Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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. THE CXMA11A DALLY 1J13J3 : WEDNESDAY , .lANTAltY 1J ) , 181)8. ) 11
Wheat Market Influenced by Liverpool
Conditions ,
Corn Mini On Is Clove n Simile
While I'rovlNlon * Arc
.After ii ( liioil Da ) '
Trntle. |
CHICAGO , Jnn. IS.-For the third Jay in
MirccBsloti wheat \vns Influenced entirely
l > y Liverpool. The Rliarp advance In Hint
market , ns a result of. unfavorublo Argen
tina nnd India new * , ratuncd nn opening
ndvance of ' ,4c In Mny nnd Hint advance
was nflo shown nt the clone. A fenturo
wns the buying of July liy the bull clhiuo
brokers , and nn advance of Vic In that
option. Oarn nnil onta were dull and closed
n nhutle lower. Provisions made a small
advance nnd had thu beat trade In n week.
Wnoat got n jroocl send off from the
onrly cnbltl news. Moy was wanted nt from
01c to OlVic at the opening , ngalnstt V > Wt
91o nt the close the previous dny. The Mv-
erpool quotations were advanced id per
cjntalover night , nrtd.'tho reason given for
It comprised several Items of considerable
importance , the1 , poor crop In India being
mentioned ns tile clilef Item. Heavy rains
In Argentina were reported to be unfavor
able for wheat , and the continent was Bald
to bo taking the nrrlved cargoes off coast
In the United Kingdom. London quoted
cargoes on passage and oft coast 3d to Cd
Muher The only discord In the foreign
inuslc was that 1-arls rcpoi ltd Go reduction
In the price of Hour and DC In wheat
Minneapolis and Oilluth ri-colpts were 3l
cars , against 37S cars the week , before ana
MS the similar day of 1SU7. Chicago got C3
cars , 2 of which wens contract Advices
front the northwest were to the effect that
wltti Bplendld roads farmers were deliver
ing very little ami country elevators were
lii'lng gradually emptied by the Induce
ments li.'lnip ( rfored In the way of premiums
for cash wheat over future Considerable
nctlvlty was Imparted to the dealings In
July by thu buying ot that future by Allcn-
Grecr aimltiHt sales for .May. The operation
was supposed to represent the taking In
of spreads for a group of St. Louis specu
lators. July opi-m-d at Sic and was ad
vanced to S2"c by the undoing of the St.
l-oiil * spread ; and May , which did not get
ibovo UHWCJI c , dropped back to 9lSc ,
ttt.HIo July was making the rise. Urad-
street's report of the world's visible made u
decrease of l.rai.OTO bit. In trtocks east of
tinUookles , and liCO.flW bu. drereasc In and
afloat for KtiDpe. The reduction on the
forrcspondlng day ot th ? week last your
vvaa I.WO.MO bu. The market weakened on.
that showing ot small reduction In fcurono ,
iiotwltlistaiidlng the diminishing worm H
tthlpmenlH during the last few weeks. Tl.iu
Liverpool mutket closed with some of Its
early advance wiped out and also helped
13 undo the bullish sentiment that had
ruled thu proceedings up to 1 o clock.
Primary market receipts were 3iC,3j | bu ,
iimlnst 20iixi : : bu. the year before. Atlantic
m-uboard clearances oC wheat and Hour
were ciimil to127,000 bu. July sold at SJVic
ut the I'loMand May , after dropping to
Ul'/4c ' , rallied and closed at .U-VfiUlVjc.
Corn was dull and prices late in tihe day
were lucllnt'cl to dr.ig. The market early
advaiu- due principally
was Ilnn at a slight ,
cipally to sympathy with wheat 'I lie ex-
ci'tdliiL' light business nnd the big vis bio
increase li.2SC.OjO bu. caused same decline ,
and the market closed Wtak. New York
reported a fnlr shipping demand. May
ranged from Wr to Wifi2Sc , and closed
c lower at Miii'SS ' c.
Oats kept within a very narrow range
The market was firm during the early part
01' Uno s sslon , but reacted later and closed
easy Sympathy with wheat and the vis
ible Incr.-ise of 7I9COO bu. were factors.
Klevator people wi-re fair buyers ot May
Slay ranged tr..m 2.W.2'V ! > ° liT-ie. nnd
closed a shad-- lower tit 23iic.
A eood trade wan done In provisions and
especially diu-lng the morning. A small run
of hogs encouraged buyers and the higher
opening prices caused some covering by
' I'.icRsr-
Ji in , in ; nits" < " * tv. ' " M *
KHtlmatetl wiMpls Wednesday : Wheat.
25 earn ; corn , 215 cars ; oats. 100 cars ; hogs ,
87.000 head. , , ,
futures rangoil ns follows. K
Tjll/hTTl.o" ' . I CJgao'TYgBt'y.
Jan. . . . t > 2 I ) Hi
May. . . '
July. . . 81 b''M Bl'
Jan. . . . ,
May. . . 28K-2U
July. . . 30
Jilay. . . 23)4
July. . .
1 orls
Jan. . . . I ) 3.1 1) ) 28
May. . . 0 45 I ) 42 I ) 47 H 1) ) 40
Jan . . . 1 70 4 70 I li''H 4 05 4 7C
May. . . I 77W I 77(4 I 7.1 4 70
July. . . 4 85 4 S7 4 Sills 4 82 !
Jan. . . . 4 ( in 4 (17H (
_ May. . . 4 74 4 70 4 72H 4 70 4 70
No. 2.
Cush < iuot"tl""si M"re as follows :
FLOfll rttealy : winter ii.iteuts , JI.50Jfl.80 ,
stralKhtH $ l.l.Hil.W : M'rtiiK ' specials , Vi.KV5.3j ;
MimiK iiali-nlH , Jl.40ffl.70 ; btr.ilKht patents , Jl.O )
i4.o. ; bakers' . $3.50'i(3.SO. (
WllKAT-Nii. . ! spilnp : . RTCr Vfec ; No. 3 spring
'he't fcoffiyic. . No. 2 led. OSlJfiOSt * .
COllN Nu. 2. ; cT427e ; No. 2 yell iw. ! 6iW27c.
lOATH-No. J , 23c ; No. 2 while f. o. b. . SlVi' ' ;
J\n 3 while f. ii. b. , ZtfiStViC.
. . .f. o. 1. . . 27ii < i
. \XSKKD No. 1. II.20&I.2I.
'te. 'i 'bbl , , B9 10.
( ou-l.'X ) . Short clear sides ( boxed ) .
\VllSKY ! Dlitlllcn' flnlnlicil . , per gal. ,
SI 1 ?
lS rut loaf , JC.23 ;
On Ilio 1'io.liieo exchange fulny tlie Imlter mnr-
' koi I-OH i-tFiily : erciiiiierii-H. HSllfei ibilrles. Ilfi
17r. lliene. nuli-l al biiHif. I'-PK * . 'ttmly : fresh ,
20v. DieK-e.l pi ulliy , inarKtt bli"jdy ; lurlteyn.
lOyitVii : ; chUKrim. W" ' ' ! iluekii , "Qko.
< inolatlotiH fnr the Dny oil Reiioral
NHW YOHK. Jan. 18. KIXril Hecelpts. 2S-
CI2 libln. ; expTt. " . 19.7C.1 . Mils. ; firm nnd fairly
nctlve oi ) trade brands ; vlty mill patents , $ ) .55if
C.EO ; city mill , clears , J5.3fl5. Ill ; Minnesota
ji.ilfiiU , fj. 0 ; . :0 ; bakers' , JI20CTI.W ; winter
HtialRlitn. { Moi ; I..U ; winter , Jl.10iT3.t4 ;
winter low nra.liSJ.foya.CO. . llyo Hour , iiulet
tit n.JWj'I. ' - ' ' ) . latter for fancy. Jluckuheat Hour ,
quiet at il.iOiil. : : . .
lltli'KU'HIiAT-lJulft ut SCo
COUNMh'AI.-nulI ; yellow western , CCo.
KVi : stcailj ; No , 2 western , GIVic ; > : ar lots , 50 i/
' 4c
HAItliVulet : ; ftedliiR , JI'.jC. '
IIAIILKV MAI/r-4Jurt | : wcslrin , M'.4OC5c. '
WIlKAT-Hecelpts. V7.125 Im.j exports , 93,180
Im. Si > ol. llrm ; No. 2 let. JI.O. . Options opened
llrm on bullish cnblo news tind ruled quirt but
llrm all dny , with law leactlons. mippoitcd by
< i moderate export Inquiry , local covering and
omall nfferlnga ; elided Ui'lc not higher ; No. 2
red , Jnnuniy Sl.ClUOl.CI'.i ' ; closed ut J1.0H ; ;
Alar. 'Jl 13-10'0 | ; 3-lCc closed ut V3c.
1HN Itci-elnts , 37,035 bu : exports , J1G.1S7 bu ,
Spot , I raily. No. 2 , 3l c. Options opened steady
with wheat , but 10011 cured ulT under liberal re.
crl | > t < , UlcnpiwIntliiK cable * , heavy Increate In
llr.ulntrci'fs vl'lblo und llqul.lutlun . , clailni ; 'ic
net lower ; January. J3' ' , c ; May , 33 IMliUJIc ;
clcved ut 33c ,
OATM-lti'i-elpls. IOS.COO bli. : exports , I2.3JO bu ,
Hpot , dull ; Nu. 2 , ' 'M-ic. Options dull and nomi
nal. cloving unchniiKcd ; M'ly. : $ ' , U.
HAY Dull ; shipping , 3J'jije ; good lo choice.
HOlVl-KIrm ; I'aclllo coast , 1S95 crop , 4jJ o
1W en > | i. 7iillc ; 1W7 crcn , ICJ/lCo.
HIHKrf-Sti'ady : UulM'tton , 1JOJ Texas , dry ,
ISc : Oillfornln. ITc.
l < KATIIiit-Uulet : ; ] i < < rnlc > clc bole. Uuenos
Ayre , iOMd'.iC- '
lU > -Slcuily. l . llocce. J7f31c ; Trxa . H 17c ,
1'ltOVIdlONS Ueef. flejdy ; hort clear , J'J.OOy
1 .C , Cut meats. .Irmly ; pickled bellies. 3.V ( )
.00i pU-klei .lumldrrti , J4.7ijrJ.Mplckleil lmm .
J7.00WII . l.ard. ; we tein stenmed , W.OO ,
May , , : i nmnlnali rt/llned , steady. 1'ork. llrm ,
men c'loaril nl J'J.KJjD.M ; short clear , ja.750H,75 ;
family. W.OflfltO.iO.
