Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Termer Greatness of the TracBexmtinonlal
Line May Bo Restored.
Ccncrnl Jlrllof flint the Short Mm
nnil O. 11. .t \ . Will Scion DC
Knilcr Control of the
Union I'nclnc ,
Interest In the future of the Union Pacific
and In the personnel of the officers of the
reorganized company la very keen now-
nclas It ban been shaipcned somewhat hy
the departure of President Durt and Vice
President Mink to attend tlio first meeting
of the now directory In the city of Now
At local headquarters It It believed that
some Intcccslhijj announcements will be
rondo eaon after the adjournment of UiU
mooting , The announcement that Is rnon
eagerly looked for hy rallroidora hero Is not
regatdlcig the personnel ot the officers of the
reorganized coiiixiny , hut some statement
concerning the contiol of the Oregon Short
Line , ofld possibly the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation company , by the Union 1'aclflc
reorganization committee. The r ilnlon that
both of these forrnev blanches of the Union
Pacific v. Ill again be controlled by the Union
Pacific Is a growtag one , as la evidenced by
the steady advance In the otock quotations
of the companies Interested.
The following editorial from the currcni
IEUUO of ' ( ho Hallway World of 1'hlladolphla
-which U generally regarded us Wio tnoal
rcllablo of railway fir.and'Jl papers , Is ot liv
tcrest at this time , shorting as It does tiu
raisin * ) for the belief that the Union Pacific
reorganization committee will eventually coif
trol ho Oregon Short line and the Orogor
Itallroad & Navigation company :
llegurdlntf the Union Put Hie , It was an
nounced tlint the reorRniilzatlon committee
Jmd obtained n ' 'ontrolllm ; Interest In the
Oregon Short Ulnnntl through this con
trol would practically Rovcrn the Orepon
itnllroul fc Navigation company. The com
mutes has been quietly buying , both In
the open innrkrt nnd at prlvnto sale , nil
the Short Line M'ock It could acquire , until
ll has uml i cover aeouitd the control of
tinpunu. . Tnc Oregon Short I.ino own ?
4llS27'JiX ) of the company stock of the
Oregon Hillrnacl & Navigation company ,
out of a totul of $21,000,000 Under the
terms of the voting trust all of tbe $11-
000,000 preferred stock of the Oregon Rail-
roiid At Navigation company , except fif
teen shared , and all of the common stool !
if th" Oregon Il.illro.ul & Navigation com-
jinn nro deposited vvltla and arc to bo held
l > j tin1 Central Trust company or Now
York until May 1 , 1DOC. unless the trust b'
Hi minuted before date by the con-
bent of holders of two thlids of each class
of certificate" , or unless dividends equal
ti 20 nor cent on thp preferred stock ( mill
hive been paid , or guaranteed. Under the
mist the prefeired stockholders may nomi
nate ten dliectors , nnd tthe common stock
ll\e The Oregon Short IJno therefore upon
] > lying the 20 per cent In dividends on the
preferred stock of the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation eampanv or by guaranteeing the
same can terminate the'otlng trust nnd
nssuma the actual control of the comp my.
In view of the large earnings of the. Oregon
Halliond & Navigation comp.iny the pay
ment of t'no ? 2HXGOO ) required for HUch a
dividend \\lll be a comparatively small
matter. Tt Is understood to be ths Inten-
tlnn of the reorganization committee-
assume this guarantee. Thus the Union
1'aelllc , when. It Is lln.illy reorpanl/cd. will
agiln control those two valuable proper
ties , which gave It heretofore Its direct and
Independent outlet to the Pacific coast.
Jill KIiulH of Cliurm-.s Arc I.nlil Uii
' . \Kiilnit It.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. 1'acsengor rates from
points In the territory of the Western Pas
senger association to Texas arc In a bad
state of demoralization , and as niatlem now
stand there nro few trains run Into that
territory at the present tlmo that are paylns
the expenses of operation. The demoraliza
tion Is laid by the association lines at the
door of the Plttsburg & Gulf , against which
nil sorts of charges are- made by Its compel
Itors. Ono charge made against It Is that
It has been carrying passengeis for nothlni ;
after they had been secured by anothei
load. It Is eald to subordinate all thing !
to Its policy of building up Port Arthur , anJ
the Mlssouil. Kansas and To as , which If ?
not so deeply interested In that territory aa
the Plttsburg & Gulf , Is making a hard fight
to retain Its tramc. The result li that the
1101 them connections of both roads aio suf
fering , but arc powerless In the matter.
u vu ILUCTI o I'M-I ami i.
( Alfred Walter Will Continue to lie
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. IS. At the anuual
meeting of the Lehlgh Valley Railroad com
pany Alfred Walter was re-elected president
'Nino of the former board of twelve directors
( were re-elected , and the places of Robert II
Sajro , James I. 11 , Blahcs'eo and William
Ingraham. vvcro filled by the selection of
Justus C. Stiavvbrldgo , Irving A. Sterns an 1
Abram Nesbltt. Mr. Sayro also resigned the
olllco of second vice president , and accepted
the post of assslstant to the piesldent. Voting
ing was unanimous , and 511,000 shares were
voted out of SOS.812 sharea outstanding.
After the adjournment the new board of
directors met and elected Albert Walter ,
president ; Charles Hartshorno , vlco presi
dent ; J. 13. Garrett , second vlco president ; J
AnJrcs Harris , jr. , treasurer , and W. C.
Alderfaon , purchasing agent.
Hoiv The man Wat Hurt.
An Investigation Into the accident by which
Gcorgo Thomas , a , barber of South Omaha ,
was hurt has boon madeby the officials ot
the Union Pacific and. discloses the following
facts , as reported at the company headquar
ters1 Thomas was a passenger on the eastbound -
bound "Overland Limited , " train No. 2. Ho
had been eold a ticket to South Omaha by a
station agent ot the Union Pacific. Train
No , 2 does mot stop at South Omaha and
Conductor Keen of that train thinks ho told
Thomas before reaching South Omaha that
lie would have to go Into Omalm and rldo
l > ack to South Omaha on the street car or
mi train No 5 , as train No. 2 did not stop
ut South Omaha. On reaching South Omahi
Thomas jumped off the train. His Injuries
Includeconcussion1 of the brain , dislocation
of the left thumb and laceration of the aosu
end chin. Ho is now at his homo In South
Omaha and hla condition Id not regarded as
Trinol to tlit Klondike.
