Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    o Tit 18 CKMA1IA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANtrAlY ? 11) ) , 1898.
Omitha , Jan. 19 , S3.
Is nearing the end many choice bargains have disappeared many
yet remain to be taken by the early buyer today tomorrow New
goods are taking the place of those sold and by large odds the largest
and most attractive stocks we've ever shown are now crowding our
store Bargains to be picked up in every department.
DHKSS SILK CUPPINGS While these last , OUR
(100DS wo look uiioii It ns CLOAK
BAHOAIMS qulto the most favornblo Bilk bulo olTor- Dl-PT
cd this scimn. The policy of
ThU li no I'ricca clipped one-third or one-half of our clonk do-
guesswork stntc- lormer prices. pnrtmtMit is not
inost for not COLOUnt ) SILKS. to carry over
1'reneh Pnlllp purely nil silk beautifully of the
only nro llnl'hed would be good value at the old niiy
tions decided price one dollar nivv , ollvo , hunter present ea
very Kneii , drab , grey , heliotrope , etc. bon'ri stock for
but they nro tnndo 1'rlcu slipped to 4Pc yard. next season's
In tlio face of Colored Satin Hhad.ime , such an oppor foiling.
tunity to buy the very cholcesSl things
Spring goods
higher prices. In silks nt the very time they nn- the
Wo mon wanted and nt such Inviting nro pushing us
nro making
prices It Is purely nil silk , handsome hnrd present
sweeping ro- ilcii luster one dollar qinllly prices stocks MUST
dnctloni - clipped to We a yard ,
, ono- GO therefore
third to ono-hnlf NOVELTY SILKS- note nricea
less than origlnul And hero Is more good news. examine cloths
nrlcus. PMC novelty silks 'now 22e. and If buy the CLOTI
Hut tlio Sl.OO . " novelty taffeta silks now . .Be. coats , linings you , can makings , etc. , throwi
7. o novelty silks 37Hc.
> now
them back and get youi
bnrgulns read $1 2i na\clty velour black now G2' , c. In bring
Jl.rx ) novelty vslour bhick now 7iic. money.
me cheviots now 15c. i jl.CO blnck brocade batln now C3c. No coats or capes more than $300 each-
Mo stilling now lie. no matter what they cost If wo lmv <
your size the prlco will more thai
Kic cheviot novelty now I5c.
please you.
31 l-3c two-toneil RUltlng now 15c.
lOo uov clue's now 15c. '
About 100 dress skirts In black am'
Other dress poods the prices nro clipped
muke brisk Tlio daintiest colors In all klndi of materials w 11
one-third to one-halt to
exactly half prlce-
bo closed out nt
Bulling. of party J3.CO skirts will be $2.uO-SI.OT skirts wll
DOc nnKllsh merits now 23c. < lrcs m are be $20J $1.W skirts $1 50 $2.00 skirls
We two-toned checks now 23e. inado from $1.00 each. AT THUSH LOW prices w (
CCc Scotch chevIotH no.v 33 l-3c. will NOT make nny altetatlons they
these sheer
will be old only as they arc don'I
C.0c novelties suitings HDW 33 l-3e. cIToct fabrics , mlts this chance.
40c two-toned chovlotB now 2JV4c. holding \\ator
And the wondjr Is the plcaslnply little
olor tints.
pi let H A splendid showing to choose ) WHILE THEY LAST Vou can get
Our btoi Is
from. o blankets nt
abloom with
37 Htyles nt iric.
will bo offered to
prlcis that never you
. llowcrs and
XI sty lest nt > f. ,
] S styles at SSc. lilacs and naruln.
IS styles at 3J l-3c. poppies and tiger lilies and with bloom White cotton blankets
T.ion huio nre our 1'nrls novr'.tles styles from the mountain heights. Now SSc were 50c. , !
that arc extlusKe .it prices you can Now 53c were 75c. i
not help takltiK them iiwuy. HINTS- i Now COc were Me.
$1 00 mvi'Hy Imported now iJ7c and r.Dc. Heal linen printed lawns. Now $1.13 weie ? 1.50.
$1 23 and Jl.GO I'.irls novelties ingllsh Heal Irish India printed dlmltlcs. White cotton and wool niKcd blankets.
Sulllnss eovorl nuttings etc , Me and Heal Trench organdie rayc. '
> Now $1 5' ) w ere $2.01.
! Sc. Heal 1'Yench orsMiidlo Llssc. Now $2.00 were $2.73.
HOUSE Heal l-'ronch oigandle Carreaux. Now $2.23 were $3.00.
KEEPING Heal French I'lumetls. All wool white blankets
Heal hand woven figured Swisses. Now $2.40 were $3,23.
Now $3 CO wcio $1.00.
Every morn- HOSIERY AND -loo roduoid from Now $3.30 wei e $4.73.
t/t\ ing linils boino UNDERWEAR OJc. Now $373 were ? 7.73.
ffa ojoi'tunity | of Yon want to see ths quality to appreciate
, ' Hose with
Ladles line black Cashmere ,
$ . k' ' ' ° ( 'ay ' ' ) of ° 1(3 Hplli-ed ankles and soles alsj u French ciate the value.
. ij > i' ' < missing from foot
: " 1"x the linen show 33c ncmicnD FHOM coc. '
ing. S it Ladl s' extra line quality silk fleeced
will bo in this hose with ribbed tops. FURNISHINGS.
Grciit Clearing A \cry good line of ladles' black ribbed
w eel hose only 2jc pair. Men's Muslin and
Linen un
til the lust Wo are closing out an odd line of In Satcon NightShirts
fants' cashmere hose In black , tan
houdin < r of and white some that sold at13C Shirts , in bi/.cs II
bcfoic the your choice .it 2V p.ilr. and 15 , only oUc ,
Children's plain black cashmere hose
tariff on linotH is gone. 23c reduced from 'He i educed from SI.00
Thou comes lilftKor prices These hints Children's black ribbed fleeced hose and ? 1.50.
of ehuuces that you m.iy bcnullt by seamlcsj with double too and heel
today lOc.
NAPKINS Ladles' RIUIKO . . .rlbbfurool vests very Men's domot flannel night shirts sizes
All our $200 % Blenched Napkins now line quality In black , white and nat- ID and 20 30c each reduced from 73c.
