CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST , , , FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.MMt MHXTIOX. Cooper , Fire Ins. , 6 Peirl , 11. 372. J , J , Lukcn ot Chicago is In the cltjr. E. P. Oaylord of Crcston is In the city. H. II. Fleming of St. Joseph Is In the city on business. George Willing of Ilrokcn now , Xcb. , Is a Council Hinds visitor. The place where satisfaction Is always as sured Illuff city Laundry. 13. n , Jennings of Shenandoah came down on a business trip yesterday. Horace I > . Splcc of DCS Marines was In the city yesterday and will remain over today. United States Marshal Bradley IB In DCS Jlolncs on business connected with hla ( Sol Bloom returned to Deadwood , S. I ) . , yesterday after A visit with John T. Stewart. A pleasant social was enjoyed yesterday oftcmoon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Hart on Pork avenue. I.oulg Hlrsch and Cecelia Christiansen , lioth of Omaha , were married by Justice Terrier yesterday. Everett Waddell Is reported to bo very 111 with typhoid fever. He Is at the homo of Ills grandmother. Mrs. Horace E\orclt. The Jolly forty will be entertained on Friday evening by Mrs. Farcsworth and MM. George Brown at the homo of the former. The women of the First Presbyterian church will give a frco social In the parlors ot Iho church this afternoon from a to C o'clock. Wo give attention to llttlo things In laun dry work. You get all Hint Is best In fine work and good service at the Eagle laundry , 721 Hwny. Letter Carrier C. J. Roth hca been' ' promoted meted from the third to the second c'ass. The promotion Increases his salary from ? ( iOO to $850 per year , M. II. Oass , superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' homo at Davenport , Is In thu city. Ho la the guest of Superintendent Rothcrt of the Iowa School for the Deaf. Brandt Crocker , the well known letter car- rlcr , who has been ijulto sick for the last week has taken his route again , although hla iccovcry la not yet considered complete. John S. Wright Is In the city , the gurot ot W. L. Douglass. Mr. Wright la Just com pleting a ycar'o trip around the world nnd Is now on his way to his homo In Rochester , N. Y. Mrs. F. II. Flnnoy and daughter leave this week for an extended trip through the south ern states. They will bo absent some time and expect to bo greatly bcncfittcd In health by the trip. The regular meeting of Augusta Grove will bo hold tomorrow evening for the pur pose of Installing the newly elected onicern oiul Initiation ot new members. Supper will bo served during the evening. The attention ot the sidewalk Inspector was called yesterday to n dangerous place In the walk leading from the High school. It was found to bo a trap that would make a broken leg certain If a child should step Into It. Nuws has been received here of the death nt Denver of B , A. Burkhart. He was for merly awell , known resident of this city , and held numerous offices. Part of the time ho was city marshal. He will be burled In Denver today. The Durfeo Furnltura company will com mence today another one of the pcyular nnd profitable 20 per cent ellssaunt sales which will last during the remainder of the month. Every article In the big establishment will go at this great discount. There aio fifty of the merchants In the city who have undertaken to push the Coun cil Bluffs exposition buttons for the purpose of providing funds to build the big wigwam on the exposition grounds. One of the hand some buttons In. the lapel of a man's coat Is a badge of honor and'an Indication of enter prise. Peryl M. Kef.t and Miss Lucy A. Bird , both of Oakland , la , , were married yesterday af ternoon by Rev. J. W. Wilson , of the First Congregational church. The ceremony was performed at the rcs'dcnce ot Henry Newton , 308 Stutsman street , In the presence of a few friends. Mlas Nora Brown , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown , was vote.l at the Catholic fair as the meat popular young woman. The prize Is n handsome Jeweled manicure set nnd Miss Brown Is receiving the congratu lations ot her meoy friends on account of her splendid majority over all other contes tants. The set netted the ladlca ot the fair $283. $283.Tho The revival meeting which was started Monday evening at Edgcwood Union church on the Shugart farm , live miles east of this city Is progressing finely. The church has been filled to overflowing each evening , nnd finite a number of people from this city are Interested , Including the pastors of the various churches. The sluglng Is under the direction of W. I. Wilson of this city. Miss Ella Joseph , who has been visiting relatives In Omaha and Council Bluffs for the past week , left last Monday evening for North Carolina , where she will engage as a missionary among the mountain whites. Miss Joseph has been employed In the city schoolu of Denver , Colo. , for the past flvo years , but resigned last Decem ber to take up the work In the mission school for homeless glrln at Barnard. N. C. C. B. Vlavl Co. . female remedy : consulta tion free Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merrlam block. N , Y. Plumbing compinr. Tel. 250. When wo ndvcntlso cut prices wo mean it. Mctcalf Bros. Dancing party at Chambers' academy Thursday evening. January 20 , by the St. Agnes guild. Tickets on sale at Stark & Crisp's. IiiiII < 'N' I'll < lit I.oil I her SliocN , $2.r > 0. I hava ai lot of nlco $4.00 patent leather Bhocs that I do rot want. You can have them this- week nt J2.GO. SARGENT'S. Mothers should take advantage of our sale and buy their boys' clothing now. Mctcalf liros. Clfiuilni ; Out Curtail IMuiiilrr. During the course of the past twenty- four hours nearly a dozen search warrants have been sworn out by people who have Dost property and had reason to bellevo that it might bo found among the plunder col lected by the Corgans and Engcl. The seekers for lost property wore generally suc cessful In their search , Thu search was also fruitful for other people- who dropped In out of curiosity. Many articles were recognized and claimed by various people. Identification of property taken in n dozen separate thefts was secured , yet only a Email part of the great accumulation of stolen stuff has been Identified , Evidence was secured to show that chickens , hogs nnd cattlu hail been stolen and slaughtered nnd the product sold by the Industrious thieves , The only things about the place where thcro was any doubt about methods ot acquirement were a couple of broken down horses. It Is believed by the police that they were also stolen , but as they are in the possession of the attorney employed to defend the prisoners as security for hla fees no effort will bo made to Investigate ) further. The outfit are comparative strangers in the city , and have only been hero a feu- jnontlw. Within a week after coming hero Kngcl was arrtutcd for stealing a laprobo from the carriage of J. F. Hunt while It was standing In front of the Christian taber nacle. He had no difficulty in escaping con viction. Thuy came hero directly from Glcnwood in a covered wagon and BO fur na can bo learned now have been leading a nomadic Ufa for some time. The woman is young and qulto prepossessing. Bho uajH her homo was in Grand Island , Neb. Children's suits and reefers at reduced prices. Metealf Bros. 