Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    * * "
Tr asure-Ladon Minors Return with Stories
of Very Rich Btrikcs ,
Prrinniicnc- tlio KlnmllUc
rielil-IXIinntc of the AVIn-
tcr'H Output of
SEATTLE , Jon , 18. The news brought by
Iho treasure laden miners who liavo arrived
from itio Klondike on the steamer Corona
la Important chiefly In that U Is confirmatory
of the discovery of the great mother lode ,
Welch , Collln and Hurt are authority for the
( statement that tbo original strike was made
at the upper end of claim No. 30 , Eldorado ,
while two stringers , ono at No. 27 and an
other yet lower down , were subsequently
located , Throughout the district the dis
covery Is accepted as assurance of the vor-
mancncy of the district as a rich gold mining
flol.l. An to the placer diggings , they ceo-
tlnuo rich. Powder creek , an affluent of
Quartz creek , has been having a boom , pans
of $3.75 and $4 being a common thing. Of
counia the stream was located as soon as
the first Important discovery was made. All
Hold creek shows pans of $10 to $100 , whllo
the miners on Hunker eccclt , Henderson ,
Dominion , the big Salmon and the Stewart
alt declare themselves satisfied with the oros-
t > cct. Ono of the first men to strike ground
on the Eldorado acid the very last man out
of the Klondike country Is Atidrcw Olscn ,
better known as "The Hlg Swede. " Ho Is
notable as being the owner of the claim on
which the biggest Klondike- nugget has yet
been found. The lump of gold was valued
at $ CSC ,
In answer to a request for an estimate
of the winter's gold dust output of the camp ,
Jou Campbell , coo of the returning miner. ? ,
Bald : "Wo have done a great deal of figuring
on that and It now appears that the output ,
notwithstanding the scarcity of food and
light , will bo from $12,000,000 to $15.000,000. "
Dr. II. II. Llttlcflcld of Skugway came In
cwi the Corona. Ho has Just closed a con
tract with the Canadian government to pack
provisions to Lake. Dennett ftr 25 cents a
L , L. G rady , formerly a banker of Fair
fax , Minn. , paid $000 for the irlvllcgo of
walking from Dawson behind a brisk dog
team. Muret Andersen , an elderly gentle
man of St. Louis , made the trip after much
the cauio fashion.
AVho c ; i ivery Wlii < o
A I m n.
CHAMDERLAIN , S. O. , Jan. 18. ( ? iieclal. )
It lias been ascertained that there ore a
few Individuals living on the Slsseton reser
vation who make a practice during the win
ter season of going upon hogging expedi
tions. much to the Injury of the entire state.
They make regular trliis with teams and
wagons into the southern part of the state
and also Into adjacent portions of North Da-
Icota and Minnesota. They tell n pitiful
story of want and destitution on the reserva
tion and ask Tor contributions of clothing ,
bedding , provisions or anything of value toil
they can get. Some of these professional
beggars are wcll-to-ilo , having comfortable
buildings , small herds of cattle and Verses
and are well able to take care of themselves.
It Is related that ono enterprising vagabond
hired a man to go along and drive the team
for him , iind whenever a stop was made the
driver would bo left sitting In the wagon
whllo the other would go in and tell his
story , saying the man In the wagon was In
destitute circumstances , had a largo family
to support , with nothing in the house for
them to oat or wear , etc. On a recent oc
casion a farmer , at whoso place they stopped ,
wont out and Interviewed the drlvcf , who
was , of course , amazed to learn that ho was
the ono In whoso behalf the appeal had been
made. The Impostors are old-timers on the
reservation , and there Is no doubt that they
have been doing a thriving begging business
for many years.
I'liylii * ; Ui | on School T.ntiils.
PIERRE , S. D , , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) The
farmers of the fcouthcastorn portion of the
state uro continuing their payment for school
lands and securing their patents , notwIUi-
eViandliiB the fact that all who do so are
compelled under the statute to pay a full
Star's Interest Inhdvanco for that privilege.
During the latter pnrt of the old jear '
number came In , and so far in January
twenty-five more have called for their pat
ents. These for this mon' ' h are distributed
In the following counties : Turner , eight ;
'Ilutchlnson ' , seven ; Yankton , lx ; Moody ,
four ; Don Ilonimo four and Clay one. This
would. . InlloHo that 'ilio ' farmers of that por-
'tlon of the Rtato nro getting In good shape
financially , when they prefer to pay advance
Interest and secure title , rather than carry
loans In the state school fund at 6 per cent
per Lin nil in. If they were not In possession
of the cash to make the payments without
borrowing they could liurdly afford to take
I a step.