The Interest In travel to Klondike contin
ues unabated among the railroads , nnd little
credence la placed by western passenger men
In the reports from Chicago , that the travel
to Alaska this aprlng will oot ho so large
after nil. On Tuesday of next week there
will bu a special meeting ot the passenger
representatives ot all w cistern Hues In Chicago
cage to consider questions of rates , forms of
tickets and routing of passengers to po'uita
In AlBski. On the diy following there will be
u Joint meeting of the representatives of
HUTO In the Western Passenger association
cod In the Central Passenger association to
consider the biune matter *
TH K I UK llvlilence.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. The lallroad comrnts-
blonora ot South Dakota took evidence today
at the olllces of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St Paul In the case of a petition filed b > the
shippers ot their state for the i eduction of
freight rates. The roads are lighting agalcat
the proposed reduction with all their power.
and are basing their fight an the assertion
that any fuithar reduction In freight rates
v\lll be ruinous to them. The evidence heard
today was all given hy the railroads , and
was aloni } that line.
One Pare Hutu to Toiiekn.
CHICAGO , Jan. 18. Notlco was today
Given by the Rock Island road that It will
Juiko a rate of oao faro- for the round trip
for the meeting of the National Creamery
association to bo he'd In Topeka the latter
rart of February , The rate will bo made
from Chicago and from all points In Kansas ,
Nebraska , Oklahoma and Indian Territory ,
ltunlit > HH on Hit * hliort I.lne.
Ira O. Rhoudcs , general purcbmlng agent
of the Oresou Short Line , left for New York
City ypBterJny afternoon.Defers golnjc tin
ho Mid to The 4leo : "It tow beenamo tlm <
mco our lw lneis WM to good. The earn'
Ings keep up very well Ir.dccd for the win
ter nroffjiff. Wo hiwe recently ordered 15 ,
000 tons of now etecl rails to bo laid mcstlj
on the Idaho dlvhlcns , and I'm obout tc
order a hravy Invoice of frogs and switches
to he laid with the new track. "
Ilnll rn > - Aotp * mid
General Wottero Agent Fred A. Nash o
the Milwaukee will leave here oa PrHij
mornlnj ? for a six weeks' trip to Honolulu
Ho will sill on Tuesday. HP will be accom
panled on the trip hy bis niece , Miss Adellni
Because of the lack of snow the trait
crows of wcfltern line ? have been taken frorr
their places on rotary snow plows and pul
to labor on the work trains. Conductoi
vvoed and Dnglneer IJrown of the Rock I *
land nro among ihe latest to receive tbli
I'rank Beach. trnvellnR pas pnfier aqcnt o
the Minneapolis & St. LouU railroad. Is It
town from the Twin Cities. Ho reports thai
travel to California from hla territory has
been unusually good during the present win
l ° f ami predicts a big rush of business for tin
Klondike country In the spring.
Thtro will bo a special meeting of the
Local P issengcr association of Omaha and
Council Bluffs In the rooms ot the associa
tion , Barker block , on Wednesday afternoon.
Tbo meotlni ; U to discuss the local ticket
situation. Regular meetings have been
abandoned by the association and Hie tiao-
Bcngcr and tlrkct men now ccnvcno on call
of the secretary ,
The latest addition to the library of Kloiv
dlko literature Is a panyphlct issued hy the
Chamber ot Commerce of Spokane , Wash ,
on the advantages ot Hie "Spokane Overland
Route , " by which an Inland journey from
Spokane to Dawacn City e n bo made. II
is said that there are supply posts along this
route all the way to the hmd watero ot the
The B. & M. had occasion to grt out
opcclal train In lora than n quarter of nr
hour last week to make the run from Me-
Cook to Holdrege tor the accommodation ol
Mr. Henry Stern. In twelve minutes from
the tlmo the order wnf received the special
train was making "the run. and the seventy-
eight miles were covered In eighty-five mln-
tites , Including three stops tor a hot box.
Tmv cling Passenger Agent Caldwell of the
Rock Island sii rived In the city jestcrdiy oft-
crnson to look after his new territory. Ills
field of work for the Rosk Islcnd has hcie-
totorc been In the vicinity of St. Paul. lie
will after this date be ac ortitcd with the
Omaha cfileo of the Rock Island and will
travel In the territory formerly covered b >
A. C Turpln , transferred to llostcn.
The motion for a decree of sale ot the
Toledo , St. Louis & Kansas City , filed b > the
Continental Tn-st comranj. Is another move
looking to the foreclosure of the Clover Leaf
There Is one- element which vvjnts the road
sold aad another eminent trat deco nat. Jusl
how long R. IJ. F Pierce will continue M
receiver of the road depends upon which
sldo v. Ins It Is generall > believed that
there will be a Icag battle fought In the
courts before the ro id pa aM out of tht
1 inils of a receiver. A few dajs ago 47,000
harro of the common1 stock of the road were
advertised for sale at auction at tha New
York Real ITotate salesroom , but the sale ,
foi some reason , was pcstponcd The same
olock wan put up a month ao , but was also
withdrawn at that time before any bid was
made. It Is believed by well-prated rallroaS
men that the element dojirlng the foreclosure
and sale of the property will not bo success
ful Inalde a year and perlupa longer.
i N viui : TO \ < ; itr.r : oA
Oicriitoi-H | mid Mliieri Unto ll Dllllcnlt
( liii-Nlloii to hollo.
CHICAGO , Jan. IS. Two very brief ses
sions were held by the joint convention of
bituminous coal operators and mlncis today
The scale committee appointed yesterday
made but little progress and pending the
receipt of a report from them the conven
tion adjourned until tomorrow.
Progress In the bcalo committee was slow.
Hvcry phase of thu situation was thoroughly
discussed. President Ratchford of the Mine
Workers advocated , it is said , the weeding
out of unskilled labor. Tlio adoption of the
mine run system , it Is thought. Is a cer
tainty. 0\or this matter and the differ
entials allowed by the now scale to be
formed trouble may occur , The Ohio oer-
atom are putting up a strong fight Cor their
differentials nnd declare that they will pro
cure contracts with their employes to work
on the "lump" basis If their demands are
not acceded to
Yesterday's action In according the West
Virginia delegation a seat and voice , but no
vote In the convention , was reconsidered
today and the miners from that state were
unanimously accorded full privileges.
The following members ol the scale com-
ralttco wore announced : Indiana Oper
ators , , W. S. Boblo , W. H. Zimmerman , W.
W. Riaher , J. S. Tally. Mlneis , J. II. Mor
gan , B. A. Nevln , G. W. Knight , Samuel
Wall. Ohio Operators , H. L Chapman ,
J. T. Morton , H. D. Turney. W. R. Wood-
ford. Minors , W. G. Tarna. J. J. Motfsop ,
G. W. Schackert , T. J. Lewis. Illinois Op
erators , A. L. Sweet , J. A. Angeo , J. W.