'Any ' dealer that advertises Ho eel ) you sheen that other dealers get $1.60 for at $2.25 la a Vumbug. Our $5.00 chocs are $3.98 , $3.00 Ohoed $2.48 , etc. , at Sargent's. Look ( or tbo " Dear. January prices ct Motcalt REPORT SURPRISES ROTIIERT Superintendent of Towa School for the Deaf Inteiviewed , LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE IS MISTAKEN i Too Itrlcf nnd SIIIHT- Ilelnl \Vnrrniit ( lie CliiirKen Muile in tin ; Itrimrt Jnnt .Ma do lit lcn Mottle * . The report ot the legislative committee , made public in Dee 'Metrics yester day , was read with a good deol ot Intcrcol here for the reason that It reflected some what severely upon the management of the Iowa Sch ( jal for the Deaf. The report was n great surprise to the management ot Hie In stitution and the people generally , for the reason licit It was altogether unexpected W'.icn ' the legislative Investigating committee was hern lasi fall It VMS expected that sev eral days would bo consumed In making the examination , and It was Intimated that some of the discharged employes would ask to be given u chance to tell something dcrogator } to the management of Superintendent Roth crt , So far as kno\\n no charges of thla char acter were made and tuo Inquiry came to ar abrupt termination. The committee had left the city almost before It was fairly under- fitood that It was hero. The brevity of the Inquiry und Mio general Impression that pre vailed that the committee had found no rea son to make the anticipated extended Inves tigation led to tno belief that thcro was- nothing to Investlga'.e ' but much to commend , Superintendent Rothcrt was seen last even ing about the chief charge tliat waa made against his management , which wni the purchase of supplies without regard to tilt maikot value of 'ihc ' articles. Ho was at a lose to understand why such a scrloun cliargc should be made , when there was absolute ! } no ground for It. "Everything about the stltutlon Is bought by contract and the con tracts uro all let to M.IClowest responsible bidder , " the superintendent declared. "The spee-lfic charge that the incut furnlbhcd tc the Institution was purchased from a butchct who charged retail prices for wholesale dellv- erica Is altogether wlnout foundation. Foi many years the contract baa been let to J , H. Pace , who uniformly submitted a blel lower tin in any of ills competitors Until this year , when ho founl that prices muot be raised to prevent absolute loss. He raised 'ihcm ' a trlllo too high and lest , toe contract , It was awarded to Letchforl & Graft , whc are furnl&hlng all ot the meats used In the Institution at a price that Is very close , 1 am told , to the nctuul wholesale price at the South Oma.'ia slaughter houses. " Mr. Kd.hert was unable to recall any In stance where ho purchased supplies from other than the regular contractors. There Is a small fund called the contingent fund kepi on hand at the Institution for the purpose of supplying articles not Included In tue con tractors' lists and for fauch other emcrgcncj purposes. This fund 4a small and can onlj bo used for such purpos-ca. ! Mr. Rothert is In clined to believe that there must be some mistake about the matter , and expressed his belief that some other s'ato ' institution was meant to bo censured Instead of his own. In wi.ilch ho has liad such a great personal prldo for so many years. January prices at Metealf Bros. ' Rebecca Degree lodge , No. 3 , will hold n publlo Installation ball and banquet January 24 nt the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows' temple , the first of Its kind ever held in 'Uio ' city. All I'rlces Ciit Mils week at Sargent's. No coupons giver at our January sale. Look for the Bear. These cheviot suits svo sold at $10.00 go at $ C.50. Metealf Bros. Kvi's ' ii"uifA.Vn Tiirnoil Innalnnt VIoluloi-H of ( In * l.n w. The grand Jury returned eleven Indictments last evening after a little over a week's In quiry Into the misdeeds of the persons sub mitted for examination. The most Important of the batch was three against George G. Bell , a commission mer chant , who operated a house on South Main street last summer and victimized a large number of fruit growers. There have been strenuous demands for the prosecution of this men ever since the clo'se of the fruit ship ping last fall , when , the growers began to compare notes and discover that ho had been systematically robbing them by withholding all of the proceeds of the sales ot consign ments of fruit. Half a dozen of Bell's vic tims went before the grand Jury at the No vember term and told their stories , but the evidence necessary to convict was not forth coming. Bell's mcthodtj were neither orig inal uor peculiar. Ho was a now man- , com ing from South Omaha , and attracted atten tion at the start by announcing that he wan hero for the purpose of driving the Grape Growers' Shipping association out of busi ness. When the carjy summer berries began - gan to come Into market he was en active solicitor of the growers for their conolsn- ments , promising them better returns than they could get from the association. It la asserted by the growers that at the begin ning of the season ho actually paid them twlco ad much for their fruit as ho received for Its salo. This was a good bait , sad tha growers who were not raembera of the asso- tlon and many of the members hurried ta him with their fruit. Returns continued to bo made satisfactorily for a while , but grad ually the .price went down until he was- payIng - Ing them about all ho realized from the mar keting of the fruit. Throughout the tore part of the season his returns were uniformly higher than the best that could bo dene by the association's agents. The