O1I S I'utlpitierd oil , ttrady : prime crude. 1)
O19Vtc ; print * yellow , IJj24e. IVtrolcum dull ,
United , MHO. llo ln. .to-idy ; .trained , common
to KotM , M'i4Jl.OVi. Turpenllne , llrm at 3IU
HjJ'K Quiet ; f lr lo extra , 5)OCVi | Japan.
MKTU-i'-IMg lr..p , worrtintii dull nt JS.fO bl < t
nnl ; H.iO a ked. Uike cornier , quiet it JIO.1
lild nnd 111 krd. Tin , dull tt 11 ! tM B" > d
J13.U uikM. Spelter , quiet nt Jl.SO bid QI1 1 Ii
a.kvit. Lead , dull nt JJ.62'1 bHt nnd J1.C7W ni-k l
llio llrm Unit flxt'ii the price for miners und
fm < * lt i i make * the prlen of lead 13 S.1.
IH'TTKIlItecelpt . t.lH pUm. : ni H < et itojily.
* 'rw"m > rr' "liWSOoi EUlm. W - ; ( uclory , '
bRHK-Uccelpli. S.lll pks .i market u dy ;
Itrte hlte. Heplenibfr. S jV ; smnll while. Brp.
t u > U r , iKc ; Urgt colored , BcpttuiUr , SKoi nuiU
colnrrd , Hcpt < > m > fr OVieo c. lishl tkim * . Cft ' c ,
full fklino. 4Vt/V-
FXJdH HrflptK , S.419 tikes. , market firmer ;
( Into And wertern.
OMii.v 7ji\n7t.\iT :
C'onillllon of Trnile Mini ( Inolntlon * )
on .Staple mill l-'nncy I'rnilnev ,
The tKK innrkel It bddly dcrnoralUrd , the mlM
nrnlhcr having brought In a 'flood nf
fltockn are nr'-umulatlnic nnd U In Imimtilbte to
give an accurate quotation.
l.CHJS-Oood stock , IMMTc.
UlTTTKIl-rnmmnn to fclf. " 311e : feparalor
creamery , ! 0c ; cathered creimer } ' , ISfil ! * .
VKAIrioicc tat , W to l:0lt , ! . , nuoled nt ! c ;
l rRp and conr e , 45o.
DIIKSHKI ) I'OfMHY-CliUkpnd , 6 7oj tur
key * , lOftllc ; Kt"v , Sc ; ducks. 7'4e.
( ) A.\li-Hniili : rabbits , per do * . , 7i ? ; large , J1.2J ;
mitilrrcl * . BOftO'c.
1'IOKONB Uve. 75r ; (3fd'plReon ! ( not wanted.
HAY-t'pUnd , K-W ; midland , JVM ; lowland ,
J5.W ) , rye traw , JI.OO ; color makes the price on
Imy ; lluht tin Ion sell the b st ; only top gradea
brltiK ton t'llcvs. '
QUINCKS-Callfoniia. p r box , 11.23.
CKIiilV-Uooil t < xk. ; largo , 43o , small. 2 0
Me. ,
ONIONS-I'cr bu. , 65c. * '
llBANS-HumJ.pukeu navy , per bu. , S1.2S21 SO.
S\ViHT I'OTATOns-I'er-Mil. , . X.X.
rAHIIAHK Hood stocir.Yper lb . IVJc.
POTATOES Home frrown , oaJoui western
lock. "uo.
APl'I.KS Winter flock.1 J3.00 ! California U lle.
fleur , Ixixes. Ji.50 ; Colorado Jonathan ! , boxes ,
J1.71 ; Oregon , boxer , Jl.Ji.
rUANIIKIMtlKA-Jrrneyg. t > cr Wil. . I7.2.-.OJ.W ) ;
Wisconsin Hell and IliiBle , J7.Mf7.75 ( ; AVIictjnjiln
IJell and Cherry , J6.51
anAl'KS CnlftwbM.'B-lb. baskets. llOlSoj Ma | .
agafl , JI , 0030.0' .
OnANQRS Mexican , per bOx , > J3.0033.25 ; Cali
fornia navels. J3.2JSI3.KO.
LpMONS-Mcsslnas , J3.003I.OO : California. JCO ,
Ioi3.r)0 ; 300 ,
TI ANANAS Choice , laree stock , per bunch , ja.OD
CJ1.3 : medium slzol bunches. J1.7SQ3.00.
NUTS Almonds. p.T II. . . , laige * i e. UiflJc ;
inmll. He ; lirazlls , per lb. , 9iuc : EiiKllsh wal
nuts. per lb. , fancy soft shell. IDUllo ; stand
ards. Bjjvc ; iilixTtH , per lb. , lOo ; pfcans. ixillxlieil ,
Inedum , C37o extra large , > - -
; tf9cliruo I rkor
mils , tl.OOVl.10 per bu. ; small , J1.25&1.35 per bu. ;
coconnuts , per 100. JI.OO ; pcunutc. raw ,
ronsted. tiiC'/jC.
Pins Imported fancy. 1. crown. 1Mb.
12c ; R crown , 41-lb. buxe , HTt.i J-lh. boxes , 23
( f23o per boxO llfornla. 10-lb. box. JI.OO.
HONKY Choicx wnilc. l2ij ; Colorudo nmber ,
KllAUT Per lib ! . . J4.w : lult bbl. . J2.2Ja2.JJ.
MAPI.B HYHUr rive-iml. cans each J2 75 *
ral. cans , pure , per doz. . J12.M ; half-gal , cans
J6.2J ; quart cans. 13. Mi.
DATISS Hallowee , CO to 7C-lb. boxes , Co ; Salr
fAa : Kuril. S-b. ! boxes , no.
CIDEH-Per half bbl. . J1.00 ! bids. . K.23.
DIHCSSHD IIHRK Good native steers , 6Wc-
good rore > iUarltiH Btecra , 5\jc \ ; wood hlndniiartprs
atceis. SV4c ; western ntssrs , 6ic ; T x.m a
S'.Jc ; fancy helfera , Bo ; Rood heifers , 5He :
foicquartcrs heifers , 53 ; good hindquarters
helfera. Be ; BOIH ! cows , 5Vie ; fair cows TK ; ; cow-
forpqunrters. 4ijn ; c jw hlnd'iiiarteis , 7140
niJICr" CirrS-HiuiKlnB tenderloins. 4V4O ! ribs
No. 1 , lie : rllis. No. 2. Sc ; ribs. No. 3 , CuJ steer
rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , OVie ; ix > w rounds , shank
off. Be. cow rounds , shank and rump off , 8'ic- '
trlmtnltiBi" , 4' e ; beef slunkR , 3c ; br.ilni. 'per
dnz. , 35o ; aweelbroads , per lb. , 12V4c ; mrcethrimlo
( calves ) , per lb. , 40c : kidneys , per doz. , 3ic ; ox
tails , each , 3o ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per Hi. ,
3c ; totiKues. per lb. , 12i c ; calf livers , each , 35o ;
CJlvea , wh-jle caicass or sides. 9e. calf hnad und
feet , scalded , jier set , 73c ; tenderloins , fresh. IV
tcnderlolmi , frozen , Kc ; tuneless strips , freili ,
8c ; bom-less Btilps , frozen , 9e ; strip loins
fresh , ( , 'ic ' ; slrlp loins , frozen , C c ; rolls , hone-
I -S3 , OHc ; rolls , spencer cuts. 8c ; sirloin butts.
bonelesi , Pe ; shoulder , clods. boneless , ,
rump butts , boneless * OWc ; No. 1 chucks rc'
No. 2 chucks. 4ic : No. 3 chucks , 4'ic ; honel s
chucks. 41ic ; onw rlales. SVir ; steer platis lc'
flank Bleak. Cc ; loins , No. 1 , 13o : loins , No. 2'
too ; loins. No. 3. 8c ; short lolnn. market style. 2o
ulxive loins ; short loins , hotri atyl . GC nbove
loins ; cow loin ends , Sc ; steer loin . 'nils , 9c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. S4c ! per lb. Iambs
7 c : sheep , C' c ; market racus , ions. Oc ; hole
racks , tdion , lie : loins. S'4e ; sad lies. Sic ; lees
9c : lamb less. lOo breasts and stews , 3Uc ;
tnnKties , each 3c ; forequarters , H',4c.
POIIK nresscd pl s , 5o per In. * dressed IIOKS
IHc ' ; tenderloins. 12' c ; \ - > \na \ , short , r.1- ; lonir S" '
sp'nre ribs , 4c ; ham saus.iRi * butts. 3Vic ; Hoston
butts. 5c : shoulders , rouob. ' * . ? ; -"nlders
skinned. 5c ; trlmmlnKS , 4o ; leaf lard , nnt ren
dered , 5c ; hcndii. cleaned. 4c : snouts and
rieys , nor doz. , 10c ; brains , nsr doz. , 15e :
feet , per doz. . 2fc : livers , each 3a hog rlnJs
! c : blade bones , oc.
HIDKS No. 1 green hides. 7o ; No. S irreen
bides. Cc ; No. 1 tailed hides. Sfte ; No 2 Kreen
tailed hides , 7-o ; No. 1 M'nl calf. S to 13 lb < i
lOc ; Ni. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
faHUKl' PEliTS Oreen salted , ea"h , 15iiJ75c'
Rroen called ( .hearlliiBS ( short vonled early
ildns ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlings ( fhort wooled
jarly fcklns ) , No. 1 , oarh , Co ; dry Hint , Kansas
nd Nebraska butcher wool pells , per Hi. , actual
weight. 4iJ5c : dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wcol tiells. per lb. , aclual weluht , 3SJ
( c ; dry nint Colorado Lstrlr wwl pells , per
lb. , aclual weight , 475c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , par lb. , actual weight. Sifie.
TALLOW. OltKASi : . ETC. Tullow. No. 1 ,
Kic ; tallow. No. 2 , 2lc ! : rough tallow , IHoj
white gr'nue , 2VtiCJ yellow nnd brown grease
KUKS Hear ( black or brown ) . 55.00ff20.00 ;
otter. J1.D00S.OO ; mink , 13f/COc ; beaver , Jl.W
iifCOO ; skunk. 152 , 2 c. fiCo ; muskral , 3c. I > , 7c :
, -accoon , 15 50c ; red fox , Mi-RJl.21 : wrey fc-x ,
33SJOo ; wolf ( tlmb * > r ) , 2icJfJ2.tO ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) . l { ? 50c ; wildcat , 10ff2i : ; badger , C40c :
liver for. jO.OOO75 00.
HORn HIDRS Knch. Sl.li092.26.
AVenre CoiniiiUxlon Coinpniiy.