\o\v Mining Coin tin II-
HURON , S. D. . Jan. IS , ( Special. )
The Cleopatra Gold Mining company has been
organized hero with J. M , Lawson ot Aber
deen , president ; Frank McLaughlln of Deadwood -
wood , vice president ; It. B. Hughes of this
city , secretary and treasurer. The capital
Block U $100,000 , of which ono-fourth has
been paid In. The property of the company
Includes the Cleopatra group of mints , re
cently purchased by the company , and which
uro suld to bo very valuable. The company
lias ample funds to carry on the work of de
veloping the mines , commenced BOIHO tlmo
eliicc , and Mr. Hughes has been selected to
take personal charge of the work. Ho will
KO to Dead wood as eoon as relieved from the
imrvevor ucncral's olllco hcio.
Wnldiii ; for Krci > lloiucxlrnil HIM.
CHAMDERLAIN , S. D. , Jan. IS. ( Special. )
Tim expectation that congress will this
session pass the free homestead bill has
caused u marked decrease In the number of
oilglnal homestead entries at some ot the
South Dakota land offices. Intending settlers ,
notably those desiring homesteads In the
ceded portions of the Sioux and Yankton
reservations , are awaiting the action of con-
Kicss before tendering their filings , aa the
giacsago ot the free homestead bill would ro-
oiilt In a saving to each Intending homo-
eteadcr ot fiovural hundred dolllars ,
\ < iv . .South Diilcutn UoriMirntlniin.
PIEIUIE , S , D. , Jan , 18. ( Special. ) Aril-
clra of Incorporation 1m o been filed for the
Cleopatra Gold Mining company , with head-
.quarters at Dcudwood , and a capital stock of
$100,000 ; Incorporators , R , I ) , Hughes , John
A. Sauer , David W. Smith. Huron ; J. S.
LnuHon , Aberdeen ; II , R , Ilartlett , Groton.
( For the St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran
church at Spencer , trustees , John Klime ,
Carl W. Llndekuglo and Emll I toll I He.
The First State bank of Wllmot has In
creased I la owltal stock from $5,000 to
$7,000. ,
Illil Knrcnvll < To
HURON , S. D. , Jan. IS. ( Special. )
Sunday morning Rev , John R , Jones closed
liU pastorate with the First Presbyterian
church here , preaching to a largo audience.
Ila coca to loua for a brief stay , then to Loa
! Angeles , Gal. , whcro ho takes charge of a
a'rrsbytcrian. church. In the evening a large
audience gathered In the MetlioJIst church to
liear Dr. C. 1) ) . Clark's farewell sermem , he
liavlng accepted the pastorate ot a Methodist
Episcopal church In Deadwood , to which city
lie- Rill remove with his family In a lew
JleliU of South Dakota Couutlei.
' PIERRI3 , a. D. , Jan. 18. ( Spedal.-/rhe )
'total bonded ) county Indobtcdneia of the
different countlci of tbo etato 1 $2.240,121 ,
Und the tonal flouting debt of tbo counties la
SS3M99 , or a total bonded and floating debt
In the state of $3,132,920 , Tula la scattered
In such a manner tbat U does irot fall very
oo any one county. There are < evou
countlea In the tf ate with not n cent of In
debtedness In any form , whllo olght have
ny bonded Inlcbtodnesa und sixteen no floatIng -
Ing Indebtedness.
ProtiiliitMit Ciinlrni'lDr Killed.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Jan. IS. ( Special Tel
egram ) Edward Goulette. a prominent
Deadwood contractor , was Instanly killed
tlili morning whllo supervising the unloading
of some heavy machinery for the Highland
Chief mine In Spruce gulch. A heavy casting
fell UVMI him. The accident was duo to n
fault In the tackle.
ShlitlnK Cntllr from
PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Par
ties In the northern portion of the state
are reported to bo purchasing young cattle
In the Chicago yarja and shipping them Infer
for range cattle. They are taking this action
on account ot the high local prices for such
class of cattle.
Dmilnooil Mnn riiokrn In Dentil.
DDADWOOD , S. D. , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) FrcJ. Meyers , while eating supper In
a local restaurant last night , got something
stuck In his throat and before relief could be
given him choked to death. He was an. old
resident of the city.