$1.3S. , * ' - ' Jl.CO each. Boys' domet night shlit.s 35c reduced
Alt our $2 GO % nieachcd Napkins now 'Oiildron's Stuttgarter Union Suits- from 50c.
J1.75. regular made garments and strictly Wo ha\e an odd line of men's unliun-
All our $3.00 % nicachedcapkins now all wool to be closd out at Jl.CO each. deicd white shirts that formerly sold
$ VJ7. Chlldien's fleeced lined cotton union at 50c : and 7"c wo nrp closlns them
AIL our $3H"i ? i TJlcacied N.ipklns no.\ hults buttoned acioss the front , and out at the extremely low prices of 23c
$2.3S. drop neat 23c each. each sizes II , IC'/i 17 and 17j. .
All our $150i JJIcachcd N.ipklns now Men's heavy ribbed cotton shirts mid
J2.SO. REMNANTS Necessity knows no diawers Ma each reduced from S3c.
TA11LK LIXENS- SILK AND law these splendid Men's heavy ribbed cotton shirts and
draw era lOc i educed from COc each.
nieachcd Table Linen now
All our $1.50 DRESS OOODS romtmnts must go
All our $1,23 nic.ichcd Table Linen IIOA liuc everything CORSETS Tl > o\V. B. Cyclibt Corset ,
sac. else for w'lmt you will give. cutaway hip , silk clastic
All our $1.00 Ulc.ichcd Table Linen now sides
7Jc. ,
All cur Soc nieachcd Table Linen now was originally design d for cycling
Clc. STAMPED and athletic pin poses for which It has
TAHLIJ CLOTHS- ' LINENS pi oven nn unqu illlled .success. We
also lecommend It to 1 idles with
\\'e shut our eyes to the fact that thcs large hip development and to thosj
Tnblo Clolbs inusl sell for almost double \Vc call your at who are confined to bitting positions ,
ble very oon. Two hints tention again to tunning machines and sedentiiy oc-
100 Table Cloths ! 'Ld3 ' [ ong-was $2.50- our great reduc tupitlons. It Is specially suited to
- " " . " ' i out pilce $ l.Co. tion in their requirements and Is decidedly
. $ l.Sj stamped comfortable , healthful and perfected
100 T.iblo Cloths 2V4 ydi .
clearing out prlco $1.23. fittingcorset. .
Black , white or gray at $1.00 each.
LADIES' An odd lot of hullo,1 ISxlS 21x21 and 21x21 Inch center pieces
SILK MITTENS Bill ? mittens at clearing at 13c each. PATTERNS Agents for Mo Calls Ba-
Stamped table covers 36\'G Inch at 7.UPatterns. .
ing out prices 7.U-
20u each.
COo Silk Mittens now 2oc. A few Denim Sofa Plllaw Covers left 10 ? and 15c none better no matter how-
Jl.OO Silk Mltlcns-iuw 50c. over at 5c each. much you pay.
Istrltlon for follow lnj ; the example of It *
predecessor In sending out the United Stuiea
navy to hunt down the sympathizers with
the struggling Cubans when Mr. Steele ( rep ,
Ind. ) and .Mr Hltt bjlli railed thi > attentio.i
at tlm chair to the fact that Jlr. DoArmond
was lot illscusslng the point of order.
Mr. DeAnnoii'laid hoicll iindcrE-'ood
this , lutt he would not flinch from his pur
pose. Ho would siy no n-ore , but If the
point of order was sustained ho declared It
\m hla piuprjo to appeal from the dccUlon
of 'tlio ' cli2h anil give the houto the oppor
tunity to dotonulne this qi-estlon l\.r Itself.
Ho frit constrained to do this out of a ucnao
of public duty.
Mr. Ilalley , the democratic leader , rein-
forcid tl.o views of Mr. DeArniniul. arguing
that a proposition to iccognl/e a state of
nnr In Cuba was certainly grrmnlno to this
bill. It had been his purpose , ho said , tu
it me nfferoJ the same Cuban bclllKCicncy
resolution as an amendment. The cllaiaof
Ills speech came when ho offered to withdraw
the amendment If Mr l.lltt. the chairman
of the fo.clgn affairs committee , would g.vo
assurance that the t > vnntc resolution would
icculvc consideration within a reasonable
time , Tim democrats applauded this chal
lenge , Ho paused to await Mr. llltt'a an-
ewer , but .Mr. Hltt did not rise.
"Tho gentleman" ( Hltt ) , added Cilr. Dallcy ,
"la 33 tillcnt ns the republican party on ties
quejtion" ( Again the demociats cheered
and the galleries applauded ) .
Mr , Hltt arose , but Instead of repljlng to
Mr. llailcy's ihallcngo , lie called the atten
tion of the chair to the fact that ' .Mr. Dallcy
nas not discussing the point of order. "It
U an attempt to have two general debates , "
gild lie. The democrats Jeered thU state
Mr. Hepburn , In the chair , sustained the
point of order , whvroupcn Mr. DcAimoml ,
In order to get the question before the house
In a better form , offered the senate Cuban
resolution as an amoir'uient , and when It
wns overruled , mndo his appeal from tba
decision of thu chair.
lly > < lila llmo " Iio greatest excitement ex
isted In the house. The galleries had filled
( o overflowing. MraaenRcra bid been sent
BcurrylnK to all quartern of the capital to
miiiinion republicans who were absent from
the iull , It wus.o\Sdent fiat tliuru was fear
on the i > art of ho house nviuagers that the
hcusu might bo carried off , Ita [ cut on this
llrft occasion of a test of sentiment toward
Cubu. The hoiwo maruKrrs maJe their llgnt
( or legularlty of proceeJlng , The speaker ,
Arc calnlng favor rapidly.
llushicM men nnd tnu oi
lers c.irty them la test
jwcketi , UiUci carry tli m
In | mrioi , liouioUctptrt keep them In mrdlclno
cloieti , filoatU i comm tul tLaui to fiUudi , : ; c.
who was In the lobby , came Irto the hall and
helped to rally his followers ) .
Mr ningley , ' ho floor trader of tje trajor-
Ity , took the lloor. Ho characterized Mr. De-
Armond'a appeal fn.m the decision of fie
chilr es a cttn ordinary proposition.
