THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE JJ ) , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY MOUSING , JANUAHV 18 , 1 SOS-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CI3NTS. BIGGEST OF POKER POTS Enzzlod tha Crowd Around a Table on a Missouri River Steamtr. BUT THE GAME DIDN'T ' END RIGHT VJn rrVir * Nirt > IMnjiTM ntnl HlK Mltilci'H XMicil tlir Ciuilulll , \\'HH Culled 'Ilii-ro HIINIUM ! u i Merlon * Iiilerriiiillon. "H wn the biggest pot I ever saw on a J > okor table In the early days of Mlrsourl river st < mmbe > atln' , " remarked Hen Jewell , the retired Mls oprl river pilot , to a Chicago Jntcr Ocean correspindcnl , "on * lh.1l U saln' ft good deal , for the game of pakcr In them ea > s was no penny-ante amusement. I have seen a paszcngor slart up the river from B'oux ' City or Yankton bound far Ulsinarck ivlth a roll of bills like a city waler main , olid when hecached Ihe middle cf bin Jour ney ho was a-mortgagln' of his good looks end pertuaslve manners for the loin of n Jltllo bll of chew In * lobacco or a nip of forty rod ; and not because there wasn't plenty of the m articles for sale on the boat , neither , liit bctaiiEU he had nlruck a cyclone o' poker nnd been turned Inside out slrapped , sucktd , busted , skinned , and cleaned up and mini : over the pilot whetl to dry. It was a glorUus tainc ; In them da ) s the greal American lioker. "Tho game was aboard Iho steamboat Nancy l.oc on her last trip up from Sioux City lute In the fall. Ihe Nancy was a rot ten hulk anywa ) and I didn't want lo pilot her no more than 1 wanted to pilot a saw- log down thn Mississippi In a freshel , bill 11 wan a case ) of lakln' her up the river or losln * n steady sit with the compaii ) , and I couldn'l afford lo Ihrow up Ihe Job. A PJE'JKLUSIS ' CUSS. "Tho engineer was a reckless cuss , who filled up Ihe firebox every once In a while as /till as a boy's stomach on Chrhtnias and lei her wliceyo and llirob and slash through the water like an ocean liner The smoke poured out of her funnels like mai , and many and many a nl ht I've sit In the pilot hnuio wllh my hands on the wheel and held my breath , cxpectln' to be blowed two or three miles Into the state of Nebraska or the tcrrltor ) of Dakota b ) the bustln' of a boiler. Hut we had a streak of good luck and the steamer held togolhcr llll wo reached a wood ) ard a cojple of hundroJ miles up from Sioux City and stopped to take on a supply of fuel. "When wo swung out In the streim ng\ln It was bright nionnllpht , and I turned the uheel over to the cub and went down Into the caplaln's cabin. The night wro so clear u baby could have managed the wheel , and I wasn't nfralel of nothln' bill Ihcm cu spil bollois. an' I totlldn't gel 'cm oft my mind The caplaln's cabin was fill' and Ihe guests , were Just blttln' down to a gimo of poker The caplaln was one of Iho nervlosl poke fiends I ever saw , and Iho man who Irled t run a bluff In on him was a busted spoke Thei game mil along sort o' ejulet like for at hour or two. There was a catllo b-nei fron Sioux Cllj In U. a railroad contractor fron Yankton , several pcculators , and the cap tain. No bit ; hands had showed up and luel was about an oven thing The trouble stnrtoe jvllh a Jack pot , and how It ended I am abou to tell you prebcnl'.y THI3 CAPTAIN SUHMHO PLHASKD "When the cards was dealt out the cap tain skinned 'cm along Just enough to i > a squint at his hand , and I saw by his looks that ho had openers , nnd moderate1' ) stlf ones , too Hut nrbody but mo could 'a' toll from his face whether ho had a full iKtibp or the tnoislea. Iho caplaln hid a funin \\&y of twite bin' his mustache v.hc'i he hue a gooel bite , as wo used to call It and I Jus kept watch of his mustache , and I had him. " 'I guess I'll tap her for abemt a bundled Bis Iho captain , shovln' a slack over Inlo Iho center of the table "Iho cattle btior looked sludlous for a minute ) and fingered over his checks bnrt o nervous like , as If ho wanlod to come In but needed a bracor. Finally , ho staved , and the other fellows dropped In with a hun dred apiece and the draw boson The tip tain diew one card , and thai purrlcel 'em Ho might 'a' been drawing to four of a kinder or ho might 'a' had on'y ' ono pair or two pair , or three of a kind , and dia.vln" one tc fool 'cm The next man el row two , and the lieijs had him sl/eel up lna _ _ minute as get ting ready to bluff on a pair of ( jiit'ens maybe. The other follows drew nil around till Iho last miin , and ho said ho el slam pal. Th ro was more trouble Seeln" a bun elrcd dollar openln' nnd standln' pat was sort o' ellsturbin' to the othcra THi : CAPTAIN SCUMG1) AGITATED. "Tho cap'cln bklnncd his care's back again as If ID bo sure ho had what ho thought he had , and made a bet of another hundred Ihp second &taej. and the other. dropped In with a hundred until It came to tl'o lasl ii'in , and ho followed up his pile of a hundred with four more slacks of the baiiu s /e. The II ttio fish began to ga.v. . The captain chewed his mustache like a member of an Aicllc expedition altackla' a rubber beat , and swore aofll ) like lo hlnihclf. The fel'ow had puzzled him "Tho captain's nerve never failed him , bir tro other fellow sat theie so ciia'cil quid am ] EC.cno like lhal U seemed ho didn't have tiolhin' ICES than four aces Then he bto < : pat in Ihe II let place , and thai was \\orrjin' n.atter , lee It was a ticklish situation The captain didn't wint to run up against a mug cspeclall ) fco close to the end of Iho Reason , with a cold w Viler ahead of him The other fellows I could bee In u minute * , Intc-neled lo drop oul. The current was too swift for 'cm Hut the captain chewed and chow eel ami chewed until his mustache was ragged as a roiii-tatout's shirt and etlll he couldn'l mala up his mind. And thai other cussed Icicle fpt there and whittled like he was al a church slruw berry festival or a lawn social a > nd nothln' worried him but the wcathci. AWFULIA * QUIKT "Well. U was an oxcllln' sltuillon The ) sot theire fnr fifteen minutes and ) ou could 'a' hoard pins elroppin' nt nn ) time Klnall ) the captain reached down In his Inside pocket ( isel pulled out a long leather pocketbook and fct-irtcd ( o unfasten tbo etrap about It Then ve > looked for a squall , and a considerable too Whenever the caplaln wonl after that poeXetbook It meant trouble for the other fellow. There wcrei enough hundrod- elollar bills In the hook to n.uke a thousand even , and Iho captain pinned 'em Into the middle ) of the table and walled Not a peraon Bald a .word. The stranger unbuttoned his coat and fished up a pocketbook from an In- fcldo pocket It was as full of bills as a legislative wsalcu Ho pulled out enough tostack up with the captain's offer snel jjhovr.J ; era out