OMAHA OFFICR , Jnn. 18. Cables this inorn-
Ins were ? ic hltriier nnd our market opened
. .irons In symptthy nt niVie ( or Slay , or an advance
vanceof practically He from lost night's close.
where It remained ftrong , rene'aln. ! ; ns | IRI | | as
OH-BC nnd closlnR at 91c to Ol'.ic bid. January
or cash was Htronn nnd advanced In proporllon ,
cluslnR nt 92'.ic. ' but July seemed to share In
the ndvanco more liberally , closlns al S2' , c , or
an advance nf I'AC ' fronu last night's close. This
wan caused apparently by the covering of hlimts
In Hint option , where , us we Imvo said , they had
lieen working to a Kreatfr extenl limn In the
ither months , anil had depressed It ti > a degree
out of propoillon as compared with May.
HPcelptH tod'iy were 03 cars ; estimates for lo-
morrow. 2o cars.
Tlie advance In foreign markets was not very
purprlnlng'nnd was to have been expected , since
Iho demand at the seaboard has been good for
the las.t . few days nnd nil Huropc has been n
buyer. The seaboard demand still continues
Kuoil at tint advance , nnd while we iln not look
for any phenomenal Immediate uplurn we lire
llrm hellevi'rs In May whent around 91c , where
wn think no one can get hurt.
Corn opened steady In sympathy with wheat
and reached SOVlc. but eased off on some local
relllntf and closed nt 2S&C to 2Se bid.
The undertone Is still Meady , however , and we
think with the llgltt estimates of receipts for
lumorrow that It should react.
Hcoolpls today , 431 cars ; estimated tomorrow.
2ir , curt.
Outs were slronp. lluetunllni ; but ' .Jc , nnd
cl > sed ( iitotably unchanged.
Kc.'lpts . today , SOS cura ; esllmaled tomorrow ,
1C' ' * curu.
Theic eoarfo grains should be bought on any
decline for tcal)3. |
St. I < OIIH ( ieiiernl
ST. IXl'IH. Jan. IS. FLOUIt tjulet und > m-
ehanBCd : pitenls , * l.70r.S1 ; htralu.itii , Jl.35tf4.50 ;
clear. JI.005JI.23 ; medium , J3.5C .1.73.
WIIKAT IllKher. ulotlns Vl fc above yeslcr-
day ; No. 2 red , clevnlor , i)3'c ) ' ; track. 93iM' ; c ;
.iHnitary. 93c bid : Mny , VlfiilMKc ; July. 79' ' , c ;
No. 2 hard.
Jild ; No. 2 while.
RYI' . Holler nt 4314 c.
TIMOTllY-JJ.d ) for pilme.
IIIIAN Klrm ; 5le. emit IraeU ; CGfiSSc at mill.
COHN.MHAI/-.SIeniIy at $1.40.
HAV-Qulet ; tlinolhy , JG.Mlft 10.00 ; prairie , J5.60
{ f 3 r > t ) .
HU1TKH I-owcr ; creamery , llt/IOc / ; dairy , Sfl >
1'c.KOdS Ijiwcr at 15c.
WHIHKY 11,19. . '
SIHTAUS Ixiad , dull nt $3.43. Fpeltfr , nominal
I'ltbviSIONS-rork. lower : Jobblnir , J3.JJ.
Uird , hlBhur ; prime. ll.SO ; choice. Jl.57i. ! Ilacon ,
110xoil lots , exlra hhorl cleur , IJ.2J ; clear ribs.
$ : .37Vi ; clear sides , J".5X Dry sslt meals , l > eKed
lots , ihoulders. 11.7.1. exlm short clear , H.75 ;
ribs , JI.S7i ( : clear shies. 5.00.
HKCICII'TS-Kloiir , 4.0(0 ( blil . ; wheat , 10,850
bu. : corn 108,000 but oals , K.OiO bu.
SIIII'MKNTS Flour , C.00 > bbls. ; wheat , 7,000
bu. ; corn , 179,000 bu. ; opts , 10,000 bu ,
HAl.TIMOIir : , Jnn. lf Fi/5lUl-Qul t nnd un.
changed ; wc.lcrn uperAne , JJ.M33.70 ; western
extra , J3.3JO > U ) ; western family , JI.30tf4.C3 ; win
ter wheat patents , JUiflJ.W ; siirlm ; patents ,
J3.0085.20 ; spring whcatVUrrtlallts ; J4.504Jt.fO ; re
ceipts. 1S.57U bbls. ; expor | , none.
WIIKAT Hull ; rpot. th und February. 97
97ic ! ; Mny. SlttlMlKot'iUJmer No. 2 rcnl , 92V ,
y92Tic : receipts , IS.kSS bu. : exports , none : youth-
urn wheat , bv sample , liJtf'jSc ; soutliern wheal , on
rnde. 9J89Jljc ,
COllN nullt tpot , month nnd February , S2UO
3io ; leainer mixed. S-J'iffaWc ; receipts. ITS.OH
bu. ; exports , none ; southern white corn , 29O
Sic , soulhcrn yellow cotn , k 33c.
OATS-Qulet but firm ; No. 2 white , 29HC30c ;
Nn. 2 mixed , 25o ; iccelpts. ll.SOS bu. ; experts ,
nont * . "
HYK-Strady ; No. I nearby. 524o ! ; No. 2 west ,
crn. MUdiSHo ; receipts , 11.5' $ bu , ; export * , none ,
HAY Slrady ; cholcti timothy. JI3.W.
OltAIN I'HKIQHTtVerSr quiet und caller ;
. .leant to Liverpool , per bu. . q d , January ; Cork
for orders , per quarter , ' _ 3s Od. January ; 3 Cd ,
Ilirn'in-F : ncy'crcameiV. ! 10ic ; fan y Imi
tation. UtriSc ; fancy ladle , ICc ; eood ladle , lit ?
ISc : rtoro parted. 12llc ,
KOOrf-QuIrt ; fieih. ISc.
ClIKKSK Steady ; f ncy New York.
fancy medium , 10010HO ; fancy ( mall ,
Liverpool MnrUrt.
MVEItPOOU Jan. U.-WHUAT-Hpot. llrm ;
t\a , I red \ > e Urn. wlnlrr , 7 W ; No. 1 red norlhr
erii , thlpplcit 7 7iid.
COUV Sv-t lit in ; Anii > tlcJn mixed , new Z O
St Ud ; Amcrivii ; n'l" I , old. a 3iJ : futures
vteaty : JanuaryUdt ( ' . ( " jury , 3a SKA : ,
Jfarch. 1 * S'.4J. ' , , f v
Kl/ii | s. l.'ojljsti.y. . n\lnlsr ' " 1"11 al " " " !
HOP8-At I.luliin , VntllU. coasi , Arm M 1 |
mflti Ss.
llcrr , Blui ; < to ill iuc.
6-i-i 3.1 rr me * m. s , : r * R.I. I1 , rk. nrm. prim'
m > . lli.o wi-sUrn. 4"s ftli primp n' . ' rr."l."m
notprn. ! " . . Hains , short nit , firm nt 37s.
ll.i'on , dull at : ; > , short ribs. 2ft M , ' .mi . ; < ' ar
tni'MlM. llffhl. i' ; ) 6 < l. lonn l- r mlidln. hn > y.
! 7s. dh.irt . r lenr hmk * . 27s ; clear tllle , S3i Sd ;
n'i 'uldcru , Kiuarc. > le/idy / nl ttn Rl. prime
npsirrn , dull nt 25i 3d Tillow , pilme city , llrm
It I1 * .
CHmfliAmcilcflt | ) , finest wliltP and colored ,
firm nt 4Js M.
llrmlstrcet's \'llile | Crn In.
NIIW YOIIK , .Inn. K.-Spe. . Inl cable nnd telc -
Krnphlo advice. ! 10 llmi's re t < , covof.n * 'he
prlnclpil points of accumulation , lodlcnle th"
followlnR tlinncfK In vl lhte supplies ln l P.ilnr-
dny , ni compared with tin * | > recMlnK Faturdo.
WIIKAT rnlled States nnd Cnnnilx , " 'isi of
the llcH-ky mountains , decrease 1.613' ) bu. ;
nil' ' t fur and In i\impc. : decrcaup M.Oi I.U. . ;
world'n supply , tutnl decrease 1.931.0 ) bu.
COllN llnltPd Stnte-t nnd Canada , enst of the
llocky mountains. Increase J.SS7.0 bu.
OATS t'nltnl Hlntes nnd Cnnndn , east of the
Il'K-ky tn.iuntn . nt , lncreis < 7B1.W ) bu.
Aim ng lln < larger decreases leporied by llrad-
KtreetB , not gh-on In the oltlclnl visible supply ,
al. ' Ihe faltlnr off of 30.\o . Int. nf wheit nl
nortliw Mern Inlcrlor eleva'orn , 135,0. ) ) bu. nl
New Orleans , W.Wbu. . nt Clnlvcston nnd 4lOitO
bu. nl ililcaRO private elevators. The only im-
pirlnnt Incrence Is that of Ifi.ODO bu. at point *
In MunlloUi and Ontario.
KtitiNiin < MI > ' ( ! rn I n unit I'rovlriloiiii.
KANSAS CITY , Jnn. 18.-WHi\T-Actlve : and
generally nbout steady ; Nn. 1 luM , i.Mic ; No. 2 ,
k3 . Jic ; No. 3 , SO't'ilMbc ; No. 1 red , 9-'c ; No. 2 ,
Sl iO , No. .1. 0c ; Nn. 2 spring , 2e ; No , 3 , 78fS- .
COllN Atout. rteaily ; No. 3 mixed. ilUrt24e.
OATS AMIve nnd unchnngedi No. 2 wnlte. ! lc.
HYllJ-Steady : No. 2. 4Jc.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy , J8.60US.7S ; choice
prairie , J7.25W7.CO.
lU'TTnil Uull. nolwlthstandlng d-crcajfj le-
cclpts ; chcainery , IIOliC ; dairy. KOU" .
IKU1S Weak ; receipts , heavy ; fresii , Ifil.
HICCKll'TS-Wheat , 18.2W bu. ; corn , 66,900 bo. "
cals , 20iH ) bu.
SHII'MKNTS Wheat , 20,40) bu. ; corn , 10,200
bu , ; O4ls , iiono *
Ciiiulnnrttl JlnrUet.
CINCINNATI , Jnn. Ii. KI/UIl-Steady ;
fancy , JI.20JJ4.IO ; family , J1.5Xi3.73.
WIIKAT llriner ; No. 2 led. tl409Jc.
COllN Finn : No , 2 mixed , c.
OATH Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 25c ,
HYK Steady ; No. 2 , < Cc.
PIIOVISIONK Ijiml , steady , Jl.fS. Hulk meats ,
llrm. JI.CO. Ilacon , linn , J3.50.
WHlSKY-Slendy , JI.U.
Ill.'l'ri'ili . nwer ; fancy Klg\n \ creamery , 2lc ;
Ohlif , 13ttl8e ; dairy , lOc.