Timor , J. C. Simpson , J. M. Browning.
Miners , J. J. Stanooy , Joseph Manuel.
Joseph Conuery , John Green , James Boston
Pennsylvania Operators , r. L. Rabbins , r
M. O.'born ' , L. II. Taylor , Alexander Dcmp-
otCT. Mlnera , William Warner , Patrick
Dolan , George Harris , Samuel Allen. West
Virginia Miners , Incomplete.
The nominations reported < by the scale
committee vvero approved and the convention
took n recess until 2 o'clock , when a report
from the scale committee Is expected.
The scale committee was taken Into secret
conference Immediately after recccis was
taken. A. L > . Sweet of Illinois was elected
chairman and William Warner of Pennsyl
vania , secretary of the meeting. No ma
terial progress was anticipated by the com-
mlttecmc < n and nothing was accomplished
The general situation in tne coal trade was
discussed at length iby txxti miners and operators
Hon. II , L. Chapman of Ohio , who Is a
member of the committee for the operators ,
mid : "Tho situation Lt an extremely com
plicated o-no and will require thorough dis
cussion , which will bo probably continued
several days. Owing to the largo attend
ance < at the convention It was deemed In
expedient to enter upon < a discussion of the
wngo scale In open sesjlo'i. Such proceed
ing would precipitate endless discussion and
ho entirely fruitless. In the elected com
mittee 'both aides will bo free to oxprcsj
their opinions , and , I have no doubt , reach
a satlsfactoiy and amlcablo agreement , which
would be utterly Impossible In the open
convention. "
The committee adjourned until afternoon.
The afternoon session of the convention
was very brief. Chairman Holcomb an
nounced that the scale committee was unable
to report and that Its progress was extremely
slow. No other business being presented ,
the convention adjourned until 9 a. in. to
The afternoon session of the scale com
mittee developed the fart that the mlnoitirt
Bjstem would undoubtedly bo adopted by
the convention. The minors' delegates nro
a unit for the abolishment of the old screen
system Prominent Ohio operators , how evei ,
were not disposed to accept the mlno run
proposition , and the only discordant note in
[ ho bccret conference was the declaration
Dy a lioivy Ohio operator that liu would go
lomo nnd procure contracts with his mlnerq
on the "lump1" bails.
President Ratchford occupied a largo portion
tion of the session and calmly dlscueaed the
several points nt Issue , among them heln < {
a higher scale , mlno run , nn night-hour daj ,
and the betterment of the miners' condition
generally He , It Is understood , favored a
novemcnt to vveed out the unskilled liboror
n the mines By thla amusement the men
ns a class would bo placed on a much higher
piano , and the operators v.ould In their turn
ie bcnefltted CheckwelBhtng was discussed
by Patrick Uolan.
The cnmrnltteo did not reach a vote on
any of the questions discussed , and ad-
lourncJ until tomorrow morning Members
of the committee- Inclined to work In a
deliberate manner , and the fight between
3hlo and Penns > hanla over the differentials
will undoubtedly bo a warm one.
who has once
Kvery man , woman and child
tried that opeclflc. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ,
cannot eay enough In Its praise.
rH , TVnt ( Juoilnlneli n Divorce ,
NOW YORK. Jan. IS. Application was
nado In the supreme court here today by
counsel for Nellie It. Goodwin , wife of
s'ut C. Goodwin , t'he nctor , to confirm the
report of ex-judffo Donahue , referee , recom-
iicndlup that n absolute divorce
granted Mrs. Goodwin , i
Masting is Darotil t5 Rniine
Btuinosa Exsltnlvelj.
Proper Stfltn to Coinl > Mltli the < lo\
ermneiiC.i i\notluti Will lie
Taken nt OIIOF OI lief Unt-
ter.i Conxlilcrcil ,
The regular meeting ot the city cauncl
hut night was devoid of o'peclal Interest
Stuht acd Mercer were both absent ncd t.i (
routine wea pursued with the utmost bar
mony. Mnvor Moorcjetoed a resolution bj
which perrrUslon was granted to erect si
temporary corrugated Iron building la the
business district for the tame reasons foi
which he had vetoed several previous resolu
llora of the > mine character. The veto was
overridden by a utanlmous vote.
Commur ( cations from Ocngrcsaman Mer
ccr , Secretary Utt of the Commercial clut
nnd City Attorney Connell called the at
tention of the council to the necessity fo ;
taking some affirmittve action to comp )
with the provisions ot the act by which ar
Indian supply depot was ordered located a
Omaha. While the Commroclil club wll
supply the bulldlcg , the government requires
that the city should pose as the ruspDMlblE
party. The matter was re.'crrcd to the
finance committee to recommend such action
as would warrac-t the city attorney In noti
fying the secretary of the uterlor that the
conditions had bees compiled with.
The following report from the city comp
troller and city treasurer , which Is des'gnei
to prevent fttithcr confu-iloj of special funds
was referred to the finance committee ace
city attorney
Your committee to which wi < rrferreil
document No 10 , of December 7 , 159" , b\
document No. 7 , of December 28 , 1197 , bclnj.
.a communication from the city treasurer
relative ) to the h'uince by tie mayor jm
city council of warrants im.iltm tht
various bpcclal sinking funds , for the piy-
mcnt of bonds nnd coupon" . Issued f.r ( the
payment of the virloim Improvements In the
uforesild bonded districts , would re p < ? ct-
fully report as follow-
First Th it the comptroller be nuthorlrei
by proper concurrent resolution to trt it nl
wirr.uits heretofoie di.iwn ngilnst district'
wheto bonds have been old .is hiving been
drawn ngilnst the sppelal bond fund of
dhtilct , No nnd tint in the futuie where
bonds me old for inv - district , tic
comptiollor shnll draw the warrants agilnst
the spec'nl ' bond fund of - ( .Istili't , No
Second That ns bcndt and coupons ma
ture , the comptroller shill Include In , ip-
proprlitlon oidlmnces Ituns di.uvn ngilnst
the uptclil "inking fund of - dlstilot No
, the sild sinlng ! fund to consist of the
levy created by the mivor and city uouncl
agilnst the ipioperty In ald district , to
gether with all Interest collected on delin
quent and future pn > ments of sild tix lev }
Third \Ve vv uld further recommend that
for the purpose of paying unforeseen Inci
dentals , such ns Interest on warrants , feea
of county treasurer , exchange , commissions
express charges , telegrams , postage , etc ,
that the comptroller be uuthoilzed to
Include in item of not to exceed $1.000. piv-
able fiom the gevncril fund. In favor of the
cltv treasurer , In the next nppropi Intlon
ordlnince , and the city trc.asuier shall ic-
port all such expenditures In his uallj ac
count current to the city conTptrolIer.
l ourth Whereas the carrying Into oppn-
tlon of the aforesaid recommendations , will
necessitate the opening of two individual ic-
counts with about 1,00) districts creitel and
bonded : one vvl'h the bonds and another
with the. sinking fund , weould respect
fully rccommejid that the comptroller be
provided with the necessiry additional help
to carry these recommendation * Into effect.
