DAILY Tri-DAT. : : TA ? > * T'AT ? IS. 1S08. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL After a Da ; of Dnllnors , Whsat Olosas Somewhat Higher. flRMNESS AT LIVtRPOOL IS THE CAUSE dutn Alxo SlitMV nn AilvnnrcVbllc Corn I.OM'-I u 'I'rllliniul 1'ro- vlhlunn SliiMV Some CHICAGO , Jnn. 17. Whsat. though dull , wns firm nil throUKh today's session nnd showed -ifi\4c ndvnnce at the clew , l-'lrmncss nt Liverpool , a largo visible do- crcitso nnd n growing disbelief In a large Argentine exportnbls surplus , nil contrib uted to this streiiKth. Corn wns weak nnd closed a Bhndo lower. O.Us showed n nll ht closing ndvnnco nnd provisions left oft unchanged to 5o higher. Inlluentlnl news of any kind was scarce at the opnlng. In wheat the unexpected Ilrmness developed nt Liverpool wns the nest prominent feature. The course of that market attracted a great deal of attention , nnd wn directly tha cause of the opening ndvnnco hero and a fruitful source of com fort to the bulls through the nesMon. OpenIng - Ing prices for .May ranged from Mc to WT c , RS-nlnst Saturday's Html price of W,4e. A little realizing by scalpers caused n jnomentnry drop to SWSWle , which proves the low point of the day. Then moderate hut stonily buying ennled the prices slowly upward , and about noon 31Hc was bid. Liverpool showed from _ * jil , . to W.ndviuice nt the opanlnir hcru , althongli It had started at a HllBht i decline , and that nilvnmi wno In the main held to the clos ? . A New ; , i -T' orK house reported bids received from Mnnhelm. Germany , nnd Antwerp , Helglum. for wheat nt prices 2c above what they wer.- willing to pay n few days HBO. Argentine wheat la usually shipped heavily to those countries , nnd It wns Inferred that offers from the .South Ainerlenn country \ver fn.llng off. That WIIH given as the explanation of tne strength at Liverpool nlso. Receipts nt .Minneapolis und Duluth today wer. ' H'.J cars , ngnlnst Ml ears the Monday previous nnd 313 a week two. Oalc-igo received 2S curs , only 3 of which were contract. Ihc vis ible decreased 1.023 t )0 ) bu. , lenvlng tjio total lit 37.S3S.OJO bu. . against 1.I1.1.OM bu. decrease und a total of & 2.4iiooo : ! bu. at the similar time last year. 'I he big decrease lent ad ditional Btrength to the market , \\or.ds Khlpments of wheat and Hour l.iit week were olllclnlly reporti-d at i.OWOO bu. with out any from India. The previous Week they were 4,4."iO < ) bu. nnd a year mo 4lo2- 00bu - The day's domestic exports of wheat nml Hour from Atlantic ports equated : i ° l'XM ' bll ' Tie Indiana state crop report was ratlu'r favjruble. During the three last hours' trading a little realizing wns done , sillllclciit to cause n reaction to ' . Ois'fjMe ' , the market cloplii ! : steady at that price. Corn was very dull. The market during the morning was Inclined to Ilrmness In sympathy with wheat. Later In the session moderate pi-King pressure developeil and In the almost total absence of support prices w.-re easily d pressed. The close was weak May ranged from 2-V/ie ta Ss7 c. and closed n shade lower at 2S % i2Ue. Oats was fairly active for awhile after the opening and n. llrm feeling existed , the l-uylng being chl lly Inlluenct-d by tie wheat llrmnoss. There was n good demand for Now YorU nccount. The market became uulte dull toward the close , but prices held M'nilyMay ranccd from 'ffWc to 23V. and closed a slrid > higher at 2i : > , 'f'-i-v ' : > c. Trading In provisions was of moderate vo'.ume. and mostly at an ndvnnco. Cmlahy w is n good buyer during the morning , ami this and n few outside orders caused semen n Ivancc. Realizing was unite free later , nnd a reaction took place. At the close May ii irk wns 3e higher at $ .1.10 ; May hud , un- i-iinngpd nt $ .7o and May ribs , 2Vic higher " ' ' ICsii'ni'ated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat , p ) ears ; OTII , 440 cars ; oats , MJ curs ; hogs , " , | ' .W ) head. Leading fulnrea ranged ns follows. Clo g. | Sat'yT _ WlieaT" Jan. . . . .May. . . July. . . Ct.in Jan. . . . Hay. . . July. . . Oats Jlny. . . July. . . 1 ork- Jnn. . . . May. . . La iil- Jan . . . May. . . July. . . fciriKIbi Jan. . " MayA No. 2. Cash quotations wro as follows ; ' - . ' fl.50N.80 l-'LOUR Dull : winter piitf-nts. : ptralglitH. $ l.3ifl.4i ! ) ; spring . ] ioclals , $ : > .5.Hi3.33 ; rprlng patents , $ l.40iiTI.70 ; gtrnlBht patents. $4.0- ) ( el.30 ; linKers' , $3.5Ciii3.i. ' ) . WIIMAT No. 2 spring. SC' 5JS7e ; No. 3 spring. < ' ) Nn. 2 yellow , 27c. OATS No. 2 , 23c. f. o. b. ; No. 3 white , JSViG1 " RYE No. 2. 44'Kc. ' I1ARLEV 1- ' . o. b. . No. 3. SS542 . TIMOTllV SEEli I4rlm'e. } i.77Vi- PROVISIONS Mes porlr. per bbl. . fD.W9.30. J.-ird. per ICO His. , ft.ttil4ttl.Cu. Slnrt rlhs , lde < ( lo se ) . fl.43m.7n. Dry salte ! shoulders ( boxed ) . II 7Sjir.00. Short clear eldos ( hexed ) . $ l.7."iff3.00. WHISIvV Ulstllleis' finished goods , per gal. , SI/OARS / Cut loaf , li.2. > : granulated , $3.51. J\K\V YOHK ( SHMSHAI , .MAUICHT. far tinDII.V oil ( Jem-nil NE\V YORK , Jan. 17. KLOl'll Receipts , 21- ICI bhls. ; oxjHirts , S.553 bbls. dull and barely niladon choice grades ; city mill patents , JJ.T.'itj ) D.tO ; city mill , clears , ! 5Cr53W | ; Jllnnesiita patents , $3.orfVv ; bakers' , $1 i'ljj ' 1.30 ; winter Miulght * , fl.40ff4.iO ; winter extras. $1.4083. ' . " ) ; winter low grades. $ : .t > 0 } 3 CO. Itje Hour , iiilet | lit f .500i.n. Inner for fancy. liuckivhiMit Hour , uulot at tl.l'uill.33 , Pl'CKWHEAT-lJillut nt 3Cc CiiRNMEAIr-Dull ; Jellow wt-ntcrn , CCc. . RYE .Sleady ; NJ. 'i western , Sl'.je ; oar lots , SOjJ "liARLEY Ijulct ; feeding , 3laC. ! HAltl.EV MALT Quiet ; western , GSSjffGSc- . WIIEAT-Rocelpls. I00 , < j bu. ; < xpurts , 1CH.4S1 bu. ; siKit , llrm ; No. i red , $ l.0 ! ' , . Options opened flim on hliflier caldeii , advnncpj all day an it big Mhllik * mil'ly ' iti-ii'enye , modoratu export tiado i Hi'/ light offerings and closed iif/lic ni-t higher , Nn 2 rod. Jnmtniy , ! i * 1.00 ! ( . , cosed , " $1.00(3i ( May. W.WWC. ! closed. D2I4C. iiRNRivolplH , l ( ,423 bu. ; exports , 130.417 hti. ; Flint , ciuy ; No. 2 , 34tic ; options upenvd easy with \\hoat , lint t-aied i IT during the .lay under a lu-avy vlnlblu Mipply Inoreiife und cold weither west , clufod i o lift lower. January closd at 53'ic ; Mny , 33 1'i-lWriHko , clnaod , 3K- . OATS RtCi-lpts , ir.-J. 00 bu , ; exports , 323 bll , ; PH > ( , dull ; No , 2 oats , 2V , c , Option * , dull and ioatiirolofcH all day , closing unchanged ; May t'liixod at KSlic. HAY Dull ; thlpplin ; , 3343e : good to choice , 7011VJc. HOPrt Steady ; ttnle. 1S93 crop , 4iJCc ; W crop , 7 Hc ; U97 i-iup , 10WUC ; Pacltlo const , lkU3 crop , 4MCe ; I > 9 < 1 crop. 7Hlo ) ; 1S07 crop , IWISc. HIDES-Hieady : ( InlM-iton , lie ; Texas , dry , JSc ; California. 17c. liEATHER ijulet ; hemlock sole , lluenos . WOOI atendy ; tierce. STtfJlo ; Texan , 13 17c. PUOVlSlONB-lleef. llimer ; family , $ II.COfJ 11.50 , extra meirs , IS.w i8iO ; beef hami , $22.(0fi ( > 22 .V ) ; pacKet , ta.OT'OlO.ro. Cut menti > , quiet ; pickled Lollies. } 3.0' jG.W : iilcklcd thcnldt'is , $ 'i.