- S BK BWCWfln B , - SUS , , . f5 * - , . _ _ _ BI THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANTTAHY 10 , 1808. I 1IUSIC FOR THE EXPOSiTIO ! tlans Outlined by the Newly Electe Musical Director. PROF. KIMBALL ON HIS DEPARTMEN' Otnnil , Orclipra * nnil Cliornii nn ( J.ocnl .Nnolctin Arouinl the-\Vorlt Will He Mnilo Complete. Trot. Wlllard Klmball , the newly clcctei nuslcal director of the exposition , arrived In the city yesterday and presented to Chair man Llmlsey an outline of Ills plan for musl ( nt the exposition. This plan was laid bv fore the executive committee by Mr. Llnd' eey end was approved , thus putting tli < flnlflhlnB touch to the engagement of Prof JClmball. The musical director was seen nt the Mil Janl hotel after the decision of the execu tlvo commlttco and was asked rcgardlnf tils plans and Intentions so far as the ex position muslo Is concerned. , "Tho plan I submitted to the executive com. tnltlee , " said Prof. Klmball , "was elmplj on outline | ilan. It Is Impassible to fix the exact nature of the music to bo given and the number of performances until somethlnp Ooflnlto Is fixed as to the amount of money that Is to bo available for thai purpose. 1 have a definite plan outlined In my mind however , and shall endeavor to carry It ou ! ns far as I am given the opportunity. "Tho first necessity In an enterprise o ! this kind Is an organlratlon of musicians , or rather , two organizations. Ono of these If a military band of the very first quality and the other an orchestra of tfoo highest grade , The hand would servo to glvo open air con certs of a high order , < lo escort duty foi ImporUcit personages , and cater to the tastes which profc'r that class of music. The or- chcatra must bo composed of musicians who arc fully competent to carry their parts after ono rehearsal for any kind of worli that may bo presented. With finch an or ganization the exposition can wy to theblR choral organizations In ttio different cities : Wo have an orchestra canal to Theodore Thomas' , and wo Invlto you to come here and give some of the standard oratorios with your own conductor. ' I also hope we will bo ahlo to say to them that wo will supply the finest soloists obtainable to sing with them. WHAT HE INTENDS TO DO. "I also propose to appoint In each of the western states persons who will work up nn Interest among the local organizations nnd have them come to Omaha and glvo high class music with their own conductors. It Is not my purpose to attempt to act as conductor for the many performances which I hopu wo nmy boable - to glvo , but I shall devote the greatest part of my time anil energies to arranging for the rendition ol music of the very highest grade that shall bo a credit to' the exposition and to the musical culture of the west. The west Is fully capable of It , and the exposition will offer the finest , opfortunlty for us to show the world what wo can do. My Interest Is In tlio west , atfrt I aUi anxious to do every thing that lies in my power to overcome the faleo Impreeslca that prevails In some quarters that we know nothing of music out here. Wo can draw from Minneapolis , Chicago cage , Kansas City , Denver and Salt Lake and many other western cities which have excellent chorat organizations , and can glvo a series of musical events which have neve ? been equaled In this country. These or ganizations all want to come here , and all tbattls necessary Is for us to prepare the way for them. Mr. Ulndsey has turned over to rae bushels of letters relating to these matters - tors , and I have o doubt whatever that It wo can assure 'these people wo will furnish o. good orahestra and the other things that ore neccesary wo can make a success of that feature of the exposition. "It will bo necessary to have a chorus ol about 300 voices In Omaha. I believe thk can bo organized by uniting the severa organizations now In existence In this cltj and In Council Bluffs. Some of the smallci towns nearby may send recruJls to thli chorus. I don't want any drones In thl ; organization , but 300 people who can ant will sins. With sucb an' organization us i basis , together with the orchestra I have referred to , wo can rest assured of credlta Wo performances. This will give Omali : musicians the opportunity to do good work I hope to 'be ' able to unite them and secun their co-operation In perfecting this chora organization , so that on the opening day-o : the exposition wo may glvo a grand cantata and perhaps render some of the well knowr works , such as 'The Messiah , ' 'Elijah' 01 others. ' NOT AX , OMAHA AFFAIR. "It has been charged that I am not ar Omaha man , " continued Prof. Klmball , "alu that -would work to build up the muslca Interests of Lincoln and not those of Omaha So far aa the first statement la concerned ll this is to bo an Omaha exposition the charge might have some force , but as I take It thl ; Is to bo an Interstate and International ex position , and such a narrow accusatiot should never bo heard of. So far as bulldlnt up my school In Lincoln Is concerned , that Is not necessary. I propose to work for the success of the exposition and for that alone That will not prevent any musician ir Omaha from making all ho can out of It. "I shall take up at once the work of or ganizing the Omaha chorus , and shall devote myself to that end as vigorously as posstbli as soon as the movement can bo started. 