In the center of the table " 'I call ) ou ' he said. "Thoie was $5.000 or $0000 on the table In the pot , and I tell ) ou It looked to a poor devil like me , a the revival of prosperity If the caplaln won ho had a stake to keep lilm a whole ecason In clover ao l nary a trip We all held our breaths The cap. tain started to place his hand face up on Iho table when Dr-r-r-r-i-o-o o-o in-m-m-m' Talk aboul the eruption of Vesuvius or the lilggest caitheuiako that ever quaked ! There was a tear and a crash , end a rattle like the noliea of a hundred c ) clones and eaith- quakes and volcanoes all goln' at ouco : the ulr was fillcel with fillng ) tables Umbers , arms , legs , pieces of Iron , ropp. dlshoi and n Imiidrt-d other things , thick clouds of steam nnd smoke cnvc-red ever ) thing from sight , and It seemed as thoiiBh the end of the world bad sneaked on us anJ Jammed evury- thlujj on earth all up In a pile while we wus a eltlln' there watculu' that noUer camp. AN UPWARD TENDENCY. "I felt myself llyln' through the air llko n cherub or something of that tort. iMw like a bird 'way out of Bight , and finally I ram a down , splash , M the middle of the muddy Missouri and the water colder than lee , The Btrlklo' of the cold water -was ivbat saved mo , ( or it brought me to my Bcnscs , and I had gumption enough to grab a plank that riino llo.itln' down the river. A heavy cloud of stevtm and smoke hung oven iho water where the Xancy Lee had been scootln" along a few minutes before , and the Lorel knows where her pa'sergcrs were , for I couldn't see a soul In any direc tion "Tho Nancy Lcc * had blowcl up In mid- stream. Just as I had feared ever since we left Sioux City , and of the persons on thl boat nt the time about a dozen turned up afterward There wcien't many passengers , nrd several of the crew was never hrard from The whole business went Into the air was filled with flying tables , timbers , lain and Ihe fellow who haJ just called him And the worst of It was the captain anl the other fellow never turned up ant' nobod ) knows to this da ) who would have won ihe pot. A good man > who saw the game think the other fellow vvea bluflln' and that the captain had him skinned but I have my doubts Dul It was tounh that the biggest pot I ever * aw. and I believe the biggest single pot ever played In a poker game should have been blown to smith- en-ens , and nobody know who won It and what kind of a hand It was won v.llh , and whether the other fellow was hlufiln' or had the cards to rake Ini thn long green " AIIIUTIIATOIIS ' 10 SIVI'l'lii : Cl , VIM , Hud of n IiOiiK I'onilliiK ) | | ( | . In SlKht. NCW YORK , Jon. 17 The bridge conlrovrrsy bclwccii Iho United State , ) and Fan Domingo Is in a fair way of being settled by arbitration , according to the Wash ngton corre > spondciil of Ihe Herald The State department has rofeircel lo Mini ter Powell , the diplomatic Jeprej-enla- llvo of the governmesit , the elratt of a pro tocol negotiated recently by Consul Grlmko , nt San. Domingo Cll ) , with Pro'llont Hc- rcaux of the San Domingo government nnd while Consul Grlmkc Is not clothed with illplonntlc powers , ho has discussed the bridge claim with the San Domingo au thorities President Hereatix acreod to i-uy the claim which Nathaniel .MrKav. a rtsl- dent of this city , declatedi ho suffered ns a lesult of the failure of Ihe Pan Dnmln n government to compl ) vIth the t rnn of the contract he hael entered Into with them , and to purchase the bridge , the prlco to be paid In full cttllomont of the ? damagesetc to bo determined b ) a comm'bslo'n ' com- pi od of two cngl'iecro , ono appslntod hv himself and the other b ) Mr MoKiv The matter was not to bo governmental how ever In any sense Mr Grlmko thought the proposition a fair one and dro.v up L- protocol cmbollng the suggestions of PresIdent Idont Hoioiux and referred It to the Slit department. In transmitllng Ihe drafl lo HID mlnlsler Ihe department suggested tin ho urge upon President Hercaux the nc co'sit ) of some Important modifications One of these required the San Da-nlngo government to be responsible * for the nvvnr iniele by Ihe tommlsslon Another cpc-rlflrs lhat in case of disagreement betwoe-n the rcprccient.ntlvcs of Mr McKav anl Presllon Hcreiux Iho Unllcd Slales shall be empow eiod lo appoint o Ihlrel commissioner whoso dlspo illon will be finil Tne thin modification limits the lime of iho arbllra lion proceedings MKNOCVII ! J nn : rou THI\I. Outlineof U'iinl IMu Treilialilo ! > < - ftiisi.VIM lte > . NEW YORK Jan. 17 A special to Ihe Tribune frnm Washlnglon saS The Nav ) department has nt last opened communlca tlon with Civil Engineer Monocal , who has just reached Managua , Nlcaiagua , and wll now be hurried homo for court-marllal taking the quickest method of reaching the United Slales. which mav be by San Fran rlsco or b ) Now Orleans Hy ellher roiilc ho should nol conbiime more than two ivoexs to the Judge advocate pene-al wll at once prepare foi the court to meet aboul Pebiuary 1 Perhaps Colonel Hal is , tin. aimy member of the NIcaraguan canal com mission , will accompany Menocal home , as he will be wanttd before the Carter court- marllal al Savannah as a witness for the government. Under Ihcso circumstances the commission on the Isthmus will be greatly hampered , al though survc- ) may continue until thete two men , whose p esence Is consl c"cd so essential are able lo relurn Mr Menocal when he first heard of the scrloub charges against his professional ahllltj and pels na prabil ) . struck the kcynolc of what the naval administration has all along suspeclci would bo his line of defense and It Is ap parently precisely what they would bo pre- paiing to meet He is reported ns salng "I have no doubt as to the outcome I was supervisor , but had several assistants ane could not personally supervise all the work day and night. " \\IPIJ itirriii\s llrothcTlll I'riilialil ) lie I'ro TIMHiootlitK al HIT. CHICAGO , Jan 17. A special from Vallcv View , Ky. , sas Dora Ulchaidson Chy , he- fpatteicd wllh mud , her hair disheveled and c-carcely able lo stand , has returned lo Whitehall. She was met at the yard gate by Jim Llttrcll , who lei her In. Llllroll sas Iho old man held his wft > In close em brace for several rataules and lhe > n led her Inlo Ihe house. Ho Ihlnks General Cl3) will not allow Dora to leave Whltehil1 again It Is generally believed lhal Ihe general will lave Clem Richardson arrested for shooting it Dora and will prosecute him to the fullest o\tcnl of Iho law Ta > lor Vnvloiix for ll'ln > . NASHYILLE , Tctin. , Jan 17-A call vvns Issue-d lalo. Iu > .t iilght for u caucus of dem- otintlo members of the legislature to lit hold tonlghl to consider the minlniitlon of a mndlelntP for Iho United Stule > s s'nator- shlp The