Building Inspector Butler notified the coun
cil that at the instance ot the sign com-
mltto he had declared cancelled all permits
for signs that were contrary to the ordi
nance anl asked the concurrence of the
council. Referred to public property and
A resolution was adopted by which all pci-
sons to whom permits may bo Issued to
erect temporary buildings within the fire
liml's are required to give a bond In the
sum of $100. to Indemnify the city for the
expense of removing the buildings In case
they oie not removed before January 1 , ixll
The amended license ordinances , which
have been under discussion for the last week.
vero passed on third reading. In
catlng his approval of the ord nance passed
a week ago Mayor Moores said that the re
tailers objected to the ordinance because
they were net high enough and the peddlers
because they were Lno high. He therefore
concluded that the ordinance established a
fair medium between the contentions of the
opposing Interests.
An audience appreciably larger than those
of the preceding nights ot Mr. Whlteslde's
engagement saw "Richelieu" last evening at
Bojd's. The part of the crafty cardinal of
Bulwei's play la better suited to Mr. White-
side's ability than some others -which he
essays. The faults which mar his work in
iioro hoioic roles are less apparent hero ,
and although they cannot bo said to he en-
tliely absent they are probably reduced to
tho'r lowest terms. The tremendous scene
n the fifth act where the would-be abductors
ot Julio are threatened with the curse cf
Rome , was given with really thrilling effect ;
lor were the less strenuous passages of tbo
> lay In any wise slighted. Miss Wolstan was
he Julie , Mr. Herman the Baradas and Mr.
Sturgeon the Do Mauprat.
This afternoon Mr. Whltcsldo will appear
as Shyloek In a fine performance of "The
Merchant ot Venice. " The engagement closes
this evening with a rep.'Btlon of "Hamlet. "
The engagement of Walker Whlteslde ut
JDjd'e will terminate with two performances
today , "The Merchant of Venice" being pre
sented this aftcuioou and "Humlet" again
tonlgnt. Mr. Whltesldo speaks on "Hamlet"
at 11 o'clock 'this ' morning before the Shake-
tipearo class of the Woman's club. .
A m tlneo and evening performance of
The Sllvei King" will be given today atthe
Jrolghtco by the Woodwurd company. Horace
s'oblo Is once more with tiio company uml
laj renewed his old-time populailty.
'Mine. Sealtnl , the great contralto , who
icetla no introduction to the Omaha public ,
will bo hcaid In conceit at Boyd's tomarrow
light , oJsU'ed by a competent bopp no , tenor
and baritone , Tbe program liirlules selec-
loim of a mlBceUaneoud charactci and au act
of "II Trovitoro" and "Manba , "
DoWolf Hopper's appraichlng presentation
of ' ni Capttan" Is limited to a olngloper -
ormanco , en Friday evening of this week ,
The well known frontier diama of army
Ifo , "Tho Girl I Loft Bdill.d Me , " will bo
ircYsuiU'J at Iiojd'3 next Sunday afternoon
and evening.
The celebrated Arctic explorer , Dr. TYIcltjct
Batmen , will lectuio twko In Omaha next
Tuesday , the .jJtornoan lecture being given
at the Crelghton theater or.J the evening at
Uio Klrst iMothodls church.
Herbert Kolcoy and Killo Si a mi in aril
liclr excellent company will present Made-
Ino Lucetto Rjlej'a newest comeJy , "A
Ocat of .V.uciy Colors , " at the DoyJ the first
three nights of next week , commencing Mon
day night. The story In a fasolna Ins one , In
which comedy Intcrcntd predominate. The
scones are laid In Now York and Codarwood ,
N. J , The play la superbly mounted uitii
elaborate spec-Ill scenery and every reijulalto
icceauary io an unusually perfect production
Tbo supporting company Is an extraordinary
ono -ain-l la In Itself an endorsement of tbe
attraction , I'romlnen't ' are tmch established
notropolltan favorites as William J , Le-
Moyno , Edward I ) . I-O ns , Bruce Mcllae , 1M-
ward See , Cllle Wilton and Georgia Busby.
Iron > | | IUTM ( Jet 11 UnlNe ,
inONWOOD. Mich. , Jan. 18-The Metro
politan Iron and Land company , operating
ho Norrlo group of mines nnd employing
1,000 men , has announced a raise In wages
o go Into effect February 1.
HVB.NTS ON TIU5fIttl. > M > ( l TIlACIt
ItitPPM I'nlle-ii Or/'Iti' ' DrUftltiiK Unl
mi.urn' Mini.
NliW OHUANS.iJi\n. IS. A steady drl
zllns rain made tli , trr\ck \ drop In mud nr
cut tlivvn the attendance. Three favorlti
won and ths rink Hroka n trltlo bett (
tTan even , severtlot-the bffnten favorlt <
belns well plajed nth to the outsiders cai
rled little money , l sults.
First race , selling , sp'vcn nnd a half fui
lontu ; GeorKvH , CerxTv'on , I Tke vlow 1'alftc
second nnd Sarato/m Atlrd. | Time 1 41.
Second mere , six furjongs : Hells of Men
phl3 won , Tnbourbt fieronel nnd nitholl
third. Tlmo. liWi. [
Third race , selltnff , ono nnd one-eight
Nay Nny woTr"Hobert Homier second
end and Molllo thlr < l > /.TIme. 2 OJ % .
Fourth racs , selling , six furlongs ; L-O
Itciigan won , I < lttt ' MUstc second an
t'ncai third. Tlmo , 3. 21 ,
Fifth race , selling- " six furlongs : Ros
Uurns won , Ccll.i B swond and Mda Stuit
third. Time ; 1.23 .
Sixth race , selling , one mile : Full linn
won , Ilitquil second and Jack Hayes thlrc
Time 1 52.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jin. H.-Wcixth-
clear , track heavy ut Oakland today. Rt
First race , maiden , selling , eleven-six
tcenthti oG n mile-1 Stcpabaut won , Flalide
second nnd Morlnin third. Time. 1 11 % .