HrOAfc-FIrm ; liard rcnn'd , JI.16flO.10.
1X1 OS in nn nnd hlghor nt 17Uc.
CHKKHB Hrm ; good lo prime Ohio Hal , S > 4
( Jrnlu lleeelptH nt Trlncl-nil
ST. LOUIS , Jnn. IS. Receipts : Wheat. 20
carrt.MINNKAI'OLIS. . Jnn. IS. IlccclpU ! Wheat , 261
car *
CHICAGO. Jan. 18. Hccclpts today : Wheat , K
cars ; corn , 310 cars ; oats , 2U8 curs. Kstlmaled
carlolH lomorrow : Wheat , 23 ears ; corn , 215 cuts ;
oat , 2Cn cars.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. IS. Hecelpts ! Y'lcat ' , 27
D'ULUTH , Jan. IS. Itocelpts : Wheat , SO
cars. ' - '
I'lillnileliililii Produce. ,
I'lHLADlJLl'HIA. Jan. IS. UtlTTKll Steady ;
fancy western creamery , 22c.
HOC1B Firm and lc hlBder ; fresh nea by nnd
western. 22c. | J
C'HKKSK Firmer : New Yerk factory , choice ,
i'.fil4c ' ! ! ; New Yoilt factory , fair to good , & ! i < Qr
S > io.
Toledo .llnrkct ,
TOLKIK ) , O. , Jan. 1S.-WHI3.YT Higher ,
steady ; No. 2 cash , 91 4c ; May , 93 ? c.
COllN Active , steady : No. 2 mixed. 27-ViC.
OATS Dull , steady : No. 2 mixed. 22l4c.
HYI'J Unclningcd ; No. 2 cash , 46',4r. '
CLOVKKSUUIJ Dull , higher ; prime cash , J3.20.
Detroit llnrket.
DMTOOIT. Jan. IS. WIIKAT No. 1 while nnd
No. U red , 9IVic ; May. 24 c.
COllN No , 2 mixed. 2le. ;
OATS No. 2 while , 25V4c.
11Y11- . 2 , 47Vic.
I'eorln .MurUetH.
1'KOHIA , Jnn. IS.-COHN-Sleady ; No. 2. 27c.
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 white , 2lc.
HYE Quiet ; No. 2. 44lio.
WHISKY Market steady ; hlsh proof spirits ,
leir ! Iiillnenee 1'revnlln mid I'rlees
Arc Lower.
NHW YOIIK , Jan. IS. Prices were slaughters !
Ill the afternoon lr.tdlng on the Stock exchange
today , especially Ihosu propcrlles , Including local
traction lines , which were most benellted by tha
market's buoyancy yesterday. I'rlees opened
with fractional appreciation In sympathy with
London , which traded moderately out of the way ,
but hitIng slightly mote than thi'y sold. I/irgc
operulois were not very active In Ibe local mar
ket until the late trading. There nppeared to be
a general undertone of strength In the early
tra lea. but the temper gradually change , ! nnd
iim > or mongers were not Idle. Among olher ef
forts to depress the market llien * wns circulated
an unfounded ftory that the United Stales min
ister lo Spain had sought Ihe prot.'ctlon of Ihe
llrltlsli ambassy nl Madrid. Heallzatlon of
prolits by large Intctcsts aided the boar raid , un
covering pto [ > loss orders , and the market closcj
at or near the lowest an 1 vciy weak. Manhaltan
Klevated and Metropolitan Sticet Hallway ad-
van.'ed on manipulation , but the Interests that
engineered the ndvance In these securities eeemed
later to have changed their position. Sales under
Ihe rule today for the account of the brokers
who suspended yesterday depressed Itrooklyn
Ilapld Transit. Cleveland , Loraln & Wheeling
and Tennosce Coal und Iron and ? emu of the
gmngers. The senate tlnance commltte * 's ap
proval of the resolution In favor of paying gov-
( rnmcnt bond * In either gold or silver wns used
by the Ir.xders ns a lieur card. The resolution
presented In tlie house In Ihe form of nn amend
ment foi the recognition of Cuban belligerency
was not known until near Ihe closing hour. In
Ihe general list the decline from Ihe hlghosl polnl
ranga 4 fiom 1 lo 2 points , but the net losses in
most cases were fractional. The net losnes over
a polnl were ns follows : llurllnglon , lH ; Man
hattan , 1H : Michigan Central , I'l ' Mob'.le &
Ohio , tii ; New Jersey Central , Hi ; New York ,
Chicago & St. Louis iircfcrred , 2 ; I'ltlsburg. Cin
cinnati , Chicago & St. IxJUls preferred , US ;
Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , ! ' / & . Among Ihe gains
wcro American Spirits preferred , 1 ; Denver &
Ulo Orandi ; prefcried , 1 ; National Starch first
preferred. 5. Hasy imoney and favonble stute-
mcnlp of railway earnings had little Inlluence
on price.
The bond market wns well held despite the
heavy liquidations In the stock market. The
IsmeH which have been conspicuous In the dealIngs -
Ings of late continued to vibrato very violently.
Total Rales , J3sioCOO. Government bonds showc-l
numu hesitancy , with quotations for the Cs
The Kvrnlnit Poll's London financial cable
gram pays : 'Sir Michael Hliks-llench's speech
at .Swansea , last night , declaring that Kngland
would have Itn rights In China even , at tie | cost
of war , nllhoiiBh approved here , hat ! some.tjffvct
In checking the rnsrket. Prices for all stock. ,
Including consols , were generally lower. ' The
markets , eppeclally mines , were urtven-ely af-
fi-cled by the Paris llatncss. Americans .closed
duller. Oermnny bought Northern Pjiclllc , Uut
sold Canadian Pnclllr : New York absoibel New
York Crntpsl. Grand Tiunks were brtnmlnir on
largely li 'reased business. I iinderriliiiid thai
Illlni'iH Onlinl bonds have gone well. The Paris
hmirsti was Hat en Ihe nnll-semlle riots. The
IliTlIn inarket WHS sle'idy. I have reason to be-
llcvii that the .1 la ilk of Germany may lower Ihe
lisle lomoriow lo 15i per cent. There was re
leased frorn the bank today 250,000 Japanere
Following nro the closing quotations of the
lending stocks on Ihe New York market to-
Jay :
Atchlson l'-'H St. 1' . A om 7iH {
iloi.M 2 * i do pfil 14R
Halllmoro.V Ohio. , in SI. P. M. .t M 121
Canada Pacltlo . . . . i < 7 } { So. Paellli * SMI
Canada Soitinurn. . ii'-'H So. Hallway H (
Centrnn'-ielllo 1 H * do pM 3IU {
ChcH..VOtno'IK Texas .t I'aelllo. . . . Ilk
Clifcniro&AUon.tlAl ] < Union Paclrtc 1. r , . . : ! ( )
'HUM ' II. P. l > . * 0 ! l
C..VK. . Wabash 7W
C.C. C. .t 8U I , S3 do pM 18k
iloilfll HO Whoul. & U K ! IH
I-l. * Hudson Ill Wheel. * L. n. pfd 12J {
Del. L. & W IM Adam * Kx 1A1I
Den , A. Ulo O 1U { American Kx 11H
do lit.I . 4lUjlUnltixlStr.te.HKx. . . 4(1 (
Krlo ( now ) l-t > ( , WollsFnnro Ex..11. !
KrlolHtpfd HT-tlA , Cot. Oil ' - > !
Fl. Wiivno HID dopfd 7fl
Great Northern pfi.l HO Am. Bulrlli 7W
Hnclclnir Vallov. . . . H ! ( Am , Spirits pfd 1H
IlilnolsCentr-il. . . . I0rt' < Am. Tooacco BilH
IakiiKrl < i it W. . . . 17 do pfd m
dopfd 7'J Peoplo'H Gas Ill )
I iku.Sliara 17l > Conn , lias 1KO
. Coin. Cable CD 175
Mnnhnltaii L . . . . Col. F. A Iron H4H
Met. St. ItV I3 : > H | dopfd 71) )
Mlohlyiin Cimtral..lliil ( Ron. Klentrio :14K
Mlnii.ASl. L -3 milnolHStecl 4Sh
doiHtnrd ss iLaciodo iini in
Mo.l'acltlu : iiWiIoad : 30
Mobllo.VOhlo ' 'a I no nfU 10(1 (
Mo.K. .t T l'J > 4 Kill. I.ln. Oil 17k
do pld .141 $ Oregon Imp , Co'U
Olil. , Illd. , V I , t ) PneincMnll MH
do pfd 30h' I'nilman I'nt 17B
' ' ' ' " ' '
N.J. Coiiir.Vf. . . . , , IH fSIIvcr Ccrlltlca'tVa. . ill
N.Y.Conlral lIlM'Sland.llopo ' AT. . . . 3
N. Y. Chi. .V 31. L. Sucar 18il
dolHt pfd u. ) do pfd 112
ilo'Jdpfd H.H T. C. It iron 'J44i
Norlolk .k Woutoru 1-1 U. a. J-oathei- IllJ
No , Amer , Co , , -1H do pfJ 11.1)4 )
No.IMultie ! „ . Urt lU , d. llubber : 10
dopdl l : < ) i | dopfd M4 *
Ontario\ l.'iVtiWestern Union. . , , flli
Orv.lU \ Nav 4S , S nrHiwoitterii lalU
Ore. Short Line -'IK1 dopfd IU5
PIUHburir Im 'Kin Ornndo West . ' - " . '
Itendlnif UHi do tifd 6(1
Kuulcltilntid tWi Chicago-Groat W. . 14H
S. L.AS. F 7ii S. L. A S. W 4
dolHlpfd CtfM ! do pfd IIU
Si. I'aul 04)4 Htiwullau Com. . . . 3IH
do iitU . . . , I41J
Total lulcs of storks today were 231 204 eliarer.
Including' : AlcliUuu prefcned , 4S ! ! ; C'.ileuRO ,
IlurJIuclon & Qulncy , 20,210 : I < ouUvlllo & Na.Ci-
\llle , 3.1W ; Munhniun. 40.310 ; Mtrtroimlllan , li.-
J37 : Missouri IMcltle. f.,100 ; New Vorl : iVntral ,
l. > .liW ; KOI them 1'aclllc. tVJ : Northern I'urlllc
preferred. 15,794 ; Heading , IUO , Hock Inland. 1. .
li' ; tit. I'aul. 17,721 ; Buiilhern pr ftried , J.r.'i.
Union I'ocltlc. SI.KO : UnUn rncllle , Denvtr A
Hulf. 3.WJ ; ChlroKi ) ( IrealVejtcin 1Sr ! 0 ; Hugar ,
" TrnnetMa Cool and Iron , MM.