friends of Senator Turli ) and Coiifc-rosHinan Mc.Mlllln favor our y eicllon but the friends of Cloveinor Tny.or want an adjournment for several dava In view of the foot llml fJovjrnor Tnybr did not iinnounco his canilidaey until lust Satur day evening , und they wish to thoroughly prepare for the contest The legislature mel in oxlru session at noon nnd Governor Tay- loi's metri.ipe vvnn read III ltl IlllNllK-HH SIvM-KIlP IcHI-H C'L.iViiND , Jan. 17-Trum in H. Handy of this ell- , probably the ohlcst banker In the t'nlted Stutea actively tngagivl in bus ) . nets , eelebr.ited hla ill&t blrthdty at the home of bis daughter , Mrs. Novvbeiry , in Detroit , whither ho wonl a day or iwo since. Mr. Handy , who sllll retains good lieiltli nnd Is physically and mtnlally alert , has been engaged In the bulking buslneHi hero slnro 1S32 , being nt plowent n dtiet-lor of Iho Mercnnlllu National bank A loan of f.r,00 b ) Mr Hniidv to John U , Rockefeller , It i said , enabled tha latter lo gain his atari In business. Ciiiiiini-iiiM * UK * Ite-rrj Trial , CHICAGO , Jan. n.-Tho trial of Christo pher Meiry and James Smith , the peddlers : hnified with thg murder of Merry's vvlfo IVUH begun In Jiidgo Horton's cjurt today I'he cotut room WIIH packed anil liunilreda iv ore lurneel nvvay. The crowd oulHlde vvaa is great ns any time during the llrst trial 3f the alleged wife nniidcror , I.ueLgtrl Marshal McNult of Kddyvllle. Ky , , nnd Marshal Wilson of Princeton , Ky , , vvho nr- rcsiod Merry and Smith , were lu court nnd iv111 bo among thu tlrst witnesses for the itate. Ton Much lllc > clc KlilliiK' . FORT SCOTT , Kan. . Jan. 17.-The largest woman bicycle rider In the world , MIPS Mar- ; aret Clare of Cincinnati Is 111 , probably bc- , end recovery , In this clly , nnd her plosl- Ian attributes the cause of her ullllctlon to ho riding of ahcJ ? ! . Miss Clare welglis 12 ) ounela , nnd for twelve beanons lm > > trivcled .vlth . HID largest circuses In the country t'lv- ng exhibitions of trick riding , Jllllloiiiilrn Tramp Ilt-u. CINCINNATI , Jan. 17. A Paducuh ( Ky. ) pcclal to the Times-Star says that James : Berry , the so-called "millionaire tramp , " lied today from the effects of a fall ex- lerlcnccel three weeks ago. Ho ovvntd con- Iderublo property , but It fell much below i million dollars. Flvo hundred dollars In : a h was on hi psrspu wb a b < PMP/inniPPn TIM oninAi n LNCODRAGES THE StIIOOLS Action of Nebraska Eoacls is Welcome tc ttato Educator ? . tXUNSION OF COURTESY BY RAILROADS Prre 'rriiiinMii-liitlon | of n lillil < N Of- fort-el Siipcrln Iciiitt-nt .InokKiiii , \Vlut UIIH rnriiiiilaloel n Plan fur tlio I The list of articles for exhibition at the cxpcaltlcn which iho ralkoads of Nebraska hnvo agreed lo Irancport to and from poln's In thn stale without making any charge Iherefor has beeti Inwciscd by Iho addition of all educational exhibits which are uneLr Iho direction of State Suptilntcndenl Jack son This U regarded by Ihoso 'javlng luo matter In charge as a meat IHV orltiit conccF lon and U la believed tl at it will oEsuro an exhibit of Nclfaska's educational resource : : which could ba I secured In no other way Marag r Habcock of the Transportalloi eU'pariment I and Ats'etant Secretary Dtarlng of the No- i br.ika Exposition comn.lsslcn have bcei bending ever ) encrg ) to secure this toncn- slan from the Nebraka roads aid the an- nounrtmenl from railway healeiuarttr ! tbil the rends had agreed lo add lha cduta- llcrnl exhlblls lo llic llsl wa.i received with great rejoicing The roads agreed some time ago to transpl : all agricultural aael horticultural exhibits lo and from all points In the slale to the exposition wllhoul mak ng an > chargt and Hie concess nn no , , iradu pracllcall ) covert * tvtrj thl g that wll b2 ex hibited by Nojrcskcnn except live B'O ; ' < With this InirotiiB Superlnlendcnl .iT-kson r\procsesn the greatest comldcnco tint Xo- braska will stand In the front ran'c In the educational department , as there Is no rea son why every ellstricl In the statj shoi-ld nol bo reprcranlcd by its very best wo-k. Wl'h ' free spice and free Iranortnt on iiothlng remains lo bo done by Ihe r hoo's ' of Ihe stale but to prepare their exhi'ol's , mid this work Ib already well advanced The plan formulatol by Supcrln'ainlcnl J > .ckaon provldca llnl the hchoali in rach cojnty mucl scril exhibits lo llielr county supcrlrten-'cnt al Ihe o ira y roil. From lho-o all t'ho ' exhibits of cich county will be bent direct to Oaiahu v\hcre the force under the dlroitbn of Suoeilnlcndeat Jackson will take them In t'hargo and ceo to holr placing T c gcner olt ) of the railroads 'is especially gr.itlftag to the -cfllclils of the Unlvernlt ) of Ne'bn . "ka , as Iho exhlbll lo be made b ) lhat Itiatitullon is ejul'o cv e-islvo and Iho co-it of irausportatlon lai I'cen a mest ecrlcus conblderatl n wll-h Chitv-cllrr MacLoan With Uils embargo removed the unlversit ) will bo oniblcd to make a hh wlng which will bs highly gratlfine ; to Ihoto cwicerned. usn or STIIII" roiiI > VIIITISI\ . Il\io4l | 1 lull DorliH ( trout \nteirlol > 'I lirntiKrIi < lu > I'l-oiiosoil IMMIO. The amount of advci Using the exposition Is iccolvlng from the tpetial pcstugo slarrp lo bo Issued by iho federal government Is alread ) reaching colossal proportlci-p Every newspape' in Iho counlr ) Vas pub'lshed ono e5i m ro arlicles regard/ns / il in Its lo'esraph columtif , and ncarl ) all of Ihcm have com mented on It edltcTldlly The Assoc'ated ' Press has sent references to the stamps all ever the countty from line to lime , and a full dcscrlotlcn of them was tent out In th's way as soon as Iho d narlmonl decided on the designs Some of Iho papers have ci- p sed Ihe idea of a speciil3iie | , but Ihls has donu no iarm to Iho exposition Sllll olheT rave carlcatuied ttio Issue , among the 'atler ' being Iho ChlcugD Nevs which de- votcia full page o. ' o recenl Issue lo illus- tratlng each of Iho elgiil stamps Each sfamp was shuvvn In a cut about Sx7 inches , with alleged humorous sketches showing somei supposed event 'ct Uansmlsslsslp i his tory. In addlton lo this kind of advertl in the sale of these htamps piomis"S to bo tre mendous Orders nro already heirs place 1 for them and some of these are bant through the Department of Publicity and Prouotlcn The large/t of those latter Is thai of Mont- fci-ner ) Ward S , Co of Chicago , a firM which does a largo mall order business Thin firm has made iceiulMton for 8,000 ol Ihe 1-rcnt slamprj and wanls them as soon as possible , wllh promlbo of moro In the near future Other lirgo firms are placing ordtrs for tho-o stamps al Ih's e > arly eliy and Iho name of the Transmbsls ippl a-id International Exposition will boon bo In everybody's mouth tv IIIIIMJ THU N\Ti(7 > \i , ci\iin. : ; Viljiilnnt < > t > iii > ral Ilierrj IIcipt-H l < i Hulil ( In * Kiii-niniini'-iil In Oiuiilia. Adjutant Gene-al P II. Harry Is seeking to have the Nebraska National guard hold Its annual encampment In Omaha during the o < po3lllon and form one of Iho allrac- llons The adjulanl general has wrillen lo Prcsidonl Wattles regarding his plan and has asked the exposition management to fur nish certain of the camp equipage and pro vide some of the paraphernalia for Ihe com missary department. A formal presentation by Chancellor MacLean the suggestion was made that the cadets of the University of Nebraska hold tholr annual encampment at Omaha this year on the dates provided by the regulations of Ihe uplverblly , Juno 2 , j and ( . Thei chancellor suggested thai Iho ballallnn come to Omaha Juno 1 and take parl In Ihe opening day exorcises and parade , and Ihen go Into camp at the place provided for them He refers lo Iho fact that the grounds of old Kort Omaha will probably bo placed In charge of the exposition man agement by the War department , and sis this would form an exce lent place for the camp of the cadets Ho encloses a letter from Lieutenant Stollensburg , commandant of the cadets , who details the paraphernalia and equipment which would bo reejulred for a camp , Including the equipment of a full- Hedged commissary department to fted cadets while here. These matters will bo taken up at once by President Watllcs and o course of ocllon determined on It is cirobihlo that the course adopted by ttio management of the Nashville exposition In handling Its military contin gent will bo adapted to the requirements In connecllon wllh Iho coming exposillon so far as Ihcy will apply. OnilNNleiu Coxttt Him i'lfl ) Deillarw. The tlly of Omaha Is ahead upward of J50 and an amateur warrant broker Is out the same amount. The Individual In ques tion received a rcmltlauto from an out-of- friend , which he was Inslrucled lo Invcsl In ( ichoo ! fund warrants. He suc ceeded In placing the money and went away satisfied lhal ho had made a good Invesl- mcnt. The oilier day the warrants were called In and he called at the city treasv urer's office to get his money with the In- terect , which amounted lo over ffiO addl. tlonal. Ho gel iho principal , but no allow ance for Interest. He kicked vigorously , but the clerk went over the records again and declared that no such warrants had jeen registered. The broker had omitted to mvo Ihe warrants registered when ho joughl them and consequently they did nol ; ear a cent of Interest. Habad to dig lown In his pocket and make up tbo amount n bis client and take It for granted that he bad had ? 50 worth of experience. K1 Heine * In Oinnliii City Engineer Itoscwatcr is preparing an jxhausllve review of the grading tbt has icon done lu Omaha which will be'a feature if bid annual report. Too figures show that wore than 10,000,000 cubic yards of rortli lave been moved In street grading alone , 'his would bu equal to taking a sllco ten cot thick from a equaro mile of territory ind making a fill of the eomo dcptb. on HO.UUQ rnilvi tnio actual amount expended In 1hU work was fl.fiOO- 000 As the grading of prlviite property has pr bably amounted to twice as much more , It la apparent Dial the people of Omaha have expended nearly $5 000,000 In leveling down tha hllSti ai el filling up tbb gulches In order to irako the development bf a big cl y practicable If O.T &i had been built or comparatively level ground the city would have savel cn-ugii In grading taxes to put In a complete water worku j-atcm and build a eliy hall. Mnrlnllly Sjnllx'ttfN. The follo.vlng blrlhs and deaths were re ported at the loalth office during the twen y- four hauls ending < .t nouyesterday ( Births-Charles I. . ( Mcfand , 3218 Pritt street , girl , Thomas OraSvford , 406 North Seventeenth , boy ; Krancl * Tiala , 171S South Eighth , boy , Alfred Ilrlslunc , 217 North Twenty-fif n , boy. . Deaths Alice J MrOlure , 19 , 1132 North tubcrculore. Iforcsl L.iwn ; Mi y I J McDonald , S m-nlhd , 1009 Norlh Seven teenth , Holy Sepulchcr.I ' Protoitw Atr.lllixt AsKCHNlin'tlfN. The members of the city council begun yes terday mcrn'ng lhi tasV of determining Ihe equliy c * the * numerous protcsta against 133X tixes vvhlfh lave been filed since they h ° gtn st ting 3 o. board of equalization a week a"0 Over 103 coroliln'H are uowon fi'c onrl einly r 1'slf dozen of th m wcc dUpa&ed of I'j'n forenorn A numhei of Iho mete I mi orlinl ciss re nalu lo bp heard anJ U Is not i n- llkcly that the sessions cf the board will -c.Ti.lnue 101 nic'H a couple of days ongtr. Will Clean Down Teiuii Slriit . Clly Engineer Hosewalcr had arrargcel lo ' have a gang of men put at work ycs'cr- , eay ! cleaning up some of the principal street" , 1 but the 'all of snow vetoed the pUn. Some I o. ' the down town streets haveaocumulettel so much rcfus- * that (1-oV ( are in t.ialmo \ t Impassable condition In eoft wtatlit'- end stch tflortb wl'l bo made to ciian th ° m up as Iho condition of the funds , vlll admit. Cl > Hall NoU-i. riiy TrcasJ-oi1 EeLvardo tailed In anoficr bntcl * of Echool wet rants ycsterJay morning. Th's ' stops Interest on $13,000 In warrant11 This li e\aml atloT week In the public nchools i nd the ocoislon on vviilch the scml- annjal avcrat'ts are undo up T'ie bulk of the week 's devoted to the c\amlratlons In all the sch olb and especially In Iho High sohcol. on.iicr TO TIM : i\\v \Vi > rkx I'reililliKloii of Imiiorlins Atllilc I j > UariiiontN * NEW YORK , Jan 17 M. Grunewald , Ihe well known Iurrlc. % Inlervlewcd In Paris list night by a Herald correspondent , said "So Irlsomo are the provisions of the American aealskln law thai 1 hear on the highest authority thai the United Stales govcrnmenl has appointed a spc-lal commissioner to vlall Europe lo find Ihe best way of protecting the United State1 * ' Intcrosls with the least possible annovanco to the potnessors of these vn'uablc furs The claubo I par- tlculnrl ) object to IP section 4 This section roads 'All art'clcs ' manufactured In v hole or In pail from fur sealskins and Imporled Inlo Ihe Unl od Stales shall have Iho linings Ihercof so arranged that the foil of the skin \mdcrr-ata shall be expisod for examination ' When you think of the wa ) a sealskin Jacket ! s made , nainelv , In several poi lions logclhcr , Iho dlfilcull ) , If not the Impossibility of ascertaining where , nnd how the seal vvns killed , becomes apparent to anore How can ) ou tell whether ceV lain portions of a garment are not the skins of seals Id led on land and other portions of It Ihoso 1.tiled In the sea. "Thciso provisions or ( he present law are really useless. What Is M hlndpr-a'vvonnn doalarlng that her EcalsHn Jacket before leaving America , is zn Amorlcan-mado ar ticle , and then buying another In