It was a proposition to o\enulo the rules ,
ho aald , &tid establUh a new mode ef pro
cedure and to destioy the orderly transaction
of but'lncia "Many a time , " he was ray-
In , , ' , "I might iv.J\e been 'tempted lor paitlsin
"Then the gentleman concedes thU Is a
partisan ( luestlon. ' " tto utcxl Mr. Terry ( dcm. ,
Artcj ) "that the democrats are en ono sMo
and the icpubllcans are 01 the other. "
, Mr. Dlngley waved Mr , Terry to ono side
and paid no attention to the question. He
uppe.iltd to hla side to sustain flio rules. The
republicans indicated their support by warm
iraiilfcstallona of appro\al
| Mr. DcArmond got the lloor again , and
In reply urged meinbera on both sides of
the house tooto "to fico thU house for one
Jiour ftom a dominion so absolute that It
i Is impossible to gat consideration for any
question , no matter how Important or ur-
gcut , without the coiuent of those In au
thority i u the house. "
"It seems , " ho added Ironically , "to bo our
loftiest Uuty to observe the petty shifting
rules of the bouse , no matter they
lead , or what the exigencies of the time de
mand. "
Again Mr , Hltt protested that the debate
was not on the question before the house ,
and again the minority Jeered.
" 1 an. sticking as clobo to my text , "
Bhoutod .Mr. UeArniond , "as , the gentleman
from Maine ( Mr Dlngley ) did. " Ho Ucclarcl
that no coJo of rules should violate the plain
dictates of common humanity and decency.
Mr. Simpson ( pop. , Kan. ) Interrupted testate
state- that the upeakcr himself had violated
rule 10 by not appointing the committees of
the bouse.
Mr. Henderson ( rep. , la. ) , a member o'
the rules committee , answered with spirit
ami much evidence of feeling. Ho said the
MUsourl member ( DeAimoml ) nas agalu
lei-tuilng the house.
He was Interrupted by Mr. DaArmoad , and
the colloquy was fast.Vhen at ono point
Mr. DcArmond got a round of applause , Mr.
Hpndcreon exclulmeil , "It Is jour political
buncombe that you are app'audlng. There
lo no committee la this house eo might ) at
to act or retard action * unless the house la
behind It ; and there * Is no man to mighty so
to retard action unless a nxajoilty of the
housfl Is ben I ml him. "
The confutlon redoubled as the debate pro.
cetded , many members centendlng for the
floor , while the area Ic front of the speaker's
iltx'k wag crowded ,
Mr , Henderson ga > o a parting shot by de
claring If a majority of the lioujo desired
action on tt.'U resolution , "then that action
will be taken despite the tae play of the
gentleman fiom Missouri. "
A brief clash occurred between Mr. Ilalley
and Mr , Dlngley on the procedure in tbe
present case.
Mr. Lowli ( doia. , Waeh. ) ave a breathing
spell by maklnc ; a long speech on precedents
favorable to the Cuban amendment.
The Cuban theme temporarll > disappeared ,
and Mr. Cannon arJ othois dLscucacd the
parliamentary status.
"If the Cubro amendment Is not In or
der , " asked Mr. llMnd ( dem. , Mo ) of Mr.
Canton , "hovv cm the question be brought
before the house eo that \\o can \oto on It ? "
"I am not required to answer how jou
must piocecd , " answered Mr. Canneii , amid
derisive laughter from the democratic side.
"Do > ou > ounjjf | bello\o thU amendment lo
In order ? "
"yes , I do , " responded Mr. Dlicil , "be-
OIIIRO this Is the only way wo cun get at It.
It is a law of necessity just now "
Aciin the debate drifted Into a contest bo.
. t een Mr. Uallcy and Mr. Din ley over
I parliamentary proceduce.
j Mr Lacey ( rep. , la. ) argued that the mln-
I orlty could 111 afford to counsel the de
fiance of tlio house. Tlio rules were for
, the protection of the minority.
Mr. Fleming ( dcm. , Ga ) declared that
whllo he was In favor of acknowledging the
Independence of Cuba , he had sworn to sup
port the rules of the IIOUBO and he could
1 not bring himself to vote to overthrow them.
Theao remarks earned for him several
lounda of applause from the republican
Immediately a break occurred In the re
publican ranks when Mr. Colson ( rep. , Ky. )
denounced the Inaction of the house on the
Cuban question and applause was trans
ferred to the democratic side. This was
auoitllvcd , however , ta Mr. Colion con
cluded his remarks by declaring th'at he
should vote to uphold the decision of the
chair. "Hut I warn my republican friends , "
' ha added , "that wo ha\o delayed too long
1 the recognition of the Insurgents If wo
do not act , wo will bo swept out of power ;
! and It wo are not given the opportunity to
I ert. I for ono will Join any revolutionary
tsctlca In order to cast my vote for Cuba
Independently. ( General applause. )
After sumo remarks by Mr. Grow ( rep ,
I'a , ) there were cries of "Voto. " "Voto"
from the republican side , but the debate
proceeded for some time.
When Mr. IHtt moved ito clone dc > late on
Uiu pending paragiapMr. ; ) . liallo ) attempted
to make the print of order that the question
\vus on the appeal and ntt on the paragpjpji ,
ar.-d that Mr , llltt'a mo'Ion nay not In order.
Hut Mr. Hepburn , who was In the chair , held
that Mr. Ilalley'a point uf order came too
tile. ThU announcement was greeted with
democratle Jeers ,
"I would appeal from tiat decision. " said
Mr. iJJalley , "were It not that two appeals
aio not In order at the isamo time , "
Tiiero was no break In party lines on this
motion , which was cu 'ulned , 153 to US.
Speaker ItceJ mure bed through the tellers
with the majority ,
Tlio question t'icn recurred on the appeal
from the decision of the dialr. A solitary
democrat , Fleming of Georgia , voted with
the republic-ana to oustaln the chair. No
republicans \oal wlto tuo minority. The
chair was auilnlull , 1S2 10 114. No
markoJ the uWioiihcemcnt.
T.1o clerk pi'occeded with the read-InK , bii
at the next naratouph apprTrHtlnB J17S.OO
for ainbasindtM ( o a real llrllaln , Germin
and Krance , iMn i Williams ( dem , Mlw
moved nn am roil hi on t to appropriate $5,00
for an envoy cxtiaordlrary anl mlnlv'o
plonlpottwilary ( evtho Kcpub.lo of Cuba. Th
( iemociuta choftrbJ.
