n.o.11 men nir located. It la
now cut off by means of u wire ocrcou reachIng -
Ing to the calling , since Postmaster Martin
feared that some robbers might dash In from
the rear door and make away with valuable )
lottora before assistance could bo given.
Thus the money order and registry depart
ments are practically located In separate
rooms. In each a \ \ oidenill ; twenty fcot
or mme in height cuts off the public , \\hlcli
ti-jnuacts Its hus'ncss through narrow win-
dons , too small ( or anjbody to squccza
through. There arc no connecting doors ami
dllllcu.ty would be experienced In getting in
Irom the irar.
Despite this apparently sufficient arrange
ment , however , thu'c remains one way by
which the deportments could bo robbed. The
wooden partitions are of const lemble height , ,
but they are bulk in such a fashion that
they might be healed with little dllllculty.
This fact has been noted by Postmaster-
Martin , and It is liecaJbQ of this that ho Is
Insisting on un alteration , which Is about to
bo made. Heavy wire meens with points
at the ten are to be creeled for sonic feet
above the partitions. Any robbers would
thus bo effectually shut out. Ho'ivy gratings
arc alto to bo gut oi\ \ the windows In tiio
two departments by wdir of the postmaster. ,
Suporlntcmlcn" I atonsor yesteriliy re-
celvc < l authority from Washington to award j
ccntwcts for supplies wlilrh were adver- j
Used for and for which bids were received '
during the early i irt of the month. The
contracts have boon awarded with surpris
ingly email delay , the recommendations of
the superintendent that the lowest bids ho
accepted being In ovcry caeo followed. The
contracts have been awarded as follows'
For 200 torsof bitunilroius coal at $2.32 a
ton icr a total of $181 , to the Kansas and No-
bii:3ka Fuel Co.
For gara at the rate of $1.35 per 1,000 cublo
feet , to me Omaha Gas comjiny. The com
pany Is to furnlrii Wclsbach burners free ,
i nd < o keep them In repair free of charge.
For electric current for lUtitlngand power ,
a1 , the mlo Tf 12 cents per 1,000 Watt hours ,
to the New Omalvi Thomson-Houston Elec
tric Light company.
For wlitcr at regular meter rates , to ( ho
Omaha Water company.
Fjf 7,500 pounds of ice at ll'O rate of 33
cents per 100 pounds or n total of $20.25 $ , to
the Seymour Ice comiany.
For dustern , scup and o'Cior minor supplies ,
to the Johnson Hardware camrany.
For water cooleis und cusf.a.ri > , price $101 ,
to the Carter Hardware company.
For repairing anil removing furniture ln >
lliu old building , for $355 , to the Orchard &
\Vilfcclm compjjiy.
For wlni- ] shade * , at a price of $171.03 ,
to Oraiard & Wllholm company.
The ciorxiuclfl will ho fnlllllcd UN onco.
liuNj Jliiiinrr InVliiI'll ii .SlrolIInif-
MllK < T Millie II ] | | | | N < > .
A young nun ot modlum height , drcracd
In brown clothes , with a plnld mackintosh
hat , went Into the postofllco last Sunday
morning , and. going un to the general de
livery window , askud for some juall. Ho-
gave the name of Hen Walters , or I3en
Wlltcrs , In n tone of volco which left the
clerk In doubt. The government employe
looked over the mull and told the applicant
that he had a couple of letters for Hen
Wlltors. Ho asked the young man If ho
was that person. Upon bo'ng ' answered In
the ullli mative the letters' wrro handed over.
Monday morning tlio sumo young man
called at the window In cliaigo of Clerk
Hurmelster and presented a money order
made out to Hen Wlltcrs for ? 25 , lie waa
it stranger to Mr. lliirmelutor , and a third
peiNon , whom the clerk considered responsi
ble , waa railed In to Identify the holder of
the paper. It was then taefried. Mon-
llay unothcr young niitn. who averted his
iiaiiKj WJH lien Wlltcrs , called ut the post-
ofllco and bald ho was oxpvctlng n couple ot
letters from his mother In Milwaukee , one.
of which ho felt certain contained n money
order for $25. When told that the letters
lu < ] alit'udy been dcllveiru to another per
son ho Immcdlatoly denounced him as being
a fraud and proJucoii papers to verify his
statements. Tim genuine Wlltera says ho
lives near Sixteenth and Howard HtrcctH ,
that ho had formerly lived In Lemars , la. ,
flmll that ho had been In Omaha for about a
fortnight. Ho war much exercised over the
loss of the money , ns hu expressed himself
as 'being ' In need or It.
From dejcrlptlots given by the postoftlco
employes Postal Inspector Sinclair got trajo
of his HMII and finally located him at the
Dodge European hotel at Thirteenth nnJ
Do3ge streets. lie WES registered there aa
Hen Walters and together with another
man ami a boy Iiad but latclj arrived from
Memphis. Tend. The tile had been earning
n living by ringing around the city la
ejlocris , Walters was not at the hotel when
the olllclal called no he left ward with the
clerk to notify either himself or the police ,
the moment the man returned. In order to.
not excite suspicion Inspector Sinclair then
Shortly after 8 Monday night Wnltcra
returned to the hold and ax soon IK he had
gone to his room Clerk Kalmbach notified
Officer J. II , Storey. The officer took his man
In charge and walked him over to the box
at Fourteenth und Douglas streets , Walters
went along without making any trouble un
til the box was reached. As the officer started
to get out hit patrol key , Walters jammed
him up against the box nnd heforo he re
covered his breath hi * primmer was half way
down the block. The officer , though possessed
with lofig legs , for BOWU reason- railed to uw >
them , and a fleeting gllmpso of Walters at
ho ducted around a corner wan all be watt
able to catch. The fugitive's hat which ha
dropped lu Ills hutto was brought to the po-
llco station and has been left In the cap-
tain's ofIIco aa a clew to the Identification
of the culprit , A full description of Wallow
has alto been placed by the govcintnent ofU-
clal with the police , and as one * of tbo post-
lolllco employe * ! observed yesterday mornlngl
"If the snow docu not full attd coyer hfe
track * U" > v may catcb blm. " . l'