I'lniineliilole .
CHICAGO. Jan. Id.-Clearlnsii. 17.5H,47i ) ,
New Yojk cxi-tianBP. k premium : pisted rale * ,
JI.81H and tW. Allfy I. and filrawluard In
co < vl ddiiini ! , nthera llrm. Cloning : Wwit f'hl
i-- ' f'OV'i UlHincnd lUtrl' , 142 ; I ika Street ,
ll'u , .NI..V Y r'i ' H scull , l'3'i ' ; Htrawbmrd , SO'i ' ;
M v U 0) : City J'allriad. SIT ,
, tt OHLtiANd. Jus , IH. rlnfi ,
> . ! . ? > v rk x. . lia.iR1 I in ) . [ MI > m 11 * u A'
f . p. r ! vr o Hiitii '
HALTlM. 'Ill : Jan U.-Cloirlau , tl.i ; < , ; 'l
t.ilin , x t < a. ' . l.
I MFMritlS. Jan. H.Clrnrlne * . Jfil.ra ) . bal
I nncps , SiW.IlD. New York i ichnnpfii'Mlnr at }
i nTtmltim.
ST. LOI'IS. Jan. l . - < -nrlngi1 l S. : , HI : Isil
nc < > < , Jn.i3 . | ! money < iul H. MW JIT cent : nj
clinnco on N > w Yn-k. We prt-mium bid , ! c
PMILADI-M Pill \ . .Inn. IP.-ripnrng : , I17..S7 ,
491 : iMlnni-eM , JI.R.KJ. ( '
NIJW YOItK Jan. U.-C'crlnK . $153 SM.O 0
balances. M.118,305.
HO.STCN. Js.n. H. a > nrlngs , J8I.7 ) .M ; bal
\rtv York lloncInrket ,
t"nry nt : fl ! % per rtnt ; last iMn. IVi PT cent
Pitt MR MKIU'ANTtl.K PAPBIl-JfM Wr cent
STHHLING RXCIIANOK-iStlMdy. with nclus
luMncfs In binkers' bills nt. . I.SIH1T4. I5 , for
dcmUlid nn.l . nt fl.RHft'l.Wi * f < ) r sixty days
postol rales , J4.83W4.S31 nn4 .II.M'iBI.M ' ; com
mcrclsl bills , JI.Sl .
STATW nONDS Qulfl ' < 0
IIAILIIOAO I Nt > M I'lrm ) H't
Closing quoKllons on bondsntefe ns follows :
t ) . S. now IrJI. . . . . 1 ! HWTN7J.C ; , ) ) . 1 l 3Vi'
U.3.mwtscou . . .1S.1UI.V. C.M-J..1. . . . !
H-9' * . : ! iS-o ? .i. . ( . . - ! o > .1
Sun I'raiiolKco Jlliinm : tluotatloiin.
SAN KHANCISCO , Jan. IS.-Thp olllclnl closliiR
rjuotatlons on mining stocks today \\cre as fol
lows :
IJAR SH.VKH Dull , 2CJ pjr ounce.
JIONKl' 1 1-16 per cenl. The rate of discount
In the open market for short bllU , 2'i ' per cent :
for three months' .bills , 2'/iW3n-K ' ! | n > r cent. Gold
bars , 77s lid ; American easleB , 70s Od.
rorelmi l tiiaiiolnl.
IxONDON , Jan. IS , Gold Is quoted at Buenos
Ayre-s today at 1CI.30.
PAHIS. JHH. IS. Three por.cqnt rentes , 103f 15o
for the account. Kxch.inue on. London , 23f23 c
for checks. At the cpenlnft'of the boitrHe1 today
bUblnesB was undei'lded. International securities
were ecneially easier , owliiff to pollllcal con-
slderallons. Hcallzatlons caused n leacllon In
Hid Tlntos.
HiiH.Jan. [ . 18. HuslneiCa pn the bnurso was
quiet. American and Canadian' securities wore
Ilnnlc of ( lerinnny Statement.
lil'HI.IN. Jnn. 18. The weekly statement of
the Imperial Hank of Germany shows Ihe follow-
Inj ; .clmnKen oil compared with the previous ac
count : Cash In hand. Ineteaso , 31,151,000 marks ;
treasury notes , Increase , 1,810.000 niatks ; other se
curities , decrease. S9.SW.OW marks ; notes In cir
culation , decrease. 81.1X0,000 marks ,
American .Securities in Ioiidon.
LONDON , Jan. 18. The market for American
securities ruled Irregular wtlhout decided feaiure
The undertone , however , wan bullish. Oiwrulora
were Inactive. The close was quiet but aluady ,
nnd the demand Benerally Unlit.
Wool .Mnrl.-elN.
HOSTON. Jon. IS. A blrotiKcr lone and more-
Inquiry , which is expected to result In a laree
business later , were Ihe features In Hie wool
market he-re. Territory wools nro continuing to
atlract Ihe most iiltenllon , and as a ivsiilt Hie
price hnn hardened , yet nominal prl-es have not
adVTiiei-d. Fleece wools show lttlu | advance.
Aiiftrnllnn w. . .H held stroiiffcr In prlre and fair
purchancs nro bc-lng noled. Tnllowlns an quo-
talions for leading ieserlpllons :
Ohio and Pennsylvania tlceces. X and nbove.
26ff37c ! ; XX und XX nbove , ° aQ3ic delaine 3f ®
SI" ; No. 1 combine , SOEiJlc ; No. 2 combing. ) c.
MldilRnn , WlF.-oiipin , etc. X Mlchlsfln , 24cNo
1 MlehlKau comhlnB , site ; No. 1 Illinois combine ,
2ffSc ; X New YoiK. New Hampshire and Ver
mont.UWLMo ; No. t New York. Now Hampshire
and Vemwmt. 27o ; drl'ilnv MlehlRiin , 27c. Un-
warhcd medium , Kentucky and Indiana quarter-
blood comblns , 23o ; Kentucky anI Indiana three
elshllm blood coniblnir. 23fi'ta Mlr-sourl imrler- ;
til. > od combliiR , 2J < iJi3e ; Missouri thrce-elaliths
blood comblnB , 23W.'ls ; braid combine , Me ; Uike
anil OeoiKla , 22j2Je. Texas wools , r-prlntt me
dium , twelve months. IGjJlgc : oured , 43ii4oc'
Kprlnif line , twelve months , ISfflCc ; scoured , Bo
fiMc. Territory wools-Mrntona nno medium nnd
line , 1618o ; Hcoured , 4fJOc Utah , Wyoming ,
npr. n.1c.
ST. I/DJJIS , Jan. 18.-\VOar-Klnn : medium , 15
&S3Vic : line , 13ffl7c ; heavy tine , S014c : tub
washed , ZZJJCOc.
Oil 1larkeM.
OII CITV. I'a. Jun. .
. . IS.-Credlt balances , Me :
ecrtlllcntes , February delivery , cloned nt r.5'4c
bid ; uhlpmentK , H0.92it bbls , ; runs , 103.4CS bbs. !
KAVANNAH , Oa. . Jan. IS.-OILH-b'uJilU tur-
pentlnt * . market llrm nt 32c ; rccelptu , c.10 bbls.j
ralcK , none. Itosln. tlrm ; sales , J.C95 bbls. ; re-
celpls , 5,813 libU. Quote : A , I ) . C 1) tl.20 : K ,
! ' , H-23 : O. J1.40 ; II , 11.70 ; I , Jl.iO ; K. ll.W ; M ,
IJ.CO ; N , 12.10 ; WO. J2.30 ; W\V. J2.C3.
CHAU'LKSTON. ' H. C. , Jan. 18-OH.S-Tur-
pcntlne. market firm nt 3U4c ; nales , none. Ilosln.
tlrm and umlmiged ; sulej , none.
N. , IS.-OIbS-Hplrlts
turpentine , Mcndy at J3.120'J.13. ' Ito ln , tteady.
Tar. firm nt Jl.M.
\e v York Dry tiooilrt .Market.
NBSV YOKIC , Jan , 18-Tlicre was lens nctlv-
ty In the dry good district tud.iy than ye ter-
iiy. The mual Tuesday quietude wan notice
able. Cotton Roods continued dull In all grades.
Tha bu > eru were slower In take hold or staple
xoodu nn 1 prints thin was to be expected under
the clminmlunccv. It Is beyond doubt that there
Is u tendency on ( he part of buyers to undore t- |
mnte the vrfucls of the eavlero strike , or nt least
they do not believe that liters fffectsJII lie
pco'y. In K-cal jchblni ; IH' ! HK-I tidins wa
fairly active , although mall orders were slow
and snml. i ,
NEW oni.KANd , Jun. lS.4SUGAR-Open ket-
lie , steady nt 2U.tf3iio ; ornlilfUKil , ktraily ;
Krnnulalrd. 4y { fl ll16c ; HhU-rC ' 3'i < fl 5-l < i" ; yel
low. . syjC4 I'ltc ; M'condK. aUiffS i' . Mola ee ,
kettle , Kiendy nl lljc.Tf ' 'nirlfuiral , eary in
Cfrlle ; syrup steady at ISO'ilru ,
NKW YOllK. Jnn. 18. .it flAll-Haw , nrm ;
fair li-nnlnc , 3Ke : centrifugal. M tint. 4So ; IC-
llned llrm : crushsl , S'ic.ji.wi'c ; i-l , ' > 71 > r-
Kranulated. ilir ; nwuid A. , ! ' , ' : standard A.
BVic ; confectioners' A , B'.c ' ; isit Juaf , 5io ; culie *
0 7-lCc.
Cnllfornln Dried FrnliN. '
KJll'lTS-Qulel to linn. iKvnpora e I i ji . ' z
cqmmon , Mfl i" : prlnw wli * till- . n c ; WM-
dried , prim.iVie ; , Slit1 ; fancy. Ift' ' c
rnme . Sffic. Aprluii'i. Kevlil. r. < fri.j" ; M
I'/irlc $ ( ? llo. I'firlirti , unpetleri , 7 < 't'.V. ' pi * | i !
Mnnc'liexferTextile Pnli-lr < i ,
MNOM'"frnn ' j , . -n. ( v tin nt yn
quiet , with inixlernts
Hun for tha Day thows Up Well in Taint
of Nnmbors.
( iniillty of tin * HeeHptH > XolSuch 111
Tempt * ( ho Hnyer IIOK * Mronir
nnd iic n cm My n IIdle
SOl'TII OMAHA , Jan. IS. Receipts for
the days indicated weru :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheoo , Horse * .