(0 ; pU-kled hums , $7. Lurd , easy ; wentern steamed. $3.00 ; May , $3.13 ; rellned , qulot. Pail ; , dull ; meis , | 9 00 CH'.M ; short clear. $9.764)11.73 ) ; family. $ IO.Witf 11 C . o I L Cottonseed , ffllrly oetlve. Him and Jield lilKher ; in Imp crude. l'JfjT.'V ; prime crmK- ' , 1. a. b. mills , l5Vj1fI8'ic ' ; prime summer , yellow. ' "Ic : off ummer yellow. 1'SHi' : butter oil , li27o ; pi line winter > ellow , ZIHdSs'n' . IVtroleum , dull ; Vnltcd. d * > : c. Itoiln , Him ; strained , common to coij , Jl.li'slil.lils. Tuipentlnv , llrmor ut . ItlCE-Sieudyj fair to extra. S .C6Hc ; Japan , CffMie. METAU The week opens with the inrlnl tnnr- ) < et 111 a fi-nluietoii form. The closing of the day vas as follow * : Plif Inm warrants , dull ut $3.W bid nnd $ A.7i ) ackedj lJli > copiicr. quiet at I10.S3 Idd iiiiill J10-J5 nfhril ; tin , liarrly ileady ut $13.8' ' ) ( if UK" iivked : spt-lter. quiet at J.l.9'1 ' bid and $4.0 > > titktfJ ; lead mime I weak and cloted llrm ut $3.U bid uiul $170 otkeJ. The llrm Iliat fixes the rottllntr prlcn for mlnem and smelters quotes loid ut $ J.t > 3. lU'TrEI-lteix-lpt ( > . S3 bkusMmiKft quiet ; ve tern i-ri-anu-iy , 14 ( j-Jc ; Elglnii , ! 0o ; factory , ' - * * * -W CIIEEHE--Itecelliti. W7 pkss. i large white Sep. tember HiOs f : small white Srptrmbt-r , 9\\it \ \ tHjc ; lurKt ) colored Ht-ptemter , SlifikiiL-j until c ilored Si-pU-mt > er. 3Uf'-"iCi ( llcht nklnx , CJIiiVic ; jnirl fklnif , 4liI4Kc ; full iklmi , Jc , EOOS-ltervliits , J.tll liken , ; market steady : rtalo und PenniIvunla , SJuilc ; ucitorn , 2:0 Wrnre CoiiiiitlKitloii roniitiiiy. OMAHA Ol-'KICE. Jan. 17. Cables starle.1 hn tc'W trudt He liuilitr , wblle our nurkt nned nt p-ictii-diij1 fl 4u' < l.ij' nlah''ii P" ! * wi-iir , It THIS Inn n t h-rt tirn ln-fnr Whe-it d , v-1'itK'ii fom.tirn lli in f lelun iflblt-s te pnlinv n sT-ny ra h sltuniton aht d n I Irmlcru were Rln n Hill" ni'ire mniMrnio f r m this SIP phr-n the Msihli < su | > ply rtnvment cnrne out. nh-iwlnr n d eicns' * of lA2f.tr' ) Im. , wlih but 2 curs rcHvl Anil fr < nts ivitmtt-il for tomorrow. Tliw Inflii'-nc1. ' ' * stott'-l ( In florin * the market lit tl , c fur Janu r > - or cn h , Wtr lo 91e fnr May , iind ? Dc for .lulj- , or n anrdnco of frnitlf ; > ni of e nl nn rseh option , ami Ksln evld nc ? thdt whent M a liurehiw * lit fruin fftc tn ftle for May , ivrn rulM sifndy hd oti the strength of wlimt Hrlvonri ! Ho until the \lslble wipp'y Ktmrmont , showing nn,4n , re i > of l.Wl.f ) Ini. . ruine out. when It dv-n ) | < l njmln In * e , nr Hntunl y'8 price , and 'Inter elnsnl lit 2Stc to J.ic bid. Otis nn > unrhnnRod from Fntnrdiy on nn InciYMso nf 7j , n ) bu. Tmd In all lines of futures Is Very Ilirlit. with an way dli ] i ltlnn , with alt InloiWed , wllh the volume of the market lyln ? iirlnclpnlly with Hie nMvulatlve trade , ertneiiilly snlth conrsRtnlns. . OlIAliA tilJ.MJHAlM.VIUCnT.1. . Coiiilltlon of Trnilc anil ( liiiitiilloim cm SCipltnml Knnuy Proiltiee. KfltW-StrlPlly fresh , 1S819- . IlUTTEIt-rommnn to fnlr , lOOIlc : choice to fancy. I4jfl3c ; separator creamery , 2tc ; gatlicted creamery , lS19c. VICAlCholio fat , 84 to 120 Ibj. . quoted at So ; Inrxu nnd coarse. tiJJc. UHEdSEI ) POUL'tllY-fnlckens. CQ7c ; tur keys , 1'ifllc ; geetc , Sc : ilueks , 7'ic. UAMII-Hmall rabbit * , per doz. , oOOCOo ; Inrgc , per .Inz. , $1.00 ; squirrels , COUCOa. PIGEONS Live. T5i : n ? a i.lsons not ntited. HAY Util.iml. il.f-j : midland. $3.5) ; Ion lam ! , 13.00 ; rye straw. Jl : color make * the price on hny ; light liaies sell the besti only top graded bring top prices. VEUETAILES ) > QUINCES Cnllfoi ma , 'per box , U.K. IJEI.EHY-CIood stock , large , . 40c. small. K < 3 ICc. ICc.UNIONS UNIONS Per bu. . C3o. lll-ANH-luii ; ) : ; . ; .KLH n 'vy , per bu. . S1.:3O1.20. BWEET POTATOErt-Per I.I.I. . : : . : ; . f'AllllAOfJn.i.1 ) slock , per 111 . l c. POTATOES Home crown. fiOBJou , western stock. 7uo. . APPLES Winter stock. $1.M : California Ddle. llcur , boxes , $1.30 ; o'.orado Jonathnns , boxes , $1.75 Ori'KOll. lioxcr ; , $ ! . > , rUANIIEi" > IES Jeiscvs , per I.M. . $7.rJf7.SO ; WHennsIn IWI nnd llugle , $7.M n.7J ; WlM.on ln Hell niil Cherry. $ B.M GRAl'Ef rttn.wba-i.'C-Ib. baskets , HWUo ; Jlal- TilOPICAl , PKJHTS. OIIANOES Muxlcnn , per box , tf.tnm.S'r Cali fornia navels , $3.23 3tU. LEMONS-Mi-fslnas. $3.Wir4.CO ; California , 3CO , S3.fa.r,0 ; 300. t3M HANANAK Choice , large sloik , per bunch , $2.03 G2.23 ; medium slze-V bunches. $1.75fl2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , pur Ib. . huge size. Ufl3c ; mall , lie ; Druzils , per Ib. . 9 loc ; Cngllsh wal nuts. per Ib. . fancy soft shell , lutfiic ; mnml- ards , 85jVe ; Hlberls , per Ib. , lOc ; pecjns. pnlliht-d , medum , CT(7c ; extra law. ' i9c : liriju i ckori- nuts , ll.00firl.10 per bu. ; smnll , $1.25 1.33 per til ooconmits. ptr 100. $4.00 ; poanutc raw , ui/OWc- rousted , u'fCV. ; . PltlS Imiiorted fancy , a crown. 14-lb. boxes lc ; 5 crown. 41-lb. boxn. ij l..c : 2-lh. boxes 22 tf23c per horalifcrnla. . . lO-lb. box. jl.CO. HONEY Choice > vniic. 12c ; Colorado nmber. 11 tfllc. lillAUT-Per bbl. . $ i.w ( ; naif bbl. , $2.23i2.33. MAPLE MVHIT flv-cai. cnn each. $2.V5- gnl. can : , pure , ner doz. . J1J.W : half-gal , rans $ G.23 ; qunrt cnns. S3.i. ( DATES -Ilnllnwce. CO to 70-lb. boxes , fc : Salr OVtc ; Kurd. 9-b. : li"\cs. 9o. CIDEU Per half bbl. . $3.CO : bills. . $3.23. KHESH MEATS. UKESSEIJ 1IEEI-- Cued mitl\ steers , CHc ; gooj loniiunrtei-y steers , B'Sc ; g.xid hindquarters steers , S'JLwestern. ; . Hltar : . 0\c ; Tcx-.ia sti-r-rs , Dijc ; fnney heifers , Be ; good heifers. C c ; -.od forcquailors htlfors , 0 ; ; good hlnd.iu.mors hi-lfi-rs. S < - ; gmxl CUWA , 5V c ; fair COWH , Bo ; co\v fnroirjnrtt-ri * , Ufcc ; cow hlnd < | iiarlers , 7Vc I1EEP CUTS Hanging tcndei loins , 4140 ; ribs , No , 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; illn , N j. ; ) , u0 ; steer rounds , 7c ; cow i-oimda , liHc ; cow rounds , iihank off , Sc cow rounds , shank and nirnp off , SHe ; trimmings , lite : lu-ef sh.mls , 3c ; brains , per dnj. , 35o ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12Vjc ; sweetbr-Mdo tails , each , 3c ; llvnra. nor Ib. , 3c ; hearls , per Hi. , Sc ; tongues , per Ib. , 12fco ! ; calf livers , each. 33c : ? alves. whsle carcass or sides. 9o. calf lipad and fi-et , HcnMfil , per sot , 7."ic ; ti nderlolns , fresh. Itc ; temlcilolni * , frjzen , ICc ; l nelis Mrlps , fi-nc | , , fc ; bjriPli-FS ntrlp.1 , frozen , Uc : snip loins fresh. 6Hc ; slrlp loln < , fiozen , f.'ic ; mils , linno- li-sn , mje ; rolls , hpencer cuts , 9c ; sirloin hulls , bum-less , 9c : shimlder , clod ? , boneless. Cc- loins ; short hitns , hot.-i Hiyi , . 3e nbove loins ; cow Inlninl > . Se ; steer loin ends. 9c. MUTTON Fancy Iambs. S'4e per lb. ' lambs PORK Dressed Pigs , 5o per Ib. ; dressed hog * c ; tenderloin * . 12Vjc ; Hlns. short ! ; " . . | .inir s ' spire rltis , 4c ; ham sausage butts. 3110 ; Hostori butts , Tic : shoulder ? , rom-i ) . "i ? ; -"ilders sklr.ned. 5e : trlmmlnpc , 4e ; lenf Inn ] , not ren- ncyx , ! 'T doz. . lOc ; brains , pop doz. , 15o ; nigs' feet , per doz. , IBc : livers , each Za , hag rlnJa He : blade bones , 5c. ' HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 ereen hides. 