Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Hot Sit In Consideration of the
Broatch-Moores Oa t
lArprninrnt in KtiRrno Alnnro Cnne
Thu mil it- Afternoon lie rilin mi
Oil en TlilrlDnj H ( o Pile
HU Ilrlc-f.
UN'COLN , Jan , 18. ( Special Telegram. )
The Rupremo court convened this morning
nlth JustlccB Harrison , Norval and Sullivan
on the bench. Judge Sulllvnn occupied a
feat at the left of Chief Justice Harrison ,
and took only a listening part In the morn-
Stiff proceedings. The cpurt room was un
usually crowded with attorney * .
The court announced that Judge Wakclcy
had been excused on his own request from
nerving an tcfereo In the Uroatch-Moorci
case. It Is expected that a new appointment
will bo announced during the sitting.
The Crclghton theater receivership case
was dismissed on agreement among the at
torneys ,
Tlio Kugcno Moore case was called up and
the attornc8 for both sides having declared
themselves to be ready far the hearing , the
case la set for oral argument. It Is expected
that the hcaivng will occupy Thursday fore
noon ,
In the appeal case of Leo Hcrdman against
the state , Herdmnn's attorney was giantcd
thirty days In which to file brief.
The mandamus care ot the Homo for the
Friendless to compel the pajmcnt of the
state appropriation Is sot for oral argu
ment during the present sitting.
It Is probable that an application will bo
made to the supreme court tomorrow mornIng -
Ing for leave tn fllo the suit which U to
lest the law relating to fees of county
treasurers for the collection of state taxes
J. A. Pearson , the treasurer from I'helps
county , on whoso claim the suit Is to be
brought , finished his settlement with the
state auditor } estcrda } , but declined to ac
cept tlio warrant tendered him by the au
ditor and ( nit In a claim for the full amount
Tlio following letter wiltten Mr. Pearson by
ttio n milter today vxpKilns the situation :
LINCOLN' , Jan IS John A , Pearson
Tiuisuror of Phe'ps ' County , HoldreRe
Noli Hear Sir1 Your claim of this dnle for
Jfilfi 11 for collecting state taxes for the ye.u
1VI7 has been rejpctul for the reason that In
computing the. fees you took into considera
tion only the money collected for the state
fl.OOj H. You should have taken as a b isis
for jour calculations the total amount o
moiuy collected on v hlch jou arc t'titltloi
to fees vvnlch by jour report Is $ " > ! "M si
rigurlng from this bi o you will IIml th it
tlio rile which you nro entitled tn for i ol-
lectliiK taxes Is J filCS per cent , which gives
you for eollfctliiK "late LINOS , other th in
school mones , $ J2rt rs. The * fiea on % our
school mono } s are correct as figured $15" fli
} our inileiKc. $10.30 , making $111.87 that yoi
uro entitled to.
I enclose you voucher made out In accord-
nneo with this for $111 S7 which I will allow
If you will 1111 the ic/iulred nllldult and lllc
In this olllce Vetv re pectfully ,
J. r. COIlN'UMj , Auditor of State.
The following notaries wcro commissioned
toda } W. Chambcrlln , Tlarks ; Henry Mat
ters , Hurchanl ; A. L Xewman , Oakland ; V.
AV Phillips Star ; r. U. Donlthorpo. Geneva
1M L Iltooks , Uazllo Mills ; Alfred Arnoman
Omaha , H IZ , Stanton , Stromsburg , J M
Torrlstall , Him Creek ; frank 'M ' Harhart ,
HaHtlngs , n. M. Jcnln us , Alexandria , K. A.
Day , Crete.
The Sliver Cicck Co-operative Creamer } '
company , with a capital stock of $ (5000. ( Illed
articles of Incorporation toda } , with M. It
Hosslter , W. 13 Kerr , C. W. nowlby , r. K.
Leighton , 13. Alpaiigh , J. A. Alpaugh and N.
I * Squler as Incorporators.
State Superintendent Jackson iwas much
elated today over the receipt of a letter from
AV. N. Habcock , manager of the Dcpartmenl
of Transportation of the exposition , stating
that tlio railroad lines ot Nebraska had con
ceded free transportat/on both vvaa ot edu
cational exhibits prepared under direction
of the state superintendent.
Hobert L Pollok , aged 79 } ears , was
burled from Grace Methodist episcopal
church this afternoon. Although well along
In years his dcatli was no doubt hastened
by nn accidental fall on the street about
two weeks ago Mr. Pollock has been Identi
fied with every reform movement since the
formation of the abolition party , with which
ho worked from the start. An aged wife and
three children are the surviving members ot
the family.
MIIHASKV ST\TI : poui/riiv snow.
unn nn ! i\Iillill OIICIIN nt I'l onioiH
I'udcr PiiMiriiIili > AiiNitli't'H
fnnMONT , Neb. , Jan. IS ( Special ) The
annual exhibit of the Nebraska State Poul
try association Is being held here. Chickens
of every size , sluapo and variety began to
arrive yesterday morning ntid during the day
many teams were busy hauling them to t ic <
hall. The exhibit opened this morning with
two largo rooma well filled with coous of
poultry. On the first floor most of the birds
of the heavy largo breeds wcro exhlbltei1
The different branches of the Plymouth
Uock family were especially well repre
sented , the buffs nnd whites being very nu
merous. On this llor were also the Drali-
mas , Wyamlottes , Cochicis , lllack Javas ,
Langshcms anil others. The smaller varieties
nnd a. few of the larger ones were on the
third floor. Tlireo double rows of coops ex
tending the full length of the room were
wJll tilled with a flno display of blrda , L'an-
tams , Games , LatiKslmns , Houdans , Leghorns
of every variety C. A Cook of Salem. Neb. ,
had a good display of turke } , among them
n gobbler which tips the scales at forty
potiiula. Or .Martin of Itemoiit had a largo
exhibit ot Duff Cochins There are ever l.GOO
birds on exhibition and though the number
Is some smaller than In previous } cars the
lack Is moro than made up In the superior
quality of the birds slioun. There was a good
attendance of visitors today. This aftcrnocci
school children were admitted free and they
were out In full force The opening meeting
ot the association will bo held In I'Milan
liall tomortovv evening , The exhibit will re
main open until frlday.
Thd Owl club gave an amateur minstrel
show at the resilience of W. W. Illackman
last ovrtilng , The program consisted of songs
nnd specialties by wch of the twenty-four
men and women con posing the organization
A platform was placed In the parlor and
thcro wcro the usual stage accessories.
Itrniirnlntr of ( he CHcliriilcil CIIHC nt
Dukol.i . Cll > .
DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , Jan. IS. ( Special )
Judge II 13. i\ans : convened the regulnr
1S9S spring term of court for Dakota county
nt this place ycstciday , with 0 , D. Haa-si
olllclatlng as stenographer. Yesterday mornIng -
Ing was consumed In i rollmlnary work. On
tlio oonvenliiR of court after dinner the cao
of tfio State of Nebraska against James Iln-
\Illo , which Is the only criminal rasa on tlio
docket , wan taken up and the work of cm-
IMiielllng n Jury commenced The state was
represented by County Attorney W. P. War
ner , assisted by Attorneys I. J , McCarthy
mil John T. Spencer , and the dcfcndatit by
Attorneys Mcll C. Jay and J , J. McAllister
Dm Ing Iho purging of the Jury Attorney Jay
raised an objection to the legality of the
Jury ra the ground that Harry Goodfellovv ,
ono of thd regular rancl for this term , had
scried as Jucor within two years. Judge
13vans overruled the objection , and It took
until after dinner to secure the Jury ,
I.lnvlllo IB charged with murder , having
shot and killed Henry Carpenter at a dance
which terminated in a drunken row , at Good
win , on the night ot August 2S , Ltnvlllo
escaped capture for several months , being
caught at Concle , S , I ) . , and returned hero
Aslt your grorcr today to gliovv jou n
package of ORAIN-O , the new food drink
that takes 'lie place ot coffee. The child-
rcn mty drink It without Injury n well us
the adult. All who try It , like It. QIIAIN-O
1ms that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java
but It U made from pure Kralns. and the
most delicate atomnch receives It without
fllutress U the price ot coffee. 15o and 25a
per pacUujie. Sou by all groccri.
by Sheriff norowiiky Al lit * nrrt pre
liminary hearing before foun y Judge Ityan
ho was discharged but was afterward rr > -
nrrcted nnd tnkfn before Justice Jojre. who
hound him over to the district court without
ball Tlio ca o has mcrRel Into a factional
war between the towns of Gixxlwhi and Hub-
bard , Llnvlllo being ono ot a party who bad
gone to the dance at OooJwIn on the eventful
nUht , and the murdered msti being a farmer
residing near Goodwin , who was well llkcJ
and reepcctcd.
DISCUSS THI : not : . \M > TIIC cow.
Ilrccilrrw of .Snliic niul of Slock Moot
'I oitctlii-r.
LTXCOLN , Jan. 18 ( Special Telegram )
The opening session of a Joint meeting of
the Nebraska Stnto Swine Breeders' asso
ciation and the Improved Stack HrccJers' as
sociation was held this evening In the lec-
Uiro room ot the law school nt the State uni
versity The joint meeting will continue
until Thursday afternoon. President llranson
of thciSivlne nrcedcrs' association cnlleJ the
joint session together and Hon. J. V. Wolfe
delivered the address of welcome. The hall
was filled to ov onioning and many wcio
unable to obtain seats In his remarks Mr.
Wolfe assured the association that not only
were the gates of the city ot Lincoln open
to them , but also the homes and hearts ot the
people. In reference to the recent trouble
between Secretary of State 1'ortcr nnd the
municipal author.lles ot Lincoln Mr Wolfe
said U was a fact that for the paltry sum of
(7 GO a man could slaughter his own family
hogs within the city limits. To the address
of .Mr. Wolfe , President G. W Whltmorc of
the Improved Stock Breeders' association re
sponded , following this with his annual ad
dress , President llranson of the Emlno
Breeders nlso ptcscntcd his address Asldo
from the Lancaster county organization over
100 reduced rate tickets wcro sold by various
At 10 30 the members of the joint session
sat down to an elaborate banquet at the
Capitol hotel. Chancellor MacLcJti preslilei
as toastmastcr. Among these who responded
vvero C. H. Clmcndorf , Burlington , C
Mackclvle , Palrchlldj William Poster , Sal
tlllo ; Governor Holcombj I. W. Lansing
Now York City ; Colonel P. Woods , Lincoln
Gcorgo P. Bellows , Marjvlllc , Mo , II. M
Bushnell , Lincoln , Hon. J. V. Wolfe ; J. W
Sparks , Marshall , Mo ; Colonel T. C. Cal
noun , Friend ; Colonel 55 S. Branson , Wav-
crly , Hon. L. W. Leonard , Pawnco City
W. Q. Whltmorc , Valley Prominent amoub
the toasts wore : "Prom the Hog Pen to
the State House , " responded to by J. V
Wolfe , "The Press , " H. M. Uushnell , and
"You Must Show Mo ; 1 m Prom MUeourl , '
Georco P. Bellows
voia\Tni3ii i'iiiijui3N or .Nniiu VMC.V
Slttrrntli Vnminl Com rutloii Is N < > \ \
Otii'ii " ' Krnrnc > .
KE/RNnY. Neb. , Jan. 18 ( Spco'al Tele
gram ) The sixteenth annual convention o
the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's as
soclatlon was formally opened with a reccp
tlott at the city hall tonight. Prcsldcn
Hague of MlnJen and Secretary into o
Giand Island nnlvcd jcsterday and took 111
quaitors at the Midway. The delegates be
gan at riving this morning and every train
has been Increasing the number until nov
thrro nro nearlj 200 In town. Beatrice sen
over flfty delegates In a spcclil car ant
brought along a band dressed In unique am
comical costumes also a"V'orktovvn brigade , '
composed of a lot of small bojs blacked up
and hauling a miniature hose cart. The cltj
hall has been decorated by the members uf
the local Ilro department and nearly every
btoro on Central avenue la spcclallj decoratet
In honor of the \Isltors. The exeroscs to
night were nn address of welcome by Major
Ilulbort , followed by a response by Presi
dent Hague and a social time generally The
business bcsslous commence tomorrow mornIng -
Ing and tomorrow evening the vlbltors wir
be taken to the opera house by the Kearney
department. The convention closes Thurs
day night with a grand ball and banquet.
IH-Imlc ut Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb , Jan. IS ( Special. )
The Peslaozzlan Literary society held an
open meeting la&t night In the college
chapel There was a largo attendance. The
progiam as carried out was as follows' De
votions , Prof. Mnrlt ? , overture , Roes' Juve
nile orchestra ; recitation , Miss Kva Bukcr ;
essay , O. n. iDurden ; recitation , Miss Eva
Stewart ; violin solo , Laura Buchanan ; comic
leading , Albert Smith ; recitation. Hugh
MUchclmoro ; "College Lito from a Boy's
Standpoint , " Miss Edjth Chambers ; "Col-
lego Llfo from a Girl's Standpoint , " II S.
O. Hurlburt ; stump speech , G. C. Porter ;
overture , Rocs' Juvenile orchestra : debate ,
"Resolved , Thnt Legal Restrictions Should
Bo Placed Upon Private Accumulations of
Wealth In the United States ; " for the
alllrmatlve , T C. Osborne and John Brown ;
for the negative , II. M. Smith and C. L.
Hultgrcen The judges decided la favor of
the alllrmatlve.
MillIn SUII Siiiollliipr.
NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 18 ( Special
Telegram ) Otto Mutz , chairman ot
the legislative Investigation committee , ar
rived hero last night from Lincoln and has
spent the day In consultation with Paul Jes-
son , county attorney of Otoo county , In refer
ence to proceedings which It Is said the state
Is about to bring agalnat William Ebrlght on
account ot alleged discrepancies In bin ac
counts as superintendent of the blind asylum.
Mr Mutz stated th's ' evening that no definite
course of action Las as jot been decided
CLAY CENTER , Neb , Jan IS ( Special. )
The notlco through the press of the ap
pointment of Jol.n M. Jones as postmaster
at this pace ! was a great surprise , as the
uppoli > tcn was not a candidate and not only
( mil endorsed the petition of ono of the two
prominent candidates asking for bin selec
tion , hut was elected chairman of the county
central committee on this Issue , because he
was known to have expressed this preference
The appointment pleases none but the popu-
aud democrats. ,
I'll milHi imlon.