Axkn CcuiKronn for I.niiil in Help In ( he
AVork of Kiliioatlot'i.
SANTA FE , N. M. , Jam 18. ( Special. )
The bill which has been Introduced Into cou-
gicss by Delegate Ferguson to have the
Unitel Sta'tcs grant to New Mexico now ,
without wiiltlng for statehood , the full quota
of land duo for educational purposes , meets
with approvul everywhere In the territory.
It Is apparent from Interviews with these
representative Now Mexicans that the popu
lar enthusiasm 'In support of this measure Is
far greater than oven the prospect of early
iD-ImlwIon to full statehood could pceslbly
arouec , under too circumstances us they ex
ist at this time ; for whllo there Is much more
opposition toJay i hrougbaut the territory to
statehood than there was two years ago ,
there la practically unanimous sentiment in
favor of this lanl concession act. It Is
deemed wee ! , timely , expedient and Just. TOo
Idea of asking congress to grant Hils extraor
dinary relief was suggested by the fact , so
forcibly brought to public attention by re
cent Washington dlarotchcfl , that 'itoero ' Is no
hope for New Mexico's admission at once.
Accordingly , Delegate Fergusn has had re
course to the next best endeavor under tuo
circumstanced and asks now that all ot Hie
public land which wouli , as la the cuolom
and the law , bo donated ' : o the Hate of .Now
Mexico when admitted , for the support of
the various public educational Institut'ora ' ,
bo given to the territory immediately , tie
(7jme to bo 'In lieu of any donation of land
hereafter when Ibo territory becomes a
In making this demand Delegate Fergu
son mceU the eastern contingent lu congrcea
opposing New Mexico's admission upon Ita
own plan ot contention. Notwithstanding
Illiteracy in Now Mexico has been reduced
from 44.45 per cent < in 1890 to 21 per cent In
1S97 and 'ihat ' this territory , always ma
ligned , despised anJi misrepresented by the
c-astern press , now ranks above. Kentucky ,
Tennesroe , Alabama , Florida und several
other states hi popular education , t.ieso east
ern opponents of western progress persist
ently declare that the people of Now 'Mexico '
are too Ignorant to become full fledged
American citizens. Hut by Mils new demand
upon congrcs'i ( Mr. Ferguson responds in ef
fect : Grant it. Then lielp us out of our
dilemma ; all i'a in our work of educating
the youth of New Mexico ; give us this rea
sonable aissurauco that some day wo may bo
regarded as fit for the responsibilities of
state government. And to quote the dole-
gato'a own words : "Wo ftavo been kept out
of the union for nearly fifty years because
they siy wo are Ignorant. Then wihy not
give us the means of educating ourselves ,
especially as wo ask only our own public land
for that purpose ? "
A etrong consideration in > favor of the
measure In the fact that through the opera
tions of Mao United States court of private
land claims thousands of acres of choice ag
ricultural lands have been thrown .pen to
public entry , and tlio passage of th/s bill
now would enable the territory to select
good land , whereas , If this despicable policy
ot the last fifty years Is continued by eon-
grors , then the public land cf iho territory
will bo otlll further culled over by sottlonj ,
the government will get the money there
for and New 'Mexico's ' schools will get noth
ing , and when the territory Is finuJly ad
mitted as a etato her quo'a of public land
for schools and public Institutions will con
sist only of tno arid and worthless tracts.
I'uclilomv HIH u JU-nIrr.
PUERLO , Colo. , Jan. 18. ( Special. )
Pueblo Is considerably agitated Juat at pres
ent ovrr the reported cures that have lx on
accomplished within the lost weak by o man
named M. J. Landers. Ills method of pro
cedure Is very largely the same PS that em
ployed by Schlatter when In Denver. Lui-
dcrs Is a farmer and came to Pueblo with
his family about a month ago. The most
( imminent people that he has given attention
are Alderman A. C. Scliafcr and John
Holmes. Mr. Schafer was Injured at a fire
on July 12 List by having his bnckbone dis
located. Since that time up until last
Wednesday ho has been unable to leave bin
bed. Landers came to his ftcuse , treated
him twlco and Mr. Schafer Is now attending
to his business the same as before the ac
Mr. Holmes was for eighteen yearir an
engineer cm the Santo Fo railroad. Four
years ago ho was In a wreck at Florence ,
and since that tlmo has been an invalid.