7c ; No. 2 ereen hliU-s , Cc ; No. 1 salted hldus. b c ; No 2 green raited hides , 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 lo 16 Ibs. . Se. EL.TS Qrcen snlted. each. 15Q7Cc' ! green salted shearlings ( short v-ooled early skins ) , each , 13c ; dry shcarJlrgshort ( wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Oc ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4tfSc : dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 p 4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher > v > n | pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 435u ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight. Zltm TALLOW , OllEASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 , 2ic ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Mc ; rough tnllow , Hie ; while KreiiEe , 2H02ic ; yellow and brown grease , l'iOUc. KUIIS Hear ( black or brown ) . $3.00f20.DO ; otter. I1.CC08.00 ; mink , 13f/60e ; beaver , $1.00 QG CO ; skunk , 15s , Kc , Me ; muskrnt , 3c , 67c ; raccoon , 13fl30c ; red fo.\ , 2C'-iTil,23 ; grey fox , 25fMo ; wolf ( timber ) , ZJcO$2 CO ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) . 1150c ; wildcat , 10023 ; ; badger. SiMOc ; li'vpr fox. $ r.O 00ff73.00. HOnSE HIDES-Each. $ l.COff2.55. . SI. LoulM ( Ji-iu-rnl Mnrki-I.M. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17. KLOI'Il Quiet nnd un changed ; pj tents. $1.7 WES ; straights , $4.331T4.50 ; clear. $4.00ijl.23 ; medium , $3.uOi3.73. WHEAT UntcttleJ. but closed n sdiade above Saturday : No. 2 red , caph , elevator , 91' ; truck , ! )3f/'Jft ) ; ; January , 'J3' > ic : Mny , 9lc bid ; July , 7So bid ; No. 3 h.ird caEh , S70S7HC. COHN Ixiwer , cloflng HiiUc below Saturday ; No. 2 cash , 21k- ; January , 25Vtc bid ; May , 2C4Jf 2CV : July , 2Sc. OATS l-'lrni ; No. 2 cahh , 23 ! c. elevator ; 2IUc track ; Jnminry. 2l',4o : ' bid ; Jlay , 2IHS21Vjc ; July , ? i\r : No. 2 white. 23fr23iic. HVE Higher at 4k\ IIAHLEY Quiet ; 43c for Iowa. ri.AXKEED-Qulet nt $1.1CJ. ! TIMOTHY HEED Klrm nt $2.CO for prime. 1IIIAN- Scarce nnd Him ; t-aiked lots , on east track , C4c ; at mill. iC'if..Sc. COItNMEAL-Stendy at $1.40. HAY .Steady ; pr.ilrle , $0.iOijS,00 ; timothy , $7.0J W10.W , IlUTTEIl Dull ; cu-aniery. 16S21c ; dairy , 9S > ICc. KOOS-Ijoivrr nt ID'/jC. ' METALS-Lcnd. dull ; $3.42i ! J3.43 nfked. Spel ter , nominal nt $3.73. PKOVlHIO.NS-I'cirk , higher ; standard mess , jobblm , ' , ! ' . ' . : i7'j. Laid , quiet ; prime , $ I.47V& ; cholciJ4.f.5. . . llneon Iboxcd lots ) , extra shoit cle.ir. $3.2 > > jJ5.3714 : ribs. } 3.37i-iJ75 50 ; phorts. $5.50 l/T.ri.i'i-i. ; Dry rait mt-ats ( t xed ) , dioulders , $1.73 O3.UO ; extra fhort clear. $1.735/4 , d'ia ; ribs , $1.87(5 ( il3. ' 0 ; Bh-irts , $3.wy3.1214. IIECIJIPTH I-'Iniir. 7,000 bids. ; when , 18,000 bbls. ; corn , : : " . - . Pi ) bu. ; oats , ti2OM bu , SHlI'MENTS-l-'loiir , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1C.OOO bu. ; corn , 2i'JnOO : bu.j oats , CO.WO , IliillliiiiniliirlieN. ( . I1ALTIMOUE. Jan. 17. l-'LOUK-Qulct and uiiuhnngod ; weatein siipoillnc , $ 'l.0'y3.70 ; west. i-in extra , J3.iiJH.l'J : ' ; wrslirn family , $ l.3 i | l.bo ; winter wheat p.iu-nts , $ l.750'i.u > ) ; spring I'at- ' onls , $5.00if3.20 ; fpr'nir ' wheat straltihu , $ l.bOff 4..KI ; recx-lpts , KSi > bills , ; exports , 2.411 bbls. WHEAT Dull ; steamer , No. 'i icU , 'J.r'.iWie ; reoulptii. M.31J l > ll. i expmts , none ; Kouthern whom , by tnunple , 93/'ji'c / , CO11N Steady ; tpot , S2il)82Ue ) ; mnnth nnd l-'obiuniy , fi'mi JSc ; ule.iinsr. Suitjfjofio ; ro. celpia , 21,537 bu. ; exports. 51,429 bu. ; southern wlilo | corn , 29i3lc ; soulhurn yellow , 2) ) > & 33c. OATri-l-'Irm ; No. 2 while , i.W29e , KYIiitejtly : ; No. ? , nearby , 52Hc ; No. : woHterii. i3-ic ! ; rpcolptji , 23.41S bu. ; exports , ( JltAIN I-'HEIGIITS Very dull ; steamers enny ; steam to Llvi'fpidl , per bu. , 31iil , January ; Cork , for otders , per quailer , 3d Od , Jaiuiiiry ; 3s Gd , l-'ebruury. lll'TTEH l-'uiicy creamery. MlUc ; fancy Imi tation , 175jlt > c ; fancy ladle , ICc ; eood ludlc , 14tf 15u ; slore packed , 1'llc. EaOS-lJuk-t ; frth , 18e. CHKEWK St.-ady ; fancy New York , 9if 10c ; faiu-y inodlinn , 10iilO'to : tancy mnall , lo ijl ijn. iH Oily ( iralii nml I'rovlNloiiN , KANSAH CITY , Jan. 17. WIIEAT-denerally stoiidy ; very slow > No. I hard , nominally We : No. 2 , iJHflSSc ; xo. 3 , MOSIe : one car mixed. Me ; Nd. I red. nominally Ulci Nn. 2 , WffOlc ; No. 3 , k7fiMHt No. 3 prlnit , BHitie : ; No. 3 , fcOc. ( OUN-Somo sales Uo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2114 lUTS-- Market llrm , but flow No. ! white , 2IO " " "llYE-Market steady ; No. J. 4c. HAY Murkel tlrrn ; i-liolce timothy , $ S.COOS.5 ; rholcc prairie , $ I.CO&7.:3. llin'rEH-Jlarket steady ; creamery , Ilffl7c ; dulry. 12 < illc. Eculfi-Maiket weak on heavy receipts ; fresh , x 15V-C JilX-nil'Tfl-Whcat , Cl.fO ) bu. ; corn , llt.WO bu. ; nntu , : i,0 < > ) bu , BlllPMENT-S-Wheat , , 1S.CCO bu. ; corn , < 6,1M bu , ; oats , none. Mvermol | .A LIVEI1POOU Jan. 17. WI1KAT Spot nrm ; No red \vu u-rn , winter. 7 9J ! No. 1 red , north- t-in. ( hipping , 7 7id. . COIIN Spot llrm : American mixed , new 5 3W ; Ameilcun inlvi-d. > ild , 3D 5i < l ; fu'nres xteady ; January , ' * 3Kd ; February. 3s 3'id ; March. % Slid. l-'IXI'It S > | . I uls fancy winter , dull at ! > fd. HOI'S At Isnuton , Paclllo const , firm at 4 U tt S Sn. I'llOVIHIONS lleef , nrm ; e tr. India m s , C < U 3d. prlmo iiu-ts. . COs 5d 1'ork , llrm , prime ni m , line western , i"J Wi prime me , medium western. 4J . Hojns , tliort cut , llrm at 31 * . Ilnom. dii'l a't r't ' : " , ' Inl.MI" ! ' . lljnt. . ? til , | .in < ne > r ii I'.I.K iK'.v' . S. . . H'liir , cl"ir 1. 1 1- . ! ; i. .Irnr I- - ii . , , s1 ! ! ulilem iu r < - . si idy m Z > Iwtnl. ml- < wi r in. dull n : Ji * : . < ! Ta ! | . > w | - liic < l.v. ii. m HI I9 < . llfK.imeilrj.n finest wh.te nd fol"rl , firm nt 4.1 * fd. > * _ j ( Inclinuill Mill-lift. T. ! l . CINriNNATI. Jun. 17.-Fl/Uil-3tenjyi ) lanfyf $1 ' ) ! . 41) : fnmlly , ISC 3 73. , - ' WHEAT-r'Irm : NJ. S r d. Me COIIN Steidy , No. Z tnlxnl , SJc. OATS-Mrmcr ; No. 2 mixed , 2IHc. , , . HYK-Stendy ; No. * . 4 e. . . - I'ltOVIRIOSS I.inl. Mfler nt $ I.K. Hul ! < runtp. firm st 1IKI. llnenn , nulel nt JS M. WIIISKY-Slearty nt $1.19. ltmiH ! Kn-l r and lower ; fancy Elgin cronmery. Sir ; Ohio , 1W1Sdnlry. ; . Ha St'OAIl Klrin ; hard teHntd. ? l.ice 10. EHrf-rirm nnd hlRher nt I7c. CHEESE-KIrm ; good lo prime Ohio Hat , SH \ < MV Drlenni Jlnrket. NEW ORLEANS. Jnn. K.-PItOVlSIONS- Lsrl , rennet tierce , Jlp3Tr. Iloxed melts , dry rait MiotiKers. 4 , c ; slilic , 4Hc. Bacon , clt-nr rib rHes , BHgJHc. Hams , chtice sugar cured , Sfl1 I -lllo , ordinary to fnlr , UI'E-4)n1lnary to KJ"I' ' . 3\ 44e. ! PLOUll-Extla fnney , $ l.50i4.CO ; patents , $1.9001 r..oo. r..oo.COHN COHN MEAI/-l.fA . HAY-PilniP. $ H.tOfM100 ; choice. $ I3.r,0l4.0) . COHN No 2 sacked white , 37o ; mixed , 3 c ; yclluw , ! Ca37c. OATS No. 2 sacked. 29gi9He. ( Ji-nln ItceelptM nt Prlneliial Mnrkel * . ST. IXJt'lH , Jan. 17.-UcceIpls : Whtnt , SO cars , C11KUOO. Jnn. 17.-Iteeelpts trrfny : Whe-it. 2 < cnrs ; corn , ! 23 cars ; nats , 2i > 3 cars. Estimated car lots tomorrow : Wheat , SO ; corn , 410 ; oats , * MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 17.