SCRIBNER , Neb. , Jan. IS ( Special. ) Yes.
terday was the 77th birthday of James Rob
inson , ono of the old settlers of this locality.
In the afternoon children , grandchildren and
great giandchlldrcn gathered at his home ,
about a mile and a qtmrter from Scrlbncr , for
a family reunion. In the evening a large
number from this city and surrounding
country went out In a body , surprising the
old gentleman. The evening was bpent with
recollections ot old pioneer times. About 100
persona wcro present ,
I.lllll ( O Hl-Nt.
COLUMBUS. Neb. , Jan , 18. ( Special )
Tlio funeral of J. H , Johannes was held to
day and the remains vvero Intcrredi In the
Lutheran cemetery on the banks of Shell
creek , Mr. Johannes , who died Saturday
morning , was among the early settlers of
Platte county , taking ; Ills homebtcad In Bur-
ro\\ti township In 1SDS. Ho wus one of tborc
sturdy Gcimans who ( have done much to
develop a gioal stato. Ho was nearly 70
yeiirs old and left an estate worth nearly
$15,000. _ i
.Shot In tlio I'liot ,
CRETE , Neb . Jan ; 18 ( Special ) Henry
Kemper , jr. , a joung farmer living on the
Wcot Blue river , this county , accld < > ntally
shot himself In the foot , while out hunting.
flio member will have to bo amputated ,
Last fall a com crop Is being marketed by
the farmcro of this county In large quan
tities , Prices paid by elevator men lo this
and neighboring towns avcrago 20 to 20V6
cents per bushel ,
Court 'llopard-r. '
COLUMHUS , Neb , Jan. 18. ( Special )
Judge Albert jcsterday appointed Blake
Maher as oindal court reporter for the Sixth
judicial district , vice Irvln Spelce , resigned.
Mr. Maher la a eon of thu late Hon. Michael
Mailer of thin county and n brother of Hon.
J. G. Mabcr ot OhaUncn. Ho la well known
lu Omuha ,
ltc > l > nl illVnli on.
\VAHOO , Neb. , Jan. 18. ( Special. ) A re-
vlvnl meeting has been In progress In the
Methodist church 'In ' this city for the last
eight or ten dajs. Rev. J. W. Swan , the
pastor , Is conducting the meeting , assisted
by Rev. J. W. Kcinpcr of SevvarJ. Prof. A.
II , Hticldns of Nebraska City has charge of
the juuslc ,
Kf\lMil t Cfilur
CEDAR RAPIDS. Neb. , Jan , 18. ( Special. )
The rovhal wietlugs now In progress at
the Mothodkt church are attracting unusua
Attention Religion ecrmn to bo the topi'
ot the day upon the itrccM , ard In man ]
business places and homes In- the town.
Rev. J. P. Yoat , the pastor , preached In
the largo billiard hM Saturday evening
The room waa crowded ,
Itrlnrr ) for
GOTHENBURG. Neb , JBO -Special ( )
Hon , J II. MacCoIl of Lexington and E. P
Vlssrt of Chicago are here closing up a dei
which will , without doubt , locate a supir
refinery at Gothenburg In ample tlmo to
work up thta > ear's crop of beetsThe Goth
e&burg Power and Irrigation company pro
posea to donate fortj acres of land end three
largo factory buildings \alucd at $75,000
The citizens have pledged to vote and donate
bonds to the amount of $12,000 and secure
beet dotations to the amount of $38,000 , rank
Ing the total subMdy $125.000 , In considera
tion ot this bonus four Chicago capitalists
agree to erect a factory that will manufac
ture Into ( sugar 350 tons of beets per day
and to put up a bond to have the factory
completed In tlmo to uao thla year's crop o
beets The plant will cost $350.000 and wll
mean the p > ijninnt of $240,000 per annum to
the farmers and Gothenburg citizens.
Pitetnr ) Ilp liii Oicriillon | ,
OULBERTSON , Neb , Jan 18. ( Spccla
Telegram. ) The Culbertson Separator factory
begnti operation hero yesterday under the
most favorable auspices At 9 o'clock the
machinery was put iln motion and amlds
an enthusiastic crowd 4,700 pounds of mill
was skimmed The milk was brought In
regulation ten-gallon cans and had the cans
not been exhausted fully 2,000 pounds more
of milk would have been easily furnished
The now factory presented a busy scene
I nearly 100 teams being tied In the Innnc
dlatn vicinity during the skimming opera
lions The cream Is furnished for the
Beatrice Creamery companj' , which has
stations In various parts ot the state. In
dtcattons are that the great Culbertson Irrl
gallon and alfalfa district wi.ll make the bcs
dairying district on earth ,
Jur )
ST. PAUL , Neb , Jan. 18 ( Special ) The
case of the state against John I ) Marc , for as
sault with Intent to kill his daughter , sent
here from Greeley count j , has boon occupj-
Ing the attention of Judge Kendall's court
all of last week , forty to fifty witnesses
were here from Orceley countj all week
Saturdaj night the jurj retired nnd after be
ing out for forty-eight hours , was finally d's-
chargcd laet night by Judge Kendall falling
to agree , standing , as Is reported , seven to
live In favor of conviction About all the at-
tornojs of Greclej countj have been cngngct
In the case on both sides also some of Hon-
aid countj 's lawjers. The case so far has
ccst over $1,000 nnd now tlic same thing wli !
have to be gone nil over once more.
IV lie ml Court In .Session.
LINCOLN , Jan IS. ( Special Telegram. )
The federal court Is In session hero and Is
disposing of the irotlon docket this week
The jury is called for nc\t week. Tomor
row the demurrer In the state against Keni
K Hajdcn , receiver of the Capitol Natlom !
bank , case will bo nrgued. This Is the suit
to recover the stite money deposited In the
hank and the name of State Treasurer
Mese.-vo has been substituted for tint ot
Hartley , In whoso uamo the suit was first
EMERSON , Neb , Jan IS ( Special ) T'le
den and for farms to rent In this locality da
greater than < he supply.
The Highlanders' Drimatlc club will glvo
a play ervti led , "Strife" at the opera house
Prldiiy evening , January 21.
Charles Pllnt , engineer , has been trans
ferred to the Blcomfield run , to which place
ho will move his family. Ho has resided In
Enierbon for slyeurs
Vlistor ItcNlt iix.
NEBRASKA CITY , Jan IS ( Special.
Rev. H. L House , who has been pastor of
the Plrst Baptist church in this city for
live jears past , has tendered his resigna
tion , to take effect April 1. The church
building , which Is the largest In the cltj' ,
was built during Mr. House's Incumbency
No reason foi his action has bcon made
Accidental Shooting.
NORTH LOUP , Neb , Jan > . 18. ( Special
Telegram. ) Charles Kpupka , a joung man
living on Davis creek , was accidentally shot
In the leg today with a shotgun , the entire
charge striking just above the anP'o and
tearing away nearly one-half the limb. Ho
was brought to town' ' and placed in charge
of a phjelckm who thinks amputation not
nt rnlrlniry.