1 shall bo In Omaha frequently and shall oper an olllco In the Paxton block as soon as I car arrange my private affairs to do so. The en gaging or organizing of the band and or chestra Is another matter which will occupj my time. I do not bel'.evo It will bo neces sary to bring organizations hero from the outslJo. I feel quite sure there arc com petent musicians right hero In Omaha tc make up the greater part of these organiza tions. There may ho some particular instru ments which cannot ho found here , 'but ' 1 have no douobt Omaha and 'Council Bluffs will bo able to supply the greater part ol what will ho required. " More MlRMiurl CoiiiiiilxHloiii'rH. JEFFEIISON CITY , LMo. , Jan. 18. Gov ernor Lon V. Stephens has appointed the following named additional members of the Dean ) of Commissioners from Missouri to the Transnvlsslsslppl and International Exposition to bo held at Omaha : Colonel J.hn . H , Carroll , Uulonvllloj Jesno II. Davis , Hockport ; Frank Froytcg , St. Joseph ; lion , Hugh J. McQowiin , Kansas Oltyj N. II , Oruco , El Dorado Springs ; Wllllo Humphrey , Stockton : Hon. John It. Kirk , Jefferson City , and Harry E. Wyett , Itockport. lniicrMnnuil. . LITTLE IIOCK , Ark. , Jan. 18. Governor Jones has announce. ] the appointment of the ( following gentlemen to compose the Arkansas Board of Commissioners for the 0 mail a exposition - position : George It. illrown , LltOo Hock ; A , llertlg. Paragould ; W. U. Matthews , Slut- p rt ; C , Q , Newman , Pine Uluff ; L. A , Dyrne , Toxarkona ; George Sengel , Fort Smith , W. O. Yinccflhcller , state commissioner of agri culture , by virtue of being vlco president for Arlianius , la chairman of the board. , DflnllN uf li ! < < 1'a per. The Woman's Hoard of Managers convened at 2 o'clock and the first hour was taken up < ln discussing the newspaper project. The executive committee desired some expression from the women regarding tbo number ol papers they would undertake to dispose of In order that the total circulation might be fixed 'In ' advance. Mrs , Towle of South Omaha said she bad already sold 200 copies Royal Baking Powder is the greatest health " saver of he ( century. In that town and vrould not undertake to whew how many tftou&and she and 'Mrs. Munr could dispose of. Each of the Omaha mem berg of Uio board agreed to dispose of 1,00 or more , the total of the Omaha guaranU amounting to 16,000 , The women from ou of town were not ready , however , to say Jus what they would < lo ar J tbo matter wa finally laid over until this morning. It was decided to call the paper "Th Hatchet , " In view of Mio fact 'ihat It will b issued on Washington's birthday , and It wa ordered that If floral emblems are used li the makeup of the paper they shall b cherry bkesoms. Several other matters coming within th beard's Jurisdiction were dlacuraed Itifor mally , but no aeftlon was taken and the bean adjourned at 4 o'clock to alto IT ! the reccp lion at < ho Ml Hard In honor of the queen o the Ice carnival , and from there the member went In a body to the homo of Mrs. G , W Wattles , where thcji wcro en'tcrtalned ' b ; the wife of tbo president of the exposition. The beard will meet at 0 o'clock this njorn Ing to ccncludo Its business. HAS I'lSltmCTUI ) ITS OHOAXIATIOX Committee nn Toni'liiTH Convention li Itcuily for llitiliii'HH Ann. The executive committee- charge of tin arrangements of the proposed cducatlona convention met yesterday nftcmcon la UK cl'ty hall. Those present were : Superintend cnt Pearse , J. iM. Olllan , State Superintend cnt W. H. Jackson , J. E. Utt , Victor Rose water an ! W. H. Gratton , Tiio mlnutea o the commlttco from Its Inception were reai and approved and dts organization was per fected by choosing Superintendent Pearsi chairman , J , M. Glllan secretary and J. II Dumont treasurer. It was agreed that : ithi meeting should bo ofllclally designated thi Traromlfslsslppl KJiioUloaal convention. On the call for repcrto of committees at outline- was given , of the probable expense : and resources of the committee. H wae agreed to attempt to ralso ? 