Europe , answering the general description of Ihe one lefl In Air-erica' There is a remedy , and I thi" ! ' It a reasonable one , anJ llml Is to have tl'o establishment of a furrier open at all t'mcs lo United States E0 * ° rnment official vists ard to accept his certificate tint the garments ccnl lo America , are not subject to confiscation This should bos'illlclcnt to sat isfy ctictoms officials "I hope that the law will be repealed nt once , or as much of tt as wlH allow bono fide firms to profll by legitimate commeice " i\.ii M'IION fie STO : A Novel Ac-linn Ilrimtclit liy Sniilli CHICAGO , Jan 17. A tpcclal lo Iho Chronicle from Kulm. S. D says Marriage by InJuncUon Is Ihe lalest feature of South Dakota jurisprudence Mr and Mrs Michael Pru'sncr ' , well-to-do Itubsians near here- , re cently ananpcd to rrcrry their daughter Lcra to Nicholas Eataslta , a neighboring farmer Bui Miss Pruto-or loved anolher Alexander Hellln From s fallhless friend of Hcllln's Iho Prulsners loamed Itiat the former Intended to elope with the r daughter oc the cvo of Ihe wedding da ) . The aid of a nclgnborlng Justice of the peace was In voked , an injunction secured against the elopemeint a copy of the writ served on Hellln and an otllcer stationed on the Pruls- ner premises to arrest him should he pre sume to set Ihe law at defiance As was antlt'raled ' , he came desplle Iho InJuncUon , and was duly laken Into custody -'nd locked up Before ho could secure a bond Leru was married to the man she did not lovo. * IIVTTUU 1JOW N DOOIl VMI U&CVI'R. .Nod'd 'IVrrltorj lU-Kjii-rado CnliiH HIM SILOAM SPHINOS. Ark .Jan. 17. Through n wholesale Jail delivery at Bentcovlllo lasl n'ght a doien prisoners gained their liberty Among them was the notorious nick Brandt , supposed tralen jobber , burglar , horse thief and murderer. Ho Is wanted In Texas are ! IndUri Territory. Two other prisoners wllh criminal records wcro Jim Merrill nnd Lum Carter. The ) battered one of the prison doors and made good their escape Brandt stole1 a horao Ju t outside the town limits and made for the Indian Territory Ho la a desperate man and Is supposed lo belong lo a gang of territory train robbers Officers are In pursuit. No Malt at Him son City , TACOMA , Jan. 17. Dawson City hns ro- cedvcd no regular mall sines last August , Both American und Canadian miners be lieve their respective governments have for. gotltn them so far as mall facilities arc concerned Many of the miners have paid Jl per letter nt m\vi.on to have mall brought out lo relatives and friends. Gen- eially this hns bo > n carried through to the sound elites , though ono or two purtlos report that Home of this mall wan dis carded by the carriers and Is to be found stattertd along the upper Yukon and lakes , Moro Ilntrli'H fir Siiliiirliiin NEW YOHK. Jan. 17-Tho Brighton Jockey club has lecelvod three additional entries for Ihe suburban handicap , namely : H. It , Franks' Sennlor Bland , 5 yenrsj A. J Slemler & Co' rjeur do Us , 4 yenis ; C. T. Bools' The Woman , 4 years. The tolaj lumber of enlrles for tlio Suburban Is foriy- illno Adellllonal entries Jmvej also been re ceived for tno Juno stakes Great Trial ilnkes and Ihe Daublr Event The total "umber of entries for the eighteen events loheduleel Is 9S3 , ns compared with fc09 lam rear. Klllril HlH Kamlly anil Uliii-Hf. NEW YOniC , Jan. 17.-A case of whni ap. Beared to be triple murder , and Dm suicide jf Iho murderer , 'was discovered today when the bodies of John Matthews , his wife nnd two children , a boy of 10 years and a girl ) f 12 years , wcro found dead In the Mat- ihews homo on Columbus avenue It In supposed that MatlhuVvit .murdered bis wife ind children nnd then committed suicide by ihootlng. Matthews ivvas 35 years old , und ils vvlfo SO , I < > nrliem ( o lie Inillt-toil , GENOA , Nev , . Jan , 17 , Indlctmcnls will jo found against thu lynchers of Adam Jber Judge. Mack Eays the number Indicted ivlll be six or seven , and DUlrlct A.ltoincy Virgin concurs vvltli the judge. RUASE REFUSES TO GIVE UP His Poislslonoy Eotbera the BoarJ of Oonnty Commissioners. DOIS NOT PROPOSE TO TAKE A "FIRL " IIHTcciiuntnnt : UlinilNNfil TM lor \VKtiln Tun DII JN from tin1 Svrtlvt * Hcolliici to l.fiivf tin * I'liu'f. James Kiiano , who for a > oar or more has been employed by the countj as an expert accountant , knowe a good tiling when he sees It. Bcoldca loeiwlng a good thing , KLCUU proposes to hing onto that Identical gco.l thing vhllo It ta In his grasp. At the meeting of the county commis sioners , held a week ago , James Hiianc was discharged , the tame to take effect Imme diate ! } upon the adjournment of the meet- 1.1K was officially notincd of the ac tion of theboirJ. . but trcitcd the notification with si cnt contempt. lie told h's frleneY tiiit he did not proposeto stop working for the county , the actloa of the comiuLssloiicis to the contrary nolwlthstfridlng. lie conj - j II ucd at his disk , doing such work as came 1 hli way , and lu the meantime spent his time In It' ling. Tele coiini ssla crn policed thin , t 'ind st the inciting held last alurda ) the ) thoURht that th y would spike Utianc's guns effc-tiially Commlss oner llarte Introduced .1 risolution providing ( or Huanco discharge tn'tar.Ur. acd the oppolntmont of a man to fill Iho vacatic ) . The resoltitlcu v za adopted hy a unanimous vote a ic It wa' licught l > > the commissioners that the ) lud I Ited a load of trouble from their mlmls nnd nt the simc Hire lad sque chtd Mr. Ktiaco In tils , however they seem to ha\o been sorely dlsappo nted , for Kuanclll not dow n T'cro Is a nie ! nt the court house that all cci-nty cmplo > cs must report for duly each mo-nlng Some of Jhc cmplojcs amctlmcs \lolnto this ivle , bni yesterday there was one man who observe ! It and that man WIH James Ruane. When Uie Janitors showed up on the'r ' sec. rid round t lortlj after 7 o'clock , Ilujtio was on hand and as soon as the d cr to the of the tax departmmt wan un locked he entered aiil seated hlmcelf at the desk that ho occupied while drawing a sa'arj OI icr men of the department irrivod later and expressed sarprlse at seeing Iluaiio at hla accustomed place. Knotting that ho had bten discharged twice within ten dajs Asked why ho WES en dutj , Uuanc smile 1 anJ Informed his former co-i.crhera t iat hu wis onto Ula Joe and knew what he was do- Ing.The The commlssbnors know tin t Ruino Is pretending to wrk for the countj , but they are In a < to wJiat to do wl h him Tncy knov tnat ho has been discharged and tint li'a ' p.y has been stopped , but the ) can't understand how they are to prevent aim from sitting at nls old desk and pretending per- foru the vvxrk fcrmerly belonged to his dc- pirtment. m : vi > .itsr > ii.vr : OK THI : & \ivmis boiiu * Uon 11 t.i IJiiipliM os