-Ilecclpts : Wheat , MS caiK. caiK.DULUTH. . Jan. 17. Receipts : Wheat , CWcars. PEOUIA Jan. 17. Receipts , ! Corn , f,2.2TiO bu. ; oils. 16.9.V ) bll. ; rye , f < X ) bu. ; whisky , 223 bbls. ; wheat , COO bu. Shipments : Corn , 37.V ) bu , ; oats , 2C.SOO bu. rye , none ; whisky , 1,335 bbls. ; wheat , 'KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 17. Receipts : Wheat , 10S cnrs. Vlsllilc Supply of ( iritlii. NE\V YORK , Jnn. 17. The statement of the visible supply of grain , In store and nllont , t'at- urday , Jinuary 13 , as compiled by the New York Produce exchange. Is n fallows : WHEAT 37.HS.OOO bu. ; deerenfe. 1.015.C0) ) bu. CORN 11.134.000 bu. ; Increvifo , 1.C1C.OO ) bll. OATS 15 M3.000 bll. ; Increase , 733.0W bu. HYII.MI.ObO bu. ; Incu-afo , rlO bu. I1ARLEY 3,5S2.d bu. ; decrease , 458,000 bu. Plil hiilcllili lit I'niiliiec. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 17. RUTTER-Steady ; fniicy western creamery , 20c ; fancy western print. " , 21c. EC5OS l-'lrm and Ic higher : fresh niarby nnd wi-stern , 22c. CHEESE l-'lrmer ; New York factory , choice , New York factory , fair to good , 8Vi@ Toletln Mnrket. TOLEDO , Jan. 17. WHEAT Dull but higher ; No. 2 cash. ' . 'Utc ' ; May , 92Nc. CORN Dull but stonily ; No. 2 mixed , 27 ic. OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 22' , < .c. RYE Higher but dull ; No. 3 cash , 4c. ( ! ClyOVEll SUDD Actlxe and slightly higher ; prime cash , $3.17 > .i ; March. $3.20. Detroll > tnrkl. . IDimtOlT. .Inn. 17. WHEAT No. 1 white and N" . 3 red. 'Jllc ; Mny , tilTdc. CORN No. 2 inlxrd , SS c. OATS No. 2 white. 23Vic. ' I I HYE No. J , 47Hc. Peorln PEORIA , Jan. 17. CORN Market steady ; No. 2 , 27e. OATS Market nrm ; No. 2 while , 237JC. WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits , $1.13. , _ Nun 1-Vnni'NiMi XA'lu-nt Jliirkot. SAN KIIANCLSCO , Jnn. 17. WHKAT l-'Irm , May , $1.37Ti. UAULEY Easier ; Miy , ES'/tO. STOCIv.S a.MJ HOXDS. ' * * \Vlili-ly 'DlHlrlliutcil ' nml HIIVIO ii 'llt-iiltliy ' Tone. NEW YORK , .Ian. 17. Standard shares show n fractional Impiovemont on the day except In the case of some shares In which special Influences were operating In their favor , nnd there the Improvement was more marked. The dealings were widely distributed and had a gen erally healthy tone. Stacks sold Friday nnd Sat urday on the groiinn of possible foreign com plications , Viere repurchased today , t.ie total dealings amounting to nearly uOO.OUO shares. Lnndnii nnd the continental bourses were fcus- talnlng fas-lorn , although the purchases for for eign nccount were menger , as the local market early outstripped the foreign Initiative toward n. higher level. Pronounced activity and strength weio displayed lit the local tinmporlntlon shares. Metiopolltan Tiai-tlon making a net gain of Gli per cent. That security as marked up by Its friends on rumors of closer relations to Man hattan Elevated , it being reputed that wllh the Installation of an cleelrlciil equipment for the Manhattan Elevated the Metrcpolltnn property could effect a saving by using the eKctrlcnl power. This rumor , however , received no pub lic \ . Sugar In , enormous transactions made a not gain of % per cent , although In the eailler transaction * there was considerable weakness noted In that security. The other eub- Jec was brought of what the result of Hawaiian annexation would be with free Importation of Hawaiian sugar and tae probability that by mid summer that there would be competition be tween sugar refineries now'being erected. Stocks of properties located In the PaciHc northwest were generally bonellted by the belief that they would Becuie much trnlllc , owing to thu Klondike boom. The Oregon Railway and Navigation company had earnings from July to November 30 said to be very large. Ilurllnglon. St. Pnul , Northern Paclllo and Union PucllU- were strong. The nonappearnnce of the Nebrai-ka maximum fielght decision was a sustaining factor In the day's news , llrokers seemed to ghe some ciodlt to the reports of closer relations In the manage , mcnt of the Vanderbllt railroad ? . Lake Shore , Mlc'ilgan Central and New York Central were particularly stlong , showing approximate gains of a per cent. National Lead. on. very small transactions , was fractionally higher. The fact that New York and Chlcngo arc lending money on the London nnd continental markets con tinues to bo a favorable factor. The foreigners so far having liquidated their debt for Amer ica's unparalleled exports only to the extent of returning pome American securities. In today's mnrkct the gains of Importance were Consoli dated Oas. 3 per cent ; Wells-I-'argo , 4 per cent ; Manhattan , 2& per cent ; Metropolitan Traction , CVj per cent ; Northern Pnclllc , 1 % per cent ; Oregon gen Railway ami Navigation , 4H per cent ; Oregon gen Hallway and Navigation preferred. 1 % i r cent ; Plttsburg. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. L'uls , l i per cent ; Western Gas company. 2 per cent ; Wisconsin I'entrnl , 2 per cent , nnd the stocks closed strong. The bond market showed n fall ing elf In transactions , but a considerable under tone of strength was evident , which was re- tlli- usually dormant Issues' . Seattle , Lake Shore A E.mtein llrm trust receipts jumped 7 points to 72 on reported competition for control of the load , but subsequently lost one-half of the rise. Tnift receipts were In urgent demand , gaining Hi per cent. The aggregate sales were $3,525,000. Ojvernmont lionds Miowcd heaviness , the 5s und now 4s losing t-llghtly. The Evening Poi-t's London flnnnclal cablegram says : The utock markets here were quiet and Ir regular today. Homo rails were the best moiket on good dividends nnd the end of Hie engineers' strike. Argentines mac steadily , as did also Oniiul Trunks. Americans wete quiet nnd steady. Continued petslmlstlo telegrams from Now York ciincoinlng currency reform cnocks public confi dence hero. The L-inton Dally Hev/tf 'Washing ' ton cable today was gloomy. Prices closed steady. India sterling bills ror 1,000,000 have been sold In six monfhs' bilU at an average of about 2'i ' per cMit. A Cape loan of 1.200M ) Is announced ut a minimum of IMP. It Is quoted at 2l piemlum- 1 have reason to doubt the ac curacy of tlm details of the Chlnopo loan nft cabled the L-mdon Times l-'ollowlng nre the closing quotations of the Ic-adlng slocks on the New York market to- Jay : AtchlHOn 121 * St. P. A Om 70 ! < dnpM HUH do pfu 14R Baltimore A Ohio. . li : St. P. M. AM 121 Canada Paclllo H7X So. Paclllo I'D CanadaSontnnrn.- | So. Hallway. . . . . . . . . DV6 Central IMclllu 11 do pfd Slljj Clies. i Ohio ' "Jli Texan .V Paolflc. . . . llki Chicago .V Alton. . . .lllil Union Pacific t. r. . . II1K C. , II. AQ 1DI ) II. P. U. AO ( ) ( O.AB.1 n5K \Vaba h 791 C.O. C. A St. L 34 < * do pfd IHlf dopfd hi ) Wheel. A L. E : i Del. .fc HllilHon 11-J Wheel. A L. E. pfd 12M Del. L. & W U.I Adaum Ex ISH 111 American Ex llflH do pfd 47 UnlU-d States Ex. . . 40 KrliXnow ) Ifi Wells Faiyo Ex..112 KrlHlHlpM M7 i A. Cot. Oil ' 'IK Kl. Wiiynn llll ) do pfd 75 ( Jreat N'orthiTii pfd. 1 : i- ' Am. Splrlli 7H Hockln ? Vallov. . . . 7 Am. Snlrltu pfd IK llllnolBUontr.il. . . . 100H Am. Tooacco H7h Lake Erie. AW. . . . 