2GOO to provide for the speakers , decorations , advertising and clerical work required. The plan of ra'.a' Ing tihls money was ' ( o bo worked out by the finance committee and reported at the nexl mcotlns. The scope of the proposed conven tion with reference to the general meetings and sessions or congresses Incident to It was made subject 'to ' future revision. After fur ther discussion of the work of the committee In Its various departments adjournment was had subject to the call ot the chairman , II not being thought necessary for the commit- tea to meet regularly until later In tbo sea son. i | nlri-ctnrn A special meeting ot the Hoardi ot Di rectors of the exposition will bo held at Ex- pcsltlon headquarters at 4 o'clock this after noon , the secretary having been Instructed by the executive committee to call the meet- Ing. Xc-TTCHt mill Most Coniilete Train. The New Pennsylvania Limited Is the up- to-date train , of 18'JS. It made Us Initial trip from Chicago to New Tork , January 12 , and now runs dally over Pennsylvania Short Lines , leaving Chicago Union station , 5:30 : p. in. Get particulars of H. U. Ilcrlng , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 Clark street , Chicago. The adjourned meeting of the members ol Hie Associated Charities of Omaha will be icld In the Y. M. C. A. rooms ou Wednes day , January 19th , at 4 p. in. JOHN LAUGHLAND , Secretary. Omaha , January 4th , 1808. Fn t Time. ThroiiKli Cnrx. via the UNION PACIFIC to Denver , Salt Lake Cl-ty , San Francisco and Puget Sound points. For rates and full Information call at City Ticket Office. 3302 Farnam. St. I * I'AUAGUAl'IIS. W. F. Cody , wife and daughter are In the city. 'H. ' M. Beyer of Kansas City Is at the Mll- ard. ard.James James W. Orr of Atchlson Is a Mlllard guest. Ilev. C. DeGeller of Columbus Is an Omaha visitor. > i James C. Dahlman of Llnioln la an Omaha visitor. Frcel SonoenscUeln of AVcst Point Is In Omaha. E. T. Ft-tUt of Sioux City la a guest at the Barker. E. nignell of the 'DurllngUn ' at Lincoln Is In the city. D. J. Simpson lias returned 'to ' tbe city from Chicago. . * C. W. Wright of Peorla , III. , Is registered a't the Barker. T. H. Irwln , a eftccp rancnman of Gordon , Is a city visitor. Jcftn C. Watson of Nebraska City was in the city yesterday. Ex-Sheriff Luke Finn ot Greeley , Neb. , is registered at the Barker. Frank Hacker anfl J. A. Carver , both ol Fremont , are visiting the city. State Superintendent ot Schools W. H. Jackson of Lincoln Is In the city. F. Snyder anl wife , Lincoln ; J. E. Merrill Gild wlfo of Chapman , Neb. , are stopping a'l the Barker. M. H. Nlcall , buyer In Thompson , Belden & Co.'a cloak department , leaves for New- York City today. Illdiard Smi'ih ' , formerly manager cr the Hotel Barker , has severed his connection with that hostelry. , C. A. Menslng , Archie ShepherJ , Arthur Smith and Jessie Brink ore Kansas City ar rivals stopping at the Barker. At the Mlllard : Mcrlo Milddleton , Philadel phia ; Lester Felgenblatt , 'New ' York ; H. B , Carter , DCS Molnesf J. A. McAlIster , Daven- poit ; William 'Bishop ' , Nebraska City ; J. O , Whltakor , Cincinnati ; E. P. Parr , New York ; John E. Shafer , Blair ; F. II. iBeacb. F. W. Caldwcll , 'Minneapolis. < Nebraskaca at 'the ' hotels : H. A , Creek- paua , Ulysses ; C. M. Belts , St. Paul ; George O. Benger , C'allaway ; W. E. Kerr , Silver Creek ; E. Y. Abbott ana wife , Pllger ; E. T. Hart , wife and daughter , Atkinson ; W. F. Hauptman , Swunton ; N. D. Berg , Her man ; F. A. Kennedy , Fullerton ; W. H. Aus tin , Franklin ; William Spear , George A. Mead , Fremont ; C. F. Mitchell , Crelghton ; Charles W. Earl , Ncllgh ; Hay C. 'Merrill ' , Lincoln ; II. S. HollWtor , Wood Ulver ; G. W. ShlcJler and wife. Ycrk ; C. A. Johnson , Laurel ; G. A. Scovlllo , Hartlngton ; Mlsa Eva Han3all , C. 'M. nigg , Beatrice ; Mlsa Elolse Couchinan , Miss Lena Sctuvager , Fort Oal- houn ; F. D. Hunkar , C. C. Bartels , West Point ; Miss Mabel McCarger , Crete ; George 0. Mcliugb , Oliver Olson , 'Miss Pearl Rich ardson , Frank W. West and wlfo , Mrs. A , J. West. Mrs. E. M. Klrtou , Mrs. C. Lewis , N. C. Scars an ! wlfo , Wlsner ; Miss Maude Scott , Central City ; W. A. Hemleben , Louis Hlwchund wife , A. W. Wellcr , J , S. Mathew- soii , D. W , Green , Norfolk ; John E. Shafer , Mlea Lulu II. Cameron , Blair ; H , H. Squires , Brolcc \ 'Bow ' ; Miss .Antonla Kcssler , Plaits- mouth ; F. B. Irwln , Gordon ; J. F. Colby , Sydney ; John W. Wilson , Miss Katie Mat thews , GranJ Island ; H. A. Hobles , Bancroft ; Miss Sarah Ireland , 'Mrs. ' F. E , Ooo , Ne braska City ; F. B. Beall aad wlfo , Hastings ; Mlm Louise PJiclps , Mrs. Davis , 12. S. Cloyer , Schuylcr ; 'Miss ' Nellie Downing , Mlsa Kate Downing , George H. Downing , Kearney. Tl IU 'UUAI/l'V INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday , January IS , 1S9S : , WAHHANTYJ DEEDS. A , M. Delss and husband to New Eng land L. & T. Co. , lot 1SH , Mlllard Si Co/a aJd , . , , $ 200 11. C. Flower and wife to Lombard Liquidation Co. , lot 5 , blocU 4 $ , South OmaCia 1 Adolpvi Gelse to II. u. Choenlng , lot 4. block 3. Arbor Place , 1,000 Q. 11. Hull and wlfo to P. W. Marsh , a 143 foot of lot 10 , block 4 , Belve dere ndel 250 F. W. Marsh and wlfo to P. L. Henry , same , ny ) O. L. Uaker nnd wlfo to J. W. Conway - way , lot 20 and e Co feet of lot 19 , Archer Place , 600 J , C. Watson and wlfo to K ; u , Bmlth , lot 5 , block 1 , Dcnlso's add 7,000 a .W , Beater to O. H. Sealer , lot 4. block 2 , Jettefu Second add , . 