consequence was that the growers were crazy to deliver their stuff to him , As the season- advanced returns were lews satisfactory and slower , and finally ceased altogether , and at the close of the shipping ho was a great meny carlo-ids ahead ot his customers. Ho pock eted the entire proceeds and made no effort , the growers say , to pay a cent. Two of the Indictments were based , on- these transac tions. In the third ho Is charged with the embezzlement of two carloads ot potatoes shipped- him by Perry & Owens of Aber deen. S. D. The testimony shows that In October ho telegraphed the Aberdeen firm tolling them that the potato market hero was active and the demand great at C5 nnd 70 cents a bushel , which was 30 cents higher than the actual price at that time , Ho In duced them to consign him two carlcads , The evidence shows that ho netted $95 en ono car and $115 om the other and after pocketIng - Ing the- proceeds closed up hU shop and quit business. Ho was arrested last night and lodged In the county Jail. His bond was fixed nt $300 to each case. Ho was unable to give It. Another batch of indictments were found against gamblers. William Rodgera and James Jioouey will bo prosecuted for con ducting a gambling- resort on Middle Broad way. James Mlthcnwas indicted for gamIng - Ing , the charge being that ho was cngagol In playing at the houso. All of the men were placed under arrest last night. Ella Clark , the negress who robbed a man from Missouri of $100 , was Indicted. She. lias been In the county Jail since an hour after the occurrence transpired. Joe Conrad was Indicted for Tabbing1 John Taylor. Ho found Taylor drunk and went through his pockets , Dan Graham was indicted for bigamy. He Is an old soldier who left his wlfo three years ago an-i has been living with another woman and introducing- her as hla wlfo , which constitutes a common law marriage , Ho has been in Jail for several days under $1.000 bonds. \VIIHam Barnes will have to defend the charge of grand larceny preferred by Robert * fanner soar Crescent , from whom 'Barnes stole a lot of hogs and drove them to Hie South Omaha market. The olhei men Indicted have not been arrested. The charge against Lee McMillanwho was accusoJ by young Klnney of being the chlcl actor In the CAttlc stealing that sent ihc latter to the penitentiary for three years , was ignored. The evidence showed thai there was no foundation for the charge. I10A1U ) OP SUIM2UVISOHS JIKI5TS , Weekly Olobc Served Nollpp of Coti- toM In I'rlntliic : Contrnct. The Board of County Supervisors Is hold ing a short adjourned session for the puf- poeo of completing the work ot the regular January cession. The Glebe Publishing com. pany took advantage of the scofilcn to servo a notice upon the members thai It would contest the award of the county printing , which was made at the meeting of the board a few days ago. The notice was accom panied by a number of affidavits annouoclca that the Weekly Globe was the possessor o ! the largest list ot paying nubscrlbem ot any paper printed In the county , and that under the low the paper Is entitled to its share of the public patronage. The prlnt'ng ' In controversy Is the publication of the proceed. Ings of the county board at the regular and special meetings. The law sa > e that the proceedings shall be published In three papcm In each county having a population ol 17,000 end over , and that the compensation chall bo 33VS cents per square for each In sertion. In making the awards of thKi pat ronage the beard has not been following the law for a number of years. Part of the time the patronage has been divided up among four of the county papers two lui thla city and two others printed In the smaller coun try towns. The board had fixed the prlco at 25 cents a square GO as to bring the cost within the limits prescribed by law. At thu last session , held a few elays ago , the patron , age was still further divided up by giving It to five pipers ot 20 cents an Inch. In1 this deal the Globe , which Is the democratic county organ , was Ignored entirely and n German weekly paper printed hero substi tuted. The bexml dlscueecd the- matter of pur chasing supplies for the- paupers of thecounty and made now comparison of the great dls. parity of the cost for wring for the paupers In the country townships and these In the city. The reports show that for the last two or thrco years It has ccat moro to care for the paupers outside ot the city than It should. The records show that three-fourths of the puipers In the entire county received aid from the Council Bluffs overseer and yet it hoa cost the taxpayers more to feed an\l care for the 25 per cent outeldo than It did for the 75 per cent relieved here. The board dis cussed this matter at great length and elc- clded to extend the system that has proven so successful and economical here and make It applicable to the entire county. This re quires merchants to submit bids once each three months and the contract Is awarded to the loweel bidder. Cno merchant In each town will be given the contract hereafter and the competition will reduce the prlco to the lowest limits. Men's suits and overcoats at reduced orlces at Metealf Brcs. ' Tll - I'M > ll ! ( lLMiril anel elo nc/t patronize all so-called salco , but when Sargent advertises a cut prlco sale they know It's business. Look for the Bear. Ilt-nl lChn ( < > Transfers. The following : transfers are reported from the title and loan ofllce of J , W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : C. S. 'Preston ' and husband to Fannie Howard et al , neVl 20-77-3D , q c d $ 1 Portsmouth Savings bank to Victor Jennings , lot In resurvey of O. P. lot 3. , nnd lot 9 In-resurvey of O. P. lot 37 , w d BOC C. S. Preston and husband to F.innle How ell et al. , und 7-9 of grantor's In terest In s % nci , ne'/i no'i and seVi 14 : so'i nwV4. swli 20 ; seVi 19 ; neU 30 , se % nw'4 , n % scVl 30-77-39. q c d 47C E. Jenkins to A. E. O. Jenkins n % nwU 31-74-43 ; u % se'4 21-74-44 ; lots 21 nnd 22 , block 7 , Bayllss 3d add , w db 1 Mary li Pool to Mrs. Slary Ester Pool , lots 7 , S and 9 , Uohror's subdlv of S- 74-43 , w d COC Flvo transfers , total $1,47 : January prices at Metealf Bros. " MOIIU VISITIXR IS BI2SIHED. I own Scliool SiiperliiliMKlciitH fiet A I- vloc from Hiliicntloiinl Dopnrliiiviit. DES MOINES , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) Prof. R. C. Barrett , superintendent of public instruc tion , Jias Issued his first circular , addressed to county superintendents. He urges