Illi condition had become so serious that his
family had piactlcally given up all hopes
of recovery , and he was recently told by a
physician that ho would not live to exceed
thirty days. Landers lias glv i him five
treatments by merely laying his hands urion
the affected portions of his body , and Holmes
Is now In as good a condition , as a man of '
his ycxira could bo expected to be. I
Landers Is decidedly reticent , charces
nothing for his services , and very seriously
objects to having hia name appear In print
In ominnnHnnvlHl nnv flf Mm nllTPH lift Is
credited with. Ho does not claim to have
dlvlno power , and. In fact , refuses to say
whcro his e'ower comes from. Ho Is an
ordinary looking man , quite tall , wears a
full beard , has Iron-gray liair , and Is In
tbo neighborhood of 60 years of age. His
wlfo IB with him In Pueblo ,
You can't make a new arm with Salvation
Oil , but > ou can cure the bruises -wltti It. 25c.
PcrnnlniiN 1. 1 nil InV >
Ranchman Keiilon of Dale Creek canyon
was a Cheyenne visitor last week , says the
Chcyenno Sun-Leader , and In conversation
gave some Interesting facts la connection
with the famoua mountain lion of that sec
tion which has been bothering ranchmen at
intervals for the last five yfa.iv. The wary
creature seems' possessed cf the caution of a
human being , and uses the best of Judgment
In selecting the hours for depredation and
apparently has Instincts that foretell danger
In the presence , a half-mile away , of an en
raged ranchman with a mighty rifle Thollon
of Dale Creek can ) on has feasted on many an
unsuspecting calf , has pulled down colts and
has been seen by terrorized housewives not
further than 100 yards from the ranch house.
The afore-mentioned Instinct of thla human-
acting beast seems to confidently assure him
when the women talks or children of a
household are nlono. iMr. Kenlon says he
has frequently seen the lion when ho was
repairing his fence , and says other ranch
men have been within twenty-five yards ot
the beast. It Is supposed that n lioness com
panion i eposes In some cavern In the can
yon , as the animals are known to go | u paira.
During the recent storm tracks of the lion
were observed In close proximity to the ranch
fold Wrnllivr I" Idaho ,
SALT LAME CITY , Jan. 18. ( Special. )
Information from ( Market Lake , Idaho , Is to
the effect that the weather has been between
20 and " 2 degrees below zero between Pocatello -
tello and that point during tbo ntlro week.
As a result ot this great preparations are
being made alt along the Snake river be
tween Idaho Falls and Market Lake toward
putting up a vast quantity ot Ico. Contracts
have .tioen lot to gather 75,000 tons , moat of
which will be shipped to Salt ( Lake ,
Great Enterprise Which the Gorornmsnt is
Asked to Encourage.
( irrnt llcncrrolrn fii lie Hull !
In the \Vcit Drlnlli of Ilio NyntrniH
' ( ilvrn In nil Olllclnl llrinrl _
DENVnn , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) Perhi > s the
greatest Irrigation schcmo yet suggested Is
that described In the last report of Captain
Hiram ClilUciiJeti of the Cccps of En
gineers , U. S. A. , who v > as detailed under
authority of congress to make aci Investiga
tion of the western Irrigation and reservoir
nuciHlon. Ho spent many months In Wyo-
Ing and Colorado and the result of his labors
appeared In the report submitted to the sec
retary of war a few weeks ago. He ex
amined five Bjstems , three In Wyoming and
two In Colorado. Ho gives thcso details :
"Laramlo slto , near the town of Laramle ,
Wyo. , for storing the waters of the Larumle
and Little Laramlo rivers and possibly of
the North Platte and other streams. Avail
able supply from the two Liramlcs , 40,000
aero feet ; estimated cost for storing -waters
from the two Laramtes , $416,254,14 ; cost per
aero foot , $70.05 ; water now needed ; cost
of bringing North Platte Into basin , ios-
slbly as much as $1,000.000 ; supply would
add 323,000 aero feet to storage of reser
voirs a d reduce the coat per acre foot to
"Sweetwater Slto Capacity , 32C.9G5 aero
feet ; cost , $270,484.80 ; cost per acre foot. So
coiita ; storage not yet urgently needed ; prob-
oblo annual storage , when the stream Is
fully utilized , will bo 1.000,000 aero feet ;
cost per aero foot on this l > isls , $2.76.