5,000 Howami ) & Bradford to J , E , George , lot 10 , George's ubd CGJ M. Q. Cooley to Jane Caasldy , lot 12 , block 9 , Patrick's Second add 1 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. i C. B. Drunner to B. J. DeUell. * 25 < $ feet o lot 12 , block T , Shlnn'a add. , 1 DEEDS. Sheriff to E. M. Morsman , trustee , e ! tax lot W , 34-15-13 12,000 Total amount of transfers . . . .pj.lCS HOMAGE TO HER HIGHNESS Omaha People Do Honor to the Newest Royal Rnler , QUEEN POLARIS RECEIVES HER SUBJECTS Mayor Moorrn Prpncnfn Hrr Mnjcnty ivlth ( lie < irent Key to tlio City Ciironiillnii Ccroinoiij- ' * tlic Cironiiiln. v * The first social event In connection with the Ice Carnival occurred yesterday after noon , and It was such an auspicious success that It augured well for the other event * concomitant with tbo crowning of Queet Polaris and the honoring of the maids o ; her retlnuo. The occasion was the reception tendered to Miss Mildred Stephcnson , who was selected as queen for the carnival after a most exciting voting contest , and to her malda of honor , who word chosen from var ious towns and hamlets In the vicinity of Omaha by similar expressions of public opinion , The reception was held In the parlors of the Mlllard hotel , and between the hours ol 2 and 5 o'clock over 250 Omaha citizens , largely of the feminine gender , passed through the parlors to pledge Ihelr loyalty to the queen and to pay their rwpccts to the visiting maids of honor. iTIio parlors on the second floor of the hostlery wcro beauti fully decorated with stately palms and pretty cut flowers , and crowded with youth and'beauty ' presented an Interesting picture. In a nook of the hallway concealed behind an Improvised hedge of palms , an orchestra discoursed sweet music during the afternoon hours. The tea parlors were also protllly Illuminated and decorated , and In there the the gucsto were served with refreshments. Early In the afternoon , soon after Miss Stephcnson and her maids had assembled In the parlors , his honor , the worthy mayor of the clly , arrived to present to the queen the key of the city's gates , and with It extend to her and her satellites the freedom ot Ihe city. Mayor Frank E. Moores never looked moro happy , never appeared more genial nor never upoko moro wittily. In a timely lltllo speech ho presented a largo glided key to Miss Stophoiisoii. WHAT THE 'MAYOH SAID. In the course of his remarks he said : "It Is to be deeply regretted , even deplored , that the weather gods have so seriously Interfered with our plans for the Ice Carnival. The present state of weather Is not allogether proplllous for Ice palaces or for toboggan clubs , but we shall strive to entertain you , the untoward weather lo Ihe contrary nol- wllhslandlnE. I assure you that neither the fair queen nor any of her charming maids of honor need fear lhal the abundance ot : nud which we now seem to have with us will bo allowed to even soil the soles of their calnty boots , for the young men of Omaha ire such a gallant race thai Ihey will gladly lay down Ihelr cloaks lo protect you In cross ing all puddles. Omaha ! o glad to see such a representative gathering of the daughters of this state and ot our neighboring stale , and \vo extend to you all a cordial welcome. Queen Polaris has the key of Ihe clly and you are now In possession of all that Is good III Ihe Gate City of the- West and that means everything , for we do not tolerate anything that la not good about hero. The grounds of the Tronsmisslsslppi Exposition , which you will visit during your stay here , will give you some slight idea of .tho beauty and ? randetir of the show that Is to come. From : he dlmerolons of the partially constructed buildings , you can form your ownoplnlors of the large scale upon which this exposi tion Is behag built. And wo know that you will return to Omaha during the coming sum. mor to atteml Ihe exposlllon , bringing with you your sweethearts , your friends and your relative ? . But not to longer prolong this brief , but Important exercise , I , Frank E. Moorrs , mayor of the city of Omaha and late chairman of the defunct Board of Fire and Police commissioners , do