Jnnuary IS . 2.730 7,940 3.235
January 17 . 1,472 2.3W 4,477
January 15 . 1,445 0,110 3.5S3
January 14 . 1,917 0,100 4,300
January 13 . 1'JSS 7,841 4.WW 20
January 12 . 1,619 fi.SOO 1,091 7
January 11 . 2 , 0t ! > , SOO 2,151 1
Jnnuary 10 . 1.415 3,715 6Gj9 'ii
January S. . . . . G75 C.4S7 2,312
Jnnuary 7 . 1,158 C.279 1,071 20
January 6 . 1,255 10.9S2 2.429 91
Jnnuary 5 . 1,629 10.013 2,221
January 4 . 1,410 G.S11 3.173
January 3 . l.GSt 2,470 D.177
Jnnuary 1 . 637 2.235 2,129 21
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. . M. & St. I * . Ity . 3 C
O. & St. L. Ity . 2
Missouri 1'aoltlo Hy . . .
Union 1'aclflc System . 31 29 S
C. & N.V. . Hy . 1
! ' „ 1C , & M. V. It. 11 . 2S J3
8. C. & 1' . Hy . 2 1
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Hy . 10 2 2
H. & M. It. H. II . 25 31 2
C. , 11. & Q. Hy . S 12
1C. C. & St. J . 2
C. , H. I. .t P. Hy. . 15 . . .
C. , H. 1. & P. Hy.V .
Total receipts . 117 120 14
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . U 1,011 0
The O. 11. Hammond Co. ICO l.C.SS 49
Swltt and Company . 523 2.19(3 ( 1.1SU
TTio Cudahy Packing Co. 951 1.S71 1,01'J
H. Decker anil Li > gan . 55 .
Vnnsant & Co . 4G .
Lobman A Hothschilds . . 91 .
\V. 1. Stephens . 21 . . ' .
Huston & Co . . . 3S .
Pratt & Co . 112 .
Livingston . . . . . . 112 .
H. Hamilton . . , , . 110 .
Hammond , from K. C . 443 . . . .
Cudahy P. Co. , . from K. C. 52 .
Chicago P. CM. , Neb. City . . . 73 $
Other buyers . , . ' , . 305 . . . . 32:1 :
Left over . KJ
Totals . 2,017 7.S7S 3227
CATTLK Hccclpts of cattle were the
largest since Tuesday of last week , 113 cars
being reported In the yards. Some Idea of
the kind of cattle coining forward may
be gained from the fact that -with over
100 cars of cattle of all kinds on sale there
was not a single right good or cholco load
of bcof steers. It Is a question It there
are many good cattle In tile country. Stock
men who have been out over thu state say
that there are not , and that the cattle on
feed are not laying on fat ns rapidly as
they ought. The corn this year Is good , but
It Is claimed that the mild weather which
has prevailed during t'ac past few weeks Is
not well calculated for the making of flesh
rapidly. Cold , snappy weather creates an
appetite and the cattle iced better and are
more hearty. He that as It may , the fact
remains that few goo 1 cattle are coming to
market for this seaton of the year.
Today's offering * of beef steers consisted
principally of half fat and medium quality
cattle , with a few loads of pretty decent
stuff. The market on the more desirable
kinds was Just about steady , but the
tendency on the common kinds was easier.
The best cattle here were , only good enough
to bring $1.05. The market as a wliole , was
not very active , and still It was about as
active a ? could be expected considering1 the
kind of cattle on sale.
Cows and heifers were In liberal supply
nnd fully equal to the requirements ot the
demand. At the opening such bunches as
appeared pleasing to the buyers sold at
about steady prices , but the market eased
off later on and closed DftlOc lower. Though
n. little slow toward the last , practically
everything changed hands before the close.
Stockers and feeders were the best sellers
In the yards , especially light stock cattle.
The demand was very fair and prices fully
as utrong1 as any time of lato. As was the
case yesterday the top on stock cattle was
higher than the best price paid for fat
cattle , llppresentallve sales :
DKKK STii-ns.
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. 1'r. No. Av. IT.
21 1..113I S4 i ) 111. . . .1131 $1 SO S0..1JC3 $1 15
18. . . .1175 1W 1. . . . 610 400 1-J } 4 i : >
" 0..110S 4 10 8. . . .1151 4 10 lli. . . .118) t IB
20. . . .1301 120 4. . . . ! ) S2 430 2. . . . ! 0 4 SO
17. . . .1232 430 M. . . .117. ) 3 C5 7. . . .14(0 ( 415
21. . . .1121 415 ( ! . . . . 933 120 4. . . .1102 421
13..IC08 4 IT , 3. . . .813 3 S3 9. . . .1001 420
9 . ' ' 7'JJ 4 2.1 . . . . ? > 4 jr. ID. . . .1140 4 50
IO..12IS 410 2I. . .19 > 7 - > 40 18. . . .13:4 1W
1..1IO ) 3 2- | 2. . . . SSI 3 M 41. . . .113. ! 3 M
2 . . 190 4 00 2C..10 i 4 CO 20. . . .1173 4 03
17. . . .1391 ICO 4. . . .100) 41. ) H..1KO 4 T.
7 14'0 4 15 20. . . .111:1 : 4 15 21. . . .1120 4 13
4ll22) ! ! 4 13 42. . . .131 ! 4 15 1..1170 4 13
2) . . . .1123 415 07. . . .102" 113 1C. . . .1140 1 HO
5. . . . ! i9' ' ) 43.1 U. . . .112.2 4 2 > 211. . . .J1W 435
21..12S ) ' 115 37. . . .1SS2 I 3
2. . . .1210 335 3. . . .11)10 ) 3 35 6. . . .1001 341
1. . . . MX ) 125 1. . . . ? ) 25) 1. . . . S70 B 70
2. . . . 91) ) 275 2. . . . 1075 273 2. . . . Mi 275
n..lCti9 29) 2. . . .1115 'I 00 C..1HO 301) )
S..1-M2 3 20 32. . . .1013 321 It. . . .109. ) 3 3
1. . . .12.50 32-3 8. . . .1037 350 3. . . .1143 3 85
1 . .910 a 25 2. . . .10/0 240 3..103 | 273
II. . . .US * 300 2. . . .1175 315 1..1210 320
1 . .1230 320 1..1100 320 2..1C . > 323
3. . . .1010 330 21..103D 330 16..12JO 33' )
10. . . .1110 330 10. . . .1183 333 2. . . .1300 335
1..1170 II S3 2. . . .1210 340 32. . . .1071 315
7. . , . C23 350 10. . . , 91ii 3 M 1. . . . 8W 275
1..1C30 3 00 a. . . . 740 223 1..1IKM 2 25
3 . . .1100 233 2. . . . 9SO 233 1..10IO 240
1. , . . 7CO 250 1. . . . 8.0 250 1..SOO 250
2. . . . MM 2 f.O 1. . . . ! lH ) 2 CO 3..101C 2 BS
7..IO = S 270 - . . . . 190 270 1. . . . 870 270
2. . . . S33 27.1 .3. . . .mO 293 . . . . ) 3 00
r..r > : o 310 . . .mo s oo a. . . .1110 3 oo
13..1VU 300 -1. . . . ! ' 0) 3 00 1..UW 30)
r.113J 310 fi..lO.S 315 18. . . .1042 315
5 . . . 912 313 2. . . . 'J'O 311 4. . . .1130 331
1. . . . 12110 320 1.-.108) 320 1. . . .121)1 3 ? 5
1..1550 325 . . . .11,2 3 H 5. . . .1220 325
S. . . . SJt 333 14.lf.ll'"ll 335 1..1200 335
l..K ; o 333 . . . .1111 335 1..1U7) 3 3S
1..1110 33.1 2. . . .1:03 340 1..1IH 340
2. . . .1000 341 1..1113 350 2. . . .1303 35)
1..KH 3 CO- 2. . . .1113 3 05
1. . . . 430 2 GO 1. . . . f'20 3 23 2. . . . 175 4 23
3. . . . 700 370 25. . . . 7G 315 11. . . . 930 310
3. . . . f. SCO " 3. . . . CM 3 M 11. . . . 652 SCO
311. . . . 72. ! SIM 22. . . . "CO 330 3. . . . U1C 333
1. . . . (80 : IM 3. . . . ! )7) ) ) SCO 8. . . . m 370
J. . . , I.U 375 11. . . . IV)4 39i I. . . . BSO 2 ! ' 0
! . . . . ! ) 3 21 1. . . . f.7i 33) ) 1..1130 313
5. . . . 7 > 'R 3 ! ' 3. . . . fi.'li 331 21 , . . . 9(2 ( 3 M
1. . . . 7CO 3 ' 0 1..73) ) 3 t > 1. . . . HO ; t 51
I. . . . 78" . 3 .VI 4. . . . Cli7 3.0 1. . . . 440 3 M
1. . . . HO 3 CO II. . . . l' ' 3 M 13. . . . CIO 3 M
) . . . . SI2 3(0 ( 40 , . . . f83 30) 1. . . . 9)0 305
2..11C3 3 C5 1. . . . 78) 3(5 ( 3. . . . 41li 3 05
1. . . . 810 37.1 . . . . 373 3. . . . 8S3 375
1..1143 375 1 . DW 3 kO 1..12CO 3 C5
1..1570 285 2. . . .1043 300 1..1340 310
1..IJW 315 1..1000 370 1..172) 325
1..14JO 32.1 1..1350 3M 3. . . .1493 3 CO
1..K4) 300 2..13JO 310 1..1220 313
2. . . .1010 340 1..1230 240 1..1110 273
1..14SO 2 7S 2. . . .111.1 275 1..1I70 280
1..13CO 3 CO 2. . . .1130 300 1..1190 300
1..I2.V ) 300 1..1370 310 1..1340 310
1..1420 315 3..1270 313 1..1430 320
1..1510 320 l..l.fM 323 1..1C10 330
1..14.V ) 330 1..MCO 33i ) 1..14SO 133
l..i,40 3 23 1..I87D 8 33
1. . . . 220 5 G1 41. . . 137 515 2. . . .203 5 CO
1. . . . 130 BOO 1. . . . 170 f , 23 ! . . . . 210 400
2. . . , 3S3 4 10 . . . . 325 4 85
1. . . .ll'd 310 2 , . . .119) 3W 3.KfcG 375
2. . . .1165 215
1..701 3 B5 1. . . . U'O ' 423 1. . . . 5l 140
4. . . . Ml 31/1 2. . . . U'll 1(4 ( 13. . . . 7 fi 423
< > . . . . OS4 440 ! < ! . . . . 70.1 145 1. . . . 150 15)
1. . . . 1311 3M 8. . . . U'2 3M 2. . . .715 375
1..11SO 40) C. . , . 7CI 113 10. . . , 7M 111
f . . . . * M 433 27..10U 435 3..C.- * 4 tO
Jt..Wi 4W C. . . . 3i8 173 2. . . .1073 3,11
1. . . . 94'l 3 ! JO. . . .101 ! 423 2. . . .710 4 S.1
1. . . . KK ) 440 3 , . . . MH 3 23 30..rf,0 3 II 14
1. . . . 720 335 7. . . . (02 ( 340 Z..573 3W
7. . . . 841 S 65 2. . . . 770 .3 61 3 fl )
2. . . . 7SO 39) 1..1000 400 1. . . . 9.V ) 400
4. . . . 7S3 400 II , . . . 911 400 2. . . .1010 4(0 (
1. . . . f.20 400 , . . . ! ! 4 BO 6. . . .1101 4 (3 (
S..KW2 410 1. . . . S-V ) 410 { , . . . . IT4 411
1. . . . ! K 415 10. . . . -811 413 4. . . . 717 113
423 8. . . . r 4 M 3. , . . C2 450
No. Av 1'r. Nn Av. Pr.