17 do iifd 113 dopfd 7- ' Peoplo'M ( Jaa IIH LakiiShoro IHII COIIB. Illlb 1HII Louisville .VNft-th. 5H4 Com. Cabin Co 177 Manhattan L 117H Col. F. 4. Iron 2ft Met. St. lly 13U ) ( ilo pfd 70 Mlehliran Ceiitr.ll..l05 ! Oen. Klecirio MH Minn. A St. L 25 lllllnolHStenl 1K 1 diilBtiifd 85 I La Clcdo Uax 47 Mo.l'aolllo 3JJiLead ! 30 ( < Mobllo.VOhlo SI ) I < u > nfd Mo.K. XT PJHl Kill. Lin. Oil IK ilo Pfu 8Mi Orct'on Imp. Co 2Sk Chl.,1ml. A.L UXIl'aolllcMall .UU ilniifd ill l Pnilmaii 1MI I7ftH N.J. Cuiitral 1I3M I Silver Corlllli-ito9. ; . i")4 ) N.Y.Central 112USland.llOio ! | AT. . . . H N. V. Chl. .t St. L. . l : h Sugar 1.-I7 ilolut pfd U * do pfd 112 Oo2dp > d lil ) T. C. .V iron i'l ) Norfolkt Woitorn 14H. U. H. Leather Ml No. Amor. Co 4M1 do pfd 11,14 ; No.P.iclllB 2il | IJ. .4. llubbor : . . . . . . IfltJ dopfd II4U1 dopfd ( I3H Omurto.V W lViUVntorn ( Union. . , . .Hi' * Oro. R. , V Nar 4 > iNorlliwcHtern ! - . ' Ore. Short Line 21 ! * do nfd HUH , I'lllrtburt- lUH Itlii ( i ran Jo Went . . ' - . ' lU-ailmi , ' 22 dopfd fill KockNIand till Ichlcago-an-at VV. . 15 S. L..VS. F 7hi S. L. i S.V 4 dolstpfd 07 | dopfd 'JH St. t'aul H. U Hawaiian Com. . . . HDt _ do Ufa , . . .1UI | The total vales of vtucks tcnlay were 4SS.JO ) sharfs , In.ludlrg1 Atcii'u-jn p efcrrod , 4i8 < : { 'hfsajii'alMi & Ohio , ll ; i'lilcagj , llurllnuliin .t gnlni.y n 173. lymuvlllln & Nashville , 4.MJ ; .M-inhattan , 37.47 , Melr. IH > | t.ui. i3sllaw \ - i llan. 5,373 ; Ml'umirl Paclllo.4,6rl ! New Yo'k Criitral , M,7M , Northern I'no fir , j3CK ; Nor'he-n Pacific preferred , 21 i 3 ; O ewn Ryllnay and 3.KS , Rock IsUnJ , C.J-0 ; St. Paul , II. ? " " . S ' > > - " " V-i n IMi-lfl - . . .4 , -i . , . i . .r. ' - l'I - \ \ . i-r' : . . i < itnir.il I.I i .r 3 S.D. si cur. lib u , Wk | . * . n I'nli'n , 5 u'i MONEY l Tt'i ' per cent. The rate of dlscout In the open mniltct for short and three months' bills Is 2y2 ! 0-10 per cent. 11AU SIIA'EII Closeil flat nt SCHd per oz. AMICUIl'AN DAQMCS 70s i7 > ; d. 1IAH GOMJ-77S 10 > J(1. ( Xetr Yorlt Mining < liintutlnnii. NEU" YOIIK , Jan. 17. The following arc the closlns mining quotations : FlimiK-lal li- ; ( , OMAIFA , .Tan. 17. Clearances , J1COD,3 13.59 ; bal ances. $73 , 394. M. CHICAGO , Jan. 17 Clearing ! . J18,400OCO ; New Yoik exchntiBe , 70e premium ; jwated rates , JI.S3\i \ nml J4.6 ; stocks were fnlily active and stronfj. CloslnR : West ChlcaRO , 10U-i ; l ikc Street U 14(4 ( ; New York Ulscult. C2-Vi ; Strawboard , 29ii ! Alley U 59Ti ; City llallwny.2 ; < i. ST. LOtriS. Jnn. 17. Clearings. r .834rO ; bal ances , ICSD.C72 ; money , quiet nt S6'S per cent ; exchange on New York , 2Je premium bid , 50c ticked. ) liAIVTIMOni-7. Jan. 17. Clcirlngs , $2,433,740 ; balances. JIH.SC1. I'lIlLAUEI-l'IIIA , Jan. 17.TClenings. | $9.811,473 ; balances , $1.913C9'J. NEW YOllK , Jan. 17. Clcrfrlngs , } 91,033,300 ; balances , { 0'COO,33I. HOSTON. Jan. 17. Clearings , $17,791,970 ; bnl- iinces. tls71,873. ' MEMI'IIIH. Jnn. 17. Clearings , $695,453 ; bal ances , J2I6.703 ; New York exchange , $1 premium. NEW O1U..EAN.H , Jan. 17. Clearings , $1,512.- 34S ; New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial , $1 per $1.000 discount. CINCINNATI. Jnn. 17. Clearings. $3M9,000 ; money , S iflfi per cent ; New York exchange , par t 25c premium , LONDON , .Inn. 17. Gold Is quoted at liuenos Ayres at 164.91) ) . I'AHFd. Jnn. 17. Three per cent rentes , 103f 22c for the account. The tone of the stock market wa.s firm today onj the bourse. International se curities were stronger. Henles were favorably Impressed by the announcement of an Issue of a a per cent Paris city loan , which Is expected to bu floated at 93. HIo Tlntos rose , owing to a furrher itecrcnso of 900 tons In thd visible supply of copper. IIEHLIN , Jan. 17. Business was generally good on the bourse today. American and Cana dian 1'aclllc securities made good recovery. Aincrlc-iiii .Seiiirlit-N In London. LONDON. Jan. 17. The market for Ameri can t-ecurltles after n. weak opening1 , was steady. New York tilling Inlluenced the enrly ileollne. The close was steady and the de mand generally light. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 17. COFFEE Options opened steady nt .unchanged prices ; partially ad vanced 5 points on unauc'iunled-for scarcity of sellcrf , but turned walk under lower European cables , continued full receipts ( it HIo nnd ilantos. Indifferent speculation , n decided drop In United Staic.s warehouse deliveries nnd pionoiineoj apathy on the part of cpot buyers ; closed barely slrady , with prices unchanged to & points net advance ; pale.i 15,230 bags. Including March , * 5.7u. Wpot oorrc. > , Itlo , quli-t ; No. 7 , invoice , JC.3 > ; No. 7 , Jobbing , $8.73. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , K.tOjfiri.oo. Total warehouse deliveries fiom the Unlli-d Slates , jo.OO ) bugs , Including K.KJt hasra from New Yolk ; New Yoili stock today , Cl'J.C S bugs ; United .Slates Block , 743,70' ) bags ; alloat for the ITnltnl Blnles. 419,01X1 bags ; total visible fur the United Slates , lr ) 4,700 liags , ngnlnst 793,494 bags lust year and W7.W7 bagH thu pre vious year , HANTOrt. Jon. 17. CO WEE Steady ; Rood nv- erugo .Santox , sG ) lels ; receipts , 1V " - J bags ; stock. SlS.i - ) bags. HAMIil'lltl , Jan. 17. OOI-'l-'BIJ-- Opened > ' , pfK. Imver ; at SJ : ) p. in. , ' , 't < U"'j pfg. not lower ; enU-s , 12 , < X ) * ) bags. IHO DM JANEIUO , Jan. 17. COI-'I-'EE No. 7 HIo , SX ! rels ; exchange , C 13-1W ; receipts , fi.000 bugs ; cleared for thu I'nltuil .States. > , Qo ) bagu ; cleared for l iroix.- , 1,0X ) bags ; stock , 370. WO HAVIIE , Jnn. 17 , COM'EE-Closed > , if lower ; sales , 11,000 bags , Xi-iv York Dry CooilH Market. NEW YORK , Jan. 17 The dry goods situa tion thowed less cthnnge than wns expected to- < lny. The market for cotton goods has been strengthened slightly by strike news , but no quotable advances wcru reported. The presence of a fnlr number of buyers ut first hands hns Induced Imlvk-r trndlng , but this Is still o Ir regular Hint detailed ( 'a'n ' eannnt 1 > e located. TJnre li e\ldently a sen- I better tone to the mar. let for cotton goods. Kellers feel better than here- lofoio nnd are making no conccsulons whatever. In woolens there IIUH been n contlnuamx- the very fair business of lu t week In oil lines. A number of new Ilne-s have b en opened. Iluyera now nnd plenty of goods ti Inspect uni nre busily engaged today In looking throUKh ( he Held and placing order * of Mir size , although there In Mill homo conservatism , ilue probably to adverse weather conditions. Clothiers com plain of the monotonous mildness In staple cottons the < leman j Is el 111 iiulle Ilinltud. Print cluth are quiet today at Fall Itlver. Oil .MnrlitH. . OIL CITY. Pa. , Jan. 17-Credlt balances , c ; sales , 2 , ( ) bbls ; regular delivery nt * .V ; closed regular offered , dc ! ; c-jfli offered , Ci'.ic ' ; shljiments , lCl.r.91 bills. ; runs , lf3.3G bll . , CHAULESTON. H. U. . Jan. 17.Ol US-Turpen tine. Firm. 31Vio ; sales. 115:111. : llojln. llrm , un changed : sales , none. SAVANAAII. Oa. , Jsn. 17.-OIL8-Splrlts lur- I KIU I no. II nn. 3c : KU | . 31S Nils. ; receipts. UO bliblt. Itonln , llrm ; Kalu , ) . 4t bblsT ; reotlpts , 3.473 bbU. ; A , II. < , 1) , Jl.JO ; E. K , $ ! , ; O , tl.40 ; II. tl TO I. II. ko , K 1J.W ; M. J-.OO ; N , $ Mrt ; W O tS3 < ) ; W W. J2.C0.1 * WIIlMINOTON. Del. . Jan. 17.OILS Spirits turpentine , quiet. 