"Tho Piny creek system conslats of three
sites : Cloud Peak slto. near the source of
the stream , edacity , O.SOO aero feet ; cca' ,
$31,018 ; cost per aero foot , $ J.5G. Piny site ,
capacity , 11,010 acreo feet ; cost , $70,346 ; cost
per aero foot , $6.37. Lake Desmet site , ca
pacity , 07,678 aero feet ; cost , $113,300 ; cost
nor aero foot , $1.07.
"In case the national government should
undertake the work of reservoir construction
lu the wi\3t , " he says , "the Piny system
would bo recommended for first considera
tion In Wyoming. The water Is now urgently
needed o id construction should proceed In
the following order : Piny site drst , Cloud
Peak second and Mko Ucsmet last. Thp
work should cover three years , and the first
appropriation should be $100.000. " Of the
two sites examined In Colorado , the report
says :
"Tho South Platte In Colorado , capacity
11,320 acre feet , cost ? 340,000 ; cost per acr3
foot , $13.07. This site should reoolvo first
consideration of the two examined In Cole
rado. The water Is urgently needed. Con
struction should take three years , and the
first appropriation should be $200,000.
"Tho Lowland slto , for storlUR witors
from the Ills Thompson and Cache La Pou-
dro rivers , capacity 4H.7I1 aero feet ; cost
$202,106.34 ; cost per aero foot , 35.73 ; storage
now needed. Complications with existing
water rights render the project for govern
ment construction ono of doubtful advisa
bility. "
This covers the sites recommended by
Captain Chlttendcn , and inasmuch as an ap
peal will bo made to congress by the rep
resentatives from the two states to proceed
on the lines laid down In the report , a fur
ther reference to the findings of the captain
will ba useful.
"While It Is , perhaps , physically prac
ticable to build reservoirs of sufficient ag
gregate : capacity on the watershed of any
stream , even so largo a stream as the Mis
sissippi , as to exercise some Inlluenco In
diminishing the height of floods , " he says ,
"tho great cost of such works as compared
with the results to bo expected from them
will always piohlblt their construction , un
less It is called for by othpr and more direct
causes. A general system of reservoirs In
the arid regions sufficient to contain the
I flow of the streams over what Is possible
to draw from them dlicctly In Irrigation
would , It Is believed , cause some reduction
In the flood height of the Missouri river dur
ing the Juno rise. The amount of this re
duction would , of course , depend upon the
distance of the section of river considered
from the point of storage , and would dimin
ish rapidly with nn increase of this dis
"Reservoir construction In the arid re
gions of the west Is an Indispensable condi
tion to the highest development of the auc
tion. It can bo carried out only through
public agencies. Private enterprise can
never accomplish the work successfully. As
between state and nation. It falls more prop
erly under the domain of the latter. Reser
voir construction by the general government
need not In any way Involve government
control of Irrigation works. Thece nhoulcl bo
left In the hands of the states and of private
Individuals under state laws. The govern
ment should acquire full title and jurisdic
tion to any site which it might Improve , and
full right to the < ater necessary to fill the
reservoir. It should bluld , own , maintain ,
and operate the works Itself , It should hold
the fitored waters absolutely free to public
use under the local regulations , subject only
to the right to close the reservoir whenever
flood protection or other emergency ehould
"Tho total extent of a reservoir system In
the arid regions which shall render availa
ble the entire flow of the streams will not
exceed 1,161.0 billion cubic feet. If the con
struction of Much a system were to consume
a century In time It would represent an an
nual storage of about 11.6 billion cubic feet ,
or 260,800 acre feet. At $5.37 per aero foot
this would cost $1,432,710 per annum. This
amount , distributed among the seventeen
elates and territories of the arid section ,
give an average annual expenditure In
each of $81,277. The annual value of the
stored water would return the original coat
and maintenance In an average period of
three years. "
Thu demand for government Irrigation
works will be backed by the senator cad
congressmen from almost every stateami
territory west of the Mif&ourl river as the
only possible solution of the Irrigation
problem. In the meantime private enterprise
Is not lagging and the work of reservoir con-
6-tructlcn - Is going on all over the arid region.
About the greatest work of the kind Is that
undertaken by the Lake Bonnevllle Water
and Power company ? In t'thh , for which a
contract has Just been alRB-cJ between the
company and the stiSlet ' Uy this contract n
quarter of a million jicrt of land arc segre
gated for Irrigation by the company , which ,
In turn , undertakes ) thy construction of a
plant which will cost "upwvird of $3,000,000.