Mr. Hltt raised the pclnt of order thd
the amendment aao ! waa a clungo of exist
Ing law. i
Air. Wlllatrm argued that as there was n
Uw en this nuhjcct this could not bo <
change of oilMIng ! law.
Upon this nmtnllnicnt Mr. DcArmcnd als
urged the melntiers to assert themselves nn
override the nileo. If the republicans dl <
not , ho said , they must accept the rcsponsl
blllty. Professedly for Cuba , now wns tin
time. "In the presence of your master
ruler and leader , " ho shouted , "In whosi
presence you scarcely dare to think , I asl
> ou to glvo freedom nnJ liberty to Cuba
or meet your outraged consti'.tuency. Lo
us see which course you will follow. " ( Up
roarlnus democratic applause. )
The chair then sustained 'the ' point o
older , and on motion of Mr. Hltt the com
mlttco arose.
The Indian appropriation bill was pro
scntcd , and at G.05 p. m. the house ad
TO r\A'isTi .YTij IM\SIOX
l'iiKN < > n tin * Ilt' iilulloti of .Si-iin.
tor Allen.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Tolay's opci
cession of the senate was brief. I'ractlcallj
the only business nccoinpllshe.1 asldo fron
the routine proceedings was the paroaga o
the urgent defieloncy appropriation blM. Ths
measure na finally passed by 'the ' eenato car-
lies $1.281,310.
The Teller resolution providing that bondi
of the United States may bo paid In standard
silver dollars was favorably reported by r
majority of the finance committee , and no
tice was given that It would be called up a1
nn early date
An effort wra made to fix a time for the
flnnl vote on the pendlns cemus bill , ibul
was abandoned until tomorrov , ,
The scuato committee ca finance
voted today to report the Teller
rcsoluion declatliijj for the pnjmcnt
of the nitlonal botds In silver ca well us
gold. The vote t'tood ' 8 to C. Tra riffoltl-
tlon is practically the emu as the Stanley
Mat. hews icsolutlon adopted some jcars
These \otlnn for the resolution were :
Vest , Joi.cs ( Ark ) , White , Walthall. Turple ,
Uanlel , democrats ; Jones ( Nev ) , silver re
publican , and Wolcott , republican.
Those against : Mornlll , Allison. Aldrlch ,
I'latt ( Conn. ) and llurrows. Senator Jones
of Nevada was not present , but his vote
was by his request rccoidcd In favor of the
Mr. I'latt of Connecticut and Mr. Morrlll
of Vermont deslre-d to be umlerstcoj that
the report of the committee on finance , rel
ative to the Teller resolution , was not
Mr. Daniel of Virginia secured the adop
tion of a resolution directing the secrotnry
of state to supply the senate any Informa
tion the Department ot Strro h 3 respecting
the killing of IVank Eppd , a sailor of the
United States steamship Olympla , by
Japanese subjects In the harbor of Nagasaki ,
Japan , In December , 1S97 , and to inform the
senate If any ster/s have been taken looking
to reparation.
The resolution presented to the senate ycs-
erday calling uj'.on the secretary of the
treasury for the reasrns 'why ' the Item of
$11000.000 In'erest due the United States
from the 1'aO He lallroads had been dropped
from his statement , which went over under
objection , was' agreed to.
Mr. Allen of Nebraska called up his icsolu-
lon calling for an Investigation by the pen
sion committee on the authority of the com-
nlssloner of pei-alnns to promulgate- order
: hat no consideration should bo given to ap
plications for Increases of pensions within
twelve months otter the lant application had
been made. Mr. Gallinger , chairman of
the pensions committee , announced that lie
believed the resolution to bo entirely piopcr
and It was agr.ce I to.
In acenidaLce with notice previously cUen ,
Mr. Hale of 'Maine ' called up the urgent de
ficiency U'll. ' The bill , as It passed the
house , carried $1,741,843 ; as It was reported
: o the senate it carries $1,891,923 , an Increase
of $150,080.
The iblll. carrying $1,913,810 , was patec-d
after a few aracndmcnla were mode.
Mr. Foraker of Ohio of the 1'aclfic rail
roads committee asked for consideration of
ha bill rcportoJ vcsterday ccnfrrring upon
ho president authority to bid on the Kanan
'acinc 'branch of the Union Pacific road at
ho forthcoming sale
Mr. Thurstou of Nebraska announced that
! ie would earnestly press an amendment to
he measure confeirlng authoilty on the
president to sell the road In case It should
bo purchaaeU 'by ' the govc. nment and wjul 1
any authotlty to purchase the road
unless his amendment was agreed to
It being evident that the bill would pro-
eke considerable discussion , Mr. Foraker
withdrew his request for immedate ) ! lonsld-
Mr. Davis moved that the senate go into
executive session.
Mr Gaiter , chairman of the census com
mittee , oald ho desired to call attention to
the notice given yesterday that ho would
today call up for consideration the pending
census bll } . The committee , he said , re
garded this bill as of great Importance and
felt that It should bo passed promptly
"From published statements made by mem
bers of the foreign relations committee , said
Mi. Carter , It appears that the senate maybe
bo engaged perhaps for ten days In con
sideration of the Hawaiian annexation
treaty. The census bill ought not to bo
dclavcd BO long as that. The necessity for
effecting the pro imlnary airangemcnts for
taking the census Is evident to all senators.
The census committee cannot look with
equanimity on a possible delay of thirty
da > s. My opinion Is that wo shall make
progicss with the treaty by promptly dlt > -
poslng of the census bill , the consideration
of which will rcqulro only a few hours. "
Mr. Davis , however , Inflated upon h ! & mo
"Jon.Mr. . Caller tJicn wanted U tlmo fixed for
voting on the ceinus bill , but at the requcsit
of Sonaiir Faulkner , who spol.o for the
democrats , agreed to postpone his reqiieat
until tomcrrow morn In ? ,
Tlio ecrato then oil 1-10 p. m. went Into
cxecutho session , and at 4:45 : adjourned.
PI , VNS rou INTUHT\IMVG uoi.n.