31 ifl3ic. * , ) lo ln , llrm. $1.15 nml 11.20. Crude tunientlne. ulrady at $1.40 anil $1.10. Tar , llrm , $1.16 Calirnriilii Irli-il l-'rultN. N11W YOIIK , Jan. -CALJ JltNlA OHIED I'llt'IT.S-ritfady ; evapo.ratel applef. crmmon , fiifT c. prlino vvlic tra > ' c \Vi > d dried , prime , tt n , clu'i'e , * he , fancy , f 'l c Prunes. JJ/e. Aprrnf. H yal 7 i-- . . MM r l'-ik unjiieleJ , 7 11" ; p.-elej , Itc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opsns with a Slack Run of All Sorts of Stuff , CORNFED3. SELL ; AT SATURDAY'S ' PRICES Supply MKlit niul li'nninl ( JiMiil , lint Not .Siilllcli-nlly frucnt lo IlalNc llliU llnus .still llnlil , , l-'nlrly Kit in. SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 17.-llecelpts for thu days Indicated were : Cutllo. Hogs. Sheet ) . Horses. January 17 1,410 2,30fl ,377 January 13 1,413 0,440 3.5S3 January 14 1,917 C.1GG 4.3UO January 13 1.9S.S 7.SH 4 , W 20 January 12 1,019 c.SOO 1,691 7 January U 2GiH 9.SGO 2,131 1 January 10 1,415 3.715 6.G39 2. January S 675 G.4S7 2,312 January 7 1,13s 6,279 1,073 20 January G 1,233 10.9S2 2,429 94 January 5 1,029 10,613 2.223 . . . . January 4 1,410 C.iill 3.173 . . . . January 3 1,031 2.47G Fi.177 . . . . January 1 r.97 2.235 2,129 23 December 31 523 6,916 3.0IG The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. . M. * St. P. Uy 1 O. & St. I , Uy 3 Union 1'acltlo System C U 10 ! ' . , K. & M. V. It. It. . . f 13 5 S. C. & P. Uy 1 c. , st. P. . M. , t o. uy. . . . n r. 11. & M. U. U. U 33 G 3 C. , H. .t Q. Uy 1 C. , II. I. & I' . Uy. , east. . 2 Total receipts stf 37 IS The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : lluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 13 G. H. Hammond Co 132 Iil2 Swift and Company 313 G75 3,217 Cudnhy Packing Co U 1.11G S3I U. Hooker & Uegnn 200 J.j. \ . Carey ! > 7 l.obmun > < c UothsehlldB. 210 \V 1. Stephens Ill Huston & Co 37 H. Hamilton 170 Swift , from country 40S Other buyers G9 1 Totals l ilO 2MI 4,179 CATTLli-All told there were llfty-scveu loads of cattle In the yards , but only n very small proportion of them were beef steers. The great bulk of the receipts consisted of cow stuff and odds and ends , a little of everything. The market as a whole was without feature of Importance or notice able change from Saturday. Thi > domaml was reasonably good and everything In the yards , Irrespective of kind or quality , changed hands long before midday. There were no good corn-fed beeves In the yards and only n faw loads of fairish stuff. The demand seemed to be good nnd the buyers took what eattlo there were at about the same prices as prevailed on Saturday. The best beef cattle here were only good uuoug-h to bring $4.40 , which was not as high as was paid for feeders. Cows and heifers wore In good demand and sold at firm prices , the offerings chang ing hands very readily. There was ono fancy corn-fed helfor , weighing 1,690 pounds , which sold at fi.10. Stock eattlo nnd feeders sold well for n Monday and the limited supply was soon exhausted. Some desirable little eattlo sold as high as $1.60 , being the best price paid for any kind of cattle. The country contin ues a good ; buyer of light stock cattle and as most sections report a scarcity there docs not appear to be much danger of an over-supply. Representative salca : NATIVES. OKKV STI3HRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Tr. 3. . . . " 1C $3 CO 2..UMIO Jl 23 20 . . . . 102'J $1 23 8. . . .1127 4 2 , ' , 2. . . . ! ' 23 : ! C5 19..1CSI 1 20 19..131G 140 2. . . . fcC3 3 Co 31. . . . 9C5 375 a. . . . ooo a oo cows. 1. . . . niO 5 r.O 3. . . . 743 2 D1 2. . . . S23 ! R3 I. . . . 910 2 fiO 1..1190 II 00 1. . . .1030 ' 320 1..1210 3 20 S. . . . 915 323 1. . . . S40 173 2. . . . 919 2 M 1. . . . SM 223 1..1070 275 1. . . . 9J ) 273 3..10- > 303 1..1200 315 G _ 10GI 323 19. . . .1148 335 C..13M 340 23. . . .10(9 ( 3 CO 21. . . .1034 3 M 15. . . .1178 315 G..1201 323 C. . . . 763 200 1. . . . 950 225 3. . . . S5S 240 2. . . . 975 275 2. . . . 923 2 S5 3. . . . SD3 3 0. ) 1..1150 .3 25 1..1100 3 25 1..1CSO 3 23 1..12SO 3 ! IlISII-'KltS. 1. . . . 410 333 1..1E90 440 15. . . .AM 3 TO 4. . . . C52 3 SO 43. . . . SCO SCO 1..MO 3 C5 3. . . . 070 2 CO 2. . . . KSO 3 00 1. . . . 7M > 325 5. . . . 876 340 I. . . . 530 .1C ! 21. . . . 927 3 C.T 1. . . . 770 3 Id 3. . . .1130 33' ' ) f..7C4 3 C3 2. . . .1050 373 1C. . . . 810 373 4. . . . 4CT 3 CO I1UL.LS. 1..1310 310 1..HOO 330 1..1C10 340 1..WO C 25 1..1270 233 1..1120 235 1..12M 2 75 2. . . .1050 3 Si ) c ' v r \ * rs 1. . . . 370 400 1. . . . 110 "h 50 C. . . . 330 473 STAGS. 3..12C3 2 80 3. . . .1270 2 SO STOCKIKS AND I.-EBDHUS. 1. . . . CIO 350 1. . . . C90 350 1..1110 SCO 20. . . .I01I ! 4 10 n. . . . 9iO 4 20 3. . . . C33 4 35 IS. . . . 032 4 CO ] . . . . C90 300 1..790 323 2. . . . COO SCO 10. . . . H23 425 15. . . .825 430 1. . . . S20 4 30 E2. . . . CSC 4 CO 32. . . . f.M 4 CO 1. . . . 8bO 4 13 S. . . . ! > 22 4 23 1. . . . 430 I 4-0 5. . . . 510 4 70 Wn.STEHNH. COIXJIIAIIQ. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 39 tnlllnffs. . . . 931 $3 1215 170 feeders. . . . 811 $3 73 1 fee-drr . 950 3 75 HOGS There Is very little to he snld rcjr.ird- InR the day's IIOR market. As usual on a Mon day , the receipts weie extremely llsht nnd thorp were not enough IIOBS on enlo to creatao any special Interest. The demand was Rood nnd the buyers took nil offerings at about Saturday's prices , so that everything WHS sold and weighed up at nn early Heavy loads of hess brought $3.12&fl3.47',4 ! ' , but mostly 13.43 , the proportion of aalus below $3.43 being rather Fmall. The medium weight and light loads sold nt . . . The average of all the sales was cxni'tly the same as on Sntunlay , 4o higher than on Mon day of last ivock , ICc hlKher than a month OKO The KCjiernl feellni ; on the market appears to bo ono of conlldcnre and the reat majority of operators worn to bo anticipating a Rood de mand for IIORM thl week. The provision mar ket , possibly. Is not occupying w > fnvorublo a position as It illil n short time OBO and the coneumptlvo demand nccordlnR to packer * ' re ports has decreased somewhat. lleprcsentatlve sales : i HIIHKI1 There were eighteen oars of sheep re ported In the yardu , but of that number four loads were hold to arrive nnd two lands were consigned direct to a paclier , KO that only twelve loads WPIO offered on the market. The deniind was Kood nnd the offerings Changed bands early at fully Bloniy prices. Ileprcsciitatlvp sales : No. Av. I'r. 217 western lambs . cr | 5 00 f,73 Mexican Inmbi . K coo 10S3 Mexican lambs . AS r , 20 219 western lambs . 78 C 3j 4 mixed westerns . 101 4 12i ! 200 western yearling * . 22 4 25 249 Mexican yearllnss . < C 4 CO M5 western lambs . 81 53. , S93 western wethers . 121 ! 39" 192 western wethers . 1J2 393 3 lambs . . . 0) 4W SI. I.lllllN IV ) < > SllM-1- . ST. I.OUIH. Jan. I7.OATTI.HIlecelptn. . C.901 held : shipments. 2.000 head ; market ctrnily ; fnlr to fancy shipping bWers Jl 40ii5 30 : butcher to ilri-Ffed beef y ' .ft. J3M .SU ; rletrs under l.MO lb > > 3.30S4.i ; sto kers and feeders , | 2.COfi4 Til ) : cows nnd heifers. J2.00ijl.35 ; Texas and Indian Btrers. J3.30ffl 25 ; et > wn nnd liclfi-rH. J2.23fl3.CA I1O(1B Ilrrelpti. 