now hereby deliver to Mildred Stephenson , sunnamed Iho Queen Polaris , Ihe key of Iho city of Omaha and trust to her and her court the future welfare of this place. " QUEEN AND TIER RETINUE. Mayor Moores' remarks throughout were In his usual happy vein and were well re ceived. Following his little address of wel come the guests began to pass through the parlor , meeting first OMlss Stephenson and then the maids of honor. The reception was In charge of Mr. Thomas Swobo and reflected considerable crellt upon him. lAraong the gucsls were noticed a large number of young oclety women of the clly and a few of their beaux , who assisted In the introductions. Miss Slephenson looked very sweel In a iandsomo gown of white silk , with a baby jluo satin train and a beautiful cape of swansdown. Many of the maids of honor were also atllred In light colored dresses , though the majorlly wore afternoon gowns of dark colors. The list of visiting maids of Honor who were present at the recepllon follows : Mi'sses Katie Pass and Sarah Coo Ireland , Nebraska Clly ; Katie Matthews , 3rand Island ; Nellie Downing , Kearney ; Mabel Gray , South Omaha ; Fahne Dour , Mis souri Valley , la. ; Pearl Illchardson , West 1'olnt ; Ituth Daniels , Norfolk ; Lena Schwoger , Fort Calhoun ; Lulu Cameron , fllnlr ; Antonla Kesslcr , Platlsmoulh ; Maud Scott , Central City ; JEva 'Randall. ' ( Beatrice ; Mabel McCargar , Crete ; Louise Phclps , Schuyler ; Eugenie Hale and Elolse Couch- man , Fort Calhoun ; Kathcrlno Downing , Kearney. aUEE.V I'OI.AHIS IUIY CHOU1\nD. Ceremony Proc-coils In Spite of IJI - iKfrn.'iililc Wrnthcr. The court of Queen Polaris bid defiance to the weather god last night. In the face of the disagreeable conJltlons Iho comely Viclorla was duly crowned nnd scaled upon her regal throne In the presence of her flul- tcrlng maids of honor and a goodly number of her subjects. And with this royal cere mony carnival week was fairly commenced. Hardly moro unreasonable If not unsea sonable weather could bo Imagined than narked the opening of tbo Ice carnival. The high temperature of the entire month has tnado It Impossible to erect the Ice palace which was contemplated and It has "been " moreover doing Its best to spol the Ice In the exposition lagoon despite the efforts of the carnival management to preserve It. These obstacles , together with the nasty slush under/noting of. the streets which dis inclines worthy citizens , even though they are faithful subjects , to go without doors , wcro not auspicious of success ot the royal ceremony. But despite the disagreeable weather there was a very good attendance at the crowning of the queen. In fact , the attend ance was too largo , for It was feared that their weight would cause the Ice of tbo la goon to collap.se. On thU account the regal : eremony was shortened considerably , but the royal emblem was duly placed upon the brow of the queen. The ceremony was performed ) at the west ern end of the lagoon In Iho bright glare of clectrc ( , calcium and colored lights , The queen was seated upon a gaily adorned throne with runners. She was attired In a brilliant robe , glittering like gold and Tlmmcd with ermine. Miss Stophcnuoii formed a very charming plclure on h'er royal ( , cat. About her flitted her maids of honor and the courtiers of her retinue while tbo ceremony of crowning her was being per formed. After the ceremony the subjects of the queen disported themselvcu for several houra on the Ice and the toboggan slide. The West "olnt cadet band took station on the Ice and endcred an excellent program of music , further entertainment was furnished by an expert skater , Oluirirrilltli iJloiilliiK' a Diamond , Henry Jones , a young negro , WUH accused ait night of the theft of a diamond stud 'roin the Bhlrt front of Charles Branch , a Huloon keeper near Ninth and Dodge streets. Iranch saya he was changing his clothes n u rear room and had hung the shirt on a chair. He claims that Jones entered dur- ng his momentary absence and extracted ha stud , which was valued nt JIM. Infor- natlon was given later that the ornament uaa In the possession of Bluncho Kdwards , 01 North Ninth street. The house % \aa searched and the Btuno found and returned o the owner , Jones was charged -vslth grand larceny. Arnold's Brome Celery curea headaches , lOc , 25c and EOc. All drugglsta. HKTAlI.tilS Il.trMIfi COXSOI.ID.VTEI Tire Oriratilrndnnni Amalgamate an Ktoctrnvt Ofllrorn. Meetings of both tire Omaha Ilctallcrs' ni soclntlon and the DoiiRlas County Buslne : Men's association wcro held lrt the Commei clal club rooms laatt evening to hear the re ports of two committees which wcro selectc by the respective bodies for the purpose c amalgamating the two. The Douglas Count Business Men's association was called t order by President