It will Include throorcat reservoirs and 720
miles of laterals nai canals. Kor ocvontcen
miles through the Sovfer canyon the main
canal will have to be'blftted out. For .labor
alone $2,600,000 will bo" expended within the
next two years. Work will bo beguo In Foo-
ruary on the project. The lonils to be Irri
gated are fertile table lands In Sovler acid
Mllard ! counties , but too high for Irriga
tion by any Inexpensive method. The ilkv
tanco from the last reservoir to the first
l.ind to be Irrigated U fourteen mllcu It I *
expected that 2,500 moo will be employed on
the worka and they will be completed by the
end of 1S99. U will be the Inrgwt Irrlgatlra
ajstoui In tlio world. The reservoir eltcs
which have been- approved by the secretary
of the Interior occttpy nearly thlrty-flve miles
of the river and valley and have an area of
more than thirty aquare miles. They 1mo
i storage capacity of 700,000 ncrc feet or
about 26,000,000,000 cubic feet , The two
cunala leading from the reservoirs will bu
thirty feet wide at the bottom , fifty feet
wide at the top end ton feet deep and each
cno will carry moro water than any river In
In Colorado the greatest Irrigation enter
prise now under wiy Is that of the Great
Plains Storage company In Otero , Ilent and
Prowers counties. This compnny , which Is
backed by Mr. Searles. the sugar Wan , has
a large force of men at work doubling the
capacity of the Fort Lyon canal , which
takes Its water from the Arkansas river
near La Junta. The ditch Is being widened
to sixty feet on the bottom. This will make
nn enormous waterway nnd one capable ot
taking the whole How ot the river at ordi
nary times. When completed this will bo ouo
of the greatest Irrigation schemes ever pro
jected , having reservoirs with a surface of
13,000 acres.
Jclm V. Farwcll of Chicago Is at .the . hold
of a big Irrigation company that has Just
proposed a large undertaking to the secre
tary of the Interior. This is the Montezmr.a
Canal company. The company proposes to
build the necessary dltclic. ? , dams and res
ervolrs to irrlgato the southern. Ute reser
vatlou at Iqnaclo In this state. The com
pany will charge $150,000 for the work of
piopartng to Irrigate 10.000 acres and $10 -
000 a year afterward for maintenance. It
will require a reservoir covering fifteen
acres to Irrigate tea times as much of the
In San Juan county , New Mexico , the
Anlmas Klvcr L/iml and Irrigation company
will build two canals , one to be eighteen
and the other twenty-two miles long. Moro
than 94,000 acres of land wll bo Irrigated.
In Delta , county , Colorado , a ditch ia being
built to Irrigate 'tho ' lands of the North
Fork country. It will bo twonty-ono miles
! ony. In Mesa county the Plateau Grand
canal Is to bo constructed. It will be a high-
line canal , forty miles loug , to water the
lower Grand valley.1
In Wyoming 'tho Wyoming Development
company la adding' ' to Its system near
\Ylieatlaml. Its present system comprises
three canals puinclent for 60,000 acres. No 1
Is thirty miles Ion ? twenty-five feet wide
on the bottom and four fet > t deep lit the
hcadirate. No. 2 is twenty-live miles In
length , twenty foot wide at the bottom a-id
three and a half Yeet at the bcwdgato.
Canal No , 3 Is twdlve miles In length and
fifteen feet wide on the bottom acd cnrrhs
300 cubic feet of water a second. In rein
forcement to the gydtcnVate two huge resor-
vein now under construction , one of which
has an. actual n-Uer shore line of eight
miles ami the otheran tirei ot SOO acres and
ar > average water depth of thirty-five feet.
This latter reservoir w'lll add 23,000 acres to
the irrigable area arid will be ready for eer-
vlc.e this year. .
In the Big Horn , basin \V. F. Cody Is In-
csted In n system now' under way with
something like twenty miles of main canal
already completed.
. .Tiiiluini-iit Iimt lloiKliiiion.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . Jan. IS. ( Special. ) In-
the- United States court today Judgment WEB
taken1 against the bondsmen of ex-Pcstmas-
ter George A. Draper for $5,118.63. the
amount of his shortaze whllo postmaster at
this city. Theliondsmen , eight business
men ot thl. ? city and Hawllns made no con
tent to the suit and will piy the Judgment.