SVIMII-C hiili- KlniiUal liiurrnsfs. Whllo the county pay roll Is substantial ! ) the same as last ) ear , there aic several employes who are drawing larger salirles than heretofore. Sitting ns a committee of the \.hole , the county commlsslceicra per formed the work of readjusting salaries , and last Saturday the report was presented and adopted by a unanimous vote. lu the cfflcc of the county treasurer the < Uput } was pn'd ' $133 per month last ) ear and tli r , ) car ho iccelveG $150 One bookkeeper who was paid $80 per month last ) ear Ib ial = cd to $100 nnd a $76 per month clerk now receives $90. The salar ) of the night jii or has been Increased $5 per month , that individual now receiving SC5 In the office of the county court the now schedule raises the pay of three clerks. List ) tar the chlaf clerk received $90 per month and this ) ear he will draw $100. One clerk v l-o was fornierl ) paid $53 per ino'itl1 10- cclves $60 per month under the new order of hlrgs. A. other clerk who was paid $70 per month last ) car no.v receives $73 for per forming the same work. One of the outs that effects the saving anJ helps to reduce the aggtegate to that of last year comes in the olllce of county clerK. Heretofore the deput ) In that olllee has been paid at the rate of $1,000 per ) car , but now ho Is put on a monthly salary of $90 Another saving is In the p or de partment. Last year there weie two assist ants In that department who worked unuei the direction of the superintendent Each of these men received $50 per month , but this yar their services are done away with , though If there bhould bo a rush in the business at the charity store assistants , may he put on temporarily In the offices not heretofore mentioned the salaries roiraln the same and the number of employes tt o same. U't'lUll INJl NOTION IS I'UT OVRIl. I'Ollllll'IOIl'H SlllfKIllllN < | llf Cltl Co u II ii u fil I'nlll Nv Ti i. The case of Wl Ham S. I'oppleton against the cl.v ( , wherein ho teeks to prevent an extension of the franchise of the Omaha Water compaii ) . was called In Judge Scott's court ) cetcrday and continued until the first da ) of the February term , , the tern- porar ) restraining order continuing In forte When the case wia called the attorne ) for the defendant ald that he was ready to go on with the arguments Assistant City At torncy Scott said that Clt ) Attorney Council had not returned from Washington and that ho did not fuel like going 01 with the hear ing. He askid for a cont'nuanco ' of a few daS , whereupon JuiiRe Scott remarked that If the attornes were not rwdy the cast- would po over until the next term of eouit The case of 1) S Cairaway against Florlln & Haley of South Omaha hail been appealed to the dlstilct court. In this case , which was tried In the county court , and where Judgment for $187 was rendered In favor of the plaintiff , Car- raw ay alleged that ho visited a gambling house In South Omaha operated hy the de fendants and while flitting In a game of poker , lost a sum of money aggregating the amount for which he sued. He also alleged that the game was run In violation of the stntiitcH of the state On thli showing ho secured his Judgment. IIAVI3 THi ; AILS.V CH VI ( } S1VVM3S. Mciulirrx of ( In- Omaha Curling Club ArtVII Si > l l'i. The members of the Omaha Curling club ire taklig great prldo In the fact that the curling etoncs with which they will toy from now on are genuine Allra Craig gtoaes , chipped from I'add's Milestone , the bugo rock In the middle of the Firth of Cdo ! Allsa Craig etoncs are curling stonrs par excellence lu the opinion of curling experts [ 'add's Milestone , from Mhlch ( hey arc ob- alncil , Is a huge * rock of granite which stamUi In the channel between Scotland and the Hmcrald Island , elx miles away from any and. The granite Is of a peculiar char- ictcr , which permits of exceptional pol'sh ' and imoothnesfi. The stones are shipped to all iart of tl)9 ) world where curling lu Indulged riicro ara/qthcr curling stones , but thu > : annot comrare with the Allaa Cnlg bprclrn Thrco pairs of the atones were received att week from Canada and two moro pair iru coming On l t Saturday the local : urler8-'tfactict'd with them , and they went utn ucbtaslei over tholr qualities. From now HI every one of the members of the club vlll want to have a nhlrl vvltli the stones tnd curling will receive now life. I'ructlco iccurs on tha lagoon In the exposition [ rounds all day every Saturday. Secretary Lindsay of the curling club U rylng to arrange a match with o team from ] ran.d Island , to take place during ttio : orag * carnival. ' v _ J ru'Kt.n TWO w.vmi I'nliui Doclupn n Icni1 that llaj Hour Trult Themlnlrterlal union hold Its regular meet ing at Kountto Memorial Lutheran eitiurch jfstcrdcy Ilcv Alexander Qllchrlst t'ro- siding The commit eo headed by Hcv V. A , Warllcld , selected to Invwtlgwie the subjecl of Sunday clewing at the exposition grouivls , made > v report In which It was stated that nothing had beeti accomplished. U vva > i cald that the pxpcol'lon directory ibad dcellnrtl tc confer w th the connilttec at the prc-cnt time but might be led to eonrltkir tbo subject liter on. on.The hand ng In of the rtfort provoked tt discussion of the matter hy nearly everyone ono orcsent The majcrlt } of the speakers wcro In favoiof the union declaring Itself at once with alevv of cendouialng the couieo of the exposition. ofilclnlH Hev T J Macka ) , however , w\\s not In favot of taking such sweeping notion Ho slid that n great man ) people would bo brought to the city by the railroads on Sunday , and that ho could see no objections to ttiolr cnjol ig thn sights of tht big show , provided the Mldwa ) and marhlurry wcro shut down , ns It was at the World's Columb'an Kxposlllcn. Ho said It was a well known fact that tha two thcatetR of the 'Uyvoro allowed to run Smul.i\F , also many beer gardens and other resorta of leM reputable charade. He did 'ol undorstnnd whv the Mlnistttlal union should make a spcc'at ' fight rn the exp sltlon vvhilo the grcitor evils wcro al low el to go unmolested , Various motlins fo. ' t'.to body to take action In the matter were lost , and a motion to continue the committee , with dire' lions to Investigate the subject iiuiro thoioughl ) , was parsed At this point Ii S Wright Duller ro o to take exceptions to reports made In the local papers as to the ntt'ludo ' ho took In cr-inrctlon : with u greased pig contest , which wis to have taken place upon a Sundaj at thn uxpoalMon Rioum's ' Ho sold he hid been nilsrcpronMiteil and inlsquntcd nn the subject , and Hint he thought the liberty of the press tliould be curtailed EO fnr as ad mittance to the sessions of the Mlnlsteilil union In cmceitiod Ho waa eeconded In a short speech h ) Hev J. K 1'aulson , v\ho thought thn meetings of the body should be private llsv J O Staples was of the opin ion that m ulsters In general owed much to the courtesy of the press In publishing their various proceedings , notices and sermons , and lhat the motion might bo constated In the light of an Insult if carried ! . On vote , the motion was turned down. Ilev C N Daw son said that It was time the union took some action In regard to evangelical work during the holding of tlio exposillon Sp3ak'ng ' on this subject Ilev A W Clark ta'd he- had received a donation of $50 from IJwIght L Moody , the gu'it evangelist , to be used In the purchase of an evangelical wagon which should be r quipped with several apeahcM and used In the lower portion of the city It was also stated that stations won d boairangcd for In the "bad" s-ctions of the cltv which should also be v 'sited ' by Oil. ? wagrn To thorough ! ) In vestigate the matter a-d p'nce ' It In shape for future action a committee , composed of Rev \ . W. Clark , Rev C N Dawson and Rev. J D Kerr was appointed with power to act and was directed to nake a report at the ne\t meeting of Ihe unlo.n The csslcnidjour. . el with the Introduction to the members of Rev A. C. Drown of the Knox Fresh ) terlan rhrucu iiiti < i > T\'ii3 i\cn iM > u IMCTION. Olitfcrs CoiitltiuiMl In Their I'lavcH fur \ iicithrrciir. . The annual meeting of tbo Real I > late exchange , held at the Commercial club rooms ) csterday , wee ono of the most successful meetings held in the hlsury of the club. The full membership was represented end the meeting was a moil congenial affair The old officers of the club were re-elected for a'other ) car. the enl ) clange In tlio ro-ter being the substllutlon of W Panam Smith js chalimnn of the executive com mittee Instead of A L Reed , who has been in able lo attend to the duties of the poil- tion on account of the prens of business in his department of the exposition. The list of officers Is ns follows. 13 A. Donson , prcs- I'ent ; O. C Oeoigc , vice president ; W G. Shrlver. sccretar ) ; G G Wallace , treasurer , W Parnam Smith , W L. Selby and J. J. Glbsca , pxc-cullvc committee. The committee appointed lo prepare a form of listing property for silo whMi would confo-m lo the new law on that sub ject presented a form it had prcparoJ for this purpose , which was adopted b ) the exchange A committee consisting of J J Gllvon. W H Russell and J 11 1'airotte was appointed to prepare n. plan for making a list of people who make a practice of not paying lioute rent and also to prepare a form of notice to vawte lo be served on tilth persons A resolullon was adoplcd expressing the thanks of the exchange to President A U Stilwell and hi ? associates of the Port Ar thur route for the bonefils whirh have ac crued and which promise lo Increase , to thlb section by reman of the tomplc lion of that route and Iho announcement of low rates of transportation for the grain and packing house producls produced In this vlclnlly. N vituou nscvri : KOII IIVNS Ai.iicur Oti-riltiHV of MorpMiii' MIIION ! Pr < i\i'H I'adil < i > Him Hans Albert , the lalontcd violinist , had a narrow escape from death } esterday on ac count of an overdose of morphine Fortu nately ho discoveied his condition In lime to telephone for relief and ho Is now recovering at the homo of his inothci-ln-law , Mis. Shcr- raden of Council Illuffs. Mr Albert la said to have recently resorted to small doses of morphine as a remedy for his extrcmo nervousness Ho has never been able to play In public as ho tn-lluvcd ho rould If he could conquer the nervousness that itsalled him before every apptaramo , and this fact has worried W-n ox-ecllngl ) Saturday night ho pla ) d before the Orphcra German coelety and Sunilaj morning ho again complained to tonic of his friends that ho could not do hlm&clf JUK lee. At tb I time do told JoM ph Gahm , who Is ono of nls most Inllmalo friends , lhat ho would have U > take some morphine and then ho would he iilmsclf again A short itlmo after ho lelcp oneil lo Mr Gahn lo conio to him at once and whtn ho arrived ho found him unconscious A p < h } lctan was called and ufter a couple of hours hard work ho paitlally recovered and was taken to Council Illuffs. wn.i , A 1.1. ( io I.N AS ONI : cvsi : . 1'riititttnK < IIIK | Iilijiiiir I , I ceil HI- \ji- llllClllloilN SllllllllllCll 111 Olll'l * . Tha tedious ( iroce-edlng of liearlng the evi dence In all the protests wliIJi had been filed by U Roscwatcr against applications for licenses was avoided jtsterday by an agreement bctwcrci the attorneys to submit Iho remaining eaten on the cvldento that had been submitted in tlio canes already trle-d This will ( xovont the repetition of the ovldcnco and the Issue can bo taken to the higher coart without unwcwtary 'luluy. riini-riil of I.a i ice ) . John A. McShano nnd John M. Dauth- ; rly have gene to Hutto , Mont , w litre thu Tuneral of Ihe lulu Patrick A , Mrgty wan it-Id yesteiday. John A , Crclghton was jxpccled to go hut VM H uniivoidahly de- tnlntil In J. V. C'rtltliton of 1'oit- und , Ore. , and Htlltrs Largcy , son of the nu rile ml hanker , nuve charge of the dead mill's affairs. The funeral VMIB held from 8t Pntrltk'H : hurcli , Ilutle , of vvhlth Mi. Lirgty In hla Ifellmc ! wan n rnemlior and to which he , vts always n liberal conlillmtor A reitilcin | ilKh rnnsit vvau enld , after wlilth thu body , \aa taken to Ihe Calhollc c-motury , where ntermunt took place. Information has been filed ngalnst Itllty > y the county attorney charging him vvltli nurilcr In the llrst decree. It la th ? Inttn- .Ion lo Imvei Iho trial not fir Home date n the near future. ' . It xeems to bo tip pen * .ral Impression that though n lynching ivould not be advisable , legal Justice Hhoiihl ; p meted out to thu perptiralor of BO duH- ardly a < ; rljjv ) } vU ) ( B liulv aelay 00 pos- ' I I Mnn Who Made Off with Others' Cash Tolla His Experience. CONSCIENCE MADE IIM A COWARD Slnlcti Mom * ) llrliiKN Onl.x Minero > Iho 12\-l axlilrr nf Ihcincrlenu Monv Cllj. Lafayette A. Garner , superintendent of th American Exprtw company , icturncd ti > O malm yesterday from Sioux C'lty , whera ho look ficorge M. Adainj , the defaulting cashier of Ihe compiny al lhal place. Ho confirmed the account of the capture of Adatrs nt Philadelphia as told In The Bco of Salurday morning. Adims Is now In Jill al Sioux Clt ) . Ho was given a hearing yes- tcrelay lu the district courl and yielded guilty to the embezzlement of $3000 from the American Express c-n.piny on or about May 20. 