Icnvi . 1148 JJ7I 1 bull . 1 110 ti )
1 C-OVH . 1 20 301 11ioH . ff2 3 TO
Sfcnlor931 401 4 > rc lpri. . . . V IM
HOOH Thfro wooo Korxl run of liogi , but none
tix > many lo nci't : Ihn lequlrviiifntu of III * ilu-
inanil. n Hint lli'J nnrkt'1 wan In 11 good ln'aH'iy
cr.n.llllcn. Thf liuyera nonied ( ouiH na inaiiy
an crc lo ! Imil. anil tlify were early lit wnrl ;
with the. icnult tlmt ( tie prnafiu teen
Heavy linsii wrrn ( troiix lute lilijlirr , Urn iirlcee
pall fur fu'l linl < ntr 'liii , ' fnm J2.IJ to t3V ) , an
mcutnrl i3.40ft3.47' < yrotPii'iiy. The u-it Ijulk
nf tlio heavy loul : l.ruuslit t3.47'W3..VI ' , ivll'i
i3.M t\\f \ \ IcnrtlnK prlrc1. wlillf ypclerdny over half
o,1 nil tlif lioyn roll at J3.I5 or unler.
1'chl hour. i'Un i-nM ( I flrnnKfl price * , Koo.l
'f.a IB j'Hnw til t-1/0. llo tame an ytilrnluy. with
! ! nlM'l CP'I irvillum welijht lonl rrlllng
tnmtly at 13.104(3. 55.
71 ii'iiTKi' "f ll * ' * rulffc won 4f hlyhfr
Hi ii ) fl < rl'V , un.lZc Lit icr ttuu u wtcl , a O.
vo Av Sh I r No. Av. fill. i'r.
H . -I 4' I41 51 . . 3V1 M | J 45
.3 . ; -S U ) 3 4 ; 4'J. . . . . . , , J V t ) 343
4' 411 ; l 3 4- , St 11J J 15
t . . . IM IM 343 R7 Ml 160 SIS
.V , . V9S 41 S T 36 415 I' 8 4S
: -5. . . . V SO S 4' . M Jll 120 3 K
-,0 417 . . . 3 45 9J ZM . 3 IS
S5 W. ) M 3 4.- . 7 3JI . . .Ill
U 941 IM 3 41 ( X 901 100 31 !
M JSl HO 341 K 343 . . . 3 I7H
87 JS7 40 3 IH M , , .37 STO 3 174
St M3 M 3 Ijfi 42 J * ! 40 3 474
K < ! ID ) 3474 SI .W 4 i 47U
17 341 40 3 I7U It 31 * . . . 3474
SS : ? .t 110 34714 Si II * M 3 l4
M S10 IM 3 7fc K J * 4-1 34714
r. ; jis itt 3 47fi r : . s 4.1 . 24:4
4 ? i 2 > o s 471 ? M fsi n 3474
84 SJt SO 3 474 41 37 ! > 3 474
44 37) ) . . . 347V ] < W Ml 4 < ) 3414
C : > 101 1ft ) 3474 OS i4l I'M 3474
n ) S4S 1C ) 35" ) ( VI S97 M 3 SO
11 239 . . . 3 S ) fij Sll ICO 3 W
53 303 . . . 3 8 * 0) ) W7 . . . 3 M
1,1 JS 40 (0 ( J6 2 * ) t 360
ri 13 . . . ,1 M 7.1 . 317 40 3 M
W Ml fO 3 M K 7 4. ) J 50
f. ) ? ( 10 35) M JS . . . 350
71 t l SO 33) M 771 SO .1 M
T4 370 . . . 35) 12 17 . . . J SO
20 551 . . . 3 fO 19 SZl . . . .15)
Cl SB . . . SM ' 01. . 5. ' ! . . . 3V )
M 31 J W 350 f.l 301 WO 36)
( ) rtW J ) 3W 3) 310 . . . 3 S )
M 300 TO ) 350 (8 ( 2iV . . . J SO
5.1 2SO 51 3 M I fO 3 H . . . 351
51 32 * 200 3 51 ( BO 310 . . . .1 M
f,7 2S4 160 350 l Z7S SO 3 .V )
r , ; 3JS . . . 3 M i M a SO 3 M
30 .St SO 3 TO i JS 315 SI 3 JO
57 311 200 350 53 W2 200 S JO
M ! 07 ICO S SO 45 ' .S75 . . . S J2'4
M US . . . 3 524 C3 261 SO 3524
CS 275 . . . 3524 CO 239 . . . 3 624
43 JIJ FO 3524 ! 3 2J2 . . . 3 52H
75 2J3 . . . 3.4 P7 175 . . . 353
TI SSI 80 353 62 J.12 . . . 353
27 SSD . . . 355 f,7 518 . . . 355
Cli 201 . . . 355 Co 216 40 355
C5 2 7 . . . 35.1 CD 236 . . . 355
75 251 . . . 355 7S 233 110 355
Cft Ml 50 355 ( II SI" 41 3 B74
C7 211 40 3 G74 C2 311 120 355
0 355 W 242 . . . 3 CO
. . . 3 CO Cl 203 . . . 3 TO
. . 3 CO 79 22J . . . 3 ( VI
. . 3 CO CO ! I7 . . . SCO
, , . 3 GO $2 IVi . . . 3 TO
40 3 0) ) 43 2IG . . . 3 CO
, . . 3 CO CC 215 , , , 3 CO
Cl J1H 40 3 CO , '
1 < ? 0 . . . 200 3 520 M 335
4 355 . . . H 4. ) 6 375 . . . 340
I ) 3f , . . . .1 > i ) 4 407 . . . : < 40
3 SiM . . . 3 40 . . . , , . . , . . . 3 15
1 ! SJ . . . SBT , B 3U > . . . 33) )
4 200 . . . 3 B5 2 300 . . . 350
3 IM . . . 3 115 t 410 . . . SM
o Sit . . . 355 1 LW . . . 3 M
2 17 : > . . . 355 1 VIM . . . S 13
0 2M . . . 3 B" 5 P.m . . . 355
1 1GO . . . 3574 5 SOO . . , 30) )
S11I.KI1 Hcccliitn were Illierat nialn todiy ,
fourteen load ) K'lnir on sale. AH him deen the
casii right nlotiK the demand wan active nnd
cverythliiK was sold early In the morning.
I.amKi ImniKlit nUiul the minu > price * art yester
day , hut oheep cold stroliB lo lOo lilRlicr.
Heprewntatlve sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
314 western wethers TS Jl (0
7 Mexican ewes , . . 71 3 01
5 unlive lnlxo.1 l'i ,1 85
27 native mixed 127 3 85
62" Mexican ewes 74 300
200 No-tern yearlings ' . )3 ) 4 20
20 native ye.irllnus 131 4 25
u native yenrlltiRs 121 425
27 Mcxl'-iiti ye.irlliiKS SO 4 f.O .
0 western lamlia Cl 4 75
1C3 .Mexican lumbs CT 4 W
49 Mexican lamb * C3 4 90
271 Mexican Innilis Cii 5 15
271 Mi-xlcnn Innilis C6 G 15
2KeMern ( lainlis S3 B 10
fi native latuhs a * S 40
35 native Inmlis 02 G 10
. \ < -lve Trailo III lloiis IN l'"ollinvi'l by
an Ailvaiii-i- I'rli'i- .
OiriOACSO , .Inn. 18. Trade In raltlo i\s aliout
naooit ( na II usually la en Tuesilny , jirleeg iiillnB
strong for fat beeves ami taicly : sleaily for
othera. Choice cattle were lather sonice uml
sales were mostly below ( A. llutehcrs' anil ran-
ners' sniff Bold actively at nteaily prices. l'i > w
cows soltl below $2.50 $ niul cliolcw prime heifer
snlil actively at S3.76ffl.30 , wlille bulla broiiKlit
f2.5' ' > ii I.On. There was u liilr tinlllc In l.'cker .
anil feeJera at J3.U53N.35 nnd n few 5LO-lb.
HIIKS wvie laken at { 4.50 to nlilp li.u-k to tlio
country. I'erder sale were chlelly at M.l'KC '
4.30 , jiilcrs rulitiK lilKhcr than for u long nine.
C'nlvi'H were Mc.idy.
The iivri'HKi * ( ( Utility of ho s showed no Itn-
. rovoment , but trade was active at on advaiu'O
ot about " 3e. K.iliw wcie lit an extreme intuit * 01"
13. 60173.75 fur coniuum to prlmo lings , the bfil
lot K lnK at I he tup pi lee of the sens' jn. The
Rie.ilcf pun uf the oil'crlnus crossed the seib *
at W.COii'3.70 and jilgs went Itirgely tit J3.I" " '
Trade tn slieop nnd lambn was active at strong
riLCS for all desirable otreiuns. hei-p xvre
P.ikiT nt $3.0033.50 for a fe\\ common Ints up
to J4."tOf(4.Bi ( ) for choc. ! * II.K'ks. . fed wfHifin Hht''p .
Hadlnt ; buyers at M.75'ull..J. ( ; Ye.irllngs M.I . | | nny-
wheix frmn S4.40 to $3. iiccnnlliiK to .umlUy. Inn
lambs wete less active und lower at Sl.i..iiCI..V . )
for the commonest to S3. 5. va 5. 7.1 for K0"d lo
prlmo lloelta , westutns selling us high , as JS.W.
Hecelptn : Oatllc , 3Mi ) head ; hois , 2VMO I'01" ! ;
sluvii , IC.O'JO head.
IviiiiNii.t City Iilvo Sdii-lf.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 18. CATTL.K ! ! elpts. .
.itM luad : market steady ; hli.tkt'fs . stioiiK : cows
and liclf.Ms . active ; Texas steers , Kt.OKft.iO ;
western pieers , J.I.50fT4.30 ; wcttoin cows and
lielfiTH , J2.r83.75 ) ! ; notlvi * steers , $1.7531.90 mtlve
cows .Hid ht'lfers , t2.iKMTI. 3 : Bloeltciu und fei'd-
eis. S3.21ffr .V ) : bulls. < 2.Mg3.7.1.