STOiid race , selling' . Ilfteen-slxteenths of
mile. Doloro won , Silver Stnte second tin
Judge Stouffer third. Time 1 2Ui.
Third lace , purse , alx furlonRSMny V
won , Morlncl i second nnd I.ucky Dog thin
Time. 1 1GH.
Fourn race , purse , six furlongs : Hue
Mn'sla won , Onllnnt second and Flashllgh
third. Tims : 1-17 ,
Fifth race , .selling , thlrtcen-slxteenths o
n mile : Ollcetn won , Aqulnns second nn
Po'.lsh third , Time. 1-2314.
Sixth race , maiden , selling , oleven-sK
tscnths of a mile Dr Ucrnays won , JIllcsl
second ami Hlniera thlnl. lime : lll'.i : ,
not UT iivMiiuun's itvciNU ruitr
( .rent Cell Aln 5 Not 111.Mile to Stum
'I nil n I UK.
N13W YORK. Jan. IS.-Mnrcus Daly tin
some appiehenslon ns ta the racing fern
of Hamburg , the colt for which Ho recentl ;
paid about $35,000. Should the .vestcrn mil
llcnalro horseman's douhu be proven well
founded , It does not follow , ho , v ever , iha
Hamburg will be a losing Investment. Mi
Dily la n.uoted is saying to n reporter fo
nn evening ipi'r | "Hamburg's foreleg
vcre not sound at the close of last season'
raclni : . If he Btandsi training this jeir , h
should capture some of the rich 3-ycar-ol
stakes. Should ho break down , however , h
will be sent to Hngl ind nnd put In the stu
thcie. The majority of hor-es put chafed I
my name will bejent to IJngluid. I do no
nt present Intend to nice abroad , and mos
of my pure 1.1ea are. piactlenlly commls
slon , In which I have nn Interest. At an ;
lute not one of these horses will cauy in ;
colors I : im selling more racing stock thai
I im bujlng Just UPV. "
wrtun sen vnrun is nnrnvruu
I , Dies the Seen ml ( lump In the IMIIInri
CHICAGO. Jan. ] -Spln'.ss dofcatei
Schneffer tonight In the secondrnme of th
I'i-lnch balk line tournament. The score vvn
200 to 130. The v\l7ard had evidently ml
laid his magic wand , for he was utteily un
able to central tie halls , mlsblng shots th i
would h no been eisy for an am iteiir , ovei
drawing In the most flagrant manner , aili
In three Instances lal'.lng to get tne ball
out of balk The = eore
Spnksl ! , 31 , 0 19 4. 2 , 31. S , 22. 2. 0. 0. 11
1. 2 , 10 , lu. 0. 23. S , 1. IS 6 Total. 200. Aver
uge , 10V18 ; high run , IS.
Sch.acfrr-2 , 0 2 , IS , 0 , 0 , I. 10. i , 4 , 11.
0 9 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 3X. " U > G , 3 , 0 , 0 , It-Total : 133
Average , 519-24 ; high run , 3S.
I'IIIMII n M > vt I'l'rnrUHMiiclntloii. .
NHW YORK , Jin. 18. The Times todai
says a trick association In opposition t (
the National Cycle Tlack association I
being formed throughout the country , am
.already eight good tnlbUs are reuly to Join
W J. Morgan , New York editor of thi
League of AmericanWneelmen Bulletin
and manager of Jhe-i 'prospective natlona
cycledrome at Ambrose ; park , said ycster
day that he. felt assured the mcmboiBhlp o
tne new organization ivould speedily exec
that of Us rival , Mr ! Morgan announcec
that the nc-w association would bend In r
lecjuest to Albert ilott , chalimiu of the
national racing boiird. for a circuit. He
also Intlmatod that , iu agent had slgnec
a srquad of well Icnown foreign riders li
the Interests of the no'w association.
Inlcrntiito IliiHO Hall' I.rnwiie.
DAYTON , Jan IS The. representatives o
the clubs composing the Interstate Base Bal
league nro In session here. Dajton , Wheel
ins Springfield , "Foil Wnyno Mansfield , To
ledb , 'ew Castle , Pa. , Springfield anc
Youngstovvn , O , sire represented President
N n Poweis of I'lttsburg IS In the chair
fho WhcelliiB franchise nnd the efftrt ol
Toledo to get Into the Western league arc
the principal subjects of discussion. The
meeting may list over tomorrow .
I'd nil I UK Out rinjort.
George Stnlllngs of the Philadelphia ba c
Jill team , "farmed out" Geyhart and Shu-
part to the St Paul , and Miller to the
Montreal club Hulen and Merles were dls-
> osed of to Columbus.
- WlitHiiotliir Ilnce.
PHILADCLPHIA , Jan. 18. Tne second ot
the series of skating races between Joe
Donaghue and William Letts was won last
nlqht by Donaghue. The distance was two
miles and was covered In 7 minutes 2D sec
onds. _ _
Von Dorho I'rciinrliiK HI" Ilonrt.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. IS. Chris Von Der Ahe
las returned from Louisville , and although
10 cannot be seen his close friends snv ho
s getting his bond ieady In the trusteeship
natter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
vhosn liver is in good condition. DoWltt's
Little Early Risers are famous little pills
or constipation , biliousness , indigestion and
011 stomach and liver troubles.
, i mn : MIA i , . |
S I < > d nil Ill-Mil nun KT.
OTTUMWA , la. , Jan. 18. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) Mrs. Cllzabeth Dummler and George
" . Stodghlll , prominent Ottumwa people ,
vcro married this mnrnlng and lett Imme-
Utely for San Kianclsco , where they will
nitark for the Klondike en their wedding
our. They expect to enter the heart of the
old country , Mrs. Stodghlll donning male
ttlro for the overload Journey from Uawson
: ity.
LONDON , Jan. IS. Vivian Nickalls , the
veil known oarsman , and Augusta , daughter
member of Parliament tor
f James Bailey ,
ho Walworth division of Nowlngton , were
imrrled today In St. Peter's church , tlaton
ciuarc , this cit > .