4 9W head ; phlpments. 1. 400 hcoa : murket steady ; yorkcru Jl 40a3.CO ; packer - er . n.OKiJ.CS : butchers. | 3.fO/3.70. 8IIUKI' llrcelpt I. < W V"d : uhlpment" . COO heml ; mutton * 13 ! MH K ; culls nnd bucks , JZ.OOf ? 3.30 ; lamb * . J4.75&5.73. _ ( Miii-Iniinll I.lvc Sdii-tt , CINC.-I.S'.N'ATI. Jan. jT. notjs Active at ja.oo ej.'e. I'ATTI.K-Htronger t 2.2S I.G5. KlIiii'-.StMidy : ut t JI iiHao Clly l.lviStoiU. . f'lTV. Jan. n.-f.\TTM--IU-celpt : , lCfO heail , market Heady to loner : Texas teers , J1.JMM 2i. Tex is rows. IS 2J&4.3) , nativeulerrs , J. ' .1)3.1.0. ) nttt > e ci-wsi nn-1 lu'lfer . JiW4 ) 25 ; eff'M-M ' nirl feedcTf. 13 4lfe4.M : bulls JS40&I.CO. llO'-JS-no't-i.ts. 17,00 ticad ; market opened M vly to f < ? hlstier , ctaMrifr wenk , bulk of Mies. $1 v > j.e nrAvlrn , $1.4303.70. PA. kr , 47 > tw mue.i , J3i.fiJ.M : , Medic , < ! . & > ( U ) York- < rs. $ iimi. : TIBS. SHEEP Receipts. S.OOO head , market strong , lnmb , $4 2i > ffS CO. CllU'.VIil ) LIVi : STOcIc MVHKtr. AollvtDeinnnil lit Alt Line * wltti Prices t'nclilllifteil. CIIICAOO , Jan. 17. There was a fnlrly nctlvo Kfnertl dpinand for o.itlle nnd prices underwent tu > mnrked chance. Rood to prime fnt hlpt > lnc ml export tn-eves ruling flrm. while the poorer droves were slow nnd nboiit steidy nl the rwrnl dwllne. There was the tistiol wnrclty of slrli'tly choice entile , but KX ! lots were numer ous and there were plenty of rommon nn l medium Blades ottered for rale. Tlic Imlk of the offerliiRs sold for ft * ip.lo , c.imrnon lots of dtTMcd beef sleers selling nronnd $1.0' . while prlmo c-ittle were ratable nt $3..1 < HfS.45. Mockers nnd feeders rniiRt-d from $3.20 lo $1.40. lliitolnTs' iiul cnnner * ' stuff sold freely at front $2.00 f.ii common cows to $4.30 for choice * heifers. The belter smiles of enlvi-n hroiiKhl $ S.7T. .M. Trade In hos wns nctlvo anj prices were ste dy. Eastern shippers tnuk n fulr number of henvy lings. SnlM were nt nn extreme range of f3.4Mf3.75 for Inferior to choice hog * , the bulk if the sales belns nt $3.K 3,6J . whllo | ' ! K mild lirsely nt fj.40tf3.Ui llRht welBht boss pivdimi- innteit nnd sold nt the usual dls.-ount. Trade In sheep nnd lambs wns fairly nctlve nt stt'idy prices. Sheep were wanted nt $3.frVif3.GO ] for Inferior to common , up to $4.Z.XH.60 for Kood tn tlmlm ttuck.i and lamtis wer \k-ms.nd nt f4.oOfr4.60 foi < culls up to $5 Mtf5.S3 for oholco to extra Brndes. The bulk of the lumln sold nl $3.H ( > ffi3.75 , yenrlliiRs fetching fl.KKf4.SO nnd Mieep soUl largely at $4.r.5fK43 , fed weelcrns compris ing the Kreater part of the onVrlngs. RUCEIPTlS-Catlle. 19000 headi boss. 3S.OOO bend ; nheep. 17,000 bend. IiidliUiiipollH Live Stuck. INDIANAl-OLIS , Ind. , Jan. -C-VTTLE Re ceipts llKhli shipments , none ; all soUti nt steady prlco < ; irood to prime steers , $1 7Ctf3 13 fair to medium steers , JI.WU4.iV. ; common to cool stockers. t2.7Mtt.ftO. HOOS-Recclpts , 2CiX ) head ; shipments , t.OiM head ; market active , sold nt stnjnR lo hluhor prices ; o. > l to choice medium mul htnvy , $3.C3jr 3.72'i ' ; mixed , $3.COt3.C3 ; ccmtnon lights , $3.GOf 3.C3. 3.C3.MHEEP MHEEP Recelpls , llg-ht ; shipments , none ; peed to choice Inmlis , $3.oo < tf5.iO ; common t ) medium lambs , $3.23)74.75 ; common \IMV Vurk ilv < > Mtook. Xi\V : YOllK. Jnn. 17. IlKIJVKS-Herelpts. 2ij7 | head ; untUo slwrs , Jl.40if."i.2.r > ; stncs niul OXIMI JS.O.'iifl.OO ; bulls , t3.003TJ.75 ; ilty cows , f2.Wf3.i'5. Cables ciuote Amerloin steers nt WSf lie ; rcfrlKerntor beef , SSio { ; recelpla , 101 beeves. OAI.VlM-Uecelpts , 451 bend ; venls. $5.00ffS.J. SlIMIIl' ANM ) t.AMIIS Uecclpls. 4r.l bead ; Inmb.i , t3.0 Ht."i.t0. ] HOGS Itveclpta , 13.393 bend' steady nt 13 SO ! ? 4.10. Stork lu SlKhl. llecord of receipts of live slock nt the four principal mnrketa for January 17 : C.itlle. HORS. Sheep. Omaha 1,110 2,300 4.377 ( . ' .ilcago 13.0JO 3S.OOO 17.0'0 Kansas Clly S.OX ) 17.tO ) 2.01 St. I ouls W'OO 4,90 1.40.1 . Totals 31,310 C2.20G T1.777 \Vnnl Mni-Ki-t. 11OSTON . Jan. 17. WOOL The following nuo- tntlons nio mndo : Ohio nml Pennsylvania fleeces. X nnd nbovc , 27HJ2Sc ; XX nnd nlwvo. 30iT3lc ; dclnlnc , 30'.731c Mlchlean. Minnesota , etc. No. I Mlchlpin c"inl > lnt > , 2tiiT2-.ic ; No. 1 Illinois coniblnt ; , 2 f2ic. N'a 1 Now York. New llnmpthlro and Wrinint. 27c delnlno MIchlRnn , 27c. ITriwiiihed medium Ken lucky and Indiana quarter blmid , X.V ; unwished modlum Kentucky and Indiana throe oiihths bliioil comblnR. 2lr2.ir. Mliwnurl quarter lilmid comblllK , Z2f23e : Mlviuil tlireo-plqlilliH blnnii comhliiR , 23W24c ; braid cjmblm ; . 2lc ; lake nnd Goorsln , 22f723c. Texai wnol. uprlnR medium (12 ( monlhs ) . ] CW17c ; Bcniirod. 435f4rij ; sprlnff fine. ( ! 2 months ) , 175lSc ; scomod , WiQXe. Territory wnol , Montana line modlum nnd line , l.WlSt.scoured : , 4ir ! > 0c ; slnple , f.2'3133c. tUah , WynntliiR , olc. . line medium and Ono , 15fTl7o. Austiallan ncourrd Imala o. i.tlit.ii * nilimrllttn T17T7' | > , , > ct , . < ! ilnr * , -nn.l COIfMc : combing , MffHle. Qucoiisland , Cic. ST I OL'IS , .Inn. 17. WOOIKIrm : niellum. r O'ic ; lliT'.it line. 13Hfl7c ; heavy line , SffHe ; tub washed , iZliCOc ; . Ni\V ORI.TJANS , .Tim. 17. SraAH Open l- t- tle , steady nt 2".iJT'.1iic. ; ceiilrlfue'il. uli-i.lv enuuilntiMl. 41 ! 5TI 11-HV ; whlliw 3 , SirK,1 , \ - low * , 3sif4 1-lCc ; frccomls , 2iifi3 ic. Molasses. kettle , steady nt ll27e ; ci'ntrifuual , eny in 5W13c ; svnm st-vuly at 1P 2c ! . ' NKW YOllK , .Tan. 17.SfOAll llnw. ( Inn fair rennlne , 3'Kc ; rontrlfusnl , 5C. lest. 4V.o ; re Tlnoil llrm : crushed , C'ic : pi'.viJcivl , 5"l"i' , Kranulatetl. r Uc : mouM A. HV"1 ; K'nndnid ' .V TiUc ; confeelloncrs * A , IH&e ; cut loaf , D ic ; cuboi , 3 7-lCc. A niiiTi-iti.vci : < : iv iMtin : . Tlii Member of ( InIv : l i1ntiire > nisos til K\tir > NM Ills SurprlNi * . Four or five AVas-hliiRtoii corrcspondpnts. relates the Star , wpro telling stories of their experiences with statesmen , locnl nnd na tional , when one of them from a state in the southwest swims Into line with some- Ihlns a little out of the onlliriry. "I was dohif ? the ipRislature , " ho began , "for .1 syndic-ate of newspapers , wish some free lance work on the side , and \va mnklnj- u ipotful of money out of It , During the course of my ministrations I discovered a case of vote selling by a rural roi > re enta- tlvo Hint was astonishing for Its snmllness. I couldn't Ilnd out what the member sot , but It couldn't liavo be < > n much , for the whole matter at Issue wasn't worth more than ? ! .fiO or thereabouts. After exhausting all my sources of Information I thouslit I would try the member himself and see how Ktilleless ho was on a little thhi like that. I didn't dare ask him bis price , but I did driro lo talk about It nnd I went at him directly. " 'Say , younp feller , ' ho ; ild after I had talked nwhlle , 'how much no you git for a news Item like that ? ' " 'It's a , pretty bli ? thlnpf for me. , ' I replied , persuasively , 'and I'll ( jet $2o for the .story If I can set It complete. ' " 'How much ? ' he asked , with an eager air. " 'Twenty-five dollars , ' I ropeatod. " 'Geowhizz. . I'd like to have your Job. ' " 'Why ? it Isn't nn easy one. Not so easy as yours anyway. " " 'I'Vnps It ain't , ' ho said slowly , 'but