TA7RBURY , Neb. , Jan. IS ( Speo'al. )
Robert Clark and Bert Cady cngage-1 In a
fight jesterday In a temperance billiard hall
with two farmers from the country by the
name of Harris. As a result Cady sustilned
a broken arm and was badly pounded up.
The participants were placed under arrest
except ono , who escaped to the country.
I.lKht .Slum nt St. 1'aiil.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Jan. IS ( Speclil. ) A
light snow fell night before last amounting
to ono Inch , mcst of which thiwed yesterday.
Last night another Inch fell.
\t- Ioil ( < - \Viiki-llclil. .
WAKEPIELD , Neb , Jan. 18 ( Special. )
A lodge of Sons and Daughters of Protcc-
'tlou ' with sixteen charter members lias , been
organized at this place. ,
Imitation Dux II CroatvN u I'anlc In
tin Iiiilluna riinrcli.
CHICAGO , Jan. IS. A special to the
TImosi Herald from Bourbon , Ind. , sajs ;
Rev. Mr. Akin , pastor of the flock of
Botlicl chruch , Sunday night took for hla
thcmo "His Satanic Majesty. " He Is an
eloquent man , and bo painted the nrchllond
In vivid colors' . At the climax of the de
scription a lielng , drocsed to represent a
devil , with large head and switching tall ,
nnibled up the aisle , blowing smoke from its
nostrils and bellowing * "I am the devil
and I want all of jou. "
The audience became panic stricken. Men ,
women and children were hurled to the
door and trampled upon in the mad rush
for the door. In the confusion the stove
was upset and the building caught lire. Be
fore the horrified members regained , their
senses the fire had gained such headway
that all attempts to save the church vvero In
Yesterday George Akin , son of the pastor ,
conferred that with the help of other l > ojs ,
rlgge'd up In a devil suit , and , knowing the
subject of h's ' father's sermon , concealed
himself behind n chair ana awaited the ar
rival ot the audience.
oitium is iusroiui : : > AT n YV.\XA.
OlllclalH Ilavi- \ < > Tn r HUT IVnr of
WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Senor Dtipuy cle
Lome has received the following cablegrams :
HAHANA , Jan. 17.-S p. m.-Sund iy
lassed without nny alteration , I had
he forces conveniently disposed. Today ull
a quiet find no danger of disturbance being
apprehended. I huvo ordered the troops to
heir quarters. HLANCO.
IIAHANA , Jon. 18. 10 n m. Public order
been re-estnbllDhcd nnd the city Is in Its
lormnl condition , without slightest fear of
nny alteration. I will discontinue my dully
reports. CONGOSTO ,
Coin Icli'il of a Sri'iiml MnroYr.
JAMESTOWN. N. D , Jan IS.-The jury In
ho Vlllers murder trial returned a verdict
today , findingVlllers guilty of murder nnd
Ixlng- the penalty ut life. Imprisonment
Vlllers has heretofore been convicted nnd
given a similar t > entenco for nn attempt to
murder Mrs Tromerwife of the farmer
vho o mangled remains were afterward ills.
covered with additional evidence Impllcat-
ngVlllers nnd leading to this trial.
flui'N to nuroii > .
NEW YOHK , Jan. 18-The steamship
iirls , sailing tomorrow for Europe , will
alto out 933,000 ounces of sliver ,
MIM < > in < 'iit of ( IcM-iiii VrnHflu , Jim. IK.
At Antwerp Arrived Westernlund , from
New York ,
At Now York Silled Tauric , for Llvcr-
iool. Arrived Bremerhav en , from Ant-
vcrp ; Cevlc from Liverpool ; Masaachubutts ,
rom London.
At Liverpool Arrived , Sylvanla. from Bos
on.At Southampton Arrl d Trave , from
New- York fcr ilremcn.
( Cctitlmieil from F/rnt / 'Pago )
rails from Ni lork. M i sicl. i c Mi 1 II-
nols. Ohio nnd lowi. TlKj-ij'Cletitlfle' de-
pnrttnpnt of these % ilumojy huide 50 liy fie
\nimble contributions of Inn. tionriVn nblo
corps of scientist * , Ifi ro\ieMed \ by nil fa
miliar to be without nibtnw. I risk the
charge of efToU'in In stntltiR ? the e volume *
nro volunteer work entlrotxr.'on the pirt o
5 our present secretary. TTii-re Is no law o
the stnto or order of tlte l nrd rcqiitrlm
this work on his jnrt , TViey arc dlstribntei
annually to nil public libraries In the Unltei
Statc , nnd to nil ngrlctiltUrn , ! kindred news
paper publication * In theJwoVld. While for
from perfect , I repeat , 'or ' 'flitlsfnctory ' to
the compiler , they are the best obtainable
under existing clrcutinuincus , The bonn
will bear me wltnc s. I i a.for jenrs past
called attention to the neecMltv for n law
providing1 for collecting olid dlfriislng mote
de In I led and accurate asrifultural stall"-
tics. No better nsrlctiltlirnC replon of the
country exists thnn within the g-eogrnphlcn
limits of Nebraska. The public should know
more of Its excellence. It can learn no
more nilvantnRoously thnn through me
diums hero Indicated.
As the shone" ! nnd most equitable way
out of existing Stnto fair entanglement * . I
nm free to declare , unbiased , the convlc
tlon that to declare oft for the jears 19 !
nd liio , under to bo devised and inutunllj
agreed conditions , will be the pirt of wis
dom. To those at all \orsed In fair mat
ters , an attempt to hold a fnlr In the
autumn of 1S9S , with the Trannmlisl < < slpp
exposition In session within n few mile1 ?
of the ground1' , would slmplv be folly In
the extreme. For the Jear \ < jf It would be
equally unwlsi- , for ths reason that the
sooletj's overtaxes In contributing ns thej
should bath time nnd means In sup
port of the Transmtsslsslppl Exposition
cannot In any way further contribute to an
extent commensurate with requirements for
Beside these considerations , I nm llrmlv
of opinion a successful fair cannot be belt'
on the present fair grounds without more
perfect means of transportation to and
from nnd moro perfect compliance with
existing contract stipulations as well.
Ucforo 19CO another stnte logtslnturo will
rotnene , at wilier the law goveinlng the
State Hoard of Agriculture , to most grow
ing demands , should be thoroughly le-
modeled ; nnd nmong other things the factor
of continuing the State fair under slate
auspices determined.
In the meantime let Iho lonrd continue
statistical work and diffusion of agricul
tural Information as best It can.
The treasurer read Ills report , the substance -
stance of which was covered In the report
of tlio secretary. 'Hie auditing committee
made Ite report , tesllf > lns to the correctness
of < ho i'ecretarj's and Measurer's booKs.
Chairman Dlnsmoro of the Hoard of Mnn-
ogers ma Jo his report , Inhlch was Incor
porated copies of the letters that had passed
between the board and the Omaha Pair and
Spce-1 assocli lion. It developed ft am these
letters tiat the 'Hoard ' of 'Managers had
asked for an absolute release from ho con
tract , \\hlch pmlded for the holding of a
fitato fair in 1S9S and 1S99 , for the icason
that It win bcllo\ed that the fair couU not
bo succi'sfillly hold In Ihc prcrent location.