them to put In moro tlmo visiting the rural schools and not to miss nn opportunity to speak to the school and encourage every pupil. "In all cases deal Justly and frankly with the teachers. In nearly all schools something will appear worthy of commenda tion. Young and Inexperienced teachers will specially appreciate words of praise. Where deserved they should not bo withheld. When convenient 'try and have one or more mem bers of the board accompany you to the school. Urge them to call frequently. A plan already adopted in some counties of sending members of boards blanks to be filled out and returned has proven helpful and is approved. " Superintendent Barrett urges another important duty upon county Bupcrfinfendents and that Is to see to it ( that the outbuildings In connection with oil school houses are kept neat and clean. Thes law requires that suitable provision ot ( Ills character shall bo made and It Is the county superintendent's business to see that the law is enforced. "To display false modesty in this matter , " says Superintendent Bar rett , "will bo recreant and may result In untold Injury to the moral ecnse of the youth of the community. " . The State de partment expects before long to ask the county superintendents for n spjclal roj.ort on thcso points. .StrurU COM. ELDORA , la. , Jan. 18. ( Special Telegram. ) Workmen' ' drilling- for water near Hubbard have Just struck a wonderful gas well , with a flow sufficient to light and heat the town of Hubbard. The escaping gas has a curious odor and people from the entire county are flocking to see the well. IOTVII IliiHliu-KM APTTH. The new elevator at Missouri Valley , with a capacity of 20,000 bushels , lias been opened , A business block was recently sold In Davenport for $11,000 , or nearly $300 a front foot. foot.Tho Waterloo Manufacturing company has voted to increase Its capital stock from $10- 000 to $50,000. Davenport has been asked to vacate a part of street in orJcr to secure the location of an ax factory. During the last year at Newton ono dealer paid out $33,450 for horses , all of wblch were I shipped to Boston. ToloJo may got a button factory on $35,000 capital , to utilize the clam shells tin the Iowa river at that place. Machinery has arrived In Cedar Tlapids for the now cob pipe factory , and It will bo in operation by the first of next month. The problem of finding room for the pupils In the publlo schools Is bothering thu Glen- wooJ school board. The rooms are over crowded now. Work was commenced last week in the fire district of Baxter on the foundations of business 'blocks ' , seven bricklayers being at work , The foundations of seven rooms were laid. laid.Tho The canning factory which was built and equipped two years ago at Independence , but never operated , has recently been sold to local capitalists and will bo put to Ube when the season opens. The Charles City Wagonctto company has completed the foundation walls ot the now factory building. When completed the build ing will have 80,000 feet of floor room _ and will be three stortea'hlgh. ' The Northern Manufacturing- company has been organized at Webster City for the manufacture of Olson's compound for petrify ing plaster. The stock of the company IB $12,025 , ot which $ C,000 Is paid up. Herman Younker , a Dos .Molhes business man , IB negotiating with the trustees of the Plymouth Congregational church for the lot on which the church stands , which Is valued I at $05,000. and If ho can get it will build a busluuss block , tbcrcoiu 1 STATE SIOM pNDEKED fiovera Criticisms of the Conduct of Public Institutions { Iowa. - f i t LAX SY3TEM OF BOOKKEEPING PREVAILS i * lovrn I < rRlft1nllvc i7outnll < trc on S < ntc lustltiitlonii l'o ll'fiidiirlcK niul Council IllufT * Soluiol for Dciif the Womt. DCS MOINES. Jan. 18. The legislative investigating committee , which , acting under epcclal authority of the legislature , has been Inquiring Into the conduct of state Institu tions , presented Its report toiMy. It is n scathing arraignment of the present plan ot conducting the Institutions , and declares that radical reforms are Imperatively necessary. The committee ( Inda that the present system ot managing each Institution Independently of all others , In charge ot a special beard ot trustees , la extravagant , tends to violation of the laws In regard to cxpcndtturo nnd care ot state funds , and costs the" state at least 1300,000 annually moro than the proper con duct ot the establishments ought to cost. The committee recommends that a state board of control bo appointed , with admin istrative powers , that the local boards ot trustees bo reduced In numbers , uniform sys tems of accounting bo established for all the Institutions , and that bll'a be audited , some thing that In most of the Institutions has been done only In a. perfunctory manner. The report represents the work of several months by the three members ot the com mittee , Senator T. D. Hcaly and Representa tives Frank Mcrrlam nnd Glaudo Porter. The first two named are republicans and the last a democrat. The committee was ap pointed at tliPI special session of the bat legislature , a year ago. Its recommendation Is that all the Institutions , except the uni versity , the agricultural college and the nor mal school , bo placed under this central board , and that these three educational In stitutions bo allowed to continue under the old plan. LOOSE MANAGEMENT. The report takes up the Investigation at the institutions , outby one. The Insane hospitals were 'found to bo very loosely managed. At those Institutions and at tlio penitentiaries buildings representing an In vestment of hundreds of thousands of dollars lars ot the state money are begun and built without any detailed specifications ever being procured. The architect buys materials needed as ho wants them and Issues orders for payment , which arc cashed by the treasurer of the Institution without any system of auditing or checking. The buildings as a result cost Immensely moro than they should. The legislature n year ago , at the urgent request of the Mount Pleasant hospital management , passed a law allowing the asylums for insane to draw their quarterly support fund In advance In stead of at the close of the quarter , so that they might pay cash for all supplies und thus secure the benefit , of discounts. The committee finds that tljo asylum manage ments have not boon paylng cash or securIng - Ing discounts ; they ihavci been doing exactly ns they formerly did except that the hospi tal treasurers