It pays better. ' " 'How do you mean ? ' 4 'Why , you jjlt W.1 for Jlst telling about what I done for $ . " > . ' "The syntax mightn't have been perfect , perhaps , " concluded the speaker , "but the fact was , r.nd that was what 1 wanted , " \iivrl Itoiul ( 'mij.l riirlloii. A novel system of road eonslrucllon has been successfully resorted lo In Monmouth , 111. The u round was prepared for It by grading and being allowed to so remain for two months. It was treated to an occasional HcrnpInK , so that It would i/aclc evenly , being thus rendered hard and oven for the btylng of n surface of brick , thn chief con structive feature. The llrst tlilnp wan the setting of a curbing made of two by HK ! planks HC-ven feet apart , hold by oak stukos c-H'hteon Inches long nnd put dawn evry four feet. Inside of this was put n live- Inch bed of wind , all evened up , nnd n sln- glo course of No. 1 paving brlc-k then put down , a line roadbed IHng thus obtained. Outside of the curb two ft-et of c-nished rock were laid , graded up to make an easy approach , this plan Insuring n way of eleven feet in width , and as the earth on car-h sldo was ( Traded nnd worked , thorn was alto gether n width of some forty feet , affording tracks on eaeh side for use In dry weather. Such a brick road cost about 'M cents pr running foot It U easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid nf It If you commence early tn US3 One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It la pleasant to take , fiafo to use ana sure to euro. TRLKPIIONK 10r. ; ! . H. R. PEOEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trodo Bldg ; . , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Hraucli Offlce. 103S N St Lincoln. Nob. C. C. CIIltlRTU : . K. .1 STIUJBT. President. Vlce-I'tcildeni. O .W. KENNKV. BecrctBn' . Cfiristie-Slreet Commissioo Co ( 'llilllll rjO.OOK.OO , I . 'nilI'nld , ST001CN. ( iilAI.V AVI ) 1MIOVISIO.VE , 01,1) fdl.O.NV 111 H.IIVi ( , CIIIOAlid , McmberB Chicago Hoard of Trudo slnco UCi. Grain , Provisions anl X. Y. Stocks Orders Cash and Kuturo ncllvory BollclteJ Onillliu Ullli-c , Ulldlll 1 , > . Y. l-lfi ) , , . . I'blillf 1)111. . , . PI.OVII J. CA.MI'11151 , ; , , JAMES E. BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1OW ) . Onuihit , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD oj < TKAUI : . Dlre't wlrci to Chlcaco and Now York. Cormp' " dei " Jobn v. v- < & Co. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tcitlnry 11IXXJD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days , You can be treated nt home for same price under same ciinranty. If you prefer to coma here we will contract lo pay rail road fare nnd hotel bills , and no chatk'e If wo fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury , Iodide pottuh nnd still have nehes nnd pnlns. Mucous Patches In mouth , Horn Throul Pimples. Copper Col. jrcd Spots , Ulcers on nny part of the body , Hair or Eyebrows falling out , It ti this Secondary We Guarantee to Cure We solicit the most obstinate canes nnd chnllenne the uorld for n rise wo cannot euro. This disease has nhrnvs hallled tha skill of the most eminent phyilclnns , ISOO.OX > cnpllnl behind our uncondltlonnl Riinrnnty. Abiolute proofs sent sealed on application , 1W pnse book pent frer. A.t.treKs conic ni : > iinv oo. , > lnnoule 'I'l-nitile , OlilitK . 111. OMAHA MEDICAL AN ! ) " "ft g& Surgical 1JffiS ! Institute 'Aru Old SPECIALISTS In tlui trenlmenl of nil Chronic , Nervous anil Private Discisia nnil nil WIJAKNIiSS RCM and DISDUDIill.Siif lUCVt Catarrh , all Diseases of the Note. Throil , Chest. Stomach , Llvor. lood | , Skin nnd Kidney DlpoiBCH. l.ot Manhond. llydrocclc. VciIcocolo , notion hen , Olect , K > puls. ; stiicture , Piles , Kls- ttlla and Itcclal fleers , IHahoU-J , llrlKht'H DIsease - ease euied. Call on or address wllh stamp lor l-'rco Rook nnd New Methods. Treatment by until , vtmwiillutloii free. Umaba Medical and SurjHul Institulo 1C05 SI , Omaha \ . < b. W will send 7011 n II vnl3) ) < tnrtrl l treatment nt thn Ficiich. tleruedi CALTHOG ! > . > , ( no r. . li'.i and n leeal ijunnuitcn that CALTlloa n 111 KTOI' IIUrlilirucB unil iiul : lonc , Cintl' pi < rninturrlirii , > urlrocelc. nnd ltl > Tllti : l.iuit VIVor. O It costs ? n rintlilnr ( to try It. V'OnMOhlCO. CBI lly I'ui-eliiiNliiRr litiuilH Jlnilc nt Hie Kol- liMvInK4 XelM'ii.iUu Kiu-lorle.s. AWNINGS AND THNTS. OMAHA TH.VP AM ) HUMiJKH CO. ( Succcsfora Omaha Tent ami AwtihiR l\ > ) Manufacturers tents , awnings ; Jobbers ladles' mil pcntB' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 l-'ur- nain St. . Omaha. I1HEWEU1ES. OMAHA IlltKWI.VCi ASSOOJATIOX. Carload slilpments made In our own refrig erator can. Hlue million , Elite Export , Vienna Export and Kamlly Kxpoit delivered to all lull * of the city. conNici : WORKS. O. K. KI'KMSTHII , KACI.i : COHXICI3 AVOHICS. Mnnufncturer of Onlvnulzcd Iron Cornices , Gal vanized lion Hkj-llKhtp. TlnIln" nml ; Jute ! IlooliiiK. ARt-nt for Klnnenr's Steel Cclllntf. 103-10-11' Noith Eleventh street. CUACKEH r'ACTOHIES iiiscnr AXI > MK . co. Wholesale Cracker Manufnctuicrs. OMAHA. NED. DYE WOUICH. .SCHOII > S.\K'.S TWI.V crrv DYK \VOIIKS , l. l Kiirniiiii St. Dyelnu nnd cleaning of Karments and Kooils of every descrliitlon. L'lcnnlni ; of line Knrmcnts a specially. KI.OUIl MIMA S. K. ( MlMAX. Flour , Meal. Keed , llran , 1013-ir-17 North 17th Street , Omnhii , Neb. C. E. lllaclt. Malinger. Tclephonu C91' . iUO.V WOHKS. DAVIS Ai COWCIM. lltOX W4 KS. Iron nnd MI-IIHH 1'Nniiidi-i'N. Mnmifiicturers ami Jnbbcis nf Machinery , nen. erul repaliliiK n Kpfehilly. 1501 , 1J03 nnd 1001 Jackson blieet , Omahii. Nib. UNHEEU OIU woon.MA.v ii.vsinn on , ManKfncturers old proecii ) raw linseed oil. k t- tlo boiled lliifcccd oil , old process K'ound ' llns'-cil cnlies , Bioiind and m-iccncil llnxsrcd for dms- Uli-lB. OMAHA , NEW. J/JUNCJES-JIATTIlESSEd. i , . c. Dour. Manufacturer Ixiungcs , Cout-lun , Matlrc pi | Juln ber of b'prliiB UcJii und I-Vatlicm. 411-113 t-outli 10th Htrcet. OMAHA itciinivc < ; o. Manufacturers of high urade Mnllicno. 1202-4 Nicholas .Street. Oniahn. OVEltAl.h AND SIIIUT KACTOIMES. KAT'/-XUVHX.S I.'OMI'AA V. Mfs . ClothlnK. runts. Shlits. Oicralls. OMAHA. NEli. KACTOHIES. j. n , iv.\xs : , MSIItlASKA .SlIIItT COMI'AXV. Exclusive custom ehlrt tailors. I'M I-'arnnm , VJNEQAK AND I'lCKl.ES. IIAAHMAXX VIXKCiAII Gil. Manufacturers of Vinettnr , I'lckle * , C'atsutn , Muslurds , Celery nm > Woicrilcnlilro Sauce. > WAOONd AND C'AItniAOES. \VIIMAM l'KKIKf. . < l3H. Kor n good jut.jtantlal vehicle of nny descrln. lion , for lepalntlni ; or mbber tires on new or oM wheels the belt place Is 27th und I e'ivonwurtli ttreets. JIIII.MI.M ] > CAIlltl.Kii ; CO. Cheap , medium priced nml tony carrlaces. Any thlnt ; you want , second hand or new. Head , luartorb for rubber llit ( . wanunted. Itlli unJ llurney , opponltu Court Houie. A. a. snirso.v , 1-101) , Mil DoilKC. I'ull line of Carriagci , IlugKlta , I'liaelons , I'uny Curts. Wheels rubber tired. The test Is tha cheap } * ! . CIQAIl MANUrACTUllEllS. A ; CO. factory In the west. I adlrur jobber * it Omuha , Kansas City , Lincoln and St. Juieph lianaie our good * . IWi 1'urimm Kucct. A. O , T , Co. ; tnoviengers turnUhod ; bae * cage delivered. 1S02 Douclau St. Tel. 177.