The following marriage licences vvcro
swifd vesterday by the county Judge :
Name and Residence. Ag
M.vard U , Scott. South Omaha 2- >
Jertlo M. Record , Soilth Omaha
MfrtMl Alloth , Oma'm. . . . .
leiulett.v Peterson , Omiihii
'harles F. Slmpsofi. Omaha -J
Walsh Omulia -
aiah R. ,
' Pierce , Neb 2
lenry L. Inkelder ,
: era H. Glaze , Pierce- , Neb
ohn Mlne-felter
Nellie Kcll. Uaveilport. la
osef O Nowotny/ Omaha -J
larbar.v Docceka ) , Omaha -
ames A SweeneyOlnahu / 31
Clara ZimmermanlOmaha
IIQB them on tlio
Drcx L. Shnonjftii
itn-runiiiiiff for the Kienti-st shoe of-
flings over inutlotliL' Hint l y of this
e-li-nrniiw snle
our iH'\tc'.st ! .Tijnnnry
lovvih'd our 8.toi -7 il Inniilivils and
i umli ml s of Hliot'8 wcio easuily taken
nit vvo'vo tlionsanilK of pairs that aic
list as ( jooil If not bettor liar aiiiH for
on toil.iy VVC'K-J Kohl } , ' to fiull tht'ho
t-lioos anil wo know how to nmku tlio
ii-leoa that will Keep u crowd at our
store all the tlmo think of boys' show
it SSe ) most of our boys' hhocs Imvo
lopu out f i oni riOt ! to $1.0U on ovury
Kilr mon's $ T shoes 5 < J.S ! ) ? 5 shoes'.s1 ? 5 hhoes ? 2.50-laillod ? 2.50
$1.18 all regular goods with lib
Drexel Shoe Co , ,
When People Are Suffering From Rhemiiatisiii
Neuralgia and Colds , They Need to Know of a
Discovery , The Fame of Which is "World-Wide. "
* /
More men , women and even little child
ren have bca suffering \vlth rheumatism
and neuralgia the prevent jcar than ever
before. Statistics from nil over the country
show this doctors reports prove It Possi
bly the unusual weather has haJ something
to do with It , but there li ono great reason
back of It all The great cause of rlictinnt's ' u
cad neuralgia , or even muscular cold U be-
cau j there Is uric acid In the blood This
uric ncld should bo thrown out ot the sys
tem , and can bo It the kldncvs are only In
a strong and healthy condition , but , being
weakened , these great organs are not able
to throw the urle acid from the Bvstcm
and so It gets Into the blood , poisons the
blood , eettles around the Joints. InlUmrs the
rnuoclcs and causes what vvo call rheuma
tism and neuralgia.
Is this not clear ? Can you not readily see
that there la cnly ono way to euro three
troubles , and tl-at 13 by keeping the kldnojs
In a strong and healthy condition ? It they
arc kept strong nnd well , and dilve the urld
ncld from the blood , there will bo no mare
rheumatism or neuralgia ,
In every quarter ot the globe , Including
India , Africa and Australia , It la acknotvl
edged tLat there Is but one discovery which
can or ever docs flsht the battle against
uric ncld , and drive It from the body. That
discovery U known universally throughout
the world as Warner's Safe Cure.
In writing upon this subject , Mr. Wllllim
Edward llosbon , surgeon of the Hoyal Navy
of Hnglaml , said :
"I conscientiously and emphatically state
tlat I have been nble to give more relief
and effect more cures by the ue ofVai ncr's
Sato Cure , than hy all other incdlclnco la the
Urltlsh Pharmacopoeia. "
Dr. N. Ujcr \Vurtzburg , Germany
"I Lave prescribed Warner's Safe Cure con
stantly to these suffering from kidney or
liver diseases , and especially rheumatism
and ncuialg.a. In some Instances where the
case secmoil hopeless. I have seen the suffer
er restored to complete health gicatly to my
A two dajB1 swulon of the Beard of Di
Izatlon vvus concluded Inst evening. The
meeting was held for the purpose of receiv
ing complaints on the assessment cf the Mia-
sourl avenue sower. Tills Is the second ses
sion the hoard has held on ithls tax. Tol-
lowlng the custom In vogue over since the
city was Incorporated , the city engineer fig
ured cut < ho abscbsmcnt on the U'ts In , LIa
district when the sewer was completed , eacih
lot In the cntlro district being taxed thu came
amount , $10.12. This did not suit certain of
the property owncri , who were some little
distance from the sewer. They cMmcd that
It would ocat them from ? 50 to $75 to make
connections wi.h tJio main sewer , while ! t
would cost abutting property owners com
paratively nothing. For this reason the corn-
pl-ataianta urged that a graduate. ! ' assessment
bo made. This was done and the se-sslon of
the beard just concluded VM'S for the puinjse
of receiving complaints on tie new aosuss-
ment. Just before adjournment Attorney J.
J. Drecn filed a complaint signed b > George
1'arlo , Burnccs & Parks , Frank P. Burtiese ,
G. L Dare , Catherlna Parks and J. J. Brccn
and wife The number cf feet frontage owned
by Wicso parties Is given In 'the ' complaint
as 032 feet , which Is ut very stroll portloni of
the entire frontage In the district , the frontage -
ago en the sewer Itself helng'2,700 fee1 ! . It
In alleged hy the signers of this petition that
the a't-essment to be made Is unjust , in-
cqultablo and unfair and the board Is urgeJ
to return tj the plan ( list proposed , namely
that of asseajins each lot In the district the
same iimount. The boaid will meet next
Monday night to decide the matter. .
To the Moe'l < ! rev orH * Com ciitlon.
Quito a delegation from this city will
leave for Denver next Monday to attend the
National Stock Growers' convention , which
will bo In session for three days commencing
January 25. The local live stock exchange Is
entitled to twenty delegates , but the number
to go from here will exceed that by possibly
n dozen. W. B. Check has been chosen as
chairman of the delegation and Is busily en
gaged In perfecting all arrangements. The
list of those who will attend as now made
up contains the names of J. F. Roberts , W.
H. Jones , T. D Pcrrlno , J. R. Bjers , Ab
Waggoner , Captain William Kelly , W. B.
Cheek. II. B. llogers , J. P. Clarey. A. Becker.
D. S Parkhurst , C. C. Uailey , W. n. Woods ,
A. Garro1 , George Burke , Alma Jackson ,
A. G. 'Buchanan ' , J. A. iHako , T. 13. McPherson -
son , William Underwood , I. . . C. Heddlngton ,
J. L. Martin of the Rock Island , Bruce Mc-
Culloch of the Stockman , Dcnna Allbcry ot
the Drovers' Journal and W. J. C. Kenyon ,
general manager of tbo Union Stock Yards
It Is the Intention to divide the delegation
between the Burlington , Union Pacific and
Hock Island reads , Headquarters and rooms
hava been engaged at the Albany hotel and
a pleasant tr.p Is anticipated. During the
stayinDenver there will boa big feast bear ,
deer , antelope and buITalo meat having been
provided for the barbecue.
iif ( inn Ordinance.