have hceu able to carry many thousands of dollars moro ot Institution money to their cr9dlt in the banks. In several cases It was. found that the treas urers ot Institutions had been given state warrants when there not cash to pay tholr requisitions. .Tlicy , had sold the war rants and pockotcd'jtho Interest and prem ium Instead of giving Jhe state the benefit ot It. In ono case at leapt the treasurer was constrained , after l ts ' examination .before the committee , toetu ' n these premiums to the Institution's account. It la found that the trustees of Institu tions , when examln'ed before the board , in nearly all cases betray the most profound Ignorance of the affairs of their . .Institu tions. Their function Is merely advisory ; the business Is all done by the officers of the Institutions. In many institutions no com petitive bids uro asked oven in purchasing the largest bills of supplies and the result is that while In some cases the state does not appear to suffer , in others it docs suf fer severely. SCATHING CRITICISM. lAmong other things the committee. In Us report , says : The most casual reading : of the report In- ( lleatc.H that there , Is no uniform purchasing of supplies for subsistence or construction purposes. Different grades and qimlltlerf of supplies arc consumed In hospitals treating the same classes of patients , nnd in many places such supplies nre purchased at re- tall. Fuel constitutes ono of the largest Items , and each management buys n. differ ent kind of coal wit hi little reference to the experience , of other Institutions or the usases of those who purchase coal In large quantities for stenm heating purposes. Uet- terments , permanent Improvements and buildings are made -without reference to economies secured In the management of some Institutions. These practices and oth ers to which the report refers necessarily Induce extravagance. Different funds arc Intermingled In violation of law. Statutory limitations or expenditures for specific pur poses nre not observed. Nor is compliance therewith even attempted In many cases. At many places there Is no auditing- bills and at others the auditing- only after the bills nro paid. Institutions of the- same kind pay different salaries for llku services. The salaries of some olliclnls and omployca nro higher than those paid to olllcers and em- ployea In similar Institutions In the western and In some Instances In the eastern states. Appropriations are asked and secured from the legislature when the manner of their expenditure Is not fully determined. The cost of the Improvement or building Is therefore unknown. And It Is only by chance that a proper appropriation Is made. There can oo no more vicious practice in legisla tion than this. It will deplete any treasury without returning- value received. It Is Im possible In many cases , owing to the loose terms of the appropriation acts and the fnlluro to preserve In any form whatever the statements of those who secure the ap propriations , for a legislative committee , to as-certain whether the appropriation la ex pended In a. manner agreeable to the legis lative Intent. The fact that the membership of the legislature. Is subject to many changes deprives the people of the experience ol those who grant ono appropriation , when the next Is con"ldcred. It frequently occurs that In makliiK Hiiuscquont appropriations no heed la or can bo paid to the representa tions when the llrwt was secured. The man ner In which appropriations arc secured en genders a reciprocal distrust between the people's representatives and the manage ment of the Institutions. This creates a dis position to regard the legislature ns a hos tile force from which no assistance can bo expected except as a-result of personal so licitation and by Invoking the pressure ol political Inlluoneo n d tlio disagreeable prac- tlccs of the lobby. , _ f MAKES SOME EXCEPTIONS. Uoforrlng to the matter of a. central 'board ' of control , the report says : The character of tftesOotird ns to the num ber nnd manner of selCHIon la largely a matter of legislatives discretion. The board will necessarily bo.wobted with great pow ers , but this should "ot weigh against the HUBRcstlon , for Breult-r. powers arc vented In and exercised byShev executive and judi cial olllcers of the late. The proposed law should bo so framed iw to prevent the en tering of partisan politics into the manage ment or selection of 'tho otllccrs of the In stitutions. For no greater evil con mar the Just and happy admllilfitrntlon of a public charity. The grcate'cducatlonal Institution might bo omitted , forjtfulr boards of trust ees are exercising ftrra greater degree the powers vested In twin by law , nnd there la force In the suggijrttlon that the development - ment of a university as1 a seat of learning and culture Involves considerations that have no application to the charitable nnd penal Institutions of the state. The number of the governing bodlca of the university and Agricultural college should bo reduced to flvo members. Mr. Merrlam of the committee Joes not assent ) ta to much of till * report as suggests the creation of a central 'board ' with ndmlnlsv tratlvo powers , tmta \ In accord with the other vlowu expressed and believes a change In tbo government of state Institutions should bo made. ANOTHER REPORT. Tlio two penitentiaries of the state and the School for the Deaf at Council 13luffs receive the bulk of censure in the report of the legislative Investigating commlttie submitted- the general assembly today. All the Institutions arc taken to task to lax bookkeeping and nnbuslncss-lik methods. The Agricultural college t Ames the Stale unlvoralty at lowix City , thi Soldiers' Orphans Home at Davenport , am the Industrial schools at Mltchcllvlllo am Cldora cot oft easy. Kxcesslvo salaries arc found to have beei drawn at the An a mesa penitentiary and tin general system Is unbusinesslike. ArchI tecta brought material without specification ! on file ar.