It Is easy to catch a colrt nnd just as easy
to get rid of It if you commence early to
us3 One Mlnuto Cough Cure. It cuics
coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and all
throat and lung troubles. It Is pleasant to
take , eafo to use anfl sure to cute.
The directors of the Montana state library
apont $1,412.CO for now books last year and
121 volumes were received by exchange or
Valley county authorities have determined
upon putting an end to stock stealing In
that part of the state and a special stock
detective has been appointed.
The Indiscriminate slaughter of elk by
half breeds Is reported In the north fork
of the Sun River country. Six carcasses were
' recently seen at' Ilahnor postofllcc.
The iladiaon' County Columbian associa
tion , the membership of which consist" ) of
women only , held a meeting at Virginia City
The association decided to replace the gold
plate , which -was stolen at the World's fair
and on which was engraved biicily the story
of Alder gulch , the amount of gold taken
therefrom and other historic data.
The report of the State Hoard of Dental
'Examiners ' shows that there are 122 teeth
artists In the state having registered certi
ficates. The total expenditures for the year
wcro $152.23. The receipts from fees and
dues , $135 , which , in connection with the
talanco on Iiand December 31 , 1S9G , left
$69.82 in the treasury at the beginning of
the prebPiit year.
Garrett White , son of Many-Whlto-IIoraes ,
and Mrs. Mlnnlo Cusbman , a teacher , drove
In from the Fort Shaw Indian school with
the evident Intention of getting married ,
says the GreaJ. Falls Leader. Mrs. Cush-
man Is a comely widow of 26 and has a
young clilld. The license was not Issued ,
It Is understood , because the necessary
formal Information wae not forthcoming. Q. Hartman of Miles City has made
his final report aa receiver of the defunct
Stock Growers' National bank , covering his
stewardship since 1S93. The report ahows
that assota of the nqmlnal value of $39-
653.D7 were turnnd over to him and their
actual value can ba Inferred from the fact
that only $108.95 wan'realized on them In
cash. The bank has paid 05 cents ou the
dollar to date. C '
/ / /
Do not confute "Cola this" and ' 'Kola that1 !
with Dr. Charon's Kola Nervine Tablets.
The Mighty Black Men
of Western Tropical Africa grand
specimens of physical development-
depend for vigor and energy upon
the nerve and muscle-building qual
ities of the Kola ( guru ) nut. By its
use they are enabled to withstand the Kom Nut.
fatigue of killing marches and to perform feats of strength
impossible with those not using the nut. Thousands of
men and women in this city owe their energy to the pre
cious qualities extracted from this noble nut combined in
DR. CH ARGOT'S Kola Nervine Tablets. These tablets ,
made ( from the FRESH KOLA NUTS ) upon the pre
scription of Dr. Jean Martin Charcot , the greatest doctor
the world has ever known , absolutely banish sleeplessness .
nD . r-HAiirnr. *
and nervous troubles.
Write for PItOOFS of CURES ,
5oc and ? la package. Get them
of your druggist or if he cannot
supply you , send money and
druggist's name and we will send
you The genuine tablets.
. Eureka Chemical and Manufacturing ; Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
Cold Cure curw colil' In the b d , colJs on lh
lungi , olJcvM' , new cominnd obstlnMo routs , anil
all lurini of Ktip. Btor-j fnfttlnc , ilKcbareos from
tlio no o ami ejres , provenu catarrh , illi > Wlicrla ,
jincum mlaand all tfiroatamt lung trouble * . The o
jilCA < ant llttlo pcllctaaro ittxolulrly linrinlr * , liaxo
KKVtd ihouiandi of llvoq anil prcvcntcvl much pick-
ness. Tlio Munyon Ite-ntHly Company rrcpnro n
gcpnrnto euro Tor each dhcito. .M nil rtrnrul'ti
2J cents n > laU ! f you ticcJ tnMlcal mUlcowrlto
ITof. Munj-on.lSiMArcli Street , riillatlclpbla , U Is
absolutely frpo. ,
Searles & Searles
niinriinloo Jo i-lire niippillly nikil rnill-
ciilly nil XnilVOUS , ClinoMO AMI
Pill VATIC illm-iiMPii ul .M ( u mill it union
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy-
droccle , Vcrlcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph
ilis , Stricture , Piles , Fistula and Uuctul
Ulcers , Diabetes. Hrlght's Dlse.iso cured ,
Consultation Free-
and home rod at
by new method without pain or cutting.
Gallon or address with stamp. Treatment
by mnll.