HOGS Itecelpls , 17,500 Nail ; maikct active ;
Kooil IIOKS steady lo stronij , common about
steady ; bull ; of sales. f3.54fr3.GO : heavies. XJ.I16C
3.G. ) ; packers. W.tySZ.K'.tt ; mlxctl , f3.4.1tf3.C5 ;
Hshts. } 3. 4383. CO ; yorkera , J3 , 534(3.0 ( ; plgi , , * J.0
{ J3.13.
8I1IJEP llecelptB , 3,000 head ; market qulel ;
lambs weal : ; lambs , J4.Wff..W ; muttons , JS.ljJ'i
Nl. I.OIllH I.IVf
ST. I/5IJIS , Jan. 18. CATTI.i : Uccelpts. 5,50
hend ; bhlpmcntH , 2.000 head ; maiket stonily lo
strong ; fair to fancy .shipping Ht-'ers , Jl. I lit1" ) HO ;
butcher to dte sed hcef Kradc.s , $3.VTfI.So ) , stt-ers
under 1 0" ) Ihs. . U.35V4.3' ' ) : siockers and fei'dt-rs.
$ . ' .Wil.i ! ; ; cows nnd helferf , J2.oW4.5 : ! ; Texas
nnd Indian Hlceru. { 3.30 ( ) 1.20 ; COWB and heifers ,
"ilfXJf ili-celplB , 8500 head ; shliimnnts. 1 :0' : )
head ; maihct 5e lower ; yorkera. J3.3JQS.50 ;
packeis. I3.40JJ3.CO ; butcher.H , J3.COIf3 | 70.
SHEKI' Iteceljits. 1,400 head ; shipments. 100
head : market stronj' ; native millions , $3 50 ( f ! . < > .i ;
culls nnd bucks , } 2.00i3.30 ; lambs , fl.75ifj.TO ,
Texas muttons. Jl.WJrl.r.O.
liiiIliiiiniioIlM Ilvc Stiiclc.
INDIANAI'OMS. Jan. 18 , r-ATTl.K Hc.lpB ( ! ,
fOO head ; s'llpments ' , 500 head ; market Hte.idy ;
KOOd to prime steers , Jl.Sjff , " > . ; ; ; fair I. ) medium
steers , J I. COWL 73 ; common to KOuil atockert , . J2.75
HOQS Tlecelpts. 7,000 head ; shipments. 2,000
head ; mnrkel active ; jjood to choice medium and
heavy , M.C."iff3.72li ; mixed , 53.COffj.lii ; cumtnon
lights. U.55 < i3.CO. |
8IIKKI' HeiTlpln. light ; Hhlpments , none ; Rood
to choltv lamb' . 53.0005.M ; common lo medium
lambs , J3.2.1U4.75 ; common sheep , 5-.2.'itj.73.
iciist iiiitrnid ii > .sticK- .
KAST I1PFFAI.O , Jan. 1S.-CATTI.R Medium
to heavy ( lilppltiK etecrs , J3.Gflj3.70 ; < oarxe
roiiKh , $ : i.7Jfi'l.3i ' ) ; nrccn , J3.7584 25 ; choice fal
helferf , JJ.23Til.50 ; mixed butchers' Flo.-k , JS.CGjj )
1.15 ; fair to Kood btilchers' cowj , J3.50ri3.7r > .
IIOCIS Yorkers , go d lo choice , JJ.W ; roiiKhs
lo common , J3.307T3.35 ; pigs , good lo cliulc , ' , J3.70
SHiii'AND LAMHS-ltecelpts , Scars ; lambs ,
fair to good , I5.COQ5.fc5 ; rulln lo common , Jil.'OiJ
3.73 ; kheep , choice lo Bclected wcthurj , J4.C5 { < i
4.90 ; culls to common , J3.23fJ3.75.
% York ilv * HtnuU.
Ni\V : YOIIK. Jan. 18.-IIKKVHS-IlrfpplF. ! 272
head ; cnblrs quole Amrrlrun Mceis at M'fllc ;
refrigerator beef , IKfiS'&c ' ; exports , 410 beeves
and 2.W" ) quarters of beef.
CALVES llcwIplB , 32 head ; veuli , f3.0oi(5.23 ;
gr Fpers , $3.0CTf3.0 (
HIIKKI' AND I.AMIIP-nfrrlpiii , 702 bead ;
fchecp. $3.r/if5.00 | ; lambs , JO.COW'O.JO.
HOOS-ncceliilM , 3/J12 head ; monger al JI.OOQ )
SlocU In
Ilecnrd of recelptu of live stuck nt I ho four
principal mutKets for Januarv 19 :
Cattle , lines Rhoep.
Oimha 2710 741 ! ' 3 S35
Chicago 3301 2t.'O ' ) H.iW )
Kniitkiii I'll ) Sf-iO 17.5H : t.ifO
St. J.ouls 3,500 C:00 l.CQ
Totals .TsTSii W.tin 22,03.1
TBLEI'IIONH in" ' . .
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Borird of Trndo Bltlg. , Omaha , Web
nrancli Ollice , 1038 N St. . Lincoln. Nob.
J'rtaldtnt. Vl
O , \V. KliNNKV.
Ciifislie-fcl Commission Co
( ) , I'ully I'al.l.
.rones , cii.ti.Y AM >
Menihnri Chicago Board of Trailo xlnca lS6i
Grain , Provisions anJ K. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash nnd Kuturu Delivery Hollcltcd
Onialiu OllleiIl iiiii 1 , \ . V. l.lfu lllilu.
. . . , 'I'lniiuDill. . . . .
FI.OVO J , OAJU'III' ' . ! , ! ,
'I'clcplionu lO.'il ) . Oiiiohu , Neb
110 A HI ) OP TltAIHi.
Dlro't wire * to Chlcauo al Kevr York.
Joliu A.V rr n tt Co.
rnlillc llli-nr > - .
Vciiiloinc Hotel.
CJcnorc Hotel \IMVH Stnnil.
OHyIMVN DcinK , Our. Jlnln nml llrond
1C. A. I.oKaii , SMS Went llllli St
ClioycMinu Club. , .
Auilllnrliini lloli-l \ > MVH Slnntl.
Aiiillliirliiin AIIIU-V \ < MVI Hliiiul.
( incutiirllii > rii Itntcl N.-TT-I JHnml.
1'nlinpF lloiiNr % < S til nil.
I'ONtolltcuVVN Mniiil. Xo. 21T Ilcnr *
Iiorii titrcol.
ANNOplndMl AilvcrllNcr1 * . Clnli , l'nline
lloiini- .
\VoiliU > ll HIIIIHC.
The Illillcinlcn.
Ciiiiiiiicrclnl Trnvolor * '
.tliiNiinlc Toiniilo.
llrlxooe IlroN , , Xo. : IO South Tvjou H .
Iliirvaril Uiilvcrxlty Mlirnry.
llPIMTII Ilotl'l NlT 'M Stllllll.
Hiiiiilltoii .t Kcndi-lcl.- , IKKl-Dl'J ( Till it.
Mfl.nlii , IMtt .C Co. . H.I5 Slxtcrnlli HI.
I'rntI > li < rcnntllc Co. . 1 , > I7 l.iirhncr St.
Thi > Stationer Co. , Ullli niul IIIUTI > IIO
Hrei'tis ,
\Vlndnor Hotel Xt\vn Stniiil.
SI ( > ( - JniMilii , ( took Inlniiil Dfiiot.
V. .11. C. A. ltinlln : Itooni.
IClilll lliirtieiiN.
\V. A. looit * . ( Illi n venue anil Mnlii lit.
Helena I'ulilli ! l.llirary.
IColiert ll.-l.l , lOHi : .Mr C.-c nt.
CoateN HOIINIctvN SI ii nil.
V. 31. C. A. iteailliiK Itnoiii , SKI \Vyini.
llottt * Nt.
.lIlKNOiii-l Itei > iilIleaii Clnli , ! )0.1 ) llalll-
inorc Ave.
ClinrleN A. . .llllK , V . . 1 > Straiul.
J. I ) . IIi
I'llbllc l.llirarj- .
\VvNt Hotel \C-IVH Sland.
Cooprr I'lllon I.lliniry.
Kirtli Avenue lintel \I : VH Stand.
I'Mfh Avunnc Ilotfl Itciiilln-r llooin ,
llrooine Street l.llirnry.
llollnnii HOIIN * . IteailliiK Hiioni.
tlolVnmn HOIINU.
Iiniierliil Ilot-l \en-N Stniiil.
lleuluinlcN' .t Triulern' Krco Mlirarjy
Vo. IS Sl.McfiiHi street.
I'reKN Clnli , l-O AIINNIIII St.
WeHtiuliiHIer Hotel ll < > nilliir I too in.
Wiiiilxor Hotel Ueiidlni ; Ilouin.
V. M. C. A. , itil : Street a nil . | | h Avenue ,
Ali-Carlney & Co.
W. Welili , aMOR WiiNhliiKloii Ave.
MuCarliiey > V Co. , litld ZZth SI.
York Ilerulil IteiulliiK Itooiu. 49
Ave. le 1'OiM'rn.
V. O. Hoeiler , WON I Center Ml.
\V. K. .lolU'H , 1)1 Aider SI.
I'ortliinil Hotel . eu N Slnnil.
.Xuroiinlllu l.llirnry.
IMilillo I.lltrjirj- .
Pulilli ; Llhrnry.
I , . V , Hummel , L > i'ciiiii Tlifiitcr ,
Null LuUo NOWH Co.
C , ti. Ojnlon , I'orilolllt'u > iirH Deiiot , '
I'oHtotlli ! ! * Ni'nn leiol.
A. T. l.iindliern.
GarretlHOii Hotel NHWH .Stand.
.Moniliunlii Hotel .Neivn Htiind ,
Hotel Vumlomu v Kliiiitl ,
( irorita It. limit.
PulilIn Llliriiry.
SP01 < ANE.
John W. ( Jriilinm , TM-Tir Hlvcr ldf ,
Avenue.ST. . JOSEPH
Ilriuulotv'M .VoitN .Stuiid , 7-1 Mdmond
K. .1. Jetl , SIX ) Olive n | ,
I'llllllerH1 Holee ! VH Stnnd.
I'ulillo l.lliriirtill LociiMt SI. '
Wllliird'N Hotel .Venn Slnud.
ArlliiKlon Hotel ,
Dciiiirliiicnl Library.
Hcmllnir lloiitii.
I'mnkVcIU , .Ir , i
WSien Traveling