-J nee was bought under adver tlscmcnts for bids. The committee says thi system would not bo tolerated by corpora tlons or Individuals , The School fpr the Deaf at Council nluffi purchased supplies without refrenco ti market values or the quality of goods re cclvcd. I irgo quantities of meat wen purchased from a butcher who charged re tall prices for wholesale deliveries. The board of trustees of the Agriculture college at Ames drew moro than the thlrt ; days' salary allowed by Jaw. The committee takes a decided stand foi competitive bids for supplies. It finds tha the support fund Intended for the use o keeping Inmates has been diverted In almos every Institution to paying salaries and othe bills not contemplated by the statute. The committee strongly urges the cstab llshmcnt of a state board of control to In elude all Institutions under the goveramen ot the commonwealth. DOWN TO IIUSINESS. The legislature settled down to buslncs for the first time today. Representative Uar roll of Sioux City presented In the house i bill to enact a maximum chai-go law to. stock yards , it Is practically the Bamo ai the Kansas measure , llnrrolt's district con tains at Sioux City the only Important stocl market In the stato. Ho says the compan : will fight him , ibut that he la 'backed ' by thi commission men and stock dealers. The bll declares yards receiving 100 cattle. 100 hogi or 'twenty ' sheep dally public markets. I fixes a scale of charges as follows : Foi yarding , loading and unloading , watering nm weighing cattle , 20 cents ; hogs , 8 cents cnlvei } , C cents : sheep , 4 cents per head Only ono yardage can bo charged and an ; other charges than specified shall 'bo mis demeanors. It shall be unlawful ! to chargi moro 'than ' 50 cents per hundred weight abov < wholesale prlcea for hay furnished at yardo or over CO cents per bushel above wholcwli prices for corn , and full weight must b < given. Penalties nro : First violation , llm of $100 ; second , $100 .to $200 ; third , $200 fe $500 or Imprisonment not over six month ; for each offense , or both fine and Imprison ; ment. Senator Cheshire presented the Cheshire amendment In n long bill ; Senator Hurst , t bill prohibiting first cousins marrying ; Rep resentative Downing , a bill to provide that voters who vote shall bo exempt from poll tax , but thosewtio fall to vote must pay $2.50 annual tax. Ladd ot LJutlcr presented Iri the house a Joint resolution for a woman suffrage amendment to the constitution , Wcmplo of Decatur prcsttitcd n resolution to cut the number of house employes , In cluding a reduction of the number of com mittee clerks fcom thirty-three lo fifteen. It went over , and will cause n fight. In the senate the bill ta require treasurers o ( counties to place their funds In banks that would pay Interest to the public accoutit , was considered. It was decided that If the change were made as to county treasurers , It must niply to school , city and all public treas urers. Dut there was strong opposition tc tfoo plan , and it was determined to con sider the measure further before making a report. It Is already giving promUs of making one of the fights ot the scFelcn. 5IUST SERVE THREE YEARS. The supreme court holds In an opinion to day that Richard Rowe must servo three years In the penitentiary for being acces sory'to the embezzlement of $30,000 fron Powcshlek county. Rowe lived In Kansas his brother , Chester Rowe , was treasurer o I'oweshlek county , Iowa. The two consplrei to rob the county , and the Kansas man came and helped his brother escape with th ( money. They went to Mexico , whence Rich ard was extradited and convicted ; Chcstei was convicted In the 'City ' of Mexico of bringIng - Ing stolen funds Into 'Mexico ' and sentenced lo a long term , which he Is serving there The attorneys for Richard appealed his casi on the ground ho was Indicted as a prlnclpa' when 'In fact lie was an accessory. The court holds there Is no difference between principal and an accessory and affirmed the sentence. In the case of the state against Vlctoi Repp , from Monroe county , the suproim court today held that bees are not wild ani mals. Repp tobk a swarm of bees that hm ; Tjeen taken from a bee tree OH the proper ! } of another by a third party who wag not thi owner of the property. He was convlctcc of larceny. The court holds that the con viction would have stood It the prosecutoi had been the owner , as It Is , Repp wins hh appeal. The court says : "Wild game Is i under the control of the state and onlj becomes the subject of private ownershlj when reclaimed by the art and industry ol man. A somewhat different rule applies ac to bees. These have a local habitation. Dj the law of nature the person who hlvec the swarm would bo entitled to It , but undei the regulations of property rights , since the Institution of civil society , the forest as well as cultivated field belongs to the ownei thereof and ho who Invades It Is a tres passer. " TiiUc-N HIM Own Life. iDUBUQUE , Jan. 18. ( Special Tolcgram.- ) Captaln Henry Duffy , a young merchant ol Waukon , was found dead In his store on the morning of April 27 last , with a revolver In his hand , another by his side and a bullet In his heart. It was thought a burglar had murdered him and Frank Arnold , a young man of bad reputation who disappeared a few days later , was arrested at Omaha. Arnold -was put on trial at Waukon today and County Attorney Stlllwcll said the state would show ono of the revolvers found was his. Attorney Conway said the defense would show Arnold never owned the re volver , but that Duffy had It some days be fore the tragedy ; also that Duffy had be come Intimate with a clerk In his store named Maggie McMorrow , had sent her to Chicago , where she gave birth to a child. When pretsed to marry her ho had threat ened to commit suicide. An accident In surance company , which had a risk of $3,000 on Duffy's life , Is defending Arnold. Tfclilc > N Dlttili SIOUX CITY , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) Judge Hutchlneon of the Fourth Judicial district ol Iowa has decided the famous Mcaona county ditch cases , which have been pending In the courts for the last eleven years. The court finds for Monona county , as against Judge Addlson Oliver , ex-United States congressman - man , and other prominent Monona county land owners. CVo More Count } ' OTTUMWA , In. , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) The Wapello County Agricultural society has de cided by a vote of the stockholders to neil the fair grounds and disband , There will bo no more county fairs here , 'Town ill ( lie Kxiioxltloii , The Mount Pleasant Journal Is In favor of a decent appropriation for the exposition , The Burlington Gazette Is enthusiastically in favor of an appropriation for an IO\\Q exhibit at the expedition. There IB very little opposition In the press of tlio state lo a proper appropriation ten tlio Omaha exposition , observes the DCS Molnea Capital. The Waterloo Reporter demands that the leglslatoro ot Iowa decline the proffered ex cursion to