Are Old
In tha treatment of till
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases
and nil WRAKNfiSS
Catarrh , ull IJljcntes of Hie Nore , Throat.
Chest. MomaUi , Uver , lllooil , Skin nml Kidney
UlSPJSCH , Lost Manhood , IlyJioccle , Vcilcoccle ,
Gonorrhea , Gleet Sjphllls , Stricture. Piles , Fit
tula mid ilpctal Ulcers , Ulahctes. lirlKhfa Uls
case cured. Call on or ndjrcss with ttamp lei
Free Hook anil New Methods.
Treat in flit liy mall , coiiniiltnUmi free.
Omalia Medical and Surgicil Institute
1C03 Dodge St. , Omnh i Neb.
Purely vegetable , mtld , ana reliable. Cntisi
ur/ect Digestion , complete absorption , and
health ) ' regularity. Tor the euro of nil disorders
of the Stomach , Liver , Uonrls , Kidneys , Uladder ,
llervous Diseases ,
Toui'iu i.ivmt ,
OLcervo the follov/Ini ; sj niptoms resulting from
Diseases of the Digestive Orsass : Constipation ,
Inwnid piles , fullness of blood In the head , acid
ity of the stomach , nausea , heartburn , disgust of
food , fullness ofclght In stomach. Hour
eructations , sinking or fluttering of the henit ,
choking or suffocating sensation * when In a bliii ;
posture , dimness of vision , dots or web * before
the night , fever nnd dull pain In the- head , defi
ciency of perspiration , yellowness ot tha fUn nnd
eyes , pain In the side , chest or llmha nnd euddcn
flushes of heat , liurnlnt ; In the Hesh.
A few doses of IIADWAY'S PILLS Hill free the
system of all the above named disorders.
Price , 25 cents per box. Soldi by all druggists ,
or sent by mall.
Send to DJl. IIADWAY fc CO. , Loci : Uox 305 ,
New Ycrlt. for book of ailvlce >
on face and hands produce the snmo ro.
siilta as an nxo on the bnrk of a tree. Cutl-
clo Is your bark. Uncaml for , It Is worse
ban the proverbial blto. And as It mould
jo uncomfortable to guard face and hands
iy n ( substantial enclosure use
Rose and
Cucumber Jelly
That is bettor than a sheltering fence. It's
heaper , not In the way , softens , soothes the
happed Ellin , removes icdnesH and rough-
loss , eradicates wrinkles , destroys blaclt-
heads , Is not sticky. More , It tight ? the
vlnd and cold of winter , it In the best ar
mor against the breath \it frost. By Its
eel , refreshing touch It prevents sore ,
racked fkln. It heals nil pans exposed to
ho chilling blasts it out doors.
ij ! cents largo bottle und sold wherever
vlnds blow.
Your name to us free samnlo to you.
Detroit , MlulilBnii.
For sale by
Boston Store Dru * Dept ,
f ( r t ( n
Xmprovttntnts ,
Jind all : : : : : : :
fiigb Grade
Ctot Value tOrltlng ( Machine.
* "Cite Smith premier CyptwHtcr Co. ,
Syracuv , N. 7U , 8.71 ,
Iranch Ofllce : 17fh and Firnam Sts. , Omaha.
For Tan and
Freckle * .
A chance to secure a valuable
addition to your library at very
small expense
Prepared in anticipation pf
Centennial demonstrations
occur throughout Ireland
ing next year. This work
be welcomed by all who corw
template a visit to the Emejcalq
Isle during 1898 , and by touj
ists who have visited the isj tljgi
or who anticipate a journey f $
its beautiful and picturesque
sections. To those who a.r1 |
familiar with the scenes etj ?
braced in this splendid Serfe $
of photographs the views will
possess particular interest.
The descriptive sketches ac
companying these views were
prepared by . *
m 0"t < ? B nu u EI a
These illustrations are not con
fined to any one locality in Ire
land , but include every section
of the Emerald Isle from EJf"
ford to Bantry and from
Dublin to Oalway.
The Round Towers , Vine Cov
ered Abbeys , Crumbling Mon
asteries , Shrines , Churches and
Cemeteries , the Battle Fields
and Eviction Scenes are all
faithfully portrayed in this great
word. . . . . y o
Bring 10 cents to The Bee of
fice , either in Omaha or Coun
cil Bluffs
Mailed to any address on receipt
of 10 cents in coin.
' ' * "
T ytjrjupiL'