The new gaij franchise ordinance Is similar
In many respects to the ono granted to the
South Omaha Gas Light company and which
was later transferred to Mho Oiralm Gas com
pany , The provisions In relation < to the openIng -
Ing of streets and alloja nro the same , not
more than COO fcot to bo opened at ccticc. A
bond of $5,000 to secure the city against
damages which might occur on account of 'the '
excavations IB provided Jor and ono section
explicitly slates that the plant Is to bo
erected within the city limits. The light
furnished Is to bo twen'fy-caiidlo power ,
measured by a live-foot burner. A rojalty
of C tents per thousand cubic feet Is to bo
paid the city and the city clerk or other
person appointed hy the council will have
accesa to the books of the company at any
tlmo. Thlu laymen't. ' Is to bo imido on or
about January 15 of well vcar. Two j ears'
'tlmo is nsko.l In which to have gas ready for
use In a district extending along N street
from Tncnty-tnlrd to Twenty-seventh street ,
in the alleys between Twentthird ) and
Twcnty-fouiMi , and between Twentjfourth
and Twenty-fifth streets from N
to M btrcet. AU pipes are to
surprise and gratification , and I constantly
recommend It In all circles of my acquaint
ance. "
Prof. J. Polraud. B. A. B. Sc. . of Paris ,
"After week * of suffering from Inflam
mation ot the bladder during which time.
although under noted specialists , the disease
steadily developed and I rapidly grew weaker
t resorted to the wo of \ \ arner'a Safe Cure
U promptly relieved the painful oymptoms
and I conscientiously say that my present
bo laid to the lot lines a'.id
meters ere to be furnished by the ccmpanj
without expense to the consumer The grant
Ing of this fr.intthlso does not tatcrfwo In
any way with tic granting of a .similar one
to any other coiporailon or company.
riiniiwr < liriuli- Drill ) oil.
Over a jear ago propel ty owners living on
Twenty-seventh street between C and F
streets petitioned for a change of grade. Tor
some reason no attention was paid to the
petition for several months" , when the mat
ter was brought up In the council and ap
praisers appointed. In duo course of time
the appraisers reported , that there would bo
no damages by reason of the proposed change
of grade and then the matter was again
shelved for a time.
A couple of weeks ago the old petition was
dug up and the city attorney was Instructed
to draft an ordinance providing for the
change of grade. When the document was
sprung at the meeting of the city fathers
Monday night the city attorney suggested
that as BO long a tlmo had elapsed slncu the
petition was tiled It would be much better to
have the property owners present another
petition , as some of the signers might have
changed thcilr minds.
It Is contended by the persons desiring
this change In grade that the first petition
was procured at considerable expense and
that It was au Imposition to nsk that the
whole matter bo gene over again.
Clcmilnir tl > " Vlmlucc.
Street commissioner Hess has been given
enough work to keep himself and hii3 force
busy for at least a week. The council has
oidered the west end of the Q street viaduct
cleaned and placed In. n passable condition
The building at Schlltz's and Armour's has
caused a gieat many teams loaded with brick
and dirt to tiso the viaduct and the nlftinR
has covered the plarks to a depth of sev
eral Inches The soft weather lately has
made n icgular mud hole and the viaduct
at this point Is In a dangerous condition. The
crossing of L street with the boulevard la
also to receive the attention of the street
department , a mud hole something less thaa
a foot In depth having formed there. Side
walks on the west. sldo of Thirty-second
street between L and J streets wuro ordered
repaired cod a washout under the sidewalk
on Twenty-first street between I nnd J
streets will bo filled. Ilepalrs to the side
walk or. ' the north sldo of It street from
Thirtieth to Thirty-first street nro to bo
Improving IllKliluiKl Park. '
The park commissioners have requested the
city authorities to take up the wooden side
walk on the south side of 'B ' street , which
abuts on Highland park and use It In some
other locality. It Is also the deslro ot the
commissioners that tha tax assessed for
this walk be cancelled by the city council.
Permission Is asked to place a c'nder.walk
wound the park until such time as the
commission can afford to lay gravel or con
crete walks. This matter has been referred
to the council committee on streets and
alloys nnd a report will , It Is expected , bo
Forthcoming next Monday night.
Now that the vexing grading questions In
that locality liavo boon about Bottled the
park commissioners Intend to proceed as
rapidly as possible with the work of beautify
ing the park. The Interior has already been
plowed In order to make the ground ready
[ or landscape gaideners , who will commence )
as soon as the weather will warrant ,
AVIll Ml * r tinIlorm - .
Councl'man ' Variant stated yesterday that
the police horse was doing nicely and would
ultimately recover. Ho said that the animal
Its feet and the
as now nblo to stand on
swelling In the Injured leg was being rapIdly -
Idly reduced. The city will not be called
upon , Mr. Vawant Bald , to pay the bill for a
veterinary surgeon's services as had been
talked ot by some members ot the council
ivho opposed purchasing a horse for city use.
Ho asserted that the only thing the city
could lose would bo the use of the animal
wlillo It U laid up.
Complain > ( lV NM nl.
Complaint Is again made about a cesspool
In the rear of the liatfcrty houses on Twenty-
fourth street. H IB claimed by those living
h that locality that the cesspool has ovor-
llowed and the contents are allowed to run
Tlicro Isn't nny plnno tlmt lins a
sweeter tone a fcofter toiu-h a inoro
olofjnnt llnlnli than tlio Klinbtill It'H tlio
peer of Ilium all-endorsed by tlio
woiltl'u greatest musicians wo have
just rccclviid a catlo.ul of the latest In
tlicHO famous liibtmniontu beautiful
nattual wood cases In all the Dopular
and np-to-dato designs vvo aio HO piouil
of these that wo give yon a ] > eclal in
vitation to conic and look nt them we
wont ask you to buy but wo know you
' the of u
will nnles-i you're possessor
KImball now any way conic In and
sec them bring in your ftlunda ,
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
good health U solely duo to Winner's Sftf
Cure. "
Hcei. G A. Stone , Judgeof thr Suprem *
Court ot Australia Occlntes :
"I hive used Warner's Safe Cure * on nwnjr
occasion * , being nubje-ctcd to complaint *
which caused depression of spirits , and th
use ot this wondeiful discovery has been ln
varlabl } attended with the moat tat-ufaclorr
results "
J'H Jal Ham MVmir , n promtacnt railroad
man ot Indlt. tajn
"I was attacked by the fatal disease dropsy
M n result at rheumatic trouble * My whole
body was HUM with water nnd my Uldnc > n
refused to work 1 tried various remedies
and skillful surgeon ? In vain. At last I was
told to prepare for death. I began the uao
of Warner's Safe Cure , ami It affected a com
plete euro for which I cannot ho too grate
ful "
The list of n.imcY ! of American men nnd
women who have1 been cured b ) the lisa
of this wonderful dlsoovco extends Into tlio
hundreds ot thoimmls Meny of the'in are
very prominent In legislative1 , profo'slonal
and social circles. Ihe-lr liiuirj aleno would
more than fill this paper. Many ot them
have boon eriduilng pain have had swollen
joints , headaches , uiviccountihlo languor ,
dull , and Indcllnlto pilns In various puts or
the body ; have bcuti restless , sleepless , .inn
depi-vtsed ; have had lack of appetite Inck ot
ecicrg ) nrd lick of all ambition , hut they are
todaj In the onjovmcnt of perfect hca'th A
few ninico ot thcso who rnrdUll ) recom
mended Pate Cure are lllslmp Wilson , Mr.