Omaha to sco what Is .being done t the exposition. It la needless to eay the Reporter opposes any reprcsenutlon of Iowa at the exposition. The Marslmlltown Tlmefl-Rcpubllcan , re ferring to the lowia 'building ' at the exposi tion , usks If it would not 'bo ' good- policy to construct one that can bo taken down and transferred < o the BUrto fair grounds at Den Molncu for a permanent stay. Wo have , says aho Mllford Mall , from the very start said that Iowa could not afford tt > do otherwise ) than make a crcvlltablo dlplay at the TransTOlMUfilppl Exposition , and U to mighty pewr figuring on Iho part of BCCTO would-bo reformers to oppose a liberal ap propriation for 'thin purpose- . If after Investigation , says'tho Dubuque Telegraph , the legislature shall conclude that the total amount asked for U actually needed to make a display worthy of Iowa , It will bo upheld ilitlio peopla o ( 'tlio ctato of pitrly in * pproprlfttlnR tlio money. It would tie l > tor to make no exhibit tlun an Inadequate one , ftrvt dhtvtly and In.llrectly nn Moauate ) CJjilblt wHI bo worth to the Plato many times Its cod. DM Molnea Lender : The tender H pleased to nee ! thst , after more mature considera tion of the nutter , the leading republican newspapers of Jowa nro ndvlslng the legis lature < o provide for nn adequate representa tion ot the state as < ho TnuwmteslMlppI Ex position. For o long itlme * hls portion of the press. If not hostile , was certainly not friendly. Now an a-dequate > npproprla'.lon Is unequivocally advocated by Mich nowiipapcns as the Sioux City Journal , the Council niuffs N'ouparell , thu Mnrslulltown Times-Rernib- llenn , the Cedar Rnplds Re-publican , the Dav enport Republican , the Ilurllnglon Hawkeye and many others. The Register , in Ho oppo. filtlon to the exposition , nt flrrt hud some following among Iho leading papers of Its party , 'but it is now left practically unsup ported. ST.VHT riniiT ox IMSCUIT COMPANY. Union Men ItrnucHtcil Not to 1'ntrnitlxr Ilie CotuM-m. CHICAGO , Jan. IS. The bakers' union has begun a war against the American Ills- cult company , and Incidentally against all employers of non-union bakers. The ofilcors of the union say they will carry the war Into every state where the American Ulscult com pany docs business. According to the ofll- ccrs ot the union , tno fight is In retaliation for alleged action on the part of the Ameri can Ulscult eonpany In dlscnargms members ot their organization whenever It has se cured control of n bakery , and placing non union and cheaper men In their places. In this way , the union men say , wages have been reJucexl In the company's bakery and this has- forced the wagca down In other es tablishments. The union has sent to every labor orgnnlza- tlon In Cook county for n roster of Its mem bership. A number of the unions have al ready replied and It tls expected that all the unions will lend their assistance In the fight. The names of the members of the union nro to be divided In groups , as they live In adjacent localities. Forty men , who will bo divided Into committees of two , will work until the housewife in every union nan's house has refused to buy bread unless It has a union label on It. Petitions will bo presented to each dealer with the re quest that he patronize only union bakeries , and ho will bo told that If he does not do this after a icasonablo length ot time the customers who have petitioned him will leave him. An ofllccr of the Chicago union has Just returned from St. hauls , where a similar fight Is being waged , and ho reports that twenty shops have been unionized with the assistance of the wives of the union men and their friends. Manager Hugglns of the local branch of the American Ulscult and Manufacturing company Is out of the city , but Cashier A. IH. Stoddart stated that the strike of the Bakers' union would have nothing to do with the Omaha plant , as no bread Is manu factured by It. RUSSIA TimiTKM.VC ITS HOLD. GrmlunllyNNIIIIIIII | ; Control of Af- fn Irs In Curon. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. IS. Oriental mall advices state that Russia Is keeping up Ito policy of aggression In Cores. The appoint ment of a new Russian minister to Corca was taken advantage of by the czar's govern ment. First the mllitarv power-of Corea was assumed. Next the finances of Corca were brought under superintendence. Then , In addition to the coaling station It cow poa- sceaes , Russia Is mow making efforts to ob tain another on an Island opposite Futan. A peninsula In front ot Won San will also bo occupied by Russia , when It will make It either a settlement or coal'mg depot. It In said that Russians are going to be engaged shortly as customs house omclals. and there \3 \ to be a great Russo-Corcnn banlc. Further , It Is Etnted , that the Rue-stan minister is employing Coreans on the Riu-alan frontier lei various situations , and that the railroad In a certain part wilt bo built by contract In Joint work with Russia. STRUCK -SITUATIOX UXCIIAVGRIl. CrowilM Around Homo of the 3III1H , but Xo Violence OITercil. BIDDEFORD , .Me. , Jan. IS. The strike situation hero Is unchanged from yesterday. The Pcpperell , Laconla and York mills re main shut down and there Is every InJIca- tlon of a lens struggle. A committee of York operatives win call on Agent Page to day and endeavor .to secure an adjustment of their grievances on ncount of the reduction. The AndrcBcoggln cotton mills have shut down all departments for nn Indefinite period owing to 'the ' strike ot a portion of the opera tives. FITCHUURO , Mass. , Jan. 18. The weavers of the Hockago cotton mill , who struck on yesterday against a reduction In , wagca , thereby compelling the factory to close , re turned to work today. The weavers , who were the only operatives who opposed the cut , de cided to accept the reduction. ORG.VXI7.ATIOXS WORK IX HAHMOXY. IlnllliiRtoii llootli I'leiiKciI with tlio Iii- li-rvliMV with IIlH Father. NEW YORK , Jan. 18. The World sayp : Commander Balllngtoni Uooth of the Ameri can Volunteers said yesterday that ho greatly rejoiced over his reconciliation with his father. He thought , ho said , that Important results would follow It. "I bellevo that hereafter , " ho added , "the American Volunteers and the Salvation Army will pursue their work In their icspectlvo fields llko churches of different denomina tions , In perfect harmony , and possibly with co-operation. There will , wo hope , hereafter bo perfect good fueling. This Is what the Volunteers have been hoping acid