Kiihn n-J the report c the commlttco , composed of Messrs. Cowcl Morse , Munro nd HswUzor , was then reai It recommended that-the two associations b merged Into one and tlmt It bo renamed th Omaha Business Men's association. Ti committee from the Ilctallcrs' assoclattor composed ot Messrs. Beatty , Hardy , "Cah " and Hospe , made a similar report , nnd th consolidation was perfected upon vote of th cntlro membership , Ghort talks wcro the made by Robert Cowell , George Munro nn others , and the election of odlcers was the In order. The balloting resulted In th choice of George F. Munro ns president , N. A Kuhn vlco president , II. IH. Hardy "secon vice president , Thomas IGIpatrlck treasure and H. O. ilJcatty secretary. A. Hospo wa selected as a committee of ono from the He tailors and Kobcrt Cowell from the Busl ness Men's association to name an cxeciitlv commlttco of twenty -members. Those sc lected and approved by vote were Morlt Meyer , 11 , E. Palmer , Goodley Booker , A Mandelbcrg , H. W. Dyball , M. 'L. ' Bartletl J. C. Morris , T. J. Beard , A. C. flluollcr , A B. Huberman. C. H. Forby , ll. Cowell , H. L Pease H. J. Hughes , Axel Meyers , W , F Stoetzel , A , Shlvcrlck , A. D. Morse , U. I ! Davis and F. Vodlcka. The new organlzatlo : after approving constitution and by-laws ad Journcd subject to the call ot the president Mns. Mary Bird , Harrlsmirg , Pa. , sayt "My child Is worth millions to me ; yet would have lost her by croup had I not In vcslcd twenty-five cents In a bolllo of. On : Minute Cough Cure.1' It cures coughs , cold : and all throat and lung troubles. 11IR OAHIM2T SAI.U IS TOIJAY Promptly nt f ) 'A. M. Today iAV Sell 91.U5 MiHiiictlc Cm-put nt 7 u. AT BOSTON STORE TODAY. An Immense lot of new patlerns of Sloin'i best light and dark colored Moquctte Mr pels , wllh or without borders. The haitidsoni' est patlcrns ever shown , always sold at ? 1.2 ! yard , but go today , promptly at 9 o'clock , as long as they last , at 79c yard. ' These have been displayed for a week Ir our Immense front window and will allracl a larger buying crowd than even our towel laca curta'n or ribbon sales. We earnestly advise an early call , as you will remember at the previous sale these goods sold with an Immense rush. Dear In mind ono uniform price , 79c yard , which Is less thani you can buy good Ingrain for. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , 1 Slxtconlh and Douglas slreets. ItonimintN In Iitiiuluiiiu. Wo have lusl bought from the Union Linoleum leum Co. a quantity of remnants or short engths of linoleum accumulated In manufac ture. They consist of the VARIOUS QUALITIES nado by these manufacturers ( and there ire none better ) In lengths from four square ards up to thirty square yards. We bought the lot at a very low figure and iass them on to our cualomers all at ono > rice , 33 cents per square yard. Second floor. 3RCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. . 14H-1C-1S Douglas St. ? nr Windows Xcnrly Klvc Feet IVlilr. They are used In the now Observation car m the New Pennsylvania Limited which eaves Chicago every day at G:30 : p. m. over : ho Pcnnayhanla Short Lines. This car Is Jio handsomest leaving Chicago for New i'ork , H. R. Dcrlng , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 Jlark street , Chicago , will furnish full Information mation , on the subject. , Piillmnii ToiirlHt Sli-opcrs. eave Omaha dally for Ogden , San Francisco , Portland and other woslern points via the UNION PACIFIC. For tickets-and full Inforamtlon call at 31ly Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St. LOCAL IIIIEVITIUS. Henry Foley , 2830 Farnam street , reports the loss of a robe , which was Blolen from his 'barn. ' The .article Is a valuable ono. Ernest Zelba , Charles Murriy and Cornelius Curtain , vasrants , were each oen- tonced to ten days on the street by Judge Cordon. An overceat was stolen from the hallway 3f Dr. 'R. W. Connell , 1707 Dodge s'treet , lalo yeslcrday aflernoor. . The family was at din ner nnd the thief gently opened the fiont ilcor and secured the coat. Charles E. Matteson , a printer ivho Is slightly deranged , was picked up by Ihe police lasl night and locked up on a charge ) E Insanity. Matteson Is in the habit of jelling drunk occasionally , and at these : lmcs Ms malady takes a turn for the worse. An aged -woman giving the name of Mrs. Hart called at the police station and asked : hat her husband be arresled , as he had attempted a number of llmss lo poison her. tfo arrest was made , as Ihe police placed lllllo reliance upon Ihowoman's statements. Howard Manning , Clarence Hat , Roy Hat , OJcorgo O'Nell tand Mary O'Nell , arrested on complaint of T. B. Rogers , for coasting on Indiana avenue , were arraigned before Judge Gordon. All pleaded not guilty and the case will conio up for a hearing Satur- 3ay at 2 o'clock. , A case of destllullon and sickness hao been reporled to the police In the persons > f Mrs. Brougham and her Infant child. The two llvo at 704 Leaven worth street , and are said 'to Tie wltbout"fuel or food , also In very urgent nocd of a physician.