In response to this fie Omaha association of
fered n release from Iho oonlract Insofar as
It related to holding a fair In 1S9S.
At the close of Chairman Dlt.amore'e re
port a resolution wiui passed which provided
that no fair should be held In 1MS ) and that
none cf the oincers s lould draw salaries
during the coming jcar It la also ptovidcd
'that ' the secrotarj ahould bo allowed $ GOO for
postage aim other experses Mr. Dinsinore
called attcnlloH to the munnor In which the
bu.inl had been crltlched by the ncwipapers
and Invited the fullest In\cstlKitlcn He
said that expenses had been cut down to the
lowest point prcslble and that 'the ' business
had bcon carefully done. Ho thought these
eiltlcldins wcro not deserve I. The president
appointed the following committees
On RcsclutloiH S C Bassetl , Elijah Til-
ley nnd Peter Younger , Jr.
On Nominations Martin DunlJitn , T. A.
McKay , L K. iMcGaw , E. M. Scarle and J.
B. Dinsmore.
Nominations wcro thea made , twentj-ono
names bring suggcs od cs canlldates to fill
the places of the fifteen members of the
board whose lerms explro this jcar. The
names of ull but two of the retiring members
were among the list as candidates for re
election. The resignation ! of II. II. Ilemy of
Platte county ( having been received the coni-
mtS'ce was autoorized , tonil the vacancy
from the list of naircs already suggested.
Mr. Hcnry'B term expires next sear.
The list iof names i ) ndcd to the commlt-
tco fa as follows : M Doolittlc , Lincoln
county ; J. D. iMacfarland , Lancaster ; S. C.
Bassetl , Buffalo ; J. B iMcDowolI , Jefferson ;
Charles Mann , Dawcs ; M , L Hay ward , Otoo ;
J. R. Gaullli , C. L Vance , Pawnee ; W. R.
Bowen , Doug'j s ; M. Wlthrow , Mcrrlck ;
Pd er Yourser , Flllmorc ; L A. Becher , Au-
telopo ; Ed Mclntyro , Seward ; II. N. Wol-
eott , 'Mcrrlck ' ; L 'Morse , Dundy ; S. M
Barker , Mcrrlck : W. R. Mellon , Sherman ; n
J. Hubbell , 'Buffalo ' ; Jud Holton. Polk ; G.
H. Williams , Douglas , M. W. Cluppell , Kear
A controversy came up over a contested
award made at the last fair. 0. P. Hcnder-
shot cf TSiayer county was dissatisfied with
decision irado in regard to the qualities of
saddle Siorsca , he having made an entry , and
wished to bring the matter before the bciird.
Hay ward , Dunham and others objected , holdIng -
Ing that the iriitter was out of order. The
piesldsnt finally ollowed Homlorahot to 3 ate
ils casoand a somewhat bitter discussion fol
low e > 3. Tilio whole n.atter was finally referred
back to the Beard of Manageis , whereupon
Hcndershot withdrew his contest.
An adjournment was taken until 9 o'clock
tomorrow , when the committees will repait.
rlriIHtcoril for a l/ll > .
AnLINGTON , Neb , Jan. 18 ( Special )
Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock fire was
discovered In Marshall Brothers' barn and
graft house Tlio fire had such lieadwaj
vvheoi discovered It was Impossible to eave
anj thing but the horacs. There were 90.000
scions and 25,000 apple stocks burned. The
IOES was about $800 , partly insured.
DflttllK lit II 1)111.
LONDON , Jan. 18 Signer Nlcolinl , hus
band of Mmo. Adelinl Pattl Nlcollni , died at
Pau , Trance , today. The late Slgnor Hrnest
S'lcolltil 7narrlei Mine. Pattl In Wales in
18SC. She/ had been divorced from Louis So.
wstlan Henri do Roger do Gahu/ac , Marquis
do Caux. His health ibegan to fall him In
ho early part of last jear , and It was re-
lorted thnt lui was suffering from a cancer-
ouu affection and from a complication of
other disorders. Beth ho and Mmo. Pattl
lad for sonio months boon aware of the fatal
iivturo of his Illnces , land friends who saw
hem together described the absolute devo
tion of the two as touching In the extreme.
FAIHBURY. Nob. , Jan. IS. ( Special. )
Mrs. Mlnnlo Nutzman died Sunday , aged 71
cars. Mrs Nutzman and her husband ,
lenry Nutzman , who died list Wednesday ,
md resided In nichardson county , Nebraska ,
or thirty-three jears prior to removing to
" "alrbury last summer.
NEW YORK , Jan. -Colonel Joseph G.
M. Buffalo Is dead at his residence In this
city , uged 76 years , lo | wa3 born nt
alelgli , N. C. , and berved on the staff of
General Chalmers of tde Kouthern army.
\fter the war he cnmo to New York as
ho representntlvo of the Memphis &
Charleston railroad. Tor the last thirty
ears ho has been connectc'd with tCio Nor-
blk & Western railroad , and Iho Virginia ,
Tennessee & Georgia Air Hue.
DMIMISON. Neb. . Jan. 18 MSpeclal ) Mrs.
Ryan , wife of William Oi ] ( > an , who resides
lorth of town , died yesterday after a short
llciecs She IcavcH ylx emiiJl children. In-
ermcnt will bo ma-Jo at Jackson tomorrow
IlrliiKlii } or Will lfii\ < - nn
PEOUIA , III. , Jan 3S.-AL tihe session of
ho Bricklayers' and MnsonV International
union this mornlrv ? n iironosltlon to eleut
wo or three additional ven ! "presidents was
aid on the inblo IndcflnlUly It was de
cided to publish n trartt Jpurnal under the
general superintendence of the general sec
retary. Thomas O'Oe i of Cohoes , N. Y. A
'esolutlon ' vvnu adopted In favor of recognU-
ng the belligerent rightH f the Cubans. A
resolution wn.s adopted calling upon the
rovernor of New York to enforce dho elght-
tour law The trade label of the Brlck-
nuilitTB' National alliance was adopted ,
A communication from the National
lulldlng council of Bt. LoulH In favor of
ho organization of an International alliance
of building trades and keeping1 aloof from
all other labor organizations was acted
upon adversely. Ths suffrage bill pending
icforo congress was endorsed ,
Will .Nut ( JUf V\t HU Olllc-e ,
CIini.SnA , I. T , , Jan. 18. Judge Wat
itarr Is out with a sensational manifesto
n which ho declares ho will rtblst the
edcral courts and thtlr Hull to suspend
he Cherokee couru until ho la arrested.
lo further Bays the CheroKee delegation
will help htm ut nnd defend him
wortti Btorra \ ft Cherokee and judftr c
th > tirrult court HP in the only triba
olll ( er in the territory to make such <
declaration , nil the rcit having submittci
gract fully.