To IJ - M 't III CliIc-ilKii Ii > - tin
IloprrHi'ntnd * of Cot criiiurnf ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Arrangements
are making for the entertainment of I'rcsl-
dcnt Dole o ? Hawaii ca a scale befitting his
rank as the chief magistrate of a friendly
nation. It has been decided that ho .shall bo
regarded an the nation's guest and that our
government * dall ) bear the expense of his
entertainment v hllo In Washington. The
formal visit | , ald to President Dele yesterday
by General pbafter of San Francisco was
not by direction lOf t'.io authorities at Wash
ington , but it Is said the call was required
by the army i emulations , although In making
It the general displayed a faculty of remem
brance that Is vvcll regarded by the officials
hcio , who IviJ no opportunity to provide for
a reception.
1'icsldcnt Meltlnley has decided to have
the olllclal tour of the Hawaiian president
begin at Chtcagfl , and at that "point In his
overland toun hu vslll bo met by the repre
sentatives of thiv president and or 1'ie United
States govern nwut This Is brought about
by the fact,1 > th-it the representatives would
not have tlrao 'to roach San Francisco before
the devarluro of President Dole for the east
The personal representative of tlio president
will be Thifd AssUtant Secretary ot State
Thomas W Crldler. the army will bo repre
sented by Major H. O. S HeUttcid , assistant
adjutant general , and the navy probably by
Lieutenant Commander T. S. Phelps , now
In this city on leave of absence , the last
named being personally acquainted with the
distinguished vUitor and peaking thu
Kanaka language fluently. Tlni three rep
resentatives of the president and of the
government will go to Chicago as soon an
they receive notice of the probable arrival
there of President Dole and escort him to
When ho arrives here he will be quartered
at the Arlington , where LI Hung Chang ,
Prlnre-88 Kulalla and other national guests
liavo been entertained , and Ills comfcrt will
uo closely looked after by the government
representative * .
It ls expected that hU stay will not belong
long , and whllo the exact iwturo of the
towers reposed by the Hawaiian government
in President Dele Is not kuowu at the State
I department , there ) Is reison to bellevo that
I ho may bo authorized to net for his gov
ernment ID tlio matter of accepting nny
amendment tbnt iray be madeIn the an-
notatl treaty , and thus save valuable tlmo
In the conclusion of t'.io ncRothtloni
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. IS President
Snnford H. Dele has decided to routine his
Journey to Washington tomorrow afternoon
Iho i > irty had Intruded to remain In San
Francisco for some time , as President Dole
Is well acquainted here , nnd wanted to re
new old friendships , but dispatches received
by him from Minister Hatch at Washington
advising him to reach the capital as soon
as possible , have changed his plann. The
lUwulian president and hla wife and at-
j ien&nita will go by way of CMlcago and
Now York , stopping ono day In each of these
Menu ! vPIins : I.-OH A\MV\TIOV.
DHIiorn Iho .Scconil InMiillniciit of
Ills Spri'i'li mi lliMMill.
WASHINGTON , Jun. IS Senator'Morgan
ootupled the attention of the tcnalo during
the entire 'tlmo ' of fie executive session to
day In 'tho ' presentation of Sils views on the
subjea : of Iho annexation ot the Hawaiian
Ubuds. Tills was the second Installment of
the senator's rpeech , and when ho concluded
a few n.lnutes after C o'clock Jo had not
then rciubcd the end.
Ho opoko for about three hours today and
his speech was a general presentation of the
Importance of the la'.ands to itho United
States Ho dwelt espeehlly upon the mili
tary lmportano of the Islands , imotlng Gen
eral SoMold and Captain iMclian at length
'In support of Oi'a position that the Islandn
were a natural oillpost for the Unllcd Slalts
and necessary to iho proper prelection of our
western coa.U . and of our gencial commerce
In case of war.
M. ' Morgan predicted thill If the United
States did not take advur.lago < jf the present
opportunity to acijulro the lalaniJa there
would bo war botwettt this country and some
other power wll1-In ten weeks. It was not ,
ho ruld , within the bounds ot prcslbllltlcs , In
\Iew of i ho present nuropean compctltlui
for 'ttrtltoo in Asia , tljit the HauaiLui
Islaiicl-s fioulj bo allowed to Tema n ir Jc
IcnJpnt for any length of tlmo If the United
States should finally announce ) Its dctcrmlna-
tlui n.t lo luako tlicni a imrt ot American
Herri lory.
"Does Iho senator from Alabima mean to
fljy , " In'eintplcd Senalor 1'ctllgrew , "thai
Ihe Hawal'an po\ernmenl ; would voluntarily
seek the protection of eisine other power and
linn forego the gloat ml van ago Islands
now enjoy In Ihclr reclproclly arrangement
wlti Iho t'nlted Sloles , which tesults In our
lemtlllng lo them annually not less than
? G,000,000 ? "
To this question Senator Morgan replied
that the lectproclty treaty had been uego-
IHlod for Iho purpose of giving this countiy
cheap sugar. He said that It had been of
gieatei benefit 'to ' the United States than It
lial been to Hawaii , 150011130 It had accom
plished Ita purpose ot making cheaper ono
of our great comniodltlcu nnd ono of the no
ccssltles .of every household. Wo want , h
said , not only the sugar from Hawaii , bu
cheaper coffee as well , and many other ncccfc
sary articles could 'be grown In these lalansln
The senator displayed a number of larg
map ? , from which ho oontcndcl the Islandi
wera In the roadway of commerce botwcoi
our vvc&'ttcn coast and the orient , and aali
all uhlps , whether laden with the articles o
commerce c/ the munitions of war , mus
neccsbarily pass them in going to and fn
botwcen this country and the \slatlc coapt
an 1 'thus. ' , ho sal 1 , ithe nation which control :
Hawaii will control the commerce * cf < hi
Jn cleclng ho said failure to annex tin
islands meano Inevitable bloodshed and tin
rcrpoiiblbHHy for that blocjjshed would res
upon the senate of the United States for iti
failure to perform Its du'ty at this crltlca
hour in the history of the two countries.
OITors the O M oriiiiu-iit HIji Money li
Drop UN J.ui | .