1S97. Ho will bo sentenced on Thurselay , and will likely get three yexirs Adaum' story of his Illght from homo aftix ho had taken t'.io mono ) Is Ilia pathetic slory of n Jioait-brohen man. who miffereil Iho worst tortures of conscience , with a ( misled condition of his notves , and In journeying from town to town tint onlyi failed to get any enjoyment oui of his stolen money , but all the time limgined thai people - plo whom ho niol wcro about , to arrest him. and In his sleep was bus ) fighting oft sheriffs with wairanU for his ntrmt According to Adams his theft of the $1.000 was lut ( Hcmedlt.Uod , and too took the money for no definite object I i some nmueiei he- Lad allowtd his mouey drivvcr to got $101 behind hlj cajli book Ho declares thai ho had not svonl Iho mono ) , hill was afraid lo report the shortage lo tno officers of tin com- pui ) . for fear thai some of his pasl acts woJld leid to the bollof thai ho had hern [ ( lending the cumpaio's mono ) In fast living S3 ' .lei dccldcel to dcpnit mid take along ei bigger amount. This ho did on Paturela ) , Mil ) 20 , 1897 Ho cimo lex Onnlm , and spoilt Sunday. On Memd.i ) ho was reported miss ing and the officers Imincdlatoly began to vvoik on Ihc case , Piom hero ho went to Kans is City , anil from the to bewail a strau o tour through the southern states IIu wont t > Mobile , Ala , and tluci roughed It through Georgia He put up at the cheapest lodging hoiists and lived in the tnoiest miiiner. PEAKED EVEItYriHNO When asked why hi ] did not stop at first- class hotels , buy new clothes and enjoy him self In luxuiv , ho said that ho was i'j torilbly anald of being atribtid thai he feared Iho moment ho began to oijo , the stolen monty Jn Ihil vva ) ho would bo cipturcd He wua so In mortal dtejil of eel rent that ho would freeiicntl | ) got off a ral reid tialn nl Iho nou ttatlon nflcr getting on merely be- t'liiso ho baw home people looking nl him. Several times ho bought ilekets to rldo to tha teim'inal stations of fouthrru nallioids but was scared oft bee-iuso the conductor or some one of the * pa uongers looked at him prott ) keenly One die ) lit got oft a tiain and spent a whole day and night tramping lluough a swamp In ( leorg.i because a i > irty of four men had bcon o/oing him closely Prum Juno until Septombcr ho roamed thiough the southeaslein pail of llic totin- try , living in aiithl ig hut an enjoablo man ner. In the meantime the best detectives of the countr ) were soarehing for him , but Adams wat nol to be ftund In the early autumn Adams tame this way as far an Kan sas City wllh the detoiinitiation of coming to Omaha to siirrcni'oi ' himself lo Superin- lendcnl Garner. When ho i cached Kansaa Clt ) his heart failed him , and he took a tralu on the Memphis iruto anil wont as far as Emmet Mo It WPS whl'o ' he was In Missouri lhal Ihc first leal tlew to Ihe miss ing man was struck S C Spcct , marshal , "chief of delctllves , " and pncilially Iho whole polite forte of Springfield Mo , hid been looking for Adams for some lime. ( Ho had been after the wrong man once but armed wl/.i a clrcu- lai' bearing a likeness and dohirlntlon of Adams ho kept everlasting ! ) al It until hemet met with HUttchs Spon * learned of the ar rival of a stratigei at the house of a fanner nol far awa ) from Springfield I.alci ho hoird lint thn stranger beiro a rcBomblan o to the plcluio on the drculat Pncoi con stantly kept with hi.n Ho toddled his horbo to call on thei strangoc but thu latter had gene before ho airlvod there Spoei learn il Milt tlu > slnnnger had written that he would send foi his trunk The Irndwcltlcig In thU loiter vvao stnl lo Iho company s office in Ibis clly and corresponded to that on tlio repcrts of Adams Sei It wns derided to watch foi Iho strangei when he rhould cull for hh trunk It was sent lo Philadelphia 111 tate of the Adams E > ureas ccmnany. WAS COOKING IN DELAWARE But thu trunk lay In the olllco In the Quaker City for a long time before Its owner called for It Adams , during all this time , was working JH took In a th p-hoiiso at Wllmlngcn , Del , fortv miles below Pdilla- dcljvili. on the Deli ware rlvor Pinally ho concluded to gel his trunk , and on lasl Mon- da ) piircharcel a round-trip ticket lo Phlla- dolp. . la Ho never used Ihe return portion of iho llckel Ho eart ho know that It was all over with him as teen as > ho asked foi tha trunk , beeauso liie cxpies. ? cleik mined palo , and ( y.eld hu hellevul there was nucti a trunk there , bill I'Jial it would lake homo few mlnulta to look 11 up Adamn was kept looking over old liunlto hi the Htoiago rcom until iho ni rival of the nlllccrs and was Ihcn shown the circular be > iri-ig h's ' description. Hiu llrst ho had stun On Thurs day Superlntt-nderl Garner arrived thtro with reeiulsl Ion papus from the gover nor of Iowa and Ilia. LIIIIC i-vonlng Marled butk to Sioux Clly wllh bin nun Ho ar rived Ihero on Satuidiy , having wa'ehol Adams without a wink of sleep all the way from Philadelphia Supoilntonelcnt Garner this morning rnld that alirast Iho cnllro e-rodll for the capture of Adams was due to y C Speer the * tn'or- ' prlilng sleuth of Sprlncjflold Mo Though mi 'iiccessful ' at first , ho kept after Iho man winlcd until ho stiutk a tra'l ' that I'd to Adams' arrest The olllctrn of the Amerl an Express reimpany have wil'ttn to Spcer , congratiihllng him upon his suce-ofiiful wirlc eind ashiirlni ; him that tluy will call on hliu again. ouiiivs m vr ieu viu.i : v. IVTIIIII. : : lllll > llllllKC of 'I'rlliiK'l llllll i > Vi'iy \nrion llllll DII.VM Vlllll. Omaha ( jouplei have nu tlghl to kick on the weather Ihey have be'n having so far this ) car II has bcon neither too hot nor too cold , und fostlu titan all , the tompcra- turei has been very unlfoun All uroiind Omaha has been gelling vciy ununual Jun i- iry wtalhci' , for the < n iilh Is pitivtrbmliy the coldest nf the jear. The eoldeat day of I lie montli was Iho lot , when the * mean te > mpe'rtture > was 17 dcgrccu Slnco that date however. Ho mercury has ktpl wllh'ci ' a very re.uoiahlo wnge The mean average temperature during the f > 1 lowing fiftecui wa betweei 28 and .IS degrees Occasional ! ) It has drnpped down lo 23 , and onto II aroxp lei 14 but H Int generally remained about : i\ \ and 3G The remarkable thing U the great ex < er B : ) f ternpcraluro over the average for the * past years Thin excess h eij been p'llng ' up at the rate of an average of thirteen degrees n eliy until the amount haa reached 207 derct ; . I'roUMliinalHHl CoiiNlrrH. A. T. nogers , living at 241J Indiana av- nne , has tiled nn Infoi million iiKiilntu Hovv- inl Mannlni ; Clnrtnce Hat , Hey IIa > Gus ' 3'Ntll and May O'Nell , fharKlng Hum vvllii jnlavvfully coantlng elcnvn the Ktr et upon ivhlcll his roHldtriro faces It Jgein HI ; > H that .hu juvtnlle bund , altliouuli vvarne-el by thn Jllleer upon thu In at , JK minted In onjoylntf : hemuelves In their own fashion and In su Jolmr keeping awake the rcslelonts of that tfctlon ol the city until all homo of tb morning.