working for , and wo are happy at the prospect of peace. " vxio.v OP tnni.imoff AMJ ' Dr. I.nmaou Talk * of ihp Tcndonor tlio Clinraltt CUICAao , Jun. IS.Tho ertMt tendency It tlio Congregational church U towarela union ot religion ( uul the state. Thd churcfi has before It ft splendid opportunity lo awf ? lore for country and to fill Itoell wlia patriotic spirit. The tlm Is coming when wo shall put obligation * ot citizenship lnt | our creed nd teach them In the churclies.'J These tvero the words of Dr. C. M. Lamsoa1/ the president of the American Board of For' flgn Minions , In nn ndJrces before the Chi * case ConKreRatloiMl club last ove-nlng. H4j was speaking of the Kreat tendencies mscl- test In the development of his church ah < l when ho had reached the furl ot his remark * tolling of the power the church would h v In civic and affaire In the futuri and uttered the worela nbovo quoted , his m- tlre audlcnco burst forth Into cheers of ap proval. The occasion was the monthly dinner and reception ot the club. In addition td President Lamson rind Vice President I ) , WIN Us James of the American Hoard , there WOM prctont among the Riusts : Prelldent J. N nmdley , Jacksonville college ; Prof. ! ' , W ) Flake , Chicago Theological semlmxry ; Ilov * J. H. Sclden , Klgln ; George II. Idc. Mlhvtuii kcc ; ClcorRo H. Itust , .Minneapolis ; Mayor SI S. Smith , Davenport , la. ; 0. L. Clucc , Hart * ford , Cc n. \v.viTi.\ts .mn.r.As.i7. ( invrrnnioiit Wniili Him for Severn ! INxlollloo HnlilicrloH. KANSAS CITY , Jnn. IS. United States District Attorney Walker has received from Ohio ccrtltlcd copies of an Indictment found against "Jlinmlo" Consadlne , the no torious crcok , recently ewitenccd to three years' Itnrrlsonmont In the Missouri peniten tiary for a diamond robbery here. The In dictment charges Consadlno with the rob bery of the postoinco at Oranvllle , 0. , on the night of October in , 1S90 , when over $1,200 worth of money and stamps was stolon. A ; capias was Issued for Consadino's arrest , t bo held until the expiration of his sentence' at Jefferson City. There ore also federal In dictments against Consadiuo In Michigan and Illinois. Coiillrni CuiiHiiliirtiolittinrti | | ( . WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The senate today * conflrmeil the nomination of J. M. Ayres ot Ohio to bo consul nt Hosarlo , .Argentine. CATARRH OF Till ; : STOMACH . A I'luiiNiiut Simple , lint Safe KtVcctuiit Curt- for It. Catarrh of the ( stomach has long been con sidered the next thing to Incurable. Tim usual symptoms arc n full or bloating ssuamon after oatlng , accompanied somc times with sour or watery rlolngs , n forma tion of gases , causing pressure on the heart and lungs and dlfllcult breathing ; hcadacho fickle appetite , nervousness and a general played out , languid feeling. There Is oftcci a foul taste In the mouth , coated tongue , and If the Interior of tha stomach could bo eecn it would show 0 , slimy , Inflamed condition. The euro for this common and obntlnatb trouble is found In a treatment which causey the food to bo readily , thoroughly digested ! before it has a time to ferment and Irrltato the dollcato mucous surfaces ot the stomactt , To Kccuro a prompt and hiultliy digestion Is the ono ncce.wary thing to do , nad whonj digestion Is Hecured tlio catarrhal condition will have disappeared. According to Dr. Harlansca the safest and best treatment Is to use after each incut a tablet , composed of Diastase , Aseptic Pop sin. a little Nux , Golden Seal and fruit acids ! These tabletfl can now "bo found at all drug storeti under the name ot StUart'e Djapepslo , Tablets , and , not be'mg a patent medicine- : can bo used with perfect safety and asbin > anco that healthy appetite and through dh geatlon will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Boshor of 2710 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. , writes : "Catarrh is a local condltloo resulting from a neglected cold In the head , whereby the lining membranes of the neso becomes Inflamed and the poisonous - * ous discharge therefrom , passing backward into the threat , reaches the stomach , thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for me for thrco yoarft for catarrh of stomach without cure , bus today I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot nnd appropriate words to exprcqa my good feeling. I have found llesh , appetite and sound rest from their use. ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets la the safest preparation as well as the simplest and mcci convenient remedy for any form of Indiges tion , catarrh of stomach. bllllousneEa , noun stomach , heartburn and bloating after mealo. Send for little book , mailed free , on stomach ach troubles , by addressing Stuart Co. , Mar shall. Mich. The tablets can bo found at all drug stores. Mount Veriion PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , mellow flavor , this whiskey commands the high * cst price in bat-role ( to wholesale ) deal ! crs ) of any brand now on the market , and Is tlio basis of most of the bet > tied blended whiskey now so extensively advertised. Bottled nt the Distillery with nil absolute ( iimranty of Purity and Original Coiictltioti The consumer buying this tlio only ( IKtlllory buttllnc of MOUNT VHKNON ( in SQUARI ! Rattles , each bearing t io Nmur bercil ( iimrnnty Lnhell secures the lilj-lt- est in-iuloof Pine Uyn Whiskey In Us natural condition , nntlroly fieo from adulteration I ! wlthchoup spirits nnd llavorlngs , FOR MKDICINAL USF j It has Iho Indorsement of tlio most prominent pliyhlcluns tlirouglinut tlio United b'tntos. 1'or Sale by All Itcllublo Dealers. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFPS WANTS. w vv > % * v < x > wrvrxv > viXVrfvr rf\VN , mviuiNCi.s , PHUIT. FAIUI AND OAHOUN Itrm for * ul ° cr rem < Dly & ll"a % SJ 1 > carl Instructions. Albln Huttrr , atildla 333 Ilroadwuy , Oniian mctlioJ or Dresden Coneervatory. Not irom a financial standpoint exactly biitfree from the defects found in the | Li average heating system , Steam and Rot Wafer ficafing All the leading Incandescent , Gas Kurners and Mantels. work , 202 Mniii and 203 I'c'iirl St. COUNCIL HLUI'I'S , IOWA. WEAK KEN CURED AND UHOUQHT TO PERFECT i | jy our full treatment of TurkUli U li uln fur MOO. tilBUt L < mf , Day Lo * , llerre ur lir.itu troulle. Cured lu perfect ft you iimr wuri. we make our own inetlldnti H'J rpa can rely on gottlnic well. Wi luu * written iru r Dteo with lull cure. Blngle ooiiy m i | IliHx'i I'luiyicT.