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. ( Special Telegram -
gram ) Some jears ago the Interior depart
ment discovered that the Homestako Mining
company of the IJIack Hills had beeci raidIng -
Ing government timber. A special Inspector
and other officials were sent out to Investi
gate , nnd the result was that a bill aggre
gating eomo $500,000 er $000.000 was bub-
mlttod to tills successful corporation and
settlement asked. The company objected
strenuously to pajing any such sum , and. In
fact , the claim was made that there wns
113 Indebtedness ta the government. The
recite ? diuggcd along , but at last a clay for
bringing the case Into court was finally
fixed , and February 1 , 18DS , was named as
ttat day. It Is said at the Interior depart
ment that a conviction is so conclusive that
unless the Jury Is tampered with thcie must
bo a verdict in favor or the United States.
Ex-Senator Moody of South Dakota Is at
torney for the Homestako company. Ho ar-
ilved in the city rjomo days ago and regis
tered at the nbbitt house , and alongside his
name Is that ot Superintendent Grlcr of the
Homestako mine. ScnaUr Moody told The
lieo the day of .ils arrival , that Mi prin
cipal business hero was In connection with
an extension of tlmo for holding back the
proclamation of Cleveland In regard to forest
teservatlons. 11 was learned today that Su-
peilntendent Gelor and ex-Senator Moody
have been engaged In trying to bring about
a comnrjmho between the United States
end tlio Hompstako Mining company. They
have offered a very large sum to settle the
dispute concerning the timber alleged to
have been taken from government lands.
The whole matter Is before the secretary
of the Intel lor for his consideration , nnd he
will ccnsult vvltji the attorney general before
referring the subject to the commlbskner
of the genccal land ofilce. Later Mr. Herr
mann will bo asked for his views before a
final agreement to the tender Is given.
Aitir. ; : oxTISCMMM ; IIII.L.
r'oininHIco to Miikin Kavor-
nlilc Itrpnrl on ( lie Mrniiirf.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. The house com
mittee on commerce today voled to report
the antl-scalp'ng bill In Iho form of a cub-
stlluto prepared by Mr. Sherman of New
York. The substltulo follows Iho general
lines of Ihe original bill with some additional
features. It places a penalty on rallioad ofll-
ccra who deal with scalpers. Heretofore , the
plan has been to hold the corporation liable ,
but the now- provision exteads the liability
to ofilclals making them subject to a misdemeanor
meaner , with line or Imprisonment on con
viction. A now paragraph ! a Inserted In sec
tion 2 , irakhg- unlawful for general pas
senger agents to supply tickets to othr than
autliotlzed ticket agents. Another tjubatltuto
provision provider lhat unused tickets shall
bo redeemed at any tlmo within one year
Ar-y company falling to redeem a ticket Is
made liable la a civil action to a penalty of
$100 In excess of the redemption money on
the tickcl.
Mr. Sherman will write the report and
present It tomorrow.
Vi'Ht llppnrtN Teller Ilcxiiliitlon.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. Mr. Galllngcr of
.ho committee on public health and national
] uarantlno today ireported favorably to the
senate a bill providing for an Investigation of
ho subject of leprosy and It was passed.
Mr. Vest of the finance committee reported
ho Teller resolution , whlcn. waa reported by
hat committee to-Jay , and gave orders lhat
10 would call li up nt an early day ,
The vole In the senate committee on
liianee on Die Teller resolullou was pro-
eded by a discussion which was generally
lartlclpatcd in by the members of the
lommlttce. The general lenor of Ihe dls-
tisslon was along Iho same lines as lhat
) f a week ago , the republicans contending
: hat the resolution was useless and would
) e devoid of results , and the democrats and
heir allies taking the opposite position. The
epubllcans especially deprecated the aglta-
lou of the financial question nl Iho present
line , saying there was no effort and likely
o bo none to pass a general financial
ncasuro through the senate committing Ihe
louniry moro deflnlluly to the gold Eland-
To this the democrats replied by citing
ho cffortt , of Secretary Gage and ex-Senator
MmuncUs to have congress tale ; up Iho qucj.
Ion la a way which looked lo placing the
ountry definitely upon a gold basis They
ontended lhat It was the evident purpose
if the administration to secure legislation
n tlio Intereot of the single standard when-
ver opportunity afforded and u vowed their
lurpcuo of securing a declaration In favor
f a double standard tuih as was
iroprued In this resolution , If
iQsilblo to do BO , In order
o ehovv that there had been uo change ta
ftcnttmont. If , they snld , the bu.Mnon ? In-
leroptn ncro ito bo Injurcxl 'by ' the RVtatlon
ot the flnanleat question at this tlmo , the
blumo Minuld bo ptAoevl upan the republican
admlnlstrntlc-ii. nnd not upon 'themselves. '
When porno of the re-publican sc-natorn
floret reminded that they hail \o'od for the
resolution when presented by Hon. Stanley
Matthews twenty > rars ARO they admitted
such to teethe faol , 'but ' taM In explanation
of their present n It Undo that conditions had
changed Senator Wolcott did not vote
with his republican friends , but heartily
supjwtod Iho reaolullon , saying ho would
vote for It every tlmo It came up.
tlio Monetary
Coiiiinlinlnii Currriii-y Hill.
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Secretary Gage
proceeded today with the currency hearing
before the house committee on banking and
currency. Toda's hearing took n general
range wllh n. vlow to developing Mr , Gage's
views on general financial qucatlota , and hlj
Judgment on various measures , Including his
one ! , for currency revision. Chairman
Walker In a series of questions sought to
show that the guaranty required lu the Qago
bill and the monetary hill on unsecured cir
culation was too great , thus Impeding an
onerous burden en the banks far beyond the
losses which experience had shown would
occur. Mr. Gage Mid that the oifety fund
In his bill was placed at a point which ho
regarded sate , and If found lee high It could
bo reduced.
Hx-Secrelary Falrchlld ealil In a step of
this character It had been deemed brut to
make the guaranty too greaUralhor than too
Mr. Gage elated kr this connection his ob
jection to the plan of Imposing mutual re
sponsibility on all banks as propeoad In the
monolary commission bill. It would bo an
unfortunate requirement , he felt , as U would
operate to keep desirable baks from enter
ing the system , and Imposing on themselves
respceslblllty for outside banks. The banker ,
as n rule , did not want to be responslb'.o for
IOUSM other than his own. Whether the
guaranty was lo be by a 2 per cert tax on
tanks , as ho provided , or by a mutual guar
anty from all LanKs , as Iho commission pro-
\lded , or some other adequate plan , Mr.