: TU.KS pvmv I.OYM.TY
( iov crnor Mnlici OIIP of
HM | ClinriutrrlHtloililri < i i ,
UUKl'ALO. X. Y , Jan IS. Goveinor Hazcn
S. Plngreo of Michigan was the gucat o
honor at the January dinner of the Inde
pendent club at the HMlcott Squire club
house this evening. Governor Plngrce Ocllv-
orcJ an addre < on "What Constitutes Part }
Loyalty , " In the course of which he said
In hl < memorable address upon the lleli
of aett > sburg , Abraham Lincoln spoke the
following words : "That e > here hlghlj
rcsohe thnt the e dead shall not ha\i
died Innln ; that the nation under Uoi
linvo n new birth of freedom nnd that gov
eminent of the people by the people nnd fo
the people shall not perlsi from the earth'
Such were his hopes for the future am
such was the "platform which this grca
republican there laid down for hli party am
for the e who should come after film.
No man or set of men have slnco tha
time been nulhorlred to modify thc c words
or to lead that party nwa > from the. splrl
of their meaning ,
A party which does not rid Itself of mci
who make , themselves prominent In It with
the sole purpose of exploiting the people
nnd perpetuating the reign of the , nil
lo e Its Influence with the mns e . and like
a church which accepts robber's tithe
ftom wealthy and Influent ! U pew holders
who wish to case "their conscience , U wll
soon bo nil uch and none others.
We all know that the motto of n tins
Is "to charge nil the nnrket will bear. '
There are many hundreds of them now , nm
they cover utmost the entire field of human
Their work Is noiseless nnd unceasing , bu
like the dropping of water It will wear the
stone , A penny on sugar passes unnoticed
but menus $10,000,00 u year out of the pockets
of the people. Why mtiko a fust about 2
cents on ull , It amounts to * o little ? Bu
It means over JGO.000.000 to > ou , nnd so 1
goes all along thu line , a form of taxation
which tup * the nocke-ts of the produce ! li
such n manner that he does not know what
keeps him poor.
The question Is today , do half fares 01
rallioads and contilbutlons to churches
and Institutions Influence the clergy to dc.a
gently with gtcit wrongs ?
The masses of the tepubllcan party do
not want to st.uid sponsor for those agen-
Lles which are playing the mischief with
this countrv's welfnio any more than the
democrats do. We huvo , howcvei , some " -o-
called leaders In our p.nty who lm\e more
faith In the power of mono } than In the
power of the voting1 nni'ses.
There Is no doubt tint the IIDWOI of moncv
In this countt } todnv Is tremendous. li
ictilns newspipers , It dlucts the greai
ncwa-ttlotilbutlnir , agency and telegraphs , It
elects meji to the senate nnd. to the house
It nmnlpul itis n ttlonal and statu conven
Frauc'il es. grants md "peclal privileges
nip obtained by main force of mono } , and the
mono } wrongfully ob'alncd in legally swhul
ling the people out of tht-lr own Is then
used to bribe theit servants.
Money Is taken % oar out of the pock
ets of the producers nnd goes to swell the
corruption fund of tlio privileged fuw , moro
than enough to Kcop In comfoit and happi
ness ever } struggling poet family In the
land ,
1 believe In Independence In politics , and
am somovvhit of nn independent nisclf.
Men of both patties must now and then
be biought up with n round turn and dc-
feited In their ampliations whenever they
foisake the. cause of the people and enlist
In the service of the enemy.
The honest independent vote Is a great
f ictor for good government. The vote which
owes alleglincc to piliiciples , not to men.
No man claim to be slnceie > vho tail
only sec the fault' ? of the other pirt\ .
No party can afford to call a man traitor
because , ho I'oes not siv "amen" to abiihos
which esi-st In his parly. It Is the duty
of every one to ciltlel e any Under In tlio
pirty who Is open to criticism A few
politic ! ins do not constitute a partv.
Honest ciltlcltm Is better than bllndl }
following tint which leads to ultimate
Those of us who believe in goveminent
for lbi people according to the platform of
Abraham Lincoln should not hesitate to de
nounce men of out own partv who would
make ours only a government for the benelK
of the almighty dollat and the possessors
none Hare of Sullliiu : WssplN.
SAN rnANCISCO , Jan. 13. SK sailing
vc'sse.lB which started from Honolulu six
teen days ago ha-ve all arrived In this port
Within a few hours of each other. The
trip across the Pacific became a race after
the flrit day out , and the contest was made
exciting bv the fact that the \esscls we're
In sight of each other most of the. way.
The competing vessels'Wcro the brig W. G.
Irwln , birkentlne W. H. Dimoml , bark
Alert , barkentino Archer , bchooncr Transit
and the brig Lutllne. The brig W. II.
It win arrived off the heads half an hour
In advance of the Lurllnc. Then came the
DImond , Archet. Alert and Transit In tlio
order named. The Ubt arrived oft the- heads
three hours , after the Irvvln cros-cd the
finish line. Old shipmaster say that the
performance of the six -vessels Is without
pteccclent and may bo reckoned as one of
the things that occur once In a thousand
} ears.
Ililllil n Mounter Vrinntiirp.
CLEVELAND , Jan. IS. The largest ar
mature for the largest generator of elec
tricity ever mad" In the world for a trolley
railroad has Just been completed In Cleve
land , and was shipped today from the
wet Us of the Walker compiny for Brook-
lii , N. Y. The whole genetator when as > -
sembl ° d will bo twenty feet high , twent }
feet long and Ilfteon feet wide , or equal In
height to four ordinaly sized men. It Is
the llrst of a pair of such monsters being
made by the Walker compiny for the
Brooklyn Heights Stieet Hallway company.
The armature , which Is the revolving part
of Mie generator between the magnets ,
weighs 69,003 pounds. It Is 714 feet wide and
10'i ' feet high.
\ ItciillMlIc VaiMinm.
Detroit Journal : Just at the Inst , ho woke.
"Air , Mr ! " ho gasped , struggling In vain
to rl e.
That was nil
The coroner declared an inquest to bo ttn-
ne-ccssar } ; he worked for a tegular salary ,
jut that is another story.
It w is thought that the realistic painting
which hung upon the wall had oilglnally
acked atmosphere ; even now a person
could not remain It without cxpeil-
cnclng a scn'-o of HiiffucMtlon.
POHIC\ST roii. 'ronws wnvriinii.
ficiiriill > I'll I r , l < h l.lKlit Itnlii or
Sue In boiiiliriiMt Portions.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Torecast fet
Wednesday :
For Nebraska Generally fair , preceded
iy light rain or snow In extreme southeast
lortlon , northwesterly winds.
lnor South Dakota Generally fair ;
vnrmer ; eolith to noufhwest winds.
For Iowa Fair , followed by lain in south
east portion ; variable winds.
For Missouri Haln , easterly winds.
For Kansas Light snow or rain ; north
erly winds ,
For Womlng Partly cloudy weather ;
varmer ; southwesterly winds.
liuvnl Jlccoril.
OMAHA , Jan , IS.-jOmahu record of tem
perature nnd lalnfall compared with tnc cor-
day of thu laut three years :
1S9S. 1S37. 159C. 1S93
ilnxlmum temperature . .37 4J 1U f > 1
Minimum temperature . . . W ) 8 2 33
Vvernge tempeiatuio . . . . 31 25 10 41
lulnfall T T T T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since. March 1 ,
S97 :
Cormal for the day , , 17
Excess for the day , 17
\ccumulntcd excess nlnce March 1 . 051
Normal rainfall for the day 0.'Inch
Jtllck'Mcy for the day OJ Inch
Total rainfall since Match 1 19.99 Inthui
JellUt'tu.y Hlntu Alunli 1 10.M Incheu
Excess for cor. period , 1697 . . OlUnclies
Deficiency for cor. period , 1S5G. . 11 Jl Inches
from .Slittlniiu lit H I > , m. ,
Seventy-fifth tiurlulan time.