- The city sur- 3 m will visit the Invalids. The Omaha Street Railway company has ilaccd transparent signs In Its car windows , > o that at night the light froruywlthln will ihow Iho watcher which car It Is. The con venience to the public can best bo under stood by ono who has tried lo separate Ihe naze Into which the several lines occasion- illy get. The now board of directors ot the Con- torvallvo Building and Loan association held ts first meeting Monday afternoon to elect jfflcers and appoint committees for the en- inlnH year. A. P. Tukoy was elected prc . ; dent ; Euclid Martin , first vlco 'president ; 3 , C. George , ( second vlco president ; Z. T. Umlsey , treasurer ; George F , Gllmore , sec- otaiy ; John F. Flack , general manager ; Whnrton & Balrd , counsel. W. E. Johnson , living at 418 North Twenty- Irsl street , while crossing the street car racks In front of a motor near Thirteenth street and Capitol avenue Monday evening , , vas knocked down nnfli severely cut ubout ho head and shoulders ; _ He , , however , es caped Without any broken limbs. Ho was akcn to the Clarksan hospital , and as ho apldly Improved , woa later removed to his ionic. Mighty Comfortable , in Florida Southern just now , , ern California and along ; the Gulf of Mexico. No snow storms or bitter > winds THERE. Surprisingly cheap rouni trip rate s surprisingly good service via the Burlington , Ticket Office , \ * S K 8T J , B , REYNOLDS. P. . . . . A > r. BOSTON STORE 1-2 PRICE SAL Bargains in Men's and Boys' Snits and Ovei coats that Are Almost Beyond Belief. EVERY LADIES' CLOAK AT HALF PRIC Toilny AVc Will Hnvp the Orniu t-nt Sale i > f MUU'H nnil lloj-'H Cliitli- ItiK , l.nilU'H1 niul Clillilrcn'n Clonlin tlmt linn Kvcr Tnkca PLACE JN OMAHA. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE. Your choice of the finest men's sulta < an ovcrcoata In the house , worth up to $25.0 at $12.60. Cholco of any $15.00 men's suits or eve : ocats nt $7.60. Cholco of any $10.00 , $11.50 and $12.1 men's all wool suits or overcoats at $5.00. Boys' $2.50 suits , 9Sc. $3.00 boys' suits , $1.60. $5.00 toys' suite , $2.50. $7.00 young men's suits , $3.50 $10.00 young mcn'n suits , $5.00. $12.00 boyo' ulsters at $5.00. $5.00 boys' capo overcoats , $1.50. $1.60 boys' reefer overcoats , COc. $2.50 chinchilla ami astrakhan recfcn $1.25. $5.00 < boya' reefers , $2.50. LADIES' AND CHILDHEN'S CLOAKS A LESS THAN % PRICE. $15.00 laillcs' silk-lineal jackets , $4.93. $8.00 ladles' fine jackets , $3.50. $15.00 and $18.00 beautiful jackets , $7.60. Our regular $25.00 ladles' jackets , $10.00. MlEscs' jackets In a splendid assortment < stylish materials In > bouclc and smoot goods , many silk-lined , worth up to $15.0i go nt $5.00. Children's and m Is see' $5.00 jackets go n $1.9S. ! , ' BOSTON STORE , OMAHA. and Douglas Slrects. Mny Ypt H < - Mnrrlcil. Henry Jleycr , a farmer boy from Mad ! son , Neb. , nrrlvetl In the city last week an has passed through n , series of unfortunat encounters with dishonest women since thn time. It began In a house occupied by Essl Allen and Gertie Brown , whore he lost ? J gained by the husking of many a bushel o corn. Tbo women wcro arrested , but wer not held on the evidence submitted. Meyei already singed , returned to the candle am ppent most of his time since In the women' company. They have been arrested fou times ) In the mcnntlmo on smaller charge : nnil the Allen woman was finally forced ti Icnvo the city. Her companion has adoptei a plan to make her residence In Omaha inori secure by offering to marry Jleycr , who \\ni irrcsted with her last night on a cominot charge. The country boy seems not unwill njr and the social event will probably occui today. Ciindilu IlnrlN' Com'prt. Captain Davis of the Department of th ( Finite gave a gramophone concert yestenlaj afternoon In the Royal Arcanum lodge rooms In The Bee building. The affair was attended by the olllcers nt army headquar ters and a number of Invited guests. The concert opened with a rendition of "Plan- atlon Chimes" and closed with "Mornliij ( on inc. Farm. " In all llierewere twenty- one selections. Including songs and Instru- nental music. Captain D.ivls gave a gramophone concerl n Ihe lodge rooms In Tin ; Uee building some weeks ago , but It was not a markei o the ono given yesterday. Since his flrsl concert Captain Davis has added a numbei of new pieces to his repertory , Ihus enabling ilm to entertain his guests In a most roya ! manner. TO CU11E COLD IX OXI3 