Gage oalil ho was willing to concede this de
tail oo long as some safe security for the
redemption of the hank notes was provided
The commltleo occupied the afternoon
going over the Walker currency bill. Chair
man Walker sought to show that of the
currency bills pending his stood the bent
chance of passage , that It vvaa least ob
jectionable because , while accomplishing
similar icsults , It did not Haunt before the
minority Inlcrests Iho direct preamble
declarations to the gold unit standard. It
would , ho said , absolutely relieve the gov
ernment of having anything to do wllh the
cuircut tcdcmpllon of money of any nalure ,
and from keeping anything except an or
dinary exchequer balance aa In n private
Secretary Gage referring to the fitcitemcn
of put poses in the Gage bill as to "fixlni
the gold standard more firmly , " briefly ex
plained why It was best to Incorporate tha
declaration. The obligations of the Unltei
States , ho said , are payable In coin. Then
Is a deep dispute ns to what that moans
On the ono side of congress It Ls said tin
government can pay In silver ; the othe ;
sava gold only , otherwise the govornmen
Is guilty of bad faith and dishonesty oa t (
obllgallons. So long as there Is doubt then
will bo a constant prcssuio to open the waj
for the payments In silver , and the conton
tlon was that hotter assurance of maintain
Ing the gold btandard than now exist fihouli
bo given the country. So , the sccrcUrj
thought , It was tlio wisest plan to make th <
positive and unequivocal declaration as t (
the purposes of the bill.
Secretary Gage and ex-Secretary Fair
child will be before the committee ngali :
MniyriNf ! OK nnuvrALi.K ; I'MO.Y
12-voontlrr. Committee Tr > inirIiiK tu
( -Irruln < < > I.Hornlnre.
WAHHINGTON , Jan. 18. The executive
commltleo of Iho American UHmelalllc union
met here loday In Iholr olllces on F street.
The members piescnt were : President A. J.
Warner of Ohio , Joseph Sheldon of Connecti
cut , Representative Towno of Minnesota , II.
F. Bartlne of Illinois , Senator Allen of Ne
braska and O. W. Underwood of Alabama.
The meeting was called for Iho purpose of
disposing of an accumulation of routine busi
ness ami for consultation 'icgarding ' the
future work of the union. Since the cur
rency reform question has 'been ' brought
prominently before the country , the com
mittee feels that It be promptly inet and
what they legard ns the fallacies of the
plan suggested by Secretary Gage and the
monetary commission will be pointed out In
literature to bo prepared upon this special
subject. General Warner before the meetIng -
Ing said that his health had suffered very
much of late by overwork , and It was his lu-
lenllon lo spend the ne\t few months in
Georgia. Ho did not at present feel physi
cally able to continue the work In hand and
Eomo time dining the present scbslon ho
would ask Iho cxecullvo committee to name
< iomo one to take his place , temporarily at
least , at the head of the union.
.SceMnc to Aiolil n Deficit at the Hinl
of the Year.
WASHINGTON , Jun. 18. As a result of
the protests which have reached the depart
ment ngalnbt the reduction In mall deliveries -
liveries ns proposed In several cities , Pcsl-
mau'cr General Gary Is casting about to
eeo If something can bo done to nveit It.
Ho has caused First Assistant Heath to com
municate with the pcistmosters at fifty of
the larger presidential ofilccs , asking them
to report whether they can drop a carrier
hero or Ihere. or disppn o vvllh some other
employes paid from the same appropriation ,
for the remainder of the yeai. The threat.
encd deficiency Is over $100OUO , and the
postmaster general believes that part of th'a
may bo made up by temporal lly dispensing
with the eervlcea of .somo employes.
IIHKAKS 'run uncoitu roit i\i > oitT.s.
Calendar Vonr lhl > 7 O\ < > rri'iii'Ii < 'K \ll
KM I'ri'ili-iTKNoi'H ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. according to
( statistics at the Treasury department the
value of exports by the United Slates for
the calendar year 1897 aggregated ? 1,100 ,
000,000 , an Increase of $93,000,000 over any
preceding year.
Another record was smashed , with the
trade balance of $3f.0,000,000 In favor of
Undo Sam , the highest point over reached
In the history of tills country , Uxports for
the fiscal > ear which ended Juno 30 , 1S97 ,
wore valued at $1.032,000,000 , thus furnish
ing a third record , for the top notch prior
to these figures was reached In 1S'I2 , when
the vxpoita amounted to $1,015,000,000.
Dreadstutla fuinlshcd the bulk of the ox-
portatlons lu every Instance.
iliiK'nlK ! > > ' HID
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18 The president
today sent thesa nomlr.utiorn to tfto scnalo :
Treasury Thomas S. Sholers , awslutuul ap
praiser of merchandise , district of Now
Orleans , Ui ,
Justice William J. Mllla of New Mexico ,
lo bo ctilef justice of the eupremo courl , 'terri '
tory of New Mexico ,
Postmabters Illinois , D. n , Keene , Mt
Canned ; J F. I > . Hector , Culro ; Augustua
Gibson , McLearsboro ; Jcromu I ) . Stouarl ,
Wilmington j William A. Stlcnlmger , Au-
gusla. Indiana , J. W. Hess , Indianapolis.
lovva , Frank S. Appolman , Kmmcltsburg ; Mil
ton A , McCorJ , N'outon. Kansas , Kldon
Ivowe , Fort Scott , N'oitu Dakota , Agutha ( I.
IMttcrson , lilsmarck.
Interior To bo register of land offices :
Archibald K. Gardner , at Kapld City , S. I ) . :
William n. Clwplln , at Cheyenne , W o. John
S Maybugh , agent for tbo Indians , wctitern
Shoshone agency , In Nevada.
NCIVJ To bo un assistant paymaster ,
Gcorgo Brown , Jr. , cf Indiana.
Moni'x ( or Ihu InillaiiH ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18 , The Indian ap-
proprlatlon bill , as reported to the IIOUBO
today , carries an nggrcgato ot $7,727,521
agalnsi estimates of $7,376.017 of tbo
amount recommended $270,000 are reim
bursable to the government. The total
amount for the support of Indian school ,
from other than the treaty funds , Is
$2,551,510 $ : and for fulfilling treaty stipula
tions , $3,250,399 Is appropriated.