Jesse I.arrahee. Lr ) Qiinu , Mis Annlo Jtn-
nrss Miller , Dr Wewdburj , Mil. Wlllard
nciil Itov. Dr. Itankln.
In addition thereto , thU great d'acovcry '
las teen sclentmoally analvrrd bj Prof S.
\ Ivattcmoro , one of the leading chem'stit
ot Amcrlci , and 4\inl > . ? t of Pool nrd Mell-
clncs for the New York State lloiud of
Health , who hoe Invcstlgited the process ot
nunuifactuic , and unhesitatingly EI\S that
It Is conducted with cxtieme one ncroidltiK
to the best methods , and thit Rife Cure In
free from all poisonous and deleterious sub
stances '
The facsimile ot the package Is Riven here
with It has become a ejminjm of good
health the world over , and Rives , what no
other remed > can give freedom from dis
ease end thi > blrsalngs of life which good
health alwajs confers.
Into other people's premises Lsot summer
the mnltaij Inspector was compelled to
cause the arrest of the locil agent of this
propel ty for not Inv Ing thu cesspool cleaned
and repaired A fine of $23 was Impcxsed by
Judge Chrlstmann but upon the promise of
the igont that the matter would receive Im
mediate attention ? 20 of Ihu flue wna re
mitted. Iho major stated that unless the
milo-inco was abated the agents would bo
arrested again.
t'lty C ssl | > .
Dan Mahone , ono ot the Clailnda ( In ) sub
stantial farmcis was a vUltor In the city
yestcrdav ,
Scott King , chief engineer of the stock
jards and the Armour companies , Is on the
blck illst.
The women of the Episcopal church will
meet Wednesday afternoon nt the residence
of Mrs. W. S. King.
The Tourth Ward Republican club will
hold a meeting at Hex hall , Thlrtj-thlrd and
L streets , Trlday night.
Mis. H. A. Carpenter , Twenty-third and J
streets , will entertain the Kings'
Daughters Thursday afternoon.
The flro department was engaged yester
day afternoon In flushing the paved streets
in the business portion of the city.
John Lakoma was lield to the dlstrlot
court In the sum of $1,000 yesterday by
Justice Levy on a charge ot bastardy lire-
terra ! by Anna Gunschucks.
There will bo a meeting this evening of
the Second Ward Improvement club at
TrnncU's hall. It Is expected that a per
manent organization will bo perfected to-
Joe. Blckctt , the man who tried to rob
Jol.n Campbell in a lower N street saloon
last Sunday , was tried In police court jcs-
torday afternoon and held to the district
court In JGOO bond.
Mtorinn Jlloiif ; the Const.
of maritime disasters along the
coast come In thick and fast. Pex > plo who
"go down to the sea In ships" should bear In
mind ono thfaig In particular , namely , that It
Is highly desirable to take along a supply of
Hosteller's Stomach Blttere as a remedy for
sea sickness. Nausea , djepepalu , biliousness ,
constlpallon , malaria , nervousness and kid
ney trouble , all succumb to Its beneficent and
speedy ac Ion.
f'liril ' 1'nrt.v uml Iniii > i * .
Another very delightful boclal event oc
curred under the nubplces of Union I'actfla
council No 10C9 , Hoyal Area mini , In Metro
politan hall lust night , Tlio nKnlr was n
card parly and dnnee .ind this combination
proved to be. na Huccc-siful u > s 1111 other > n-
tertnlnmcntH which Imvo boon Klvcn by tbo
lodge during the winter SOD -on. The .it-
tend.mcH VV.IH very largo nnd of a select
character. The card tourmimcnt nnd the
ilanco occurred simultaneously. Uic former
In the lower parlors of the club hi.lMliiK1
and the other In tbo largo h.ill. The toiiina-
mcnt wns i > irtlclpited in nv tnlr'y tallies
of layers , The prizes v.-ero won by W , H ,
Wnlwork Clcorw S. Po vcll ml Miss N.
Pooling. Thcv dancing program waa nf an
excellent character.
ArifHiol for KlKhlliiK.
P. Frampton , a young colored rmn , re
ceived a grvcro ens1 ! on his face lust night
from a sharp Instrument In the. Innd of
ISosslo Cnnton , upon whom ho vuis in iklnir
i oclil fill. The woman llvtrf nt Uleveiith
nnd Capitol nvcniic nnd Kr.impton Is H.ilcl
to have- been a regular caller thcro in < < pltci
af the fact that he already h id a wife. This
; Ircumstairro was recently brought to thu
attention of the Krnrnpton womitn and tie
icproaohcd Trampton A 1th his duplicity on
Ills arrival lust night. A eiuarrel followed
which leaultod In the dlFllKiiratlon at
l'"iainpton'8 face. Thcv weto iirremed for
: l3turtilnB | the peace by lighting , trigvthor
nlth OtlB Smith , who hud endeavored to ucl
is peacemaker.
C m ill i > | ili one Conci'lM
This afternoon at 330 o'clock theio will
lie a complimentary concert by the Ber
liner Kramopliono in the lodge rooniH on the
seventh floor of The lloe Iniildlni ? Tne con
cert will conclst of twenty intiblenl numbem ,
ind will bu c'onc-liidul with u He-Ieftlon do-
Hurlptlvci of a morning on the finm. with a
ilou light usi 11 ulilo attraction The concert
Hill bo i ; I veil under thu direction of I } , I ,
TO oiiiiu roi.i ) iv OM : I VY
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