? 0 Sj
Jmalm , cluudy 371 00
Norlli 1'lattP. clear . . . . . ' 0
'alt I ilie Pily , clear 0T
. 'lic > enne , cleat * 00
taplil C'Hy. clear 00
Ipron , cloudy 00
'hlcnua , clear 00W
> V'llll ton , clear W
it. I-oula , clear . .00T
it , 1'iiul. tiiowlntr T
) avinport. cloudy , . * , , . ' 0
Iclenu , cloudy .00
Cutmuu L'lly , cloudy . , , 00
Iinre , cloudy .00
llsmarck. clear 00
Oalvnton , raining 1.C3
T InJIcatm trace of precipitation ,
< U A. ViElSll , Local rorecast Olllclal.
Discussing the cffccl of onm1 , Trof Rltalu
Orny rcMtcs thin story In the Tlmra-Heralil
"A minister once told mo * n annmlng story
ot how n jounpt Iran w tAillc'il ' to preach by
ono ot thcso ( Ustortcil sounds. Ho < 1M not
foci rjultp sure ot his cull , v > lie mibmlttcJ
his case to what lie thought noiiUl bo A
cruchl test. He lived In a country of high
hill * fnd sinuous v.illojc He betook him
self to the fields , far tin ay from hinwn \
habitation , and here he prayed that If the
Lord wanted him to preach Ho would Rive
him an nudlblo elgn of no uncertain sjund
Hid prnjcr was answered In the nlTlrmatlvo
almost as eoon as uttered , In most pro
nounccd and nstoiindltiR way. There o > mete
to his ears a most unearthly sound , uniriie
anj thing that had over > eomo within his
experience , nnd ho went homo with a clear
cut conviction respecting his duty as a fit
ture minister of the gospel. Upon Invrstl
Kitlon It was found that over In ono ot the
\allejs there was quletl ) grazing one o
those long-eared , four-footed unimnla to
noted for their wonderful \ocal powers
Just as the > oung man uttered his prajcr the
calmal whathcr In answer to the pra > er o
not , no ono knows spoke to the hll B as onlj
such anltials can , The hills pla > ed tennis
with his voice. It hounded and reboundei
from rock to crag and crag to poik nnd tron
a thousand other reflecting mtrfaccs untl
the voice cot lovely nt Iteibeit was twlstoi
nnd distorted Into a thousand hUleous com
blnatlors of all that was unlovely , nit tin
was uncann } , nnd all tint was horrible , hj
the tlmo It reached the car of the joung
seeker of a sign. "
1'nrt of the bojhootl of lllsliop Tarry was
spent at boarding school , where , during hi.
first term , ho was allowed $10 ns spending
money. Ills mother , on giving It to him , requested
quested nn exact account of tils dnlly c\
pondltures. He tried to keep his won ) , bu
sometimes forgetting to posl the ItcniB fo
tlnjs together , It was ( lllllcult to tocall then
and ho In v rated nn abbreviation correspond
log very neirly to sundries , which nppearoi
pretty regularly throughout his nccoilnt
When Mrs. Unrry first looked over her boy's
account hook on his return she was mud
pleased at the most frcnqucntly recurtlng
Item of e\iienso and Inquired how ho hai
becki led to taUo e.o strong an Interest In the
cause of missions. Astonished In his tuin , he
dccUrcd he had not given n prnny to missions
" 13ut s > urel > , " exclaimed Mrs. Harry , "tho
Society for the IVopngatlon of the Oospcl Is
missionary work , nnd I fin it that more thai
half } our money has been given In smal
sums to S 1' . 0 "
"S 1' . a . mother" confessed the future
dignitary or the church , "does not meat
Socletj for tlu > I'roiMgitlou of the Gospel
When I could not remenibei whit I Encnt
money for I put down S. 1' . ( } . 'Something
I'tobably Grub. ' "
"N'o , sah , " continued Deacon Joncc , clnlr-
man of the committee on chinch discipline
waving the now pastor to silence "We
HKcs jo' , pus'nully. Yo's a povv'ful gooil
tiwkah , sail , but wo'a all on us Vllevihs In
do llt'ry oncrranc ) ob do blb.e , Eih , nn'
' pccts to hear It 'grounded asccheroblm an
terrapin , nn' we doan' wan' no Elnovutlona
const'tutod In p'aco ob do holy writ , sah
No , s.ih. " i
Clergjman Why don't jou go away , mj
hoj ? Don't jou know It's vcij rude to stale
nt peciilc ?
lo ) > I'll got down In n , minute I'm Just
waiting till > ou hit jour thumb with tin
Clergjnnn Good gracious1 What for ?
Hoj I want to hear what a pacsoiii
when ho s-vcars
Ol T OP 'I 111" OUUIN VUY.
Americans sent 75,000000 telegrams last
J ear.
All the st-ect railroads In Munich are to
use clectilcltj ns motive power within two
jears and charge a uniform faro ot 2 1
The largest telegraph station In the world
Is at St. Martln's-lo-Granilo , London. There
are about 3,000 operators , 1,000 of whom aio
India's area of wheat farms Is now about
two-thirds as largo as that of the United
States. Tlio wheat Is still threshed by being
trodden out by bullocks nnd buffaloes.
William Haclnnan , n tombstone maker of
Pine UlulT , Ark , Is Ici jail chnigcd with
stealing a tombstone from the ccruotcTy and
working It over for the c'lupose of selling It
The most costly piece of railway line In
the world Is that between Mansion House ami
the Aldgato stations , In London , and which
required the expenditure of close upon $10-
000,000 a mile.
A Delaware woman has given birth to
quadiuplets two hojs and two girls , all
ot which arc healthy and doing well Their
father Is probably glad that the wave of
prosperity came when It did.
A short tlmo ago Amos Purlcls of Hart
ford , Me. , felt a pilckllng sensation In his
side. After making nn examination he pulled
out a common sewing needle all threaded for
use. He doesn't remember when ho swal
lowed it.
A telephone exchange manager In Staun-
ton , Va , recently adveitlsed for "ugly girls
that would attend to business. " Thcro were
actualj ! twentj-Ilve who applied for the posi
tions and confessed tuembelvcs qualified to
fill the bill.
"Two brothers living near Harrodsburg
look so much alike that they can't bo told
cixirt , " sajs the Lexington ( Ky. ) Argonaut
'One of thorn joined the Daptist cfturch and
when about to be Immersed found that ho
md no clothes suitable and gave his brother
10 cents to bo bapll/cd in his place. "
Southern Callfoinla has a "Left-handed"
club , with a membership of nearly 2,000
scattered through all the principal towns
south of Tdiachlpl 1'nss To bo left-handed
s the only qualification neccssaiy foi mcm-
jership. The club la making preparations to
glvo a left-handed banquet early in the
coming jear
San rVanclsco has a lawsuit over a strip of
and that Is two and one-fourth Indira wide
t lies just west of the Calvary chinch piop-
crtj and Mrs. Golda Alexander demands
lOEMessIon of U and $1,000 damages for its
etentlon by Mr. A. Aroimon , who Is build-
ng a house which Mrs. Alexander says en
croaches on her1 land that iruch. Mr Aroo-
o < n sajs tfiat his house Is entirely on his
own land and that he will tear It all Jown
icfoio ho will pay $1,000 for two and one-
ourth inches of land.