DAY Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fulls to cure , 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet , Tickets will be sold on the first and Ihlrd Tuesday of January. February and March la Ihe Union Paclfis to all polnls In No- iraska or Kansas , where one way rates are 3.00 or over , at ono fare for ruud trip plus 2.00. For full Information or tickets call at City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street. Dpiiinrrnde Conuiilttrr Orj INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. IS. At a meeting of the democratic stale committee , held In this city today , Parks Martin was re-elected chairman. Chairman Martin was given > oner to select an executive committee , this commlttco to decide the time for holding ho state convention. The chairman will reappoint - appoint Secrclary Samuel Wallace. Kach delegalo lo the convention will represent a 'ractlon over 200 voters. I'ocket lnttry ! , $2.50 Good Strong Cabinet Battery , $4.50 ir.l.'l IloilKC St. , Middle of Iltock , 2 nights to California. , night to Utah. via tlis UNION PACIFIC , 12 hours quicker than tlicr line from Sllssouri Illver. For Ickcts , tltnc tables , or any Information , all at City Tlclct ; Office , 1H02 Knrnam St. Medical 3 Treatment Catarrh end other Chronlo DIs-l eases Is given by Dr. Hlicpnrd after I I the most approved motlioila. Frcol I consultation qncl low feen. Those I i who UoHlro are welcome to call and | liimject the Urged and best equipped I Dollices in the west. -.SHEPAHD MEDICAL INSTITUTE J 811-J1J-8IJ N. Y. Life Illdir. Tel. 1138. l SDQDDDDDDDDCa Bee , Jon , IS , 1S33 x * oe usiness is a peculiar Inmincmi. JFfti-dfi/ ttJtoo nfot'c in OinnJta tfint isn't jnxt itow"clo iiif out the otlAtt nntJ CII < JH and frrofrcnA'C.S" ' nt a ft'cincnrtoiiN urict'ijlcc fi'oin oi'ifftnalj n'tcct To let ' tell it , flicpitjtci'H f/ou emi //o into tnonf tiny ttlioe store and btty rcf/nlar nfn dollar HJtocti for tlii'ce dollarn , t-cf/ttlar Jive dot/ar nliocn for tire dollar * and regular three dollar itJiocn for a dollar nincttj-ciuht. We have to { jet two flftii for a regular three dollar H/IOC. ire couldn't ncll 'em any ICHH without loniiifmoney. . II'c Hiipponc there are nforcn that can afford to lone money or cine thctcoutdn't be all the time Keltiny their f/oodn at a trcmcndotiH mtcrijlcc from oriyinal cottf. Thcxc tu'o Jiftinhocn of otira arc n new line. IFc are scllinf/ them lower than they were intended tendedto sell. They are better nhocn than ainof the "Jive dolfar aJtoca mar/fed down to three dollartt" and they will wear twice an long a the "three dollar nhocn marked down to one nincty-cif/hf. " The value of a shoe in not in the price of it but in the wear of it , and ycbranltt Hhoes are always guaranteed to wear tuitin- facforily. Your money bach if they don't. Tlie Biggest That Has Ever Taken Place in Omaha Commences This Morning. Nine big cases of Pants requiring two big teams to haul them from the depot. If you owned a mill and had bought the wool before the tariff law went into effect , if you were a manufacturer of Pants and had all the facilities to make them at the lowest possible cost in the face of all this we claim we will sell you Pants for less money than the mill owner could produce the cloth and for less money than the labor would cost the pants manufacturer , let alone cost of material. Nobody looses on these Pants but the man who sold them. The mill owner was paid the price for his cloth , union labor was paid the union scale of wages for making them. The firm who made them needed money. We bought them at a price and are going to sell them at such a price that the hoys who now run the streets will relate it to their Children , We Offer in this Sale 2.500 pairs of all wool elegant made Pants that never sold for less than $2.50 pair , for $1.25 per pair. r 1,500 pairs of Pants that are worth $2.75 and $3.00 q pair , for $1,75. 1,000 pairs of Pants , worth $3.00 to $4,00 per pair , will be sold for $1.95. Look at 16th street window , Merchants and peddlers are barred on this sale * HAYDEN BROS. A SUIT Will cost you but $20 during our 20 per cent Reduc tion Sale , Is that worth saving ? Your suit will re ceive the same careful workmanship the same excel lent trimming and fitting as though you had paid the regular price , $25,00. Don't fall into the error of thinking that this 20 per cent eduction is on a certain line of woolens only stickers , per haps. On the contrary it applies to every yard of cloth in our store. You can have a suit made to your order for as little a * Si 5 this week , from $20 to $22 woolens. / You can order a pair of'$6 , $6.50 and $7 Trousers for $5 , Better sse the lines. Don't look shabby when you can dress well at a nomg | ! nal cost , 209 and 211 So. 16th St. Karbaoh P'