Mrx , I , u no on ( lieilloiiil to lie-cover } ' .
WASHINGTON , Jon. 18. Mrs. Luclllo
Lane , the daughter of ex-Senator Blackburn ,
who wes accidentally shot Saturday tilsht ,
continues to Improve" , ami the physicians
now think tlit-ro Is nn doubt ot her recovery -
covery ,
lo Hi *
WASHINGTON , Jnn. IS ( Soeclal Tele
gram ) The omnibus bill , as promised by
Senator Aldrlch when the tariff Mil wna
under discussion , has brai completed by the
commlttoo on claims , nnd whllo still hold
as confidential , enough has been learned to
show that the follow Ing claims have boon
Blvcn rocORnltlon nnd Incorporated l that
mcMurc. which will bo reported , shortly.
John Urletllng , Nebraska , $738.23 , for com-
in Usury stores furnished by him In 1SC2 at
Clinton , In ; S A. Urown , Sioux Falls , S.
I ) . , JlSj.27 , for services as past iwslatnnt
surgeon , U. S N ; Henry T. Clnrko , Omiln ,
$2,900 , for rent ot bullukign at Fort Crook I
John Little and Hobart Williams , Omaha ,
$1,432.75 ; Stout , Hall & Hangs , $3Ii > 02.52.
Help for Southern llotrli.
WASHINGTON. Jan. IS There wna a spe
cial train from New York cnrouto to Jackson -
sonIlle , ria. , that passed through this city
this morning with about 500 help for th9
various hotels lu the "Iximl of Flowers. "
Dnlly TrriiNiiry .StntiMiiont ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. IS. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash b.ilauco. $239,838,417 ; gold re
serve , $162S3i3,177.
Can Only lie Ilrnclicil by Ititrrnnl
So many people In thl * climate suffer
with catarrh of the nose that much usele
sinilllliiH- Inhalunta.vvlll tic avoided by n
brief rcfeieuco to what catarrh i cully Is.
It Is n lesult of u micccssloou of colds , each
one finding the mucous membrane * n moro
convenient place to locate limn the former
cold , hence c.itnrrh Is a rhronlc cold In the
hi nil. Now , we do not take rold by breath.
Ing In eold air but by gelling the feet
damp or exposing the body to varying de-
gicea of moisture , so that U will be leadlly
MCCII that outside Inlluonci" * do not nttnrlc
the nil passages dliLctly , but travel from
the feet or oilier exposed place lo Iho nasal
passages , simply because iho mucous mem
branes nt thH place im more misceptlblu
to cold than Hie stomach , bowels , bladder
and other jnrtt of the body provided with
these mucous linings.
To cute a i old , Ibeiefore , we need to ( Uvn
atttentlon to r > * > toilnK the mucous lining ot
tlu > body , giving the blood such elements a-
will scatter the Inflammation In the dis
eased places and enable the natmal nu
trition of the body to leplaco the waste
llbsuc with new material This Is a verv
lapld process when the habits of living , thu
diet , bat 111 up nnd proper rcmedv aio all
employed. Piobablv the best remedy lo
use. Is the Gauss Catanh Tablets Thev
are sold by mosl fit si-class druggists ! at M
cents a box and mo piepnred bv C. U.
Gaus- > . Marshall , Mich. llo malls them
piepald to nny address If jour druggist
will not supply you. Ho sends n lltllo bools
free on Calarrh which will lie found verv
useful for those who are troubled with thU
disagreeable malady.
> SS. "Tartan" lca\os Southampton 1'ob. I
> SS."Atlicijlau" " " " ' "
For full pnillciil irs npplv to any
| Can irilnn I'.icllio lly Asent.
t .T P IKK Orn'l Airent Paws Dept
t boo I'.ielllc and Ciuiadl in I'.iclllc Kallway i
IChlc.iBO. uass Clark Sreet. "
sK rinciiiniitl. Uuom D. Ch ber of Com '
( Grand H.ipUlH , 70 OttawaStieel
BOYD'S PiiMon .t IlunrosMgri ,
Telephone , 1'Jlu.
Walker Whiteside
A carefully cclcctcd company of pins era Dl
rcctlon MAtON M1TCIIULU 1'resontlnR :
Wednesday nsculnu IIAMI.lil'
1'rlces I < ewer lloor , Jl.CO , 75c ; balcony , 7Sc COu
Matinee , lower floor. 75c. Wo ; balcony , COc , 23o
THE CREldlTON 1 > " ,
ALL , Tilt ! TIS1U
'I'hlirsdny KOHUIVI3V.
Specialties this xncli : Morris' Tonics , btanley
anil Jackson. * , an Aukens.
I'AXTON & ] ) UnCUS3. !
ManaBcrs. Tel 191J
TluirHtlny Uvc'iiliifr , Jim , U .
Tlio urealest contralto In the world will nniieir
In a miscellaneous conceit imU In acts of-
( iriuul Iliilinn OIIITU
2nd Act MARTHA.
I'rlees lower noor51.GO Jl.OO Ual. Jl 00 * 'Cv. , tOJ
Gallery , Ke. Beats now on Bale.
Manngcrs Tel 191H
n Oo Wolf n biiutiri
n QH 111 Ihe I'ln.ilc-s Inuliidliiir Irtt
' * * " Jnfiuiti j llunil In full iiiilforin.
I'llccs Ixittcr 1'loor $1 CO. Uul. Jl Oj-J5o ( Jallfry ,
Scientist and Explorer
7oo ( nro nil Ilia
Thrilling Experiences
MagnlOccDl Illustrations.
I'rlcos OOc. 7So , 11 00 , $1 CO.
Tickets nt K'uliu'u drug Htoro , I rl
day , Jan. 21.
Fine Skating
Exciting Tobogganing
Day and Night.
liicliiillns ndmlsslon to the IPO
I'rofcisor Wolt7-Clminplou hkntor.
Coratiioncliiu riiuriJay
13th nil Douglas Sts. , Oinnlini
1(0 roomt , hntlia , eteam licat and all moiirq
: onvenlenc < . llatei. 11(0 and 12 W per dirt
fablt untxculltd. tiyet-M low rate * to rcc
UtCIC aillTU. Uan *