A very slngulai thing haipccicd on the bat
rip of the Kcnnehec to Boston. Tiio steamer
\as oT ( Cape Kll/abeth when a dove , almllir
o thu common doves In the street , Hew
board. Ho remained there for some tlmo ,
itit was soon f tightened off. Whenever ho
eft the boat ho was followcd and chased by
ho sea gulls following , until obliged to again
Islit. At last , thoroughly tired out , acid
vhcn night WBH appi caching , ho nettled on
ho deck , crawled under one ot tiio llfo-
> oatb and thcro remained until Botiton WUH
cached , when lib flew off none the worse
or his ride
iicKi- Hub u MlMN
, Jan 18 A dispatch received
are from Canton nays that a Gorman mis
sionary named Homeyor , belonging to the
NamjuiiK station hu.s been lobbed and
voundccl near a place called Langthcn , The
dispatch adds that tha Chlncao governor ,
And rest tt tiled mothers lu , a warm bath
of COTIC tin A ( ointment ) , the great nkln cure.
COTICUHA RCMPIIICH afford initant relief ,
and point ton sjioody euro of torturing , dis
figuring , humiliating , Itching , burning , bleed
ing , crujtcu , scaly skin and scalp humors ,
with loss of hair , vrhun all else falls ,
gill ihrouibout lh world TOTIKK pita ABU Cuiw.
Coy , ft l tnff , Itaitga
C7 ' * tit to ( .uft fitta Torltutl Dfttlci , " fttf ,
SKIN | SCALP * cuTJCBai'VfoAr. '
on the Intervention of the Ocrrnun consul
t Canton IcloRMpheJ orders to Ukc the
measures nccc ary to dfftl with thu mutter.
( "o ( r\ II lea llrcrltm .Mlnlntrr Mrrrjt
SAN JOSK , Costa Illcn , Jon > ! $ . I'roM-
dent IglcsUs Iitft offlclnlly received Vnlteil
1 Slates Minister Merry. Marked evidences of
; rertx-et and esteem were extended to t'Aptalu
Merry , and HIP new mlnlHer expressed grati
fication over the mnoticr In which lip had
been refMved by the government and th
people ot Costa Hlco.
Tire llM-niir front
tlOMIlAY , Jan. IS Messrs. HIckey and
Protily , who wcniied the nxissacre of the
British survey party which was attacked by ,
natives nt Mckian , January 12 , have rcactieU :
Ormara on tha Arabian eea
Annual Salon ovorOOOOOOO
such ns Wind nnd I'atn In tlio Stomnch ,
Olddlness , 1'ulupss niter meals. Head-
ncho. ll7liu' s , Drovvsliioss , rtushlima
ot Ilc.iti Jvo-n ot Appotlto , Cnstlvcnesi.
lllotchea on the Skin. Ool < 1 ChillB. lls-
ttulied Bleep , rrluhtful Dreams nnd all
Nervous nnd Trombllnu Honsntlons ,
IN TWENTY MINUTES. I'.vory sufTorcr
will acknowledge thum to bo
lUII.CIIAM'H PIMM , ( nkcn ns direct
ed , will quickly mstoro romnlea to complete -
pleto health , Tlicy promiitly remove
obstructions or Iricsulnritlos of ( ho sjs-
torn niul euro Melt llcnilaclio. Tor a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills nro
Anil IIMO tltn
ofnny L'uicnt Mriltrlnu In tliu Wm-lil.
2Go. at all Drue Stores ,
frlmarv , Secondary or Tcrtliry liLOOD
1'OJbOM pcriniiitiitly
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You cnn bp tre-itcd nt homo for unmo
price under faintMinr.intN If Sou prefer
to come hero wo will iimlinct to pay mil *
road faro tuul hotel bills , and no cliartu
If wo fnll to cure.
tnUon incicurj , lodldo potash nndtill
time nclus nnd piUnx M no 1113 1'ntclies In
ninutli bare 'llnout IMtnptes. Co ] pir Col.
01 ul i-pnti , Vlccra en unj inrt of tlio
liodj Unit or Iljobrous falling out , It la
thin Sicondnry
We Guarantee fo Cure
We solicit the most oustlmle cases ami
ctmlkiik'o tlie w01M for u cnsu wo cannot
cure Tills ill rnse lias alwa > i hadleil tlio
fiMll of the mo ° t eminent ph > slelans.
J DO CHO cipltnl lulilihl our nnromlltlnnal
Btianntv Absolute procfg Kent fealcil
on application 100 pnne boi K sent tier.
A < 1tre s COOlv IlininiCO. . , 111)1 )
IIUHIIIllo Tfllllllf , CIlt'jIIKO , III.
No Dotontlon From Buolnoss.
In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain.
( Succersors to 1HB 0. E MJLI.EH CO. )
932-933 New York Life Building , Omaha.
Call orvvrlto for clrcnhrs
All Druggists.
! (
Purify of Material nnd
o FOH .
O ThlH roincily liolnu : in.
J Ttcl directly to tlio
heat of thoHo iIlH ( > nni > x
of the Geiilto-IJrliiury
OriaiiH , ruaiiivcH uo
oliiuiKO of dlot. Cure
gunruiitcrd In 1 to U
dnyx. Huiallplnliiimok.
" " l > y iif si.oo.
Hold only by
Uyeri-Olllon Dine Co. 3. E. Cor ICtti and Far *
nam HtreeU. Omnhi. Ksb
TltAVKI , VIA Till :
bollil TrnliiH , hnpi.ili Kiiil | | > iii < iiit ,
( 'urn it la Cm In , hiiiitry
iinrijimk'il ,
Itouto of tlui
Huiiil oiiitNt Tinln In tin ) World.
1'or AilvcrllrfliiK' Iiiltvr anil Other
liiriirinalliiii willu to
J. .1. H. lll'l'll , S , U. I' . A , >
MIH Niilltll < llirl < St. , CIlllilKii , III.
. \ . A , III'IKO , \ \ . I' . \ . , Iluimlo , , \ , V.
< II tH. H , l.l'.V. ( , un , I'IIMI nvrr Auviit ,
' ' .
I'llllUltlllllllll , I'll.
Orljrlnnl Hud OnlClniuliir. .
- re , alwfty * rrlltUf LAOIC * k .
I'rufflit ( or lUcHulirtnyln * //la .
JUrand lu llrd u4 Unit
liuothrr. IttfuHilt.
ttettt an < i ttnitttitmt . _ . .
lo . . . . lUinf . . . . fur jitrfloului , itillmootlU
. - - - - - - -
"Ilriur for iVijt.--- , , relan
Hull. 1O,000 T > > lm * ° l > li. . ft * * rfr *
t U aU'uUl Dri
'Wi'Ji' ' ft "